10-5 Understanding Software AG Products

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Understanding Software AG Integration & API

Products in the Cloud and On Premises


March 2020
This document applies to Software AG Products and to all subsequent releases.
Specifications contained herein are subject to change and these changes will be reported in subsequent release notes or new editions.
Copyright © 2020 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG USA, Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or
its affiliates and/or their licensors.
The name Software AG and all Software AG product names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Software AG and/or
Software AG USA Inc. and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates and/or their licensors. Other company and product names mentioned
herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Detailed information on trademarks and patents owned by Software AG and/or its subsidiaries is located at
Use of this software is subject to adherence to Software AG's licensing conditions and terms. These terms are part of the product
documentation, located at http://softwareag.com/licenses/ and/or in the root installation directory of the licensed product(s).
This software may include portions of third-party products. For third-party copyright notices, license terms, additional rights or
restrictions, please refer to "License Texts, Copyright Notices and Disclaimers of Third Party Products". For certain specific third-party
license restrictions, please refer to section E of the Legal Notices available under "License Terms and Conditions for Use of Software
AG Products / Copyright and Trademark Notices of Software AG Products". These documents are part of the product documentation,
located at http://softwareag.com/licenses/ and/or in the root installation directory of the licensed product(s).
Document ID: SAG-UNDR--20200320
Table of Contents

About this Guide........................................................................................................................................5

Document Conventions.....................................................................................................................6
Online Information and Support.....................................................................................................6
Data Protection...................................................................................................................................7

1 Quick Start................................................................................................................................................9
Application Integration, API Management, and B2B Integration in the Cloud Quick Start..10
Application Integration On Premises Quick Start.......................................................................10
API Management On Premises Quick Start.................................................................................11
B2B Integration On Premises Quick Start.....................................................................................12
Business Process Management On Premises Quick Start...........................................................12
On-Premises Cross-Product Tools Quick Start............................................................................14
Analytics & Decisions On Premises Quick Start..........................................................................14

2 Application Integration, API Management, and B2B Integration in the Cloud.......................17

Software AG Cloud..........................................................................................................................18
webMethods.io API..........................................................................................................................18
webMethods.io B2B..........................................................................................................................20
webMethods.io Integration.............................................................................................................21
Cloud Container...............................................................................................................................22
webmethods.io End-to-End Monitoring.......................................................................................23

3 Application Integration On Premises...............................................................................................25

Application Integrations..................................................................................................................26
Developing Application Integrations............................................................................................27
Developing and Testing Integration Server Assets Locally........................................................32
Executing Application Integrations...............................................................................................34
Monitoring Application Integrations............................................................................................35
Hosting and Delivering Microservices..........................................................................................35
Application Integration Examples.................................................................................................36

4 API Management On Premises..........................................................................................................39

API Management..............................................................................................................................40
Governing the API Design Life-cycle............................................................................................40
Governing and Securing API Runtime Execution.......................................................................40
Publishing APIs................................................................................................................................41

5 B2B Integration On Premises..............................................................................................................43

B2B Integration.................................................................................................................................44
Building, Managing, and Monitoring a Trading Network.........................................................45
Managing File Transfers..................................................................................................................47

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises iii
Table of Contents

6 In-Memory Data Management On Premises...................................................................................49

Terracotta Server Array...................................................................................................................50
Terracotta Management Console....................................................................................................50
Terracotta Cluster Tool.....................................................................................................................51

7 Business Process Management On Premises...................................................................................53

Intelligent Automation....................................................................................................................54
Designing Business Processes.........................................................................................................54
Implementing Business Process Models.......................................................................................55
Executing Business Processes.........................................................................................................60
Business Process Model Implementation Details........................................................................61
Developing Composite Applications............................................................................................63
Administering Business Processes.................................................................................................66
Monitoring Business Process Instances.........................................................................................67
Managing Business Processes and Tasks Using Role-Based Administration, Monitoring, and
Social Guidance................................................................................................................................68
Mobile Development........................................................................................................................69

8 Master Data Management On Premises...........................................................................................71

Master Data Management...............................................................................................................72

9 On-Premises Cross-Product Tools......................................................................................................75

Command Central............................................................................................................................76
Software AG Installer.......................................................................................................................76
Update Manager...............................................................................................................................76
Deployer and Asset Build Environment.......................................................................................77
Digital Event Services......................................................................................................................77

10 Analytics & Decisions On Premises................................................................................................79

Analytics & Decisions......................................................................................................................80
Visualizing Data...............................................................................................................................82
Mining Process Data and Analyzing Root Causes......................................................................82
Detecting and Analyzing Complex Patterns in Real Time.........................................................83
Making Predictions..........................................................................................................................85

iv Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
About this Guide
■ Document Conventions ................................................................................................... 6

■ Online Information and Support ...................................................................................... 6

■ Data Protection ................................................................................................................ 7

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 5
This guide describes Software AG products and how to use them to accomplish your goals.

Document Conventions
Convention Description

Bold Identifies elements on a screen.

Narrowfont Identifies service names and locations in the format folder.subfolder.service, APIs,
Java classes, methods, properties.

Italic Identifies:

Variables for which you must supply values specific to your own situation or
New terms the first time they occur in the text.
References to other documentation sources.

Monospace font Identifies:

Text you must type in.

Messages displayed by the system.
Program code.

{} Indicates a set of choices from which you must choose one. Type only the
information inside the curly braces. Do not type the { } symbols.

| Separates two mutually exclusive choices in a syntax line. Type one of these
choices. Do not type the | symbol.

[] Indicates one or more options. Type only the information inside the square
brackets. Do not type the [ ] symbols.

... Indicates that you can type multiple options of the same type. Type only the
information. Do not type the ellipsis (...).

Online Information and Support

Software AG Documentation Website

You can find documentation on the Software AG Documentation website at
http://documentation.softwareag.com. The site requires credentials for Software AG's Product
Support site Empower. If you do not have Empower credentials, you must use the TECHcommunity

Software AG Empower Product Support Website

If you do not yet have an account for Empower, send an email to empower@softwareag.com with
your name, company, and company email address and request an account.

6 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
Once you have an account, you can open Support Incidents online via the eService section of
Empower at https://empower.softwareag.com/.

You can find product information on the Software AG Empower Product Support website at

To submit feature/enhancement requests, get information about product availability, and download
products, go to Products.

To get information about fixes and to read early warnings, technical papers, and knowledge base
articles, go to the Knowledge Center.

If you have any questions, you can find a local or toll-free number for your country in our Global
Support Contact Directory at https://empower.softwareag.com/public_directory.asp and give us
a call.

Software AG TECHcommunity
You can find documentation and other technical information on the Software AG TECHcommunity
website at http://techcommunity.softwareag.com. You can:

Access product documentation, if you have TECHcommunity credentials. If you do not, you
will need to register and specify "Documentation" as an area of interest.

Access articles, code samples, demos, and tutorials.

Use the online discussion forums, moderated by Software AG professionals, to ask questions,
discuss best practices, and learn how other customers are using Software AG technology.

Link to external websites that discuss open standards and web technology.

Data Protection
Software AG products provide functionality with respect to processing of personal data according
to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Where applicable, appropriate steps are
documented in the respective administration documentation.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 7
8 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
1 Quick Start
■ Application Integration, API Management, and B2B Integration in the Cloud Quick
Start ................................................................................................................................ 10

■ Application Integration On Premises Quick Start .......................................................... 10

■ API Management On Premises Quick Start ................................................................... 11

■ B2B Integration On Premises Quick Start ...................................................................... 12

■ Business Process Management On Premises Quick Start .............................................. 12

■ On-Premises Cross-Product Tools Quick Start ............................................................... 14

■ Analytics & Decisions On Premises Quick Start ............................................................. 14

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 9
1 Quick Start

Application Integration, API Management, and B2B Integration

in the Cloud Quick Start
Product Lets you...

Software AG Cloud Cloud foundation for Software AG's cloud products and portal to those

webMethods.io API Cloud-hosted API Management-as-a-Service (MaaS) platform for securely

managing and exposing APIs to your developer and partner community.

webMethods.io B2B Cloud-hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product for defining

communication channels with trading partners in order to exchange business
documents electronically.

webMethods.io Cloud-hosted integration Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) product for automating

Integration tasks by connecting apps and services, such as Marketo, Salesforce, Paypal,
Cumulocity, Evernote, and Gmail.

webMethods Cloud Cloud-hosted product for deploying integration-related assets from an

Container on-premises Integration Server to the cloud for execution.

CloudStreams On-premises framework for building and using connectors that connect
software as a service (SaaS) providers such as Salesforce.com with on-premises
applications such as CRM and ERP.

End-to-End Cloud offering for monitoring business transactions from start to finish as
Monitoring they pass through Software AG's cloud products.

Application Integration On Premises Quick Start

Product Lets you...

Application Integration Development

Software AG Designer Design and test services that make up application integrations. Users can
collaborate using CentraSite as a shared database.

webMethods Adapters Convey data from external resources (for example, SAP, Siebel, PeopleSoft)
to Software AG products and vice versa.

EntireX Easily connect services that run on Integration Server to mission-critical

programs written in languages like COBOL or Natural.

ApplinX Enable web applications to access and integrate data and transactions
from core system applications without changing those applications.

Application Integration Local Development and Testing

10 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
1 Quick Start

Product Lets you...

Software AG Designer Eclipse-based graphical development tool. Develop application logic in

Java without having to use proprietary webMethods APIs. Develop
Integration Server packages locally as Eclipse projects; check package
elements and their supporting files in to and out of a version control
system (VCS) directly from Software AG Designer. Quickly assemble unit
tests to improve overall development quality without custom development.

Application Integration Execution and Monitoring

Integration Server Execute application integration services.

Integration Agent Light-weight Integration Server that provides a subset of Integration

Server functionality.

Universal Messaging Route application integration data from publishers to subscribers.

Monitor View clients that called services and service status, view service and
document status, and resubmit services and documents.

Optimize for Monitor system resources using KPIs. Define KPI evaluation rules, discover
Infrastructure trends in system behavior, and define actions to take in problem situations.
Find rules that were violated, resources that are out of or will go out of
compliance. Analyze historical KPI performance to find positive or
negative trends.

Application Integration Microservices

Microservices Runtime Host or deliver microservices as a package that includes a set of related
services, interfaces, document types, and triggers that subscribe to topics
or queues, or as a set of related packages of this kind.

API Management On Premises Quick Start

Product Lets you...

API Gateway Receive requests from consumer applications and forward them to API
providers, then return responses from providers to consumer applications.
Protect products and their applications, services, and data from malicious
attacks from external client applications.

API Portal Expose and consume APIs. Web-based, self-service portal through which to
securely expose APIs to external developers, partners, and other consumers
for use in their own apps.

CentraSite Provide design-time, governance, and run-time aspects of API management.

Insight Server Monitor and manage APIs.

Identify and isolate root cause of problems.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 11
1 Quick Start

Product Lets you...

Predict and prepare for the impact of planned changes.

Create and apply policy to monitor performance and enforce SLAs.

Detect rogue, ungoverned APIs.

B2B Integration On Premises Quick Start

Product Lets you...

Trading Networks Build and manage network in which trading partners (retailers,
manufacturers, suppliers, marketplaces) exchange electronic business
documents using automated processes.

eStandards Define industry-standard transport protocol, provide business document

Modules types, specify document exchange rules. Modules support B2B standards for
various industries (for example, manufacturing, financial, healthcare).

Optimize for B2B Monitor Trading Networks transactions in real time.

B2B Analytics Analyze Trading Networks partner transactions.

ActiveTransfer Manage transfer of business documents in the trading network.

ActiveTransfer Transfer files between the remote systems and the central hub that hosts
Agent ActiveTransfer Server.

Business Process Management On Premises Quick Start

Product Lets you...

Business Process Management Design, Implementation, and Execution

Software AG Designer Eclipse-based graphical development tool. Document the requirements

of the business process for implementors (for example, specify input and
output for process steps and how to handle errors, identity humans
involved in the process, list KPIs). Implement business process from
business process model. Develop services for use in business processes.
Develop business rules for use in business processes. Develop tasks for
use in business processes.

AgileApps Build and deploy process-driven application solutions. Application

Platform-as-a-Service (aPaaS) product.

Task Engine Find and manipulate tasks from services or other applications through

12 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
1 Quick Start

Product Lets you...

Integration Server Execute business processes and services.

Process Engine Control and direct execution of business processes.

Rules Engine Execute rules invoked by business processes or services.

Task Engine Execute tasks.

Business Process Management Composite Applications

Software AG Designer Design composite applications. Webpages in CAF and Business Console
gadgets can invoke services. Webpages can access and display data stored
in databases.

My webMethods Host composite applications.


Business Process Management Administration and Monitoring

Monitor View process instance status and KPIs; forecast process instance path;
stop, suspend, or resume process instances; and resubmit process steps.

Mobile Monitor View process instances, view and work on tasks from mobile device or

Task Engine Assign tasks, start, stop, suspend, resume, delete task instances.

Optimize for Process Monitor business processes, activities, events, and other business-related
data in real time. View and evaluate business data, define rules that trigger
alerts when problems arise.

Business Console Schedule and work on tasks, monitor process and task instances in real
time, view trending information about processes on social media, view
process analytics, view decision tables invoked by processes, and view
processes that include case applications.

Process Engine View, suspend, resume, stop, restart, or resubmit process instances; cancel,
skip, pause, or restart process steps; create, modify, or delete process
model stages; project process instance completion, and view average cycle

Mobile Business Collaborate on tasks and workflows, monitor process and task instances
Console in real time, and make time-critical decisions from mobile device or tablet.

