User Manual: Basic Configuration Industrial ETHERNET Gigabit Switch RS20/RS30, MS20/MS30, Power MICE, MACH 4000, OCTOPUS
User Manual: Basic Configuration Industrial ETHERNET Gigabit Switch RS20/RS30, MS20/MS30, Power MICE, MACH 4000, OCTOPUS
User Manual: Basic Configuration Industrial ETHERNET Gigabit Switch RS20/RS30, MS20/MS30, Power MICE, MACH 4000, OCTOPUS
Basic Configuration
Industrial ETHERNET Gigabit Switch
RS20/RS30, MS20/MS30, Power MICE, MACH 4000, OCTOPUS
Manuals and software are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The copying, reproduction,
translation, conversion into any electronic medium or machine scannable form is not permitted,
either in whole or in part. An exception is the preparation of a backup copy of the software for
your own use.
The performance features described here are binding only if they have been expressly
guaranteed in the contract. This publication has been created by Hirschmann Automation and
Control GmbH according to the best of our knowledge. Hirschmann reserves the right to change
the contents of this manual without prior notice. Hirschmann can give no guarantee in respect
of the correctness or accuracy of the details in this publication.
Hirschmann can accept no responsibility for damages, resulting from the use of the network
components or the associated operating software. In addition, we refer to the conditions of use
specified in the license contract.
Key 11
Introduction 13
3 Loading/saving settings 51
3.1 Loading settings 52
3.1.1 Loading from the local non-volatile memory 53
3.1.2 Loading from the AutoConfiguration Adapter 53
3.1.3 Loading from a file 54
3.1.4 Resetting the configuration to the state on delivery 56
3.2 Saving settings 57
3.2.1 Saving Locally (and on the ACA) 57
3.2.2 Saving into a file 58
5 Configuring ports 67
The “Basic Configuration” user manual contains all the information you need
to start operating the switch. It takes you step by step from the first startup
operation through to the basic settings for operation in your environment.
You will find detailed descriptions of how to operate the individual functions in
the “Web-based Interface” and “Command Line Interface” reference manuals
D List
V Work step
U Subheading
Symbols used:
A random computer
Configuration computer
The Switch has been developed for practical application in a harsh industrial
environment. Accordingly, the installation process has been kept simple.
Thanks to the selected default settings, you only have to enter a few settings
before starting to operate the Switch.
The Switch has three user interfaces, which you can access via different
D System monitor via the V.24 interface (out-of-band)
D Command Line Interface (CLI) via the V.24 connection (out-of-band) and
Telnet (in-band)
D Web-based interface via Ethernet (in-band)
V Start the terminal program on the PC, and establish a connection with
the Switch.
While booting the Switch the message „Press <1> to enter System
Monitor 1“ appears on the terminal.
< PowerMICE MS4128-5 (Boot) Release: 1.00 Build: 2005-09-17 15:36 >
Press <1> to enter System Monitor 1 ...
V Press within one second the <1> key to start system monitor 1.
System Monitor
The Command Line Interface allows you to use all device functions via a local
or a remote connection.
The command line interface provides IT specialists with a familiar environ-
ment for configuring IT devices.
The script ability of the Command Line Interfaces allows to feed several
devices with identical configuration data.
For a detailed description of the Command Line Interface, see the Reference
Guide „Command Line Interface“.
Note: To facilitate making entries, the CLI offers the option of abreviating
keywords. Type in the first letters of the keyword. If you now press the Tab
key, the CLI will complete the keyword, i.e. add the remaining letters for you.
NOTE: Enter '?' for Command Help. Command help displays all options
that are valid for the 'normal' and 'no' command forms. For
the syntax of a particular command form, please consult the
The user-friendly Web-based interface gives you the option of operating the
Switch from any location in the network via a standard browser such as the
Mozilla Firefox or the Microsoft Internet Explorer.
As a universal access tool, the Web browser uses an applet which commu-
nicates with the Switch via the Simple Network Management Protocol
The Web-based interface allows you to graphically configure the Switch.
For Windows NT users: cancel the installation. Install the plug-in from the
enclosed CD-ROM. Proceed by starting the program file
j2re-1_4_2_09-windows-i586-p.exe in the Java directory on the
V The password “public”, with which you have read permission, appears
in the password field. If you wish to access the Switch with write per-
mission, then highlight the contents of the password field and overwri-
te it with the password “private” (state on delivery). Changing the
password protects the Switch against unauthorized access.
V Click on OK.
Note: The changes you make in the dialogs are taken over by the Switch
when you click on “Write”. Click on “Load” to update the display.
IP address(es) must be entered when the Switch is installed for the first time.
The Switch provides 6 options for entering the IP parameters during the first
D Using the Command Line Interfaces (CLI).
Choose this “out-of-band” method if
– you preconfigure your Switch outside its operating environment, or
– you have no network access (“in-band”) to the Switch
(see “Entering the IP parameters via CLI” on page 32).
D Using the HiDiscovery protocol.
Choose this “in-band” method if
– the Switch is already installed on your network, or
– if there is another Ethernet connection between your PC and the Switch
(see “Entering the IP parameters via HiDiscovery” on page 35).
D Using the AutoConfiguration Adapter (ACA).
Choose this method if you are replacing the Switch with a Switch of
the same type and have already saved the configuration on an ACA
(see “Laden vom AutoConfiguration Adapter” on page 53).
D Using BOOTP.
Choose this “in-band” method if you want to configure the installed Switch
using BOOTP. You need a BOOTP server for this. The BOOTP server as-
signs the configuration data to the Switch using its MAC address
(see “System configuration via BOOTP” on page 39). Because the Switch
is delivered with “DHCP mode” as the entry for the configuration data re-
ference, you have to reset this to the BOOTP mode for this method.
D Using DHCP.
Choose this “in-band” method if you want to configure the installed Switch
using DHCP. You need a DHCP server for this. The DHCP server assigns
the configuration data to the Switch using its MAC address or its system
name (see “System configuration via DHCP” on page 43).
If the Switch already has an IP address and can be reached via the network,
then the Web-based interface provides you with another option for configuring
the IP parameters.
Since 1992, five classes of IP address have been defined in the RFC 1340.
