Emergency and Standby Power Systems For Buildings

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Emergency and Standby Power Systems for

Public and/or large buildings have emergency power systems installed to allow certain electrical
components to operate during a power outage. Homeowners are also installing smaller standby
generators on their property, especially if they are in rural areas where power restoration after a
storm could take days or weeks. Emergency and standby power systems can be fairly simple (for
homes) or very complex (for large institutional buildings like hospitals).

Emergency vs Standby Power

The difference between the 3 types of backup power is often confusing. We will describe the
systems here, but it is important to note that code officials and other authorities having jurisdiction
can require that certain elements and devices be on a system other than what we call for here. In
the United States, backup power systems are governed by NFPA 110, Standard for Emergency and
Standby Power Systems.

Emergency Power Systems provide automatic backup power in the event of normal power loss.
They are required by code and shall provide power within 10 seconds to all life safety systems such
as egress lighting, smoke evacuation, fire alarm systems, elevators, etc. Simply put, anything that
will protect the lives of the building occupants should be on Emergency Power. Another important
thing to remember is that emergency power systems must be completely separate; this means that
they shall have their own conduit runs, their own panels, their own transfer stations, etc.

Legally Required Standby Power Systems also provide automatic backup power in the event of
normal power loss, but they have 60 seconds to engage. They are required by code, but they can
share system components - they are not required to be fully separate systems like Emergency Power
Systems. These can be thought of as systems that enhance the act of egress and improve firefighter
operations, but are not critical to life safety. Systems such as heating, ventilation, communications,
building automation, and hospital equipment may be part of the Legally Required Standby System.

Optional Standby Power Systems are not required by code, but will provide backup power to
operations that the building owner deems important to keep electrified during normal power
outages. These systems can be manually or automatically engaged and can share the same
components and wiring as normal power or legally required standby power. In general, Optional
Standby Systems are used to prevent financial or data loss, but they can also extend to enabling
human comfort during normal power outages.

What Should be on Backup Power?

A backup power system should be designed to provide electricity to only the most important pieces
of equipment in a building. It is not cost effective to have backup power available for every electrical
component in a building. Most facilities, even the most critical, can be ramped down during an
outage so that fuel or battery power can be conserved.

As stated earlier, life safety systems are always required to be on an Emergency Power System. This
includes lighting of egress paths, power for sprinkler pumps, and power to fire alarm systems.
Hospitals will put life-saving equipment, like respirators, on standby power. Fire and Police Stations
will make sure that their radio systems are on standby power so they can manage operations during

Homeowners are free to size their standby generators to meet their needs. Refrigerators, freezers,
and sump pumps are normally on circuits tied to the backup system, as are lights throughout the
home. A few convenience outlets are also put on the system to allow phones to be charged and to
keep a television or radio operational during major outages. Fuel storage capacity tends to be the
limiting factor for the size of a home generator - you want to have enough fuel to keep the system
operational through the outage; therefore, many of life's conveniences are turned off to conserve

Backup Generators
Backup power is supplied by a generator, which is essentially an engine that burns fuel to create
electricity. The generator can be a reciprocating or a turbine engine, but reciprocating are usually
preferred because they start up quicker and are more economical.

Generator testing and maintenance are critical to the success of backup power systems. Generators
and all components of the system should be tested regularly to ensure that they will be operational
when needed. As with any engine, routine maintenance will prolong the life and increase the
efficiency of the generator.

There are a variety of fuels that can be used, including diesel, gasoline, natural gas and liquid
petroleum. Diesel is the most common due to its cost and the fact that it is safer to store than
gasoline. The fuel is usually stored on site in a series of tanks. A day-tank (not necessarily a full day
of fuel) is located near the generator and provides an immediate and constant amount of fuel. Large
installations will also have a bulk storage tank that may be located away from the generator. The
bulk storage tank holds enough fuel for a long outage; this fuel is pumped to the day-tank as
needed. Fuel in any storage tank must be constantly used or mixed to prevent degradation.

Uninterruptible Power Supply

An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is an electrical device that provides instantaneous backup
power to a system when the normal power source goes down. The power from the UPS lasts only a
short time, but long enough to engage other backup power sources or to safely shut down a
system. UPS devices are commonly found connected to computer systems where even the slightest
blip in the electrical source could cause data loss. UPSs are also used for critical systems
(healthcare, communications, etc) to provide enough operational time to let the emergency
generator ramp up to full capacity.

There are two main options for storing electricity in a uninterruptible power supply: batteries or a fly
wheel. The battery system is fairly common for smaller loads and is comprised of one or a number
of rechargeable batteries. A battery UPS requires routine maintenance and replacement since the
lifespan of a battery is fairly short.

A fly wheel UPS system, also known as a rotary UPS system, uses a spinning mass to generate
electricity. Fly wheel systems are generally used for larger loads and currents. In addition, fly wheels
are preferred for their lifespan; due to the mechanical nature of the system, it will last up to 30
years. Maintenance is required, during which long downtimes can be expected.
An added benefit of UPS devices, beyond providing backup power, is that they can protect the
systems they are connected to from voltage surges, voltage drops, noise, or distortion. They are
essentially able to clean the power, which further protects the sensitive systems connected to them.
The dual nature of the UPS devices means that the building owner doesn't have to purchase and
maintain a separate power conditioner.

The level of redundancy is important to analyze when designing a backup power system because
the designer must factor in failures within the emergency system. Rather than provide one large
generator or battery backup, the backup system will be spread over multiple generators or batteries.
For instance, A data center will never rely on one backup generator - instead a calculation will be
run that ensures that power is available even if one (or more) generators are unavailable.

N + 1 redundancy refers to a backup system that is broken down into N components, and then an
additional component is added. If the critical systems in a building can be run with 3 generators, the
designer would provide 3 + 1, or 4, generators. The fourth generator would not be run during
typical emergency operations, but would be engaged if generator 1, 2, or 3 had a problem. There
may be a period of time where power is lost while the +1 power source starts up.

1 + 1 redundancy describes a system where there are two separate power sources that can each
supply the full critical power needs of a building. In addition, both sources are always active. Should
one of the backup systems fail, the second system is already active and operational so there will not
be any interruption in power. 1 + 1 redundancy is less efficient than N + 1, but it provides a much
more robust and transparent backup system.

Generator Safety - Prevent Back-feeding

***If you are a homeowner considering a generator for long power outages, be sure
that you hire an electrician to configure your setup and properly install the system. This
is not a task for the novice. Serious injury or death (to you or others) can be caused by
an improper installation, not to mention significant property damage is possible. Be sure
to have all safety features installed and NEVER override a safety feature.***

A proper transfer switch is required for a generator setup. A transfer switch will allow either the
main / normal power from the utility, or power from the generator, to be fed into the building's
electrical system. It will never allow both normal power and emergency power to be on at the same
time; the transfer switch disconnects the building from the utility feed while the generator is active,
which is also referred to as islanding. This ensures that the generator cannot back-feed the electrical
grid, which could cause injury or death to technicians working to repair the power lines. In addition,
it prevents serious damage to the generator and other building equipment when normal power is
restored by preventing the two out-of-phase power feeds from "fighting" with each other and
overloading equipment that is intended for a lower amperage.

Electrical Power Systems in Buildings

This article covers electrical distribution systems in buildings at a very basic level. We will discuss the
general principles for how electricity is moved from the utility lines to a convenience outlet in a
room. The system components vary depending on the size of the building so we will address
systems for small and large buildings.

Electricity from the Power Company

Electric utilities transmit power from the power plant most efficiently at very high voltages. In the
United States, power companies provide electricity to medium or large buildings at 13,800 volts
(13.8kV). For small commercial buildings or residential customers, power companies lower the
voltage with a transformer on a power pole or mounted on the ground. From there, the electricity is
fed through a meter and into the building.

Power Distribution in Small Buildings

Small commercial or residential buildings have a very simple power distribution system. The utility
will own the transformer, which will sit on a pad outside the building or will be attached to a utility
pole. The transformer reduces the voltage from 13.8kV down to 120/240 or 120/208 volts and then
passes the electricity to a meter, which is owned by the utility and keeps a record of power

After leaving the meter, the power is transmitted into the building at which point all wiring, panels,
and devices are the property of the building owner. Wires transfer the electricity from the meter to a
panel board, which is generally located in the basement or garage of a house. In small commercial
buildings, the panel may be located in a utility closet. The panel board will have a main service
breaker and a series of circuit breakers, which control the flow of power to various circuits in the
building. Each branch circuit will serve a device (some appliances require heavy loads) or a number
of devices like convenience outlets or lights.

Power Distribution in Large Buildings

Large buildings have a much higher electrical load than small buildings; therefore, the electrical
equipment must be larger and more robust. Large building owners will also purchase electricity at
high voltages (in the US, 13.8kV) because it comes at a cheaper rate. In this case, the owner will
provide and maintain their own step-down transformer, which lowers the voltage to a more usable
level (in the US, 480/277 volts). This transformer can be mounted on a pad outside the building or
in a transformer room inside the building.

The electricity is then transmitted to switchgear. The role of the switchgear is to distribute electricity
safely and efficiently to the various electrical closets throughout the building. The equipment has
numerous safety features including circuit breakers, which allow power to be disrupted downstream
- this may occur due to a fault or problem, but it can also be done intentionally to allow technicians
to work on specific branches of the power system.

It should be noted that very large buildings or buildings with complex electrical systems may have
multiple transformers, which may feed multiple pieces of switchgear. We are keeping this article
simple by sharing the basic concepts.

The electricity will leave the switchgear and travel along a primary feeder or bus. The bus or feeder
is a heavy gauge conductor that is capable of carrying high amperage current throughout a building
safely and efficiently. The bus or feeder is tapped as needed and a conductor is run to an electric
closet, which serves a zone or floor of a building.
Each electrical closet will have another step-down transformer - in the US, this will drop the power
from 480/277 volts to 120 volts for convenience outlets. That transformer will feed a branch panel,
which controls a series of branch circuits that cover a portion of the building. Each branch circuit
covers a subset of the electrical needs of the area - for instance: lighting, convenience outlets to a
series of rooms, or electricity to a piece of equipment.

Article Updated: November 18, 2017

Electrical Conduit Types

Electrical conduit is a raceway or piping system that protects wires and cables from impact,
moisture, and vapors. It is a path for either power or communication (low voltage) electrical wiring.
It is usually tubular and made of metal (galvanized steel, stainless steel, aluminum) or non-metallic
materials (plastics) and is either rigid or flexible. Special types of conduit are required for wet areas
and hazardous areas.

In the United States, conduit installation falls under the tasks performed by licensed. NFPA 70, also
known as the National Electric Code (NEC), provides information on the safe and proper way to
install conduit and associated cabling.

The advantages of all types of conduit are that they:

 Protect electrical wires from damage due to abuse or accident

 Can allow for cables to be easily pulled to inaccessible areas in the future (i.e. inside finished
 Allow wiring changes to be made simpler and safer
 Can be made waterproof or submersible
 Can be sealed to provide protection from fire and explosion hazards
The cost of conduit installation is higher than other wiring methods due to the cost of materials and
labor. In residential, construction a high degree of physical damage protection may not be not
required so the expense is not justified.

Two main categories of conduit body are considered here: metal conduits and non-metal conduit.
Conduit systems can be differentiated by their wall thickness, mechanical stiffness, and tubing
material. Conduit materials are often chosen for their mechanical protection, corrosion resistance,
and the overall installation cost.

Types of Metal Conduit

Metal conduit comes in many forms and can be made from galvanized steel, stainless steel, or
aluminum. Other types of metals are generally not used for conduit.

While metal conduit may sometimes be used as a grounding conductor, conduit circuit length is
limited and it is safer to use cables that include a ground wire.
Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC)
RMC is a thick-walled, threaded tubing. It is generally made of coated steel, stainless steel, or
aluminum. The conduit is connected together by screwing connectors to the main tubes. Rigid metal
conduit provides significant protection from impacts and other damage. It can be used as a
grounding conductor for short runs, but it is best practice to use wiring that has a grounding wire.
The thicker walls of RMC protects the cables inside from electromagnetic interference (EMI), which
can be harmful to sensitive equipment.

The following image shows rigid metal conduit with threaded screw fittings. The conduits are hung
from metal channel framing.

RMC can be made corrosion-resistant by applying a coating such as PVC or by galvanizing the metal.
The corrosion protection resists damage from water or other chemicals that can degrade metal.
There are three common types of corrosion treatment:

 Galvanized Rigid Conduit (GRC), which is the most popular form of RMC, is used in
commercial and industrial buildings.
 PVC-coated aluminum, which is suitable where chemical fumes that are corrosive to steel are
 Bronze alloy, which is suitable for coastal areas, chemical plants, oil refineries and
underwater situations.
 PVC-coated rigid steel, which is resistant to oils, grease, acids, alkalis, and moisture and is
When cut, the ends of rigid metal conduit should be reamed (remove burrs and rough edges) to
protect the wire insulation from abrasion. In addition, any fittings should match the type of metal
used for the conduit tubing to prevent problems from galvanic action.

There are two main disadvantages to using rigid metal conduit. First, since all connections are
threaded, there is much more labor required when installing the system – this makes RMC much
more expensive. Second, the thick walls of the tubing make the conduit much heavier, which also
makes installation more labor intensive and expensive.

Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT)

EMT is an unthreaded, thin-wall metal tubing generally made of coated steel, though it may be
made of aluminum. It is a popular choice for electrical conduit in commercial buildings, but is
generally not used in residential buildings. EMT is connected together using clamp-type fittings that
slide onto the tubing and then are secured with a set-screw. Electrical Metal Tubing is less expensive
and 40% lighter than GRC.

The following image shows electrical metal tubing with clamp fittings. The conduits are supported
from metal channel framing.

While EMT provides a good amount of protection for the cables inside, it should not be used in
hazardous areas where it is exposed to sever damage (like power plants or around vehicular traffic.)
EMT is not suitable for wet areas or where corrosive fumes and vapors exist – special corrosive-
resistant tubing and gasketed clamps are required in these areas.

Like RMC, the cut ends of the tubing must be reamed to remove all sharp edges.
Some electricians are skeptical of using EMT in critical areas because the set-screws in the clamps
can loosen over time. In order to prevent this, a torque wrench or driver can be used to be sure the
screws are set to the correct tension as required by the manufacturer.

Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC)

As its name suggests, Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC) has walls that are thinner than RMC, but
thicker than EMT. Thus the weight of IMC also falls between RMC and EMT. Intermediate Metal
Conduit is threadable, but it can also be un-threaded and used with clamp-type fittings. IMC is
generally made from steel and can be coated.

Flexible Metal Conduit (FMC)

Flexible metal conduit (FMC) is typically available in diameters between 3/8" and 3", but larger sizes
can sometimes be found. It is made by coiling self-interlocked aluminum or steel strips, which forms
a hollow tube that wires can be pulled through. FMC comes in a standard wall (sometimes called full
wall) thickness or a reduced wall thickness. Most manufacturers also produce an extra-flexible FMC
for tighter bend radiuses, but this is generally not UL approved.

The following photo shows flexible metal conduit with a connector attached to the end:

Standard FMC is recommended in dry areas where it would be impractical to install EMT or other
non-flexible conduit, yet where metallic strength to protect conductors is still required. Because of its
flexibility, the FMC can help reduce vibrations from passing from motor to structure through the

Liquid-Tight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC) is FMC covered by a plastic waterproof coating. Its
interior is similar to FMC, but it is suitable for wiring in wet or damp locations. It can also be buried
in the ground or embedded in concrete. There are many types of LFMC on the market depending on
the type of resistance needed, including extreme temperatures, oil resistant, anti-bacteria, flame
resistant, and reinforced. It also comes in various jacket colors for easy identification. LFMC used for
computer wires is usually blue.

It is important to note that Flexible Metal Conduit is NOT the same as metal clad (MC) cable or
armored cable (AC). MC cable and armored cable include permanently integrated conductors in the
flexible metal armor. However, flexible metal conduit is a raceway that the conductors are pulled
through AFTER installation.

Types of Non-Metal Conduit

Non-metal conduit is made of plastic, also called PVC. It is used in areas where metals can cause
problems, such as in hospital MRI rooms. It is also used where it will be in contact with water, such
as below ground or encased in concrete. PVC conduit will not rust or corrode when exposed to

Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit (RNC)

RNC is the lightest conduit available and is generally the least expensive. Fittings slipped onto the
tubing and welded with a solvent, which is faster than the fittings used in metal conduits. In
addition, the welded joints are water-tight. Plastic conduit can be heated with special tools so that it
can be bent in the field.

RNC Pipe is most commonly available as schedule 40 or schedule 80 pipe, but can also be
manufactured in other sizes and wall thicknesses. It is also available in extra-heavy wall thicknesses
for areas where extra protection is needed; however, thicker walls make the conduit harder to bend.

The main disadvantages are that plastic conduit will not stand up to impacts as well as metal
conduits. In addition, plastic conduits cannot be used for grounding, so a grounding conductor will
need to be pulled along with the other conductors. Finally, plastic conduit expands and contracts
more than metal conduit when exposed to heat, which needs to be taken into account when
designing long runs.

Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing (ENT)

ENT is a thin-walled corrugated tubing that is flexible so it can be bent without special tools,
however it will not permanently hold the bend. It is easier to install than RNC because it can be
routed around obstructions without cutting and welding the pipe. Special ENT connectors are used –
these are generally snap-in connections and are not watertight.