Business Process Management Mobile Development

Software AG Designer Design a user interface and then generate Java code that displays the user
interface and responds to user-initiated events, such as clicking a button.
Code business logic separately from the user interface, in Java classes
created by Mobile Development.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 13
1 Quick Start

Product Lets you...

Mobile Designer Create mobile apps in Java and then automatically convert the apps for
any mobile device.

Mobile Support Create mobile data synchronization solutions that transfer data between
mobile devices and backend enterprise applications and resolve conflicts
that occur when backend data is updated by multiple sources at the same

On-Premises Cross-Product Tools Quick Start

Product Lets you...

Command Central Install, patch, configure, manage, and upgrade Software AG products;
create database components; and connect products to database components,
remotely from one location.

Software AG Installer Install Software AG products.

Software AG Update Install fixes and support patches on Software AG products and troubleshoot
Manager problems in Software AG product installations.

Deployer and Asset Deploy user-created assets that reside on source runtimes or repositories
Build Environment to target Software AG runtimes (for example, from servers in a development
environment to servers in a staging or production environment).

Digital Event Foundation for the event-driven architecture (EDA) that enables
Services and Software AG products to communicate using events.
Universal Messaging

Software AG Eclipse-based graphical development tool. Publish and monitor events.


Analytics & Decisions On Premises Quick Start

Product Lets you...

Apama Monitor rapidly moving event streams, detects and analyzes important
events and patterns of events, and immediately acts on events of interest
according to specifications.

ARIS Process Draw business process data from data sources (for example, databases,
Performance Manager trading partner data stores, third-party applications like SAP or Salesforce).

MashZone NextGen Visualize data from Software AG data sources (for example, databases,
XML files, Apama events, process instances) or from web feeds or web

14 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
1 Quick Start

Product Lets you...

Universal Messaging Deliver events from producers to consumers.

Zementis Predictive Execute predictive models built by machine learning and data mining
Analytics tools to make real-time predictions.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 15
1 Quick Start

16 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
2 Application Integration, API Management, and B2B
Integration in the Cloud
■ Software AG Cloud ........................................................................................................ 18

■ webMethods.io API ........................................................................................................ 18

■ webMethods.io B2B ....................................................................................................... 20

■ webMethods.io Integration ............................................................................................ 21

■ Cloud Container ............................................................................................................. 22

■ webmethods.io End-to-End Monitoring ........................................................................ 23

■ CloudStreams ................................................................................................................. 23

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 17
2 Application Integration, API Management, and B2B Integration in the Cloud

Software AG Cloud
Software AG's cloud products are hosted in the Software AG Cloud. Software AG Cloud is the
cloud foundation for Software AG's cloud products and the portal to those products. It offers
common cloud platform services such as identity, tenant, and environment management; a scalable
subscription model so you can grow at your own pace; and messaging and cloud storage. Software
AG Cloud supports infrastructure providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft
Azure. It supports LDAP and SSO, and is certified under ISO 27001 and the SOC2 Type II standard
for security and availability.

You enter Software AG Cloud through a single, easy-to-use portal, where you can sign up for free
trials of Software AG's cloud products. You can have multiple Software AG Cloud environments
(for example, one environment each for development, test, and production). Within each Software
AG Cloud environment, you can have one tenant for each Software AG cloud product you have

webMethods.io API
webMethods.io API is a Software AG Cloud-hosted API Management-as-a-Service (MaaS) platform.
webMethods.io API enables you to securely manage and expose APIs to your developer and
partner community.

webMethods.io API enables you to govern and secure the runtime execution of your APIs. You
can do the following:

Publish your APIs for consumption inside and outside your organization.

Define and enforce policies around aspects of runtime execution, such as user access, required
access protocol and keys, data masking, and so on.

18 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
2 Application Integration, API Management, and B2B Integration in the Cloud

Protect your APIs from unauthorized and malicious users, while also having full control and
visibility into who is accessing your APIs. The built-in approval process workflow lets you
manage third-party access requests.

Enforce standards and practices as every API moves through its life-cycle.

Define and track API versions. Multiple versions can co-exist, and older versions can be retired
over time.

Design and configure policies to be applied to your APIs at runtime.

Monetize your APIs by creating API plans and packaged offerings.

View usage statistics and dashboards to make sure your API service level agreements are met,
and to understand how your APIs are being accessed and used.

Monitor runtime performance and send alerts when performance conditions are violated,
optionally based on an SLA.

webMethods.io API offers a self-service portal that API providers and product managers can use
to collaborate with consumers. Developers have a place to discover, test, and sign up for your
APIs, and to publish REST and SOAP APIs. The developer portal is the public face of your API
offerings and enables you to create and grow your network of developers and partners. The portal
offers the capabilities described below.

You can customize the portal using logos, skins, corporate colors and fonts, and more; change
layouts for the portal landing page and API Gallery; and customize the portal’s privacy and
usage terms.

You can view statistics that provide information about which pages attract the most interest
and which APIs are the most popular so you can improve the portal experience and increase
API adoption.

API consumers can quickly find the APIs they need in the API Gallery or by running a simple
keyword search. webMethods.io API provides code samples with expected error/return codes
and descriptions so consumers can easily try out APIs.

API consumers can rate APIs, follow and un-follow updates to APIs, and participate in
discussions with other developers.

API consumers can upload, describe, and promote applications built using your published

webMethods.io API also offers a developer outreach program called API Engagement. API
Engagement helps API providers grow their API business and revenues. With API Engagement,
API providers can build an ecosystem in which to proactively promote, market, and launch APIs.
Developers are the organic evangelists for an organization to spread the word and make an API
provider more popular. With API Engagement, providers can engage the developer community
to foster collaboration, run campaigns, and evangelize API usage and adoption. For example, API
providers can do the following:

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 19
2 Application Integration, API Management, and B2B Integration in the Cloud

Create, manage, and judge API hackathons. An API hackathon is a design sprint-like event in
which developers, graphic designers, interface designers, project managers, and others
collaborate intensively to create a functioning product.

Conduct customized beta-programs for testing APIs in a beta state. API providers expose APIs
in API Engagement, and API consumers collaboratively test those APIs by building apps. The
API consumers then give feedback and raise defects.

webMethods.io B2B
webMethods.io B2B is aSoftware AG Cloud-hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product.
webMethods.io B2B enables enterprises to define communication channels with trading partners
in order to exchange business documents electronically. Business documents typically include
purchase orders, order statuses, purchase order acknowledgments, invoices, and other
domain-specific business documents. webMethods.io B2B supports XML and EDI, covering
hundreds of versions and more than 15,000 transaction definitions, including ANSI X12, EDIFACT,
VICS, EANCOM, and ODETTE, along-with AS2 and HTTP protocols. With webMethods.io B2B,
you can:

Quickly onboard trading partners, and centrally manage all partner details.

Exchange business documents on cloud or on premise.

Define rules that govern how to identify and process business documents.

Monitor all transactions that pass through webMethods.io B2B.

Integrate with webMethods.io Integration for orchestration using pre-defined applications.

20 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
2 Application Integration, API Management, and B2B Integration in the Cloud

webMethods.io Integration
webMethods.io Integration is a Software AG Cloud-hosted Integration Platform-as-a-Service
(iPaaS) product. webMethods.io Integration enables you to automate tasks by connecting apps
and services, such as Marketo, Salesforce, Paypal, Cumulocity, Evernote, and Gmail. It lets your
favorite apps exchange data and talk to each other seamlessly. With webMethods.io Integration,
you can create hybrid portfolios with applications and data that are located both on-premises and
in the cloud.

webMethods.io Integration offers two different user interfaces for two types of users:

Business users can create workflows. A workflow is a connection between two or more web
apps or services, and defines the steps of a recurring task that you want to automate. For an
example, you might create a workflow that is triggered by the creation of a new note in your
Evernote account, translates the note into Spanish using Google Translate Text, and then sends
the translated text to your Gmail account. webMethods.io Integration offers hundreds of web
services as well as pre-built workflow templates you can use as a starting point for your own
complex use cases. You can also import recipes to bootstrap your workflows faster. Workflows
run in containers.

Developers can create point-to-point integrations or complex integrations that orchestrate

among multiple endpoints. The webMethods.io Integration Flow Editor lets you create services,
documents, and other assets required by integration flows, and supports the use of conditions,
switches, looping, and custom actions. You can check your flows using debugging, execution
retry, and error handling features. You can automate the launching of your flows by creating
on demand, polling, or event-driven triggers.

webMethods.io Integration users can collaborate, governing projects using permission-based

folder access, versioning, and locking and unlocking to prevent unintended changes.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 21
2 Application Integration, API Management, and B2B Integration in the Cloud

webMethods.io Integration comes with hundreds of connectors to popular SaaS, on-premises, and
IoT apps. You can also use CloudStreams connectors with webMethods.io Integration, or use the
webMethods.io Integration Connector Builder Framework to develop your own connectors. In
your custom connectors, you can map fields, use pre-defined transformers for manipulating values
such as strings, dates, numerical values, and more, and create your own transformers using Node.js.

webMethods.io Integration administrators can define and administer users, including access rights,
and activate and deactivate workflows as needed. They can monitor workflow execution, set up
email-based alert rules to send notification of workflow errors, and review tenant audit and activity
logs for root cause analysis.

webMethods.io Integration also offers an add-on named webMethods.io Embed that provides an
SDK for creating workflows and integration flows your users can embed in their own applications.
For example, your HR department might create a workflow that downloads pre-travel approval
forms, uploads completed forms, and sends a notification of the outcome (approval, rejection,
error, and so on). Your employees could embed this workflow in their mobile devices.

Cloud Container
Cloud Container is a Software AG Cloud-hosted product that enables you to deploy on-premises
application integrations to the cloud for execution.

First you create solutions in your Cloud Container tenant. Each solution includes a landscape
comprising four Docker containers, orchestrated by Kubernetes, that will execute the deployed
application integrations. There is one Docker image for each of the following:

One or more Integration Server instances.

One Universal Messaging instance.

One or more BigMemory Max instances.

You then use Software AG Designer to deploy application integration-related assets such as
Integration Server, webMethods Adapter for JDBC, and CloudStreams services and documents
from an on-premises Integration Server into a solution. You can also deploy the on-premises
product configurations for use with the products in the solution's landscape, substituting variables
such as port numbers. You can then execute the application integrations on the cloud-hosted
Integration Servers.

22 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
2 Application Integration, API Management, and B2B Integration in the Cloud

For information on application integrations, Software AG Designer, Integration Server, Universal

Messaging, and BigMemory Max, see “Application Integration On Premises” on page 25.

webmethods.io End-to-End Monitoring

webmethods.io End-to-End Monitoring is a Software AG Cloud-hosted product that enables you
to monitor business transactions from start to finish as they pass through Software AG's cloud
products. It offers a dashboard on which you can see the business transactions list and associated
details such as overall transaction status, topology, transaction duration, and error rate. You can
create rules that define a set of conditions which, when met, indicate that a violation has occurred.
Rule violations trigger alerts in the form of an on-screen notifications, emails, or both.

CloudStreams is an on-premises framework that enables you to build and use connectors that
connect software as a service (SaaS) providers such as Salesforce.com with on-premises applications
such as CRM and ERP. CloudStreams comes with pre-built connectors.

You use Software AG Designer to develop CloudStreams connectors. The table below describes
the types of connectors you can develop.

Connector Description

Connect from SaaS You create virtual services and service governance policies that perform
providers to user-defined security checks and processing, send requests to on-premises
on-premises applications, and handle the responses. You can also implement
applications backend-specific inbound streaming.

Connect from You create cloud connector services that perform SOAP operations or
on-premises access REST resources, and a special kind of virtual service, called a
applications to SaaS connector virtual service, that sends requests to SaaS providers and handles
providers the responses.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 23
2 Application Integration, API Management, and B2B Integration in the Cloud

The connectors and services run on CloudStreams Server, which in turn runs on Integration Server.
CloudStreams Server also collects run-time performance metrics and events for your CloudStreams
connectors that you can view on the CloudStreams Analytics dashboard.

You can use pre-built and user-created CloudStreams connectors with webMethods.io Integration
and Cloud Container.

24 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
3 Application Integration On Premises
■ Application Integrations ................................................................................................. 26

■ Developing Application Integrations ............................................................................. 27

■ Developing and Testing Integration Server Assets Locally ............................................ 32

■ Executing Application Integrations ................................................................................ 34

■ Monitoring Application Integrations .............................................................................. 35

■ Hosting and Delivering Microservices ............................................................................ 35

■ Application Integration Examples .................................................................................. 36

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 25
3 Application Integration On Premises

Application Integrations
Application integrations enable disparate resources to share business data. Resources include
software applications such as SAP and Siebel, and systems such as databases and mainframe
programs. Common integration patterns include:

Synchronization. For example, two stores in a chain of retail stores maintain customer, product
SKU, and product price information. One store maintains the information in a database and
the other in a mainframe program. When information is added to or changed in the resource
at one store, an application integration updates the resource at the other store.

Propagation. For example, a human resources (HR) person enters data for a new employee in
a composite application and an application integration propagates the data to a human resources
(HR) database, a retirement plan mainframe program, and an employee benefits application.

Composition. For example, an HR person requests a report on an employee through a composite

application. An application integration gathers the data for the report from an HR database,
a retirement plan mainframe program, and an employee benefits application, and then returns
the data to the web application for display in report format.

