60 How You Can Build An ESP Machine

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The document discusses the science of psionics and some of its applications and principles.

The document discusses the science of psionics, which involves using the mind to influence physical systems and processes. It gives several examples of how psionics has been used in areas like geology, agriculture and imaging.

Examples given include using psionics to discover an oil field from a plane, get rid of caterpillars on a property, image a dinosaur fossil, and increase cotton yields.




I 'I
A huge ai rcrait lUInberB tbru the Cleml dark .kie. of northern Canada. Below
lin endle .. mHe. of frozen ice and onOW . In the belly of the big plane" geologlat
for a lar le AmClfic an oli corpontion excUCldly adju.t. the dlah On .everal
eleClroo\c: device a thai .u rround hiIn ••• then lean. back with a .m.i1e. Hundred.
of feet below, beneath the hiU. a nd treea and hugh mound. of frozen anow, he
hal jun dhcovered an imITlenn,new, undiscovered oilfield!

Ed Hermann . an engineer for McGraw Hill, lurn. into the driveway of

hi. home In northern New J .. roey, and brakel h1.o car to a oudden .top, Mouth
CIlia!', he Itare. In wide eyed .. uoni.runent at hi" front yard . Everywhere that
he look", there are dead cate r pllh'rs ••• •l:iuerlng hi. drive, hi. lawn , hb .hrub.
and a huge mounded circle of the dead In.ec\l lie beneath hil cherry treel lie
hurrie. InlO Ihe houoe nnd wrllce a letter to form.er Brig. Gen. Hen ry Gro .. at
the lIomeotronic Re search Center in Hartlaburg Pa. "1 don't know bow you did
It" he "'rltea, "but what ever it wa • • it worked! You' ve .ucceeded In letling rid
of every l ut c.te.piller In the nelghborbood ... from 300 mile. away"!

A researcher working In a large laborato ry in Europe h.a. j u.t put a rock

tpecim en and .ome fo .. Uized bone into the ''''ell' of .. p oionlc hox. After a
.hort while, and Icme rnachine adju.tmento, he withdraw_ • photographic plate
from a tlot in Ihe "'''-chine and head. lor the darkroo",. When he'a linlahed
developing the r •• ulting picture. he nod, in •• tid_ction. The Im_ge I. th .. t ol a
Tyrannoa .. uru. Rex .... hug., dlno,aur .xtinct lor million. of year.!

In Calif"rnia. W.s. Nichola., pre.ident o f the Gortaro Management Co . hal JUlt

Hnhhed dictating a leUer; ... "we will un the proce .. next year "n our entire
Z800 acre. of cotton ... if we Ket til ..... me re.ulh on the who le project aa we Kol
on the tut field., we'r., gOinl to aave a r nund $&0 . 000 " 1 A. to th" crop." it
leem. to h.ave about zo1o mar" ned . S. mple tells and good judl"ment lead UI to
hope that w.,are Roing to 8et .. round 1100 pound, to the .cre"l (They actually
.aved well ove r $&O,OOO, .. and the yield averaged belter than 1300 Ih •• perac ... !)

In the D0 La W"rr laboratorle. In Ensl .. nd, Iwo technician . work over a amall
pl!onlc device . Ort, intert. a .eed from .. lily Into .. n ope nin, in the box and .eU
a few dla". The othe r toke. out an o rdinary piece o f photog raphic film and
develop," it. The picture ,how, a ... ature lily In full bloom!

Just what ~re thee .. people doing? They're carrying on .. xp.,rlmentl In the wo r ld'.
'newest' .cie nce" .. P~lonlc o I Th.,y're extending research in a field who'. priocipleo
were ancient even before tbe time of Egypt . Re • .,arch that wa. r e -d iacove red by
many fan,o". name. in 'cleDCe . , well . , such inatitute . of higher learning a.
Yllle, Duke. Columbia and Pennlylvanl" Univera\tle • • Ruearell in tllle Held \0 00
mind bogSllnR ... wlth 00 much potential, that even private organizalion~1 ernplru
like Dow Ch"Inlc.l Co • • nd Bell Laboratorie~, .re working o n it! P.lonic .....
tile science tllat unlock. the ~ecreta of our univoue ••• or Life 1""If!

,, Di.,uned
,, The De81nning
Th e Mbt. of 1'1m ~

We Au Not The Fir"t
Hidden Book. 01 the Ancients
Myllery of the HimaI .. yu

" Do You ~hke Thea .. Mi.t .. k".?

The Source
"" The Auu .• •Llfe Field.
The Field. of Life
" Pendulwn IIlu.tration
"" WhM Thlo Book Can Do For You
Where Doe. It Corne From?

""'" How You r Body Radiate.

Bnln W..ve Dlu.Ual l one
Eleclrornasnetlc Spectrum lllu.tr .. tlon

'""" How Telepathy Work~

Time ... The Fourth Dirncnoion

" " Time Rocket lllu.tration/ Je t En.lne lllu.tr .. tlon

Picture. From t he Pan

"" Puwer From the Pyramid.

Pyramid Con.truction
Laler Conve .. .. tion.

'"n La.er 1l1"8t""';on/ Ener.y Wavelenath Illuotration
The Apollo Millions

"" Try 1'1010 Expedment

Elec t romagnetic Pyramid lliustntion
Oper .. ting The Machine
"" Machine Conltruetio",
Stroker Plale Wiring Ulu.tr .. tlon/ S .. mple Well (Detecter IIllullrlOtion
" Sample Well (Detecter) IUu.tration

90/9 1
Len. Focu. Auemblyl Snoker Wafer A .. cmb ly
Part. UIUsl .... ,lon
Heironyn'lul M.. chine Dia.n.m

"" Helrony=. .... Machine Schematic

Makins The Sc .. le

Varl .. tion" DC FUming Arrangement.
Variable Output AuembLy
De L .. Wa .. r C .. rnera DI ....... m

"" The De La Wan Camera.

De La Warr Splrah

The Drown Machine
Prof;edure of Ope ration
SuppLI" ..
'" POlnll to Ponder

'" Scientific Fau E"trapol .. ted Into Ph.u8able Theo ry


I wa.. just plain elek of headn, "bout oth"r people ' . p.ychlc experience. I
It almo.t .eems •• if everyone but me could partorm oome Idnd of ESP. And
It wa.n't t hat 1 hadn ' t tried. Boy! Had I tried!
Ever eince I wa ... kid. p. ychl., phenominon had inte r uted m". Buck Roger •
... ghoot .tor\" .. .. the Richard Shaver my.terin. all served a. the b r eed In,
r.round for my int"reot. When 1 "'a, in my teeno. my friend, .nd I did quite a
lot of experimenting in the field of ' regre .. lon' .... th.t wa, the time of the Bridey
M"rphy &\"r\ ... . And We had just enoug h ,ucce .. to whet my appetite. Later in
life. my career nrved to add fuel to the fire. I was with CBS. hosting a 'Islk'
.how •• nd br"t b .. .. J Int .. r vlewed ev"ry kook thai crawled "lit of th .. woodwork .
nUT ... ! aloo met enough ' r .. al' psychics to .toke tho lire. oven hl,her . Oh aure .
by that lime I wa, ,ettin& okeptical. .• phoni .. , out for, buck .nd aome !reo
publlclly. had hardened me a lot . but you .ee. my wife and I had for yeart ex -
perienced • kind of lelepathy. Nothing spectacul.r. I h.u"n to add. but enough of
a definate contact to know thzt somethin, un""pl'in"d did oClually IOXlol.
But try •• I mi,ht. 1 wa. n"ver "ble to do anything I c"uld reaUy cro ... about.
a.. far •• d"ftn"" Or deHhtlrat .. ESP was concerned. Even the telepBthic mo .. age.
We did get were realiy ono _way. For .. "ample . I'd be working. and juat befor"
going home . gel the .trongnl urge 10 p i ck up ,Orne rel.eling .... ine. exotic chee,o .
cU<nquats "r what ha"e you. from the all night gr"c"r. Don ' t Uk me why ... I W'"
n~ver terribHy fond of thM ,tui!1 Bul IUr" enOUilh. wben I'd ~"t home. my ev .. r
lo"ing would uI"",ily sav ,omelhlng Hko ... "Oh. I .ee yOIl got my m ••• age. Thank
you dear" . and ImU • • mully ! 11 was downri,hI di'IIUlling!
You lee it Beeml. in ESP. that 1 w"" a. great 'r"col"er '. but 'lendin~' ... $hhh . ..
th$t wno anotb"r kettle of fi,h ... U ,tank! Oh oure. once in a while during
controlled experiments, I ..."uld be ~~le to deliberately lend the image of an oil
paintlnl or the lik • • ~nd my wife ",,,uld get it ... but Ihal wa • • hout the grand .um
of thinill . What wal .. .,en m<>re galling wa. t hai . whUe it ."emed that I wee mired
down In in"biliti ... , no mailer h" .... hard I tried Or d".lred .... cc"u . m.y oth .. r han
forged "head by leap, and bound, r
1 don't know if It was tht. de"elopment Ihat Influenced mo to ue k more a n d
more plych!c ,uelt. for mv ahow, o r that development progreo.ed wilh more and
mo r e contac l . but it waB durin& Ihia period thai 1 had the "c r y good fortun" to
meet. Interview and become friendl wilh Bome of Ihe leading poychic. of the
world. Su r e. the r e were .. lot of phonl ...... llk" the day Ihe reincarnation of Je.u,
Ghr!.t walked Into Ihe .lud1" and threatened to end the wodd if I didn't agree wllh
hi. phll"sophy ! (l didn' t. We ' re lUll here)! flut weeding out the cr"ckpoU and
phonies w ... n' l too hard if the criteria wal .imply Ihat the rea.l ueu did ,omethlng
that co ... ldn ' t be explaln~d away .. . knew thlngo th.1 no one .. he could poodbHy know
In adv.nce.
Q{ cou r le you KNOW wh .. t heing arollnd the,,, people did to my ogo! FLATI
DESPAIR ! DISGUST I It wu then that I bo&an to look into Whchcraft. although I
.dmlt it was only half heartedly. Aller a ll . what could" psychic failure pos.iblv
achieve . when he didn' l really belie~e in dem.on' and InCanlallons . onyway? Tb"n
caine pyraonlda. VOILA I I tried Iheln aU. It waln ' t long befoTe I wae .illln& among
mound. and mounda of bubbly wale r cont ain ...... nd ultra .. harp uzor blad... . feclln&
,,,rry for my.ell "lain. Afte r all. lhere arc jUllt 00 many razor blade ... guy can
Meanwhile. back at '&ho.t ranch', my wife w •• gaily ha"ln, dally conver ... llono
with " omething' thai ,.,a. giving h .. r the rillht .... w .. r. and an enilmatic ,mile all
the tim. ... I convinced her ( out of deoperation) I" d .. lve Int" tbt ...xperlence m01"O
de .."ly. We gol !T1e .. "ge ....frorn .omewhere .... r oomethin&. and th .. y kept s"tting
longer "nd long. r and mor" and mor .. complex. TII",y Were guiding u. t I
r"c.,ived plan. for. 'p.ychlc g"n",r.tor ' to . Ir"nlillan my own pow .. r.nd output I
We lot an.",eU to Intricate que.tiona concerning ESP ••• p.ycblc phenomlnnn and
even certaln devices that could m.cbanically enhanc .. the inborn p.ycblc abilily
that everyon'" la born withl
Then cam., Goodavage. No, he'a not a ghoat. He'. a writer. It wa. 1974. Sa,a
magazine had an article written by Joe"eph Goodavage that b.,came the ANSWER I
It w~. about P.lonleo and reading It wa .. like .n ",xploolon of undent.nding. I h.d
to know more I 1 ac r ounged Hbr.rle . ... ehecked oul the archive. In W•• hington ...
even re sea r elled oveueu. FANTASTIC I Palonici WI. j".t. dlll""",nl name fo r
.ofnethin, thai had heen under my no.e for ye.u ....omething 1 hadn ' t reaUy paid
any attention 100. Fortunately. otll"r. h"dn't b"en 10 atupid. Th"'tI were literally
hundred. of booka cove ring y"au and years o f rueareh in thh Ueld ... and the
prOl re u over..,". in the lall decade w ... aimOlt unbelieveablell built my {hat
plion\e machine "nd that wao THE BEG1NNING ....


In 1956, editor John Campbell of Science Fact Mag"'~ine s .. id, "Scientists

are now prodding at the e dgu of a new Held that will open .. totally new concept

of the univer s e, and that, within ZO year _ , the barrier will be cracked I A

m s nuIactllred machine will be achieved, and 1 believe It will be done by 1915".

Just ouch a machine wa s patented in 1948 by T. Galen Hieronymu3 .....

patent miinber 2,462,773 II

On the following page . i s all the iniorITlation nec .. n ary to construct your

own e lectronic. s olid . t .. t .. device capable of amplifying thought I The machine

thus constructed can be used .. s a Time Photography Machine, Thought Projector,

Mind Over Matt e r Device, Clairvoyant Projector. a nd Psychic G e nerator. With

it, you'll be a ble to take pictures of both the past a nd the future I Look backward

to lo s t civilizations or ahead to your unborn children I Analyz e unknown compound s

to locate trace ITlin e r .. b or detect valuable metalo in ore samples I Locate a

missing per. On anywhe re in the world .•• or in OUTER SPACE! Contact the

inhabitant. of the A.tral Plane at any time, with e ... e I Directly inIlucnce

other. with your thoughts and emotions_ Compel tho.e YOlllove and deaire to

acknowledge your feelings! Even affect living plants and in.eets In a ny ITlanner

you desire! Plant. will grow fanta . tically ... in s ecto will be destroyed by your

will alone I In hct, there are many, many more Ul e. {or this a.toundlnK de vice

and I'm s ure that you'll find eVen more than I've jUlt li s ted.

Psionic . .... GOES BEYOND I

Poionico h more than jUlt ESP. Extra Sensory Perception i. a pur e ly

mental function that relate. to e><tending tha five known s ense • • It cover s thing .

like tel e pathy (mind to mind contact), psychoklnesi, (ITlovinK object. with the

mind), and clairvoyance (~limp l ing a future event before it happen.) . Not that

th" ... t hing. a~en't marvelou... nough . M.ut of III would be tickl .. d pink to

oetHe {o~ that. But polunici Roel beyond thit range •• • lnto th" roo .. lm of L Helda

and th .. ir cornblnltion with oth.. ~ known .cI .. nc .... ESP . Ir .. lch ... th .. mind 10

it'. OWn lirniU, {orceing II tl> utillu abiliti ... th .. t it normally po ...... eo but

tbat hlven 't b .. en caUed Into play before. Palonleo UUI the .., 'normal'

abiHtiel of tbe mind in conjunction with known pbYI1CIllawi .. nd Icienc ... to

connect with the Univertll Mind or L Fiold.

It m .. anl that now you Ca.n perronn leall that "v." ' normal' plychlel can't

dol And becauu the abillty to do theu mind .t,mning, unhelievable thini' COrne l

Jrom th .. '.our ce', not the mInd, you need nO prior trllnln& or p.ychic gill! Thlt'l

the nalOn anron .. can do It I Everyone i. born with p.ychle .bHlly... everyenel

But, net everyon. h ... I .. a.rned to ,ne th .. ,e .enlel. But, they're there. Lying

quietly donnant within th. rnind ... wllting. With the aid of I polonlc machine

they become activated ... unlea.hed, they l urge fortb te combine withlhe ' Iource '

... an .ven more powe~ful. awe Inlplrlng fore. I

P.lonicl make. almoot any thins poa"lblle! Any deolre ••• nud ... emotlon ,

tranofermed Into materiel object. I Sound. impo.libUe doe.n't It1 Sort of like

witchcraft? Well. that'. not too f.r off. U you de.ir" to look into the pa.t ... or

slimp.e the future . ch .. nse nature, re-cre .. te a phYllcal object 10 meet your oWn

ml .. ndard • ••• p.lonic. makes it po.slbile! Thi. i sn'l just a play t o lell you a book,


For example . re-creating a phy. ical object Into your own Idea of what it

8hould be wa. done by. technid .. n for a CIHfo rnia Power Co. The company

had a .erlou. b~eakdown In their electronic circuilry, that wa. all but untrace .. ble.

A p.lonlc device not only located tbe p r obl em. but r ep.hed the damaKed circuit

with the power of =ind lionel A new circuit wa. actul>UYt materially formed to

replir a breech ... rnakin. a completely wo rk.hle 'circuit again I Power "'a.

imm."dlaUy nator"d ~o company linea . ACTUALLY.FOtlMINC MATTER! Not

normally con.ldered within the reelm of ESP.

Anything you de.ire or wi.h to accomplish is nOw at your fingertip. I Loc.te

rich 0"" d"po.its ... Influence tho .e around you ••. comm.nd molecules 0 1 metal

or Il,owth in plaoU •.• h"al 11I n ...... coot.act the nlr.1 plane nr tune In the n.u

••• Ju.1 • sm.lI fr.ction of th .. fantastic thinas thn have already been accomplished

w!lh IlIh mhaculous device! Do you W.nt 10 move obJ .. ct. with your mind? Delve

Into the unknown mysteries of Blgfoot ••• Atlaoth .•• the Pyramids? Now yuu can!

YOU pone .. the ability by simply lurnlng a dlall

The mo al fant •• UC dr.ama of man are yours Ihis very minute ••• lhru Ihi.

boo k your holdinll in your h.nd •• All th .. knowl .. dll" "'"c..... ry t o command th ..

unknown i. In the (oUowina p.ae • ••• waitinll.


Pslonics is not new ••• thal i . , it' . not lomelhlnll recently discov .. red and

now beina brought 10 Iillllt fo .. Ih" very flr.lllme. I'm Dollalklng .boullhe

rudlment.ry eXperiment. ca rried out in the Held In Ibe e.rly 1800' •••• whn I'm

r"r .. rring I<> goe. b . ck f.rther th.n lhal ••• b.ck 10 anclenl Egypt ••••• nd before I

There lire prohably many o! my reade ... who don't believe in the my.ler;ou.

lost clvlliz.tlon. of Ihl , world ••• who are sure Ihat Atlantis and Mu and Lemuri"

are only legend and myth . 1 won't dwell On tbeory heu, no matter how",e11

.ubat.ntl.led, bul I mull .dd lhal there are m.ny modern d .. y acienl llll .. nd

. rche .. l ogi. ta ... ho .. re convinced by evidence, thai older civili .... tlon. th.n Eaypl

nol only aCIU.lly exi.ted , but wer" the te .chen of the .. nciento. The ,upplie ... of

knowledge that In"de tho civIlization of Egypt th" center of the world ... that allowed

her the distinction of oOIne of the world'. mOlt om .. "lng and my.tlfyinS enllineer _

Ina· It·, accepted by mony Egyptologial. ror example, that the buildln, of th" Ir"at

p ~yamid, could nol be dupllc.ted lod ay ... even wllh ou r ' advanced' enlineering

techniques and "'odern heavy equipment. They abo acce pt th ..1 evidence nOW.e"InS

to prove the exiltonce of Ilnnge device. used by the .e a ncient engineer.. that was

cepable of moving al .. nt block. of alone end aranile Ihrough Ihe .Ir ••• by levitation!

Devices that had the power 10 manipulate m.uer ••• to defy Ihe '1 ..... • of Itnown

Wh .. t m .. k~ . this idea . eem ao f. r fetched t o rno. t peopl e . i . tllaimp Li c. -

tion th .. t It it w~ r .. re.U y true . w~ ",ould h.ve hea r d .bout it 10ng ago, •• lt would

b~ "'rltton up In moat of our hhtory book •• Not aoJ You h ave to bear i n mind

that hum.nity ha. unde r gone m . ny ,0cl.1 changa • • e"en in the 'aho r t ' t i me

between .ncl .. nt Egypt and now. Dlacover;e. made du ri ng the ve r y d.wl'l o r

hlilo r y . Wire lo. t . nd r e - discovered many time. d\lring man'. l ifetime . beca\l18

the reianina 10cieH e. deemed them dal'lgero\l, . You have to re m .mb. r aome of

your .l'Iclent and mad l e v d hi . t ory fo r . ... mpl •• t o r ec all the t u r m oil .nd poli tic.

of t he Inqulaltlon. It w u a time in hbto r y . when the po"'. r of the religlou,

chu r ch ruled luprerne . Anythina deemed •• crliia iou. o r h eretic.l w •• b.nl.hed ••

hidden .w.y •• 0 •• not to co rrupt m.n. I cou Ld lI't well ove r 10000 called ' modern'

diacove r l •• tha t have been .cientifically proven to have e"i ste d hund r ed. of ye .....

hefOrll t he birth of C hri.t ! Not theo r le. o r predlctlo n .... b ut actWt.1 ope r .tlna

invention. that we r e se cr e t e d away!

Take the oec r e t of fl i ght fo r e ,.ampl e . The wo rki ng kno wl edge o f avlatton

exlohd long before t h. Mo ntgolfle r b r othllr. made thei r firs t balloon flight In 1783 I

The fi r .1 known .den tific a c count of . fl ying mac hine w ,," t h a t b uilt by .. Jeau!t

Bertolomeu do GUamao . H e .ent to hh \<'Ina. J ohn V of Po rtugal . .. report .. bout

hia tlyinl m.ch ine. alonll with. requett fo r pa r m i .dm, t o tr y it out. Kina J ohn .

not being .. fool. immedi a tJy a .. w the p r o.pact. of ouch a machi ne .nd not only

gave hi. enl bu. i • • tic pe r mia.!on. but .ho t.aued aD allotme nt o f 600 ,000 RIIh.

",blch enabled the invento r m inunedletl y p r oceed w ith t he p r oject . Mueh h. .

baen w r itten about Gu. m ao ' . machine . It Wa •• dmiud b y thounnda of people who

wetched It. but the ac tua l secret of how It func ti oned wu c a r efully In.urad by

putting Ihe only le I of preci ... p l e n . iN THE VAT IC AN LIBR AR Y I It i. remembered

t o have been much lik e" m ode r n .I r pl.ne , egulped wi th ho ri ~o"t.1 tubea that

. . .. vod •• je t pipe. Or blowen I On Augue t 5th. he new t he machine belo ... the Kina

and the enti r e court. but it c. ug ht fire and cr •• h"d. On t h e 30th of Octobe r anot her

.ttempt "' ... rn.de •••• •"nd it "' a. a ucce.dull The c r aft took off a nd .chieved .. very

grea t height befo r e clr cleing and landing without incident .
Flut K .... wn

Atomic The ory Uluk. K.n"d" 500 B. C . Boyle 1661

EplcuTu. 270 B.C. Dalton 1805

Theory of Zen .. of Elea 5th Cent.B.C. Einnein 1'11(.

Age o f Earth Age o r \lnivene 4,3 billion 4.6 h illion years
ye.r . ... the Mahahhar.ta {20th Centuryl
Pl~neto beyond D~mcr!tu. a nd Anu:!.rnone" UrR"U. l781
S .. turn both 5th Century D. C. Neptune 1846
Pluto 1'130

Sunspot. C hi na ZOOO y .... ago Galileo 1610

Jupiter ' . I .. rlen Daby lon ZIIIIII B.C. Gameo 1610

moon • • Ph... eo or H"rsche l and Bond
Venus , 7 oateliite. 19th Century
of Saturn

Electric Battery Babylon ZOOO yro. "10 Volta 181111

Aviation D.edaiua ZSOO B.C. Wright B r o • • 1'103
Emperor Shun ZZ58 D.C.
K! K ung Sbi 1766 B , C ,

Turho Jet En8ln" Horon lot Century D. C. Von Cha i n 1'.139

Whittle 1941
Roboh and Da"d.lu. ' "utom~ t on. Weiner 1950
COTnpuler. ZSOO B.C. a nd A .. tikJhera
compute r 65 B.C .

Vaccination Veda. 1500 B.C. Jennor 1800

Peni cillin Egypt ZOOO B.C. Fleming 1925

Exi oten.,e of Plalo 4th Century B.C. ErlCfc>n and ajarnl

Ame rica Se .. eca ht Century A. D. 1000 A.D.
Columhu. 1492

wr ARt; NUT Tilt: .11ll1r

A ......... T omu
... "' .... 197)

and a Roylll Chaplain. Then, It waa huah .. d lip I T" lnqll;aition jud,ed the machin ..

to be tb .. work of the devil, and the ever obedient Guamao never revealed it'a

.ecre t allainl (See Illuuratlon).


SIIppreulon alao holda true for the invention of electricity, the light bulh,

, .. npowder and hundreds of ot" r 'dangeroua' diacoveri". Ibat have fo r canluri".

been kept s"c r et In orde r to a" rv .. the quelllo_ble p"rpoa"a of myttic power


It'. a well known fact to hi.torian", Bnd theologians, for e>tample, that the

religlou. a ecb of lareal and Egypt commonly coded th"ir aecreta while Irana -

acribing them, in o rder to insure that the knowledle wouldn't be uled alaioat

them, ahould it fall Into the .. rong handa. BOIl Ju,t clever ... arl<1nl' weren't

enough. The enemy knew ot the e",htance of lhla knowledge, 60 the coOe had to

b. IncM'porated in a very lubtle way that wnuldn't arouse au",pielan. The ",c roll.

had to appear aUlhentic. initiates were therefor trained for yea ... in the .. rl of

nUane"", in wordln, and 'ahade s of meanln,'. Th.y could tell at a ,lance a

genuin" reproduction, fr om One that had been alt.red alighUy .. nou,h aa lo ... ake

II unua .. bl" or worthl.... AU of the record. oflh •• e ... ct" wer" handl .. d In thb

m~nner, and in("ct, mOil of th ... croU. found In the D .... d S .... rea "'ere found

to contain the .e flaw • • Even the early chriotlanl were known to have uoed the

olgo of th .. fl .h on their ornam,mh and jewelry.", .. coded lign of their belief.

alee agol Tho ... that ue .... refu~ed to divul, .. their knowl .. dlle ellher 10 Ihelr

en.mle", or the igno r a nt m ... ea that ... rved th .. m. Some felt they were hone.Uy

capable of pauinl judl.. ment on mankind, .nd decided w.. weren't r e.dy for

luch power.

being ator .. d in t!>., .r~hlvea

and und .. ra:r ound vaull. of the Vallcan, for e"ample.
At one time o r anolher , much o f thi. informatiOn ha. b .. en deemed too

danllerou. for mankind, but lik e danilling a carrot before a donkey, we ' re a"und

U,., t ",e'll he told "when the t ime I. r lllbt"l

I think mo.t r,,"deU a r e familiar with the ci r cum.tancu of the me .. a/le.

o! Fatlmll , The .. hi.to r lc reve.laUon., received at the time of ",odd wa r t, "'ere

to have been r elea.ed 10 th" wo r ld .t pre - de t ermi ned time • • The late.t p.rt of

t he me .. age ",a. to h."e been r e"e.led .even.l y ear. lillO, but waa ~d On

the declolon oC the Pope on the g r ound. Ih.o> t be doesn ' t t h ink we're r eady I

And don ' t kid youroelf into thinking thet thia i. the firn time eithe r . Va r i oul

I"inll were claimed 10 blve levheted •.. &nd there i. Ilood Iclentlflc r .. llon to

believe thllt they not only accompli.hed thi. fea t quile "ellulady, but were aware

of the mann er In which they accompli.hed Itl Several documented instance. of

buman . al well •• mate r i.l levitaHon have been known Ihr ou/lhollt the a8eo , .nd

i ndlcstlons a re that thoy all ," " ent"ally w ound up i n the vatic on libr ar y .

Don't get the idea however, tha t the cb"rch i l the o nly villiin. Olde r groupa

llnd or/llnlzatlon. who I .. llce Ihelr o r lgil>.O back hundredl of yel", are .1I0.uopecl.

JUlt One luch OJ"lIani zation that comOI to mind b the my.te r ioul AII"rth ...


The Agartha wal fLut d~acribed hy S .. ln t Yve. d'Alveyhe, Rene Gueno n and

F . O.tendowlkl. 11 i. an under/lround .anc l u.ry hidden under the Himalayal, whero

the ' Maltera of the World' a .. emble. Tbia I. their account: "Th, Agarthl 10 t ho

graat initiatory univeralt y of A. la. It '. rule r. the Mahatma . It know n •• theSovereilln

Un ;" eru l P ontiff . Hi . f unctio n io e .. e ntillly educ atlona,l, f o r the Ag artha hal

i<nowledlle of a phYlical aclence tbat ,",ould enable it to del tr oy the "'arid ...... nd It'.
psychle .clenee Is equllUy adv s ncodl It ' . oxillance wa. delibe r etely concealed
IIntil the nineteenth century. becaule their .clenc .. wOllld e",po" mll ni<ind to evil

and Ihe gene r a l ni/lo o f ana rcby " ~ Alian h l, t ory .tate, thllt the sanctuary wa.

fiut e.. I .. h li .hed In 1800 e . c . They went On to a.y ••• "Such WI. the "welome power of
th .. accumulat .. d knowl .. dgll , Ihat nnne bave ever rev .. a1ed the loc .. lion of the

center. (The fakirs of India .. re formllr pupil. of thfo Agartha who Itopped thllir

_tudiu bofore reachlnS tho upper leveh of the organization). " The account

continue., "The undersround libr .. rle., which for mOre than 55,000 yeau ha ....

contained a ,ynthe.i. of all the atts and .cienen , are open to the uninitiated.

The true archives "f thll Parade.a (unlve ... ity) cover a "alt area however, and

nnly the Sovereign Pontifi .. nd hi. chief ....i.tanl. have cDinplele knowledge of

the catalogue of tbat library 1 No one I, ever allowed to take their I .. "tbool...

from the Agartha ... thelr contento mull be kept only In the m .. mery"l

As far fetched ftI Ihll may lound, there i. "<>thins irrational In Ih .. " .. um-

pUon Ihat luch knowleds" wa. hand .. d down throll8h the age •• to e10ae lTIelTIbeu

of certain sroup •• There i. abundant .. vidence of luch sroupo ;n South America,

Europ .. , Aftlc .. , Asia, CenlrBl Amerlc" and the United State • • C. T .... rieu>t

d'Egmond wrot .. : "AIL Ih.... cred .ct .. nce. ~ re "till pre.erved in th .. Agartha.

Atlantis bequealhed them to Egypt, .. Ionll with It' l Iymbol, the Sphln>t", Perhapl.

It is an intoreating not .. thnt a" recent a. 1947 a man edling hlmulf 'Prine ..

Cherenzll Lind. Maha Chohan (great leader) and S"pufTle Resenl nf the Realm

of the Aaa1'lha ' . went to F .. ance to vl,lt Brother Mlch .. l IvanoU, Grand Ma.t .. r

of the Unlver ... l White Brotherhood of S .. vr ... 1

Although the atory of the Allarlh" i, only One account. the mare you

~ead and ......arch the .... bjecl. th .. mo~e convinced you beCOfTlII that p.ionic.

wa. in ul ...... xten.ivly ... prIDr to 'modern man'. Wh.ther it Bctually came from

the 50 . 000 y.ar old civlliz .. tlon o[ Mu Or predate' even thefTl (n Ih"i~ own

hlotory would indicale J. It immate~laL. What I, important to you ~Ight now. I,

th .. fact Ih't P,ionico I. an ancient ... t and .ciene. practiced .ucce •• fully long

before the dawn of chrlotianity. A .d .. ne .. that \0 onh now beina brought back

Into tbe Iiaht, to reveal to man .em. of the mo.t ,tarlling di,coverl", "nd

powerful force, in the unlvene.


