Feminine Reconnect Roadmap
Feminine Reconnect Roadmap
Feminine Reconnect Roadmap
Feminine Reconnect Roadmap
A quick note before we dive in. This roadmap is meant to be actionable - it's a step by step
plan to help you create healthy connections and interactions. It is a watered down version of
my 3 month program which is a great start and important step to make.
I advise you start at the beginning and work through the book doing each activity in order as
they build one on the other.
I'm so proud of you for taking this first step on your journey and realizing you need help
Step 1
Often we want something yet deep down we do not believe we deserve it.
The belief that we are not deserving may come from our early childhood experiences.
What we were taught, saw, heard, and experienced for ourselves.
We could be buying into another person's concept or opinion that has nothing to do with our
It is our unwillingness to accept that gets in the way. Allow yourself to accept healthy
relationships with other women, whether you think you deserve it or not.
Do an energy test right now to test how deserving you feel you are.
Hold the fingers of your right hand tip to tip, index finger against thumb and looped through
the index figure/thumb of your left hand like a chain link.
Try not to make contact with too much of the pad of the finger. The more contact the harder
it will be to pull them apart. This is not a strength test. The more sensitive you get the less
strength you will have to exert to have your fingers separate for a “no” answer.
The idea is to pull against your fingers just hard enough to test the spring of the muscle but
not so hard that the muscle becomes fatigued. Sometimes if you are not concentrating, or
you are going too fast your fingers will slide but not pull apart. This is confusing because
you can’t tell if you got a “yes” or “no” answer. When this happens try it again and
Use the same amount of pressure to pull your fingers apart when asking “yes” and “no”
questions. If your fingers are not coming apart when you test a definite “no” or negative
question you are holding your fingers too tight or you may have too much finger pad contact
or maybe you are not electric enough to test yourself.
Deep down do I believe I am deserving of having healthy relations with other women?
If it was Yes, that is great news, if it was No, I have great news.
And what is even more fantastic is something called, Neuroplasticity, which is the change in
neural pathways and synapses that occurs due to certain factors, like behavior, environment,
or neural processes. During such changes, our brain engages in synaptic pruning, deleting
the neural connections that are no longer necessary or useful, and strengthening the
necessary ones.
Which means we can change the wiring of our brains using gratitude, visualization and
I have found that incorporating other energy focusing techniques such as EFT, Reiki, Qi
gong, mirror work and central meridian work, to name a few that help and even speed up
the process of neuroplasticity.
Calming Triple Warmer Meridian acts to balance many other systems and helps your body
1. Begin by rubbing your hands together and then shake them off.
2. Lay your fingers over your eyes.
3. On your out breath drag your fingers to your temples.
4. Take a deep breath in and then drag your fingers in front of your
ears and then above your ears, and exhale.
5. Inhale again, and on the exhale trace your fingers slowly around
behind your ears and down to the top of your shoulders. (You can
hang there for a few breaths.)
6. Inhale, push your fingers in and on the exhale drag your hands
down and cross them over your heart.
7. Take a few deep breaths here.
Exercise: Deservability
Answer the following questions as best as you can. They will help you understand the power
of deservability.
Deservability Treatment
I want you to do the following deservability treatment in front of a mirror. Looking into your
eyes, this is called mirror work. Zip up your central meridian, this helps positive thoughts to
take hold. Breath deeply as you say it and speak aloud if you can.
1. Place one hand at your pubic bone directly in the center of the
front of your body.
2. Take a deep breath and bring one hand up to the cleft of your
chin and touch your lower lip.
3. On the next in-breath, repeat with the other hand.
4. Repeat three times.
This can also be done with the hands an inch or so off the body.
Step 2
I would like us to look at ourselves and our beliefs. We all have positive and negative
beliefs. The aim is to continue to reinforce the positive ones whilst working to resolve the
negative ones.
Life is very simple what we give out, we get back. We each create our experiences by the
thoughts we think and the words we speak. Beliefs are ideas and thoughts that we accept as
the truth. What we think about ourselves and the world becomes true for us. What we
choose to believe can expand and enrich our world.
When we are willing to change our primary belief structures, then we may experience a true
change in our lives. Whatever your beliefs may be about yourself and the world, remember
that they are only thoughts and thoughts can be changed.
Our subconscious mind accepts whatever we choose to believe. Universal Power never
judges or criticizes us. It only accepts us at our own value. If you accept a limiting belief,
then it will become true for you.
What are you thinking at this present moment? Is it positive or negative? Do you want it to
be creating your future?
