A Performance Comparison of Two Small Rocket Nozzles: Nasa Technical Memorandum 107285 AIAA-96-2582

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NASA Technical Memorandum 107285


A Performance Comparison of
Two Small Rocket Nozzles

Lynn A. Arrington
NYMA, Inc.
Brook Park, Ohio

Brian D. Reed
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio

Angel Rivera, Jr.

University of Texas
San Antonio, Texas

Prepared for the

32nd Joint Propulsion Conference
cosponsored by AIAA, ASME, SAE, and ASEE
Lake Buena Vista, Florida, July 1-3, 1996

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration
A Performance Comparison of Two Small Rocket Nozzles

Lynn A. Arrington
NYMA, Inc.
Brookpark, Ohio 44142

Brian D. Reed
National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio 44135


Angel Rivera, Jr.

Undergraduate, Senior
University of Texas
San Antonio, Texas


An experimental study was conducted on two small rockets (110N thrust class) to directly compare a standard conical nozzle with
a bell nozzle optimized for maximum thrust using the Rao method. In large rockets, with throat Reynolds numbers of greater than
1x 105, bell nozzles outperform conical nozzles. In rockets with throat Reynolds numbers below 1× 105, however, test results have
been ambiguous. An experimental program was conducted to test two small nozzles at two different fuel film cooling percentages
and three different chamber pressures. Test results showed that for the throat Reynolds number range from 2x 104 to 4x 104, the bell
nozzle outperformed the conical nozzle. Thrust coefficients for the bell nozzle were approximately 4 to 12 percent higher than those
obtained with the conical nozzle. As expected, testing showed that lowering the fuel film cooling increased performance for both
nozzle types.

