Conflict Chaps 1&2

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CHAPTER | INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW has been defined as the “rules and principles dealing with the conduct of states and of izations and with their relations inter se, as well ‘as with some of their relations with persons, whether natural or juridical.”' It includes not only questions of right between nations but also questions concerning “the rights of persons within the territory and dominion of one nation, by reason of acts, private or public, done within the dominions of another nation.” International law is therefore that br the relationship of states as well as the rel: different states. It has a public character when international subjects are involved and a private character when individuals, domestic laws, or local events intermingle with each other necessitating a determination of the applicable law. Thus, international law has both a public side as well as a private side to ch of law that deals with ‘An example of public international law is when two or more countries have territorial disputes that are governed by international treaties or conventions. For private international law, it usually comes into play when the laws of State A are different with the laws of State B, or when there is an invocation of the doctrine of forum non conveniens. "Section 101 of the Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law of the United as (Third) ign Relations Law oft "Hilton v. Guyot, 159 US. 113. Scanned with CamScanner Branches of International Law International law has two branches: 1, Public international law — governs ¢) he states and international entities, “elationship g 2. Private international law — comprehends |, internati laws regy private interactions across national frontier, otite with confict of laws among the laws of two or sao tt and necessitates a determination of which manne applies to a ease, The objective is the harmonia tt * the laws of several states whenevi situation exists, al cence Distinctions between Public and Private International Law - ae " Public international law is bi ventions, inter , the general princi recognized by civilized nations, and judicial ease teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the ve ; nations.* Private international law, on the other hand, is aed on domestic and municipal laws, which includes the constitution ted statutes adopted by al countries, Public internat the h : t ch is not nece the t necessarily the euse ased on internations} As to subjects, 1 international law has states and izations as subje he other hand, private ational ee ha ations ts subjects, On tho other han, pia iduals and corporations us subjects therwl Abdullahi v. Pfizer 562 F.3d 163 (2d Cir, 2009) INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW test patients as some died while others became blind, paralyzed, or brain-damaged. Abdullahi and other plaintiffs sued Pfizer under the Alien Tort Statute CATS’) before a United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. They alleged that Pfizer violated international law for non-consensual medical experimentation. Pfizer moved to dismiss for failure to under the ATS and on the basis of forum non conveniens, The district court granted the motion on the ground that plaintiffs failed to identify a source of international law that “providefs] proper predicate for jurisdiction under the ATS.” The court justified its decision on the ground that “al cause of action for Pfizer's failure to get any consent, informed or otherwise before performing medical experiments on the subject children would expand customary international law far beyond that contemplated by the ATS.” With respect to forum non conveniens, the court held that “plaintiffs had failed to submit specific evid alternate forum,” P I Jaw on non-consensi Scanned with CamScanner CONFLICT OF LAWS ‘A. The Prohibition of Nonconsens, Experiment ual yy icy re premis ce of a norm of customary ‘nteredr ut ing medical experimentation on non-qott! lay rmine whether this prop rtitt -pted norm of Stata we the curren sare identifies the authorities that provide “eer, of the content of cus mary internatior sources consist of: tional conventions, ir, establishing rules express] contesting stat whether general o- ly recognized by the (&) international custom, Practice accepted as law; © the a8 evidence of a general eral principles of law recognized by I decisions and thi ‘est Highly qualified publicste of the aro ‘ubsidiary means for the determination of ra ‘The appellants gro i Of interational law that careron segmentation on non-consenting es Deiat cut Bhyicans wo should Consent to pace “olunteer of red by the vorunitical Services -CloMee luntary igo OMS: : . which require “the and () Article 7 of gotsent of [a] prospective subject International Covenant on Civil ey ie ital) SAT AE ee INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW 6 Political Rights CICCPR"), which provides that “no ana shall be subjected without his fre consent to medical or scientific experimentation.” xxx forego a more extensive examination of whether treaties, international agreements, or State practice have ripened ‘of nonconsensual medical experimentation with such an examination. i. Universality ‘The appellants must allege the violation of a norm of customary international law to which States universally 42 US, at 732, 124 S.Ct. 2739; at 117. The prohibition on nonconsens experimentation on human beings meets this standard because, among other reasons, it is specific, focused and ‘accepted by nations around the world without significant exception. ‘The evolution of the prohibition into a norm of customary international law began with the war crimes trials at Nuremberg. The United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and