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Self-Shielded, Flux-Cored Wires

About The Lincoln
Electric Company Lincoln’s Innershield® Wire
Lincoln Electric is the world’s premier Innershield wire by Lincoln Electric is one of the most user-friendly,
manufacturer of welding equipment and convenient, versatile wires on earth. This exceptionally feedable
and consistent wire includes shielding, slagging and deoxidizing
consumables. No company on earth is materials built right in to its inner core. That means no external gas
more focused on the ever-changing bottles or flux on the job! It’s a superb choice for bridges, offshore
needs of the welding drilling rigs, and other outside welding applications where winds are
a factor.
professional. Our business is all about
• Shielding, slagging and deoxidizing materials are built right in to
helping companies make their welding
the inner core.
operations more effective, more
• No need for external gas or flux.
efficient, more profitable.
• Many Innershield wires to choose from – a perfect wire for every
Lincoln is truly your “One Source” when
it comes to welding. We’re a company
• Recommended to be used with constant voltage power
that continually rededicates itself to the sources.
equally important goals of exceptional
• One of the most user-friendly welding processes on the market
quality, and exceptional service. Our today.
field support team –– with hundreds of • A great choice for use in moderately windy conditions.
field sales engineers and thousands of
• As with all of our wires, Innershield’s arc characteristics are
knowledgeable and responsive Lincoln outstanding! That’s because we pay more attention to
distributors in countries all over the chemistry, quality of raw materials, and manufacturing
processes than any wire manufacturer in the world!
world –– is the
largest in the industry. • Best of all, Innershield is designed and built by Lincoln Electric.
Our company is all about innovative thinking — about listening
Innovative thinking. A quality and and responding to the needs of welding professionals — about
service-first attitude. Fresh finding ways to make welding quicker, stronger, and more
approaches to design, manufacturing, efficient.
and packaging. Worldwide strength.
That’s Lincoln Electric.

Advantage Lincoln Contents Page
More precise control. Innershield’s open arc process allows the oper- Product Introduction . . . 2-3
ator to control the placement of the weld metal and the puddle with
exceptional accuracy.
Electrode Selection
Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
More consistent weld deposits. Innershield performs better because
Innershield is built better. The best raw materials, The best manufactur- High Speed Single
ing processes. The best quality control systems. Pass Welding . . . . . . . .6-11
Versatility. No matter what welding positions your job requires, there’s General Purpose
an Innershield wire specifically designed to handle it. We’ve provided Welding . . . . . . . . . . . .12-17
individual wire descriptions in this brochure that will make it easy for Structural Fabrication
you to choose the right Innershield product for your needs. Welding . . . . . . . . . . . .18-37
Better portability. Because Innershield is completely self-contained — Pipe Fabrication . . . . .38-41
with shielding, slagging and deoxidizing materials built right in to the
wire’s core – there’s no need for flux feeding systems or gas bottles. Agency Approvals . . . . . .42
That means increased portability of your rigs, and more efficient Storing Inneshield
welding operations.
Electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Better feedability. We’ve coated Innershield wire with specially
designed lubricants that keep the wire feeding beautifully — inch after
inch, coil after coil.

Typical Applications
Innershield wire is a great choice for a
wide range of applications, including:
• Automotive
• Trucks & Trailers
• Construction, Farming & Mining
• Bridges
• Buildings
• Storage Tanks
• Ships & Barges
• Offshore Oil Drilling Platforms
• Pipelines
• Structural Fabrication
• Maintenance & Repair

INNERSHIELD NR -1 & NR-5 AWS A5.20-95: E70T-3

horizontal single pass automatic
welding applications, NR-1 is NR-1
especially good on circumferential • Straight welds.
welds with overlapping. • Roundabouts that overlap the start. 1G 2F 2G
Recommended for materials
thicknesses up to 3/16” (4.8 mm). • Through welds on material up to 12
• Joints susceptible to slag trapping. AWS A5.20-95: E70T-3
• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need
• 3-o’clock position welds.
for external gas or flux. NOTE
• Can also be used for welds that NR-1 & NR-5 are not recommended
• Designed for high travel speeds –
require 100% penetration with for welding steel that is more than
up to 170 inches (4.3m) per minute.
copper back-up. 3/16” (4.8mm) thick, or for welding
• Our quality driven manufacturing multiple passes.
• NR-5 (3/32”) diameter can also be
system – certified to ISO 9002 – and
used in semiautomatic applications.
our exceptionally high grade raw
materials mean every coil of
Innershield delivers great arc
characteristics and superior


Tensile Strength Longitudinal Hardness
psi (MPa) Bend Test Rockwell B

Requirements 70,000 (480) 180º over 3/4” Radius —

AWS E70T-3 min. No openings exceeding 1/8”

Test Results
72,000 - 79,000
NR-1 Passed 95
(496 - 545)

73,000 - 81,000
NR-5 Passed 99
(503 - 558)
(1) Typical all weld metal.

600 Lb. 600 Lb.
Diameter Speed Feed® Speed Feed
Inches (mm) Drum Reel

.120 (3.0) EDS12150
5/32 (4.0) EDS12153

3/32 (2.4) ED012699 ED012701
.120 (3.0) ED012698

INNERSHIELD NR -1 & NR-5 AWS A5.20-95: E70T-3


Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

.120” NR-1 160 (4.1) 21 500 25.2 (11.4) 22.0 (10.0) 87

DC+ 200 (5.1) 22 610 31.6 (14.3) 28.0 (12.7) 89
1-1/4” (32mm) 240 (6.1) 23 700 37.9 (17.2) 33.0 (15.0) 87
2.63 lbs/1000” 295 (7.5) 24 810 46.5 (21.1) 40.0 (18.1) 86
320 (8.1) 25 850 50.5 (23.0) 43.0 (19.5) 85

5/32” NR-1 100 (2.5) 21 630 24.0 (10.9) 19.2 (8.7) 80

DC+ 110 (2.8) 22 680 26.4 (12.1) 21.2 (9.6) 80
1-1/4” (32 mm) 130 (3.3) 23 780 31.2 (14.2) 25.4 (11.5) 81
4.07 lbs/1000” 150 (3.8) 24 860 36.0 (16.3) 29.5 (13.4) 82
180 (4.6) 25 960 43.2 (20.1) 35.7 (16.2) 83

3/32” NR-5 100 (2.5) 22 340 9.9 (4.5) 7.8 (3.5) 77

DC+ 150 (3.8) 23 435 14.8 (6.7) 12.3 (5.6) 83
1” (25mm) 200 (5.1) 24 510 19.8 (9.0) 16.9 (7.7) 85
1.60 lbs/1000” 250 (6.4) 25 575 24.7 (11.2) 21.4 (9.7) 87

.120” NR-5 130 (3.3) 22 500 18.0 (8.2) 16.7 (7.6) 93

DC+ 165 (4.2) 23 600 23.0 (10.4) 20.9 (9.5) 91
1” (25mm) 205 (6.5) 24 700 28.5 (12.9) 25.6 (11.6) 90
2.46 lbs/1000” 255 (6.5) 25 800 35.5 (16.1) 31.5 (14.3) 90

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.

%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al %Ti

AWS E70T-3 Not Required

Test Results .21 1.30 .007 .014 .59 .03 .15

(1) Chemistry of single pass welds is highly dependent upon base metal chemistry and dilution.
Analysis shown are for information purposes only.

This electrode, and others of the same AWS classification, are not required to deposit weld
metal capable of delivering any minimum specified Charpy V-Notch (CVN ) properties. It
should not be used in applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required.
Typical applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required include, but are
not restricted to, bridges, pressure vessels, and buildings in seismic zones. The user of this
product is responsible for determining whether minimum CVN properties are required for
the specific application.

INNERSHIELD NR-131 AWS A5.20-95: E70T-10

For automatic and semiautomatic high TYPICAL APPLICATIONS WELDING POSITIONS

speed, single pass welding on sheet
metal with a thickness of .11” (2.8 mm) Single Arc:
or more. A solid performer for twin arc • 1/8” (3.2mm) and 3/16” (4.8mm)
welding applications, especially in flat, fillet welds with travel speeds up to 1G 2F 2G
horizontal, and automatic roundabout 75 in/min (1.9 m/min).
positions. High deposition rates and
travel speeds. CONFORMANCE
Twin Arc:
• 1/4” (6.4mm) and 5/16” (7.9 mm) AWS A5.20-95: E70T-10
ADVANTAGE LINCOLN fillet welds with travel speeds up to ABS: E70T-10
75 in/min (1.9 m/min).
• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need
• An excellent performer on fillets and
for external gas or flux.
laps. NR-131 is also a good choice
• Excellent deposition rates. for corner, edge and butt joints.
• High travel speeds.
• A great choice for welds that join
light steel to heavier members.
• Our quality driven manufacturing
system – certified to ISO 9002 – and
our exceptionally high grade raw
materials mean every coil of
Innershield delivers great arc char-
acteristics and superior feedability.


Tensile Strength Longitudinal Hardness
psi (MPa) Bend Test Rockwell B

Requirements 70,000 (480) 180º over 3/4” Radius

AWS E70T-10 min. No opening exceeding 1/8”

73,000 - 82,000
Test Results Passed 90
(503 - 565)

(1) Typical all weld metal.


600 Lb.
Diameter 50 Lb. Speed Feed
Inches (mm) Coil Reel

3/32 (2.4) EDS12162 ED012163

INNERSHIELD NR-131 AWS A5.20-95: E70T-10


Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition

Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

150 (3.8) 25.5 390 14.3 (6.5) 11.6 (5.3) 81

200 (5.1) 26 490 19.0 (8.6) 15.6 (7.1) 82
Single Arc DC-
250 (6.4) 26.5 570 23.7 (10.8) 19.6 (8.9) 82
1-1/4” (32mm)
350 (8.9) 27 720 33.1 (15.0) 27.6 (12.5) 83
1.580 lbs/1000”
425 (10.8) 27.5 810 40.1 (18.2) 33.6 (15.2) 83

3/32” 130 (3.3) 25.5 550 24.5 (11.1) 17.9 (8.1) 72

Twinarc DC- 175 (4.4) 26.5 740 33.0 (15.0) 26.4 (12.0) 79
1-1/2” (38mm) 225 (5.7) 27 910 42.5 (19.3) 34.8 (15.8) 81
3.160 lbs/1000” 275 (7.0) 28 1030 51.9 (23.5) 42.0 (19.1) 80
(for 2 wires) 325 (8.3) 29 1090 61.4 (27.9) 48.2 (21.9) 78

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.