26 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
3 Application Integration On Premises

Developing Application Integrations

The primary products you use to develop application integrations are Software AG Designer,
Application Platform, webMethods adapters, Integration Server, EntireX, and ApplinX.

Software AG Designer
Software AG Designer is an Eclipse-based graphical development tool you use to design and test
services, the primary elements in application integrations. A service is logic that performs a unit
of work. For example, a service could post a purchase order received from a customer to an ordering
system, or perform a credit check for a loan application. You can develop these types of services:

Simple services that perform one unit of work.

Aggregate services, in which services call other services (for example, to propagate data from
one resource to several other resources).

Composite services, in which a service is wrapped around multiple simple or aggregate services
that execute in sequential order (for example, to compose a report by gathering data from one
resource after another). The wrapper service manages the flow of data from service to service.

You develop services in Software AG Designer, using webMethods Flow language or other
languages such as Java. When you work in Software AG Designer, you are always connected to
an Integration Server, a run-time server whose primary function in application integrations is to
execute services. Through Software AG Designer you build and edit services directly on the
Integration Server. In addition, Integration Server comes with a library of built-in services that
you can use in your application integrations.

Service development is an iterative process of building, testing, and correcting (debugging) your
code. Software AG Designer provides a range of tools to assist you during the testing and debugging
phases. You can test services with input values you specify manually, inspect the results, and
investigate errors. You can compare differences between Flow services, document types, JMS
triggers, and adapter services and connections, and you can merge the differences between two
Flow services or two document types. You can set up audit logging for services and documents.

The organizational unit in Integration Server is a package. A package contains a set of services
and related files, such as specifications and document types. Typically the services and files are
Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 27
3 Application Integration On Premises

grouped by function or application; for example, you might put all purchasing-related services
in a package called PurchaseOrderMgt and all time-reporting services into a package named
TimeCards. You can easily manage (enable, disable, delete, and so on) the entire contents of a
package with one action.

Multiple Software AG Designer users can collaborate on an application integration, developing

different pieces of the application integration and then deploying the pieces to a single Integration
Server for testing. Software AG Designer enables you to lock objects you are working with, and
can interact with a third-party version control system (VCS) repository.

Another tool for collaboration is CentraSite, which operates as a shared database of metadata
about assets that are stored in Software AG Designer, Integration Server, and CentraSite. Application
integration developers can publish services and document types from Software AG Designer to
CentraSite, and can drag and drop these assets from CentraSite into Software AG Designer. You
can incorporate web services from CentraSite (and other SOA registries) into application integrations
you build in Software AG Designer. Conversely, Software AG Designer can create web services
from services that reside on Integration Server and can register the web services with CentraSite
(and other SOA registries).

If an application integration must interact with an application for which Software AG provides
an adapter, you can create services that invoke services in the adapter. Adapters are software
components with web browser-based interfaces that connect resources in your enterprise to
Software AG products, and, through those products, to each other. While Integration Server
supports a variety of standards such as XML, adapters support proprietary protocols for accessing
packaged applications such as SAP, Siebel, Oracle Applications, and PeopleSoft; databases such
as Oracle, SQL Server, Informix, Sybase, and DB2; and mission-critical programs on mainframes
and UNIX systems. Adapters transform data from resource-specific format into the format used
by the Software AG product, and vice versa. They enable you to incorporate resources into
application integrations without having to build complex custom code. Adapters run on Integration

Adapters convey data from resources to Software AG products. Adapters can either actively poll
resources for new or changed data or passively receive new or changed data from resources. For
example, the Adapter for JDBC can receive data from a database, transform it from the
database-specific format into the appropriate Software AG internal format, and send the transformed
data to services on Integration Server for further processing.

Adapters convey data from Software AG products to resources. For example, an Adapter for JDBC
service can receive data from an Integration Server service, transform it from the Software AG
internal format into the format required by the database, and insert it into the database.

28 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
3 Application Integration On Premises

EntireX enables you to easily connect services that run on Integration Server to mission-critical
programs written in languages like COBOL or Natural.

The EntireX runtime environment includes these main components:

The EntireX Adapter, which runs on Integration Server.

The EntireX Broker, which supports load balancing, security, large messages, and high

Client or Server endpoints, like CICS RPC Server.

Software AG Designer, which enables you to generate the necessary assets, like adapter services
on Integration Server.

Suppose you want to call a CICS transaction programmed in COBOL from Integration Server.
One architectural variant to implement this synchronous request-reply scenario with EntireX is
EntireX Adapter to EntireX Broker to CICS RPC Server. You would use Software AG Designer to
extract the transaction's interface from the COBOL source, copybooks, or both. EntireX wizards
guide you through interface extraction and code generation of the adapter service on an Integration
Server that hosts the EntireX Adapter. EntireX creates all technical assets needed, relieving you
from having to work with technical details. You can directly test the adapter service in Software
AG Designer.

For advanced use cases, however, the technical details are still accessible. The illustration below
shows extracted signatures for two mainframe programs in Software AG Designer.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 29
3 Application Integration On Premises

When you run the adapter service on Integration Server, it invokes the CICS transaction on the
mainframe side using values you provide for the transaction’s extracted inputs. You can use the
adapter service in application integrations as you would any other Integration Server service.
Software AG Designer can create a web service from the adapter service and can register the web
service in SOA registries such as CentraSite. You can then easily use the web services to include
mainframe resources in business-to-business integrations (B2B) and business processes.

Since the EntireX architecture is symmetric, it allows for outbound as well as inbound connectivity.
For example, suppose your CICS transaction wants to call an Integration Server Flow service (that
is, mainframe outbound). EntireX helps you create the necessary assets in the same manner.

You can extract the signatures of programs written in COBOL, PL/I, or Natural. On the mainframe,
EntireX supports CICS, IMS, and batch environments. You can set up zero server footprint scenarios
for CICS, IMS, and AS/400. This may be useful when integration spans different organizational

ApplinX is a server-based technology that provides an efficient, robust, and easy way for web
applications to access and integrate data and transactions from core system applications without
changing those applications. ApplinX exposes core system applications and encapsulates them in
components such as web applications and web services using standard programmatic environments
such as .NET or J2EE. You can then use these components as advanced building blocks in any
modern development platform, for new or existing applications such as CRM applications. In this
way, you can integrate core system applications into new strategic IT platforms, and can re-engineer
your workflow using a more streamlined and efficient task-oriented and role-based approach.

30 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
3 Application Integration On Premises

ApplinX offers three types of solutions: web enablement, SOA enablement, and webpage
integration. You use Software AG Designer for these types of development work, as shown below.

Web enablement allows you to turn existing host 'green screens' into web interfaces. You can
achieve a true web look and feel without touching existing applications or changing any code.
ApplinX offers the web enablement solutions described below.

Solution Description

Instant Enables you to turn core system applications into modern-looking web applications
with little or no coding. In Software AG Designer, you can apply the same design to
multiple screens. You can use transformations to convert host screen patterns into web
components (for example, transforming host function keys into hyperlinks, buttons, or
images, or converting input fields into GUI elements such as combo boxes, radio buttons,
or check boxes.

HTML Instantly turn a host terminal emulation into a web browser terminal emulation that
emulation provides host key and print support and maintains existing color schemes. Available
in .NET and J2EE environments.

Composite Fully customize and extend your web applications. You can aggregate information
from multiple core system applications into a single webpage. You can integrate legacy
assets at the screen, transaction, or data level, and support various web environments
using the ApplinX Base Objects API for customizing the web framework. Available in
.NET and J2EE environments.

SOA enablement allows you to reuse core system application functionality and leverage the
operational qualities of a system's transaction platform to new IT projects. You expose core system
application functionality and data as web services at the screen or transaction level, and integrate

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 31
3 Application Integration On Premises

with other environments that invoke web services. In Software AG Designer, you can create
procedures and use them to turn application functionality into web services. You can combine
disparate data sources into web services using ApplinX entities such as screens, programs,
databases, and external web services. ApplinX supports web service standards such as SOAP and
WSDL, and JAXR for registering services in SOA registries such as CentraSite.

Webpage integration enables you to simulate web browser activity within ApplinX and expose it
as a standard web service or integrate it with ApplinX procedures. Specifically, you use the
simulation to record web content and create an ApplinX Web Procedure. The web procedure is
designed to enable integration of webpage user interfaces within ApplinX. You can expose the
web procedure as a service in the same way you can expose ApplinX procedures such as the Path
and Flow Procedures.

Developing and Testing Integration Server Assets Locally

The collection of products that enable you to develop and test Integration Server assets locally is
called webMethods Integration Server DevOps Edition. DevOps Edition contains features that
improve development productivity and enable developers to locally develop, build, change, and
test the services that eventually lead to continuous integration.

DevOps Edition includes Software AG Designer, Local Version Control Integration, Unit Test
Framework, and Application Platform.

Local Version Control Integration

Local Version Control Integration (LVCI) is a feature in the Software AG Designer Service
Development plug-in that you can use to develop Integration Server packages as Eclipse projects
locally. By default, the local development part of this feature is enabled by an installation of
Integration Server in the same root directory as Software AG Designer. You can also use an
Integration Server running in a Docker container as the local development server for this feature.
This feature also enables you to check package elements and their supporting files into and out
of a version control system (VCS) directly from Software AG Designer.

Unit Test Framework

Software AG Designer provides a range of tools to assist during the testing and debugging phases
of development. Unit Test Framework is a service unit and regression testing tool that enables
service developers to quickly assemble unit tests and improve overall development quality without
custom development. Unit Test Framework facilitates automated unit and regression testing of
services, and provides a mechanism for creating automated tools for continuous integration and
delivery. Unit Test Framework can integrate with JUnit, leveraging a standard unit testing
framework that already works well with continuous integration tools. In addition, Unit Test
Framework provides a Java API for advanced users to create JUnit test cases. You can automate
build deployment and execution of Jenkins tasks from Unit Test Framework.

The following table explains the types of testing you can do in Software AG Designer.

32 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
3 Application Integration On Premises

Testing Description

Unit Design, build, and execute unit test cases in the Software AG Designer Eclipse user
interface. You can also execute test cases externally using Ant scripts. You can test
Flow services with input values you specify manually, inspect the results, and
investigate errors.

Mock Simulate interaction with resources that are unavailable, or whose data is not
consistent, for test purposes. Have a test case execute a mocked service using input
values you specify, invoke an intermediary service instead of the mocked service,
replace the output of the mocked service with a specified exception, or use a custom
Java class to implement the mocked service.

Regression Save test cases, along with their inputs and outputs, in XML files, and then rerun
these reusable artifacts to make sure your latest changes do not re-introduce errors
that were fixed in earlier versions.

Code Record and analyze which flow steps and map actions of your Flow services are
coverage executed during a particular test launch. Helps to identify untested steps and improve
the corresponding tests.

Suite Record and analyze which flow steps and map actions of your Flow services are
coverage, executed during a particular test launch. Provides user-friendly reporting with
execution coverage reports for suite coverage, execution model, and service coverage.

Application Platform
Application Platform enables you to develop application logic in Java without having to use
proprietary webMethods APIs. You can use popular Java development models such as POJOs or
Spring Beans for your application logic, and then deploy the logic to run in Integration Server or
My webMethods Server.

You develop the application logic using Software AG Designer. You can also develop web UI
applications based on Java servlet technology, and set authentication and authorization
requirements in these applications. You can create JUnit tests and run them in Software AG
Designer to verify application functionality. The tests are executed on a running Integration Server
or My webMethods Server, and the execution results are displayed on the Software AG Designer
JUnit view.

You can integrate Application Platform services with Integration Server services. You can use
simple Java annotations to expose Application Platform services within Integration Server and
make those services callable from Flow services, triggers, or web service connectors. You can create
Java class wrappers for Integration Server services to make those services callable from Application
Platform services without using proprietary Integration Server client APIs.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 33
3 Application Integration On Premises

Executing Application Integrations

The products that execute application integrations include Integration Server, Integration Agent,
Microservices Runtime, and Universal Messaging.

Integration Server
Integration Server is a run-time server that does the following:

1. Receives requests from client applications and authenticates and authorizes the requesting

2. Invokes the appropriate services and passes them input data from the requesting clients.

3. Receives output data from the services and returns it to the clients.

Integration Server supports a wide range of established and emerging standards so you can interact
with virtually any business partner that is connected to the Internet.

The following table lists the standards supported by Integration Server and examples of each

Supported Standards Examples

Transport standards HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SMTP

Message formats MIME, S/MIME

Data standards XML and XML schema, custom flat file formats with delimited
fixed- or variable-length records, JSON and JSON schema,

Protocols AMQP, JMS, Kerberos, MQTT, OData, OpenID Connect, SFTP,


Specifications Swagger, Web Service Description Language (WSDL)

Integration patterns REST, web services, event-driven, request-reply

Authorizations OAuth, JWT

Integration Server hosts packages that contain services and related files, such as specifications,
document types, triggers, and dynamic server pages (DSPs). Integration Server comes with many
packages, and developers can create their own packages to hold services they create.

Integration Server offers a web browser-based user interface for configuring and administering
Integration Server, and for monitoring running services. Integration Server also offers a REST-based
API so DevOps personnel can create scripts to automate Integration Server administration.

34 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
3 Application Integration On Premises

Integration Agent
Integration Agent is a light-weight Integration Server that provides a subset of Integration Server
functionality. Integration Agent can be used in scenarios like these:

By partners in integration scenarios that involve integrations in the cloud.

At point-of-sale terminals, where there are constraints on hard drive space and RAM.