France “acting in the interest of all the United Nations,” established the International Military Tribunal CIMT) through entry into the London ‘Agreement of August 8, 1945. According to the Charter, against humanity, ‘The IMT tried 22 “major” Nazi war criminals level” war criminals, including “[lJeading 1d leading German industrialists,” to be Scanned with CamScanner CONFLICT OF LAWS ‘dical experiment without the subjects’ consent. Among the nonconsensual experiments that the tribunal cited as a basis for their wundice, typhus, smallpox, and cholera. Seven of the convicted doctors were sentenced to death and the remaining eight were sentenced to varying terms of imprisonment. ‘The judgment concluded that “[mJanifestly human experiments under such conditions are contrary to the principles of the law of nations as they result from usages established among civilized peoples, from the laws of humanity, and from the dictates of public conscience." The Code created as part of the tribunal's judgment therefore emphasized as its first principle that “[tJhe voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” ‘The American tribunal's conclusion that action that contravened the Code's first principle constituted a crime against humanity is a lucid indication of the international legal significance of the prohibition on Tonconsensual medical experimentation. As Justices of the Supreme Court have recognized, “(t]he medici ls at Nuremberg in 1947 deeply impressed upon the world {hat experimentation with unknowing human subjects Sranatally and legally unacceptable.” United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669, 687, 1 Ed.2d 550 098m) . 107 S.Ct. 3054, 97 LI Hum #255: the draft International Covenants on ights was revised to add a second sentence 10 RNATIONAL LAW sal experi te actors, or state and lawsiseontined by Article 2 of the accord, which ce via ey et ey powerful evidence of the proh international law. Medical Association adopted which enunciated standards: formed consent from human subjects ch combined with professional cre,“ at all posible, consistent. with patient psychology, the doctor should obtain the patient's freely given consent after the patient has been given a full explanation,” and that non-therapeutic clinical research on a person “cannot be undertaken without his. free consent, after he has been fully informed.” World Med. Ass'n, Declaration of Helsi Code of a of the World Medical Association, art. GA. Rees. Scanned with CamScanner CONFLICT OF LAWS, researchers “obi consent, preferably Although the since the 1960s, medcentral.nih. gov/picrende; vpe=pdf. The Declaration hes imes. The inform ‘any research on human bein, must be adequately informed of the ited benefits and potential risks Di tself is non-binding, es to regulate human four the States, require the informed consent of human subjects in medical researc That the norm nduct has been the and of itself proof of a of this norm into the of others is a powerful tion, where, as here, states have of mutual concern by including it in a variety of international accords, trates that from its origins with loctors at Nuremburg through its international conventions, agreements, and domestic laws and regulations, the ‘nonconsensual medical experimentation jects has become firmly embedded and versal acceptance in the community of for ATS purposes, see Dissent at 200-02, we reach this conclusion as a re, Sources—including in of our review of the multiplicity of ternational conventions, whether INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW. ° general or particular, and international custom as ternational agreements, declarations fern of action by national law-making rr precedent requires us to examine for the purpose of determining the existence of a norm of customary international law. ii, Specificity Sosa requires that we recognize causes of action only to enforce those customary international law norms lefinite [in] content...than the historical when (the ATS] was enacted.” Sosa, 542 US. , 124 S.Ct, 2739. The norm probibiting nonconsensual medical experimentation on human subjects meets this requirement. ‘The Nuremberg Code, Article 7 of the ICCPR, the Declaration of Helsinki, the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, the 2001 Clinical Trial experiments on human beings without their consent, thereby providing concrete content for the norm. iii, Mutual Concern ‘As we have seen, States throughout the world have entered into two express and binding international agreements prohibiting nonconsensual medical experimentation: the ICCPR and the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. The entry of over 160 States into these agreements and the European Union's passage of the 2001 Clinical Trial Directive demonstrates that States have not only acted independently to outlaw le, non-consensual drug testing on humans, y have also acted in concert to do so. In other words, acting out of a sense of mutual concern, “the nations [of the world] have made it their business, bo through international accords and unilateral action,” to eliminate conduct of the demonstrate their intention to type alleged in the complaints. Scanned with CamScanner CONFLICT OF LAWS For these reasons, we hold that the appellants hay pled facts sufficient to stato a cause of action unde pare ‘the norm was legally been no singe sours recogni dining on the United States and created a private cat of action, it could not infer such a right under the 7S, Presumably, on this basis, it si ta fue there was no subject claims. Under Sosa, of sources that we are reqi customary international law norm that is su specific, universally accepted, and obligatory for cou recognize a cause of action to enforce the norm. Nothing in Son suggests that th nguiry