Case # 1: Nursing Diagnosis Goal Interventions Expected Outcome
Case # 1: Nursing Diagnosis Goal Interventions Expected Outcome
Case # 1: Nursing Diagnosis Goal Interventions Expected Outcome
You are assigned to take care of a 66-year old woman diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, on her first hospitalization. According to the
medical history, her co-morbidities include diabetes mellitus type 2 and hypertension. She refused to have dialysis for the past four sessions and had
increasing lethargy for two days.
Her vital signs were: Blood Pressure 136/92mmHg, Heart Rate 77bpm, Oxygen Saturation 96% on room air, and Temperature of 36.6 degrees
Celsius. She was agitated and reaching the objects in the sky. Her speech was slurred, and she has altered mental status. She had 2+ pitting
edema bilaterally to her legs, extending to distal knees
Pertinent laboratory evaluation was notable for a white blood cell count of 11.2, hemoglobin of 6.8g/dL, hematocrit of 21.3, and a platelet level
of 370. Basic metabolic panel revealed a hyponatremia of 129, hyperkalemia of 7.8 (non-hemolyzed), blood/urea/nitrogen (BUN) of 81, creatinine
of 8.3, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) 4.5, and blood glucose of 99. Arterial blood gas was notable for a pH of 7.51, pCO2 28, pO2 54, HCO3 22, and
a lactic acid of 1.6. Other relevant laboratory abnormalities included an ammonia level 45, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) of 2572 and troponin of .