PLAN and Org

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Atlet Kenenisa TVET College

ICT Sector
Occupation: HNS L-IV
Plan and Organize Work
Lo 1: Set objectives

Lo 2: Plan and schedule work activities

Lo 3: Implement work plans

Lo 4: Monitor work activities

Lo 5: Review and evaluate work plans and activities

Prepared by: - Tubba

2008 E.C.
2. Plan and Organize Work

Lo 1: Set objectives



- When planning and organizing how to do a job or correct a problem, first arrange the
activities ,people, or materials involved into a sensible order. For example, you might arrange
them by priority, sequence, position in the chain of command, or administrative functions.
Whatever order you decide to use, plan and organize so that you proceed from the problem to a

First you must determine the specific steps you must take to get the job done. List and figure the
equipment, time, and manpower needed for the job. Try to foresee any problems that might arise.
Ask yourself, Are time, equipment, or personnel scarce? Do the personnel assigned have the
skills or knowledge to perform the assigned tasks?

Next list your plans in their order of importance. What must be done now? What can be left until
later? By deciding the order in which you must carry out your plans, you can set up plan of

A plan of action lists who will do what task sat what period. Take time to write down a plan of
action. Doing that will help you work around obstacles, such as times your people will be away
from the work center.

Taking the following steps will allow you to plan for interruptions and still complete the
assigned task in the most efficient and effective manner.

1.   Identify   action   steps,   resources,   or obstacles involved in reaching a goal.

2.  Prepare a schedule.

3.  Set priorities.

Planning in Management

Planning is deciding in advance what to do and how to do. It is one of the basic managerial
functions. Before doing something, the manager must formulate an idea of how to work on a
particular task. Thus, planning is closely connected with creativity and innovation. It involves
setting objectives and developing appropriate courses of action to achieve these objectives.

Planning Definition
"Planning bridges the gap from where we are to where we want to go. It makes it possible for
things to occur which would not otherwise happen"

Importance of Planning

 Planning provides directions

 Planning reduces the risks of uncertainty
 Planning reduces overlapping and wasteful activities
 Planning promotes innovative ideas
 Planning facilitates decision making
 Planning establishes standards for controlling.

Planning Importance in Management

Planning is a process which involves the determination of future course of action, i.e. why an
action, how to take an action, and when to take action are main subjects of planning.
Planning may be broadly defined as a concept of executive action that embodies the skill of
anticipating, influencing, and controlling the nature and direction of change. - McFarland

Important Planning Articles

 PLANNING - Management principles

Planning bridges the gap from where we are to where we want to go. It makes it possible
for things to occur which would not otherwise happen.
 Principles of Planning
Planning is a dynamic process, it is very essential for every organization to achieve their
ultimate goals, but, there are certain principles which are essential to be followed so as to
formulate a sound plan....
Importance of Planning

1. Planning increases the organization's ability to adapt to future eventualities: The future
is generally uncertain and things are likely to change with the passage of time. The
uncertainty is augmented with an increase in the time dimension. With such a rise in
uncertainty there is generally a corresponding increase in the alternative courses of action
from which a selection must be made. The planning activity provides a systematic
approach to the consideration of such future uncertainties and eventualities and the
planning of activities in terms of what is likely to happen.
2. Planning helps crystallize objectives:The first step in planning is to fix objectives which
will give direction to the activities to be performed. This step focuses attention on the
Results desired. A proper definition and integration of overall and departmental
objectives would result in more coordinated inter-departmental activities and a greater
chance of attaining the overall objectives.
3. Planning ensures relatedness among decisions:A crystallization of objectives as
mentioned above would lead to relatedness among the decisions which would otherwise
have been random. Decisions of the managers are related to each other and ultimately
towards the goals or objectives of the enterprise. Creativity and innovation of individuals
is thus harnessed towards a more effective management of the company.
4. Planning helps the company to remain more competitive in its industry:Planning may
suggest the addition of a new line of products, changes in the methods of operation, a
better identification of customer needs and segmentation and timely expansion of plant
capacity all of which render the company better fitted to meet the inroads of competition.
5. Adequate planning reduces unnecessary pressures of immediacy: If activities are not
properly planned in anticipation of what is likely to happen, pressures will be exerted to
achieve certain results immediately or a in a hurry. Thus adequate planning supplies
orderliness and avoids unnecessary pressures.
6. Planning reduces mistakes and oversights:Although mistakes cannot be entirely
obviated, they can certainly be reduced through proper planning.