In tha back af th e book ar" the diagram! and !tep by .tep inotructlon.

nece .... ry to build .. polontc machine and perform .. e ... eral "xperim"nt• • You

can easily .kip back there right now, 1ollow the direction • ••• p e dorm the

experiment ... nd get r eoult • ••. BUT, that' . prob"bly all you'll ever .. chieve with

the d e vic e . Because. in ord.,r for ytJu to be a ble to go beyond the few exp e rim"nh

listed .•• to delve into ar eas and idea. 01 your own, yau MUST UNDERSTAND how

the devlc" work. and ~! Once that' . underotood, ther e ' . no end to what you can

accomplish with thi. unc a nny in. trume nt. That'. why thi. i., perhap. , the mo.t

difficult p,ut of the book, for in orde r for ytJu ta thoroughly underotand the idea .

I'm trying to get acro u w" muot 'speak the ..,me I .. ngu .. ge' •••• und ero tand the

meaning behind certain word . that a re aU too often taken for grant.,d.

I've found that peopl e today have become accuototn"d to ",ecepting generalities

rather then deeply thinking a new couc"pt through. In order to communicate with

you I have to u . " words, even though 'word . ' ar" an invention of m.an that all too

oiten prove s totally inadequat" . b" cau l e th" li . tener ion 't alway. hearing what

the speak er i . s aying. He ' . usually too bu oy thinking he understand o what the para-

graph i l about, and .0 ju.t okiIn . over it lightly and hurrie s on. In orde r to fore-

stall that problem., let'. atart from. I cratch on a m.utual understanding of certain

words .

Most p eo ple think of 'energy' in t.,rm. of the e nergy cri ses ... Sas .. . oil. ...

ga ooline. Th eoe thing. are ~s of e ner gy ... not energyl Energy i . an unknown

lure e . It' . u .ed by man every .ingle day of hi . exi.tance , but he .till dae .n't

know what It h . Light i. energy. Heat i . energy. Electricity i. energy. Magnetism

is en" rgy. Ad Infinitum. Energy i. a fore" that takes msny form • • Like water ....

icc ... fog . it can he m.anifeote d in many ways, but .till r em.ain .... e n ergy!

Remelnb~r th"t.
Mind does not m~an Btaln. Thought do,,' not m"an brain . Tb" brain b a

phYlieal object that i. a part of th" mate .. ial hody. Mind i8 not phy,lc.ll Thought

io not phyoical! Brain!!.1 Tbought doe. flot orl,lnate in the brain I

All too often we hell., of .omeon" who hal I ... fhred brain dam.g~ and \0

ealloudy referred to .a • 'mindl" .. v",,,t.ble'. WronS I It' . only bee."' ... no on"

in that condHion hat "v" r t"turned to nDrmallona "noullh! to refut" that .tatement

and deelare"l undentood ev.rything y1>u laid. I could Itill think. It wal only my

body and vocal cord. th.1 w.r"n'l functlonlns" I Let m .. gi"e you an a""logy to

mak" my point.
Your in an ",irplan" without m~nual cuntrola but equiped wHh an autom.atic

pilot. Ther" i. no radi o. Sudd"nly the craft go •• oul of control. You know the

.utoma tic pilot hal become damaged . The plan. begin. to act err.tieaUy. diving,

'pioning . twiating . You. inald ... know that tbe mind within the plan ..... you .. !sn·t

damag .. d at an. only th. eom.plicat .. d comput .. t 11k" 'hrain' of the eraft \0 o .. t of

order . The 'braln' I, the thing that k .... p. th" pl.n .. fUnetioning ... keepl It on

couue d .. lp ite IIltl .. !Iuctlifotlonl In air curunll or out.ide pre .. ure .... keep.

every monitoring device within the aircraft, the 011 ,auge. fuel pr"lIur". cabin

pr" .... re. operatin, a. de.i,n"d. S .. t th" · br.ln ' to NOT the thing that do •• tbe
4c t .. al dedlion makinS Ot thInking connecled with wh"re it b goIng Or bow 11'.

going to g .. t there. That', done by tbe mind ... youl

So ,em.ember th" dUfe,enc" betwe .. n mind and brain. Th .. brain \a th ..

phy.lcal, and can be materially eXllInin~d. m.ea.ured and even handled. The mind

i. an unknown I Wh.t II It? What mak ... it (unetio .. . .. think? Where doe. it corne

from? Science hal finally foend the .... w"r ... or at l" •• t what look. Ilk .. Ih ..

"n.wet. and H'. what explain. why a palonie devle. can ponlbly wotk ... why

.eem.lng mhade. are poulble through It' ...... 1

A s I've said, 1 don't feel people today do very much ' de e p' thinking. I'll go

Oven farther. I think most are obliviou. to n e w discoverie s , no matter how

astounding or amazing, unle .. the y're featured prominantly on TV or the hont

page of a new . paper. Ab.olutdy astonishing Tevelation o aTe msde almo",t daily,

y e t remain unnoticed by the g~nersl public.

For example, did you know that NASA ocienti ot. have retently r epo rted a

'mysteriou5' forte on the mOOn thati. apparently controlHni the operation of a

scientific station set up by Apollo a s tronaut" 1 Or that NASA and th~ U.S. N ..vBi

Observatory have uc~rtBlned that not only are Phobo . and Deimoo, the moons of

mar s , artificially orbited, but that 8 other 'moon.' of our solar system are now

ouspected of also beinG s omething d(he" than natural utellitesJ Theo" things

never made Pag e One or TV.

This ume principal hold. true for what should be everyday knowledge •••

tbat which we l e arned in school h ofte n forgotten through disu.e. Let ' . take an

example. Matter and the Atom. P};ys lcs ha . taught that lTlatter cannot bede otroyed,

It' . form Can b e cbang e d, but matter itsel! i. indi s tructable .. . becaUBe it con si st.

of atom •• Atoms, once thought to b e minute particle . of oolid matter were , in

actualHty , di s covered to be compo s ed of tiny amount. of pure energy .. ,w,,"e s of

energy ... s olidified or 'froz e n' into the non mOvement we recognize 51 matter, And

because energy can't b e deotroyed, and matter Is made of energy, matt~r can't

possibly be destroyed. So far, . 0 good . Matter ;s a Corm of energy in v~ry slow or

stopped motion (or ~uency).

EnerGY move s in puloes. A puloe ... pause ... pulse ... pau se ... pulu, Imagine it

a s a wave. Thc crest io the pul se of e nerGY, the trough I I the pauoe, How clo.e

togeth e r thc WBVU are, i . calle d the ir £r~quency (how frequently they occur), One

wave every 20 or 30 yeau is " reality .... a "ery low frequency, In order to

apl'e " " a~ a •. olid, the Wave mu s t b e long enough ( di.tance from crut to crest)

to "ppear m.otlonleso or as if Itanding .. till.

Ae tl.., frequency of wav". ineua.e" a. t h .. y b ..com, mor" o/t"n and clo.er
tog .. ther, they are ob.erved tn diUerent form •• TbI, range of frequaneia. is

kno .... n a. the eloctromagnetic apectrum . W hile the (raque"cy ia atill on the 10....

end of the .p.. ctrum ..... " ob.erve Infn r"d ••• when It progr" •• ", to very high

trequ.mcy ratea , wa dl&cov"r ult r a vlo'e t. l.n ba twee", are ..ll the known cycl",

of frequency wo IIvo with everyday. VI.ib l " Ii,ht .. a heque"cy of m.Uer ....

.. adio wavea an a frequency of matter .... so i. tel"vl,lon ... heat ... X - r,y •• All

the Urne en"rgy , vlbro.ling al different irequendu I

Bul even thla rang" of frequendu ia only a tiny part of the enthe "leetro-

""',netic apectrumJ The part .e ca" ,ee •• Jee l ."e"perience materially. Beyond

the range of whllt .clence can now meaau r ". liea the large.t part of th .. 'pectrum,

at yet unrrteaouroble and unddectable. There ... liea the frequency r atea of gravity

magnetiun ... teleJN'thy ... thought It..,Ul (See llIu.tration) .

Thanka to Dr. Alb" rl Elnaleln, w" a r e faced with the reali .. aUonthalmaU"r

and "n"rgy are one and th" .ame. On", can ..... Uy be ehanged Into the Olhert It

mean. tha t your body and brain are made u p of electromagnetic radiation • •

vlb ..... ling at a given frequency within thb gravitational field we 'live ' In. To prove

thia h ao ... il the hequency of a g r avitational field modili ... our ewn bodily freq-

uency to atabtllae our .toma, then the lack of gravity ahould havtl aome ao rt of

deerhn"nlal effect On Our bodio •• rlghl1 Such wa. found to actually be the c ... e

In studie. conducted by NASA on altronauto retllrnlna horn prolonsed flight . in

o r bit! Basically too. becauo .. of l ack of ' interferanCI ' by t he frequlncy oflyavi l y,

telepathic cOlnmunlc"UoD ,hould . 1.0 be cloarer and onnch ... aler In apac ...

Altronaut Edgar MitChell (who.l ater founded a pllonlc re.earch oraanbUion) ,

dlacove r c d thia to be ex actly the caoe, when he wa . . . ked t o conduct a telepathic

experiment with,. p,ychlc On ea r th during hi . onoon IHIM! So Eln.tein waa

po.,ibly p r oven rlght ... man i . compo ... d of and .... frcunded by nothing but pur ..

.. nergyl
Tlli. fact. tllat tllouahl II a frequency, i s perllap. eaaier to a .. imllate

if you con.ider some of the mysti(yina demonstrations put on by (amou. psychics

ouch as Kr ... kin Or Uri Geller. I'm lure we're all familiar with tile my_tic who

handles" rinH or watch someone ha l wern o r touched, and reveal •• urprlslnll

koo"'iedge o( that peuon. Thl. is du .. to t he sympath .. tlc fr .. qu .. ncy o( Iheown ....

L field wllh the molecules e( Ille .. ing.All matter hal Ihto ability but metal leern_

to hav .. the property of making tile a{(inlty more eallly apparent. Tht. i . In

Importanl h.c ! te remember wilen learoiol"ow to tak .. 'time ' photol with the

machine. The light oen l itiv .... muioiono( photographic fibn i . composed mainly

o! I llver f

Now, perhaps, we begin to get some insight into the connection between man, ESP abil ities,
and the source , What is the source? Again , th ink 01 the brain , It cootrols Ihe lunchons ollhe
body... responds 10 stimuli such as pain and pleasure.1 responds 10 lhe senses ... and 10
thought! Like the automatic pilot in the airplane , it does as it is programmed to do. Your body
'works' automatically, no lunction is performed consciously or deliberalely.

'Something', keeps it going, keeps giving the s ilent commands Ihal hold your malerial body
within it's shape .

Try to control any 01 the major lunctkms 01 your body right now. Slow your heartbeat. .
respiralion .. blood pressure. Impossible? Some yogis do it regularly and we're awed. WHY1
WE ALL POSSESS THE SAME ABILITY or we woutdn't exist at this very moment. We
simply don'l practice it enough 10 be able to ta ke rt lor granted!

Were you aware that science is now convinced that every Single cell wrth in your body and
brain, is duplicated and replaced every six monlhs? II's a well known medicallact now, ask
any doctor. Over a period 01 years, depending upon your age, your entire bra in has been
replaced betwee n 5 and 25 times. You didn't d o that consciously!

You aren't even awa re of it. Yet, you retain thoughts and memories from one bra in to the
next. You remember your younger years , despite Ihe fact that it was another bra in altogether
that formed those memories. What's even more extraordinary, is that you can sti ll recogn ile
yoursell in the mirror. Thi nk about it. If every single solitary cell in your body is different now
from the ones that formed ~, say, 6 months ago, how is it that they retain the exact same
shape and configuratkll1? The same fingerprints?

The very same features that enable others to reo:>gnlle you 'on sight', allhoogh you are not
really the same person you were then! The brain may conSider itself in control, but
something on a much higher order gives Ihe aclua l commands Ihat form even the brain
itself. For want of 11 better name, we've called it the source.

if y<>u c.n comprehend the po ..... r of the OOllrce, then you have t o re.li:<e lhat

it encomp. . . e ••• verything In Ih. known univet'l • • nd beynnd I Ev.rything! SOlne

would probably c.U th h GOD, buI II h not, •• We wlll .e e in .. momont, The

aource i a the force God cr.aled .nd u • .,d to form tho material world .nd .11 that' .

in it, The Source. Think for. 1n0lnenl, of all th.t could be . "c DlnpU . hed by .Olne

One abl. to ' t ap InIO' thi. fant •• tlc.1Iy pDtential powe r . It .... o\l.ld m.ke mere ESP


MACHINE DOES I It ' . why , throuah the U8e of Ihl a .b.olully as toundlna device,

you ar e able to perfo rm .eelning Iniracle,,' That' • •100 the re a.On why anyone

can d" ill F"r t he ."u rce ••• a nd thouaht ..... r. the •• In.l (W. w.re cr •• ted io

COd'. imag" ? Cod II within.11 of us?) Source and tho ught are the .ame, juu a .

heat and lighl and .h,ctricity are tb., . aln" •.• a . w.ter and i ce and v.por ar., the

•• In ... I don't •• k that you accept IlIlI revolutionary conc ept al fac. v.lu •• . • ju. t

remelnb<. r it wh.n • • a ding .O lne of the .,clentific . xp lanation., tbat l oliow •••• ••

exp l .. nation. th.t are liven by Invemon DC p olon ic m .. chl ..... . 10 dllcrlbe how t he

machines work and why . E x planation. that , believable nr not , are the hUh f o r B

device that ddlnat.L y work. I

Let'. have . brle.f rec ap to • • e what w.'ll be bikini .bout In t he rernaind e ~

of th!. book. AU m,,!!er i, notb\ng mora than ene ~gy In one of it'., many forms. All

manifestations of the electromagnell<; spectrum are different frequ.nele. olenerlY.

P.ychic powe ... af . energy Ifan eml tled al varying £requenci .... Thought b en.rgy.

C r" vi t y i. energy. Energy cr •• t •• m.tte r ••• man. r C.n be r etur ned t o enerlyforln.

Energy i. the .ourc •• Tappi ng the .ourc. can .n.bl. you to In.nlp"l.t. """ r gy •••

to cha nge it into m.tter •.• to cause m.terial eff.ct •••• l o create or manipulate


How can a mer. m.n do anythlnl .0 unbelieva ble? Really very Illnply. In a

way . we ' ve been dotnl it on a .ma ll scale for mlny many ye ..... And thi s di .cove r y

I, the b"aio fo r tho ",ir .. "l11ouI p.lonlc rn ... chin • •••• which i., merely I tr ano miU.r'

teceiver for th .. mlnd ••• whi ch i . aulomatically plulillied into the .o urc et Selentifl<;

prOof of thia b do ... . if not sheady her •• Suprb inilly . it re s t. In the ' sur. ' that

,urround, every livinll thinl.


P,ychie teachen have mentioned thousandl of tlmel, that the hU",an aura

i, a een only by thole psychically IIUted, and eveft then , by very few . U you didn't

nem to have this lift, you were forced to take the word of tbo,," who did . Baloney!

Anyone, even thou not apeelally lifted , Can accomplllh thh, and do it thrOUlh

Icientilie mean,' By limply deviainll a 1I,h1 fUte r "'ade from coal t ar, the human

aura become. I"methlnll anyone can ne , If they take the tr ouble . And thi. lire'"t

development wal achieved oyer fifty ye .." ago l Nowaday. of eo u ue, the aUra il

. een quit .. reliularly by doctor, and Icientlna .... i th much more . ophbticated

electronic equipment. But even thl. advance I.n't that r acent . A. a matter of fact,

_clentllie advlnce hal p r olre •• ed ,0 far , that anyone wit h .bout $30 Can pu r ch",e
juet . uch " device from .. hobby .upply hou . e ' (Should you want the addre .. , It' .

IIltcd in the back of [he book).

You,,,. a human helng, are bo th a lending and receivinll .taUon of frequency,

much ilke a radio , whether you cboole to beli.,.e it o r not. It', nece ... ry to under_

Uand t hb though , and the p r lndpah behind p.ychic comrnunlc.tion, i n orde r to

eventually le,vlI b~hlnd y<>llr dependanc e On phy dc .. 1 ",.. chin", .uch al ou.. ,

LUe Held . .... mo r e comRlonly becoming kDown •• L field., H.ve b .... n research .. d

I<>r the put 50 year . by the eRlinent Dr. Harold Sa"ton Burr, a t t he p r utlg.ou.

Yale Unlven lty School of Medicine . He ha. d i scove red that the au .. o r L field. are

NOT produced by living beinll8 , u formerly thollght . The faRlou. (or InfamOIl.)

aura. aeen by p.ych!c. , 10 not .omething that a lIvln8 body pOlle".u , Rather, it' . now

believed that it Is the 10llzce of enll rsy that m ...... thal very body , and it'. ' life '

po u ible' Instead of tho body giving off .n a ura, it'. 'lOW accepted tb.t the aura

produc,," the bodyl

Thi. dlacovery, which bo r d .. n dangerou.ly on th .. field of religion , expl .. ln. many

Ihlngl. For i ns t anc .. , th .. p.yehle body form .. d of pure energy often aeen by m .. diwn •

.. nd p.yehle • • known prevlou.ly ... e<:topl .... m • • Dd leen a. it gho.Uy Image . Ie Ute

real body ... th .. re .. l~b .. hlnd the phYli(;al m.ntfe-tation of lolid matte .. w .. liv ..

In Bnd call our body I And becaute matter ",annot be dutroyed ... beeauoe the real

you I ... n energy torm .uuoundlng the phylie .. l .. tomic .truetur e you ope r .te In .

'de.th · fa obviously not the .. ndl Sure. the body. t hat ene r gy fo r m of m.Uererea t ed

by the mind . die •••• I. deatroyed . changed Into dun or what .. v .. r •.• bu t th .. loure ..

or energy ••• the mind ••• thought . that i. re.lIy you. that forrn. and retainl th..

memori ... and c .. llullr Itrueture of the phy.leal body ••• th .. t .till o><l.t. r Why

,houl<l"'t it? H you wer" to dlleard a ~paee.uit by throwing it into. furn .. c .. . it

'die. ' In •• much a. It ee .... to function, but teeing al it only functioned whil .. you

were in it . doel thlt me.n th.t you di .. wh .. n it II bu r ned? OF COURSE NOT I

Even if you .WI don't Ig r ee with thi. t r u!b . uep it in mind wbUe r.adlng t be

manner of ope .... Uon of the p.lonlc maehine •.• lt "'Ill .t I.... t make !be d .. vlce mO r e

co,npr .. henlible and glv ... re.,on fo r the fact th .. t it wo rkll

11 not only doe. all the ' eer th l y' thingl I'vi claimed, it i l capabl .. of contaclinK

lhole who have ' died ' aa well " the Unive ....1 Mlnd ••• becaUle it il simply.

tran.mitter ! Pe r hapI • • 1l ot!blt will b .. ealier to Iw.llow if you iet aome conf i rm.

atlon ot L field ••


A recent publication, and by far the lYloat cOlYlpre·h ensive On the Field a of

LVe , i . that written by Dr. Burr hilYloelf . But , I'U try to hring y.ou up to date on

the progre ... lYlade in res e arching this faacinating field,

The discovery of L field • • hatter. some pretty pat theories Bbout ge netic.

and e volution, and provide . for the first tiIne , a rational and d emon. trahle

e xplanation of the energy that lYlotivatel g e netic . I The invi. ihle e lectrodynamic

L field • • urround every organi.lYl a. an aUra. It' , the lYl atrix, or mold, that

. h a p e. and controt. your body ... and may b e the biological energy conne cting all

IVe in the unive rse I A a Joe se pb GoodavaSe s aid in his book "Magic;Science of the

Futur e " .. . "The L field io i ns ide a nd ouuidel above. below a nd complet e ly a urr-

ounding e very chrom.OBorne and gene, every m.olecule, atom. and p a rticle of your

body u wen a a every other organism in, On or under the Earth . .. lru;.luding the

Earth it. elf, the l olar s y s t e m, the galaxy and the univeu e ". He went on to aay,

"The pr esently detectable .e gment of the L field i . probably II r e flection or

com.pone nt of a ."pe r s entie ntiorc e ••• a sreat conciou s awarene s . , wh".e fac e t s

ar e time and timele .. ne ...... ell e nergy ••• all matter ... all we Can know or ilYlagine

or dream . ••all that i s imaginable"l

" E l e ctrodynalYlic field s are invl a lble and Intangible and it' s hard to vio u .. li .. e

them.'~ s o s aid Dr. Burr, "but a crude a nalogy may help t" . how what the field. d"

and why they're . " iInportant. Moot people have take n hlgh s cho"l scienc e and will

rem. e mb e r that if iron filing s are s catter e d on a card he ld over a magnet, they will

arrang ~ the m , elve s in a pattern of the 'line a of force' of the magnetic field . Andif

the filings are thrown a way, and fre s h one • • catte red on the card, the new filing s

will a s ~ume the lame patte rn a s the old. SOlYlething like thi . , though m.uch mor e

complicated, happens In the human body. It'. mole cule s and cell. are con s tantly

being torn apart and rebuilt with fr e "h materi &1 from the fo od we eat. But, thank l
to tb e L fiold, the new molecules and cell .. ar e r e bnilt a . before, and arrang e

them. oelvoo in the Bame pattern a . the old "ne "l

Before modern , ullro. aenlltlve Inetrumantl waU developed , lhe L field.

were a my.tery. Now, bowever, we ' ve dllcovered the lecret, •• lha aleelrodynontic

tield of the body _erv,," .. a matrix Or ITlDld which pr •• erve, the "hape ' of any

mAterial pou r ed into It, no matte r how often Ih. rnato .. ial h changed I MaD, in fact

all form. of matter , ar. ordeud a nd controlled by e1ect r odylUlomic Held. wMch

can be m . . .uud and mapped ..hb puchloDl

When a baker look. At a cake mold , he know. the exact ,hape the cak e will

take when fini.bed. In much the .ame way, in.pection of L H.ld. in Iheir initial

uases c.n reve.l the ' future Ihape' of the m.teria l lt will mold! When the Lfield

of a froa ' . egll I. examined, for ina l .Dce, it' . po •• iblle to loc.te the 'future'

nervou •• y.tem of the 'future' frog , beceu~e the I r OI'. L Held" tbe mold th.t will

deterITllne the ..... pe which will develop. £rom tbe on1

L fields au detected and mellured by examininl the dlfIe r ence In volt.ge

between two pointe on, or do •• to, the .urface of the living form. Thele voltage

meuurement. have nolhing to do with the alterr,.aUng ,Iec trlcal current dodor.

find in the heart and brain. They are pure voltalo potlnti a io lllM c.n yield only

tiny amount. of direct current •••• nd th.t ' . why L Iiold. cDuldn' t be detected beloro

the d i acovory of in.trumentl un.itive enough to rnealUre t he fielda without

oblite r .tlng them, and burying them in oUblde electrical r eading ••

To retu r n to the baker. When he Uaeo a blttered eakepen , he knOWI or expocu

to get, a cake w ith bump. and dent •• In the .amo way, the dl.cov"ry of a b.ltered

L !ield, one with .bnormal voltale pattern., Can give a w.rning of lomethlni 'out

of Ihape' In the bedy , lometimel In advance of ectu.l pbydc.l Iymploml l Thil

'Ie,.. adence ia now bel'll uled In the pO.lible detecHon oI c.ncer .nd othe r iutllre

IlIno •• e. of a pltient 1

L field. remember, are p.rt of every .Inlle thinlln craation ••• tree. , pllnta ,

dirt. peoplc etc. After thou.and. of expe r iment. it h •• heen le.rned tlut.t L field.

vary and . r e effacted by out,lde r adi.Uon and forca •• uch a. light , d.rien",.,

cycle. of tho moon. magnetic tterma • • un.pot. Ind cOlmic radiation. It'. alto

been dileovered that the L Held. of hlalthy peeple vary In lIe.dy r)'thmo ove r .a

period o( wee1... From p lotting ov.r 50,000 me .... r .m.nu they've (o .. nd that Ih.

rhythml abow bow the "ubjecU.e!. ... ",hen lbay' u On top of the world, th.ir voltaa.

I. hlah. Wh"n they'r" heling 10"'. their readinSI Ir. lo",. (Som.thlns Ilmil .. r to

thl" and relat.d, II called ' BiD IIhytmo' •. By chartinS yo .. r put rhythm, and graftina;

" p"ltern, yo .. r fu t\lr. 'good ' dayo and ' bad' dayo Can be re&lon.bly de t ermined.

Th.re are lev.ral v.ry good 'do It yO\luelI' book• • v.U.bl . ... . om. Include a

mechani,,::.1 gta! or chart that .a ... the chore , a1thouSh they do Cglt a little m.ore.

An exceU a nt One II off.red b y Ierry BuchBnen . .. Book S.lu Divlllon .. To"'e r o

Club Box Z038 Vancouver Wa 9861>1. The COlt i. only $2 . 9§ p i ... I>!i~ pOltase.)

What ie.perhepl. evenmorelntriguins il th.t L fieldl c.n me •• ure eub-

Jective Ita teo of concIDu.n" .. luch.1 hypnosil, deep meditation, .ffectlon, love,

hatred and ev.n mOre transcendental forms of .nergy. Accordlna; to Wilhe l m

Reich o( 'Or gone Energy ' f.m., orS.lm it.ell II . . . . nti.l\y a plychle eIpe r ience.

One of the mlln polntl I went you to rernemb. r II that L field. Cln rn ..... r e

emolion. A point that "'ill I.ter b. v.ry Impo r tant in our dhc\l •• loo o( telepathy.

Not only doe. emotion .lter .nd Intenlify t he L field, but cO\lpled ",ith the proven

hct that One L ",ld Interact. ",lth.n adjacent field, explai n. "'hy .orne people

e"p.rience ' Iove.t fi~at .ight ' o r e"treme dlollke o f aom.one at IIr'I medi"lI!

The wo r d propinq\lity . '" commonly ua.d t o meln afr.ction tbrough n •• r nelS .. . O~

toS.therne.l , nOw leeml to hIve •• elentillc balla! So do" . ~efer.nce to good and

bad 'vibe. ' .

A. Jon.ph Coodavalle Itated ... "p.ionic. couldn't be fully e"plained until

the recent di.cove~y of the,e L lI.ld, of Univertal Life. Seleoli.1a .~. l.a r ning

.bout difference. In energy pot .nUai between the breln and non phyolc.l mind .

They ' re b uilding paychotronlc g"nerlton "nd plionic m.chin ... that Impli!yhuma"

telepathic abIlItL •• and infl".nce Hving thing ....from • are.t dlet .nce.". He ... nt

On to .... y. " Pllonlc machine • • r • • totally new concept of natur. l l.w; it make.

MIND It.ell the controlling force or the L fieldll

c~rtRin chBrocto~i.ticl In common with tho energy that t r anomltl telepathy"!

Mo .... h K. J . . . up, Altronom" ... Phy.ici.l. Archooloilit and pllonic e"part , ha.

worked On Ihh Iheo r y lor ye.ro. H. h". inve.tigat.d tho gr •• t Incie"t "on~workl

and engineerlnl ma~veh of E gypt, Cont ,. .1 .nd Sollth Am,,"c •• Hil conclu.lon •••

"No h".vy tnlckl, earth movinl oquipment Or cr.ne ever built II c.p.ble of tran. -

porting 20,000 TON a1"h. o:>f ~ock .cro l . hllnd~edl of mil ... of rough ter r .in, th"n

lilting thm bllh Into the .ir ...,d ,rindinll Ih.1ll back and lorth In pl.ce , to (orrn I

perf"ct (It . The build",.. of B."lboek did It thou.andl of yoa,.. asot" In hi. learn.d

eotim.tion ••• "th.y were levlta t ",. who h.d m •• t"r.d tho .ocre t of antl - Ir.vily"!

Because 1 believe In th" "uthonticity of the L Held ...00 Ih'lr importance, 1

n""do ' t cover up other poulbl" evlde"ce of anti - gravity, for the u k . of holping

you to b"live. For , it matters no t U there ar, other wIY. to OVe r come I ,ravit -

aUonRi Held •••• or If tho follo w ing thoo r y 10 all" c orrect . imply hocaulo of the

lrcq\lency ra t o within tho L field , but .dditlonal onHlh\.Onmool 00 l evital lon ....

provldod by Lawronce Bllir in ' Rhythm. o( Vioion '. He II.ted, " In Mexico and

Por\l there Ire .ncienl teachin,l thaI tell o( tho ancient people who wero lciontilll

o( lound. They could .p llt m . . . lvo etone .labl alonl proche haDnonic linol with

sound alone , and then 'ro.on.to ' them into polition, Th\ll tho Vllt and p r eci.oly

laid tomple. ol U"","I .nd Machu Pichu .... ar. r a i .ed and pIUoranad in 'Symphonlel

of Sound '. "

It m\ll l bo rom"mborod thll froquency II allo delcr ibed I . vibrellon or

olcUI.llon In lcianti(ie II wen al occult circles , mlking the following ltatement

e.sler 10 undorlland and apply, He Ila tod , "Of th o vlbr. lionary r hythml which

permolte u. Ind ... hieh ARE 01. , .oma 10 Imall that the,. mUlt b. mel.o r od intin,

fractions "f I cycle per ucond , the longa.t •• •and mOlt recenUy discovered •••

travorn the .bYII o( outo r spa.,., o ri ginaUnl beyond our 1I_1 ... y , Ind have I ( r eq-

uenc), of MILLIONS OF MIL ES belween troughs! They .re very woak and of low

frequency, b\lt they arO Ilmost Indhling\liohabl~ from the pattorns r"co r ded inthe

human brain"! Anotho r ex.mple of t he unive ... al L floldl within the COlmo ••

While _peaking oJ Mr. BI.ir'_ hook I mull p«. . . .Ioog an "xperiment he out

lineo. tha i while ;1 doe_n't have anything 10 do ..Uh Ou r p.ionk machine. doe •

• pp.rentlye .. r v .. toauthentlc:.te the preumce ot J., neld. o r poychic awarene .. in

the experiment .. r. He ductlbee it thull "Radionic. (plionicl) b"ginl with the

pr .. mi.e th"t "ll matter radiale. energy. In the CliO. of man. he r..dlaln .nentire

field of Interrelated forcn of difierent fr"'1uenclu. With .. pendulwn, preferably

• pear Dr pyr.mid _haped leml precloUl Itone on. four Dr five inch lenltb of

Ihn.d. we can lear" te detec t !.bele eDerliel". '{The ,,'ml predou•• tone Ion'l

Jut! • hit of .. dded 'color'. It .eem. the alone. cempo, ilion ... perhtpi the c.rbon

within U'I fTlakeup ... h ..... IteM deal to do with the relonant Or frequoncy rIle

of the Itone. At leut experiments and Dh ... rv .. Uonl of frequency ... tel of di .. mDnd.

would uern to indic.te thll.) BI .. lr cDntinued, "One ..... y 10 begin to by holdinl the

pendulum 1lilhlly aw.y hom the eod of the Indo", finler of the lett h.nd. (iI yuur

rllhl hended). which II where KlrU"n photolrlphy ahowl enerlY ap r. ylnl from

Ihe end. ot the finK" ... . Ind to obeerv" the Iwlnl which the pendulum dev.Lop_" .