%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al

AWS E70T-10 .23 .45 .006 .004 .25 1.17

Test Results .252 .53 .008 .009 .21 1.55

(1) Chemistry of single pass welds is highly dependent upon base metal chemistry and dilution.
Analysis shown are for information purposes only.

This electrode, and others of the same AWS classification, are not required to deposit weld
metal capable of delivering any minimum specified Charpy V-Notch (CVN ) properties. It
should not be used in applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required.
Typical applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required include, but are
not restricted to, bridges, pressure vessels, and buildings in seismic zones. The user of this
product is responsible for determining whether minimum CVN properties are required for
the specific application.

INNERSHIELD NR-152 AWS A5.20-95: E71T-14

Designed for high speed, single pass • Our quality driven manufacturing WELDING POSITIONS
automatic and semiautomatic welding system – certified to ISO 9002 – and
on materials from .030 - 3/16” our exceptionally high grade raw
(0.8 - 4.8 mm). A good choice for materials mean every coil of
1G 2F 2G
galvanized, specialty zinc-coated, or Innershield delivers great arc char-
aluminized carbon steels. acteristics and superior feedability.

4G 3G


• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need • Spot or stitch welds on .030” CONFORMANCE
for external gas or flux. (0.8mm) sheet metal and thicker.
AWS A5.20-95: E71T-14
• A great choice for coated steels. • Continuous welds on .048” (1.2mm)
uncoated sheet metal at travel
• NR-152’s exceptionally soft arc speeds of 40-60 in/min
means less burnthrough on thin (1.0-1.5m/min). NOTE
gauge materials. The preferred drag angle is 15°,
• Continuous welds on coated steels
• Excellent overlapping capabilities on however, NR-152 is capable of
in a travel range of 30-40 in/min
roundabouts. welding at zero drag angle, facilitating
(0.7-1.0 m/min).
easy fixturing in automatic
• Fast, sure restarts with no end applications.
clipping necessary.


Tensile Strength Longitudinal Hardness
psi (MPa) Bend Test Rockwell B

Requirements 72,000 (497) 180º over 3/4” Radius

AWS E71T-14 min. No opening exceeding 1/8”

72,000 - 82,000
Test Results Passed 93
(496 - 565)

(1) Typical all weld metal.

500 Lb 600 Lb. 600 Lb.
Diameter 25 Lb. 50 Lb. Speed Feed® Speed Feed Speed Feed
Inches (mm) Spool Coil Drum Drum Reel

.045 (1.1) EDS01702

.052 (1.3) EDS01703
.062 (1.6) EDS01021 ED012185 ED024301
.068 (1.7) ED012186 ED019579
5/64 (2.0) ED024265

INNERSHIELD NR-152 AWS A5.20-95: E71T-14


Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

.045” 60 (1.5) 15 95 1.3 (0.5) 1.1 (0.5) 84

DC- 90 (2.3) 16 135 2.1 (0.9) 1.8 (0.8) 85
3/8” (10mm) 120 (3.0) 17 160 2.8 (1.2) 2.5 (1.1) 89
.392 lbs/1000” 150 (3.8) 18 180 3.4 (1.5) 3.1 (1.4) 91

.052” 55 (1.4) 16 100 1.7 (0.7) 1.6 (0.7) 94

DC- 90 (2.3) 17 150 2.6 (1.1) 2.4 (1.1) 92
3/8” (10mm) 110 (2.8) 18 170 3.5 (1.5) 2.9 (1.3) 82
.500 lbs/1000” 130 (3.3) 19 190 3.8 (1.7) 3.5 (1.6) 92

.062” 30 (0.8) 13 90 1.3 (0.5) 1.2 (0.5) 92

DC- 40 (1.0) 14 115 1.8 (0.8) 1.6 (0.7) 88
3/8” (10mm) 50 (1.3) 15 140 2.2 (0.9) 2.0 (0.9) 90
.736 lbs/1000” 70 (1.8) 16.5 185 3.1 (1.4) 2.8 (1.3) 90
110 (2.8) 19 265 4.8 (2.1) 4.4 (2.0) 91

.068” 30 (0.8) 13 68 1.6 (0.7) 1.4 (0.6) 87

DC- 40 (1.0) 13.5 95 2.2 (0.9) 1.9 (0.9) 86
1/2” (13mm) 50 (1.3) 14.5 120 2.7 (1.2) 2.4 (1.1) 88
.910 lbs/1000” 60 (1.5) 15.5 145 3.3 (1.4) 2.9 (1.3) 87
80 (2.0) 16.5 190 4.4 (1.9) 3.9 (1.8) 88
110 (2.8) 20 240 6.0 (2.7) 5.4 (2.4) 90

5/64” 40 (1.0) 16 125 2.8 (1.2) 2.5 (1.1) 89

DC- 70 (1.8) 18 230 4.8 (2.1) 4.3 (1.9) 89
3/4” (19mm) 80 (2.0) 19 260 5.5 (2.4) 4.9 (2.2) 89
1.15 lbs/1000” 100 (2.5) 21 310 6.9 (3.1) 6.1 (2.7) 88
125 (3.2) 24 355 8.6 (3.9) 7.6 (3.4) 88

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.


%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al

AWS E71T-14 Not Required

Test Results
.062” (1.6 mm) .30 .99 .013 .007 .24 1.63
.068” (1.7 mm) .30 .91 .009 .011 .25 1.55
5/64” (2.0 mm) .26 .82 .008 .015 .21 1.07

(1) Chemistry of single pass welds is highly dependent upon base metal chemistry and dilution.
Analysis shown are for information purposes only.

This electrode, and others of the same AWS classification, are not required to deposit weld
metal capable of delivering any minimum specified Charpy V-Notch (CVN ) properties. It
should not be used in applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required.
Typical applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required include, but are
not restricted to, bridges, pressure vessels, and buildings in seismic zones. The user of this
product is responsible for determining whether minimum CVN properties are required for
the specific application.

INNERSHIELD NR-202 AWS A5.20-95: E71T-7

Good all position welding wire. Can • Our quality driven manufacturing WELDING POSITIONS
make very small welds at high travel system – certified to ISO 9002 –
speeds. Cost-effective tacking wire for and our exceptionally high grade
joining carbon steel. raw materials mean every coil of
1G 2F 2G
Innershield delivers great arc
characteristics and superior


3G 5G
• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need
for external gas or flux. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS
• Produces quality welds in moderate • Structural fabrication where no seis- CONFORMANCE
wind conditions with no tenting. mic requirements are present.
AWS A5.20-95: E71T-7
• A great wire to use when cost is a • Vertical and overhead plate welding. ASME SFA5.20: E71T-7
primary issue, and no impact ABS: E71T-7
properties are required. • Fabrication of machinery parts and
• Short assembly welds on brackets
and clips.
• Roundabout groove welds.


- As Welded per AWS A5.20
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation Hardness
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) Rockwell B

Requirements 58,000 (400) 70,000 (480) 22

AWS E71T-7 min. min. min.

60,000 - 75,000 72,000 - 95,000 22 - 27 87 - 93

Test Results
(414 - 517) (497 - 655)

(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially aged
at 220°F (104°C) for 48 hours, as permitted by AWS A5.20-95. A naturally aged tensile specimen may take
months to achieve the specified properties. See AWS A5.20-95, paragraph A8.3. The time required for the
natural aging of weld deposits is dependent upon ambient conditions, weldment geometry, the metallurgical
structure of the weld deposit and other factors.


Diameter 14 Lb.
Inches (mm) Coil

5/64 (2.0) ED012287

INNERSHIELD NR-202 AWS A5.20-95: E71T-7


Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition

Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

50 (1.3) 19.5 150 3.4 (1.5) 2.0 (0.9) 59

5/64” 100 (2.5) 20.5 235 6.8 (3.1) 5.1 (2.3) 75
DC- 150 (3.8) 21.5 305 10.2 (4.6) 8.3 (3.8) 81
1” (25mm) 175 (4.4) 22.5 335 11.9 (5.4) 9.9 (4.5) 83
1.09 lbs/1000” 200 (5.1) 22.5 365 13.6 (6.2) 11.4 (5.2) 84
230 (5.8) 23.5 400 15.7 (7.1) 13.3 (6.0) 85

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.

%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al

Report 1.75 .03 .03 .60 1.80
AWS E71T-7
Only max. max. max. max. max.

Test Results .19 .72 .007 .003 .20 1.34

(1) Typical all weld metal.

This electrode, and others of the same AWS classification, are not required to deposit weld
metal capable of delivering any minimum specified Charpy V-Notch (CVN ) properties. It
should not be used in applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required.
Typical applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required include, but are
not restricted to, bridges, pressure vessels, and buildings in seismic zones. The user of this
product is responsible for determining whether minimum CVN properties are required for
the specific application.

Innershield NR-212

Out-of-Position Welding with No Impact Requirements (AWS E71TG-G)

An alternative to NR-211-MP provided plate does not exceed 3/4” (19.0 mm).
A good choice for general purpose, all-position welding. Produces smooth
welds with excellent appearance.

Advantage Lincoln Welding Positions

• NR-212 is an extremely versatile wire. Weld in any position,
on a wide range of carbon steels, including coated steels.
• A good choice when poor fit-up is an issue. 1F 1G 2F 2G 3F 3F

• Produces quality welds in moderate wind conditions with no
• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need for external gas or flux. 3G 3G 4F 4G 5G

• Our quality driven manufacturing system – certified to
ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 – and our exceptionally high grade
raw materials mean every coil of Innershield® wire delivers Conformance
great arc characteristics and superior feedability. AWS A5.29-05: E71TG-G
ASME SFA-5.29: E71TG-G

Typical Applications
Maximum Plate Thickness
• Single or multiple pass, all position welding on materials .045”
(1.1 mm) to a maximum plate thickness of 3/4” (19.0 mm) Diameters Maximum Plate Thickness
.045”, .068”, 5/64”
• Can be used on weathering steels where a color match is 3/4” (19.1 mm)
(1.1, 1.7, 2.0 mm)
• Structural fabrication where no seismic requirements are
• Short assembly welds.
• Coated steel welds.
• Robotic applications.