Universal Messaging
Universal Messaging is fast, reliable, scalable, and flexible Java message-oriented middleware
(MOM) that provides messaging functionality such as clustering, scheduling, and interface plug-ins,
with standard support for the messaging paradigms of publish/subscribe, and message queues,
as well as support for JMS. Universal Messaging also supports a significant part of the AMQP 1.0
standard wire protocol for messaging, specifically the parts that are exposed through the JMS API.

Universal Messaging serves as the intermediary that routes data from publishers to subscribers.
It can function as the messaging backbone for resources across your enterprise and can support
an event-driven architecture, in which subscribers receive documents and then perform predefined
actions. Integration Server can encode/decode those documents as protocol buffers.

Monitoring Application Integrations

Monitor enables you to view a wide variety of information logged by Integration Server for services
and documents in your environment. Monitor also enables you to resubmit services and documents
and archive or delete logged data.

Optimize for Infrastructure

Optimize for Infrastructure enables you to monitor the system resources involved in application
integrations. You identify the resources for which to collect data, configure KPIs to monitor the
collected data, and define rules that evaluate the data. You can view and analyze the collected
monitoring data to find rules that were violated and resources that are out of compliance. Optimize
for Infrastructure can notify you when a problem occurs and take actions you define.

You can analyze historical KPI performance to find positive or negative trends. Optimize for
Infrastructure can predict resources that will go out of compliance in the future and notify you of
potential problems based on trends.

Hosting and Delivering Microservices

Microservices is an architectural style for developing an application as a suite of small services
called microservices that perform a single business function. A microservice is a collection of
operations, effectively an API, that is remotely called, yet that is meant to be independently

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 35
3 Application Integration On Premises

deployable. It can be implemented in various ways, including as a set of services or as event and
channel definitions.

Microservices Runtime enables you to deliver microservices as a package that includes a set of
related services, interfaces, document types, and triggers that subscribe to topics or queues, or as
a set of related packages of this kind (for example, five packages relating to Human Resources

Each microservice can run in its own Microservices Runtime and can communicate with lightweight
mechanisms such as an HTTP resource API. However, you can also execute multiple microservices
in the same Microservices Runtime. This solution enables you to separate microservices when
needed, but also to group them when necessary. Suppose you have two microservices that need
to be scaled together in similar ways (that is, when you need a new instance of one, you need a
new instance of the other). If you discover that one microservice is more heavily loaded than the
other, or needs to be enhanced or updated more often, you could deploy the two microservices
to separate Microservices Runtime. If both microservices tend to be updated at the same time, you
could cohost them in the same Microservices Runtime.

Microservices Runtime is fully compatible with Integration Server and can host services you
develop using Software AG Designer and Integration Server. While Microservices Runtime is
optimized to have a reduced disk and memory footprint, you can convert it into a full Integration
Server by installing additional modules, such as support for an external database.

Software AG also offers a lightweight development tool called webMethods Service Designer,
which comprises the Service Development functionality from Software AG Designer, Microservices
Runtime, and Unit Test Framework.

Application Integration Examples

You can implement application integrations in a wide variety of ways. Below are some examples.

Suppose you want to synchronize customer information between Siebel and a mainframe program.
You set up the Siebel Adapter to interact with the Siebel application and the EntireX Adapter to
interact with the mainframe program. Since EntireX architecture is symmetric, you can use push
or pull methods.

To get data from Siebel to the mainframe program, you have the Siebel Adapter monitor the Siebel
application for new or changed data. The adapter transforms the data from Siebel's proprietary
format into the appropriate Software AG internal format and passes it to Integration Server.
Integration Server processes the data and then passes it to the EntireX Adapter, which transforms
it into the mainframe program's format and inserts it into the system. To get data from the
mainframe program to Siebel, you use the same process, in reverse.

36 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
3 Application Integration On Premises

Suppose you want to change employee information using a composite application, and you want
to propagate the changes to the human resources (HR) database, the employee benefits application,
and the retirement plan mainframe program. You develop the following:

A composite application in Software AG Designer that provides a user interface for entering
employee information, and passes data entered on the form to Integration Server for processing.

A synchronous service that receives the data from Integration Server, simultaneously invokes
the three services described below, waits for confirmation from the three services, and then
returns the confirmation to the composite application to display to the user.

An Adapter for JDBC service and two other services that insert the data into the database,
mainframe program, and benefits application, respectively, and return confirmations to the
synchronous service described above.

Suppose HR wants to create reports containing employee information from the HR database, the
retirement plan mainframe program, and the employee benefits application. You want to use
Universal Messaging and its publish/subscribe model to route the information. You develop the

A composite application in Software AG Designer that provides a user interface for requesting
the report, publishes the request to Universal Messaging, and displays the returned data in
report form to the user.

A synchronous Adapter for JDBC service to extract data from the database.

Two synchronous services that extract data from the mainframe program and the benefits

An asynchronous flow service that wraps the three services described above, maps the data
from service to service, and produces the reply.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 37
3 Application Integration On Premises

A trigger on Integration Server that subscribes to the report request on Universal Messaging
and invokes the flow service when Integration Server receives the request.

38 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
4 API Management On Premises
■ API Management ........................................................................................................... 40

■ Governing the API Design Life-cycle .............................................................................. 40

■ Governing and Securing API Runtime Execution ........................................................... 40

■ Publishing APIs ............................................................................................................... 41

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 39
4 API Management On Premises

API Management
Organizations are increasingly publishing application programming interfaces (APIs) in order to
share frequently requested real-time data with internal or external consumers. For example, the
government of a country might create and publish APIs that enable the public or press to access
information about police forces and crime statistics in different areas. API management is a system
in which an organization, or API provider, creates APIs, governs the API design life-cycle, governs
and secures API runtime execution, publishes APIs for API consumers, and monitors API usage.

Governing the API Design Life-cycle

CentraSite is a standards-based registry and repository that enables you to govern the API design
life-cycle. You use CentraSite to control design-time events through policies you define. For
example, you could define a policy that new APIs must be approved by certain people before
being accepted into the registry, and that modifications to APIs in the registry must be approved
by certain people before going into production. You can also use policies to define review and
approval processes, perform quality assurance tests, and issue alerts when new APIs are submitted
or when existing APIs have been modified.

Governing and Securing API Runtime Execution

API Gateway
API Gateway enables API providers to do the following:

Publish your APIs for consumption inside and outside your organization.

Define and enforce policies around aspects of runtime execution, such as user access, required
access protocol and keys, data masking, and so on.

Protect your APIs from unauthorized and malicious users, while also having full control and
visibility into who is accessing your APIs. The built-in approval process workflow lets you
manage third-party access requests.

Enforce standards and practices as every API moves through its life-cycle.

Define and track API versions. Multiple versions can co-exist, and older versions can be retired
over time.

Design and configure policies to be applied to your APIs at runtime.

Monetize your APIs by creating API plans and packaged offerings.

View usage statistics and dashboards to make sure your API service level agreements are met,
and to understand how your APIs are being accessed and used.

40 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
4 API Management On Premises

Monitor runtime performance and send alerts when performance conditions are violated,
optionally based on an SLA.

In an API management system, one API Gateway sits behind an internal firewall, while another
API Gateway acts as intermediary between the internal API Gateway and external clients. In this
way, API Gateway protects your applications, services, and data from malicious attacks from
outside your organization.

API Gateway is required to manage and monitor microservice landscapes. However, the volume
of communication among microservices can cause network latency and security issues for API
Gateways in such environments. Lightweight gateways are therefore helpful for supplementing
API Gateway and prevent bottlenecks.

Microgateway is a lightweight gateway that enables microservices to communicate with each

other directly, without involving API Gateway. Microgateway enforces policies that perform
authentication, traffic monitoring, and traffic management. You can enforce protection policies
on Microgateway to ensure a secure communication channel among microservices. Microgateway
works withAPI Gateway or as a standalone solution to control API access to microservices in a
distributed environment.

A common scenario is to spread out your API traffic burden by using API Gateway to handle less
trusted external, or north-south, traffic while using Microgateways to handle more trusted internal,
or east-west, traffic.

Publishing APIs

API Portal
API Portal is a web browser-based, self-service portal that API providers and product managers
can use to collaborate with consumers. . Developers have a place to discover, test, and sign up for
your APIs, and to publish REST and SOAP APIs. The developer portal is the public face of your
API offerings and enables you to create and grow your network of developers and partners. The
portal offers the capabilities described below.

You can customize the portal using logos, skins, corporate colors and fonts, and more; change
layouts for the portal landing page and API Gallery; and customize the portal’s privacy and
usage terms.

You can view statistics that provide information about where visitors are coming from, which
pages attract the most interest, and which APIs are the most popular so you can improve the
portal experience and increase API adoption.

API consumers can quickly find the APIs they need in the API Gallery or by running a simple
keyword search. webMethods.io API provides code samples with expected error/return codes
and descriptions so consumers can easily try out APIs.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 41
4 API Management On Premises

API consumers can rate APIs, follow and un-follow updates to APIs, and participate in
discussions with other developers.

API consumers can upload, describe, and promote applications built using your published

42 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
5 B2B Integration On Premises
■ B2B Integration .............................................................................................................. 44

■ Building, Managing, and Monitoring a Trading Network .............................................. 45

■ Managing File Transfers ................................................................................................. 47

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 43
5 B2B Integration On Premises

B2B Integration
Business to business (B2B) describes electronic transactions between businesses (as opposed to
between businesses and consumers). Businesses that engage in electronic transactions are called
trading partners, and can include retailers, manufacturers, suppliers, and marketplaces.

Transactions between trading partners usually involve the exchange of business documents using
automated processes. A B2B integration network, or trading network, consists of a set of trading
partners that conduct business by exchanging mutually agreed-upon business document types
electronically. For example, a trading network might include computer retailers, a computer
manufacturer, and computer parts suppliers. The retailers might send purchase order documents
to the manufacturer, which returns purchase order acknowledgment, shipping notice, and invoice
documents. Similarly, the manufacturer might send purchase order documents to the parts
suppliers, and so on.

Some industries have developed B2B standards for exchanging business documents. For example,
many manufacturing companies use the EDI messaging standard to conduct business electronically.
A B2B standard typically defines the business document types and transport protocols that trading
partners need to use in exchanges, and specifies document exchange rules.

B2B can include managed file transfer (MFT), a process that ensures protected internal and external
data transfers in a centralized system. MFT provides reliable, secure data transfer you can automate
based on policies, partners, and permissions. MFT also provides insight and control at every stage
of the transfer process, including real-time monitoring, error and receipt logging, auditing, and
data tracking. Most MFT solutions include these key components:

MFT servers that perform MFT exchange behind a firewall and support all communications
and security protocols.

Proxies/reverse proxies that operate in the demilitarized zone and protect the IP addresses
and ports of file senders and receivers.

Clients that enable both human users and applications to administer, report, schedule, and
script file transfers.

APIs that third-party applications use to interact and communicate with MFT servers.

44 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
5 B2B Integration On Premises

Building, Managing, and Monitoring a Trading Network

The primary products you use to build, manage, and monitor a trading network are Trading
Networks, eStandards Modules, Optimize for B2B, and B2B Cloud.

Trading Networks
Trading Networks enables you to build and manage a peer-to-peer or hub-and-spoke network of
trading partners. Trading Networks enables trading partners to exchange business documents in
XML and structured flat-file formats.

Trading Networks offers a web browser-based user interface in which you build the elements you
need to define and link trading partners. The illustration below shows a partner profile definition
in this user interface.

The following table describes elements you need to define and link trading partners.

Element Purpose

Trading partner Define and administer your trading partners.


Business document Define the business documents that trading partners want to exchange. A
types business document type can define an industry-standard document, such

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 45
5 B2B Integration On Premises

Element Purpose

as an EDI, RosettaNet, cXML, CBL, or OAG document, or a custom business


Processing rules Define how to process business documents. For example, the processing
rule for a purchase order you receive from a trading partner might verify
the sender's signature and then submit it to your order management system.

If you need more complicated processing than is possible in the Trading
Networks user interface, you can design a business process in Designer to
use in addition to or instead of a processing rule.

Trading Partner Customize the way in which documents are exchanged between trading
Agreements (TPAs) partners. For example, you and a trading partner might use a TPA to specify
a custom ID field to include in all business documents.

Trading Networks provides templates that enable you to easily create onboarding questionnaires.
Partners can respond to onboarding campaigns by replying to email invitations or by accessing
self-service portals. Trading Networks administrators can easily generate reminder emails to
partners that have not responded.

Trading Networks also includes a component that runs on Integration Server and manages the
exchange of business documents among trading partners. When Trading Networks receives a
document, it processes the document according to the processing rule for that document type.

Trading Networks provides a flexible schedule-based ability to suspend document deliveries to

partners. Administrators can proactively schedule document delivery suspensions as necessary
to accommodate planned partner outages.

Trading Networks can selectively expose APIs available in API Gateway. Administrators can
manage access granted to trading partners, and view and monitor API invocations.

eStandards Modules
Software AG supports B2B standards for various industries. This support comes in the form of
eStandards Modules that run on Integration Server and usually require Trading Networks. Each
eStandards Module defines the industry-standard or proprietary transport protocol, provides the
B2B standard's business document types, and specifies the standard's document exchange rules.
When Integration Server receives a document that matches a business document type in an
eStandards Module, it processes the document according to the document exchanges rules specified
in the module.

The following table lists the eStandards Modules Software AG provides for various industries.

