Basics of Information Disssemination
Basics of Information Disssemination
Basics of Information Disssemination
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Importance of Information Dissemination
5.2.1 Problem-centered Nature of Adult Learning
5.2.2 Special Nature of Information Dissemination for Adult Community
5.3 Customizing Information for Dissemination
5.3.1 Issues of Relevance to Adult Community
5.3.2 Assessing Information Needs
5.3.3 Types of Information for Communication
5.3.4 Media and language for Communication
5.4 Approaches to Information Dissemination
5.4.1 Model 1: Searching Indexed Resources
5.4.2 Model 2: Non-indexed Sources
5.4.3 Model 3: Establishing Public Platforms for Reaching Out to Community
Members (Nicknamed ‘Choupal’)
5.5 Database Creation
5.5.1 The First Step
5.5.2 Record Structure
5.5.3 Software for Creating Database
5.6 Conclusion
5.7 Apply what you have learnt
Learning Objectives
We hope that after going through Unit 5, you will be able to
Form your own understanding of various aspects of information dissemination.
Share your understanding of the basics of information dissemination with
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) organizing adult education projects
and programs.
Facilitate the NGOs efforts to develop skills and techniques required for
organizing information dissemination services for the benefit of the adult
5.1 Introduction
Unit 5 pertains to acquiring skill and be of especial relevance to your day-to-
applying the same to your professional day work at adult learning set-up.
activities and we hope that Unit 5 will Information dissemination is a proactive 45
S M DHAWAN information service designed to educate audience using different media and
and inform focused groups of users on communication means.
social, economic and educational issues,
Let us now discuss the importance of
problems, and opportunities of interest
information dissemination before
to them. It requires systematic planning,
moving on to a community’s information
collection, organization, and storage of
information for its delivery to the target
Activity 5.1
Identify the issues and problems of unemployed, literate adults in farmer community
and the types of information content, media, and language you would plan for their
socio-economic development.
Activity 5.2
Using information sources available within the library, prepare one-page write-up on the
importance of right to information act can help improve living conditions in the village.
Activity 5.3
List ten online databases in health and medicine using the Internet.
5.4.2 Model 2: Non-Indexed Sources first in the databank created for the
purpose and later applying it for problem
This model is more suited to meeting
solving, educating, training, and
needs for problem-centered
enlarging the choices of the target users
information. It entails browsing non-
(see Figure 5.2).
indexed sources of information for
capturing and storing the relevant data
Activity 5.4
List information sources on Indian patents using the Internet.
Activity 5.5
Search the Internet to find out information five ICT based projects on poverty alleviation
in India.
Activity 5.6
Search the following website for information on impact of e-information village.
5.6 Conclusion
After completing this Unit, the learner can play in addressing the social,
would come to understand the economic and educational issues and
importance of information dissemination problems of interest to adult
and the role that such a proactive service community. They would also come to
learn of issues and problems confronting potential. The learners would also learn
adult community and how could they use about different models available for
information dissemination services for planning and organizing information
raising awareness about opportunities dissemination services. To make impact,
in the marketplace for improving their they would have place greater emphasis
socio-economic status. The learners on offering proactive information
would also come to learn what type of services, and opening avenues for
information is useful in planning interactive sessions with the target
communication to the adult community community, such as E-Chouplas and
for addressing their day-to-day Choupal Sagars and deploying all such
problems, improving their employment innovative means that interest and
potential, or developing their innate benefit the target adult community.