The network address represents the fixed part of the IP address. The
worldwide leading regulatory board for assigning Internet addresses is the
IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). If you need an IP address
block, contact your Internet-Service-Provider. Internet Service Providers
should contact their local higher-level organization:
D APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre) - Asia/Pacific Region
D ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers) - Americas and Sub-
Sahara Africa
D LACNIC (Regional Latin-American and Caribbean IP Address Registry) –
Latin America and some Caribbean Islands
D RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens) - Europe and Surrounding Regions
All IP addresses belong to class A when their first bit is a zero, i.e. the first
decimal number is less than 128.
The IP address belongs to class B if the first bit is a one and the second bit
is a zero, i.e. the first decimal number is between 128 and 191.
The IP address belongs to class C if the first two bits are a one, i.e. the first
decimal number is higher than 191.
Assigning the host address (host id) is the responsibility of the network
operator. He alone is responsible for the uniqueness of the IP addresses
he assigns.
The division into subnetworks with the aid of the network mask is performed
in much the same way as the division of the network addresses into classes
A to C (net id).
In the part of the host address (host id) representing the mask, the bits are
set to one. The remaining bits of the host address in the network mask are
set to zero (see the following examples).
Decimal notation
Binary notation
Subnetwork mask bits
Class B
Decimal notation
128 < 129 ≤ 191 ➝ Class B
binary notation
Subnetwork 1
Network address
Decimal notation
128 < 129 ≤ 191 ➝ Class B
binary notation
Subnetwork 2
Network address
Romeo therefore puts his message in an envelope and writes Juliet's IP ad-
dress as the destination address. For the source address he writes his own
IP address on the envelope.
Romeo then places this envelope in a second one with Lorenzo's MAC ad-
dress as the destination and his own MAC address as the source. This pro-
cess is comparable to going from layer 3 to layer 2 of the ISO/OSI base
reference model.
Finally, Romeo puts the entire data packet into the mailbox. This is compa-
rable to going from layer 2 to layer 1, i.e. to sending the data packet over the
Lorenzo receives the letter and removes the outer envelope. From the inner
envelope he recognizes that the letter is meant for Juliet. He places the inner
envelope in a new outer envelope and searches his address list (the ARP ta-
ble) for Juliet's MAC address. He writes her MAC address on the outer enve-
lope as the destination address and his own MAC address as the source
address. He then places the entire data packet in the mail box.
Juliet receives the letter and removes the outer envelope. She finds the inner
envelope with Romeo's IP address. Opening the inner envelope and reading
its contents corresponds to transferring the message to the higher protocol
layers of the ISO/OSI layer model.
Juliet would now like to send a reply to Romeo. She places her reply in an
envelope with Romeo's IP address as destination and her own IP address as
source. But where is she to send the answer? For she did not receive
Romeo's MAC address. It was lost when Lorenzo replaced the outer enve-
In the MIB, Juliet finds Lorenzo listed under the variable hmNetGatewayI-
PAddr as a means of communicating with Romeo. She therefore puts the en-
velope with the IP addresses in a further envelope with Lorenzo's MAC
destination address.
The letter then travels back to Romeo via Lorenzo, the same way the first let-
ter traveled from Romeo to Juliet.
Entering IP addresses
NOTE: Enter '?' for Command Help. Command help displays all options
that are valid for the 'normal' and 'no' command forms. For
the syntax of a particular command form, please consult the
NOTE: Enter '?' for Command Help. Command help displays all options
that are valid for the 'normal' and 'no' command forms. For
the syntax of a particular command form, please consult the
Configuration Saved!
(Hirschmann PowerMICE) #
After entering the IP parameters, you can easily configure the Switch via the
Web-based Interface (see Reference manual „Web-based Interface“).
Install the HiDiscovery software on your PC. The software is on the CD sup-
plied with the Switch.
HiDiscovery displays a line for every device which reacts to the HiDiscovery
By double-clicking a line, you open a window in which you can enter the de-
vice name and the IP parameter.
Note: After the IP address has been entered, the Switch loads the local con-
figuration settings (see “Loading/saving settings” on page 51).
Note: For security reasons, Switch off the HiDiscovery function for the device
in the Web-based interface, after you have assigned the IP parameters to the
device (see “System configuration via the Web-based Interface” on page 47).
Note: Save the settings you have made so they will still be available after re-
start (see “Loading/saving settings” on page 51).
In the case of a Switch failure, the ACA enables a very simple configuration
data transfer by means of a substitute Switch of the same type.
When you start the switch, it checks for an ACA. If it detects an ACA with a
valid password and valid software, the Switch loads the configuration data
from the ACA.
To save the configuration data in the ACA see “Saving Locally (and on the
ACA)” on page 57
Switch starten
ACA Nein
During startup operation via BOOTP (bootstrap protocol) the Switch receives
its configuration data according to the “BOOTP process” flowchart
(see Fig. 13).
Note: In its state on delivery, the Switch gets its configuration data from the
BOOTP server.
V Make the following data for the Switch available to the BOOTP server:
The lines under “.global:” make the configuration of several devices easier.
With the template (tc) you allocate the global configuration data (
The direct allocation of hardware address and IP address occurs in the de-
vice lines (switch-0...).
Load default
Switch in initalization
BOOTP? Requests
initialize IP stack
with IP parameters
Switch is manageable
Load transferred
config file
Save transferred
config file local
and set
boot configuration
to local
Loading of
configurations data
is complete
The Switch sends its system name to the DHCP server. The DHCP server
can then assign an IP address as an alternative to the MAC address by using
the system name.
In addition to the IP address, the DHCP server sends
– the tftp server name (if present),
– the name of the configuration file (if present).
The Switch accepts this data as configuration parameters (see “System con-
figuration via the Web-based Interface” on page 47).
If an IP address was assigned by a DHCP server, it will be permanently sa-
ved locally.
Option Meaning
1 Subnet Mask
2 Time Offset
3 Router
4 Time server
12 Host Name
61 Client Identifier
66 TFTP Server Name
67 Bootfile name
The special feature of DHCP in contrast to BOOTP is that the server can only
provide the configuration parameters for a certain period of time (“lease”).
