Joke!: The High School Anime Role-Playing Game

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The High School Anime Role-Playing Game

Brought to you by the Creator of NEW REALMS:


/* This is just a warning saying that JOKE! is copyright by me and YOU can’t charge anyone for it. But I can!!!!! NAH-
NAH! Well, you could write your own stuff, but if you‘re writing it about this, it has to be free too. */


As you should know, I wrote the hugely popular NEW REALMS game (well, it
should be hugely popular) and felt that I had, yet another, random Tuesday night
free. This work is the result of this random night, coupled with stress from work, too
much coffee, and my cat trying to sleep on my face, all the while studying in my
spare time for classes that I’m NOT EVEN TAKING YET!!! How pathetic am I? (Just
read on and you’ll find out.)
JOKE! is just as it sounds: A joke. Played on you by me, ReapermanX, in a
vain attempt to emulate all those cool anime’s based on seemingly average High
Schools. Of course these average high schools do have their assorted students: The
Cheerleaders, the Football players, the Geeks, the Band, the Witches, Vampires,
Demons, Aliens, and extra-dimensional creatures. All trying to live their lives and get
a passing grade in Mr. Akimota’s AP Physic’s class. This game will attempt to get you
and your crew into class on time will getting a date for the prom without upsetting
the very unstable social groups! Enjoy. But hurry, or you’ll miss Mrs. Matzuke’s
lecture on “Human Sexuality: With Visual Aids”.


Before you can start playing JOKE!, there’s just a few things you’ll need. First,
a copy of the rules, all however-many that there will be. Second, 1 six-sided die (d6)
for every one who is going to play. These dice should be of various colors because
this might make you gamers feel cool. No, multi-color dice is not a true necessity.
Thirdly, finished characters. Everyone can make them up when you start, or spend
Lunch doing it. Either way, they should be finished. Fourth finds us at all the basic
stuff, these are things like pencils and extra paper for taking notes (Yeahhhh!! More
notes!!) on game information or various lectures given.
Finally the two most important things are players and a GM. The players will
be the ones who’s job it is to see their character’s make it through another day of
class without being killed or worse (like being thrown in the girls bathroom). There
should be at least 2, but more is recommended. The GM (Game Master) is the one
who will be everyone else, all the other students, faculty, alien invaders, the cute
chick in the 3rd row, the guy who threw you in the girls bathroom: Everyone. This
foolish person’s goal is to ensure balance in the mayhem and to keep the game’s
story alive. Also, they are the one who is responsible for keeping the players in line.


All characters in JOKE! have a personal history. A lineage from which they
descend, a family which they have ties, friends!! Which elementary school did they
go to, are they a transfer student, and the ever famous “Blondes or Brunettes”? All
of this needs to be written down. Why? Because it could become important for the
character (not to mention the story) later on. An old friend might come into town, it
would be good to know their name or even sex?!
It’s also during this part that the character’s should decide what kind of student
that they have. Is this character a band geek? A jock? Just trying not to get thrown
into the girls bathroom? Make something up that’s appropriate. It doesn’t have to be
set in stone, but it does have to be solid. Things like “There” doesn’t constitute a
type of character (unless you add an exclamation. “There!” for instance is), only
expressions or sentences that says something about the character.


Now comes the part where you build your character sheet. Somewhere on
there should be a section marked up with 8 words: Muscle, Agility, Smarts, Brains,
Will, Meta, Looks, and Luck to be exact. These are your statistics. The absolute
basics that everything else about your character is based on. They range between 1
and 6 with the average being 2.

Stat Numeric Breakdown:

1 = Pretty Pathetic, on par with kindergartener’s or even worse: Freshman!
2 = About average but you could do better.
3 = This is pretty good, can do most things 50% correct.
4 = Oh yeah, better than almost anyone.
5 = You can easily whip other’s in contests of this stat.

Stat meanings:

Muscle: The bigger the number, the stronger you are.

Agility: The forte of cheerleaders. Stuff like basic dexterity and speed are measured
with this.
Smarts: How well you use all the knowledge you got (which might not be much...)
Brains: A measure of all the knowledge you got and how quickly you are taught.
Will: How well you can resist things mentally (like saying stupid things in front of
“your true
Meta: This is how in tune you are with all things goofy and supernatural.
Looks: Either you got them or don’t.
Luck: Will you or will you not be thrown into the girls bathroom today? Roll this to
find out.