Liquid-Tight Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit (LFNC) is also available for use where the conduit will be
subjected to moisture.
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Let say, a designer decides to install a backup power supply for the IT
network in the offi ce, or to provide an alternate source of power to the sump
pump in a building. Or a decision is made to have a standby power source for
lighting in all classrooms of a high school. Or what if a backup power supply
is provided for all building exhaust, makeup fans and fans used for smoke
control and smoke venting? And what about the same approach to the
elevators or fi re pumps? And how about the standby power intended for
emergency lighting in exits or in corridors used by the public? And to make it
fun, let’s even consider a backup power supply to a typical house. What kind
of power supply sources should be used to provide a standby power supply
to all these loads?

The answer could be found in the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC)
and in the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC).

Let’s use the fi rst example: standby power source for the offi ce IT system.  Is
a battery allowed to be used for this purpose? What about a UPS, a solar
panel, a generator or any available source of alternate power?

The NBCC specifi cally mandates that only certain systems must be equipped
with the emergency power supply. It also lists the allowed sources of the
emergency power for particular equipment comprising these “life safety
systems.” Section 46 of the CEC defi nes life safety systemsand explains what
electrical equipment represented by these life safety systems must be
provided with a specifi c type of the emergency power supply source as
required by the NBCC.

Let’s take a look at what equipment is actually mandated by the NBCC to be

furnished with the emergency power. NBCC states that the emergency power
supplied by batteries, generators or by a combination of both must be
provided for emergency lighting required by the Code, for electrically
connected exit signs, and for fi re alarm systems. The Building Code also
states that the electrical equipment such as elevators in high buildings, fi re
pumps, fans used for smoke control and smoke venting (and the latter
includes smoke dampers) must be provided with an emergency power supply
by a generator. The NBCC is also quite clear by stating that the generator
used for this purpose must conform to the CSA standard C282. “Emergency
Electrical Power Supply for Buildings.”

Figure 8. “Reproduced with the permission of Canadian Standards

Association from CSA’s C22.1-09 Canadian Electrical Code, Part I (21st
Edition), Safety Standard for Electrical Installations which is copyrighted by
Canadian Standards Association, 5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100
Mississauga, ON L4W 5N6. While use of this material has been authorized,
CSA shall not be responsible for the manner in which the information is
presented, nor for any interpretations thereof. For more information on CSA
or to purchase standards, please visit our website at www.shopcsa.ca or call
1-800-463- 6727”.

Section 46 of the CEC covers installation requirements for equipment

comprising life safety systems, for the emergency power supply mandated by
the NBCC for these systems, and for wiring methods between the required
power sources and life safety systems. This section also re-enforces the fact
that when a generator is used as a power supply to the life safety systems, it
must conform to CSA standard C282.

So far, so good. Now we can re-visit our earlier examples of the loads
intended to be provided with a backup power and see what could be used as
an alternate power source for these loads.
Thus, if the IT system is to be equipped with the emergency power supply,
there is no stringent requirement for use of only batteries or only the C282
conforming emergency generator. A similar approach is true for a backup
power to a sump pump, to the lighting in school classrooms, to the loads of a
house or to a typical makeup/exhaust fan (unless these fans are used as a
part of smoke control or smoke venting system). Therefore, any available
piece of electrical equipment that is capable to provide an alternate source
of power could be allowed in this case. One thing, however, should be always
kept in mind: every piece of equipment that is used in electrical installation
must be approved.

So, if a generator is used in this case, it does not have to meet provisions of
the CSA standard C282. It simply has to be certifi ed to the CSA safety
standard C22.2 No. 100 “Motors and Generators.” If a UPS is intended for
this purpose—no problem, provided that the UPS is approved (i.e., it is
designed, constructed, tested and certifi ed in accordance with the CSA safety
standard C22.2 No. 107.3 “Uninterruptible Power Systems”). If we want to
use a battery, a solar PV system, a wind turbine or a fuel cell—by all means
(provided that each of these alternate power sources is approved). However,
if an alternate power supply source is mandated by the NBCC for specifi c life
safety equipment, it is a different story, as was shown above.

But what if a decision is made to connect the loads, such as IT, general
lighting, heating and air conditioning, to a generator that is required to supply
an emergency power to a life safety system?

Is this allowed? The answer could be found in the CSA standard C282. This
standard permits connection of these types of non-emergency loads to an
emergency generator,ifsuch loads do not adversely affect the ability of the
generator to provide the emergency power supply to the Code-mandated life
safety systems. Section 46 of the CEC further explains this fact by
prescribing wiring from the emergency power supply to the life safety system
to run separately from the wiring to non-emergency equipment connected to
this power supply. Appendix B Note on Rule 46-108(5) of the CEC (fi gure 8 on
page 430 of the CE Code) explains that a separate transfer switch must be
used for connection of such life safety systems, and that non-emergency
equipment cannot be supplied from a generator via this transfer switch.
Figure 8 also emphasizes the fact that a fi re pump must be supplied from an
emergency generator via its own, dedicated transfer switch specifi cally
marked for fi re pump service.
It appears that we have clarifi ed the difference between the alternate power
sources for the purpose of supplying various loads.

But,what about the “essential electrical loads” that are listed in Table 8 of
the CSA standard Z32? These loads are not referenced in the NBCC, and
these loads are not defi ned in Section 46 of the CEC as being part of life
safety systems. So, what do we do? Can these loads (i.e., vital loads in
surgical suites, in infant nurseries, in dialysis units of a health care facility)
be supplied by the emergency generator via the transfer switch connecting
life safety systems, or must a separate transfer switch be used for these
essential loads? So far, the CEC is silent on this issue. However, the S/C
responsible for Section 46 has recognized a need to clarify this matter and
has recommended to the Technical Committee on the CE Code to revise
Appendix B Note by adding the following wording:

It is also intended by this Rule that for the purpose of Rule 46-108, the
defi nition of “life safety systems” includes “essential electrical systems”
described in Rule 24-300. Users of this Code should consult Table 8 of
CAN/Z32 for a complete list of loads comprising an essential electrical

Hopefully, this article will help in clarifying requirements of Codes and

Standards on the subject matter.

However, as usual, authorities with jurisdictional power for application and

installation of emergency power supply sources to various loads must be
consulted before the selection and installation of a power supply source.

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Standby Power Generators vs.

Emergency Power Generators in a
Nuclear Plant – What’s the Difference?
Both standby generators and emergency generators are often used interchangeably. It
depends on where you’re looking at things from.
Large organizations and public buildings have emergency power supplies installed for
some electrical equipment to function in the event of a power cut. Homeowners install
standby generators in their homes to restore power after a storm or outage. Any of a
standby or emergency power generator can be a simple design such as in homes or a
complex type for big institutions like the hospitals.

There can be differences between them in terms of use though. In the US, backup
electrical power systems are controlled by NFPA 11, a standard for standby and
emergency power systems.
What Makes an Emergency Power System?
Emergency power systems are designed to provide automatic backup whenever a power
outage arises. Code requires it. Such systems should provide power at the specified time
lapse of 10 seconds to all safety equipment such as smoke evacuation, egress lighting,
fire alarm systems, elevators, and others.

In short, emergency generators are a power supply meant to protect the lives of the
occupants in a building. A critical point worth mentioning is that emergency power
generators must be an independent installation. This means they will have unshared
panels, conduit runs, and transfer stations, among other components.

How may Standby Power Generators be

A standby power generator, such as the Briggs & Stratton 40396 is also designed to
automatically backup power when there is a power outage. The time limit is different
here. Sixty seconds is allowed for the system to engage. They are not required to be
entirely independent, unlike the emergency power units.
They can share installed system components. The standby power generators are not
deemed to be installations that are critical to the safety of life but can be good to enhance
such. Communications, ventilation and building automation can be part of such systems.
How Do They Compare In A Nuclear Plant?
The nuclear plant environment is a very sensitive one. For this, you should expect
something beyond the ordinary.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in the United States views both terms to
mean the same thing. This is clearly stated in their course material.

In the nuclear power plants, diesel generators are the standard for emergency or standby
electrical power supply. Students are trained on the basics about the emergency diesel
generators (EDG) as the basis for the nuclear power plant workplace. This is required by
federal regulations, codes and industrial standards.

 A significant safety requirement in a nuclear power plant is for independent and

redundant power systems. In the general design criterion of the emergency power plant
requirement, it states that onsite electrical supplies should offer sufficient independence
and testability, among other factors to perform safety functions. The demand is that
power systems have to be designed so that failure of one will not affect another.

Why Emergency Diesel Generator in Power

By law, it is not required that emergency diesel generators should be used for onsite
power supplies at nuclear plants. Other notable fuel sources or options could be hydro,
gas engine, gas turbine, and steam engine generators. Why is a diesel generator the
choice and approved as the predominant means of providing power during an emergency
in the power plant then?
The answer to the diesel generator question can be examined based on the time
requirement stipulated for an onsite emergency. Once the time limitation to restore power
is set by the accident analysis, the next move will be to meet the requirement. And the
question would then be what can reliably supply electrical power within the stipulated

Except for large gas engines, no other fuel type out-performs the ability of diesel to meet
the response time fixed to supply power when there is an emergency in the power plant.

Diesel has the speed and power advantage to do the job more than any other fuel can.
Also, diesel generators are reliable and readily available to come out tops and be used as
emergency energy supplies in the Naval Reactors program.

What to Consider When Buying an

Automatic Generator
Generally, there are some factors to consider when buying an emergency generator.
Whether it is the type you want to be installed in a power plant or at home, these
considerations cut across all locations where you need a standby supply of power.

Your Power Requirements

Determining the size of your emergency generator is tied to the number of devices you
want to run on during a power outage. Most times, it is believed you won’t be running the
entire electrical installations in the building. You need just the emergency load.
When considering your power demands, you only need to determine the emergency
circuits. In a building, your electrician can separate the emergency circuits from the main
panel to a separate one.

Homeowners have their preference on what is most important.

To abide by code compliance, healthcare facilities will have to work on the amount of
load required to meet such emergencies. Big organizations including nuclear plants have
their power requirements based on the equipment that must work continuously to avoid
damage to other specific equipment like the core in a nuclear power plant.

The Fuel Type

Diesel, propane and natural gas are the most common fuel types for emergency
generators. Gasoline may not stand the chance of being considered for use as a source of
fuel for standby generators because of its instability.

Cost could be a determining factor in choosing between natural gas and diesel. Code
requirement can dictate which types of fuel are provided in your area. Regulations can
also determine the best emergency generator for your institution.

In the nuclear power plant, diesel is required and recommended as the best fuel to meet
the time limit set for power to be restored during emergencies. In this case, the type of
facility dictates the fuel type required for such emergency generators. This invariably
means going for generators with the specified type of fuel engine.
Transfer Switch Option
There should be no debate about what type of transfer switch should go for emergency
generators in institutions such as a nuclear power plant or hospitals where safety and life
are paramount. The automatically controlled power switch is often the requirement. This
system senses power loss when there is a power outage and sort of orders the generator to
start within very few seconds of a power outage.

 For a nuclear power plant that requires 10 seconds time limit for a restoration of power,
an automatic power switch is inevitable. This is what applies in a nuclear power plant.
The manual transfer switch can only be considered for home standby generators. For
industrial or commercial applications there are options to choose from variants such as
bypass isolation, programmed transition and closed transition.

The Generator and the Location

A generator should be installed where it will be convenient to operate and maintain. It
should be located in a high region where rising water will not be able to reach and cause
When you decide for outdoor installation, you should obey requirements for such

The minimum distance from combustible openings and walls should be strictly followed.
If you decide on the indoor installation, comply with the requirement for ventilation, fuel
supply, and proximity to combustible material and exhaust ducting. In a typical situation,
the generator should not be located far from the fuel supply.

There are other important factors you can consider before buying a standby or emergency
generator. You can start by creating a list of some others not listed. The bottom line is
that a standby generator and an emergency generator are considered the same in some
ways and often can be used interchangeably
Standby vs. emergency
power in mission critical
System designers must interpret the requirements of NFPA
110, ensure their designs follow them, and educate their
clients about how the standard affects their operations.
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Learning objectives

 Understand which codes and standards dictate standby and emergency power
systems, including NFPA 101, NFPA 110, and NFPA 70.
 Learn about the criteria for EPSS classification.
 Know how to better educate the owner concerning ongoing operational and testing
requirements of NFPA 110.

Recently, an electrical contractor on-site at a mission critical project was having difficulties
with the integration of the emergency lighting inverters with the power monitoring system.
He looked at the large uninterruptible power supply (UPS) sitting adjacent to it and
remarked about unnecessary pieces of equipment and why he should mess around with the
pesky little 10 kW units when there were 2-MW generators supporting 800-kW UPS systems.

Surely, the contractor understands the differences in the code and listing requirements of
the emergency and optional standby systems. However, his point was also clear. Due to the
bulk of attention on and the much higher cost of the mission critical power standby system,
it sometimes seems the emergency systems lag behind.

In this example, the life safety system was segregated from the standby system to simplify
the overall system design and operation. It was also segregated to prevent the need to have
the mission critical loads served from the same generator as life safety loads. That
segregation was to simplify the overall power system while meeting the necessary codes.
This article explains that decision-making process.

Reviewing applicable codes and standards

It is important to understand how different sources of information interact and affect the
overall design of a facility. This information includes: codes, design and industry standards,
and owner requirements.Understanding the individual sources of information provides a
basis for understanding how to bridge the gaps between them, and it minimizes confusion
and conflicts. This discussion focuses primarily on National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) codes, especially NFPA 110: Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems,
2013 Edition.
The following select codes and standards required to properly specify, design, and install
emergency and standby systems typically involve these three primary areas:

 Installation and safety requirements, found in NFPA 70: National Electrical Code
(NEC), 2014 Edition
 Selection of systems, found in NFPA 101: Life Safety Code, 2015 Edition and NEC
 Performance requirements, found in NFPA 110.

NFPA 101 defines the minimum requirements for equipment needed to support life safety
systems, such as elevators, exit signs, and emergency lighting. This code relies on other
codes, such as the NEC and NFPA 110, to provide information on how those systems
should be installed and how they should perform.

The NEC is primarily concerned with installation requirements and safety. While it defines
some operational requirements, it does not list specific requirements for performance,
testing, or maintenance. In some places the codes overlap. For example, the NEC has
requirements for emergency lighting to support certain types of installations, but it does not
have specific requirements for when general emergency, exit signs, or elevator power are
required to be on emergency power. The NEC also informs engineers about the overall
system design criteria by presenting the different options as well as the minimum
installation requirements.

NFPA 110 provides guidance on the performance, operation, and maintenance of

emergency and standby power systems. Knowing how to apply it properly requires an
understanding of the terminology used in the standard as well as its application.

NFPA 110, Chapter 3, Section 3.3.3 defines the electric power source for the emergency
power system as an "emergency power supply (EPS)." This is the actual generator
producing the power used by the system. Section 3.3.4 defines the overall standby system
as the "emergency power supply system(EPSS)." The EPSS is the entirety of the emergency
power supply to the load terminals of the transfer equipment.

Understanding EPSS classification criteria

NFPA 110 defines EPSS levels. Level 1 is defined as "where failure of the equipment to
perform could result in loss of human life or serious injuries." This is typically interpreted as
an emergency system in other codes, such as the NEC. Level 2 is defined as "where failure
of the EPSS to perform is less critical to human life and safety." NFPA 110 further defines
classification and types of EPSSs. NFPA 110,Section 4.2 defines classification as the
amount of time, in hours, that the EPS is designed to operate atits rated load without being
discharged or refueled. NFPA 110, Section 4.3 defines type as the maximum time, in
seconds, that the EPSS will permit the load terminals to be without acceptable power.
The balance of NFPA 110 provides requirements for the two levels of EPSS. Included with
the code are annexes that provide further guidance on the code’s intent. While this
information is not considered part of the code’s language, it is useful to review to provide
clarity of intent. Annex A is keyed to specific articles in the code, and Annex B provides
diagrams of typical EPSSs.

Level 1 EPSSs are clearly defined. Per NFPA 110-A.4.4.1, Level 1 systems are intended to
automatically supply illumination, power, or both to critical areas and equipment essential
for safety of human life. This equipment includes: life safety illumination, fire detection and
alarm, elevators, fire pumps, public safety communications systems, industrial processes
where the interruption would produce serious life safety or health risks, and essential
ventilation or smoke removal.

When a system is defined as a Level 1 EPSS, NFPA 110 triggers a number of requirements
that must be considered during the design. Most of the requirements are simply good
design practices. These include sizing the unit for ambient temperature and elevation,
installation per the NEC and manufacturer’s requirements, and so on. Others include
oversizing the fuel storage tank (Section 5.5.3), physically separating the EPS with a 2-hr fire
rating from the rest of the facility (Section, and physical isolation of all EPSS
equipment from the normal service equipment (Section 7.2.3). These concerns mayor may
not be constraints, depending on the facility. However, they are always considerations for
Level 1 EPSSs. Also included in NFPA 110 are operation, maintenance, and testing
requirements, which are applicable to both Level 1 and Level 2 EPSSs.