He went on to ... y. "The pendulum. r"'pORU to po.ltive ... nei .. Uve .... nd neutr .. l

enerileo will differ with each Individual. Iince our natur ... 1fary al widely II

blood group • • Th" Inde" filller of mo.t fTlen. but not IU . ba • • polillve udluIoo.

and In my Own Caae the pendulum re.pondato thlo with an "nti cI<x:kwlle Iwlni,"

He e"pb.in"d thai in molt wom ... the .imatlon I, ."a.,lly rever ..,d , Ind their

eno r llOi .eem to b<! Ihe mirror im .. ge of man' •• But regard!e .. of thl,. ovory

one. fingftro ftre "lternlltly pol"rioed . oxcept tor the thumb which i l con.ldered

neutral. Blair,a Ph. D. holder from Lane,,"t ... IJnlv .... lty. went on to .xplaln.

"My OWn pendulum .... pond. to Ihi . in a backward ... nd forward •• wlni ....lthough

your '.wlng lang""'I.' ...!.boulh re.pondinl to !.b• • arne .. nerKie ......... y be quit.


A very Intriguing note 10 that for ov.", the pa.t 10 y ....... the hilhly Indus~

trhlized Japanese chicken farming indu .try h •• uted people trained In the

. ubtletle. of pendulum ... xlng and ." rting of fo .. tUb.d eii.!

Other e"'periment. with a pendulum can provo beneficial .0 well .0 1nter ea t-

inl. If you bold one over a larden weed. ouch lOa a dand .. lio D•• atr onl po.ltiv ..

.... lnl will d ...elop .. in r ... ponu to the plant. L tieldl U you lentty dil tho plant

loon and th .. n rotate it dowly. you'll find the pendulum .wing becom ... I ....

.. n .. rgetic until It finally atop. altogether. After revolving in a co=plete clrcl .. ,

back to the poaiHon it orlllln.11y grew in, the awini will once again be vlgorou • •

Thb area o f mo.t intenoe Iwlng denote. the plants happielt angle of sro .... th. Aa

Mr. B lair puta it, "The mon desirable ",ngl ... which b r .. lative to th .. seo malnetie

fo r ce of the earth, differ. with .. lOch apecie" and indlvldu.al plant. Abony p .. opl .. a re

nOw reorientins their .indoor planta in thia manner . flndlnl th.at certain plant .

aren't nece .. arlly bappint when oriented to the strong... t aOUlce of sunlight, but

rather in nlatlon to the IIJbtle force fielda ( Wlelda) 10 which we live".

It 'a reported that the me rc hants in London's Portobelio Road are becomina

qIJ ite used to aeeina cu.tomers .... Inging th .. lr pendants o " .. r th .. ir fruit snd velet-

ablel . A lot of people are ullnl it for choodna lood In_al _much .. tbe pendant

.eaond. t .. th .. degree of 'liie force' remaining In tbe fruit or vegetable, denoting

U'a [reahnea.l Aa Blair teU. it, "One mereh.nt remarked to me while I ......

ahoppinl, th.at the be.t 'Ipl .. ttual' lettuce had ju.t lone . but there .... ere IWO mou

lood 'awlnge .. a' which he had kept a.id., for himaelf"I

For thoae of you .... ho are .eriou~ly intere.ted In RhythlTl~ .nd Ihelr eff.et

and relatlonlhlp on lTlan.Bllir'a 'Rhythm . of Vblon' by Sehocken boake, ZOO Madiaon

Ave. New York h an e"'cellant .nd highly enlightenlnl book •

• Plzoelectrie or eleCtrlcaUy eonductive cry.tai • .•• and dl.aITlDnd .... olten emit

r.dia t io n when I t ilTlula t ed. Thl. very property h •• been fo uod "ery .... t .. llo

selenee. The OIrlnllelt phenomino n ia Ihat the InCamon. 'Hope' dillTlond. long

bellev.d cureed, to the o n ly blue white .tonl thai 110"'. blood rod when radiated

with nltr. violet light I A Klrllan photo Ot It .... ould prove intereating.

Althoulh the .winl of a pendulum.

will not be In the .ame direction for every

one . and differs between men .nd .... omen.

the a llernate finger awi ng remalna a

con.tant hcto •• As oh"wn In the illuatratlon

each Unler Cauoe. a partlcula, .wlngln

relation t" the other fingers,

Y"u Can abo dem"",!'ate th!o by

makinl a tiny tinfoil ' boat ' a nd .ettinl it

In a .auce. of water. making ,u r e t he re

are no d raft. or vibration. diaturbinll it.

Ca r efully point yOur fin.er "I it. ". elo.e

a. Y"u can w\th"ut t"uching it. It will m"ve

nearer o r a ..... y. depending upon which

finge r I. u ..,dl

There'. been a l ot of adv • • ".i... and .... &.aT book.... ritten

on the .ubje c t ot enriching you~ lite ••• aU Utaina ble through .ome to~m

of Inner peace. No ... , I 'm not going 10 knock that, f or b •• i e aUJ It'. true.

But I do think. Ibat the one thing mo.t people look for in 'enricbment' II

either lornething mated.1 cr, the .. bility to bend o iheu to thdr .... y ot
thinking . Idea. a re like chil dum ... DIU" own a re . l .... y. the beu I To

"onvince otheu that w ,'re e xc eplion"" or , in l orno ather ..... y, InOuence

tbem to like or appr ove o f U., i l o ne of tbe . u ongelt of humIn deaire ••

To mo.t people, the acqul~in 8 of money to JUlt one of the ..aye to attain

thl. end . Now, maybe I can't ehow you how to make a l ot of money, but

I.£!!!; .bow JOu a different method to achieve the aame 8oal . and have a

lot of fun doing h .

or the many a.pee " of E1<ua Senao ry Perception. perh .. p. th ..

mo.t familiar to the pubUc il Telepathy . And , e ven though tMI book will

explain how to manipulate the Machine t o .. ccompllah all the phaae. of

ESP, I 'd lik .. 10 dwell, ju. t fo~ a moment, on telepathy,

Thh ia • method of bo th le ndi ng and receiving irnp~e .. iona

from .. nother mind. Tbat m i nd need not be human, ... Wa will ••• lat er,

The ule of telepathy rn"y be combined with oth e r plrchlc forces In any

expe rlment .. nd It ...... jlli t auch a combin .. tion that .......led by T. G .. len

Hieronymu. • f .... y ...... ago wh ... he wa. able to track the Apollo 8 and

11 "UrDnauU through they're enU r e Hight and apla,hdown . H,lolged

exactly th ... am .. t elemet r y on th .. ir phyalcal condi ti O" that NASA did

and "".1 .. v .. n able to go them o n .. better by dloo:overlng a new belt of rad-

iation around the moon! H .. did it uamg hi, p.ychotronic Machin.! But

telepathy could atoo be .ald to b .. the method by which one per.on Cln

influence o r control another emGt\onllly, Creating I feeling of dull'" in

.0meOn e you l ove fo r ino tance, Influencing the bo •• 10 think of Y"" favora bly

.nd. 'implanting' thooghto o f lood""ilI la not Voodoo •• ,. It'. E SP! To cau...

anotbc r to think of lomethi ng you want him to remember h not Voodoo ••.

Il'. ESPl To determine anoth ..... feelingo and Inlent b not Voodoo". It'l

ESP! What', uaUy happenlnl hera h .. ptly duulbed by Lynn Sc hroeder

and Sheila Ootrander i n the book, 'Paychic Dilcoverie. Beh i nd The Iron

Curta in ', "Thlo I. I new force", they wrote, "An energy connected with

people . tha t cen he directed with the mind" 1 Evan the Runianl have , for

yea ,, " . heen trylnll to find the Ilw. behind Ipeetaeular fe"t. ouch a. making

objec t •• an acro •• apace, kHllnglivinl o r ganllml at l ong dialanCaa, and

locate ina fo reill" allenlO in dhlent cltie. from their photographo alone 1 The

Sovie u aren't alone In their Co"Cern regardinl u .... of poychie force.

Recently, a naHonal new. publicaHon releaud. repor t th at the CIA ha.

p la ced a ' p oychle ahield ' a r ou nd Preaide"t FGrd and Sec r etary of State

Henry Ki .. in,e rl Tho r ~po rt quoted a top Iclentitt at UCLA a, .t8linl

that the CIA teared "Mind .... adinll expe r t. from cornfDuni.t counlrleo may

be u.inll e"traUnoory p<>wer. to opy on the two leadera"! It fu rther .tated

Ih81 " T he CIA boped a opecially tnined p.ycblc wouLd be abl e to j a m .uch

mind waveo In the oamc "'ay t hat radio wavel a r e ;'mfDed," Parapaycbologia"

at the Univeraity of Virgi"i" ..... ere aaid to have be en approached twice by

the CIA On Ihil matter . Eve n without the u.e of • p,ychotronic M"chlne

the powe ... of thOle n8lu rally gUted with P d power. would be Iremendoul.

Acco rd in, to Ibe P.ychoph,.llcal Reaea rch InoUtllle about &, 000 . 000 re lident.

of the Brlllah hie. havo PaychLc talent. and Am er ican Parap.ycholollhto

coneide r this paltry compered to their eaUmate or Z5,000 ,0 00 Americana

who have paran ormal ahill tiee I

This book will teach)'Qu to build a device that will mechanically give you all the psi powers of
the human mind. But)'Qu musl also fearn 10 recognize the possibil ities of unusual feelings
and experiences, stop shrugging them off as imagination or nerves. A TV set to a jungle
native would be useless and uninteresting until he recognized il for whal il was. (Even Ihen,
he would probably attribute its mystifying pictures. to some witch docto~s abil ities.)

Learn to keep an open mind to the most incredulous possibilities and soon )'Qu may find
)'Qursetf wrth more ability than yoo've ever imagined. This book will provide you with the
mechanical means to start on the path of psychic awareness , but. it's hoped that before
long, the machine will be discarded and)'Qu will fi nd yourself well on Ihe highway of psychic

Here is a book written so you ca n rationally understand, and thus apply )'Qur psychic
abi l i~es_ No matter how much of a novice)'QU may be You can put psychic laws into
immediate action to test )'Qu r present levels of awareness. Through subsequent practice .
)'Qu wil l strengthen those abil ities , only if )'Qu honesUy keep a mind open enough to concede
the poss ibi lity.

As they teach in Transcendental Meditation, thought flows. It is also an impulse. Therefore ~

must have energy. In addition, with every thought there is a choice or direction the mind
chooses 10 take. This

abi lity 10 chool" dluctlon il known al Intelli llence. A thoullht than. flowl

beclule It il pOI,elled of energy. IDd choolel I dl r .ctlon beclul. it expul ..,'

intelligence. Thb ama .. inll 'Inl"lligent en"'"IIY' mUlt 10ilieaUy hive a ,o"rc" .

From lomewbere. mull corne ,II thi' wonderlul .billty or ereativi force tbat

through un .. ndinll emanaUon createl \hought and Ictlon. al well '" maintain'

ing the eomplexlty ol the humin body dlY in Ind dlY out lor yea ... at a time.

Somewhere there exlltl an unlhnited lource ol e .. erlY and Intelli.ence. Thia

book wHI teach ~u how to lap that lourcel But. eVen mOre Important , It will

ohow that throulh practice. the aou r ce can he reached e •• lly and continually.

Remember when you lirat I"arned to ride a bieycle, and how

difficult It waa to le, r n to balance? For thole .. ho,we .."cony\nc"d they were

,oing to £&11, It wal alm"al imp" .. ible, Bul. lall or not. you tried It Igain and

a.llain , until ' it waa aecond nature • aDd i t became hard to ""dera tand why~ ..

couldn't do illn the !lut pl ace. ! B .. t now try to explain how 10 balanc"".

even Ihrough demonltntion, and you'll have aome idu of what a poyehic

tu.cher \0 up allalnal)!

Don' t be • ak.plle or d"{e,,tl,l. After you ' ye ,,,.d of what modern 1<,Ience

belieY" and I, doi ng , eyen the Inoot Ikeptlcle ol you ohould be abl e to

tackle your plychic adventure with It 1.... 1 a amaU dell ree af belief. All

Ihi . . .HI lead 10 deflnate "nd eone r " le benefit. in your eyeryday IIYinl'

Resultl that yau'ye neVe r thought pOI.ibl" except perhap. fo," lOme Llama

In Tibet o r be"rded Ou,u in myo tic India.


All known matter in the univerae, whether it'. a t.ble, reck,tree

or you, con.ht. of atom •• Atom. are tiny particle, of enuIilY •• ' ,uperimpe,ed

wIve. and charge. of enerlY. Everythlna In the unlvene therelor. bein, made

up of enerly,io part of what il known a. the Electroma,netic Spectrum. A. you

probably know, a light .pactrum It a band of colo .. runnin, from blue to red.

The electroml,netlc .pectrum h I bInd of FREQUENCIES runnlnl from below

" cyelel per lecond 10 well over 50 bUlion cyell' plr lecond. Everythiol we

are familiar with reillate . . . ome .... he ... in that Ipectrum. RadiO, for example.

lakel up thou frequenclu from 550 cyclea. to 1650 cycle •• Televhion i •

• Ii,htly hlaher. Above th.t there are micro ",ave., the ",,"ible !laht We couldn't

live Without, ultra vtolel wavea, the X.ray frequency .nd 10 on up to cOlmlc

raYI. Below rldio we have long wave radio not normally received on home .eta.,

high power electric Unee which live off very low frequencle., and below even

that, the Ilpha, bc,ta and theta WlvOl ol the human b.ain.

A huic lew of oclence Ia. that energy form. rna ..... that h, energy

lOrIna. maUer. The exact point at which energy II turned inlo phy.lcal matter

iI, a. yet. unproven, but It i. now beLieved to b. around the frequency of 'J

CYCLES I That'. altonl,hlnl only If you realize that the average human brain,

while adeep, tran,mlta. at ahout 6CYCLES or lower I Think Ibout that. YOUR

hrain, every oilht while your a.leep, II actually opuating belo,", th" heq"enCl

of mailer. and upon awakening tunel It.elf through thh frequency to it'a normal

thinking rang" of around 35-50 cycle •• Remember now, we're tdklng about

Wide A .... k ..
El .. ctrical p. tt .. rn. of th .. bU.in vary wh .. n

in dlff .. r .. nt atat ... of . w. r .".... . Th. w.v ..

frequency between wide awake and d roway

.ho ..... th .. ,,. v.rbtlo". "huldy.

Note th.t the drow,y period. when the mind

f or t of ESP ... 8pon....

REM ( rapid eye movement) period' uouaU y Very Lia:ht Sleep

Occu r durina: lia:ht de .. p p.rlods. and dre.m,

that are remembered . durin, medium al .. ep

periods . Very deep aleep I, the tim. when

the .ubeondou. cont.ct. the Id or .our c e. Llaht Sleep

Aa t .." l p r oJ .. c tion oecu" dur in g lhl' pe riod.

YOIl will ..1'0 notlc .. how th .. body'. autom.tic

Medium Deep Sleep

deep .leep ••• when your .... me i . caUed.

Very Deep Sleep

Awa ken in8 When

Name it Called

Ibe frequency r ange of 1lI .. brain •••• not THOUGHT Itu,U. L.t m. ,,"piain that

.. HtUe mOre . When tb .. brain conc.lv•• a th'.... ghl, it h acting much 11k" •

computor. in thBt it Involve •• n .. l.ctrlcal proc .... Thia electrical hrain po ... er

i.whatb ope rating . t 10'" frequellclea. n ot the aClu.lthougbt It.eU, Much

like. light bulb th.t u .... electric.l .ne rgy to IIimulete tb" filament to whlt .. -

ne .. . It givu off heat. How much heat it ,ivel off h. . no r"l.tlon to how much

light .... 'r. talking about . We don'I e.re about Ih .. he. t, but r.ther Ihe aCllla!
liGht itull,

The br.ln th.rdor, emlll wave. of 10 ... frequency whll" it'. oper-

. ting, and whlcb are monitored .v.. ryday by mod.rn .denc. with, whal h

kno ... n •• • n electroene.phlograph o r EEG on.e hi n ... It ' •• 0 cOmmo n no.... day.

that you can "ven buy a 'hobby' .iud one for .round $ZOl(See laot chapter of

tile book). All It i. really. to a very ... neitive r .. "",tver rnklch Uke • radto. In

.ome ... ay. iI 'o. even , Impler tban a radi o, for II p leke up your b ral" wav ...

directly from the br.ln througb the Ill. ol electrod"l, or act",l connections

to the he,d. A radio receiver, on the o ther hand, depend. on an .ntenna th.t

pick. up .... v ... pauln, .U around you. hut ... lth ... hich it h •• nO ....1 'contact'.

Have you ever r eaUy thought about that ? When yOur radio'. not "'rned on, the

radio ... ave •• e nl out by the radio Itation don't ItoP. They keep right on pen-

inH all .round a nd THROUGH YOU. without yo"r tVen beinl aware of them!

Sarnoe thing with TV .... v ... and ullr .. violet and eotmle and .0 on. They ' re

there .11 the lim.e, but wlllle"t a receiver yo" den't even think .bout them.

Man rnoade radio and TV t%an.mlttera .ren't the only thlngl that emit wavu.

Sun.pot .ctivity cr •• t ... all .ort. 01 problem. in ou ~ .. veryd.y live. throUlh

they're radiation. So do coemic ray .. , R.dlation., therefor .... r. a part of Ollr

everyday llvu, whether We ackno ... l .. dge them or not. Soone of them, we've

learn"d to take for Hrant.d ... ith • dilintereot",d Ihr"l and a "wha l'lI they

think of n.,,\". Tak. the carbon 14 t ... t. for erample. We 've had It for m.ny

'••,:, .~
. ...........
~-, ....
oI«odrky ...
..,.... , ,

,, .,

B.lClQ '1!

I'll tell you. It'. radiation of carbon .tom frequencie •• Carbon atom., like

eve ry thin, du, radiue their awn luquencie . . . 10nl a, they edIt. And that 'a

.. x.ctly ... here the famau. C. rbon 14 ~. t a came In. Thia muerlal ' ...lat, ' for

thouaand. of year., A. It decay. thou,h, It radi.t .. weaker and weaker or Ie ..

and Ie .. , and it' . the .trength of thlt radiation lhn teU, u, how much it ha.

dec.yed , and therefor, how old it i., Seei"l •• C.rbon 14 I.U. Ir om the at:mo. -

phere, It I • • haarbed by e"erythin, on ... rth and therefor, eve r ylhlna: can be

dated by the un 01 thi. lut. Simple, rillht? Everya". acceptalt al COrnman

lact. Then re.lize thi. too •••. eve r y thin, dn In the "niveru abo HAS IT'S

OWN RADIATION AND FREQUENCY! The mind haa a frequency {In the old

daya Ihey c.lled it vlbr.tlona) and .tom. have a frequency. And like aD many

other thing' we're f.mlliar with, th.re'. afteD Interfe.ence. On. hequency

.fl .. ClI Inothe r, Like the Inlerferenc. On YU"" TV (0. e",ample. You've prob-

.bly heard one of yuur TV tube. being C.lled an RF tube. The RF .tenda for

random frequency. It', • blK head.che for .u r.dla . nd televillon hreadc.aling.

So, If ODe hequency c.n all"cl another, .nd th .. mind I. a fu quency emitter

.1 well al an .tom,then how come .... can't al£ec! 0 . Influence .n .tom wilh

ju.t aur mInd.? WE CANI They've don .. It in a l abaretorr !

In.n accOunt publiahed In 19/'7, Prof ••• or Remy Ch.uvin of

St r •• bou., Unive •• It,. deacribed how h .. and hi. laboratory technician.

experimented with an .tOm of uranium, to aee if they could Infhence the

rate 01 dl.!nte,~ation, with mind power alone. Dup\te their pu.poae for

the experiment, the Prole •• o r and hi. men were .atounded 10 dl.cove r when

they checked the •• te, that they had .ctually .ucceededl The •• te of atomic

dhinlegration had been .lowed ! They rep .... ted the experiment for 15 day.

who ..... doing the 'thlnkinll' ! The te .t. were then done.U over allain,

by other phy.ieiato . Thi. time they ~ .. d more modern and Intricate

equipment and a m ore complicated nrontium atom. The re.u.l.u ",era .till

the ume and they "'ere forced to concede tha t the human mind aC lually

controlled atomic proceaae.t

Okay, 10 everyhllng radiate. a frequency. and the.e radlatlngforcu

ar" common occurance. that have b""n going on lor thouaand. of milli ona oC

yean, whither we're aware of It or not . But there ' a a little mOu to It than

that . W.. meelionedearlier !hat everything baa a radl.atlon o{fuqu .. ncy, even

you. Thi a brings u l Into the realm of what 10 known aa Bi ol olllca\ Radiation.

Anothe r accepted evaryd ay acienee. You radiate . Not Juet your b rain wave.,

but every l ingle atom in your body ... aiao emotionally, intellectualyand

phyaically aa well. Today , theae ' r adlationa ' are undergoing a new fad. Bio

P.hythm • • Somethiug dhcovered many yaar. ago, but never re.lly t.k .. n 10 he art

by the public until recently. In .ome unaea blo r ythma work beller .Uortelllnil

your actlona than .lIrology, .nd without .. U the unfortunat .. mumbo jumbo

connected with that tntere . ting phenomenon. And the beautitui thing .bout bio _

rythm ia that you can mea'ure your own in JUlt a faw minutea to control your

lite much more p owerfolly. Look into It if you really .... nt t o progr.... In

developing your.elf. 11' ••0 almple , .nyone C.D do It , and with about Z houro

ap.re time eUort, you Can even make out yoor biorythm chart for yeau &be.dl

Bio Rhythm. then •• re juat one way of rneuuring your own r.diant

frequency. Brain w.ve. a re another. But remember that tba ve r y alom. of

your body are tr.namltting \00. Every tin y cell of your body hu a frequency

that belonal to only you. No o lher I. like it, jUlt.a \ .. Ihe ...alogy about the

gralna of I.nd or the IDowflak., . nO one in the univaru II like you in frequency.

Biologlc.1 radiation hao been known for many yean. but w\lh each

tenoreher. was lIiven a diUerent nome.It'. ba.n cdled Odic Yorce. Eloptic

R.dlation. Heloidic Raya, m\lolleniC Radiati on and God knowa ... hat dn. How·
ever •• tOU by .ny otber nlmft ..... 1\'. ,tUI blologlc.l r.diatlon. The work
or p .. opl .. lik .. T. Cal .. n Hi .. ronymu., G .. org .. 0 .. La Wan and Ruth Drown h

aU bu .. d On how p .. op le r ... po nd to the bio malnetic. of tho ..., around th .. m,

.. veryd ay. "Every livinll thing r adiate. an Odic forc .. ", wrote Ba r on Von

Reichenbach. H. waf .,0 irnpre ....d wllh the work that early .. adlonlc re' ...:n c h ....

lik .. Dr, Henry Ab .. am, and Dr, F.A . Meemer accompli'hed, that he devoted

hi. entir e life to Inve. tigating thh Held. The Inventor of anoth .... Radionic

rece iver/lran.mltt .. r, Ruth Drown .ald, "No matt .. r how .mall o r diluted It

may b .. , th.,re h a ro.,.onanc .. b .. tw .... n the ""hoi .. human body and .. ach or ii',

parta". But ahe al.o dhcove r ed tha t the ..., i . no aUlnlty b .. tw .... n b lood .ampl u

Or other part. or different p .. ople, no matte .. how cio.ely they're typ.d Or

ct ... ified 1
In Oxford Engla nd, Ceorge De La Wan .e t up a labora to ry to

atudy radionic •• Or paionka aa it ..... lat"r caned, He perfected an adaptio n

of ""'iating paychotronic machine., that would aUow phot ograph. to be taken

through u.e of thu .. .adieUon•• In the coura" of hi, ""'perIInent., he found

that planu could be directly Influenced by color irr adiation I It' ... Uttle known

fact that a plant kept in a totall1 dark place ... ould lIill Ihrhe and U ou rl a h if

.unHlht were ' led' 10 it via eleclrlcal type wire., but 0 .. La Warr "" .. nt ev .. n

fUrth>er, Lanll'I OII nay, in hla book "New World . Beyond The Atom" ... t .. ted,

"After di.cov .. rin lil that an o rd ina ry photographic pl .. t ... emul.ion Ia link .. d

to Ihat peraon, we found that the .ame rul e appll .. e to planb t" By allowing

light t n at rike A PLANTS PICTURE thro!>.gh .. colo r .cope, they [ound t he piant

could be .timul ated I

Perh .. p. George De Lf, Wary .ummcd It up b ... t, He .aid,"Each

molecule of matter ca rrie c an electrical chrorae which i . cpecl1 \C fo r that

molecule. Thl. charge acta aa an e"trernely liny radio tranamitterl receiver

which ilt. lun .. d to It' .. own .ianal •• Wh .. n all th ..... molecule. are b r o.dcaating

they build up a sene ric pattern. which la the m .... n' wher .. by form .. nd ,hape

app .. a .. in the material world". He w .. nt On to .. y. " The comb", .. d "gnal fr om

a plant Or hllman, a alRnal compo,ad of the .eperate hroadc .. t. of hillion.

of charR.,d molecoUea which compooe it, II unique. The cabho,o in your kitchen

Ie nol quit" tha OOme at any oth.r cabbag •• Mr. Brown i. not qUit., the .ame al

anyone el l.,. In. the . ame way, the .i,nale broadca.t by thit cabbai", or thio Mr.

Brown, ar .. not quite the .ame .. a.,y other el,_h. Y,utbe rmora " , be went on,

"E."h tiny moleciule it aloo a receivins ,t,tlon, and thi, i, where the photograph

come. in. The emuhlon .etalnl tl,," lenerlc paltern of the thins which II photo·

graphed. and ther.,for It act . . . a lort of t\lned trlnlmltt.,r. 1£ a radionic broad·

ca.t It projected throush II, the ge .. e.ic patl •• n will ua ... mlt exactly the patter ..

of radiation .ultable ror alfectina tba phnt or huma .. , at a diltancel"

The ru.,arch Into p.lonlc., .pan.. ed In&ny year. and Involved .ome

of Ih. beat 1uI0w.. namea In aclence. They arrived at aU tbe concl .. aion. I've

aO far o .. tlined in tbi, book. AI Columbia Unlverolty, Ibree mlO, I.I.Rabl, P.

Ku tch, "nd S. Millm.an developed an app1torat .. e that detected the emenatlon or

ray that paned between One m olecllle and a.,other. What'. more, they dhcovered

the ... tiny Iranem.itter, radiated , Iinah Ihat rans ed all Over Ihe enUre eleclro·

m..gnetic 'pec u um , .nd eVen beyond! Tbey round tha t a .ina le molecule sive.

off r.y. of a MILLION different ... avelength., but, only on one hequency .t a


ThL., therafore I, the m.ain tb.ory by which the Mlchine worke.

When in operalion, the r.dllltion .tim .. I"'te. Ihe aene.ic pattern of the .ubject,

and .ome kind of paychLc link I. e.tahli.bed between the em.nation. of the

alom., and the mind of the oper.tor I

T hue, we heve tw o kind. of radlaUon to be concerned with. Blolog,,;.1

r.dlatlon we've j"a! di.c .... ed. The radlatl on of everYlhlna '11 .. In the eleclro-

m.aanetic epectrum, from. aUnoepherlc pr ...... e to coamic rey. p.,,,etr.tlna the

almoaphere from. outer 'pace, can tben be Ino • .,ly tlrrned 'cn.mic ene'IY'.

Remember that difference. BiolOgical radiation verau. coemlc force. It'll be

Importa.nt later.


Back around tbe turn o! tbe century tbere

w.,~e m.ny aclentiot. wltb the vblon to aee beyond the, then, .ccepted r ange

of phyaIC'. Men who h.d th" co"ra,e to InveaUga t. tboa" unknown forcel.

They cIlied the biologhnl n.di"tione by many nlm .. , la tbey ,.ined know-

ledge, Ind beca... e a lot of their work "".In't pubUehed by recognized

lcientific journah, they often worked in ignorance of what otbeu were

doing In the field. The dUferent kind. o( radiation were blended together

and coniua"d ... lumped Into IOfTle tbln, rather loo a.ly tenned ndlonlca ...

late r pllonlce and now celled plychotron!ca.tThe term perap.ycholo,y, il

iiInited to th .. ESP phenom"nono(the mlnd) . A. th••• men pro'r.....d in

their Invutlgatlone. th.y "" .. re _bl" to build fTlachln ... and in.trumenta tb.t

would do lornething Ipeclflc, but tbey .tIU didn't underat and .:!!!I.lt did it.

The date of the nrat m.chlne to actu.lly ope r.te thro",b plychic

power II "nknown. fTl.lnly hecaule the dllcovererl weren't going to be dwnb

"nO uSb to patent t bem, .nd let .. verybody 10 on tbe ."c ret. Wo .. ld you? How -

ever, ev.nt ... Uy .everel Were patent.d both i .. the U.S . .... d ov.rae.... The

mo.t roc'nt one w .. devle .. d by a r .dlo e"'pert durl .. , World W. r ll .ndpatented

in ~. And there it 1.ld for tbe II" 30 ye.... O. did it? ThouSb nothins """.

done comm.r<:lally with the machine, \t 'l ,,"e by othe .o interelted in tbe p.ych!c

mechanic" neld, ""a' wldeapr ... d. Similar device, .o r e invented In Europe.

