14 APRU2018 Developing and Testing
14 APRU2018 Developing and Testing
14 APRU2018 Developing and Testing
Parental digital security is an important aspect of keeping children safe online and of curbing poor
online behaviours among children. The existence of validated tools to measure parental digital
security is crucial to improve parents’ digital-security practices in the community. As a type of
protective behaviour, parental digital security can be explored based on e stablished protective
behavioural frameworks, including Protection Motivation Theory (PMT). The objective of this study
is to develop and test the psychometric properties of a novel parental digital -security (P-Dis)
questionnaire based on PMT among Malaysian parents. This study involved parents whom children
were both internet users. It used a method of developing an instrument that comprised three stages:
item development, scale development and psychometric-properties testing. A 51-item questionnaire
was produced that covered 9 factors reflecting the PMT domains. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
of these factors ranged from 0.79‒0.94. The factor analysis also showed that the 9 factors accounted
for 73.8% of the total variance. These findings indicated that the parental digital-security
questionnaire developed fulfilled its psychometric properties and is suitable for use by Malaysian
parents. Further research is needed to validate the questionnaire for other populations.
Keywords: parental digital security; questionnaire; validation; Protection Motivation Theory
adolescents. Parents can do this through appropriate and response costs related to a particular protective
parental digital-security practices. The existence of validated behaviour (Maddux and Rogers, 1983). Threat appraisal is
tools with which to measure parental digital security is based on susceptibility to risks, perceived vulnerabilities and
essential to assessing and understanding parents’ needs and maladaptive rewards related to not performing the
subsequently improving their digital-security practices protective behaviour (Maddux and Rogers, 1983). Although
regarding their children. generally PMT has been used to explain one’s own protection
However, very limited instruments are available for motivation, it has also been used to explain the motivation to
measuring parental digital-security practices, particularly in protect others. For instance, Nathanson (2001) applied PMT
the Malaysian context. The tools available were designed to understand parental mediation of children’s use of sexual
mainly in Europe and North America. In Asia, the majority and violent television, discovering that PMT was able to
of studies on digital security were found to originate in explain such protective behaviour by parents. Hence,
China, South Korea and Japan. The focus areas of these exploring parental digital-security practices based on PMT
studies also varied. Studies of parents’ online mediation can be valuable. Therefore, the objective of the present study
techniques varied in terms of the children’s age groups and was to develop and test the psychometric properties of a
the types of online behaviour included (Hwang and Jeong, parental digital-security (P-Dis) questionnaire based on
2015; Sonck et al., 2013; Nikken and Jansz, 2014). For PMT among Malaysian parents.
instance, Sonck et al. (2013) explored online mediation
technique in parents who had children aged 9‒16 years in the II. MATERIALS AND
Dutch context and excluded preschool children. Hwang et al. METHOD
(2017) focused on mediation techniques related to
smartphone use among children in Korea. Nikken et al.
The target population of this scale-development study was
(2014) developed scales for online mediation techniques for
Malaysian parents whom children were younger than 18
children aged 2‒12 years in Holland. None of these
years old and were all internet users. Three major stages were
researchers’ tools specifically addressed parents’ cognitive
involved in developing and testing the questionnaire’s
processes when adopting parental digital-security practices.
psychometric properties: item development, scale
Exploring these cognitive processes is crucial to
understanding parents and effecting behavioural changes development and psychometric properties evaluation. Item
(Willingham, 2007). Thus, there is a clear gap regarding the development involved item generation, content validation
existence of a tool to assess parental digital-security and translation. Scale development involved cognitive
practices that is culturally acceptable in the Malaysian debriefing and test-retest reliability. Testing the
context, covers general online activities, is suitable for psychometric properties involved testing the factor analysis
children and adolescents at all stages and examines parents’ and internal consistency of the questionnaire’s final version.
cognitive processes. Such a tool is essential, as the cyber- Figure 1 depicts these stages.
parenting field is not well understood and researched in the
Malaysian setting from parents’ perspectives (UNICEF
Malaysia, 2014).
As a type of protective behaviour, parental digital security
can be explored based on established protective behavioural
frameworks, including the Protection Motivation Theory
(PMT), which was developed by Rogers in 1975 and revised
by Maddux and Rogers (1983). PMT is a cognitive-based
theory that explains individual protective behaviour
(Maddux and Rogers, 1983). Central to the theory are two
cognitive processes that influence a person’s intention to
adopt a particular protective behaviour: coping appraisal
and threat appraisal (Maddux and Rogers, 1983). Coping Figure 1. Questionnaire-development stages in the present
appraisals are determined by response efficacy, self-efficacy
ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, Special Issue 5, 2020 for APRU2018
ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, Special Issue 5, 2020 for APRU2018
In scale development, the mental processes and respondent obtained prior to data collection and the respondents’
burden were assessed by cognitive debriefing procedure, confidentiality was maintained throughout the study.
