Yangon University of Economics Department of Commerce: Supervised By: Submitted by
Yangon University of Economics Department of Commerce: Supervised By: Submitted by
Yangon University of Economics Department of Commerce: Supervised By: Submitted by
Department of Commerce
M.Com & M.Act Programme
This proposal submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master
of Commerce
July, 2020
Rationale of the Study
Objectives of the Study
Scope and Method of the Study
Organization of the Study
Conceptual Framework of Previous Study
Conceptual Framework of the study
Chapter (1)
Hospitality industry is the one which is the front end of the service industry sector and
from which the customers request for the better service. This shows that the hospitality
industry is ahead of any other business in understanding the customer relationship
management. As the hotels, their hospitality backbone is composed of customer service. The
standards of services and facilities offered from the hotel combine with the use of the
technology, environmental services, prices, market segments, regional preferences, and so on.
Most of the top hotels become to have their own websites and it proves that they use
technological advances for the customer relationship management.
Customer relationship management (CRM) is composed of the information technology
with marketing and it is a management strategy accepted in most of the companies
worldwide. It is a broadly recognized strategy for the activities of management and nurturing
the company’s interactions with their customers and prospects in sales. The general goals of
using the CRM practices are to find, attract and gain new clients, nurture and retain them and
to reduce the costs of marketing and client service. The CRM practices can denote the
business strategy of the company. If the practices are effective, the people, the processes, and
the technology all work together to develop profitability, and reduce the costs of operation.
Organizations become aware that customers are the basic for their existence. For that
reason, they are willing to maintain them, and they seek to build the relationship with their
customers since CRM is very important to gain their long-term goals, and the success of the
organizations to achieve their goals depends mainly on the efficiency of the management of
their relation with their customers (Nguyen, 2007).
This study shows the survey on the three resorts with different rates by focusing on
their customer relationship management and their rates. The impact of those practices on the
satisfaction of the employees working in those resorts are asked. Since most of the businesses
pay attention to the customer relationship management based on the concept of building good
relationship with their customers, there have little attention to their employees. The main aim
of this study is to compare the results of the impact of CRM practices on the employees’ job
satisfaction since employees play an important role in the whole process of the business to
get success in long term.
1.1. Rationale of the Study
Customer relationship management activities are widely used in the hotel industry
because customers are regarded as the basic of the success of the business. However, the
employees’ job satisfaction and retention can be greatly influenced because of those
practices. Since employees are the key sources of the organizational processes and they play
an important role in performing those practices, their satisfaction on those practices are
explored in this study. Whether there is the retention rate increased because of those practices
has been the main theme of this research.
In these days, the hotel industry has been popular among the business people. According
to the increase in world population and the travellers, hotels have to be used for different
purposes. Although there are a lot of hotels in a local country, their reputations and ranks are
different. Since the customer relationship is the very important matter not only to welcome
the customers but also to retain the regular customers, it has been necessary for the hotel
owners and management teams to improve the customer relationship of their hotel staff.
There can also be different other factors which make the customers feel like not going to
those hotels again or be as the loyal customers. Those factors can include the facilities of the
hotel, the limitations of the allowance, the durations and rates of the room, terms and policies
of the hotel and so on.
The effective CRM systems give the benefits to the organizations such as helping them to
determine their most profitable customers and establish the long-term relationship with them
by increasing the sales revenue of the organization, enabling the firms to customize and
personalize the products and services based on the needs, preferences and buying habits of
the customers, and providing the better customer service and support through the touch
points. There are three main types of CRM; namely: operational CRM, analytical CRM, and
collaborative CRM (Kukreja, 2020). Whether the selected resorts use those types of CRM
and the employees’ satisfaction on those practices and the retention on that are pointed out in
this research.
According to Morgan (2014), there are top ten factors for the employee job satisfaction as
the appreciation for the work, good relationships with the colleagues, good work-life balance,
good relationships with supervisors, company’s financial stability, learning and career
development, job security, attractive fixed salary, interesting job content, and company
values. In this research, whether those factors are influenced by the CRM practices and the
retention of the customers are measured based on it.
1.4. Organization of the Study
There are five chapters for the fully research of this study. Chapter one is the
introduction with the rationale of the study, objectives of the study, scope and method of the
study, organization of the study. Chapter two describes the theoretical background, and
conceptual framework. In chapter three, the profiles of the selected resorts and the research
methodology are presented. In chapter four, the findings of the research are included, and
chapter is for the discussion of the findings. Conclusion with the recommendations and
suggestions are followed as the final part. Then, questionnaire form is attached at the back of
the book and there is also the reference lists and the links of the websites referred in studying
the previous studies and theories of the related researches.
1.5 Conceptual Framework of Previous Study
Figure 1: The Linkages between CRM Dimensions and Employee Job Satisfaction
1.6 Conceptual Framework of the Study
Based on the objectives of the research, and the theories of the relationship of the
CRM practices and the employees’ job satisfaction, the conceptual framework for the
research is built as follows;
-company values
Kukreja. S. (2020). Customer Relationship Management. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed 13 July 2020].
Morgan, J. (2014). The Top 10 Factors For On-The-Job Employee Happiness.
[Online] Available at:
Nugen, Tnayuen. Et al. (2007). Strategies for Successful CRM implementation,
Information Management and Computer security, Vol. 15 No. 2, 2007, PP. 102-