When this time period (“lease duration”) expires, the DHCP client must at-
tempt to renew the lease or negotiate a new one. A response similar to
BOOTP can be set on the server (i.e. the same IP address is always assi-
gned to a particular client using the MAC address), but this requires the ex-
plicit configuration of a DHCP server in the network. If this configuration was
not performed, a random IP address – whichever one happens to be availa-
ble – is assigned.
Note: When using HiVision network management, ensure that DHCP always
assigns the original IP address to each Switch.
# Host hugo requests IP configuration
# with his client identifier.
host hugo {
# option dhcp-client-identifier "hugo";
option dhcp-client-identifier 00:68:75:67:6f;
server-name "";
filename "/agent/config.dat";
As with the classic DHCP, on startup an agent receives its configuration data
according to the “BOOTP/DHCP process” flow chart (see Fig. 13).
While the system configuration is based on the classic DHCP protocol on the
device being configured (see “System configuration via DHCP” on page 43),
Option 82 is based on the network topology. This procedure gives you the
option of always assigning the same IP address to any device which is
connected to a particular location (port of a Switch) on the LAN.
MACH 3002
MAC address =
IP = 00:80:63:10:9a:d7
DHCP server
IP =
IP =
With the dialog Basics:Network you define the source from which the
Switch gets its network parameters after starting, assign IP parameters and
VLAN ID and configure the HiDiscovery access.
V You enter the system name applicable to the DHCP protocol in the Sy-
stem dialog of the Web-based Interfaces, in the “Name” line.
V With the “VLAN ID” frame you can assign a VLAN to the Switch.
Note: Save the settings you have made to ensure they are still available after
restart (see “Einstellungen laden/speichern” on page 51).
There are two plug-and-play solutions available for replacing a faulty Switch
with a Switch of the same type
(Faulty Device Replacement):
D First, you can configure the new switch using an AutoConfiguration
(see “Loading the system configuration from the ACA” on page 37)or
D Second, you can configure the new switch using DHCP Option 82
(see “Entering the IP parameters via HiDiscovery” on page 35).
In both cases, the same configuration data which the faulty Switch had are
transferred to the new Switch during booting.
3 Loading/saving settings
The Switch saves settings such as the IB parameters and the port
configuration in the temporary memory. These settings are lost when
you switch off or reboot the device.
The Switch enables you to
D save settings from the temporary memory in a permanent memory
D load settings from a permanent memory into the temporary memory.
During restart, the Switch automatically loads its configuration data from the
local non-volatile memory, provided that you have not activated BOOTP/
DHCP and that no ACA is connected to the Switch.
During operation, the Switch enables you to load settings from the following
D the local non-volatile memory,
D the AutoConfiguration Adapter. If an ACA is connected to the Switch, the
Switch always loads its configuration from the ACA.
D a file in the connected network (= state on delivery) and
D the state on delivery.
Note: When loading a configuration, do not access the Switch until it has
loaded the configuration file and has made the new configuration settings.
Depending on the complexity of the configuration settings, this procedure
can last between 10-200 seconds.
The URL identifies the path to the tftp server from which the Switch loads
the configuration file. The URL is in the form
tftp://IP address of the tftp server/path name/file name
(e.g. tftp://
V Enter the path to the tftp server into the line “URL”, e.g.
tftp:// .
The Switch enables you to save the settings you have made
D locally
D locally and on the ACA, or
D into a file.
The URL marks the path to the tftp server on which the Switch saves the
configuration file. The URL is written as follows:
tftp://IP address of the tftp server/path name/file name,
(e.g. tftp://
Note: The configuration file contains all configuration data, including the
password. Thus, note the access rights on the tftp server..
Note: The existing configuration of the Switch is still there after the new
software is installed.
Like an usual USB stick, you can also connect the ACA 21-USB to an USB
port of your PC and copy the Switch software to the main directory of the
V Connect the ACA 21-USB, to which you have copied the Switch software,
to the USB port of the Switch.
V Open the system monitor. (see “Opening the system monitor” on page
V Select 2, and press the ENTER key to copy the software from the
ACA 21-USB into the local memory of the Switch.
On concluding the update, the System Monitor prompts you to press any
key to continue..
1 Swap OS images
2 Copy image to backup
3 Test stored images in Flash mem.
4 Test stored images in USB mem.
5 Apply and store selection
6 Cancel selection
U Swap OS images
The memory of the Switch offers space for two images of the software.
This offers you e.g. the possibility to load a new version of the software
without erasing the existing version.
Select 1 to load the other software with the next reboot.
U Cancel selection
Select Sie 6 to cancel selection and leave this dialogue without changes.
For a tftp update you need a tftp server on which the software to be loaded
is stored (see “tftp server for software updates” on page 171).
The URL identifies the path to the software stored on the tftp server. The
URL is in the format tftp://IP address of the tftp server/path name/file
name (e.g. tftp://
V Click “tftp Update” to load the software from the tftp server to the
For an http update you need access from your computer to the update soft-
5 Configuring ports
Note: The active automatic configuration has priority over the manual
Protect your network from unauthorized access. The Switch provides you
with the following functions for protecting against unauthorized access.
D Password for SNMP access,
D Setting the Telnet/Web-Based access,
D Disabling the HiDiscovery function,
D Port access control via IP- or MAC-address,
D Authentication according to 802.1X,
The Switch receives the SNMP packet and compares the IP address of the
sending computer and the password with the entries in the MIB of the Switch
(see “Management Information BASE MIB” on page 180). If the password
has the appropriate access right, and if the IP address of the sending com-
puter has been entered, then the Switch will allow access.
In the delivery state, the Switch is accessible via the “public” password (read
only) and the “private” one (read and write) from every computer.
V First define a new password which you can access from your computer
with all rights.
V Treat this community with discretion. Because everyone who knows the
password can access the Switch MIB with the IP address of your
V Limit the access rights of the known passwords or delete their entries.
V Enter the new read-only password in the line "New password" and re-
peat the entry in the line “Please retype".
V Enter the new read-write password in the line "New password" and
repeat the entry in the line “Please retype".
Note: After changing the password for write access, restart the Web in-
terface in order to access the Switch.
Note: For security reasons, the passwords are not displayed. Make a
note of every change! You cannot access the Switch without a valid
After the Telnet server has been switched off, the Switch can no longer be
accessed via a Telnet connection.
