AERO 455 - Course Outline

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The key takeaways are that students are expected to have access to reliable technology and internet for remote learning. They should install VPN and software like Python, OpenVSP, and Microsoft Office 365. Exams may be proctored online using tools like Moodle Quiz, Zoom, or Concordia Online Exam platform.

Students are expected to have an installation of Python, OpenVSP, and Microsoft Office 365. They may also need to access software in the Gina Cody computer labs using VPN.

Exams may be online and proctored. Students should be prepared to show ID, have their screen recorded, and write in a quiet space. They should familiarize themselves with any online exam platforms before writing.

Course number Course Title Term

AERO 455 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Aerospace App. FALL 2020

Course Instructor Office E-Mail Office Hours

Dr. Brian Vermeire Zoom Mon/Wed 2:45-4pm

Conditions Specific to Remote Teaching and Assessment

1. All students are expected to have access to a computer with following capabilities:
a. reliable internet connection
b. camera and microphone (your computer and/or cellphone)
c. document scanning application such as Adobe Scan app

2. All students should install VPN for remote desktop access to Concordia University
computer labs
Once you have VPN connection to Concordia University, you can access to all available
software in Gina Cody School labs by following the process described in:

3. Download Microsoft Office 365:


4. Course specific software installation instructions:

Students are expected to have an installation of Python on their computer
( + interpreter + package manager and OpenVSP
( Note that all of these are available for free on Windows, Mac, and

5. Although examinations are not originally planned for this course, the right is reserved to
update the course evaluation scheme at any time and all students are expected to be capable
of doing online, timed exams in this circumstance
a. Examinations may be done through Moodle Quiz using live-invigilation or through
Zoom. Alternatively examinations may be done through Concordia Online Exam
(COLE) platform using an auto-proctoring solution. Students are encouraged to visit
the practice exam site to become familiar with the system.

In the case of a Zoom-based examination

Please note the following with respect to online live proctored exams:
• That the exams will take place during the exam period at the designated date and time set by the
professor (midterm) or the Exams office (final). All exam times will be set to Eastern Standard
• That your image, voice and screen activity may be recorded throughout the duration of the
• That you must show your Concordia University Identification card to validate your identity.
Alternative government-issued photo identification will be accepted, though it is not
recommended. Only identification in English or French will be accepted.
• That any recording made (if one is made) will only be viewed by authorized university personnel
(no external entity has authorization to review the recording).
• That you will be responsible for ensuring appropriate, properly functioning technology (webcam,
a microphone, appropriate browser and an ability to download any necessary software, as well as
a reliable internet connection with a minimum of a 3G connection).
• For your online examination(s), you will need to download the appropriate browser lockdown
technology and use Zoom. Protocols for entering the examination will be provided by your
• That you should enter the virtual test site and become familiar with the software that will be used
for your exam before starting the exam.
• That you will need a quiet place within which to take the exam. Earplugs or noise-cancelling
headphones that are not connected to a device may also be used to allow you to focus for the
duration of the exam.

For live auto-proctoring with COLE based exams

Please note the following with respect to online live proctored exams:
• That the exam will take place during the exam period at the designated date and time set by the
professor (midterm) or the Exams office (final). All exam times will be set to Eastern
Standard/Daylight Time.
• That your image, voice and screen activity will be recorded throughout the duration of the exam.
• That you must show your Concordia University Identification card to validate your identity.
Alternative government-issued photo identification will be accepted, though it is not
recommended. Only identification in English or French will be accepted.
• That any recording made will only be viewed by authorized university personnel (no external
entity has authorization to review the recording).
• That you will be responsible for ensuring appropriate, properly functioning technology (webcam,
a microphone, appropriate browser and an ability to download any necessary software, as well as
a reliable internet connection with a minimum of a 3G connection).
• That you are very strongly recommended to enter the virtual test site found at the COLE website
and become familiar with the software that will be used for your exam before starting the exam.
• That you will need a quiet place within which to take the exam. Earplugs or noise-cancelling
headphones that are not connected to a device may also be used to allow you to focus for the
duration of the exam.

b. Course instructor reserves the right to conduct an individual oral examination to verify student’s
response to online exam questions

6. Academic Integrity
Violation of the Academic Code of Conduct in any form will be severely dealt with. This includes copying
(even with modifications) of program segments. You must demonstrate independent thought through your
submitted work. The Academic Code of Conduct of Concordia University is available at:

It is expected that during class discussions and in your written assignments you will communicate
constructively and respectfully. Sexist, racist, homophobic, ageist, and ablest expressions will not be tolerated.
All students must read and sign the Expectations of Originality form and submit the signed copy to course
instructor by September 14, 2020
7. Third-party software/website and personal information
Note that, as a part of this course, some or all of the lectures and/or other activities in this course
may be recorded. Recordings will be focused on the instructor and will normally exclude students.
It is possible, however, that your participation may be recorded. If you wish to ensure that your
image is not recorded, speak to your instructor as soon as possible.
Also, please note that you may not share recordings of your classes and that the instructor will
only share class recordings for the purpose of course delivery and development. Any other sharing
may be in violation of the law and applicable University policies, and may be subject to penalties.