Ne ....... r .doptionl were devind, to enl.rse the rlnge of runctlon" till they were
able to d" ablolutly a.tonl.bing thlngl ""Ith it, All the thinal I've mlntioned

Ibout thil Mlchine are Uue and documented. Scientlnl have a ctualty done

alt of them, Yean aa"\

The ballc pr inciple. of the device have been conltantly Improved

u p on, and new e"perimenh conducted , to the point .... here a e o mp"rlt!vely .oph -

iltic ated device il nOW in cOmmOn Uoe behind the Ir on Curtain I Twenty five

year. ago in C"echotl"vatda, a Dr, KitHan and hi. wUe, were experimenting

with. rdated device, quite by accident. The Dr. dlleove r ed , that by puulna:

hi, hi nd into" very high Intenllty eloctrlcd field , minculou, thlna' aeemed
HAND I Yean or expe r iment. follow"d with government inter".I, finally

the ulllm"t" dhcovery. The actual vi" ... lng of Ihe Allnl Body within " human

beinal The d!lcov"ry that there r eally "'"" a .. eneray force In the e"act Ihape

o f the phYlleal body I That'. right I The controversial, pOD pooed, ridiculed

theory of an . . Inl of,loul body hlld been provenl It could be SEEN with I

Klrlian devlee and ACTUALLY PHOTOGRAPHED I The .plrilualilUlnd medlwnl

hId been riaht, We do po .. el In Illral body, IdentiCl l ln every way to mn phYlleal

body, thaI 10 compoud of prima r ily pure ener.yt It ..... the aotral body that

wa . radiating th" mOtt enaray, but at a ..... ueh different fr equency than tho.e of

blololjll".1 radl.tion. : Tbo.,gh th"y h,ven' t be"" mea • .,red al y.t , It' l believed

th"t the frequencie. of tha .. tral body .nd pure thought, "re One and the .arne, ..

lornewhe r e In the ultra blah cOlmlc r ang", In other "'ordl, the., ere the

radiant enUIII". from which .prlnal the electromagnetic Ipectrum "'" m"ntioned

earlier, They ar, the IOurce of the Ipectrum, Hence, aU frequend .. in the

.pectrum, r.dlo, light, ultra violet aDd ,V"n matt"r, Ire j,," 10..... val uel of

pure thought I I (W" are what we think)? U you accept thil to be true, Ihen

y ou lm," te.II.. " that eve r ything I .. e r eation il juot another form of thought I

Or, to put H .nother "'''y,'' w e learned In lehool , matter cannot b" de.troy"d,

II c a n only be chanaed inlO another form of "nuRY. WeU then, matter il..,l£
h only another form of thm'gM energy I IU the •• tral body •• well •• eon,,;oll,

thought itul! are form. of energy th.t eannot be dutroy .. d. do,," that not confirm

'Iile' aft"r 'death'? Doe. a 'IIving' !lr" dl" wh.n it'. mol"clliar .tructur" i.

chanled Into .moke and. a.h.. l? Or doe. It .imply exllt in another form}?

Thi. of coutu, then e"phln., what for centurie. ha. bun ref"red to a. 'mind

ov .. r matter'. Telekine.h. teleport.at!on.levitatlon. "te. would all fit neatly

Into the pun;le.

Right about now, lom .. body II I .. yinl. "Balon.. y! I've tried movlnl

thin,a with my mind and it doe.n't work"l Rlaht you .re. Bllt tbat '. only

becall." yOIl didn't .eaUy want to. badly enougb. Now. before you argue about

It more. let me go into thi. a little mo ... de"ply.

Telepathy. for exampl .. , I ... ccompltlbed every day by mOat people

withollt they're even belns awa re of itl That'l b ..:.u.... mo.t people have a

lTli.conc;"pli.on of bow teleplthy work •• They a .. um .. they're goin, to he.r

voicu in th"'r hud ju,1 like a radio or TV prog ram. WRONG I Telep.thy,

&t leaot for malt of III. b more like a hunch or !eelln,. Let me ,Iva Ierne

example •• YOII've lurely heard many .to .. lel. Df exp .. rlenc.d }'<lur.elf. the

phenomenon of • do, that bow" .... o.fully .... h .. "ever a"Jthi",ln it', bouuhold

di .... My o .... n dOli have don. thi. many t!1Tl ... . wh .. n ,,,other pet h •• p '''ed

On. They .... m to do thlt, even il they'r .. not in the hou"" at the exact in.tant

or even aWlre of the other pet. plilbt. It 'a not coincld.ence. It' • • ment.1

mell.ge or emotion picked np by the more senlltive p.ychic mind of the

animal. So ....... clenti.tl have for y •• u h.ld that many a nimal . nl' thil

fTletllod fer commllnic.tlng ••• ped.Uy during t\me. 0 1 dan,er ..... n eXperiment

cond"cted .Iong then lineo ye. r . a le, Involv .. d • houoewi!e and lorn. tiny

red .nts th.t I\.ad Inv.ded her kitchen. She ment.ally radlat .. d a feeling 01 d.ng .. r

and hOltillty towlrd the peat •• nd m .. nt.L1y thre.tened them with ""tinction.

Within a matter o! hou .... the .nt. had dh.pp ... red .... left without. trac.!

In addition. you m.y rec.ll th" m. ••• e"p6riment •• "ver.l ye.u

ago, that we~e conducted on the movie going public. It wu termed Subllmal

advuti8inlj, The theelen lla.hed onto the movie .creen, while Ihe picture

wa. \n proljre .. , In. . . . . . lje. e~lolling the vltue. of verlou. item. for ea1e in

the lobby, The.e imalle, were nuhed aD rapidly Ihet the concloua mind didn't

notice them, bUl Ihe more ee",llive eubconcloue picked them up e,.. i1y end

infl~enced tile movie goen to buyout the entire .Iock of lobby item. I Altho"gh

the practice I. nol o"tl ..... ed in the U.S" .. more ,ophletieated and ... bUme

veriation i, .till preetlced todey In televleion adverti.ing. R,ed, a Peuon •

• ubconcloue end you c.n communicate your men,se to himl It'. euch e

commonly underelood end believed phenomenon thet even M,dieon Ave. uee.

it everyday. Why then, I, it aD h ... rd for other peopl .. to under.tand1

Telepathic me.,e,e • • re received in .ymbol form. Thi. Ie the

wey J .. enne Dlxon,for example, r .. ceive. her clairvoyant pr .. dlction Information.

Th .. ,ymbol. have te be 'decoded' by Ihe concio". mind in order to be under_

etood. (Thet', the reuon many prediction, ere hulty. They're mieinterpreted,!

Everyone, being different, h .... a uniquely different .ymhal ey.tem, end whal

me.n, one lhin, to you, me.n •• omethlng entirely difle.ent to mel But, we'U

80 into tbat • little mOre deeply hler. Fo. now, let'e concentrate on Ih .. norm.\

everyday, ,.rden variety of telepathy. Thle i. expre ....d •• pure emotion... ,

'feeling' thet Ihey .hould do aometbing,(8rlng home the huad, a birthday card,

telephone .. loved One etc). The feeling. moat people caU a hunch and women

da •• ify ... Intuition •• re u ..... lIy telepathic communication or emotion •• Love.t

Hut .iBht ... the in.tent like or dl.like or another upon flut meeting ... the pit of

the alomach feellnll wb .. n aomethinB olIllnou. i. about to h"ppen, are .11 every

d"y occuraneee for mo.l people II they ' d aUow them.elve. to think .bout tbem.

That'. the rub . Mo.t or ua .re tOo buay ",Ith the daya achedule and Inten.e

immer.ion In our work to take lime oul 10 dwdl on ... hat we normally term "ur

'Im"gination'. We wonder whe~e tbat .1.I1y thought Came from, then b.u.h it away

Imp.tienllY.That'apreciaely""hy ",o",t people can't P .. "II..... with their inhorn

plychlc lalent •. Theyllterally l&no .. e them I A. an example. HIve you eVer

boen deeply en&roued In I conve""t,o" about, lay, your ca .. , .nd in.dvutantly

... id .omethlnl like, .. " l 'v. &01 to (tx th .. book" . inlt.ad of "J' .... ,o t to fix th.

car"? You'll ofte n lind. thia il an lndic .tlon Ihat th' Inlorm.tion necnl."y

to .ccompli.h th' r epah, you r Ihlnltlng .bout , will be found In • certlln book

in y01,lr po . . . . . i"n, Thl. il • 'Iult, &enerll .xampl. , It', true, but you C.n get

the Idea of what I me.n and learn to ",.tch lor the.e mental 'Iuhk ••

Blck to our nativ .. and hll TV let. Wh.t 100d would It dt> him tt> MOW

olhe ....ee mlracul<>uI plctur.... U he didn't M<>W how t<> turn the ut nn. 01' even

whit tn I<>ok for1 We'll 10 into the e><.llcl methodl Involved. ""heD we let to the

ch'pler on tolep"tby in oper"t;on. but for nOW I ""nt to ,et two thing • • ero ••.

AI thl. level of mental ,billt y. mOlt of you .ren't ...... re of Idoplthic mea.agel

.imply becaule they're 100 vague for you. AI lOon II ro" stnl lookin. fo .. them
they'll "ppelr like maalc I Don't allwn .. eve r y Itray thought h only your

im"lina\ion.. Look inlo It, Examln. Ibe thought or idea. It may be I menul

me.sage . And don' t be dhcouragad 1£ telepathy <>! thb kind do •• n't live up to

YOllr expectetlon. nl .... bet telepathy ",ould to. like. You r only In the inf.nt It.ge

rllht now. It will turn In to • vole. type of communication within. Ihorl time,

throllih conotant practlc ••

Rememh.r IIIIa loo, T.lepa t hy, '" with all type. of ESP. II an emotion I

I' m lUre YOllr .ware of all the famoll' . t orln of people who b.ve experienced

a One time ESP me ••• g. from. loved Dna , In a tim. of cri •••• Thil I. b.cau.e

EMOTION IS THE CARRIER WAVE OF THOUGHT I Wlthollt an inlcnoe amotio n

behind it. your mental m . . . . ge will dribble a ..... y .nd poop out within a f.", inche ••

You .n" • • ha .. e the int.n •• inn.r de.l r e to commuolcate {or move obJec" . etc.)

in orde r to let your ... t trlnlrnlttlns.ltrongly enough. That'l why I I.id, you

didn't 'Want to really mov • • n ohJect badly .no"lh. B" , remembe r . with the

MaChine. you'll be abl~ to accompUlh Util much mOre ea.ily. The Machln. Ict •

• 1. ment.l amplifier, a nd will ... bullut.. 'Iuite a blt tor int'naily of emotion •
I mentioned in tho! lint few pagea of thi. book. that I've nev.r been

p .. rticularly lucce .. !ul with ESP .xperlment • • But to explain or Illultral~

the fact that intenoe emotion io the main key to thia ability I'd Uke to rellte

an hIddent that took place nol too long ago.

My wife and I fr.qu.ntly ge t together with friend. for an evening of

carde . At one such .euion, I de.peratly needed one particular ell rd. that I

hoped wu hidden within the S ellrd blind. Jokingly , I extended my hand ove r

the blind, one card at a time. To my . urpr\e ...... huek 10 a better word ...

I .ctualLy lelt ' Iom.thing ', Thal'l not . ve r y good wo r d, but il'a the only on.

I can "ae 10 deecrlb. Ihe ' huDeh' I felt. I rearnDged the cardl In a different

Bequenee , .till face down and 'pllaud' over them again, and uaioll th,. method

finally detennined Ihal the cerd I w .. nled "'a. ac lually Ihere, and now on Ihe

end of the row. J took Ihe 'bid ' aDd when 1 turned over that particular card ...

I WAS RIGHT I We aU laughed about it Ihon, buI during the re.t o! the even -

ing I repeated the proce . . ZS Urn ... . I WAS R IG HT 19 T IM ES I Thle i.

amazing, even for D"ke Un\ve,,"\ly. (I nIuel .dmit that a few of theoe 'suellel'

were nol 100%. 1£ I were lookinll for th" KlnS of Heartl fo r e:umple, I found

aller a lilt.le conEuaion, lha.t two carda aeemed to be .,,'iOIl oU a 'feeli"ll'. Tu r ninll

them over proved that one w,," a King ... o! another lult, and Ihe other Wa. an

uninIportant Heart . Another time. I kept getting .. very Ilronil reaclinn hom

two carda and dmply couldn't I,o late jlln one of th<lm. I thought the 'sift' wu

bellinn'ng t o we",r oft, but Ihen found that 1 .hould have trusted my hunch, When

we turned the cardl over, th<ly WeU BOTH the .ame card I needed. I had fo, -

gotten "'<I were playing wilb a double deck!

The .aJTle eXl'eri<nent tried at other t\Inn proved .. tolal faUure , which

led UI 10 the realia.tion that, In the int ena. competition of the game, nIy emolio-

d connection with the unknown card wa. tremendO\ll l y heightened, thUI ',Ivlng

m e Ihe gift of clairvoyance I Emotion wa. the key I

De.pite that <ll<J>erienee , J'JTl .tlll nol able to pedorm ESP fea t s It will,

n leut, not without the machine. And that'. the bea\ltlful thing.bout thi. pllonic
device ••••• it haa been u sed by other. who nol only don' t have any ESP abilily.

but wha.t'a more , didn't even know whu t he machlna w .. s Buppoaed to do!

Science editor John Campbell, after building hh first copy o( the

Helronymu. machine, ha.d eve ry vhltor to hi. heme try the device by thern-

•• Lve •• It worked [or all of them! Campbell hlm"U had thie 10 eay about !hie

amazing experiment .... " The machine worke b.tautI111l.1y! The conet,tency of

perform .. nce 11 eJ<cellent"!


I've claimed lome .blclulely Ull""lIevuble thins, for thb

m.chine. and I don't blame anyon., fo. thinkinsI've ,otla "" , II •• o. ,

~on m.n. Tbey jUlt won't believe It . (But they boulht the book I"Y"'.Y. ju.t

In c •• e) . So, let me e xplain. little about metapby'I~1 .nd ,clence 10 It'll

be "'"Y 10 under-tend why 1 cln '.y Ihelle thins, .bout ou r marveioul device.

I 'ye ,.id the m,,,hI,,e wUI take .elu,l photograph' of the J>"lt

.nd the futu r e ! Thl, found, like lometbi nl out of ,de""e fi ction rlSht?

You'll be dnned If your lolnll 10 I.ke my word for It. Ok.y. How .bo ..1 tbe

wOrd of the U.S. Air Fo r "e? They .ctually E.!£.!!! Eilhteen yeu, .,01 In

Ausu,1 of 19~8 to be exa"l. H ... .,', what blppen.,d. Tell oflid. II .t Eglin

Il r force b.,., In Florida. we r e conductins experlmenh with a luper .en,-

IlIv .. infra r .. d c.m .. ra, to ..... if they could photograph .. vent. lite. th .. y had

cccured . The Infr. red camerl i, lenliliv .. to ev .. n minut .. 11. .. ,1 ray. emitl .. d

by objectl. The camera they had d .. vI..ed "'a. 10 . eflned. It could detect

dUfereDce, in thou.andth. of a deg.ee. With it they took a pictur .. of the

b . ... parkinalot which "'a. empty II the thne. But, when the film "' •• dev-

elop .. d, it clearly Ihowed "CUI which had been pa.ked In the lot ""vera!

houro before, but which WUe not th" r e when th" picture Wa. tak"n r The

repo r t of lhl' experiment WI" c.rried by the A"oel.ted Pre., In an .CCOWl!

publilhed in the Mllrrli Nerald • .8eClule the Infra R .. d Camera ", •• clallUied

the Air Force refuud to ... y how fa. ba ckw.rd In time the C.. me.a wa. able to

10, o r te .ele •• " any of til... plctu.". to the pr .... "for fea r that t.alned Iden -

ti s t. frOJn foreign countrieo m.ight read too m.uch from. them " I A . you can l ee

the claim. of being able to take pictures of the pa.t i. an old one . What w e claim

i s that you can go the Air Force even one better, for with the Machine you don't

ne e d a special infra red camera ... in f .. ct you ne e d nO c .. m e rS at alII The Machine

will take ordinary black and white pictures by itull1

NoW, If we 'r e going to continue tBiking sbout TUne photography ,

and .uch thing. a. Materialization and Tel e kine. i . , we'd b e tter under s tand what

tim.e i s . A h e ck of a thing to .a y ... e v e rybody knows what tim.e i • • Right?

WRONG I And it'. sbout ... "asy to e "plain a. how to balance on a bicycle, but

h e ro goe 8 .

In hi . Theory of Relativity, Dr. Alb e rt Ein . Uen sa id," Every

de . cription of eve nto in . psc " involv,," the Ule of • rigid body, to which l uch

e vent s must be referr e d. The ruulting relation . hlp take. for gunte d that the

law s of Euclid e an geom.etry hold true for di . tance, the distance being physically

repruente d by the convention of two mark. on s rigi. body". In other word • •

you can't d e. cribe a ny thinK to anybody without oom e thing et ... to compare it

to. Tak e a 'big' bolt for e lt .. mpl". BigSer titan what? So ma.ny inch" . high?What

i s u s cd to mea . ur e an inch? TWO MARKS ON A RIGID BODY, right? But

you a ee, Time i s a di.m..ension, ju. t liko le ngth, width and height. So whe n

you d e .cribe something you have to .ay 'when'. You u l ually do this auto-

m.atically, by a •• uming everyone under . tand . you m"an 'now'. For ins tanc e ,

a lar g e bolt m.ay b e 12 Inches high by I Z inch .,. wide by 12 inch.,. 10ng ... NOW,

but before it wa s fold e d into that . h a pe it wa. a flat box . After it i. cruah" d

it' . dimensions will Chang e again, and even after the bolt is burned the atom..

that make up the bolO will still e><i n , but in still a nother dimension. Let' l

take another e "ample. You've agreed to m e et .omeon .... t Znd St. and 3rd Avc.

at I o'clock . Okay, Znd I t. and 3rd Ave. c a n be found " lUily with a map. I o'clock

u .". a 'time map' or wha t we call a watch, to tell you Whe n your there. But

remember, that m.eeting can never Uk", plac e , unless you l ay ~. Don't

get the idea howeveT , th .. t a clock aT watch h time. JUlt .... ruler i. not an

inch, but uther .. device t G m ••• ur. an inch, ,0 " clock i . only .. rigid body

u.ed to rn"a,u r e Ibn ... Oot it? Okay,,.o Iben what b tim,,? I w... afraid you'd

uk. There've been lItuaUy .. billion word. writt"n on Ihe aubJecI, .. nd Itlll

nobody know •• tIE you r reaUy i ntere.ted Inlde fi o ln& Ihe dillerenee belween our
time and .idereal time, Tead the Be tty Bookl,Tbey're heavy, but e xee Uanl) ,

I'll try 10 ""plain time, but remember. U really doe.n'! matter U no one can

p r ove It or not . becaun the machine will work even If we don't comphtely

,mde"tand how. (Do mo.t wOmen know how the f .. mily _oar .. unI1)

Everyone know. ,<:Ience h ... m .. de le .. p ... nd bound. In the I .. "

hundred yea .... In fact. we're.o uled to the ract no ..... tbat w e DO longer pay

much .ttentioo to e .. actly whu p r ogre •• they' .... m .. king ...... e t .. ke ;t for gr .. n ted.

But fG .. our purpolu . let'. take .. look at .ome of the thingl th .. t have been

accompli.hed. Only a Ie .... yea ... b .. ck We were tauSht that the atom w ... th ..

• m.Hut particle of maUer. and . . lolid .... gnin of ..nd, Tod .. y w .. know

that'. not tru ... There a .... m.ny am.ll .. r particle. and the atom bo't lolld

but ra t her compo.ed of • • y.te m of ,upa:rlmpo,ed .... v ... and .Iaclr ical

ch.rS ... . Malter. instead of beinS den.." "od .olid i, no W known to be m .. inly

huge open 'p .. c •• with liny .pec k . of elec tri ci ty flying .round .... dect:ron ••

Perhap. one at the mall r evo lulion . .. y dhcove r ie. of nuele.r ,eienc" w .. ,

the dhco very at .. ntiparlleleo. Be.ldea the old &tom, th .. t con,l,ted of I

neu tr elly charg,d Neutron. a po.tIY. cbal'."d proton .. nd neSl.tlv" char.ed

electron that orbit ed .round then two •• clence nGw kno w , of .evere! olhe ....

like the .. nti pro ton and the POIUron. P ,, :r tlel .. , t hat .... po . . . . . ed 01 In

eXlct oppo,lt" charge to the buUdln. block. w,,'re {.mllilr wltb. In other

word., antimatte r! Selenee nO ..... pe .. k . of .. ntl . t ert and .nti g .. l .. llie •• They

even talk of .. ntl world. , wb" .... anti mount.in. loom OYer anti v .. lley. t ha'

are popula t ed by 'nli people I Th .. y ... y. anti wo .. ld , b"h .. v" in .. xactly the •• me

..... y ourl doe •• A nd ....w Torna. in hla book "Beyond the Tim .. Bar r ier" aaid •
"Un!orlunaUy, we can never meet th~ .., antl. p~opla, tor if we tried to land

on an "nti planet the oPpoling forcel between matter and antimatter would

cancel each other in a turne,.!.oll, e"PIOllon" , Thil may be ealier to IlRder_

IUlnd if you liken it to I Ihorl drcuit. When tb" po.ltlv" pole of a b_ltory i.

grO\lnd"d In the ""g"llve pole... WHAP .. YOI1 ba .." .. '"b"u', Or .bort elrcuit.

Imlslne wh.t kind oI ,. ',horl' yOI1'd get with two batterin Ihe lize of Ihe


We jll.t me"llo"ed. a .bort ",hUe -So, the dilcovery of the Po.itron.

According to. phYllc1 deflnitlo" thlo i. an electron movin, backward In tbne I

So you lIee, Ihollah the .nli wurld may heha .. e in eaactly the way Ollr, doe.,

It dllfero in one huge re.pecl.ln an a .. li wodd the direction of time 10 moving

from the future to the pa.1I And don't enlcker at th .. t idea. In 19t.S Dr. Richard

Feinman received tbe Nobel Prize ! .. r that di.covery. 10 it'l no leienco liction

pi.pe dream I According to Prol .... or H.n. Reichenbach. the inhabitanto oI an

a011 world ,"ould con.lder their time a. beUig right and OI1U a, being backward'

Can time really go backward? Twenty fOllr centurle. ago, Plato

thought 10 wh"n h" wrOte Tho St"leaman. He Ipoke oI an o,dllatinll IlRlverae

periodically reverting It', tUne, Uke I pendlllum. At the end of it'. ,w\ng,

everything IIOPI, then move. blckward for one .wlng, etc. Thl. '''em. re\.her

hnC\Cull, true. bUI It'. bein, "eho.,d today In Inodern pbYlic •• Dr. Gerlld

Felnber, n! Colulnbla UnlveroUy nya thaI Tachynn. (atolnlc p" .. ticlu moving

r •• ter than the ap"ed at lillbt I move backward in time! For thote of you

r.mUlar with Ihe \.heory that nothing can accelerate pall the .peed of lIaht

let me cl.rUy Tachyon'. The.e particle. have an Initial .p".d f •• ter th"n

light and can never alow dnwn .Io wer than light I They pon.,. Itea,,"ve energy,

imaginary rna .. and blckw .. rd time.

Dr. Ein.teln aho propo.ed the theory that Tilne • • t a dilnen.ion,

h bend"ble, jUlt like IIghl.Thi. h an ancient belief. In .ymbology. lime h ..

dwaya been portrayed ae a anake awallowlng it'a own tail. l! thia II tr" .. . and

Tim. c ..., redly be bent. then you have th .. Hyper Time of .clence fiction. The

po .. l.bUity of touching put or futu r .. by bending tim ...

Mayhe even more Intereating and ea.ler to bellve I. the e"l.tance of

.. panllel wor ld. Thl. In .. ol ..... \h .. Neutrino. a r .. c .. n t di.co .. e ry of modern

.clence . Neutrinoa ne apinnlnll aub &tomic particl ... with no cha rg .. Or mau.

that ahoot th r o"gh ou r aoUd planet.a If It weu •• I .. v ... Th .. y pen .. t ... t •

...... ry known thing. It Ihe speed of light l In tM ..... peet. they could be likened

to redio frequendea. which exl.t In and through the • .m. . . pace We cccupy. at

the ,""e Ume we dol A world who'a .tomic .tructu..., i, made "p of Neutrino,

In. te ad of 'cur' "toml, Can ""tually exlo! In the SAME SPACE 81 our,l A. the

di'tinguilhed Orlord phy.ici,t D.H. Wiildnaon .ald " .• ,there .. "ilt .. nlverlel

interm.in,lin, with ouu, containing their own form of awarene .. and awaiting

10m.e com.m.on but elulive int .. raclion to be diaeovered". Thl, pa re llel "nivern

would bave It ' , OWn ,pel:ial time, which GOeBn't corrt:lpond. with 010"1. AI

rno. t bool.. On the A.lnl Pl"ne of e"htance point out, Tlm.e, fo r that unlverae

10 I .. bject!ve ••• m.oldlble for the beinga tn.t live ther ... (TbI, I, wbat Ia COn-

Iidered by m.ou of II . . .. the 'hereaIter' ... the n .. "t plane of ed,tanci for the

hllm.an loul or aatral body. that .... e a""kl of ea r ller),

In tbie world, a fleeting lecond of their time could be hOIl" to UI .

Or, to put It anoth er way, they have the option of vlowlng ALL OF TIME at

once.Sort of like a movie film. We lee only one fram.e at a time , while they

can view the whol~ reel at OnCO. You lee, modern scienc .. donn't coniider

Time,any longer, al an integ r al dlmenllon of apace tha t 'flow,' . Time •• a

dlmlnlion . can' t 'flow' any m.ore than wldtb or len,th can 'flow' . It'. a

dlm.enl lon, Our m.lnd. sre IInable to r"slly grup the wider perap"ctivi of

Time •• a continuein, Une of NOWS. We Invariably think o f TIm .. u NOW .

Thla In.tant. The pI I! and !utllre for III are aepented by an Intangeble inl!ant

that, no matter how often you tr y, cannot be divided Int o a fi .... 1 point, For

The paot, already doun't exlal. The Iul ... re, doun't e><i.t yet. There la only

NOW, But If the paot and future don't exllt and only NOW It real, thIn Ihe

real NOW connects two ' unreal' thinga! Such. statem .... t to In Intellilent

mind II absurd. The paat and the fLlture .re just al real a. NOW. If yo ...

conaider Time as a long Hne of NOWS, one after another. the only thlnl

to nperale them , II Ihe b.et thll .ome art ahead of you, .nd others behind.

The only wly you really have of determining "'here YO" a r e \0 Time la 10

relate Y""r NOW 10 Ihole behind Y"" and thoae ahud of yo ...... RELATlYE .

Coing inlO thla deeply eno"'lh to fully undertland Ihe concept

of Time ",o ... ld take leveral hundred palel by itlelL For thoaa .. ho are

Intereeted enough, I recommend a book c;alled "Beyond The Time Barrier"

by Andre ... Tomae. end pllbliehed by Medellion bookl. It'o excellant er>d

very entertaining . NOlhlng real heavy to tall alleep Over . At any rate let'.

take another IlIbjectlve look at TUne tn a conlext .... might be a litlle more

tamillar with.

We all know that the light from distant Itara, l.a light that left

thoae .ta ... yea .. aiD. We aho kno ... that the ect of ..,elnl really involv".

the p"rception of light reflected from the object we 'ue'. So when we're

vle ... lng anolher .tar Or planel. we're re.Uy .eelnl the r enected I1,M from

that .tar Or pllo"t •• It .... a •• lay, a thou,"nd year. a,o. If Ihat telescope

Were powufu! enou,h to ma,nlly the ;ma,e of that ph.nel to the Iikene ..

ol • pair ol blnocu la'l, we would be able 10 .ee the actual lurlace of Ihe

pl'net ... It wa. whan Ihe light ldt il 1000 ye ..... '110. If Ollr tele.cope Were

powerful eno ... ,h to pick 0111 Individual cltlea Dr .tree t . On that phnel, we'd

aee whal the people Ihere ...... dolng ... 1000 YEARS AGO! Rllht? So, U

that'. \rile why couldn'l lomeona lend a rockel o ... t Into Ipace I" Intercept

the ear th'. orbit, where it . . . . . ay 1000 yearo 010. aod take pictu.". ol

thl, light .. It tr.v"l. outwa.d throullh .pace to other pl.nell? THEY ARE!

In Paril, back In 1963, a Frencb en,ineer and aatronomer, EmUe

Droute, dltcloaed hil plane for jue l eucb a rockel. He dilplayad the prOlotype

a' VI,neux - lu r- Sel". In tI.ot year, Needle .. to .. y . there a r e many complexe

problelTll an individual mUlt face when huneMn, a project of thll type . The

Ipeed will have to b. in the vicinity of 107.000 Idlomete .. an hour. The exact

worklngl of the pia .. are ralher complicaled 10 pre lent here, but a Ilmple

Id.a of it would"" to flret r .. a li ae that the earth revolve. a r ound tbe SUA.

In addition. the lun, ""In, part of thlo ,alaxy, It Ipeeding outward through

Ipace, Therefor al the eorth revolve. and th. Sun movel aheld, the path

we leave behind 10 I Iplral, very much like I coiled opring. AI the earth

laku one ye .. r to complete a revolution around the Sun, then each eplra'

of Ihi. 'coil' r eprelentl one year. H the rocket were unt backwa r d the

.qulv .. lanlof 35 .plr.i •• the light encounler.d would reflect an Una,. of

Ihe year 1941.nd we'd vi.w WWlI all Over a,ainl

By sending hh rocket slong the oUliide o£ the coil , In a .tnight

Une, Drollle planl to retrace Ihe earlhe path, but do It fa.ler becaue. In a

.. n ••• he i. takins a Ihortcut a\ons Ihe edg. of th,. Ipiral. When Ih. r ocket

reache. the duired nllmber of Ipi ral., .utom.tlc carnera. will begin

undin, pboto.... ph. back to earth . ju.t like thol. NASA receive. nOw from

Our •• tron ..1111 on the moon. Thll. alain, YOII bave T IME PHOTOGRAPHY I

Thil m.y.1I .ound nutty to .om. p.ople but. during WW I L! you

had laid that in (,0 yeare we'd look into I box in New Yo r k and ue what

th.y'u doing In Chin', AT THE SAME MOMENT, they'd bave Ihrown you

In the booby ba tcb! And yet. TV i. eo cOmmOn today t hat nO One .ven

thlnkl twice about II. Indeed. a lond portion of our populalion can't even

remember .. time wh.n w. were .... Uhoul itl

Roc ke t


1975 1974 1973 197Z 1971 1970

French astronomer Emile Droute ' . 'Time ' rc>"k e t follow. the earth. spir .. lo.