Note: The telnet server may be reactivated via the command line interface
(out-of-band) or via the Security:Telnet/Web Access dialog in the
Web-based Interface.
The Web server of the Switch allows you to configure the Switch using the
Web-based interface. You can switch off the Web server to prevent Web
access to the Switch.
In the state of delivery, the server is switched on.
After the web server has been switched off, the Switch can no longer be
accessed via a web connection.
Note: The web server may be reactivated via the command line interface.
Note: For security reasons, either limit or switch off completely the HiDisco-
very function of the Switch after assigning the IP parameters.
Note: Since the Switch is a layer 2 device, it translates the stored IP addres-
ses into MAC addresses. This requires that a MAC address be assigned to
exactly one IP address.
Please keep in mind that when using a router, several IP addresses can be
assigned to one MAC address, namely that of the router. This means that all
packets of the router will pass the port unchecked if the permitted IP address
is that of the router.
If a connected device sends packets with other MAC addresses and a per-
mitted IP address, the Switch will disable the port.
V First select, whether you wish the MAC based or the IP based port
V If you have selected MAC based you enter in the “Allowed MAC
address” column the MAC address of the device with which a data
exchange at this port is permitted. Without entry, reception from all
devices is allowed.
D The “Current MAC address” column shows the MAC address of the
device from which data was last received. By pressing the left mouse
button, you can copy an entry from the “Current MAC address”
column into the “Allowed MAC address” column.
Note: This entry in the port configuration table is part of the configuration
(“Loading/saving settings” on page 51) and is saved together with the
Note: An alarm (trap) can only be sent if at least one recipient is entered
under “Configuring traps” on page 139 and both the appropriate status
and “Port Security” are marked.
Power MICE
This dialog allows you to enter the data for one, two or three Radius
V Click on “Create entry” to open the dialog window for entering the
IP address of a Radius server.
V Confirm the IP address entered using “OK”.
You thus create a new row in the table for this Radius server.
V In the “UDP port” column you enter the UDP port for the Radius
V In the “Shared secret” column you enter the character string which
you get as a key from the administrator of your Radius server.
V With “Primary server” you name this server as the first server
which the Switch should contact for port authentication queries.
If this server is not available, then the Switch contacts the next
server in the table.
V “Selected server” shows which server the Switch actually sends
its queries to.
V With “Delete entry” you delete the selected row in the table.
U Selecting ports
V Select the Security:802.1x Port Authentication:Port
Configuration dialog
V In the column “Port Control” select “auto” for the Switches at
which you want portbased network control to be active.
The real meaning of the term real time depends on the time requirements of
the application.
The Switch provides two options with different levels of accuracy for
synchronizing the time in your network.
If you only require accuracies in the order of milliseconds, the Simple Net-
work Time Protocol (SNTP) offers a low-cost solution. Accuracy depends on
signal running time.
Areas of application of this protocol are:
– log entries,
– time stamping of production data,
– production control, etc.
The Precision Time Protocol (PTP), which is described in the IEEE 1588
standard, achieves accuracies in the order of fractions of microseconds.
This superior method is suitable for process control, for example.
Choose the protocol which best meets your requirements. When using both
protocols at the same time, bear in mind that they interact.
If there is no reference clock available, you can enter the system time in the
Switch so that you can use it like a reference clock (see “PTP Global” on
page 97 and “Configuring SNTP” on page 90).
This dialog offers you the option of making time-related settings inde-
pendent of the selected time syncronization protocol.
D The “IEEE 1588 time” displays the time received via PTP.
The “SNTP time” displays the time with reference to Universal Time
Coordinated (UTC).
The display is the same worldwide. Local time differences are not
taken into account.
D The “System time” uses “IEEE 1588 / SNTPtime”, allowing for the lo-
cal time difference from “IEEE 1588 / SNTPtime”.
“System time” = “IEEE 1588 / SNTPtime” + “Local offset”
D „Time Source“ displays the origin of the following time. The Switch
automatically selects the source with the highest precision.
V With “Set time from PC”, the Switch takes the PC time as the system
time and calculates the IEEE 1588 / SNTP time using the local time
“IEEE 1588 / SNTP time” = “System time” - “Local offset”
Note: When setting the time in zones with summer and winter times,
make an adjustment for the local offset. The Switch can also get the
SNTP server IP address and the local offset from a DHCP server.
7.2 SNTP
PLC Client
Client Server Client Server Client Server
PLC Client
Client Server Client Server Client Server
V Switch on the SNTP function on all devices whose time you want to set
using SNTP.
V If you do not have a reference clock at your disposal, use a Switch as the
reference clock, and set its system time as accurately as possible.
Note: For the most accurate system time distribution possible, avoid having
network components (routers, Switches, hubs) which do not support SNTP
in the signal path between the SNTP server and the SNTP client.
U SNTP-Status
D The “Status message” displays conditions such as “Server cannot
be reached”.
IP target address packages periodically
to Nobody
Unicast Unicast Multicast Broadcast
V In “VLAN ID” you specify the VLAN to which the Switch may
periodically send SNTP packages.
U Configuration SNTP-Client
V In “External Server Address” you enter the IP address of the
SNTP server from which the Switch periodically obtains the sy-
stem time.
V In “Redundant Server Address” you enter the IP address of the
SNTP server from which the Switch periodically obtains the sy-
stem time, if the Switch does not receive an answer from the “ex-
ternal server address” 0.5 seconds after making a request.
V With “Accept SNTP Broadcasts” the Switch takes the system time
from SNTP broadcast/multicast packages which it receives.
Reference Local
(Master clock) (Slave clock)
Delay + Jitter Delay + Jitter
Delay + Jitter
Phy Phy
To get around the delay and jitter in the protocol stack, IEEE 1588 recom-
mends inserting a special hardware time stamp unit between the MAC and
the PHY layer. Devices or modules with the name supplement “RT” are
equipped with this time stamp unit.
The delay and jitter in the LAN increase in the media and transmission
devices along the transmission path.
The cable delays are relatively constant. Changes occur very slowly. This
fact is taken into account by IEEE 1588 by performing measurements and
calculations on a regular basis.