7. Planning ensures a more productive use of the organization's resources: By avoiding
wasted effort in terms of men, money and machinery, adequate planning results in greater
productivity through a better utilization of the resources available to the organization.
8. Planning makes control easier:The crystallization of objectives and goals simplify and
highlight the controls required.
9. Planning enables the identification of future problems and makes it possible to provide
for such contingencies.
10. Planning can help the organization secure a better position or standing:Adequate
planning would stimulate improvements in terms of the opportunities available.
11. Planning enables the organization to progress in the manner considered most suitable
by its management:Management, for example, may be interested in stability and
moderate profits rather than huge profits and risk of instability. In terms of its objectives,
the plan would ensure the actions are taken to achieve such objectives.
12. Planning increases the effectiveness of a manager:As his goals are made clearer,
adequate planning would help the manager in deciding upon the most appropriate act.
Features of planning
 Planning focuses on achieving objectives
 Planning is a primary function of management
 Planning is pervasive
 Planning is continuous
 Planning is futuristic
 Planning involves decision making
 Planning is a mental exercise

Planning Process

Setting objectives: Objectives may be set for the entire organization and each department or unit
within the organization.
Developing premises: Planning is concerned with the future which is uncertain and every
planner is using conjecture about what might happen in future.
Identifying alternative courses of action: Once objectives are set, assumptions are made. Then
the next step would be to act upon them.
Evaluating alternative courses: The next step is to weigh the pros and cons of each alternative.
Selecting an alternative: This is the real point of decision making. The best plan has to be
adopted and implemented.
Implement the plan: This is concerned with putting the plan into action.
Follow-up action: Monitoring the plans is equally important to ensure that objectives are
Types of Plans

Objectives: Objectives are very basic to the organization and they are defined as ends which the
management seeks to achieve by its operations. They serve as a guide for overall business
Strategy: strategy is a comprehensive plan for accomplishing an organization objective. This
comprehensive plan will include three dimensions,
(a) Determining long term objectives,
(b) adopting a particular course of action, and
(c) allocating resources necessary to achieve the objective.
Policy: They are guides to managerial action and decisions in the implementation of strategy.
Procedure: Procedures are routine steps on how to carry out activities. Procedures are specified
steps to be followed in particular circumstances.
Method: Methods provide the prescribed ways or manner in which a task has to be performed
considering the objective. It deals with a task comprising one step of a procedure and specifies
how this step is to be performed.

Rule: Rules are specific statements that inform what is to be done. They do not allow for any
flexibility or discretion.
Programme: Programmes are detailed statements about a project which outlines the objectives,
policies, procedures, rules, tasks, human and physical resources required and the budget to
implement any course of action.
Budget: It is a plan which quantifies future facts and figures. It is a fundamental planning
instrument in many organizations.

LO 2: plan and schedule work activities

Planning Activities: Step-by-Step

Activities are the steps that you need to take in order to get the results which will contribute to
the achievement of the organizations or project’s goals and objectives.

So, the starting point is what you want to achieve (the desired result), and this then gets broken
down into the steps required to achieve the result. These steps need to be put in a logical
sequence, and someone must take responsibility for making sure they happen. The organization
or project also needs to be sure that it has the resources or inputs it needs to carry out the steps


 This is the “what” – the result that the activities are supposed to achieve. Once you are
clear on the what, you are ready to work out the steps to take to arrive there.

On the next you will find the basic model with the “what” filled in with an indicator for the
successful achievement of the “what”, and a “means of verification” – a way of showing that the
indicator has been achieved.


Before you can detail the steps, you need to reach agreement about a strategy for arriving at the
desired result. The best way to do this is probably to brainstorm possible options, write them up
on a flip chart, and then decide which make the most sense. In order to make this decision:

 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of each option;

 Compare the options against appropriate criteria such as:
o Alignment with the organization or general project approach;
o Staff capacity to use a strategy;
o Cost;

o Timing.

Now you have a general idea of how you are going to get the required results. You need to break
the work involved down into specific steps or activities. The team needs to brainstorm the steps.
For an explanation of how this could be done.


1. Distribute cards/small pieces of paper (A5) size to each person.

2. Ask each person to write down the critical steps, the things that must happen if the result
required is to be achieved through the agreed strategy.
3. Place the cards or pieces of paper on a wall.
4. Organize or cluster the cards in sequence – the order that makes sense for doing each step.
5. Check that no critical steps are missing. If any are, add cards.
6. Consolidate the steps in your basic action planning model. To see how the basic action
planning model is proceeding.