Introduction nozzles have been used routinely for many years in large liquid
rocket engines. 3,4,5 Conical nozzles are typically used only when
Future space exploration will require increasing payload fabrication and design costs outweighed performance.
fraction and decreasing system masses. Therefore, maximizing In very small thrusters with Reynolds numbers less than
rocket engine performance is an important design goal. Maxi- I xl 04, viscous boundary layer effects are large in comparison
mizing the thrust for a rocket engine can be achieved by to the total flow and a bell contour is not nearly as effective, as
optimizing the nozzle contour. Optimizing the performance of discussed in apair of experimental studies. 6,7 Inthese studies,
finite length nozzles is typically accomplished using an invis- a variety of small nozzles were tested to determine the effect of
cid core flow and a boundary layer displacement. G.V.R. Rao contour, propellant, expansion ratio, and Reynolds number on
developed a method which optimizes a rocket nozzle contour performance. Normally, factors in performance loss are diver-
for a given length or expansion ratio such that maximum thrust gence, boundary layer effects, and heat transfer effects to the
is achieved. 1 Rao's method was based on the assumption of walls. By using ambient temperature gas, the heat transfer
inviscid isentropic flow. effect was eliminated in both studies. The nozzles were conical,
This method has been used in many studies of different classes trumpet, and Rao optimized bell contours. One paper con-
of rocket engines with a variety of results. Rocket engines are cluded that the difference in contours had no effect on either
generally classified by their throat Reynolds number based on divergence or viscous losses. 6 The other concluded the bell
uniform flow and properties at the throat. For engines with contour had the lowest performance of the nozzles tested. 7 The
Reynolds numbers larger than lxl05, the Rao optimization is reasons given in both were that the viscous effects of boundary
quite effective, because the ratio of boundary layer flow to the layer were so large that an inviscid isentropic assumptions were
total flow is small. In a study by Farley, 2 three large Rao not valid.
optimized bell nozzles were compared to a 15 degree conical For rockets that are sized between the very small and large
nozzle. The thrust produced by the optimized nozzles was greater ones the usefullnes of the Rao optimization code is less clear.
than that obtained with the conical nozzle. In fact, bell contour Investigations on a gaseous hydrogen/oxygen engine were
performed by M.A. Appel with different nozzle contours in the table I. The divergence angle of the conical nozzle was about
134 to 445 N thrust class. 8 A rhenium 80 percent bell nozzle, a 19 degrees and the divergence angle of the bell nozzle was
regeneratively cooled nozzle, and a stainless steel 18 degree half about 9 degrees at the exit plane. The design specified throat
angle conical nozzle were each tested using the same injector in area was 1.267 cm 2. Post fabrication measurements of the
this effort. The stainless steel nozzle was built to verify injector chamber, throat, and exit gave dimensions that were very
and thrust stand operation prior to testing the other two nozzles. similar as shown in table II. The resulting dimensional differ-
The regeneratively cooled nozzle had different dimensions for a ences based on area were 0.10 percent at the chamber, 2.2 per-
different aspect of the study, but the conical and bell nozzles had cent at the throat, and 0.14 percent at the nozzle exit.
the same length, exit area and expansion ratio. Unexpectedly, the The outer housing of each nozzle was machined in two pieces
test results showed that the conical nozzle provided a higher separated along the thruster axis. The sections fit around the
specific impulse than the bell nozzle. The author postulated that inner housing as a shell to insure the interior contour was one
the conical nozzle operated with a higher kinetic efficiency and continuous profile from chamber inlet to nozzle exit. The outer
suggested this as an area for further investigation. Kushida 9 housing halves were attached to each other with bolts around
examined a 22 N monopropellant hydrazine thruster with a 100:1 the inner housing. All seams were filled with high temperature
area ratio conical nozzle, a 300:1 Rao optimized bell, and the same solder. Both chambers were instrumented with thermocouples
bell nozzle cut off at expansion ratios of 200:1 and 100:1. Results and pressure taps in several quadrants along the contour.
showed that the 300:1 bell nozzle outperformed the conical The same injector, 12 shown schematically in figure 2, was
chamber but the conical was the better performer than the lower used in all testing. The injector was designed to produce a core
area ratio bell nozzles. A direct comparison was difficult, how- flow of combustion products with an annulus of fuel film
ever, because several dimensions were changed in addition to the cooling (FFC). In the core, oxygen was injected through a
nozzle contours. Both the length and expansion ratio were greater platelet stack into the combustion chamber just upstream of a
for the optimized nozzle, which generally improves performance spark plug used for ignition. The hydrogen flow was divided by
in a rocket engine. Based on the ambiguous results reported to means of a fuel splitting washer, with pan injected downstream
date, the validity of the Rao nozzle optimization method is of the spark plug into the core and the rest used to fuel film cool
uncertain for thrusters with Reynolds numbers between lxl04 the chamber wall. The washer was specifically designed to give
and lxl05. a predetermined fuel film cooling split from the total fuel flow.
In the study reported herein, testing was performed to di- The film cooling was directed along the chamber wails by an
rectly evaluate the applicability of Rao optimization methods to annular sleeve. By changing the washer, the amount of film
rockets with Reynolds numbers below 1x 105. The performance cooling could be varied between 55 to 85 percent. A 61 percent
of two 110 N chamber/nozzles with throat Reynolds numbers FFC percentage was selected as the baseline for this study since
between 2x 10 4 and 4><10 4 was measured to examine the effect that was nominal design operating point for this injector. Tests
of nozzle contour on performance in this intermediate Reynolds at 75 percent FFC were also run to investigate the sensitivity to
number range. Both nozzles were designed with the same FFC changes.
chamber profile, throat diameter, and expansion ratio. Because
the chamber and nozzle are one continuous structure, each
piece of hardware is simply identified by the nozzle shape, ie. Test Facility
bell or conical, from here on. The conical nozzle had a 19 degree