The Level 2 EPSS designation more subtle. Per NFPA 110-A.4.4.2, Level 2 systems are
intended to supply power to selected loads and are typically installed to serve loads that
could create hazards or hamper rescue or fire-fighting operations. These include: heating
and refrigeration systems,communication systems, ventilation and smoke removal
systems, sewage disposal, lighting, and industrial processes. The list of equipment that,
upon loss of power, could "create hazards" is extensive,which complicates this designation.
This is further complicated by the need to determine if the standard actually applies to the
system. NFPA 110, Section 1.1.3, item 6 states "equipment of systems that are not classed
as Level 1 or Level 2 systems in accordance with Chapter 4 of this standard" are not
covered by NFPA 110. This subtlety manifests by having similar systems in different
jurisdictions having different designations.
Equipped with the relevant code information, the installation discussed in the introduction
can be analyzed. Figure 1 shows a high-level diagram of the system in question. In
cooperation with the owner and the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), the only load that
requires an emergency power source(defined as Level 1 per NFPA 110) is the lighting
required by NFPA 101. Other life safety loads (e.g., fire alarm) maintained their own
emergency power supply and no other loads that were found to be life safety related. Due to
economic and operational considerations, the owner wanted to provide optional standby
generators for the entire facility. Based on coordination with the AHJ, this generation
system fell under the category of NFPA 110, Section 1.1.3, item 6 and, outside the scope of
NFPA 110. The system was installed as an optional standby system in accordance with
NEC Article 702. The owner has worked with the manufacturer to develop a robust
maintenance and testing schedule to ensure continued operation of the system.

By segregating the life safety loads and providing a source of power separate from the
mission critical system, the overall electrical system was simplified. This also avoided any
load shedding requirements where the mission critical loads would be shed to support the
life safety loads, in accordance with NEC,Article 700. In the event that no generators were
operational, the emergency lighting inverter would provide the emergency power to the
lighting system. Similarly, a Level 1 generator could have been supplied in compliance with
NEC Article 700 and NFPA 110, which would have accomplished a similar task.
Another example of a typical Level 1 EPSS is an emergency generator responsible for
supporting emergency lighting, an elevator, and a fire pump. It is not unusual to also have
that generator up-sized to support other loads designated by the owner. A system such as
this would need to comply with all the requirements of NFPA 110 and the NEC to be a code-
legal system, including multiple transfer switches to facilitate separation of life safety loads
from other optional loads.

Mission critical loads fall in the optional loads category, despite being the primary driver for
the system design. Most owners are not comfortable with an installation where the mission
critical loads are dropped by design. This holds true for large-scale facilities that engineers
envision when the term "mission critical"is used, but also smaller installations that have the
same consideration. An example of this scenario is a smaller type of facility with a
dedicated standby power system that supports select loads deemed critical to the
continued operation of a business, or systems installed to protect inventory.

Mission critical facilities have standby systems-some very sophisticated-that can include
UPSs, generators, and other standby power systems. These are typically classified as
optional standby systems and are not related to human safety. Instead, these systems are
related to the economics and overall business strategy of the owner. While these systems
may meet many of the EPSS Level 2 requirements,the desire, generally, is to not designate
these systems as an EPSS to allow the owner greater flexibility in the operation, installation,
and maintenance of the system.
Figure 2 shows a large-
scale paralleling generator standby system with an additional emergency generator for life
safety loads. Depending on the mission critical loads being supplied and coordination with
the AHJ, that system would be designated as a Level 2 EPSS or found outside the scope of
NFPA 110.

As shown, the loads that require Level 1 and, where required, Level 2 EPSSs can be
segregated from the mission critical systems, allowing the mission critical generation
system to be outside the scope of NFPA 110. This can have both cost and constructability
impacts. However, that’s not to say that NFPA 110 becomes superfluous. Certain aspects
of NFPA 110 are commonly applied to mission critical projects in the form of best
practices. These include record keeping, spare parts, and equipment testing. However,this
differentiation allows the owner and engineer to choose requirements that seem reasonable
without being required to comply with the code in its entirety.

Care should be exercised as either segregating or combining the various load levels can
cause unforeseen consequences and, if not carefully managed, additional complexity. An
example of this complexity can be seen by reviewing Figure 2. In the event of a power
outage, all six generators start.Within 10 sec, the life safety generator is available to provide
power to the life safety loads. The relevant transfer switches fire, and the life safety loads
are fed from the life safety generator. Meanwhile, the parallel generator system is still in the
process of powering up, synchronizing, and preparing to accept load, a process that can
take up to 60 sec. When that process is complete, the parallel generator system closes its
feeder breakers, feeding the entire distribution system. This includes the normal side of the
emergency transfer switches. This situation should be thoroughly reviewed with the owner
and AHJ to determine what should happen in this case and how to implement that decision.

This complexity can increase the risk of a generation system failure and an outage
occurring, which could cause the mission critical or life safety systems to be impacted. It is
possible to have emergency loads as well as mission critical loads supplied from that same
system. However, the engineer should work with the owner, the operator, and the AHJ to
ensure the installation and operation of that system is in accordance with all applicable
codes, specifically NFPA 110.

Educating the owner

Furthermore, compliance with NFPA 110 does not stop when the design and construction
of a project are complete. Chapter 8 of that code addresses the ongoing requirements for
the owner (or, more specifically, the owner’s operations team) that must be addressed both
to comply with NFPA 110 and,more importantly, to ensure the continued operation of the
EPSS. Educating the owner to ensure proper operation of the EPSS should be started at the
outset of the design and continued through construction,testing, and commissioning.
Coupled with this education, it is crucial that the engineer understands the owner’s plan to
operate, maintain, and test the standby system to ensure that the design and construction
support that plan. This two-pronged approach can ensure that when all other parties
complete their portions of the project, the owner is in the best position to be successful.

Chapter 8 of NFPA 110 specifically lists some of the ongoing requirements for maintenance
and operational testing of the EPS and EPSS. Ongoing maintenance, testing, and
documentation are required for both Level 1 and Level 2 EPSSs. The primary difference is
certain items, such as general electrical inspections, are not required to be performed as
frequently. As with most other NFPA codes, the items listed in NFPA 110 are minimum
requirements. The manufacturer’s recommendations and written instructions should
influence the developed maintenance and testing regime that is implemented.

While the maintenance and operation are not typically within the scope of services provided
as part of an engineer’s design, NFPA 110, Chapter 8 can and should influence the design of
the EPSS. Examples include:

 Requiring specialty tools or high mortality replacement items to be supplied as part

of the procurement package of the equipment in question
 Specifying maintenance contracts as part of the vendor’s proposal for review by the
 Incorporating record-keeping requirements into an overarching building
management solution
 Documenting the owner’s testing strategy and incorporating it into the design (i.e.,
temporary vs.permanent load bank).

NFPA 110 provides a list of items that are required to be considered as part of the ongoing
maintenance and operation of the EPSS. These items should be reviewed with the owner
early in the project so they can be incorporated into the facility design, if desired. Examples
include a temporary generator being available when a generator is out of service and the
stocking of recommended spare parts.

Whether the standby systems are designated as EPSS Level 1, Level 2, or not within the
scope of NFPA 110, the owner, with support from the engineer, should work with the
manufacturer of each piece of equipment to design a robust ongoing maintenance, testing,
and documentation procedure. These procedures ensure ongoing reliability while
preventing excessive wear and tear of the equipment. Due to the complexity of most
mission critical power systems, the standby system should be tested and commissioned as
a whole to ensure that no unforeseen interactions have manifested that could adversely
affect the operation of the system as a whole.

Meeting expectations

Certain requirements-sometime competing-must be understood prior to beginning the

design of any mission critical facility. NFPA compliance is certainly one of them, but the
owner’s facility needs, budget,industry requirements, and constructability also should be
considered. The better understood all the requirements and expectations are at the
beginning of a project, and how they inform the overall design,the more thorough the design
can be as it progresses.

This understanding of intent will then support the development of the construction plans
and specifications with the obvious goal of delivering engineered documents that comply
with the regulatory requirements and meet the owner’s expectations. These documents
should support the construction and testing efforts and minimize changes that inevitably
impact the schedule and costs, thus supporting the ultimate desire of delivering a mission
critical facility that supports the owner’s business within the expected budget.

Jeremy Taylor is an electrical engineer at  CH2M Hill. He has more than 10 years of
experience as an electrical engineer in a wide array of projects, including multiple mission
critical facilities ranging from small 50 kW generator retrofits to 15 MW data centers globally.
He has been involved in the design,construction, and commissioning of those projects,
supporting not only the electrical construction effort,but also the delivery of the facility as a
Servicing Emergency and Standby Power
  Published In February 2001
Emergency and standby power systems provide electric power to critical loads in
commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. Personnel who test and maintain
these systems for occupancies such as health care facilities, systems such as fire
alarm systems, and equipment such as data processing systems should know
requirements beyond the general ones. The local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ),
other governmental entities having authority over the installation, insurance companies,
installation-specific industry codes, standards, recommended practices, or
manufacturers may impose these requirements. Emergency power systems defined The
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) defines an emergency power
system as “an independent reserve source of electric energy that, upon failure or outage
of the normal source, automatically provides reliable electric power within a specified
time to critical devices and equipment whose failure to operate satisfactorily would
jeopardize the health and safety of personnel or result in damage to property.” National
Electrical Code (NEC) Section 700-1 defines an emergency power system as any that is
intended to provide illumination and power necessary for the safety of human life when
the normal source of power to a building or portion of a building is interrupted. This
corresponds to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 110 definition of a Level
1 emergency power system, which is the Standard for Emergency and Standby Power
Systems. The NEC is actually NFPA 70, and NFPA publishes both the NEC and NFPA
110, which are meant to be complementary. Emergency power systems are typically
installed where lighting is required for safe exiting and panic control. Other loads the
NEC and NFPA 110 noted as potentially essential to protecting human life and served
by the emergency power system include life safety and security systems, emergency
communications systems, elevators, and others. NEC Section 701-2 defines a legally
required standby power system as one that provides power to building loads that could
result in hazards to human life or hamper firefighting or rescue operations when the
normal source of power is interrupted. The NEC’s legally required standby power
system is equivalent to NFPA 110’s Level 2 emergency power system. Both the NEC and
NFPA 110 list a number of loads such as ventilation and smoke removal systems,
communication systems, and others as examples of the types of loads that could
impact emergency operations if power is interrupted. Standby power systems defined
IEEE’s definition in Standard 446 corresponds to NEC 702-2’s definition as one that is
intended to protect loads that are critical to the owner’s business, but do not impact life
safety. Such loads can include communication and data processing systems and
manufacturing and process operations, among others. Required testing Acceptance
testing is required in NEC Paragraphs 700-4(a) and 701-5(a) for emergency and legally
required standby systems, respectively. According to the NEC, the local AHJ should
perform or witness such testing. Acceptance testing is performed after system
installation and before the emergency and standby systems are put into full operation.
Frequency of testing Neither NEC Paragraphs 700-4(b) nor 701-5(b) give the required
schedule for testing emergency and legally required standby power systems. The only
requirement is that testing be performed regularly at a frequency acceptable to the local
AHJ. Normally, manufacturers’ testing recommendations will satisfy the local AHJ.
Manufacturer recommendations for testing emergency and standby power systems
should be viewed as a minimum. NFPA 70B, Recommended Practice for Electrical
Equipment Maintenance, addresses the frequency of inspecting and testing electrical
equipment in Paragraph 4-4.4.7, which notes that the needed inspection and testing
schedule for the same electrical equipment may vary greatly depending on its physical
environment and operational demands. For example, a generator serving typical
building emergency loads can probably be tested monthly. However, a generator serving
loads where a power loss may endanger production workers should be tested before
each shift. Similarly, IEEE Standard 446-1995, IEEE Recommended Practice for
Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications,
suggests that the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule be used to
establish a test and maintenance program, then modified. NFPA 110, Section 6.4
provides requirements for frequency of operational inspections and testing for both
emergency (Level 1) and legally required standby systems (Level 2). In general, NFPA
110 requires weekly inspection and monthly testing under load. NFPA 110, Appendix A
provides a suggested maintenance schedule. Required full-load testing NEC Paragraph
700-4(e) requires that the means must be provided to test emergency lighting and
power systems under the maximum load anticipated. The requirements for load testing
legally required standby power systems are not as stringent as those for load testing
emergency power systems. In accordance with NEC Paragraph 701-5(e), legally
required standby systems only have to be tested under load and not for the maximum
load anticipated. Since both emergency and legally required standby systems are
usually combined into a single emergency system in most buildings, the distinction
between the load that each must be tested under is moot, and the combined system
must be tested in accordance with the more stringent load requirements for emergency
systems. Full-load testing shows if an emergency or standby system will function
properly when needed. Full-load testing of emergency and legally required power
sources can be accomplished by installing a load bank that is equal to the anticipated
maximum load or, better yet, to the power source rating. This protects sensitive
electronic equipment from possible damage and downtime from transfer between the
normal and emergency power sources. However, even if a load bank is provided, the
emergency or legally mandated standby power system should be tested using the
actual load to ensure whole-system operation. NFPA 110, Section 6.4 provides specific
requirements for how emergency and legally required standby power systems are to be
tested under load. These systems are to be tested monthly for at least 30 minutes
under specified loads, as described in Section 6.4. In addition, generator load tests are
to include cold starts. When developing a testing and maintenance program for
emergency and standby generators, NFPA 110 Section 6.4 should be used. Testing and
maintaining system components Automatic transfer switch. NFPA 110 requires that
automatic transfer switches (ATSs) be maintained in Paragraph 6-3.5. It should include
at least: * Checking all connections for proper tightness * Inspecting for overheating
* Inspecting for contact erosion or other damage * Cleaning and removing dust or dirt
NFPA 110, Paragraph 6-4.5, also requires that ATSs associated with emergency (Level
1) and legally required standby (Level 2) power systems be operated at least monthly.
This test requires that the ATS be electrically operated from the normal position to the
backup position and then back to the normal position. If this test is not carried out
under normal load, both the normal and emergency power source must be scheduled
for shut down. Otherwise, a bypass switch can be installed to isolate the ATS switch
while maintaining power to the critical load during the test. A generic maintenance plan
for an engine-generator set and its associated systems is provided in Appendix A of
NFPA 110. NFPA does not specify how to perform these inspections and tests, so
consult the manufacturer’s operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals. IEEE Standard
446 also discusses operating factors that affect engine-generator maintenance and
includes a typical maintenance schedule in Section 8.4. Circuit breakers. NFPA 110
Paragraph 6-4.6 requires low-voltage circuit breakers between the engine-generator set
and the load terminals of the ATS to be manually operated at least annually under no-
load conditions for emergency (Level 1) power systems. Further, Appendix A of NFPA
110 recommends testing circuit breakers under simulated overload conditions every
two years. Section 18-10.2 of NFPA 70B provides additional information. Battery
systems. In addition to NFPA 110 requirements, NEC Paragraphs 700-4(c) and 701-5(c)
require that batteries used as part of an emergency or legally required standby power
system are maintained. Unit equipment. In too-small buildings for a central system,
battery-operated units connected to the lighting branch circuit serving the space provide
the required emergency lighting and exit signage. These units contain an integral
battery, charging system, and transfer device. The NEC calls this “unit equipment,” and
the required installation and operation requirements for this type of emergency lighting
is provided in NEC Paragraph 700-12(e). Unit equipment includes emergency ballasts
incorporated into standard lighting fixtures. NFPA 101, Paragraph 5-9.3 requires that
unit equipment be individually tested every 30 days for at least 30 seconds and annually
for 11/2 hours. The only exception is self-testing unit equipment that automatically
performs the required test and indicates test failure. Required record keeping Written
records must be kept for all emergency and legally required standby power system
inspections, tests, and maintenance and made available to the local authority having
jurisdiction for review. NEC Paragraphs 700-12(d) and 701-5(d) require them for
emergency and legally required standby power systems, respectively. NFPA 110,
Paragraph 6-3.4, however, specifies the information to include: * Date of the inspection,
test, or maintenance * Service personnel performing the inspection, test, or
maintenance * Record of any problems encountered, repairs made, and parts replaced
* Record of testing the repair as recommended by the manufacturer In addition, generic
forms for logging routine maintenance, operation, and testing are provided in Appendix
A of NFPA. Similarly, Figure F-11 in Appendix F of NFPA 70B provides a wet-cell battery
record that can be used to record weekly and quarterly cell readings. NFPA 101,
Paragraph 5-9.3 requires written records to be kept for all inspections, tests, and
maintenance carried out on battery-powered emergency lighting. Acknowledgement
This article is the result of ongoing research into the development of service contracting
business by electrical contracting firms sponsored by the Electrical Contracting
Foundation, Inc. The author would like to thank the foundation for its continuing
support. GLAVINICH is Chair and Associate Professor of Architectural Engineering at
The University of Kansas. He can be reached at (913) 268-8442
or tglavinich@ukans.edu.


Standby or prime power, which do you require?

Standby means Emergency Power for use when the main GRID supply fails during a power
outage and your installed ‘Standby Generator’ starts up to supply power to your building.
Emergency Power is the same.

On the other hand , It can be quite a challenge for potential generator buyers to compare “apples
with apples”. You might find a generator that is a 100kVA prime power and another one that is
110kVA standby power rated. You might think that the second one is a larger generator but
actually they are the same power rating.
Standby power generators are used for emergency power and therefore are expected to only run
during a power cut. Over a year, you wouldn’t expect a standby generator to run more than 10-20
hours and for this low run time, the generator is serviced twice a year and regularly tested.

Prime powered generators are effectively able to run for an unlimited amount of time at variable
loads up to the rated power. This also includes a 10% overload capacity for a limited period (1
hour in every 12).

