BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment of Musculoskeletal Chest Pain: Design of A Multi-Purpose Trial
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment of Musculoskeletal Chest Pain: Design of A Multi-Purpose Trial
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment of Musculoskeletal Chest Pain: Design of A Multi-Purpose Trial
Address: 1Nordic Institute of Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics, Part of Clinical Locomotion Science, Odense, Denmark, 2Institute of Sports
Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 3Department of Statistics, University of Southern
Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 4Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital, Denmark, Odense, Denmark and 5Department of
Cardiology, Odense University Hospital, Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Email: Mette J Stochkendahl* -; Henrik W Christensen -; Werner Vach -;
Poul Flemming Høilund-Carlsen -; Torben Haghfelt -;
Jan Hartvigsen -
* Corresponding author
Background: Acute chest pain is a major health problem all over the western world. Active
approaches are directed towards diagnosis and treatment of potentially life threatening conditions,
especially acute coronary syndrome/ischemic heart disease. However, according to the literature,
chest pain may also be due to a variety of extra-cardiac disorders including dysfunction of muscles
and joints of the chest wall or the cervical and thoracic part of the spine. The diagnostic approaches
and treatment options for this group of patients are scarce and formal clinical studies addressing
the effect of various treatments are lacking.
Methods/Design: We present an ongoing trial on the potential usefulness of chiropractic
diagnosis and treatment in patients dismissed from an acute chest pain clinic without a diagnosis of
acute coronary syndrome. The aims are to determine the proportion of patients in whom chest
pain may be of musculoskeletal rather than cardiac origin and to investigate the decision process
of a chiropractor in diagnosing these patients; further, to examine whether chiropractic treatment
can reduce pain and improve physical function when compared to advice directed towards
promoting self-management, and, finally, to estimate the cost-effectiveness of these procedures.
This study will include 300 patients discharged from a university hospital acute chest pain clinic
without a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome or any other obvious cardiac or non-cardiac
disease. After completion of the clinic's standard cardiovascular diagnostic procedures, trial
patients will be examined according to a standardized protocol including a) a self-report
questionnaire; b) a semi-structured interview; c) a general health examination; and d) a specific
manual examination of the muscles and joints of the neck, thoracic spine, and thorax in order to
determine whether the pain is likely to be of musculoskeletal origin. To describe the patients status
with regards to ischemic heart disease, and to compare and indirectly validate the musculoskeletal
diagnosis, myocardial perfusion scintigraphy is performed in all patients 2–4 weeks following
discharge. Descriptive statistics including parametric and non-parametric methods will be applied
in order to compare patients with and without musculoskeletal chest pain in relation to their
scintigraphic findings. The decision making process of the chiropractor will be elucidated and
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reconstructed using the CART method. Out of the 300 patients 120 intended patients with
suspected musculoskeletal chest pain will be randomized into one of two groups: a) a course of
chiropractic treatment (therapy group) of up to ten treatment sessions focusing on high velocity,
low amplitude manipulation of the cervical and thoracic spine, mobilisation, and soft tissue
techniques. b) Advice promoting self-management and individual instructions focusing on posture
and muscle stretch (advice group). Outcome measures are pain, physical function, overall health,
self-perceived treatment effect, and cost-effectiveness.
Discussion: This study may potentially demonstrate that a chiropractor is able to identify a subset
of patients suffering from chest pain predominantly of musculoskeletal origin among patients
discharged from an acute chest pain clinic with no apparent cardiac condition. Furthermore
knowledge about the benefits of manual treatment of patients with musculoskeletal chest pain will
inform clinical decision and policy development in relation to clinical practice.