expansion half angle. This rocket was originally tested in All tests were conducted in a small rocket test facility, 13 in
1993.10 The bell nozzle was designed via the Rao code. As part which an equivalent vacuum of 36.6 km altitude is achieved
of the effort, a one dimensional equilibium code, ODE, was using air ejectors. Gaseous hydrogen and gaseous oxygen were
used to generate theoretical performance predictions to calcu- used for propellants. A schematic is shown in figure 3. The tank
late the characteristic velocity efficiencies presented later in is 1.8 m long between the flanges and 0.9 m in diameter. Inside
this study. 11 the tank, the rockets are oriented horizontally to fire through a
diffuser into an exhaust quenching chamber. The rocket
exhaust is pulled through the pair of ejectors and vented to
Test Hardware atmosphere by mufflers. The ejectors are supplied with
900 kPa air at 4.5 kg/sec to provide the pumping for the altitude
Both nozzles tested were fabricated via the same techniques tank.
using oxygen free high conductivity (OFHC) copper with water Thrust is measured by mounting the rocket on a thrust stand.
cooling passages in the walls. The inner housings were milled The stand and rocket are supported with flexure plates. Both
first to cut water cooling passages into the outer surface. The float free on the flexures and apply a load to a strain gage load
chamber profiles were identical from the injector face to the cell through a ball joint. To ensure accurate thrust calibration,
throat. The contours of the nozzles are shown in figures 1(a) and the ball joint must make contact with the load cell at all times.
(b), and further details of the bell nozzle contour are given in The thruster is positioned to apply a small load on the load cell
is notfiring, to ensure contact with the where m is the mass flow rate of the propellants, !1 is the
load cell is maintained. The small load is accounted for in thrust absolute viscosity of the combustion products, and D t is the
calibration and is subtracted from the rocket thrust. The propel- diameter of the nozzle throat. The viscosity is determined from
lant and pressure transducers lines are mounted perpendic- theoretical predictions generated by the Gordon-McBride
ular to the rocket axis with stainless steel tubing to provide program.11 The two percent difference in throat areas some-
repeatable thrust measurements. The thrust stand is calibrated times resulted in slightly lower chamber pressure in the conical
by applying loads through a piston assembly to compare the nozzle. A typical test began by pumping the test tank to altitude
thrust measurement load cell against another previously cali- and pressurizing the propellant lines with fuel. A thrust stand
brated reference load cell. Pretest, posttest, and applied load calibration was then performed. After the calibration, a con-
tests are taken at altitude conditions with pressurized propellant stant load was applied to the thrust stand, which provided data
lines. All thrust measurements are corrected for background for determining the uncertainties. Once the applied load was
pressure to determine vacuum thrust. removed and inlet pressure conditions at the injector were
adjusted, the rocket engine was fired. By modifying the propel-
lant inlet pressures, mixture ratios from 4 to 8 were tested. Once
Rao Optimization Code tests were completed for the day, another constant load test and
another load cell calibration were conducted.
Rao discussed the need for nozzle contour optimization. 14 In
order to maximize thrust, a thruster is designed to produce
Measurement Uncertainties
uniform parallel exit flow, with the exit plane pressure equal to
the ambient pressure. In a conical nozzle, flow divergence
losses are significant, particularly as cone angles increase. Rao Measurement uncertainties were calculated using the
suggested that contouring the nozzle wall would turn the flow JANNAF recommended procedure.16 The uncertainties were
closer to the thruster axis and thus reduce flow divergence. He calculated from the precision (random) and bias (constant)
errors associated with the measurement instruments and data
developed an optimization method for designing nozzles which
assumes inviscid isentropic flow. 15The method uses the calcu- acquisition system. Precision errors propagated through the
lus of variations for an ideal gas with constant gamma expan- performance parameters of specific impulse, characteristic
sion to calculate the optimum nozzle contour. Supersonic flow velocity, and thrust coefficient are shown in table III. Initial
properties across the nozzle throat are input to start the solution. testing with the bell nozzle for the 500 and 370 kPa chamber
Transonic flow in the throat region is calculated as a function pressure cases at 61 percent FFC had a very small pretest load
of the upstream radius of curvature at the throat and the specific (less than 0.5 N) on the thrust stand prior to ignition. Since the
heat ratio for axisymmetric flow. The method iterates to an thrust stand could float free of the load cell at this load, a larger
optimum nozzle contour defined to meet for one of three initial load was applied prior to ignition to ensure pretest contact
conditions: a given length, a given expansion ratio, or a fixed between the thruster and the load cell. The low pretest load
envelope (exit radius and length). The Rao code was used in this affected the repeatability of the thrust stand zero. In an effort to
study to obtained an optimized bell nozzle contour with the ensure that the thrust measurement was not affected by the
dimensions shown in table I using the fixed envelope condition. small pretest load, the pretest load was increased and a few
selected points in that test series were repeated. A field check
at that time showed performance results consistent with the
Test Procedures original tests at the smaller pretest load. However, in subse-
quent data reductions, the tests with the small pretest load had
The same tests were conducted on each nozzle using gaseous significantly larger uncertainties. The range of uncertainties for
hydrogen and oxygen propellants. Tests were conducted at both cases are shown in table HI, the cases with the smaller
three different chamber pressures, 500, 370, 255 kPa, and two pretest load being indicated by parenthesis. The remainder of
FFC percentages, 61 and 75 percent, over a mixture ratio range the test data uncertainties were also presented in the same table.
of 4 to 8. The design condition for the rocket hardware was In general, the greatest uncertainties were at the lower chamber
500 kPa with 61 percent FFC. The higher FFC percentage and pressures.
the lower chamber pressures were chosen to allow testing
through a throat Reynolds number range of 2x 104 to 4><104. The
Results and Discussion
throat Reynolds number (Re) range was calculated using the
Injector/Chamber Performance