Industry eStandards Modules

Manufacturing RosettaNet, Chem, PIDX, papiNet

46 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
5 B2B Integration On Premises

Industry eStandards Modules

Financial services SWIFT, ACH, FIX

Consumer packaged goods and retail 1SYNC, ebXML

Healthcare HIPAA, HL7

E-commerce EDI, EDIINT, AS4

Optimize for B2B

Optimize for B2B enables business administrators to monitor Trading Networks transactions in
real-time. You use Optimize for B2B to:

Identify business document types and attributes to monitor.

Define KPIs to monitor for transactions.

Monitor transactions and other data related to exchanging data with trading partners.

Compare the performance of different KPIs and analyze historical KPI performance to find
positive or negative trends.

B2B Analytics
Trading Networks provides a variety of charts and dashboards for performing deep targeted
analysis on Trading Networks partner transactions.

Some charts and dashboards provide a snapshot of current transaction volume trends that indicate
top-tier and bottom-tier partners based on business activity. You can drill down into the charts to
gain additional insight into the underlying data. You can export the data in any of these charts
and dashboards to CSV files.

Other dashboards and charts to monitor a variety of metrics either across all partners or by partner.
The metrics include transaction volume trends; total value trends based on purchase order amount,
invoice amount, and so on; late functional acknowledgment (FA) violations; and the split between
successful and failed transactions. You can filter the information shown in the charts to focus on
a subset of partners (top-tier, bottom-tier, and so on).

Managing File Transfers

The products you use to manage the transfer of business documents in your trading network are
ActiveTransfer and ActiveTransfer Agent.

ActiveTransfer offers a web browser-based user interface that enables administrators to manage
file transfers, servers, and users; browse and search audit logs of file transfers; and examine

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 47
5 B2B Integration On Premises

analytics that show metrics, comparisons, and file upload and download activity. The interface
also enables you to configure actions that are triggered based on criteria you specify. For example,
you could set up an action to execute a specific Trading Networks service if a file transfer is
successful. ActiveTransfer also offers a web client for end users who need to upload and download
files to and from ActiveTransfer Server.

ActiveTransfer Server resides behind a firewall and performs file transfers. ActiveTransfer Gateway
is a reverse proxy server that acts as an intermediary between the Internet and the internal
ActiveTransfer Server for secure file transfer and supports virus scanning for file uploads.
ActiveTransfer Server supports encryption and decryption of files and downloads. For example,
files can be decrypted as they get uploaded, and then can be stored in a file system encrypted
using a different set of keys. You can share files with external users through ActiveTransfer Gateway
without compromising security. In addition, you can configure more granular access levels for an
external user in order to limit the range of actions possible on the files shared, such as upload,
upload, download, rename, delete, folder creation, and folder deletion.

ActiveTransfer is tightly integrated with Trading Networks so you can easily manage and monitor
files that traverse the two products. You can use ActiveTransfer as the delivery method for Trading
Networks and specify the remote end point to which ActiveTransfer should transfer the file. You
can monitor documents delivered by ActiveTransfer in the Trading Networks user interface.

ActiveTransfer Support package runs on Integration Server and provides functionality for
monitoring file transactions and managing ActiveTransfer Server, ActiveTransfer Gateway, users,
post-processing events, scheduled actions, and data files and folders. You invoke this functionality
through the ActiveTransfer user interface.

ActiveTransfer Agent
ActiveTransfer Agent is a component you install on remote systems so you can transfer files
between the remote systems and the central hub that hosts ActiveTransfer Server. For file uploads,
ActiveTransfer Agent can access files from the file system and connect to a remote server to fetch
files. You can install ActiveTransfer Agent on remote systems within or outside your organization's

The central ActiveTransfer Server manages and monitors ActiveTransfer Agents. ActiveTransfer
Server also manages all configurations related to file transfers through events that you push directly
to one or more agents. Event definitions include a variety of options, such as the ability to rename
files at source or destination, delete original files, compress files, and verify checksum to maintain
file integrity during transfers. You can further simplify your setup by grouping agents that have
the same file transfer characteristics for an event and applying the event across those agents.
ActiveTransfer Server also tracks all activities related to file transfers involving an agent, including
authentication, file transfer operations, and the status of each action.

ActiveTransfer Agent supports error handing in case of event failures. The error handling
mechanisms include executing events on ActiveTransfer Server, sending email notifications, and
executing Integration Server services.

48 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
6 In-Memory Data Management On Premises
■ Terracotta ....................................................................................................................... 50

■ Terracotta Server Array .................................................................................................. 50

■ Ehcache .......................................................................................................................... 50

■ TCStore .......................................................................................................................... 50

■ Terracotta Management Console .................................................................................. 50

■ Terracotta Cluster Tool .................................................................................................. 51

■ Clients ............................................................................................................................ 51

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 49
6 In-Memory Data Management On Premises

Terracotta is a data management system that helps you access large amounts of data quickly, in
a high availability configuration. It consists of the components described below.

Terracotta Server Array

A Terracotta Server Array (TSA) is a cluster of Terracotta servers. You arrange Terracotta servers
into stripes that each include one server in active status and one or more servers in passive status.
The active server communicates with your clients, while the passive servers can take over if the
active server fails. A TSA can have a single server, a basic two-server tandem for high availability
(HA), or a multi-server array for configurable scale, high performance, and deep failover coverage.

You use the Ehcache component to create, use, and manage application-driven data caches. The
Ehcache component consists of a client library and related server elements. Applications interact
with Ehcache-resident data caches through a Java API implemented by the Ehcache client library.
You integrate the Ehcache client library into your applications so they can create two types of

One cache for your Terracotta Server Array, distributed across the stripes. Clients create a
cache entity on every server in the cluster, and then use the cache entity on the active server
in each stripe to communicate with the distributed cache.

Local caches. Clients create caches in their own memory for their own use only

You use the TCStore component to create, use, and manage application-driven data stores. The
TCStore component consists of a client library and related server elements. Applications interact
with TCStore-resident data stores through a Java API implemented by the TCStore client library.
You integrate the TCStore client library into your applications so they can communicate with an
operational store. You can use the store in two ways:

As a system of record in which to persist data.

As a temporary scratch area where data is transmogrified and then dumped.

You can store any type of data in the operational store. You can use off-heap memory in addition
to Java heap memory, which enables you to store huge amounts of data. Because off-heap memory
is not subject to garbage collection, overhead is reduced and operations on the data are almost as
fast as in the Java heap part of the store.

Terracotta Management Console

Terracotta Management Console (TMC) is a browser-based GUI that provides a complete view of
your TSA and connected clients. The TMC is served by the Terracotta Management Server (TMS),

50 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
6 In-Memory Data Management On Premises

a standard Java web application and bundled web container that gathers information from
throughout the cluster and provides it to the TMC for display.

Terracotta Cluster Tool

The Terracotta cluster tool is a command-line utility that allows you to perform a variety of server
and cluster management tasks. For example, you can use the cluster tool to do the following:

Configure, re-configure, or shut down a cluster.

Obtain the status and configuration information of running servers, and take backups of running

Promote a suspended server on startup or failover.

The Terracotta cluster can be viewed topologically as a collection of clients communicating with
a TSA. Within the overall structure of the cluster, clients represent the application end-points.
They work independently but communicate through the active servers of the stripes to which they
are connected.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 51
6 In-Memory Data Management On Premises

52 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
7 Business Process Management On Premises
■ Intelligent Automation ................................................................................................... 54

■ Designing Business Processes ........................................................................................ 54

■ Implementing Business Process Models ........................................................................ 55

■ Executing Business Processes ........................................................................................ 60

■ Business Process Model Implementation Details ........................................................... 61

■ Developing Composite Applications ............................................................................. 63

■ Administering Business Processes ................................................................................. 66

■ Monitoring Business Process Instances .......................................................................... 67

■ Managing Business Processes and Tasks Using Role-Based Administration, Monitoring, and
Social Guidance ............................................................................................................. 68

■ Mobile Development ..................................................................................................... 69

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 53
7 Business Process Management On Premises

Intelligent Automation
A business process is a series of business activities that are performed in a specific order by a
variety of applications, systems, employees, and external businesses. Examples of business processes
include handling a purchase order from receipt through fulfillment, taking a product from inception
to market, and preparing for a new employee. Business processes are more complex and
long-running than application integrations and can include activities performed by humans.

Business process management enables you to automate business processes. For example, the
process of preparing for a new employee could be automated as follows:

1. The hiring manager submits an online form that contains information about the new employee.

2. The submission of the form triggers the first step in the process. This step adds the employee's
information to the internal human resources (HR) database and registers the employee in
various systems and applications, such as the enterprise's e-mail application.

3. The next step in the process uses the enterprise's trading network to notify the external payroll
company to set up an account for the employee.

4. The next step sends the facilities department a task to assign office space and provide office
equipment before the employee's start date.

Business processes typically involve many variables and conditions, and the longer they run, the
more likely the variables and conditions are to change. For example, a supplier might temporarily
run out of parts needed to fill orders. Business process management enables you to act on running
processes in response to such changes; in the example above, you could suspend order fulfillment
processes until parts are available again.

Designing Business Processes

Experts in company procedures create business process models that are the designs for business
processes. These business process designers define the steps in business processes and dictate the
order of the steps and the conditions under which each step should run.

The product that business process designers use to create business process models is Software AG

Software AG Designer
Software AG Designer is an Eclipse-based graphical development tool that offers perspectives for
different types of work. The Business Analyst capability of the Software AG Designer Process
Development perspective enables business analysts to document the requirements of the business
process. This documentation helps guide the business process developers who implement the
business process model. For example, documentation can:

Specify the input that each process step requires and the output that each process step should

54 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
7 Business Process Management On Premises

Identify humans who are involved in the process (for example, a facilities manager, to set up
office space).

Specify how to handle errors.

List KPIs to track to measure the effectiveness of the process (for example, the period of time
it took to set up the office space).

The illustration below shows a business process model in the Business Analyst capability of
Software AG Designer.

Implementing Business Process Models

The primary product that business process developers use to implement business process models
is Software AG Designer. Developers might also use Task Engine and AgileApps.

Business processes might include of services (automated steps), tasks requiring human intervention,
and business rules.

Software AG Designer
Business process developers receive a new business process model from a business analyst and
use the Software AG Designer Process Development perspective to implement business process
models. This perspective offers an extensive set of programming tools that enable a technical user
to focus on the detailed implementation of a business process model.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 55
7 Business Process Management On Premises

Developers implement a business process model in Software AG Designer by dragging and

dropping graphical representations of process steps onto a design canvas, then configuring each
step to perform a specific function. For example, process steps can:

Receive data. Data can be in the form of documents from Software AG products, JMS messages,
and output data from web services and services such as database query services.

Subscribe to business documents on or publish business documents to Universal Messaging.

Subscribe to business events on or publish business events to the event-driven architecture

(see “Analytics & Decisions On Premises” on page 79).

Invoke services such as flow services, web services, or rule services, or adapter services that
in turn invoke programs on mainframes and UNIX systems.

Invoke rules, tasks, other business processes, or Trading Networks.

Publish data for other business processes and services to consume.

Assign activities, called tasks, to a user or group of users to perform. Tasks in turn can invoke
rules, rule sets, and services.

Queue case instances in AgileApps.

Business process developers define the way data passes through and is handled by your business
processes. They define the order of steps in the processes, and the conditions under which the
steps start, run, pass data, and end. Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) provides a
graphical representation of the underlying model and of the functionality and behavior of its steps.

Business process developers can also define milestones within a business process model by defining
stages. A stage spans process steps, has a start milestone step, and has a complete milestone step
that must be reached within a specified period of time. For example, a stage might be defined as
starting at the Receive Purchase Order step (start milestone), completing at the Ship Product step
(complete milestone), and transpiring within three days.

Developing Services
Developers can develop services such as flow, web, and adapter services using the Software AG
Designer Service Development perspective. After you develop the services, you can drag and drop
them onto the business process model design canvas.

Developing Rules
Developers can develop business rules using the Software AG Designer Business Rules
Development perspective. Rules can do the following:

Invoke services.

Operate on processes (for example, start or stop, or suspend or resume processes).

Operation on tasks (for example, assign tasks to users).

Invoke Predictive Analytics models and use their output for further rule evaluation.

56 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
7 Business Process Management On Premises

Rules can be expressed as decision tables, decision trees, or event rules. Rule expressions can
contain function calls, literals, parameter references, the mathematical operators + - * /, and groups
of parentheses.

A decision table is made up of rows and columns, and each row defines a rule. A rule includes
one or more condition columns and one or more result columns. For example, a decision table
for health care insurance premiums could include a rule that specifies condition columns for
gender, age, and smoker/non-smoker, and a result column that contains premiums to be paid.
Result columns can also contain lists such as string or document lists. For every column, you
can specify a REST service that provides a list of valid values, to make sure the cell content is
valid from a business perspective.

A decision tree displays conditions and results in a tree-like structure that consists of nodes
that are linked to each other. A node can represent the root, a condition (the IF part), or a result
(the THEN part) of a rule. A link can be a root link or a condition link. A root node can be
linked to one or more condition nodes, and a condition node can be linked to one or more
condition nodes or result nodes.

An event rule consists of an event and one or more results. A result can assign a value or
execute an action. For example, an event rule for an automobile parts distributor could specify
that when inventory on parts decreases to certain levels, the event rule creates a data action.
This data action creates data that is evaluated by rules in a decision table. Depending on the
content of the new data, one of the rules in the decision table fires. Some of the rules launch a
business process to replenish the stock in a result column.