Trial registration: NCT00462241 and NCT00373828
An extensive body of literature addresses patient assess- • To determine the proportion of patients discharged
ment and management protocols for patients presenting from a university hospital chest pain clinic in whom their
with chest pain, but these focus primarily on cardiopul- chest pain may be of musculoskeletal rather than cardiac
monary [19-22], gastro-oesophageal [5,23], and psycho- origin. Specifically, we wish to determine the prevalence
logical conditions [11,24,25], and protocols aiming at and character of musculoskeletal chest pain, and to
diagnosis of musculoskeletal chest pain remain scarce, describe cardiac status with respect to ischemic heart dis-
and the effect of treatment strategies, including medical ease.
treatment (oral anti-inflammatory drugs), exercise
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To be included in the project the participant must Patients will not be included if any of the following conditions are present
- Have chest pain as their primary complaint. - Acute coronary syndrome.
- Have an acute episode of pain of less than 7 days duration before - Previous Percutaneous Coronary Intervention or Coronary Artery By-
admission. pass Grafting.
- Consent to the standardized evaluation program at the chest pain - Chest pain from other definite cause, cardiac or non-cardiac. The
clinic. condition must be verified clinically during admission (i.e. pulmonary
embolism, pneumonia, dissection of the aorta, ...).
- Have pain in the thorax and/or neck. - Inflammatory joint disease.
- Be able to read and understand Danish. - Insulin dependent diabetes
- Be between 18 and 75 year of age. - Fibromyalgia.
- Be a resident of the Funen County - Malignant disease.
- Apoplexy, dementia, or unable to cooperate.
- Major osseous anomaly.
- Osteoporosis.
- Pregnancy.
- Does not want to participate.
- Other – the reason for non-inclusion will be registered.
• To investigate the diagnostic decision making process of A record will be kept of the number of subjects excluded
a chiropractor in these patients, using MPS as an indirect from the study, as well as those who are eligible for inclu-
measure of validity. sion and choose not to participate.
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cle strength, and an orthopaedic examination of the neck masked to the treatment allocation when determining eli-
and shoulder joints in order to rule out nerve root com- gibility to randomization.
pression syndromes.
3) A specific manual examination of the muscles and joints Participants will be randomized to receive one of two
of the neck, thoracic spine and thorax, including active treatments: A course of chiropractic treatment including
range of motion, manual palpation for muscular tender- spinal manipulation (therapy group) or advice promoting
ness on 14 points of the anterior chest wall, palpation for self-management (advice group).
segmental paraspinal muscular tenderness, motion palpa-
tion for joint-play restriction of the thoracic spine (Th1– Therapy group
8), and end play restriction of the cervical and thoracic Participants in the therapy group will be assigned to a chi-
spine [26]. ropractor in their local community. Participating chiro-
practors will have a university chiropractic degree and at
The examination program together with the detailed case least five years of clinical experience. Each chiropractor
history will be applied by a chiropractor to make a diag- chooses an individual treatment strategy based on a com-
nosis of pain from the musculoskeletal system, CTA, bination of their findings, the patient history, and prag-
according to the previously established criteria [26]. matic, routine practice. The treatment will be modified to
accommodate the age and physical condition of each
The timeline and overview of data collection is shown in patient. The treatment must, however, include high veloc-
Figure 1 (adapted from Perera et al. (2007)[30]). The ity, low amplitude manipulation directed towards the
timeline is shown vertically, and allocation of participants thoracic and/or cervical spine in combination with any of
to study groups horizontally. the following: Joint mobilisation, soft tissue techniques,
stretching, stabilising or strengthening exercises, heat or
MPS cold treatment, and advice. The protocol specifies up to
In order to evaluate the population in terms of ischemic ten treatment sessions of approximately 20 minutes, 1–3
heart disease all patients undergo MPS within two to four times per week for four weeks, or until the patient is pain
weeks following baseline evaluation. Using radionuclides free if this occurs within less than four weeks. The type of
the myocardial perfusion is evaluated to determine the manipulation technique will not be standardized, and the
presence of regional areas with decreased blood flow treating chiropractor can manipulate the lumbar spine if
because of coronary artery disease. Detailed procedures he/she determines to do so. The chiropractors record the
for MPS are described in Appendix 1. MPS will also be types of treatment rendered at all sessions.
