The Effect of ICT Literation in Government Financi
The Effect of ICT Literation in Government Financi
The Effect of ICT Literation in Government Financi
Conference Paper
In this Industry 4.0 era, ICT things grows so rapidly. The use of technology in daily
work is a common thing. Thus, no exception, in the field of government. This extensive
utilization of ICT then requires every civil servant to have sufficient knowledge in ICT.
This study aimed to determine the effect of ICT Literation in moderating treasurer’s
competence and implementation of acrual based accounting system for determining
the quality of financial report in Ministry of Finance. The method used in this study is
literature study method, documents study, and questionnaire. We found that in general,
ICT Literation is moderating the relationship between treasurer’s, implementation of
acrual based accounting system and financial report’s quality. Furthermore, in partial
analysis, we found that ICT Literation affect treasurer’s competence in postive and
Corresponding Author:
Garda Yaumil Akhir
significant ways, but for implementation of acrual based accounting system the effect is not significant.
Received: 7 February 2020 Keywords: Acrual Based Accounting System, Financial Report’s Quality, Human
Accepted: 9 March 2020 Resource’s Competence, ICT Literation.
Published: 23 March 2020
How to cite this article: Garda Yaumil Akhir and Etty Murwaningsari, (2020), “The Effect of ICT Literation in Government Financial Management
in Industry 4.0 Era” in International Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education 2019, KnE Social Sciences, pages 55–71. Page 55
DOI 10.18502/kss.v4i6.6588
(IAR) Staatsblad 1933 Number 320. Then Law number 17 of 2003 is a milestone in the
reform of the state’s finance sector which essentially reinforces the definition of the
country’s own finances. After that, in 2004 the government re-issued the state financial
regulations, namely Law number 1 of 2004 which discussed the state’s treasury and
the arrangements for evaluation of management and responsibility of state’s finance
through Law number 15 of 2004. That three laws are then commonly known as the
state’s finance law package.
The state financial management reform process did not stop there, because according
to the mandate of Law Number 17 of 2003, the government had to apply the accrual
accounting basis in 2008 (five years after the regulation was issued). Government’s
efforts in implementing the accrual basis adjustment process were carried out in various
ways, including in 2005, the government regulated accounting standard (SAP) through
Government Regulation Number 24 of 2005 concerning SAP Based Cash Towards
Accrual. This rule is expected to be able to bridge the change process from the cash
basis to the full accrual basis. While the accrual-based SAP itself can only be issued by
the government in 2010 through Government Regulation Number 71 of 2010.
The challenge of managing state’s finance is not only in terms of regulations, but
also may other aspects. The complexity of state financial reports also occurs due to the
extent of government-owned accounting units which must then be consolidated into
one financial report (LKPP). The number of central government entities is approximately
24,000 financial management units (called the work unit in the State Finance Law). With
a number that is quite big, the consolidation process is carried out in stages starting
from the work unit level to the level of ministries/institutions using a reliable financial
reporting system (Afandi, 2017). The system was then presented by the government
which is part of the implementation of the Integrated Financial Management Information
System (IFMIS) program in accordance with Minister of Finance Regulation Number 97
of 2017. The use of this technology is a government effort in facing the industrial era 4.0
where technology becomes important in every business process in managing state’s
The implementation of IFMIS in various countries has shown many facts, including in
South Africa, it is found that IT skills and literacy (ICT Skills) need to be owned by every
system user. The capacity and competence of human resources in terms of IT needs to
be built because it can greatly support the implementation of IFMIS (Hendriks, 2012).
This is also in line with the results of Chene’s research (2009) regarding the experience
of applying IFMIS in various countries, where an increase in understanding of IT users
is a major factor in the successful implementation of an integrated accounting system.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Agency Theory
Agency theory was the main theory underlying this research, where the government
has a responsibility to the community as the trustee. This responsibility according to
Mardiasmo (2004), is part of public accountability which consists of two types, namely:
1) vertical accountability, interpreted as accountability for the management of funds
delivered to parties with higher positions, 2) horizontal accountability, interpreted as
accountability from the government which must be conveyed to the public at large.
Financial statements are one of the tools that describe the level of government financial
accountability. And for the financial statements, according to Law Number 15 of 2004,
an audit was conducted by an independent party, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).
by accounting information systems, which are interrelated and interact with each other
in achieving the expected goals. Among these components are (Romney & Steinbart,
1. User.
4. Application (software).
1. Cash Basis. It is a standard that uses changes in (literally) cash as a basis for
recognition or recording of transactions. So that each new transaction will be
recorded only after the cash changes occured.