You can group multiple decision tables and event rules into a rule set, and invoke the rule set from
a process step or task. The rules in a rule set interact with each other, so that the conclusion drawn
from one rule (the result) is used as input information (the condition) for a second rule. This is
called forward chaining. In the example above for the automobile parts distributor, the event rule
and the decision table could be grouped into a rule set. The illustration below shows the decision
table and event rule in the rule set named LowInventoryRuleSet.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 57
7 Business Process Management On Premises

After you develop rules in Software AG Designer, you can drag and drop them onto the business
process model design canvas.

You export rules developed in Software AG Designer to Integration Servers equipped with a Rules
Engine. Each Rules Engine execute the rules that it hosts when those rules are invoked by process
steps or tasks.

Software AG offers a web browser-based user interface that allows business administrators to
make simple changes to rules you develop. You make business rules available to business
administrators by exporting them to the My webMethods Server content repository. You export
rules projects to My webMethods Server using the Business Rules RESTful API. Business
administrators use the web browser-based user interface call the Rules Management Console to
edit the rules and then to redeploy the rules to the appropriate Rules Engines, and also to customize
the dates and times when rules are to take effect. The Rules Management Console has been
separated into several independent portlets, and can be customized using CSS stylesheets.

Developing Tasks
Developers can develop tasks (that is, activities performed by humans as part of a business process)
as specialized composite applications using the Software AG Designer UI Development perspective.
Within task applications, you develop user interfaces that present the tasks to end users. You can
also define actions to occur in response to specified conditions. For example, you can define an
action that assigns critical priority to tasks that are not completed within a specified period of
time. Software AG Designer provides a variety of built-in actions the task can use, or the task can
invoke a service.

The user interfaces for a task can be displayed as gadgets in Business Console. You can also develop
your own user interfaces with technology such as OpenUI and Angular, and access the task with
the Task Engine RESTful services.

58 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
7 Business Process Management On Premises

Some tasks require the performance of multiple activities. You could construct detailed logic within
a task to anticipate all possible outcomes, but such logic would be labor intensive, error prone,
and difficult to maintain. Instead, you can define collaboration tasks; that is, tasks configured to
operate in a collaborative work environment. You can implement collaboration tasks in these

Automatic (within a collaboration process). You can configure a task so that when it receives
specific business data, it creates child collaboration tasks and assigns them to specific roles or
users. Suppose a satellite television company has a new order process that includes a task to
install a dish and receiver. Different installation teams and equipment are required depending
on the service ordered by the customer. You can configure the parent task to queue one
collaboration task to the appropriate installation team and another to the appropriate equipment
team based on specific information in the customer order. You can configure the parent task
to complete automatically when the collaboration tasks are completed.

Manual (by a user). You can configure a task so that a user who opens the task in his inbox
can create child collaboration tasks and assign them to other users to help complete the parent
task. Suppose a support person from a magazine company receives a task to resolve a customer
complaint that issues of a magazine have stopped arriving. The support person could create
and assign collaboration tasks to the database administrator and the circulation manager that
request information needed to determine the problem.

You can use business rules to assign tasks to users.

The Task Engine provides APIs that enable you to search and manipulate tasks from services or
other applications. These APIs are provided as Java classes and as services on the Integration
Server to which the Task Engine is connected (see “Executing Business Processes” on page 60).
The Java APIs are created when you create a task application portlet. The APIs provided as services
are as follows:

Built-in Java service API. You can use these services as templates to create custom services in
Software AG Designer that can create, modify, locate, queue, and delete tasks on the Task
Engine to which Integration Server is connected. You can also use these services to schedule

RESTful service API. You can use these services with the REST service capabilities of Integration
Server. The services enable you to develop your own user interfaces using technology such as
OpenUI and Angular. You can also use these services to schedule tasks.

Web service API. You can use these services to add, delete, locate, and update tasks on a Task
Engine from a client program. The Task Engine hosts a version of the task web service for
.NET clients and a version for regular web service clients.

AgileApps is an application Platform-as-a-Service (aPaaS) product that enables you to visually
build and deploy process-driven application solutions in weeks rather than months. AgileApps
applications have enterprise capabilities such as a robust process modeler, flexible business rules,
document assembly, drag-and-drop e-forms creation, customized reports, interactive dashboards,
social collaboration, and mobile access. You can create database and case management pattern

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 59
7 Business Process Management On Premises

applications, including service request, incident management, and investigative. All applications
are instantly mobile-enabled so users can access data everywhere.

In case management applications, users can collaborate to resolve cases and can define their own
lightweight processes to guide the resolution. Case management applications can interact with
other web-based applications that run on the AgileApps platform, and the web-based applications
can use Integration Server services or user-defined web services to get data from the Internet. With
SLA management, tasks are automatically created and monitored with escalation notifications.
Integrated analytics, interactive dashboards, and reporting support business insights and improved

AgileApps is the entry point for process applications that are ad hoc, situational, and forms-based,
where the primary designers are line of business and subject matter experts. You can deploy it in
the cloud or in on-premises environments.

You can invoke an AgileApps case from a business process. Conversely, you can invoke a business
process from an AgileApps case by mapping the case document to the process start document;
the case status is updated with the process execution status.

AgileApps is available as an on-premises product or as a cloud-hosted solution.

Executing Business Processes

The product that executes business processes is Integration Server. Integration Server is a run-time
server that has several functions in business process management. Run-time logic for business
process models developed in Software AG Designer is created on Integration Server.

Integration Servers that execute business processes are equipped with a Process Engine that controls
and directs process execution. You can design a business process to execute on a single Integration
Server or you can distribute the process steps that make up the business process across multiple
Integration Servers. In the distributed scenario, Universal Messaging is required to route process
data from Integration Server to Integration Server to run the process steps.

Services such as flow, web, and adapter services that are developed in Software AG Designer are
built on Integration Server. Integration Server executes the services when they are invoked by
process steps, tasks, or services.

Business rules developed in Software AG Designer are exported to Integration Servers. The Rules
Engines on the Integration Servers execute the rules when they are invoked by process steps or

If a process step exchanges documents with an external trading partner, the step sends the document
to Integration Server, which sends the document to the partner. The partner returns a document
to Integration Server, which returns the document to the process so it can continue to its next step.

Software AG Designer publishes task applications to Integration Server, where they are invoked
by processes at run time. You equip each Integration Server that runs tasks with a Task Engine
that controls and directs task execution. At run time, data and control pass from Process Engines
to Task Engines and back again until the business process completes.


60 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
7 Business Process Management On Premises

In earlier releases, Software AG Designer published task applications to My webMethods Server,

where they were invoked by processes at run time. You equipped each My webMethods Server
that ran tasks with a Task Engine that controlled and directed task execution. At run time, data
and control passed from Process Engines to Task Engines and back again until the business process
completed. My webMethods Server also hosted user interfaces for editing rules developed in
Software AG Designer.

Business Process Model Implementation Details

This section provides a high-level description of the activities a business process developer performs
to implement a business process model.

A major feature of Software AG Designer is its collaborative focus, which allows users with different
types of expertise to work together on different aspects of a process. The Software AG Designer
perspectives that business process developers use to implement business process models are the
Process Development, Process Debugging, Process Simulation, Service Development, UI
Development, and Rules Development. Each of these perspectives supplies the tools needed by a
particular category of users.

Creating Documents, Services, Tasks, and Rules

Some Software AG products provide data to processes in the form of documents. Each document
is associated with a document type, a schema-like definition that describes the document's structure.
For example, a document type named PurchaseOrder might describe the structure of data in a
purchase order document.

In Software AG Designer, you can identify existing document types, services, tasks, and rules, or
you can create the document types, services, tasks, and rules required by a business process, as

Browse Integration Servers for existing document types and services, and drag and drop them
onto the design canvas.

Import supported electronic form (e-form) templates from a file system folder, a web server,
or a My webMethods Server configured as a JSR-170 content repository. Software AG Designer
converts the imported templates into Integration Server document types.

Use the Software AG Designer Service Development perspective to develop flow services and
create document types for service inputs and outputs.

Use the Software AG Designer UI Development perspective to develop tasks (see “Developing
Tasks Within a Process” on page 61, below).

Use the Software AG Designer Rules Development perspective to develop rules.

Developing Tasks Within a Process

If a business process you are developing includes human activities, you use the Software AG
Designer UI Development perspective to develop tasks. Tasks are created within a special type of

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 61
7 Business Process Management On Premises

composite application called task application projects. You can create a single task within a project,
or you can group multiple related tasks within a project. In the UI Development perspective, you
can test and debug tasks you develop.

You can define how you want a task to behave when certain events occur. For example, you can
specify that the task status should change to Critical when an uncompleted task reaches its
expiration date. Software AG Designer provides a variety of built-in actions you can use, or you
can call a service.

You can create a task application that uses data from a supported e-form as some or all of the
task's business data. You can also implement e-form-enabled tasks with download and upload
capability. This capability lets the task user connect to My webMethods Server to download the
e-form data from the task in its original e-form format, disconnect from My webMethods Server
and work with the e-form in the local environment, and then reconnect to My webMethods Server
and upload the e-form. My webMethods Server applies the modifications to the task business

User interfaces present tasks to end users. You can use the Software AG Designer UI Development
perspective to design task user interfaces, which end users then view as gadgets in Business
Console. Alternatively, you can use non-Software AG technologies such as Grails or Google Widget
Toolkit to design task user interfaces. In this scenario, you use RESTful services to create the
interaction between the user interface and tasks that are executing in the Task Engine.

After you develop a task, you drag and drop it onto a business process. If you have a complicated
task, you might want to break it up into a series of simpler tasks, connected into a task workflow.
For the end user, the task workflow appears as a seamless flow of task gadgets in Business Console.
As the user completes each task in the workflow, the next gadget appears, eliminating the need
for the user to locate each new task and open it manually.

When you are done developing a task step for your business process, you use Asset Build
Environment and Deployer to build and deploy the task to an Integration Server equipped with
a Task Engine, so the process can invoke the tasks at run time.

Simulating and Debugging Business Processes

Detailed business process model implementation is an iterative procedure that involves developing,
testing, and correcting your code. The Software AG Designer Process Simulation perspective
enables you to test a business process by sending a document through it. Among other things,
simulation enables you to:

Discover business process bottlenecks, points of failure, and time lags.

Predict business process behavior in multiple scenarios.

Compare the behavior (performance, utilization, cost, and so on) of two or more different
processes, or of two or more versions of the same process.

You can use actual historical run-time data in simulations.

You can debug the business process using the debugging tools offered by the Software AG Designer
Process Debugging perspective and then simulate the process again, and so on until the process
meets your requirements.
62 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
7 Business Process Management On Premises

Logging and Monitoring Processes

Within each business process model, you set the maximum level for audit logging for that process.
The business administrator who monitors processes will refine this setting later to suit his needs.
You also define quality of service settings that determine how the process executes at run time
and that let you balance process performance, reliability, visibility, and control. For example, you
can choose between improving performance by storing process run-time data in RAM or improving
reliability by persisting the data.

Deploying Process Steps

You deploy process steps from Software AG Designer to Integration Server. Software AG Designer
creates a package containing run-time execution information on Integration Server.

Developing in a Collaborative Environment

Software AG offers tools and methods you can use to create a collaborative development
environment in which developers can easily share and reuse assets. For example, Task application
developers can define child collaboration tasks and processes that help complete a parent task.
Developers can configure a parent task so that:

When the task receives specific business data, it creates child collaboration tasks and assigns
them to specific roles or users. The task application developer can configure the parent task
to complete automatically when the collaboration tasks are completed.

A user who opens the task in his inbox can create child collaboration tasks and assign them
to other users. When the child tasks are completed, the user can complete the parent task.

For more information on tools and methods you can use to create a collaborative development
environment, contact Software AG Professional Services.

Developing Composite Applications

A composite application is made up of portlet applications and services that present data from
multiple resources on one or more webpages for the end user. Composite applications are also
used to create modernized front ends for legacy systems. Suppose you have a mainframe program
that stores customer orders and the names of sales representatives. You could create a customer
management composite application that pulls that data from the mainframe program and displays
it on a webpage. When the end user clicks an order, the composite application gets the order details
from the mainframe program and displays it on another webpage. When the end user clicks a
sales representative, the composite application gets customer data from the mainframe program
and displays the locations and contact information for the sale representative's customers on a
Google map.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 63
7 Business Process Management On Premises

The primary product that developers use to develop composite applications is Software AG
Designer. The products that execute composite applications are My webMethods Server and
Integration Server.

Software AG Designer
Software AG Designer offers software developers a UI Development perspective for designing
composite applications.

You create the composite application interfaces in Software AG Designer using Business Console
gadgets or by dragging and dropping JavaServer Faces (JSF) controls onto a design canvas. You
configure each JSF control to perform a specific function, such as submitting a command, alerting
a user, obtaining user input (for example, through check boxes or drop-down lists), or adding
rendering logic to webpages. Other JSF controls enable you to link and navigate among portlets
and webpages. Software AG Designer offers an extensive library of JSF controls. You can then add
other components such as Java or web services to the composite application to retrieve and
manipulate data. You can completely control the look and feel of these applications by importing
HTML templates and CSS style sheets. You can enrich the user experience using your favorite
Java script libraries.

The illustration below shows a view from a portlet application in Software AG Designer.

64 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
7 Business Process Management On Premises

The webpages in your composite applications can invoke services such as Flow, web, adapter,
and rule services. Within Software AG Designer, you can develop Flow, web, and rule services,
and you can create adapter services that invoke programs on mainframes and UNIX systems.
Software AG Designer builds its services on Integration Server.

You can drag and drop the services you want the webpages to invoke onto the design canvas from
Integration Server.