Diameter 10 Lb. (4.5kg) 14 Lb. (6.4kg) 25 Lb. (11kg) 50 Lb. (23kg)

in. (mm) Plastic Spool Coil Steel Spool Coil

.045 (1.1) ED026090 ED030639

.068 (1.7) ED027803 ED030642
5/64 (2.0) ED027794 ED030646 ED026858

MECHANICAL PROPERTIES – As Required per AWS A5.29-05

Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation

ksi (MPa) ksi (MPa) (%)

Requirements 58 (400) 70 - 90 22
AWS E71TG-G min. (480 - 620) min.

Typical Results(1) 61 - 67 81 - 86 26-27

(420 - 462) (560 - 594)

(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially
aged at 220°F (104°C) for 48 hours, as permitted by AWS A5.29-05. A naturally aged tensile specimen may
take months to achieve the specified properties. See AWS A5.29-05. The time required for the natural aging
of weld deposits is dependent upon ambient conditions, weldment geometry, the metallurgical structure of
the weld deposit and other factors.

DEPOSIT COMPOSITION - As Welded per AWS A5.29-05

%C %P %S %Mn* %Si %Al %Ni* %Cr* %Mo* %V*

Requirements Report .03 .03 0.5 1.0 1.80 .50 .30 .20 .10
AWS E71TG-G only max. max. min. max. max. min. min. min. min.

Typical Results .08-.10 .007-.01 .001-.003 .93-.97 .30-.31 1.3-1.52 1.03-1.10 .03 .01 <.01

NOTE: In order to meet the alloy AWS requirements of the G group, the weld deposit needs to have the minimum, as specified in the table, of only one of
the elements marked with an asterisk.


Polarity Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
CTWD(1) Wire Feed Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

55 (1.4) 14 75 1.3 (0.6) 1.1 (0.5) 84

.045” (1.1mm) 70 (1.8) 15 90 1.6 (0.7) 1.4 (0.6) 87
DC- 90 (2.3) 16 115 2.1 (0.9) 1.8 (0.8) 85
5/8” (16mm) 110 (2.8) 17 135 2.6 (1.2) 2.2 (1.0) 84
.393 lbs/1000” 130 (3.3) 18 155 3.1 (1.4) 2.6 (1.2) 83
(7.0 g/m) 150 (3.8) 19 170 3.5 (1.6) 3.0 (1.4) 85

60 (1.5) 16 145 3.1 (1.4) 2.4 (1.1) 77

.068” (1.7mm) 75 (1.9) 18 180 3.8 (1.7) 3.2 (1.4) 84
DC- 90 (2.3) 19 200 4.5 (2.0) 3.8 (1.7) 84
1” (25mm) 120 (3.0) 20 230 6.0 (2.7) 5.2 (2.3) 86
.820 lbs/1000” 150 (3.8) 21 255 7.4 (3.3) 6.4 (2.9) 86
(14.6 g/m) 175 (4.4) 22 275 8.7 (3.9) 7.5 (3.4) 86

60 (1.5) 16 200 3.8 (1.7) 3.3 (1.5) 86

5/64” (2.0mm) 75 (1.9) 18 225 4.7 (2.1) 4.1 (1.8) 87
DC- 90 (2.3) 19 245 5.7 (2.6) 5.0 (2.3) 87
1” (25mm) 110 (2.8) 20 275 7.1 (3.2) 6.2 (2.8) 87
1.064 lbs/1000” 130 (3.3) 21 300 8.3 (3.7) 7.3 (3.3) 87
(19.0 g/m) 150 (3.8) 22 325 9.6 (4.3) 8.4 (3.8) 87

(1) To estimate ESO, subtract 1/4” (6.4 mm) from CTWD.

This electrode, and others of the same AWS classification, are not required to deposit weld metal capable of delivering any minimum specified Charpy V-
Notch (CVN ) properties. It should not be used in applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required. Typical applications where minimum
specified CVN properties are required include, but are not restricted to, bridges, pressure vessels, and buildings in seismic zones. The user of this product
is responsible for determining whether minimum CVN properties are required for the specific application.

Test results for mechanical properties, deposit or electrode composition and diffusible hydrogen levels were obtained from a weld produced and tested according to prescribed
standards, and should not be assumed to be the expected results in a particular application or weldment. Actual results will vary depending on many factors, including, but not
limited to, weld procedure, plate chemistry and temperature, weldment design and fabrication methods. Users are cautioned to confirm by qualification testing, or other appro-
priate means, the suitability of any welding consumable and procedure before use in the intended application.


Great for all-position (including vertical • Our quality driven manufacturing WELDING POSITIONS
down) single and multiple pass system – certified to ISO 9002 – and
welding with mild steel and some low our exceptionally high grade raw
alloy steels. Handles poor fit-up on materials mean every coil of
1G 2F 2G
heavy wall tubes and gaps up to 3/8” Innershield delivers great arc char-
(9.5mm) with 1/4” (6.4mm) offset. acteristics and superior feedability.
Excellent Charpy V-Notch properties.


ADVANTAGE LINCOLN • General plate fabrication, including

• Fast freezing slag system facilitates bridge construction, hull plate and
all position welding, including stiffener welding on ships and

vertical down. barges.
• Handles poor fit-up on heavy wall • Fabrication of storage tanks. CONFORMANCE
tubes. Gaps up to 3/8” (9.5 mm)
• Structural fabrication, including AWS A5.20-95: E71T-8J
with 1/4” (6.35 mm) offset are
applications involving seismic ASME SFA-5.20: E71T-8J
requirements. ABS: 3SA-3YSAH15
• Makes root beads in groove welds Lloyd’s: 3S-3YH15
without backup bars. DNV: III YMSH15
• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need GL: 3YSH15
for external gas or flux. BV: SA3YMH
• Produces quality welds in moderate NK: KSW53NH10
wind conditions with no tenting.


Charpy V-Notch
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation ft-lbs (Joules) Hardness
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) @ -20°F (-29°C) @-40°F (-40°C) Rockwell B
Requirements 58,000 (400) 70,000 (480) 22 Not 20 (27)

AWS E71T-8 min. min. min. Specified min.

58,000 (400) 70,000 (480) 22 Not 20 (27)

AWS E71T-8J —
min. min. min. Specified min.

60,000 - 65,000 72,000 - 80,000 50 - 200 66

Test Results 28 - 31 82 - 92
(414 - 448) (496 - 552) (68 - 271) (90)

The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially aged at 220°F (104°C)
for 48 hours, as permitted by AWS A5.20-95. A naturally aged tensile specimen may take months to achieve the specified
properties. See AWS A5.20-95, paragraph A8.3. The time required for the natural aging of weld deposits is dependent upon
ambient conditions, weldment geometry, the metallurgical structure of the weld deposit and other factors.

Diameter 14 Lb 22 Lb
Inches (mm) Coil Readi-Reel®

.068 (1.7) ED025040

5/64 (2.0) ED021604



Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition

Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

70 (1.8) 16 145 3.3 (1.5) 2.3 (1.0) 69

90 (2.3) 18 180 4.2 (1.9) 3.2 (1.5) 76
120 (3.0) 20 225 5.6 (2.5) 4.3 (2.0) 76
3/4” (19mm)
140 (3.5) 21 255 6.4 (2.9) 4.8 (2.2) 75
.782 lbs/1000”
150 (3.8) 23 265 6.8 (3.1) 5.1 (2.3) 75

50 (1.3) 16 130 3.1 (1.4) 1.9 (0.9) 61

5/64” 70 (1.8) 18 180 4.3 (2.0) 2.9 (1.3) 67
DC- 90 (2.3) 19 220 5.6 (2.5) 4.2 (1.9) 75
3/4” (19mm) 110 (2.8) 20 260 6.8 (3.1) 5.3 (2.4) 77
1.032 lbs/1000” 120 (3.0) 21 280 7.4 (3.4) 5.9 (2.7) 79
140 (3.6) 22 310 8.7 (3.9) 6.8 (3.1) 78

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.

%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al

Report 1.75 .03 .03 .60 1.8
only max. max. max. max. max.

Test Results .075 1.45 <.010 <.003 .33 .80

The opacity of NR-203MP slag to x-ray is such that slag inclusions will normally appear lighter than the weld.
Voids will normally appear darker than the weld. When using gamma-radiography, slag inclusions and voids will
normally appear darker than the weld. Improved x-ray film readability usually can be obtained by slight over-
exposure at an excitation potential consistent with good x-ray practice, but not over 240 KV. For detailed
information on welding techniques, procedure adjustments, and their effects on weld appearance and quality,
request publication C3.2400 “Innershield Electrode - Semiautomatic Production Welding Guide”.

INNERSHIELD NR-203 NICKEL (1%) AWS A5.29-98: E71T8-Ni1

Use for all-position, including vertical • Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need WELDING POSITIONS
down. For single and multiple pass for external gas or flux.
welding on mild steel and some low
• Produces quality welds in moderate
alloy steels. Performs well in
wind conditions with no tenting. 1G 2F 2G
automatic and semiautomatic
applications. Produces a nickel • Our quality driven manufacturing
bearing weld deposit with Charpy system – certified to ISO 9002 –
V-Notch properties. Can weld gaps up and our exceptionally high grade


3G 3G
to 3/8” (9.5 mm). raw materials mean every coil of
Innershield delivers great arc
ADVANTAGE LINCOLN characteristics and superior

feedability. 5G
• A good choice for use on weathering
steels where color match is CONFORMANCE
AWS A5.29-98: E71T8-Ni1
• Handles poor fit-up in the vertical up • Roundabout groove welds on heavy ASME SFA-5.29: E71T8-Ni1
position. Welds gaps up to 3/8” wall tubular construction ABS: 3SA-3YSA
(9.5mm). Lloyd’s: 3S-3YSH15
• Offshore welding applications.
• Produces a nickel alloyed weld
• Bridges and other outdoor structural
deposit (.80 - 1.10%).
components with weathering steel.
• Makes root beads in groove welds
without backup bars.