Re = m To show that the injector and chamber behaved identically
_tgDt for the two nozzles, the characteristic velocity efficiencies are
in figures 4 and 5 as a function of mixture ratio for tests Conclusions
run at 61 and 75 percent FFC, respectively. The efficiencies
were determined by dividing the experimental characteristic
Testing was conducted to directly compare the performance
velocity by the theoretical equilibrium characteristic velocity
of a bell nozzle designed by the Rao optimization method and
predictions. 11 As expected, the plots show no measurable a conical nozzle of the same size in the 2x104 to 4x104 throat
differences in this parameter between the bell and conical Reynolds number range. Previous studies had indicated that an
nozzles as the injector and chamber profiles are the same. The
optimized bell nozzle may not outperform a conical nozzle at
slight difference in throat area resulted in slightly higher
these Reynolds numbers. To eliminate the effects of injector
chamber pressures (approximately I percent), in the bell nozzle
performance, the same injector and chamber profile were used.
for the same inlet conditions. Clearly the difference did not
Tests were conducted over a mixture ratio range of 4 to 8 for
have a measurable impact on the performance of the injector
three different chamber pressures and two fuel film cooling
and chamber, since the characteristic velocities measured with levels. Characteristic velocity measurements indicated that the
both nozzles fell within the same uncertainty band. The overall injector and chamber gave the same performance with both
efficiency is slightly higher for the 61 percent FFC cases. This nozzles. Plots of vacuum specific impulse and thrust coeffi-
was an expected result because more hydrogen is reacted in the cients indicated a higher performance by the bell nozzle. Also,
core combustion flow at this condition. Similiar trends are
higher performance at the lower FFC percentages for both
shown in the plots of characteristic velocity versus mixture nozzles. For the throat Reynolds number range of this design,
ratio (figs. 6 and 7). the test results confirm that the Rao optimized bell nozzle yields
higher performance than a simple conical nozzle design.