Fuel Inj e ctor Ignitor


Air Combu.tion Turbine

Compreosed Chamber



the Machin .. h. pa rticul a r . Ou r Machine isn' t linin. to. Bo. Orio.. o.n Into

S P &c~ . It do. ... n ' l hav .. In. It'llj ult .It th~re 'lui~t1y in your Hvln. ro.o.m

a nd tak~ phntnl 0.( th~ put nr eve .. nr eventl thai .re happ .. "ina .IBM

nnw . i n Inm e rlr o.ff place . like a T V, bllt withnut a ac reen n r .. I . ear

Anoth"r 'clence ficti on plpedream 1 HA I

Way h.ck in the 1930', Manly P. Hall .. r ote, "The paat .till

e,dU • • and If it ' _ vihratinn. Can be Inten_Hled by e l .. ctrical ampllficatinn

the .Beo can be made to. live a.ain . At our plea.ur ...... cnuld. by turning a

dial, .... tch Ihe pyramid nulillera h eaping mo.untaln. 0.( granite t"gether.

nnce mn re .. nuld .enatn .1 a rgue In 1M Rnma .. Yorum. tbe l uri d fla me.nf

the InquhUin n wnuld bu.n be(n.e 0.01 . ,yel. to be fn ll nwed by the H.el nf

the Fr ench Revolution" I True. The Icen". frnm th .. p .. II.1 ..... 11 •• thn ...

mOte r ecent h a v .. been reported many time. by paople .. bn .. ere.u.n.Inrt ..... tly

c l .... ed at q .. acke n r kook ..... . medlum •• Tha phenomannn il known al

Materlallzatlnn. and ha. uluaUy be .. n a .. ndated with the a pparltinn. nf a

IIholl . Bul there wa. nothing k o.oky about the Materl.llzation report .. d by

. dentt-to ... orking In a tnp lec r e t libor a lor y for Itnmic e"pe rlmenll. Th ..

men wer" Invo.lved In experi rn ento req uiring levera! extremely high vnltag"

electrical device.. One day, out of nowhere. aome of the acientlata .aw Im"ie.

formlna In mid air. They "'eU .omewhat blurred, but . ti ll .ully recoanizable

lOa human faces. As the event progreued mo r e and more people took notice

until "II th e technician. watchad a. tha face. moved aro und, nedded and

turned, .bewlnl themulve. at dUferent angeh. The image. auddenly toek

on more censiusncy and becsme cleare r and .barpe r , The entire event "' ••

ac companied by .. low murmurln8, a. if a , roup were cenve ... lnQ , hut with

the sudden intenllfleation, Individual volees became dea rer , enougb to

unde ... t and they were useinl scientific ph r aleS and terminolosy, The

phantom group then slowly bea"n to fade away, untlll nothina wa. len In

the I.b, but stHlnes •• Belna ,.denti.ta , th,. lab work,.r. mad,. • complete

inva.llaation. The e xplanation of ~ the apparition oeeured waan't solved ,

but they were ,.ble to identllfy It'l orlaln, The words th"y had heard wUa

spoken a t .. high level t op aec ret mee tin g held i n a no ther part of the bulld-

ing, The image .. of fac"s, had been the men preaent at that meeting, It wu

de t ermined that the me.tlnl r oom wu Iar enouah away and oecured auH _

idently t o make II impoaslble to overhear the meelln, in 10"'1 normal way,

1'hey IhuB concluded th llllhe r e had bun a tr an.miu ion of imaae. and

volcea a ki n to lelevhion tranaminlon, b r ouiht on by the powedull electrical

field, p r oduced in the l:o.b"rllto r y. 1'hi. electromalnelic a_o,.phere had

aomehow Iranlmitted photona and aoundwaveo acro .. the Intetveneing

"paCe, Tbey had experienced Il MATERIALIZATION! The .cery "' . . . . lIh·

held h om the pre .. fDr .ever.l years d ue to the top sec r et nature o r Ihe

meetlna, "nd th e Cact thallhe materialization it.elf ",a , conlldued a

, .. curlly leakl

P o .... e r ful electrical and magnetic field. ha"" Beneraly become

accepted ae n eee .. a.y for psychic exp.rlenc" end develop"'''nt, (Rememher

Klrll an Pho tog r aphy?) But t he common point to e li ,uch experiencez iz th ..

facl Ihat . ,.diaILon or "manellon of any I,ve" object or peuon 10 Ih" main

c .. ~rle~ link b<ot..-een One IIv"ot and anothe r.

The Mate~I.llzatl'>n we 'v, Ju. t a pok,n of .. nd the two 'kind.' of

Time phOtOluphy are .11 baaed on th ... a rne prlnc:iple, r adi. tl.on offreque nc;y,

Tbie won't eound eO mya lerioua if you think of. common electrical tr an. _

former. Electric current Ie fed from. well pl"linto one lide of it. Tbe

current lo,a into a call of wire, and ItOpl! Anoth,r coli, placed very dOle

by, but NOT CONNECTED IN ANY WAY picka up the e1ectr lc.1 c" rrent by

induction end feeda It throUllh the output aide of the Ir.naformer . It worka,

We uoe them ever yd ay In dozenl of different deviclll and never live them

... econd thoullht. The malo prlclple of the M.ehlne il th" ume,

A Califo rnl. power company had .n extremely ."rIOUI break_

down one day that c.und • flurry of l.nveltillative activity. De,phe the

numerOUI .ed intenlive check . made by technlclanl, th" c."u Df the {allure

r em.lned unknown, A worker "'al c.lIed in who Inauted .. deUllled ach"m-

IItic dlalram of the circuitry inVOlved. into thll 'Willi' of .. liltle black box .

Within .. m .. tter of hou," the enllre circuit waf mYlte""u",y repRired .. nd

back in oper .. ti on! The machine .. ud to eLfect thLI r epair cou.ld be t e rm ed

a ' atand.rd ' paionic device whi<:h derive. it'. power from the affini ty be-

twe en m.ttor ,

Voodoo and Witchcraft, dlllpite thel:r comeback me a lad, a r e

"till r . t her di.dained by the av,,:r.g' believ"r In p.ychic phenomenon. Yet

the witch docto," and warlocks knew the secre!, whether they :r,.lIzed it

"r not, of tun,mil.len of frequency. The .. oe of voodoo doll I and .lmo lt

ianaUcal tear DI e.mer •• ",aon't ill" Ign"r.nt jungLe .up" .. llIlon,

In P "nnoy lv.nl• • white .mocked I.b . . . Iatant inurted th" oeed

of a Lily Into a p oiontc machin e , and took a picture , When it ..... dev"l"p"d

it cle.rLy ,howed • lullp bulh. T"rnin, • few diall, Ih" oper.tor tnok anothe r

picture. Thl. lime the photoll r .phlc re.ult ..... of" tlly .... ln f .. 11 bloom!

When y<>~ take. phot<>sreph of enytbinl the metalic cry.tal. of

Ihe film. c a pture mo r e than j,.. 1 phot ona of Haht • . Alon g w ith th .. uU.cted

IIghl , i. the radi ation your body continuall y und. OUI, a nd whic h .... m .. nt-

ion .. d e .. rlier . Again, th .... . . diation. are Individual to you and you alone.

Betw een your b ody and th. ne sative of tbe film which h ... j u ot ab,orbed .. orne

of your body '. radi ation , there .. ",i.t .... compa t .. bility Or II.!tlnlty. Much lik "

the .. lectric a l tran.former, th .. lrequency of the . adi"tion f r om the film,

malch". ,,""ctly th .. fr ..que ncy of Ihe onalt ... o r your body and ther .. fo., "

d .. flna l" li nk i" "reated betw .... n theln. P .. rh ep. " nothe . analoay would make

thie point eali .. . to und .. nt .. nd . U your r"mUI"r with a piano you know tha t

when }'ti n . t rik e a key , illn turn c .. u .... a taut ... Ire 10 vib r al" thu. crea tlnro

a ,ound . Th ..... wiru are ,radUal.. d to create Ipecific .ound. Or n otu. U

the nol .. you .truck Wal " 'C' for e x a m pl e, Ihe o lhe r 'C ' k ey., bO l h "bove

and be low Ihe One you . true k , ... ould "ho ribrale, I .... ; nle n dy, In • phen -

omenon known a. harmo nlce. The lound lna of th .. v ib r ation of Ihe' k .. y Or

frequency , would caUlel a r.,.po n e e in aU olher wirn of the ume fre qu ency.

The photogra ph and \t ' . ' harmonic' Im .. , e, ope r a t e i n the ume way, Thle i l

th .. principle upon which the Mac hine 10 bued, and IT WOR KS I

In t h .. 0 .. La Wa r r L aboratory In Ena la nd a wo r ker pllt On... mall

d r op of a WOmane b lood into a pdo nlc machine, Whil e h .. c oncent raled and

adju.ted a f .. w dieh. en " .. i" t .. n t did a p i ece of photog r a p hic film inlo ..

Ilot nnd tim ed the expo'llre . After d a v e l opm.nt t he p ictur .. clear l y .how ed

the ve rlab ra e and pelvic r .. ginn or a w oman , a l nng with a n X- ray type Im.ag ..

o f a human f .. lu, I S"tl.lled with the app ea r a nce e l th .. baby , Ihe techniciane

... t the m ac hine '. lew m onth. ahead' .. nd Checked the baby" p r o, .... again.

In t hi. in .. t a nc .. , tho mlchlne waf being u ... d to take p icturel of the fut ure ,
It can aho be nled to eff .. c t a chanK" in the fu t ur .. or the p r e ... nt. Thlo w a .

ap l ly de m.on s t rat ed by Dr . WU liam Hale , C hl·. f of Dow Che rnl cd Co , Rel" ar ch

Dopartm.,nt , down In Florida . T aking. pl ctllre of an infe.ted o r ana" o r cha r d

he dabbed som .. Ineect lclde onto a few rOw. ot Inf .. c te d t r ... . In t he pictllu

and alipp.d H into" paionle machine. Th~ machln .. wa .. t .. rn~d on for a

f~w houra .. ach morning for" we .. k. AI th~ ~nd of that tim~ the actual

or ch .... d ...... examin~d. Every ro .... of treaa that had been treatad with

Inaectield" In th .. photo, W,," fr .... or any in.leataUon! Thole tr .. e. not

80 'Ir~.t .. d', even in the nexl rowa, "' .. re "till inuct ridden! In a related

type of occ~ranc e , the Municipal Work. of Rounhelm Germany ... port~d

the ~"t~ .. mlnllio" of I holrd of t .. rmitea at a ar .. lt dillanc .. without the

us~ of an inaecticidel Th .. Nov. 3rd h.u~ of the Journal of PI .. lphy.ica

earri~d the lecount . Similar ~xp.rlm .. nto carried out On Over 50 , 000

acru of U.S. fa r mland .,lway. ahowed the ... me re8ult.! A, you can

aee th .... ff .. ct c.n b~ obtl lned evtln ov.r va.t dillance •• Unlike Ih .. tran.-

former, our machine work. a nywh.. re in the world or beyond It I

(Remember the Hieronymua experiment with Apollo 8 .111? PhYlical

apace of COurae ian ' t th .. only dim .. n.ion we 'r.. talking "boul. A pictu r e

!;tken now of eventll that (lccur ed in Ih. put can ..... Uy be taken If th ..

frequency tranami .. lon of the teat fubject i. tun .. d to the pa,t po.ltion

of the teat lubj .. ct. In oth .. r wordl," pic t ure t .. k .. n of .." ev .. "tthatocc,ued

yea ... ago ~ ... e a. a tranlmltler eOlllethinl that weI It the place

in qu.-tion at the time detired. To t .. ke pictur .. of prehlaloric lIlonster .

for innance. " •• mple of youueU wouldn't wo"k, for you weren't there

"t lh .. time. However, • rock thal'a know" to hav .. exil l .. d In Ihll era

WOUld. 10 the e x act proce .. DC th .. Machine, by puttln, yOllr own photo in

the .ample chamber .. nd adjus ting Ihe diala for a given tillle In the pan,

you'll " ..... te a photo fr om that Ume p .. r lod in the film cha .... ber, that will

have you In It or will depict .omethiog ve r y dou to you at the tim ...

Now, here'l the Voodoo part. Becauu we' r e t"lklnll .. bout emanation.

frOfT> a pa r ticular body. a photo ie .. '1 tho only thing that will work. A

aampl .... mitting heavy r adiation may b.t ,ained al"o from an actual piec ..
of the body ..... fingernail, loci< of h"ir, drop of blood elc. If all these

umplu are put Into the ma~hin .. at on~e, the Intendty of the emanationa

h greatly amplified . In some d r ~umltancea , sampl ... from two very clouly

related onjech may bfO Inaerted .t the lame time . provldina that a ~omblnatlon

photo Is deal red. Georie De La Wan tried tM. experim.nt wL t h th. blood

.ample. in hi. machine, He tooklfew drop. lrom hi. wlie and him.elf and

tuned the 'carner. ' to th.ir weddlna d.y .. .. thirty yean before . Develop.d

b"lor" witne.uf. tbe pic t ure .howed Ihe pelr jUlt a. they hid bee" on thai

m e morable day ... weddlng cloth....nd "UI

But .. word of caution here . It h ... been dlscov.red tbat not all

te at. react the .ame w.y for ev.ry u.er. Pdon!e. experi menter Mur!.'

Benjamin found that certain chemlcalo ~ u.ed 10 control deu" •• and in.ect.

On her tree. and plante didn't alway. work for oth.rs . .... nd what t.!!!r uud ,
didn't a l way. work for her. Th,,"e experh""nt"r, concluded Ihlt their Own

realilent worked becau.e they believed In them I Now thl. fac l II lomethlnilha l

you can cont r ol , hut the pouihilily of an uncontrolled reaction .hould I~.re

you 1<.> de"th. Thi. caution h Included here to make you "Ware of the hct that

it can happen 11 your not very careful . rbi. devl(,e i. not " toy .... 11 Can be ..

highly danseroul ma~hlne I! used In the w r ong "'ay. It hal be"n found

that Ihio apparalul. loc11.led 11.1 a dlol""c. from the organhm it wa ... adio"lcally

tre"llng,cAu.ed .. seneHc cro •• lnl among different varietiel of the I"ml

Ipeel •• 1 The L field, of the ... planh wer .. m .. rxed p.lonic.Uy .... th.h gene.

and chromo.omel were mixed to p r oduce .. lotally new variety of hybrid fruit I

Thil amu.lnX dl"cov.ry, perhap. the mOlt lIartling and e"citing

dlacovery In pllonic hI. l ory , can be credited to Mrs. Murial B.njamin. She

corun.ed that .he doeln ' t concentrate on her planu durlnx treatm.nt . Ofl"n

Ihe •• ys, .he'li 10" doing lomething entirely different whILe the mlchine h on.

PerhlPI thh il what led to her blggeel .rror In r11.dlonic uee, She weo u.ed to

takins four photograph •• one for .ach of h.r dlff.... nt p.ach tr e"I , anda lternalely

treating them to .timul"te their growth Bnd yield. Fo r two y.an .he p i eced O"e

pholo al a lime, in an envdope, on Ihe collector plat. of he r machine along wilh

• cry.tal of calcile or lungflen nlckle fluoride. It worked beauWully. The Ihird

year the '.Y~ .he got r ... hed and ' r an' all the negtllve, together with Ihe calcite

cry,nl, "The next year there wu a terri ble me .. " the .aid, "Firat, the bte.t

blooming treel bloomed lIr.t, and the early Onn la.t, The othert were a mlsh-

malh of Inedible \lule . . fruit I Everything wu either too sm.ll. tOO h.rd. too

m .. ehy. without .eedl or ronlm. There were doz.eu. of diflerent varlelie. of

pe.ches on each tree! It ...... ouch a me •• ", ,he .... anl 00 to '.y , "tbat""a were

forc e d to t .. ke all of thc Uee. out of the ground .nd dealroy them. ay pl"dn,

the picture. all together the w"y I did, the m"chine had .omehow lIarhled theh

lenetic codes. Somewhere. back In their cro .. bred anceatry I h.d scr.mbled

their ,ene,". M .... Benjamin concluded, " My mhtake was in uslnlthe nestlive.

which I placed Cace down on the collector plate. ,Iouy .ide up. Then I iald the

c"lcite cryatal on top. I don ' t knnw how it worked, but I think it m .. at have blended

the vital field. of thOle Ireu to cro .. their genel that way" , ln~redlbl1o? Sure

It Ie. but 10 were the Hrat X_ray p i cture .. of the In.lde of the human body .... or

the nut KirHan Photoliraph ••

Learn how to Ule the machine , and think out each experiment very clre-

fully In advance. o .. ,,'t take a chance hy treatlns thl' machine IIghUyt

E .. ch atom'. unlq"" radiation frequency to picked up snd re - tnn.milled after

being modul81ed or rnodlfied by the frequency of condo,," thought.


In thi . chapt~r I'd lik~ to touch on COlmic

Force, the other hali of psychic power. Cosmic forc~ cont a in. a lot of

variable. , 1\' . not ju. t cosmic ray •. In th~ cue of the now !amou. pyramid

power it con . iou of co s mic e nergy, atmo.pheric pre .. u .. ~, temp e rature ,

phase of the moon and it' s gravitational pull, and much more, Exactly how

it work. ot111 ion't r e ally .. nd eu tood but we do h,we a hint.

A pyramid . hap~ i. th~ fir . 1 n~c~ .. ity, although .ny limUar

I hape will coll ~ ct a c e rtain amount of po,..~r abo •. (An ' A' frame will act

a. a ve ry w e ak pyramid). Not only I hould the pyramid . hape be adhered

10, but the mo . t pow e rful 'g~n~rater' i. One that I, In the e xact dimenoianl

of the ancient Cheap. pyramid in Egypt. The illu.tratien .how. the dlmendcn

neceo . ary , should you wa nt to make one for experiments. The l ize can be

altered a. much a o you like providing you atay within the propn proportion ••

Pyramid. of cardhoard, rn~tal and pia. tic, have be~n advertiled

for oev~rol yeau now, for u . e in horn~ ~xpe rimenU. And thaullh the mote r-
ial from which th~y'r~ made i l n't t oo critical , th~y Inu . t all b~ oriented to

magn~tic North . Once that' . done , .arn ~ u tanlahing claim. can be made far

their paw~ ro . All theae are true. In a oen l e , a pyramid will do the lame

thing " aur Machine will, but to a much l e .. e .. e xtent a nd with much more

dependancy on the ESP ahility of the operator.



c. BASE LINE 15 (,,,


Thi s page may be uo ed as a template . Cut or

trace the large triangle above, onto four pieces
of cardboard. Cut out and glue together . 'King s
Cha mber' i. located about where wording i a . A
"tronger pyramid may be made u~ing two Or
three layer. of cardboard with tinfoil between.
One baseline sho uld be oriented to the north, as
s bown in _k e tch. For a larger s iz e to m e ditate Y>EW
in use a triangle e itber 10' l< 9' 6" (6' high) or
7' x I> 1/2' ("prox. 41/2' high). For any si~e in
betwe .. n, u oe proportion s of these dinlen. ion s.
It'~ import_nt to b e a s accurate as possible.

The .hape of the pyramid, by collecting and concentrating cosmic forceo, i l

abl~ to accompli.h e xt raordinary things, Me at , or other leed put into the King .

chamber of a pyramid, wen't decay if left unrefrigcrated! In Europe, there are

• .,veral companie. that pBckage their productl in pyramid .haped container l

te inlure fre . hn., .. longer , Milk, for Inltanc~, will ke e p up to S week. in

ouch a ve .. cl, A few yean age a patent wa l granted for a pyramid razor blade

. hupener. The darn thinR: worked too! (Re l ha ping or I s hould oay, the returning

to original form,el metal preducto that have undergone We"r of COUUe take. a
little longer than the ether proce .. .,.), Planh will grew much m.Ore rapidly and

vigorouoly insid e a pyramid and liquid . take on a huher ta.te and ne .... COnIP-

o.ition . In C~echo . lovakia, .cientilt Dr . Roher Pavlita took an intereot in the

pyramid and other ancient fornI. of co . m.i" genera t or., which hav~ reportedly

he e n around aince the time of Adanti., Hlo e xp erim.entl over the pa.t few y e ar.

have been startlins_ lie hao evidently learned the actual operating priociple

bebind this phenomenon, for hetg Invented geveral new ghape$ for hill generators,

He refule l te divulse any of the c~ltlcal information r"g .. rding th" . e device.

until 'th" patent I. i •• ued and he hal" m.arket for them, but the y'r" known to

be .. vallable in over a dozen shape. and .i~eo from. metal 'orange.' to rod ••

However, through hi. e xperiments a few concrete fact. have been di.covered

concerning the pyramid form .and it'. potential. It's been known for example,

that water put under a pyramid for a i~w nIlnute. take s on a nIuch better taste

and when uoed to moioten planto, s eem s to gain properties that Invigorate thenI

abnermally. In hi. e xpe rinIentl, Dr. Pavlita examined water he had lubjected

to pyram.id power for a few minutes, and found that the space. within the

m.oleculel had enlarged! Why, isn't known but the actual m.olecular Itruct-

UT " of the w .. te r had changed and made it into more of an elixer than ordinary

water, You can try this you ... elI very emoily. All that i l needed io " cardboard

pyramid a nd .. gla n of water. Leave the water inoide fer at least 15 mlnut" ••

Drinking it not only bring. no ill effects but actu .. Uy . tUnulates the drinker,

while it'. us" fer any other purpo . e 1.1 e qually enhanced,

As I mentioned, the py ramid may be conuructed ol almou any mUeri.l, but

metal do ..... em t" wor k the beu , primarily becau ... according t" .. nel ent

Egyptian prac tice. the form Itu ll act. almou like a Ughtening r od. You .0101

th .. l.mODI pyramid I of Egypt thu .t.rted the whole thing, are nOW know ..

to h .... e been covered on the oUlolde with. polished metal . th.1 h •• oince been

r emoved ond can nO'" be found decorating the .... lb of ne .. rby temple.'

According to Garela Beltran, Egyptoiogill, the ancient pyramldl

h a d mOre than one {unclion. Not only were they capable of prne .. vlng the

d"by<lu"d ."mllna o f. Iivin, ""g""iam In a Iru>Inmllied ltate. Ihey Were

ah o. and p .. ifnar!ly. nled [". r .. ln =aklnlll S .. id Belt .... n. "They Were c"vend

with. very ImO<>lh white metal .hd could be leen glittering bo= hundredl

of milel away. Fo r thi . rea."n they we .. e ca lled The Lli\hl . . .. (A . imil.r

. himm e.i ng crylt .. ' covered pyramid WlOl dhcovered in Ireland .nd il nOw

being .enov.. ted by Ihe Government). Beltun went On to ny. " The mel.1

. hould have been Iilver but an a n oy ....... u.ed in.te.d becauoe IUver wa. 10

Bc"rce ie Egypt. Some of the metal i . now found On the waUl O{ Mooque a .

nolably thOle of the C.iro Mo.""e wbicb have a b r ight .i1 y ezy .heen. EIPlian

.rch.eologi.l. know that the matal came from the plll.ge of the py r amid.~'.

He aloo commented on the actual Bge Of th e .truc l ure. hy oa yln8." The pyr ••

mid. are much older thall they are generaUy .aid to be. T en thou •• nd y .....

• ,0 they ove rlo oked a " .. rd .nt IIreen regi on of .klllfully cuitiyated and inl·

gated land tha t produced .b",nd.nt cropo". Accordlnll to the Ar.b hi,lorian

Ab" Zeyd el a.lkhy the ina.,rlplinna enl r aved on the pyramlde w .. .. e Irani _

bted Into Ar.bi., • • nd lave the time of ccn,truclion •• when Lyra Waf In

the ailin of Cancer. That would place conatrOlction 7).000 yea .. agol Tr;od ay.

nOlhing r em.in a bllt rUiDI .nd dlaer t beC.II.e the py r amida have an been

either de. tr oyed Or mutilated.

The pyramid. ".ed to make r.ln? NOI thai far htc:hed. Within

III. .. paS! d .."ade, ult r ,..o nic .ound. hav" b .. en lI,ed h ..... i n the Sta le, to conde ..,e

COl and make it Can in the form o! rain I And in Saint-Naz ai ... F.ance th.,re

.tand. an a.,rl al !ountain Invented b y An dre Pa.quet, Thil lountaln II made ol

amOO lh metel which cond"n.e. Ihe wat ...· vapor In the ai r. Witll It, lie can acll-

i .. ve an Oll l plli of 700 gall on. of water a d ay ! Bolli ol the.e device . could be

.ald to b e dillanl ."collection. ol .ecrot EgypU an and precolombian teience

because " ccordlng to hiltorl"n eareU". o de 110 Yega, tile ancient Inc &I k new

how to "mal<" wator out ol aI ."1

No m a lle. wh"t Ihe OIlie r l unc tiona 01 Ihe pyr amid ., the m ai n it .. m

of inter ... t 10 . . . . 1 thil Urne II the ir eoami c Inten.ifie a tlon abll ill e., The

tamed paychic and lee r NOltradamu. revealed, at one time , the lec .el of

ht. mental trip. Into the future fo r hlo prediction,. E . . " nti a lly it eonahted

ol the uu of wa te ., flame and a "bra .. pyr ami d" 10 i nduc e a tu nc .. I III. I,,!

Th .. "ncl .. nt . of Tib .. t, tha t r .. vered place that ha. become th ..

Mecca of paychlc development , aho apparently, Were "wue of the pow e rs

Inherent in " pyramid form. Initiate. wer e trained In p .ychlc development

through the u"" of a 'ma gic mi n or' who ... ope r .. ti on waa de.cribed like thi . :

" Every templ e hal II dark room, Ihe NORTH waU o l whicb la comp letely

covered with a . he"t of mix"d metal. chiefly copper, very highly polhhed , and

with a surface capab le of rdleetlns Ihln.ll . . .... dlotlnctly ao a mirr or. Th"

d,.elpi e .It, In.n In.ulated ch.ir,' th r e e le"ed s looiplaced In a Ihicl<, n at

bottomed , I ' " v .... el. th .. Llem ll operato r do ... 1I1<.. wi.e and th .. two fo rm

a triangle wHh Ihc mirrored .. ,U . A magnet wllh th .. north pol .. up b ."spen -

ded over the dloclplel he a d, without t ouching It. The operator, havins . tarted

the action iolng , leav,," him alone gazin8 at the waU, a nd alter the third time

he is no l onier required ~ Thla aecount wa s pub li .h.. d in Ih" M.II'tm a Le tt .. r .

In London, in 19Z6 . One o f the Impo rta nt r .. qul.mento of pyr .... ld ule i. to all,n

the base on a !rue rna,netic north a xb . Alao the mention of • ma,net ahove the

head ia important. Thh practice II gaining exc .. ptance again a. belnll conduciv e
t o ESP .

Magneti.m i • • ometbing mo.t of u.. take for granted and,perhap.

even con.lder fO mundane •• to be '!rid nuff', Thle force i •• o powerful,how-

ever , that H', ,ued to twiat, tut end form huge "hunk. of cold ateel, In lnduury

Ihi. i. called Magnafnrnllng , Con.ide ... U mallnelhm c"" do Ihh to cold ateel

..... ighing Ion., what i. it' ... rr.. ct on frail human 1I."u.. 1 A New York gyn.. colog"t

Ilnd cell ""pe .. t, Dr. Kenn"th MacL .. an, ha a b .... n healing ev .. ry thlng from ,tUf

muodee to c r ippling arthrith with a powerful electromagnetic Heidi And

Prnfe.aor Robert UrIen of the Unlvereity of We.tern Ontario h •• lone even

farther. He'a convinced th.t "mallnetiam i . the key to Life" origin on Earth".

And ",h.. n Dr. Rob .. rt Beck.. r ot Stat.. Univer.lty in N.. w York appli .. d thi.
theory to indivlduah in t .. at., h,,'di,covered the human biomallnetlc fi .. ld. H ..

Tnapp .. d o"t tllia field in great detail. "Celntlal forc .. Held.," h, laid, "can

and do exert an influence upon human beinga, and arn re.pon.lbl, for behaVioral

changea" ! Even In medicin .. ther" Ia a rapidly IIrowlnl awar .. n .... tbat the

human body, Uke all matln, ia .. mas. of el .. elried "nergy 'p .. und' into

what We con.lder aolid matt .. r. A, he put It. "It aounda highly exotic to thi nk

nf all aoUd Tnauer .. concentration. of el .. ctromagnetic ",ave., but the fact

i. that everything b part of Ih .. eJ"ctromagn .. tic apectrum" , It', abo well

accepted th.t .. magnetic field around a body will inc rea ... and e"hance the

p oychic Ii"ld. In fac t, .mail magnetic jewelry II all the raHe right now, in the

belief that the field they pro(\I1Ce will &ifect th" wearer. I oinc.rly doubt thh

lOa they are extremely oman and weak compored to the amount of magneH.m

n"ce.ury to aid poychic achievement . ""wever, a h~lIe magnet I,n't nece .. _

a . y eithe r. One about th" olu of an orang" will do nicely , at lea.t accordlnll

to Dr. Crl'tjo Cria tafv, fathe r of the Cd.tofv Effect, ua .. d to detec t ""clear

exploaiono .nywhere On ".rth. Acco r dinH to Dr. Criotofv fatlg"e we e"perienee

while in p lane., c . ... bu .... and buildi ni' 10 "a"ud by interf.... nce with the

.. arth. rna lneUc field . It ... em. the metal .urroundlng UI work. like a F"rra_

day caHe to IIround out th" forcn of el"ctrical ene'lY the human body need"

Dr. Crla l olv. who hIIoa been a conaultan! fo r Iha Anned Forcea and aava . al

lar,e corporation •• wenl on 10 a.y , "The ... rth'a ma,ne l'C field la poailivly

polad:ted and mea.ure. aboul ZOO volu/meter". Ualnll thi. information he

ha. Invenled a device thai con.lota of a metal can In.lde of which an ""ecl-

ronl<: device to connected to a battery. It'a auapended from the edlin, and

will, according to the doctor, provide an 800 volll/meler field . "Teall of

pilot. and truck drive .. " h ... " 'd. "Have .. hown ,r .... ter a ler tne .. and 1_ ..

tlr_dne .. . And the melal thai aurrounda ua lan'l the only offende r " h. went

on, "pla.tica have an Inherenl high negativ .. char,e,!aa high.a 50,000 volll

metera) which aiowa pedormance even mo r el So pl.atic aeal coveu,

drape., .pread . e t c .. CBn.lI caud troubl e". He .. xpond c .... to' field of

juat that Int .. n.i ty and in Juat a few week. their leX ddve evaporated, they

ate I .... a nd they became frlghlened of Tnlce I

The old fa.hioned late ahow concep t of a paychic .ittinl with

• metal electrode atraped to hia head may not be a. fa r fetched . , molt

people have believed, The ne.vou ... y a t"m of all Hvlng thing" i. now known

to work by me .. n. of electronic •• Tiny electronic impulud ope r ate the brain

and mov .. m"aele •• Yet, theae impuhu are eO liny and deli cate tbey can

on ly be traced when they're in ,roop •• Now. U theae newly di.cov .. red

<:harge. are ao delicate, it fOllowa that they are ea.Uy &ffeeted by an .leetro-

mallnetic field. even One that m a y be emitt .. d by eatra t .. rr e.tial me.n ... .

from out in space. fhh Isn'tao weird aoundlng U you r e .. li~e th.t.! w.. live

in an envi r onment that lit ..... lly hu"'a with fore .... The .tara e",it radiation

Ihat runa the l oll eleclfoma,netic spectrum, low fr.quency r adio wavet. ultra

vio l et, pa.t vi aible lI,ht. which I. , &!ler .U, only higher fr"quen<:y radlalion.

up to x-ray • • nd Ihe co.mlc range.