Charpy V-Notch
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation ft-lbs (Joules)
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) @ -20°F (-29°C) @ -40ºF (-40ºC)

Requirements 58,000 min. 70,000 - 90,000 20 20 (27) Not

AWS E71T8-Ni1 (400) (483 - 620) min. min. Specified

66,000 - 75,000 72,000 - 85,000 20 - 30 24 - 111 42 - 87

Test Results
(455 - 517) (496 - 585) (33 - 151) (57 - 118)

Stress-Relieved 61,000 - 70,000 67,000 - 74,000 70 - 99

27 - 30 —
1 Hr @ 1150°F (621°C) (421 - 483) (462 - 510) (95 - 134)
(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially aged at 220°F (104°C)
for 48 hours, as permitted by AWS A5.29-98. A naturally aged tensile specimen may take months to achieve the specified
properties. The time required for the natural aging of weld deposits is dependent upon ambient conditions, weldment geometry,
the metallurgical structure of the weld deposit and other factors.

Diameter 14 Lb 50 Lb
Inches (mm) Coil Coil

5/64 (2.0) ED012385 ED012386

3/32 (2.4) ED012383 ED012384

INNERSHIELD NR-203 NICKEL (1%) AWS A5.29-98: E71T8-Ni1


Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

50 (1.3) 16.5 145 3.0 (1.4) 2.3 (1.0) 76

5/64” 70 (1.8) 18.5 195 4.3 (2.0) 3.3 (1.5) 76
DC- 90 (2.3) 19.5 240 5.5 (2.5) 4.3 (2.0) 78
3/4” (19mm) 110 (2.8) 20.5 275 6.7 (3.0) 5.3 (2.4) 79
1.015 lbs/1000” 120 (3.1) 21.5 290 7.3 (3.3) 5.8 (2.6) 79
140 (3.6) 22.5 310 8.5 (3.9) 6.9 (3.1) 81

50 (1.3) 18.5 215 4.6 (2.1) 3.6 (1.6) 78

70 (1.8) 19.5 260 6.4 (2.9) 5.1 (2.3) 79
95 (2.4) 21.5 315 8.7 (3.9) 7.0 (3.2) 80
3/4” (19mm)
110 (2.8) 22.5 345 10.0 (4.5) 8.1 (3.7) 81
1.518 lbs/1000”
130 (3.3) 23.5 385 11.8 (5.4) 9.6 (4.4) 81

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.

%C %Mn %Ni %P %S %Si %Al %V %Cr %Mo

0.12 1.50 .80 - 0.03 0.03 0.80 1.8 0.05 0.15 0.35
AWS E71T8-Ni1
max. max. 1.10 max. max. max. max. max. max. max.

Test Results .081 1.17 .96 .006 .003 .27 .88 <.01 .03 .02

This electrode has been tested in accordance with FEMA 353 - Recommended
Specifications and Quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel Moment-Frame Construction for
Seismic Applications and is capable of depositing weld metal that delivers minimum CVN
properties of 40 ft-lbs. at 70°F (95 Joules at 21°C)at low and high heat input levels. As
required by the AWS classification, it meets a minimum CVN of 20 ft-lbs. at -20°F (27 Joules
at -29°C), when tested in accordance with AWS A5.20. This electrode will also deposit weld
metal that will meet the requirements for H16 as tested according to AWS A4.3
FEMA 353 test certificates are available upon request.

The opacity of NR-203 Nickel (1%) slag to x-ray is such that slag inclusions will normally appear lighter than the weld. Voids will normally
appear darker than the weld. When using gamma-radiography, slag inclusions and voids will normally appear darker than the weld.
Improved x-ray film readability usually can be obtained by slight over-exposure at an excitation potential consistent with good x-ray
practice, but not over 240 KV. For detailed information on welding techniques, procedure adjustments, and their effects on weld appear-
ance and quality, request publication C3.2400 “Innershield Electrode - Semiautomatic Production Welding Guide”.



deposit with good Charpy V-Notch
properties at low temperatures. • Applications requiring good CTOD
Designed for single and multiple pass properties and Charpy V-Notch
welding in automatic and properties. 1G 2F 2G

semiautomatic applications. • Offshore welding applications.

• Storage, pipe, transportation and
ADVANTAGE LINCOLN other applications involving low tem- 4G

3G 3G
perature alloys.
• Produces a nickel alloyed weld
deposit (0.40 - 1.10%). • Roundabout groove welds on heavy
wall tubular construction.

• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need 5G

for external gas or flux. • General plate fabrication including

• Produces quality welds in moderate
wind conditions with no tenting. • Hull plate and stiffener welding on AWS A5.29-98: E61T8-K6
ships and barges. ASME SFA5.29: E61T8-K6
• Our quality driven manufacturing ABS: 3SA
system – certified to ISO 9002 – Lloyd’s: 3SH15
and our exceptionally high grade DNV: III MS(H15)
raw materials mean every coil of
Innershield delivers great arc
characteristics and superior


Charpy V-Notch
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation ft-lbs (Joules) Hardness
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) @ -20°F (-29°C) @ -40ºF (-40ºC) Rockwell B

Requirements 50,000 min. 60,000 - 80,000 22 20 (27) Not

AWS E61T8-K6 (345) (414 - 551) min. min. Required

58,000 71,000 80 - 264 50 - 175

Test Results 29 80
(400) (489) (108 - 358) (68 - 237)

(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially aged at 220°F (104°C) for 48 hours,
as permitted by AWS A5.29-98. A naturally aged tensile specimen may take months to achieve the specified properties. The time required
for the natural aging of weld deposits is dependent upon ambient conditions, weldment geometry, the metallurgical structure of the weld
deposit and other factors.

Diameter 14 Lb
Inches (mm) Coil

5/64 (2.0) ED012310



Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

5/64” 50 (1.3) 16.5 120 3.2 (1.5) 2.1 (1.0) 66

DC- 70 (1.8) 17.5 170 4.5 (2.0) 3.2 (1.5) 71
3/4” (19mm) 90 (2.3) 19.5 210 5.8 (2.6) 4.3 (2.0) 74
1.062 lbs/1000” 110 (2.8) 20.5 240 7.0 (3.2) 5.4 (2.4) 77

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.

%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al %V %Ni %Cr %Mo

0.15 .50 - .03 .03 .80 1.8 .05 .40 - .20 .15
AWS E61T8-K6
max. 1.50 max. max. max. max. max. 1.00 max. max.

Test Results .058 .83 .004 <.003 .05 .73 <.01 .57 .08 <.01

The opacity of NR-203 Nickel C slag to x-ray is such that slag inclusions will normally appear lighter than the weld.
Voids will normally appear darker than the weld. When using gamma-radiography, slag inclusions and voids will nor-
mally appear darker than the weld. Improved x-ray film readability usually can be obtained by slight over-exposure
at an excitation potential consistent with good x-ray practice, but not over 240 KV. For detailed information on
welding techniques, procedure adjustments, and their effects on weld appearance and quality, request publication
C3.2400 “Innershield Electrode - Semiautomatic Production Welding Guide”.

INNERSHIELD NR-203 Ni C Plus AWS A5.29-98: E71T8-K2

Similar to NR-203 Nickel C, but with • Our quality driven manufacturing WELDING POSITIONS
increased strength to join higher system – certified to ISO 9002 –
strength steels. Handles poor fit-up and our exceptionally high grade
in the vertical-up position and welds raw materials mean every coil of
1G 2F 2G
gaps up to 1/4” (6.4 mm) with offsets Innershield delivers great arc
up to 1/4” (6.4 mm). characteristics and superior


3G 3G
• A good choice for welding
weathering steels. • Applications requiring good Charpy

V-Notch properties. 5G
• Handles poor fit-up in the vertical up
position. Successfully welds gaps • Roundabout groove welds on heavy
up to 1/4” with offsets up to 1/4”. wall tubular construction. CONFORMANCE
• Produces a nickel alloyed weld • Offshore welding applications. AWS A5.29-98: E71T8-K2
deposit (1.0 - 2.0%). ASME A5.29: E71T8-K2
• Structural fabrication, including
• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need those with seismic requirements(1).
for external gas or flux.
• General plate fabrication including
• Produces quality welds in moderate bridges.
wind conditions with no tenting.
• Hull plate and stiffener welding on
ships and barges.


Charpy V-Notch
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation ft-lbs (Joules)
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) @ -20°F (-29°C)

Requirements 58,000 min. 70,000 - 90,000 20 20 min.

AWS E71T8-K2 (400) (490 - 620) min. (27)

61,000 - 72,000 72,000 - 84,000 102 - 212

Test Results 22 - 30
(421 - 496) (496 - 579) (137 - 285)

(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially
aged at 220°F (104°C) for 48 hours, as permitted by AWS A5.29-98. A naturally aged tensile specimen
may take months to achieve the specified properties. The time required for the natural aging of weld
deposits is dependent upon ambient conditions, weldment geometry, the metallurgical structure of the
weld deposit and other factors.


Diameter 14 Lb.
Inches (mm) Coil

5/64 (2.0) ED020227

INNERSHIELD NR-203 Ni C Plus AWS A5.29-98: E71T8-K2


Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

5/64” 50 (1.3) 16.5 115 3.2 (1.5) 2.3 (1.0) 72

DC- 70 (1.8) 17.5 170 4.5 (2.0) 3.3 (1.5) 73
3/4” (19mm) 90 (2.3) 19.5 210 5.8 (2.6) 4.4 (2.0) 76
1.091 lbs/1000” 110 (2.8) 20.5 245 7.0 (3.2) 5.5 (2.5) 79

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.

%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al %V %Ni %Cr %Mo

0.15 0.5 - 0.03 0.03 0.80 1.8 0.05 1.00 - 0.15 0.35
AWS E71T8-K2
max. 1.75 max. max. max. max. max. 2.00 max. max.