The numeric ratings given to these are the number you roll against on a d6
when trying to figure out if you did something successfully. You get 9 + d6 points to
throw around for these statistic. Place those points where you want, however, there
is a minimum of 1 in each. Remember that in a High School Anime, characters have
some pretty definitive strengths and weaknesses. Utilize this to play your character’s
student type to the max. Don’t go, “Well he’ll be to weak to do this or that...
<whine>“. Forget it, you’re all supposed to be having fun and laughing at your faults
can lead to some pretty hilarious (or embarrassing) moments. Wear your butterflies
with pride! ^0^


Can you add 2+2? Can you subtract 3 from 6? Good, cause this means you
can use the skill system for JOKE! All the skills in the game are based on one of the 8
stats listed earlier. Skills take what you already got, add a little bit of knowledge to it,
and let’s you accomplish something that you couldn’t with a basic skill. With Brains
you could probably figure out a crossword puzzle, but without the skill “Reading” you
wouldn’t be able to answer it at all because you wouldn’t know what the questions
were! Some skills actually penalize your basic roll because you either didn’t learn
them well, didn’t study, or are just plain bad at it. To find success or failure with any
skill check, simply add or subtract the skill’s modifier from the stat that is
appropriate, then roll the die. Success occurs on a roll that’s equal to or lower than
the number needed. IE, if you have Driving:Car -2 Agility 3, you need to roll a 1 (3 - 2
= 1) to succeed.
Well how do you get the modifiers and said skills? There is no predetermined
method for skills in the game. Except where otherwise noted, it is assumed that any
character can use any skill without a modifier. Take a handful of skills (say 5 or 6)
and add a modifier between +1 to +3, then take another handful (the same number)
and place a negative modifier on them between -1 to -3. Write them down and THAT
becomes your skill list. Only skills that are modified in some way need to be written
The following is a list of skills for JOKE! and it is far from complete. Each is
divided into the appropriate stat required for it. Feel free to add to the list or move
some around or whatever you like. Because if you’re taking this game seriously, you
must have missed the title.
/* All character’s have another skill other than the ones picked or listed: General
Education. This assumes an elementary level of education in the area’s of reading,
writing, and arithmetic. This skill never has a modifier */


Flex - This is the ability to intimidate other’s by flexing your muscles.

Feat - An ability to do things like rip phone books in half or pick up nerds by their feet
and shake
them for money.
Sport - Any strength oriented sport. Like Wrestling or Football.
Brawling - You have an uncanny ability to give black-eyes to smaller people.
Melee - Most melee weapons require a fair amount of muscle power to employ.


Acrobatics/Gymnastics - You can perform most types of flips, twists, cart-wheels, etc.
Martial Arts - Pick a type. You now know it.
Riding - Choose something appropriate.
Gun - You can fire a type of gun in an attempt to kill whatever it’s pointed at.
Driving - Choose a type of vehicle and you can drive it. From starships to moped’s.


Fast Talk - Simply talking fast to get a conversation out (can we say ‘Valley Girl’?) or
in an
attempt to get out of a situation (like detention)
Art - You can draw or paint or sculpt.
Repair - Fixin’ things is easy for you.
Invent - A lot of your free time is spent in a lab looking over what you call “The
Music - Pick chorus or Band (choose an instrument) or Orchestra (choose an

Science - You know a lot about one type of science.

Medical - Whether or not it’s only one first aid class or an entire semester of health,
you know
how to help the injured or sick.
Math - You know how to solve Pi.
Computers - General skill relating to all aspects of computers (yes, even
Knowledge - You know a lot about 1 specific topic. Includes things like comic books,
studies, or “Akume Jiata: The world’s most perfect senior”.


Resist - Roll to avoid various temptations (like falling asleep in class).

Study - The ability to force yourself to study really boring subjects.
Stand up to Bully - The hopefully ability to stand up for yourself in the face of getting
your ass
kicked by someone twice your size.