The webpages in your composite applications can also access and display data stored in databases.
You can connect to a database from Software AG Designer and then drag and drop database-related
items, such as database tables, that you want to use in the webpages onto the design canvas.

Composite applications run on My webMethods Server. Composite applications built in Software

AG Designer can use Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) technology. With this technology,
an Ajax engine acts as the intermediary between the user and My webMethods Server, significantly
improving My webMethods Server's response to user input. Alternatively you can create Business
Console gadgets or use modern client-side tools like AngularJS to develop parts of your composite

My webMethods Server
Software AG Designer publishes composite applications to My webMethods Server. My
webMethods Server also hosts composite applications that provide web browser-based user
interfaces for many Software AG run-time products.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 65
7 Business Process Management On Premises

My webMethods Server is a run-time server with a web browser-based user interface that lets you
customize the look and feel of webpages and control user access to them. My webMethods Server
user management also provides a single location from which to define and manage users for many
Software AG products.

My webMethods Server provides a built-in Jetty web server that supports both HTTP and HTTPS.
You can use an external web server, or cluster of web servers, with My webMethods Server (for
example, if an external web server better complies with your corporate IT security policies). My
webMethods Server can integrate with the leading web servers, such as Microsoft Internet
Information Server or Apache HTTP Server.

Integration Server
Services developed in Software AG Designer are built on Integration Server. Integration Server's
function in composite applications is to execute services that are invoked by the composite
application's webpages.

Administering Business Processes

The primary products used to administer business process models and task applications are
Monitor and Task Engine.

Monitor is a web browser-based user interface that displays data logged by Integration Server
and Optimize for Process for services, documents, and business processes. You can use Monitor

Allow business process instances to run or prevent business process instances from running.

Resubmit process steps when problems occur.

Define time-outs that alert you when process steps or tasks run too long.

Set up audit logging so you can track when process instances and steps start running, change
status, end successfully, or fail, and so you can record the path that each process instance took
at run time.

Delete business processes.

Task Engine
You can use Task Engine to:

Assign tasks to users or roles.

Allow task instances to run or prevent task instances from running.

Manually start tasks (for example, to kick off business process instances).

66 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
7 Business Process Management On Premises

Delete tasks.

Monitoring Business Process Instances

Several instances of a business process or task can run at the same time. For example, your enterprise
could hire several new employees at one time, and each new employee would trigger a new
instance of the new employee process. For tasks, you could have a purchase order process that
sends out an approval request task instance to three different managers. Process owners and
participants can monitor process instances and task instances.

The primary products used to monitor process instances and task instances are Monitor, Task
Engine, Optimize for Process, and Business Console.

You can use Monitor to monitor business processes as follows:

View process instances, find problems, and determine whether the problems are caused by
system resources, services, or documents.

Suspend, resume, or stop problematic process instances, and edit data values and resubmit
process instances.

Create, modify, and delete process model stages, and view the status of stages in process
instances and whether the milestones were reached within the specified time periods.

View projections of when a process instance might complete based on percent complete, and
view the average cycle time for running instances.

Mobile Monitor is an application for mobile devices and tablets that provides real-time information
about the status of executed business processes. You can use Mobile Monitor:

View process instances, find problems, and determine whether the problems are caused by
system resources, services, or documents.

View and work on tasks that are assigned to you as you would using Task Engine (see below).

Task Engine
You can use Task Engine to:

Assign task instances to users or roles.

Suspend, resume, or delete task instances.

View task status and the audit log for tasks assigned to you.

Optimize for Process

Optimize for Process is a Java application that enables you to monitor business processes, activities,
events, and other business-related data in real time. The collected monitoring data is displayed in
Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 67
7 Business Process Management On Premises

the web browser-based Optimize for Process user interface. In this interface you can view and
evaluate business data, and define rules that will trigger alerts when problems arise. You can also
use Optimize for Process to create, modify, and delete process model stages, and to view the status
of stages in process instances, and whether the milestones were reached within the specified time

Optimize for Process uses data collectors to gather data from business sources and other
Software AG products. Optimize for Process comes with key performance indicators (KPIs) that
help you measure business activities, and business process developers can develop custom KPIs
that reflect critical success factors for your organization’s business processes. For example,
developers might define KPIs to monitor margin, revenue, customer satisfaction, and inventory
levels. At run time, Universal Messaging routes the KPI readings from the Process Engines that
execute the business process steps to Optimize for Process.

You can define rules in Optimize for Process that define problem conditions in your business
processes. For example, you might define a rule that specifies acceptable inventory levels. Optimize
for Process compares KPI readings against the rules and alerts you when a monitored business
process is out of compliance.

Optimize for Process offers APIs and other services that enable you to extract monitoring data
from its database for use in other systems, such as MashZone NextGen. Events generated by
Optimize for Process include custom data associated with business processes.

Managing Business Processes and Tasks Using Role-Based

Administration, Monitoring, and Social Guidance
The product you use to manage business processes and tasks is Business Console.

Business Console
Business Console is a web- and tablet-friendly user interface that provides role-based administration,
monitoring, and social guidance for business process owners and participants to manage business
processes and tasks. You can use Business Console to:

Work on tasks that are assigned to you, collaborate with other task assignees and process
participants, and save and re-use task searches.

Endorse other task and process participants and network with experts who can help you
complete tasks more quickly and effectively.

Schedule task instances using Business Console or the Task Engine built-in or RESTful services.

Customize and personalize workbenches using custom gadgets you create using JavaScript.

Monitor process and task instances in real time using a web browser.

View trending information relating to processes on social media, and view process analytics.

View decision tables that have been invoked by a process.

68 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
7 Business Process Management On Premises

View processes that include a case and its related activity (also known as case tasks) and
workflow status (also known as case process).

The following table lists Business Process dashboards that display summary metrics, instance
detail, and other performance information about processes that has been collected by Optimize
for Process in Business Console.

Dashboard Displayed Information Possible User Actions

Process High-level information about a selected Send email notifications or

Overview process, including intrinsic metrics, historical escalation actions for individual
views, and normality comparisons across a stage instances.
specified time range.

Stage Stage activity and performance for a process Identify potential issues, obtain
Instances across a specified time range. Metrics about information about alarms and stage
each stage, including information about activity, and use email or escalation
activity, cycle time, and alarms. Information actions to share findings with
about individual stage instances. others.

Process Process activity and performance across a Send email notifications or

Instance specified time range. Historical information escalation actions for individual
about process volume activity and cycle time process instances.
performance. Individual process instances.

Mobile Business Console is an application for mobile devices and tablets that enables business
process owners and participants to collaborate on tasks and workflows, get real-time insights, and
make time critical decisions. You can use Mobile Business Console to:

Work on tasks that are assigned to you, collaborate with other task assignees and process
participants, and network with business process experts.

Add instant tasks, to-do lists, comments, and task attachments to process instances.

Monitor process and task instances in real time.

Mobile Development
Mobile development enables you to extend your integrations and business processes into the
mobile space, so users anywhere in the world can interact with those integrations and business
processes from their mobile devices.

The products you use for mobile development are Software AG Designer, Mobile Designer, and
Mobile Support in the Mobile Suite. The Mobile Suite fully supports Mobile Enterprise Application
Platform (MEAP) requirements and spans the full mobile life-cycle, from developing and deploying
mobile apps to securely integrating and managing them. The Mobile Suite can also bring existing
IT services and processes to mobile devices in an efficient way.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 69
7 Business Process Management On Premises

Software AG Designer
You can develop mobile apps using the Mobile Development perspective in Software AG Designer.
Mobile Development provides logic that reduces the amount of code you must write to develop
a mobile app.

Mobile Development uses the principles of model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, which

separates user interfaces from business logic and data. With Mobile Development, mobile app
developers design a user interface and then generate Java code that displays the user interface
and responds to user-initiated events, such as the clicking of a button. You code business logic
separately from the user interface, in Java classes created by Mobile Development.

Mobile Development offers native simulators for the mobile apps you develop.

Mobile Designer
You can develop mobile apps using Mobile Designer. With Mobile Designer, mobile app developers
create mobile apps in Java and then automatically convert the apps for any mobile device, from
an iPad to an Android to a Windows Phone. The converted apps provide the user experience that
each device owner expects. Mobile Designer reduces the need for in-house mobile knowledge,
which in turn reduces development and maintenance costs. Mobile Designer is integrated with
the Software AG Designer Service Development perspective so you can browse and add services
from Integration Server to the application model.

Mobile Support
Mobile Support is a set of tools that enable mobile app developers and business integration
developers to create mobile data synchronization solutions. Such solutions transfer data between
mobile devices and backend enterprise applications and resolve conflicts that occur when backend
data is updated by multiple sources at the same time.

Mobile Support includes two components:

Mobile Support Client provides a Java client library of classes composed of methods that
initiate requests to synchronize data. Mobile app developers incorporate the synchronization
methods in their apps.

Mobile Support package runs on Integration Server and provides a service that synchronizes
data sent by mobile devices. Business integration developers incorporate the synchronization
service in their integration services.

Mobile apps submit synchronization requests to Mobile Support Client, which asks Integration
Server to execute the services that process the requests. Mobile apps can submit either of the
following synchronization requests:

Download changed data from the backend application to the mobile device.

Upload changed data from the mobile device to the backend application, synchronize that
data with the backend data, and download changed data from the backend application to the
mobile device.
70 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
8 Master Data Management On Premises
■ Master Data Management ............................................................................................. 72

■ OneData ......................................................................................................................... 72

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 71
8 Master Data Management On Premises

Master Data Management

Master data is business information that is critical to the operation of an enterprise. Business
information might include data about customers, trading partners, employees, suppliers, products,
materials, and assets.

In a large organization, different departments might have different versions of the same master
data. The data might also be inaccurate or incomplete. The use of this data can therefore cause
serious problems. Master data management (MDM) offers an organization the ability to create
and maintain a single, trusted, shareable version of master data. MDM offers processes and tools
that collect, aggregate, persist, and distribute master data consistently throughout an organization.

The products you use for MDM are OneData and Locate.

OneData reconciles, cleanses, synchronizes, and stores all your master data, as well as all your
data definitions, structures, workflow, processes, and rules. Enterprises deploy OneData as the
MDM solution to improve process performance and enable better business decisions.

OneData provides a repository in which to store your master data, and a web browser-based user
interface that lets you search for and work with that data. It also provides the capability for data
interchange with other systems using mechanisms such as schedulable data interchange jobs for
importing and export data in multiple formats and REST-based service layers calls.

OneData has an open, extensible data model. You can import your existing model, or use built-in
templates. Any domain or subject area that is in the data model becomes part of the solution; there
are no proprietary structures. You can easily modify or extend the model at any time, and changes
are reflected immediately in the OneData user interface.

OneData supports multiple MDM architectural styles. These architecture styles include centralized,
consolidated, coexistence, and hybrid, as well as combinations of these styles. OneData supports
both operational and analytical MDM use cases.

The following table explains how OneData interacts with other Software AG products.

Product Description

Locate Provides address reference data for more than 240 countries worldwide,
verifies international addresses, checks address data for errors and omissions,
and fills in missing address attributes when needed. Performs geocoding.

Integration Server Executes services called by OneData (for example, to perform data validation
or enrichment).

Universal Messaging JMS provider for data acquisition and deployment in real time. If you modify
data in OneData, OneData can publish a message to JMS topics or queues
for subscribers to pick up. Conversely, OneData can subscribe to JMS topics
and queues for messages about data changes in back-end systems such as

72 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
8 Master Data Management On Premises

Product Description

BigMemory Max Maintains in-memory databases, which are cached versions of data objects.
When you enable caching for a data object, OneData stores the records
associated with the object in cache as well as in the release area. Caching
improves the performance of REST services that use the data object, because
the services interact with the cache instead of the database.

webMethods Define advanced workflow processes.

Business Process
Management (BPM)

OneData also integrates with any industry-standard enterprise service bus (ESB) or service-oriented
architecture (SOA) environment, to share and reuse the same master data both in operative systems
and in data warehousing and reporting systems.

OneData supports end-to-end master data life-cycle capabilities, such as:

Creation and maintenance of data through theOneData user interface.

Modeling and configuration, with no coding needed. OneData implementations typically can
be accomplished in a matter of weeks.

Data acquisitions from and data deployment to data sources such as databases, flat files, and
XML files.

Hierarchy management.

Data change request and approval workflows.

Data quality (that is, cleansing, matching, and survivorship). OneData can also integrate with
third-party data quality tools.

Data security, auditing, and reporting.

The illustration below shows a hierarchy in the OneData user interface. Details for a node in the
hierarchy appear on the right.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 73
8 Master Data Management On Premises

The illustration below shows a data grid whose contents reflect a data object created in OneData.

OneData and the OneData APIs are protected against cross-site script (XSS) attacks.
74 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
9 On-Premises Cross-Product Tools
■ Command Central .......................................................................................................... 76

■ Software AG Installer ...................................................................................................... 76

■ Update Manager ............................................................................................................ 76

■ Deployer and Asset Build Environment ......................................................................... 77

■ Digital Event Services ..................................................................................................... 77

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 75
9 On-Premises Cross-Product Tools

The tools that support many products are Command Central, Software AG Installer, Software AG
Update Manager, Deployer and Asset Build Environment, and Optimize for Infrastructure.

Command Central
You use Command Central in distributed staging and production environments to install, patch,
configure, manage, and upgrade Software AG products; create database components; and connect
products to database components. With Command Central, you can perform these tasks on multiple
remote machines from one location.