Continuous power is similar to prime power but it has a baseload rating. This is the rating at
which it can supply power continuously but it is not able to handle overload situations or work
well with varying loads.
Building Systems Installation &
Modifications: Emergency Backup
Power System

The New York City Building requires Emergency Backup Power Systems for certain buildings
like high-rise buildings, covered malls, correctional facilities, places of assembly, and building
systems such as elevators. See Building Code Section 2702.2.

An Emergency Backup Power System can be part of a new building, alteration, renovation, or a
smaller project, i.e. a mechanical system, fuel oil storage, fire protection or sprinkler work. 
Automatic backup generator systems are required for certain critical life safety systems, i.e.
elevators in high-rise buildings, fire protection systems, emergency lighting, or medical and life
support equipment.

Major components of an Emergency Backup Power System include:

 Power Source –Typically turbine or reciprocating;

 Equipment and Devices – Inverters (e.g. lighting), automatic transfer switch (ATS)
devices, and power system feeders;

 Fuel Supply – Gas or diesel fuel

 Controls – Electrical safety gear

 Other Generator Components –Exhaust fans, air conditioning

Types of Emergency Power Systems* include:

 Emergency Power Systems automatically provide power within 10 seconds of power

loss for certain facilities and must be completely separate from other systems, having their
own conduit runs, panels, transfer switches and dedicated areas/rooms. They provide
emergency power to life-safety systems, such as egress lighting, required smoke
evacuation, fire alarm systems, fire pumps, voice/alarm communications, life-support
systems and elevator components. 

 Legally Required Standby Power Systems automatically supply power within 60

seconds of power loss to selected loads for certain kinds of facilities. They are required by
code but need not be fully separate systems. These systems facilitate egress and improve
firefighter operations.

 Optional Standby Power Systems provide backup power to equipment and/or systems

deemed important to the Building Owner. They can be manually or automatically engaged,
and can share components and wiring with normal power or legally required standby power.
They are generally used to prevent data loss, maintain communications systems, or provide
human comfort during outages. Residential optional standby generators are increasingly
common, providing backup electrical power to HVAC systems, security systems, and
household appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, and water heaters.

*NOTE: This excludes Health Care Facilities, which are covered by National Electric
Code Art. 517 and the Facility Guidelines Institute.
Permanently attached cellular antennas are public utilities. A cell tower back-up
generator is part of the cell tower and is NOT required to supply loads for optional
standby power systems.
Get additional information on Emergency Backup Power System Project
Backup Power Systems
NEMA  >  Storm Reconstruction Toolkit  >  Backup Generation  >  Backup Power Systems

Onsite backup power provides a reliable and cost-effective

way to mitigate the risk of economic loss and societal hardship from power outages. Many
businesses suffer economic losses due to disruptions of electric power supply during a
natural disaster. For businesses with highly sensitive loads such as data centers and
financial institutions, the risk of economic losses from downtime is high. For many facilities,
such as assisted living facilities and nursing homes, there is a life safety aspect to consider.
Other facilities, such as cell tower sites, emergency call centers, and gas stations, have far-
reaching social impact and their availability is critical. Investment in onsite backup power
equipment can ensure reliability, safety, and productivity.

Backup Power Systems: Brief Overview

Onsite backup systems use local generation at the facility site to provide power when the
utility is not available. The backup power system may or not be interconnected with the
utility grid. Onsite electrical power generating systems are readily available in a wide variety
of designs for specific uses and customer applications. This type of power system consists
of a power source and a means to transfer power from that source to the load when an
outage occurs. Remote monitoring and control systems that allow an operator to check the
system status and operate the system remotely are becoming more commonplace. The
generator’s primary fuel source can be natural gas (NG), propane, or diesel.
Fuel selection : The selection of NG, diesel, or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) should be
made based on the application’s characteristics and requirements. Considerations for
choosing among the different types include:
 equipment costs (initial and installation)
 fuel costs
 fuel availability
 equipment start up time

Design Considerations for Diesel Onsite Generator Systems

Designing a generator set installation requires consideration of equipment and application
requirements. These vary depending on the reasons for having the generator set and used.
Reviewing and understanding these reasons is an appropriate starting point for system
design and equipment choices. No single solution meets all needs. Before configuring a
system, facility managers should consider the intended use of the generator set and a
number of other factors, as follows:
General requirements: Consider code requirements for emergency power and voluntary
installations of standby power to mitigate the risk of loss of services, data, or other valuable
assets. One system may be used for both of these general needs provided that life safety
needs have priority.
Load-specific requirements: A wide range of specific requirements will result in the need
for onsite electric generation systems which tend to vary by application type. Some common
installations are:
 Healthcare: Standby power is required for all life-safety systems which include
evacuation/egress lighting, HVAC systems for patient care and operating rooms, critical
process equipment such as medical imaging devices, and fire suppression equipment to aid
response teams in the event of an emergency.
 Data centers: The servers housed in data centers drive our economies and the
financial health of businesses and households. Without a backup power system for these
loads, the loss of data could cause a global catastrophe. Apart from the data held in these
facilities, the cooling equipment required to maintain their operation must be kept online in
order for the digital equipment to work properly.
 Communications: From cellular towers to 911 call centers, an efficient emergency
response requires communication. Without power to transmitters and receivers, the storm
recovery process is significantly delayed.
 Commercial/Residential properties: Ambient lighting, temperature control, and the
computers that most of us rely on every day need sustained power in order to operate.
Without electricity, even the most mundane tasks become points of concern, from sending
an email to keeping food cold in the refrigerator.
Location: One of the first design decisions will be to determine whether the location of the
generator set will be inside a building or outside in a shelter or housing. The overall cost
and ease of installation of the power system depend upon the layout and physical location
of all elements of the system—generator set, fuel tanks, ventilation ducts and louvers,
accessories, etc. For indoor and outdoor locations, key considerations include:
 generator set mounting
 noise and emissions regulations
 location of distribution switchboard and transfer switches
 containment of accidentally spilled or leaked fuel and coolant
 service access for general maintenance and inspections
 access and working space for overhauls or component removal/replacement
 access for load bank testing when required for maintenance or scheduled exercise
It is critical to recognize and take into account all these factors while designing the system
and think through possible disruptions of an emergency event or natural disaster. The
systems components need to be designed for security from flooding, fire, icing, wind, and
snow. For example, during Superstorm Sandy, some facilities experienced disruption in
backup power because diesel fuel pumps flooded. This could have been avoided by placing
the pumps in a different location.
Generator ratings: Onsite power generation systems can be classified by type and
generating equipment rating. The generating equipment is rated using standby, prime, and
continuous ratings. The ratings definitions are important to understand when applying the
equipment and depend on the intended use of the equipment. Power ratings for diesel
generator sets are published by the manufacturers in accordance with ISO 8528. These
ratings describe maximum allowable loading conditions on a generator set.
It is important to operate generator sets according to published ratings and at a sufficient
minimum load to achieve normal temperatures and properly burn fuel.
Environmental considerations: The most critical environmental issues are those related
to noise, exhaust emissions, and fuel storage. Emissions are a complex topic and should be
taken into consideration at the early stages of backup power decision making. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines “stationary emergency applications” as
those in which the generator set operates only during periods of an outage of the normal
utility power supply (with the exception of limited-duration operation for testing and
maintenance). All other uses, such as prime power, rate curtailment, and storm avoidance,
constitute non-emergency use. While the EPA does not impose a limit on the number of
hours that a generator may operate in emergency situations, the EPA does limit operators
to 100 hours per year.

Maintenance and Readiness Recommendations

Preventive maintenance for diesel engine generators plays a critical role in maximizing
reliability, minimizing repairs, and reducing long-term costs. Because of the durability of
diesel engines, most maintenance is preventive in nature. By following generally recognized
generator maintenance procedures and specific manufacturer recommendations for the
application, facilities will be assured that the backup power system will start and run when
needed most. It is generally a good idea to establish and adhere to a schedule of
maintenance and service based on the specific power application and the severity of the
environment. The following areas should be inspected frequently to maintain safe and
reliable operation:
 exhaust system
 fuel system
 dc electrical system
 engine
Lack of adherence to a preventative maintenance schedule is one of the leading causes of
failure of a backup power system. When preparing for an emergency, one should pay
particular attention to the starting batteries. Weak or undercharged starting batteries are the
most common cause of standby power system failures. Even when kept fully charged and
maintained, lead-acid starting batteries are subject to deterioration over time and must be
periodically replaced when they no longer hold a proper charge. Only a regular schedule of
inspection and testing under load can prevent generator starting problems. Merely checking
the output voltage of the batteries is not indicative of their ability to deliver adequate starting
power. As batteries age, their internal resistance to current flow increases, and the only
accurate measure of terminal voltage must be done under load.
Generator sets on standby must be able to go from a cold start to fully operational in a
matter of seconds. This can impose a severe burden on engine parts; however, regular
exercising keeps engine parts lubricated, prevents oxidation of electrical contacts, uses up
fuel before it deteriorates, and helps provide reliable engine starting. Periods of no-load
operation should be held to a minimum because unburned fuel tends to accumulate in the
exhaust system.

Roadmap Recommendations
To ensure continuity of critical services and protect crucial facilities from power outages,
facility owners, and operators should follow these recommendations:
 Evaluate and mitigate the risk : Identifying the facility's critical loads is an important
first step. Understand the social risks and costs of a facility shutdown and invest accordingly
in a backup power system or make arrangements for temporary rental power.
 Design for emergencies : Work with a power generation firm that can help you
understand what your backup power needs would be to ensure optimal selection of a
backup power system. Depending on needs, develop a plan that includes a rental
agreement with that company before or after a disaster.
 Ensure sufficient fuel storage and supply : Have emergency generator fuel on hand
to allow at least 48 hours of operation, or as required by code (for example, some
healthcare facilities require 96 hours), and develop contracts with fuel operators for
 Ensure scheduled exercise and maintenance : Generators should be exercised
periodically to ensure they will operate as designed in the event of an emergency.
Preventive maintenance plays a critical role in maximizing reliability, minimizing repairs, and
reducing long-term costs. Follow generally recognized diesel maintenance procedures and
specific manufacturer recommendations for your application.
 Ensure trained personnel : Staff need to be trained to maintain and operate the
generator unit and should be ready for deployment.

Incorporating Generators and System Upgrades for Storm

NEMA  >  Storm Reconstruction Toolkit  >  Backup Generation  >  Incorporating Generators and System Upgrades for Storm
The impact of Superstorm Sandy is, unfortunately, a perfect
illustration of an unreliable electrical distribution infrastructure. Without power, little else
works—from the cellular communications that have replaced landlines for many people to
heating that depends on electricity to operate blowers.
Most people think of the public electrical infrastructure first—the local utility companies that
operate the transmission and distribution networks. In many disasters, such as ice storms or
wind storms, it is these lines that are impacted; and when they are repaired, power is
restored to residences.
Sandy presented a more severe form of damage. In addition to the public electrical
infrastructure, there was widespread destruction of the private electrical infrastructure that
exists within each house or building. When this damage occurs, recovery is usually much
more difficult because:
 The damage is much more diffuse—in many different buildings rather than
concentrated in key lines and substations
 The damage is likely to be hidden and inaccessible within the structure of a building.
 The individual owners of the buildings are unlikely to have the technical knowledge
employed by the utility. This lack of knowledge can lead to unwise and unsafe recovery

Electrical Equipment Safety

Safety is a significant issue when recovering from the flooding that occurs during a storm
like Sandy. Electrical and electronic equipment that has been submerged should never be
re-energized without being thoroughly inspected by competent technical personnel.
Equipment that has been submerged is likely to have debris and damaged electrical
insulation that can cause fires and shock hazards when the devices are energized.
This applies as much to electrical equipment as it does to the wiring of a building. All
manufacturers of circuit breakers, for example, require that those devices be replaced after
being submerged. The corrosion and dirt left behind affects their calibration and ability to
trip, leaving them ineffective for their critical protective functions. The enclosures that hold
the circuit breakers can sometimes be cleaned and refurbished by factory service
personnel, but this is usually only cost effective for the largest gear. For smaller load
centers, replacement will usually be less expensive.
If the infrastructure within a building has not been damaged, there is still the issue of
providing electrical power until utility service is restored. Hospitals and other critical facilities
have long had onsite standby generators. As electricity has become more vital to leverage
other energy sources, more facilities are required to have at least some level of standby
generation. For example, Florida requires some gas stations to have generators to run the
pumps in the event motorists need to fuel up for an evacuation.

Backup Generation
Backup generation is becoming just as important in emergency preparedness as having a
three-day stockpile of food and water. Approximately two percent of U.S. homes now have
some backup generation capability, and this percentage is growing. Most often the
generation capacity is not enough to replace the utility completely, but it is enough to
operate HVAC blowers for heat, charge phones, and run refrigerators so food won’t spoil.
Standby generators can range from small portable units to larger machines that are
permanently wired to the building. In all cases, there are a few key concerns that must be
 There must be a means of transferring the load from the normal utility source to the
generator. For a portable unit, this can be as simple as unplugging an appliance from a wall
outlet and plugging it into the generator, but for a larger generator that is wired into a
building electrical system, some type of transfer switch will be needed. This may be a
manual transfer switch that requires someone to physically operate the switch or an
automatic transfer switch that will switch power to the generator when it is running and then
back to the utility when it is restored. No human action is needed to make these switches.
The transfer switch also includes an interlock that keeps the generator from back feeding
power to the utility.
 It is essential that generators only be connected to a building electrical system using
a listed transfer switch installed by a knowledgeable electrician. If a user connects a
generator to the facility wiring without disconnecting the utility, dangerous conditions can
result. First, power going out on the utility lines causes them to become energized; this can
electrocute line workers. Second, when power is restored it will be out of phase with the
generator and will likely cause catastrophic destruction of the unit, e.g., a fire or flying
 More sophisticated transfer switches can warn of overload conditions or even rotate
power among loads to optimize use of the generator. Some building owners or homeowners
opt to install generators large enough to completely replace their utility feed, but in many
cases this expense is not warranted. Smaller generators can be used to operate only key
loads; however, it is possible to overload those generators if too many appliances are
switched on. While the generator will have circuit breakers or shutdown devices that will
intervene to prevent damage to the unit, this will cause another power disruption and key
loads, such as freezers, may be left without power.
 Obviously, there must be enough fuel to operate the generator for the intended
standby period. Depending on the type of engine on the generator, this may be gasoline,
diesel, propane, or natural gas. If natural gas is used, an evaluation of the stability of the
gas main during a widespread outage must be made.

System Upgrades
There are two more electrical system upgrades that building owners and managers should
consider. These further protect the building and the appliances and loads within.
The first is premises-wide surge protection. Surge protectors are typically installed in an
enclosure with circuit breakers to protect loads, especially sensitive ones like TVs and
computers, from damaging electrical pulses. Pulses are often caused by lightning or
switching transients generated by reclosers or feeder switches in the utility system. During
power restoration, surge protectors continue to guard from electrical surges created as work
is done on the utility lines.
The second improvement is the addition of advanced arc-fault and ground-fault protection
for circuits that supply power within the building. This protection is provided by circuit
breakers that contain new electronic sensing technology that was not available 10 or 15
years ago. The improved protection can sense broken wires or damaged electrical
insulation and remove power from a circuit before a fire begins. In most new residential
construction, devices offering this higher level of protection are required by code, but they
can also be retrofitted into older homes and businesses. Such a retrofit should be
considered as a means of hardening the building electrical infrastructure.

Preparing for Generator Use

To assure you are prepared in case of a disaster, follow these next steps:
1. Evaluate the size of generator needed based on key loads required to run during an
extended outage.
2. Decide if the generator will be fixed mount or portable.
3. Decide on the type of engine and fuel it will use.
4. Look at the physical placement options for the generator. This is clearly needed for
fixed mount units, but there must also be a plan for portable units. Indoor operation is never
an option as it is extremely unsafe.
5. Consider how the generator will be connected to appliances. If existing building
wiring is used, decide on the correct type of transfer switch—manual or automatic—and the
features required.
6. Look at the connection point in the building electrical system. Determine if it is
possible to electrically isolate and connect to a point that is higher than any anticipated flood
7. Find a qualified electrical contractor that will install the transfer switch and generator
and see that it is inspected as required by local codes.
8. Verify adequate fuel supply and test the generator and transfer switch on a regular
basis to verify correct operation.
9. Consider adding premises-wide surge protection at the circuit breaker enclosure.
10. Consider adding arc-fault and ground-fault circuit protection in the electrical
Introduction to Datacenter Power Structure:
While designing power solution for datacenter, we need to consider uptime
demanded from client. Uptime of Data center is obviously depends on uptime
of power supply. For higher uptime of power supply and hence datacenter we
need to design redundant, efficient power distribution network which will offer
not only continuous but also clean and safe power supply.  Datacenter Power
distribution network typically consist of Power backup devices (e.g. UPS,
Generator), Switching devices ( e.g.  STS, breakers) and protection devices (e.g.
  Product Website



Static Transfer Switch

Voltage Stabilizer

Power Conditioning
As shown in introductory video Static Transfer switch (STS) has two inputs. One
input feed from Utility power through transformer and other from Backup
Generator. Utility power act as default input while backup Generator as standby
input. Output of STS feed to input of Uninterrupted Power Supply  (UPS). To
make network more reliable we can connect two UPSs in Parallel
redundant mode. In parallel redundant configuration each UPS serves 50% of
load. And in event of failure of one UPS, other will serve 100% load without
break.  This increases reliability and uptime of data center services. If utility
power fails, then Static transfer switch will give signal to  auto start Generator
and it will transfer input to Generator from utility power. Load will serve through
battery backup of UPS till Generator get start.