When we were children, we learned about ourselves and about life from the reactions of the
adults around us. Therefore, most of us have ideas about who we are that we do not own,
and many rules about how life ought to be lived. If you lived with people who were
unhappy, frightened, guilty, angry, or unsocial then you learned a lot of negative things
about yourself and your world.
When we grow up we have a tendency to recreate the emotional environment of our early
home life. We also tend to recreate in our personal relationships, those we had with our
mother and father. I do not encourage you to blame your parents. We are all victims of
victims, they could not teach us something they did not know.
It is impossible for us to change any limiting beliefs unless we know what they are.
Exercise: Beliefs
Write down what the words mean to you. What did you hear, see or were taught about them
from the women in your life whilst growing up? Your mom, gran, aunt, sister, cousin,
teacher, etc.
Make the list as long as you like
1. Women
General Supposed too's Shoulds
2. Friendships
General Supposed too's Shoulds
Do you have conflicting beliefs? How many of your answers are negative? Put a star beside
these answers. Do you want to continue to build your life on these convictions? Be aware
that someone taught you these ideas. Now that you have seen them, you can choose to let
them go.
What other negative beliefs could you have rattling around in your subconscious mind
regarding connecting with women? Allow them to come up. You may be surprised at what
you find.
How many negative messages did you notice when you wrote your story? Each negative
belief that surfaced is a treasure. "Ah-ha, I have found you! You are the one that has been
causing me all this trouble. Now I can eliminate you."
This would be a good time to look into your mirror, zip up your central meridian and affirm
your willingness to release all these old negative messages and beliefs. Breath deeply as
you do this and speak aloud if you can. Repeat it several times.
Step 3
Planting Seeds
So far we have looked at how deserving you feel and at what your beliefs are around women
and relationships are.
I had asked you to star the negative ones and whether you want to continue to build your
life on these convictions?
If your answer is No, then you have come to the right place.
Think for a minute of a blueberry bush. A healthy plant can have over a hundred blueberries
on it. To get this blueberry bush with all these blueberries on it, we need to start with a
small dried seed. That seed doesn't look like a blueberry bush. It sure doesn't taste like a
blueberry. If you didn't know for sure, you would not even believe it could be a blueberry
bush. However, let's say you plant this seed in fertile soil, and you water it and let the
sunshine on it.
When the first little tiny shoots come up, you don't stomp on it and say, "that's not a
blueberry bush." Rather, you look at it and say, "Oh, boy! here it comes," and you watch it
grow and care for it with delight. In time, if you continue to water it and give it lot's of
sunshine and pull away any weeds, you might have a blueberry bush with more than a
hundred luscious blueberries. It all began with that tiny seed.
It is the same with creating a new experience for yourself. The soil you plant in is your
subconscious mind. The seed is the new affirmation. The whole new experience is in this tiny
seed. You water it with affirmations. You let the sunshine of positive thoughts beam on it.
You weed the garden by pulling out the negative thoughts that come up. And when you first
see the tiniest little evidence, you don't stomp on it and say, "That's not enough!" Instead,
you look at this first breakthrough and exclaim with glee, "Oh boy! Here it comes! It's
Loving and approving of yourself, creating a space of safety, trusting and deserving and
accepting, will enable you to create healthy connections. It is miraculous the way a
blueberry bush grows. It is miraculous the way we can demonstrate our desires.
Now that we have our lists, let's look at how we can plant them.
Hopefully, you have been preparing the "soil" so long with the activities from Day 1 and 2.
How the soil is prepared is very important as to how your seeds will take root.
If you just churned up the first few inches and hit some stones/rocks and thought okay that's
enough... then I am sorry to say that Nope, that ain't enough!
Those stones/rocks are your treasures and need to be uncovered and removed so you can
see them in their fullness to really get rid of them.
That means that your new seeds rooting will be extremely shallow and easy to pull out.
Plus, all that bone marrow you put down (the energy work) is not in deep enough as those
stones/rocks are in the way. Yeah, some of it may have managed to get into the tiny gaps
between the stones/rocks but that is not good enough.
We looking to plant tap rooting seeds so make sure your soil is prepared sufficiently for
them to take root properly.
To help your seeds grow I am going to be teaching you another energy healing technique
called Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT, Energy Tapping, or Energy acupuncture.
But first, we have some other stones/rocks to remove to prepare our soil.
Exercise: Emotions
Going back to day 1 and 2's activities. I want you to list what emotions show up when
reading what you wrote down.