You m"at realize that within Our Own .oiar "yate", the .un and

It'. planet. ",,,intain .. complicat.. d ballmce of interr"iat~d rnagneti.<: lI~id •.

auvlly itadf i . now believed to be a form o f electromagnetiam, and .11

th~.., fo~c~a are ahoctina thrcugh and boundn , off ol you, every .eccnd

.ince the day you were born. The~~'a ample ~videnc" that planetary forcel

all''CI''. eontinuaUy. Speakln, al M.LT. In 19(, 1. Or. Robert Becker •• id.

he had dhcoveu,d an ~Ieclrom.,netic field witbin the human body. He al&lad

"Tlli . human eleetromagnel\c field fluctuate. whh variation. in the ea rth',

magnellc HeidI A t p r e.ent ," he eontioued, "we ean cnly au.pect. ,eneul

relation. hip between m~n and the electrcm.gn~tic phenoITlenon Ihat ""i.t.
in tbe aala"le.".

Tbe fact that the brain ia an electrochemical devlc" alao ha.

a lot 10 do with magnetic dfech. Booth Ihe United State . and Ru .. ia bave

experlmenled with lmp\anUna tiny' ~adlo r eceive ... In portionl of damaged

human brai"., in order to ""abl" them to take ov"r the function of the damall"d

brain cell • • Furth"., durina the "arly ."'tiea , Dr. Lecnard J. Ravitz, a very

prominent neuropaychiatriat. did lome .tudie. be.ed cn the elec t rcdynamlc

thecry of life. Hc concluded that "all living thinal have bio mallnetic field.,

The electrical rythrn in human. coincide. with Lunu ph .. ses of the moon

and the diatant movementa of the .tar • •nd planeU". Acco r dlna 100 Ihe Dr.

the salactic components are affected by Ih" V~ty .ame el~ctrodynaITlic fCrCel

We are.

Under the .... eight or alllhe evidence prcvlded ao rar I think It' •

• afe to sum It up thia way. We are influenced ccnlinuouoly by elec tro. geo and

bio maane tic forca. that are an integral part of both Ihe human being and the

material world he Inhabit •• Huge masnetl., .torma on Ibe aun • known .... un-

apotl hava a very definato effecl on the weather, perticularly in the upper

iono,heu, BioclimatnlcSiat. have proven that po,itlve and ""saUve ion. In the

aln>olphere effect the way we think, feel. and behave. That electrical cha rlle e in

Ihe air, not to mention gecmagnetism a n d electrcmagnetism, Iffec t all living

thinS .... pllnlo, .nlm.!. and people.

I aliI J<> lez~u "'II 1'''''\01 0"\" "".'1 A''',! · · · .P\ .. " '"I "'II 10 I W,.,OdUH':O ,1I'z""o a'll

IU1UIwz"10P ,,\ p ....:o"n. 11I1l.. a",1 n \ ,{nOI , "'1.1 ZltP'_"O:>"" I'"'''' Anq' .. od····.(poq

1"'11 011'\ 1''''Il.''%q 'I 1"'1:1 ,"HI , l~npll "ttl o.l~ Alqlqoz d 'I 1I ·'-poc. I~P"l"'UI .. ,,1 .. oJ

Pl OW ""I ' \ P\"g '1 '''I.~ 'u OIl"Jodu lxa ,"WOI pul .p"'J " .. ow ..... , .. 'In'" pool • • ap"n

0'1 """ "1'1110 ImJI1'll:>ndwl ,....,"wuq .. q~ 11'1"11 '1 "'II JO l"auodwo:> Oldpupd "'II

"'It I .. O'<'1"ltl II'll ....o ,d "1 q:u .... IO. do ..p "\ palh.! .. a ",ou U'.("q~ ·X"!lI'.''lu,I,!, Ino
'IllM I'IIH JO p" .. dl "n ~ Ido.p .,,"'... 11····1.'~ 1'11:> aPI1 ... d " lpn. 1'01"10' ""I

puna , eArl! fI'n""'''$ '.( J O"'!l Piau \1." .. ,.1 ","!"1""\3: 01 'uIP'O:>" • .(1111Q,uodw! ....

puap, l uo:> UNl .''11 ' .(11<10"'" .(\1'0 lIWO 11'11111 JO p""a. a'll .1'''':>'''''' 1"'11 "PIU"d

"''11 JO I'"POUl" P"l""~:) "A,,'I "'\1""'~S ·u.n~I:) .. d ... 'II."n..... W "'11 puoA. .. q II!""

111"IW 1"111 A.II"""" ,,8""~1I JO 'pupi "'II )0 ""0 t lnr ' .. ,d,m,x .. "oJ ' l uoA.II""~

'''O,,!w<Mla'ld p"""Ao~'IP A.I'...." ~um. JO "e1PU"'''! "'(I ""! " "PI .eo~ " .. '1 ....

1'Iln Cl Iu!wo~ ,,~ • •p .... pu\ I1ln ... ~ .,,,""~ ... we. P"V 'I,n'"'' Ill'" I.'! .... A.fI:).x .. ""n'

t .. A.. " "noA. ·" ......... 11" 01"1 "t"lw"II" """Ul' 8u\"'0"1I1 "'11'1 '''(lIl!!''o:>" . " pua

_PI"uo" ""'( ... " .... o"""" .. t "ltw.." 1111' 1;"111 'pO<>1U"Pun A.1\n) IOU n ' p .. ,,,,,I,,,, .. ,, .. ,,"

'13"n" pt .." to "'''''01 .....'1110 ,'0"" "U'I11\. ' u:uoJ "\""'0" p"" "PI;)\J 'T )0 ""H!"""I"!

PUt ;( Ol""n0:) " ." JI"" 1\ ,t'l1 P"uOll"""" ..... ,""J)" P!wt"A.d "'II 'u"'n""p tr(

SNOliVS1I31\NOCl 113S'i'T

' "A" "'II 01 "1'1"u"""'IP "."'11 ""'II ,,31110 ' P"II"

"u.o. "Aeq ~snw .Iu,punoun. pu. 'poIlw .... ,poq "no !lu\,:>" .. nUUI ,,, " ,, oJ ..... '1.1 )0 11"

'noA MOil. 11'.... II1'nolll """wow " 1.nr "V 'l:>"JJ" "'''''AP'' "" ."11 U(lll"!P"" A~ ""A"

pu.· .. A.poq "'{1 ,,0 P"JJ" "I"'(t U'! t""ndd" ,(l"A u" unl ""U wO"J "AU IOI"!A Ulln

"' IPI"JJ P"" U(I!P U\1't "!1o"S"u.o"S 01 pu"d.u I ,"WI"" P"" IU"wtllI .. • .. Jl1 "ewnll 01

l"l""w"P""J 'PI"" "."pn" '''''II,'''VNlI pu. VNO "1{11""JJ" '" u .... ou'l .. "e tAu "Iw, o "

" 'AII""p",,8'11= 1nq 'Ant=~"111 ,(IU" IOU ;u"qd.oUll" "no p"n" "od.un. p"" 'PI"!J

""",,8 .. = "t\OS I "\18,,88= l)"JJ~ "1 '1 11""1 u"SAxo ' t 8"la ... ·,,\doad pu .. ~1"Ul1"8

""tld ·um.,ow :), ~ ..qd .OW1" "0 l":>JJa P""!P .nopuaw"", " I"" uoou..< "'1~
lC YO" e"cept U1at thOll&ht ••• the m;nd, r adlalea from and b contain .. d within

the L field , th .. n It .hollid be e,uy to acc"pt th .. t aft .. r ' d .... th ' ••• •after th .. phy. i cal

body C.... e. to tllnetion, the L fi .. ld r .. main ....intac t ..... i nle r mln&led with Ihe

other L field. th.t .urround every materl ..1 thing in e"i. t ance . And beeau,IO

memori ... are formed .. nd fil ed in th .. mind. 'you ' in ...... ne ... . till e"btt Now

whether youduire to belie" .. U1i. Or not, you mUll admit th .. po.elbility. I, fo r on .. ,

know that ' .om.. thing ' .. xI"t l afte" ' death ' lor I have contacted .n<! ' .pok.. n' to

tho . e that exl.t the r ... F o r t hat matt .... , .0 bav .. the gov .. r DInen" ol tb .. United

Statu ond the Soviet Union . although they. a. u. u al . choose not to admit It to

the genllral public. Howev .. r , wbat I, te r med in jou r n.U.Iic I.ngu.ge •• 'u ..... lly

rell.bl" a oure". ' Inform me that bo,th ol the a e governm .. nh .. T .. conducting .. x -

pe r lment. i n lanr re.e .. rch i n re lalion to communication. Si mply put , I ... er i.

amplified lilht~ .. or U you p r eler, highly amplified frequenele. of t be elec t ro _

magnetic SpeClrUm i n the "Ioible Ught range. La.era, u you r probabl y .. wa re of

bave Ihue fa r been u.ed 10 accomp lbh .om. pretty marveloua and aatounding

thinl\l, Delic.te b r ain l urguy Or Ilice ing thtu the worlds hard ... t met alUke

butter . .. . both done .. a.Hy with I•• er l . It'. elao u.cd .1 a meanl of l ong rang ..

communication, .. nd it'. thh thaI we ' re inte r eoled in dght now. So , to make il

ea . ier 10 undeutand perhap. we .hould d well lor .. moment on the mechanica

of no r ma l radi o communication tiut.(Fo r Ihb h a l .o the balic method of our

poionlc apparetu_ ).

The rad io .ta tion !r.n. mllle r iene r ate ... fr equency of IrA" pow .. r Ihat

radlat.a from it ' . antenn. much Uk. II. light hou ... bea.con. It ' l l'Iot audible on

your home receiver however . Thio Ie ju.t the ' ca r rl .. r' wave . Wh"t t hey do to

impr ••• upon (modul ate) thl. beam a me •• age c a r ryioi puh. of a different

freq u oncy th"t io ' carded ' a l ong on the w .. ve. (H ence. the term ' carrier wave" ),

Sort of li ke dou and d".he. witb a fla.hlll\hI. Whe n y o u ....,t . 1 home plckl up

the .Ignal, It .Ifn out the ca r rier wave frequency and only hltl the me ....i ..

portion th r oulh •••• th .. t ' . wh ..t you hear . Simple, right? Well. 10 h lanr comm -

unication. for it'l ba.lc.lIy the lame t bi nl\. The rna.lor difference h In the mucb






A bright etrobe light U •• h.e. to e"'cUe the electrone in the rvby. Ae they
gain .peed they are relea.e. from the ruby and .trike the mirron On each "n<I
of the tube. Added .thnulation and the boundn, bacl< and lorth li"e them more
momentum, until they are atrona enOUNh to penetrate the lightly mirrored end
of the tube and become D focu.ed ray.

a., Gamm.
X _R.y Ultra
Violet Ray
Wra red

I- Vie\ble..J

IHuetration Dr Electromagnetic Spectrwn 8h",.. loa differ ing lengthe of energy

much hlghor and 1nten.., frequency. Among it'. othe r vlrtue_, It will go

place. ordln.ry ndio wa .. e. won't .nd get the r .. with mor .. Int .. n.lty, ao

you might aay it go ... farthe r too.

Earlier, 1 mentioned that pure thou8ht •• •th .. a ouree of the entire "Iectr".

magnetic . p"ctrurn, exillted in the ultr., ult ... high frequency rang ... Th .. L fi"ld

'inh.bitants' exi_1 aomewh .. r .. In that neighborhood alto , Now. if the Source

'thoullht' Or the L field 'thought', o r both, .. xi ot within" band of fr~quenclu tha'

Can be aU"lnad wllh la" ... , thon w ... hould be ab le to corrununicate with. or at

leut .. ave.drop on . the 'her eafter', right? Okay. th .. n make a ...,t.. of thl ••

Tho iaaer cornrnunic.t\on e"p .. rlment. h .. ve been .. xtend .. d Into much higher

frequency range .. in an eUorl to re.ch UFO' . I ( Publicly, they don ' t exi.t,

but there' •• UTe one heck of an effort beinll made to contact them)! Tbe "a r l.1lng

thing I. t hat both Rusei. and the U.S., hav .. heard voiceal Th"t i a . noton ..

distinct volc .. in d .. liber.te con .. e .... tion with them , but r . ther tbe .ound you would

Get when Ilatening to " crowd ... or perhapa I .hould aay, eav ... dropplnSi Thi.

Information ha. been kept under wrap. for qUite .ome time ... partly du .. to tho

fact that no one ..... m. to be . ur .. WHOM they ' ~e hea r ina! Som .. think It ' . c .. outa lk

between UFO., bUt" good Inany accredited .cionUst. worldng on the program

e~e convinced that they'reo .. erhearingthe 'spirit worid'! Thoaearethelsct ••

lIere'. the p.rt you mayor Inay not believe. in InY own CO[f\JTlUDicalion with thaI

plane of ",.ht.nce, I've been told a lot of thlnge .. One of which wa , that the volcn

were from the astra.l plane .... nd what' a more, w .. re abo b .. lng monitored by

occ upant. of UFO' • • who were, ""Incidently, uylng to ue .. the aame meane 01



l ' In gettini away from the .ubJ.. et o r the book for a moment, b .. cau.e there

may be .ome r"adera who n OW doubt my eenity , and I f .. el com.peUed 10 oUer a

f"", more scie ntific fact e in my dolan.e .

Space travel, a .. mar .. elous and a.loundini aa it I" ha, n .. v .. r tbe l .... b .. com ..

a ratll~ r bia.a .ubJect to tha gene r . 1 publk, .. nd ao they may not ba .w. r a oC.oma

DC the .tartll ns dhcover\u .nd communic.tlon.. of 0"1' Apollo utr onau h .

Ware you ....... re th.t In NASA file .. aTa thou •• nd. of r eam. of me.uga. that

were not rele •• ad to the public? Only pa r h of tho talavt.ad Ir.n.minlon.. mede

H thr .. to the public before they wara .witchad over to .. n unmonltered b.nd. Wha t

c.me tllrl,l On Iholl priv.ta b.nd ........ I,lppre .. ad I,lntll I notod r .. earcher m.de

them public r eceeUy. What wa. dhcovo r ed b.fore they dampod down the lid, to

puraly in tha tradit ion of ZOOI : A Space Odde.yl Her ... re jUlt .. few of Ihe ev.. nt.

that took place b .. fore the official blackout . Eve r y Iinsle u t rcn.ut hu wltnaued

.tr.ng.. light ..... niCici.I ... both in .pace.nd on th .. lunar .urf.cel An unknown

Brtiftelnl object '.n.cked' Apollo 15 .&trDnauh David Scott and Jame! Irwin ...

flylns .. t very low .ltit ude, It 'wooped j ... 1 over their he .. d.! M .. ny .. r tUleI ..1 ~

like tlruc t uree dhcovered on t be mOOna aurC"" .. t An allen EXTRA LUNAR vehicle

not of earth orlsln we I oburved by the LEM crew, orbiting ju.1 ahead of their

mo ther ahip I Thele are JU. t a fe .... of the m.ny thi ng • • upp ...... ed by NASA unt il

now. A full a ccount wa. broken about" year "110 , t h .. t cont a i n. d ,Hail ed tran, -

minion. from tho.e nighU ... ac tual .ce.. nnll by the a, n onaull of r o.d .... tr ack . ..

dome. and other .trueture, dbcovered on our ntelllt. . . urhc .. I

A!ter a year and a hall .Iudy of the.e r iCOI'd., Jo.eph Blumrleb , an enllineer

a t tbe Mar-hall Space Flight Cent er. concluded tbat tbe moon ba. been vhlled

regularly . Britl.h .pace .denti.t C , V, FOller concura tha t there a r e actually

allien .tructu.... On the moon.

Re.lly , we shouldn ' t be .urprtud if we jun t.ke a look back tllru tbe record.

of a.lrcnom.CT. and other trained ob.erve r •• In 18~8 .. hUlLe obj .. ct wa. lpo tted in

the vicinity or th .. Ari.U.rchu. c r ..ter ... (one of the lource. of the n •• hinillillht.

aeen by o ur utrcnault}. In 1~12,. black oval .hap.. d object 50 mile. in dlam.et e r

wa •• e.n by U.S •• I t ronorne r F.B. Har ri •• Or. Pe r cy Wilkenl , a diltinlullbed

briU.h a,tronorner , in 1950 ob.erved a husa ov.lglnw in the nnw hmou, plain of

Arit t .cbua . And in 1'158 American, Enllli.h and RUIII.n ob.e r v ..... aU reported

.eelnS .omethlng ttreaklns towa r d the moon at bette r than 25 , 000 milet .n hour ...

w".t ' . more it ....... glvin8 ot! ..gnalo no One ...... a yet been lObi .. to interpret!

Space .denti't ... r.ound the world , are p.ying a little more attention to •

Sconi.h . nr onomo .. theae d.y •••• for ma.ny of the thioa' he'. cl .. irnad h.v. now

provan to be true. Ha'. Pref... or Duncan Lun.n, .nd ha h ... avldence In hI.

Gla.cow Univenity 1.h, that alien .. ocia ti e .. have p laced •• p.ce cr.U in o rbit

around the moonl In hi. report, whlc" wu publlahcd In the Brlti.h Journ.1 of

the Interplanetary SOciety. be Ilnnounced that the cratt i. braadc.nina . Ignah.

M~n than th .. t, Dr. Lunan ha. Interpreted them .. . chey read z. "Seart here . Our

homa i. Epdlon Boot.... which i • • double atar. We live on the .i><th pl.net of

ooven .•• counting "ut fr"m the .un, whkh i. the larae,t of two. O ... r planet ha .

one moon, O\H fourth plane t ha. three. Our firat and th i"d planee. e.ch h.ve one.

Our probe ,. in the orbit of your maon .... thl. update. the pOlitian af Arct ... rh

known i n our ... ap .... Unbelievable? Read on.

Back In the mid a'><tln , radio a.tronome ... actually did dbcover a .mall

body o r bitlna the moon , about 1>(1 d .. grees behlndl They me . . ured it '. d i atance

and .peed by bouncing radio .nd radar dgnah from It'. aurface . The information

they received only forced them to aa back much far ther in the record . to re-check

l ome hUhero une"plll\ned radio rne''''ae. h .... rd in 19Z7, 19Z5, and 19341 At that

time alao, three other European ra .. archer. tranamlted a rad io sisnal toward th ..

moon and received two an.we r inll acho • • The firot took only 7 ..cond. to r etnrn,

which carra.pond, with our Ionospheric layer, a. ",a, expected. The .econd echo

took IS .econd. to retnrn •••• mucb too long than phy.leal law dicta.tad, Thi.

led Pro!' Lnnan to I&ler theor!:.e that perhap. they had been intercepted and re -

tr.namitted . Beinl aUe" , he thoug bt. other Int.lllaent Ille wouldn't be aure e"actly

whM kind ol m" .. ase we would understand, and ao would prObably .lmply u tranamlt

,,1,1< own rne .....ge. back to ". In. cod. I aut what kind of cod. 7 In 191>8, Prot.

Rondd Dncewell of Stanford Unlve ... tty !lnally .ugge,ted that .uch an Intelligence

... ould probably u •• •• .. cod., a rn.fIl' of tbe co .. a t .. llallo ... w .. 'ra f.<nUI.r with .
Proi . Lunan took up the Idea &nd drew a llreph on which the period. at delay in the

echoa w., repr"aent.d aa dota. (Later thb wu done by NASA computer). "To OUr

auoni.Junenl " •• ald Dr. Lu.nan, "Ihe dot. made up a map of the c:onttellation

of Doote.!" The curlou. paUern of del.yed echo. w . . a .ear map ) By thh time

othe r renareh ..... got into the act and charted .UlI othe r delayed echo • •• •whlch

.... ere found to b ... ix othe r .ta r map'! And In all of them ... ev1uy Ona of th ..

r..£erance lina. po inta to a .tar called EpalioD Boote.! No .... here ' . the lno&1

.t"rtling f.ct. Boot"s Is 103 million light y"a ... away froln urthl Prof. Terrence

Non .... eiller "f the Unlve ... lty of Gla.cow an t ed, " What Wa have here I. the Inte .. •

eating pouibilily that theaa bainge ere abl .. to vhH any part of tha ga laay at

Ihouoand. or even million, of tim". the .peed of lIght"l (Remember the Tachyon.

and neutrino.)?

All or thb Ia no }oklna Inalter to tho py. at NASA. They all aot toge ther a t

a conferenca in West Virginia and aaroed On .. formula that calculat.. d that then

arc up to SO !nlliion po .. lhUe civilizalion. in oor gala,.y. And ROhert McGowen, of

NASA , "dng the new"et a.tronornlcallindlng. calculaU,d th'" fig""e at clo..,r to

1)0 Billion l l! you're .tllI on" of the nOn believe .... your a very akepticle penon

IndMd .


However you fig ....... It, there leenu to he .omethlng 'dwell In,' within the

Iramcwork of the "-ltr .. hl,h freq,,-ency nnSe of the el ectromasn~t\c .pectrurn. 1f

you have an open mind. Ind eepeciaUy If you hav .. eKpe r ienced .oma deg r ee of

plychic "billty in Ihe pau, Ihi. experlmenl ohould p r ove intereulnl for you. II

Involve. an "Itempt at comlnunication with the altral plain with the aid of an

eieclrornagnetic device that oe r veo •• a radi O, type beacon Or 'homelnK' device.

It Can be built ,imply, aa Ihown in the III .. atrat;on. It Ie "" ;nveued pyrlln id

ahap" conli.ling of four metal rod. (COlt h anserl will do) I t th .. corn"ro , wound

with doo<bell wire and hooked up to .. baue r y. The cenual rod Ihould not be

wound. A Imall ho lder built from .c r ap wood ... 1.11 do for a .Und . When connected

you'll find you have a pyramid sha ped .. lectrorn. Knet, It . hould be und, inverl .. d,

, Wound

D<·o .. b e U Wire Rod. 1,,4 and ZIo.3

Wound on Wound cQntlnue,ly
Coat Hang"r To Make 2 Palu
Wire All 4 Wirel
Wound into Z' _# ' ]~'
Wit ... connected To
(, Or 12 v. Flalhlite

Simple Any Scrap Wood

Pyramid 4" or 5" Squate
Square Hole CuI In
Center·Leave Apro><.
I" Bo rder On Ed,,,.

• Leg" From Scrap

ELECTROMACNETIC PYRAMID ' uud at a plyc botronlc I.n.uto r
may be u l ed in .Und .hown ( inverted) Or hUn, right lide up overhead.
that I. , up .Id .. down on • table , o r hung rlaht .ide up ove .. b .. ad. It wurk. on

the ... me prin~lpal u a reaular pyramid .hap .. , in that It eolle~u eo.mle ene rgy

bllt It'. int .. nltllcation II a r ea ter, due to the artificill magnetic Held. Thla

device need not be oriented toward the north. The method of comfTlUnlc.tton amid

. uch an influence Is meditation.

Simply relax a. much al po,.lble and clear the mind of .U outllde Intede .. -

ance. Doorbell., telephone and other di.tr.ctionl will make tr.nquil meditation

almo.t irnpollib le. Forget ,bought. and prob lam. of the day and l"ave Ihe mind

open. DO NOT CONCENTRATE I Rlther, Iry 10 achieve '''' attitude of ' Ilatening'.

Don't expecl 10 hear volcu .... th.1 only happen. in the movlu. What you will

receive will be more in the nature of a thought !orm .... perh.pl • • ymbol ....

hunch .. feeling .... lntenae emotion ... o .. an Ide •• The Important Ihln, to .trlve for

i. I lI.tenina .ttitude of .. "I wonder what I'll h,," r " 1 Thi. type of comm ... nic.tion

Uleo 'emotlon al It'. carrier wave and the rupon ... will be more in the n.t ... r .. of

an Imp r euion o r reellna .t thia ".Se of yuur deve lopment. U yOll find youruU

with a Itrong urge to call lomeone or do .omething In particular. il'. probably

a me.uge your ncelvlna. In Altrol carnm ... nic"lion remember thlo . thoy can hea ..

you quite ea.t l y ... you ore the one with the hearing problefTl . And that'. m.lnly

due 10 the ract Ihat fTlaal peaple don't know what to expect. SlanBla to YOll are very

weak. U yo ... r mind i. c lutte r ed with o thcr Iho"'ght. it create. an 'interferance'

that 'jBfTl. ' the IncafTllna Ilgnal Ind m.ake. H difficult for }'<Iu to perceive.

There are timea when it may be po.alble for you to do Ihl' medlllHlon while

a. tlpe or ca.llelle "'ecerder i . running. It will not only make h po •• ible for yuu

to fTlake llnfTledlate note. of Impr . . . ion •• but Ihere I. the llight po.albll!ly of

entering into a 'tram;e ' .tate Ind anythiDJil .ald then would be recorded for latcr



There are at lea.,t .ix different psio ni c machln .. patented by different

people In . epe rat e placea. A ll the devicea ope rate on the •• m e p rinc ipal .nd

oddly enoulh, most of them ha"e slmUar circuit • • 1 will uae ... an e xampl e the

only ame r i c a n devlee IIranted • patent .... the He ir onrm"" m achine .

Even back in 1941> n eir o nymua fO\lnd tbat any mineral Dr compound could

be identified if a umple oj the .pe cirno. n were place d I.n tho machine and he

concent r ated on the IlIb.ta nce h .. wanted to lind . whUe at the .Ime time he

turned a d ia l. Th .. dial i . a variable conden.e r. There are t wo of them In the

circuIt, which act a. tunero ... J"l t like the !lne tuning of yo .. r TV let. There

are aha a lerie. of v.r i able r edater. . which m .. at aloo be adJ .. ated to find

I he malt r e Hned .lgna1 . All th e dial. are tllned while thinking 01 the .\lbalance

de.ired. AI the dlalo a re turned .. nd the concentraUon ia belna: maintained, a

.man pla l e i. Itroked with the Hngen of o ne hand. T he p r ope r .etting fo r each

dial I I determined when the lingera experience., '.tlcklng' oeno.,th>n on the

plate . After adJuotlng all the dlalo nut only h the punnce of th ... ubatance

lought dete rmined. bu t abo the qllantity or amount preaent. ThuI, an are .am ple

will abo determine the "proximate worth of the a re. A I Heironymua laid, "It

mak.,. no diff~rence wbo doe. tbe tuninS. H tbe op " n t o r coneentntu on copper

the deyice will detect the prelence of copper U there 1.0 a ny" . Eyeryone ... ho

operated the machine sot th .. exact same reading On the dialrNo!hl ng e l .e wtll

e au oe t he ' "tiekinS ' .enlati on ""cept copp"r. " unle" It'. thought all Of all the

people .. ho b uilt the h.,ironymua machine and te .tod It J know oC no ODe .. ho failed

t o get .... lult.1 The only 'problem' inyolved was tbat the oper ator ' . l enaltlv!ty to

the . tr ok ed plate va r ied . Some found It " •• ie r to detect the point o C greatelt

d r aa tban others . But . practice will ea,e eye n tbl, ability. Tbh hn't un re alon.,ble

when you think of it In tbe lI,ht of any other a bility. To be really good at anything

you have 10 practice.


All pdanlc devic~. are princlpally alike, They are compriled "f

Ihree or four component parl a , Ihe amplifi e r .ectlon being omitted on .orne

duign. , The 'w\lne'" being the aou r "e object ex.mined , iel plloto, lock of hair,

Ore aample e tc " II placed in the co llect" r wen Or p l.te of the detector , A

tuning devi"e of lome kind i. then utilized to reUne the frequency emenaticms

of the witne .. , TbI, ,ignal io sometime. amplilled .nd Ihen fed Into the output


Detecte r , Tuner Ampllller Oulput

E lectrodes ( optional l E le"trode.

Photo Cell Var , Cap.citor Audio Iype wlout Metal P l 'tel
M~ t ,1 Plate. Pyramid 'hape Var, c,pacito u , Antenna
Crystal coil w I moveable
i- e l ectrode,
Rheo. t at.
I- Pyramid ohap e
coil w/ m.oveing
Adj , Len.
Opaque Film
elecnod", holder
Variable Tape Recorder
Re.ialer A c r ylta l

nctlon wher" it i. u tilized to bro.dcalt the aign.l, Or photograph the ,igDal, Or

in .ome lIlanne" ulili"e the relined em.anal;"", The.e generaliti .. , . r e provided

{Ctr Ih".e who m..y whh 10 ail er the c"".tructlon 10 .uit their own de.lre. or for

exper;me nlatlon with their own cUltOm. models,

The delecter .eclion I, compri.ed of anylMn, "'hkh will react to, and

convey the inltl. l emanationa from. Ihe witne .. , Thl, could be almply IWO dlm

m.eta l wir ... either louchina Or adjacent to Ibe wltne", o r two metal p late. ,

or n cr yot al Or photo cell, Remem.ber, the emanetlon c.n be handled a. you woul d

eithe r an electric cu "romt or .n optical r ay, In the l a,t In.tance, you lIlay want

10 u.e a lighl prhm and lena . u an,em.ent,

In t he lune r .ecllon, any manne r o f fine tunln, may be employed, bearln,

In mind Ihe dual elect ri cal/optic.l qualllie. of Ihe orlgln. l ,illnal , For example,

a atanda rd variable capacitor o r r heoatat may be uled a. in radio conatruction,

or a l"n. locu ling arrangem .. nt If handled a. an optic ray. In thh le ction to aloo

placed .ome ,ort of devie .. for det .. rminlng th .. corr act letting. Thh il ulually

an inl .. llted plate of either pla,Uc Dr rubber coatins. which i • • troked with the

fingorl, It could allo be a. highly len.IU"a voltrneterorother a lectrical devic ..

b ..t the,e may not prove ao utldactory. A, a rul .. , bodily contact with the

opera.tor i, e .... ntia l in thi' r .. sa rd, Electrod .. , to th .. he"d are .ometim n . 1'0


On .. v"ry .ucceuf.,l ,d'p lalion "ae. , pyramid Ihaped call o f non masn .. tic

wire, wo .. nd a round a wood"n Dr othe"",lae in ... lated do .... el. In conjunction with a

moveable .. lcctrod ... The electrode touch ... tho coil, and a. th .. coil i l rotated,the

electrode coenel into contact with dillerent pa .. t . of the coil. tbu. 'H ..e ' tunlns tbe

.illnal. In tbe De La Warr a daptation, thh II "ho u,.d II an aenplifier , In thr.t it

il encloud In a hollow cyllnd.r th"t incr ...... th .. ' .... onance' of the coil . In thi.

resard, a light lou rc. i .... ed "' the balic Cl rri er WIV. for tha •• • onanca to Ihe

output ... clion .... furthe .. ing t he amplification lomewhat .

Th. output ,ac Uon i. th .. workins and of the davlee , and your intended II."

of t he emanation deteren ine l what arranSe en.nt you l1.Ia here. EI.ctrode, to the

head could be uoed for telepathic 0 .... atrll l corrununlcation .. .. two enetal plate. are

80meHene. IIsed for piclure taking , a lthOl1sh • move.bla \en l h al80 .. till:r.ad he."