canbe halted if some of the so international law giving rise to the norm are found not tobe binding or not to explicitly authorize Il. Forum Non Conveniens As an alternative to dismissal for failure to state im under the ATS, the district court dismissed the ssue on appeal. Ordinarily, we review a forui ‘non conveniens dismissal for abuse of discretion. Although we are not now called uj iti is and remained unsettled in this case, P analysis set forth v. United Te (24 it 2001) (en bane) appce In ce mis and presently ay not appropriat ble alternative forum INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW n forum in which defendants are amenable to service A fora 3 ch pits itgation of the dete Generally adequate. Such a forum may nevertheless be semquate if it does not permit the reasonably prompt iajudication of a dispute, if the forum is not present f the forum provides a remedy 60 or if factory or inadequate that itis tantamount remedy at all. ‘The defendant bears the burden of establishing that a rd adequate alternative forum exists, ‘balance of private and public interest factors in favor of the alternative forum. Absent @ yuacy by a plaintiff, “con: ns judgin, quality of foreign wie the plaintiff bears ¢) evi delay or lack of due pi the foreign et burden of of corruption, forum, the defendant bears the persuasion as to the adequacy of the Foreign Element ‘The most important component of a conflicts of law problem is the presence of a foreign element. A foreign element is anything which is not domestic and has a foreign component to it. It can be a foreigner, a foreign corporation, an incident happening in a foreign country, oF a foreign law chosen by the parties. Without a foreign tlement, the case is only a domestic problem with no conflicts dimension. Saudi Arabian Airlines v. Court of Appeals* explained the concept of foreign element, thus: ‘A factual situation that cuts across terri ce social and economic ions are rarely confined foreign element jirth or conception. affairs of individuals and to the geographic limits of t "GR. No 122101, October 8, 1998, Scanned with CamScanner 2 CONFLICT OF Laws ‘The forms in which this foreign element may appear are many. The foreign element may simply consist in the fact that one of the parties to a contract is an alien or has « foreign domicile, or that a contract between nationals of one ‘uated in another State. In other ‘cases, the foreign element may assume a complex form, In a case where two parties enter into a lease contr: Property located locally, it ean be said that ute. However, when two parties enter into a sales agreement xx cnline purchase from a merchant located overseas, this can be racterized as involvi arises between the pai of the buyer, or that of the place of business, of the merchant. WwW f question as to the applicable law as several foreign ‘implicated. Phases in Conflicts Resolution ‘There are three phases in the resolution of a conflicts of law problem. These phases are jurisdiction, choice of law, and recognition and enforcement of judgments, Jurisdiction concerns the authority cf a court of law to take cognizance of a ease, choice of law refers to the applicable law to the problem, and recognition and enforcement concerns the enforcement of foreign laws and judgments in another jurisdiction. These phases are important for purposes of determining ‘heapplicable theories of law as well as the defenses available thereto. ‘These three pl defense in one ph the doctrines of lex not grounds to ques es are separate from each other and a not a defense in other phases. For example, i celebrationis and lex loci contractus are ion the jurisdiction of the court. In like ‘manner, the defense of forum non conv defense to choice of law disputes, Th the real issues in a conflicts problem purpose of utilizing NS APPropriate approach to a contractual dispute, Othersine ine use of certain theories ina conficte situation may be daesed improper. INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW. Hasegawa v. Kitamura G.R. No. 149177, November 23, 2007 r Nippon Engineering C Facts: Pet Ltd. (Nippon ractor Agreement CICA’) wi startingon April 1, 1999. Nippon then assigned respondent to work as the project manager in various projects in the Philippines. : Jn February 28,2000, petitioner's general ma aaa tosepuee Gnformed respondent that ger be renewing his IC: be utilized only until March that respondent's contract was for pon insist 1 fixed term that had already expired. Respondent subsequently sued petitioners formance and damage: ial Court of Lipa City. Pel the complaint for lack of claim for improper pre-t A could only be heard and ventilated in the proper courts of Japan folowing the principles of lex toe celebrationis and lex contracts. The lower court denied the motion to dismiss, decision which was affirmed by the Court of Appeals "CA, The CA held that the principle of lx loci celebrations was not applicable to the ease, because nowhere in the pleadings was the ‘written agreement put in issue. The CA Upheld the tomer cour aplication ofthe principle of ex loci solutionis. ' ; Issue: Whether the subject matter jurisdiction of ine cours in civil eases may be assailed on the in Jo of ex le celebrations lex contracts, te sae of the most significant relationship rule, oF conveniens? Held: No. They the jurisdiction of P asserting thi of respondent's improper grounds for questioning ippine courts. 