Type 3025 Sizes P462, P460-200 and P900 Diaphragm Actuator: Bulletin 61.1:3025
Type 3025 Sizes P462, P460-200 and P900 Diaphragm Actuator: Bulletin 61.1:3025
Type 3025 Sizes P462, P460-200 and P900 Diaphragm Actuator: Bulletin 61.1:3025
Type 3025 Sizes P462, P460-200 and P900
Diaphragm Actuator
Volumetric Displacement
See table 2.
Available Configurations
The Type 3025 actuator can be supplied in either Direct Reverse Action
or Reverse action. In reverse action applying air pressure to the lower
diaphragm casing forces the actuator stem upward
Direct Action against the opposing spring force. When this loading
In direct action applying air pressure to the upper pressure is reduced, the spring moves the actuator
diaphragm casing forces the actuator stem downward. stem to the extreme downward position. Should the
When this pressure is reduced, the opposing spring loading pressure fail, the spring forces the stem to the
force moves the actuator stem upward. Should the extreme downward position. Reverse acting actuators
loading pressure fail, the spring forces the stem to the provide fail-closed action for push-down –to-close
extreme upward position. This provides fail-open action valves and fail open action for push-down-to-open
for push-down-to-close valves and fail closed action for valves.
push-down–to-open valves.
Bulletin 61.1:3025
Handwheels Other
A geared handwheel is available for all sizes of the Accessories such as transducers, position
3025 Actuator to manually position the valves plug. transmitters, air relays, volume boosters, switching
The valve is opened by turning the handwheel to the valves, lockable valves, limit switches and solenoid
left and closed by turning to the right. valves are also available for actuator mounting. They
are described in separate publications. Contact your
Instruments Fisher Controls sales office or sales representative for
Mounting parts exist for the following instruments : details.
Type DVC5010 FIELDVUE digital
Up to 102mm valve controller, Type 3582
(4 inches) pneumatic positioner and Type
P462 and 3582i electropneumatic positioner.
P 900
Over 102mm
(4 inches) Type DVC5020 FIELDVUE digital
valve controller and 3610/3620
Series positioners
P460-200 All
Bulletin 61.1:3025
Table 1. Type 3025 Air to Open Action (Spring Closes) Actuator Thrust Capabilities for push down to close valves.
Table 2. Type 3025 Air to Close Action (Spring Opens) Actuator Thrust Capabilities for push down to close valves.
ACTUATOR VALVE TRAVEL SPRING RANGE Supply Pressure, bar Supply Pressure, psig
SIZE 2 3 4 29 44 58
mm Inch B ar Psig Force, N Force, lbs
51 2 0.5 - 0.8 7 - 12 20,685 37,925 55,165 4,650 8,525 12,400
76 3 0.5 - 0.9 7 - 13 18,545 35,405 52,265 4,170 7,960 11,750
P 462
102 4 0.5 - 1.1 7 - 16 14,785 31,215 47,645 3,320 7,015 10,710
120 4 - 3/4 0.5 - 1.2 7 - 17 12,960 29,160 45,360 2,910 6,555 10,195
127 5 0.6 - 1.2 9 - 17 12,820 28,850 44,880 2,880 6,485 10,090
152 6 0.6 - 1.3 9 - 19 10,945 26,585 42,225 2,460 5,975 9,490
P462-200 165 6 - 1/2 0.6 - 1.4 9 - 20 9,260 24,700 40,140 2,085 5,550 9,020
178 7 0.6 - 1.5 9 - 22 7,620 22,860 38,100 1,710 5,140 8,565
203 8 0.6 - 1.6 9 - 23 5,960 20,860 35,760 1,340 4,690 8,040
51 2 1.1 - 1.9 16 - 28 --- 37,155 70,935 --- 8,350 15,945
76 3 1.1 - 2.3 16 - 33 --- 22,340 54,260 --- 5,020 12,200
P 900
102 4 1.2 - 2.4 17 - 35 --- 18,645 49,725 --- 4,190 11,180
120 4 - 3/4 1.2 - 2.6 17 - 38 --- 12,340 43,190 --- 2,770 9,710
Bulletin 61.1:3025
Table 3. Volumetric Casing Displacement
ACTUATOR VOLUME 51 76 102 120 127 152 165 178 203
3 3
Cm Casing volume, cm
P 462 8,600 17,900 22,500 27,100 30,500 --- --- --- --- ---
P460-200 17,400 --- --- --- --- 46,000 51,700 54,500 57,400 63,100
P 900 17,200 35,800 45,100 54,400 61,200 --- --- --- --- ---
TRAVEL, inches
Inch3 2 3 4 4-3/4 5 6 6-1/2 7 8
Casing Volume, inch3
P 462 522 1,089 1,373 1,657 1,862 --- --- --- --- ---
P460-200 1,062 --- --- --- --- 2,806 3,154 3,329 3503 3,852
P 900 1,050 2,186 2,755 3,323 3,735 --- --- --- --- ---
1. Clearance volume indicates casing volume at zero travel.
Bulletin 61.1:3025
Size P462 Actuator
BOSS w /o handw heel w ith handw heel
(w /o handw heel) (w ith handw heel)
mm b ar mm kg
0.6 - 1.2 1690 2510 220 320
127 0.8 - 1.9 1690 2510 235 335
1.5 - 2.8 1900 2720 280 380
0.6 - 1.3 1690 2510 220 320
152 0.8 - 2.1 1690 2510 235 335
1.5 - 3.0 1900 2720 280 380
0.6 - 1.4 1690 2510 220 320
3-9-16, 5
165 0.8 - 2.2 1690 2510 235 335
and 5H(1)
1.5 - 3.1 1900 2720 280 380
0.6 -1.5 1690 2510 220 320
178 0.8 - 2.3 1690 2510 235 335
1.5 - 3.3 1900 2720 280 380
0.6 - 1.6 1690 2510 220 320
203 0.8 - 2.5 1690 2510 235 335
1.5 - 2.5 1900 2720 280 380
Inches psig Inches lbs
9-17 66.5 98.8 485 705
5 12-28 66.5 98.8 515 735
22-41 74.8 107 615 835
9-19 66.5 98.8 485 705
6 12-30 66.5 98.8 515 735
22-44 74.8 107 615 835
9-20 66.5 98.8 485 705
3-9/16, 5
6-1/2 13-32 66.5 98.8 515 735
and 5H(1)
22-45 74.8 107 615 835
9-22 66.5 98.8 485 705
7 12-33 66.5 98.8 515 735
22-48 74.8 107 615 835
9-23 66.5 98.8 485 705
8 12-36 66.5 98.8 515 735
22-51 74.8 107 615 835
1. H = Heavy actuator to valve bolting.
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of their respective owners.
The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warrenties or
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