Test Results .05 .85 .009 <.003 .07 1.08 <.01 1.27 .14 .02

The opacity of NR-203 Ni C Plus slag to x-ray is such that slag inclusions will normally appear lighter than the
weld. Voids will normally appear darker than the weld. When using gamma-radiography, slag inclusions and
voids will normally appear darker than the weld. Improved x-ray film readability usually can be obtained by
slight over-exposure at an excitation potential consistent with good x-ray practice, but not over 240 KV. For
detailed information on welding techniques, procedure adjustments, and their effects on weld appearance
and quality, request publication C3.2400 “Innershield Electrode - Semiautomatic Production Welding Guide”.

INNERSHIELD NR-232 AWS A5.20-95: E71T-8

High deposition rate out-of-position • Our quality driven manufacturing WELDING POSITIONS
welding. Designed for single and system – certified to ISO 9002 –
multiple pass welding of 3/16” and our exceptionally high grade
(4.8mm) and heavier mild steel, as raw materials mean every coil of
well as some low alloy steels. Innershield delivers great arc 1G 2F 2G
Self-peeling slag. Excellent Charpy characteristics and superior
V-Notch properties. feedability.


3G 5G
• Fast freezing slag system supports • Structural fabrication, including AWS A5.20-95: E71T-8
high deposition rates on those subject to seismic require- ASME SFA5.20: E71T-8
out-of-position welding. ments(1). ABS: 3SA-3YSAH
• Self peeling slag. • General plate fabrication including Lloyd’s: 3S-3YSH15
bridges. DNV: III YMSH15
• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need
G.L.: 3YSH10
for external gas or flux. • Hull plate and stiffener welding on N.K.: KSW 53NH10
ships and barges. MIL Spec: MIL-71T-8AS
• Produces quality welds in moderate
wind conditions with no tenting. • Machinery parts, tanks, hoppers, B.V.: SA3YMH
racks and scaffolding.


Charpy V-Notch
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation ft-lbs (Joules) Hardness
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) @ -20°F (-29°C) Rockwell B

Requirements 58,000 (400) 70,000 (480) 22 20

AWS E71T-8 min. min. min. (27)

60,000 - 74,000 72,000 - 87,000 22 - 30 20 - 69 88-90

Test Results
(414 - 510) (496 - 600) (27 - 94)

(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially aged at 220°F
(104°C) for 48 hours, as permitted by AWS A5.20-95. A naturally aged tensile specimen may take months to achieve the
specified properties. See AWS A5.20-95, paragraph A8.3. The time required for the natural aging of weld deposits is
dependent upon ambient conditions, weldment geometry, the metallurgical structure of the weld deposit and other factors.


Seismic Welding Products

Hermetically Sealed Package T2 Lot Controlled and Tested
33 Lb. Steel 33 Lb. Steel
Diameter 13.5 Lb. 22 Lb. 50 Lb. 13.5 Lb. Coil Spool 13.5 Lb. Coil Spool
Inches (mm) Coil Readi-Reel® Coil (Sealed Pail) (Foil Bag) (Sealed Pail) (Foil Bag)

.068 (1.7) ED012518 ED012519 ED030003 ED030371 ED030381 ED030382

.072 (1.8) ED012522 ED012521 ED012523 ED030232 ED030372 ED030384 ED030384
5/64 (2.0) ED012525 ED012524 ED012526

INNERSHIELD NR-232 AWS A5.20-95: E71T-8


Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

110 (2.7) 19 195 5.0 (2.3) 3.9 (1.8) 78

.068” 130 (3.3) 20 225 6.2 (2.8) 4.6 (2.0) 74
DC- 150 (3.8) 20 250 7.1 (3.2) 5.3 (2.4) 75
1/2-1” (12-25mm) 170 (4.3) 21 270 7.8 (3.5) 6.1 (2.8) 78
.755 lbs/1000” 195 (5.0) 23.5 300 9.4 (4.3) 7.0 (3.2) 74
250 (6.4) 23.5 350 11.8 (5.4) 9.0 (4.0) 76
320 (7.4) 26 400 15.2 (6.9) 11.4 (5.2) 75

80 (2.0) 17 130 4.0 (1.8) 3.3 (1.5) 83

.072” 140 (3.6) 19.5 225 6.8 (3.1) 5.5 (2.5) 81
DC- 155 (3.9) 20.5 240 7.2 (3.3) 6.0 (2.7) 83
1/2-1” (12-25mm) 170 (4.3) 21.5 255 8.0 (3.6) 6.5 (2.9) 81
.778 lbs/1000” 250 (6.4) 23 315 11.7 (5.3) 9.6 (4.3) 82
290 (7.4) 24 350 13.6 (6.2) 11.0 (5.0) 81

5/64” 60 (1.5) 16.5 145 3.7 (1.7) 2.7 (1.2) 73

115 (2.9) 19.5 260 7.0 (3.2) 5.5 (2.5) 78
120 (3.0) 19.5 270 7.3 (3.3) 5.7 (2.6) 78
1/2-1” (12-25mm)
130 (3.3) 20.5 285 7.8 (3.5) 6.2 (2.8) 79
1.000 lbs/1000”
180 (4.6) 22.5 365 10.9 (5.0) 8.7 (3.9) 80

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.

%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al

Report 1.75 .03 .03 .60 1.8
AWS E71T-8 only max. max. max. max. max.

Test Results .17 .72 .007 .003 .31 .71

This electrode has been tested in accordance with FEMA 353 - Recommended
Specifications and Quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel Moment-Frame Construction for
Seismic Applications and is capable of depositing weld metal that delivers minimum CVN
properties of 40 ft-lbs. at 70°F (95 Joules at 21°C)at low and high heat input levels. As
required by the AWS classification, it meets a minimum CVN of 20 ft-lbs. at -20°F (27 Joules
at -29°C), when tested in accordance with AWS A5.20. This electrode will also deposit weld
metal that will meet the requirements for H16 as tested according to AWS A4.3
FEMA 353 test certificates are available upon request.

INNERSHIELD NR-233 AWS A5.20-95: E71T-8

NR-233 is an advanced technology, • User-friendly for the welder: a more CONFORMANCE

self-shielded flux-cored electrode forgiving arc with greater penetration
designed for high deposition rate makes it easier to pass qualification AWS A5.20-95: E71T-8
welding - even when welding out-of- tests, and makes for better quality ASME SFA-5.20: E71T-8
position in seismic and non-seismic welds in production — and the
structural steel applications. It’s also welds look great. WELDING POSITIONS
great for overhead and vertical up fillet • NR-233 has been formulated to
welding for ship and barge fabrication. minimize gas marking, even after the
The electrode is welder-friendly, mak- electrode has been exposed to the
ing it easier to pass tough qualification atmosphere. 1F 1G 2F
tests and deposit great looking beads.
It does all this while delivering Charpy • A stiffer electrode than competitive
V-Notch properties that meet many of alternatives, NR-233 feeds better
the more stringent codes and with fewer production interruptions.


3F 5G
pecifications in seismic applications.


4G 3G
• Vertical up fillet and groove welds
• User-friendly for the engineer: meets
many of the more stringent codes • Overhead fillet and groove welds
and standards for Charpy V-Notch Allowable exposure per
• Seismic structural steel erection
requirements, such as those listed in Appendix D of FEMA 353
FEMA 353. • General structural steel erection
• Ship and barge fabrication 4 Weeks
• User-friendly for the superintendent:
higher deposition rates mean faster
building erection, quicker launch of Note: Appendix D of FEMA 353 allows
the barge, or more throughput in fab- additional exposure beyond the
24 hour limit.
rication. In short: less cost and more


- As Required per AWS A5.20-95

Charpy V-Notch
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation ft.lbf (Joules)
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) @ -20°F (-29°C)

Requirements 58,000 (400) 70,000 (480) 22 20 (27)

AWS E71T-8 min. min. min. min.

Typical Test Results 62,300 -71,000 73,000 - 92,000 22 - 32 23 - 48

(430 -490) (505-635) (31-65)

(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially aged at 220º F (104º C) for 48 hours,
as permitted by AWS A5.20-95. A naturally aged tensile specimen may take months to achieve the specified properties. See AWS A5.20-95,
paragraph A8.3. The time required for the natural aging of weld deposits is dependent upon ambient conditions, weldment geometry, the
metallurgical structure of the weld deposit and other factors.

12.5 Lb 25 Lb 25 Lb
Diameter (5.7kg) (11.3kg) (11.3kg)
Inches (mm) Plastic Spool Plastic Spool Plastic Spool
in Sealed Bag

1/16 (1.6) ED030933 ED030934 ED031576

.072 (1.8) ED031030 ED031577

INNERSHIELD NR-233 AWS A5.20-95: E71T-8


Polarity Wire Feed Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
CTWD (1) Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

1/16” 150 (3.8) 17-19 220 5.3 (2.4) 4.2 (1.9) 80

DC- 200 (5.1) 19-21 245 7.1 (3.2) 5.4 (2.5) 76
1/2-1-1/4" (13-32mm) 250 (6.4) 21-23 270 8.9 (4.0) 6.6 (3.0) 74
0.582 lbs/1000” 300 (7.6) 23-25 295 10.4 (4.7) 7.7 (3.5) 75
350 (8.9) 25-27 315 12.3 (5.6) 9.4 (4.3) 77

.072 100 (2.5) 17-19 185 4.5 (2.0) 3.6 (1.6) 80

DC- 150 (3.8) 18-19 250 6.7 (3.1) 5.4 (2.5) 80
3/4-1" (19-25mm) 200 (5.1) 20-21 295 8.9 (4.0) 7.1 (3.2) 81
0.746 lbs./1000" 250 (6.4) 22-23 330 11.2 (5.1) 8.9 (4.0) 79
300 (7.6) 23-34 355 13.4 (6.1) 10.6 (4.8) 79

(1) To estimate ESO, subtract 1/4” (6.4mm) from CTWD.

Note: For horizontal welding, subtract 1 volt.

DEPOSIT COMPOSITION - As Required per AWS A5.20-95

%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al

Requirements Report 1.75 0.03 0.03 0.60 1.8

AWS E71T-8 Only max. max. max. max. max.