2 Scanned with CamScanner u CONFLICT OF LAWS. 1, To elucidate, in the judicial resol three consecutive phases are . choice of law, and recognition amd ents, Corresponding to these phi are the following questions: eae 7 ) Where can or shoul litigation be initiated? (2) Which law will the court ae and (3) Where can the resulting judgment be enforced?” lution of Wi the lex fori will often for one do not always pi le, the minimum contacts ide the necessary si fi contacts forthe ether. The question of wei neat of state can be applied to a transact jurisdyaition of whether the courts of that state have Jurisdiction to enter a judgment. oan 3. In this case, only the first i “re this case, onl phase is at issue: For alction. Jurisdiction, however, has various aspen For court to validly exercise its power to adjudeee or the magi it must have jurisdiction over the plaintiff & he petitioner, over the defendant or the respondent, Suez ihe subject matter, over the issues ofthe ease eye Bene cangtite Property, over the rs or the thing whinn is the subject of the lit a geeane : jurndrion here Rtn In asaling the trial cours subject matter usage tiOMerS are actully referring to 4. Jurisdiction over rae ; over the INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW fon to hear the subject for specific mance and damages is one not capable of pecuniary Pefinaton, and ia properly cognizable by the RTC of Lipa City. What they rather raise as grounds to question subject matter jurisdiction are the principles of lex loci celebrationis and lex contractus, and the state of the most, significant relationship rule. 6. The Court finds the invocation of these grounds ‘unsound. Lex loci celebrationis relates to the law of the place of the of the place where a contract is made. The doctrine of lex contractus or lex loci contractus means the law of the place where a contract is executed or to be performed. It controls the nature, construction, and validity of the contract and it ‘agreed upon by the toa dispute, the ‘the most substantial connection to the occurrence and the i . the court should consider where the contract was made, was negotiated, ‘was to be performed, and the domicile. place of business, or place of incorporation of the parties. This rule takes into account several contacts and evaluates them according to their relative importance with respect to the particular issue to be resolved. 7. Since these th make reference to thi ules proper for the se phase, the choice of law. They determine which state's law is to be applied in resolving the substantive issues of a conflicts problem. Necessarily, as the only issue in this case is that of jurisdiction, choice- of-law rules are not only inapplicable but also not yet called for. Scanned with CamScanner 8, Further, petitioners’ premature choice-f-law rules is exposed by the fact that they have not yet pointed out any conflict between the laws of Japan and ours. Before determining which law shoul ‘apply, first, there should exist a conflict of laws Mati requiring the application of the conflict of laws rules. Also, when the law of a foreign country is invoked to provide the proper rules forthe solution of a case, the existence of such law must be pleaded and proved. 7 9. It should be noted that when a conflicts case foreign element, is brought bofore a court there either because of lack of jurisdicti of {uration over the case @) assu me jrtadition over the case and apply the int the cae and ape the internal law of th foram: ce @) apply the law of some other State or Si r States, ut power to hear cases and controversies is rived trom the Constitution and the laws. While it may choose to recognize laws of foreign nations, the court is not limited y foreign sovereign law short of treat yrmal reaties or othe matters regarding rights provided by ve wr can the other ground raised, for pon convenient, be use to deprive the tral sour of te iuriton he not a proper basis for a ton 1, Rule 16 ofthe ules of Court a5 a ground, Second, whether Sut sll be otertaned or damned onthe vasis of be ldo ly upon the facts o Bartel cote and is addressed to the ound discretion FeaenngnheOurt In this case, the RTC decided to assume ned soot: Third the propriety of dismissing a case ple requires a factual determination; is more properly considered by law I case filed ed by petitioners to RODUCTION TO PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW re inappropriate, the tri risdiction a able Law olves identification of the issue in the problem. Ie is a process of spotting the legal 7-008 Me presented eth facts of the case. It is comparable 10 ® wast studying a yang the first time and who is trying to develen & theory of the case fan important step in this process is pinpointing the branch cree implicated by the problem. Is it contract, torts, citizenship, S After identifying the branch of law, the next step flicts of law problem by ‘Steps in Determining Applic yn, This Characteriza! succes Sill be determining whether there is a con! Tua pesence of a foreign element, Ifone is involved, he then ‘employs applicable confliets of law doctrines in det ig the applicable aera he just applies the rule, law, or jurisprudence prevailing in the forum. is made with respect to ing factors. Here, an analy’ which jurisdiction or fora has the most connection to the case ‘The Nationality of the parties, the location of the act or event, the terms Of the agreement or contract, and other matters are looked into to detoemine what legal system between two or more legal systems is applicable. The preparation of a checklist embodying these factors may be very helpful in identifying the applicable legal system. identified, the appli branch of law Once the legal system in that lege im will then be applied in resolving the dispute. Choice of Applicable Law Parties to a contract a1 re free to stipulate the applicable law that contractual relations. This proceeds from Article jhe contracting parties ‘are not contrary to law, y.” Once chosen, the of the parties to each other. It is not necessal be local law, so long as the choice of law does not vi Policy or the laws of the forum. 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