25 Warangal Single File 12-05-2017
25 Warangal Single File 12-05-2017
25 Warangal Single File 12-05-2017
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... VII
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE .................................................................................................................................... 83
7.2 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT RULES, 2016...................................................................................................... 84
7.3 EXAMPLES OF REGIONAL-CLUSTER FACILITY IN INDIA .......................................................................................... 84
7.3.1 Regional Waste Management Strategy - Gujarat ............................................................................ 84
7.3.2 Punjab MSW Project ......................................................................................................................... 85
7.4 THE CONCEPT OF CLUSTERISATION IN ZONE-II ................................................................................................... 86
7.4.1 Clusterisation of ULBs ....................................................................................................................... 86
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
12.1 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MAJOR INSTITUTION AS PER SBM .................................................................. 124
12.2 INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING ................................................................................................................. 125
12.3 MODELS OF ARRANGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 126
12.4 PROPOSED INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................................... 127
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
List of Tables
Table 1: Warangal Town Profile ......................................................................................................................... 3
Table 2: Census Population ................................................................................................................................. 5
Table 3: Total Revenue of Warangal Municipal Corporation for past five years ............................................... 8
Table 4: Sources of MSW Generation in Warangal Municipal Corporation ........................................................ 9
Table 5: List of existing MSW vehicles for collection and Transportation in Warangal Municipal Corporation
........................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Table 6: MSW generated from Commercial Establishments in Warangal......................................................... 19
Table 7: Street Sweeping Waste in Warangal .................................................................................................... 20
Table 8: Waste generated from Drain silt .......................................................................................................... 20
Table 9: Total MSW generated in Warangal ...................................................................................................... 20
Table 10: Physical characterization of MSW in Warangal ................................................................................. 21
Table 11: Various Chemical Parameters of MSW in Warangal Town ................................................................ 22
Table 12: Various Chemical parameters of MSW in Warangal .......................................................................... 22
Table 13: Expenditure on SWM in Warangal Town ........................................................................................... 23
Table 14: Population projections ....................................................................................................................... 26
Table 15: Waste projections with silt................................................................................................................. 27
Table 16: Population Estimates, Waste Quantities and Waste Characterization (Design Year 2017) for
Warangal ............................................................................................................................................................ 28
Table 17: Classification of Inert Waste (Design Year 2017) for Warangal ......................................................... 28
Table 18: Classification of Dry Waste (Design Year 2017) for Warangal ........................................................... 28
Table 19: Table showing the average distances between the catchment zones and proposed facility............ 30
Table 20: Bins for segregation of waste ............................................................................................................. 32
Table 21: Plan and infrastructure required for management of street sweeping waste .................................. 37
Table 22: Components of Transfer station ........................................................................................................ 41
Table 23: Cost of Transfer station ...................................................................................................................... 42
Table 24: List of Minimum infrastructure required for the Workshop in Warangal ......................................... 43
Table 25: Cost Estimated for 1 acre (4047 sq. m.) Workshop .......................................................................... 43
Table 26: Table showing year of purchase of existing vehicles and current status of working of vehicles in
WMC .................................................................................................................................................................. 44
Table 27: Table showing year of remaining life span of vehicles ...................................................................... 45
Table 28: Table showing year wise breakup of requirement of Vehicles for Primary collection and
transportation of waste. .................................................................................................................................... 46
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Table 29: Table showing year wise breakup of requirement of Vehicles for secondary transportation and
waste .................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Table 30: Summary of Annual O&M Cost for C& T waste of Warangal ........................................................... 50
Table 31: Annual Manpower cost . .................................................................................................................... 50
Table 32: Annual O&M Cost for Infrastructure . ................................................................................................ 52
Table 33: Annual fuel Cost for Infrastructure of Collection and transportation .............................................. 52
Table 34: Annual cost of consumables. ............................................................................................................. 52
Table 35: Summary of Operation and Maintenance cost for Workshop and Transfer station. ........................ 53
Table 36: Summary of Operation and Maintenance cost for GIs Monitoring system.. ..................................... 53
Table 37: Common Facilities to be provided at the ISWM Site ......................................................................... 55
Table 38: Summary of Cost estimates of the common facilities at ISWM site .................................................. 55
Table 39: Evaluation of waste treatment technologies ..................................................................................... 59
Table 40: Waste Projections of the Warangal Corporation excluding silt ........................................................ 61
Table 41: List of Civil Works required for biomethanation plant ...................................................................... 76
Table 42: List of plant and machinery required for biomethanation plant ....................................................... 76
Table 43: Budgetary cost biomethanation plant ............................................................................................... 76
Table 44: Cost estimate for 175 TPD compost plant ........................................................................................ 78
Table 45: O&M cost of compost plant .............................................................................................................. 81
Table 46: Indicative Plans for Solid Waste Management .................................................................................. 83
Table 47: Distance Matrix for Adilabad Group .................................................................................................. 86
Table 48: Identified Clusters in Adilabad Group ................................................................................................ 86
Table 49: Distance Matrix for Warangal Group ................................................................................................. 87
Table 50: Identified Clusters for Warangal Group ............................................................................................. 87
Table 51: Distance Matrix for Khammam Group ............................................................................................... 87
Table 52: Identified Clusters for Khammam Group ........................................................................................... 87
Table 53: Distance Matrix for Karimnagar Group .............................................................................................. 88
Table 54: Identified Clusters for Karimnagar Group .......................................................................................... 88
Table 55: Proposed Site Suitability .................................................................................................................... 92
Table 56: Details of the landfillable waste in Cluster VII ................................................................................... 93
Table 57: Sizing of Leachate pipe ....................................................................................................................... 97
Table 58: Monitoring plan.................................................................................................................................. 98
Table 59: Operation and Maintenance cost for Sanitary Landfill .................................................................... 110
Table 60: Cost estimates of other infrastructure facilities ............................................................................ 111
Table 61: Cost of Machinery ............................................................................................................................ 111
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Table 62: Summary of Cost estimates for sanitary landfill for 25 years .......................................................... 111
Table 63: Financial Plan.................................................................................................................................... 116
Table 64: Total Revenue Generation, Total Expenditure and Expenses on SWM for Warangal Municipal
Corporation ...................................................................................................................................................... 117
Table 65: O&M Cost for the C&T System for Warangal Municipality .............................................................. 118
Table 66: O&M Cost for the Processing Facility at Warangal Municipality ..................................................... 118
Table 67: O&M Cost for Regional Sanitary Landfill at Warangal Municipality ................................................ 119
Table 68: Summary of O&M Cost for Warangal Municipality ......................................................................... 120
Table 69: Revenue Generation from the User Charges to be paid by Households in Warangal ..................... 120
Table 70: Revenue Generation from Commercial Establishments in Warangal Municipality......................... 120
Table 71: Revenue from Sale of Compost for Warangal Municipality............................................................. 121
Table 72: Revenue Generation from Sale of Recyclable Waste in Warangal Municipality ............................. 121
Table 73: Summary of Total Revenue Generation in Warangal Municipality ................................................. 122
Table 76: Action Plan for target groups ........................................................................................................... 132
Table 77: Communication Objective for each target group ............................................................................ 134
Table 78: Awareness and capacity buildings schedule and estimated activities costing for a year ................ 144
Table 79: The detailed Environment Management plan of project has been discussed in the following table:
......................................................................................................................................................................... 148
Table 80: Frequency of Monitoring During Operation Phase and Post Closure .............................................. 155
Table 81: Frequency of Monitoring during Operation Phase & Post closure .................................................. 155
Table 82: National Ambient Air Quality Standards .......................................................................................... 156
Table 83: Water Quality Standards (IS 10500:2012), Ed.2.2 (2003-2009) ....................................................... 156
Table 84: Record Keepings & Recordings ........................................................................................................ 157
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
List of Figures
Figure 1: Division of 31 ULB as 4 groups under lead ULB Adilabad, Khammam, Warangal, Karimnagar. .......... 1
Figure 1: Temperature Graph .............................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 2: Temperature Graph .............................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 3: Revenue, Expenditure and Deficit for Warangal Municipal Corporation ............................................. 8
Figure 4: Pics showing some of the Transportation Infrastructure in Warangal town; 1, 2) Tractors; 3) Dumper
Placer Vehicle; 4) 3-wheeler Auto-tipper; 5,6,7) Refuse Compactor; 8) Pushcarts ........................................... 13
Figure 5: Pics showing Dumping Site in Warangal; 1) Main Gate; 2) Weighing Bridge; 3) Dumping Location 4)
Approach road of 3.5 meters width; 5)Vermi-Composting Sheds ..................................................................... 16
Figure 6: Administrative Set-up in Warangal Municipal Corporation ............................................................... 23
Figure 7: Projected Population .......................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 8: Short-term and Long-term Plan for Solid Waste Management System in Warangal Muncipal
Corporation ........................................................................................................................................................ 63
Figure 9: Process flow in Processing unit ........................................................................................................... 66
Figure 10: Advantages of Regional Landfill Facility ............................................................................................ 82
Figure 11: Clusterisation of ULBs in Punjab ....................................................................................................... 84
Figure 12: Functioning of Regional Cluster Facility ............................................................................................ 85
Figure 13: Clusters as per NGT Guidelines ......................................................................................................... 89
Figure 14: Institutional Setup for Municipal Solid Waste Management ......................................................... 123
Figure 15: Models of Arrangement .................................................................................................................. 126
Figure 16: Solid Waste Management Activities ............................................................................................... 126
Figure 17: Proposed Arrangement between ULBs and SPVs ........................................................................... 127
Figure 18: Objectives of IEC activities .............................................................................................................. 129
Figure 19: Awareness programmed at School on SWM .................................................................................. 130
Figure 20: Creating awareness on SWM among women ................................................................................. 130
Figure 21: IEC Strategy ..................................................................................................................................... 131
Figure 22: Target Groups in Solid Waste Management ................................................................................... 132
Figure 23: Public Awareness through IEC Plan ................................................................................................ 138
Figure 24: Public meeting and distribution of color coded bins ...................................................................... 139
Figure 25: Public meeting with school Kids ..................................................................................................... 139
Figure 26: Social Mobilization through IEC ...................................................................................................... 140
Figure 27: Incentives & Disincentives for promoting SWM ............................................................................. 141
Figure 28: Phasing of IEC Plan .......................................................................................................................... 142
Figure 29: Flowchart for Environment Management Plan .............................................................................. 147
i i
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
ii ii
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
2 Waste Projections
9 Estimates Backup
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
5 Details Of Parking Platform Section
6 Details Of Tyre Washing Facility
11 Details Of Common Shed And Steel Roof
14 Details Of Landifill Section
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
MT Metric Ton
MW Mega Watt
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
SI Sanitary Inspector
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Government of Telangana State (GoTS) proposes to strengthen the MSW management system in 67
ULBs of Telangana state which are grouped under two Zones in order to comply with the service
level Benchmarks of the GoI. TUFIDC is a GoTS entity and the Nodal Agency for the development of
projects in Urban Infrastructure and proposes preparation of Detailed Project Reports for the 67
ULBs cluster wise complying MSW Rules 2016. The 67 ULBs are divided in two Zones (Zone-1 36
ULBs and Zone- 2 31 ULBs). IPE Global has been entrusted to prepare the DPR for MSW
management for 31 ULBs out of 67 ULBs (Zone-II). As per the terms of reference of the assignment,
separate DPRs are prepared for each ULB including the existing practices of MSW management,
inadequacies and approaches for improvement of waste management.
This draft DPR of Warangal Municipal Corporation provides detailed description of area and site
conditions, waste management practices of the ULB and approach for proposed technological
interventions. The proposed interventions are in accordance with the ToR provided, MSW Rules
City has certain segment about 40% of the wards in old areas are covered under, door to door
collection and meagre percentage of the total wards practice source segregation. The collection of
waste from households is done through pushcarts having 4 bins of 40 litres capacity Dry waste is
stored in jumbo bags and handed over to dry waste recycling centers. In case of big apartments,
Municipal Corporation has tied-up with Resident Welfare Associations. Community bins have been
placed in the premises where garbage is disposed by the residents of the building. Timing of waste
collection is 6 AM to 10 AM. Earlier there were few initiatives taken up by the Corporation for the
implementation of complete door to door collection like supply of twin bins for promoting the
segregation of MSW in to biodegradable (wet) and non-biodegradable (dry) waste at house hold
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
“Detailed Assessment of existing vehicles and their life span to carry MSW operation is presented
in detail in chapter no.4”
Processing and Disposal of Waste:
Presently, waste processing is not carried out in Warangal except vegetable market waste, fish
waste, and slaughter house which is fed as stock or substrate to Biomethanation plants. Entire
mixed waste is being transported to dumping site for disposal. WMC taken several initiatives in past
for treatment of waste by different methods. However, none of them are presently functional.
Under the WOW initiative organized by ITC, waste collectors, rag pickers and waste generators are
being trained for achieving 100% segregation of waste. The segregated dry waste is being
purchased by ITC and processed in their mill.
Solid waste from the Municipal Corporation is collected and transported to designated disposal site
located at Ramapura site, which is 10 Kms from Kazipet, 13Kms from Hanamaknonda and from
Warangal it is 18 kms. Waste is openly dumped onto the ground without any lining. There are no
processing and segregation activities at site, but officials informed during field visit that started
compost processing. The location of waste dump yard is as shown in the below picture The site
infrastructure includes boundary wall, guardroom, weighbridge, vermi-composting sheds of
dimension 10X20 meters and an internal approach road of 3.5 meters.
Proposed Site: The existing site will be utilised for the development of proposed facility
Topographical survey was carried out at the site indicating contour of the site and attached as annexure
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
In DPR, storage of waste at the source, primary & secondary collection and transportation system
are proposed in accordance with the guidelines issued by CPHEEO, CPCB/ MoEF, actual site
conditions as depicted from the extensive surveys conducted and in line with SWM Rules, 2016.
While planning the proposed management system, it has been specifically noted that all kinds of
areas gets covered under the 100% door to door collection system viz. old areas like fort Warangal
as well as newly merged areas where door to door collection service has not been provided by the
GWMC presently. The management plan is based on formation of management divisions which can
facilitate the effective management of solid waste management system at the decentralized level in
turn reduces the need of transportation.
Segregation at Source:
For storage of waste in segregated manner two closed containers consist of 10L capacity for
biodegradable (green colored container) & 10 L capacity for non-biodegradable (white colored
container) at household level are proposed and has been estimated.
Primary Collection:
Detailed assessment of existing vehicles and their tonnage are done in chapter no 4. Nine new
number of four wheeler autos is proposed for coverage of 100% door to door collection and
transportation of municipal solid waste. The workers involved in SWM also need to be equipped
with adequate personal protective equipment’s (PPEs) like gloves, boots, broom, shovels and
Street Sweeping:
Plan and infrastructure required for management of street sweeping waste is given in section 4.3.6
of chapter 4. It is estimated around 1719 No. of street sweeping required on assuming that on an
average every street sweeper can clean 500m length of road in a day, total 258 street sweepers
would be required per day. Also assuming that worker will work on 80% days a year, total
workforce required would be 1960. Street sweepers would also be equipped with adequate PPEs.
Secondary Storage and Transportation:
The MSW transportation system for the town is proposed in conjunction with the waste collection
system described in the preceding section. The requirement of transportation vehicles has been
estimated based on the following plan:
Vegetable Market, Fruit Market and Slaughter House Waste will be directly transported to the
Biomethanation Plant by Auto-tipper
Dry Waste (29.35%) will be taken to the Dry Waste Resource Centers
The waste from the refuse collector bins will be transferred to the Refuse Collector cum
Compactors of 14 m3 capacity point will then transfer the waste at the Transfer Station
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The Waste from Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3 will be transported to transfer station by
Auotippers, compactors and from transfer station to ISWM facility by Dumper trucks/ hook
loader vehicles. Waste from Zone 4 to will be directly transported to the ISWM Sites from
Transfer Station
The drain silt and street sweeping waste will be collected in tractors and directly disposed off
Feasibility of the transfer station and Zoning for effective management of solid waste management
is presented in detail of the Chapter no.4.
Processing of Waste
An ISWM facility at the existing site at Rampura village has been planned and estimated in this
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The cost of the integrated MSWM facility has been worked out for the waste generating in
Warangal Corporation is as follows
Breakup of the Capital Cost of the Proposed Scheme in Warangal
The total outlay project cost is estimated at Rs. 50.11 Crores excluding IEC charges for the Warangal
Corporation. Financial feasibility has been studied and presented in the chapter no 11- Financial frame
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
C&DMA is the State Mission Directorate and the Nodal agency for implementation of Swachh
Bharat Mission. C&DMA was formed after the passing of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act,
2014. TUFIDC is a Government of TG entity for the development of projects in Urban Infrastructure
and proposed to prepare Detailed Project Reports for the 67 ULBs and also cluster-wise.
The DPRs shall comply with the Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 (or SWM Rules, 2016), under
the aegis of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and the guidelines issued there under from time
to time. The SWM Rules, 2016 stipulate that each Municipal Authority should treat and dispose of
the MSW generated by them in a manner so as not to cause damage to human health and
Telangana state comprises 67 ULBs (Before district reorganization) which were classified as two
Zones (Zone 1 – 36 ULBs and Zone II- 31 ULBs) for the implementation of Integrated Municipal Solid
Waste Management (ISWM) in the state. IPE Global has been entrusted to prepare the DPR for
MSW management for 31 ULBs out of 67 ULBs (zone-II).
There is a need to enhance the existing MSWM system for all 31 ULBs and thus improve the health
and living standards of its residents. The purpose of this project is to identify the existing MSWM
practices within all the towns, recognize deficiencies/gaps in the present system and propose a
comprehensive plan for MSWM including segregation, collection, transportation and
regional/cluster approach for processing & scientific disposal in Integrated Municipal Solid Waste
Management Facility in compliance with the SWM Rules 2016, NGT Guidelines etc. In addition,
analyze options for waste processing for effective and scientific management of MSW generated.
Broad objective of this assignment was to analyze the feasibility with respect to technical, financial,
economic, environmental and social aspects, prepare conceptual design, drawings, cost estimates
of proposed MSW collection, segregation and transportation system, sanitary landfill and develop
options for waste processing, for the effective and scientific management of MSW generated in the
all towns.
Government of Telangana has taken up the task of Districts reorganization of the existing districts
excluding Hyderabad, for better administration and development of the areas. After district re
organization project areas i.e. 31 ULBs presented here by covering 15 newly formed districts where
it was four districts before reorganization
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The project area (Zone 11) 31 ULBS covering 15 newly formed districts.
1 Adilabad Adilabad
8 Mahabubabad Mahabubabad
9 Mancherial Bellampally,Mandamarri,Mancherial
10 Nirmal Nirmal, Bhainsa
11 Peddapalli Ramagundam, Peddapalli
15 Yadadri Bhongir
However Project Area (31 ULBS) are grouped under four groups to facilitate formation of clusters to
implement integrated municipal solid waste management in these 31 ULBs
Detailed descripition for the basis of formation of clusters is presented in “Chapter -7 Clusterisation
of ULBs”.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Adilabad (7 towns)
Adilabad is the Group Headquarter
There are a total of 5 municipal corporations which have population varying from 1.2 lakhs to 8
lakhs. Rest 26 are small municipalities having population less than 1 lakh.
As per the terms of reference of the assignment, separate DPRs are prepared for each ULB
including the existing practices of MSW management, inadequacies and approaches for
improvement of waste management.
The Present assignment is for the preparation of Solid Waste Management (SWM) Detailed Project
Report (DPR) for Warangal Municipal Corporation which falls under Warangal group for a design
period of 25 years.
IPE Global has initiated the project by circulating questionnaires to all the Commissioners of the
ULBs and their staff. IPE Global then mobilized technical team and teams of surveyors to the ULBs
for collection of primary data.
This DPR provides detailed description of area and site conditions prevailing in Warangal
Corporation, waste management practices at each ULB and approach for proposed technological
interventions. The proposed interventions are in accordance with the MSW (Management &
Handling) Rules 2016, to the extent possible and within the constraints posed by the site
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Figure 1: Division of 31 ULB as 4 groups under lead ULB Adilabad, Khammam, Warangal, Karimnagar.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
This chapter elaborates on the overall overview & profile of Warangal respectively, followed by
brief overview of the municipalities and their existing Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management
system in each group/town based on reconnaissance/overview survey of the town, visits of
dumping sites and detailed discussions held with the concerned officials including the Municipal
Commissioner of each ULB.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
2.2 Climate
The climate is tropical in Warangal. The summers are much rainier than the winters in Warangal.
The average annual temperature in Warangal is 27.7 °C. The rainfall here averages 977 mm. The
driest month is January, with 3 mm of rainfall. The greatest amount of precipitation occurs in July,
with an average of 270 mm. The warmest month of the year is May, with an average temperature
of 34.5 °C. The lowest average temperatures in the year occur in December, when it is around 22.4
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
°C. The difference in precipitation between the driest month and the wettest month is 267 mm. The
variation in temperatures throughout the year is 12.1 °C.
Figure 2: Temperature Graph
Source: Climate-data.org
2.3 Demography
As per 2011 census, population of Warangal has reached 819406. The table below examines the
population variation in the town over the six decades and the population growth trends over the
years. Between the period of 2001 and 2011, the town has witnessed a reduced growth of 54 %
while the highest growth rate observed between the period of 1971 and 1981.
Table 2: Census Population
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
grain market, located in Enumamula.It is also attracting investors in information technology. The
incubation tower at Madikonda is likely to play a significant role in this development.
Warangal is a very important tourist place with an enchanting architectural work which attracts
many people from different parts of the world. The famous tourist places in the city are thousand
pillared temple (built by the Kakatiyas and is dedicated to Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Surya);
the Bhadrakali temple and Ramappa temple. Some other monuments of Warangal include
Warangal Fort, a historical monument and Ghanpur group of temples. There are also beautiful
water bodies such as Ramappa lake, Pakhal lake and Lakhnavaram lake. Musical Garden, rock
garden, Regional Science Centre, Van Vigyan Kendra are few recent attraction in the city.
Educational Activities
Warangal city is well known as an important educational centre. With the most famous educational
institutions, like NIT Warangal formerly known as Regional Engineering College, established in the
year 1959 and the first among the 17 RECs in the country, Warangal has marked its presence on the
global educational scenario. Apart from this, Kakatiya University, Kakatiya Medical College, Delhi
Public School Warangal is one of the famous institutes in the city.
Health Facilities
The 1200-bed Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital is the largest hospital in the city. It also serves
the needs of patients from the neighboring groups of Khammam and Karimnagar. Apart from major
public hospitals such as those for maternity, chest and tuberculosis, there are many private
specialist hospitals like Lifeline, Rohini, Jaya, Guardian, St. Ann's. Ancillary to this, there is significant
no. of pharmacies & medicine shops uniformly spread within the town.
The components under external sources include Plan grant from State and Central Government,
Non-Plan Grant/compensation, receive the funds from Central and State Government for the
physical infrastructural developments in terms of roads, water supply, sanitation, drainage,
buildings and lightening. The summary of revenue of municipality in past five years in as under:
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Table 3: Total Revenue of Warangal Municipal Corporation for past five years
The revenue and expenditure statement suggests that the Municipality has been able to maintain
fair surplus. The utilisation of the fund can however be explored further as the city requires
state/central support despite maintaining the surplus.
Figure 4: Revenue, Expenditure and Deficit for Warangal Municipal Corporation
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
3.1.2 Primary collection of waste from Bulk Waste Generators and Commercial
The collection of waste from bulk is done with existing tractors, dumper placer and compactors .In general,
the mixed waste is put in secondary collection bins/compactor bins of 3.5 and 4.5 cum bins. These
bins are serviced by Dumper Place (DP) vehicles and compactors.The timing of waste collection is
from 6 am to 10 am and 2 pm to 5 pm. The collection of waste from major commercial areas lying
on major roads (Narsampet road, Hyderabad road, Karimnagar and Khammam road) is done
through tractors after 9:30 am in the morning after the shops opens. Construction and Demolition
Waste is collected by the municipality on demand basis and Rs. 500/ trip is charged from the
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
generator. In case of unreported waste, a penalty of Rs. 5000 is imposed on the waste generator.
There are total 50 dumper bins and 210 refuse collector bins placed in the town for receiving waste
from the tricycles.
The frequency of bin clearance varies from daily to once in 3 days based on the quantum of waste
generated at a particular location.
The waste from these bins is unloaded when with the help of refuse compactors after it whereas
the auto-tippers and tractors either go to the transit station or the dumping site directly.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
There is one transit station at Pothana Nagar having an area of 2.5 acres and receives waste from 4
sanitary circles. About 3 auto-tippers and 20 tractors transfer the waste to tippers every day. The
transfer station has boundary and the ramp is unpaved.
Table 5: List of existing MSW vehicles for collection and Transportation in Warangal Municipal
Figure 5: Pics showing some of the Transportation Infrastructure in Warangal town; 1, 2) Tractors; 3) Dumper Placer Vehicle; 4) 3-wheeler Auto-tipper; 5,6,7) Refuse Compactor; 8)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Biomethanation plant. However, the existing infrastructure is currently not used to its full
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Figure 6: Pics showing Dumping Site in Warangal; 1) Main Gate; 2) Weighing Bridge; 3) Dumping Location 4) Approach road of 3.5 meters width; 5)Vermi-Composting Sheds
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
2) Sensitization of households: The households were sensitized with the concept and need of the
survey as well as informed about the schedule and the requirements of the survey
3) Door to door survey: The waste were collected for 7 consecutive days from all the selected
households at a pre-determined time already communicated to them. The details of all the
households were recorded as per the questionnaire (name, contact details, socio-economic
data, waste quantity)
4) Waste Quantification: The total waste has been quantified and completely mixed into a
homogeneous mixture. The homogeneous mixture further divided into four equal parts (as per
the guidelines of quartering method mentioned in CPHEEO norms) which were further
segregated into physical constituents. All the constituents were weighed and recorded
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Waste quantification: The survey has been done for 1 day for all the commercial establishments.
The waste quantification have been done through structured questionnaires.
An exhaustive survey, for seven consecutive days, was carried out for 200 residential
establishments so as to assess the per capita waste generation. The survey included residential
establishments under different income groups, viz. Low Income Group (LIG), Middle Income Group
(MIG), High Income Group (HIG) and Economical Weaker Section (EWS) characterized as per
standard of living conditions prevalent in the city. It is important to note that around 25% of the
current population under Warangal Municipal Corporation are living in merged villages. Considering
this different survey has been conducted in old areas and merged areas and computed the
percapita waste generation factor. Based on the survey conducted for domestic households and
analysis done, per capita MSW generation is estimated that 280.10 gms/percapita/day in old areas
and 170.12gms/percapita/day in merged villages. It is estimated for the population projection that
around 220 MT of house hold waste generation in Warangal.
Municipal solid waste generations from the households are around 220 TPD as per projected
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
population of year 2015. However, it is to be noted that these households are scattered over the
town i.e. respective income groups are not a domain of particular zone/area but are spread over
the town. Hence, the waste generated differs on a daily basis. Further, waste generation per capita
obtained for different groups does not include street sweeping, drain silt and construction debris.
Commercial Establishment (Shops, Offices, Institutes, Hotels, Restaurants etc.)
The waste from the commercial establishments like shops and offices, wholesale and retail stores,
Paint shops, and general stores, institutions and hotels/restaurants/dhabas have been considered
in this category. The number of commercial establishments are given in the below table. In order to
assess the waste generated by these establishments, field visits and quantity assessment surveys
were carried out in the commercial areas. Discussions were also held, with the shop owners on the
amount of waste generated by each of them and disposal practices. Hence, based on the survey the
waste generation factor of each type of establishment is given in table below.
. Commercial Establishment (Shops, Offices, Institutes, Hotels, Restaurants etc.)
In order to assess the waste generated by these establishments, field visits and quantity assessment surveys
were carried out in the commercial areas. Discussions were also held, with the shop owners on the amount
of waste generated by each of them and disposal practices. Hence, based on the survey the waste
generation factor of each type of establishment is given in table below.
Street Sweeping
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
It is mainly an inert waste comprising of dust, sand and stones. This waste also contains litter, dry
leaves, plastic, paper and animal waste. Currently, most of the waste generated in the town is
collected as street sweeping, since wastes from majority of residential and commercial
establishments are discarded on and along the roads. It is therefore not possible to accurately
assess the waste generation rate from street sweeping. However, based on the discussion with the
sweepers and sanitary staff, it was estimated that average waste is in the range of 7 kg/km/day. For
the total 2468.3 km of road, it is estimated that 17.3 TPD of street sweeping waste is generated.
Table 7: Street Sweeping Waste in Warangal
Drain Silt
Drain cleanings are the major components of waste in urban areas. It is removed by municipal
workers on daily basis and/ or as and when the drain gets choked. The silt so removed is disposed
off on the dumping ground or open land on the outskirts of the city. A major portion of sanitary
worker’s time goes for the cleaning of streets and drains. Waste quantification for the drains was
done based on the field visit and field assessment survey while cleaning the drains and waste
generation factor are estimated.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Information and data on the physical composition of solid wastes are important in the selection and
operation equipment and facilities, in assessing the feasibility and in the analysis and design of disposal
facilities. Waste composition, moisture content, waste density, temperature and pH are important as these
affect the extent and rate of degradation of waste. These are determined on components of solid wastes.
Samples were collected from different service command areas viz. households and commercial
establishments and weighted average was calculated for physical characterization (results are given in the
table). An approximate waste from 100 households were collected and segregated on-site for estimating
physical characterization and waste from shops is also surveyed in the similar way. In addition to this, sample
size survey was also carried out in institutions, hotels/restaurants and hospitals for estimating the MSW. In
order to quantify and characterize the MSW, project team did detailed survey of the town.
In summary, the physical composition of waste excluding drain silt is given in the table. The characterization
has been done excluding drain silt as the same is considered to be of completely inert nature and to be
disposed in low-lying areas.
The major proportion of the waste is biodegradable followed by recyclable waste comprising of plastic,
paper, glass, metals, tetra pack, rubber and leather. Interestingly, coconut consumption is higher because of
the unique food habits.
Chemical Characterization of the MSW
Information on the chemical composition of solid wastes is important in evaluating alternative technology
for processing and recovery options.
The methodology for chemical characterization is adopted keeping in consideration the utilization of the
results at later stages of analysis for finalizing the processing technology. The methodology is described
below in detail:
One sample of the Mixed Waste from the different secondary collection points was collected. All these
were taken from the inside & outside of solid waste heap and thoroughly mixed to make one composite
One sample of the Mixed Waste from existing dumpsite, sample was taken from inside and outside of
the heap and thoroughly mixed to make one composite sample
One sample of the Mixed Waste from transit point (transfer station) was collected. Total no. of sample
for the mixed waste were 3
One sample of Bio-Degradable waste was collected from the households in segregated form during the
primary collection of waste in early morning.
One sample of Dry Waste from the households and one sample from the commercials was taken in
segregated form. These two samples were mixed thoroughly to make further one composite sample.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
This section describes the MSW Management and Handling System prevalent in the town. The management
system is headed by the Commissioner itself and the work is undertaken by the supervisory staff under his
Additional Commissioner
Dy Executive Engineer
MHO (1)
Engineer (1)
Sanitary workers
(480-govt, 1815-private,
425-merged village)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The WMC also imposes service charges on the commercial establishments. The revenue of the Municipal
Corporation is given below:
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
There has been merging of 42 villages in Warangal town after Census 2011. The Population
Projection is separately carried out for Census 2011 and merged population as the merged area will
attract more population due to the increased development perspectives. Incremental Increase has
been chosen for Census 2011 population whereas geometric increase has been adopted for merged
village’s population.
Figure 8: Projected Population
1600000 70%
1450000 58%
1400000 60%
1150000 50%
1100000 8%
950000 40%
750000 19%
700000 17% 30%
650000 20%
450000 20%
250000 10%
0 0%
2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 2045
Population Growth Rate
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The Graphical Increase method has been adopted as this method is appropriate for the town like
Warangal which is developing at a slightly faster rate than the existing rate. As it is considered one
of the biggest towns of Karimnagar group, is a hub for the group’s commercial and entertainment
activities & also famous for its tourism due to its many important Hindu pilgrimage sites which
increases the population flux. The figure below provides the projected population of the city for the
coming years:
Year Projected Per capita per year waste Per capita Total waste
Population generation with 1.3 % quantity in generation quantity in
increase per capita per MT/ Day (in kgs/ Day) MT/ Year
year as per MoUD
2015 878025 154.87 308 0.351 308
2020 957626 165.20 358.3 0.374 358.3
2025 1045049 176.22 417.1 0.399 417.1
2030 1141269 187.98 485.9 0.426 485.9
2035 1247423 200.52 566.6 0.454 566.6
2040 1364830 213.90 661.2 0.484 661.2
2045 1495027 228.17 772.6 0.517 772.6
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Table 16: Population Estimates, Waste Quantities and Waste Characterization (Design Year 2017) for Warangal
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
as well as newly merged areas where door to door collection service has not been provided by the
GWMC presently. The management plan is based on formation of management divisions which can
facilitate the effective management of solid waste management system at the decentralized level in
turn reduces the need of transportation.
The zoning of solid waste management divisions has been done based on the routing catchment of
major roads. The town is developed along the diagonally arranged major roads: NH-202, Warangal-
Hyderabad-Bhopalpatnam Road, Warangal-Hyderabad Road and Warangal-Khammam Road. These
major roads can be catchment for solid waste collection and transportation vehicles and therefore,
routing of vehicles will depend on the condition and traffic on these roads. The catchment zones
have been named in the map as 1, 2, 3 and 4.
The total area of the town is 408 sq. km. divided into 58 wards which has increased from 110 sq.
km. signifying that there has been about 4 times increase in the total area of the town which is
presently not covered under the solid waste management service of the town. The newly merged
areas are sparsely populated. However, long-term plan propose daily collection of waste from
these areas as well as they will develop after becoming a part of Municipal Corporation. The
management plan has been designed to comply with SWM Rules, 2016.
The feasibility of establishing transfer station and plan for collection and transportation of MSW in
Warangal Municipal Corporation is analyzed at the Zone level. The average distance of the Zone
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Since the average distance of the Zone 4 from the proposed ISWM facility is less than 10 kms, it is
proposed that the vehicles covering door to door collection in Zone 4 shall directly take waste the
ISWM facility. It helps to reduce the time, fuel and resources for transfer of waste from Zone 4 to
transfer station and then to ISWM facility and also reduces the capacity of handling of waste in
proposed transfer stations.
4.3.1 Segregation at Source
There are about 1, 80,000 households in Warangal M. Corp., and at present there is no segregation
of waste at source. Now it shall be improved to 100 % by segregating and storing waste in three
streams as mentioned in Solid Waste Management Rules 2016. Separation of organic and inorganic
waste ensures collection and transportation of contaminated and uncontaminated waste
separately while optimizing the waste processing and treatment technologies.
The ULB may take up the following to ensure segregation of waste at households
To inform, educate and motivate under IEC activity not to litter waste on streets and
develop a habit of storing waste at source.
To educate about risks to human health and environment due to solid waste
Create awareness for segregation and storage of waste in three separate bins for dry waste,
wet waste and household bio-medical/hazardous waste as per MSW Guidelines.
Only secondary transportation distance is taken
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Organize awareness campaign for segregation of waste through local NGO’s, schools, local
representatives, RWA’s, etc.
To direct waste generators not to throw waste in their neighborhood, on streets, open
areas, drains, etc., through display boards in public places.
To identify slum location and provide community bins to enable slum dwellers to deposit
waste in the bins as and when generated.
To follow the norms/regulations made by the local body / ULB regarding management of
To handover the segregated waste in 3 bins separately to the waste collector during door-
to-door collection to avoid unhygienic conditions.
As and when recyclable waste such as newspapers, books, glass bottles, plastic bottles,
metal / iron containers, etc., are generated, it may be handed over to nearby recyclable
waste dealer in order to reduce the waste quantity to dump yard.
To store C&D waste separately as and when generated in his own premises and dispose at
the collection center arranged by the ULB. In case of bulk quantities (> 20 TPD), the C&D
waste generator may contact nearby authorized processing facility (else ULB) for disposal.
Resident welfare associations / gated communities shall try to process segregated bio-
degradable waste within their premises in consultation with the ULB.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The value chain of effective waste management starts at the source with proper segregation of
waste. The efficiency of the proposed waste management plan is driven by the segregation of
waste in to wet and dry waste at the source.
Table 20: Bins for segregation of waste
At present, about 8 TPD of waste is generated from market areas and slaughter house. The waste
generated from these markets is dumped in open areas called collection points within the market.
ULB may provide adequate number of trolleys/M-bins in these collection points for dumping
market area waste and direct shop owners to dump waste only in bins provided. Later these bins
could be emptied or transferred by tractors /compactors placers based on accessibility of the bin
location. There are three slaughter houses in the ULB. The buildings lack infrastructure for
maintaining hygiene. This is threat to human health therefore the buildings and the operations,
both need to be improved upon with regard to cleanliness and hygiene. The waste generated in the
slaughter house is stored in one corner of the building in open area, which shall be avoided by
providing suitable bin for storage before it is disposed of. Each seller may be equipped with one bin
for storage of waste temporarily and finally at end of the day can dispose the waste in the bin
provided by the ULB. ULB shall provide a bin in the slaughter house for depositing waste and ensure
collection & transfer of this waste at regular intervals. There are two Bio methanation plants
working taking existing market waste as substrate.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Use bin/container for storage of daily waste till collection by the PH worker.
To maintain separate container for storing hazardous waste and handover the same to the
PH worker/waste collector who in turn shall dispose to the authorized dealer.
For educational institutions with canteen, hostel and lab facilities waste may be segregated
and stored in three separate bins for dry, wet and domestic hazardous waste.
For commercial complexes and institutions, the segregated waste may be stored in three
separate bins for collecting wet, dry and domestic hazardous waste separately
Waste generated from these areas would be mostly recyclables. These waste generators
shall handover the segregated recyclable waste to authorized waste pickers/waste
recyclers/waste dealers.
Use separate containers with lid of adequate capacity for storing dry, wet and hazardous
waste. Handover the segregated waste to the PH worker/waste collector regularly.
These waste generators may try to process the segregated bio-degradable waste within
their premises in consultation with the ULB.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Construction and demolition waste will be collected separately as per the Construction and
Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016.
The sanitary workers employed by the municipality shall be well equipped with Personal
Protective Equipment’s (PPEs) to avoid direct contact with waste.