Nozzle Performance
Vacuum specific impulse versus mixture ratio and thrust
coefficient versus mixture ratio are typically used to illustrate IRam, G.V.R., "Exhaust Nozzle Contour for Optimum Thrust," Jet Propulsion,
nozzle performance. The vacuum specific impulse versus mix- Vol. 28, No. 6, 1958.

ture ratio for the 61 and 75 percent FFC cases are plotted in 2Farley, J.M. and Campbell, C.E., "Performance of Several Method of Char-
acteristics Exhaust Nozzles," NASA TN D293, October 1960.
figures 8 and 9, respectively, for each of the three chamber
3"Liquid Rocket Engine Nozzles," NASA SP-8120, July 1976.
pressures tested. The data were fit to a second order polynomial 4Dunn, C., Kaith, 1., O'Shaughnessy, G., Rankel, R., and Rutherford, P.,
curve and the measurement uncertainties added. At 61 percent "Design of a High Performance Bell Rocket Nozzle for a High Pressure
FFC (fig. 8), the plots of nozzle data show that the bell nozzle and Thrust NTR," AIAA 91-3627, September 1991.
specific impulse are at least 5 percent higher at 500 kPa, 5Smith, T.A., "Boundary Layer Development as a Function of Chamber
Pressure in the NASA Lewis 1030:1 Area Ratio Rocket Nozzle,"
6 percent higher at 370 kPa, and 12 percent higher at 255 kPa
AIAA-88-3301, 1988.
than that of the conical for the 61 percent FFC cases. In 6Grisnik, S.P., Smith, T.A., and Saltz, L.E., "Experimental Study of Low
75 percent FFC cases (fig. 9) the bell nozzle specific impulse is Reynolds Number Nozzles," AIAA Paper 87_992, May 1987.
at least 5 percent higher at 500 kPa, 10 percent higher at 7Whalen, M.V., "Low Reynolds Number Nozzle Flow Study," NASA
370 kPa, and 14 percent higher at 255 kPa. These results are TM-100130, July 1987.
8Appel, M.A., Schoenman, L., and Berkman, D.K., "Oxygen/Hydrogen Thrust-
statistically significant and show clearly that the bell nozzle out
ers for the Space Station Auxiliary Propulsion Systems," JANNAF
performed the conical nozzle. The higher performance obtained
Propulsion Meeting, Vol. 1, 1984, pp. 309-350.
with lower FFC percentage was expected as discussed above. 9Kushida, R.O., Hermel J., Apfel, S., and Zydowicz, M., "Performance of High
Thrust coefficients are plotted for the 61 and 75 percent FFC Area Ratio Nozzles for a Small Rocket Thrusters," AIAA Paper 86-1573,
cases in figures 10 and 11, respectively, again for each chamber June 1986.
t°Momen, S.H., Myers, R.M., Benko, S.E., Arrington, L.A., and Reed B.D., "A
pressure case. As seen in the specific impulse plots, the bell
Laboratory Model of a Hydrogen/Oxygen Engine for Combustion and
nozzle had the higher performance for both FFC percentages.
Nozzle Studies," NASA TM- 106281, AIAA Paper 93-1925, June 1993.
The thrust coefficients at 61 percent FFC are generally 6 per- llGordon, S. and McBride, B.J. "Computer Program for Calculation of
cent higher at 500 kPa, 7 percent higher at 370 kPa, and Complex Chemical Equilibrium Compositions, Rocket Performance,
11 percent higher at 255 kPa for the bell nozzle than for the Incident and Reflected Shocks, and Chapman-Jouguet Detonations,"
NASA Lewis Research Center, NASA SP 273, 1971.
conical. The thrust coefficients at 75 percent FFC are generally
12Robinson, P.J., "Space Station Auxiliary Thrust chamber Technology,"
4 percent higher at 500 kPa, 8 percent higher at 370 kPa, and
Final Report 2210-90-FR, NASA CR-185296, July 1990.
11 percent higher at 255 kPa for the bell nozzle than for the 13Arrington, L.A. and Schneider, S., "Low Thrust Rocket Test Facility,"
conical. Again clearly, the bell nozzle outperforms the conical NASA TM-103206, AIAA Paper 90-2503, July 1990.
nozzle for this Reynolds number range of between 20,000 to 14 Rao, G.V.R., "Recent Developments in Rocket Nozzle Configurations,"
ARS Journal, November 1961, pp. 1488-1494.
Method Nozzle 16"Handbook
Optimum for Estimating the Uncertainty in Measurements Made with

FlightCenter, Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine Systems," Chemical Propulsion Infor-

15,1988. marion Agency Document Number 180, April 1969.


