Lab 7 Handouts
Lab 7 Handouts
Lab 7 Handouts
Experiment No. 7:
•CT-3000 Trainer.
•Sample & Hold, Data Generator, 4 Clock, Clock to Sine Converter & LPF modules.
•Oscilloscope. Tool Kit.
• Connect trainer to power supply. Turn on the trainer and verify the voltages of the power supply
using the multimeter.
• Plug in 4 CLK Module (CM), Clock to Sine Converter (CS), Data Generator (DG), and Sample
& Hold (S/H) modules in ports #1, #2, #4 and #5, respectively. Connect J1 of DG to J2 of DG,
J3 of DG to J1 of 4 CM, J2 of 4 CM to J3 of S/H and J1 of CS and J2 of CS to J1 of S/H.
• Connect scope CH1 to J1 of DG and verify presence of clock signal of about 66 KHz frequencies.
Next, connect CH1 to J1 of CM and see square wave signal ½ of clock signal present at J1 of DG
and then CH1 to J2 to display stable pulse waveform (sampling signal, g(t) of fig.2 ), ¼ of square
wave signal present at J1 of CM.
• Connect CH2 of the scope to J2 of CS to display stable sine wave signal of about 1 KHz (input
signal, f(t) of fig. 2.2). Vary pot on CS to set its amplitude to one-volt peak to peak level. This
signal is also the input signal to the S/H module. Set the scope time base such that at least one
complete cycle of sine wave, is displayed on CH2.
• Next connect CH2 of the scope to J2 of S/H module to display sampled 1 KHz sine signal (r(t) of
fig.2) by changing the position of jumper upward on S/H module. Vary amplitude pot on CS and
see that the amplitude of the sampled signal also varies, accordingly.
Sample and Hold Circuit
• Observe the output now. The sampled waveform will convert into sample and
hold waveform s(t), as shown in Fig.2.2. Draw waveform of the sampled signal
• Design a simple RC low pass filter with cut off frequency of 1KHz using the
• Connect sample and hold waveform to RC LPF and observe the recovered
waveform. Draw the waveform of the recovered sine signal below:
• Insert LPF filter board in port #6. Connect filtered waveform to the input of LPF and
observe the output waveform. The waveform will be smoothed and free of ripples.
• Next, remove the sample and hold capacitor and see its effect on the output waveform.