The primary collection system is designed to have effective coordination between waste collectors
and households so that high segregation of waste is achieved at the source. It is proposed to use
tricycles for the densely populated area and auto-tippers for the sparsely populated areas for the
collection of waste from the households.
It is estimated that 4 to 5% of the total population lives in slums, and high-rise residential building
where door to door collection is not possible. It is proposed to keep 1.1 Cum RC bins in such
strategic location near to these units where generators puts the waste in bin and the bins shall be
lifted by existing compactors/ Tractors.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Ward No. Drain Length Area Silt (2017) Trips of Nos. of Tractors
Tractor Required
24 12 1.07 0.79 0.39 0.2
25 15 0.33 0.98 0.49 0.2
26 7 0.52 0.43 0.21 0.1
27 7 1.01 0.48 0.24 0.1
28 16 1.88 1.02 0.51 0.3
29 10 1.18 0.62 0.31 0.2
30 15 1.49 0.99 0.50 0.2
31 18 4.77 1.15 0.58 0.3
32 9 8.53 0.61 0.30 0.2
33 55 40.46 3.60 1.80 0.9
34 15 17.67 1.00 0.50 0.3
35 17 8.00 1.09 0.55 0.3
36 13 6.00 0.84 0.42 0.2
37 12 1.68 0.78 0.39 0.2
38 7 1.72 0.45 0.23 0.1
39 9 1.58 0.59 0.30 0.1
40 7 0.59 0.48 0.24 0.1
41 31 0.44 1.99 0.99 0.5
42 10 0.83 0.67 0.34 0.2
43 22 0.34 1.45 0.73 0.4
44 13 0.78 0.87 0.43 0.2
45 8 1.09 0.54 0.27 0.1
46 16 2.32 1.04 0.52 0.3
47 14 0.95 0.88 0.44 0.2
48 30 1.20 1.95 0.98 0.5
49 30 2.00 1.98 0.99 0.5
50 26 2.00 1.72 0.86 0.4
686 259 45 22 11
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
It is proposed to use the existing infrastructure for the collection and transportation of silt.
The street sweeping shall be done on a day-to-day basis. It is desirable to split the 8 hours of duty
of sweepers into two shifts, the street sweeping is to be done by safai karmcharies as per the
proposed plan.
Table 21: Plan and infrastructure required for management of street sweeping waste
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
MSW services will be provided 365 days a year. Assuming that one government worker be given
national holidays = 1719 x 1.14 = 1960
As per MSW Rules 2016, Street Sweeping Waste is required to be separately stored at the
secondary collection point. It is proposed to use existing infrastructure of dumper placer bins to be
placed at every 1000 meters for storing street sweeping waste and dumper placer vehicle for
transporting the bins to the ISWM Facility.
Total Requirement of bins = 181
Existing Infrastructure of Dumper Placer bins = 50
Bins to be purchased (RC Bins) = 131
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The feasibility of establishing transfer station in Warangal is analyzed at the Zone level. The average distance
of the Zone from the proposed facility has been calculated:
Catchment Zone Average Distance from Proposed Facility (in km)2
Catchment Zone-1 24.22
Catchment Zone-2 24.6
Catchment Zone-3 27.59
Catchment Zone-4 8.82
As per the average distance of the proposed facility from the Catchment Zones, Zone-1, Zone-2 and Zone-3
are feasible for setting up transfer station. Catchment Zone-3 has the maximum number of wards and
therefore, this location will be more feasible which can also be accessed from some parts of Catchment
Zone-2. The unattended areas of Zone-2 and Zone-1 can be covered through separate transfer station.
There is an existing transfer station in Zone-3 which is under construction at Pothana Nagar of area 2.5 acres
in ward no 27. The site has boundary and one ramp which are not paved. The transfer station for Zone-1 and
unattended Zone-2 is proposed to be set-up in Zone-1 such that the waste transportation requirement is
The existing and proposed transfer stations will be based on the static compactor transfer stations. It is
proposed to install two static compactor transfer stations.
Only secondary transportation distance is taken
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
It is assumed that only 10% of the waste will be directly taken to the ISWM Facility through Refuse Compactor
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Sl. Unit
Description Quantity Unit Amount
No. Price (Rs)
Mechanical Works
Solid Waste Static Compactor with Hydraulic Loading
1 1 2750000 2750000
Shovel bucket arrangement
18 cum capacity Container compatible with Static
2 4 785000 3140000
Hook loader mounted on 25 T GVW
3 BS – IV Truck Chassis capable of handling 18 cum 2 Nos. 4375000 8750000
Sub-Total 14640000
Civil Works
1 Vehicle Parking Area 1 Nos. 706104 706104
2 Office Room 1 Nos. 344596 344596
3 Security Room 1 Nos. 164893 164893
4 Boundary Wall 215 m 1744 374960
5 Iron Gate 1 Nos. 48683 48683
Sub-Total 1639236
Grand Total 16279236
4.3.9 Workshop
Workshop site should be maintained properly and be fully equipped to provide services at par with
Good Industry Practice and should have all arrangements to meet emergency situations as per
applicable Laws. Maintenance and painting of the workshop site should be carried out at least once
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Table 25: Cost Estimated for 1 acre (4047 sq. m.) Workshop
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Table 26: Table showing year of purchase of existing vehicles and current status of working of vehicles in WMC
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Tippers 7 ⁻ ⁻ ⁻ ⁻ ⁻ ⁻ 7 3 4
Dumper ⁻ ⁻ 3 ⁻ ⁻ ⁻ ⁻ 3 1 2
Dumper 7 ⁻ ⁻ ⁻ ⁻ ⁻ ⁻ 7 5 2
Table 28: Table showing year wise breakup of requirement of Vehicles for Primary collection and transportation of waste.
Auto_4 wheeler 80 1 80 0 1
Refuse Compactors 6 9 6
Tractor Trolleys 21 1.5 21 ⁻ 1.5
Push Carts /Tricycles 0 0.24 0 0 0.24
Auto_3 wheeler 0 0.9 0 0 0.9
6 2021 974456 369 Auto_4 wheeler 80 1 80 0 1
Refuse compactors 6 9 6
Tractor Trolleys 21 1.5 21 0 1.5
Table 29: Table showing year wise breakup of requirement of Vehicles for secondary transportation and waste
S.No Year Population Garbage Generated Secondary transportation Requirement Existing Proposed
S.No Year Population Garbage Generated Secondary transportation Requirement Existing Proposed
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The detailed operation and maintenance plan for MSW collection and transportation system will be
developed at the Project Management & Construction Stage.
At this stage, operation and maintenance cost is estimated for MSW transportation system proposed in table
below. These costs include salaries for the O&M personnel and O&M costs for waste transportation
Table 30: Summary of Annual O&M Cost for C& T waste of Warangal
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Table 33: Annual fuel Cost for Infrastructure of Collection and transportation .
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Table 35: Summary of Operation and Maintenance cost for Workshop and Transfer station.
Items Running Watt No. of Total Total Unit Per Total Amou Amount
Hour per Items Watt Consume Unit Amou nt Per Per
Item d Per Day Price nt Per Month Annum
(KWH) Day
Tube Lights 12 40 30 14400 14.4 10 144 4320 51840
Fans 10 150 20 30000 30 300 9000 108000
Exhaust Fans 10 200 10 20000 20 200 6000 72000
Welding 4 2000 2 16000 16 160 4800 57600
Machine &
Air Conditioner 10 2000 2 40000 40 400 12000 144000
(2 ton)
Air Compressor 4 1000 1 4000 4 40 1200 14400
Battery Charger 6 1000 1 6000 6 60 1800 21600
Total 130.4 10 1304 39120 469440
Table 36: Summary of Operation and Maintenance cost for GIs Monitoring system..
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
biogas and manure. Two plants of capacity 2 TPD are proposed. The Biomethanation plant details
are furnished in Chapter 6.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Technology Development
Environmental Aspects
Management Aspects
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Financial Aspects
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Technology Technology Benefits Limitations Environmental Concerns Management Aspects Financial Aspects
Windrow Proven Technology Inoculants, enzymes not No energy recovery The final product is generally This technology involved more Capital Cost is high
Composting and Well Established needed Heat loss through open windrow applied to soil and used as machinery/equipment’s and O&M cost is high
Population>100000 Suitable for the mixed Reduce organic waste fraction surfaces manure. Can contaminate the complete mechanical process Quality compost complaint with
MSW> 50 TPD waste of MSW Open system – difficulty in food chain if compost is not Skilled and semi-skilled labors FCO 2009 has a good-market
Potential usable product as operation during rainy season, meeting FCO norms. are required for the working of
output liable to bad odor, rodent and fly Emissions of particulate matter processing unit
Potential of co-composting menace, if not operated when moving/handling
operations with other waste properly, visible pollution and Leachate pollution is high if not
streams social resistance treated appropriately
Highly useful product for crop Large land area required Atmospheric Pollution is low
improvement Odor issues
Vermiculture Proven Technology Comparatively less No energy recovery The product is generally safe as This technology is labor- Capital Cost is moderate
Population<100000 and Well Established technologically involved Earthworm culture is required worms cannot endure significant intensive O&M cost is low
MSW<50 TPD for Small towns process Open system – Difficulty in contamination of raw materials. Semi-skilled labors are Good market potential in Urban
Not suitable for mixed Reduce organic waste fraction operation during rainy seasons, FCO Standards are to be met required for the working of and Rural areas. However, it is
of MSW liable to bad odor, rodent and fly with. processing unit not adequately explored
Potential usable product as menace, if not operated Emissions of particulate matter
output properly, visible pollution and when moving/handling
Potential of co-composting social resistance Leachate Pollution is insignificant
operations with other waste Large land area required. at low waste quantities per
streams vermi-pit
Highly useful product for crop Atmospheric Pollution is low
improvement Odor issues
Bio-methanation Feasibility for bio- Energy recovery (Bio Gas) with Heat released is less-resulting in Leachate Pollution is high if not This technology is less labor Capital Cost is High
MSW< 10 TPD of degradable waste is production of high grade soil lower and less effective treated properly intensive The technology is not fully
Wet Waste proven. Not suitable conditioner (Manure- by destruction of pathogenic Low leakage of biogas Skilled labors are required for explored, though it has a
(Biodegradable) for mixed waste product) organisms than in aerobic Gas Handling the working of processing unit potential to generate energy as
No power requirement unlike composting. However, now Fire and Safety measures well as digested sludge manure.
aerobic composting, where hemophilic temperature systems
sieving and turning of waste are also available to take care of
pile for supply of oxygen is this
necessary Unsuitable for wastes containing
Enclosed system enables all less organic matter and mixed
the gas produced to be waste
collected for use Requires waste segregation for
Control Greenhouse gases improving digestion efficiency
Free from bad odor, rodent
and fly menace, visible
pollution and social resistance
Modular construction of plant
and closed treatment needs
less area
Net positive environmental
Can be done at small scale
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Technology Technology Benefits Limitations Environmental Concerns Management Aspects Financial Aspects
RDF Quality of RDF should Low moisture content in waste Competitive with large mass- Air pollution from emissions of The technology is labor- Capital Cost is Moderate
MSW> 100 TPD be based on end use. RDF can be processed to half burn plants smaller quantities of organics, intensive (based on present Market Potential for RDF in
Burning of RDF below calorific value of coal Require secure markets for fuel particulates and metals (viz. practice) cement industry
850°C can pose Lower level of heavy metals in Processing involves high furans and dioxin gases) which Skilled and semi-skilled labors In small cities/cluster approach,
RDF electrical power consumption should be monitored through are required for the working of RDF Plants only become feeders
serious concerns of
Energy recovery is possible and maintenance APC Unit. processing unit of RDF to large RDF based
health and Water pollution from leachate is
RDF can be co-fired with other power plants
environment fuels in a variety of industrial low
Less land area is required
Incineration The technology is Achieves maximum volume This cannot be used for waste Emissions – particulates, SOx and Less labor-intensive but Very high capital and O&M Cost
MSW> 300 TPD available in India, reduction with high moisture content and NOx emissions, chlorinated requires considerable Good potential of energy
However, constraints Standard hygiene operation inert content compounds, ranging from HCl to technical capacity generation if power purchase
of low-calorific value, compared to open burning Auxiliary fuel support is required organo-compounds such as Highly skilled manpower is agreements (PPAs) are made
Heat generation can be utilized to sustain the facility dioxins and heavy metals required for working of reflecting true cost of
high moisture content
for steam/hot-water/electricity Residual ash and metal waste Toxic metals may concentrate in incineration unit production including O&M cost
and high proportion of
Less land requirement and require disposal ash
inert waste should be minimum burden on landfills Overall efficiency is low for small Fumes from low temperature
considered while Most suitable for high calorific power plants incineration of mixed municipal
undertaking the vale waste refuse. These fumes will contain
project commercially Relatively noiseless and a number of toxic compounds
Thermal energy recovery for
direct heating or power
Integrated System Proven Technology Significant reduction of waste More land is required Air pollution from emissions of The technology is labor- Capital Cost and O&M Cost is
(Composting + RDF) and widely used volume Requires high segregation of smaller quantities of organics, intensive and requires specific high
Population> 100000 world-over but not More careful segregation of waste for separate waste particulates and metals is skill set Good market potential for RDF
MSW>100 TPD much tested in Indian waste leading to less emissions processing moderate, requires appropriate Varied skill set is required for In small cities, RDF Plants only
Appropriate treatment to all emission control system different operations become feeders of RDF to large
conditions where
streams of waste Water pollution from leachate is Coordination and RDF based power plants and
waste has low-calorific
Minimum burden on landfill low Management of Facility is cement plants
value. Energy recovery is possible critical
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
As per the physical characterization of waste done by the IPE Global, 51.14% of the waste is
biodegradable in nature. This major quantity of waste is proposed to be processed through well
established and proven technologies already implemented in India.
The 33% of total waste which is dry in nature will be recycled and taken to the dry waste
segregation center. The GWMC have already started an initiative in collaboration with ITC for
recycling of dry waste in the town. NGOs will be involved for head-starting the initiative and will
spread awareness & demostrate the ways of segregating waste. The location for 18 dry waste
segregation centers have already been identified where the dry waste will be stored and further
segregated into valuable materials. ITC has planned to set-up 10 more dry waste segregation
centres covering the newly merged areas of the town.
The inert waste (15.18%) will be scientifically disposed. The proposed technology has considered
the ISWM hierarchy principles and the best option have been chosen for the development of
sustainable solid waste management system.
Pre-Sorting Unit for all streams of MSW (Chapter 7)
Biomethanation Plant for Vegetable Market/Slaughter House Waste (Chapter 7)
Mechanical Composting for Biodegradable Waste (Chapter 7)
Landfill for Inert Waste (Chapter 8)
As per draft Manual of Municipal Solid Waste Management, A municipal Solid Waste Management
Plan has to be decided on necessity of the system. Therefore, the design periods should cater short-
term and long-term requirements of the system. In the current design, we have considered a 5-year
short-term period plan and 20 years long term period plan
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Sanitary Landfill
Figure 9: Short-term and Long-term Plan for Solid Waste Management System in Warangal Muncipal Corporation
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Short-term Plan:
Segregation of waste will be done at the source after which biodegradable waste will be sent to
compost plant and dry waste would be sent to recycling center
The remaining waste (unsegregated waste), rejects of compost plant will be sent to Sanitary
Preparatory works for long-term plan shall be initiated in this period
Long-term Plan:
Segregated waste in different waste streams is to be collected from source and sent to the
waste management facility
All the dry waste will be sold to the private agencies
Market and Slaughter house waste to be sent directly to the Biomethanation plant
Wet Waste from households and commercial establishments will be sent to compost plant
Separate processing of construction and demolition waste
Minimization of inert waste to the maximum extent possible
Segregation and Compost Plant has been designed for the year 2022; one segregation plant of
350 TPD is proposed which would suffice till 2022.4 After 2022, one more line can be installed
as per the requirement. One Compost Plant of 175 TPD will be installed which will suffice till
2022 and one more line can be installed.
Additionally, two biomethanation plants have also been proposed for Warangal town.
S. No. Type of Technology Design Year Capacity Extension
1 Segregation Plant 2022 350 TPD Segregation Plant
2 Compost Plant 2022 175 TPD Compost Plant
The Warangal town has already implemented segregation at source and therefore, there will be reduction in waste
input to the segregation plant. Still, the plant is designed for worst scenario and if the segregation of waste is achieved
at the source, the design can sustain for longer period.
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Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Pre-Sorting Unit
Composting Unit
Recycling Unit
Figure 10: Process flow in Processing unit
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Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
6.3.3 Material Flow Chart for 175 TPD Compost Plant as per Design Year 2022
First Stage
Tipping Receiving raw material, hand picking of bulky 380 TPD 80 TPD
Coarse Segregation Lumpy breaking, Opening up, Segregation and 175 TPD
Screening of fine material (Below 35 mm)
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Third Stage
Fourth Stage
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Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Other Facilities
Underground Leachate collection Sump : 50000 liters
Leachate Collection Drain : 422 m
Water Sump : 25000 liters
Pre-Sorting Section
Feed Conveyor Feeding of Waste from the tipping floor
Trommel 100 mm Screening of Waste
Accept Conveyor Delivers waste below 100 mm to compost pad
Reject Conveyor Carries 100 mm waste to the RDF Section
Reversible Conveyor A time saving conveyor which efficiently loads in truck from
both sides to avoid spillage
Preparatory Section
Feed Conveyor Feeding of decomposed waste from Compost Pad
Trommel 35 mm Screening of Waste
Accept Conveyor Conveys waste less than 35 mm to trammel- 16 mm
Reject Conveyor Carries less than 35 mm waste
Trommel 16 mm Screening of Waste
Accept Conveyor Conveys waste less than 35 mm to Curing Shed
Reject Conveyor Carries greater than 35 mm waste
Curing Area
The function of curing area is to remove moisture so that the screen of refinement section does
not get chock up.
Curing area is divided into four compartments; the waste from distributor conveyor is dropped
into these compartments, through opening provided in the distributor conveyer.
Waste is spread in the curing area for removal of moisture. Moisture is maintained at 5-10% for
proper screening of waste in refinement section.
Moisture is measured with the help of moisture probe.
Finishing Section
Feed Conveyor Feeding of semi-finished compost from curing shed
Trommel 4 mm Screening of Waste
Accept Conveyor Conveys less than 4 mm material
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Manpower Requirement
Particulars No.
Shift In charge 1
Plant Operator 2
Mechanic 2
Chemist 1
Account Officer 1
Skilled Workers 4
Unskilled Workers 12
Driver 5
6.4 Bio-methanation Plant for Vegetable Market and Slaughter House Waste
Bio-methanation plant requires the following raw material inputs consisting of organic material.
The total quantity of wet waste is approximate 7.8 TPD generated from the below mentioned
establishments in 2022. There is already one 2 MT Capacity biomethanation plant operational in
the town with out output of 12 KW of electricity which is used to light one children’s park in the
vicinity of the plant. 2 more biomethanation plants are proposed for the processing of the
remaining waste of capacity 2 MT each.
Vegetable Market
Fish Market
Fruit Market
Slaughter House
6.4.1 Process Design
The organic waste will be brought through auto-tippers at the transfer station sites and it will be
further segregated to remove the inert.
The waste is slowly fed in to pulverizes for the further size reduction. Water shall be used for the
dilution and to make it in to slurry form by using the mixer. The slurry will be collected in to the
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
aerobic mixing tank where it is properly homogenized. This slurry will be pumped to the anaerobic
The anaerobic digester is designed for hydrolysis of slurry. Modules, baffles and launders to trap
the suspend solids and allow for degradation. The secondary digester converts the hydrolyzed
products into acidified organics, which in turn are converted into biogas consisting of methane and
carbon dioxide. The water flows through settled mass of microorganisms. The water from the
central portion passes into the annular portion through bottom passages where the effluent is
further polished off resulting in very high gas production. The concentration of solids at the bottom
is relatively very high. Arrangements have been made for removal of part of this sludge from the
bottom of the digester and send it to manure section.
The overflow from this digester is connected to a recycling chamber. Part of the water is recycled.
The biogas generated in digester is collected in dry membrane type biogas holders. The biogas
needs to be "cleaned" and hence the gas" is scrubbed in a biological scrubber.
01 TPD Bio-methanation plant generates about 80 cum gas and 50 kg manure. It is estimated that 2
TPD plant will generate 160 m3 gas and 100 kg manure.
6.4.2 Advantages of Biomethanation Plant
This technology is environment friendly disposal of waste, which is the need of the hour.
Generation of fairly good amount of fuel biogas, which will definitely support the dwindling
energy resources. The gas can be used for as fuel in the kitchen
Generation of high quality, weed free manure, which is an excellent soil conditioner. This is very
important for replenishing organic carbon in the undernourished soil after years of agriculture.
Water can be used for planting and gardening.
Need only one time investment.
Municipal Solid waste is treated in closed vessels where, in the absence of oxygen
microorganisms break down the organic matter into a stable residue, and generate a methane-
rich biogas in the process.
Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Stopping release of @ 180 cum of Methane in to the
atmosphere per day per plant which is 22 times danger than CO2 for Global Warming.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Gas balloon
Water removal Gas Meter
Manure pits
Manure pits
Platform Compresso
Thermophillic Aerobic Recycle water
Aeration Grid
Digester tank
Generator for
conversion of
Fly repellent lamp Methane biogas into
Recycler electricity Power generation for captive consumption
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
S. No Component No.
1 Mixer (3-SHP) 1
2 Gas Holder (MS 5mm) with fiber coat from outside and epoxy coat inside 1
3 Air Compressor(3HP) 1
4 Air Compressor(2HP) 1
5 Slurry Pump(2HP) 1
6 Water Pump (1HP) 1
7 Gas Meter 1
8 Gas Stove 2
9 Gas Blower (8-10m3/hour and at 75 mbar pressure at user end) 1
10 Gas Balloon 1
11 Biogas Generator 1
12 Wall Mounted Fans 2
13 Exhaust Fan 1
14 Fly repellent Lamp 1
15 Aeration grid 1
16 Methane recycling grid 1
17 Water trap 1
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Excavation for foundation up to 2.0 mt depth. Preparing the bed for the foundation.
Filling in plinth and floors with excavated (available from excavation) soil or sand/murrum in
30cm layer including watering and consolidating, so as to achieve compaction to 95% Standard
Proctor Density etc. complete.
Providing & laying Brick Masonry to any thickness with locally available brick with 1:6 ratio
cement mortar with 8-10mm joint thickness. Brick strength shall not less than 35kg/cm 2, water
absorption shall not be more than 20% & white salt patches shall not more than 10% of total
surface area.
75 thick PCC with 1:4:8 (1 cement, 4 coarse sand, 8 graded stone aggregate). Providing and
laying in situ cement concrete of following mix for bedding in foundation, flooring, over brick
lining and plinth protection at all lifts including dewatering, compacting, curing etc. complete.
Concrete grade M-20 Providing and laying in situ cement concrete using 20mm downgraded
aggregates for Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) work at any height bellow & above including
staging for access, dewatering, compaction, finishing and curing etc. complete (excluding
reinforcement and structural steel.)
Providing and fixing in position reinforcement bars in various diameters for all RCC work
including footings, foundations, RCC lining as slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases,
newels, chajjas lintels, pardis, copings, fins, arches, etc. as per detailed designed and drawing
including transportation, cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack
welding, supporting as required.
Providing and constructing of shuttering work including all scaffolding, staging, uses of
shuttering oil in any height, above & bellow for RCC & PCC work.
Cement plaster 12mm thick in mortar ratio 1:4 for concrete ceilings / soffits and over brick wall
with smooth finished.
External face cement plaster 20 mm thick in mortar ratio 1:4 for concrete ceilings / soffits and
over brick wall with smooth finished rough
6.6 Drawings
Design Details of the Compost Pad and Monsoon Shed is given as drawing TS/ZONE-
Design Details of Tipping & Pre-Processing Area and machine shed area is given as drawing TS/ZONE-
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
1 Tipping Area for Receiving MSW (Shed- Truss) 2520 Sq. m 8135.6 20501712
2 Pre-Sorting Area for Segregation of Wet and 990 Sq. m 8202.8 8120772
Dry Waste (Shed - Truss)
3 Compost pad area with impermeable 15778 Sq. m 4046 63837788
reinforced cement concrete floor with strength
40 ton/m2 with 30% area for monsoon shed
Covered area of compost pad with AC sheets
roof (m2) including RCC (M-250) columns (25%
of total compost pad area)
4 Impermeable cement concrete floor for 1125 Sq. m 7697.2 8659350
preparatory section, (Shed - Truss) Total area
covered with AC sheets roof (m2) including
RCC (M-250) columns for plant Processing
shed, Curing & Godown shed
Impermeable cement concrete floor for Curing 1080 9233.3 9971964
section, (Shed - Truss) Total area covered with
AC sheets roof (m2) including RCC (M-250)
columns for plant Processing shed, Curing &
Godown shed
Impermeable cement concrete floor for 600 10382.2 6229320
finished product go down section, (Shed -
Truss) Total area covered with AC sheets roof
(m2) including RCC (M-250) columns for plant
Processing shed, Curing & Godown shed
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Component Length(m) Width(m) Height(m) Area Unit Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Component Length(m) Width(m) Height(m) Area Unit Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Component Length(m) Width(m) Height(m) Area Unit Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Source: Guidance Note on Municipal Solid Waste Management on Regional Basis, Ministry of Urban
Development (GoI)
The development of landfill facility at cluster approach has been encouraged in the government rulings also.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
7.1 Guidelines for Developing Regional Processing & Landfill Facility Action Plan for
Management of Municipal Solid Waste
CPCB has framed and notified the “Action Plan for Management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)”
in compliance with the National Green Tribunal order dated 5 th Feb-2015 in the matter of OA No.
199 of 2014. The Action Plan emphasizes on strengthening the planning exercise at national, state
as well as city level by improvising through the waste management value chain. In addition to that,
The Plan suggested the concept of regional cluster approach as well as technology options on the
basis of quantum of MSW generation which has been re-produced below in nutshell.
The Regional Cluster approach is based on the concept of discouraging setting up of individual
waste processing and disposal facilities leading to mushrooming of innumerable facilities which are
difficult to monitor and sustain. However, bigger facilities for a cluster of municipalities will bring in
economies of scale in capital as well as in Operation & Maintenance cost. The Action Plan has laid
out a set of parameters on the basis of which ULBs should be clustered for Regional MSWM Facility.
A detailed survey of all the ULBs and their distance with each other has to be carried out. An
indicative distance of say up to 50 km from the regional facility for each local body is feasible.
However, alternatives have to be identified for smaller ULBs who may find difficulty in
transporting MSW at daily basis. As per the guidelines, fixing of criteria may vary with the local
conditions but should not cause public nuisance and traffic hurdles.
Land for regional facility should be free from public objection and should not have settlement at
least around 3-5 kms from its periphery.
Design of common facility should be based on the quantum of waste generation. Though, it is
advisable to design a regional facility with per day waste generation quantum of 3000-5000
tons per day.
Common facility should be ‘integrated’ with facilities for sorting, compost, RDF and energy plant
and followed by inert recycling / re-use. Only a fraction of inert waste should go for land-filling.
The Action Plan has outlined indicative plan based on the quantum of waste generated in the
cluster. The indicative plans have been given for towns in four ranges of waste generation.
Table 46: Indicative Plans for Solid Waste Management
Range Plan
1. Modernization/ mechanization of waste storage and transportation facilities
>500 tons per 2. Privatization/ contract with ‘operators’ for collection of waste from various sources
day and its transportation
3. Seeking support of Private entrepreneurship in setting up of waste processing and
disposal facility
4. Modernization/ mechanization of waste storage and transportation facilities
Between 100- 5. Privatization/ contract with ‘operators’ for collection of waste from various sources
500 t/day and its transportation
6. Seeking support of Private entrepreneurship in setting up of waste processing and
disposal facility
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
3. Proper system for waste collection, storage and transportation considering the local
Less than 100 situation
t/d 4. Aerobic composting
5. Such towns can be the member of Cluster/Regional facility
3. Technological solutions which could be managed without high skill operations
Less than 50 4. Proper collection of waste and motivating citizens for segregation of waste
t/d 5. Composting
6. Such towns located near the Regional facility, should be the part of it.
As per the new SWM Rules, 2016, the towns having population less than 0.5 million population
shall be clustered for the development of regional cluster facility and towns having more 0.5 million
population can have individual sanitary landfill facility.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
required to be transported for land filling. Individual ULBs were required to identify sites for
vermicomposting facilities on the basis of area as well as location criteria as per the MSW Rules
2000. Each vermi-composting facility was also to serve as a transfer station at the ULB level, for
transportation of residual waste for land filling on a regional basis. Till date, 77 such facilities have
been constructed, and are being operated by non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
The finalization of Clusters for disposal arrangements was done through an iterative process. The
Clusterisation was based on the maximum travel distance from the facility of 50 kms. 28 clusters
were identified in the state with a regional facility each. For each of the cluster, the effort focused
on government owned wastelands closest to the largest generator of waste in each cluster to
optimize the travel cost of the MSW of each cluster.
The Plan has been separately developed for all the components of the system as well as regulatory measures
ULB level so that minimum waste is transported to the regional facility. The Processing technology to be
adopted for each cluster also varies as per the quantification of waste and waste characterization in each
cluster. For selection of suitable processing technology several parameters are considered namely quantity
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
and quality of waste, capital investments, scale of operation, Recurring expenditure, environmental impact
and learning’s from past Indian experience.
The Project Area (Zone-II) is divided into four groups having 31 ULBs.
Warangal (6 towns)
Warangal is the Group Headquarter
Karimnagar (11 towns)
Karimnagar is the Group Headquarter
Khammam (7 towns)
Khammam is the Group Headquarter
Adilabad (7 towns)
Adilabad is the Group Headquarter
There are a total of 5 municipal corporations which have population varying from 1.2 lakhs to 8 lakhs. Rest
26 are small municipalities having population less than 1 lakh.
Our Concept of Clusterisation was broadly based on two parameters:
Achieving maximum quantum of waste with the available options
Minimizing the travel distance of MSW from the regional facility.
Our Approach was focused to identify clusters ensuring optimization of the quantity of MSW and travel
distance in the best possible way for the current scenario. The analysis has been done to formulate clusters
as per the guidelines outlined by the NGT (National Green Tribunal)5.
7.4.1 Clusterisation of ULBs
The analysis has been done based on distance matrix. The distance matrix of all the ULBs of the 4 groups is
formulated individually. The clusters have been formulated based on the allocation of optimized distance to
each ULB in a particular set of cluster
Distance Matrices for all the groups:
Table 47: Distance Matrix for Adilabad Group
Mancherial Mandamarri Belampalli Kagaznagar Adilabad Nirmal Bhainsa
Mancherial 0 17 25 65 158 140 180
Mandamarri 17 0 12 51 171 153 193
Belampalli 25 12 0 41 161 164 201
Kagaznagar 65 51 41 0 145 188 228
Adilabad 158 171 161 145 0 77 117
Nirmal 140 153 164 188 77 0 43
Bhainsa 180 193 201 228 117 43 0
Table 48: Identified Clusters in Adilabad Group
5 As per NGT Guideline, An indicative distance of say up to 50 km from the regional facility for each local
body is feasible.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Identified Clusters Towns Covered Proposed Cluster Distance from the Proposed
from Adilabad Group Facility Cluster Facility
Cluster I Mandamarri Mandamarri 0
Bellampalli 12
Mancherial 17
Cluster II Nirmal Nirmal 0
Bhainsa 43
Table 49: Distance Matrix for Warangal Group
Warangal Parkal Narsampet Bhupalpalli Mehbubabad Jangaon
Warangal 0 35 36 71 93 59
Parkal 35 34 81 0 129 123
Narsampet 36 0 55 34 104 90
Bhupalpalli 71 55 0 81 49 94
Mehbubabad 93 104 49 129 0 118
Jangaon 59 90 94 123 118 0
Table 50: Identified Clusters for Warangal Group
Identified Clusters Towns Covered Proposed Cluster Distance from the Proposed
from Warangal Group Facility Cluster Facility
Cluster III Warangal Warangal 0
Parkal 35
Narsampet 36
Table 51: Distance Matrix for Khammam Group
Identified Clusters Towns Covered Proposed Cluster Distance from the Proposed Cluster
from Khammam Facility Facility
Cluster IV Palvancha Kottagudem 0
Yellandu 36
Kottagudem 13
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Interim Report for Preparation of DPRs for MSWM System under Zone-II
Metpalli Korutla Jagital Karimnagar Vemulwada Sircilla Huzurabad Husanabad Jammikunta Ramagundam Peddapalli
Metpalli 0 11 33 82 63 75 123 120 137 222 98
Korutla 11 0 23 72 55 67 113 110 127 100 86
Jagital 33 23 0 49 40 52 90 87 104 95 64
Karimnagar 82 72 49 0 34 41 42 38 38 61 37
Vemulwada 63 55 40 34 0 13 76 72 89 100 70
Sircilla 75 67 52 41 13 0 83 80 96 107 77
Huzurabad 123 113 90 42 76 83 0 36 14 100 75
Husanabad 120 110 87 38 72 80 36 0 50 97 72
Jammikunta 137 127 104 38 89 96 14 50 0 76 52
Ramagundam 222 100 95 61 100 107 100 97 76 0 25
Peddapalli 98 86 64 37 70 77 75 72 52 25 0
Table 54: Identified Clusters for Karimnagar Group
Towns Covered Proposed Cluster Facility Distance from the Proposed Cluster Facility
Cluster V Metpalli Korutla 11
Korutla 0
Jagital 23
Cluster VI Vemulwada Karimnagar 34
Karimnagar 0
Sircilla 41
Cluster VII Huzurabad Jammikunta 14
Husnabad 50
Jammikunta 0
Cluster VIII Peddapalli Ramagundam 25
Ramagundam 0
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
As per NGT Guidelines, 8 clusters can be formulated with Mandamarri, Nirmal, Warangal, Kottagudem,
Korutla, Karimnagar, Jammikunta and Ramagundam as Lead ULBs
The analysis shows that 8 clusters can be formulated according to NGT guidelines provisions. The Concept
plan of Clusterisation is given below:
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
36 km
36 km
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Landfill sites shall meet following specifications as given in Schedule –I of the SWM Rules 2016:-
1. Selection of landfill sites shall be based on examination of environmental issues. The
Department of Urban Development of the State shall coordinate with the concerned
organizations for obtaining the necessary approvals and clearances.
2. The landfill site shall be planned and designed with proper documentation of a phased
construction plan as well as a closure plan.
3. The landfill sites shall be selected to make use of waste generated in nearby towns.
4. The existing landfill sites which continue to be used for more than five years, shall be
improved in accordance of the specifications given in this Schedule.
5. The landfill site shall be large enough to last for 20-25 years.
6. The landfill site shall be away from habitation clusters, forest areas, water bodies’
monuments, National Parks, Wetlands and places of important cultural, historical or
religious interest.
7. A buffer zone of no-development shall be maintained around landfill site and shall be
incorporated in the Town Planning Department’s land-use plans.
8. Landfill site shall be away from airport including airbase. Necessary approval of airport or
airbase authorities prior to the setting up of the landfill site shall be obtained in cases where
the site is to be located within 20 km of an airport or airbase.
As per SWM Rules, 2016, following locational criteria have to be followed:-
1. Lake or Pond: No landfill should be constructed within 200 m of any lake or pond. Because
of concerns regarding runoff of waste water contact, a surface water monitoring program
should be established if a landfill is sited less than 200m from a lake or pond.
2. River: No landfill should be constructed within 100 m of a navigable river or stream.
3. Flood Plain: No landfill should be constructed within a 100 year flood plain. A landfill may
be built within the flood plain of secondary streams if an embankment is built along the
stream side to avoid flooding of the area. However, landfills must not be built within the
flood plains of major rivers unless properly designed protection embankments are
constructed around the landfills.
4. Highway: No landfill should be constructed within 200 m of the right of way of any state or
national highway.
5. Habitation: A landfill should be at least 200 m from a habitation area. A zone of 500 m
around a landfill boundary should be declared a No-Development Buffer Zone after the
landfill location is finalized.
6. Public Park: No Landfill may be constructed within 200 m from public parks.
7. Critical Habitat Area: - No landfill should be constructed within critical habitat areas. If there
is any doubt then the regulatory agency should be contacted.
8. Wetlands: - No Landfill should be constructed within wetlands. It is often difficult to define a
wetlands area. Maps are available for some wetlands, but in many cases such maps are
absent or incorrect. If there is any doubt, then the regulatory agency should be contacted.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
9. Ground water Table: A landfill should not be constructed in areas where water table is less
than 2 m below ground surface.
10. Airports: No landfill should be constructed within 20 km distance from airport or airbase.
However, in special case, landfill site may be set up within a distance of 10 and 20 km away
from the airport/airbase after obtaining NOC from the civil aviation authority/air force as
the case may be.
11. Water Supply Well: No landfill should be constructed within 200 m of any water supply
12. Coastal Regulation Zone: A landfill should not be located in potentially unstable zones such
as landside prone areas, fault zone etc.
13. Buffer Zone: A landfill should have a buffer zone around it, up to a distance prescribed by
regulatory agencies.
8.1.2 Location of the Proposed Sanitary Landfill
For the Final Disposal of the Inert Waste and the Rejects from the above mentioned Processing
Facilities: - Regional Sanitary Landfill at Ramapura Village (Warangal) for inert waste of Warangal,
Parkal and Narsampet.
Table 55: Proposed Site Suitability
Town Name Warangal
Location of the Ramapura Village
Area 36 acres
Siting Criteria Fulfilling Criteria Proposed Site at Ramapura
Distance from River > 100 m Yes
Distance from pond > 200 m Yes
Distance from Highway > 200 m Yes
Distance from Habitation > 200 m Yes
Distance from Public Parks > 200 m Yes
Airport > 20 kms or 10 – 20 km NOC
from Airport Authority
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
As per draft Manual of Municipal Solid Waste Management, A municipal Solid Waste Management
Plan has to be decided on necessity of the system. Therefore, the design periods should cater short-
term and long-term requirements of the system. In the current design, we have considered a 5-year
short-term period plan, during this period maximum 20% inert of total MSW will go in to landfill as
rejects will be more from the processing facilities due to mixed waste receipt in the initial years.
During the next 20 years (long term plan), segregation at the source may become the practice
therefore, landfillable waste could be minimize up to 10% inert of total MSW.
Area requirement of the sanitary landfill has been calculated on the basis that 20% inert in first 05
years and 10% inert of total MSW over the next 20 years will go in to sanitary landfill.