2. Accrual Basis. In contrast to the cash basis, the accrual basis underlies transactions
only when a transaction and event actually takes place regardless of the increase
or decrease in cash. Thus, every new transaction is carried out recognition and
recording of accounting in the financial statements at the time/period when they
occur, or in other words is when rights/obligations occur.
3. Modified Cash Basis. While the modified cash basis is a combination of accrual
and cash basis. In simple terms, the modified cash basis is uses the cash basis for
transactions in the current budget year and then make adjustments at the end of
each reporting period using the accrual basis.
4. Modified Acrual Basis. This basis is almost similar to the modified cash basis,
which is a combination of accrual basis and cash basis. The difference in the
basis of modification accruals, transactions are recorded mostly using the accrual
basis, while for the post or other transactions use the cash basis as the basis for
In Indonesia, only 3 accounting basis are known, including the cash basis, cash
towards accruals basis, and the full accrual basis. Whereas at present, the accrual basis
is used as the basis for accounting in the preparation of government financial reports.
SPAN (Sistem Perbendaharaan dan Anggaran Negara) is one of the main financial
information systems used by the Government (Ministries and Institutions) in the process
of recording and financial reporting using the accrual basis accounting. SPAN is a form of
implementation of the Government Financial Management and Revenue Administration
Project (GFMRAP) program, or in Indonesian terms, where SPAN is a major part of the
program. While GFMRAP is part of the Financial Management System Reform Program,
which is the application of the IFMIS (Integrated Financial Management Information
System) concept. This reform is carried out through activities at the Ministry of Finance’s
Directorate General of Budget unit, for the Budget Preparation section and for the
units of the Directorate General of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance, for the Budget
Execution and Responsibility Accounting section (Nugroho, Basuki, & Fanani, 2017).
The ability and level of ICT literacy is one of the important factors in the Government’s
efforts to transform both the accounting information system and the accounting stan-
dards used. Although it is only a supporting factor, the level of understanding of a
person/user of ICT, plays an important role in the use of a system/application itself,
especially in remote areas (Indriani, 2015). So that in the current era of information
technology, where most jobs have been helped by the role of information technology,
the minimum capability in terms of ICT becomes very important. Research (Musee, 2014)
shows that the ability of employees to operate computers is a factor that also has an
influence on IFMIS implementation.
Transactions that occur in an entity are recorded and then arranged into financial
positions and are structured together into a financial statement. The final results of
the accounting process carried out during the accounting period/budget period are
the financial statements of the entity. This definition is in accordance with the defini-
tion of financial statements contained in Government Regulation Number 71 of 2010.
While for the audit of financial statements, the BPK has the right to give one of four
opinions including: Unqualified (WTP), Qualified (WDP), Adverse (TW), and Disclaimer,
in accordance with Law Number 15 of 2014. According to (Abdullah, Sari, & Yusniyar,
2016), government financial statements can then be said to have good quality if the
financial statements are submitted in an orderly manner every reporting period, and
have received an assessment from the BPK in the form of an opinion on the financial
statements. In terms of quality, government financial statements must have qualitative
characteristics, including: relevant, reliable, comparable, and can be understood in
accordance with PP Number 71 of 2010.
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Data Source
In this research, primary data sources were used as the basis for conducting analysis
through questionnaire questions. The procedure used in determining the sample is by
purposive sampling method, which by adding the following criteria:
2. The Treasurer only manages one DIPA so that it has a relatively similar workload.
The results of the questionnaire are data in the form of a Likert scale, which has a
score of 1 to 5 as the following table.
Answer Score
Strongly Agree 5
Agree 4
Neutral 3
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 1
Source: Processed by author
The two independent variables studied are treasurer competency and the application
of accrual-based accounting systems, one moderating variable is ICT literacy, while
for the dependent variable studied is quality of government’s financial reports. These
variables measured using instruments in the form of closed questions, then the results
are measured by the Likert scale theory as listed in table 1 above.
In addition to the variables above, this study uses control variables in order to
maintain / avoid bias from research on the influence of independent variables on the
quality of financial statements. The control variables are: (1) the number of managed
DIPA that shows the workload of financial management operators (GULTOM, 2016), (2)
accountability and (3) financial report transparency (Sadjiarto, 2000), (4) consistency in
applying financial reporting standards used (García Jara, Cuadrado Ebrero, & Eslava
Zapata, 2011), (5) utilization of information technology in the preparation of financial
reports (Ariesta, 2013).
