Nurturing Values - Reasons Behind: Human Values and Professional Ethics
Nurturing Values - Reasons Behind: Human Values and Professional Ethics
Nurturing Values - Reasons Behind: Human Values and Professional Ethics
Reasons Behind
Human Values And
Professional Ethics
Values drive our actions and they motivate your goals. Your goals
help you establish your priorities in life, guide your decision-making,
and affect your evaluation of your success and happiness in life. Take
time to reflect what being successful means to you. It will be
different for you than for other people
All encompassing
Leading to Harmony
The Process of Value Education
Moral Values regard matters of right and wrong whereas Human Values help a
person to distinguish between right and wrong
Moral Values are constant and unchanging whereas Human Values change from
person to person and from time to time.
Moral values are for self development and self discipline whereas Human
Values is about how we treat others in society
Moral values can be taught whereas Human values are inherited values and
are intact in all of us.
The Four VIRTUES of teaching Human Values