Typical Test Results 0.17-0.23 0.45-0.66 0.006-0.009 0.003 0.14-0.25 0.47-0.71

FEMA 353
This electrode has been tested in accordance with FEMA 353 - Recommended Specifications and Quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel Moment-Frame
Construction for Seismic Applications and is capable of depositing weld metal that delivers minimum CVN properties of 40 ft.lbf at 70˚ F (54 Joules at 21˚ C)
at low and high heat input levels. As required by the AWS classification, it meets a minimum CVN of 20 ft.lbf at -20˚ F (27 Joules at -29˚ C), when tested in
accordance with AWS A5.20. This electrode will also deposit metal that will meet the requirements for H16 as tested according to AWS A4.3. FEMA
certificates are available upon request.


Test results for mechanical properties, deposit or electrode composition and diffusible hydrogen levels were obtained from a weld produced and tested according to prescribed
standards, and should not be assumed to be the expected results in a particular application or weldment. Actual results will vary depending on many factors, including, but not limited
to, weld procedure, plate chemistry and temperature, weldment design and fabrication methods. Users are cautioned to confirm by qualification testing, or other appropriate means, the
suitability of any welding consumable and procedure before use in the intended application.

INNERSHIELD NR-305 AWS A5.20-95: E70T-6

Great for downhand welding applica- • Our quality driven manufacturing WELDING POSITIONS
tions where high deposition rates and system – certified to ISO 9002 – and
Charpy V-Notch properties are our exceptionally high grade raw
desired. Designed for use with mild materials mean every coil of
steel and some low alloy steels for Innershield delivers great arc char- 1G 2F 2G
single and multiple pass, automatic acteristics and superior feedability.
and semiautomatic welding. Excellent
operator appeal. CONFORMANCE
ASME SFA5.20: E70T-6
ADVANTAGE LINCOLN • General plate fabrication including
bridges and offshore rigs.
• A great choice when high DNV: II YMS
deposition rates and good • Shipyards. GL: 2YS
penetration are desired. BV: SA2YM
• Stiffener welding on ships and
• Low spatter. barges.
• Welds well on lightly rusted or • Welding over tack welds made with
primed plate. stick electrodes.
• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need
for external gas or flux.
• Produces quality welds in moderate
wind conditions with no tenting.


Charpy V-Notch
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation ft-lbs (Joules)
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) @ 0°F (-18°C) @ -20°F (-29°C)

Requirements 58,000 (400) 70,000 (480) 22 20 (27)

AWS E70T-6 min. min. min. min.

Test Results 62,000 - 76,000 72,000 - 89,000 23 - 32 21 - 54 21 - 35

As Welded (427 - 524) (496 - 614) (28 - 73) (28 - 47)

Stress Relieved 54,000 - 62,000 71,000 - 84,000 28 - 37 34 - 60 20 - 56

1 Hr @ 1150°F (621°C) (372 - 427) (489 - 579) (46 - 81) (27 - 76)

(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially aged at 220°F
(104°C) for 48 hours, as permitted by AWS A5.20-95. A naturally aged tensile specimen may take months to achieve the
specified properties. See AWS A5.20-95, paragraph A8.3. The time required for the natural aging of weld deposits is
dependent upon ambient conditions, weldment geometry, the metallurgical structure of the weld deposit and other factors.

Seismic Welding Products
Hermetically Sealed Package T2 Lot Controlled and Tested
Diameter 13.5 Lb. 50 Lb. 22 Lb. Readi-Reel 50 Lb. Coil 22 Lb. Readi-Reel 50 Lb. Coil
Inches (mm) Coil Coil (Foil Bag) (Foil Bag) (Foil Bag) (Foil Bag)

5/64 (2.0) ED012518 (2) (2) (2) (2)

3/32 (2.4) ED012593 ED030373 ED030005 ED030385 ED0303846

(2) 5/64 in. NR305 is not recommended for seismic welding applications.

INNERSHIELD NR-305 AWS A5.20-95: E70T-6


Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

5/64” 200 (5.1) 22 385 12.8 (5.8) 10.0 (4.5) 78

DC+ 250 (6.4) 25 430 16.0 (7.2) 13.0 (5.8) 81
7/8” to 1-3/4” 350 (8.8) 30 450 22.5 (10.2) 18.8 (8.5) 83
(22- 44 mm) 450 (11.4) 32 545 28.9 (13.1) 24.5 (11.1) 84
1.07 lbs/1000”

3/32” 160 (4.1) 22 330 13.3 (6.0) 11.0 (5.0) 82

DC+ 240 (6.1) 25 425 20.0 (9.1) 16.7 (7.6) 83
2” (51mm) 300 (7.6) 28 475 25.0 (11.3) 21.0 (9.5) 84
1.39 lbs/1000” 400 (10.2) 34 525 33.4 (15.2) 28.0 (12.7) 83

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.

%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al

Report 1.75 .03 .03 .60 1.80
AWS E70T-6 Only max. max. max. max. max.

Test Results
3/32” (2.0 mm) .08 1.26 .012 .005 .23 1.19
5/64” (2.4 mm) .08 .60 .006 .006 .20 .73

This electrode has been tested in accordance with FEMA 353 - Recommended
Specifications and Quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel Moment-Frame Construction for
Seismic Applications and is capable of depositing weld metal that delivers minimum CVN
properties of 40 ft-lbs. at 70°F (95 Joules at 21°C)at low and high heat input levels. As
required by the AWS classification, it meets a minimum CVN of 20 ft-lbs. at -20°F (27 Joules
at -29°C), when tested in accordance with AWS A5.20. This electrode will also deposit weld
metal that will meet the requirements for H16 as tested according to AWS A4.3
FEMA 353 test certificates are available upon request.

INNERSHIELD NR-311 AWS A5.20-95: E70T-7

Very high deposition rates and fast • Our quality driven manufacturing WELDING POSITIONS
travel speeds. Welds thicker mild system – certified to ISO 9002 –
steels and some low alloy steels. and our exceptionally high grade
Good bead shape and easy slag raw materials mean every coil of
removal. Innershield delivers great arc 1G 2F 2G

characteristics and superior

• High deposition rates and fast travel
ASME SFA-5.20: E70T-7
• Smooth operation. Good bead • Fillet, lap and butt welds on 1/8” ABS: E70T-7 per AWS A5.20-95
shape. (3.2mm) and thicker steels.
• Deep penetration. • Horizontal butt welds such as
• Easy slag removal in deep grooves. column-to-column structural con-
• Resists weld cracking on high sulfur nections not subject to seismic
steels. requirements.

• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need • General fabrication and assembly

for external gas or flux. welding.
• Produces quality welds in moderate
wind conditions with no tenting.


Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation Hardness

Condition psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) Rockwell B

Requirements 58,000 (400) 70,000 (480) 22

AWS E70T-7 min. min. min.

60,000 - 66,000 82,000 - 90,000

Test Results 22 - 26 87 - 92
(414 - 455) (565 - 620)

(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially
aged at 220°F (104°C) for 48 hours, as permitted by AWS A5.20-95. A naturally aged tensile specimen
may take months to achieve the specified properties. See AWS A5.20-95, paragraph A8.3. The time
required for the natural aging of weld deposits is dependent upon ambient conditions, weldment
geometry, the metallurgical structure of the weld deposit and other factors.

600 Lb. 600 Lb.
Diameter 14 Lb. 22 Lb. 50 Lb. Speed-Feed Speed-Feed
Inches (mm) Coil Readi-Reel Coil Reel Drum

5/64 (2.0) ED014464 ED014515 ED014459

3/32 (2.4) ED012629 ED012628
7/64 (2.8) ED012632 ED012633 ED012631

INNERSHIELD NR-311 AWS A5.20-95: E70T-7


Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

5/64” 100 (2.5) 21 190 6.4 (2.9) 5.0 (2.3) 78

DC- 160 (4.1) 25 275 10.3 (4.7) 8.0 (3.6) 78
1-1/4” (32mm) 240 (6.1) 26 355 15.4 (7.0) 12.4 (5.6) 80
1.07 lbs/1000” 300 (7.6) 28 410 19.3 (8.8) 15.8 (7.2) 82

75 (1.9) 21 200 7.0 (3.2) 5.4 (2.5) 77

135 (3.4) 24 300 13.1 (5.9) 10.2 (4.6) 78
150 (3.8) 25 325 14.6 (6.6) 11.4 (5.2) 78
1-1/2” (38mm)
210 (5.3) 27 400 20.4 (9.3) 16.5 (7.5) 81
1.62 lbs/1000”
270 (6.9) 30 450 26.2 (11.9) 22.0 (10.0) 84

100 (2.5) 23.5 325 12.0 (5.4) 10.0 (4.5) 83

145 (3.7) 25.5 400 17.8 (8.1) 14.5 (6.6) 82
175 (4.4) 27 450 21.5 (9.8) 18.0 (8.2) 83
1-1/2” (38mm)
240 (6.1) 30.5 550 29.5 (13.4) 25.5 (11.6) 86
2.05 lbs/1000”
300 (7.6) 33 625 36.9 (16.7) 33.0 (15.0) 89

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.

%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al

Report 1.75 .03 .03 .60 1.8
AWS E70T-7 Only max. max. max. max. max.

Test Results .25 .50 .008 <.003 .10 1.46

This electrode, and others of the same AWS classification, are not required to deposit weld
metal capable of delivering any minimum specified Charpy V-Notch (CVN ) properties. It
should not be used in applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required.
Typical applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required include, but are
not restricted to, bridges, pressure vessels, and buildings in seismic zones. The user of this
product is responsible for determining whether minimum CVN properties are required for
the specific application.

INNERSHIELD NR-311 Ni AWS A5.29-98: E70T7-K2

Similar to NR-311, but with good • Our quality driven manufacturing WELDING POSITIONS
Charpy V-Notch properties. High system – certified to ISO 9002 – and
deposition rates. Fast travel speeds. our exceptionally high grade raw
For single and multiple pass welding. materials mean every coil of
Innershield delivers great arc char- 1G 2F 2G
acteristics and superior feedability.
• High deposition rates and fast travel CONFORMANCE
AWS A5.29-98: E70T7-K2
• Produces a nominal 1.5% Nickel • Fillet and lap welds. ASME SFA5.29: E70T7-K2
deposit for notch toughness. Lloyd’s: 2S-2YS
• Horizontal butt welds such as
• Color match on weathering steel column-to-column structural con- DNV: IIYMS
applications. nections. GL: 2YS
• Produces quality welds in moderate • Deep groove welds. NKK: KSW 52 NH10
wind conditions with no tenting.
• Square edge butt welds.
• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need
for external gas or flux. • Structural fabrication, including
applications involving seismic


Charpy V-Notch
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation ft-lbs (Joules) Hardness
Condition psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) @ -20ºF (-29ºC) Rockwell B

Requirements 58,000 (400) 70,000 (482) 20 20 (27)

AWS E70T7-K2 min. min. min. min. min.