With Command Central, you can work with existing standalone product installations or create
new ones. If you are following DevOps practices, you can create software stacks of product

Command Central offers a browser-based user interface. You can also automate tasks by using
commands to remotely execute actions from a terminal or custom script. Command Central
supports continuous integration servers such as Jenkins, and generic configuration management
tools such as Chef and Puppet.

Software AG Installer
You use Software AG Installer to install Software AG products locally on standalone development
machines. With Software AG Installer you can do the following:

Install the latest releases of products directly from the Software AG Empower Product Support
website on one machine.

Download products from Empower into a product installation image and then install them
from the image on one or more machines.

Record a product installation script of yourself installing products from Empower or from a
product installation image, and then install the products with no user input on one or more

Update Manager
You use Update Manager to install and uninstall fixes and support patches on Software AG
products on one machine. Support patches include diagnostic collectors, test patches, and pre-QA
fixes and are used to troubleshoot problems in Software AG product installations. With Update
Manager you can do the following:

Install the fixes and support patches directly from Software AG Empower Product Support
website on one machine.

Download fixes from Empower into a fix installation image and then install them from the
image on one or more machines.

Record a fix or support patch installation script of yourself installing fixes or support patches
from Empower or from a fix or support patch installation image, and then install the fixes or
support patches with no user input on one or more machines.

76 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
9 On-Premises Cross-Product Tools

Deployer and Asset Build Environment

You use Deployer to deploy user-created assets that reside on source Software AG runtimes or
repositories to target Software AG runtimes. For example, you might want to deploy assets you
have developed on Integration Servers in a development environment (the source) to Integration
Servers in a test or production environment (the target).

Deployer deploys assets built from sources in a development environment or VCS and stored on
a repository. Asset Build Environment resides on the machines on which assets are created and
supplies the scripts and libraries necessary to build assets into deployable units.

Digital Event Services

Software AG platforms are supported by an event-driven architecture (EDA). EDA is a software
architecture pattern that supports the sharing of events across products - the production and
detection of events, and the consumption of and reaction to events. The products that enable EDA
are Digital Event Services and Universal Messaging.

Digital Event Services and Universal Messaging

Digital Event Services is the foundation for EDA in the Software AG environment; it enables
Software AG products to communicate using events. With Digital Event Services, products can
emit events in these ways:

Business processes can emit events to other business processes.

Parts of a product runtime can emit events to other parts.

Products can persist events to an event store.

Digital Event Services enables you to define the format of events to be emitted by one product
and consumed by another using the native tools for each product. For example, you could emit
documents based on an existing Integration Server document type as events for complex pattern
detection by Apama without coding anything in either product.

Events can be visualized in dashboards.

Universal Messaging
Event producers publish messages to Digital Event Services in the form of events; Universal
Messaging delivers them to consumers. Each digital event is associated with an event type, a
schema or schema-based definition that describes the event’s structure and is carried on a separate
Universal Messaging channel.

Universal Messaging allows for horizontal scalability, in which you specify a set of servers or
clusters to connect to within a single logical session and then can publish or subscribe to the same
queue or topic across multiple servers or clusters.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 77
9 On-Premises Cross-Product Tools

78 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
10 Analytics & Decisions On Premises
■ Analytics & Decisions ..................................................................................................... 80

■ Visualizing Data .............................................................................................................. 82

■ Mining Process Data and Analyzing Root Causes .......................................................... 82

■ Detecting and Analyzing Complex Patterns in Real Time .............................................. 83

■ Making Predictions ......................................................................................................... 85

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 79
10 Analytics & Decisions On Premises

Analytics & Decisions

Analytics & Decisions is a method for monitoring and analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs)
and linking them to business processes and daily activities to make sure the entire enterprise is
moving toward stated performance goals. Analytics & Decisions enables you to detect and collect
events, visualize and analyze data, and define rules and alerts so you can improve your
organization’s operational or strategic decision-making.

Business Event Processing

Event processing is an emerging technology in business systems. It provides continuous, real-time
insight into events that flow through business networks. Originally used in ultra high-volume
stock trading scenarios, event processing has expanded into other aspects of business due to its
ability to improve end-to-end visibility, situational awareness, and business agility.

Business event processing begins with the arrival of events containing business data such as a
condition, a trend, or a change. Typically, the events are emitted in streams from live data sources,
such as tweets from Twitter feeds. The streams are analyzed in real time to identify and extract
events that are meaningful to your organization.

As business event processing technologies become more mainstream, they are being applied to
more and more business cases.

The following table lists example business cases for event processing.

Business Case Examples

Financial Credit card and debit card fraud detection, trading optimization.

Logistics Package tracking, fleet management, route optimization.


Manufacturing Defect detection, machine monitoring, operations optimization.

Healthcare Fraudulent claims detection, patient monitoring, safety operations.

Government Homeland security, system security, suspicious activity monitoring.

Business Activity Monitoring

Business activity monitoring (BAM) enables an enterprise to monitor the performance of the
business processes it uses to deliver goods and services. Business optimization enables an enterprise
to use the monitoring information to proactively manage and optimize those business processes.

Business process data is monitored via key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are quantifiable
measurements that reflect the critical success factors of an enterprise. For example, in a car loan
application process, you might define a KPI to monitor process cycle time. KPIs monitor data for
exceptions and trends and alert you to problems.

80 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
10 Analytics & Decisions On Premises

Business activity monitoring also monitors process health, such as transition times, step times,
and number of tasks at each step.

Products Involved in Analytics & Decisions

The primary products you use in Analytics & Decisions are Apama, ARIS Process Performance
Manager, MashZone NextGen, Universal Messaging and Zementis Predictive Analytics.

Analytics & Decisions Example

The following table explain activities a bank could perform to improve its process for car loan

Category Activity Example

Detect patterns Run continuous queries to detect Monitor Twitter feeds to detect and collect
and collect identified events. negative tweets that contain keywords like
the name of your bank and “unhappy,”
“slow,” or “bad.”

Visualize data View the collected data in various Text of each complaint, a Google map of the
formats. complaint locations, and a graph of the
process cycle times.

Mine data Examine historical data to Aggregate fast process cycle times,
determine whether similar aggregate slow process cycle times, and
complaints occurred in the past. compare the results. Filter data to find the
age of applicants in the slow processes.

Analyze root Drill into historical data to find the Applications from people under 18 in
causes cause of the problem. certain countries loop back through the
process because of a form that requires a
guardian’s signature.

Improve process Improve the business process Add a line to the application for a
model. guardian’s signature.

Detect events Detect and analyze complex Identify best action to take with unhappy
patterns in real time. customers based on recent customer
support interactions.

Predict events Classify data and make predictions. Determine whether a credit card transaction
is valid or fraudulent.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 81
10 Analytics & Decisions On Premises

Visualizing Data

MashZone NextGen
MashZone NextGen is a data mashup and visualization tool used to deliver stored data to end

MashZone NextGen provides customizable dashboards that come with out-of-the-box components
such as line charts, grids, and bubble charts. You can also create custom dashboards based on a
flexible, responsive layout. MashZone NextGen also supports enterprises that need to deliver
dashboards to users in multiple languages. You can have MashZone NextGen translate a
dashboard's static content (dashboard title, tabs, widget labels, headings, and so on) into multiple
languages at design time, and then MashZone NextGen will display the dashboard in the
appropriate language based on the user's browser language, user settings, or a URL parameter.
This feature substantially reduces the maintenance cost of multi-lingual MashZone NextGen

MashZone NextGen is entirely web browser-based to facilitate configuration of widgets. A custom

widget framework enables the ability to create bespoke visualisations. MashZone NextGen also
offers geo mapping widgets (that is, maps with markers and maps with vector overlay) you can
use to do native mapping based on latitude and longitude or geographic areas defined by a
GeoJSON file.

MashZone NextGen provides direct connectivity to consume Software AG product data (for
example, ARIS PPM graphs and Apama and Digital Event Services events). MashZone NextGen
can generate Apama events and send them to an Apama correlator for further processing.

MashZone NextGen also provides direct connectivity to consume data at rest (for example, JDBC,
XML, CSV, JSON and Excel files, BigMemory Max and Terracotta). You can refine and condense
data from BigMemory Max and Terracotta using Real-Time Analytics Query Language (RAQL)
before visualizing it. You can store the results of complex and long-running data feeds into
Terracotta for reuse within your dashboards, enabling the push-down of complex queries from
MashZone NextGen to Terracotta. With Terracotta you can share the results of data feeds across
multiple MashZone NextGen servers. Administrators can trigger materialization of feeds manually
or externally via a REST API call.

Mining Process Data and Analyzing Root Causes

ARIS Process Performance Manager

ARIS Process Performance Manager, also known as ARIS PPM, is a tool for process analytics that
draws data from various data sources you identify, such as databases containing business process
execution and audit data, or data stores of trading partners contacted by business process steps,
or third-party applications such as Oracle Applications, SAP, or Salesforce. In addition to facilitating
process, function, and organizational analyses, ARIS PPM enables you to evaluate
process-independent data using data analytics.

82 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
10 Analytics & Decisions On Premises

You specify the KPIs to investigate (for example, cycle times, frequencies, costs, adherence to
deadlines, and quality guidelines). ARIS PPM automatically reconstructs the entire business process
via process mining and visualizes the results in various process views. ARIS PPM provides a wide
selection of chart types and tables in which to display the results of your analyses clearly and in
detail. ARIS PPM data can be analyzed in different user interfaces, such as light-weight dashboards.
The illustration below shows the comparison of the aggregated fast-running processes versus the
aggregated slow-running processes described in “Analytics & Decisions Example” on page 81.

Detecting and Analyzing Complex Patterns in Real Time

Apama is an event processing platform that monitors rapidly moving event streams, detects and
analyzes important events and patterns of events, and immediately acts on events of interest
according to your specifications.

You develop Apama applications that contain custom monitors that specify the events or patterns
of events that interest you. These specifications are the logical equivalent of database queries. After
you load your monitors into the Apama correlator, incoming events flow over the monitors and
they monitor incoming event streams for the events and patterns you specified. When a monitor
finds a matching event or pattern, it processes the event or pattern according to the rules you
specified in the monitor. Apama can support huge numbers of individual monitors operating

Developing Apama Applications

Apama offers multiple approaches to developing Apama applications.

Developers can make use of the full set of APIs and technologies within the Apama architecture
to create sophisticated, customized CEP solutions. Developers can create applications directly

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 83
10 Analytics & Decisions On Premises

in Apama native event processing language (EPL) and use Apama's Java and C++ plug-in
interfaces to use logic written in these languages..

Developers and business analysts can create scalable applications that process events originating
from very large populations of real-world entities. Scaling, both vertically (same machine) and
horizontally (across multiple machines), is inherent in Apama query applications. Scaled
deployments on multiple machines use BigMemory Max’s distributed cache technology to
maintain and share application state. This makes it easy to deploy across multiple servers, and
keep the application running even when some servers are taken down for maintenance or fail.
Apama queries can be used alongside EPL monitors in the same correlator process, interacting
by sending events between them.

Apama’s Data Player accelerates the development/deployment cycle of EPL applications by letting
users pre-test applications using event streams captured in Apama. Users can investigate the likely
behavior of Apama applications prior to deployment via simulation, or analyze the actual
performance of those applications already in production. Users can select event streams to test,
and specify segments of time from the past to use (for example, an entire day or a specific 30-minute
period). Users can accelerate replay speeds to many times the actual live speeds, or slow them
down or pause for more careful exploration of event processing operations.

Integrating Apama with External Data Sources

You can connect Apama to any event data source, database, messaging infrastructure, or application.
There are several ways to do this:

Implement connectivity plug-ins. These are adapters that run inside the Apama correlator
using a mixture of built-in and user-defined "transports" for message sending and receiving,
and "codecs" for message transformation. Apama includes a built-in connectivity plug-in
transports for use with protocols and systems such as MQTT, HTTP/S, Kafka, and Universal

Create applications that use Java Message Service (JMS) integrated into the Apama correlator.

Develop client applications with Apama Java, .NET, or C++ APIs.

Implement Integration Application Framework (IAF) adapters. The IAF is a server component
that adapters plug into for run-time invocation. IAF adapters provide bi-directional connectivity
between an external event source and Apama, and XML-based mapping between the event
source’s data format and Apama's internal format. Apama offers a range of standard adapters
for capital markets, infrastructure, and connectivity to data and messaging sources, and provides
APIs for building custom adapters.

Building Dashboards
Apama provides a visual design and deployment environment called Dashboard Builder that
non-technical users can use to create sophisticated dashboards. From these dashboards, users can
start, stop, parameterize, and monitor Apama data views. Dashboard Builder offers a wide range
of visual objects and drag-and-drop technology. For applications written in EPL, users can create
data views and use Dashboard Builder to create a dashboard from the data views.

84 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises
10 Analytics & Decisions On Premises

You can use MashZone NextGen to create dashboards for Apama data views.

Making Predictions

Zementis Predictive Analytics

Zementis Predictive Analytics allows you to execute predictive models built by machine learning
and data mining tools to make real-time predictions. The predictive algorithm classifies data into
categories (for example, low water level or high water level) and performs regressions to predict
the value that will come next. These classifications and predictions can be processed and sent as
events to other Software AG products for the purpose of raising alerts, kicking off automated
processes, and so on.

The open, standards-based approach of Zementis Predictive Analytics leverages Predictive

Modeling Markup Language (PMML) to execute models created in all leading third-party or open
source modeling platforms. The execution engine is highly performant, allowing new predictions
to be made at the speed with which new data arrives.

Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises 85
10 Analytics & Decisions On Premises

86 Understanding Software AG Integration & API Products in the Cloud and On Premises

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