2001-5 Roof The Burgos Arena
2001-5 Roof The Burgos Arena
2001-5 Roof The Burgos Arena
Recently a lot of open spaces will be covered to use their installations even in adverse climatic cases.
Stadiums, tennis courts, fields for shocker, arenas, bullrings or swimming pools are the main uses
that demands this kind of transformable architecture. In our current work we find this necessity as a
consideration to introduce in our designs. In this paper we introduce a proposal than relates the
functionality with historical considerations, something than usually are not achieved.
1. Introduction
Fig. 9. Main facade of the Burgos Cathedral with a Fig. 10. The Surmental entrance and rose window in
giant rose windows. the Burgos Cathedral.
Fig. 11. Main frame of the Burgos Arena.
2. Description
The Burgos Arena has 100 m. of diameter for the external perimeter and an internal ring of 45 m. The
upper seats are covered by a 8 m. flight cantilever (Figure 11) The actual building is dated in 1966
and is of a poor quality and not able to load additional weights. If so not only the structure but the
foundations also would be reinforced. The whole is assembled with 56 radial frames as shown in
the Figure 11 to achieve the actual arena (Figure 12).
The building is placed near the Arlanzón river, far from the historical town and not conditioned by
the preservation codes (Figure 13).
3. Proposal
Although we tried to base our design on the Sarmental facade rose window (Figure 14), immedi-
ately we derived to the Condestable Chapel roof (Figure 15) solved by means of a tensigrity
structure (Figure 16 and 17). Placed on the plant it is situated like shows the Figure 18. The
structural solution is shown in the Figure 19 where the poles hying the Figure 20. The rest of the
lines are cables prestressed from a reinforced concrete ring placed at the top level.
The most important condition was the mobility of the central part of the roof. The Figure 21 shows
the central star deployed and the Figure 22 completely closed.
The Figures 23 and 24 shows the internal views. The folding is realised around the central pole that
contains the mechanical devices, the platform for cameras and lights, ventilation and maintenance.
The materials proposed are Polyester PVC coated and steel.
Fig. 20. Solution placed on the actual building.
Fig. 23. Internal folded view. Fig. 24. Internal deployed view.
4. Structural Behaviour.
The loads to be considered in the proposal are snow (80 Kp/sqm.) selfweight (10 Kp/sqm.) and
wind pressure or suction (till 80 Kp/sqm.) symmetrical or unsymmetrical. The prestress to be
considered is the necessary to guaranty than any element become slack. With this conditions we
used our computer program specially developed for these cases.
This kind of structures works very well and looks fine as examples completed shows. The first by
Geiger in Seul or Florida with a 200 m. diameter or the most complexes by Levi in Atlanta, with a
elliptical plant or the Pulsar dome retractable at first.
A main advantage is that they can be erected by succesive loops, as shown in the Fig. 25.
5. References
1. Escrig, F. “Las grandes estructuras de los edificios históricos” Instituto Universitario de Ciencias
de la Construcción. Sevilla 1997.
2. Escrig, F. “Influence of the constructive systems in the structural perfomance of ancient domes”
Structural Studies of Historical Buildings IV. Vol 2. Computational Mechanics Pub, Southampton
3. Ishii, K. “Structural Desing of Retractable Roofs”. WIT Press. Southampton 2000.