used to compare and indirectly validate the musculoskel-
etal diagnosis. Advice group
Advice is given in an approximately 15-minute session
RCT following the baseline assessment, and is directed towards
All CTA positive patients (estimated 120 out of the initial promoting self-management. The participants are told
300 patients) will be included in the RCT. The aim of this that their chest pain generally has a benign, self-limiting
part of the study is to establish the effectiveness of chiro- course. The participants receive individual instructions
practic treatment including spinal manipulation versus regarding posture and two or three exercises aiming to
advice to promote self-management. Participants are only increase spinal or muscle stretch based on clinical evalua-
eligible for inclusion in the RCT if they are CTA positive tion. They are advised to seek medical attention for re-
and the examining clinician decides that manipulation evaluation (family physician, chest pain clinic or emer-
might be the appropriate treatment. Patients for whom gency department) in case of severe or unfamiliar chest
manipulation is thought not to be indicated will not be pain. Further, the advice group is asked to refrain from
included in the RCT. seeking any manual treatment for the following four
The randomization sequence with a 1:1 allocation ratio Outcome measures
has been computer generated by a researcher not involved The outcomes are measures by self-report questionnaires
in the project. Consecutively numbered sealed opaque that are collected at baseline, after four weeks (CTA posi-
envelopes containing the treatment allocation for each tive patients only), and after three and 12 months (all
patient has been produced and eligible participants draw patients) (see Figure 1).
an envelope. The envelopes are arranged in blocks with
varying block sizes. The examining clinician manages the
hand over of the envelope to the participant, but is
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Baseline (time = 0) A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E
Determination of eligibility
to RCT
Randomization Not eligible for treatment
Approximately 2 weeks
4 weeks
12 weeks
52 weeks
Symbol Content
Questionnaire completed by the patient including information on occupation, education, physical and
A lifestyle factors, and expectation to treatment outcome.
Questionnaire completed by patient including information on pain intensity, general health and
B baseline values for the outcome measures.
Semi-structured interview, including pain characteristics, comorbidities, the past medical history,
height and weight, and risk factors of ischemic heart disease.
General health examination, including blood pressure and pulse, stethoscopy, abdominal palpation,
D neck auscultation, clinical signs of left ventricular failure, neurological examination of the upper and
lower extremities, and orthopaedic examination of the neck and shoulder joints.
Specific manual examination of the muscles and joints of the neck, thoracic spine and thorax,
including active range of motion, manual palpation for muscular tenderness on the anterior and
posterior chest wall, and motion palpation of the cervical and thoracic spine.
Therapy group. Chiropractic treatment consisting of high velocity, low amplitude manipulation
F directed towards the thoracic and/or cervical spine in combination with joint mobilisation, soft tissue
techniques, stretching, stabilising or strengthening exercises, heat or cold treatment, and advice.
Advice group. Advice is given in an approximately 15 minute session following the baseline
G assessment, and is directed towards promoting self-management.
Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy
Global assessment. Improvement in chest pain and general health is rated by the participants using
J 7-point Likert-scales using the categories: Much worse, worse, a little worse, no change, a little
better, better, and much better.
Health care costs/Cost-effectiveness analysis. Direct health care cost, direct non-health care costs
K and indirect costs are used in the economic evaluation as an indicator of cost-effectiveness.
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clinically relevant and valid, and responsive to measure onstrate that a chiropractor is able to identify a subset of
patients' perceived recovery. The global rating scale was patients suffering from chest pain predominantly of mus-
also chosen, because during the pilot study we found that culoskeletal origin among patients dismissed from an
pain intensity levels were relatively low compared to for acute chest pain clinic with no apparent cardiac condi-
instance patients seeking care for low back pain. Patients tion. The long term goal is to establish whether manual
initially reported very high levels of pain which then palpation may be used as a part of the clinical examina-
spontaneous decline in intensity within a very short tion to screen patients allowing for improvement in refer-
period of time (hours to days), rendering pain a less than ral patterns. Furthermore knowledge about the benefits of
optimal primary outcome measure. Finally, we found that manual treatment in patients with musculoskeletal chest
the Patient Specific Functional Scale [33] would not make pain will inform clinical decision and policy development
a good primary outcome measure because many patients in relation to clinical practice.
experience a first time episode of chest pain and, thus, do
not feel limited in their daily activities. Competing interests
The author(s) declare that they have no competing inter-
Interventions ests.