This group of skills doesn’t follow the norm. These are stuff like magic
powers, psionics, and super powers. The GM should determine what the powers can
do and how often. No one has these skills unless they are specifically taken.


Cheerleading - The estranged skill of teenaged girls to get wear skimpy clothing and
excite the
masses at an event.
Wardrobe - How well you wear anything, even looking good in a potato sack.
Charm - Batting your eyelashes to get someone to do something for you.
Popularity - The ability to lead other people because you are so cool(?).
Trend - A knack for getting people to do the same things as you (IE, making people
that playing JOKE! is cool for instance).


Notice - being able to see the really small details (like someone has been in your
room) and
interpret them.
Hide - If they’re bigger than you and out to harm you, the girls bathroom is about the
only place
where they won’t go to get you.
Sneak - The ability to not only hide but move around as well.
Steal - You want it, they got it. What’s wrong with this picture?
Get a date - A skill which is a must have right around the week of the school dance.


Alright class, settle down. Mr. Ioken, please take your seat and turn off that
radio Ms. Makio. Today, our focus will be money. How we get it, what we can do with
it, and where we can get more.
All characters in JOKE! roll a d6 to determine their economic level. A roll of 1
means that the character is poor and only has $40 + d6 x $10 to their name. A job
must definitely be in there somewhere or the character doesn’t have a renewable
source of cash weekly, with the possibility of a $5 - $10 allowance. A roll of 2 - 4
means that the character lives comfortably and has d6 x $100 in the bank and a
steady source of renewable income. This might be $20 weekly allowance, a job, or
walking up to mom and/or dad and asking for a few bucks for lunch. Characters that
get a 5 live above the normal and have $50 in their pocket, d6 x $500 in the bank,
and also have a steady source of income that’s renewable daily (up to another $50).
They don’t need jobs but their parents probably make them have one anyway, so the
character can pay half their car’s insurance to prove their “responsibility”. A roll of 6
means that the character is rich. As their is no such thing as “kinda rich” or “sorta
rich” in Anime, the character is FILTHY STINKEN RICH!!! They have a virtually
unlimited supply of money (say around their credit card’s limit weekly) and are
entirely supported by family money with access to their own trust
funds/saving/checking accounts.
All the character’s start with stuff equal to their appropriate income level.
Have the player’s write some stuff down. Things like rocket ship aren’t appropriate
(maybe for the rich) but “Beater Car” or “Skate board” is. Things that would be in
player’s character’s room is considered their equipment. Do they own a car or does
Jeeves drive them to school every morning? Do they own Jeeves?!?! The character
never actually has to pay for this stuff initially, but anything bought after the start of
the game needs to be recorded.


Now let’s talk about action. There will come a time when things like attacking,
defending, dodging: Combat in general will come into play. You might want to know
how to do it.
First, all the players involved with the combat roll d6. The one with a 6 goes
first, followed by 5’s, then 4’s, etc until everyone has gone at least once. For each
round of combat, character’s have 1 action that they perform, but an unlimited
number of “reactions”. Reactions are things like rolling a defense, shouting at
someone, etc.. The 1 action that they can perform are things like attacking, using a
cool power, taking a moment to look up a skirt, whatever. Rounds have no time
frame. There isn’t a “3 seconds = 1 round” rule because it isn’t necessary. In most
High School Anime’s (save Project A-ko) most combats only last a few seconds. Bully
hits guy, guy hits floor, room mate wakes him later is the typical flow of things.
Attacking someone is as simple as rolling an appropriate skill. Melee if you
pick up a chair, gun if you are trying to blind someone with a ketchup bottle in a food
fight, whatever. As long as it’s appropriate.
Defense is as easy as attacking. If nothing seems right, have them roll either
Luck or Agility and call it a Dodge roll. I don’t care. Just make it interesting.
Damage is a little more tricky than this. 1st off, most times, clothes usually
take the brunt of damage. Clothing counts as a kind of armor. Armor works by
taking the damage instead of the characters until it can take no more. Stuff like
Clothes will have any where from 5 to 20 points of damage, depending upon type,
that they can take before they are too shredded to stop a fist or they will simply fall
Secondly, what kind of damage does a fist compared to a sword do anyway?
Well alot more if you’re a martial artist. But for simplicities sake, we’re going to
assume that damage is caused by skill. However much you passed your check by, is
the amount of damage you do for that action. So say you have Melee +3 and Agility
3. If you roll a 4 on the d6, you’ve done 2 points of damage because you needed a 6
or less and made it by 2 (6 - 2 = 4).