10 foeul the eenlnatlon. In aom. de.iiln... pd8en I, ....d before the lena. For

broadcaatlns th .. emanation, a. in uoin a: the device for flf{ectina: plants, people,

e tc., at a diotance , In antenna II ... ed. However a light h .. am could aleo be

effec ti ve for ahorte r dl.tance •• It sbould b. IInde,..tood that at thlo pOint tbe .ignal

can be fed directly by wire" broadea'l a8 an electrical 0 .. optical beam or directed

by 10c ... lnS pbotosraphically. You h"v. YOllr choice, Specifie plan' fn .. lay .. ra!

m.odell are included in the following paa:." bllt if you underotand the baoici of

operation. you can ealUy adapt your own de,lsn to Iny partie.,!ar no"d . Ju.t

remember to handla the I;a:nal a. you would any "Iecnie.t. opllcal or audio o utput.

Any of the machine. may be conttructed in any luitabl,. contain~r. 1

built my !iut one in a cigar box. How,.ver, thi. prov". a trjfl" .mall if th"

output .ection i. to be compond of .everl! differe"t cOlnpone"tl. H you wllh

a faneler looking machine, Inetal or fiber leneral purpot~ box". or cabinett

Inay be purcbated hom any radio .upply hou.~. For ,,1.1,.1' identUi<:.tion In

th eo ~ building plan t 1 have uted R a dio Shack aa my lource lor pl:rt. , but

"ny .upply houn will do. The boxe. jutt mentioned corne in virioul liul

and r a ng" in price from $3 up to $6 or $8 dependlnl upon their .111oe.

For thOle who may not be familiar with radio Plrtl I ' vi included a

photo P"lIo tbowlng the mo.t widely u."d. Simply Ihow It to the .aluman U

in doubt, he ' ll know what you want.

The entire co . t of conlt:ruetlng a baolc p l ionlc device, Includina a

prefabricated metal box hom Radio Shack pa:rta un $18. Thl, price may

vary .lightly, depending upon the ,iu of amplUi"r you u, .. and the oIze bo",

employed otc. But regardloll of which diagram YO" rouow , the entire COlt

.bauldn't exceed $301

I'd lik~ to mention he .. e that if for any rea,On the machine doeon't

function IIUlf"ctorlly CHECK YOUR COMPONENTS AND WIRES , Mako lure

all connection ... re clean and tight. Broken wire. or burned out tubes will

be the hl'l,,,t prohlem he:re. U however, your machine Itill IIn't quite up to

what you expectod, don't Ihr"l it orr . Beclu.e of the vadou. tuning methodl

employed, no one de,l,n i. belt for III peoplo. Be lure to try I different

dolian. You can ,,. .. aUy UIO the ....ne parto arrang"d In a dUf .. rent manner.

Remember, thi. machine hal baen u,ed .uccoufully by hundredl of p .. ople.

and it will work for you too , If yo .. hive the model belt I .. ited to your 'touch' .

In ugardt to takinG phctcGrapht with tho machine , bear In mind the

.en.itiv'ty of the "1m or paper being u"d. Film it probahly beet IUd 1 would

I tronglo urge the UriCIl' Ilter to learn 10 develope hit OWn . Bisek and while

film ...." b" very e,..Uy d"""lop<ld by a"yo"" with a do." t or b a throom to wo rk in.

"b.a1nnen ouUil _houldn'l .. o.t more than about $ 10 and it' . . ."U wo rth It . Your

bound 10 sive your nel_Uv". mOre ' cu.tom' treatm""t Ihan a rna .. p r oduc"r will.

The im .. gea you receive may be very fainl, .. nd .. m .... produced de"eloping could

fail to dev"lope them . " word of .... utio" though. Don't let the photo lupplie r talk

you Into .. ny fancy glmmlck •••• •you don't need th"m. :u: you want to let .. little

hno;llu. it'. up to you, but for .hoe.tringer. Ihe "b.olut miniImlIn 111I11.d b"low.

3 Imln pla~tic traYI. (The,,, could ba 10UP bO"'h Inltead).

" red light bulb
a Im .. ll piece of gla .. (one from a picture frame ..ork. okay) .
" dock Dr watch with I .econd hand
A m e ... uring cup (ato len from the kitchen}.
A Imall pkg. Or can of FILM developer
" Im .. U pk8. Or can pf fixer
" Iman pkg. or can of Ihorhtop (plain wlte r work. jUlt ftO well).
" developing tank (YOll don't need i t but It eUmlnatea a 101 of lrief}.
A Ihennmneter (again, Ileal i t from tb e Idtchen).
A pk•• of CU T FiLM ( you .. an .. ut it up Into ,ma ll pie .. es in .. dark p lace for
in,e rtion into an en"elope made from con.truction pape r, .nd In.erted in
the machine}
" .man pkljl . of developing paper if yo" wanl to make print • • (FUm can be used
here for Irana .. pencin In.te .. d . You've already got the film}.
A .mall booklet on how to develope film r01' bell{nner • • (Kid . do It aU the time ) I

naokally, you toke the e><pOnd rUm from the camer .. o r holder, while in
.. d .. rl< place, placa It Into the tray of dev.lODer for a few wecondo. nut It Int" th ..
ahorlltop o r wat er for a fe", le .. ond., then Immerae It into the £ixer .. nd rlnle ",ith
w .. te,. Tbat ' . il! Developi ng print . i. exactlv tt.e lame but you need a different
kind 01 d.v.loper ... one made for PRINT.C:. Nolhlnll to it. And when YO\l do It your
lell, any raint picture. can be left in the deve lope r longe r etc.

All connection. Ihould be ,o ldered for ljI"od contact. The 'Inllant ' lo lder

th" t comea in tube. like IjIlue can be u led, but I'd recomme"d ".Ing " r eRuiar

lolderlng iron . " very amall hobby lize .. vallable In hardwer" departmenh and

dime atorel workl well.

The detecter pla l e ... e mentioned t hat II It r oked w ith the !lnglr. h horne

m"d • • U can be _imp ly a piece of m.etal co"ered wllh plaotic or vlrn!ahed, to both

inlulale and provide a dick aurfac" . However I prefer a fine coil In place nf the

m.etBl plate . It'. e .. Uy con.tructed , .... hown in the aket .. h . The belt way h to Ule

a !ine coppe r wire. A 1I00d lource il the pkl. lold In moot dime lIo r el or hard -

",are dept. of larger .tor.I , and I. called Handl _wir a. It con.!ul of t"' o apoola

U.e Small Brad, At Each Out
• •

-_., •
•• •
F- - ..... •

• •
. '\1·--:; ---- - - Wind Wire In

• OiTectiun of ArTQWf •
Around Brad. •
Fatten End 01
Wire Here

Nail Throujr;h Thb Piece of Paper Directly Into

A Scrap Picce of Wood. Wind Wire. Apply T ape
Ove r Wire To Maintain Shape, and Remo"e From
Wood and Paper.(erad. Should Be Pulled Qut of
Wood Flut.}

Any ..con"eni:
Side.Thick " •• ';";'",,~i~~

Square Hulc.
Cut in Side..

Started on Bud.
Wound Around Entire B ox

Leave plenty of . 'ack on buth e""a

o f the wire for connection ••

of wiu. one Dr copper and One of .teel. There'. 40 feet of wire on the ,pool

which h more th.o.n enough. It 8ells for ebout $1. In , ketch GI there i8 a diagram

ohow;n& how to wind the coil. U,e the .ketch .. a template. Cut It ou t and place

It on a piece of .crap wood. Drive .ma lL headle., br ..d. thru .ach dot on the .ketch.

Wind the wire .. round the brad. in tbe direction ,hown . After you've fini.hed the

winding. cover the entire coil with tape ..... ny kind will do. I "oed maoking tape.

Once the ",ire la covered with tape It will hold It'. 'hape if handled c.refully.

and m .. y he removed from the w<>od. after you've tltl t pulled out all the br .. d,.

Tranofer the .phal of wire to 'piece of fairly nllf plastic. 1 u,ed the pia"lc

cover h om .. box of suetlns card •• Any thinS f.lrly Jlill aDd Imooth will work

juu a. well. Coating It with varni,h or lac quer "'Ill g lv... amooth coating t o a hnoat

anything . A piece of paper Ihould be Inlerted between the coil and the plaotic al

ahown. and tI•• whol .. thing ,lued to a piec e of c.rdboard . Make ,ure an ample

amOunt of whe eItend. fr om the endo of the coil for ea.ier connection. Tha

edge, of thh 'wflier' are then covared with tape. I ".ed pia l tic tape. In ""e . thll

'wafer' I, IllTI ply glued In place. pl altie 'ide up. DI.gram Cl Ihowl the dulin.

The electrode. mentioned In the v.riou. m ac hine de l l inl a re limply two

Iho r t piece, o f unin.alated cDpper wire . Bell wire •• tripped of It', 'n,ulatlon.

work. okny . but I prefer the very thin rod l bought In ."y hobby .hop in lengthl of

about 8·10 Ineb ... . The .. a'e oormally \I ... d for model.irc ....!I. met"l Icu lpUn,.

etc. They o nly CDlt .. few c .. nh .... ch . are alr .... dy bare and . lood d ... l . tiUe r

than bell wire.

II you elect to uoe a coil in tbe detecter lec llon. it c.n be l imply tbe handl·

wire m .. ntloned e"rlle" . wound "round .. Im&1I dow .. l o r nat piece of ... ood.

The d .. tecter nctlo" can be j .... t a piece oC met.l upon whlcb tbe wltne ..

\0 placed (lee picture of partl from Radio Shack) ...... a coupl .. of .,I .. ctrod... .. ..

a coil or w're ..... a photoelectric cell...... coupl e o r pl .. c ... of met.l that (o rm

a • ... ndw\ch' ••.• or a coil wound bo ... In Hl .... traUon C) to the dellan 1 uled . a ... he

wound box. Tb .. wood can be any kind or thlckne ... I ...... d very thin plywood for

Electrode Mo",,,,;,,, ca ...

f'---... .r---..L-~
Screw Or Eye 3" Wood--- .... prox. Long




Foc".lng Auernbly Mounted on nan

Wire Coil Covered

With Tape

Whlt~ P ape r
Ca rdboard

Clear Plaatic

Myolic Or Pla ..'c T ape On Edg o.

Binda entire Wafer Together

th •• id •• aner eutUna: alar,e 'window ' in each .Ide pl.ce. In thl. type of bo,.

the emanationl ca .. be picked up by th" wire wound .round the lideo .nd top.

In.lde I put It. Itrlp of narroW wood (window Icr"en molding worked fine but

brhlol board would be fin" too) on e .. ch .ide , to form a runn .. r or .uppart

for ...maU .h.. ll. Thi. aUow. rna 10 adjuat the hallht of the witoeal, .nd thua

bring it <:lo.er to the top winl. Thb drawer w .. , "S .. in, mad" horn the pla.tic

top of " greeting card box.

In all applications the detecter i. u.ed elth"r adjacent to the wltne •• or

.ctually tOllchinlit, One dealln th"t I'm in the proce.a of t".Unl, conll.l. of

• 'knnbb"d' rh.o".I .... on" that dlclta into e.ch DC leveral politlon •• Each DC th. . .

po.ition. would then be connected to • different type DC del .. ct"r to allow you Ie>

exlend the electrodn to a larger t petclmen, Dr to head alectrodeo Cor telepathic

work .... to .. pyramid collecter or .n., other cu,tom .d.ptation d"atred. Thb would

.ava building .avaral different machine •• See Hluet .... I'on e7.

For the head electrode., th • ., can con,ht oC two rod. touching th .. head,

Dr a metal band of wlr" wound around. It.uitabl" ,b.d pot or bowl. (The "leCI-

rodeo work belter if th" area Of contact ia flrat wau,d with ••It ",alar).

Ramember , there ia no daniaro ... hlah voltall" involvad in the drcult, aD don't

worry about balna harmed. An old pair of •• rmuih could prove tlnfun for thi.

purpo ....

A fUIn holdar b .imply an .rrangement of Im.1I wood piecel th.t form

a .Int into which may he in.ert.d an envelope made from conaUucllon p.per .

An., form DC holdinG thil envelope In place will .uffIce. I used two metal platn

pu~cha.ed from R.dlo Shack, on the bottom of which I glued a .mall .trip DC

wood. The .. met.l piece. would then .tand h., themaelve •• When Ilued don

tOlether in the box, the., (orm an open centered a.ndwich into which I. in.ert .. d

the fUm envelope. Then ,met.1 plate. a~e .ho,,", on the picture pale.

The fUm envelop . . . . re ~ecornrn"nded bec.u.e they .. Uow you to ineert

and develope one picture at a tlma, m.de frDln Im.1l piece. of 'cut' film, which

can be puchaled in a bo x from photo ,hopl . Be lu ra t o open .. nd Cllt thb JilIn only

unde r a r ed U gh! Or tot al darkne .. , dapending upon tha type of film. Make s .. veral

envelopes to , "ve tim .. later .

If t he OUIPllt ..,cti on n l YOll r machine caU. fo r . Ie., . a "" '''8"mal>l . .. very

.Impl.. one can b" buHt. even though It may look complicu.. d. For th" lenl "

IImple magnifying gla .. will do. How .. ve7 . In o rder t o adj u . t the focllle l e ngth,

yeu muot build a .lIdlng holdar f or tha leno . Dlagr.m C 4 I how o a .Impla . rrange·

ment . The wira •• hown On each a.,d of Ihe .Ude can be allmins ted fo r h.ndoperation

o r e l ... wound around a u ... d apool f r om thr ead . to maka .. move .. bl .. knob. B y

turning tha Ipool knob, th .. wire or 'trlng wind. ento ona oide of tba apoo l, while

unwinding from the Mh .... , and thll. move~ the .Ude .

If an adJulI .. ble lena It "'ad, .. I from a c ..... er .. o r movie came ..... the only

thing nece .... ry I, to aliz t h" l"nl 10 it do" .. n ' t mev" wh"n it ' l I djuI I"d.

Di lll lraUona C5 and C/o 11I88ut ju. t one Iype o f arrangm ont that might

be employe d f o r" len. operated device. Of courae tbh arrangement would work

jlll t al we ll for any Iype of oulp ut , ba II " .. ad .. le ctroda. , photo plata., a nte ......

etc. II ia the layout o f tbe Helronymu. machine ullng .. Ie ..... rr anaemanl.


• 0


, ",
[ BJ
G " "'"


For the Helronyn>u l Device you will need 2 It ... ndard u.dto b~o ... d~ •• t type variable
condenur ••• in H above; Z unt"Had radio r"aquency typo trandormeu •• tn 0 .bove ,
OR a ..".Iotanee c"u"lIng ". in oTdinary radio recciveu. ue G above ; II 3 uag. t Z
It"I" will work alao) l uned radio fnquency br ... de •• • band t ype ampHIIe .. , .. Ithout
variable condena"ra, a. In K above ( .. r ealaUn .... or Impedaru:e coupled type a, u ..,d
In b .. oadealt Iype amp. will ala<) do.l: at l ... at One vartable r,,"i.,ter, ,0 ,.. to unge
£rom below 1 ohm to ... ver&l mesaohm • • Two types are .how n "bov" In A and B.
For the Drowrn machine you will ne"d I photo electrtc .;ell u In C above; a ... lId and
an air filte .. a. In F and .. qua~t'"' vaCuum. lube , oxide O ~ chemical rectifier . One type h
.h"wn in E .b<>ve. Alao .hown h Radio Shack". copp"'r pl.te pkg •• a. In J . and the
fine wire de.cribed in the chapter on coil wlndini\ • • bown In I.


Some r e.deu ha~e eJlp r eued difflcultiea i n findln, the pa ri . Ii.led. U t he R.dlo

Sh.ck. ne .. r you ia one of the newer type that doun'l alock a full line of electronic

parto , remembe r th at ANY rad i o, TV or "lectr onic •• tore will be ab le to help you.

I.. " malte r of fact, almoal .ny TV repalr",an ahould be "ble to "lIpply o r order Ihem

for .y ou. T,,11 your auppller that th" v.rlabl" condenaera IHI are alanda . d AM Iype

ndio tLlllin, devic ... of the air type. Aa for Ihe lran"forme r IIlled in D , it may prove

very dlfflcwt to find aa it i.o a one 10 one I ranaformer. (It neither "ep. up or downl.

The "lIernate ahown howeve ••• hould be dInple 10 obtain. Aak for a Mille r antenna

matchinll coli of tbe &104 Iype. (The ... are und on TV ut.). U you don't mind.

little e><tra worl<, e hand wound coil would probab ly work even betler , and It'. really

not thai dlflicu lt to do. SI"'ply obtain a lpool of fine wire uBed for th l" purpo .. from

your aupplie r, find a nat piece of cardboard aboul an Inch wide (or even .. abo r t piece

of wood dowl!ng, Bnd atart wlndln g . COUN T THE TURNS OF WIP.E AS YOU PILE THEM

ON TOP Of' EACH OTHER. After you have a hLllld ..d or two lene an end d .. nglln8 end

anip tbe wire. Sta rt anothe r windlna of the aam e wire about 1/4 or I/Z Inch away from

the Hral Ind repeal the proceedllre bo\n, aure to MATCH THE SAME NUMBER Of'

TURNS a. the fiut. After you ' ve finl.hed the windln,. and have the Ume amount of

l urn. on e.ch end o f your "lick' cove r th" windini. with lOme kind of lepe , o r Ipply

abellac, vlrnhh 0 . nail pollih to keep th"m in placo and prevent un .. velinS. Don'l

wony abollt how p r etty your winding" look . .. they'll work a n d I~I'. whet COllntal How

many tllr", you put on e.ch coil of wire i, lip 10 you I.ny amOl,lllt will do Ibe job) how _

Ivar, Ibe mo r " tll r nl the better ..... the more ae ... a live YOll r Iraneformer will be , JUI I


1-00. u...C:OZI-




= --

An HI/lronymlll tyPe macht..., \Utna .. lenl !"C:UI and ,"mple wen, l! dedred,
the .ample well c&n iiI dbp."."d with and a coUacto r pllte uted In.tead. U to , the
plate may be atuched to tb" top of the device ""ar th" .tr oke .. placOl (wafe .. call).
The aUt for th" film holde ... and the hol d.:r itlel! ar .. not needed for tr .... mt .. '''n
work. The number of variable red.toro depend lolely IIp'>n the deatee of ' fine'
tuning deaired. For moat transmlt_!on work, th"y may be omitted. Power '01" the
machin" i. rad Int o the ampUllar. whicb 0110 d"t erml.". th" voltag. and "Ither
JlC or DC •.•• , • 9 voh ampUfier would nled a 9 volt battery, etc . ELECTRICAL
Thi. I. jl1lt One variation o r parte &rrang"m"nU. You may u .. any layout
you delire ao long .. the wiring II conne<;ted in the proper o r de r . (I even built one
on .. flat piece of c ardboard).
ae aure to check th" variatlona mentioned and ahown fo r the va .. iou. pa ..la
a .. ransementl. Depending upon application . aome work better than otherl .... Ie; a
light lou r ee ' car ri er ' bellm h deoired for De lA Wan" type treat mentl. Aho . U
polonk plc lurel a r e f.lnt. you may .... "1 to u.e a" ultra viol et or infra red U,bt
louree fo r II carrie .. wave.

DO"'el "'lUI
bole Ihm i l III"ed
to hoh,


Line 10 len. colh
a r ound red when tun'ed

The electrode can be • long niece of met.I , protruding thru the lep or

Ihe box, to .erve •• aD antenna ,

The film holder may b e elIminat ed if the deviclI il w be ,,"ed \.0 Iranlmit,

The rocu. eont rol wire •• re not .hewn tor they a re optionai . U uoed, they

I hould be led by the .hnpleot route from len o a .. embly to knob.

eranl . Schematic oj U.e Heironymu l
pato: .. e. AllIed prhm Can
detector be ""ed Inltead of a I,no ao
lhown. A ........ 0 .. b.allwlY of
cardbol r d h u'ln ,mp loyed.
The home mull ICllel Ire
constructed by runoln, ...... wn
lubllances thm dlvlce !into
With lenl .atop. Icaled,el -

cond o
1 nroker
rode is movelble. lenl 10 thu .
'Jixed'. Thi s II the lame leyoul
". the plctor!al ,ch ematlc.

home mad"
home made

cardboud liSbl
,. ]
,' .... ...
,•• ,.,.
• "' 10 JO .... ~c. 70
Priam m.oveable
Atomic wel,ht

Th... cale mentlnned In the .ch.. matic diag~am DC the Heironymu. devic ..

II nece .. ary Il you want to analy",e unknown compound., loc.te .n unknown

po_hion , etc . The .cale h v .. ry s imp l .. to make. Il you have km,wn .Ielnenta o r

coordina t e. to atart with. A email quantity of each known chelnieal el .. m .. nt II

placed n .. xt to the detector, and with full knowleda" of the .. lem .. nt,tha angle DC

radiation formed by the line th.u the prl.m "ad Ihe face "C the pd.m 10 dete.-

mined and the deg r ee nume r al On the IClle . which Identille. the ana t .. of th ..

radiation, II p laced on thtl ch".t a. one of the indicating nUfTlbe .. . Alte. thi.

ch.,.t il "" c"nlt.ucted and the inter uctlng lineo extended f.ofTl the deg.ee

... .,ding on tbe .cale end the atomic weight of th .. known .. lement" then when

the device I, In UBe . any mat" r i"l 0' lubatane .. may be located next to the coU

~nd It'. COfTlpon .. nlo determined by poe1tl"ning the electrode on a line of .ad _

lation wher .. tlul deg.ee numb ... em the fBC" of th ... cale 1.0 quickly . .. ad and

ueed by .efe rr ing to the cha.t. When th .. deg.e .. ind\cato~ ia.o locat .. d . the tin ..

on. t h.., chut extending f'om thue , I. followed until I! reachel the dlallon .. l Une

on the chll~t. whe.eupon the ·"pe .ato r then f"lI"w& the Inte ~ 8ecti"lIline to the

l o .... e . edl" ,,' th .. cha~t whe.e the value of the a lomlc welllht ia r .. ad. TIuI.e

alGinic ",.. ilht. can b .. found in any textbook. A &lfTllla. proc.... would b .. u.ed

to make a longitude and latitude ocale f". locati"" of a dlatant "bJect.

In p.actlce. iet'. a .. uma th;,t a ,ub.tance c"ntalnlng calcium il uoed . but

you don 't know that. The angle a t which the unknown ~;,dlati"n leavee t he prl.m

will teach It'e nafTle. f" . . . the operBt'" move. hla flnge .. over the .trok e.

pbte , the el .. ctrode .nd pointer are Ihllted Ilowly, until the p"lnter reaches

the p r e determined poaltl"" f"r calcium, at whicb tlma it will be f"und that ..

g.eater degree ,,' 'dr.g' " • •eaiatanc .. on th ... t."ker plate i. notlc .. d. Afte.th"

otep . the other tuning device. ( VB •• c"nd .... nd 'ellel"") a re tuned In a like ma"ne.

'0 finally achieve" . eading of higb •• t accu.acy.

The lenl • • ranllemenl h u.ed in exaclly th .. aam .. "'ay.

In Ihue "ariationl, lhe output
... eUon i. modified !<>~ diff .. rent <> 1'
mo .. e Inl .. n .. re.uU.,
Variation Ne, I u,,,. a Ii.ht I111m
louree a~ a carri .. r wa"e, Th .. out·
put (rom the machin .. i. ted to th .. tt\tt!ll
CO!lI, light h directed thru thi l
fleld \nlo the len. of . relilularcame .... , Variation No. I
Variation No.Z u.e_ the .am..
... tup a. Variation No, I but a Ipir al
coli 1.0 u led ,

In eithe .. of the .bo..... varlatloo.

it 10 ,omelim •• found .dVI"I .. S". to
incorpo .. "t... phctogr"phic color
Hlte .... I the pOint mark.d X .

The li gh t 10u r e .. "o"d may be Variation No, Z

.. i .lbl" light, ultn viol .. t or infra rod.
Moet application! u.e infra red with
a compatable color lilte .. ,

Variation No.3 i • • imply an

ordinary c"mera piaced b .. twee" tWe>
metal platu on th .. output .. nd, far
thol" wllo dnn't W.. nt t o do their own
photo developln • •

Variation No, 3

Pllenlc Machine. , th ouah fairly new,

b"v .. none·the - Ie .. becom .. v .. ry

aophb ticat .. d in the put 20 y e" ....

The pl"no in thi' book, ev"" Ih ouah

they'r .. workable, are fo r .impl.

be Sinners mOdel., Picturod i • • much

more .dvan.,ed machin.. now in Ule .


Thlo to e diBI Indicator 10 lind

an e"act amo\&nt of an \&nknown
8ub,hnce. It will urve to meaoure
time. aa well a" amount. The mein
electrod.e fOnd Ie,.. are fixed. The
,ecoDd alectrode I . moved .nd the
Varletion No.4 re.dlng t.ken from the dl.1 made
for the back8round.

Electrode ,
I Metal

/-- ' /' \



Head Elect rode.

Section Section


f· t=~~~i$==~
-. ---- -






. .... " I ,,
',•." t """" ".I<iffi'n

Tlli. Inventinn h "led in England for therapeutic p .. r po,... .. _ a'lli hoi .. be .. "
for many ye ..... The patent dat" I. Feb. 1951, number 741651.lt i I, howeve. th ..
... me device und for pilon; .. photoa.aphy .. "'entioned In L anlaton Day', book,
'New World'. aeyond The Atom'.
According to thl! invention, a Ii&ht beam h located in the path o f the
radiation from the 'wltne .. • Dr .()uree, to u.rve •• a carrier wave, A bar magMt
Or .. conic"Uy wound electrically condu.ctive Iplral ener,i""d by an electrical AC
current, h aho employ"d along ... Itll a me.na or m.orliJyina: the radi ation . ... eh .a
leveral r"lonato.", o r " bar magnet rota tably located within and co."'.l with ..
• pinl o r at leut one colo r fUter. The term. r uonato r II used to d ... crlbe. at rip
of metal and a ,Hder which can be broullht int o contac t with any point of it. The
u.ona tor relponda to L field elnanatio"'".
The drawing. will ahow the duign. In fill. I Is leen one view of tbe entire
apparatu •• Fill. 1. i. 3n end on view ol tbe line 11 uen In fig. I. Fig. 1 b a lectional
view of an accolnpanying portion of tbe p.lonic camera. Fig.4 b .. lOp vi .. w of IV In
Flg.l. Fig. 5 h .. nother view of fll.l I • ..... n on line V.
Fig . I .. nd 2 . how a c •• inS dlvid .. d Into two ch .. mber.. eh .. mb.r 2 being
IISht tight.Chalnber I h ... an declrl" bulb. (3) and reflector (4) in front of a beam
produc\nglen. (5) . Th . hea.m I. di r ected thru th.. IISht tight chambe r (21 thru a
l ede. oC ..... he e " (6) on ..... hieh are mOl1nteol color lllte .. (7) 10 .. to .elect light of
any dedred color. There i. one lraa chamber In .. ach turret . 10 provide 8~diffe re nt
eombinaliona of color.
In chamb .. r 2 i .. a len .. (8) directing the light onto mirror. (9) and (10) .
Loc .. te..! .. t" 4 5 desree angle 00 thet R wide angled beam \0 projected thru .. 5 Ill."
hole (11) in hont of tha In.uulneni . 6et"' .... " tha leno (8) .. nd minora (9) (10 ). I
leven turn r ight handed . plra! (11.). rnal<einl up Ihe Hut "inIUato r" \0 loc .. t .. d .
within which la .u.pended a bar "'''lInet (i2g) termed I .econd Initiator. located
with the north pol" "l> . Th" .djualment of Ihe mDgnet I, almply In rOlallng the
bar Inagnet about it'. ve rtic . l .. ,.i •• At a c .. rtain point In i i' , 360 degre" arc. the
atate will occur where the mllnet will hecome ope rative as an initiBtcr, and the
de8lred 'emanatlono' will be Intensified. Thru the oplraL ia p ...... d .. n AC current.
10 the rear of t he outer caalng and on the rear panel (14) are found reO On·
ltor. ( 12d . 12e. 12l) which. In conjunction witb the tuneto (6), lerve a. a modi·
fylng me'na.
The apparawt .hown In 13(4(S} i • • " ... In/l divided into (our chambera.
(11) (II) (1 9) (20). Th .. chamb .. r atone end contain. a liahtbulb(21)and reflector.
(22)(2l)(24). The thr e .. re£lector8 are anilled 00 U 10 direct a converling be ..", Df
light thru holu in the panell (25)(26)(21) dlvidlna the chambeu from one ano ther,
and thru three len-el (28}(29}(lO) mounted In hoi .. , in th .. end wall (ll) of the culna
to converge the be am .. on to • "tar8et" (p"tient, etc.}. The reflector(ZZ) i. ang led
t o reflect light thru lene (32} mounttld In D hole ntlar the top of th" panel (2S)nearetl
the OOurel of Hgh l(hu .. lllter called the flr.t panell. thru a fl .. t tran.panney (H)
In the ucond panel (26) thru • len. (H) mOl1nted \n a hole in panel(Z?) and then
thru the leno (28) mounted On the end of th .. caolng. Th e centerline of the .. oerie .
of len.el lieing In the cenlral vertical logltudin .. l pla.ne of the CI.ing . Th" o ther
two refltlctou (1.3)(1.4) Ir" .. rranlJed to r .nect llght in two b,ama ne.r the bottom.
of the ea.lng . one beam at tlaeh aide, and the beam. co,werghl8 toward. the
appropriate len." (29)(30jln the .. nd waU of th .. ca.ing.For the lower be .. m. the ray
Invell from mirro r (24) thru lent 135) in panel 12.5) then thru Ifanap. rancy. (361131)
in panell (26)(27). The other beam traveil from lena (38) in panel (26) thru tran o ·
panney. (39)(40) in panela (25)(27) .