Working out when each activity step needs to happen require that you:
1. Identify a date by when the required result must have been achieved.
2. Establish a realistic starting date for carrying out the activities needed to achieve the result.
3. Calculate how much time each step needs.
4. Clarify what needs to happen before the activity can be carried out and how much time that is
likely to take.
5. Clarify what needs to happen after the activity is carried out and how much time that is likely
to take.

You should now be in a position to decide by when an activity must begin and by when it must
be completed.

Where staffs are reasonably familiar with how long certain tasks usually take, you can be fairly
definite about time needed. Where they are less familiar, allow for some flexibility in case they
have under-calculated.

Once you have worked out how long each activity is likely to take and scheduled each activity
roughly into a period of time, you need to put all your activities together and make sure that there
are no significant clashes or overlaps. A useful way to do this is to use a Gannt Chart (named
after Henry Gannt who developed it).


(We acknowledge, with thanks, our use of Olive (ODT), planning for Implementation for this
description of how to use the Gannt Chart).

1. Identify what unit of time you will use. So, for example, you could use months or weeks
in a given period, or quarters. Create a table with that number of columns, and label each

In a three year project, using weeks as your unit of time would mean over 150 columns – in that
case, it probably makes more sense to divide the year into quarters and work on quarters.

However, if you are planning for one year, quarterly intervals will probably not give you the
level of detail you will need. Monthly intervals would work better.


2. Add an additional column to the chart. Place one activity from the action plan in each
row of this first column.


3. Illustrate in the chart when each of the activities will be carried out.

You can visualize the activities in different ways:

o An activity that will be carried out during a defined period of time can be illustrated by
filling in the relevant boxes between its start and end dates with a light shade.


You can use light shading in this way even if you do not plan to be working “full-time” on the
activity. The light shading shows that you will be working on the activity on an ongoing basis
over the period of time.

o An activity that will be carried out continuously over a certain period can be illustrated
by using a solid color to fill the boxes.


You can also use different colors for different result areas or goals.
o Where activities take place at intervals you can use a color or a light shade or a symbol to
indicate when it is being worked on.

A1 σ σ

Here the symbol indicates report writing.

Always date your Gannt Chart so you know which is the most up-to-date version.
Everyone who is affected should get a copy of the Chart.


Unless responsibility for carrying out an activity is specifically allocated, it is very likely that
nothing will happen! With responsibility must go some degree of authority? It is no use saying
that someone is responsible for putting together a report by a certain date unless she or he has the
authority to insist that contributors give him/her their contributions by a certain date. If the
contributors fail to meet the deadline, then the collator needs to insist that their supervisors deal
with the problem. You can only hold someone accountable if you give him or her both
responsibility and authority to get the job done.

In deciding who should be responsible for a particular activity, you need to take the following
into account:

 The experience, skills, capabilities, confidence needed to do the task.

 Who has time to do the task when it needs to be done, as well as the ability to do it?
 The willingness of someone to do a job or learn a job. Of course, there will always be
some tasks no-one is too eager to do, but it does help if people either see a task as
naturally falling into their work (so, for example, a bookkeeper says he will do the
budgeting), or someone is interested in a particular task or tasks. Even if someone is not
fully competent and experienced, if s/he is willing to be coached and mentored it may be
worthwhile to invest a bit of extra time in making her/him the responsible person, as a
longer-term investment in development.

If there is no-one on the team with both the ability and the time, you may need to engage in
short-term contract support. If the task is fairly complex (e.g. develop a training programme) and
no-one on your staff currently has the ability to do this, you may decide to employ in someone,
or, as a longer-term investment, to train one or more of your staff members to do the work. This
will have implications for the timing.

In your action planning process, you need to establish who is responsible for getting a task done,
but this does not mean that other people won’t also be involved. At the team level, you may need
to spell out exactly what this means in more detail.


The resources or inputs that are normally needed for activities are:
_ Finances
_ People
_ Materials
_ Services
_ Transport

In most instances, the bottom line will be a financial cost of some kind to the organization or
project. In order to work out what the financial cost is, you have to look at all the inputs required.

In deciding on what inputs are needed, be sure that they are adequate to get the job done.
You can do this on the basis of previous experience, or, when you do not have previous
experience, or your experience is out-of-date in terms of costing, you need to do a careful costing

In your action planning process, you need to note what is likely to incur costs, and then the
activity needs to be carefully budgeted. The time of staff members will be one of your major
costs. This budget then needs to be incorporated into the overall project budget, or, if the budget
already exists, compared with allocations for the relevant line items or budget areas.