Well how much damage can the Anime body take? It’s as simple as adding
your Muscle + Luck together. Whatever it comes up is how many hit points (or
damage marks or however you keep track) that each character has. Also, each
character has that many negative hit points. Why? Whenever the character is
reduced to 0Hp or less, they need to roll their Will. Failure means that they fall
unconscious for d6 + number of Will failure in minutes. Taking more than your
negative total results in death.
Other types of injury may occur, like poisoning and broken bones. Poisons will
kill you off the bat 9 times out of 10 or do something else related to the story board,
so I’m not going to get into it here. Broken bones I can take care of. It takes time to
heal them. Roughly 1 day or so for every week a similar real injury should. That
means a broken leg will be healed well before next weeks episode.
Healing damage is just a simple. Every character instantly heals 1HP worth of
damage every hour. No more without any kind of outside assistance. No less without
any outside assistance.
Emotional scars, like the ones you get when thrown into the girls bathroom
violently, take years or minutes in an Anime.


Go ahead, get something to eat. I’ll wait. Sit with your friends, I’ll be over
here all alone. Hmm-Huh-Hmm. <Whistling> Good you’re back.

Unlike other RPG’s, the focus of this game is to make it through a day as an
under-classmen in High School. That is an adventure unto itself. With this in mind,
the GM should realize that focuses like Money, Wealth, and Power won’t work for this
game. Instead, Popularity, the Babe in the tube top, and Avoiding the Bully should be
Focus your campaigns on the clicks and interactions of the High School
braving crowds. If you’re actually in High School, or just getting out, this might be
really easy for you to do. If not, watch a few High School based Anime and you’ll get
what I mean real quick.
Most of the stories that you write for JOKE! won’t have the players dealing
with monsters from the abyss (unless you count Mr. Ojai, the Gym teacher. Or that
witch chicks pet) but world destroying issues such as a pimple on the end of the
nose. Problems will arise if your characters miss class, not if they don’t defeat the
dragon (although not defeating the dragon could mean missing class).
However, all your plots can have all those little bits of traditional RPG’s in
them. Can’t you see a bunch of High Schoolers defending “Earth-Realm from
seriously nasty extra-dimensional monsters” all the while bickering about being late
for homeroom? Show’s like Sailor Moon and even The Power Rangers are popular
because they feature teenager’s saving the world and still making it to class. Not to
mention, how do they explain where they’ve been during the monster attack? Your
players may find it pretty hard to come up with excuses by the week.
GM’s, before you start an adventure (or this weeks episode), try writing it
down first. This will make things fly so much easier than just “winging it”. You can
plan a few encounters (possibly, one or two invasions) and then go at it from there.
Every Anime that you watch was planned from the first words to the last name in the
credits, so should your games.

In JOKE! characters don’t earn experience. They earn Credits. 1 credit is not
enough to do anything with. 10 credits can add a +1 modifier to a skill while 15
credits can add +1 to a stat. There are only two ways to earn credits:
For every A(+ or -) you get 1 credit. B’s are 1/2 each, C’s are 1/4.
D’s subtract a 1/2 while F’s subtract 1 whole credit.
Every time the character does something notable; finds a hidden message,
pulls off the ultimate practical joke, finally gets laid, is worth 1 credit each time.
Skills and stat’s take time to develop and this system just ensures that it does (and
that each character studies their hardest).

And that’s it. That’s all to playing JOKE! If anyone has any grips about the
system, I can be reached at or See ya. I hope you have fun with this.

NAME:_____________________________ STUDENT TYPE:___________

MUSCLE:_______ AGILITY:_______ SMARTS:_______
BRAINS:_______ WILL:_______ META:_______
LOOKS:_______ LUCK:_______ HP:_______
GOOD (+X) BAD (-X)
STUFF:________________________| APPOINTMENTS:_______________
CLASS INFO:_________________________________________________
NOTES: _____________________________________________________

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