The scale’s psychometric properties were tested by particularly about digital-security practices (Section H). The
determining the factors through Exploratory Factor Analysis items for response cost (Section F) and maladaptive rewards
(EFA) and internal consistency of the questionnaire’s final (Section G) were derived from the responses about barriers to
version. This test was conducted using 316 parents. The digital-security practices.
recruitment process collected the parents’ demographic In the subsequent two-round content-validation process,
profiles and the self-reported measures that they use. To all items for the respective sections were deemed relevant by
produce the final version of the questionnaire, factors were all the experts in the first round, meaning that individual
extracted using principal axis factoring and the Promax items had CVIs > 0.8 and that each section had an overall CVI >
rotation method (Worthington and Whittaker, 2006). Items 0.9. However, the clarity scores for Sections B and C did not
with a factor load of < 0.4 or having cross-loading issues were meet the threshold. Four items (B1, B2, B4 and B7) had I-
removed and re-analysed (Hair et al., 2010). The reliability of CVIs < 0.8 (0.67).
the final version of the questionnaire was measured using The overall CVI for Section B was 0.81. In Section C, three
inter-item correlation, corrected item-total correlation and items (C2, C4 and C7) had I-CVIs < 0.8 (0.67). The overall
Cronbach’s alpha. Values > 0.3 for the corrected item-total CVI for Section C was 0.83. After the first round of content
correlation (Cristobal et al., 2007) and > 0.7 for the validation, two additional items were created: B8 and C8.
Cronbach’s alpha were acceptable (Cortina, 1993). After additional adjustments were made based on the first
This study was registered in the National Medical Research round, the second round of content validation found I-CVIs
Register (NMRR) as number NMRR-17-3093-39434 (IIR). of 1 and overall CVIs of 1 for all domains regarding clarity
Ethical clearance was obtained from the Medical Research (Table 3). By the end of the content validation process, 54
and Ethics Committee (MREC), Ministry of Health Malaysia items had been generated. Table 4 contains the constructs,
and the University Malaya Research Ethics Committee the item numbers and the actual items.
ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, Special Issue 5, 2020 for APRU2018
ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, Special Issue 5, 2020 for APRU2018
A child is exposed to online content that promotes hate, extreme views or terrorism.
Perceived self- I am confident in discussing and giving advice to my child about online safety.
efficacy (How
much do you agree I am confident in my knowledge about keeping my child safe online.
or disagree with D2
the following
I am comfortable with using the internet together with my child.
statement?) D3
I am confident in imposing rules on internet use on my child.
I am confident in using filtering and monitoring software (parental control applications).
I am comfortable with restricting my child to using the internet only when I am around.
I am confident in checking my child’s online activities after my child has been online.
Perceived response Discussing online safety with my child will keep him/her safe online.
efficacy (How
much do you agree Having the appropriate knowledge will keep my child safe online.
or disagree with E2
the following
Using the internet together with my child will keep him/her safe online.
statement?) E3
Imposing internet rules on my child will keep him/her safe online.
Using filtering and monitoring software (parental control applications) will keep him/her safe online.
Restricting my child to using the internet only when I am around will keep him/her safe online.
Checking my child’s online activities after he/she has used the internet will keep him/her safe online.
Perceived response F1 Discussing online safety with my child is troublesome for me.
cost (How much
do you agree or F2 It takes a lot of effort to acquire appropriate knowledge about online safety.
ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, Special Issue 5, 2020 for APRU2018
F5 Ensuring that filtering and monitoring software (parental control applications) are working can be troublesome
for me.
F6 Restricting my child to using the internet only when I am around requires a lot of effort.
F7 Checking my child’s online activities after he/she has been online requires a lot of effort.
Perceived G1 Not discussing online safety with my child will help to make him/her more independent.
reward (How much Allowing my child to use the internet on his/her own will enable me to focus on my own interests.
do you agree or
disagree with the G3 Not imposing internet rules on my child will make him/her happy.
By not putting up filtering and monitoring software (parental control applications), my child can use the
G4 internet freely.
By not checking my child’s online activities after he/she is online, I am respecting his/her rights.