With u~h of tho len.a. (3~)(38) for the lower bum • • nd with lena (34) in Ihe Ihird
panel for Ihe upper be.m, i . . . . ociated an inUiator ~on.i.tlng of a m"gn,,1 In the
(0"= or a thin v"rtic .. l rod (41)(4l)( 4 3j which to rotalable about It" vertical a xi ••
The mounting. for the three len .... (l8J(29J(30) at t he end wall (31) are
ananged to receive co lor filter.. The modlJylng m"a". (or the emmanatlon. appear -
Ing in each or the Ihree be ...nl consist. of a ."t of r".onalort (13) mounted on Ihe
panel (25)(26) or (27) Ihat carrla. Ihe ,... oelate d one of the Initia tou (41)(4Z)(43).
Each re.onalor (13) cnn.h t ., of a .trlp of melal of interrupled .nnwar form
... c .. red alone end (44) (ie; al the int er"uptlo)10 Ihe a .. oelal ed panel (25 )( Z6)(11)
the plane of t he metal .trip being paraU el with that of the panel , and with .aeh
It:ip 10 auociated a !inger (16) adjultable angularly "bo .. t the center of the
Interrupted ann .. lu... nd in conta~t with the .trip. The fixed end. (441 ofthe re.on _
ators are connected by taut wlrea (451 to " COmmon terfOinal (461 which in turn i.
connected with It's .pproprhte lnitl .. lor.
The re.onalor. could lObo b" made of .Iraight ha ... Dr It r ipl, and would
work jua l a. _n. For the heam of light, ynu may ,,1'0 ... betltule any oth"y electro -
magnetic wav" of ,. length grelll"r Ihan Gamma ray •• Avoid X -r ay., they're too
The device workl Ih10 way. Ii any element ia placed on the north pole of a
bar magnet , " radi .. tion in One direc t ion can be detect"d , which h known at the
fUndement al r ay of Ihlll e lement. Ii Ihal element i . nmoved .. nd another put in It'.
place , a radiation in anolher direclion h delect"d. Eech dement hat it'. own part _
icular VOClor o r direction in both the horbont al "nel vertical plane . The r adiali on
for ""ch fundeme,,!,,1 r.y varle. in fre q uency , and thls enerlY fOay be tapped , and
the ..... onlllor made to vibrate by orienting the molec .. l ... or any mlterialln ..
cor r ect r"lationthip wltb the .... y . It haa been found tha t a polnt" r o r almOlt any
material. whe n aligned with the ray vlb .. " t et In .yrnpal hy with ii, and Ia the actual
detecto r component of th" appararu.. Thi. pointer i, adjuetable in relation to a
resonant rna .. which &erve. to inc r e .. e the amp litude of the vibr.tlona . Thlo
""aonnnce can jUlt lOa en lly be produc.,d by 'Om" lort of rc.onant c"vity ... itably
aligned with the lund"mental .. ay .
In 19'>6 Dr. De La. Warr patented "n Imp r ov .. d the ... pe .. tlc device, bued on
the above palent . Thb One didn't el .. ctrify the .plral coil , and didn't uoe color
!lit" ... . Each dUferent .pl:al Wam ..... d l or a different Illne .. , and when in u.e,
the device Ia .Imply polnt "d at t he patient , while t he coil'. finger Ia aligned to the
north. The pl ane. are .hnwn and each .pl r a l h lab eled if you want to uae thl.
devi~ .. ,Sp\ral A - Suppn .. ion of atnplocuc cu, rheumatlcua in the Glnnt Cello of the
Bone Marrow . Spiral B _ StimUlating development ol iodine in Pituitary. Splnl C -
St;'nula t l"l development of Ad yenalm in Giant Cella of Red Bone Marrow. Spiral 0 _
Stimu l ating development of cOrti lone in Anterio r Pitul t.r y and Bone Ma rrow. {All
of the .pi r ato .hould be ri ght hand apl.re.loj. Add iti onal .plrals can be purch... ed from.
the De L. W.. rr Lab. in B rita in.

• , 0

End view on • larle r .~ale

of one of the .pirat•• 15 h
tb e 8plr .. t, 17 Ihe fing .... arm,
18 the point of cont act and
110 I, p lntlc .pinelle.

! ••
•o o•

•" ••








Although the deu:ri ption or how to c on_truct and ope rate thll device may lound

compllcated, In actual practice, It i. quUe s impie , T o Illunra" ope ration we will

u se the Heironyntua mechine , at it' . the dmp le' t to build and .110 to oper.te whh

a minimum of problem" Alth ough p.ionlc device. have become extremelYlophlltl -

ea t ed , it muU be unden tood thst the planl and dileuadonl i n t hi l book r e late tovery

l irrtple device. that r'qulre the ie". t amO llnt or practice , I would ,trongly urge my

reade . 1 to ata rt witb the Helronymu_ machine, then proJr, •• to t he De La Warr

camera, U t hat h their d e $ir e. Tlrrte photoll • • pl>y h a little In"" 'touchy' at fi. l t,

tha" .Impie 'bro.dcalting'. The HeironyrnuB device i . the e a Bi elt of alL r .dionlc

rrt"chines to both build and ule.

Put a .ampl e Into the detec t or chamber. Th..... rrtpl. may be a hank of b alr .

d r op of blood , phot ograph (rrta\<ing BU" Ibat y<>u have kepi the negative) otc , depending

upon what you desire to accorrtplhh . AI en exarrtple, l et ' . folIo .... the pr oceedure for

killlni in ... ct peat. in the "arden.

In the _ampl e well you will put a photograph of th" Infected plant Dr fllid you

want to I ... at. You m ay Use a Q lip to .w",b Iho pho to with an in,ectlclde known 10

kill the particular type In.eCI you wleh to elirrtlnate, or you may put a arrtalleontalne r

o f Ih' Inaeetlde in Ihe charrtber along with the phot o. (The photo .lIouid be placed In th o

ebamber face up, and the neg ative . houl d NOT be used. Uling the negative can produce

r eeu lt. with which Ihe beginonr will not be ab le t o cop •• 1 Th" In.ec ticid. you u,. w in

probably be 'uandard' for that Inlect , but wh en yeu b eil n dealing with Chemical. to

eliminate piant de.eale . you wil l find Ihat wbal ...... rka fo r one ope r a tor, may not be

the bett for another . For ex arrtple , Mro. Murl ..1 Benjamen normally UI .. I It. crY ltll

of tungeten nl ckle fluoride 10 atlmul ate growth and elirrtinate apple e c a h deaea.e

but found thlt Galen Helro nyrnU I pr .. ferred oxbU. tBbleli. Botb work"d, for the rrt .

but Olher UBel r epo r ted d illi culty with any bUI thei r own favo rite cheon icII . It would

aeem Ihat a chelTl ic al will work lucc ....!ully If YOU BELIEVE IN IT!

Only one photo .t .. time Ihould be inle;rted in the well fo r tre.tment. (Uncontrolled

gene cro.olng occuro when Ih .. pictur... of tw<> differ .. nt pl.nt. are proc .....d

tog.ther! Be careful)! The photo Ihould rem.in in lhe well for. few h.,url each

day. (Some advanced oper.tou find th.t only. few mlnutel are ".ce •• ary),

With the machine plugg.d in, lh. lingeu .re \lIed to lightly b r ,,"h the Itroker

pl.t" while the t"ning electrode h .lowly mov.d in rel.tion to lh" I.nl or prhm, A

,light d r ,g 01' 'adh.llon' will be felt at the flne.t point of foc"., The flut variable

c"ndenoer Ia tuned while I trokinl continuel until, "Saln, a alight d r al h encountered.

The ,econd conden.er h then tllned in the ,Ime mann.r . In order, .ach of the vlriabl"

relhten a r. adjulled in exactly lhe lam. way. All du r ing thll tuninl proce .. the

Oper.tor mutt be thinking .trongly of the d.lired "n.ct. (FaUu"e to operate cln be

attributed to faulty circuitry or damalled partl. Difficulty of op.ratlon can bl laid

to IneIt'er,e"ce of the operltor). One. the mlch,ne 11 tuned , It'. not neceu.ary to

retune It each d&y. Simply turn it on tor" few hour. and walk a".,.y, R •• ult. 'hould

be apparent within ). 10 day. depending upon tho!. Ihe of tho lIeld or Infestat ion, and

al , o on tha Ibe of the plantl ( io; treu take lonler thin weedl).

Fo r photographic opention we r .. commend the D .. La Warr m.chlne for be.t

relult,. The Heironymuo devic.willtak.ephoto l ,butnot.alilyorwith the clar!!y of

the Time Carner •• U you ... Iob to try ho"'ever, a p .. l". of fUm eut to fit lnto the

"onltru"t{on paper envelope, 10 placed ln the holder ond did Into th .. olot betw •• n

the eledredee, while tuning I. taking pla"e and the op .. rator t. concentnting,Expo,u r e

time il lengthy and ",UI vary, 10 only pradic. will det.rmlne how lonll to 1" ...... the

film In tbe machine. Develope thi' fUm ' . you would any oth.r bla"k a"d whit .. pic ture.

Fo .. time photography the S.,ttlnll il determined by the adjustm.nt of theva .. iable

.... lotIO .... AI they .... caUbrated from 1_ 10; In· Ion; \00 . 1000; lonO - 10000; 10,000 -

100,OnO, each would repro ... nt a 'pen of yean. H an event were known to ha ... e taken

plsce, say 184 yeau ago, then the !lut r.llot.r would be aet at 4, the .econd at 80

the tbird et ton and th" relt 141ft at ."ro, 4 "Iu... illhty Dlul one blllKi ... d .oual. 184
yeku.(When you purch .... e the re l ht" ... and condon..... b. our. to .et e .et of pre

calibrated dial fac .. to go with them . It . ave s a lot of tedlou. c.llhratlng )'Quue1£l.

U the rnacb.lne I. u.ed (or att ral communlcstion, the bead electrode. ,howd be

attached to tbe output oide of tbe antenna. It u . ually belp . i! you bave a pboto of the

decee.ed In the I.mple well , maldng lure, of couue. that )'Qu .lill retain the negativ e,

Just .... with the dl!ferent chemicall u.ed by different operatou. oome prefer to

reveUe tbh bcokup Ind a ttach tbe head eleetrode. to tha .ampl. well, In which ca.e

the tuned electrode. act a •• ntennu. (It ha. been found tbat creating even a .lIg ht

north magnetic field around the operataI' at tht. time. litre.lly enhance. reception) .

For telepathic communication between two peeple, It is recemmended that two

machine. be u sed . Hewever 1£ one o f tbem ba. exhibited .. telepathic "bUlty it Is

po.,lbl" to get re s ult s with botb hook"d t o the .ame device. In thla c ... e, the under

wean the head electrode. connected to tbe . ample weU, a nd the .. ecelve .. wean the

one connected to the antenna. Should two way communiclUon ba desirld it will

probAbly be nece"I .. y to build two m .. chln.... For long dl.lance telepathy, the head

electrode. are u.u.lly a uached to tbe .ample well containing the nceiv'HI photo,

blood .ampl. , etc .

To Influence 'OTneone without their kno .... ledae Ia quite . Imple, A , an e"ample .

if Love h the emotion you wloh to impou upon them , their wltne •• ( h.lr , blood ,

a .. llv., akln .c r applna , photo etell, ple<:ed in tbe .ample we U a lo ng ... ilh your own.

Eacb in a Up"rato envelop.! Head electrode. connected to the •• mple well at thl .

time Ind o perated by )'Qu ee<:h day will do the job. However, we mu.t exp lain that

in conjunction wilh thio, a phyelcel p r oximity will areaUy enhance t he .Ianal. Thu.

the machine wHI work much fa.ter If tbe periOn )'Qu ' re tryinK to Influence .. kept

wilhln your physical vlclnty A, much a . oa • • ibl. wbile th, machine I. operatina . The

81Kn. l . from tbe m.cbine . r e v"ry .ubtle and , at mentioned . are of a n emotional

nature. While they ' re aperltlnK. tbay KO unlU>ticed by the recelvar . who ' . mind may

be occ upied with o ther m.tte .... Ilence )'QUI' phy.lcai pretence at the •• me time.

all ow. your L Field t o co",blne .... ith the receiv .... and thus enhanc" tha emotional

rne .... lle. Don't be impatient. All people ar .. dUterent anel timo of 'ab.orbtion' and

. OJ
reaclion of the tar,e t will va ry. T he entire p r ocea. can take from jUl t I few daya to

le v era l week • •

U the machine ia to be uud t o l ocate a miaainc perao n Ot unknown o re depollt

etc., i t \0 firot nocesaa ry 10 con l trucl a gtaph or chart of wodd longitude and latitude.

Tbe chapte r Dn Staph conll ruction fot atomic weightl will dem ona trate the method.

A I eacb main location II tbu. found , lucceedlng refinement . are pou ible by uaing

more refined , r aphl u ntil e>:act pOlition within .. few aerel o r even yard. , to

accomplished .

EJq>erimenu in tcleldnuel and . imilar proj ecta , would of eour ... u.e the machl" ..

In the lame way aa for telepathy.

l! you de.l .. e the ""awero to que . tion. , t he device Can be eu ily uud to playa

form of twenty queotion. , by firot wrltein8 tb. que.tlon. down on a pie.:e of paper,

then touchin, each one with portable electrode. a ttached to the .ample well. Start

with ge oe .. al que.tiono, a nd refine each s uc ceeding One until yeu have a direc t yel

o r nO to a I peeille prob lom . F o r example , yeu may want t o know the l ocation of ..

particular penon. The flnt que,tlon would be "10 he/ahe in the U.S . ? ( a 'ye.' anawer

prod"col .. draa On the .crok er plate) . If the ana ... e .. II ye a . the next que.llon could he

''il h./lhe in the llate of Ne ... York?" e tc. Continue In this mannor until your qUeit

hal been fully an8wered. Thi. appllel to any que. tl on you may have , and It IImltod

only by knowin, which que.tiona to a.k to lei the co rrect final 8n. we r. (A medical

queat;on for flxDmple, would be hDrd to an.wer unle .. you kne w the sympt oml to

alk abou t).


All of th., pan. mention.. d In thtl te xt are .alily av"il"ble from radio

IlIpply houu. ouch "" AHied, Radio Sh3Ck, etc. We uted Radio Shack for 011

of our parts and found them very hdpfu11 whenever oubi ll tiltion wa. nece •• a .. y.

Many of the .cientlHc lIeml mentioned In thh book arl avallahl e from

scientific hobby lupply hou.ea sera .. the country. They s r e aha a very load

.Ouree for In.trumento that may be dedred for your Own experiment • • On, of

the laraen. well luppJied one. ia Edmund Scientific Co. (,Z3 Edlcorp Duildlng

Ba"rinllto" N.J. 08001. Write to them for" e"rnple te catalOlu" of fueln .. Unl

experiment .. l equipment .

Other p,ionic device. have been patented . a"d whUe m"5t are not;.. llood

or e ... y to bliUd a, the Onea de'trlbed in this book, the patant' can b, obtained

from the Drltloh pntent office . Write : Drit{lh Paten! DUice, Sale Dranch. St. Mary

Cray, Orpinllton, Kent; Br S )rd; England . A.k for patent numbeu: 198018 (Wm.

BOyd). Z3,)926 (Wm. aoyd). ZnOZl (Arno Hobhelmer), 66}978 (T . Galen HeironymulJ,

515866 (Ruth Drownl . 6Z(,396 (Wa l ter Atkin.onl • • nd 761916 (George De La Wartl .

The American petent of the Helrony=ul Tnachine 10 p r obably cheaper and fa.ter

to let if y<lu Ihould delire 10 po .. e .. the actual patent office copy. Send 50~ for

pate,,! number 2482:113 to U.S . Patent CUice. W.. hinlton D.C . 2002:5. The Briti.h

patentl are alao on file f r om the U.S. Patent O£fi<:e Foreign Branch. In V\r8Inia.

Write to thorn through the Washinston addr"".

I linearly hope thla bQok hal fuiflUed all Oll your e xpect .. tlon,. 11 wa, meant

to enllshte" and pl'!.ue the interelt of thOla" who ' . minda are i"trlaued by the unknown.

By thoae ,,,eking the truth. Until enouSh prlv .. t. Indlvlduah ... wen .. ,dentine

foundaliona and commercial companie. make practical ule Olf palonte device, tuch

a. we've deacribed. the U.s. will continue to put iUeUln danger of pelon'c atta<:k

and faU lurther and further b e hind In the ' Ptychlc War'. until even the amaHe.t of

counlde. will no longer need an atomic bomb to Influence the wodd •.• a .imple black
box will dol

Plioni<:1 r esellrch lind exp .. rimenution Ie atill In it' l v ery ellrly .ta~es , ..

at lea.t if it'. Judged by th .. rele ....d r e.u lt. . There are undoubledly "Hny

Ipectlcul", r .. lult. being achieved that arc k ept under wrep. by thei r di.coverer..

in .. way . thi. could prove beneficial to the reader in II. much a l It leave. hi.

Im'lgin~tion wide opon to inter collng po.oIbilitie.,

In thi l ncti on I've outlined a few fa,d nat!ng Id e .. that mayer may net

Mve any vlllue ,, " balk l lor yeur own experiment s. U nothing elle, perh .. p.they

will urve '" a nucl eus around which the mind can weave a cec oon 01 thee ry.

They 're .. t 1..... 1 inte r esting lach and theorie ••

Can th .. n b e .. genetic r elatlen.hip between man and pla,,:~? Dr . H a r old

Bu rr claim. the pel,ibility. BlochemiUI inve .lIgating the c r o"'ng of gen ...

of diUerent lamilie. 01 living thingl , have made .n alteni,hlng dilcovery. They

f",,-nd Ihal when an atom of magne,lurn I, taken from a mol ecule of cbi or"p hyll

alld r eplaced with an atom or iron ••• n BECOMES A MOLECULE OF RED BLOOD!

The p l io nic devic e pnten t ed and u.ed lor yea", now by the De La Warr

lebo r atoriea in England i. a variation of the H elronymu. ma"hine th at i, cepable

of realate r ing photograph. 01 the L field au rround; ngan objec t. In 19S8 Dr.

De La Warr took. pic ture ef a drop of ord inary tap water. The rel,,-lt. were

' normal' ••• that il" central po iot with? bri ght , thin linea radla tinglrom It. Then

he aeked a prie.t t o ble .. the wate r belore he took .netber pictu re. Thi " time,

a comp letly different radiation pa tte r n d .. velop .. d .... the brHlIant lineo 01 force

were nOw in Ihe shape of " c r oul

In my menti on of the Hope dillmond 1 dlocuuod Ihe pizocleclric pr ope rti eo

po."lble within e diamond. All diamond. are electrl"al conductou. They arc

the v .. ry harde l l, puroot.rnoot denoly packed carb"n in the world ... and all

life it ca r bon ba.ed. 10 there an a ({inUy ? r. It po .. lbl .. that a di amond Can

I lore L H eld energy much like a capacitor. and rde.n U e ither on demand or

.... hen '8rounded ' by .. perlon o r . peTIe". L field? If emotion il limply a form

or frequency of ene rgy. could 'emotion' be ab.orbed by tbe gemltone ior rel.al.

In a competable or non campatable field? Llk" Itellc elec tricty 10 picked up end

then r"lea.ed when grounded . Or perbap. like the exchenge of negotive Ion. or

pooitive one.? U .ome thl ng of the lort 11 ponible, cOl,lld it be done delibera t ely?

Gould it rell,llt In • 'death' ray Or 'fear' r ay woapon? Stl,ldying a d iamond \IOder

an electron .cannlng mic r o.cope Or I<lrUan device could prove extremely inlereotlna .

U the piz.eeieclr\c action of c r Yl lah Ie .lronR enal,lRh and depend.able ooough

cOl,lld it be I,lud In place of tho pic kup "lectrode of the pa ioolc maChine? b there

more 01 on empethy or affinity betwe"n Illch a cry.tal and the mind Or L Hold?

l! nothiog "he, wuuld luch I cry.tal bee mar" .en,itive to the dellcato . adiat lons

doleeted by th e p " io nlc device?

Kirlian photography h baot.c " lly a photoKraphic Im aRo formed within and

by highly Inten.e e leclricot r adletion, So far. peop le have In.ened the object to

be photographed into the Held orea , What if the field ",ere .. led 10 lean you r

ourroundlng a .... a ao you would pan a movi e camera , Would you photograph a

gho. t or 'pirU?

Magnet;'m i. the .ingle mal t imporlant e le m ent necela"ry to aoy kind of

life I Extraor dinary re sultl have been diacoveud in experlmenU with magoeti.In,

Dr, Ralph V, Se irra if one of Ihe relOarcher. whu di.covered that there il"

detlna t " rela tlon.hlp between elecl r lelty and magnelilm that II remarkably limila r

to the relatio o,hip belween telepa thy and guvityl

Weak electrical field. c O" heal ,",vere woundo and broken hon ... three to

five time. fa"e. th.n no r mal!

Any living thing depdv"d of the .. ,ulh'. magnetic Held (which i . very we"k,

for any l ength of tim .. will luffer O8ve .... Illne .. and evenlually die I Eve r y known

rna •• extinction of Ilfe 00 earth . luch a. the dlno.aurt . oC Cllred during Ihe time

when the earth'. magnetic field Waa reverted1 When thl. happoml, tbere are

perio d . of uro gravity that relult in death,

Dr. Kenneth S. McLaan of the I"otitute or Biomallnetic. developed It. Ilr"n8

m'lgneUc field of ]600 aa ..... Ihru the uaeo of beavv duty elecnle coUa. Not only

wao Ihi. field uaed 10 perform .ome fantl.tic medical 'curca' but it produced

a Itranlle rejuvinattng eff"CI! After 10 balf hour • ., .. Ion. in Ihe field lome o( hla

patienta hair ahowed a definate darkening I Under a microscope the bair wal .bown

to be actually tranlparent like a 81a .. tube! There were alao additional .ig"a of

regained health and Itamina.

A team of .urgeon. at the Pennlylv"nl ... University School of M<odicine lul.ve

determined that the biomagnetic field at the fronl of the brain II negaUve, and that

at the back of tho brein, centering on the b ....... tem I .. adlng to the nenou. Iyatem

the ch .. rge i. pOlitive, They found by experimenting thaI by luddenly revenlng Ihlo

polarity the telt ,"object """a Immedlady rendered unCOncioUI.

People Bet iuelponlible when the al< is charged .... ith pOlltive Ionization.

Dr. Igho Kornblueh expoled pllUenh.uUerlng vary levare body burna 10 negativlly

Ionized air. The healin, prOCel8 wa. not only Ipeeded up but mlraculoualy, people

with 3rd degree burn. on 900ft of their bod Ie .. were almoet completely relieved of

pain jult by braatbing thia air I Na,ative l.oni", .. tIOD ",lao pl"Omotea a aeneral feel·

Ing of .... ell being. The effect runo from the relief of headche and minor pain and

fall,ue to the aUeviaUon of the dreadIul ...ony of c"'Dcerl PhHco Corp. now

menifacture. .uch a device ... it'a called the IDnotrDn 8000,

Ru •• ian parapaychDIDghts reporl that air Ionization atrongly AHect. human

ESP ability. When the \ocal,eoma,netic field Hueluatea wildly, a. in a thunder

ltorTTl.. peopl., can't concentrate and often loae their PSI "bUltyl Thh lead 10 the

dl .. covery th .. t a""n a w" .. k maanetic field ... rrounding both the aendar and the

receiver in telapAthy a"periments proved benefici"l ... ,ave them extra energy.

Marnrn.eh of an order &1 hilh aa rat. have grown new limb" when the

aTTl.putated limb end we •• timulat"d with mild electrical 'Dd m"aneUc application I

Phyaically the brain i. a chemical and electromagnetic device. Damag,d

brain are .. clOn be h~"ad f,..ter when lubjectad to mUd electrical nlmu1<ltton .

This stimulation .. aD aclivate. the narvea and musele. controlled by the damag~d

lection l The rUlllllns have even l ucce ldully 'replaced ' dam"lIed brain .ectlon.

with artiJlel,,1 elact ric al Itimullto u!

Strong electric fleld. are generated when you I pl .. 1t water in the link or take a

Ihower! The pOlltive charge runl down the drain and the negative naya in the air,

Thlo negntiv~ ioni zation IIccounto for 70,," of the 'lift' you feel ,ite-r a .how~r, The

.ame Held make. tre". and plant. grow and thrlv~. Reveue the field and ~ven a

lug~ tree will quickly die I

The geomagnetic field i. l a rgely re",,<>nlible for the refrelhed, e><hilented

feeling after a vacation in the count ry.In citio. th" Ollrth', mallnelic !leld,

which il .... enU" to all living thing., h bnred by I . . ge building' and metal

ob,tructiona . Cart, bu",,, train. etc, all act al FaradlY cage. to block out or

dampen thl. field I

Ian Kane of AWllralh.'. Netlonal Un;v e.--Ity hal dbcovered that magnetic

reveroah cau"" climlltic chanllu I In other wordl , a caun .. nd effec t relatlonohi"

exht. between changel In the earth ' l mlgnetic field and the clima te, The hl,her

the mallnetic Intenoity, the colder the climate!

Prolonged perloda of reduced =agnethm can be ve r y dangero ... to any liviDI

thing, Bactorla kep t for 72 houro In a low mal field luife r~d In their ~ ep r oductlve

clpacity. Fifteen time. le i. to be exactl In te .t. on Mllher orden o r lile it was

found that thh b.ck of .ulHc lent magnetic need =ade it di!ficult 10 meve a r ound

and aloo ~o r eproduce. Bird. become dleorlented, their mUlde re.ponoe erratic

Ilnd egg laying ability le,nned. In mlc .. and rat, th~ en:tyme activity wa. le .... n~d.

The lonler an orlanilm Itayl In a low mag fI .. ld th .. Ie .. fertile they become"

and th" mo r e Ihriveled their till .. el and orlan • ••• and the ahorte r the life opanl

Although NASA natly rdu nl to dl,cu .. the matter Dr rel ••• e medical

information On the ,ubject, it', been pointed oul that NOT ONE ASTRONAUT ""ho'.

be .. n in prolonged 'pace flights h .... ao yel f"thered" chUd!

In 19102 Anthropologl.t Loulo Le"ky electrUiC'd Ih .. world 'With hb dilcov,,",y

In Keny • • nd Tanzania of th .. remaina of human being' daled.t Z-ZI/Z million

yea,. old ! In 1974 a four nalion e><pedition 10 north- cent,,1 Ethiopia di.cover .. d

{o •• Ui:. .. d hum"" bon... "t least 4 million yooan oldl Ore. Carl John_on ""d

Maurice Taieb haV., no'" .1.lI.1.,d. "AIi pr .... io lll Ih.,o ri •• o f the origin of mod .. rn man

mUlt now be revlud. We mu . t oow throw out many exbting thea ric. and conalder

Ihal man go .. a back. to ..... 11 ove r four million y ... ,. "1 Later data hal no .... revised

lhi, figure to ao "llmat.. d HI Ml.LLION YEARS I How many lime_ h., man

achieved or l urp . . . ed hi, pre ... nt lev .. l of advancement In 10 million y .. au?

0{ the many calacly,ms that are nOW beUeved to hav .. occur .. d .ince th. da,",n o[

time, how many civili~ation. were ele"at .. d to hntaatic SCientific "cMevement

cnly to perbh and d ;" a ppea r intc mTth? Atlaotla1 Mu1 Lemurla? Hyperbolea?

Think of th .. acblevernent of mSn In the I •• t ZOO y .. " ...... then try to comprehend



In the b~ginning th~re i. only thought ••.• n energy. Energy 10 untient.

Thought manite.t. IUel£ in the material world by varlationl ;n tt'. o .... n frequency.

thua cr~atin8 light, heat, cl~ct ricity , magn~ti,m and the "ntire unge of eHectl

.... ithin the electromagnetic apecltu.m. One form of thought/energy h m.nife.t~d

In tachyon., which compole the L field, nec . . . ary to IUe. A portion of thi.

tAchyon L Held i . ' .olldlfied' Into lotid matter by a chAnge in th e rate of rre,,_

u.eney , and II uled ao Ihe vehicle by which Ihe L field manUena tt.elI in the

malteriRI world ... the body. To put it another way: The 10UrCe ... lhoughlfenergy

dters Wa vib ration. to become diffe ring Corma Or expru.iona of energy luch

'" lilht. hea l e tc. It aloo alle r l It.eU into form. luch •• tachyon ..... hlch then

cOTnpoae themselvel into the au.ra or Hfe field Iu.rrou.ndlng every Uvlng thing.

(the aoul)? The function of the material L ileld i. to handle immediate

direction of that portion of iheUlhat ia 'loHdl!ied 'into the ' Iolld' body it will

utilize while In the three dimen.lonnl exillance. The ' Ioul' fidd Corm. or

coaleoc ... lachyon. Into atoml "nd thul i nto a vibrational frequ .. ncy within Ihe

dl.ce r nable "iectrornallnetic apeclru.rn of m.n , to appe. r a. a ao lid called matter.

The material body thu. formed. being only a conl truClod vehicle for m"nipulatlon

w ithi n a malte r environment, il maint .. ined bylhe L fi"ld automatically. Upon

dea.!h this u.aelews incu.mbrance I, di.carded. mu.ch like. worn oul automobile

I, ju.nked. and the L or soul field IIm.ply continues to exlol without any material

vehicle and lUll fu.lly a ..... re ollt'a affinity with the 10u.lce energy. Thl. would

be called by u.o, .. ghoat Or the her"afler. The he r eafter i. not a place like your

borne •• ute or counlry. It 10 a .. tate of mind I A .tate of being! Eventually the

oou.1 field may "lect t o "ga.in fo r m a materia l body and re-""Ier the matte,

""lAtance, U It d<>el 10, We would caU it rcincarnatiun. AI tbi. oou.1 field i. the

conciou..n .... man calli 'mind' the m.m",rl .. " of It'. palt are .. vallable to it ......
.... ell a. to the lou. r ce Ihoullht/energy of whic h It i. a pari. Only the 'c"neioua '

mind (that part u. a.,d by the body vehicle! il 100 wrapped u.p in material functionl

to dig deeply enough into it'. oWn memori ... to realize tM •• Thou th-.t oventualy

do nre known a. aeon and poyc;bie •• Medium. and clalrvoyanta are mat"r;al bodies

wbo have e"hibited an affinity for breaking tbru the conelous mind and c;ontacting the

.oul field or .ource . TiITle, .. we know it, doesn't reaUy "xllt •• •lt i. I dimen.ion

uled by tb" loul Held jUlt a. other mlt"rial dim.molono are formed and u.ed.

A .oul field that eleeu to manlh.. t itself in the m"terial world , cao do 10 io any

gui.e It ehoolel , whether it be In,. 19tb century exiotlnee or one In the year 2.5501

If eaeb exiltanee io con. ide red u a 'ploy '. the .oul field can mat"riaLize Hull

into any .t.ge it choole. to dwell, from the cave man epic ... tn Ih" England of

Vlclorla ... !o Ih" future of l550 . It'. aU in the duir". or the loul fidd a.nd tbe

atage it decide. to occupy. Mon'. 'memory' or Ih" ancicot pall II in reolity an

up to date record of wb"t'. happening On tbo Olh"r .tnge. at tbe mOITlent. Thou

aeHon, are made manifest by the source energy, in oil the other ,taie, ot the lame

time nnd appear ... " continuing ployl The lentlcnt tr.chyons th"t have dlocarded

thc!r matedal vehicle •• are nOne the Ie ••• tlll in contact with all other ' mind, ' .

In the occult their comm.only referred to as ',uide.', ond indeed have undertaken

the role of helping or guidin, tbe m.aterlal oriented 10ul, in their actionl. Wben

p r ayini we may refer to thOle luide. II. Saint •• lind request they pall our prayer

along to the ooUrce itoeU, with it'. fuU m.emory and power ... a collective memory

and collective power. This aource could be colled rice mind ... or ... God.

This material body then , h a part of the lachyon, .ou1 field whicb l.o in l urn

a ,moll Cra,ment of the aouree thought/er>ergy.

"We ore f ormed in the 'Image' of God. We are all .. part of God. God

rooide. within u .... And God rn .. de the heaven and the eaUh ..... ThoughtfEnergy

need only lower it ' o own frequeney ute to 6000 cyclel by ,aylnil .. . "Let Ihere be

light ...

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