Table 56: Details of the landfillable waste in Cluster VII
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Vw = T (cum)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
7. Total Volume of daily cover in n years (Vdc) (on the basis of 15 cm soil cover on top and sides for lift
height of 1.5 m to 2 m)
8. Total Volume required for components of liner system and of cover system (on the assumption of
1.5 m thick liner system (including leachate collection layer) and 1.0 m thick cover system (including
gas collection layer)
Vc = k Vw (Cum)
(k = 0.25 for 10 m high landfill, 0.125 for 20 m high landfill and 0.08 for 30 m high landfill. This is valid
for landfills where width of landfill is significantly larger than height)
9. Volume likely to become available within 10 years due to settlement / biodegradation of waste
Vs = m Vw
(m = 0.10 for bio-degradable waste; m will be less than 0.05 for incinerated / inert waste)
10. First estimate of landfill Capacity (Ci)
Ci = Vw + Vd + Vc – Vs (Cum)
11. Likely shape of landfill in plans and section (To be based on topography of area, depth to ground
water table and other factors)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Total waste Generation in each 5 years 152635 89075 103984 121436 141902 6090 MT
(T) 31
Density 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Kg/cum
Volume of Waste Genaration (Vw) 179570 104794 122334 142866 166944 7165 Cum
Total Volume of Waste (Vw) 179570 104794 122334 142866 166944 7165 Cum
Total Volume of daily cover 17957 10479 12233 14287 16694 Cum
Total Volume required for components 44893 26198 30583 35716 41736 Cum
of Liner and cover system (Vc) =
Volume likely to become due to 8979 5240 6117 7143 8347 Cum
Settlement (Vs) = 0.05xVw
Estimate of Landfill Capacity 233441 136232 159034 185725 217027 9314 Cum
Ci = Vw+Vdc+Vc-Vs 59
Hi 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 m
Area of Landfill without Embankment 15563 9082 10602 12382 14468 Sq. m
Total Area Requirement for the Landfill 3.9 2.3 2.7 3.1 3.6 15.5 Acres
Plan Dimensions of Landfill 15600 9350 10800 12350 14700 6280 Sq. m
Length of Landfill 195 110 120 130 140 300 m
Width of Landfill 80 85 90 95 105 210 m
Height of Embankement 3 3 3 3 3 m
Top of Embankment 5 5 5 5 5 m
Slope of Embankement (1:2)
Length of Landfill including 334 m
Width of Landfill including 244 m
Area of Landfill including Embankment 8149 Sq. m
(i) 4:1 side slope for the above-ground portion of the landfill.
(ii) 2:1 side slope for the below-ground portion of the landfill.
(iii) Material balance for daily cover, liner and final cover material through excavation at site.
(iv) Extra space around the waste filling area for infrastructural facilities.
(i) Active Life of the Landfill :- 25 Years
(ii) Duration of one phase :- 5 Years
(iii) Number of Phases :- 5 (each phase extends from base to final cover)
(iv) Volume of phase-I (2018-2022) :- 62265 Cum
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The liner system will comprise of the following layers below the waste:
Leachate Evaluation
The leachate collection layer is provided in the granular soil (drainage) layer of the bottom liner
system. The collection layer shall comprise of a network of perforated HDPE lateral pipes laid at a
slope of 2% and 10 m c/c spacing. These laterals shall collect leachate and transfer it to the HDPE
header pipe, which is laid at a slope of 1%. The header pipe ultimately transfers the leachate into
the Leachate collection sump. The general arrangement of header and laterals is provided in the
layout plan of MSW landfill.
The landfill receives municipal solid waste only. All operations are planned in such a way that
generation of liquid waste is minimum and the leachate directly reaches the leachate collection
sump for treatment. Apart from the leachate generated as a result of inflow of rainwater into the
landfill, the seepage from the moisture content present in the solid waste and the moisture present
in the daily soil cover are the few sources of leachate generation. 10 % evaporation has been
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
laboratory analysis)
Ground Water Monitoring wells Water quality
Monitoring (Background wells) –
(Collection of both single depth and
ground Water) multiple depth
(Collection of Piezometers Water quality
Ground Water)
(Collection of In landfill piezometers Leachate quality
Vadose Zone Collection Lysimeters, Analysis of Leachate between,
Monitoring Soil gas probes & VOC in soil, Gas monitoring,
Suction Cup Lysimeters liquid monitoring in Vadose
Non-sampling Ground water Conductivity cells Monitor changes in
Monitoring Method Conductivity Groundwater Conductivity
(Methods involving
Physical and
Leachate Inland fill Piezometers Measure depth of Leachate in
Monitoring landfill
Temperature Temperature probes Measure temperature
In land fill
Vadose zone Electric probes Salinity of vadose zone
Electric Resistance Changes in the water content
Gamma ray For monitoring of moisture
attenuation probes content
Neutron Moisture Moisture content in the soil
Tensiometer Used to measure negative
pressure that exists in
TDR meter & For recording Thermo Dielectric
Thermocouple Properties of water and soil –
psychomotor any change in temperature and
moisture will be recorded
Waves Sensing To identify leak detection
Devices (seismic type)
Note: - Common Lab for Compost Plant and Sanitary Landfill Facility have been proposed
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The monitoring requires lab testing and acquisition of all the instruments for such small quantity of
waste will be un-economical. Therefore some tests could be conducted by common lab, whereas
major tests like water quality monitoring viz-a-viz for metals used to be conducted through
authorized laboratory.
Apart from the above, regular inspection and monitoring of important components of the landfill
shall be done as per the schedule given below:
Final Top Cover: Once in a year and after each substantial rainfall it should be checked for any
erosion, landslides, movement of soil, slope, etc.
Vegetation: Four times in a year a check should be made for existence of dead
plants/trees. Any plant/tree found dead shall be removed immediately.
Final Grade: Twice a year should be checked for ponding/logging of water. If any
abnormalities found, slope should be corrected by putting soil.
Surface drains: Four times a year and after each substantial rain should be checked for any
blockages. Leaves, debris or any other accumulation found in the drain shall
be removed immediately.
Gas Monitoring: As required in the Management Plan it should be checked for strong
presence of odor. The gas monitoring equipment’s (compressor, pipes, flaring
stand, etc) should be checked to ensure their workability as they might
become inoperable due to high gas generation.
Groundwater Monitoring: As per the Action Plan. A regular inspection shall be done to check for
any failures in the monitoring system.
Leachate Management: As required by the plan.
Front-end loader/JCB - 1 No
Dozer - 1 No
Vibro-Compactor - 1 No
Safety Equipment’s - 1 Lot
Fire Fighting Equipment - 1 Lot
Water Tanker (5 KL) 1 No
Tipper (10.5 cum) 1 No
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
1. Site Development
2. Phase Development
3. Phase Operation
4. Phase Closure
5. Landfill Closure
Site Development
The following construction activities are undertaken during site development:
Site Procedures
It is important to formalize and document the record keeping procedures as well as waste
acceptance procedures to be followed at the landfill site.
Record Keeping
Records will be kept on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. In addition a site manual will be kept at
the site office giving all site investigation, design and construction details – these are necessary as
landfill design may get modified during the operational phase.
Site Manual: The site manual will contain the following information:
a. Data collected during site selection
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Site Report: The daily, weekly and monthly reports will comprise of the following:
a. Weighbridge data (daily inflow and outflow for each vehicle)
b. Waste inspection data (daily)
c. Materials, stores etc. (daily)
d. Bills / Accounts (daily)
e. Visitor record (daily)
f. Complaints record from nearby areas (daily)
g. Topographic survey at operating phase (daily / weekly)
h. Photographic record at operating phase (daily / weekly)
i. Environmental monitoring data (weekly / monthly)
j. Waste filling plan and actual progress i.e. cell construction (daily / weekly) and review
k. Leachate generation and gas generation (weekly/ monthly / extreme events)
l. Weather / climatic data (extreme events)
m. Accidents etc. (adhoc.)
n. Others
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
waste inspection facility, the waste down – loaded, inspected visually and sampled (if necessary).
Vehicles having non-conforming waste will be held up and matter reported to engineer or manager
of the site.
Phase Development
Development of each phase is done is stages. These stages are:
On the completion of a phase and before the start of a new phase, a waste filling plan for daily cells
must be evolved. A study of the landfill base contour maps and the final cover levels of the phase
allows such a plan to be developed. If a phase is to be operational for 365 days, all 365 cells must be
marked in plan and in sectional drawings. These may require revision as a landfill is constructed
because waste quantities may vary in an unforeseen manner.
The area and height proposed to be filled every day should be demarcated at the site on a daily or
weekly basis using temporary markers or bunds.
Once waste has been discharged it must be spread in layers and compacted in a well-defined
manner to ensure that the completed slopes of a daily cell are at the designed gradients.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
a. Face tipping Method: Waste is deposited on top of existing surface and spread horizontally
by tipping over an advancing face.
b. Inclined layering method (onion skin tipping): Similar to (a) but inclined layering (gentle
slope) done instead of advancing of face.
c. Working upwards: Waste is deposited on the lower surface and pushed upwards.
Waste Compaction
It has become conventional practice to level and compact the waste as soon as it is discharged at
the working area. Steel wheeled mobile landfill compactors (cleated / spiked / special wheels) are
generally accepted as the best equipment for this purpose. They have largely replaced the small
crawler-tracked machines which previously were in general use. These steel wheel compactors
have been developed specifically for landfill operations with different patterns of cleated wheels
designed to break up and compact waste. For small sites receiving low volumes of waste, a
compactor alone may be adequate to spread and compact the waste as well as handle and place
cover material. However, a compactor is not designed to be a multi-purpose machine and at busy
sites it is more usual to provide a tracked dozer or wheeled bucket loader for spreading followed by
a compactor for densification. Compactors help to (a) chop and homogenize the waste; (b) reduce
the void fraction of the waste; (c) produce an even and stable surface; and (d) pin down waste to
minimize litter and make the site less attractive to birds and vermin.
Landfill compactors are not manufactured in India. However, they are available overseas in a wide
range of sizes and operating weights (typically ranging from 12 tons to 30 tons). Apart from size, the
differences between machines are the cleat patterns on the wheels and the wheel configuration.
The wheel configuration is relevant when determining the number of passes required achieving the
desired amount of compaction.
Daily Cover
The advantages of using daily cover are primarily in preventing windblown litter and odours,
deterrence to scavengers, birds and vermin and in improving the site’s visual appearance. It is also
advocated as a means of shedding surface water during the filling sequence, thereby assisting in
leachate management by reducing infiltration, although its effectiveness in this respect is doubtful.
It is important that site location and waste inputs are taken into account when considering the type
and application of daily cover. Soils used as daily cover will give a pleasing uniform appearance from
the site boundary. To achieve this, a thickness of about 150 mm is usually adequate and should be
adopted. About 300mm needs to be used to avoid paper, etc being seen from close proximity. This
is excessive for other purposes and the visibility of waste through daily cover should not be
regarded as the sole criterion of effectiveness.
At sites where daily covered is spread by machines such as dozers etc., a thickness less than 150mm
will not be feasible, keeping in view the uneven surface of the waste. At sites where daily cover is
spread manually, a thickness of 100mm can be attempted if soil is used; this thickness should not
be less than 150mm if construction debris is used.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Cover material takes up valuable void space for primary wastes and if a 150 mm deep layer is
placed over every 2 m layer of waste, about 7.5% of the void space is lost. The covering of faces and
flanks will cause even more loss of void space and most operators estimate that the total loss of
void space is between 10% and 20%.
If compacted, daily cover can have a relatively low permeability which results in the partial
containment of each layer of waste as a result, leachate becomes perched and difficult to extract.
Landfill gas then moves preferentially sideways giving greater potential for migration off-site and
both gas and leachate become difficult to extract. Hence daily cover way not be compacted by
Traditionally soil material has been used for daily cover. Whenever possible daily cover is obtained
by planned excavation from within the landfill area and thereby causes no net consumption of
space. This will optimize the commercial value of the waste accepted. Where a site is deficient in
appropriate resources, daily cover may come through the gate from construction activities.
Construction waste is now also used to form screening bunds and for landscaping at the
construction site.
Results so far have failed to identify any single material which can be used as a simple substitute for
soil materials and all of them have given rise to secondary problems.
Traffic: Heavy lorry traffic can give rise to nuisance, damage to road surface and verges and routing
problems. The following guidelines are helpful:
a. Routing to avoid residential areas
b. Using one-way routes to avoid traffic conflict in narrow roads
c. Carrying out road improvements, for example, strengthening or widening of roads,
improved provision of footpaths, improvement of sight lines, provision of passing places,
provision of new roads.
d. Limiting the number of vehicle movements
e. Restrictions on traffic movement hours which are staggered with respect to peak traffic
Noise: Adverse impacts on the local community from noise may arise from a number of sources
including – throughput of vehicles and fixed and mobile plant, for example compactors, generators
at the site. Peripheral noise abatement site measures should be adopted.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Odour: Offensive odours at landfill sites may emanate from a number of sources, including waste
materials, which have decomposed significantly prior to landfilling, leachates and leachate
treatment system, and landfill gas.
Good landfill practices will greatly reduce general site smell and reduce impact from odours which
could lead to complaints from the local community, site users and site staff. Good practice includes:
(a) adequate compaction; (b) speedy disposal and burial of malodorous wastes; (c) effective use of
appropriate types of daily cover; (d) progressive capping and restoration; (e) effective landfill gas
management; (f) effective leachate management and (g) consideration of prevailing wind direction
when planning leachate treatment plants, gas flares, and direction of tipping.
Litter: Poor litter control both on and off site is particularly offensive to neighbors. Good
operational practice should be adhered to in terms of waste discharge, placement, compaction and
covering to minimize the occurrence of windblown litter. Measures for controlling litter include:
(a) Consideration of prevailing wind direction and strength when planning the filling direction
and sequence.
(b) Strategically placed mobile screen close to the tipping area or on the nearest downwind
(c) Temporary banks and bunds immediately adjacent to the tipping area.
(d) Permanent catch fences and netting to trap windblown litter
(e) Restricting incoming vehicles to only those which are sheeted and secured will reduce litter
problems on the highways.
Litter pickers should be employed to collect litter which escapes the preventative measures. Litter
screens, fences, nets and perimeter ditches should be maintained free of litter.
Bird Control: Birds are attracted to landfill sites in large numbers, particularly where sites receive
appreciable amounts of food wastes. Usually only large birds such as eagles, gulls are regarded as a
nuisance. Bird control techniques should be carefully planned taking into account the species likely
to be affected. Measures which can be used to mitigate bird nuisance include the employment of
good landfill practice, working in small active areas and progressive prompt covering of waste,
together with the use of bird scaring techniques. Measures involving explosions or distress calls
have inherently adverse environmental impacts in terms of noise.
Vermin and Other Pests: Landfills have potential to harbor flies and vermin, particularly where the
waste contains food materials. Modern landfilling techniques including prompt emplacement,
consolidation and covering of wastes in well-defined cells are effective in the prevention of
infestation by rodents and insects. Rats and flies are the main pests which require control. Sites
with extensive nonoperational land can become infested with rabbits.
Effective measures to deal with rodent infestation include regular visits by pest control contractors
or fully trained operatives. The use of insecticides on exposed faces and flanks of the tipping area,
by spraying and fogging, is an effective means of exterminating insects.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Dust: Dust from landfill operations is mainly a problem during periods of dry weather but can also
arise from dusty waste as it is tipped. Dust is generally associated with (a) site preparation and
restoration activities; (b) the disposal of waste comprising of fine particles, for example powders;
and (c) traffic dust. Dust suppression can be effected by (a) limiting vehicle speed; (b) spraying
roads with water; and (c) spraying site and powder type waste with water.
Mud on the Road: Mud on the public highway is one of the most common causes of public
complaint. It is, therefore, in the interests of the landfill operator to provide adequate wheel
cleaning facilities to ensure that mud is not carried off site by vehicles.
Landfill Fire Management: Fires in waste and landfill sites are not uncommon and it is important
for site operators to be aware of the dangers, how to treat fires and to address the problems
associated with them. All fires on-site should be treated as a potential emergency and dealt with
All sites should have an emergency tipping area set aside from the immediate working area where
incoming loads of material known to be on fire or suspected of being so can be deposited,
inspected and dealt with.
Waste that is burning on delivery should be doused with water or more preferably covered
progressively with adequate supplies of damp soil / cover followed by cooling and finally removal to
its disposal point. It should not normally be allowed to burn itself out as this will give rise to
nuisance from smoke and odour and may constitute a health risk. Firefighting techniques should be
appropriate for the waste type.
Fires within the operational area are either surface fires or deep-seated fires. The former usually
occur in recently deposited and as yet un-compacted materials adjacent to the current working
area, whilst the latter are found at depth in material deposited weeks or months earlier. Site
operators should have a plan to deal with each type of fire and have a code of practice for their
operators stating exactly how to tackle any outbreak. Regardless of the circumstances, no individual
should ever tackle a landfill fire alone. Deep-seated fires require expensive remediation techniques
including vertical cut-offs.
Safety hazards present at landfill sites may include: (a) moving plant and vehicle; (b) steep slopes;
(c) bodies of standing water; (d) contaminated, putrescible, toxic, flammable or infective material
and (e) noxious, flammable, toxic or hazardous gas.
All employees and visitors to the site should be made aware of the potential hazards and the safety
procedures to be implemented including fire safety.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Phase Closure
After the last set of cells of a phase is placed on the highest lift, an intermediate or final cover is
constructed. If another phase is to be placed over the just completed phase, an intermediate cover
is provided. However if the just completed phase has reached the final height of the landfill, the
final cover system and surface water drainage system is provided.
Final cover construction and quality control issues are similar to those for liner construction. The
layer below the low-permeability layer, referred to as the grading layer or gas venting layer, should
be constructed using poorly graded sand. A grain size analysis for every 400 Cu.m of material used
is recommended for quality control purposes. The layer should be compacted to above 75% relative
density to provide a firm sub-base for the low-permeability layer above. The density should be
tested at 30m grid points.
Laying of the topsoil layer should be done as soon as the protective layer construction is finished.
Heavy construction equipment should not be allowed on the finished surface. The nutrient and
liming requirements for the topsoil should be assessed from a competent agricultural laboratory. In
the absence of a regulatory recommendation / requirement regarding seed mix, a horticulturist or
soil scientist should be consulted. A combination of grass and bush type vegetation capable of
surviving without irrigation water should be planted. At least five samples of topsoil per hectare
(2.4 acres) should be tested for nutrient and liming requirements. Nutrient and seed mix
application rates should be supervised on site for quality control purpose.
The final cover is provided a gradient of 3 to 5 percent to assist surface run-off. Lined ditches or
channels are constructed on the final cover to intercept and carry surface water off the cover to the
storm water basin.
On the cover of each phase, settlement devices are installed for monthly measurement of
settlement of the landfill cover. This helps in identifying the quantity of soil required periodically for
repair of the landfill cover.
Landfill Closure
As each phase is completed and as the final cover level is reached in successive phases, the
following interconnectivities are established:
a. The leachate collection system of each phase is sequentially connected (if so designed)
b. The surface water drainage system at the cover of each phase is sequentially connected (if
so designed)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
c. The temporary surface water drainage system constructed at the base of each completed
phase is dismantled.
d. The gas collection system (if provided) of each phase is sequentially connected.
Upon completion of all phases a final check is made of the proper functioning of all inter connected
An access road is provided on the landfill cover to enable easy approach for routine inspection of
the landfill cover.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
8.9 Drawings
Elevation Section, Plan of Landfill as Drawing No. T.S/Zone-2/Warangal Town/14
Details of the Leachate Collection System as Drawing No. T.S/Zone-2/Warangal Town/13
Sectional Details of Sanitary Landfill as Drawing No. T.S/Zone-2/Warangal Town/15
Manpower Cost
S. No. Manpower Nos. Salary Per Annum
1 Facility Manager 1 50000 600000
2 Operator 1 10796 129552
3 Drivers 5 8795 527700
4 Skilled Workers 4 8795 422160
5 Unskilled Workers 8 7452 715392
Sub Total 2394804
Consumables Cost
6 PPEs 36100
7 Lab chemicals 10000 120000
8 Daily Cover 1696 179776
9 Diesel 1000 365000
Sub Total 700876
KW KWh/day Rs./unit Per Annum
10 20 112 8 327040
Environmental Monitoring Cost
Ambient air monitoring 150000
Ground water
Repair & Maintenance
Total O&M Cost Per Annum 3769320
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Table 62: Summary of Cost estimates for sanitary landfill for 25 years
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The total project outlay is estimated at 50.11 Crore Rupees for the Warangal Municipal Corporation
The commercial production of compost plant, recyclable waste and use of facilities will commence
initially. The landfill site, with a total life of 25 years, however, will be developed in phases. The
proposed scheme considers the cost of development of landfill site for use during the first 5 years.
The tools, equipment, machinery and fleet of vehicles for collection, segregation, storage and
transportation for waste are proposed to be upgraded and/or replaced. These are the detailed in
chapter 5. The investment on account aggregates to Rs. 17.81 Crore.
Details of the landfill site, proposed to be set up in phases are given in Table 9.2.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Capital Cost (Rs in Crores) – Total 28.09 6.67 Crores 23.38 Crores
The total proposed investment in landfill for a life of 25 years is estimated at Rs 8.65 Crores.
The cost of common facilities would be developed at the Integrated Municipal Solid Waste
Management Site is Rs. 4.74 Crores.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) was launched on 2nd of October, 2014 with a vision to achieve a
clean India as a tribute to the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, on his 150th birth anniversary,
in 2019. SBM is being implemented by the Ministry of Urban Development (M/o UD) and by the
Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (M/o DWS) for urban and rural areas with a given set of
guidelines for improved sanitary services and capacity building initiatives.
Elimination of open defecation
Eradication of Manual Scavenging
Modern and Scientific Municipal Solid Waste Management
To effect behavioral change regarding healthy sanitation practices
Generate awareness about sanitation and its linkage with public health
Capacity Augmentation for ULB’s
To create an enabling environment for private sector participation in Cap-ex (Capital
expenditure) and Op-ex (operation and maintenance)
As solid waste management is important component of the missions, funding provision for the
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Warangal can be made under Swatch Bharat Mission. As per
the guidelines for Swatch Bharat Mission (Urban), as provided by MoUD-GOI; States will contribute
a minimum of 25% funds for SWM projects to match 75% Central Share. Following table elaborates
the funding pattern for the proposed solid waste management scheme for Warangal Municipal
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The above requirement of funds is proposed to be met by 20% grants from the Swachh Bharat
Mission, 25% from State Government and the balance funds is proposed to be generated through
various other sources of fund which are, but not limited to:
a. Private Sector Participation
b. Additional Resources from State Government/ULB
c. Beneficiary Share
d. User Charges
e. Land Leveraging
f. Innovative revenue streams
g. Swachh Bharat Kosh
h. Corporate Social Responsibility
i. Market Borrowing
j. External Assistance
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The capital cost estimated at Rs 50.31 Crore would be financed in the ratio of 20%, 25%, and 55% (GOI, State
Government and Others). ULB can also raise funds from financial institutions to part finance its share. The
exact financing pattern and share of the respective financing institutions would however be decided by the
Competent Authority approving the financial plan for financing.
Table 64: Total Revenue Generation, Total Expenditure and Expenses on SWM for Warangal Municipal Corporation
Total Revenue Amount in Rupees lakhs
Sr. No. Revenue of the Own Source Grant/Loan/ Subsidy Total Total Expenditure
Municipality for last (Assigned Revenue)/ Revenue
5 years any other receipts
1 2014-2015 3212.08 2398.38 5610.46 3144.85
2 2013-2014 2750.89 627.05 3377.94 2712
3 2012-2013 2991.84 790.65 3782.49 2092.97
4 2011-2012 2561.39 1538.26 4099.65 1932.19
5 2010-2011 2552.28 581.1 3133.38 1444.22
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The Operation and Maintenance cost for each of the municipalities have been assessed. The O&M cost
includes following components:
O&M Cost for Primary Collection, Secondary Collection & Transportation including Street Sweeping and
Drain Cleaning
The manpower cost for primary collection has been separately calculated for primary collection,
secondary collection & transportation including street sweeping. Street Sweeping forms the major
portion of O&M cost. The manpower for street sweeping has been calculated as per CPHEEO norms
(500 meters per person). It is also assumed that 10% of the roads will be swept daily, 20% will be swept
in alternate days and 70% will be swept twice a week. Drain Cleaning will also be done by the same
worker strength only. It is also assumed that every worker will be given 1 holiday per week; therefore
14% overhead is taken on manpower to cater the same.
O&M Cost for the Compost Plant
Particular Cost
Manpower for Collection & Transportation 298933200
Manpower for Workshop and Transfer Station 7815360
Sanitary Staff 16800000
O&M Cost for Infrastructure 6422209.2
O&M Cost of the Processing Facilities (Viz. Compost Plant) for Warangal Municipality
Table 66: O&M Cost for the Processing Facility at Warangal Municipality
O&M Cost for Compost Plant
Particulars No. Unit Rate Total Months Annual Cost
Cost (in Rs.)
Shift In charge 1 20,000 20,000 12 2,40,000
Plant Operator 2 10,796 21,592 12 2,59,104
Operator for Biomethanation Plant 1 10796 10796 12 1,29,552
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
O&M Cost of the Regional Sanitary Landfill Facility for Warangal Municipality
Table 67: O&M Cost for Regional Sanitary Landfill at Warangal Municipality
Manpower Cost
Consumables Cost
6 PPEs 36100
7 Lab chemicals 10000 120000
8 Daily Cover 1696 179776
9 Diesel 1000 365000
Sub Total 700876
KW KWh/day Rs./unit Per Annum
10 20 112 8 327040
Environmental Monitoring Cost
Ambient air monitoring 150000
Ground water monitoring
Repair & Maintenance
Total O&M Cost Per Annum 3769320
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
C Sanitary Landfill site (for use during the first 5 years) 0.377
Total O&M cost for the collection and transportation system including street sweeping, drain cleaning and
processing facilities, common facilities and regional sanitary landfill facility is estimated at Rs. 35230478
3.52 Crore).
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The total revenue from sale of compost in the 1st year of operation is Rs. 24637500. In the subsequent years,
the revenue has been estimated to increase by 5% each year.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Therefore, the revenue from sale of recyclables is estimated to be Rs. 2199440952 in the 1st year of
operation. Once the MSWM as per the proposed design is in place, the overall quantity of recyclable waste
will increase and revenue generation from recyclable waste will increase accordingly.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
State Governments
Policy Directives, funding
and monitoring
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
ULB + Private Operator (PPP mode) Figure 16: Models of Arrangement
ULB + Community
ULB + Private Operator + Community
However, a more robust arrangement is required for regional facilities where more than one ULB is involved
and will be sharing the processing and disposal facility. In the case of Punjab (Solid Waste Management
Figure 17: Solid Waste Management Activities
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Plan-Punjab), State level and Cluster level solid waste Committee were formulated. The State level
committee comprised of Director, Department of Local Government; Commissioners of all municipal
corporations; Regional Deputy Director; Chief Engineer; Health Officer of all Corporations; One specific solid
waste Professional and one specific Project Management Professional. The Cluster level Committee
comprised of Commissioners of respective Municipal Corporation; One Representative of State Level solid
waste Management Cell; Officers of respective council of Clusters; Health Officers of all corporations; Nodal
Officers of Clusters and solid waste Monitoring cell headed by Executive Engineer. Specific technical entities
for operation and maintenance of Collection & Transportation System as well as Processing & Disposal
facilities were created.6
An agreement will be signed between the lead ULB and participating ULB for the supply of solid waste. The
Lead ULB, in turn will sign a ‘solid waste Supply agreement with SPV1. The agreement should be a binding on
each ULB for the quantity and quality of solid waste to be supplied for processing. SPV1 will be responsible
will be responsible for supplying the agreed quantity of waste to SPV2.
The Institutional Framework has been outlined for the Processing and Disposal Facility to be installed at the
Warangal Cluster. However, institutional framework for solid waste Segregation at Source, Primary &
Secondary Collection, and Transportation of the solid waste to the Regional Facility has to be designed
separately for all the three towns.
Punjab Model Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan-2014, Government of Punjab, Department of Local
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
13.1 Objective
IEC can be defined as an approach which attempts to change or reinforce a set of behaviors in a “target
audience” regarding a specific problem in a predefined period of time. IEC strategies involve planning,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation. When carefully carried out, the communication strategies help
to foster positive waste management practices individually and institutionally and can contribute to
sustainable changes in the environment.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The major objectives of the IEC and Capacity Building are as follows:
13.2.1 Information
Information is the starting step in building up the people’s involvement in any public welfare project.
Therefore integrated solid waste management would also remain incomplete if proper information is not
passed to various stakeholders of the project. They would include residents, private firms, municipal officers,
NGOs, Media houses and workers etc. The stakeholders are referred to as target groups as well in this
document for convenience and are discussed in the upcoming section of IEC strategy.
The information would spread across all areas of the region and would comprise of small and big pieces of
data required to familiarize the people with MSW system. It will have activities where in people will know
what is MSW, Why it’s being collected from door-to door, who will come to collect and where will it go ?
Once the people of the region are supplied with this background, they can get a better understanding of the
waste management system and can come forward in supporting the efforts of implementing agencies.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
13.2.2 Education
Education becomes the next significant factor in creating public awareness. It requires people to have basic
understanding in waste management project activities. They will be briefed on various aspects of MSW
system right from its generation to disposal. The education would also disseminate them with ideas such as
why it needs to be discussed at such big platform, what will be the benefits of processing it scientifically and
why if not treated properly; it can lead to havoc in coming years. This component shall help in bringing
citizens together from various walks of life such as students, NGOs, intellectual class and teachers etc. They
can share a platform to partner with the authorities who are engaged in waste treatment technologies so
that system shows high level of efficiency and effectiveness.
As the MSW is people’s unwanted item or refuse, it can only be turned into a resource for them if they get
right education in this direction. Hence education which is imparted through wide range of events and
activities will turn around the mind sets of stakeholders and will give desired results in the project.
13.2.3 Communication
Communication is an integral part of planning for sustainable development. The development of human
society is largely because of its ability to communicate information and ideas with each other and to use
such information and ideas for progress.
Figure 21: Creating awareness on SWM among women Figure 20: Awareness programmed at School on SWM
The Programs being implemented by the Govt. Departments aim at sustainable holistic development in all
development projects. The success of these programs is critically dependent on the participation of the
people, particularly target groups, in the implementation process. The approach should be to emphasize on
communication with target groups, local community for the implementing programmed of Solid Waste
Management in respective areas.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Prepare suitable strategies for various target groups such as different housing groups (LIG/HIG/MIG/JJ
Clusters/ Villages/ Resettlement Colonies/Unauthorized / Commercial Area/ Markets/ daily markets/
Sabzi Mandi/ School and College students etc.
Establish two way communication mechanisms with stakeholders of the project such as citizens, the
media, RWAs/Trade Organizations on one hand and the implementing agencies like Concessionaire
or/and MUNICIPALITY on the other hand.
Prepare and design Short Films, Advertisement Campaign, Posters, Brochures, Flax, Hoardings,
Pamphlets, Stickers, Radio jingles, wall writing. Mike announcement through autos etc. for the campaign
Monitor quality and accuracy of contents of the advertisement material
Lay out ward wise annual plan for conducting campaign events such as: meetings, workshops, street
corner plays, movies etc. Detailing number of event content, schedule, target group which are to be
conducted by the Concessionaire in association with RWAs/Trade Associations/ School and college
Managements/ NGOs and MUNICIPALITY, etc.
Train resource persons from the MUNICIPALITY, Concessionaire, RWA/ Trade Associations etc. for
propagating awareness
Conduct workshops for staff of Concessionaire and MUNICIPALITY and training them by using manuals
and other IEC materials
Any other activity as may be approved by MUNICIPALITY.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
3 Waste Managers Administrators and Presenting them about the Rules and
supervisors Regulation and updating them about
Control and monitoring the ongoing activities and techniques
team for MSW management.
Complaint handlers Training programmes for the
Computer software technical staffs
operators and specialists Providing the reviews of progress and
monitoring activities
4. Leaders Political Leaders (Local These leaders can be motivated to
MLA, MP) participate actively in promotional
Religious Leaders efforts of community involvement in
Community Leaders segregated solid waste management.
5. School Teachers Primary Schools School teachers can be informed and
and Students Jr. High Schools involved in the segregated solid waste
Public Schools management scheme and can be
motivated to educate the children for
the sanitary improvement.
The students can be educated and
trained for the segregated waste
management system and they can be
great awareness creators for the
Some groups of students can be
created as monitoring and awareness
team for sanitation improvement
which will make a great impact on
societies and communities.
6. Media Print Media Launching mass campaign for
Electronic Media educating and motivating local
communities and families about the
need of segregation of Solid Waste
and its management for sanitation
and hygienic improvement.
7. Elite groups or NGOs, Societies Sensitize and motivate local
social CBOs influential people like Sr. citizens,
organizations Sr. citizens Association leading businessmen, social club
Rotary Clubs/ Lions Club members, NGOs and CBOs etc. to
Self Help Groups (SHG’s) undertake or sponsor such activities
for solid waste management for
effective strategy of public
participation and awareness.
13.4.2 Development of an IEC Plan
Once the target groups have been identified, the responsibility lies in developing the approach for informing,
educating and communicating with these groups. For successful implementation of any program involving
public participation at large, it is essential to spell out clearly and make them know the manner in which the
problem is proposed to be tackled to keep area clean and improve the quality of life.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The information plan means familiarizing the people with waste management concept. To many the idea is
new and it takes time for internalization. The target groups will be informed by authorities about waste
segregation and its disposal practices. In information plan following activities can be undertaken-
i. Site visits by administrative officers – This will be attracting attention of citizens on subject matter.
ii. Meeting of Resident welfare associations- RWAs can meet and discuss on door to door collection of
waste and its separation at generation level.
iii. A brief Introduction by Safai mitra- workers or safai mitra can give a brief talk on waste collection
and transportation to the people of the region. This way people can get engaged in segregation of
waste at source level.
iv. Display of data and information through pictures/hoardings- the information on MSW can be
shared with various target groups using methods like putting up pictures and boards at public places.
These pictures can tell about the hazards of unscientific treatment of solid waste and need to handle
the issue with better technologies for sustainable growth and development.
Likewise Education plan will also be put in place where various channels of making people aware on waste
management will be exploited. This can include the following –
i. Participation of schools and colleges- Schools are important stakeholders of public welfare projects.
Environmental awareness is part of curriculum at school and university level. This opportunity can be
utilized to educate not only students but their family members too on waste and management and
its social, economic and environmental benefits.
ii. Public Meetings – Public platform can be used to educate the people. They must know why this
activity has been undertaken and what good it will do to them once gets operationalized. The idea is
to make them know that solid waste is wealth and it can be converted into various useful
components such as manure, eco-bricks and finally energy/electricity.
iii. Dissemination of written material – the pamphlets, booklets and other small informative brochures
can be given to the stakeholders who in turn will take the responsibility to spread the word at local
and community level on solid waste management.
The communication plan is last but not the least component of the IEC strategy. It is the most exhaustive of
all and requires great efforts to reach to the massed. It shows the best results if implemented well.
In this, the communication material should be developed and must be utilized in public awareness program
through the tools of publicity. The use of various publicity tools as public address meetings, workshops,
School Activities, Street Plays, Distribution of handbills, pamphlets etc. can be used. However these activities
overlap with the activities of Information and education plan but their scope and coverage is much vaster
than the other two. The given table discusses the detailed communication plan as follows:
Table 76: Communication Objective for each target group
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Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Councilors and local leaders Sensitization on the issues of waste management and its impact on the
public health
Motivate to mobilize the community support for waste management in
their area of operation/wards
13.4.3 Training and Capacity Building programmed
The basic approach of Training & Capacity Building is to create effectiveness of the Solid Waste Management
System and its operational efficiency of sanitary staff of the municipality. The municipality involves many
officials and sanitary staffs. To know it deeply, a baseline data collection should be taken through
questionnaire survey, discussion with the sanitary officials and sanitary staffs which will give an impression
to identify and segmentation of Target Group.
On the basis of the findings of the study, training programmes and training schedule of Health officials would
be prepared and Capacity Building component, the primarily focus would be on the institutional
development aspect of the study. It is proposed to study the existing institutional framework along with the
respective roles and activities of each stakeholder. The identification of roles and activities of employees of
implementing unit and stakeholder would help us to identify and develop various alternatives for the
institutional framework for the sustainability of the system.
Objective of the Program
The Capacity Building/training programs must have the aim:
To sensitize the involved group with working knowledge of the benefits of waste reduction, segregation
and management.
To impart clear instructions about the respective roles from generator to waste managers.
For achieving these objectives, a core group of trainers needs to be organized for continuous in-house
training of the manpower to be deployed and other sanitation staff. For the success of this program it is
essential that training and orientation cause be planned for all the people involved in various activities of
solid waste management at different levels viz Administrative and Officials, Technical and non-technical staff
etc. Along with these, private sanitary staff and rag-pickers should also be motivated for their active role in
waste collection process.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Supporting Materials
Local Elected leader support
(Printing Materials as Handouts, Pamphlet,
(MP, MLA/Councilor etc.)
Hand-notes, printing Cards; Banner, Fact
sheets etc. Hoarding)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
sustained development. The development of human society has largely been due to its ability to
communicate information and ideas with each other and to use such information and ideas for progress.
First attempt would be a public campaign, which is the objective of the IEC Plan, will be launches to raise
awareness about cleanliness.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
activities are a great awareness center for the social mobilization and public awareness as indicated below:
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Organize IEC programmed for rag-pickers and kabadi-wallas to integrate them into the project.
Perform such activities as may be required for the success of the project and ensure participation of
Penalties on the waste generator if the segregated waste is not provided to the waste collector
Penalties on the waste generator if two bin system is not followed
Penalties on littering of waste on the roads
Negative publicity of the waste generators in the case of default
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
While designing and implementing the strategy, provision must be made to monitor and evaluate the
communication intervention. Though it is very difficult to ascribe the impact purely to communication
intervention (especially when it forms a part of larger social intervention), efforts must be made to review
communication inputs periodically for guiding and improving programmed implementation.
In addition, it is essential to incorporate a feedback mechanism that is short, quick and reliable. The
feedback needs to be on parameters like
The target group’s interest in the campaign;
Its understanding of the contents, themes and subjects
Its reaction to the format, language and characters used;
Visual appeal (where relevant) of the material;
Sensitivity of the material to the environment and culture; and
Situation of the target group.