IEEE ignores the inaccuracy caused by device delays and device jitter
through the definition of “boundary clocks”. Boundary clocks are clocks that
are integrated into the devices. These clocks are synchronized on the one
side of the signal path and, on the other side of the signal path, are used to
synchronize the subsequent clocks (ordinary clocks).
(Grandmaster Clock)
Ordinary Clock
Slave Master
Boundary Clock
PTP Subdomain 1
PTP Subdomain 2
V Switch on the PTP function on all devices whose time you want to syn-
chronize using PTP.
In the Time:PTP:Port dialog you enter the PTP settings that will apply
to the ports individually.
U PTP Global
V Select the Time:PTP dialog.
V Switch on the function ind the “Operation IEEE 1588 / PTP” frame.
V If you have designated this Switch to be the PTP reference clock,
click in the “Configuration IEEE 1588 / PTP” frame in the “Prefer-
red Master” line the value “true”.
D Configuration
PTP Clock Mode: Mode of the local clock.
Possible options are:
– PTP Boundary Clock Mode,
– PTP Simple Clock Mode (without runtime correction, without
determining the best clock) Select this mode, if the Switch has no
time stamp unit (RT module).
D Status (display)
PTP is Synchronized: The local clock runs synchronously
with the reference clock, compare PTP SyncLowerBound and
PTP SyncUpperBound.
U PTP port
D PTP-Port
enalble: Port sends/receives PTP synchronization messages,
disable: Port blocks PTP synchronization messages.
V Disable ports which do not participate in PTP time distribution to
reduce the network load caused by synchronization messages.
According to PTP and SNTP, both protocols are permitted to coexist in one
network. However, since both protocols influence the system time of the
device, situations may occur in which both protocols compete with each
Note: Configure the devices in such a way that each device receives the
system time exclusively from one source.
If you want the switch to receive the system time using PTP, enter the
external server address, and do not accept any SNTP broadcasts
when performing the SNTP client configuration.
If you want the switch to receive the system time using SNTP, make sure that
the best clock is connected to the SNTP server. Thus, both protocols receive
the time from the same server. The example (see Fig. 33) shows such an ap-
SNTP Client SNTP Server SNTP Server
U Application example:
The requirements made to network time accuracy are rather high, how-
ever the terminal devices exclusively support SNMP (see Fig. 33)..
Function On On On
Anycast destination address
Server VLAN ID 1 1 1
Anycast send interval 30 30 30
Client External Server Address
Server request interval any any any
Accept SNTP Broadcasts no no no
In the example above, the left switch receives as the SNTP client the
system time from the NTP server using SNTP. The switch assigns to a
time received from an NTP server the stratum clock number “2”. Thus,
the left switch becomes the reference clock for PTP synchronization.
PTP is active in all three switches, ensuring that, relative to each other,
the system times of the switches are synchronized precisely. As the con-
nectable terminal devices in the example exclusively support SNTP, all
three switches serve as SNTP servers.
8 Traffic control
To optimize the data transmission, the Switch provides you with the following
functions for controlling the network load:
D Settings for directed frame forwarding (MAC address filter)
D Multicast settings
D Broadcast limiter
D Prioritization
D Flow control
D Virtual LANs
8.1.1 Store-and-forward
All data received by the Switch is stored, and its validity is checked. Invalid
and defective data packets (> 1,522 Bytes or CRC errors) as well as frag-
ments (< 64 Bytes) are discarded. Valid data packets are forwarded by the
in the destination address field are sent to this port. The Switch enters
learned source addresses in its filter table (see “Entering static address ent-
ries” on page 106).
The Switch can learn up to 8000 addresses. This becomes necessary if more
than one terminal device is connected to one or more ports. It is thus possible
to connect several independent subnetworks to the Switch.
V Enter the Aging Time for all dynamic entries in the range from 10 to
630 seconds (Unit: 1 second, default setting: 30).
In connection with the router redundancy (see MACH 3000), set the
time greater/equal than 30 seconds.
The individual filters are stored in the filter table (Forwarding Database,
FDB). The table has three parts, a static part and two dynamic parts.
D The management administrator describes the static part of the filter table
D During operation, the Switch is capable of learning which ports will receive
data packets from which source addresses (see “Multi-address capability”
on page 104). This information is stored in the dynamic part of the table
D Addresses learned from the neighbouring agent and those learned by
GMRP are written to another dynamic part.
Note: In the filtering database you can create up to 100 filter for multicast
In the filtering table each row represents one filter. Filters specify the
way in which data packets are sent. They are set automatically by the
Switch (learned status) or manually. Data packets whose destination
addresses are entered in the table are sent from the receiving port to the
ports marked in the table. Data packets whose destination addresses
are not in the table are sent from the receiving port to all other ports. In
the “Create static entry” dialog you can set up new filters. The following
status settings are possible:
V To delete entries with the status “learned” from the filtering table
select the Basics:Restart dialog and click on “Reset MAC
address table”.
In the case of a Multicast address, Switches pass on all the data packets with
a Multicast address to all the ports. This leads to an increased bandwidth re-
Protocols such as GMRP and processes such as IGMP Snooping enable the
Switches to exchange information by means of the targeted distribution of
Multicast data packets. The distribution of the Multicast data packets exclu-
sively to those ports to which the recipients of these Multicast data packets
are connected, reduces the bandwith required.
1st floor
h H h H h H
2nd floor
h H h H h H
Control room
A Switch that connects a Multicast receiver with a router can evaluate the
IGMP information with the aid of the IGMP Snooping procedure.
IGMP Snooping translates IP Multicast group addresses into MAC Multicast
addresses, so that the IGMP functions can also be used by Layer 2 Switches.
The Switch records the MAC addresses of the Multicast receivers, which are
obtained by the IGMP Snooping from the IP addresses, in the static address
table. Thus the Switch blocks Multicast packets at the ports at which no
Multicast receivers are connected.
Devices that do not support GMRP can be integrated into the multicast
adressing scheme by means of a static filter address entry on the connector
U Global Configuration
With “IGMP Snooping” check box you can switch IGMP Snooping
on/off globally for the entire Switch. If IGMP Snooping is switched
off, then:
D the Switch does not evaluate Query and Report packets received
D it sends (floods) received data packets with a Multicast address as
the target address to all ports.
With “GMRP” check box you can switch the GMRP on/off globally
for the entire Switch.