3.3. Hypothesis
Based on the theoretical foundation and various previous studies discussed in the
previous section, the following is the hypothesis of the research proposed.
H1: There is a positive effect of treasurer competency on the quality of financial
statement reports in the finance ministry.
H2: There is a positive effect on the application of accrual-based accounting systems
to the quality of financial reports in the finance ministry.
H3: ICT Literacy strengthens the effect of treasurer competency on the quality of
financial reports in the finance ministry.
H4: ICT Literacy strengthens the effect of accrual-based accounting systems on the
quality of financial reports in the finance ministry.
The research model is based on the results of previous studies (including, García Jara
et al., 2011; Hassan, 2015; Hendriks, 2012; Indriani, 2015; Ndou, 2004; Nurillah & Muid,
2014). The first research model (without moderation) can be presented in the following
𝐿𝐾 = quality of ministry of finance’s financial reports
𝛼 = constanta
𝛽𝑥 = regression coefficient
SDM = treasurer competency variable
SABA = accrual based accounting system implementations variable
dDIPA = DIPA amounts variable
SAP = accounting standard variable
ACC = accountability variable
TRS = transparency variable
PT = ICT utilization variable
𝑒 = standard of eror
While the second model (using ICT literacy as a moderating variable) with the Mod-
erated Regression Analysis (MRA) method can be presented in the following equation:
The data from the answers of the questionnaires submitted by the respondents are the
main data in this study. The data is then processed using SPSS version 25 application.
Data testing is done by conducting a series of classic assumption tests, before further
analysis can be done.
From the table above, it can be seen that based on respondents with a total of
157 samples, the majority (90%) were male respondents. The level of variation for the
respondent’s work unit is quite even, only in the units of the Directorate General of
Treasury with a maximum of 82, according to the proportion of the number of financial
managers in the finance ministry who are also numerous. While the level of education
is dominated by D-III and S-1 graduates, respectively 63% and 36%.
The validity and reliability test from the results of the research can be seen from the
number in the following table:
By looking at the value of Chronbach’s Alpha, which is>.600 for each variable, it can
be stated that all variables have met reliability. While to test the validity with Pearson
correlation from the results of the questionnaire, each question item from each variable
is valid to explain the value of the variable.
4.3. Normality
To be able to find out whether all variables have a normal distribution or not in the
predetermined regression model, it is done by a normality test by observing the P-
Plot Regression diagram. From the test results for both models, it is obtained from the
Respondents Characteristics F %
Working Unit
Inspektorat Jenderal 10 6.37%
Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan 82 52.23%
Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Pembiayaan dan Resiko 3 1.91%
Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran 8 5.10%
Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara 17 10.83%
Sekretariat Jenderal 2 1.27%
Direktorat Jenderal Pajak 20 12.74%
Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai 15 9.55%
Men 142 90.45%
Women 15 9.55%
< 30 years 117 74.52%
30 - 40 years 40 24.84%
> 40 years 0 0.64%
Last Formal College
D-I 1 0.64%
D-III 99 63.06%
S-1 / D-IV 56 35.67%
S-2 1 0.64%
Source: Results of the questionnaire data
diagram that the points have formed a diagonal line from the lower left to the upper
right, and there is no point away from the diagonal line. Based on these results, it can
be concluded that the research data is normal in both existing models.
4.4. Multicollinearity
This test is used to determine the existence of a linear relationship between each
independent variable in the regression model. The results of the multicollinearity test
are found in the following table.
TABLE 4: Multicollinearity results.
From the results of the above test, it can be seen that the tolerance value is close to
1, and the VIF value is still below 10, so the conclusions can be drawn is that the data
does not occur multicollinearity.
Hypothesis testing is done by doing a regression analysis of the model that has been
determined through three tests, which are: testing the coefficient of determination (R
square), partially testing (t test), and simultaneously testing (R test).
Based on the table above, the regression equation can be arranged as follows:
The above equation can be interpreted that in the condition of other variables which
are fixed, then if there is an addition of 1 unit of treasurer (SDM) competency level, then
the Quality Level of the Financial Report will increase by 0.305 units. Likewise, if there
is an addition of 1 unit level of implementation of the accrual-based accounting system,
then the quality of financial statements will increase by 0.011 units.