The feedback should be action-oriented and aimed at making changes to improve effectiveness immediately.
It should, in particular, provide key inputs to modify the messages and media used to reach specific target
Evaluation plays a key role in the success of the implementation of a communication strategy, as it helps to
gauge the effectiveness of the messages. Of course, in many cases, the impact or change will be qualitative
in nature. But, efforts must be made to quantify the change, wherever possible, to evaluate the
effectiveness of the media and communication mix. For this, some indicators that will track the success of
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Table 77: Awareness and capacity buildings schedule and estimated activities costing for a year
Estimated Cost for IEC and Capacity Building programmed for one year in Warangal
Unit Total
Sl.No. Activities Resource 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Cost Cost
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
Design and Development of
Communication Material LS 200000
B Implementation of Plan
a) Program Communication
Door to door campaign : one to one 5 Volunteer @ Rs.
1 interaction(Health workers & NGO 500 per day for 120 2500 300000
field staff and volunteers) days (In parts)
Public Address (Focus group
meetings, corner meetings, 1 meeting in every
3 3000 456000
stakeholders meeting workshops and ward in 1 quarter
School Programmes (Essay, painting,
poster, debates, quiz competitions/
4 1 activity per school 5000 50000
Introduce projects, games and role
play & Rallies through students)
Printing & Distribution of the IEC
5 LS 100000
bi monthly
Broadcasting of stips on local Cable/ Continuous for 1 year
6 15000 270000
TV channel at least on local
leading channel
Street Plays in each
7 middle and lower LS 150000
Folk Media : (Nukkad Nataks) strata of societies
Subtotal (A) 1526000
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Unit Total
Sl.No. Activities Resource 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Cost Cost
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
b) Training and Capacity Building
1 Training need assessment study
Stakeholder training need assessment Once in each Sanitary
10000 50000
Study Zone
2 Waste Collector
a) Sweepers, Waste Loaders and
12 per year 8000 96000
Truck Drivers
b)Landfill Supervisors 6 per year 8000 48000
On Lump-sum basis
(Depends on
c) Private Waste Collectors and Rag
areas/colonies/ 5000 120000
Pickers/ Waste segregators
societies and RWAs)
= 24 meetings
3 Administration and Monitoring
a) Administrators and Supervisors 10 per year 10000 100000
b) Computer/ software operators &
Specialist and Control & Monitoring 10 per year 10000 100000
Team and Complaint Handlers
C Monitoring and Evaluation
Development of M&E Indicators To be borne by
Municipality: Periodic
Audits after
completion of first
Appraisal of the Programme Phase of IEC Activities
Subtotal (B) 514000
Grand Total 2040000
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Environmental Management Plan consists of the set of mitigation, management, monitoring and
institutional measures to be taken during implementation and operation to eliminate adverse environmental
impacts or reduce them to acceptable levels. EMP provides the road map for managing adverse
environmental impacts arising from the implementation of such project and ensuring the existing
environmental quality. The EMP converse all aspects of planning, construction and operation of the project
relevant to environment. Therefore the main purpose of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is to
identify the project specific activities that would have to be considered for the significant adverse impacts
and the mitigation measures required.
Overall conservation of environment.
Minimization of waste generation and pollution.
Judicious use of natural resources and water.
Safety, welfare and good health of the work force and populace.
Ensure effective operation of all control measures.
Vigilance against probable disasters and accidents.
Monitoring of cumulative and long-time impacts.
Ensure effective operation of all control measures.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Analyze Information
(Both spatial and temporal)
Field Assessment Chemical Assessment
(Noise, Land, (Air, Water & Soil)
Biological & Social)
Mitigation Measures
Monitoring Plan
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Table 78: The detailed Environment Management plan of project has been discussed in the following table:
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Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
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Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
of vehicles.
Existing green cover at composting facility will act as noise barrier
between project site & surrounding area. More green area will be
developed in & around the integrated MSW facility as per the
3. Ground Water Decreased Leachate Leachate is collected & treated at the Proposed Sanitary Landfill
Quality ground water Sewage Processing facility.
quality Required side & bottom liners will be provided at landfill to prevent
seepage of leachate in ground water
Concentrated sludge from leachate shall be disposed-off in Hazardous
waste handling landfill.
After completion of landfill, a final cover will be provided as per
specifications given in Solid Wastes Management Rules, 2016 to
minimize infiltration and erosion
Sewage generated at existing composting facility is treated in STP &
disposed in septic tank followed by soak pit.
Treated wastewater shall be recycled for flushing and irrigation
Regular monitoring of ground water quality will be carried out at project
site & in area around the project site.
4. Surface Water Decreased Runoff from landfill, MSW All roads will be paved
Quality surface water storage & composting plant site No littering of waste will be allowed at project site
quality Sewage Regular cleaning of roads & drains and removal of collected waste to
designated point.
Regular collection of waste from temporary waste storage stations
Proper storm water drainage network exists at waste processing facility
site & same will be followed for engineered landfill site also
Landfill site will be covered with soil with proper compaction and
grading during monsoon season
No waste water stream or solid/hazardous waste will be discharged to
any water body
Proper drainage berms will be constructed to divert run-off away from
the active cell of the landfill.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
5. Biological Green Belt Development of Green belt Development & maintenance of green area.
Environment Development around site & avenue plantation Soil will be mulched & enriched with the organic compost.
Plantation of native, sensitive & Plantation of native, sensitive & resistant tree, shrubs & herbs
resistant varieties of trees, After completion of landfill, a final cover will be provided as per
shrubs & herbs specifications given in Solid Wastes Management Rules, 2016 to
Development of paved surface & minimize infiltration and erosion.
roads Residential colony/park etc. will be developed after closure of landfill
No open dumping of waste in low site as per post-closure plan.
lying/valley areas
6. Social Better Better management & handling Timely & regular sweeping of roads, cleaning of drains & collection of
environment & management of of MSW waste from households & temporary waste collection points.
Aesthetics Municipal Solid Disposal of inert waste in a Improvement in transport, communication facilities, lifestyle and social
Waste (MSW) scientific non-polluting manner status etc. due to ancillary development.
Reduced littering of waste Designation of traffic routes and the setting and enforcing of speed
No open waste dumping sites limits
Development of green belt area Waste is collected during late hours of day when traffic density is lower
Reduction of potential diseases Waste will not be stored at project site for more than 48 hours
due to flies, mosquitoes & After completion of landfill, a final cover will be provided as per
pathogen breeding on littering specifications given in Solid Wastes Management Rules, 2016 and the
waste site will be used either for recreational or development of housing.
Slightly increased Traffic density Adequate parking facility is provided for traffic management at site.
Periodic maintenance of road will be done.
Local people will be preferred for providing employment
Occupational Health & Safety
1. Environment Handling, Waste pickers living and Implementation of Sanitary landfills and closed open dumps
Health & Injury collection & working in the vicinity of Biomedical waste should be handled separately and not mixed with
transportation of processing facilities with domestic waste
waste minimal basic infrastructure are Provision of wear protective gear, particularly gloves & face mask
exposed to wide array of Prohibition on open burning of waste
pollutants and risk Daily cover of disposal sites
Unsegregated Infectious Prohibition of animal at open dumps
medical waste causes bruises Measures such as deferred timings and stretch breaks to be adopted
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
and cuts, transfer of infectious Regular sanitization at open dumps so as to prevent breeding ground
diseases for flies and mosquitos
Breeding of disease vectors at Use of only PUC Certified vehicles
open dumps, primarily flies and Waste will not be stored at project site for more than 48 hours
rats lead to the spread of Regular cleaning of roads & drains and removal of collected waste to
infectious diseases. designated point.
Lifting of heavy waste-filled Proper control of contaminated leachate
containers causes back and joint Provision of minimal basic amenities to Waste pickers
injuries Prohibition on working of children and domestic animals at disposal
Materials recycling centre and sites
exhaust fumes from vehicles Implementation of modest sorting facilities
contains high concentration of Permitting only registered adults
dust, bio aerosols and metals Provision of water supply for washing, sanitation and hygiene education
leads to respiratory illness is highly recommended for waste workers
Methane and carbon dioxide air Proper training will be provided regarding maintenance of Health
emissions from open burning Provision of first aid facility at site
adding to global warming, and Tie-up with local hospital will be done to provide ambulance to handle
subsequently vector-borne emergency cases, if required
disease abundance and
Routine inspections, housekeeping and maintenance will be carried out
pathogen survival
at regular intervals
Volatile organic compounds in
Integration of informal sector in the waste management plan in
air emissions and inconclusive
organized way
evidence on altered cancer
incidence, birth defects, and
infant mortality, as well as
psychological stress for those
living near uncontrolled land
disposal facilities
Infections from direct contact
with contaminated material,
dog and rodent bites, or eating
of waste-fed animals and source
of food chain path
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
to the original grade provided. Any settlings which results in ponding of water will be recorded. All bare
spots identified in final cover will be re-seeded.
Leachate Collection System:
It consists of leachate collection pipes, valves, pumps & manholes. Regular inspection of manholes & pipes
will be carried out for checking deposition of sediment, clogging of pipes etc.
Landfill Gas Collection System
Gas vents will be inspected for clogging of the openings by birds or insects. Also, verticality will be observed
to determine if settlement has compromised the seal between the vent boot and the geo-membrane, and if
there is a seepage conduit formed around the vent for erosive sediments carrying run-off. Gas vents and
adjacent areas which require maintenance will be resorted to the original design configuration, re-using the
existing materials to the extent possible.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Selection of locally adopted non-edible perennial plants that are resistant to drought and extreme
temperatures shall be allowed to grow;
The plants grown should be such that their roots do not penetrate more than 30cms.
This condition shall apply till the landfill is stabilized
Selected plants shall have ability to thrive on low-nutrient soil with minimum nutrient addition.
Plantation to be made in sufficient density to minimize soil erosion.
Parameters Particulars
Solid waste handling & Disposal Daily quantity of waste received
Daily quantity of waste processed
Daily quantity of waste rejected
Regulatory License Consent to Operate
Half Yearly Compliance (1st June & 1st December)
Monitoring & Survey Records of environmental monitoring carried out during operation
& post closure phase
Accident Reporting Date, Time & Place of accident
Affected people, equipment etc.
Measures taken
Others Log book of compliance
Employee environmental, health and safety records
Equipment inspection and calibration records, where applicable
Vehicle maintenance and inspection records
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Various Forms that are to be submitted b the local authorities and village panchayats, SPCBs or Pollution
control committee, Operator of the facilities related to authorisation and operation of processing and
disposal facility and their related description as presented in MSW rules 2016 is as follows.
I Local Authority and Local Authority and Village Panchayats make an application in Form-I for
Village Panchayats grant of authorisation for setting up waste processing, treatment or
disposal facility, if the volume of waste is exceeding five metric tonnes
per day including sanitary landfills from the State Pollution Control
Board or the Pollution Control Committee
II State Pollution State Pollution control Board or Pollution committee shall issue
control Board or authorisation within a period of sixty days in Form II to the local body or
Pollution control an operator of a facility or any other agency authorised by local body
committee stipulating compliance criteria and environmental standards as specified
in Schedules I and II of MSW rules 2016 including other conditions, as
may be necessary.
III Operator of the The operator of the solid waste processing and treatment facility shall
Processing & submit annual report in Form III each year by 30th April to the State
Disposal Facility Pollution Control Board or Pollution Committee and concerned local
IV Local Authority and The local body shall submit its annual report in Form-IV to State P
Village Panchayats Control Board or P Committee and the Secretary-in-Charge of the
Department of Urban Development of the concerned State or Union
Territory in case of metropolitan city and to the Director of Municipal
Administration or Commissioner of Municipal Administration or Officer
in -Charge of Urban local bodies in the state in case of all other local
bodies of state on or before the 30th day of June every year
V State Pollution Each State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee as
control Board or the case may be, shall prepare and submit the consolidated annual
Pollution Control report to the Central Pollution Control Board and Ministry of Urban
Committee Development on the implementation of these rules and action taken
against non-complying local body by the 31stday of July of each year in
VI Officer- in- charge of In case of an accident at any solid waste processing or treatment or
the facility disposal facility or landfill site, the Officer- in- charge of the facility shall
report to the local body in Form-VI and the local body shall review and
issue instructions if any, to the in- charge of the facility
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Here is the criteria for identifying suitable land for sanitary landfill sites and Initial Environment Assessment
of the proposed ISWM facility at Warangal is as follows
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Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Communicative instruments;
Organizational/Institutional instruments
Policy is one of the most if not the most important element related to the waste management practices of a
given area or of a country. The successful implementation of a strategic objective often depends upon the
existence of an appropriate policy framework.
The promulgation of appropriate legislation is critical to the development and successful implementation of
solid waste management plans at all levels. More specifically, this type of instruments provide a legal
foundation for regulating the behavior of individuals and legal entities, thus ensuring the legislative basis for
implementing the waste management plan, maintaining waste collection and disposal systems, and
providing the basis for enforcement and sanctions.
The economic instruments used for the implementation of a SWM Plan can perform a double role. Firstly,
they can be used so as to ensure that the costs of providing waste management services are recovered, and
secondly to influence the behavior of waste generators to cause less environmental pressure, ensuring the
same time the preferred direction of the waste stream, i.e. disposal or recycling.
Effective communication is crucial for the overall success and sustainability of a SWM Plan. The best way to
raise public awareness around waste management issues is through Information and education. The SWM
development process is vital in securing understanding of the waste challenge and community support for
the way solid waste is handled.
Institutions are very common, especially in developing countries, the changes that a SWM Plan requires to
differ a lot from the current practices of waste management. For this reason, clarity in functional and
financial devolution is necessary.
Using the above-mentioned instruments, the implementation strategy can be briefly outlined for the ULBs of
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
1) Maximize waste diversion from landfill by continuously improving segregation and recycling services
2) The economic instruments to be used to levy fees/charges for waste collection from waste generator
3) Increasing Efficiency of Operation and Maintenance Services
4) The policy instruments to be aligned to incentivize production of compost and strengthen the supply
chain of recyclables as well as combustibles.
5) Information, Education and Communication techniques to be used to increase public participation
6) The system to be integrated with the monitoring mechanism for continuous monitoring of the action
plan implementation
7) Skill Development and Capacity Building of ground force engaged in solid waste management system
8) Institutional Strengthening and Allocation of clear responsibility to the engaged agencies in the solid
waste management system
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Operation and Maintenance is the most critical component in the execution of services. Efficient O&M
Services are the key for the successful implementation of proposed strategy and plan.
There are numerous cost-cutting strategies to help make the future of your collection system successful,
including reducing the frequency of collection, implementing dual collection of solid waste and
recyclables, and automating collection practices. Dual collection systems reduce total fleet and labor
costs by decreasing the number of special vehicles needed to provide multiple collection services.
Optimizing number of trips and distance of travel with logically designed movements of fleets.
New management techniques can be used, such as revised organizational structures, updated pay and
incentive programs, new training initiatives, modified performance appraisal systems, and new job
descriptions, note improved employee morale and rising productivity.
Strategy 4:- The policy instruments to be aligned to incentivize production of compost and strengthen the
supply chain of recyclables as well as combustibles
Action Plan:-
The Training Programme shall be organized for ground level workers engaged in daily waste collection
service. This can enhance the efficiency of workers and will help in keeping the cities clean
Performance based incentives shall be given to workers
Strategy 8:- Institutional Strengthening and Allocation of clear responsibility to the engaged agencies in
the solid waste management system
Action Plan:-
The institutions shall be defined with clear functions and financial devolution. The responsibilities shall
be clearly defined throughout the value chain of service provision with no ambiguity
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Preparation of DPR for MSWM System under Zone-II
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Among all the stakeholders, public and civil society are the key recipient of service delivery, hence the
ultimate purpose of change management stands as bringing overall improvement in the lives of people.
Among various conflicting interests, the more evident is people’s sense of responsibility vis‐à‐vis cleaning
their homes, streets, roads, colonies and commercial areas. Hence for any institution that undertakes the
responsibility of establishing IWMS in the city should essentially focus upon public outreach campaigns.
The key purpose behind such overtures should be to conduct a continuous and dynamic dialogue process
that may cover the key social pockets of society as well as institutions. In such scenario, a multi-pronged
approach needs to be adopted for public awareness campaign that employs different modes of media i.e.
TV, Radio broadcast, newspapers and other print media along with billboards, flyers, brochures and other
avenues. The key purpose is to educate the public in terms of their social responsibilities with respect to
generation, recycling and disposal of solid waste within their social preview. Secondly, the ULB tries to
improve public suggestibility that may help creating a harmonious environment and refined social attitudes
in the society. The public sensitization is one of the focal considerations that may be worked upon with
cautious planning otherwise no matter how efficient the organization may be it will fail if not supported by
general public.
Leadership development and change management tend to be top priorities for many organizations. In
spite of this, shorter their goals for both. One major reason organizations struggle is because they treat
both leadership development and change management as separate rather than interrelated challenges.
Cultural changes cannot happen without leadership, and efforts to change culture are the crucible in which
leadership is developed. For better results, coordinated leadership development and change management
efforts are required, approaching them as one and the same. True leadership involves deviating from
cultural expectations in ways that inspire others to choose to follow. Managers at all levels of an
organization must overcome resistance if genuine cultural change is to occur. ULBs, in this case, should act
as leader demanding for change from its people.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Sanitary Supervisor
Sanitary Inspector
Sanitary Workers
Figure 34: Proposed Management Structure for Solid Waste Management System
The organizational structure comprises of Health Officer, Environmental Engineer, Sanitary Inspector,
Sanitary Supervisors and Sanitary Workers headed by Executive Officer.
Specific responsibilities of each of these officials are given below:
Executive Officer of ULB:
Responsible and accountable for SWM Plan preparation and implementation
Health Officer:
Responsible for establishing the baseline and analyzing gaps in solid waste management service
Responsible for coordinating various departments and stakeholders to be involved in development of
solid waste management plan in the ULB.
Responsible for assessing options and suggesting viable alternatives to be ratified by the stakeholders
Environmental engineer:
Inform the planning process with field level consultations and information
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Sanitary Inspector:
Field inspection of collection and transportation activities
To communicate and interact with private operators/collection and transportation staff/RWAs
Carry out IEC Activities
Monitor the operations of Sanitary Supervisor
Maintain field records on daily basis and submit reports to the health officer regularly
Sanitary Supervisor:
Monitor the work of collection and transportation team
Ensure the efficiency of service
Ensure door to door collection and segregation of waste
Submit field reports to Sanitary Inspector
Collection and analysis of data related to solid waste Figure 35: General MIS Architecture
management is critical for assessing the existing situation and
propose suitable measures to improve service delivery. A Management Information System (MIS) can
retrieve relevant information which can then be used by decision makers.
MIS facilitates monitoring the efficiency of SWM systems. It increases transparency and accountability of
officials in the solid waste management system as well as helps in establishing a strong and reliable
information data base necessary to facilitate planning, mid-course corrections and decision making.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Waste Collection
Primary Collection: Secondary Collection:
Sanitation workers in local body Type of transfer system
Tools and implements used in primary Mode of unloading
collection system : Year of purchase and No. of secondary collection locations
make of equipment’s per ward
Personnel protective equipment’s provided Type of secondary collection
to the workforce locations in each ward:
Mode and frequency of collection from Dumper Placer Container
various sources Cement bin
No. of sanitary workers required to report Refuse Collector bin
for duty wrt actual Dhalao
No of household covered Amount of waste received from various
Amount of waste collected sources in each ward
Manpower required for Supervision Frequency of Clearing each bin
Waste Transportation
Distance between collection points
Quantity at each collection point
Vehicles available with the local body for waste transportation: Type, Age and Capacity
No. of trips made by vehicles/shift/day
Fuel consumption of vehicles
Distance traversed by vehicles and quantity transported
Percentage of waste transported/day
Breakdown reported during the day and action taken
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The MIS reports proposed in this section are classified into following categories:
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The minute details on the existing solid waste management system can be used to bring interventions in
the system and can be back-tracked also.
Figure 37: MIS-GIS System
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
GPS will be installed in all the vehicles to track the movement of vehicles. All the Vehicles and Secondary
Collection Bins will be RFID Reader in non-breakable, non-temper and non-removable enclosure. RFID tag
should contain information about asset type, asset numbers, Ward no. and asset installation date.
Complaint handling is another important component of waste management system. It helps in analyzing
and improving the level of services provided to the stakeholders’.
Accessibility: The complaint handling system should be accessible to all customers, and help them lodge
their complaints. Information about how to make a complaint will be readily available and simple to
understand or in other words it will be a user-friendly system. Toll free numbers, e-mail address etc will be
provided for registering complaints. These numbers will also be available on all the vehicles, bins placed at
public places, at all waste storage locations and will be displayed at all prominent public places.
Accountability: The system will record the complaints received and the outcomes achieved. All the
recurring and systemic problems that become known through the complaint handling system will be
identified and rectified.
The operation of complaint handling system will be reviewed regularly to make sure that effective
outcomes are achieved for customers.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Complainant’s name
Nature of complaint
Time of complaint
Response time
Feedback from complainant
The most important feature, which will help in upgrading the complaint handling system will be the
feedback received from people.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Short code based SMS service shall be deployed to receive complains/requests in structured SMS form.
Similar Short code based SMS service shall be deployed to receive requests from municipality staff for
on demand service.
User friendly web shall be created to receive complains from staff/customers online.
16.3.6Workflow to track Status
Each complaint request shall be assigned a unique ticket number.
Each complaint shall be forwarded via-SMS and system to the concerned executing person with a copy
to reporting supervisor.
Once ticket is closed, it shall be updated in the database. In case complaint is not addressed within
specified time, reason for delay along with likely resolution time shall be supplied in database.
Status of complain if completed or not completed (along with reason and likely date of addressing) shall
be supplied to the customer on or before the specified date.
Customer feedback shall be taken on completion of task and shall be stored in the database.
Status shall also be searchable online using ticket number and customer phone number.
Current status of all open and closed complaints shall be visible online and user shall be able to view
their status by date or/ and complain number etc.
On completion of work – SMS shall be sent back to the customer indicating completion of work.
Systems shall have provision to take feedback of customer on the level of satisfaction based on service
Daily summary report Zone Wise, Sub-Zone, Ward Wise shall be sent to the relevant designated staff.
These repots shall be auto-generated from the customer complaint database.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Annexure No.1
Arithmetic Incremental Geometric Graphical Average
S.No. Year urban
increase increase increase increase Population
1 2012 626113 626513 637337 638647 634425 632607
2 2013 633818 634691 656845 658887 643679 645584
3 2014 641523 642941 676951 679126 652915 658691
4 2015 649228 651264 697671 699365 662133 671932
5 2016 656933 659660 719027 719605 671333 685311
6 2017 664638 668129 741035 739844 680515 698832
7 2018 672343 676670 763718 760083 689678 712498
8 2019 680048 685284 787094 780323 698824 726315
9 2020 687753 693971 811187 800562 707951 740285
10 2021 695458 702730 836016 820801 717061 754413
11 2022 703163 711562 861606 841041 726152 768705
12 2023 710868 720467 887979 861280 735225 783164
13 2024 718573 729444 915159 881519 744280 797795
14 2025 726278 738495 943171 901758 753317 812604
15 2026 733984 747618 972041 921998 762336 827595
16 2027 741689 756813 1001794 942237 771337 842774
17 2028 749394 766082 1032458 962476 780320 858146
18 2029 757099 775423 1064061 982716 789284 873716
19 2030 764804 784837 1096631 1002955 798231 889491
20 2031 772509 794323 1130197 1023194 807159 905477
21 2032 780214 803883 1164792 1043434 816069 921678
22 2033 787919 813515 1200445 1063673 824962 938103
23 2034 795624 823219 1237189 1083912 833836 954756
24 2035 803329 832997 1275059 1104152 842692 971646
25 2036 811034 842847 1314087 1124391 851530 988778
26 2037 818739 852770 1354310 1144630 860349 1006160
27 2038 826444 862766 1395764 1164870 869151 1023799
28 2039 834149 872834 1438487 1185109 877935 1041703
29 2040 841854 882975 1482518 1205348 886700 1059879
30 2041 849559 893189 1527897 1225588 895448 1078336
31 2042 857264 903475 1574664 1245827 904177 1097081
32 2043 864969 913834 1622863 1266066 912888 1116124
33 2044 872674 924266 1672537 1286306 921581 1135473
34 2045 880379 934771 1723732 1306545 930256 1155137
34 2046 888084 945348 1776494 1326784 938913 1175125
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Annexure No.2
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Year Projected Per capita per waste Per capita Total waste Biodegradable Recyclable Combustible Inert Drain SIlt
Population year quantity generation quantity in
generation in MT/ (in kgs/ MT/ Year
with 1.3 % Day Day)
increase per
capita per year
as per MoUD
2037 1292954 192.44 602.6 0.466 219949 280.541 107.5 75.36 75.36 54.06
2038 1316424 193.5015 621.5 0.472 226847.5 289.340 110.8 77.72 77.72 55.76
2039 1340378 195.6626 641.1 0.478 234001.5 298.465 114.3 80.17 80.17 57.51
2040 1364830 197.8236 661.2 0.484 241338 307.823 117.9 82.68 82.68 59.32
2041 1389793 199.9847 682.1 0.491 248966.5 317.553 121.7 85.30 85.30 61.19
2042 1415280 202.1458 703.6 0.497 256814 327.562 125.5 87.99 87.99 63.12
2043 1441305 204.3068 725.9 0.504 264953.5 337.944 129.5 90.77 90.77 65.12
2044 1467882 206.4679 748.9 0.510 273348.5 348.652 133.6 93.65 93.65 67.18
2045 1495027 208.629 772.6 0.517 281999 359.685 137.8 96.61 96.61 69.31
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Annexure No.3
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Annexure No.4
S.No Name of the Type of the Vehicle Registration Year of Average KMs Condition Remarks
ULB Vehicle Number Purchase per day (working/ under
31 Warangal Push Cart NA NA
Tricycle NA NA
Auto-1 AP 36 Y 8383 2010 0 Under Repair
Auto -2 AP 36 Y 8384 2010 30 Running
Auto -3 AP 36 Y 8385 2010 30 Running
Auto -4 AP 36 Y 8386 2010 0 Under Repair
Auto -5 AP 36 Y 8387 2010 30 Running
Auto -6 AP 36 Y 8389 2010 30 Running
Auto -7 AP 36 Y 8390 2010 0 Scrap
Auto -8 AP 36 Y 8391 2010 30 Running
Auto -9 AP 36 Y 8392 2010 0 Under Repair
Auto -10 AP 36 Y 8393 2010 0 Under Repair
Auto -11 AP 36 Y 3267 2010 0 Scrap
Auto -12 AP 36 Y 3268 2010 0 Under Repair
Auto -13 AP 36 Y 3269 2010 0 Scrap
Auto -14 AP 36 Y 3270 2010 0 Scrap
Auto -15 AP36X7877 2010 0 Under Repair
Auto -16 AP36TB2369 2010 30 Running
Auto -17 AP36Y8465 2010 30 Running
DOZER TRACTOR-1 AP 36 TB 2176 2006 30 Running
FURGUSION AP 36 Y 8234 2009 0 Under Repair
FURGUSION AP 36 Y 8238 2009 60 Running
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
S.No Name of the Type of the Vehicle Registration Year of Average KMs Condition Remarks
ULB Vehicle Number Purchase per day (working/ under
FURGUSION AP 36 Y 8239 2009 60 Running
FURGUSION AP 36 Y 8240 2009 60 Running
FURGUSION AP 36 Y 8241 2009 60 Running
FURGUSION AP 36 Y 8242 2009 60 Running
FURGUSION AP 36 Y 8248 2009 60 Running
FURGUSION AP 36 Y 8249 2009 60 Running
HMT TRACTOR-1 AP 36 TA 1850 2011 60 Running
HMT TRACTOR-2 AP 36 TA 1851 2011 60 Running
HMT TRACTOR-3 AP 36 TA 1852 2011 60 Running
HMT TRACTOR-4 AP 36 TA 1960 2011 60 Running
HMT TRACTOR-5 AP 36 TA 1879 2011 60 Running
HMT TRACTOR-6 AP 36 TA 1880 2011 60 Running
HMT TRACTOR-7 AP 36 TA 1881 2011 60 Running
HMT TRACTOR-8 AP 36 TA 1986 2011 60 Running
HMT TRACTOR-9 AP 36 Y 9929 2009 60 Running
HMT TRACTOR-10 AP 36 Y 9930 2009 0 Under Repair
HMT TRACTOR-11 AP 36 Y 9931 2009 60 Running
HMT TRACTOR-12 AP 36 Y 9932 2009 60 Running
HMT TRACTOR-13 AP 36 Y 9972 2009 60 Running
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
S.No Name of the Type of the Vehicle Registration Year of Average KMs Condition Remarks
ULB Vehicle Number Purchase per day (working/ under
POWERTRAC AP 36 Y 8545 2009 60 Running
POWERTRAC AP 36 Y 8546 2009 60 Running
POWERTRAC AP 36 Y8569 2009 60 Running
POWERTRAC AP 36 Y 8580 2009 60 Running
POWERTRAC AP 36 TA 5810 2011 60 Running
POWERTRAC AP 36 TA 5812 2011 60 Running
POWERTRAC AP 36 TA 5814 2011 60 Running
POWERTRAC AP 36 TA 5816 2011 60 Running
POWERTRAC AP 36 Y 8581 2009 60 Running
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2189 2006 60 Running
COMPACTOR AP 36 TA 6852 2011 60 Running
COMPACTOR AP 36 TA 7012 2011 60 Running
COMPACTOR AP 36 TB 1690 2011 60 Running
COMPACTOR TS 03 UA 5822 2014 60 Running
COMPACTOR TS 03 UA 6081 2015 60 Running
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
S.No Name of the Type of the Vehicle Registration Year of Average KMs Condition Remarks
ULB Vehicle Number Purchase per day (working/ under
COMPACTOR TS 03 UA 6234 2015 60 Running
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 X 4145 2007 60 Running
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 X 4146 2007 0 Under Repair
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 X 4147 2007 60 Running
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2192 2007 60 Running
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2194 2007 60 Running
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2197 2007 0 Under Repair
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2203 2007 0 Under Repair
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2206 2007 0 Under Repair
TATA DUMPER AP 36 TB 1547 2011 60 Running
TATA DUMPER AP 36 TB 1548 2011 0 Under Repair
TATA DUMPER AP 36 TB 1549 2011 60 Running
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2190 2007 60 Running
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
S.No Name of the Type of the Vehicle Registration Year of Average KMs Condition Remarks
ULB Vehicle Number Purchase per day (working/ under
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2191 2007 0 Under Repair
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2193 2007 60 Running
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2195 2007 60 Running
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2196 2007 0 Scrap
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2198 2007 60 Running
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2200 2007 60 Running
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2201 2007 0 Under Repair
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2202 2007 60 Running
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2204 2007 0 Scrap
SWARAJ MAZDA AP 36 TB 2205 2007 60 Running
JCB-Excavator AP36AA7628 2006 0 Under Repair
JCB-Robot Skid 2011 0 Under Repair
JCB-Robot Skid 2011 0 Under Repair
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Annexure No.5
Annexure No.6
Laying & Installation Method for Geo
Synthetic Clay Liner
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Annexure 6: Lying & Installation Method for Geo Synthetic Clay Liner
The landfill liners are installed beneath and on side of the waste fill area to control the movement of leachate
in vertical and lateral direction. Liners comprise of geo-synthetic clay liners (GCL) or synthetic geomembrane
and clay, or reworked soils of low permeability to form a barrier for leachate movement away from the
landfill. Components of a liner system should have low permeability, should be durable and should be
resistant to chemical attack, puncture and rupture.
The proposed liner system will comprise of reworked native soils or soil / waste layers, above which a geo-
synethic clay liner (GCL) will be, placed which in turn is overlain by geomembrane liner. A GCL layer is
preferred in order to reduce the baseliner thickness and at same time maintain required low permeability
layer beneath the waste fill.
When the GCL is placed over an earthen subgrade, the subgrade surface must be in accordance with the
project specifications. Engineer’s approval of the subgrade must be obtained prior to installation. The
finished surface should be firm and unyielding, without abrupt elevation changes, voids, cracks, or standing
The subgrade surface must be smooth and free of vegetation, sharp-edged rocks, stones, sticks, construction
debris, and other foreign matter that could contact the GCL. The subgrade should be rolled with a smooth-
drum compactor to remove any wheel ruts, footprints, or other abrupt grade changes.
Furthermore, all protrusions extending more than 0.5 inch (12 mm) from the subgrade surface shall be
removed, crushed, or pushed into the surface with a smooth-drum compactor.
The GCL shall have seam test data from an independent laboratory showing that the seam flow with a
grooved cut in the nonwoven geotextile is less than 1 x 10-8 m3/m2/s at 13.8 kPa hydraulic pressure.
Woven geotextile mass per area ASTM D 5261 20,000 m2 140 g/m2 average
Non-woven geotextile mass per
ASTM D 5261 10,000 m2 200 g/m2 average
Bentonite Moisture API 13 A 1 per 50 tonnes 14% max.
Bentonite Swell Index ASTM D 5890 1 per 50 tonnes 24 ml/2g min.
Bentonite Fluid Loss ASTM D 5891 1 per 50 tonnes 18 ml max.
4.8 kg/m2 min. @ 12%
Bentonite Mass/Area2 ASTM D 5993 6,000 m2
4.29 kg/m2 min. @ 0%
GCL Tensile Strength3 ASTM D 6768 6,000 m2 10 kN/m MARV
GCL Peel Strength3 ASTM D 6496 6,000 m2 6.5 N/cm min.
CBR Puncture Strength EN ISO 12236 25,000 m 1.6 KN min.
GCL Index Flux4 ASTM D 5887 Weekly 1 x 10-8 m3/m2/sec max.
Major damage suspected to have occurred during transit should be reported immediately to the carrier and
to the manufacturer. The nature of the damage should also be indicated on the bill of lading with the specific
lot and roll numbers.
The party directly responsible for unloading the GCL should refer to the manual prior to shipment to ascertain
the appropriateness of their unloading equipment and procedures. Unloading and on-site handling of the
GCL should be supervised to ensure these goals are achieved. Roll dimensions and weights will vary with the
dimensions of the product ordered.
In most cases, GCLs are delivered on flatbed trucks. There 3 methods of unloading – Core pipe, Spreader bar
and Slings or Stringer bar. To unload the rolls from the flatbed, insert the core pipe through the roll. This may
require removal of the core plug, which should be replaced after the roll is unloaded. Secure the lifting straps
or chains to each end of the core pipe, and to the spreader bar mounted on the Lifting equipment. Hoist the
roll straight up; make sure its weight is evenly distributed so that it does not tilt or sway when lifted.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
GCLs are also delivered in closed shipping containers. To remove the roll from the container, it is best to
utilize a forklift mounted with a "stinger" attachment. Guide the stinger as far as possible through the core
and lift the roll up and out of the container.
Rolls should be stacked in a manner that prevents them from sliding or rolling from the stacks. This can be
accomplished by frequent chocking of the bottom layer of rolls. Rolls should be stacked no higher than the
height at which the spreader bar assembly can be safely handled by labourers (typically no higher than four).
Rolls should never be stacked on end.
Rolls should be stored at the job site away from high-traffic areas but sufficiently close to the active work
area to minimize handling. The designated storage area should be flat, dry and stable .Moisture protection
of the GCL is provided by its packaging; however, an additional tarpaulin or plastic sheet is recommended.
Installation of GCL
GCL rolls should be taken to the working area of the site in their original packaging. Prior to deployment, the
packaging should be carefully removed without damaging the GCL. The orientation of the GCL (i.e., which
side faces up) may be important if the GCL has two different geotextiles. Unless otherwise specified,
however, the GCL should be installed such that the product name printed on one side of the GCL faces up.
Equipment that could damage the GCL should not be allowed to travel directly on it. Acceptable installation,
therefore, may be accomplished such that the GCL is unrolled in front of the backwards-moving equipment.
If the installation equipment causes rutting of the subgrade, the subgrade must be restored to its originally
accepted condition before placement continues.
If sufficient access is available; GCL may be deployed by suspending the roll at the top of the hill with a group
of labourers pulling the material off of the roll and down the slope.
GCL rolls should not be released on the slope and allowed to unroll freely by gravity.
Care must be taken to minimize the extent to which the GCL is dragged across the subgrade in order to avoid
damage to the bottom surface of the GCL. A temporary geosynthetic subgrade covering commonly known
as a slip sheet or rub sheet may be used to reduce friction damage during placement.
The GCL should be placed so that seams are parallel to the direction of the slope. End-of-roll seams should
also be Located at least 3 ft. (1 m) from the toe and crest of slopes steeper than 4H: 1V.
ALL GCL panels should lie flat on the underlying surface, with no wrinkles or folds, especially at the exposed
edges of the panels.
The GCL should not be installed in standing water or during rainy weather. Only as much GCL shall be
deployed as can be covered at the end of the working day with soil, a geomembrane, or a temporary
waterproof tarpaulin. The GCL shall not be left uncovered overnight. If the GCL is hydrated when no confining
stress is present, it may be necessary to remove and replace the hydrated material. The project engineer and
CQA inspector should be consulted for specific guidance if premature hydration occurs.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The end of the GCL roll should be placed in an anchor trench at the top of a slope. The front edge of the
trench should be rounded to eliminate any sharp corners that could cause excessive stress on the GCL. Loose
soil should be removed or compacted into the floor of the trench.
Anchorage should be as per the project drawings and specifications. In case of difficulty, the Project Manager
should be contacted for his instructions.
If a trench is used for anchoring the end of the GCL, soil backfill should be placed in the trench to provide
resistance against pull out. The size and shape of the trench, as well as the appropriate backfill procedures,
should be in accordance with the project drawings and specifications.
GCL seams are constructed by overlapping their adjacent edges. Care should be taken to ensure that the
overlap zone is not contaminated with loose soil or other debris. In some types of GCL’s supplemental
bentonite in granular form may be required for seaming. This should be provided as per the manufacturer’s
Unless otherwise specified, the minimum dimension of the longitudinal overlap should be 6 inches (150 mm).
End-of-roll overlapped seams should be similarly constructed, but the minimum overlap should measure 24
inches (600 mm).