If the GMRP is switched off, then
D the Switch does not generate any GMRP packets,
D it does not evaluate any GMRP packets received, discards them,
D it sends (streams) received data packets with a multicast address
as the target address to all ports.
The “inactive” check box allows you to switch off GMRP and IGMP
U IGMP Querier
With “IGMP Querier active” you can switch the Query function on/
The Protocol check boxes allow you to select IGMP version 1 or
version 2.
Note: If you use IGMP version 1 in a subnetwork, then you must also
use IGMP version 1 in the entire network.
By entering a number for each port, you can set the number of broadcasts
that can be sent out of this port within a second.
If more than the maximum entered number of broadcasts are sent within a
second, the Switch rejects all subsequent broadcasts destined for this port.
In the check box “Broadcast Control Mode”, you turn the broadcast limi-
ter on/off for all the ports.
8.4 Prioritization
The Switch supports four priority queues (traffic classes in compliance with
IEEE 802.1D-1998). The assignment of received data packets to these clas-
ses depends on
D the priority of the data packet contained in the VLAN tag (priority over port
D the port priority for receiving the data packets that do not contain a tag
(see “Configuring ports” on page 67).
Entered Priority
priority class
0 1 - normal
1 0 - low
2 0 - low
3 1 - normal
4 2 - high
5 2 - high
6 3 - admin
7 3 - admin
Table 8: Assignment of the priorities listed in the tag to the four priority classes
8.4.3 Tagging
The VLAN tag is integrated into the MAC data frame for the VLAN and prio-
ritization functions in accordance with the IEEE 802.1 Q standard. The VLAN
tag consists of 4 Bytes. It is inserted between the source address field and
the type field.
Data packets whose VLAN tags contain priority information but no VLAN
information (VLAN ID = 0) are known as “Priority Tagged Frames”.
F ie ield
r F ld
ite ess ie
i m r F ld
l d Del dd e ss F ie
e A r k
Fi e n dd d yp
ec ield
l e am tio A l T ld el
d d h
b Fr na e e th/ ie Fi el
m t ti c F i F Fi me nce
ea ar s ur g ng ta at
a d a e
Pr St De So Ta Le Da D Pa Fr equ
7 1 6 6 4 2 42-1500 Octets 4
er nt
t I de
n Bi at
Ide , 3 orm ie
c ol y
rit l F nt
i f
o to r io ica I de
Pr it r P on
g B se an it L AN it
Ta x 8 U C B V B
2 1 12
4 Octets
V In the “Port Priority” column, you can specify the priority (low, normal,
high, admin) with which the Switch sends data packets which it re-
ceives without a VLAN tag at this port.
In the example (see Fig. 38) the functioning of flow control is displayed gra-
phically. Workstations 1, 2 and 3 want to simultaneously transmit a large
amount of data to Workstation 4. The combined bandwidth of Workstations
1, 2 and 3 is larger than the bandwidth of Workstation 4 to the Switch. This
leads to an overflow of the send queue of Port 4. The left-hand funnel sym-
bolizes this status.
If the flow control function at Ports 1, 2 and 3 of the Switch is turned on, the
Switch reacts before the funnel overflows. Ports 1, 2 and 3 send a message
to the conected devices that no data may be received at present.
Port 1 Port 4
Port 2 Port 3
8.6 VLANs
VLAN Yellow
VLAN Green
MACH 3002
VLAN Green
VLAN Yellow
VLAN Yellow
VLAN Green
VLANs are based on logical (instead of physical) links and are flexible
elements in the network design. The biggest advantage of VLANs is the
possibility of forming user groups based on the participant function and not
on their physical location or medium.
Since broad/multicast data packets are transmitted exclusively within a
virtual LAN, the remaining data network is unaffected.
The VLAN function is defined in the IEEE 802.1Q standard. The maximum
number of VLANs is limited by the structure of the VLAN tag (see Fig. 37) to
U Ingress Rule
The ingress rules stipulate how incoming data is to be handled by the
U Egress Rule
The egress rules stipulate how outgoing data is to be handled by the
U VLAN identifier
The assignment to a VLAN is effected via a VLAN ID. Every VLAN exi-
sting in a network is identified by an ID. This ID must be unique, i.e.
every ID may only be assigned once in the network.
U Member set
The member set is list of ports belonging to a VLAN. Every VLAN has a
member set.
U Untagged set
The untagged set is a list of the ports of a VLAN which send data packets
without a tag. Every VLAN has an untagged set.
Under VLAN you will find all tables and attributes to configure and mo-
nitor the VLAN functions complying with IEEE 802.1Q standard.
Note: When configuring the VLAN, ensure that the port to which your
management station is connected, can still send the data of the mana-
gement station after saving the VLAN configuration. Assigning the port
to the VLAN with ID 1 always ensures that the management station data
can be sent.
The agent saves the new entry.
The modification will take effect immediately.
Displays the updated configuration.
Note: The 256 available VLANs can use any VLAN ID in the range 1 to
To set up VLANs, you first specify the desired VLANs in the VLAN static
V After clicking on “Create”, you enter the appropriate VLAN ID. A new
line appears in the table.
V After setting up VLANs, you specify the rules for received data in the
VLAN Port table (port):
specifies to which VLAN a received untagged data packet is assi-
D Acceptable Frame Types
detemines if data packets can also be received untagged.
D Ingress Filtering
specifies whether the received tags are evaluated.
VLAN Brown
ID = 1
VLAN Yellow VLAN Green
h H h H h H h H
V Repeat the steps: Creating a VLAN and Entering a VLAN ID for all
Ports 1.1 to 1.3 are assigned to the terminal devices of the yellow VLAN
and ports 2.1 to 2.4 to the terminal devices of the green VLAN. As termi-
nal devices normally do not sent data packets with a tag, the setting U
must be selected here.
Port 1.4 serves as uplink port to the next Switch. It is assigned the setting
M. The VLAN information can thus be passed on.
Ports 1.1 to 1.3 are assigned to the terminal devices of the yellow VLAN
and therefore VLAN ID 2 and ports 2.1 to 2.4 are assigned to the termi-
nal devices of the green VLAN and hence VLAN ID 3.