Major Components of Server room Power Setup.

Lets have small introduction of different components of Power System for
Datacenter and Server room one by one:

 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS): This is Major component of Datacenter  Power

setup. UPS can be Single or Three phase. It can be standalone UPS or parallel
redundant UPS. Up to Six Units can be connected in parallel redundant mode to
improve uptime of power. Battery backup can be provided depending on load, site
condition and shutdown time.
 Static Transfer Switch (STS): Static transfer Switch is use to transfer power from one
default source to other redundant source without break. It can be connected before
or after UPS. Generally two input to STS are power from local grid and power from
Generator & output of STS connected to input of UPS.
 Voltage Stabilizer: It is use to stabilize input voltage c0ming from Grid or Generator.
It is used for data center site which has low quality power supply. Traditionally,
voltage stabilizer with servo motor controlled technology are commonly used. Static
voltage stabilizer is based on new technology which has fastest voltage correction
time than servo motor based stabilizer.
 Power Conditioning Equipment: It includes electrical equipment like isolation
transformer, Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TVSS), Active filters, MCBs,
Brakers and isolators which use for conditioning and safety of power.

Understanding Power Structure of all Tier Data center.

Lets understand Power structure of all Tier of Datacenter. Certainly lower

Tier datacenter will have less power redundancies of power component Than
higher Tier Datacenter.
Tier I Datacentre (Server Room)
Tier I Datacenter (Server Room)

Tier I datacenter has single power distribution path without redundancy to any

power components. In this type of power distribution network though IT load
and Mechanical load separated but there is Single UPS to serve IT load. Hence
this type of distribution has multi points of failures and human errors. To do
maintenance or failure repair, this network needs shutdown of IT load.  Uptime
of Power network is around 99.67% with 29 hours of per annun downtime. Per
annum two scheduled maintenances, each of 12 hours shutdown. This type
of power distribution network use for small enterprises internal server room
which has let critical index factor.

Tier II Data Centre

Tier II Data Center

With Tier II type power distribution network, power uptime of datacenter get
improved but still network is prone to multi point of failures and human errors.
In Tier II power distribution design, redundancy provided to critical
components like UPS and Generator. UPS connected in parallel Redundant mode
which means each UPS shares 50% load and will take over 100% load without
any break in event of failure of other UPS. Generator also connected to same bus
sharing 50% load by each Generator. Uptime of Power network is around 99.75%
with 22 hours of per annum downtime. Three scheduled maintenances every 3
years, each of 12 hours shutdown.

Tier III Datacentre

Tier III Datacenter.

In Tier III datacenter, redundancy provided to all components including

distribution path. In event of failure in main distribution path, other can supply
power to IT load. UPS, Generator and distribution path are redundant. But still
there are failure point and human errors can cause shutdown. This type of
network do not need scheduled maintenance. Two distribution paths allows
concurrent maintenance. This increase uptime to 99.98% with maximum
downtime of 96 minutes per annum. Major mechanical load is powered by Grid
or redundant Generators. But critical mechanical load like drain pumps, Fans etc.
are powered through UPS.

Tier IV Datacentre
Tier IV Datacentre

Power distribution design of Tier IV datacenter is most robust and has highest
up time of 99.99% with downtime of only 48 minutes annually. It this design not
only two Generator, Grids & distribution paths are redundant, but also each
component in respect distribution path is redundant. There is not single point of
failure. This design can withstand faults, human errors & fire situations.
Construction of Tier IV data center is costly affaire since it required all redundant
SureVolt ™Automatic Voltage
Continuous power conditioning and protection
Protect your equipment from sags, dips, swells, line noise, brownouts, and
Contact sales

 Overview
 Documents

 Features
SureVolt™ automatic voltage regulator provides continuous power conditioning and the broadest range of
protection available. It guards against voltage fluctuations that can wreak havoc on your electrical load
equipment, costing you money in damages and lost productivity.
Safely bridge all voltage anomalies and ensure maximum uptime and motor life for valuable production
equipment. SureVolt provides tightly controlled voltage through both transient and longer-term low or high
voltage events, while balancing three-phase power. Achieve consistent voltage regulation and fast
correction without regular maintenance or moving parts.

 Fast voltage regulation corrects under/over voltage, sags, and swells

 Compatible with all load types and power factor

 High fault-clearing capacity permits reliable operation of other protective devices

 Built-in surge suppression for surges and spikes

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 Transformer shielding reduces line noise to deliver clean power

 Independent phase regulation corrects voltage imbalance

 Input circuit breaker protects against damaging over-current and short circuits

 Automatic failsafe electronic bypass keeps the load powered

 100% natural convection cooling, requires no fans or other moving parts

 Sizes 5 to 2500 kVA, any voltage up to 600 Vac

 Single phase, three phase, compatible with all load types

 Non-full-power semiconductor design for 1000% fault-clearing capability •

 All digital controls and operation for performance, accuracy, and customization

 Improve equipment and power reliability

 Avoid costly downtime and lost productivity

 Ensure maximum uptime and equipment lifespan

 Achieve consistent voltage regulation and fast correction without regular maintenance

Data Center
Small industrial

Automatic Voltage Stabilizers

Home ⁄ Automatic Voltage Stabilizers

Servo Automatic Voltage Stabilizers

We offer a wide range of both single-phase and three-phase servo automatic voltage stabilizers to match your power
requirement. We deliver these machines in the capacities from 1 kVA to 2100 kVA with larger capacities available
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Static Automatic Voltage Stabilizers

Our offer on static automatic voltage stabilizers comes in both single-phase and three-phase options and range from
1 kVA to 3 kVA. Our products are ideal for Data Center applications and linear loads protection, among others.
Data Center Solutions
Home ⁄ Data Center Solutions

We offer the real-time access to secure and reliable data that is crucial in today’s competitive global business
environment. Delta has developed a new generation of tier 3 data center solutions or above. These allow companies
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We group Delta’s InfraSuite Data Center Infrastructure Solutions into four main modules. These modules optimize
our customers’ ability to maximize operating efficiency at the lowest cost. Moreover, they maintain a high level of
flexibility and control for IT managers. Lastly, we quickly scale them to meet demand, and monitor data center
solutions 24/7/365 from anywhere around the world.

Home ⁄ Generators
We offer generators for all applications in Kenya. If you knew the total cost of power interruptions, would you make
a different decision about the value of a dependable uninterruptible power supply? Power failures, surges, under and
over voltage events account for more than an estimated 60 billion dollars in losses for the commercial sector. The
largest share of the losses is due to customer outages. The industrial sector fairs only slightly better with total
estimated losses of over 30 billion dollars.

Home ⁄ Inverters

API 1500 Series Inverters

The Delta API 1500A Series inverter is high efficient, modular single phase inverter. The overload capability
enables the inverter to deliver high start up currents demanded by appliances such as air conditioners

SSW Series Static Switch

The Delta SSW Series static switch provides uninterruptible AC power by acting as an electronic switch between the
AC mains and the Delta API 1500A series modular inverters. The two standard static switch modules are designed
for 7.5 kVA and 30 kVA output, respectively. The static switch ensures that the system performs without
interruptions and that the modular inverters are synchronized to the AC mains. The optimized architecture of our
solution provides energy savings of up to 5%. In addition, when the static switch is configured to offline mode, in
which the AC utility is connected to the equipment directly, energy savings can reach up to 14%.

Rectifier Systems
Home ⁄ Rectifier Systems
Discover our wide range of reliable, energy-efficient rectifier systems. We offer to protect your wireless broadband
access, internet backbone and datacenter against grid power interruptions and fluctuations while reducing OPEX and
carbon footprint. We deliver Telecom Power Systems to meet your needs for scalability and future demands.

The Delta PowerGen – 10 kVA is an outdoor DC Generator which is specifically designed for communication
networks and emergency backup. With DC output application, it can increase efficiency and reliability over AC
application. Easy installation and maintenance are able to reduce capital and operational expenses.

The DPS 2900 (CellD300) belongs to the Delta CellD product series. This high power density system is ideal for
space-critical applications. An integrated modular system allows flexible and adaptable installations. Applications
include Network Base Stations, Wireless Applications, Fixed line applications and Data Communications.

CabD Rectifier
CabD is Delta’s robust indoor cabinet developed for expandable telecom power systems. The number 3000 defines
the maximum current carrying capacity of a single cabinet bus bar. Total load current in parallel configurations 

Solar Batteries
Home ⁄ Solar Batteries

Delta Energy Systems (K) Ltd stocks the best selection of solar batteries and general purpose batteries for a wide
range of applications in telecom and renewable energy applications. These include deep cycle batteries, inverter
power back-up systems, standby batteries and related accessories

Solar Charge Controllers

Home ⁄ Solar Charge Controllers

Our high quality charge controllers ensure the voltage and / or current is kept under check to keep your batteries
from overcharging. They regulate the voltage and current coming from the solar panels going to the battery. Our
expertise will go a long way to provide you with real-time answers and customized solutions to fit your budget. Talk
to us and lets help deliver your dream solution for you.

Solar Inverters
Home ⁄ Solar Inverters

Our solar inverters are compatible for both crystalline and thin film panels. Delta’s product range aims at catering
customers with home, commercial and utility scale inverter requirements. Call in today to find out how Delta Energy
Systems (K) Ltd can help you to efficiently harness and utilize solar power

Solar Water Heating

Home ⁄ Solar Water Heating

We deliver your solar water heating requirements by converting the available sunlight into heat for water heating
using a solar thermal collector. A variety of configurations are available at varying costs to provide solutions in
different climates and latitudes. Our solar water heating systems find applications in major residential and industrial
setups. Visit our showroom for more details.

Switch-Gear And Accessories

Home ⁄ Switch-gear and Accessories
Protective shields, protective barriers, or insulating materials must be used to protect each user from shock, burns, or
other electrically related injuries while users are working near exposed energized parts which might be accidentally
contacted or where dangerous electric heating or arcing might occur. We provide an all-round approach to this by

 The right Electrical Cables

 The right Circuit Breakers

 The right Power Distribution Units

 The right Power Distribution Panels
We go beyong this to install and maintaine them, all for your confort. Call in for more details.

Uninterruptible Power Supplies

Home ⁄ Uninterruptible Power Supplies

We offer a variety of UPS options for the protection of your valuable appliances from the impurities in power

These are:

a. Line Interactive UPSes from 600VA, 1 kVA and 1.5 kVA

b. True Online double conversion 1 kVA to 10 kVA single-phase systems with upto 20 kVA for two systems in

c. True Online double conversion 10 kVA to 20 kVA three-phase-in, single-phase-out systems and up to 80 kVA for
four units in parallel.

d. True Online double conversion 15 kVA to 4,000 kVA three-phase-in, three-phase-out systems

e. Industrial UPS systems

Unique features of our UPS system offerings include super high efficiency and power factor parameters with
possibilities to offer extended power backup. Our offer includes a free comprehensive and friendly power
management software with the ability to relay emails and SMS on power events. Other features include the ability to
parallel four to eight systems without extra hardware and furthermore, our service center to offer the much needed
support services.

AVRs – Automatic Voltage stabilizers

Our voltage stabilizers are specifically designed
for industrial application (Harsh electrical environment, very low service requirement), therefore
they are characterized by a very high reliability and quality level, that can hardly be found in
similar equipment. Accurate and severe tests on each system and the use of high technologies
permit our products to achieve an MTBF (mean time between failures) of 500,000 hours.

A wide range of models are available to cover your needs, with power varying from 1 kVA to
2500 kVA. all the offered products conform to the requirements of the following standards:
Electromagnetic Compatibility 89/336/EEC and following amendments; Low Voltage Electrical
Equipment 73/23/EEC and following amendments.

Automatic Voltage Regulators (servo-mechanical based stabilizers) are a very reliable and economical method of
stabilizing mains voltage variations of up to 50% (both symmetrical up to ±25%, and asymmetrical up to +15% -35%).
Our offering of voltage regulators are based on the control
of a motorized variable auto-transformer and are used for many applications in industrial plants, commerce, hospitals,
electrical-discharge machining (EDM), electro erosion machining, CN-controlled machines with CO2 laser, water-jet
cutting, big transmitters radio & TV stations, GSM & UMTS mobile phone plants for telecommunications, agricultural
breeding plants, airports, numerical controls for machine tools and robotics, lifts, escalators and other horizontal
transportation systems, oil industry & petrol stations, etc.

The Automatic Voltage Regulator consists in a fully

electronic control circuit, a servomotor, a variable auto-transformer and a buck boost transformer on each phase. This
system allows an independent regulation of the output voltage on each phase. The products use a proven technology
that combines solid electrical engineering with electronic sensing and control to give a continuous, smooth and very
stable output voltage with an accuracy of ±1%. The regulation of the output voltage is true RMS therefore the voltage
regulator is unaffected by possible harmonic distortions present on the supplying line.
Servo-mechanical voltage stabilizers does not need particular maintenance or greasing of the moving parts, which
depending on the application will require a small amount of low-level maintenance after a long period of time.
Even with moving parts, they are a far more reliable method of stabilizing voltages than electronic tap changing
techniques, which due to surges and transients on the mains supply are prone to failure.
The long-life and low cost of ownership makes servo-mechanical stabilizers a very economical and reliable solution.

UPS – Uninterruptable Power Supply

Most businesses today are totally reliant on highly sensitive
electronics, Computers and communication networks; and industries such as telecommunications, manufacturing
depend heavily on electrical control and monitoring equipment. The only certain way of protecting your investment
against power quality problems is to install a UPS and PTC is your insurance policy to have full protection against
power problems.
PTC focuses on achieving world-class combination of products quality vs technical after sales support. As solution
provider, we would take your hand and lead you in finding the suitable solution so your investment is completely
protected with high reliability products and what we can uniquely guarantee to you is the continuity of production
through our professional after sales service engineering staff that would ensure to our customers that they have
made the BEST deal.

We provide UPS maintenance 24 hours a day, 365 days a

year. In the event of a failure, a trained engineer is dispatched to the customer site unless the problem can be
resolved remotely.
As part of our commitment, we ensure the availability of parts required to correct hardware issues. Most of the spare
parts items of the sold systems are available in our local stock, allowing response to equipment failures in a timely
manner and ensuring minimum MTTR (Mean Time To Repair) for our customers.
Our very long list of satisfied customers (consist of most reputable banks, insurance companies, medical
centers/Hospitals, factories, telecom companies, etc…), is our proof of excellence. Please contact our pre-sales
consultants to arrange a site visit to your premises to discuss your needs and be able to help you choosing the best
solution for your problems.

Alternative Power Source (APS)

You home cannot be out of power any more, you can keep
watching TV, have your lights on and your get cold drinks from your fridge even when your neighbors are sitting in the
dark or using candles   …….This product is designed to offer none-stop alternative power for several hours
according to your requirements using electronic systems and batteries as power storage.
A complete all in one system, composed of an inverter with automatic line-to-Inverter transfer and
integrated huge charging system serves as an extended run UPS, a standalone power source that can grant you long
hours of runtime using suitable power storage batteries.
When AC input is energized, main power passes through to connected equipment and the battery set is recharged
via 3 stage, high current charging system that is mean to deal with all kind of batteries (Gel or Vented types).  The
APS system responds to blackouts and severe voltage fluctuations with a near instantaneous automatic transfer of
the load to the inverter fed from the battery.
As for the high end servers & telecom devices, We offer a special designed UPS system with On Line Double
Conversion operation to offer complete protection for your sensitive loads during presence of public network and
continuous clean power for hours of back up (customizable according to the customer’s need).
Silent, automatic, smoke-free and with no need for expensive consumables (Petrol, Filters, spare parts, etc…), Our
systems are your best choice compared to a small generator.

Lighting Control Systems

Used for streets and tunnels control of lighting systems to ensure the best power saving while keeping the
compliance according to the European & international standards.
The energy consumption in the lighting sector, whether in public lighting or private users, constitutes a high
percentage of the total energy used.
Energy saving and light pollution are two currently much discussed topics involving all the operators in the lighting
field to such an extent as to become the object of national and international recommendations and directives.
UNI standard 10819 sets down clear indications on the creation of lighting plants with particular guidelines for cutting
down maintenance costs, reducing energy consumption, and limiting the flow of light dispersed upwards at desired
In connection with this, many governments have taken steps with promotional campaigns and subsidies to provide
incentives for using high efficiency lighting sources and equipment suitable to curb energy consumption.
The statutory provisions in force therefore encourage the birth of new technologies that permit to reach these aims by
acting on voltage stabilization and regulation.
The luminous flux regulator system starts up by automatically executing the ignition cycle of the lamps in a time
programmable by the user depending on the type of lighting source powered (the ignition voltage and cycle time is
user programmable).
After this, the regulator gradually reaches the preset rated voltage value. When, for various reasons, the peak lighting
level is no longer needed, the regulator reduces the voltage powering the lamps, thus achieving a significant energy
The transitions between the various operating conditions are so slow that the change in illumination is not perceptible
to users.
Whatever the operating conditions, the output voltage is maintained within ±1% of the preset value, even with
considerable input voltage variations.
After a black-out, when the mains is restored, the system performs a new ignition cycle before bringing the output
voltage back to the preset value. This function is essential to grant a safe restrike of the lamps.