Take your time, often we have no words to describe what we are feeling, in those situations
I wrote down what it felt like.
Remember to breathe and do the smoothie technique if feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
Just let feelings write themselves.
If you want you can think of current or near past situations and write down what feelings
come up when you think about them as well.
I would like you to try to be more aware of how your emotions affect you throughout your
day. How they have dictated how you process and respond to situations.
KC ~ Karate chop
Wr ~ Wrist
BF ~ Baby Finger
MF ~ Middle Finger TH
IF ~ Index Finger
TH ~ Thumb
Start off by doing the triple warmer smoothie and then the central meridian zip-up
techniques, then in front of your mirror with your selected seeds you want to plant and as
you are looking at yourself in the mirror and saying your affirmation out loud, I want you to
be tapping. Even if you only select three or four points to use at first.
I did about two to three rounds of tapping on each affirmation three times a day when I
started. I tapped on one of my positive affirmations relating to the negative emotion that
arouse when interacting with other women. On points not so obvious to see.
Heck, I even tapped on the collarbone point ones as I was that cross and frustrated. The
women that was helping me, just looked at me all wide-eyed and carried on. She must have
thought I was a weirdo or something by the looks she kept giving me, but I did not care as I
felt great after our interaction as I did not take those emotions away with me after our
So get....
Step 4
Like any other new thing you are learning, it takes practice to make it apart of your life.
First, there is a lot of concentration, and some of us choose to make this "hard work." I don't
like to think of it as hard work, but rather as something new to learn.
The process of learning is always the same no matter what the subject - whether you're
learning to drive a car, type, play squash, or think positively. First, we fumble and bumble as
our subconscious mind learns by trail, and yet, every time we come back to our practice, it
gets easier and we do it a little better. Of course, you won't be "perfect" on the first day. You
will be doing whatever you can do. And that is all I ask of you, that is a good start.
Say to yourself often, "I'm doing the best I can" especially when doubt arises.
I am sure you didn't hear your elders saying, oh how silly of her, she has fallen she is not
good. They cheered you on when you stood up for the first time, took that first step and they
encouraged you. And because of that you carried on and learnt how to walk.
That is what we need to do for ourselves. We need to cheer and encourage ourselves on, by
doing so we nurture our seeds to grow into big beautiful plants with nice strong taproots.
We need to water them daily with affirmations, as we have planted water-loving plants, not
cactus's. We pulling out those cactus's, with their spikes and replacing them with luscious
We need to give them sunshine daily with visualizations. And remove those weeds of
negative thoughts and emotions.
To see how much water and sunshine you are giving your seeds we going to look at how you
start your day.
What is the first thing you say in the morning when you wake up?
We all have something we say almost every day. Is it positive or negative?
I remember when I used to awaken in the morning and say with a groan, "AAAGH, ANOTHER
DAY." And that's is exactly the sort of day I would have, one thing after another going
Even if I started my day off saying, "TODAY IS GOING TO BE GREAT." I would recall I was
seeing so and so and I would recall our last interaction and I would allow those negative
emotions to take hold of me and I would say with a groan, "OH JA, I'M MEETING SO AND
Now when I awaken and before I even open my eyes, I thank the bed for a good nights
sleep. After all, we spent the whole night together in comfort, then I list at least five things I
am grateful for. I get out of bed and start my morning routine one of which is doing the
techniques I have taught you so far, smoothie and zip up technique, and then doing my
affirmation mirror tapping.
Affirmations that are used consistently become beliefs and will always produce results,
sometimes in ways that we cannot even imagine. Especially if incorporated with the energy
techniques I have taught you.
Anything you need to get rid of, the earth is a great place to do it. It composts and
transforms old energy into new energy.
Now as you breathe in, this time I want you to stretch up onto your toes
On your outbreathe I want you to swing your arms down and knock your heels
onto the floor at the same time
That knocking of the heel creates a vibration in your body and discharges old
energy to the earth.
Inhale through the nose and this time do it a little faster for another 5 times
Notice how you feel after that. Close your eyes take a couple of breaths. Visualize the
kind of relationship you want with other women. Feel it. Now, lets set our sights on it
and like the archer build up the power and the strength to be able to reach the target.
So that we use the wisdom of the past to create the energy of our future.
Exhale, pull the box string and straighten your forward leg
Hand comes by the heart, connecting to your heart's desire, passion, excitement.
Repeat this action about 5 more times on the one side and
then do it on the other side.