Port 1.4 serves as an uplink port to the next Switch. It belongs to the
brown VLAN and is thus given the VLAN ID 1. Activating the Ingress
Filter ensures that the tags received at the port are evaluated.
9 Operation Diagnostics
The Switch provides you with the following diagnostic tools for the function
D Sending traps
D Out-of-band signaling via signal contact
D Port status indication
D Event counter on port level
D SFP status indication
D TP cable diagnosis
D Topology discovery
D Reports
D Monitoring the traffic of a port (Portmirroring)
If unusual events occur during normal operation of the Switch, they are
reported immediately to the management station. This is done by means of
so-called traps - alarm messages - that bypass the polling procedure
(“Polling” means querying the data stations at regular intervals). Traps make
it possible to react quickly to critical situations.
Traps can be sent to various hosts to increase the transmission reliability for
the messages. A trap message consists of a packet that is not acknowl-
The Switch sends traps to those hosts that are entered in the trap destination
table. The trap destination table can be configured with the management sta-
tion via SNMP.
This dialog allows you to specify which events trigger an alarm (trap) and
to whom these alarms should be sent.
V In the “Active” column, you mark the entries which should be taken
into account when traps are being sent.
V In the frame “Selection” select these trap catagories from which you
want to send traps
Name Bedeutung
Authentication The Switch has rejected an unauthorized access attempt (see the
Access for IP Addresses und Port Security dialog).
Cold Start The Switch has been switched off.
Link Down At one port of the Switch, the link to the device connected there has been
Link up At one port of the Switch, the link to a device connected there has been
Spanning Tree The topology of the Rapid Spanning Tree has changed.
Chassis encompasses the following events:
– Power Supply: The status of a supply voltage has changed (see the
System dialog).
– Signaling Relay: The status of the signal contact has changed.
To cosider this event enable “generate Trap” in the Diagno-
stics:Signal Contact 1/2 Dialog.
– An error has occurred in connection with the SNTP.
– A media module has been added or removed.
– The AutoConfiguration Adapter, ACA, has been inserted or removed.
– The value exceeded / fell below the temperature threshold.
Redundancy The status of the HIPER-Ring or the redundant coupling of HIPER-Rings
/ network segments has changed.
Port Security On one port a data packet has been received from an unauthorized
terminal device (see Port Security Dialog).
Bridge Although the BPDU guard function is activited at a port a BPDU was
received (see User Manual Redundancy under „Rapid Spanning Tree“).
Note: With non-redundant supply of the mains voltage, the Switch reports a
power failure. You can prevent this message by applying the supply voltage
over the two inputs or by switching off the monitoring
(see “Monitoring correct operation via the signal contact” on page 143).
Application options:
D Simulation of an error during SPS error monitoring.
D Remote control of a device via SNMP, such as switching on a camera..
The device view displays the Switch with the current configuration. The
symbols underneath the device view represent the status of the individu-
al ports.
The port (10, 100, 1000 MBit/s) is enabled and the connection
is OK.
V For reseting port counters select “Reset port counters” in the Ba-
sics:Restart dialog.
By having the SFP status displayed you can view the current connection to
the SFP modules and their properties. The properties include:
D module type,
D support provided in the media module
D temperature in degrees Celsius
D transmission power in milliwatts
D reception power in milliwatts
The TP cable diagnosis allows you to check the connected cables for short
circuits or interruptions.
Note: While the check is being carried out, the data traffic at this port is
The check takes a few seconds. After the check, the “Result” row contains
the result of the cable diagnosis. If the result of the check shows a cable er-
ror, then the “Distance” row contains the distance of the port from the cable
Result Meaning
normal The cable is okay.
open The cable is interrupted.
short circuit There is a short circuit in the cable.
unknown No cable check was carried out yet, or one is
being carried out at present..
This dialogue offers you the possibility to switch on/off the function for
topology discovery (LLDP).
The option “View LLDP entries exclusively” allows you to reduce the
number of topology table entries. In this case the topology table hides
entries of de-vices without active topology discovery function.
If several devices are connected to a port, for example via a hub, the
table shows one line for each connected device.
D devices with active topology discovery function and
D devices without active topology discovery function
are connected to a port, the topology table hides the devices without ac-
tive topology discovery.
D only devices without active topology discovery
are connected to a port, the table will contain one line for this port sym-
boli-cally for all devices. The line contains the number of connected de-
MAC addresses of devices that the topology table hides for the sake of
clarity, are located in the Address Table (FDB, see “Entering static
address entries” on page 106).
9.8 Reports
For diagnosis purposes, the Switch allows you to use the following reports:
D Log Filei
The Log File is an HTML file in which the Switch records all important
device internal events.
D System Information
The system information in an HTML file containing all system relevant
These reports are available for diagnosis purposes. In service situations they
report necessary information to the technician.
V Click “Log File” to open the HTML file in a new browser window.
In port mirroring, the data traffic related to a port, the source port, is copied
to another port, the destination port. Data traffic at the source port is not in-
fluenced by port mirroring.
A management tool connected to the destination port, such as an RMON
probe, can thus observe the data traffic at the source port.
The destination port forwards data to be sent and blocks received data.
Switch PLC
h H h H h H h H
Power MICE
This dialog allows you to configure and activate the port mirroring
function of the Switch.
V Select the source port whose data traffic you wish to monitor..
V Select the destination port to which you have connected your mana-
gement tool.
The “Delete” button in the dialog allows you to restore all the default port
mirroring settings (state on delivery).
Note: In active port mirroring, the specified port is used solely for obser-
vation purposes.
Apendix A:
Setting up DHCP Server and TFTP
On the CDROM supplied with the switch you will find the software for a DHCP
server from the software development company IT-Consulting Dr. Herbert
Hanewinkel. You can test the software for 30 calendar days from the date of
the first installation, and then decide whether you want to purchase a license.
V Open the window for the program settings in the menu bar:
Options:Preferences and select the DHCP tab page.Enter the
settings shown in the illustration and click on OK.
V Click on New.
V Add an entry for each device that will get its parameters from the
DHCP server.
On the CDROM supplied with the switch you will find the software for a DHCP
server from the software development company IT-Consulting Dr. Herbert
Hanewinkel. You can test the software for 30 calendar days from the date of
the first installation, and then decide whether you want to purchase a license.