LO 3.Implement work plans

Implementation means transforming a plan into action. It means taking steps to see that strategic
objectives are achieved by carrying out action plans. All the planning in the world is worth
nothing if there is no implementation.

There is no magic formula to ensure that implementation takes place. It requires:

 Effective work plans at the team/departmental level;

 Individual plans that are based on the team work plan and on organizational priorities;
 Good management.


In the section Planning Activities: Step-by-Step, you can work through the development of a
work plan that:

 specifies the tasks to be done;

 who is going to be responsible for doing them;
 when they must be done; and
 The resources needed.

This is referred to as “the basic model for building up your action plan”. Each functional work
unit in the project or organization needs to have a work plan that covers up to about one year of
activities. Shorter periods may be better, at least for the detailed work plans. This work plan then
becomes the guideline for daily progress within the work unit and creates a basis for
coordinating activities across the whole project or organization.

If a work unit is involved in more than one key result area (which is very likely), then it needs a
work plan for each set of activities, as well as an integrated work plan for everything to which it
is committed. (See the example in the Gannt Chart on When Must Steps Happen?) This will
enable it to prioritize, reschedule, and allocate resources in such a way that the work gets done.
The integrated plan from each work unit then feeds into an overall organizational or project work
plan so that management can monitor what is going on, anticipate crises, prevent work jams and
so on. In this way, the work plan becomes an invaluable management tool. It also provides the
basis on which individuals plan their time and for what can be expected of them in terms of


Once each working unit, and the organization overall, know what is expected of them, each
individual staff member needs to translate this into what it means for him or her.
Whether the organization/project uses a collective/team approach to management, or a more
hierarchical one, good management requires that those with responsibility for ensuring that the
work gets done know what they can expect of staff, and that staff know what is expected of
them. Individual work plans are done on the basis of how this can best be done.

Once each staff member has his/her own work plan, this can form the basis of a review and
support process.

It is always best to get people to take responsibility for working out their own work plans.

This applies to both professional and administrative staff. The starting point for this is to get each
staff member to reflect on his/her work unit’s plans and then to answer the following questions:

 What can I do in my job in this period of time to contribute to the successful

implementation of my unit’s action plans?
 How should my success or failure be evaluated? (This refers to indicators of success or
failure, rather than to the actual evaluation process.)

This provides a broad framework for developing an individual work plan and then reviewing it.


The role of management, whether it is collective management or hierarchical management, is to:

 help staff members set standards for productivity and quality;
 Monitor performance – how is it going, what problems are developing, what
achievements need acknowledgement, what can be done to provide support?
 meet with staff members regularly to review progress and provide support and feedback;
 Deal with things that are going wrong.

We have suggested a process which moves from the work unit work plan to the individual
Work plan. Through this process management coaches the staff member to succeed; this is based
on all parties knowing what needs to be done. The idea is to help people succeed and meet
expectations, rather than to fail.

There are many different management styles. None of the following is “wrong” or “right” but
some will work better in a particular situation than others:

 A directive style is one where the person or people doing the managing know what they
want and expect to get it, although with some negotiation and compromise.
 A participatory style is one which is willing to negotiate almost everything if the
management structure can be convinced that an alternative might well work.
 A team style is one which leaves it up to the team to negotiate the basis on which
performance will be defined and assessed, and only tries to influence this through
participating actively in the team.
 An assertive persuasion style is one in which management knows what it wants and sells
it effectively so that staff members buy into it.

Whichever style you use in your organization or project, management is necessary.

Without some sort of oversight and review process, in relation to individual performance as well
as unit performance, successful implementation becomes very difficult. Unless someone (or
some ones”) is responsible for dealing with it when things go wrong, the entire organizational or
project action plan can be ruined.

LO 4:Monitoring work activities

Monitoring in the context of action planning is the ongoing assessment of how an organization or
project is performing against its action plans.

Monitoring in the action plan context addresses questions such as:

 Are outputs being achieved within the timeframes set?

 Are resources being efficiently and effectively used?
 Are we doing what we said we would do and if not, why not?
 Are work units meeting their objectives?
 Are individuals meeting their objectives?

Monitoring is an internal function. It goes on continuously in any well-managed organization or

project. It helps those in leadership positions determine whether the organization or project is
implementing its action plan effectively and efficiently. It helps them account to other
stakeholders for what is happening in the project or organization. It helps them learn from
mistakes and it helps management or leadership take corrective action when necessary.