Parental digital- Discuss online safety with your child.
security practice
(How often do Have conversations with your child about how to handle unknown people online.
you) H2
Discuss with your child how to protect personal information online.
Have conversations on what to do if he/she is bullied or harassed online.
Use the internet together with your child.
Tell your child when/how long to use the internet.
Tell your child which websites/social networks he/she can visit.
Tell your child what he/she can and cannot do online.
Ensure that filtering and monitoring software (parental control applications) are present.
Restrict your child to using the internet only when you are present.
Check the websites that your child has visited.
Check which friends or contacts your child has added to a social networking profile.
ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, Special Issue 5, 2020 for APRU2018
and that the items were suitable to be factorised. Using Table 5. Factor Analysis and Internal Consistency of
Respondents’ Sociodemographic Characteristics
parallel analysis (Timmerman and Lorenzo-Seva, 2011), nine
factors were recommended to be extracted. The items were
rotated, and factor loadings were examined for poor loading
or cross-loading. Item G1 had poor loading and was deleted.
Then, the remaining 51 items were rotated again. The rotation
extracted 9 factors, accounting for 73.8% of the shared
variance. Examination of the pattern matrix revealed no
items that had poor factor loading or cross-loading issues.
Items B1‒B8 were loaded under a domain labelled ‘perceived
susceptibility’. Items C1‒C8 were loaded together and
labelled ‘perceived severity’. Items D2‒D7 were loaded under
a domain labelled ‘perceived self-efficacy’. Items E1‒E7 were
loaded together under a domain labelled ‘perceived response-
Items F1, F4 and F5 were loaded together and labelled
‘perceived psychology cost’. Items F2, F3, F6 and F7 were
loaded under a domain labelled ‘perceived tangible cost’.
Items G2‒G5 were loaded together under a domain labelled
‘perceived maladaptive reward’. Items H1‒H4 were loaded
together under a domain labelled ‘discursive digital security
practice’, and items H5‒H11 were loaded together and
labelled ‘control digital security practice’ (Table 6).
ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, Special Issue 5, 2020 for APRU2018
A child is exposed to online content that promotes hate, extreme views or terrorism.
C8 0.93
Perceived self-efficacy (How I am confident in my knowledge about keeping my child safe online.
D2 0.78
much do you agree or
disagree with the following I am comfortable with using the internet together with my child.
statement?) D3 0.56
I am confident in imposing rules on internet use on my child.
D4 0.91
I am confident in using filtering and monitoring software (parental control applications).
D5 0.67
I am comfortable with restricting my child to using the internet only when I am around.
D6 0.68
I am confident in checking my child’s online activities after my child has been online.
D7 0.54
Perceived response efficacy Discussing online safety with my child will keep him/her safe online.
E1 0.87
(How much do you agree or
disagree with the following Having the appropriate knowledge will keep my child safe online.
statement?) E2 0.91
Using the internet together with my child will keep him/her safe online.
E3 0.75
Imposing internet rules on my child will keep him/her safe online.
E4 0.94
Using filtering and monitoring software (parental control applications) will keep him/her
E5 safe online. 0.80
Restricting my child to using the internet only when I am around will keep him/her safe
E6 online. 0.70
Checking my child’s online activities after he/she has been online will keep him/her safe
E7 online. 0.70
Perceived psychological cost F1 Discussing online safety with my child is troublesome for me.
(How much do you agree or 0.65
disagree with the following F4 Ensuring that my child follows internet rules is troublesome for me. 0.85
F5 Ensuring that filtering and monitoring software (parental control applications) are working 0.81
can be troublesome for me.
Perceived tangible cost (How F2 It takes a lot of effort to acquire appropriate knowledge about online safety.
much do you agree or
disagree with the following F3 It takes a lot of effort to use the internet together with my child.
*effort refers to attempts to ensure using the internet together with your child (e.g. arranging 0.89
daily routines or setting up a calendar to schedule time to use the internet together).
F6 Restricting my child to using the internet only when I am around requires a lot of effort.
*effort refers to attempts to ensure that your child uses the internet only when a parent is 0.76
around (e.g. rules allowing use of devices only in common areas of the house).
F7 Checking my child’s online activities after he/she has been online requires a lot of effort.
Perceived maladaptive Allowing my child to use the internet on his/her own will enable me to focus on my own
reward (How much do you G2 interests. 0.65
agree or disagree with the
following statement?) Not imposing internet rules on my child will make him/her happy.