Seams at the ends of the panels should be constructed such that they are shingled in the direction of the
grade to prevent the potential for runoff flow to enter the overlap zone. End panel overlap seams on slopes
are not permissible.
End of panel seams are constructed first by overlapping the adjacent panels, exposing the underlying edge,
and then applying a continuous bead or fillet of granular sodium bentonite (supplied with the GCL) along a
zone defined by the edge of the underlying panel and the 12-inch (300 mm) Line. The minimum application
rate at which the bentonite is applied is one-quarter pound per linear foot (0.4 kg/m).
The GCL should be sealed around penetrations and structures embedded in the subgrade. Granular
bentonite or bentonite mastic shall be used liberally (approx. 2 Lbs. /ln ft. or 3 kg/m) to seal the GCL to these
When the GCL is placed over an earthen subgrade, a "notch" should be excavated into the sub-grade around
the penetration. The notch should then be backfilled with granular bentonite or bentonite mastic.
A secondary GCL layer of 300 mm overlap should also be placed to avoid any leakages. The granular
bentonite should be applied between the 1st and the 2nd GCL layers.
When the GCL is terminated at a structure or wall that is embedded into the subgrade on the floor of the
containment area, the subgrade should be notched as described above. The notch is filled with bentonite,
and the GCL should be placed over the notch and up against the structure. The connection to the structure
can be accomplished by placement of soil or stone backfill in this area.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Annexure No.7
Technical Specifications for Sanitary
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
1.1.0 Scope
This section covers site preparation of the area as indicated in the drawings.
All laboratory equipments and materials required for complete performance of the work in
accordance with the drawings and specifications herein.
Clearing and grubbing operations shall be performed in the entire landfill area. The sites should
be cleared of all vegetation, rubbish and all other objectionable or organic matter such as
dismantling of RCC, PCC, Brick work, RR masonry and structural steel of abandoned above
ground and underground structures along with abandoned cables pipes etc. Trees of specified
girth and/or any other cleared material shall be stockpiled and handed over to the Engineer-in-
Charge or disposed as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
2.1.0 Scope
This section of the specification covers stripping of foundation for embankment and in the
landfill area as described herein:
The implementing agency shall furnish all labour, equipment and materials--required for
complete performance of the work in accordance with the drawings and as described herein.
The entire area of embankment and landfill area as shown in the drawings shall be stripped to
0.15 meter as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge to remove all unsuitable materials. In the
portion of the embankment where ground slope is steep the stripping shall be done in a fashion
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
The unsuitable materials shall include all debris, vegetable matter including roots, weathered
and disintegrated rocks, organic silts materials, that are unsuitable for use in the permanent
construction or that might interfere with the proper binding of the embankment with the
foundation, or the proper compaction of the materials in the embankment, or that may be
otherwise objectionable.
The stripping shall be kept far enough in advance of other items of works to ensure that no
undesirable material will get mixed with approved embankment material and to allow for
inspection and measurement.
Materials from stripping operations shall be deposited on either side of the embankment away
from the heel and toe of the embankment and unsuitable material shall be disposed off beyond
50 m but upto a lead of 500 m to an area identified by the Engineer-in-Charge
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Should the excavation be done deeper by error, the same shall be made good by filling the same
with approved earth and properly compacted so that the required formation level is obtained at
the Implementing agency's cost except in areas where further excavation is required for laying
clay foundation. In such cases the extra excavation under stripping may be considered under
excavation if approved by Engineer-in-Charge
3.1.0 Scope
3.1.1 This section of specification covers the technical requirements for excavation and filling in and
around structures, pipes trenches, wall foundations, pits, drains and similar works. This also
covers filling areas and plinth with selected materials, conveyance and disposal of surplus soils
and/or stacking them properly as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
3.1.2 Existing trees, shrubs, any other plants, pole, lines, signs, monuments, buildings, pipelines,
drains, sewers, facilities within or adjacent to the works being carried out which are not to be
disturbed shall be protected from damage by the Implementing agency. The implementing
agency shall provide and install suitable safeguards approved by the Engineer-in-Charge for this
3.1.3 During excavation, the implementing agency shall take all necessary precautions against soil
erosion, water and environmental pollution and where required undertake additional works to
achieve this objective. Before start of operations, the implementing agency shall submit to the
Engineer-in-Charge for approval, his work plan and procedure he intends to follow for disposal
of waste material etc. and the schedule for carrying out temporary and permanent works.
However, the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge shall not absolve the implementing agency of
his responsibility for safe and sound work.
3.2.1 Sides and bottoms of excavation shall be sharp and true to line and level. Undercutting shall not
be permitted. When machines are used for excavation, the last 300 mm before reaching the
required level shall be excavated manually or by such equipment, such that soil at the required
final level will be left in its natural condition. Suitability of strata (at the bottom of excavations)
for laying the foundation there on shall be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge.
3.2.3 Necessary arrangements i.e. Cofferdams, sheeting, shoring, bracing, maintaining, suitable
slopes, draining etc. shall be provided and installed to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge
3.2.4 Any water collected in excavated pits and other areas due to rain water/ground water, sludge’s,
springs etc shall have to be constantly pumped out and maintain dry working conditions at all
times until the excavation, placement of foundation/liner arrangement, backfilling etc. is
completed. All slush/ muck from the excavated areas shall be removed to keep the work area
3.2.5 All materials shall be removed arising from excavations from the vicinity to the work either for
direct filling, stacking and subsequent filling or for ultimate disposal as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge. In no case shall the excavated soil be stacked within a distance of 1.5 m from the edge
of excavation or one-third the depth the excavation whichever is more. Material to be used for
filling shall be kept separately.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
3.3.1 Rock, when encountered, shall be removed up to the formation/bed level or as otherwise
indicated on the Drawings. Where, however, unstable shale’s or other unsuitable materials are
encountered at the formation/bed level, these shall be excavated to the extent of 500 mm below
the formation/bed level or otherwise specified. In all cases; the excavation operations shall be
so carried out that at no point on cut formation/bed the rock protrudes above the specified
3.3.2 Where excavation is done to levels lower than those specified, the excess excavation shall be
made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge
3.3.3 Slopes in rock cutting shall be finished to uniform lines corresponding to slope lines shown on
the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all loose pieces of
rock on excavated slope surface which move when pierced by the crowbar shall be removed.
3.4.1 The disposal/stacking areas for excavated materials shall be indicated by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The carriage of excavated materials shall be done by the methods mentioned below:
1. The excavated materials shall be carried beyond the initial lead of 50 m but up to 500 m by
manual/animal labor or by mechanical means. If directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, this
material shall be used directly for filling purposes.
2. For leads exceeding 500 m, the implementing agency shall transport the excavated materials
by mechanical means or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, Nellore Municipal
Corporation. The Implementing agency shall allow for movements on Kuchha road etc.
Providing and maintaining Kuchha road shall be responsibility of the implementing agency.
3. The transported material shall be neatly stacked and dressed as directed by Engineer-in-
3.5.0 Filling
3.5.1 Materials
Materials to be used for filling purpose shall be selected excavated material free from shingle,
salts, organic materials, large roots and excessive amount of sod, lumps, concrete or any other
foreign substances, which could harm or impair the strength of the substructure in any manner.
In any case, the materials to be used for filling purpose shall have the prior written approval of
the Engineer-in-Charge
1. After completion of foundation, footings, walls and other construction below the elevation
of the final grades, and prior to filling, all temporary shoring, timber etc. shall be sequentially
removed and excavation cleaned of all trash, debris, and perishable materials. Filling shall
begin with the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge Also areas identified for filling shall be
cleared of all soft pockets, vegetation, bushes, slush etc. In case of plinth and similar filling,
the ground shall be dressed and consolidated by ramming and light rolling.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
2. Filling materials shall not be dropped directly upon or against any structure or facility where
there is danger of displacement or damage. Filling shall be started after the concrete
masonry has fully set and shall be carried in such a manner so as not to cause any undue
lateral thrust on any part of the structure.
3. All space between foundation (concrete or masonry) and the sides of excavation shall be
filled to the original surface after making allowance for settlement. Fill shall be placed in
horizontal layers not exceeding 200 mm loose thickness. Each layer shall be watered and
compacted with proper moisture content and with such equipment as may be required to
obtain a compaction/density as specified.
4. Fill adjacent to pipes shall be free of stones, concrete etc. and shall be hand placed and
compacted uniformly on both sides of the pipe and where practicable up to a minimum
depth of 300 mm over the top of pipes. While tamping around the pipes, care should be
taken to avoid unequal pressure.
5. Filling shall be accurately finished to line, slope, cross section and grade as shown on the
drawings. Finished surface shall be free of irregularities and depressions and shall be within
20 mm of the specified level.
3.5.3 Compaction
1. Compaction to 95% Standard Proctor Density shall be done by mechanical means only.
Where access is possible, compaction shall be by 8 to 10 tonnes rollers smooth wheeled,
sheep foot or wobbly wheeled as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge smaller weight roller
may be permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge. In special cases, but in any case not less than
6 passes of the roller will be accepted for each layer. Each layer shall be wetted or the
material dried by aeration to moisture content of 3-5% above the optimum moisture content
to be determined by the Implementing agency. Each layer shall be watered, rammed and
compacted to the density as required.
2. For compacting each sand layer, water shall be sprayed over it to flood it and it shall be kept
flooded for 24 hours to ensure maximum compaction. Vibro-compactors shall also be used
if necessary to obtain the required degree of compaction. Any temporary works required to
contain sand under flooded condition shall also be undertaken. The surface of the
consolidated sand shall be dressed to required levels or slope.
3. The degree of compaction of compacted fill in place will be subjected to tests by the
Engineer-in-Charge as the work progresses, and the Implementing agency shall provide the
necessary facilities to make such tests. If any test indicates that the compaction achieved is
less than the specified degree of compaction, the Engineer-in-Charge, Nellore Municipal
Corporation may require all fill placed subsequent to the last successful test to be removed
and re-compacted by the Implementing agency. Compaction procedure shall be amended
as necessary to obtain satisfactory results.
3.6.1 General
1. The Implementing agency shall carry out all sampling and testing in accordance with the
relevant Indian Standards and/or International Standards and shall conduct such tests as are
called for by the Engineer-in-Charge. Where no specific testing procedure is mentioned, the
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
tests shall be carried out as per the prevalent accepted engineering practice to the directions
of the Engineer-in-Charge. Tests shall be done in the field and at a laboratory approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge and the implementing agency shall submit to the Engineer-in-
Charge, the test results in triplicate within three days after completion of a test. The
Engineer-in-Charge may, at his discretion, waive some of the stipulations given below, for
small and unimportant operations.
2. In case, work found unsuitable for acceptance shall be removed and replaced by the
Implementing agency. Such work shall be redone as per specification requirements and to
the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
4.1.0 Scope
This section of the specification covers excavation of trenches for laying HDPE pipes underneath
the embankment and other cross drainage works.
4.2.0 General
The Implementing agency shall furnish all labour, equipment and materials required for
complete performance of the work in accordance with the drawings. Schedule of items and as
described herein.
Drawings for trenches shall be prepared by the bidder and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Trenches as shown in the drawing shall be excavated below the foundation grade and the slopes
of the excavation shall be as indicated in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The alignment and cross-section shown in the drawings will be subject to such changes as may
be found necessary by conditions disclosed during the excavation. Excavation of trench shall be
carried out in a manner as specified under the clause for the item of "Excavation & Filling work".
Material excavated from the trenches shall, if suitable, be used in the embankment after stock
piling as directed. The suitability or otherwise of the material shall be determined by laboratory
tests. Material excavated from trench shall not be placed in the embankment till the foundation
for the embankment has been cleared, stripped and prepared as specified and adequate
arrangements made for watering and rolling the layers of earth fill in the embankment.
5.1.0 Scope
All materials required for the embankments which are not available from trench excavation or
from other excavations shall be obtained from approved designated borrow areas. The
impervious material required for foundation shall be brought from any approved borrow areas.
The depths of cut in all parts of the borrow areas will be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge
depending on the level of water table at the time of excavation and the cuts shall be made to
such depths only. The excavation in borrow areas shall not be done below the water table. The
type of equipment used and the operation in the excavation of materials in borrow areas shall
be of such type that will produce the required uniformity of mixture of materials for the
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Borrow area shall be opened so as not to impair the usefulness or mar the appearance of any
part of the work or any other property. The excavation surfaces and surface of waste materials
shall be left in a reasonably smooth and even condition. 'When the borrow area is located
contiguous to the embankment alignment then it must be ensured that the borrow area shall
not be opened within a distance of five times the height of embankment contiguous to the heel
or the toe of the embankment or 25 meter whichever is more.
The material required for embankment construction and liner foundation shall be free of
admixture of stiff clay, refuse, stumps, roots, rock, brush, weeds or other material which would
be detrimental to the proper compaction of materials in the embankment.
All areas required for borrowing earth for embankment shall be cleared of all rank vegetation
and stumps, roots, bush, rubbish, and other objectionable material. Particular care shall be taken
to exclude all organic matter from the material to be placed in the embankment. All unsuitable
materials including rank vegetation, stumps shall be disposed off as specified elsewhere in this
specification. The cleared, areas shall be maintained free of vegetation growth during the
progress of the work. The unsuitable materials will be filled back, after borrowing earth for
earthen embankment construction, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
Borrow areas shall be stripped of topsoil, sod and any other matter which is unsuitable for the
embankment construction. Materials from stripping shall be disposed off up to a lead of 500 m
at a place and in manner at the discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge and as directed by him. The
depth of stripping shall be decided by the Engineer-in-Charge depending upon the nature of
topsoil and the vegetation present.
The natural moisture content of material in the borrow areas as well as the optimum moisture
content corresponding to the Proctor's maximum dry density for the material in the particular
borrow area shall be obtained from laboratory tests. Additional moisture if required shall be
introduced into the borrow area by watering well in advance of excavation, to ensure uniformity
of moisture content. If in any borrow area before or during excavation there is excess moisture,
steps shall be taken to reduce the moisture by the selective excavation to secure the materials
of required moisture by excavating drainage ditches, by allowing adequate time for drying or by
other means. To avoid formation of pools in the borrow areas during excavation operations,
drainage ditches from borrow areas to the nearest outlets shall be excavated.
6.1.0 Scope
This section of the specification deals with cast-in-situ cement concrete plain or reinforced for
Leachate collection sump, leak detection sump and other miscellaneous items as shown in the
drawings and covers the requirements for concrete materials, their properties, storage, handing,
grading, concrete mix design, strength and quality, pouring at all levels, testing, protection,
curing, finishing, admixtures, and other associated works.
The provision of latest IS: 456 shall be complied with unless permitted otherwise and any other
Indian Standards Codes shall form the part of the specification to the extent it has been referred
to or applicable within this specification.
The Implementing agency shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment to form, place, and
compact and finish all structural concrete, plain concrete works for general and architectural
works and miscellaneous items complete as indicated on the drawings and as described herein.
6.3.0 Materials
1. Aggregates
For reinforced concrete work, aggregate conforming to IS: 383 & 2386 having a maximum
size of 20 mm shall be used. However for lean concrete maximum size up to 40mm shall be
Aggregates (coarse or fine) with a specific gravity below 2.6 shall not be used without special
permission of the Engineer-in-Charge. Machine-made sand will be acceptable provided the
constituent is sound, hard, and dense and is acceptable to the Engineer-in-Charge. Sand
natural gravel and crushed rock shall be prepared for use by such screening or washing or
both, as necessary to remove all objectionable foreign matter.
2. Water
Water used for mixing and curing concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amounts
of oils, acids, alkalis, sugar, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to
concrete or steel. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing concrete.
IS: 4082 shall be followed as a general guidance for storage and handling of construction
materials at site and IS: 7969 shall be followed for safety measures.
1. Cement
The cement shall be stored in leak proof, weatherproof enclosed sheds. Different
consignments of different types of cement shall be stacked separately with clear identifiable
stack numbers. Cement consignments shall be stored as received and shall be consumed in
the order of their delivery. The implementing agency shall make their own arrangement for
the storage of adequate quantity of cement.
2. Aggregates
Coarse and fine aggregates shall be stored separately on brick soling or on an equivalent
platform. The stack height of coarse aggregates shall not exceed 120 cm to avoid coning and
All concrete used for RCC work shall be of minimum M 25 grade design mix and in grades
designated as specified in Drawing.
Nominal mix concrete shall be used only for plain cement concrete works and where shown on
drawings or specifically allowed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Such concrete shall not require
preparation of trial mixes and all such concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer. A
proportion for nominal mix concrete shall be according to Table-9 of IS: 456-2000. In addition
standard proportion by volume shall be used wherever specified.
Design mix concrete shall only be used for all reinforced concrete works, except where specified
otherwise or specially permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge. The mix proportion for all grades of
concrete shall be designed to obtain, the required workability and the characteristic strength
not less than the appropriate values given in Table 1 below, using standard deviation specified
in IS: 10262. The minimum value of target strength of design mix of various grades of concrete
shall be as per Table 1 below considering the quality control as ‘good’ as specified in IS: 10262.
However, the Engineer-in-Charge may allow changing the target strength values based on
adequate numbers of works test results.
Grade Designation
Compressive strength of a 15 cm cube at 28 days (in N/Sq.mm)
of concrete
M-15 20.8 15
M-20 27.6 20
M-25 33.7 25
M-30 39.9 30
M-35 45.4 35
In designing the mix proportions of concrete, the quantity of both cement and aggregate shall
be determined by mass. The Engineer-in-Charge may allow the quantity of aggregates to be
determined by equivalent volume basis after the relationship between the weight and volume
is well established by trial and the same shall be verified frequently.
Water shall be either measured by volume in calibrated tanks or weighed. All measuring
equipment shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition, and their accuracy
periodically checked.
To keep the water cement ratio to the designed value, allowance shall be made for moisture
contents in both fine and coarse aggregates and determination of the same shall be made in
accordance with IS: 2386 (Part-III) as frequently as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
out sufficiently ahead of the actual commencement of the work, to arrive at the grading of
aggregates, water cement ratio, workability and the quantity of cement required to give
Preliminary (target) compressive strength as specified in Table 1.
Minimum cement contents, from durability consideration, for different exposures and sulphate
attack shall be as per IS: 456. In case higher value is obtained from trial mixes from strength
consideration, same shall be provided.
At least four trial mixes shall be made and minimum six test cubes shall be taken from each trial
mix noting the slump for each type of mix. The cubes shall then be properly cured and three
cubes for each mix shall be tested in a laboratory (approved by Engineer-in-Charge) at 7 days
and remaining three at 28 days for compressive strength.
The implementing agency shall submit the test reports for mix design to the Engineer-in-Charge,
indicating design criteria analysis and proportions of materials etc. The mix proportion by mass
and water cement ratio determined on the basis of above reports shall yield the concrete with
desired characteristic strength & suitable workability. The mix design to be adopted on the works
shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
6.5.0 Workability
The degree of workability necessary to allow the concrete to be well compacted and to be
worked into the corners of form work and around the reinforcement to give the required surface
finish shall depend upon the type and nature of the structure and shall be based on experience
and tests. The limits of consistency for various types of structures, shall be in accordance with
IS: 1199.
A modern dependable batching and mixing plant with two mixers each of 20 cum. /hr. capacity
preferable tilting type capable of producing concrete of specified quality and output required to
meet the schedule shall be installed at a centralized location with the approval of the Engineer-
in-Charge. Transporting, handling, and placing equipment shall be provided at a location in a
manner approved by Engineer-in-Charge. The concrete batching and mixing plant shall be
completely installed and operated for sufficient length of time prior to scheduled date of
placement of first concrete, to enable the Engineer in Charge to assess the performance for its
The suitably designed concrete will be conveyed by pressure applied by the pump through either
rigid pipe or flexible hose and discharged directly in to the desired area. Requisite number(s) of
modern dependable concrete pump(s) capable of pumping concrete of specified quality/density
at a rate required meeting the schedule, together with a balanced complement of pipe lines,
accessories, sparing parts, power controlled placers, experienced pump operators and
maintenance staff shall also be provided.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The pump shall be of piston type pump with net concrete pumping capacity of not less than 20
m3/hr. at a horizontal distance of 400 m and vertical distance of 30 m. The pumps shall be
designed with adequate protection against adverse usage, shall be insensitive to rough
treatment and operation on construction sites, have sturdy construction and easy to maintain.
Implementing agency shall make necessary standby (by providing additional spare/standby
pumps) or alternate concreting arrangement in the event of failure of pumps.
All excavated areas for concreting shall be kept under dry working conditions until such concrete
work is completed. The implementing agency shall make provisions and furnish equipment as
required for such dewatering, subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Concrete shall not ordinarily be placed under water. In unavoidable cases, such concreting shall
be done only with the specific approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for the methods, equipment,
materials and proportions of the mix to be used and relevant clauses of IS: 456 adhered to. No
concrete shall be placed in open while it rains. If there has been any sign of washing of cement
and sand, the concrete shall be entirely removed immediately. Suitable precautions shall be
taken in advance to guard against rains before leaving the fresh concrete unattended.
Slabs, beams and similar members shall be poured in one operation normally. Except where
otherwise agreed to by the Engineer-in-Charge concrete shall be deposited in horizontal layers,
but it must be ensured that under layer is not already hardened. Bleeding of under layer, if any,
shall be effectively removed. Holes shall be provided and bolts, sleeves, anchors, fastenings or
other fixtures shall be embedded in concrete as shown on the drawings or as directed by the
After the concrete has been placed, it shall be thoroughly compacted by approved mechanical
vibrators to a maximum subsidence without segregation and shall be thoroughly worked around
reinforcement or other embedded fixtures into the correct form and a shape. Care must be
taken to ensure that the inserts, fixtures, reinforcement and formwork are not displaced or
disturbed during compaction of concrete.
Immersion vibrators shall be a ‘no load’ frequency amplitude and acceleration as per IS: 2505
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
depending upon the size of the vibrator. Immersion vibrators shall be operated by experienced
men for their use. IS: 3558 shall be followed. Immersion vibrators shall penetrate both the layer
poured and the under layer and shall not be allowed to come in contact with steel
reinforcement, forms and finished surfaces after start of initial set.
These vibrators shall be immersed not more than 450 mm apart and withdrawn when air bubbles
cease to come to the surface. Such vibrators shall in no case be used to push concrete inside the
forms and vibrators shall be withdrawn slowly.
When the concreting work is to be interrupted, the concrete shall be rebated at joint so such
shape and size as may be required by the Engineer-in-Charge or as shown on the drawings. All
vertical construction joints shall be made with stop boards, which are suitably fixed, for sufficient
lateral rigidity and slotted to allow for the passage of the reinforcement steel. In the case of
water and/or underground structures, water stop of approved material shall be provided if so
specified on the drawings or as desired by the Engineer-in-Charge. Construction joints shall be
provided in positions as shown or described on the drawings. Where it is not described, the
joints shall be in accordance with the following:
1. In a column, the joint shall be formed about 75 mm below the lowest offset of the beams
framing into it.
2. Concrete in a beam shall be placed throughout without a joint, but if the provision of a joint
is unavoidable, the joint shall be vertical and within middle third of the span.
3. A joint in a suspended floor slab shall be vertical, at one quarter point of the span and at
right angle to the principal reinforcement.
4. In forming a joint, concrete shall not be allowed to slope away to a thin edge. The location
of construction joints shall be planned by the Implementing agency well in advance of
pouring and have to be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Before fresh concrete is placed, the cement skin of the partially hardened concrete which was
poured earlier shall be thoroughly removed and aggregates shall be exposed by wire brushing,
backing, water jetting or any other approved method, as directed with Engineer-in-Charge The
rough surface shall be thoroughly wetted and surface water shall be removed and shall be
coated with 10-15 mm thick layer of 1:1 freshly mixed cement sand slurry. Care shall be taken
to ensure that the first layer of concrete placed after a construction joint is thoroughly rammed
against the existing layer.
All concrete surfaces shall have an even finish, free from honey combs, air bubbles, fins or other
The formwork joints marks and other projections on concrete work exposed to view shall be
rubbed out with carborundum stone and made smooth and air holes, cavities and similar
imperfections shall be first saturated with water and filled with cement sand mortar (1:2) and
Except where a separate finish is to be applied, or where a trowel finish is called for, horizontal
concrete surface shall be floated and steel troweled after achieving initial set to prevent excess
fine materials from working to the surface.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Concrete surfaces to be subsequently plastered or where brickwork shall be built against it shall
be adequately hacked as soon as the form is stripped off so that proper bond can develop.
Newly placed concrete shall be protected by approved means from rain, sun, and wind. Concrete
placed below the ground level be protected from falling earth during and after placing. Concrete
placed in ground containing deleterious substances shall be kept free from contact with such
ground or with water draining from such ground during placing of concrete and for a period of
at least three days or as otherwise instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The ground water
around newly poured concrete shall be kept to an approved level by pumping or other approved
means of drainage. Adequate steps shall be taken to protect immature concrete from damage
by debris, excessive loading, shocks, vibration, abrasion, traffic, rapid temperature changes,
mixing with earth or other deleterious material, etc. that may impair the strength and durability
of concrete.
As soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently for the surface to be marked, it shall be
covered either with wet sacking, canvas or similar materials and kept continuously wet for at the
discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge, up to fourteen (14) days. Concrete slabs and floors shall be
cured by flooding with water of minimum 25 mm depth for the periods mentioned above.
Masonry work over the foundations concrete may be started after 48 hours of its laying but the
curing of concrete shall be continued for a minimum period of 7 days.
6.9.1 General
1. Facilities required for sampling & testing materials and concrete in the field and in the
laboratory shall be provided by the Implementing agency. All sampling and testing shall be
done in accordance with relevant Indian Standard and this specification. Tests shall be done
in the field in the presence of the Engineer-in-Charge and the Implementing agency shall
submit the test result in triplicate within 3 days after completion of any test.
2. Concrete samples shall be cured under laboratory conditions, except when in the opinion of
the Engineer-in-Charge extreme weather conditions may prevail at which time the Engineer-
in-Charge may require curing under job conditions.
3. If the “test strength” of the laboratory controlled cubes for any portion of the concrete work
falls below the compressive strength specified, the Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right
to order a change in the proportions or the water content for the remaining portion of the
structure, and shall have the right to require provisions for temperature and moisture
control, during the period of curing, as necessary to secure the required strength, and may
require re-tests on the basis of core test as given in IS: 456.
4. Concrete found unsuitable for acceptance shall be removed and replaced by the
implementing agency. The work shall be redone as per specification and to the satisfaction
of the Engineer-in-Charge and at no extra cost to the owner.
5. Rebound hammer test shall be carried out for ascertaining the quality of concrete work, as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
6. Core test shall be done as described in IS: 516. The number of cores required shall be as
decided by the Engineer-in-Charge and shall be represented of whole of the concrete
concerned. In no case, however, shall fewer than three cores be tested.
Concrete in the member represented by a core test shall be considered acceptable if the average
equivalent cube strength of the cores is equal to at least 85 percent of the cube strength of the
grade of concrete specified for the corresponding age and no individual core has strength less
than 75 percent.
Sampling from fresh concrete shall be taken according to IS: 1199 tested as per IS: 516. Normally
only compressive test shall be performed but the Engineer-in-Charge may require other tests to
be performed in accordance with IS: 516.
1. Trial Mixes
At least four trial mixes shall be made with, minimum 6 test cubes for each.
2. Works Tests
b. For each grade of concrete, and for each 8 hours (shift) of work or part thereof, at least
one sample consisting of six specimens shall be taken from each 50 cum. Of concrete or
part thereof, 3 specimens shall be tested at 7 days and remaining 3 shall be tested at 28
days. However, in all cases, the 28 days compressive strength shall alone be the criterion
for acceptance or rejection.
To control the consistency of concrete from every mixing plant, slump tests and/or compaction
factor tests in accordance with IS: 1199 shall be carried out by the implementing agency every
two hours or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Slumps corresponding to the test specimens
shall be recorded for reference.
The strength of sample shall be the average of the strength of three specimens. The individual
variation should not be more than 15% of the average.
The acceptance criteria of concrete shall be in accordance with Clause No. 16 of IS: 456.However,
in exceptional circumstances, the Engineer-in-Charge may at his discretion accept concrete of
lower strength than that specified at reduced rates pro-rata to the strength obtained. The
concrete shall be deemed to comply with the strength requirements, if:
1. Every sample has test strength not less than the characteristic value
2. The strength of one or more samples, though less than the characteristic value, in each case
is not less than the greater of:
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
a. The characteristic strength minus 1.35 times the standard deviation and
b. 0.80 times the characteristic strength: and the average strength of all the samples is not
less than the characteristic strength + [1.65 – 1.65/square root of (No. of Samples)] times
the standard deviation.
7.1.0 Scope
This section of the specification deals with the requirements for the supply, erection, dismantling
of formwork and staging required for cast-in-situ concrete works including for making pockets.
The implementing agency shall supply, fabricate erect and dismantle (after use) all temporary
and permanent formwork and staging that is required for all activities covered under the
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
7.3.0 Materials
Formwork shall compose of steel, plywood or best quality wood. Timber shall be free from
significant knots and shall be of medium grain as far as possible and hard woods shall be used as
caps. Timber shall be well seasoned, free from sap, worm holes, wraps or other surface defects
and shall smooth finish.
Staging unless specified otherwise shall generally be of mild steel tubes, steel beams and
channels etc. or strong sowbellies 150 mm in diameter or above.
The forms and staging shall be sufficiently strong to carry without undue deformation, the dead
weight of the concrete and the effects of vibration. The joints in the formwork shall be
sufficiently tight to prevent any leakage of mortar. The formwork shall be such as to ensure a
smooth uniform surface free from honeycombs, air bubbles, bulges, fins and other blemishes.
Bevelled strips 25 x 25 mm shall be provided to form angels and in corners of columns and beam
boxes for chamfering of corners if shown in drawings or directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The implementing agency shall maintain necessary camber in centering for all floor slabs and
beams in all spanning directions, so as to offset the deflection and assume correct shape.
All form shall be thoroughly cleaned of old concrete, wood shavings, saw dust, dirt and dust
sticking to them before these are fixed in position. Before formwork is placed in position, the
form surface that will be in contact with concrete shall be treated with approved non-staining
oil or composition which is insoluble in water and not injurious to concrete. Care shall be taken
that the oil or composition does not come in contact with reinforcing steel or stain the concrete
The Implementing agency shall begin the removal of formwork only after approval of the
Engineer-in-Charge. He shall place on record the dates on which the concrete is placed in
different parts of the work and the dates of the removal of formwork there from. This record
shall be checked and countersigned by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Forms of various types of structural components shall, under normal circumstances, not be
removed before the minimum periods specified in clause 11.3 of IS: 456-2000, which shall also
be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
In normal circumstances and where ordinary Portland cement is used, forms may generally be
removed after the expiry of the following periods, according to clause no. 11.3 of IS:456-2000.
In case PPC/PSC is used instead of OPC, the removal of shuttering/support shall be after 50%
more time from that being applied for OPC unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer-in-
Charge. For concrete temperature above 40 Degree C. Stripping time shall be increased.
Before reuse, all forms shall be thoroughly scraped, cleaned, holes and leaks satisfactorily
plugged, joints examined and inside surfaces treated as specified herein before. Formwork shall
not be used/reused, if declared unfit or unserviceable by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Length or breadth 12 mm
Diagonals 15 mm
8.1.0 Scope
This section of the specification covers the technical requirements for fabricating and placing in
position of mild steel or High strength deformed steel reinforcement bars for all RCC works as
indicated in the drawings and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The implementing agency shall arrange for transport, fabricate and place reinforcement to
shapes and dimensions as indicated in the approved drawings and specifications and/or as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The reinforcement shall be either mild steel or cold
deformed twisted steel bars conforming to relevant IS specifications as specified in Schedule of
Items and Drawings.
The implementing agency shall prepare bar bending schedules on the basis of information
furnished in the drawings, approved for construction, and submit the same for approval by the
Engineer-in-Charge. No work shall be commenced without the prior approval of the schedule by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
Any adjustments in reinforcement to suit field conditions, construction joint etc., other than
those shown on the drawings shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge, before
Reinforcement and structural steel (including steel required for embedment) shall be stored
consignment wise and size wise off the ground by at least 150 mm and protected from rusting,
oil, grease and distortion by providing suitable cover. The storage area shall be such that water
does not accumulate and steel does not get corroded.
8.4.1 Bending
Reinforcing bars supplied bent or in coils shall be straightened in cold without damaging the
bars, before these are cut to size.
Reinforcing steel shall be bent in accordance with procedure specified in IS: 2502 and/or as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Bends and shapes shall comply strictly with the dimensions
shown on the approved bar bending schedule and they shall be rechecked by the implementing
agency before bending and he shall be entirely responsible for their correctness. The details of
reinforcement shall be in accordance with IS: 5525 and SP: 34. Welding of bars to obtain
continuity shall not be allowed particularly for cold twisted bars unless specifically approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge. If welding is unavoidable, the work shall be carried out as per IS: 2751
and IS: 9417 and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
All reinforcement shall be accurately fixed and maintained in position as shown on the drawings
by means of steel chairs and or concrete spacer blocks as per IS:2502. Bars intended to be in
contact and crossing points, shall be securely bound together at all such points by two numbers
annealed steel wire of 1.2 mm size conforming to IS:280.
The vertical distance between successive layers of bars shall be maintained by provision of
spacer bars, and shall be so spaced that the main bars do not sag perceptively between adjacent
Laps and anchorage length of reinforcing bars shall be as shown on the drawings and shall be in
accordance with IS: 456.
Unless shown otherwise on the drawings, minimum clear concrete cover for reinforcement
(exclusive of plaster or other finishes) shall be as per provisions of IS: 456, subject to minimum
of the following:
For bottom reinforcement in footings, 75 mm, if concrete is laid against the ground or 50 mm if
laid on a layer of lean concrete.
For retaining walls, grade beams, top and sides of footings and similar surfaces exposed to
weather or ground, 50 mm for bars larger than 16 mm and 40 mm for bars up to 16 mm.
For concrete members exposed to the action of harmful chemicals, acids, alkalies, atmosphere,
sulphurous smoke, sea water etc., the cover shall be as shown on the drawings.
Clear distance between reinforcing bars shall be in accordance with IS: 456 or as shown on
approved drawings.
9.1.0 Scope
This section of specification covers the technical requirement for supply, fabrication & erection
of structural steel and associated works.
The specification covers structural steel works involving rolled sections, pipes, plates, chequered
plates, beams, fixing of embedded parts.
The implementing agency shall furnish all labour, plant, equipment's, consumables, scaffolding,
tools, tackles, materials etc., required for the completion of work on schedule in accordance with
drawings and as described herein and/or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
The implementing agency shall strictly follows, at all stages of fabrication, transportation and
erection of steel structures, the stipulation contained in the Indian Standard Safety Code for
erection of structural steel work IS: 7205.
Fabrication drawings shall be prepared by the implementing agency based on the scope of
drawings supplied by the owner. The detailed working drawings shall indicate complete details
of fabrication and erection weld size, lengths etc.
9.5.0 Materials
Structural steel rolled sections and plates shall confom1 to IS: 2062. Pipes shall conform to IS:
1161. Chequered plates shall confon11 to IS: 3502. All other materials shall be as per the relevant
Indian Standards and as specified in IS: 800.
9.6.0 Fabrication
Fabrication work shall be carried out in accordance with IS: 800 as well as stipulations contained
in these specifications.
All steel materials shall be straightened and/or flattened, wherever required by straightening
machine, though minor kinks or bends may be corrected by limited heating under careful
The implementing agency shall prepare cutting plan according to detailed working drawings,
taking into consideration the availability of material, the cut pieces generated during work with
the objective of minimizing waste
All steel materials shall be straightened and/ or flattened, wherever required by straightening
machine, though minor kinks or bends may be corrected by limited heating under careful
9.7.2 Cutting
9.7.3 Grinding
All the edges cut by flame shall be ground before they are welded.
9.7.4 Assembly
The components parts shall be assembled in such a manner that they are neither twisted nor
otherwise damaged.
9.7.5 Welding
Welding shall be carried as per IS: 816 and IS: 9595 and the welding procedure duly approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
All structural welding shall be done by welders who qualify the appropriate tests laid down in IS:
817 and IS: 1181. The entire weld of any structure joint shall be made by one welder.
9.7.6 Electrodes
The electrodes used shall be of suitable type and size depending upon specifications of the
parent materials, the method of welding and quality of weld desired.
Where coated electrodes are used they shall meet the requirements of IS: 814. All electrodes
shall be stored properly as per manufacturer's recommendations.
Specific approval of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be taken by the implementing agency for the
various electrodes proposed to be used on the work before any welding is started.
9.7.7 Preheating
100 percent of the welds shall be inspected visually after cleaning the weld surface with steel
wire brushes/chisels to remove slag, scales, and the spatter metal. The weld shall be correct in
size, length and shall be of regular height and width and shall be free from defects like craters
on the surface under cuts, and visible cracks. Weld gauges shall be used to measure the weld
Wherever above mentioned defects are noticed, the welds, in such locations shall be removed
by gouging process. The joints shall be prepared again by cleaning the burrs and residual matters
with wire brushes and grinded and rewelded.
Before any steel work leaves the implementing agency's fabrication site it shall be suitably
marked in accordance with the approved fabrication drawings.
The implementing agency shall submit for approval of the Engineer-in-Charge is erection
scheme giving full details of the method of handling, transport, hoisting and erection including
false work/staging, temporary bracing, guying etc.
Erection shall commence only after approval of the implementing agency's proposed erection
The new structure shall be dismantled wherever called for. Such dismantling shall be done
carefully without causing damage to other structures and further modifications shall be done in
the fabrication yard.
9.9.3 Modification
The work of modification may involve cutting of certain portions or gouging of welds, cuttings,
grinding, fabrication, welding drilling holes, straightening, removal of bends, painting and touch
up painting, transporting the cut and removed parts/items and new steel to be added.
9.9.4 Re-erection
The work of re-erection includes transportation of structures from field fabrication yard to
erection site, lifting of same to the required portion aligning, erection in position, inclusive of
erection bolts, tack welding, final welding and touch up painting etc., complete to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
9.10.0 Painting
After inspection and issue of test acceptance certificate, all steel surfaces shall be painted, as
per the specifications given in the tender document and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
The surface preparation shall be done as per IS: 1477 (Part-I) The surface shall be cleaned, de
greased and descaled manually.
The primers shall consist of red oxide zinc chromate conforming to IS: 2074. Two coats of primer
paint shall be applied first at the shop and the second after the erection is completed.