Rectifiers – Rectifier/chargers (AC to DC systems)

These systems are the base supply for all telecom equipment, Process
Control, Emergency Lighting, Switch Gear Protection, Engine Starting and Power Station Control that require DC
Telecom rectifiers/chargers are known to use 48V DC output supply to feed the telecom equipment with DC power
and at the same time charge a huge battery bank to ensure at least 6 hours of back up time to the connected
equipments in case of main power failure.
Telecom rectifiers/chargers uses IGBT based power factor correction (PFC) systems to ensure best compatibility and
minor effect on the input electrical network. Those systems are designed based on modular technology in N+1
configuration that ensure the redundancy of modules in case of any possible failure in one of the modules.
Industrial rectifiers / chargers are available in a wide range so it can be supplied in voltage outputs up to 500VDC and
current outputs up to 1500Amps and they uses Thyristor switching principle for achieving the desired DC output. The
sophisticated power electronics, superior design and high quality standards ensure absolute reliability of the offered
products enables it to meet the specific requirements of our customers.

Batteries – Battery Banks

Nickle Cadmium or Lead Acid ….. Whatever you need as batteries for your systems, we are the specialists.
The Sealed Lead Acid – Valve Regulated type batteries (VRLA) are the best choice for low serviceability and
constant performance.
Eurobat standard is the main guideline to rank the design expected life time of the VRLA batteries. According to your
application and available resources, you can choose between 5 years or 10years or 12 years or ever more.
Also VRLA batteries are made with 2 technologies: even using AGM (Absorbed Glass Matt) or Gel as electrolyte.
Depend on the type of application, we would help you choosing the best technology to fit your needs.
Nickel Cadmium is the other choice for batteries available. From the biggest international manufacturers in this field,
PTC is able to offer this solution to fit your Genset for start-up, or to suit your rectifier for several hours backup for DC
control supply in the Oil & Gaz applications.
Also as one of the leaders in this field, PTC offer the services of battery bank testing with the most modern testing
meters that is able to give you a detailed report about your battery blocks or battery cells including internal resistance
reading and actual capacity metering. This testing would be your best way to monitor your battery banks and be able
to predict any potential failure in one or more cells in advance and plan your budget for battery replacement without
any surprise.

Data Center infrastructure products

Data Center design

With our expertise and certified staff in DataCenter infrastructure design, we are able to help you building your Data
Center according to international standard of TIA942 and best practices in the field.
We can design your entire Data Center infrastructure: floor layout, raised floor, cabinets spread over tiles, HVAC
system, main and UPS power scheme, power distribution and related panels/CBs/Cables/PDUs, etc…..
Also, as part of our scope of supply and in addition to the power section, we can offer the following:
1- IT cabling: All kind of cables from UTP, FTP, STP, fiber optic and Fiber Chanel.
2- 19″ SMART Racks in Enclosure type and open frame type to fit the type of application needed for. Our
professional solutions include all accessories required to build the complete racks, ready to accommodate the
passive and active parts of the network.
3- PDU (Power Distribution Unit): regular and Smart models to be able to secure the power connection from the
power source (UPS or other) to the loaded equipment professionally and be able (in the smart models) to monitor &
control the power fed to the load.
4- Professional KVM switches and Consoles solutions.
5- IP console servers: that give the IT management remote accessibility to the serial ports (RS232) of their equipment
(Switches, routers, servers, UPSs, etc…) using the TCP/IP protocol (Ethernet network) or using direct dial in modem
(regular telephone line).

In house repairs

Power Technology Center is proud to offer state of the art level of after sales and maintenance support to all type of
equipments within our scope of supply.
With a team of trained personnel by our suppliers in their training centers, we are able to troubleshoot, diagnose &
repair most of your equipments backed with our network of spare parts suppliers.
Our service contracts offering  is our main playground, with the ability to respond to your service requirement in a fast
& efficient way. We are proud of the list of customers that have trusted our technical support services to maintain the
continuity of their businesses.
Also as our main target as consulting company, our technical team are ready to respond to your call to study any
electrical problem your are facing in your facility and prepare the proposal of the right equipments to solve your
problem. Products integration and implementation in your facility is the next step we do ensure the compensation of
the source of the problem and with our after sales services we guarantee your complete satisfaction.

In breif, we offer you:

 Our service team, which guarantees a quick response in case of emergencies
and is always there for you: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
 Our expert service technicians, who are trained in up-to-date technology
and all relevant security measures
 A tailored-to-your-need, approach with our normal and VIP Service Level Agreement (SLA)/ Service
contracts. This is not only to grant you the best treatement and resonce time in case of failure, but to
increase the reliability of your UPS unit with our preventative maintenance regular actions.
 The peace of mind that your investment is protected 24/7 .
How UPS for Server room & Data center
September 24, 2018 ctrltech No comments exist

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is one of the most important component of

efficient data center. UPS acts as barrier to protect your important IT equipment
installed in server room from power impurities. Prime jobs of UPS is to supply
power and offer power backup to load whenever required without interrupting
loads. Power we get from grid consists of lots of impurities like sag, swell,
harmonics, over voltages, spike etc. IT servers are very sensitive towards these
impurities. If IT load directly subject to this raw power then there will be high
chances of failure of server and in some cases it can burn also due to high
voltages. UPS in data center removes all these impurities and delivers pure
power to your servers. Second and most important job of UPS is of power
backup. UPS connected to battery bank which store power during normal
operation. But when there is power supply fails from grid, then a online UPS
supply power to load from batteries without any interruption. Transfer of power
source to grid to batteries takes place without any delay. Even if there is
generator with auto start facility, it will take few minutes to start and during this
delay UPS takes care of your IT load.

Components of
Uninterruptible Power
Supply (UPS).
For Server room and datacenters only online configuration of UPS is
recommended. A online UPS system consists of rectifier, inverter, battery bank,
static bypass and manual bypass. Function of these parts are as below:

 Rectifier : Rectifier receives AC power from input source and converts it to DC power
to give input to inverter and to charge battery bank.
 Battery Bank: Main function of battery bank is to store power during normal
condition and discharge whenever required. With online UPS generally sealed
maintenance free lead acid batteries or Nickel Cadmium batteries are used.
 Static Bypass: It also called as automatic bypass. If there is fault in UPS then input
power source transfers to static bypass without any break.
 Manual Bypass: It is also called as maintenance bypass. It is use when user like to
repair or do maintenance of UPS.
 Inverter : Job of inverter to convert DC power received from rectifier or batteries to
AC. It works on Pulse width modulation (PWM) method to deliver required voltage
and frequency at output of UPS.

How Data center UPS works?

To understand working of UPS, we need to consider following its following three
working modes.

 Normal Mode of operation: In this mode UPS receiving power from mains which has
voltage and frequency  within input window for which UPS is designed for. During
normal mode of operation rectifier converts AC power to DC and supply to inverter
and batteries for charging. Inverter will deliver output by converting DC power to AC
with help of PWM method.
 Battery Mode of operation: UPS will transfer on batteries if there is input power
failure or input power voltage is out of input window or input frequency is out of
input window or both voltage and frequency out of input window or there is fault on
rectifier side. In such condition inverter start drawing power from batteries without
any delay and deliver power to load. When battery get drained then UPS will
transfer on static bypass.
 Bypass mode: Unit will transfer on static bypass if there is fault in UPS or power
supply failure from grid and battery got drained. In such situation UPS will supply
power through bypass as long as voltage and frequency in set limit.

Configuration of Server room UPS.

To achieve high power availability, UPS can be connected in different

configuration. Even if datacenter is powered by single UPS even though your
server room equipment expose to interruption if there fault occurs in that single
UPS. Hence there is facility to connect unit in parallel redundant configuration. In
this configuration two or up to eight units can be connecting in parallel, sharing
equal load hence creating redundancy. We will discuss data center UPS parallel
redundant configuration in detail in coming articles.
For more details on server room construction, please contact control
Technologies at
t: +971 6 5489626
M: +971 50 1537113  |  +971 55 2338912
E: sales@ctrltechnologies.com

How to do Server room & Data center

September 17, 2018 ctrltech No comments exist

In this article we will understand basic steps of designing server

room or datacenter. Datacenter designing requires planning for many aspects. In
case of insufficient planning, you will end up with inefficient data
center  design which will face lots of issues. Hence it is very important to do
planning of at least few basic things in advance to avoid surprises later. This
planning mainly include space planning, Equipment sizing & Safety and
monitoring of data center design build. One should follow all data center design
guidelines for these three factors. Lets see it one by one.

Space planning of Server

Before start construction of server room one should check server room design.
Space planning of server room includes all aspects right from data center
location selection to planning of positioning of all equipment. Once you decided
number of rack and size of rack for which you are going to construct server room
then space planning should be done in such a way that there should be space for
all equipment and their smooth operation. While selection position of rack then
care should be taken that there should be at least 800 mm clearance at front
side of door less rack and at least 1200 mm clearance in front of rack with door,
Hot aisel and cold aisel should be seperated clearly. There should be enough
space to position of precision air condition. These AC requires clearance of 800
mm at front side and at least 600 mm from right hand side. If you are planning
to place UPS and batteries in data center room itself then you need to leave
clearances requires for of these equipment. Considering all these aspects server
room size should be selected or if you have ready made space then base of
these aspects one should decide on number of racks they can place.

Data center design equipment Sizing.

These is most important steps in server room design best practices. Data center
equipment includes, number of racks, KVA rating of UPS and generator, KW
rating of precision air conditioners, capacity of FM200 fire supression, selection
of electrical switch gears and cables etc. Capacities of all these equipment should
be on higher side considering future expansion and changing technologies. For
example UPS should be at lease on 30% higher side to avoid surprises due to
replacement of normal server with blade server or due to addition of new server.
Similarly Server room ac should be on higher side. If it is chilled water CRAC units
then reduction in cooling capacity due to temperature of inlet and outlet water
should be factor.

Safety & Monitoring of data center.

Data center houses very costly servers and other equipment. More than that
these server and hard discs stores very precision data that can effect operation
of any business. Hence safety and monitoring of room that houses these
precision equipment should be in place. All Data center should equipped with
gaseous type fire suppression system which commonly known as FM200 fire
suppression. All these door of data center room should have access control
system to monitor entry and exit of each member. Whole premises internal and
external should be monitored by CCTV. All equipment should be connected to
BMS system. If BMS is not available in building then all these equipment should
be monitor online via external facility monitoring system. Temperature and
humidity level in datacenter room should be monitored by Environmental
monitoring system which will send alerts to user if temperature and humidity
crosses set values

Environmental Monitoring System

Environmental Monitoring system ensures early notification of undesirable
environmental conditions and equipment status in server room & Datacenter by
SMS, Email or Alarm. Datacenter is housed with various IT, Power &
HVAC equipment. To ensure smooth functioning of data center, it is very
important to detect any undesirable parameter at early stage. If temperature
and humidity is more or less than required range then it can cause breakdown of
servers. Server room  monitoring system continuously do humidity
& temperature monitoring with help of sensors connected to it and if it is beyond
set limit then it informs user. Most of advanced monitoring systems also can
monitor equipment like UPS, FM200, Close Control Unit  with help of dry
contacts. Environmental Monitoring system supports various types of protocol
to integrate with LAN/WAN network and Building Management System (BMS).
And hence we can do remote monitoring of datacenter with environment
monitoring system. Depending on size of server room and number of equipment
to be monitor, one need to select proper monitoring system with sufficient
number of sensor inputs. For big
  Product Website


datacenter and server  room monitoring, we can connect various environmental
monitoring system in parallel.

Sensors & Notification Methods of Environmental monitoring

Environmental monitoring system needs to connect with various types of
detector sensors to monitor corresponding parameter. These sensor can be fully
configure with help of management software provided with product. It is very
important to sent right high and low threshold value for each sensor. We also
can set delay time after which environmental monitoring system should trigger

Temperature & Humidity Monitoring

Datacenter server needs temperature and humidity to be maintain in certain
range. Precision air conditioner installed in Datacenter to maintain temperature
and humidity. Desired temperature level in datacenter is 18 to 22 deg C. High
temperature can cause breakdown of server. High humidity can cause
condensation and failure or corrosion of equipment and too low humidity can
cause Electrostatic discharge. With Environmental monitoring system connected
with humidity & temperature monitoring sensor, user can set high and low
values of humidity & temperature. In case room monitoring sensors detects high
or low values continuously for more than set delay time then room monitoring
system triggers alarm and send notification to listed users by Pop up massage,
Email, SMS or phone call.

Additional Sensors & Equippment Monitoring

In addition to environmental parameter monitoring, Environmental monitoring
system also can monitor status of other equipment like UPS, Close Control
Unit, Fire suppression System and access control system with help of dry
contacts. Other than humidity & temperature monitoring sensor, room
monitoring system can integrate following sensors:

 Motion Sensor & IP Camera to monitor intrude activity.

 Smoke detector for early detection of fire.
 Air flow sensor to monitor air flow of close control unit.
 Water leak sensor to detect water leak at early stage.
 AC voltage detector to monitor voltage from Electrical sources.
 Door contact sensor to monitor unauthorized entry.

Room Monitoring Notifications

Quick reporting of undesirable environmental conditions to user can avoid heavy

damage. Modern Environmental monitoring system equipped with wide range
of notifications method. These room monitoring system can connected to your
LAN/WAN network and can shoot Email or SMS on event of alarm condition. SMS
notification can be configure with help of USB 3G modem fitted with SIM card.
Environmental Monitoring system can remotely monitor and configure with help
of web interface. Also system can be connected to beacon or siren for audible
alarm. Environmental computer room monitoring system maintains Event log
and data log up to 1000 entries for future references.

What is Water leak detection System for

Server Room?
September 9, 2018 ctrltech No comments exist

In this article we will understand all about water leak detection system or

water leak detector. Server room and Datacenter are equipped with many costly
equipment. More than equipment, most valuable is data stored in servers
installed in datacentre. Hence protecting server room from all calamities is very
important. In datacenter, many water leak prone areas get develop during
installation of Air conditioner equipment. For example, installation of precision
air conditioner requires water supply and drainage pipe. And if precision acs are
chilled water base then there will chilled water pipes, water supply and drainage
pipes will enter in server room. Any leakage to these pipe can be disaster
for data center. Also there will be always threat of water leaking from external
walls and roof. Hence there should be automatic system which can detect water
leak at early stage and should inform user to avoid any disaster situation. Water
leak detection system is designed for same application.

Components of Water leak

detection system.
There are many two components of water leak detection equipment. It consist of
leak detection panel and leak sensor. Leak detector sensor can be of different
types. Commonly use water leak detector is cable sensor. Leak sensor connected
to panel with help of control cables. Whenever there is leakage, leaked water
touches to sensor cable which short circuits low voltage path and hence panel
will generate alert alarm. Depending on type of panel there are various ways of
generating alarm. Most common way is audio alarm. But there are advance
panel available which can inform user about leakage via email, SMS or phone

How to install water leak detector sensor?

As mentioned before leak sensors are mainly two types; cable leak sensor and
probe leak sensor. Probe leak sensor are provided with two legs which can be
glue or can be screwed on floor where leak to be detected. probe sensor
connected to panel with help of four core control cable. Probe type sensor can
connected multiple in series. Cable type leak detector are easy to install. System
supplied with self adhesive clips as part of accessories. These clip should be stick
on floor and sensor cable needs to clamp in it.
How to install Water leak detection system panel?

Most important rule of installing panel is that it should be easily accessible, easily
visible and easily audible. If panel is for server room then ideal place for panel is
beside main door of server room from external side. If panel is for pantry then
ideal place is above pantry counter. Panel should be easily accessible so that in
case of alarm it should be easy to mute alarm.
Who are best water  leak detection system  manufactures?

There are many leakage detection system manufacturers in market but most
commonly used brands are Aqualeak, RLE and Liebert. Aqualeak detection
system is made in United kingdom and they are one of oldest manufacture of
water leak detection systems. RLE systems are made in USA. RLE water leak has
most advance communication features. CtrlTech is Water leak detection
system supplier in UAE. They are dealer for Aqualeak & RLE in Middle East.

Server room Cooling or Datacenter cooling.

October 10, 2017 ctrltech No comments exist

Server room Cooling or

Datacenter cooling.
Server room or datacenter equipped with mission critical servers and other
equipment. Any issue in functioning of server room can cause heavy loss to
company. Research shows that one of the major reason for failure of functioning
of data center is due to over heating of components. It happens when server
room cooling is not designed properly or it is not reliable enough. In any server
room, major heat contributing device is a server. In today’s rapid changing
technological era, servers and other IT product and improving in fast space.
During last few years server decreased in its size but its heat dissipation has
increased exponential. Blade servers are example of this. Due to small size of
servers, for given standard size of rack more number of severs can be
accommodate. Hence heat dissipation and hence heat density increase. This
increase in heat can cause failure of server and can cause downtime to your
datacentre. Hence Datacenter need to design with proper cooling system. In this
article we will discuss basics of server room cooling.

Why Datacenter cooling is different?

This is common question asked by every our new client when they see heavy
cost of precision air conditioner which use for datacenter cooling. Server room
air conditioner are not same as that of ACs used in home and offices. Air
conditioner used in home and offices called comfort air conditioner which
designed for creating comfortable environment for occupant in terms of
temperature. Comfort air conditioner are designed with normal air filter and
cooling with margins of few degree celcius. Which means comfort ACs are not
designed for precise control of temperature and it at all not control humdity.
However server and other IT equipment need temperature and humidity
controlled environment. If temperature is higher then server can damage. If
humidity is higher then condensation can happen which will damage server. If
humidity is less then static charge can develop on PCB components of server and
also can cause damage. Hence humidity needs to not only reduce but also it
need to increase when it needed. Also Server needs cooling continuously for 365
days and 24 hours in a year while we might not need confort AC all the time. Also
IT equipment should be placed in dust free environment. Server room AC
equipped with high quality filter which can filter duct particle of micron size.