G3 0.83
By not putting up filtering and monitoring software (parental control applications), my
G4 child can use the internet freely. 0.76
ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, Special Issue 5, 2020 for APRU2018
By not checking my child’s online activities after he/she has been online, I am respecting
G5 his/her rights. 0.52
ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, Special Issue 5, 2020 for APRU2018
costs, including time and physical action. Both ‘perceived trust in their children and their levels of understanding and
tangible cost’ and ‘perceived psychological cost’ can be information on internet-based devices (Meehan S., 2016).
treated as formative components of ‘perceived response cost’, Parental control mediation is similar to ‘control digital
based on theoretical argument and content validation. From security’ in the present study, and ‘parental experience’ is
the theoretical aspect, PMT shares certain similarities with reflected in the present study’s ‘discursive digital security’
another cognitive-based model, the Health Belief Model practice. Hence, the formation of these two factors is
(Prentice-Dunn and Rogers, 1986). Rogers et al. explicitly justifiable based on the literature and the validation of the
mentioned that the component of response cost was content by experts. Overall, the factors that emerged from the
equivalent to the model’s perceived barriers (Prentice-Dunn feedback received from both experts and parents were
and Rogers, 1986). Perceived barriers in the model were deemed sufficient to understand parental digital-security
defined as ‘Beliefs about the tangible and psychological costs practice, and the items were relevant and well received by
of the advised action’ (Glanz et al., 2008). Hence, this parents.
definition supports the argument that ‘perceived This study has some strengths that merit highlighting. First,
psychological cost’ and ‘perceived tangible cost’ are in line this is the first validated questionnaire that measures
with the underlying theoretical definition and justify being parental digital-security practices from the well-established,
labelled as such. ‘Discursive digital security practice’ was cognitive-based PMT in the Malaysian context. The
labelled as such because the items that loaded into this factor development of the questionnaire was based on best practices
reflected active and discussion-based actions. ‘Control digital and underwent comprehensive measures from item
security practice’ was named as such because the items that development and scale development to testing the
loaded into this factor reflected a common theme of exertion psychometric properties. The questionnaire produced is dual
of power and authority by parents in performing the actions. language, increasing its potential for use among the
Based on content validity, the experts agreed that the items Malaysian population.
forming these two factors reflected digital-security practices Although the P-Dis questionnaire fulfilled its psychometric
in general. The literature also supports the grouping of these properties, there are a few limitations to the questionnaire
two types of digital-security practices. Wisniewski et al. have that need to be highlighted. The majority of the parents who
described two types of parental mediation practices regarding participated were from the central region of Malaysia, and
social media use by their children: direct and active hence the study’s findings might not represent the parent
mediation (Wisniewski et al., 2015). According to the authors, populations in other regions of Malaysia. Similarly, although
direct interventions include actions taken by parents to there were respondents from lower social statuses, the
directly intervene in their children’s social media use, majority of the respondents were had higher levels of
including applying rules and restrictions (Wisniewski et al., education and employment. Therefore, the questionnaire’s
2015). Active mediation applies when parents take actions validity needs to be replicated in other regions of Malaysia
that include talking to their children but not attempting to and with certain population demographic characteristics,
directly control their social media use (Wisniewski et al., including lower social statuses. Nevertheless, this study
2015). These two types of digital-security practices described provides a significant initial step toward introducing a
by Wisniewski et al. (2015) are similar to the ‘discursive validated instrument regarding parental digital-security
digital security’ and ‘control digital security’ practices in the practices in the Malaysian setting.
present study. A qualitative study by Meehan (2016) also
highlighted two types of parental mediation strategies for V. CONCLUSION
managing children’s use of internet-connected devices:
control and parental experience. Parental control mediation The 51-item P-Dis questionnaire underwent robust steps in
includes ‘covert and overt strategies and tactics’, whereas its development and was proved to fulfil its psychometric
parental experience is associated with the level of parents’
ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, Special Issue 5, 2020 for APRU2018
properties. As such, the questionnaire can be used in future for parents and that efficiently improve their understanding
research, particularly that involving the Malaysian and knowledge of cyber-parenting in general.
population. For example, the questionnaire can be used to
understand the role of parental digital-security practices VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
regarding certain online behaviours concerning public health,
including cyberbullying and internet addiction. In practical The authors would like to thankfully acknowledge the support
terms, the questionnaire’s ability to identify the factors and shown by collaborative actions by Cyber Security Malaysia,
practices used by parents to keep their children safe online the University of Malaya and Ministry of Health Malaysia,
may help stakeholders provide interventions that are suitable which made this study a success.
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