Application of primer shall be done by brush or by any other method specified in IS: 1477 (Part-
II) Touch up painting shall be done after erection.
Before application of finishing coats the second coat of primer paint shall be completed.
Finishing coat shall be synthetic enamel paint conforming to IS: 2932 & IS: 2933. Total coating
thickness (DFT) of the painting shall not be less than 100 micron.
The embedded steel parts shall be properly placed in position with lugs. Temporary supports
shall be provided to ensure proper installation of the embedded parts and these shall be in
plumb and level. Concrete around the embedded parts shall be properly compacted so as to
avoid voids or honeycombing. The structure shall be hoisted and placed in position carefully
without any damage to itself or to the structure in which it is to be fixed and injury to workmen.
If necessary, appliance such as lifting shall be used.
Pipe hand rails shall be of standard weight galvanized steel pipes of flush welded construction,
ground smooth, using 32 mm nominal bore medium class pipes with double rail, 1.2 meter above
platform level and pipe posts spread not more than 1.5 meters apart as per the drawings or
instructions of Engineer-in-Charge.
9.10.6 Covers
Chequered plates shall be fixed to supporting members by tack welding or by counter sunk bolts.
Care shall be taken to avoid distortion of the plate while welding of stiffening angles/vertical
stiffening ribs.
9.11.0 Bolts
Stainless steel Bolt with a 38 x 6 mm stainless steel flat bar shall be used to bind the HDPE liner
with the concrete in leachate collection sump, leachate detection sump etc as shown in the
drawings. Bolts shall generally conform to IS: 5624.
All bolts shall be embedded in concrete in plumb and in level at true location. The threads shall
be protected by using PVC tape.
Permanents bolts used for connection of structural steel members shall conform to 1S:1363,
1S:13643 and 1S:1367. These shall be provided with washers, nuts and locknuts.
10.1.0 Scope
This section covers the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment and the performing of
all operations required for the stone masonry work and incidental items pertinent thereto all in
accordance with the drawings, specifications, schedule of items and as directed by the Engineer-
The stone shall be of the type specified, shall be hard, sound and free from decay and
weathering. This shall be obtained from an approved quarry. Stones with round surface shall not
be used. Stones shall be properly hammered dressed on the face, the sides and the beds to
enable it to come in close proximity with the neighboring stone. IS: 1597 shall be followed as
general guidance for construction of stone masonry.
10.3.0 Mortar
Mortar used for joining shall be as specified and the ingredients shall conform to relevant IS
codes or as specified.
10.4.0 Laying
All stones shall be wetted before use. The vertical faces shall be carried up truly plumb, or to the
specified batter. Face stones shall extend well into backing. These shall be arranged to break
joints as much as possible and to avoid vertical lines of joints. Their height shall not be greater
than the breadth at the face of the depth inwards. The hearting or interior filling of the wall face
shall consist of rubble stones which may be of any shape but do not pass through a circular ring
of 15 cm. Inner diameter, thickness of these stones in any direction shall not be less than 10 cm.
These shall be carefully laid, hammered down with a wooden mallet into position and solidly
bedded in mortar, chips and spells of stone being used wherever necessary to avoid thick mortar
beds or joints and at the same time ensuring that no hollow spaces are left anywhere in the
masonry. The use of chips shall be restricted to the filling of interstices between the adjacent
stones in hearting and these shall not exceed 20% of the quantity of stone masonry.
Bond or through stones running right through the thickness of walls shall be provided in walls
up to 60 cm thick. If the walls are more than 60 cm thick, two or more bond stones over lapping
each other by at least 15 cm shall be provided in a line from face to back. At least one bond stone
or a set of bond stones shall be provided for every 0.5 sq. meter of wall surface.
10.6.0 Quoins
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The quoins shall be selected stones neatly dressed with the hammer or chisel to from the
required angle, and laid header and stretcher alternately. No quoin stone shall be less than 25 x
25 x 25 cm.
10.7.0 Joints
Stones shall be so laid that joints are full of mortar. Face joints shall not be more than 2.5 cm
10.8.0 Curing
Green work shall be protected from the effects of sun, rain etc. by suitable covering. All the
masonry work shall be kept constantly moist on the faces for a period of seven days.
All fixtures to be embedded in mortar and masonry units shall be properly fixed as indicated in
the drawings.
This shall be done by building masonry work round fringes, webs etc. and filling the gap between
steel and masonry by minimum 12 mm thick mortar. Encased members shall be wrapped with
chicken wire mesh of 18 gauge when shown on drawings or instructed by the Engineer-in-
Charge. The minimum lap in chicken wire mesh shall be 50mm.
11.1.0 Scope
This section of specification covers the item of filling for clay liner and foundation as indicated in
the drawings. This section also covers borrowing approved quality of impervious clay from
approved designated borrow areas,
a. The Implementing agency shall furnish all labour, equipment and material required for
complete performance of the work in accordance with the drawings, schedule of items and
as described herein.
b. The foundation and clay liner shall be constructed in layers not exceeding 200 mm in
compacted thickness and in the manner described under placing the Earth fill in Clause 8.5.0
using impervious clayey soil obtained from approved designated borrow areas having
hydraulic conductivity in the range of 10-7cm/ see and plasticity index between 10 to 30%.
The soil layers shall not contain soil particles or chunks of rocks larger than 25 mm in size,
the suitability or otherwise of the material shall be determined by laboratory tests. Each
layer of earth deposited shall the be compacted to have a dry density not less than 95% of
the maximum dry density (standard proctor) for the soil with suitable tractor drawn heavy
sheep foot tamping rollers or by any other method approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The
compaction will have to be uniform throughout the length and breadth of the layers. The
roller should be made to travel over the entire section of each layer so that the earth is fully
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
compacted and the roller leaves no visible marks on the surface, Where smooth rollers are
used with the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge, the surface of each layer of compacted
material shall be roughened with a harrow and thoroughly furrowed or raked before
depositing the succeeding layer of material. Care shall be exercised to avoid occurrence of
horizontal seams. Earthwork should be continuous from day-to-day. In case of break in
compaction exceeding four days, the dried surface shall be well watered and harrowed
before a fresh layer of earth is laid on it.
c. Before placing the HDPE pipes within the embankment, construction of embankment up to
600 mm above the RCC lining for pipes shall be carried out without actually placing the pipes.
Later on, trenches shall be excavated for pipes and lining work and pits for cutoff collars.
These trenches shall then be filled using CL-ML type soil (plasticity index 720). Earth layer
deposited in these trenches shall be compacted with plate compactors to have a dry density
not less than 95% of the maximum dry density (standard proctor).
d. The spreading of the next layer shall be carried out only after the underlying layer has been
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative.
The Implementing agency has to make his own arrangements for the supply of water for earth
filling works. It shall be the responsibility of the Implementing agency to identify and develop
water source or sources, running a pipe line/pipe lines laid at a distance not less 10 meters away
from the toe/heel of the embankment for conveying the water required for the work from the
supply sources, tapping water from manifolds provided at suitable intervals along the pipe line
with the aid of water hoses and sprinkling jets for sprinkling water uniformly over the entire area
(and not poured in patches) for bringing up the layers to the required moisture content.
Alternately he may employ sufficient number of water tankers also. No separate payment for
the above will be made and entire cost on account of the same shall be included in the rates for
relevant items of schedule.
12.1.0 Scope
properly such that vegetable sods and top layers are removed to ensure proper bond
between embankment and foundation.
b. Masonry surfaces of the back of retaining walls, wing walls and box culverts etc. against
which the fill is to be placed, shall be cleaned and moistened prior to placing the earth. The
foundation immediately adjacent to the masonry/concrete structures shall be thoroughly
cleaned of loose materials and moistened. Pools of water shall not be permitted in the
foundation and shall be drained and cleaned prior to placing the first layer of embankment
13.1.0 Scope
This section of specification covers the earthwork involved in the embankment formation as per
the drawings and as mentioned herein.
The Implementing agency shall furnish all labour, equipment and materials required for
complete performance of the work in accordance with drawings, schedule of items and as
described herein.
The embankment shall be constructed to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. Placement
of fill shall be performed in an orderly way and in an efficient and workman like manner, so as
to produce fills having such quantities of density, strength and permeability as will ensure the
highest practicable degree of stability and performance of the embankment.
No bushes, roots, sods or other perishable or unsuitable materials shall be placed in the
embankment. The suitability of each part of the foundation for placing embankment materials
thereon and of all materials for use in embankment construction shall be determined by the
Engineer-in-Charge. The embankment may be constructed in separate portions, provided that:
a. The slopes of the bonding surfaces between the previously completed portions of the
embankment and materials to be placed in each zone shall not be steeper than 2.5 horizontal
to 1 vertical along the centerline of the embankment.
b. The embankment is constructed right across the whole section in each portion.
The materials for embankment shall be obtained from the designated borrow areas and
available excavated material. In general all materials from the particular borrow area shall be a
mixture of materials obtained for the full depth of the cut. Some earth material available from
the excavation in the landfill area if found suitable will also be used for the embankment
a. Before placing the fill the foundation shall be prepared and compacted as per chapter C6.
Prior to placing the first layer of embankment on the foundation moistening and compacting
the surface by rolling to achieve dry density not less than 95% of maximum dry density.
(Standard Proctor) shall be done. The distribution and gradation of materials throughout the
fill shall be as shown in the drawings or as directed. The fills shall be free from lenses,
pockets, streaks, or layers of material differing suitably in texture or gradation from the
surrounding material. The combined excavation and placing operations shall be such that
the materials when compacted in the fill will be blended sufficiently to produce the specified
degree of compaction and stability. The earth obtained from a particular borrow area as far
as possible shall be used in forming the complete cross-section of the fill for a particular
stretch. Sequencing of the placing of fill material shall be such that it shall be possible to
identify at all stages of construction which borrow area material is used in which stretch of
the fill/embankment.
b. No stones cobbles or rock fragments, having maximum dimensions of more than 5 cm shall
be placed in the fill. Such stones and cobbles shall be removed either at the borrow pit or
after being transported to the site but before the materials in the fill are rolled and
compacted. Such stones or cobbles shall be placed in other portions of embankment if found
suitable or rejected as directed. The materials shall be placed in the fill in continuous
horizontal layers, stretching right across the whole section, not more than 20 cm in
compacted thickness and rolled as herein specified. During construction a small transverse
slope from center towards the edges should be given to avoid pools or water forming due
to rains. The surface of materials to be placed thereon shall be moistened and/or worked
with harrow, or other suitable equipment, in an approved manner to a sufficient depth to
provide a satisfactory bonding surface before the next layer of fill material is placed. If the
rolled surface of any fill is found to be too wet for proper compaction, it shall be raked up,
allowed to dry, or shall be worked with a harrow or any other approved equipment to reduce
the moisture content to the required amount and then it shall be re compacted before the
next layer of earth is placed.
c. When compacting the soils against steep rock abutment or walls or masonry or concrete
structure the construction surface of embankment shall be sloped away from rock or
masonry or concrete structures for a distance of 3 m to 4 m at an inclination not steeper
than 6 horizontal to 1 vertical. If the foundation surface is too irregular to allow the use of a
large roller directly against a structure or rock out crop, the roller shall be used to compact
the soil as close to the structure or the out crop as possible and the portion of the
embankment directly against the rock or the structure shall be compacted with pneumatic
hand tampers in thin layers. The moisture content of the earth placed against the rock or
the structure shall be high enough to allow it to be compacted into all irregularities of the
rock. Care shall be taken in placing the first layer of the fill so that no damage is caused by
the hauling machinery to the base grade as this may get concealed by the spread layer or
fill. Sheep foot roller shall not be employed for compacting till the thickness of the layers
already compacted by other means is greater by 30 cm than the depth of the feet on the
roller drum. The soil for the first layer shall be at moisture content sufficient to enable
bonding of the fill with the rock surface.
Embankment materials shall be placed only when the weather conditions are satisfactory to
permit accurate control of the moisture content in the embankment materials.
Prior to and during compacting operations, the materials in each layer of earth shall have
moisture content about 2% less than the optimum moisture content. Laboratory investigations
may impose some restrictions on the lower limits of the practicable moisture contents on the
basis of studies of compaction in embankment. As far as practicable the materials shall be
brought to the proper moisture content in the borrow area before excavation. If additional
moisture content is required, it shall be added by sprinkling water before rolling. The
Implementing agency shall make his own arrangements for supply of water in a manner
described under water for earth fill work. If the moisture content is greater than required, the
material shall be spread and allowed to dry before starting rolling. The moisture content shall
be uniform throughout the layer of material and ploughing, dicing, harrowing or other methods
of mixing may be required to obtain uniform distribution. If the moisture content is more or less
than the range of the required particle, moisture content, or if it is not uniformly distributed
throughout the layer, rolling shall be stopped and shall be started again only when the above
conditions are satisfied.
While the specifications provide that equipment of a particular type and size is to be furnished
and used, it is to be understood that the use of improved equipment is to be encouraged.
Tamping (sheep foot) rollers or pneumatic rollers and vibratory rollers shall be used for
compacting cohesive materials and pneumatic rollers and vibratory rollers shall be used for
compacting cohesion less materials
a. Tamping (Sheep foot) Rollers
b. Roller drums
Each drum of a roller shall have an outside diameter of not less than 1.5 m and shall not be
more than 1.8 m in length. The space between two adjacent drums when on level surface
shall neither be less than 30 cm nor more than 40 cm. Each drum shall be free to pivot about
an axis parallel to the direction of travel.
c. Tamping Feet
At least one tamping foot shall be provided for each 600 sq.cm of drum surface. The shape
measured on the surface of the drum between the centers of any two adjacent tamping feet
shall not less than 25 cm.
The length of each tamping foot from the outside surface of the drum..-'3hall be maintained
at not less than 25 cm. The cross sectional area of each tamping foot shall" not be more than
60 sq .cm at a plane normal to the axis of the shank 15 cm from the drum surface and shall
be maintained at not less than 45 sq. cm and not more than 60 sq. cm at a place normal to
the axis of the shank 20 cm from the drum surface.
d. Roller Weight
The weight of a roller when fully loaded shall not be less than 7000 kgs per drum. The loading
used in the roller drums and operating of rollers shall be as required to obtain the desired
breakdown and compaction of materials. If more than one roller is used on anyone layer of
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
fill, all rollers so used shall be of the same type and essentially of the same dimensions.
Tractors used for pulling rollers shall have sufficient power to pull them at a speed of about
4 km per hour with drums fully loaded. During the operation of rolling the spaces between
the tamping feet shall be kept clear of materials which could impair the effectiveness of the
tamping rollers. If the rollers used are at tandem, the tamper spacing shall be set so that the
circumferential rows of the rear drums are in line with the midpoint between the
circumferential rows on the forward drums.
e. Pneumatic rollers
Pneumatic rollers shall have four wheels equipped with pneumatic tyres and a body suitable
for ballast loading so that the load per wheel may be varied as necessary from 7000 kgs to
11000 kgs. Tyre pressure shall not exceed 2.5 kgs/ sq. cm. The tyres shall be of such size and
ply as can be maintained during rolling operations with tire pressure not greater than 2.5
kgs/ sq. cm for a 11000 kgs wheel load. The roller wheels shall be located abreast and each
wheel and tire shall be mounted in such a way that all wheels exert approximately equal
loads when traversing uneven grounds. The spacing of the wheels shall be such that the
distances between the nearest edges of adjacent tyres at the imprint will not be greater than
50 per cent of the width of single tire. When one pneumatic roller is attached to a tractor,
the entire tractor and roller unit shall be capable of executing a 180 deg turn on a 5 m radius.
f. Vibratory Rollers
Vibratory rollers shall have dead weight 5 to 15 tonnes and the vibrators shall have
frequency between 1100 and 1800 pulses per minute and amplitude of vibration shall
between 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm
a. Rolling
When each layer of material has been conditioned, so as to have the proper moisture
content uniformly distributed throughout the material, it shall be compacted by passing the
roller. The exact number of passes shall be decided after necessary field tests. The layers
shall be compacted in strips overlapping not less than 0.6 m. The rollers or loaded vehicles
shall travel in a direction parallel to the axis of the embankment. Turns shall be made
carefully to ensure uniform compaction. Rollers shall always be pulled Density tests shall be
made after rolling and the dry density attained shall be not less than 95% of maximum dry
density (Standard Proctor) obtained in the Laboratory for the type of material used.
b. Tamping
Rollers will not be permitted to operate within 1.0 m of concrete and masonry structures. In
locations where compaction of the earth fill material by means of the roller is impracticable
or undesirable, which would be designated at the sole discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge
the earth shall be specially compacted
Fill shall be spread in layers not more than 20 cm in compacted thickness and shall be
moistened to have the required moisture content. When each layer of material has been
conditioned to have the required moisture content it shall be compacted to achieve the dry
density of 'not less than 95% of Maximum Dry Density (Standard Proctor) by special rollers
mechanical tampers hand held vibratory tampers or by other approved methods and all
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
equipment and methods used shall be subject to approval based on evidence of actual
performance. The moisture control and compaction shall be equivalent to that obtained in
the earth actually placed in the embankment in accordance with clause 8.7.0 and 8.9.1.
Control tests shall be carried out in laboratory from time to time to determine whether the earth
produced by methods employed satisfies the requirements of the specifications. Routine field
tests shall also be carried out by the Engineer-in-Charge and the work shall be inspected
regularly. Field density test should be particularly and specially made in the following areas.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall determine whether the desired results are being obtained.
The Implementing agency shall provide all facilities such as labour conveyance equipment etc.
required for collection of samples and to conduct test in situ or at laboratory. Relevant test to
be conducted by the Engineer-in-Charge at his discretion at the borrow area, on embankment
and at laboratory are listed out in the Annexure II.
The outer slopes of the embankment shall be neatly dressed to line. Compaction shall extend
over the full width of the embankment and the material in the slopes shall be compacted as for
the rest of structure. To ensure proper compaction at the outer edge, the fill shall be constructed
for a minimum of 0.5 m extra width on either edges or the outer edge dressed to true width and
slope after compaction. No earth slope shall be left without trimming to design slope. Slopes
shall be maintained until final completion and acceptance. Any material that is lost by
weathering or due to any other cause shall be replaced. The trimmed material is permitted for
reuse in the embankment. No separate payment will, however be made for forming extra width
offsets or trimming the slopes and the unit rates for the embankment work shall therefore
provide for the same.
While forming the embankment due allowance shall be made to allow for settlement so as to
maintain the top of embankment at designed elevation.
14.0.0 TURFING
14.1.0 Scope
This section of specifications covers turfing on the slope of the embankment as Indicated in the
following drawing and mentioned herein with turf sods.
The implementing agency shall furnish all labour, equipment and materials required for the
complete performance of the work in accordance with the drawings, schedule of items and as
described herein.
Grass turf sods of approved variety shall be used in this work. No directing planting of grass on
the embankment slope shall be permitted.
14.3.0 Placing
The slope of the embankment including berms if any shall be turf sodded. After the slope has
been dressed to line, it shall be slightly roughened and scarified. The entire slope surface shall
then be covered with a layer of turf sod consisting of blocks of thin lining grass growth of
approved species. The sods shall include a mat of roots and earth. Thick Sod containing an
excessive amount of obnoxious weed growth shall be excluded Sod shall be carefully handled in
transportation and placing so that a minimum amount of earth will be lost from the root mass.
The blocks of sod shall be laid on the slope in close contact and then tamped firmly in place so
as to fill and close the joints between blocks. The interval of time between cutting and laying
shall be kept to a minimum and sod shall not be permitted to dry out. Immediately after placing
the sods, slope shall be thoroughly wetted and then kept moist for 3 months or till such time the
grass establishes itself uniforn1ly on the surface whichever is later. The watering shall be done.
The growth of weeds on the turfing shall be prevented by removing them and disposing off. The
finished work shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge and his decision shall be final
in the matter.
15.1.0 Scope
This section covers the specifications for the supply, laying, jointing and testing of HDPE
geomembrane liner as per the drawings and specifications mentioned herein to the satisfaction
of the Engineer-in-charge
The HDPE sheet shall conform to the minimum average roll value requirements listed below in
Table-2. The minimum width of the roll shall be 8 m and the minimum length shall be 150 m.
Color - Black
All raw material supplied to the manufacturer shall be delivered in rail car batches and must be
supplied with test certification from the raw material supplier. The certification must state the
results of tests, which confirm the quality of the resin. The raw material supplier must also
confirm that each batch of resin is all of the same type and is 100% Virgin. Each batch of resin
shall be given an identification (batch) number which shall be used and remain on file to keep
track of all rolls manufactured from each batch.
The use of any off spec, recycled or blends of resins will not be considered. Prior to the
production of the membrane, the membrane manufacturer shall test the raw material batches
to certify the raw material suppliers test results and entity of the singular resin. The membrane
manufacturer shall provide certification and all available test result for raw materials prior to the
delivery of materials to site.
The manufacturing process shall be a fully automated Flat-Cast extrusion process controlled by
a fully computerized system. The control system shall provide for the continuous monitoring of
the parameters like; Temperature, Pressure and Speed. The manufacturing process must also
provide for the automated continuous monitoring of thickness and sheet quality.
15.4.1 Thickness: - Each roll shall be tested automatically and evenly over its entire surface area, the
minimum parameters acceptable for testing each roll shall be 6,000 thickness point checks. The
acceptable thickness for each roll shall not be greater than -5% to +10% of the specified material
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
15.4.2 Sheet Quality: - Each roll shall be tested automatically for High Voltage Test over its entire
surface area for any point of Electrical Continuity through (across) the thickness of the sheet.
The high voltage scanner shall be capable of detecting any pinhole, void or significant reduction
of electrical resistance. Any roll detected to have holes or electrically conductive inclusions shall
be rejected and not sent to the site.
Each roll delivered to site shall be provided with a roll test data report, these reports must
provide the following information and test results as per the specified ASTM standards, reports
must also carry the manufactures laboratory QA/QC approval seal
The liner material shall be supplied with a 125mm-film sheet along the roll longitudinal edges in
order to keep this zone clean and to stop oxidization. This film shall be removed immediately
before welding.
The overlapping and welding area shall be marked to assure an optimum welding. The HDPE
liner shall have a glossy smooth surface.
1. Batch Number
2. Resin Type
3. Resin Test Results as per following ASTM Test methods.
a. Density D792
b. Moisture D570
c. Brittleness D746
d. Melt Index D1238
e. O.I.T. D3895
The implementing agency will arrange to carry out the following tests, at their cost, at a reputed
and approved laboratory at the time of execution of work to ascertain and assure the quality of
material received at project site. The tests shall be witnessed by client / consultant at their
discretion. The frequency of tests for physical and mechanical properties and their conformity
norms are indicated in following Table.
1/5000 m2 D-792
1/5000 m2 D-1603
Carbon black content
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
1/5000 m2 D-5596-94
Carbon black dispersion
Mechanical Properties Tensile
1/1500 m2 D-638 Mod.NSF 43
Any material rejected on site by the Engineer-in-charge shall be jointly inspected by the
Engineer-in-Charge and the Manufacturer/Installer. If required, the material shall be tested and
if the material is unable to meet the specification, it shall be replaced by the Manufacturer /
Installer at his cost.
Prior to commencement of HDPE liner deployment, layout drawings shall be prepared to indicate
the panel configuration and general location of field seams for the project. The actual panel
layout may vary, but shall have to be approved by the Engineer-in-charge, in order to
accommodate field conditions. Each panel used for the installation will be given a number that
will be correlated with a batch or roll number.
Overlap the panels of geo-membrane approximately six (6”) inches prior to welding. Clean the
seal area prior to seaming to assure the area is clean and free of moisture, dirt or debris of any
kind. No grinding is required for fusion welding.
Adjust the panels so that the seams are aligned with the fewest possible number of wrinkles and
“fish mouth”.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Grind seams overlap prior to welding within one (1) hour of the welding operation in a manner
that does not damage the geo-membrane. Grind marks should be covered with extrude
whenever possible. In all cases, grinding should not extend more than one quarter inch (1/4”)
past the edge of the area covered by the extrude welding.
Implementing agency shall protect the sub soil desiccation, flooding protection, if required may
consist of a thin plastic protective cover (or other material as approved by Engineer-in-Charge
installed over the completed sub-soil until such times as the placement of geo-membrane liner
begins. Sub soil found to have desiccation cracks greater than half inch (1/2”) in width or depth
or which exhibit swelling, heaving or other similar conditions shall be replaced or reworked by
the implementing agency to remove these defects.
The sub-base must be properly prepared and compacted for installation of HDPE liner. The sub-
base must not contain any particles. The sub-base must be checked for footprints or similar
depressions before laying the liner. The seaming equipment tends to get caught in such small
depressions, causing burnout and subsequent repair. A small piece of the synthetic membrane
placed below the membranes that are being seamed (this piece is moved forward along with the
seaming equipment) may reduce burnout due to small depressions.
HDPE deployment will generally be not done during any precipitation, in the presence of
excessive moisture, in an area of standing water, or during high winds.
Installation of field panels shall be done as indicated on the approved layout drawing keeping
the provision for settlement of the soil. If the panels are deployed in a location other than that
indicated on the layout drawings, the revised location will be noted in the field. Information
relating to HDPE panel placement including date, panel number, and panel dimensions may be
maintained on a site-specific basis. If a portion of a roll is set aside to be used at another time,
the roll number will be written on the reminder of the roll at several places.
The method and equipment used to deploy the panels must not damage the HDPE or the
supporting sub grade surface. No personnel working on the HDPE engage in actions that could
result in damage to the HDPE. Adequate temporary loading and/or anchoring, (i.e. sandbags,
tires) which will not damage the HDPE, will be placed to prevent uplift of the HDPE by wind.
The HDPE will be deployed with adequate allowance for typical thermal expansion.
Any area of a panel seriously damaged (torn, twisted, or crimped) will be marked and repaired
as explained earlier in the chapter.
In general, seams shall be oriented parallel to the slope, i.e. oriented along, not across the slope.
Whenever possible, horizontal seams should be located on the base of the cell, not less than five
(5’) feet from the toe of the slope. Each seam made in the field shall be numbered. Seaming
information shall include seam number, welder ID, machine number, temperature setting and
weather conditions.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
All personnel performing seaming operations shall be trained in the operation of the specific
seaming equipment being used and will qualify by successfully welding a test seam as described
earlier in this chapter.
15.9.0 Equipment
Fusion Welding consists of placing a heated wedge, mounted on a self-propelled vehicular unit,
between two (2) over-lapped sheets such that the surfaces of both sheets are heated above the
polyethylene’s melting point. After being heated by the wedge, the overlapped panels pass
through a set of pre-set pressure wheels, which compress the two (2) panels together to form
the weld. The fusion welder is equipped with a device, which continuously monitors the
temperature of the wedge.
Extrusion fillet welding consists of introducing a ribbon of molten resin along the edge of the
overlap of the two (2) HDPE sheets to be welded. A hot air pre heat and the addition of molten
polymer causes some of the material of each sheet to be liquefied resulting in a homogeneous
bond between the molten weld bead and the surfaces of the overlapped sheets. The extrusion
welder is equipped with gauges giving the temperature in the apparatus and a numerical setting
for the pre-heating unit.
Factors such as the HDPE temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation, etc., can affect the
integrity of field seams and must be taken into account when deciding whether or not seaming
should proceed.
All field seams shall be non-destructively tested over their full length using test equipment and
procedures described herein. Seam testing shall be performed as the seaming work progresses,
not at the completion of the field seaming.
The welded seam is composed of a primary seam and a secondary track that creates an
unwelded channel. The presence of an unwelded channel permits fusion seems to be tested by
inflating the sealed channel with air to a predetermined pressure and observing the stability of
the pressurized channel over time.
1) An air pump (manual or motor driven) capable of generating and sustaining a pressure
between 20 to 60 psi.
2) A rubber hose with fittings and connections.
3) A sharp hollow needle or other approved pressure feed device with a pressure gauge
capable of reading and sustaining a pressure between 0 to 60 psi.
15.10.3 Procedure for Air Testing
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Both the ends of the seam to be tested should be sealed. Needle or other approved pressure
feed device should be inserted into the sealed channel created by the fusion weld.
Test channel should be inflated to a pressure of approximately 30 psi, and the pressure should
be maintained within the range listed in Initial Pressure Schedule given below. Valve should be
closed and the initial pressure should be observed and recorded.
40 24 30
60 27 35
80 30 35
100 30 35
* Initial Pressure settings shall be recorded after an optional two (2) minute stabilization period.
The purpose of this ‘relaxing period” is to permit the air temperature and pressure to stabilize.
The initial pressure reading may be recorded once stabilization has taken place.
The air pressure should be observed and recorded five (5) minutes after the initial pressure
setting is recorded. If loss of pressure exceeds the following or if the pressure does not stabilize,
the suspect area should be located and repaired in accordance with para. 11.0.0 of this chapter.
40 4 PSI
60 3 PSI
80 2 PSI
At the conclusion of all pressure tests, the end of the air-channel opposite the pressure gauge
shall be cut. A decrease in gauge pressure must be observed or the air channel will be considered
“blocked” and the test will have to be repeated from the point of blockage. If the point of
blockage cannot be found, air channel shall be cut in the middle of the seam shall be cut and
each half shall be treated as a separate test.
Pressure feed needle shall be removed and the resulting hole shall be sealed by extrusion
In the event of a Non-complying Air Pressure Test, the following procedure shall be followed:
1. Seam end seals should be checked and seams should be retested.
2. If a seam does not maintain the specified pressure, the seam should be visually inspected to
localize the flaw.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
3. If no flaw is found, area to be vacuum tested should be marked. Entire length of the seam
should be vacuum tested as explained in this chapter.
a. If leak is located by the vacuum test, it should be repaired by extrusion fillet welding.
Repair should be tested by vacuum testing.
b. If no leak is discovered by vacuum testing, the seam will be considered to have passed
non-destructive testing.
1. The opposite end of the air channel will in all cases be pierced to assure that no blockages
of the air channel have occurred.
2. Whenever possible, seams should be air-tested prior to completing butt seams to avoid
having to cut into liner. All cuts through the liner as a result of testing will be repaired by
extrusion welding.
3. All needle holes in air channels, within the boundaries of the active cell, will be repaired with
an extrusion bead or repaired by patching at the discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge.
All information regarding air-pressure testing (date, initial time and pressure, final time and
pressure, pass/fail designation, and Technicians number) will be written on one end of the seam,
or portion of seam tested.
This test is used on extrusion welds, or when the geometry of a fusion well makes air pressure
testing impossible or impractical, or when attempting to locate the precise location of a defect
believed to exist after air pressure testing.
The equipment required for vacuum testing shall consist of following components:
1. Vacuum box assembly consisting of rigid housing with a soft neoprene gasket attached to
the open bottom, a transparent viewing window, port hole or valve assembly, and a vacuum
2. Vacuum pump or Ventura assembly equipped with a pressure controller and pipe
3. A rubber pressure/vacuum hose with fittings and connections.
4. A bucket and means to apply a soapy solution.
5. A soapy solution.
6. A minimum of 5-psi vacuum should be applied to the area as indicated by the gauge on the
vacuum box.
7. It should be ensured that a leak tight seal is created.
8. The suction should be held for an adequate time to thoroughly examine the HDPE through
the viewing window for the presence of soap bubbles.
9. After this period vacuum valve should be closed and bleed valve should be opened, the box
should be moved over the next adjoining area with a minimum three inch (3”) overlap, and
the process should be repeated.
15.10.9 Procedure for Non-Complying Test
1) All the areas where soap bubbles appear should be marked and repaired
2) The repaired areas should be retested.
The purpose of destructive testing is to determine and evaluate seam strength. These tests
require direct sampling and thus subsequent patching. Therefore, destructive testing should be
held to a minimum to reduce the amount of repairs to the HDPE.
1. Destructive test samples shall be marked and cut out randomly at a minimum average
frequency of one (1) test location every 500 feet of seam length, unless otherwise specified
or agreed.
2. Destructive samples should be taken and tested as soon as possible after the means are
welded (the same day), in order to receive test results in a timely manner.
3. Qualified personnel will observe all field destructive testing and record date, time, seam
number, location, and test results on Destructive Testing Form.
4. Sample Size
(a) The sample should be twelve inches (12”) wide with a seam sixteen inches (16”) long
centered length-wise in the sample. The sample may be increased in size to
accommodate independent laboratory testing by the Owner at the Owner’s request or
by specific project specifications.
(b) A one-inch (1”) specimen shall be cut from each end of the test seam for field-testing.
(c) The two (2) one inch (1”) wide specimens shall be tested on a field tensiometer for peel
strength. If either field specimen does not pass, it will be assumed the sample would
also not pass laboratory destructive testing.
1. Additional field samples should be cut for peel testing. In the case of a field production seam,
the samples must lie a minimum of ten (10) feet in each direction from the location of the
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
initial non-complying sample. A field test should be performed for peel strength. If these
field samples pass, then laboratory samples can be cut and forwarded to the laboratory for
full testing.
(a) If the laboratory samples pass, the seam between the two (2) passing sample locations
should be repaired according to procedures detailed in para 11.0.0 of this chapter.
(b) If either of the samples is still in non-compliance, then additional samples should be
taken in accordance with the above procedure until two (2) passing samples are found
to establish the zone in which the seam/seams should be reconstructed.
2. All passing seams must be bounded by two (2) locations from which samples passing
laboratory destructive tests have been taken.
3. In cases of repaired seams exceeding 150 consecutive feet, a sample must be taken and pass
destructive testing from within the zone in which the seam has been reconstructed.
4. All destructive seam samples shall be numbered and recorded on Destructive Test Form.
1. Seam destructive samples may be sent to laboratory or tested on site when permitted by a
site-specific quality control plan or in the event that third party laboratory destructive
testing is not being performed.
2. Destructive samples will be tested for “Shear Strength” and “Peel Adhesion”. Five (5)
specimens shall be tested for each test method. Four (4) out of the five (5) specimens must
exhibit for each round of peel and shear testing. In addition, four (4) of the five (5) individual
specimens must meet or exceed the strength requirements as listed in Material specification
sheet in order for the seam to pass the destructive test.
Laid HDPE sheet on liner shall be tested for cuts, pinholes, seam leakage’s etc. by using modern
Geo-electrical leak detection/vacuum box on complete lining profiles before putting the next
layer. The implementing agency shall give the detailed methodology for testing. Any defect
remediation / repair modification as required by this test shall be carried out by the
implementing agency.
Any portion of the HDPE or HDPE seam shown a flaw, or having a destructive or non-destructive
test in non-compliance shall be repaired. Procedures for repair include the following
15.12.2 Patching
Patching shall be used to repair large holes, tears and destructive sample locations. All patches
shall extend at least three inches (3”) beyond the edges of the defects and all corners of patches
shall be rounded. The total area of patches in no case shall exceed 1.0% of the panel area
Grinding and welding shall be used to repair sections of extruded fillet seams.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Spot welding or seaming shall be used to repair small tears, pinholes or other minor localized
15.12.5 Capping
Every repair shall be non-destructively tested. Repairs, which pass the non-destructive test, shall
be deemed acceptable. Repairs in excess of 150 consecutive feet of seem shall require a
destructive test.
These tests will verify the welds’ mechanical resistance to peel and shear. No assembling
equipment will be used on site without a previous calibration test.
The Installer must prepare samples of a minimal length of one (1) metre by a width of 300mm,
with the weld centered on the sample’s width. Two (2) specimens will be taken from each end
of the samples of peel and shear. For each sample, two paired peel and shear results will thus
be obtained.
Calibration of all welding equipment must be performed and documented by the installer for
each instrument used, at the start of each work shift, following abrupt changes in weather
conditions and as requested by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Calibration of equipment will be performed by tests on geo membrane samples under the same
weather conditions as those expected on site during panel assembling.
Once removed, samples will be tested on site with a calibrated portable tensionmeter and must
meet with the requirements of welds resistance to peel and shear as described in the Technical
The Installer shall provide the Engineer-in-Charge with recent certificates of standardization for
all control instruments (tensionmeter; speed, tensile level etc.). The Engineer-in-Charge reserves
the right to demand any additional calibration test at any time.
All documentation on the calibration tests performed by the Installer shall be submitted to the
Engineer-in-Charge. The installer will identify each calibration test with the following
The Quality Assurance technician shall perform small perforations in the lining in order to assess
the efficiency of the Installer’s non-destructive testing program. The Quality Assurance
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
technician shall perform those perforations with an approximate frequency of one (1) each 1000
meters of weld at least three (3) instances of the project.
The Quality Assurance technician shall document those punching or perforations by including at
least the following information:
If the Installer’s non-destructive testing program fails to find the punching or perforations made,
the Installer will repeat non-destructive testing on the faulty weld, as well as on the welds before
and after it.
The Quality Assurance technicians shall perform verification destructive tests at an approximate
frequency of one (1) for each 1000 meter of weld.
A special testing frequency will be used at the Engineer-in-Charge discretion when visual
observations indicate a potential occurrence of problems. Verification tests may be performed
in the following cases:
15.15.0 Warranty
Written warranties addressing HDPE material and installation workmanship shall be submitted
to and approved by Engineer-in-Charge. The manufacturer’s warranty shall state that the
installed material meets all requirements of the contract drawings and specifications and that
under typical local atmospheric conditions and weather aging, the sheet material is warranted
for at least 20 years. The installer’s warranty shall state that the HDPE field and factory seams
will not fail within at least 20 years of the installation under similar conditions.
16.1.0 Scope
This section covers the specifications for the supply, laying and testing of clay liner as per the
drawings and specifications mentioned herein to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge
Composite Clay Liner serves as a hydraulic barrier to flow of leachate the properties required for
compacted clay liner as per specs is as follows:
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Minimum thickness of each composite clay liner/layer (primary & Secondary) shall be 0.60
m (Total 0.9 m).
Maximum hydraulic conductivity of 1 x 10-7 cm/ sec. (k 1 x 10-9 m/s).