64,000 - 75,000 80,000 - 89,000

Test Results 22 - 31 20 - 50 (27 - 68) 87 - 92
(441 - 517) (551 - 613)

(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially aged at 220°F
(104°C) for 48 hours, as permitted by AWS A5.29-98. A naturally aged tensile specimen may take months to achieve the
specified properties. The time required for the natural aging of weld deposits is dependent upon ambient conditions,
weldment geometry, the metallurgical structure of the weld deposit and other factors.

Diameter 22 Lb. 50 Lb.
Inches (mm) Readi-Reel Coil

5/64 (2.0) ED017819

3/32 (2.4) ED017822
7/64 (2.8) ED017824

INNERSHIELD NR-311 Ni AWS A5.29-98: E70T7-K2


Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

100 (2.5) 22 170 5.5 (2.5) 3.9 (1.8) 70

130 (3.3) 25 205 7.2 (3.3) 5.2 (2.4) 72
160 (4.0) 26 235 8.8 (4.0) 6.5 (2.9) 73
1” (25mm)
200 (5.0) 27 270 11.0 (5.0) 8.3 (3.8) 75
0.930 lbs/1000”
240 (6.1) 28 295 13.3 (6.1) 10.0 (4.5) 75

75 (1.9) 21 200 6.2 (2.8) 4.2 (1.9) 67

3/32” 100 (2.5) 22 245 8.3 (3.8) 5.9 (2.7) 71
DC- 125 (3.1) 24 285 10.4 (4.7) 7.5 (3.4) 72
1-1/4” (32mm) 150 (3.8) 26 330 12.5 (5.7) 9.1 (4.1) 72
1.39 lbs/1000” 175 (4.4) 27 365 14.5 (6.6) 10.8 (4.9) 74
200 (5.0) 28 390 16.6 (7.6) 12.3 (5.6) 74

100 (2.5) 23 310 11.4 (5.2) 8.4 (3.8) 73

140 (3.5) 25 370 15.8 (7.2) 11.8 (5.4) 74
170 (4.3) 27 430 19.5 (8.9) 14.5 (6.6) 74
1-1/2” (38mm)
200 (5.0) 29 470 22.8 (10.4) 17.0 (7.7) 74
1.89 lbs/1000”
240 (6.1) 30 520 27.2 (12.4) 20.4 (9.2) 75

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.

%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al %Ni %Mo %Cr %V

.15 .03 .03 .80 1.80 .35 .15 .05
AWS E70T7-K2 .50 - 1.75 1.00 - 2.00
max. max. max. max. max. max. max. max.

Test Results .06 1.23 .005 <.003 .20 1.24 1.28 <.01 .03 <.01

This electrode has been tested in accordance with FEMA 353 - Recommended
Specifications and Quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel Moment-Frame Construction for
Seismic Applications and is capable of depositing weld metal that delivers minimum CVN
properties of 40 ft-lbs. at 70°F (95 Joules at 21°C)at low and high heat input levels. As
required by the AWS classification, it meets a minimum CVN of 20 ft-lbs. at -20°F (27 Joules
at -29°C), when tested in accordance with AWS A5.20. This electrode will also deposit weld
metal that will meet the requirements for H16 as tested according to AWS A4.3
FEMA 353 test certificates are available upon request.


Extremely high deposition rate wire • Our quality driven manufacturing WELDING POSITIONS
designed for automatic and semiauto- system – certified to ISO 9002 –
matic welding on mild steel and some and our exceptionally high grade
low alloy steels. Resistant to cracking raw materials mean every coil of
on high sulfur steel and porosity on Innershield delivers great arc 1G 2F

mildly rusty, oily or dirty plates. Soft, characteristics and superior

low penetrating arc. feedability.
• High deposition rates for excellent ABS: E70T-4 per AWS A5.20-95
productivity. • Structural fabrication where no
seismic requirements exist.
• Resists porosity on mildly rusty, oil
or dirty plate. • Machinery bases.
• Easy slag removal – even in deep • Heavy equipment repair.
• Multiple pass fillet and lap welds.
• Resists cracking on high sulfur steel.
• Corner welds and single pass butt
• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need welds.
for external gas or flux.
• Single pass 1/4 - 1/2”
• Produces quality welds in moderate
(6.4 - 12.7mm) fillet and lap welds.
wind conditions with no tenting.
• Soft, low penetration arc.


Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation Hardness

psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) Rockwell B

Requirements 58,000 (400) 70,000 (480) 22

AWS E70T-4 min. min. min.

60,000 - 70,000 72,000 - 93,000 22 - 30 85 - 95

Test Results
(414 - 483) (497 - 641)

(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially
aged at 220°F (104°C) for 48 hours, as permitted by AWS A5.20-95. A naturally aged tensile specimen may
take months to achieve the specified properties. See AWS A5.20-95, paragraph A8.3. The time required for
the natural aging of weld deposits is dependent upon ambient conditions, weldment geometry, the
metallurgical structure of the weld deposit and other factors.

600 Lb.
Diameter 14 Lb. 22 Lb. 50 Lb. Speed-Feed
Inches (mm) Coil Readi-Reel® Coil Drum

5/64 (2.0) ED012739 ED017905 ED012740

3/32 (2.4) ED012736 ED012735
.120 (3.0) ED012732 ED012731



Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
Electrical Stickout) Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

5/64” 200 (5.1) 30 280 12.2 (5.5) 10.1 (4.6) 83

DC+ 240 (6.1) 31 315 14.8 (6.7) 12.1 (5.5) 82
2” (51mm) 260 (6.6) 31 330 16.0 (7.3) 13.2 (6.0) 83
1.03 lbs/1000” 300 (7.6) 32 350 18.6 (8.4) 15.2 (6.9) 82

110 (2.8) 29 250 10.1 (4.6) 8.2 (3.7) 81

150 (3.8) 30 300 14.0 (6.4) 11.7 (5.3) 84
185 (4.7) 31 350 17.4 (7.9) 14.6 (6.6) 84
2-3/4” (70mm)
230 (5.8) 32 400 21.6 (9.8) 18.3 (8.3) 85
1.53 lbs/1000”
275 (7.0) 33 450 26.0 (11.8) 22.0 (10.0) 85

.120 140 (3.6) 29 380 19.8 (9.0) 15.5 (7.0) 78

DC+ 175 (4.4) 30 450 24.6 (11.2) 20.0 (9.1) 81
2-3/4” (70mm) 200 (5.1) 31 500 28.0 (12.7) 23.2 (10.5) 83
2.34 lbs/1000” 225 (5.7) 32 550 31.4 (14.2) 26.2 (11.9) 83

.120 210 (5.3) 36 450 29.0 (13.2) 25.0 (11.3) 86

DC+ 250 (6.4) 37 500 34.5 (15.6) 29.0 (13.2) 84
3-3/4” (95mm) 300 (7.6) 38 550 41.5 (18.8) 34.0 (15.4) 82
2.34 lbs/1000” 355 (9.0) 39 600 49.0 (22.2) 39.5 (18.0) 81

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.

%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al

Report 1.75 .03 .03 .60 1.8
AWS E70T-4 Only max. max. max. max. max..

Test Results .25 .45 .006 <.003 .29 1.59

This electrode, and others of the same AWS classification, are not required to deposit weld
metal capable of delivering any minimum specified Charpy V-Notch (CVN ) properties. It
should not be used in applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required.
Typical applications where minimum specified CVN properties are required include, but are
not restricted to, bridges, pressure vessels, and buildings in seismic zones. The user of this
product is responsible for determining whether minimum CVN properties are required for
the specific application.

INNERSHIELD NR-207 & NR-207-H AWS A5.29-98: E71T8-K6

Optimum performance on vertical • Our quality driven manufacturing WELDING POSITIONS

down, hot, fill and cap passes on system – certified to ISO 9002 –
standard cross-country pipelines and and our exceptionally high grade
arctic grade pipe. Excellent crack raw materials mean every coil of
resistance and CTOD and Innershield delivers great arc 1G 2F 2G
Charpy V-Notch properties. characteristics and superior
Recommended API Pipe Grades X42 feedability.
through X70.


3G 4G

ADVANTAGE LINCOLN • Standard cross country pipelines.
• Use these wires instead of stick for • Arctic grade pipe. CONFORMANCE
improved productivity on pipeline AWS A5.29-98: E71T8-K6
projects. ASME SFA5.29: E71T8-K6
• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need DIFFUSIBLE HYDROGEN ABS: E71T8-K6
for external gas or flux. DNV: IIIYMSH15
• NR-207-H will deposit weld
• Produces quality welds in moderate BV: SA3YMH
material with diffusible hydrogen
wind conditions with no tenting. GL: 3YSH15
levels of less than 8.0 ml/100g.


Charpy V-Notch
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation ft-lbs (Joules) Hardness
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) @ -20°F (-29°C) @-40°F (-40°C) Rockwell B

Requirements 58,000 (400) 70,000 - 90,000 20 20 (27)

AWS E71T-K6 min. (483 - 620) min. min. --

58,000 - 64,000 75,000 - 80,000 130 - 170 109

Test Results 20 - 33 84 - 90
(400 - 441) (517 - 551) (176 - 230) (147)

(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially aged at 220°F (104°C) for 48 hours,
as permitted by AWS A5.29-98. A naturally aged tensile specimen may take months to achieve the specified properties. The time required
for the natural aging of weld deposits is dependent upon ambient conditions, weldment geometry, the metallurgical structure of the weld
deposit and other factors.