Axial Radial Axial Radial
distance, distance, distance, distance,
cm cm cm cm
0.000 0.638 1.267 1.349
0.157 0.681 1.359 1.400
0.175 0.691 1.450 1.450
0.203 0.709 1.544 1.501 TABLE II._ROSS SECTIONAL AREAS OF THE
0.231 0.726 1.623 1.542 BELL AND CONICAL NOZZLES
0.262 0.744 1.727 1.595 Location Cross sectional area,
0.295 0.765 1.910 1.687 cm:, cm
0.330 0.785 2.217 1.836 Conical nozzle,
Bell nozzle,
0.366 0.808 2.621 2.017 radius radius
0.404 0.833 2.891 2.129
Chamber 5.045 (1.268) 5.050 (1.267)
0.444 0.856 3.152 2.233
Throat 1.248 (0.637) 1.275 (0.630)
0.488 0.884 3.495 2.362
Nozzle exit 42.65 (3.687) 42.70 (3.685)
0.533 0.912 3.843 2.487
0.579 0,942 4.280 21631
0.632 0.973 4.740 2.774
0.686 1.006 5.314 21936
0.744 1.041 5.928 3.096
0.805 1.080 6.302 3.185
0.871 1.120 6.891 3.315
0.940 1.161 7.534 3.444
1.016 1.204 8.037 3.538
1.095 1.252 8.434 3.607
1.179 1.298 8.989 3.693


Uncertainty, :1: percent Bell nozzle Conical nozzle
61% FFC 75% FFC 61% FFC 75% FFC

Specific 500 kPa 2.6 2.6 1.1 1.1

impulse (4.0)
370 kPa 3.3 2.9 1.4 1.5
255 kPa 5.7 4.6 2.0 1.9
Characteristic 500 kPa 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1
370 kPa 1.6 1.4 1.5 1.5

255 kPa 2.4 2.1 2.0 2.0

Thrust 500kPa 2.6 2.6 0.4 0.5
coefficient (4.1)
370 kPa 3.3 2.9 0.7 0.7
255 kPa 6.0 4.5 1.1 0.9
Hydrogen inlet, Water outlet, 2 places,
Water inlet 180 deg apart
F2 places,
180 dog apart

F Throat center line

center " _/

line _

18.9 °


Hydrogen inlet, Water outlet, 4 places,

90 deg apart----_, i
2 places, 180 deg apart L
F Water inlet
4 places,
_r_' 90 deg apart

I center line _ I J//

Nozzle ! 1
t/ J_

center ....

line _


Figure 1 ._(a) Schematic of conical nozzle. (b) Schematic of bell contoured nozzle.
Sparkplug Fuelsplittingwater
/ Sleeve


H 2 film
H 2 injection

Fuel manifold
02 injection

Figure 2.--Details for Aerojet SN 03 injector.

H20 Air

Ejector #2

Water cooled
Ejector #1

Not to scale
Exterior wall

Figure 3.--Schematic of test rig.





._ 0.7
o Bell, 500 kPa
¢J u Bell, 370 kPa
a= A Bell, 255 kPa
o • Conical, 500 kPa
0.6 • Conical, 370 kPa
Conical, 255 kPa

Mixture ratio

Figure 4.---Characteristic velocity efficiency versus mixture ratio for

61 percent FFC for both bell and conical nozzles.




o o ¢b

,0.8 :=_. ,.=.. _, ,,% ._, ._. ,_,

AA t

"_ 0.7

o Bell, 500 kPa

o Bell, 370 kPa
r- A Bell, 255 kPa
0.6 • Conical, 480 kPa
• Conical, 365 kPa
• Conical, 250 kPa

4 5 6 7 8
Mixture ratio

Figure 5._haracteristic velocity efficiency versus mixture ratio for

75 percent FFC for both bell and conical nozzles.

o Bell, 500 kPa

o Bell, 370 kPa
= Bell, 255 kPa
• Conical, 500 kPa
2100 • Conical, 370 kPa
03 • Conical, 255 kPa
2000 _A° _Q

"_ 1900
> 1800

"c 1700





4 5 6 7
Mixture ratio

Figure 6._haracteristic velocity versus mixture ratio for 61 percent

FFC for both bell and conical nozzles.