The minimum requirements recommended to achieve above specified hydraulic conductivity:
The soil used in the liner shall meet the following minimum criteria:
1. Be classified under the Unified Soil Classification System CL, CH, SC and OH (IS 2720 Part
IV/ASTM Standard D248769)
2. Allow greater than 20 - 30 percent (dry weight) passage through no. 200 sieve (75 m) (grain
size analysis as per IS:2720 Part IV/ ASTM Test D1140)
3. Plasticity index greater than or equal to 7 to 10% (IS 2720 Part V)/ Plasticity greater than or
equal to 15 units (ASTM Test D424)
4. Gravel content shall not be exceeding more than 30 %
5. Maximum particle size shall be between 20 to 50 mm
6. Have a pH of 7.0 or higher
7. Have a liquid limit equal to or great than 30 units (IS 2720 Part V/ ASTM Test D423)
8. Moisture Density relationship as per IS: 2720 Part VIII
9. Permeability test as per IS: 2720 Part XXXVI.
1. The material (soil) used for filling shall be free from boulders, lumps, tree roots, rubbish or
any organic deleterious matter.
2. Pre-processing may be carried out for water content' adjustment, removal of oversized,
materials, pulverization of any clumps, homogenization of the soils, and., introduction of
additives such as bentonite.
3. Ensure that a sub-grade on which a compacted clay liner will be constructed is properly
prepared by compacting and obtaining required firmness.
4. Proper compaction of liner materials is to be carried out to ensure compacted clay liner
meets hydraulic conductivity specified above.
5. Determine the appropriate thickness (as measured before compaction) of each of the
several lifts that will make up the clay liner. Also proper bonding between lifts is to be
ensuring to avoid formation of preferential pathways.
6. Preventive measures to protect compacted layers from desiccation are to be provided
during construction.
This specification and the method of measurements described herein are applicable for
construction of compact clay liner at the base and on the sides of the landfill.
1. The implementing agency has to identify the borrow soil (if required) area having the
requisite properties as mentioned above and make his own approach and access roads (as
required) from the borrow area to the demarcated landfill area. No ,claim shall also be
admissible to the Implementing agency on account of his having to take longer leads or
routes for earth movement, than envisaged by him, either due to any road cuttings, non--
availability of routes, or any other grounds whatsoever.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
2. In case total filling required in any area consists of earth both from borrow areas and
available approved excavated material from within site area or use of any amended soil to
achieve the stipulated permeability. The necessary laboratory
tests/demonstrations/calculations are to be furnished to Engineer-in-Charge for approval.
3. In the event of filling of soil material as mentioned above, joint levels shall be taken before
commencing the filling with earth from borrows areas.
4. Prior to the placement of the clay in the desired location, the sub grade under the clay liner
shall be checked. This shall be usually performed by proof-rolling the sub grade. Any weak
zones shall be removed and appropriately backfilled and all debris should be removed. The
clay may then be placed above the sub grade in loose lift.
5. Compacted clay liners shall be constructed in a series of thin lifts for proper compaction and
homogeneous bonding between lifts. The lift thickness of clay liner shall be 20 to 22.5 cm
before compaction and 15 cm after compaction. The soil placed in a loose lift shall be no
thicker than about 230 mm. After the soil is placed, a small amount of water may be added
to offset evaporative losses, and the soil 'may be tilled one last time prior to compaction.
Each lift of clay liner shall be bonded to the underlying and overlying lifts. The surface of a
previously compacted lift must be rough so that the new and old lifts blend into one another.
6. Sheep foot rollers shall be used for compacting the clay liner. The roller with fully penetrating
feet (of 22.5 cm shaft length) shall be used for compact the liner. The minimum weight of
the roller shall be 10000 kg (10 Tonnes). The minimum foot length shall be between 180 to
200 mm and Minimum number of passes shall be 5. A pass shall be reckoned as one pass of
the compactor, not just an axle, over a given area, and the recommended minimum of five
passes is for a vehicle with front and rear drums. The compaction shall be continued till the
specified hydraulic conductivity is obtained and verified by Engineer-in-Charge.
7. Each layer shall be tested in field for Moisture Content and Hydraulic Conductivity
(Undisturbed Sample) before laying the next layer the next layer. A minimum of 1 rest for
500 sq. m for each layer shall be conducted.
8. Successive layers of clay shall not be placed until the layer below has been thoroughly
compacted to satisfy the requirements laid down in specifications.
9. Prior to compaction, the moisture content of material shall be brought to within plus or
minus 2 % of the Optimum Moisture Content as described in IS: 2720 Part VII. The moisture
content shall preferably be on the wet side for potentially expansive soil.
10. After compaction of a lift, the soil must be protected from desiccation, which causes the
cracking of the Clay liner. Desiccation shall be minimized by smooth rolling the surface to
form a relative impermeable layer at the surface or the soil can be periodically moistened.
The protective measures stipulated above shall apply to each lift as well as the completed
liner or cover barrier.
11. The lifts shall be placed in horizontal layers. For liners to be constructed slopes, the lifts shall
be placed parallel to the slope.
17.1.0 Scope
The primary function of the leachate collection and removal system (LCRS) is to collect and
convey leachate out of the landfill unit to control the depth of leachate above the liner. The
leachate collection system is placed over the unit's liner system. The bottom line should have a
minimum slope of 2 percent to allow the leachate collection system to gravity flow to a collection
sump or alternate arrangements for pumping shall be made.
The implementing agency shall Design a leachate collection and removal system using adequate
water balance equations or appropriate modes to estimate leachate generation for the landfill
and to maintain less than 30 cm depth of leachate, or 'head', above the liner.
Leachate Collection and detection system should include a high-permeability drainage layer,
perforated leachate collection pipes, a protective filter layer, and a leachate removal system.
Design considerations for each of these elements are given below:
(a) Drainage materials are to be placed on the liner system at the same minimum 2 percent
(b) The drainage materials (sand and gravel) shall be provided as per specifications given in
chapter 21 and chapter 22 of this document.
(c) It should be demonstrated that the layer will have sufficient bearing capacity to
withstand the weight load of full unit.
(d) Geo-synthetic drainage materials may be used in addition to or in place of, soil materials.
(e) The flow rate of geo-net can be evaluated by ASTM D-4716.
(j) The leachate shall be pumped for treatment in the leachate treatment plant
The primary leachate collection system shall be placed over the primary liner in this project is a
composite liner (geo-membrane with compacted clay beneath). The secondary leachate
collection system also called leak detection system shall be placed over the secondary liner i.e.
between two composite liners. The leachate, if any, shall be collected at low point (provision
shall be made sufficiently) and periodically sampled so as to assess the adequacy of primary liner
against leakage of leachate.
The drainage and filter material shall be placed dry and may be lightly compacted with a
vibratory roller. Care must be taken, to ensure that vehicles are up to driven over the naked
HDPE liner.
The upper half of the pipe above the spring line shall be perforated, whereas the lower half of
the pipe shall remain un-perforated. The bidder shall provide details of supplier of the HDPE
pipes along with the three pipe parameters i.e. Compressive yield strength, wall crushing, wall
The perforated pipes shall be laid out in 'v' trenches and the trenches shall be backfilled. All care
shall be taken to avoid digging the trench below the levels indicated in the drawing. All the
perforated-pipes shall be connected to a solid HDPE header pipe, through a Standard "T' -joint”.
18.1.0 Scope
This section covers the specifications for the supply, laying, jointing and testing of HDPE pipes as
per the drawings and specifications mentioned herein to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
18.2.0 Specifications
The pipe shall conform to the material grade PE-80 of latest edition of IS: 4984. The pressure
rating shall be PN-6.
The pipe and fittings shall be chemically resistant and shall be suitable for all pH ranges i.e. 0 to
These shall have smooth internal bore enhancing the hydraulic flow properties with low
frictional losses.
The pipes and fittings shall be strong and resilient enough to withstand static and hydrodynamic
both with regard to internal as well as external pressures.
The pipe shall have excellent elastic properties and can take sufficient curvature.
The pipes and fittings shall have the property that it can be joined conveniently with no leakage.
The pipe and fittings shall be UV rays resistant and shall also be resistant to wear and abrasion.
The pipes flange should be provided wherever required with joints having HDPE long stub ends.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The flange shall conform to DIN-PN-10 and drilling shall be to match with the counter flange of
valves/pipes/pumps etc
All piping systems shall be capable of withstanding the maximum pressure in the corresponding
lines at the relevant temperatures. The minimum thickness for pipes and fittings shall be
adhered to higher thickness in equivalent material is acceptable. However, no credit will be given
for higher thickness.
All the piping systems, fittings and accessories supplied under this package shall be designed to
operate with normal maintenance for a plant service life of 20 years and shall withstand the
operating parameter fluctuations and cycling which can be normally expected during this period.
All piping system shall be properly laid to take care of hydraulic shocks and pressure surges,
which may arise in the system during operation. Bidder should provide necessary protective
arrangements like anchor blocks / anchor bolts, etc. for the safeguard of the piping system under
above-mentioned conditions. External and internal attachments to piping shall be designed so
as not cause flattering of pipes, excessive bending stresses or harmful thermal gradients of pipe
Pipes and fittings shall be manufactured by an approved firm of repute. A list of approved
manufacturers is given in the tender document. They should be truly cylindrical of clear internal
diameter as specified in the IS code, of uniform thickness, smooth, and strong, free from dents,
cracks and holes and other defects. They shall allow ready cutting, chipping or drilling, welding
19.1.0 Scope
This section of the specification covers supplying and laying sand layer in the leachate collection
and removal system and leak detection system as shown in the drawings and as mentioned
The implementing agency shall furnish all labour and material required for the complete
performance of the work in accordance with the drawings, schedule of item and as described
Graded sand filter of 100 mm thickness shall be laid as indicated in the drawing in the landfill
area in the leachate collection and removal system and leak detection system.
19.4.0 Material
The material for sand layer shall consist of clean, sound and well graded coarse sand. The
material shall be free from debris.
Above the gravel bed, clean sand (425 micron to 4.75 mm) shall be placed. The thickness of the
sand layer shall be 100 mm. The effective size (d10) of the sand recommended is 0.4 mm with
uniformity co-efficient of 1.5. The sand shall be laid on the top of the gravel layer manually and
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
spread to the specified thickness. The minimum thickness of 100 mm shall be ensured after
spreading water.
The sand layers shall be well watered and rammed. Care shall be taken that materials of different
layers do not get mixed, both at the time of placing and during compaction. The sand material
shall be clean, sound, durable and well graded. No debris, wood, deleterious material etc., shall
be permitted.
20.1.0 Scope
This section of the specifications covers supply and placement of the gravel in the leachate
collection and removal system and leak detection system as indicated in the drawings released
for the construction or as directed by the Engineer- in -Charge.
The implementing agency shall furnish all labour, equipment and material required for the
complete performance of the work in accordance with the drawings and as described herein.
20.3.0 Materials
The gravel shall be rounded, cleaned and free from disintegrated and foreign material. The
size of the gravel shall decrease upwards. The size of the gravel recommended is 4.75 -65
mm. The gravel shall be stockpiled at site separately and shall be mixed as per the
specifications and then laid on the ground. Average density of the gravel recommended is
1600 kg/m3. The gravel's shall be well graded as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The gravel shall be rounded, cleaned and free from disintegrated and foreign material. The
size of the gravel shall be 4.75 - 80 mm. The gravel shall be stockpiled at site separately and
shall be mixed as per the specifications and then laid to the ground. Average density of the
gravel recommended is 1 GOO kg/m3. The gravel's shall be well graded as directed by the
20.4.0 Placing
Graded gravel's shall be constructed as indicated in the drawings. The gravel's shall be placed in
layers of uniform thickness as shown in the drawings and care shall be taken to avoid segregation
of coarse and fine materials and formation of pockets.
21.1.0 Scope
This specification covers the works of the design, manufacture, construction features, testing,
and delivery to site, erection, commissioning, and performance of vertical centrifugal pumps.
(Non-clog type)
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
The design, manufacture and performance of the pump shall comply with all currently applicable
statutes, regulation and safety codes in the locality where the equipment will be installed. The
equipment shall also confirm to the latest applicable Indian or equivalent international standard.
1. The pumps shall be capable of handling Liquid of pH 0 to 10. These pumps shall be designed
for parameters specified in tender drawing and shall be suitable for continuous (normal)
operation and intermittent operation.
2. The total head capacity curve shall be continuously rising towards the shut off with the
highest at shut off. The pump speed shall not exceed 1500 rpm.
3. Pumps of particular category shall be identical pumps and shall be suitable for parallel
operation with equal load division. Impellers shall preferably be of non-over loading type.
4. Pumps shall run smooth without undue noise and vibrations. The magnitude of peak-to-
peak vibration at shop will be limited to 75 decibel at the bearing housing. After installation
at site the magnitude of vibration shall be limited to 50 db.
Sufficient to drive the pump through the entire range of head – capacity curve, and
KW / HP rating of the drive shall be calculated for additional 20% reserve power to take care
of over loading on entire operating range.
6. The pump shall be capable of developing the specified total head at the specified rated
capacity while operating in parallel and be capable of operating continuously at run-out
capacity condition.
Pumps shall be of vertical centrifugal non-clog type with required number of stages suitable for
the service conditions. Materials of construction offered by the Bidder for pumps, drives and
accessories shall be as per Galigher standards. All wetted parts shall be inside and outside rubber
lined and shall be suitable to handle liquid of pH 0 to 10.
Written guarantee addressing pump material shall be submitted to and approved by Engineer-
in-Charge. The manufacturer’s guarantee shall state that the installed material meets all
requirements of the contract and specifications and that under typical local
atmospheric/operating conditions and weather aging, the pump material is suitable.
21.4.1 Accessories
1. All accessories required for proper and safe operation shall be furnished with the pumps.
2. Each stage of pump, unless self-venting, shall be provided with a suitable vent connection,
complete with valves.
3. Tapping suitably plugged for pressure gauges shall be provided on delivery flanges.
21.4.2 Drives
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Drive motor shall be connected to the line shaft of the pump with the help of a V-belt and shall
have maximum rpm of 1500. The pulley shall match the rpm of pump.
Materials and performance of the pumps and its components shall be tested in accordance with
the relevant standards. Test certificates for these shall be furnished for the Owner’s approval.
Noise and vibration shall be measured during the performance testing at shop as well as during
the site test. The Noise and vibration levels measured at shop test shall be furnished to the
Owner for its acceptance. The noise and vibration test at site shall be done in presence of
Engineer-in-Charge or his representative. Noise and vibration level measured and accepted as
per applicable standards.
Pumps shall be offered for visual inspection to the Owner before dispatch. The components of
the pumps shall not be painted before inspection.
After installation, the pumps offered shall be subjected to mechanical run testing and trial
operation at field. If the performance at field is found not to meet the requirements, then the
equipment shall be rectified or replaced by the implementing agency, at no extra cost to the
Owner. The procedure of the above testing will be mutually agreed between Owner and
Implementing agency.
Based on observations of the trial operation, if modifications and repair are necessary the same
shall be carried out by the Implementing agency to the full satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
The following drawings along with datasheet shall be submitted by the Bidders for Owners
1. Outline dimensional drawings showing the details of pump and motor assembly
2. Performance curves, showing capacity Vs total head, efficiency, NPSH and power
consumption ranging from maximum flow to shut-off head.
3. GA drawing of pump house showing mounting arrangements, sump details, center to center
distance of pumps etc.
4. Necessary Catalogues
Each pump shall be provided with a name plate indicating the following details:
Design capacity, total head, speed, motor rating, model number, tag number, etc., and
manufacture serial number and weight of equipment.
22.0.0 VALVES
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
22.1.0 Scope
This specification covers the design, performance, manufacture, and construction features,
testing, packing and forwarding to site erection, commissioning of the Butterfly Valve.
The design, manufacture and performance of valves and specials shall comply with all currently
applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment will be
installed. The equipment shall also conform to the latest applicable Indian / British / USA
standards / or equivalent International standards.
Butterfly valves shall be of double flanged confirming to AWWA-C-504 class or BS: 5155 Class
150. The Butterfly Valves shall be manually operated as wells as motor operated as per the
requirement of the system. The motor shall be suitable for 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz and outdoor
service. The motorized operated valves shall also have the manual override.
The various components of butterfly valves shall be of the following material of construction.
The specification mentioned below is the minimum requirement; however bidder shall confirm
that these are suitable for handling the liquid having pH range of 0 to 10. If any lining etc. is
required on the wetted part of the valves, the bidder has to provide.
Cast Iron – ASTM A 216 Groundwater. WCB; BS: 1504 Eq. Gr, Neoprene
rubber lined
2. Disc Cast Iron – ASTM A 48 Cl. 40; BS: 1452, Gr. 200,
Cast Steel – ASTM A 216 Gr. WCB. BS: 1504 Eq. Gr, Neoprene rubber lined
3. Shaft ASTM. A 296 Gr. CF 8M/AISI 316: AISI 420; BS: 970
Butterfly valves shall be fitted with sleeve type bearing such as PTEF. Valves of 350 NB and above
shall be provided with one or two thrust bearing to hold the disc securely in the centre of valve
seat without hydraulic or external axial shaft loads. Sleeve and other bearings fitted into the
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
valves body shall be of self-lubricated materials that do not have any effect on the fluid handled
and other components of the valves.
All the manually operated butterfly valves shall be provided with Hand wheel or Hand lever as
per the requirements. For larger sizes i.e. 150 NB and above. Hand wheel shall be provided. For
lever/wrench operated valves, means shall be provided for positively holding the disc is not less
than three intermediate positions. Manually operated valves shall be provided with reduction
gear unit for valves of size 200 NB and above. All the valves shall be equipped with adjustable
mechanical stop-limiting devices to prevent over travel of the valve disc in the open and closed
positions. The valve operators (Hand wheel, Gear reduction unit etc) shall be designed as per
relevant International Standard.
All the butterfly valves shall be provided with an indicator to show the position of the disc.
Flanges shall conform to ANSI B 16.5 C150.
22.4.0 Tests
All the valves shall be tested hydro-statically for strength, tightness of seats and tightness of back
seating at the pressures specified in relevant code.
The procedure for testing the tightness of seats of valves shall be as follows. The valves shall be
subjected to water pressure of a minimum 2.812 kg/cm. The pressure shall then be increased
to the specified seat test pressure. Valves shall then be cracked open at this pressure to
determine the tightness of the seat ring in the body. Butterfly valves shall be tested on both
sides of disc. The testing in general shall confirm to the relevant IS standard.
Vendor shall furnish five sets of the following certificates for all types of valves.
Certified physical and chemical analysis certificates, metallurgical test reports of all components
of the valves and specialties.
A shop coat of paint shall be applied to all steel and cast iron exposed surfaces as required to
prevent corrosion, after release has been given for painting and before dispatch. All parts shall
be adequately protected for rust prevention; grease shall not be used on mechanical surfaces.
Bidder shall furnish the following drawings along with datasheet for Owners approval:
All valves shall have permanent name plates indicating the service, type, size of the valves
23.1.0 Scope
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
This specification covers the design, performance, manufacture, construction, site erection,
commissioning and testing of the Leachate treatment plant.
The capacity of leachate treatment plant shall be as per design documents. However the
implementing agency shall review the site, collect rainfall and other relevant data and shall work
out the capacity and design of the plant. All the drawings in this regards would be submitted to
the Engineer-in-Charge for approval.
For designing the system the implementing agency shall account for
From this information the technology needed to meet the discharge consent shall be selected.
There are estimated to be approximately twenty principal technologies that can be employed
for leachate treatment.
Each of which shall be combined in various modes with other standard chemical engineering
unit processes to optimize the balance between cost and quality. Refer table 1 in this chapter
Title Title
Pneumatic pumps
(Landfill gas odour control)
LinkLandTM GUI
SMART flares
(For use with SCADA system)
Chemical dosing equipment
(Air clasification system)
23.3.0 Specifications
The equipments, pipes, pumps, valves, filter material, civil works shall be provided in accordance
with the specifications given in the relevant chapters of this tender document.
A shop coat of paint shall be applied to all steel and cast iron exposed surfaces as required to
prevent corrosion, after release has been given for painting and before dispatch. All parts shall
be adequately protected for rust prevention; grease shall not be used on mechanical surfaces.
23.5.0 Drawings and Manuals
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Bidder shall furnish the following drawings and documents for Owners approval:
23.6.0 Guarantee
The bidder shall also submit a guarantee for treated water quality parameters. The treated water
quality parameters shall be in accordance with the relevant IS code.
24.1.0 Scope
The Implementing agency shall procure electronic type weigh-bridge (road) as per this
specification from an approved vendor (approved vendor list attached with the tender). Erection
/ installation, commissioning, performance testing and calibration of the weigh bridge at site
shall be under the scope of supply of implementing agency
a) Supply one no. Electronic Weigh- Bridge (road) of 20 T capacity along with other accessories as
per the technical requirements of this specification.
Steel platform for the required size with approaches on both sides.
Load cells with integral cables and mountings.
All electrical parts:
junction boxes
Cable between junction box and weigh cabin (The weigh cabin shall be located at
approx. 3m from, nearest edge of the weigh-bridge.)
Weighing console with a digital indicator.
2 no. RS -232C/422/485 serial communication ports in weighing console.
All necessary software required for the unit (It shall be customised to generate the reports
desired by the operating personnel of the Owner).
Necessary furniture for the operators and the console.
Window type air conditioners required for the weigh cabin.
Any other item required for the Smooth & trouble free operation of the weigh bridge.
b) All commissioning spares ( as per the Manufacturer's recommendation)
c) All consumables required for start-up & commissioning and for first 6 months operation.
d) All test weights (10 % of rated weight)
e) Spare parts for 2 years trouble free operation (as per the manufacturer's recommendation)
Note: All civil works required for installing the weigh-bridge (including the weigh console), and for the weigh
cabin Tender shall be provided by the Implementing agency as the requirements of the tender.
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Weigh-bridge construction : Pit less with approach ramps on both sides and non-skid
type steel plates
Control Console Room : The console shall be provided on suitable table with the
operator chair at a convenient location in the control
room. The control room shall also be provided with
window air- conditioner(s). UPS for 2 hr. rating,
required for the system shall be supplied.
Refer standard specification no.6-27-000l and for other technical requirements of weigh Bridge.
25.1.0 Scope
This section of the specifications covers supply and installation of piezometers as indicated in
the basic design and engineering report and the drawings to be released for the construction or
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The implementing agency shall furnish all labour, equipment and material required for the
complete performance of the work in accordance with the drawings and as described herein.
25.3.0 Specifications
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Piezometer shall be constructed to monitor the quality of groundwater. Four piezometers shall
be constructed on the downstream side of the Jarosite landfill i.e. on the eastern side. Two
piezometers shall be constructed on the upstream side i.e. on the western side of the Jarosite
landfill. The groundwater table varies from 1 m to 8 m depending upon the season; accordingly
the depth of piezometer shall be 10m below ground level. The piezometer consist of a stand
pipe made up of stainless steel which shall be screened along the entire aquifer depth i.e. the
standpipe shall be- screened from a depth of 1 m to 10m. The screened interval shall be encased
in a filter zone made up of gravel and sand layer. The function of the filter zone is to allow free
flow of groundwater into and out of standpipe and prevent fines from entering the standpipe.
Immediately above the screened interval, a clay and bentonite seal shall be placed. The thickness
of clay seal shall be 0.5 m. above the clay and bentonite seal, a grout seal consisting of cement
and bentonite shall be constructed which provides a barrier for preventing surface water and
ground water from elsewhere from migrating into the screened interval. At the ground level, a
steel casing embedded in concrete pad shall be employed. A cap shall be placed on the top of
steel casing to prevent rainwater and surface water from entering into the standpipe. The
piezometer shall be constructed at a distance of 7 m from outside edge of the embankment. The
location of piezometer is shown in drawing 0: 18009-P-O5 and schematic diagram of the
piezometer is shown in Figure 1.
26.1.0 Scope
The scope of electrical works shall cover Design, Engineering, Supply, Erection, Electrical
Inspectorate Clearance, Testing & Commissioning of the complete equipment /system within
the Battery Limits.
The electrical system selected shall confirm up to date statutory rules and regulations and due
consideration has been given to general safety requirements for personnel and plant &
Any item or any provision/requirement if not included in this section, but is necessary to be
provided for the completion of the project and for its functional necessity, the same shall be
provided by the implementing agency.
26.2.0 The Electrical scope of work start from the supply of LT Panel (MCC) and further power
distribution to Motors including incoming feeding cables to this proposed LT panel from the
Purchaser’s existing panel.
The power at 415 V, 3 phases, 50Hz, 3-wire shall be brought to proposed LT panel from existing
LT panel located at the nearest distance from Proposed LT panel placed in MCC room
26.3.0 This LT Panel will have one number incoming feeder and will have required outgoing feeders for
motors of the plant and also for lighting and control supply feeder with control transformers.
Separate Lighting transformer shall be provided.
There will be two nos. control transformers of required capacity. One of two control transformers
will be in operation and second will be standby. The standby should come into circuit
automatically when operating transformer is stopped.
LT Panel will be located inside the MCC room. The motor feeder for motor up to 7.5HP will be
with DOL feeder and above 7.5HP star-delta starter will be used.
There will be one number control panel placed near LT panel for the operation of plant. Only stop
push button with mushroom headed and turn to release will be provided on LT panel for
emergency stop only. In addition to above, local push button station will be place near all the
main drives of plant for testing/maintenance and emergency stop purpose.
So all the motors will be started either from Control Panel or from local Push button stations.
The capacitor bank for improvement of power factor is not considered, as load of the plant is low.
26.4.0 One number Main LT Panel for complete Plant, which will feed power to individual
drive/equipment as indicated in the enclosed SLD. This SLD is only for the reference of bidder.
Short circuit current level for LT panel shall be 30 KA for one second for bus bar selection.
For ease of maintenance, Local Push Button Stations are placed near the drives.
The drives shall be started either from Control Panel or from local push button station.
All the drives will be started in sequence as per system requirement. Local / remote selector
switch are also provided on Control Panel for selection of control either from Control Panel or
from local push button station. In case of remoter selection, drives will be controlled from Control
Panel and in case of local selection, drives will be controlled from local push button station
26.5.0 AC MOTORS
All the motors in this scope of supply shall be energy efficient squirrel cage Induction type, TEFC
having degree of protection IP 55. Motor shall be suitable for 415V+/-10%, 50HZ+/-5% and
suitable for DOL/star-delta starting. The motors shall generally conform to IS: 325. All motor shall
be with class F insulation. Motor rating shall be at least 20% higher than the driven equipment.
26.6.0 LT PANEL
This will be floor mounted fully drawn out type, single front type and shall be fabricated out of
2mm CRCA sheet with multi-tier compartmentalised design with enclosure protection IP-54. The
doors and covers will be fabricated out of 1.6mm CRCA sheet. Panel shall be manufactured as
per standard manufacturing practice.
Incoming feeder (1 no.) shall be equipped with MCCB, CT/Ammeter with SS. Voltmeter with SS,
RYB Lights and Circuit Breaker ON/OFF lamps.
The outgoing feeders are with MPCB/DOL/Star Delta Starter as per motor rating.
The outgoing feeders for motor shall be equipped with MPCB, Power contactor.
1no. : MPCB
1no. : Ammeter
Each RDOL starter feeder will comprise of the following: (for Motorised valves)
1no. : MPCB
1no. : Ammeter
1no. : MPCB
1no. : Timer
Each Control Transformer will be provided with primary and secondary MCB and required
interlocking and sector switch.
The feeders will be provided with one number CT and one number ammeter along with other
items for above 11KW motor rating on Y-phase.
Stop Push Button on LT Panel or Control panel or on Local Push Button Station will be with
mushroom headed and turn to release type.
This will be floor mounted, single front type and shall be fabricated out of 2mm CRCA sheet with
vertical type design. This will be with enclosure protection IP-54. Panel shall be manufactured as
per standard manufacturing practice.
This will have mimic and fault enunciator on top portion. The mimic will depict the Equipment
flow diagram. On each equipment of Mimic, ON lamp will be provided.
Incoming LT cables shall be with 3.5 cores or higher, up to LT Panel based on load shall be
The power cable shall be PVC insulated, PVC sheathed, armoured type with 3.5 core for motors,
with Aluminium conductor. For motors up to 5.5 KW, the power cable shall be 4Cx4. sq. mm
The control cable shall be PVC insulated, PVC sheathed, armoured type with copper solid
conductor suitable for 1100 V grade and of sizes mentioned below:
7C x 1.5 sq. mm
4C x 1.5 sq. mm
The earthing system will be limited to the earthing of equipment which are in this scope of
Required number of GI Plate Electrode for earth pits will be provided for making over all earth
resistance less than 1.0 Ohms. GI strips/wires of required size shall be provided. Earthing
system shall be as per IS: 3043.
50x6 mm GI strip shall be laid from existing earthing grid and linked to proposed plate electrode.
The existing point is 500 metre away from this proposed LT Panel.
The inter connection of earth pits, LT PANEL shall be done with 50x6 mm G.I Strips. 25x6mm,
25x3 mm G. I. Strip / 38 sq. mm GI Wire for motors and boards etc. shall be used. 10 SWG wire
for auxiliary or miscellaneous items like Push Button Station etc.
The local push button Station shall be placed near the main drive. This will comprise of two nos.
push buttons (one for Start and other for stop). Stop push button will be with mushroom headed
and turn to release type. This will be fabricated with 1.6 mm steel sheet along with canopy.
This lighting system shall be provided for the complete plant including office. The internal lighting
will be done with the help of 2x40W Fluorescent Lamps for the room height upto 5 M and beyond
above 5M, 250W HPSV lamp will be used.
The outdoor lighting will be with weather proof Street Lighting 70/125 W HPSV Lamps. For lighting
the landfill area, 10M mast type flood light of 400W HPSV lamps shall be used.
Internal lighting will be done with industrial type lighting fitting with 2x40W Fluorescent Lamps.
Office will have decorative type light fitting.
The illumination level for Indoor lighting for MCC room and office will be 250 Lux. Outdoor lighting
illumination level will be 25-30 lux.
There will be one number Main Lighting Board and required sub lighting boards. Main Lighting
Board will be fed from lighting transformer by 4core cable of required size and sub-lighting board
will be fed from Main Lighting board by 4-core cable of required size.
One MCC room shall be provided to accommodate the LT panel, Main Lighting Board and control
panel. There will be one office adjacent to MCC room.
Separate level switches shall be provided along with each pump for indication/annunciation. The
level switches shall be float type.
This will be diaphragm sealed type and will be used on each Delivery Pipe of pumps.
This will be diaphragm sealed type and will be used in each Delivery Pipe of pumps.
All cables shall be directly buried underground as per standard, outside the building and cable
marker shall be provided. Cable shall be laid overhead cable try inside the building. All cables shall
be neatly dressed and clamped on the trays. Cable shall be provided with the necessary cable
gland, lugs Tags etc.
The cable tray will be ladder type hot dip galvanised to 80 micron and made by 2mm thick CRCA
sheet steel.
1. 40x150x40x2mm
2. 40x300x40x2mm
3. 40x450x40x2mm
4. 40x600x40x2mm
Note: Any item or any provision / requirement if not included in this section, but is necessary to
be provided for the completion of the project and for its functional necessity, the same shall be
provided by the Implementing agency. The decision of Engineer-in-Charge in this regard shall be
final and binding on the implementing agency.
Shital Polyplast,
ORI-Plast Ltd.
P.O.Box 5107
Tel: 001-605-3350174
Fax: 001-605-3310333
Tel: 001-231-5879108
Fax: 001-231-5878020
Houston, TX 77073
Tel: 001-281-4438564
Fax: 001-281-8756010
Alter Bahudamm 12
D-49448 Lemforde
Tel: 0060-35413766
Fax: 0060-35413799
17) Ammeter/Voltmeter AE
This checklist is intended to be an aid to the Implementing agency and the Engineer-in-Charge in
identifying aspects of testing materials and workmanship.
Results of all tests to be carried out by the Implementing agency shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-
Charge promptly.
The following minimum checks/tests shall be carried out for soil, rock material, concrete, RCC works and
other works. The implementing agency shall add the cost of all the tests and facilities to be provided by him
to the Owner for his testing in the quoted rates for various rates for various items under the Schedule of
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Frequency/Quantum Document for
Type of Test of Check testing Accept
a b c d e
I) Suitability of fill
a) Grain size analysis Once in every 2000 cum. for IS: 2720 (part IS: 2720 (part IV)
each type and each source IV)
subject to a min. sample of
two samples
b) Liquid and Plastic limit -ditto- IS: 2720 (part IS: 2720 (part V)
c) Shrinkage limit Once in every 5000 cum. for IS: 2720 (part IS: 2720 (part VI)
each type and each source VI)
subject to a min. sample of
two samples
d) Free swell Index -ditto- IS: 2720 (part IS: 2720 (part XL)
e) Chemical Analysis Once in every 5000 cum. for IS: 2720 IS: 2720
i) organic each type and each source
matter subject to a min. sample of Part XXII Part XXII
ii) Calcium two samples
iii) pH Part XXVI Part XXVI
iv) Total
soluble Part XXVII Part XXVII
II) Standard Proctor Test Once in every 2000 cum. for IS: 2720 IS: 2720
each type and each source
subject to a min. sample of (part VII) (part VII)
two samples
a) Dry density by core i) For foundation filling, one IS : 2720 (Part IS : 2720 (Part XXIX
method for every ten foundations XXIX , Part , Part XXVIII)
Or for each layer. However, XXVIII)
each layer for location of
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Frequency/Quantum Document for
Type of Test of Check testing Accept
Dry density in place by important and heavily
sand displacement method loaded foundations
resting on fill shall be
ii) For Area filling, one of
every 1000 sqm area for
each compacted layer.
b) Relative density -ditto- IS: 2720 (Part IS: 2720 (Part XIV)
(density Index) XIV)
Once per 100 cum. or part IS:2386 & As per IS: 383
thereof or each change of S:383
a) Check for Gradation source. for concrete
Frequency/Quantum Document for
Type of Test of Check testing Accept
f) Flakiness & Petrographic -ditto- IS:2386 Part- Flakiness Index
Examination VIII & IS:383 Max. 15%
(for concrete only) constituents which
are known to
cause deleterious
chemical reaction
with cement/lime
should be avoided.
a) Bulkage (for concrete Once per week IS:2386 & As per IS:383
only) IS:383
e) Water Absorption & Once for every source IS:2386 Maximum 2.5%
Density (for concrete and
mortar only)
Frequency/Quantum Document for
Type of Test of Check testing Accept
g) Visual Examination 100% IS:2386 & -ditto-
IS:3025 &
a) pH Value
Frequency/Quantum Document for
Type of Test of Check testing Accept
e) Finished Dimension All Structures including As per drgs.
embankment slopes
a) Visual Examination At Random IS:3495 &
(drawings &
Frequency/Quantum Document for
Type of Test of Check testing Accept
V-Belt 1 sets
Strainer 1 set
Annexure No.8
Quotation for Sanitary Landfill
Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation (TUFIDC)
Annexure No.9
Project : Preparation of DPR'S for MSWM System in 31 Ulbs Under Zone-Il
Client : Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development
Corporation (TUFIDC)
Location : Jagtial Town (Cluster-5)
Consultant : IPE Global Limited, New Delhi, India
2 Providing Antitermite treatment as per IS 6315 (Part - sqm 8.67 296.80 2,573.26
2) 2001 (Pre-constructional chemical treatment
measures) along the internal & external vertical faces
of the columns, plinth beams, basement and top
surface of the basement filling below flooring bed as
per the specified procedure conforming to IS 6315
(Part-2) 2001 and other relevant approved
specification duly using Chlorpyriphos/ Lindane
emulsifiable concentrate 20% with 1% concentration
@ 7.5 Liters/ sqm of the vertical surface & @ 5.0
Liters/ sqm of the horizontal surface of the
substructure to a depth of 500 mm around columns &
300 mm deep around plinth beams, basements & floor
filling area including excavation channel along the wall
& rodding etc. & cost & conveyance of all materials to
the site, cost of labour for spraying, rodding etc.
complete for finished item of work as per the approval
of the Engineer-in-Charge
3 Plain Cement concrete (1:4:8) using 40 mm metal with cum 0.87 4,295.30 3,724.03
concrete mixture. All work up to plinth level.
4 Supply and placing of the Ready Mix (RMC) Standard -
Design Mix Concrete grade M20 as per IS 4926-2003
with minimum cement content as per IS code 456-2000
using 20 mm graded metal, from standard suppliers
approved by the department including pumping, laying
concrete, vibrating, curing etc. complete but excluding
cots of steel and its fabrication charges, cantering,
shuttering for finished item of work.
a) Foundations, Plinth, Pedestals (Below Plinth) cum 2.93 5,504.70 16,101.25
b) Columns, Lintels, RCC Walls / Water Tanks In Buildings cum 0.92 6,911.40 6,349.85
5 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement kg 307.50 55.10 16,943.25
in foundation complete as per drawings and technical
specifications for Bars below 36 mm dia including over
laps and wastage, where they are not welded
11 Supplying, fitting and placing of Structural steel plate / kg 750.00 83.00 62,250.00
flats complete as per drawings and technical
specifications including over laps and wastage,
welding,. Etc. complete.
2 Plain Cement concrete (1:4:8) using 40 mm metal with cum 101.40 4,295.30 435,543.42
concrete mixture. All work up to plinth level.
3 Plain Cement concrete (1:2:4) using 20 mm metal with cum 3.04 5,339.10 16,241.54
concrete mixture. All work up to plinth level.
4 23 cm wide Brick masonry for below & above plinth, cum 609.14 5,077.20 3,092,747.32
super-structure on ground floor in cm (1:6) using
second class traditional size bricks including cost of all
materials, seigniorage charges, labour and all
operations for constructing brick masonry, mixing
cement mortar, curing etc., complete for finished item
of work.
Brick Masonry in CM (1:6) with 2nd class Bricks
traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms
5 Damp proof course 40mm thick with cement concrete sqm 206.06 214.40 44,178.90
(1:2:4 Nominal mix), using 12mm hard broken stone
aggregate including cost of all materials, seigniorage
charges, excluding conveyance charges of materials,
including the cost of machinery, labour charges,
mixing, placing in position, leveling, vibrating, curing
etc. complete for finished item of work. (Using
concrete mixer)
6 Providing cement plaster 12 mm thick in a single coat 10 sqm 3,364.26 1,389.50 467,464.30
in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete
or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding
curing complete.
7 Supplying, fitting and placing of structural steel angle / kg 2,591.21 78.90 204,446.76
channel / beam / bars complete as per drawings and
technical specifications including over laps and
wastage, welding,. Etc. complete.
8 Supplying and fixing galvanised steel barbed wire (IS : kg 845.00 51.50 43,517.50
278-1962 Type I) weighing 9.38 Kg per 100 metres
(min.), Straining and fixing to any type of standard,
rails, straining bolts, including securing with and
provision of galvanised mild steel wire, stapples or
steel pins, etc., as directed (Posts and struts of wood,
concrete, steel, etc.) and straining bolts shall be paid
for separately).