Next, for the results of the regression test model with moderating variables (MRA)
shown in the following table:
Based on the table above, the regression equation can be arranged as follows:
Based on the two models specified above, the next test is to see the coefficient of
determination R2 . The higher value means that the higher the level of ability of the
independent variables to explain variations in changes in the dependent variable in the
model. R2 test results for the first model (without moderation) seen in table 5 above,
which shows the adjusted R2 value of 0.638. This means that 63.8% of the variable qual-
ity of government financial statements can be explained by the independent variables
studied. While in the model the second regression (MRA), the adjusted R2 value is 0.686
or higher than the value of determination in the first model, indicating that in general,
ICT literacy variables moderate the independent variables in the study in influencing
the quality of financial statements.
4.5.3. F Test
In examining the effect of all the independent variables examined in the model together
on the dependent variable, simultaneous tests were used. The results of this test are
determined based on the results of the regression output in the form of a significance
value F, using the SPSS application with a significance level of 0.05 (α = 5%). For the first
model, based on the results in table 5, the statistical F probability value is 0,000 and is
far below the standard level of 0.05. This shows that with a 95% confidence level, there
is enough evidence to treat H0 in the first model simultaneous test. Or in other words,
statistically proven that the overall research variables consisting of treasurer quality
and the application of accrual-based accounting systems (as well as control variables),
together influence the quality of government financial reports.
While for the second model (MRA), as shown in table 6, the probability value F statistic
is also worth 0,000 below the standard level of 0.05. So that this model is also signif-
icant and can be used to predict the quality of financial statements through treasurer
competency assessment, the application of accrual-based accounting systems, and ICT
literacy (as well as control variables).
4.5.4. t Test
Then a partial test is conducted to find out how far the influence of each independent
variable on the variation on the dependent variable in the study (Ghozali, 2006). The
t test in this study was conducted for both models, the first model was conducted to
test hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 2. The results of the t test for both hypotheses can be
seen in table 5, where the Sig value for treasurer competency variable is 0,000 <0.05
which means significant. Therefore, it can be concluded that the treasurer competency
variable partially influences the quality of financial statements. Whereas for hypothesis
number 2, the Sig value for the variable applying the accrual-based accounting system is
0.868> 0.05, which means insignificant. Therefore, it can be concluded that the variable
implementation of accrual-based accounting systems does not have a significant effect
on the quality of financial statements. This variable is then not tested further on the
second model because it does not have a significant effect on the first model.
While for the t test of hypotheses number 3 and 4, it is done by comparing the
regression results on the model before and after the existence of the moderating
variable. The comparison results are available in the following table:
TABLE 7: Comparison of Moderated Partial Regression Results.
Based on the result above, it can be seen that the Beta value for the SDMxTI
interaction variable is positive and significant (0.004 <0.05), meaning that ICT literacy
strengthens the treasury and significant competency variables (Hypothesis number 4).
While the Beta value for the SABAxTI interaction variable shows a negative value and is
not significant (0.668> 0.05), meaning that ICT literacy moderation weakens the variable
accrual-based accounting system implementation but is not significant (Hypothesis
number 5 is not proven).
The results of this study informs the fact that treasurer competency and the application
of accrual-based accounting systems have a significant and positive effect on the quality
of financial reports in the ministry of finance. This shows that by increasing the treasurer
competency which is currently being carried out by the government through Treasurer
Certification, it will be able to have a positive influence on the quality of government
financial statements. In addition, the overall completion of the accrual-based accounting
system (SPAN and SAKTI) can also have the same effect.
In addition, this study also shows that in this industrial era 4.0, the level of under-
standing and literacy of information technology can moderate the influence of the
determinants of the quality of financial statements. Specifically, the level of ICT literacy
will significantly increase the influence of treasurer competency variables on the quality
of government financial reports. This conclusion is in accordance with the results of
Chene’s research (2009), which concludes that the level of understanding of ICT will
affect the competence of users of a system. This study also found that ICT literacy
did not significantly moderate the effect of applying accrual-based accounting systems
to the quality of financial statements. The existence of an accrual-based accounting
system that has been implemented and is running well, makes it easier for users to use
it, so ICT literacy does not have a significant effect.
This research is expected to have implications for the government in particular,
especially in an effort to increase the competence of treasurers in this industrial era
4.0. Future research is expected to learn more about ICT literacy in the management
of state’s finances and the impact of industry 4.0.
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