Damsak 8.3 PDF
Damsak 8.3 PDF
Damsak 8.3 PDF
1. Nibbana or the states of not binding can be realized only by understanding the four Noble
2. Suffering or dukkha is also a Jain philosophy, therefore to examine whether there is parallelism,
in the teaching of two religions.
3. The Doctrines advanced by the two sutras Patichcha samuppada and Damsak are not parallel,
hence necessary to determine correct or most palpable theory.
4. There are two contradictory meanings given in the sutra for the meaning of the word Dukha.
Samkhya section were of the view of single origination universe. Samkhya, had more elaborate
explanation about creation of the Paramanu or the Atom. Root of matter or the Atom is
considered as Pradhan which contained everything in the universe. Prakrit is considered as the
mother of everything. Sattva, tamas and rajas were considered as the three guna’s creating the
known universe. Both Vedanta and Samkhaya theory finally consider the existence of single
entity Brahaman or Isvera as the central point which exist permanently to create the universe.
Jainism had a different view of the creation, it advocates dualistic universe, Jiva and Ajiva. Human
body being jeeva, mind or karmic action as ajeeva bind to gether. And life being inconsistent
misery or suffering.
Origin of veda and jainsm are not known and consider the eldest philosophies in India. Sankhaya
theory was proclaimed by Rishi Kapil, who lived in city of Kapilavasthu three hundred years prior
to prince Siddhartha was born. therefore, it is clear even before Prince Sidartha was born Atomic
theory was prevailed in India.
It is therefore it is apparent that philosophy of suffering, was prevailed in the Indian knowledge
base from time un known. And it was not new disclosure of Sakamuni buddha. Thathagatha Sam
Buddha disclosed the duality or symmetry of the material universe, which a completely different
proposition of that was prevailed.