Don’t just collect information for the sake of having it. You must have a purpose, a reason for
collecting the information.

At the planning stage, the questions to ask are:

 What sort of information do we need?

 How will we use the information?
 How can it be collected with the least possible trouble?
 Who will collect it?
 Who will analyze it?

In the section on collecting information as you go along, we look in more detail at methods of
collecting information and what to do with it.


There is no point in just collecting information randomly. You need to focus your information
collection process around the questions you want answered about your action plan, and with a
more long-term perspective, the questions you will want answered about your strategic plan.

When you do your planning, you need to identify the indicators around which information
should be collected. Usually, when you are looking for evidence that will show progress in
activities and will be useful later in reflecting on efficiency, effectiveness and impact you ask
questions about:

 How many?
 How well?
 How often?
 Who benefited?
 How did they benefit?

In reporting on activities, you need information that tells you how well you have done in terms of
your targets or what you planned to achieve. This means looking at outputs and deadlines
regularly so that you can take corrective action. You also need to look at key result areas, and at
the progress indicators you developed for those.

Where does the information come from?

 From documentation such as letters, reports, plans, contracts, attendance lists, forms,
invoices, receipts, minutes, reports.
 From questionnaires, focus groups, anecdotal input which should be recorded (stories
people tell).

Baseline information is important. Baseline information is what you know about a situation
when you begin. So, if you are planning to improve the qualifications of teachers in a particular
area, then you need baseline information about what their qualifications were when you started.
Part of your action plan must be collecting this information and then keeping it in an accessible
way so you can compare the situation at the beginning with what it is while your action plan is
being implemented and after your action plan has been implemented.

Information must be collected and it must be analyzed. So, for example, you may know how
many people are attending the community meetings you have organized because you have
attendance lists (collecting information). But what does it mean that more men than women have
attended, or that some meetings are attended by far more people than others (analyzing

When you analyze the information, you are looking for the unexpected, and trying to learn from
any deviations (differences from the expected) so you can improve your practice. One way of
analyzing is as follows:

Expected Actual situation Any deviation? Probable reason Lessons and
indicator for deviation recommendations
At least 85% of 45% registered. Far fewer than Lack of financing Teachers at this level
under-qualified expected registered. to cover tuition earn very little.
teachers register for costs. Thereneeds to be some
At least 85% of sortof financial support
under-qualified for a process of this kind.
teachers register for
degree courses. Need to approach the
Education Department
for help in
organizingsome sort of
bursary and/or loan

Here, the confirmation of registration certificates and the original information from schools
about the numbers of under-qualified teachers were the documentation that was collected (in this
case, by the administrator). The professional staff from the project took the documentation and
analyzed it. When they realized that there was a major deviation from what they had expected,
they went and spoke to the teachers who had not registered and identified the reason. They were
then able to take corrective action.

It is not necessary to add complicated record-keeping to your work in order to monitor. In most
cases you can use the simple systems you already have. Make sure that thing such as:
 Attendance registers;
 Field officer Reports;
 Time sheets;
 Financial record systems;
 Minutes of meetings

and so on are designed so that, when analyzed, they will give you the information you need. For
example, if gender issues are important to you, then you may want to include columns for first
and second names on your attendance register so that you can work out how many women and
how many men attended the meeting or workshop, or just have a “gender column”

Your methods should be appropriate to the information you need, but as simple as possible, so:

 If you have set participation of community members in development meetings as an

indicator of increased empowerment of the community, then your information collection
tool might be minutes of development meetings that include details of who said what.
 If more spare time available to women is set as an indicator of an improvement of quality
of life of women in certain villages, then your field officer reports should give details of
what is happening in the villages that is different from when the baseline study was done.

 If financial stability is seen as an indicator of sustainability, then regular bookkeeping
records should be analyzed to reflect this.

The important thing to remember is to build information collection and analysis into your action

LO 5: Review and evaluate work plans and activities

In developing any monitoring and evaluation system there are five aspects of evaluation to
consider as illustrated below? If you can provide information on each of these you will be able to
judge the overall performance of a program or project.