V Select static.
V Open the window for the program settings in the menu bar:
Options:Preferences and select the DHCP tab page.
V Select the DHCP tab page. Enter the settings shown in the illustration and
click on OK.
D ci: sub-identifier for the type of the circuit ID
D cl: length of the circuit ID
D hh: Hirschmann identifier: 01 if a Hirschmann switch is connected to
the port, otherwise 00.
D vvvv: VLAN ID of the DHCP request (default: 0001 = VLAN 1)
D ss: socket of switch at which the module with that port is located to
which the device is connected. Enter the value 00.
D mm: module with the port to which the device is connected. Enter the
value 00.
D pp: port to which the device is connected.
D ri: sub-identifier for the type of the remote ID
D rl: length of the remote ID
D xxxxxxxxxxxx: remote ID of the switch (e.g. MAC address) to which
a device is connected.
MACH 3002
MAC address =
IP = 00:80:63:10:9a:d7
DHCP server
IP =
IP =
On delivery, the switch software is held in the flash memory. The Switch
boots the software from the flash memory.
Software updates can be realized via a tftp server. This presupposes that a
tftp server has been installed in the connected network and that it is active.
Note: An alternative to the tftp update is the http update. The http update
saves you having to configure the tftp server.
File transfer between Switch and tftp server is handled by way of the Trivial
File Transfer Protocol (tftp).
Preparation of the tftp server for the Switch software involves the following
D Setting-up the Switch directories and copying the Switch software
D Setting-up the tftp process
U SunOS and HP
V First check whether the tftp daemon (background process) is running,
i.e. whether the file /etc/inetd.conf contains the following line (siehe
Abb. 74) and whether the status of this process is “IW”:
If the process is not in the file, or if the related line is commented out
(#), modify /etc/inetd.conf accordingly and then re-initialize the INET
daemon. This is done with the command “kill -1 PID”, where PID is
the process ID of inetd.
This re-initialization can be executed automatically by inputting the
following UNIX commands:
/etc/inetd -c
You can obtain additional information about the tftpd daemon tftpd with
the UNIX command “man tftpd”.
Hinweis: The command “ps” does not always show the tftp daemon, alt-
hough it is actually running.
For example:
tftp:*:510:20:tftp server:/usr/tftpdir:/bin/false
No Is tftp*
Re-initialize inetd.conf
by entering
kill-1 PID
No Problems with
the tftp server?
cd /tftpboot/mice
tftp <tftp-Servername>
Test the tftp process get mice/mice.bin
rm mice.bin
Checking of the
tftp process
Fig. 74: Flow chart for setting up tftp server with SunOS and HP
Filename Access
mice.bin 444-r--r--r--
With the Competence Center, you firmly rule out any compromise: the client-
specific package leaves you free to choose the service components that you
will use.
The generic object class
sys System
UI User Interface
Upr Upper (e.g. threshold value)
ven Vendor = manufacturer (Hirschmann)
IP address
(xxx = integer in the range 0-255)
TimeTicks Stopwatch
Elapsed time (in seconds) = numerical value / 100
Numerical value = integer in the range 0 - 232
1 iso
3 org
6 dod
1 internet
3 at 15 hmPlatform4 12 Target
4 ip 13 Notification
5 icmp 15 usm
6 tcp 16 vacm
7 udp
11 snmp
16 rmon
17 dot1dBridge
26 snmpDot3MauMGT
MAC address table up to 8000 entries
Static address filter up to 100 entries
VLAN ID 1 to 4042 (MACH 4000: 3966)
Number of VLANs max. 256 simultaneously per switch
max. 256 simultaneously per port
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
General comments:
Street ..........................................................................................................
Dear User,
72654 Neckartenzlingen
ACA 37, 53, 60, 62, 140 FAQ 179
Access right 70 Faulty Device Replacement 49
Address table 105 FDB 106
Aging Time 105, 110 Filter 106
Alarm 80, 139 Filter table 106, 111
Alarm messages 136 First installation 25
Allowed MAC address 80 Flow control 120
APNIC 27 Forwarding Database 106
Authentication 140 G
AutoConfiguration Adapter 140 GARP 111
gateway 34
B Generic object classes 180
Bandwidth 108, 120 GMRP 107, 108, 111
Booting 16 GMRP packet 112
BOOTP 25, 44, 47 GMRP per port 113
Boundary 97 Grandmaster 93
Boundary clock 95 GVRP 127
Broadcast 91, 104, 108, 115, 123
Broadcast address 106 H
Broadcast limiter 115 HaneWin 160, 166
Browser 22 Hardware address 40
Hardware reset 136
C HiDiscovery 48, 77
CD-ROM 160, 166 HIPER-Ring 140
Chassis 140 HiVision 44
CLI 71 http 65
Clock 93 http update 65
Closed circuit 141
Cold Start 140 I
Configuration data 39, 46, 54, 57 IANA 27
Configuration modifications 136 IEEE 802.1 Q 117
Coupling 140 IEEE-MAC address 152
IGMP 107
D IGMP Snooping 108
Destination address 106, 107 Ingress Filter 126, 133
Destination address field 104 Ingress rule 123
Destination port 156 Instantiation 180
DHCP 25, 33 Internet Assigned Numbers Authority 27
DHCP client 43 Internet Service Provider 27
DHCP Option 82 46 IP address 25, 27, 33, 40, 43, 48, 77, 171
DHCP server 160, 166 IP-address 80
ISO/OSI layer model 31
Egress rule 123 J
Erlaubte IP-Adresse 80 JavaScript 23
Event counters 147
System Name 43
System time 91
Target address 111
TCP/IP stack 172
Telnet 19
Temperature threshold 140
Time management 93
Time stamp unit 94
Topology 46
TP cable diagnosis 150
Traffic classes 116
Transmission security 136
Trap 80, 136, 139
Trap destination table 136
Trivial File Transfer Protocol 171
Type field 117
Unicast 108
Unique Universal Identifier 98
Universal Time Coordinated 88
Untagged set 124
Update 65
User group 123
Username 20
UTC 88
V.24 19
VLAN 90, 117, 122
VLAN identification 123
VLAN tag 116, 117, 123
Web-based interface 22
Web-based management 23