Chiropractic therapy may be an effective treatment for
patients with acute chest pain, but this has only been Authors' contributions
investigated in one non-randomized trial [27]. A prag- MJS is the study manager and was involved in the design
matic approach was chosen for the therapy group. The of the study, secured funding for the study, wrote the firsts
exact content of chiropractic therapy may not be clear, and draft of the manuscript and participated in subsequent
the potential active "ingredient" can not be known even revisions. HWC participated in the design of the study, in
after this trial is completed. The advantage of the prag- particular with respect to the design of the physical exam-
matic strategy is that if this trial provides evidence in favor ination protocol, and commented on the manuscript. JH
of chiropractic therapy, the results can easily be imple- participated in the design of the study, in particular with
mented, but future trials will be needed in order to iden- respect to the design of questionnaires and outcome
tify the specific components. Also, our design is not well measures, and commented on the manuscript drafts. WV
suited to correct for attention bias. Advice was chosen as participated in the design, especially regarding data anal-
intervention for the second group, because it is intended ysis, and commented on the manuscript. PFHC and TH
to mimic usual care and will act as a control treatment. both participated in the design of the study, in particular
Chiropractors are an integrate part of the Danish primary with respect to the cardiologic and nuclear medicine
health care system with approximately 15% of Danes con- aspects of this study, and commented on the manuscript.
sulting a chiropractor each year [40]. Patients that previ- All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
ously have received chiropractic treatment very often have
specific expectation about what chiropractic treatment Appendix 1
consists of. This means that choosing a sham or placebo Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy (MPS)
treatment was not feasible in Denmark due to lack of All patients undergo an electrocardiographically gated rest
naïve patients, and because masking of patients to a sham MPS according to the rest part of a two-day protocol with-
or placebo treatment would not be possible. out attenuation correction [41]. 99mTc-sestamibi (10 MBq.
kg-1, maximum 1100 MBq) is given 20 min. after sublin-
In this study we have focused on two conditions that may gual administration of 0.5 mg nitro-glycerine followed
cause episodes of chest pain, i.e. ischemic heart disease 30–60 min. later by imaging using a dual-head gamma
and CTA. Many other conditions may be present in these camera. A semi-automatic quantitative interpretation of
patients that could cause chest pain. Optimally, a thor- perfusion and functional data is carried out using stand-
ough follow up, including evaluation of esophageal-gas- ard processing software (Auto QUANT® 5.0.0) [42].
tro-intestinal conditions, would have been preferable to Abnormal segmental perfusion scores is computed in a
potentially diagnose some of the CTA-negative patients, 20-segment model using a 5-point perfusion scoring scale
but due to limitations in funding and time restraints such (0 = normal, 1 = equivocal, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe reduc-
evaluation has not been possible. tion of radioactivity, and 4 = absence of detectable tracer
uptake in a segment based on a normal databases set up
In summary, this article presents the rationale and design for each sex). The summed rest score (SRS) is obtained by
of a multi-purpose study consisting of a prospective diag- adding the scores of each segment in the 20-segment
nostic study, and an RCT, with a cost-effectiveness study model [43]. A study is judged abnormal if the sum of
alongside the central trial. It is anticipated to be com- stress scores is = 4 with at least one segment having a score
pleted in 2008, at which time the results will be made = 2. In case of an abnormal MPS at rest, additional stress
available. The first part of this study may potentially dem- imaging is carried out at least two days later using adeno-
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