Diameter 14 Lb. Coil 14 Lb. Coil

Inches (mm) (56 Lb. Carton) (56 Lb. Pail)

.068 (1.7) ED016312
5/64 (2.0) ED012437 ED012438

.068 (1.7) EDS19565
5/64 (2.0) EDS19568

INNERSHIELD NR-207 & NR-207-H AWS A5.29-98: E71T8-K6


Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

.068” 80 (2.0) 17.5 190 3.8 (1.7) 3.0 (1.3) 79

DC- 105 (2.6) 18.5 230 5.0 (2.2) 4.0 (1.8) 80
3/4” (19mm) 120 (3.0) 19.5 245 5.7 (2.5) 4.5 (2.0) 79
0.078 lbs/1000” 145 (3.6) 21.5 275 6.8 (3.0) 5.5 (2.4) 81
170 (4.3) 21.5 295 8.0 (3.6) 6.4 (2.9) 80

70 (1.7) 17.5 205 4.5 (2.0) 3.4 (1.5) 76

80 (2.0) 18.5 225 5.1 (2.3) 3.9 (1.7) 76
90 (2.2) 18.5 240 5.8 (2.6) 4.5 (2.0) 78
3/4” (19mm)
110 (2.7) 20.5 275 7.0 (3.1) 5.5 (2.4) 79
1.04 lbs/1000”
130 (3.3) 20.5 300 8.3 (3.7) 6.5 (2.9) 78

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.

%C %Mn %P %S %Si %Al %Ni %Cr %Mo %V

.15 .50- .03 .03 .80 1.80 .40- .20 .15 .05
AWS E71T8-K6
max. 1.50 max. max. max. max. 1.00 max. max. max.

Test Results .06 .94 .005 <.003 .26 1.07 .76 .02 .02 <.01

INNERSHIELD NR-208-H AWS A5.29-98: E91T8-G

Similar to NR-207-H, but with higher • Our quality driven manufacturing WELDING POSITIONS
strength. Produces weld deposits system – certified to ISO 9002 –
exceeding 80,000 psi yield strength and our exceptionally high grade
with excellent low temperature raw materials mean every coil of
impacts. Recommended for API Pipe Innershield delivers great arc 1G 2F 2G
Grade X80. characteristics and superior


3G 5G
• Use instead of stick for improved
productivity on pipeline projects. • Standard cross-country pipelines.
• Arctic-grade pipe. CONFORMANCE
• Produces weld deposits exceeding
80,000 psi yield strength. AWS A5.29-98: E91T8-G
• Self-shielded, flux-cored. No need ASME: SFA-5.20: E91T8-G
for external gas or flux.
• NR-208-H will deposit weld
• Produces quality welds in moderate material with diffusible hydrogen
wind conditions with no tenting. levels of less than 8.0 ml/100g.


Charpy V-Notch
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation ft-lbs (Joules) Hardness
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) @ -20°F (-29°C) @-40°F (-40°C) Rockwell B

Requirements 78,000 (538) 90,000 - 110,000 17 Not Not

AWS E91T8-G min. (620 - 758) min. Specified Specified --

81,000 - 86,000 94,000 - 99,000 50 44

Test Results 25 - 27 90 - 96
(558 - 593) (648 - 682) (67) (59)

(1) The strength and elongation properties reported were obtained from a .505” tensile specimen artificially aged at 220°F (104°C) for 48 hours, as
permitted by AWS A5.20-95. A naturally aged tensile specimen may take months to achieve the specified properties. See AWS A5.20-95,
paragraph A8.3. The time required for the natural aging of weld deposits is dependent upon ambient conditions, weldment geometry, the
metallurgical structure of the weld deposit and other factors.


Diameter 14 Lb. Coil

Inches (mm) (56 Lb. Pail)

5/64 (2.0) ED023366

INNERSHIELD NR-208-H AWS A5.29-98: E91T8-G


Wire, Polarity Wire Feed Arc Approx. Melt-Off Deposition
Electrical Stickout Speed Voltage Current Rate Rate Efficiency
Wire Weight in/min (m/min) (volts) (amps) lbs/hr (kg/hr) lbs/hr (kg/hr) (%)

70 (1.7) 16.5 195 4.0 (1.8) 3.2 (1.4) 81

80 (2.0) 17.5 220 4.6 (2.1) 3.9 (1.7) 84
90 (2.2) 18.5 235 5.4 (2.4) 4.5 (2.0) 84
3/4” (19mm)
110 (2.7) 19.5 270 6.5 (2.9) 5.5 (2.4) 85
1.04 lbs/1000”
130 (3.3) 19.5 295 7.6 (3.5) 6.5 (2.9) 85

NOTE: Above typical operating procedures are starting points and may be adjusted as required.


%C %Mn* %P %S %Si* %Al* %Ni* %Cr* %Mo* %V*

Report 1.75 .03 .03 .80 1.80 .50 .30 .20 .10
only min. max. max. min. min. min. min. min. min.

Test Results .05 2.13 .011 <.002 .25 1.13 .79 .02 <.01 <.01

NOTE: In order to meet the alloy requirements of the G group, the weld deposit needs to have the minimum, as specified
in the table, of only one of the elements marked with an asterisk.


Innershield AWS/ ABS Lloyd’s DNV BV CWB/CSA GL

Wire ASME Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Military Other

NR-203 E61T8-K6 3SA 3SH15 IIIMSH15(3) JIS

Nickel C

NR-1 E70T-3

NR-5 E70T-3

NS-3M E70T-4 E4802T-4-CH JIS

NR-305 E70T-6 2SA-2YSA IIYMS(2) SA2YM(2) E4802T-6-CH 2YS(2) JIS

NR-311 E70T-7 E4802T-7-CH JIS

NR-131 E70T-10 JIS


NR-202 E71T-7


NR-232 E71T-8 3SA-3YSAH15 3S-3YSH15 IIIYMSH15 SA3YMH E4801T-8-CH 3YSH10 MIL-71T-8AS JIS, TUV

NR-233 E71T-8

NR-203 Ni E71T8-K2 4SA-4YSAH10 JIS

C Plus

NR-207 E71T8-K6 IIIYMSH15 SA3YMH E71T8-K6-H16 3YSH15 JIS, TUV,


NR-207-H E71T8-K6 JIS, TUV

NR-203 E71T8-Ni1 3SA-3YSA 3S-3YSH15 IIIYMSH15 E71T8-Ni1-H16 3YSH15 JIS, TUV

Nickel 1%

NR-211-MP E71T-11 E4801T-11-CH JIS


NR-152 E71T-14 JIS

NR-208-H E91T8-G JIS, TUV

ABS: American Bureau of Shipping (1)

Approvals are updated periodically. Consult your local Lincoln district office for the latest Approval/Grade revision.
Lloyd’s: Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (2)
3/32” diameter only.
DNV: Det Norske Veritas (3)
Tested at -40°F.
GL: Germanischer Lloyd
BV: Bureau Veritas


In general, Innershield electrodes will produce weld deposits electrode removed from its original packaging be placed in
which achieve hydrogen levels below 16 ml per 100 grams poly bags (4 mil minimum thickness) when not in use.
deposited metal. These products, like other products which
Innershield electrodes will evidence high moisture levels in the
produce deposits low in hydrogen, must be protected from
form of gas tracks, higher spatter and porosity. Any rusty elec-
exposure to the atmosphere in order to maintain hydrogen
trode should be discarded.
levels as low as possible, preventing rusting of the product
and prevent porosity during welding. Accordingly, the follow- Innershield Products Used for Applications Requiring
ing storage conditions are recommended for Innershield More Restrictive Hydrogen Control (-H Electrodes)
electrodes in their original, unopened boxes and plastic bags.
The AWS specifications for flux-cored electrodes, AWS A5.20
The recommended storage conditions are such that they and A5.29, state that “Flux-cored arc welding is generally
maintain storage conditions above the dew point to prevent considered to be a low hydrogen welding process”. To further
moisture contamination on product. clarify the issue, these specifications makes available optional
supplemental designators for maximum diffusible hydrogen
For best results, electrode should be consumed as soon as
levels of 4, 8 and 16 ml per 100 grams of deposited weld
practicable. Properly store electrode may be kept up to three
years from the date of manufacture. Consult your Lincoln
distributor or sales representative if there is a question as to Some Innershield products have been designed and
when the electrode was made. manufactured to produce weld deposits meeting more
stringent diffusible hydrogen requirements. These electrodes
Once the electrode packaging is opened, Innershield elec-
are usually distinguished by an “H” added to the product
trodes can be subject to contamination from atmospheric
name. These electrodes will remain relatively dry under
moisture. Care has been taken in the design of these
recommended storage conditions in their original, unopened
products to ensure that they are essentially resistant to
package or container.
moisture pick-up; however, condensation of the moisture
from the atmosphere onto the surface of the electrode can be For applications in which the weld metal hydrogen must be
sufficient enough to degrade the product. controlled (usually H8 or lower), or where shipping and storage
conditions are not controlled or known, only hermetically
The following minimum precautions should be taken to
sealed packaging is recommended. Innershield electrodes are
safeguard the product after opening the original package.
available in hermetically sealed packages on a special order
Electrode should be used within approximately 1 week after
opening the original package. Opened electrodes should not
be exposed to damp moisture conditions or extremes in Once the package has been opened, the electrode should be
temperature and/or humidity where surface condensation can used as soon as practicable.
occur. Electrodes mounted on wire feeders should be
protected against condensation. It is recommended that


The business of The Lincoln Electric Company is manufacturing and selling high quality welding equipment, consumables, and cutting equipment. Our challenge is to meet the needs of our
customers and to exceed their expectations. On occasion, purchasers may ask Lincoln Electric for advice or information about their use of our products. We respond to our customers based on
the best information in our possession at that time. Lincoln Electric is not in a position to warrant or guarantee such advice, and assumes no liability,with respect to such information or advice. We
expressly disclaim any warranty of any kind, including any warranty of fitness for any customer’s particular purpose, with respect to such information or advice. As a matter of practical consideration,
we also cannot assume any responsibility for updating or correcting any such information or advice once it has been given, nor does the provision of information or advice create, expand or alter
any warranty with respect to the sale of our products.
Lincoln Electric is a responsive manufacturer, but the selection and use of specific products sold by Lincoln Electric is solely within the control of, and remains the sole responsibility of the customer.
Many variables beyond the control of Lincoln Electric affect the results obtained in applying these types of fabrication methods and service requirements.

Subject to Change — This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing. Please refer to for any updated information.


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