23OO o Bell, 500 kPa

o Bell, 370 kPa
" Bell, 255 kPa
• Conical, 480 kPa
o 2100
• Conical, 365 kPa
2000 o • Conical, 250 kPa
_5 1900
'_ A _lbE]•
> 1800
"" A AA %• I_
•c 1700


0 1500



4 5 6 7 8 9
Mixture ratio

Figure 7._Characteristic velocity versus mixture ratio for 75 percent

FFC for both bell and conical nozzles.

A Bell, 255 kPa

o Bell, 370 kPa



i°° 36O






4 5 -6 _ 8 9
Mixture ratio

Figure 8._Specific impulse versus mixture ratio for 61 percent FFC for
both bell and conical nozzles, with uncertainty bars.


o Bell, 370 kPa
440 A Bell, 255 kPa
o Bell, 500 kPa
420 • Conical, 480 kPa
• Conical, 365 kPa
400 • Conical, 250 kPa

_- 340





240 , , ., ,
4 5 6 7 8 9
Mixture ratio

Figure 9._Specific impulse versus mixture ratio for 75 percent FFC for
both bell and conical nozzles, with uncertainty bars.






"5 1.9

0 1.8

¢-_"= _ T ..... _ = k= _ w= -- _r

2 1.7
A Bell, 255 kPa
1.5 o Bell, 370 kPa
o Bell, 500 kPa
1.4 • Conical, 500 kPa
• Conical, 370 kPa
• Conical, 255 kPa

4 5 6 "/ 8 9
Mixture ratio

Figure lO.--Thrust coefficient versus mixture ratio for 61 percent FFC for
both bell and conical nozzles, with uncertainty bars.





"E II |, l Ij[[ ,.
"_ 1.9

8 1.8
_ 1.7

a Bell, 255 kPa
1.5 a Bell, 370 kPa
o Bell, 500 kPa
1.4 • Conical, 480 kPa
• Conical, 365 kPa
1.3 • Conical, 250 kPa

1.2 - , - • - •

4 5 6 7 8
Mixture ratio

Figure 11 .--Thrust coefficient versus mixture ratio for 75 percent FFC for
both bell and conical nozzles, with uncertainty bars.

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August 1996 Technical Memorandum


A Performance Comparison of Two Small Rocket Nozzles


Lynn A. Arrington, Brian D. Reed, and Angel Rivera, Jr.



National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Lewis Research Center E-10360
Cleveland, Ohio 44135-3191



National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA TM-107285
Washington, D.C. 20546-0001


Prepared for the 32nd Joint Propulsion Conference cosponsored by AIAA, ASME, SAE, and ASEE, Lake Buena Vista,
Florida, July 1-3, 1996. Lynn A. Arrington, NYMA, Inc., 2001 Aerospace Parkway, Brook Park, Ohio 44142 (work
performed under NAS3-27186); Brian D. Reed, NASA Lewis Research Center; Angel Rivera, Jr., Undergraduate Senior,
University of Texas, San Antonio, Texas. Responsible person, Brian D. Reed, organization code 5330, (216) 977-7489.

Unclassified - Unlimited
Subject Category 18

This publication is available from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information, (301) 621-0390.
13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

An experimental study was conducted on two small rockets (110N thrust class) to directly compare a standard conical
nozzle with a bell nozzle optimized for maximum thrust using the Rao method. In large rockets, with throat Reynolds
numbers of greater than 1x 105, bell nozzles outperform conical nozzles. In rockets with throat Reynolds numbers below
lxl05, however, test results have been ambiguous. An experimental program was conducted to test two small nozzles at
two different fuel film cooling percentages and three different chamber pressures. Test results showed that for the throat
Reynolds number range from 2x104 to 4x104, the bell nozzle outperformed the conical nozzle. Thrust coefficients for the
bell nozzle were approximately 4-12% higher than those obtained with the conical nozzle. As expected, testing showed
that lowering the fuel film cooling increased performance for both nozzle types.


Nozzle; Ran; Conical; Low thrust; Reynolds number 16. PRICE CODE
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified

NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)

Prescribed by ANSI St(/. Z39-18

__o_ _ o_-
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o ..L

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