What is solution for Data center cooling?

Datacenter cooling is done by special type of air conditioning units which

commonly called as Close control unit or precision air conditioner or Computer
room air conditioner (CRAC) or server room air conditioner.  These are special
purpose cooling system which not only control temperature to precision level
but humidity also. These system consisting of Compressor and cooling circuit
along with Heater and humidifier. Unit monitors temperature in closed loop and
try to achieve set temperature. Every time air passes through high quality filter
before push into computer room and hence keeps room clean. Units installed
with humidity sensor with continuously checks humidity level of return air. If
humidity is higher than set value then microprocessor of unit triggers heaters to
reduce humidity. Similarly if humidity is less, then humidifier get trigger to
increase humidity. Unit is equipped with high quality electronic circuitry to
achieve high precision level. In upcoming articles we will study close control air
conditioner in details.
For more information of Server room and Datacenters please contact us.
SAIF Zone, Sharjah, UAE.
Tel: +971 6 5489626
Mob: +971 50 1537113
Some of Our Server room Equipment.
Name of Product: Water Leak Detection System.

Brand Name: RLE
Price: AED 15,700.00
Availability: Yes
Product ID: RLE-LD5200-USA
Rating: 4.5
Votes: 32
Description: Water leak detection system is a equipment which can detect
leakage of water at early stage and inform user by audio alarm, Email or SMS.
System consisting of water leak detector sensor and control panel. Leak sensor
can be of different type. Most commonly use sensor for server room is water
leak cable sensor. Control panel also of different types available. Single zone
panel can detect leak in one zone while multi zone system can do for many
zones. Panels also available as distance read system which can detect and
inform exact location of leak.

Why earth leakage protection

is necessary in low voltage
By Edvard   | December, 25th 2019 | 8 comments | Save to PDF


Home / Technical Articles / Why earth leakage protection is necessary in low voltage installations

When earth fault is too low…

We all should know that low voltage circuit breakers and fuses operate in the
event of excess current arising from overload conditions and faults. As the
statistics say, the most common fault type in LV installations is an earth fault,
but… We’ve often seen the cases that the current flowing due to earth faults is
too low to operate the overcurrent protection devices.
Why earth leakage protection is necessary in LV installations

It’s important to note that the overcurrent protective device will not operate in
the event of somebody making direct contact with a live conductor. Why?
because the current which flows through the body to earth will be  too low to
operate the devices but will often be high enough to use fatal electric shocks.

These two problems can be obviated by the use of  earth leakage protection

You should note that there are two generic types of device used for earth
leakage detection:  those that are voltage-operated and those that are
current-operated .

The voltage-operated devices are no longer used but, for completeness, they
consisted of a coil connected in series in the  earthing conductor or between the
metalwork of the installation and an auxiliary earth electrode. The device
sensed a voltage rise in the metalwork with respect to earth and, when this
occurred, tripped the circuit breaker.
The current-operated devices work on a dffferent principle, as illustrated in
Figure 1 for a single-phase system. When the circuits are fault-free the current
flowing in the phase conductor (Iph) will be the same as the current flowing in
the neutral (In).

If there is an earth fault, some current ( Ief) will flow back to the source via the
earth path, creating an imbalance in the current flowing through the phase
and neutral.

Figure 1 –  Single-phase
RCD in simple circuit

It is this imbalance that is measured, usually by passing the phase and neutral
conductors through a core balance transformer. Any  current
imbalance produces a resultant magnetic flux which is picked up by the sensing
coil and which, if it reaches a predetermined level, will cause the trip coil to

The current imbalance needed to operate the device varies according to the

However, when the RCD is provided for protection against electric shock,  it
should have a rated residual operating current  (in. the current imbalance
that muses the device to operate) not exceeding  30 mA and an operating
time not exceeding 40 ms when the residual operating current is  150 mA.
Most consumer units nowadays incorporate a split in the busbars, with an
integral RCD providing earth leakage protection on circuits to socket outlets.
The devices are not restricted to single-phase systems.

Figure 2 illustrates a three-phase RCD connected into the supply from a three-
phase distribution board to a motor. In this particular case, the RCD may be set
to operate at a leakage current of perhaps 500 mA since it is providing
protection against indirect contact.

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height: 250px; width: 300px; display: block;">

Note that the RCD is provided in addition to overcurrent protection devices such
as miniature circuit breakers (MCB) and  moulded case circuit breakers (MCCB) .
There are devices, known as residual current breaker with overcurrent
device (RCBO) which combine the RCD and MCB functions.

Neither is the technique of earth leakage detection restricted to low voltage

Three-phase RCD

The technique is employed on high voltage systems although the are balance
method is not the only one used. For example, another way to detect earth fault
current is to monitor the amount of current that flows in the earthing
conductor at the point of supply, using a current transformer. If the amount of
current exceeds a particular value, a circuit breaker will operate to cut off the
Every residual current circuit breaker on low voltage supplies has a test button
which, when pressed,  creates an imbalance in the phase and neutral
conductors passing through the transformer . This allows the tripping
mechanism to be tested, although it does not provide a test of the magnitude of
the residual operating current or the  tripping time – proprietary test equipment is
available for this purpose.

It is very important that  the test button is used periodically  to confirm the
RCD’s serviceability because RCDs are sensitive devices and it is not
uncommon for them to fail to danger; i.e. they fail in a way that means the
contacts are closed but the device will not operate on demand.

This failure characteristic means that an RCD should not be relied on as the
sole means of protecting against injury from direct contact. Another reason for
this is that, for the RCD to operate in the event of direct contact, current of at
least 30 mA must flow through the ‘victim’.

This amount of current is large enough to muse muscular contraction so,

whereas it will almost is prevent electrical injury effects such as ventricular
fibrillation in most cases, it may not prevent injury arising from the muscular
contraction — such as falling off a ladder or being thrown against a wall.

Since the Electricity at Work Regulations aim to prevent injury, and since an
RCD may not prevent an injury in the event of direct contact, its use as the sole
means of protection against direct contact injury would be unlikely to satisfy the
law. Having said that, the device’s value in providing supplementary protection
against injury should not be underestimated.

There are some instances where the use of an RCD should be considered
to be obligatory. These include:

1. In socket outlet circuits in TT installations;
2. In socket outlet circuits where it is foreseeable that the socket will
be used to power outdoor equipment;
3. In situations where there is an increased risk due, for example, to
the presence of water. This would include the power supplies to power
4. Where 240 V hand tools and power tools are being used.
Especially in work environments such as construction sites and workshops,
1. In test areas where earth-referenced conductors may be exposed.
Many circuits and appliances generate leakage currents to earth through, for
example, radio frequency fitters. This means that in larger systems there can be
quite a substantial amount of earth leakage current flowing through
the protective conductors  under normal operating conditions.

In these types of installations, a 30 mA RCD installed at the origin can be

subject to nuisance tripping,  so RCDs should be installed closer to the

If RCDs are installed in series, discrimination between them can be achieved by

building time delays into the RCDs, with the delay highest in those RCDs
closest to the point of supply.

14 disturbance types that

mess up power quality and
50/60 Hz sinusoidal signal
By Edvard   | January, 6th 2020 | 2 comments | Save to PDF


Home / Technical Articles / 14 disturbance types that mess up power quality and 50/60 Hz sinusoidal signal

The quality of the electrical energy

The quality of the electrical energy seems to be the very popular nowadays. It
may be affected either by events that occur on the distribution systems
(switching, lightning, etc.) or by the use made of the electricity when for
example certain load create significant variations in the current consumption
(switching on) or alter the waveform (harmonics).
disturbance types that mess up power quality and 50/60 Hz sinusoidal signal

The quality of the electricity supply is the subject of a European standard, EN

50160, which stipulates the permissible limits of fourteen values or phenomena
characterizing or affecting the 50/60 Hz sinusoidal signal. Based on a statistical
approach, it is designed to ensure a certain level of quality during normal

Table of contents:
1. Signal frequency
2. Amplitude of the supply voltage
3. Slow voltage variations
4. Fast supply voltage variations
5. Flicker severity
6. Voltage dips
7. Short voltage interruptions
8. Long voltage breaks
9. Temporary overvoltages
10. Transient (or pulse) overvoltages
11. Voltage unbalance
12. Harmonic voltages
13. Interharmonic voltages
14. Information signals transmitted on the system
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1. Signal frequency
The nominal voltage frequency is 50 Hz with a tolerance of  ±1% (i.e. 49.5 to
50.5 Hz) for 99.5% of each one-year period and  +4 to -6% (i.e. 47 to 52 Hz) for
the whole period.
Figure 1
– Example of recording showing frequency drift and signal distortions

This type of fluctuation is virtually nonexistent on public distribution systems in

industrialized countries. In installations supplied by standalone sources
(generator sets, inverters, etc.), different tolerance limits can be set, or
regulation devices may even be necessary.

Figure 2 – Frequency
and period

The same applies to systems that are not interconnected (for example, islands)
where wider tolerances are permitted: ±2% for 99.5% of each week and ±15%
for 100% of the time.
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2. Amplitude of the supply voltage

The supply voltage represents the rms value measured at the delivery point. It
is measured at a given moment and averaged over a time interval (typically 10

The nominal voltage Un which characterises the system can be distinguished

from the stated voltage Uc which would result from an agreement on values
that are different from those in standard EN 50160.

The standard voltage for low voltage public systems in Europe is:

 230 V between phases and neutral (400 V between phases) for three
phase systems with neutral
 230 V between phases for three phase systems without neutral

gure 3 – Example of recording showing amplitude variations of the supply
Go back to Content Table ↑

3. Slow voltage variations

Under normal operating conditions, the following slow voltage fluctuations are
permitted over a period of one week:  ±10% of the reference value  (230 or 400
V), i.e. 207 to 253 V or 360 to 440 V for 95% of measurements, and  -15% to
+10% for 100% of measurements , i.e. 195 to 253 V and 340 to 440 V.

The supply voltage of the system can fluctuate daily, weekly or seasonally as a
result of significant variations in load in the system. Voltage regulation devices
installed in transformer substations can limit these variations.

In addition, high power receivers such as  welding stations , large motors,

furnaces and other energy-intensive installations may cause local voltage drops
while they are in operation.
Figure 4 – Example of recording showing slow voltage variations

Power limits are generally set for motors supplied by a public distribution
system. The solution may therefore be  to increase the power of the
source (reduction of its impedance and increase in its short-circuit power) or
compensate for the reactive energy connected with one device in particular that
is causing disturbance.

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4. Fast supply voltage variations

These variations, which come mainly from  currents drawn by high loads ,
should not exceed 5 to 10% of the nominal voltage. Recordings show that
momentary reductions of 30% are totally possible when receivers such as
motors or transformers are switched on.
These variations are non-periodic and occur at random moments. When fast
voltage variations become cyclical,  this is referred to as flicker , with reference
to light variations which can be annoying above a certain level.

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5. Flicker severity
The intensity of the annoyance caused by flicker is defined by a  UIE-
CIE (International Union for Electricity Applications – International Commission
on Illumination) measurement method.

It is evaluated as follows:

 Short term severity (P st) measured over a period of ten minutes

 Long term severity (P lt) calculated based on a sequence of 12 P st values
over a two-hour period, according to the following formula:

Under normal operating conditions, for each one-week period, it is

recommended that the long term flicker severity level Plt  associated with
voltage fluctuations is less than or equal to 1 for 95% of the time.
Figure 5 – Example
of recording showing ficker severity variations

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6. Voltage dips
These can be due to faults occurring at users’ installations, but they often result
from troubles on the public distribution system . The numbers of these vary
considerably according to local conditions, and they generally only last up to
one second.

Most voltage dips last less than 1 second with a depth of less then 60% . In
other words, the residual voltage remains greater than 40%. There is a voltage
dip as soon as the rms value of one of the voltages, measured separately on
each phase, falls below a set threshold.

Standard EN 50160 does not specify the number, duration or depth of voltage
dips. This characteristic could form the subject of a contractual agreement.
gure 6 – Example of recording of a voltage dip

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7. Short voltage interruptions

Short interruptions or ‘micro-breaks’ refer to  when the value of the signal
drops to 0 V or less than 1% of the nominal voltage . These generally last
less than a second, although a break of 1 minute may still be considered as
being short.

Micro-breaks and voltage dips are phenomena that are often random and
unpredictable, and they may occur irregularly over time. It may be important to
define contractually the maximum duration and threshold for a voltage dip to be
considered as being a micro-break (for example  a voltage < 40% of Un for less
than 600 ms).

In most cases, only recordings can enable a decision on the accuracy of the
phenomena to be made with certainty.

Figure 7
– Example of recording of a short voltage interruption

ITIC curves
Electronic and computing equipment is sensitive to voltage variations. the first
installations, affected by apparently random faults, were historically the source
of most Power Quality problems.

The creation of the information technology industry council curve (ITIC curve),
has enabled a template to be defined,  within which a voltage fault (dip or
overvoltage) can be acceptable or unacceptable . Plotting the duration of an
event as a function of the voltage in relation to the nominal supply voltage,
these curves define the limits within which the device should continue to
operate with no interruption or loss of data.
re 8 – ITIC curves

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8. Long voltage breaks

These values are not quantified as they depend on totally chance elements.
The frequency with which they occur is very variable and is dependent on the
architecture of the distribution system or the exposure to climatic hazards.

Under normal operating conditions, the annual frequency of voltage

interruptions of more than three minutes may be less than 10 or can reach
as many as 50, depending on the region.
Figure 9 –
Example of recording of a long voltage break

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9. Temporary overvoltages
This type of fault can occur both on the distribution system and on the user’s
installation. It can be devastating as the voltage supplied may reach a level that
is dangerous for equipment.

The main risk is there being a  phase-to-phase instead of a phase-neutral

voltage if, for example, the neutral fails. Faults on the high voltage system
(fallen line) can also generate overvoltages at the low voltage end.

Standard EN 50-160 does not set limits for these overvoltages. But on this
point, it is essential, for the safety of people and installations, to choose
equipment sized according to the standards (harmonized with IEC 60064-1) and
tested for withstand to lightning impulses .
Insulation coordination in low voltage systems with
regard to temporary overvoltages
Requirements of standard iec 60064-1:

 Sturdy basic insulation and supplementary insulation must withstand the

following temporary overvoltages:
 Short duration temporary overvoltages, amplitude  Un + 1200 V for t
< 5s
 Long duration temporary overvoltages, amplitude  Un + 250 V for t >
(Un is the supply system nominal phase-neutral voltage to earth)
 Reinforced insulation must withstand values equal to double the
overvoltage values.
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10. Transient (or pulse) overvoltages

These phenomena are very variable. They are mainly due to  lighting and
switching on the system. Their rise time ranges from a few microseconds to a
few milliseconds, so their frequency range is very wide, from a few kHz to
several hundred kHz.

Protection against overvoltages requires the use of protection devices such as

voltage surge protectors and the installation of equipment that is appropriate for
its location in the installation.
Figure 10 – Typical switching
overvoltage wave

Recording of overvoltage due to lightning strike

Lightning striking the system triggers overvoltages which are carried right to the
users despite protection devices installed by the distributor. Unlike overhead
systems, underground systems largely attenuate the shock wave.
Figure 11 –
Recording of overvoltage due to lightning strike

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11. Voltage unbalance

Voltage unbalance is caused by  high power single phase loads . It causes
negative current components which can trigger braking torques and
temperature rises in rotating machines. It is advisable to divide the loads over
the three phases as much as possible and to protect installations using
appropriate detectors.

Under normal operating conditions, for each one-week period,  95% of the rms
values of the negative sequence component of the supply voltage, averaged
over ten minutes, must be  between 0% and 2% of the positive sequence
Figure 12 – Example of recording of voltage unbalance

In some regions where parts of system users’ installations have single phase
connections or are connected between two phases, the unbalance can reach
3% at the three phase point of supply. If  τi is the instantaneous unbalance
value, the average rate  τνm is defined by the equation:

where T = 10 minutes

Standard EN 50-160 only stipulates limits based on the negative sequence

components of the voltage. Satisfactory approximations can be made using
conventional measurements enabling the unbalance ratio between negative and
positive components to be ascertained.
where U12 + U23 + U31 are the three phase-phase voltages.

Using symmetrical components

The symmetrical system corresponds to all the components ( impedances, emf,
back emf and loads ) assumed to be symmetrical, i.e. identical on each phase.
this must not be confused with balancing, which concerns the equality of the
currents and voltages.

An unbalanced symmetrical three phase system  can be expressed as three

balanced three phase systems (fortescue method). this division can be carried
out using three methods: positive, negative, zero sequence (homopolar).

If there is a fault, overvoltage or short circuit affecting only one of the phases
(which is the most common situation), the system becomes non-symmetrical
and can then only be described by a real system, with separate V and I for each
phase, representing the part concerned.

gure 13 – Symmetrical components
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12. Harmonic voltages

When the characteristics of a distribution system are described, the  harmonic
distortion  of the distributed voltage(s) is an important factor with regard to
operating problems (sensitivity of electronic equipment) and reliability problems
(ageing by heating of windings and conductors, breakdown of insulation of
capacitors) that this type of disturbance can cause.

