Unit 1 - Introduction To OSH Module 2: Osh Situation in The Global and Local Levels
Unit 1 - Introduction To OSH Module 2: Osh Situation in The Global and Local Levels
Unit 1 - Introduction To OSH Module 2: Osh Situation in The Global and Local Levels
Taken in 2007-2008 and released in 2010, the Bureau of Labor and Employment
Statistics (BLES) Integrated Survey (BITS) on cases of occupational injuries and diseases that
affected private sector establishments covered 6,460 sample non-agricultural establishments
with 20 or more workers.
It has expanded its coverage 65 industries including (manufacturing industry);
(transport, storage and communications); accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax
consultancy, architectural, engineering and related technical consultancy; call center activities,
medical transcription and related outsourcing activities (real estate, renting and business
activities); and animated films and cartoons production (other community, social and personal
service activities) industries.
The BITS results reveal that a total of 44,800 occupational accidents occurred in 4,600
non-agricultural establishments employing 20 or more workers in 2007, a figure lower by 14.7%
than the 52,515 accidents that affected 4, 824 establishments in 2003.
Occupational accident
It can occur outside the usual workplace/premises of the establishment while the
worker is on business on behalf of his/her employer, i.e., in another establishment or
while on travel, transport or in road traffic.
Occupational injury
Where more than one person is injured in a single accident, each case of occupational
injury should be counted separately.
If one person is injured in more than one occupational accident during the reference
period, each case of injury to that person should be counted separately.
Temporary incapacity
case where an injured person was absent from work for at least one day, excluding the day of
the accident, and
1) Was able to perform again the normal duties of the job or position occupied at the
time of the occupational accident or
2) Will be able to perform the same job but his/her total absence from work is
expected not to exceed a year starting the day after the accident, or
3) Did not return to the same job but the reason for changing the job is not related to
his/her inability to perform the job at the time of the occupational accident.
Permanent incapacity
case where an injured person was absent from work for at least one day, excluding the day of
the accident, and
1) was never able to perform again the normal duties of the job or position occupied at the
time of the occupational accident, or
2) will be able to perform the same job but his/her total absence from work is expected to
exceed a year starting the day after the accident
Fatal case
case where a person is fatally injured as a result of occupational accident whether death occurs
immediately after the accident or within the same reference year as the accident.
Frequency Rate (FR) – refers to cases of occupational injuries with workdays lost per
1,000,000 employee-hours of exposure.
Incidence Rate (IR) – refers to cases of occupational injuries with workdays lost per 1,000
Severity Rate (SR) – refers to workdays lost of cases of occupational injuries resulting to
temporary incapacity per 1,000,000 employee-hours of exposure.
Average Workdays Lost – refer to workdays lost for every case of occupational injury resulting to
temporary incapacity.
The present local data does not present a total picture of OSH situation in the Philippines. As
you can see, the BITS survey is limited only to the 6,460 companies covered out of the
estimated 780,500 existing establishments in the country. Many companies do not report
accidents and injuries.
Rule 1050 of the Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) requires all
employers to report all work accidents or occupational illnesses resulting to disabling
conditions to the DOLE Regional Office in their area. However, very few companies submit
Limited coverage of the OSH information and education and OSHS implementation .
Vulnerable groups such as the informal sector (which amounts to 28M or 80% of the
Filipino workforce) are often left out in the OSH education, information and program
implementation because they are do not have the capacity to pay for trainings and
most of the time are not even aware that they can protect themselves from accidents
and illnesses. Many of them think that the diseases and accidents they experience is
part of the nature of their work and cannot be prevented. On a positive note, OSHC
has been doing a lot of OSH awareness campaigns for informal workers
There is no system of fines for violations of the different provisions of the OSHS.
The former is more concerned about profit while the latter is with wages and other
monetary benefits.
Aside from the problems already identified, participants should also be aware that there are
emerging OSH issues – such as women workers’ issues, OSH and child labor, OSH in the informal
sector, agriculture, in schools and lifestyle diseases such as AIDS and diabetes, and many
They have take on the burden of the home they perform the role of a wife and a
mother. These may also affect her performance at the workplace and add to the
stresses that come with the job. The hazards that a women worker is exposed to while
at work to can affect her reproductive health and for a pregnant worker, her unborn
There are 250 million child laborers around the world of which 3.7 million are found in
the Philippines. Of these, 2.2M are in hazardous jobs. Employing children in these types
of work greatly affects the quality of their life and in serious cases, may even cause
serious disabilities or death. The OSHC researches on the footwear industry, fishing,
mining, and agriculture, helped in the formulation of policies, in advocacy campaigns to
take children out of hazardous work.
The use of pesticides in farms is also another issue. Farmers or farm workers who
handle pesticides may be unaware of the hazards that they are exposed to. Constant
exposure of a worker, has enormous adverse effects his or her health. Workers handling
pesticides may even bring home residues of the chemicals and, affecting their families
and the community.
There is also little mechanism on OSH for the informal sector considering that they
represent more than half of the total workforce and is the sector badly in need of OSH
information since they have the tendency to ignore such concerns just to get their daily
In schools, students are also exposed to hazards such as chemicals and electricity ,
while bullying and hazing (both psycho-social issues) are becoming more common.
Many school buildings are also risks themselves
Although the number of work-related accidents and illnesses has decreased in the recent years
here in the Philippines, cases of occupational injuries and diseases continue to occur.
The OSHC subscribe to the principle that “one life lost is one too many.” Everyone must
therefore be involved in the effort to contain OSH concerns to enhance one’s working life. After
all, most of us work mainly for economic purposes - “ang hanap-buhay ay para ikabuhay,
hindi para ikamatay.”
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