Abstract Estimate for Office Building with Meeting Room (12.00 x 8.00 m)
Description of Item Units Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing cum 99.72 97.40 9,712.63
and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing,
removal of stumps and other deleterious material and
disposal up to a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated
suitable material as per Technical Specification 305
Ordinary soil, Mechanical Means - Up to 3 m depth
2 Providing Antitermite treatment as per IS 6315 (Part - sqm 205.70 296.80 61,051.64
2) 2001 (Pre-constructional chemical treatment
measures) along the internal & external vertical faces
of the columns, plinth beams, basement and top
surface of the basement filling below flooring bed as
per the specified procedure conforming to IS 6315
(Part-2) 2001 and other relevant approved
specification duly using Chlorpyriphos/ Lindane
emulsifiable concentrate 20% with 1% concentration
@ 7.5 Liters/ sqm of the vertical surface & @ 5.0
Liters/ sqm of the horizontal surface of the
substructure to a depth of 500 mm around columns &
300 mm deep around plinth beams, basements & floor
filling area including excavation channel along the wall
& rodding etc. & cost & conveyance of all materials to
the site, cost of labour for spraying, rodding etc.
complete for finished item of work as per the approval
of the Engineer-in-Charge
3 Plain Cement concrete (1:4:8) using 40 mm metal with cum 14.32 4,295.30 61,525.02
concrete mixture. All work up to plinth level.
4 Plain Cement concrete (1:2:4) using 20 mm metal with cum 9.97 5,339.10 53,247.70
concrete mixture. All work up to plinth level.
5 Supply and placing of the Ready Mix (RMC) Standard - -
Design Mix Concrete grade M20 as per IS 4926-2003
with minimum cement content as per IS code 456-2000
using 20 mm graded metal, from standard suppliers
approved by the department including pumping, laying
concrete, vibrating, curing etc. complete but excluding
cots of steel and its fabrication charges, cantering,
shuttering for finished item of work.
5.1 Foundations, Plinth, Pedestals (Below Plinth) cum 26.12 5,504.70 143,803.67
5.2 Columns, Lintels, RCC Walls / Water Tanks In Buildings cum 5.51 6,911.40 38,115.41
9 23 cm wide Brick masonry for below & above plinth, cum 16.96 5,077.20 86,089.31
super-structure on ground floor in cm (1:6) using
second class traditional size bricks including cost of all
materials, seigniorage charges, labour and all
operations for constructing brick masonry, mixing
cement mortar, curing etc., complete for finished item
of work.
Brick Masonry in CM (1:6) with 2nd class Bricks
traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms
10 11.5 cm wide Brick masonry for super-structure on sqm 20.77 648.20 13,461.49
ground floor in cm (1:3) using second class traditional
size bricks including cost of all materials, seigniorage
charges, labour and all operations for constructing half
brick masonry, mixing cement mortar, curing etc.,
complete for finished item of work, but excluding
conveyance charges of materials.
11 Plastering -
11.1 Providing cement plaster 15 mm thick for internal a 10 sqm 214.47 2,173.50 46,615.05
single coat in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish
to concrete or brick surfaces, in all positions including
scaffolding and curing complete.
11.2 Providing external cement plaster 20 mm thick in 2 10 sqm 97.92 3,794.00 37,150.85
coats with cement mortar base coat in CM (1:6), 16
mm thick and top coat in CM (1:4), 4 mm thick with
Debora sponge finishing to concrete or brick surfaces,
in all positions including scaffolding and curing
11.3 Providing cement plaster 12 mm thick in a single coat 10 sqm 175.29 1,389.50 24,356.61
in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete
or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding
curing complete.
13 Flooring with vitrified tiles of 1st quality, set over base 10 sqm 96.00 11,062.40 106,199.04
coat of cement mortar (1:8), 12 mm thick over CC bed
already laid or RCC roof slab, including neat cement
slurry of honey like consistency spread @ 3.3.kgs per
sqm & jointed neatly with white cement paste to full
depth mixed with pigment of matching shade,
including cost of all materials like cement, sand water
and tiles etc., complete, including seigniorage charges,
etc., complete for finished item of work, but excluding
the cost of conveyance of all materials.
19 Filling with useful available excavated earth (excluding cum 52.84 272.60 14,403.81
rock) in trenches, sides of foundations and basement
with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by watering and
ramming including cost and conveyance of water to
work site and all operational, incidental, labour
charges, hire charges of T & P etc., complete for
finished item of work. (APSS NO. 309 & 310)
Earth filling (ordinary soil) Available soil
20 Removal of unsuitable / Unserviceable soil including cum 46.88 78.70 3,689.48
excavation, loading and disposal up to 1000 m lead but
excluding compaction ground supporting embankment
subgrade replacement by suitable soil, which shall be
paid separately as per Clause 303.5.2 as per Technical
Specification Clause 302.3.11 MORD / 301 MORTH
21 Filling with sand in trenches, sides of foundations and cum 13.05 1,085.90 14,172.88
basement with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15
cm thick, consolidating each deposited layer by
watering and ramming including cost and conveyance
of water to work site and all operational, incidental,
labour charges, hire charges of T & P etc., complete for
finished item of work.
5.1 Foundations, Plinth, Pedestals (Below Plinth) cum 3.22 5,504.70 17,722.05
5.2 Columns, Lintels, RCC Walls / Water Tanks In cum 1.38 6,911.40 9,557.28
5.3 RCC Slabs, Beams cum 3.24 4,871.50 15,786.93
6 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar kg 627.44 55.10 34,571.68
reinforcement in foundation complete as per
drawings and technical specifications for Bars
below 36 mm dia including over laps and
wastage, where they are not welded
15 Painting to new walls with 2 coats of ready 10 sqm 27.87 1,181.90 3,293.96
mixed oil bound washable distemper of
approved brand and shade over a base coat
of appropriate primer of approved brand,
making 3 coats in all to give an even shade
after thoroughly brushing the surface to
remove all dirt and remains of loose
powdered materials, including cost and
conveyance of all materials to work site and
all operational, incidental, labour charges etc.
complete for finished item of work as per SS
911 for internal walls
17 White washing two coats with lime of 10 sqm 33.58 276.80 929.56
approved quality to give an even shade after
thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all
dirt and remains of loose powdered materials
including cost of all materials, labour charges
and incidental such as scaffolding, lift charges
etc., complete for finished item of work, but
excluding conveyance charges of materials
18 Flooring with vitrified tiles of 1st quality, set over 10 sqm 11.93 11,062.40 13,195.23
base coat of cement mortar (1:8), 12 mm
thick over CC bed already laid or RCC roof
slab, including neat cement slurry of honey
like consistency spread @ 3.3.kgs per sqm &
jointed neatly with white cement paste to full
depth mixed with pigment of matching
shade, including cost of all materials like
cement, sand water and tiles etc., complete,
including seigniorage charges, etc., complete
for finished item of work, but excluding the
cost of conveyance of all materials.
2 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone cum 141.75 1,725.80 244,632.15
aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam
specification including spreading in uniform thickness,
hand packing, rolling with three wheel 80 -100 kN
static roller in stages to proper grade and camber,
applying and brooming, stone screening/binding
materials to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
watering and compacting to the required density
Grading 1 as per Technical Specification Clause 404
MORTH & 405 MORD. For compacted thickness of 100
3 Providing and laying dense graded bituminous sqm 945.00 804.90 760,630.50
macadam with 100-120 TPH batch type HMP
producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour
using crushed aggregates of specified grading,
premixed with bituminous binder @ 4.0 to 4.5 per cent
by weight of total mix and filler, transporting the hot
mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver
finisher with sensor control to the required grade,
level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled,
vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired
compaction as per MoRTH specification clause No. 507
complete in all respects.
4 Providing and laying bituminous concrete with 100- sqm 945.00 743.10 702,229.50
120 TPH batch type hot mix plant producing an
average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed
aggregates of specified grading, premixed with
bituminous binder @ 5.4 to 5.6 per cent of mix and
filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with
a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the
required grade, level and alignment, rolling with
smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to
achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH
specification clause No. 509 complete in all respects
2 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone cum 928.13 1,725.80 1,601,758.13
aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam
specification including spreading in uniform thickness,
hand packing, rolling with three wheel 80 -100 kN
static roller in stages to proper grade and camber,
applying and brooming, stone screening/binding
materials to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
watering and compacting to the required density
Grading 1 as per Technical Specification Clause 404
MORTH & 405 MORD. For compacted thickness of 100
3 Providing and laying dense graded bituminous sqm 6,187.50 804.90 4,980,318.75
macadam with 100-120 TPH batch type HMP
producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour
using crushed aggregates of specified grading,
premixed with bituminous binder @ 4.0 to 4.5 per cent
by weight of total mix and filler, transporting the hot
mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver
finisher with sensor control to the required grade,
level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled,
vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired
compaction as per MoRTH specification clause No. 507
complete in all respects.
4 Providing and laying bituminous concrete with 100- sqm 6,187.50 743.10 4,597,931.25
120 TPH batch type hot mix plant producing an
average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed
aggregates of specified grading, premixed with
bituminous binder @ 5.4 to 5.6 per cent of mix and
filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with
a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the
required grade, level and alignment, rolling with
smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to
achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH
specification clause No. 509 complete in all respects
2 Filling with sand in trenches, sides of foundations and cum 4.84 1,085.90 5,251.41
basement with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15
cm thick, consolidating each deposited layer by
watering and ramming including cost and conveyance
of water to work site and all operational, incidental,
labour charges, hire charges of T & P etc., complete for
finished item of work.
3 Plain Cement concrete (1:4:8) using 40 mm metal with cum 3.00 4,295.30 12,885.90
concrete mixture. All work up to plinth level.
4 Flooring with 50 mm thick Cement Concrete 1:2:4, sqm 30.00 567.40 17,022.00
using 20mm metal, 50 mm thick and 20 mm Cement
Concrete surface (Ellis Pattern, 1st Sort)
2 Providing Antitermite treatment as per IS 6315 (Part - sqm 85.29 296.80 25,314.07
2) 2001 (Pre-constructional chemical treatment
measures) along the internal & external vertical faces
of the columns, plinth beams, basement and top
surface of the basement filling below flooring bed as
per the specified procedure conforming to IS 6315
(Part-2) 2001 and other relevant approved
specification duly using Chlorpyriphos/ Lindane
emulsifiable concentrate 20% with 1% concentration
@ 7.5 Liters/ sqm of the vertical surface & @ 5.0
Liters/ sqm of the horizontal surface of the
substructure to a depth of 500 mm around columns &
300 mm deep around plinth beams, basements & floor
filling area including excavation channel along the wall
& rodding etc. & cost & conveyance of all materials to
the site, cost of labour for spraying, rodding etc.
complete for finished item of work as per the approval
of the Engineer-in-Charge
3 Plain Cement concrete (1:4:8) using 40 mm metal with cum 8.85 4,295.30 38,009.11
concrete mixture. All work up to plinth level.
4 Supply and placing of the Ready Mix (RMC) Standard -
Design Mix Concrete grade M20 as per IS 4926-2003
with minimum cement content as per IS code 456-2000
using 20 mm graded metal, from standard suppliers
approved by the department including pumping, laying
concrete, vibrating, curing etc. complete but excluding
cots of steel and its fabrication charges, cantering,
shuttering for finished item of work.
a) Foundations, Plinth, Pedestals (Below Plinth) cum 16.02 5,504.70 88,193.55
b) Columns, Lintels, RCC Walls / Water Tanks In Buildings cum 9.04 6,911.40 62,461.78
8 Filling with useful available excavated earth (excluding cum 18.80 272.60 5,123.79
rock) in trenches, sides of foundations and basement
with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by watering and
ramming including cost and conveyance of water to
work site and all operational, incidental, labour
charges, hire charges of T & P etc., complete for
finished item of work. (APSS NO. 309 & 310)
Earth filling (ordinary soil) Available soil
9 Removal of unsuitable / Unserviceable soil including cum 46.83 78.70 3,685.28
excavation, loading and disposal up to 1000 m lead but
excluding compaction ground supporting embankment
subgrade replacement by suitable soil, which shall be
paid separately as per Clause 303.5.2 as per Technical
Specification Clause 302.3.11 MORD / 301 MORTH
2 Filling with sand in trenches, sides of foundations and cum 4.84 1,085.90 5,251.41
basement with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15
cm thick, consolidating each deposited layer by
watering and ramming including cost and conveyance
of water to work site and all operational, incidental,
labour charges, hire charges of T & P etc., complete for
finished item of work.
3 Plain Cement concrete (1:4:8) using 40 mm metal with cum 3.00 4,295.30 12,885.90
concrete mixture. All work up to plinth level.
4 Flooring with 50 mm thick Cement Concrete 1:2:4, sqm 30.00 567.40 17,022.00
using 20mm metal, 50 mm thick and 20 mm Cement
Concrete surface (Ellis Pattern, 1st Sort)
2 Providing Antitermite treatment as per IS 6315 (Part - sqm 10.89 296.80 3,232.15
2) 2001 (Pre-constructional chemical treatment
measures) along the internal & external vertical faces
of the columns, plinth beams, basement and top
surface of the basement filling below flooring bed as
per the specified procedure conforming to IS 6315
(Part-2) 2001 and other relevant approved
specification duly using Chlorpyriphos/ Lindane
emulsifiable concentrate 20% with 1% concentration
@ 7.5 Liters/ sqm of the vertical surface & @ 5.0
Liters/ sqm of the horizontal surface of the
substructure to a depth of 500 mm around columns &
300 mm deep around plinth beams, basements & floor
filling area including excavation channel along the wall
& rodding etc. & cost & conveyance of all materials to
the site, cost of labour for spraying, rodding etc.
complete for finished item of work as per the approval
of the Engineer-in-Charge
3 Plain Cement concrete (1:2:4) using 20 mm metal with cum 1.63 5,339.10 8,721.42
concrete mixture. All work up to plinth level.
4 Supply and placing of the Ready Mix (RMC) Standard
Design Mix Concrete grade M25 as per IS 4926-2003
with minimum cement content as per IS code 456-2000
using 20 mm graded metal, from standard suppliers
approved by the department including pumping, laying
concrete, vibrating, curing etc. complete but excluding
cots of steel and its fabrication charges, cantering,
shuttering for finished item of work.
a) Foundations, Plinth, Pedestals (Below Plinth) cum 3.15 5,692.20 17,930.43
b) Columns, Lintels, RCC Walls / Water Tanks In Buildings cum 6.16 7,098.80 43,728.61
9 HDPE Liner - Providing of 1.5 mm thick HDPE sheet for sqm 35.20 304.80 10,728.96
bed and sides of Secured Land Fill including cost of all
materials, including transportation, loading and
unloading etc., complete with all leads and lifts. Using
1.5mm thick HDPE sheet.
5.1 Foundations, Plinth, Pedestals (Below Plinth) cum 107.20 5,504.70 590,123.11
5.2 Columns, Lintels, RCC Walls / Water Tanks In cum 29.52 6,911.40 204,055.63
5.3 RCC Slabs, Beams cum 224.74 4,871.50 1,094,830.65
6 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar kg 25,647.00 55.10 1,413,149.70
reinforcement in foundation complete as per
drawings and technical specifications for Bars
below 36 mm dia including over laps and
wastage, where they are not welded
13 Filling with useful available excavated earth cum 343.77 272.60 93,712.72
(excluding rock) in trenches, sides of
foundations and basement with initial lead in
layers not exceeding 15 cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by
watering and ramming including cost and
conveyance of water to work site and all
operational, incidental, labour charges, hire
charges of T & P etc., complete for finished
item of work. (APSS NO. 309 & 310)
Earth filling (ordinary soil) Available soil
14 Earth filling (ordinary soil) Barrowed soil: cum 33.54 593.10 19,894.80
Filling with approved material obtained from
borrow pits (excluding rock) in trenches, sides
of foundations and basement with initial lead
in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by
watering and ramming including cost and
conveyance of water to work site and all
operational, incidental, labour charges, hire
charges of T & P etc., complete for finished
item of work.
5.1 Foundations, Plinth, Pedestals (Below Plinth) cum 31.57 5,504.70 173,759.03
5.2 Columns, Lintels, RCC Walls / Water Tanks In cum 10.86 6,911.40 75,026.51
5.3 RCC Slabs, Beams cum 40.65 4,871.50 198,006.81
6 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar kg 6,506.70 55.10 358,519.25
reinforcement in foundation complete as per
drawings and technical specifications for Bars
below 36 mm dia including over laps and
wastage, where they are not welded
13 Filling with useful available excavated earth cum 82.36 272.60 22,451.52
(excluding rock) in trenches, sides of
foundations and basement with initial lead in
layers not exceeding 15 cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by
watering and ramming including cost and
conveyance of water to work site and all
operational, incidental, labour charges, hire
charges of T & P etc., complete for finished
item of work. (APSS NO. 309 & 310)
Earth filling (ordinary soil) Available soil
5.1 Foundations, Plinth, Pedestals (Below Plinth) cum 36.50 5,504.70 200,918.49
5.2 Columns, Lintels, RCC Walls / Water Tanks In cum 13.20 6,911.40 91,258.21
5.3 RCC Slabs, Beams cum 41.65 4,871.50 202,903.33
6 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar kg 7,335.46 55.10 404,183.60
reinforcement in foundation complete as per
drawings and technical specifications for Bars
below 36 mm dia including over laps and
wastage, where they are not welded
13 Filling with useful available excavated earth cum 90.98 272.60 24,800.67
(excluding rock) in trenches, sides of
foundations and basement with initial lead in
layers not exceeding 15 cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by
watering and ramming including cost and
conveyance of water to work site and all
operational, incidental, labour charges, hire
charges of T & P etc., complete for finished
item of work. (APSS NO. 309 & 310)
Earth filling (ordinary soil) Available soil
Abstract - Landfill
Description of Item Units Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing cum 29,691.86 97.40 2,891,986.94
and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing,
removal of stumps and other deleterious material and
disposal up to a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated
suitable material as per Technical Specification 305
Ordinary soil, Mechanical Means - Up to 3 m depth
3 Providing cohesive non-swelling (CNS) soil lining to cum 7,556.24 605.90 4,578,325.21
canals using soil from approved borrow area including
spreading soil in layers of thickness not more than 15
cm, breaking clods, watering, compacting to density
control of not less than 98 percent or as stipulated,
dressing to required profile etc., complete
4 GCL Liner - Providing of GEO Synthetic Clay for bed and sqm 27,739.46 294.50 8,169,271.95
sides of secured landfill including cost of all materials,
including transportation, loading and unloading etc.,
complete with all leads and lifts.
5 HDPE Liner - Providing of 1.5 mm thick HDPE sheet for sqm 27,739.46 304.80 8,454,988.42
bed and sides of Secured Land Fill including cost of all
materials, including transportation, loading and
unloading etc., complete with all leads and lifts. Using
1.5mm thick HDPE sheet.
6 Geotextile - 285gsm - Providing and laying of 285 gsm sqm 55,478.93 94.90 5,264,950.14
non woven geo-textile of approved make at landfill
base to protect silt enter into the drainage media as
per the specifications. The rate shall include stitching,
overlapping wastage and anchoring etc. complete as
directed by Engineer in Charge. The payment shall be
for the net finished surface area excluding all overlaps,
wastages etc. .
7 Drainage media - Supplying and laying of high cum 5,940.00 1,866.00 11,084,040.00
permeability drainage layer consisting of graded gravel
approved by project engineer, the size of media 16 - 32
mm and permeability not less than 0.01 cm/sec. as
directed to proper levels, grades and slopes at the base
of the landfill including dressing and levelling complete
as per drawings.
Abstract_Landfill. Page 1 of 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 Plain Cement concrete (1:4:8) using 40 mm metal with cum 640.00 4,295.30 2,748,992.00
concrete mixture. All work up to plinth level.
9 HDPE Pipes : -
a) Header Pipe - Supplying and laying of 200 mm OD, 6 rmt 135.00 1,205.50 162,742.50
Kg/cm2 HDPE Header pipes for the construction of
leachate drain system within the landfill zone and for
connecting to the leachate sumps, as specified. The
cost shall include, handling, cutting to size, welding the
joints, at required lengths etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in charge.
b) Lateral - Supplying and laying of 110 mm. OD HDPE rmt 900.00 498.10 448,290.00
pipes 6kg/cm2 for the construction of leachate drain
system and also within the outlet zone as specified the
cost shall include wrapping of Geotextile, apart from
the details given in relevant clauses, handling, cutting
to size, welding the joints, providing perforations,
wrapping of geotextile at required lengths and faces
etc. complete.
c) Supply and fixing of 200 x 200 x 110mm HDPE Tees nos 10.00 3,622.70 36,227.00
d) Supply and fixing of 200 mm HDPE end caps nos 1.00 812.40 812.40
e) Supply and fixing of 110 mm HDPE end caps nos 10.00 236.60 2,366.00
f) Supply and fixing of 200 mm HDPE Tees nos 10.00 3,622.70 36,227.00
10 Furnishing and laying of the live sods of perennial turf sqm 4,642.08 55.90 259,492.11
forming grass on embankment slope, verges or other
locations shown on the drawing or as directed by the
Engineer including preparation of ground, fetching of
sods and watering as per Technical Specification Clause
309 MORD / 307 MORTH.
Abstract_Landfill. Page 2 of 2
Project : Preparation of DPR'S for MSWM System in 31 Ulbs Under Zone-Il
Client : Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation
Location : Jagtial Town (Cluster-5)
Consultant : IPE Global Limited, New Delhi, India
Abstract - Capping
Description of Item Units Qty Rate Amount Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Spreading & Compacting (grading & base preparation) sqm 23,823.25 34.00 809,990.39
2 Drainage media - Supplying and laying of high cum 10,720.46 1,866.00 20,004,380.24
permeability drainage layer consisting of graded gravel
approved by project engineer, the size of media 16 - 32
mm and permeability not less than 0.01 cm/sec. as
directed to proper levels, grades and slopes at the base
of the landfill including dressing and levelling complete
as per drawings.
3 Providing cohesive non-swelling (CNS) soil lining to cum 14,293.95 605.90 8,660,703.10
canals using soil from approved borrow area including
spreading soil in layers of thickness not more than 15
cm, breaking clods, watering, compacting to density
control of not less than 98 percent or as stipulated,
dressing to required profile etc., complete
4 Drainage media - Supplying and laying of high cum 3,573.49 1,866.00 6,668,126.75
permeability drainage layer consisting of graded gravel
approved by project engineer, the size of media 16 - 32
mm and permeability not less than 0.01 cm/sec. as
directed to proper levels, grades and slopes at the base
of the landfill including dressing and levelling complete
as per drawings.
5 Earth filling (ordinary soil) Barrowed soil: sqm 10,720.46 593.10 6,358,305.42
Filling with approved material obtained from borrow
pits (excluding rock) in trenches, sides of foundations
and basement with initial lead in layers not exceeding
15 cm thick, consolidating each deposited layer by
watering and ramming including cost and conveyance
of water to work site and all operational, incidental,
labour charges, hire charges of T & P etc., complete for
finished item of work.
6 Greenbelt sqm 23,823.25 200.00 4,764,649.34
7 Gas Vent System (Passive Vent System - Top Area) LS 1.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Abstract_Capping. Page 1 of 1
Project : Preparation of DPR'S for MSWM System in 31 Ulbs Under Zone-Il
Client : Telangana Urban Finance & Infrastructure Development
Corporation (TUFIDC)
Location : Jagtial Town (Cluster-5)
Consultant : IPE Global Limited, New Delhi, India
2 Plain Cement concrete (1:4:8) using 40 mm metal with cum 145.20 4,295.30 623,677.56
concrete mixture. All work up to plinth level.
3 23 cm wide Brick masonry for below & above plinth, cum 165.60 5,077.20 840,784.32
super-structure on ground floor in cm (1:6) using
second class traditional size bricks including cost of all
materials, seigniorage charges, labour and all
operations for constructing brick masonry, mixing
cement mortar, curing etc., complete for finished item
of work.
Brick Masonry in CM (1:6) with 2nd class Bricks
traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms
4 Providing cement plaster 12 mm thick in a single coat 10 sqm 1,800.00 1,389.50 250,110.00
in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete
or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding
curing complete.
5 Providing and laying of 20 mm thk. CC coping (1:3:6) sqm 184.00 103.90 19,118.34
6 Filling with useful available excavated earth (excluding cum 108.00 272.60 29,440.80
rock) in trenches, sides of foundations and basement
with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by watering and
ramming including cost and conveyance of water to
work site and all operational, incidental, labour
charges, hire charges of T & P etc., complete for
finished item of work. (APSS NO. 309 & 310)
Earth filling (ordinary soil) Available soil
7 Removal of unsuitable / Unserviceable soil including cum 472.80 78.70 37,209.36
excavation, loading and disposal up to 1000 m lead but
excluding compaction ground supporting embankment
subgrade replacement by suitable soil, which shall be
paid separately as per Clause 303.5.2 as per Technical
Specification Clause 302.3.11 MORD / 301 MORTH
Abstract_SWD Page 1 of 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Per rmt cost in INR : 2,321.10
Abstract_SWD Page 2 of 2
10 10 E17827.683
5. 5.
15 16
2 1
E17832.683 10 10 10 10
4. 4. 4. 5.
91 41 47 01
5 7 9 5
E17837.683 10 10 10
3. 3. 4.
96 84 90
8 1 3
E17842.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E17842.683
4. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4.
86 79 45 39 32 53 31 81 93
1 6 6 2 9 6 4 5 0
E17847.683 10 10 10 10 10 E17847.683
4. 2. 2. 3. 4.
83 94 88 45 78
4 3 9 4 2
E17852.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E17852.683
4. 4. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4.
79 08 63 48 01 63 84
3 1 6 6 6 9 4
E17857.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
4. 4. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4.
72 05 80 38 05 73 93 63 27 16 98 28 06 55 48 69 10
2 4 5 4 8 2 9 3 7 5 0 8 6 1 6 6 4.
E17862.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E17862.683
N15053.153 10
10 4. 2. 4. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4.
02 27 38 61 28 20 46 54
7 6 5 9 9 6 3 8
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
4. 3. 2. 3. 4. 4. 4. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
10 00 20 58 67 11 45 31 94 57 21 28 28 11 90 12 90 37 19 40 61 73
4. 0 1 6 8 3 7 4 4 4 2 5 9 3 7 3 1 5 0 0 1 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E17872.683
N15068.153 10
3. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4.
97 80 31 63 15 28 07 04 28 46
3 0 1 3 0 1 7 0 7 3
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
4. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 3. 4. 3. 4. 4. 4.
43 94 22 78 24 50 66 65 84 09 10 12 84 07 35 41 24 04 83 95 73 19 94 10 31 52
6 6 0 9 4 8 8 8 6 1 3 5 4 2 1 3 6 0 4 8 5 9 2 4 5 5
10 10
4. 4.
41 61
1 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 E17882.683
4. 3. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. 2. 3. 4. 4.
36 12 16 51 11 08 71 41 00 87 85 16 57
5 4 5 9 7 4 1 0 4 5 4 7
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
4. 3. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. 2. 4. 3. 4.
29 89 50 36 71 14 01 61 49 17 77 02 80 22
3 2 0 0 8 3 2 4 0 3 8 3 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E17892.683
4. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 10
22 86 13 86 84 09 40 60 65 91 14 15 09 01 94 86 66 42 91 44 53 34 13 93 75 81 48 93 67 66 87 08 29 4.
2 5 9 7 1 3 9 2 4 7 6 8 4 7 0 2 1 8 6 7 4 3 7 1 6 8 7 5 8 0 1 1 2 46
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
3. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. 4.
83 73 33 80 11 02 86 67 01 51 10 79 84 51 14
9 9 6 8 6 2 7 9 9 2 1 6 7 2 4
E17902.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4.
81 08 61 85 55 34 63 84 95 05 18 10 02 93 80 67 54 46 40 28 37 12 62 47 27 06 85 71 77 32 75 50 36 57 78 99 20 10
2 5 0 1 3 1 5 0 5 2 1 4 6 3 4 4 5 3 4 6 1 1 6 6 0 4 8 0 3 2 9 2 4 5 5 6 6 4.
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E17907.683
3. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4.
78 48 89 87 10 05 66 40 22 04 22 44 82 75 67 42 84 26
5 2 4 2 3 6 8 9 2 4 4 0 2 0 1 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4.
75 03 35 59 83 39 58 86 02 13 22 25 12 92 72 53 33 14 04 03 03 03 02 47 98 68 60 40 19 99 78 66 72 15 58 32 06 27 48 70 91 12
8 1 3 4 4 0 9 1 0 5 4 2 5 7 9 1 3 4 1 4 3 1 9 1 2 4 9 3 7 1 6 4 7 7 3 6 9 9 9 0 0 1 10
E17917.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E17917.683
2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 3. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4.
27 70 61 16 28 23 71 13 04 04 35 93 16 74 70 23 13 55 18
8 6 3 8 7 8 5 1 6 2 9 6 1 9 4 8 1 2 4
E17922.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
3. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 3. 2. 2. 3. 2. 3. 3.
70 33 81 83 25 35 33 72 19 10 14 99 92 33 91 61 40 89 19 82
4 7 7 7 7 0 7 9 1 6 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 3 3 5 10
E17927.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E17927.683
3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.
67 95 22 20 44 68 66 86 06 22 27 32 36 41 41 42 29 01 70 38 32 28 23 19 15 06 01 97 94 90 79 17 12 29 08 88 67 59 65 90 31 06 80 83 04 25 46 67 88
7 0 3 8 9 9 2 1 0 8 4 0 6 2 9 0 4 4 0 6 2 0 7 5 3 7 2 7 1 6 3 9 3 4 8 2 6 5 8 9 9 2 5 5 5 6 6 7 7
E17932.683 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
3.3. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 2. 3. 3. 10 3.
64 19 56 88 24 39 51 46 67 45 36 21 98 89 29 12 84 63 23 71 10 52 95
99 6 0 5 8 2 2 0 1 3 8 3 0 1 2 4 6 5 1 7 8 9 0
E17937.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
3. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 10E17937.683
57 89 16 95 19 43 66 31 52 16 33 38 47 47 47 48 49 43 24 95 66 62 58 55 54 52 51 50 03 02 96 90 98 11 25 40 37 20 01 81 60 54 61 74 14 88 62 53 74 96 17 38 59 80 3.
8 7 9 1 2 2 8 3 2 8 0 7 0 0 4 2 6 1 2 6 9 7 4 3 1 8 5 3 7 9 1 0 3 9 6 6 4 8 5 0 4 9 2 3 3 6 9 9 9 0 0 1 1 2 98
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 2. 2. 3. 3.
14 06 45 07 37 43 40 35 80 74 72 68 07 97 13 66 33 56 58 05 39 81 23 86
3 3 0 7 9 9 1 8 0 7 2 4 8 1 5 3 3 7 9 5 1 2 3 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E17947.683
3. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 10
43 84 11 69 89 11 65 82 00 17 01 17 26 42 43 46 51 45 32 19 15 97 95 94 92 91 90 89 87 86 93 99 05 04 03 02 01 60 32 08 62 45 29 73 53 50 56 62 96 71 45 24 45 66 87 08 29 50 71 3.
5 3 6 4 3 9 5 8 2 6 5 5 0 8 6 2 0 6 6 5 3 3 4 1 9 6 3 0 8 5 9 9 9 3 2 0 4 2 1 8 5 9 3 7 1 3 6 9 7 0 3 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 87
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3.
08 54 03 55 93 20 56 56 30 26 11 08 04 71 51 78 76 04 41 49 54 62 10 51 14 56
9 2 3 4 9 8 6 6 5 9 0 4 6 0 6 5 3 7 9 5 3 2 8 6 7 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
1. 1. 1. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 1. 3. 3. 4. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3.
44 54 98 65 09 19 65 67 76 99 78 52 22 83 17 62 07 02 73 37 45 79 27 15 78 21 63
N15193.153 10
10 1 3 7 2 6 6 5 6 8 6 3 3 8 4 9 4 9 0 5 8 8 1 7 7 9 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E17962.683
3. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 1. 1. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 2. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3.
22 76 03 39 32 51 70 89 11 33 56 78 00 22 27 28 94 05 98 92 82 85 87 90 96 00 03 92 82 72 62 52 47 15 56 97 80 18 27 46 45 39 57 68 35 34 13 93 72 51 42 43 49 56 70 44 18 93 00 22 43 64 85 06 27 48 69
0 2 5 2 1 5 3 5 6 8 0 2 3 5 0 4 0 6 8 1 8 4 9 5 4 9 0 9 8 7 6 4 4 7 9 1 7 4 4 3 2 5 5 3 0 6 9 2 5 7 2 5 8 1 3 6 9 2 9 0 0 1 1 2 3 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
3. 2. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 1. 3. 4. 2. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3.
14 00 45 86 26 91 35 49 27 77 74 91 98 86 72 76 93 76 13 34 54 12 39 47 61 10 07 49 91 54
9 8 2 9 5 1 5 5 2 4 2 4 4 2 6 9 2 9 0 6 3 9 4 5 4 1 2 3 4 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E17972.683
3. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. 2. 1. 3. 4. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3.
07 70 98 29 16 35 59 80 01 22 42 63 82 04 26 48 70 70 08 32 37 34 84 66 60 69 79 85 87 90 93 96 00 06 90 56 94 49 21 82 30 42 12 41 69 99 41 15 94 74 05 40 24 25 31 38 45 51 52 27 01 75 71 92 13 34 55 76 97 18 39 60
7 9 1 5 8 8 6 4 2 0 9 7 7 1 2 4 6 5 7 9 3 6 7 7 4 4 5 1 9 6 4 1 6 1 1 6 2 4 8 6 9 0 1 0 9 6 3 4 7 0 3 3 6 2 8 5 2 5 6 0 3 6 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
3. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. 2. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3.
00 95 11 58 08 57 19 61 92 31 89 60 78 84 18 89 11 35 20 15 62 73 41 09 29 42 43 66 77 19 82 25 56
6 5 1 9 6 2 7 4 2 4 1 8 9 4 2 1 6 2 8 3 7 2 2 7 1 4 8 8 6 7 8 0 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 E17982.683
2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3.
65 92 19 05 05 07 32 57 82 06 31 56 81 06 30 54 75 96 14 28 20 12 04 83 63 64 66 67 72 83 95 16 49 57 35 93 58 26 85 45 04 68 88 77 59 42 25 36 18 67 42 26 10 99 06 13 19 26 33 39 81 27 08 83 58 41 62 83 04 25 47 68 89 10 31 51
5 8 8 4 2 6 4 2 0 8 6 5 3 1 9 9 7 5 9 3 3 3 3 9 4 7 1 4 6 4 9 7 0 9 3 4 8 9 9 0 1 9 4 1 8 4 1 0 5 0 1 3 6 7 4 0 7 4 0 7 4 2 5 7 0 7 8 8 9 9 0 0 1 2 2 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
1. 1. 0. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 2. 4. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2.
90 00 99 55 05 54 29 78 19 93 77 68 58 15 79 00 25 86 22 74 24 64 32 04 10 23 31 83 48 48 11 53 95
1 2 2 5 1 7 2 8 0 2 3 2 8 2 9 2 8 1 9 4 1 9 6 0 3 7 7 0 5 0 1 2 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E17992.683
1. 0. 0. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 3. 3. 3. 5. 4. 5. 4. 3. 3. 4. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 2. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3.
13 94 93 53 03 53 27 76 03 81 65 62 28 46 09 07 44 74 27 62 11 81 35 10 01 58 82 19 75 18 75 17 59 22
2 2 1 8 4 0 5 5 2 0 4 3 1 1 3 0 4 4 3 2 9 0 6 4 0 5 0 3 5 5 3 4 5 7
E17997.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
2. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 5. 7. 6. 5. 5. 4. 4. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3.
57 74 26 96 88 88 87 87 02 27 52 76 01 26 51 76 00 25 44 57 71 84 87 78 69 64 59 57 56 59 24 79 33 49 42 37 97 50 99 48 15 25 51 01 44 27 05 65 24 99 28 04 80 56 32 21 16 10 04 99 28 98 67 32 78 23 69 36 99 58 14 15 16 38 60 81 02 23 44 65 86 07 28
4 9 8 0 6 1 6 1 4 2 0 9 7 5 3 1 9 7 5 9 3 6 9 9 9 6 5 6 5 2 2 0 8 8 0 9 6 9 8 8 0 9 7 5 5 7 5 2 9 6 8 7 6 6 5 7 0 4 8 2 8 2 5 3 0 7 4 1 0 3 6 7 8 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9
E18002.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
1. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 6. 6. 5. 3. 2. 3. 4. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 1. 0. 1. 1. 2. 2.
56 91 82 81 50 00 49 12 39 66 63 53 54 29 80 22 76 77 74 28 81 40 77 32 21 12 56 95 19 99 17 97 43 87 51 93 10
8 9 1 0 3 0 6 6 3 1 9 6 0 9 1 0 8 5 9 1 2 3 5 9 7 9 3 0 2 4 9 4 7 8 0 1 3.
E18007.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E18007.683
2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5. 5. 4. 4. 4. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 4. 4. 3. 4. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3.
52 38 31 40 23 91 82 76 75 74 99 23 48 73 98 23 47 67 80 94 07 20 34 47 68 61 57 52 47 47 51 62 41 23 05 72 00 76 55 20 67 14 81 48 98 47 45 28 11 94 56 51 23 98 74 50 38 32 27 24 26 28 30 33 83 53 05 13 61 59 95 49 03 08 80 27 11 13 10 27 71 93 15 36 57 78 99 20
1 8 3 1 3 6 1 0 5 9 0 8 6 4 2 1 9 3 6 0 4 7 1 7 4 9 1 3 5 8 6 3 2 2 2 5 0 5 4 6 6 6 1 4 1 9 3 5 7 8 8 4 0 4 3 2 6 9 3 3 5 7 9 0 8 2 0 4 5 8 9 7 5 3 2 3 1 0 6 9 2 4 1 2 2 3 3 4
E18012.683 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
N14823.153 10
1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 5. 5. 4. 3. 2. 4. 4. 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 4. 4. 2. 0. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2.
20 16 95 69 72 46 96 35 75 02 49 54 42 61 17 01 31 58 83 21 28 95 49 71 44 37 44 48 11 03 47 33 28 14 09 48 20 63 10