But it is important to know that  the source of harmonic voltages is in the first
place harmonic currents . These currents can disturb equipment locally but
above all they perniciously increase the level of distortion of the distributed
voltage across the whole installation and for other users via the public
distribution system.

Harmonic currents are generated by devices whose supply consumes non-

sinusoidal currents. Electronic, computer and office equipment, some lighting
fittings, industrial welding equipment, inverters, power converters and numerous
machines are the main causes.

Like harmonic currents, harmonic voltages can be broken down into

sinusoidal voltages than can be described:

 Individually, according to their  relative amplitude (Uh) in relation to

the fundamental voltage Un, where h represents the harmonic order
 As a whole, i.e. according to the value of the total harmonic distortion
THD, calculated using the following formula:
re 14 – Example of recording of harmonic voltages

Under normal operating conditions 95% of the rms values of each harmonic
voltage averaged over ten minutes and measured over a week must not exceed
the values given in the table below.

Maximum harmonic distortion  at the point of supply, expressed as a

percentage of the fundamental voltage U 1 according to IEC 61000-2-2.

Table 1 – Maximum harmonic distortion at the point of supply, expressed as a

percentage of the fundamental voltage U 1 according to IEC 61000-2-2
Odd-order harmonics
Even-order harmonics
Not multiples of 3 Multiples of 3

Order h Relative Order h Relative Order h Relative

voltage (Un) voltage (Un) voltage (Un)

5 6% 3 5% 2 2%

7 5% 9 1.5% 4 1%

11 3.5% 15 0.5% 6…24 0.5%

13 3% 21 0.5% – –

17 2% – – – –

19 1.5% – – – –

23 1.5% – – – –

25 1.5% – – – –

In addition, total harmonic distortion of the voltage supplied (including all

harmonics up to order 40) must not exceed 8% of the fundamental voltage
(order 1).

To limit the harmonics, it may initially be necessary to revise the structure

of the installation:

 Increase the cross-section of the neutral conductor

 Regroup the polluting loads (if necessary with source separation)
 Use of transformers with special windings  (coupling of the 3rd order
harmonic and its multiples on the neutral)
 Connection of sensitive equipment away from the polluting loads
 Connection of polluting loads to the source with the lowest impedance
and as far upstream as possible. It is also necessary to check that the
capacitor banks for compensating the power factor cannot start resonating
(possible use of anti-harmonic inductances connected in series).
 The TN-C neutral earthing system must be avoided.
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13. InterharmonIc voltages

This phenomenon refers to the  frequencies located between the harmonics .
These are caused by frequency inverters, uninterruptible power supplies,
controlled rotating machines or arc devices. Their interaction can cause flicker
phenomena, but it is above all with regard to information signals transmitted on
the system that they must be identified and controlled.
14. Information signals transmitted on the
In some countries, the public distribution system may be used by the distributor
to transmit signals. The voltage value of the signals transmitted on the  medium
voltage distribution system (1 to 35 kV), averaged over 3s, must not exceed the
values shown by the curve below over a period equal to 99% of one day.

15 – Information signals transmitted on the system

The system is used by the distributor to transmit information signals which are
superimposed over the voltage supplied in order to transmit information to
users’ installations. However, the system must not be used to transmit
information signals from private installations.
The frequencies of these signals vary from tens of hertz to several kilohertz,
according to their function:

1. Centralised remote control signals:  superimposed sinusoidal voltage in

the 110 Hz to 3000 Hz range
2. Power line carrier signals:  superimposed sinusoidal voltage in the 3
kHz to 148.5 kHz range
3. Wave marking signals: short-time pulses (transients) superimposed at
selected moments in the voltage wave.
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Example of network of analysers

There are many network analyzers that can can be used to obtain full readings
for the electrical characteristics of networks, store them and transmit them
remotely for use.

The choice of reactive power compensation or conditioning solutions will then

be totally appropriate.
e 16 – Example of a network of analyzers installed as well in the electrical
substations as in the consumer locations

Figure 17 – Example of
implementation for the analysis of a local and public energy distribution system
Electrical Design Project Of
Sun’s Datacenter In Santa
Clara, California
By Edvard   | July, 1st 2016 | 4 comments | Save to PDF


Home / Technical Articles / Electrical Design Project Of Sun’s Datacenter In Santa Clara, California

Electrical Design Tour Of a

This technical article provides a top-to-bottom overview of  Sun
Microsystems’s Santa Clara, California datacenter  from electrical design
aspect. Sun’s electrical design tour of Santa Clara datacenter is done through a
series of single line diagrams.
Design of Sun's Datacenter In Santa Clara, California (photo credit:

These diagrams illustrate the various components and how they are connected
without the detail of showing each wire for each phase –  hence the term single
line diagram (SLD).

Let’s start with the following topics //

1. Electrical Yard
2. Backup Generators
3. Battery-Based UPS
4. Pod Power Distribution
5. Metering and Power Management
1. Electrical Yard
Sun’s Santa Clara project is one of the largest datacenter consolidation efforts
in their recent history. It allowed them to construct an entirely new electrical
service yard to supply power to new datacenters and buildings.

This electrical yard receives  two 12 kV power feeds from Silicon Valley
Power, each of which allows us to draw  4.5 MVA of continuous power. To
ensure that Sun has the power to grow over time, they  have negotiated with the
local utility to provide up to 24 MW of additional power to the electrical yard
through additional 4.5 MVA feeders .

A set of medium voltage switchgear allows the additional feeds to be

incorporated into the electrical yard without disrupting existing service. The
medium voltage switchgear feeds three similar sets of 480V switchgear
through step-down transformers , one of which is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Each of three sets of 480V switchgear can support a doubling of

power by adding a second transformer and opening a tie breaker (click to
expand single line diagram)

The switchgear supplies   480V power to office buildings and datacenters   on

the Santa Clara campus. The switchgear includes breakers for existing spaces
and for future expansion, with conduit runs already installed to the future

Sun accommodates expansion at this level of the distribution hierarchy by

supporting each of the three sets of switchgear with a single transformer. Each
set of switchgear is configured with two halves that are connected with a tie
breaker that is currently closed.
When the time comes to double the power supply, a second transformer will be
connected to a new utility power feed, and the tie breaker will be opened.  Now
each half of the switchgear has a 3 MW continuous operating capacity.

Visual Perspective Of Datacenter

A photo of the Santa Clara switch yard gives a visual perspective (Figure
2 below).

In the foreground we can see three rows of similar switchgear . From right to

left is the 12kV switching upstream of the transformer. Next is the transformer,
followed by the 480V switchgear. Note the empty space at the end of two of the
rows to accommodate an additional transformer and switchgear. One already
has been installed.

Behind the 480V switchgear is the medium voltage, 12kV switchgear  that

accommodates existing and future utility feeds.  Also visible in the photo are two
diesel backup generators.

Figure 2 – A view of the Santa Clara electrical yard shows the 12 kV to 480V
transformers and switchgear in the foreground (click to expand image)

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2. Backup Generators
Because the majority of Sun’s datacenters are for research and development
efforts, the pods in them are designed to  Tier 1–2 specifications . For 20
percent of the load, Sun deploys UPS to support more critical operations.

As operational risks increase, Sun  deploys generators behind the UPS to

provide continuous power.

Figure 3 shows a portion of the single line diagram  showing backup generator
configuration . Two backup generators are currently installed, with space,
conduit, and breaker positions for a third. This provides 2 MVA of power today,
with 3 MVA when the third generator is installed.

The generators provide power to a  set of paralleling switchgear  that combines

the generator outputs. A 1000 kW load bank  is installed to provide a full load
when testing the generators. Regular 100 percent load testing of generators is
important to make sure the generators are operating correctly and always ready
to accept load.
Figure 3 – Sun’s Santa Clara electrical yard includes three generators that
provide backup power to UPS (click to expand single line diagram)

The paralleling switchgear currently feeds one 800 kVA UPS   with provisions
for future growth .

In the event of a failure, the feed is switched through  automatic transfer

switches (ATS). Two automatic transfer switches (ATS) switch the power feed
for the UPS from utility power to generator power in the event of a power failure.
A third ATS supplies power to keep the cooling system operating.

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3. Battery-Based UPS
Sun’s Santa Clara site is equipped to accommodate a  fourth UPS to bring the
total to 3.2 MVA. The site uses three 800 kVA UPS capable of providing up
to 2.4 MVA of uninterruptible power. Sun chose APC Symmetra MW units  for
the Santa Clara site for their modularity and efficiency.

The APC UPS is unique in that it enables the UPS system to grow in   200
kW  increments.

At the Santa Clara site, two of the three UPS are sized with  800 kW frames
with only 400 kW of power modules installed , right sizing the UPS to
Sun’s day one needs. As their loads grow, Sun will add additional power
modules that grow the UPS to its full 800 kW capacity with only minimal
construction in the UPS room to match battery capacity to UPS capacity.
Figure 4 – An 800 kVA UPS supplies power to three transformers, each of
which supplies 208/120V uninterruptible power to a set of busways (click to
expand single line diagram)

The UPS illustrated in Figure 4  takes its input power from the automatic transfer
switch illustrated in Figure 15. Its output feeds a distribution panel that connects
to three transformers that step down the  480/277V power to the 208/120V
power that feeds the busways .

One transformer is illustrated in Figure 4. It supplies power to a distribution

panel that feeds a set of 225A and 400A busways inside the datacenter spaces.
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4. Pod Power Distribution

For the majority of pods that only require Tier 1 service, a single 480V feed from
the switchgear supports multiple transformers that  bring the voltage down to
the 208/120V supplied to pods. The example shown in Figure 5 illustrates pairs
of busway jumpered together.
Figure 5 – Power is distributed to non-critical loads through transformers that
feed 208/120V power to overhead busways (click to expand single line

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5. Metering and Power Management
One of the most important aspects of datacenter electrical design is
an integrated metering and energy management system . These systems
are critical because they provide the ability to evaluate how power is being used
in the datacenter, power quality or disturbance events, how efficiently the
datacenter is operating, and what impact any energy-saving measures have on
overall efficiency.

As we know,  the  power usage effectiveness (PUE) is the ratio of total

facility power to the IT equipment load .

In order to obtain this ratio, and to be able to observe energy consumption of

the various datacenter subsystems, appropriate metering capabilities must be
placed at strategic locations cascaded through the electrical system.

Metering Locations
In Sun’s Santa Clara datacenters, there is  metering and power
management in place at the following locations:

 The utility switchgear

 All major switchgear
 All UPS, ATS and generators
 Each overhead busway
 Each rack is equipped with a rack-mounted power distribution unit
(rPDU) that monitors overall power consumption and also provides remote
on/off per-outlet control. These rPDUs can be monitored over the network,
providing fine-grained data on IT equipment loads.
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Reference //  Electrical Design Of Energy Efficient Datacenters – Michael Ryan,

Brett Rucker, Dean Nelson, Petr Vlasaty, Ramesh KV, Serena DeVito, and
Brian Day Sun Global Lab and Datacenter Design Services
Equipment Used To
Implement Automatic
Transfer System (ATS)
By Edvard   | June, 1st 2016 | 2 comments | Save to PDF


Home / Technical Articles / Equipment Used To Implement Automatic Transfer System (ATS)

Automatic Transfer System (ATS)

Although the basic operational requirements of any automatic transfer system
are as given in this technical article, the equipment which is used to implement
the automatic transfer system can vary.
Equipment Used To Implement Automatic Transfer System - ATS (on photo:
Robotic Parking Systems Generator Transfer Switch; credit:

The following is a list of commonly encountered variations regarding the

automatic transfer system equipment //

1. Switchboard or Switchgear?
2. Logic Platform (PLC)
3. Circuit Breaker Control and Interlocking
4. User Interface
i. Discrete Controls (switches, indication lights)
ii. Touch screen

1. Switchboard or Switchgear?
The power equipment used to facilitate the transfer, for low voltage systems, is
commonly either a UL 891 switchboard or ANSI C37.20.1 low voltage power
switchgear.  Which is used is dependent upon the system design and where in
the over-all power system the equipment is  located, however the following
general guidelines apply:

When automatic transfer is   closer to service

For automatic transfer “higher” in the system (closer to the service), ANSI low
voltage switchgear is generally preferred due to is compartmentalization and
the use of drawout low voltage power circuit breakers , which have short-time
withstand capabilities.

An alternative is a “hybrid” UL 891 switchboard which uses  drawout insulated-

case circuit breakers with characteristics similar to low voltage power circuit
breakers, but with less  compartmentalization.

When automatic transfer is farther from service

For automatic transfer “lower” in the system (farther from the service), a UL
891 switchboard may suffice. However, drawout circuit breakers should be
considered even if a UL 891 switchboard is used.

Lack of short-time withstand  on molded-case circuit  breakers is a big factor

switchgear utilizing removable insulated-case power circuit breakers to enhance
system flexibility. The transfer logic panels are shown with pilot lights to indicate
voltage presence on each source, as well as testing controls for system
exercising. The transfer breakers are equipped with fully automated controls,
having neutral position time delays to protect electronic and motor loads from
power surges.

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2. Logic Platform (PLC)

The automatic transfer logic may be supplied by either  discrete control
relays or a programmable logic controller (PLC) , as shown in Figure 1.
In times past, this was generally a choice of flexibility  (the PLC) vs. robustness
(discrete relays). In recent years, however, PLC’s have undergone  significant
improvements in reliability and robustness, to the point that they are now the
preferred method for implementing automatic transfer scheme logic.

The flexibility given by the use of PLC’s  lies in the fact that the  automatic
transfer logic is coded  into software, rather than hard-wired. This makes
some on-the-fly changes, if required, possible  without hardware or wiring
modifications to the equipment. It also allows more complex decision making
logic to be implemented without excessive wiring.

Discrete control relays, on the other  hand, must be re-wired to make changes to
the automatic transfer logic, and more complex logic  generally requires more
control relays and wiring.

Another advantage of a PLC is  its ability to communicate digitally with

external devices. This  makes more sophisticated user interfaces possible, as
will be discussed below. It also allows   remote access to the transfer system if
gure 1 – PLC for Automatic Transfer System Logic Implementation

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3. Circuit Breaker Control and Interlocking

Interlocking is the restriction of operation of devices, usually for safety reasons.
For an automatic  transfer system, the most common interlocking  required is
interlocking to prevent out-of synchronism paralleling of power sources (or
prevention of paralleling at all in many cases).

When the automatic transfer system logic is provided by a PLC,   this

interlocking may be  implemented in a hard-wired fashion , that is, outside of
the PLC or as part of the PLC program.
omatic Transfer Switch Panel (photo credit: petersonpower.com)

In general,  use of hard-wired interlocking is preferred , to allow an extra

measure of safety should  the PLC fail. Similarly, manual control for
automatically operated circuit breakers may be implemented in a  hard-wired
fashion or via the PLC. It is generally recommended that at least the circuit
breaker tripping function be implemented outside the PLC.

Manual control for automatically-operated  circuit breakers is generally

implemented via an external control switches, with the manual close  control
(and often trip control) on the circuit breaker access-restricted via a cover to
force use of these control switches.

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4. User Interface
This is the most customizable part of the automatic transfer system equipment.
In general, two options are available:

1. Discrete controls or
2. Touch screen

Discrete Controls  (switches, indication lights)

Discrete controls take the form of control switches and pilot lights  mounted
on the equipment. An example of this is given in Figure 2:

Figure 2 – User Interface – Discrete Controls

In Figure 2, “AUTO”, “MANUAL”, and “AUTO FAIL” pilot lights indicate the
three modes of operation described in  earlier published article.
A keyed auto/manual mode selector gives control of  the operating mode, a
keyed automatic retransfer on/off switch provides a means to enable or  disable
automatic retransfer, and a keyed preferred source selector allows either power
source to be considered as the normal source.

The use of keyed switches should be carefully evaluated to  insure that the end-
user achieves the maximum benefit from such an arrangement.

In addition to the controls shown in Figure 2, the following are also

commonly available:

1. Open/Closed Transition re-transfer selector

2. Source Available Indicators
3. PLC low-battery indicator
4. Transfer in Process indicator
5. Source Failure Test Switches
Like discrete relay control logic, discrete controls must be planned to the last
detail early in the specification process and provide limited flexibility for change.

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Touch screen
When a PLC is used for the automatic transfer logic,  a touch screen is an
option for the user interface. A touch screen can provide a wealth of detail
regarding the automatic transfer system  status, and adjustability in several
areas which aren’t typically available with discrete controls.

An example of a touch screen interface is shown in Figure 3:

re 3 – ATS Touch screen Interface

The touch screen interface in Figure 3 includes:

1. An active mimic single line diagram which changes color to denote

energization of system components
2. Source available indicators
3. Breaker status indicators,
4. A transfer system status summary
5. The ability to change numerical settings such source failure, dead bus,
and source restore timers
6. Quick manual transfer of the system from one source to the other in
manual mode
7. An event log which captures automatic transfer events for diagnostic
Such sophisticated control is simply not feasible with discrete controls , but
is easily achieved with a touch screen.
Touch screen control interfaces for automatic transfer systems do usually
include at least one discrete switch and indicators, namely the auto/manual
mode selector and its associated  indicators.

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4.3 Multiple User Interfaces

The use of multiple user interfaces is possible. Such an arrangement may be
desirable due to the need for remote control of the system. In planning such an
arrangement, careful  consideration should be given to the number of interfaces
and which interface overrides if control  is attempted by more than one interface
at a time.

ATS panel (automatic transfer switch)

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