Download explanation of
Clearing statement by
Did you know you cannot judge anything without having been or done it? So when you find
you have a judgment of something or someone you can just say, "POC & POD when I did
that or was that" and the judgment will lose its charge." The Clearing Statement® is so
magical that it works even in a short version like this... so if you can't remember it yet, just
say "POC & POD that..." and it still does its job! Cool hey? And this is why you might want to
POD & POC your judgments...
"Total lack of judgment equals total freedom. You still have the capacity to choose. You can
still have a preference, but that's not a judgment. The trouble is, you think that if it's a
negative point of view it's a judgment, and if it's a positive point of view, it's not a judgment.
No so. Many things that you have as a negative point of view are actually awareness, not
How many negative points of view have you misapplied and misidentified as judgments,
when they were awarenesses? All of those, will you destroy and uncreate them all, times a
godzillion? Right and wrong, good and bad, POC and POD, all 9, shorts, boys, and
When you misapply and misidentify anything, you create a place where you are living from a
lie. Any part of your life that you have not been able to change, it's because there is a lie
That's why we worked on our beliefs and deservability to out suss the lies - the conflicting
information we were telling ourselves.
I use this statement whenever I have or feel the need to judge or criticize myself or
someone else.
Full clearing statement
When you achieve vibrational alignment, any inspired action will feel wonderful.
Without the vibrational alignment, any action taken will feel difficult.
With the vibrational alignment, your every effort will yield wonderful results or return on
your time.
Without the vibrational alignment, the outcome of your effort will be disappointing,
resulting in discouragement as you conclude, "This is never going to happen to me."
Expressing gratitude
Writing affirmations
Sitting in meditation
Enjoying exercise
Practicing good nutrition
Doing affirmations aloud
Singing affirmations
Taking time for relaxation exercises
Using visualization, mental imagery
Reading and study
Step 5
Show Up
Supporting yourself is so important. You are a human being and as a human being we need
support, we crave support; not necessarily from others but from ourselves; we just don't
know that.
I used to always be there for others no matter what, I burnt myself out and became so
negative towards others who were now so used to me being there for them no matter what
that I lashed out at myself.
I lashed out at myself about other things as well; if I forgot something, felt I was being
stupid, only came up with a "good" response a few minutes, hours or even a day later. I
criticized, belittled, and was just downright horrible to myself.
I was the one that change my vibration and messed it up so that my relations became worse
and worse and I used to think what is wrong with so and so or what have I done to them to
deserve being treated like that. I could never find the answer.
We are constantly taught that to have anything it must come from outside of us, but that is
not true. It first comes from within and then from without, so long as our vibrations are
One thing I noticed and learnt on this journey of healing my feminine connections is that my
criticizing and lashing out at myself caused them to do so. That was the vibration I was
putting out there. I want to be criticized, I want to be lashed out at.
Even though consciously I didn't want to be treated like that, subconsciously I did. Until I did
this work and came to that Ah-ha moment, things had not changed.
Scientists have said that the most important age for child development is the first 7 years
because children up to that age are so impressionable. Someone impressionable is very
susceptible to being influenced, almost like a sponge that soaks up ideas.
With that in mind I want you to imagine you have that little impressionable girl inside of
you; because you do; let's say she is 6 years old.
I want you to love and support her in a way that you feel you need/want to be supported
and loved. Speak to her the way you want to be spoken to.
Doing this will change her vibrations for the better and heal her wounds.
I often think that those emotions that arise that are overwhelming and just take over are
projected from my six year old "reliving" a deja vu moment and screaming to release it. I
notice that emotion, tell her I hear her, understand what she is going through, I am there for
her and I allow her to release that emotion.
When we see someone being vulnerable we think or say wow, look at this person they are so
brave/amazing. We admire them for their courage.
Yet, when it comes to us being vulnerable we are too scared. Too afraid of what others may
think about us; because we have been criticized in the past; we had been called all sorts of
names. Too afraid to feel that vulnerability as we had been taught that it was a weakness.
I started by first showing my vulnerability to myself and then eventually more and more to
others. It was less scary; Why?; because I was comfortable in my vulnerability with myself. I
accepted my vulnerability, I began to see it as a strength and not a weakness. I began to see
it as an Ah-ha moment, a treasure and I treated it as such.
Then last but not least, Interact as best as you can as you are in that moment. Do not
criticize yourself for fumbling over your words, thoughts, showing your vulnerability or
anything else. If you feel like doing so, STOP, SUPPORT yourself! Let yourself know that how
you did was great, and that next time you will do better. Compliment yourself, not put
yourself down; you have been doing that long enough.