Relevance - Was/is the program or project a good idea given the situation to improve? Was the
logic of the intervention logic correct? Why or Why Not?
Effectiveness - Have the planned results been achieved? Why or Why Not
Efficiency - Have resources been used in the best possible way? Why or Why Not?
Impact - To what extent has the program or project contributed towards its longer term goals?
Why or Why Not? Have there been any unanticipated positive or negative consequences of the
project? Why did they arise?
Sustainability - Will there be continued positive impacts as a result of the programme or project
once it has finished? Why or Why Not?

Evaluation is the process of assessing the impact of a project, programme or policy while it is in
operation, or after it has come to an end. It involves consideration of the economy, efficiency and
effectiveness of the project to determine whether the original objectives have been achieved.
These will have been identified at the project initiation stage and documented in the business
case. Evaluation brings to the fore the lessons to be learnt for the future which, in turn, should be
fed into future decision-making. Evaluation does not seek to create blame for what did not go
Formative Evaluation
Handbook definition
• Also known as process evaluation, a formative evaluation tells how the project is operating,
whether it is being implemented the way it was planned, and whether problems in
implementation have emerged.
Other definitions restrict formative evaluations to a project’s planning or start-up phase. For
example, formative evaluation:
is carried out during the early stages of the project before implementation has been
completed. It focuses on ‘process’ issues such as decisionmaking surrounding the
planning of the project, the development of the business case, the management of the
procurement process, how the project was implemented, and progress towards
achieving the project objectives.”
focuses on programs that are under development.It is used in the planning stages of a
program to ensure the program is developed based on stakeholders needs and that
programs are using effective and appropriate materials and procedures.
When formative evaluation is defined as applying to the project or program’s beginning phase,
“process” or “implementation” evaluation is often used to refer to evaluations of processes or
activities occurring in later phases of a project or program.

Process Evaluation
Handbook definition
• A process evaluation reviews project development and examines project activities to assess
whether the project is being offered in the way it was intended and to identify areas where
project administration and delivery can be improved.
Another definition states that process evaluation:
…seeks to answer the question, “What services are actually being delivered and to
whom?” Process evaluation includes such things as
- tracking quantity and description of people who are reached by the program,
- tracking quantity and types of services provided,
- descriptions of how services are provided,
- descriptions of what actually occurs while providing services, and
- quality of services provided. (Van Marris and King 2007)
A more general definition of process evaluation is that it is the assessment of the
m/w/s[merit/worth/significance] of everything that happens or applies before true outcomes
emerge, especially the vision, design, planning, and operation of the program… (Scriven 2007)
The author of this review includes in process evaluations a review of key activity-supporting
processes such as communication, relationship building, capacity building and resource
Sometimes the terms process and formative evaluations are used interchangeably.

Outcome Evaluation
Handbook definition
• An outcome evaluation examines the extent to which a project has achieved the outcomes it set
at the outset.
An example of a slightly different definition follows:
This type of evaluation determines whether the benefits or services to clients produced as
outcomes of a program are meeting the needs of those clients.
Outcome evaluations are sometimes called summative or impact evaluations but these terms
cannot always be used interchangeably. According to some documents, impacts are the

immediate effects of a program and outcomes are the more long-term results; others reverse the
Sometimes outcomes are designated short-term, intermediate, or long-term.

Evaluation Tips
 Set measurable, realistic goals before beginning the project. These goals should be
outcome-oriented and directly linked to the project vision (see Example 12). Partners
should jointly determine the measures, which should be multifaceted and take into
consideration the information needs of the team, as well as individual members.
 In addition to establishing these measures, determine how the information will be
collected and analyzed. Some factors to consider include:
 How long after implementing the strategy do you expect to see results? Is that consistent
with the timeline(s) of the partnership or members’ needs for the outcome information?
 What is the population and unit of analysis?
 Do you have access to (or will you be able to obtain access to) the information required?
 What confidentiality issues must be addressed when collecting the data? What types of
protections can be put into place, particularly for individual-level data for which names or
identifying information are linked? How will the data be stored and for how long?
 What is the level of resources required to collect the information?Is that a reasonable and
available cost, given the benefit of capturing the particular measure?
 Who can assist with data collection efforts (e.g., partners, including students; local
researchers; etc.)?Who has the necessary expertise to guide the evaluation?
 Collect baseline information before beginning the project. These data can then be
compared with outcome data at the conclusion of the project.
 Capture process measures so that if outcome measures do not show an improvement in
the issue or problem,you can revisit the steps taken to achieve the vision and determine
what may have gone wrong.
 Consider with whom, when, how, and whether the evaluation findings will be shared.
Measures collected throughout the project may also be used to redirect project activities,
if needed.


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