8. Third-party software/website usage for work submission
Students are advised that external software and/or websites will be used in the course and
students may be asked to submit or consent to the submission of their work to an online service.
Students are responsible for reading and deciding whether or not to agree to any applicable terms
of use. Use of this software and service is voluntary. Students who do not consent to the use the
software or service should identify themselves to the course instructor as soon as possible to
discuss alternate modes of participation that do not require them to give copyright or the right to
use their work to a third party.
By using the external software or websites, students agree to provide and share their work and
certain personal information (where applicable) with the website/software provider. Students are
advised that the University cannot guarantee the protection of intellectual property rights or
personal information provided to any website or software company. Intellectual property and
personal information held in foreign jurisdictions are subject to the laws of such jurisdictions.
9. Third-party software/website usage for work submission
Students are advised that external software and/or websites will be used in the course and
students may be asked to submit or consent to the submission of their work to an online service.
Students are responsible for reading and deciding whether or not to agree to any applicable terms
of use. Use of this software and service is voluntary. Students who do not consent to the use the
software or service should identify themselves to the course instructor as soon as possible to
discuss alternate modes of participation that do not require them to give copyright or the right to
use their work to a third party.
By using the external software or websites, students agree to provide and share their work and
certain personal information (where applicable) with the website/software provider. Students are
advised that the University cannot guarantee the protection of intellectual property rights or
personal information provided to any website or software company. Intellectual property and personal
information held in foreign jurisdictions are subject to the laws of such jurisdictions.
10. Copyright notice
All content made available during this course is subject to copyright by the professor. This
content may not be copied, published, distributed, downloaded or otherwise stored in a retrieval
system, transmitted or converted, in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without
the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Doing so will be in violation of Canadian
copyright law and the academic code of conduct.
11. Course modifications
All course content, including the grading scheme, is subject to change at any time.
Section Day Time Location Instructor E-mail
Lecture M 2:45-4pm Moodle Dr. Brian Vermeire
Lecture M 2:45-4pm Moodle Dr. Brian Vermeire


Introduction to computational methods in fluid dynamics using commercial CFD codes; aspects of
geometry modelling, structured and unstructured grid generation, solution strategy, and post-
processing; conversion of CAD to CFD models; an overview of basic numerical methods for the
Navier-Stokes equations with emphasis on accuracy evaluation and efficiency. Elements of
turbulence closure modelling. User-defined function for customized physical models into
commercial CFD codes.

ENGR 311, 391; MECH 361.

Evaluation Tool Weight
Weekly Assignments 20%
Mid-Term Project 20%
Lab Reports 30%
Final Project 30%
Total 100%
Passing Criteria:
• In order to pass the class your cumulative score must be above 50%
Graduate Attribute Indicators
Problem Analysis Problem identification and formulation
Advanced Modelling
Problem solving
Analysis and interpretation of data
Use of Engineering Tools Ability to use appropriate engineering tools, techniques and resources
Advanced Demonstrate awareness of limitations of tools, create and extend tools as
Design Define the objective
Advanced Idea generation and selection
Detailed design
Validation and implementation


By the end of this course students will be able to:

Course Learning Outcome Relationship to Graduate Attributes

A. Recognize abilities/limitations of CFD tools Demonstrate awareness of limitations of
tools, create and extend tools as necessary
B. Apply math/numerical approaches for CFD Problem identification and formulation,
Modelling, ability to use appropriate
engineering tools, techniques and resources
C. Analyze CFD modelling for performance Analysis and Interpretation of Data, Ability
to use appropriate engineering tools,
techniques and resources
D. Evaluation performance of aerodynamic shapes Problem identification and formulation,
Modelling, Problem solving, Analysis and
Interpretation of Data, Ability to use
appropriate engineering tools, techniques
and resources
E. Use software tools for aerodynamic analysis Ability to use appropriate engineering tools,
techniques and resources, Demonstrate
awareness of limitations of tools.
F. Design an digital experimenta Define the objective, idea generation and
selection, detailed design
G. Analyse and validate this experiment using software Validation and implementation.
Topics Week

Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics 1

Review of Conservation Laws and Intro to Finite Difference Methods 2

Finite Difference Methods Continued + Consistency, Stability, and Convergence 3

Dispersion and Dissipation Error, Time-Stepping and Iterative Methods 4

Finite Volume Methods, Limiters, and Shock Capturing 5

Mesh Generation and Multigrid 6

Turbulence Theory 7-8

Turbulence Modelling 9

Boundary Conditions for Turbulent Flows 10

Scale Resolving Techniques 11

Summary and Review 12

An on-campus health clinic and health promotion center with nurses and Counsellors (licensed mental health professionals) work with students to
doctors. address their mental health and wellbeing needs.
SGW 514-848-2424 ext. 3565 SGW 514-848-2424 ext. 3545
LOY 514-848-2424 ext. 3575 LOY 514 848-2424 ext. 3555

Supports students with a variety of disability conditions (including Provides confidential and non-judgemental support and services to
temporary disabilities arising from illness or injury). Students receive students, staff and faculty of all genders and orientations affected by
academic support for their educational experience at Concordia. sexual violence and/or harassment. 514-848-2424 ext. 3525 Jennifer Drummond, Coordinator
514-848-2424 ext. 3353


Support network from first-year to graduation. You’ll find one-on-one Supports students to enhance their Concordia experience by engaging in
tutors, study groups, workshops as well as learning and career advisors student life outside the classroom.
514-848-2424, ext. 3921 Terry Kyle, Manager SGW 514-848-2424 ext. 3517
LOY 514-848-2424 ext. 4239


An on-campus resource for First Nations, Métis and Inuit students that Supporting international students with immigration documents, health
helps them make the most of the many resources available at the insurance, social events, and workshops.
Orenda Konwawennotion Boucher-Curotte, Coordinator 514-848-2424 ext. 3515 514-848-2424 ext. 7327


Advocating for students facing charges under Provides a home for all those wishing to celebrate the human spirit in the
the Academic Code of Conduct or the Code of Rights and widest sense of the word, through programs, events and a quiet space for
Responsibilities. reflection. 514-848-2424, ext. 3992 Ellie Hummel, Coordinator
514-848-2424, ext. 3593


Ensures the safety of our members and campus property through An accessible space for student parents to study, share interests and develop
prevention, surveillance, intervention, training, and education. Provides a support network.
emergency medical services.
Sumaiya Gangat, Coordinator 514-848-3717
(dial 1 for urgent situations; dial 2 for non-urgent situations)
514-848-2424, ext. 2431
Violation of the Academic Code of Conduct in any form will be severely dealt with. This includes
copying (even with modifications) of program segments. You must demonstrate independent thought
through your submitted work. The Academic Code of Conduct of Concordia University is available

It is expected that during class discussions and in your written assignments you will communicate
constructively and respectfully. Sexist, racist, homophobic, ageist, and ablest expressions will not be

The basic ten rules that make you a good engineer

The B. Eng. program is set to satisfy most of the requirements for your education and prepares you for a
professional engineering career that requires dedication and knowledge. What you learn, and how you
learn, will be used extensively in your engineering profession for the next 30 to 40 years. Therefore, the
four years spent in the engineering program are crucial towards your professional formation. The first
step is for you to learn to “think like an engineer” which means:

• accept responsibility for your own learning

• follow up on lecture material and homework
• learn problem-solving skills, not just how to solve each specific homework problem
• build a body of knowledge integrated throughout your program
• behave responsibly, ethically and professionally

One of the mainstays of being a professional engineer is a professional code of conduct and as an
engineering student this starts with the Academic Code of Conduct (Article 16.3.14 of the undergraduate
calendar). However, you may encounter situations that fall outside the norm and in such cases, you use
your common sense.

Further, the following issues should be given serious consideration:

1) Attendance at lectures and tutorials are major learning opportunities and should not be missed. The
labs represent a unique opportunity for you to acquire practical knowledge that you will need in your
career. Class and tutorial attendance is important for you to comprehend the discipline and make the
connections between engineering skills. You are strongly encouraged to participate in the class, ask
questions and answer the instructor’s questions. Tutorials are just extensions of the classes in which
application of the concepts presented during the lectures are presented and problems are practically

2) The decision to write tests that are not mandatory is entirely yours. For example, midterm test are
often stated in many courses as optional. However, one the objectives of midterms is to check on your
comprehension of the material and allow time for whatever action is necessary (from more study time to
discontinuing a course). Plan to attend the class tests even if they are not mandatory. If you pay attention
in the lectures, it will take you significantly shorter time to comprehend the material. Note also that if you
are in the unfortunate position of being unable to write a final exam due to medical reasons and seek a
deferral, this may not be possible if the instructor has no information indicating that you have been
attending the course and assimilating the material (ie through midterms, quizzes, assignments etc).

3) Homework is usually mandatory and it has some weight in the final grade (such information is given
in the course outline). Homework may also be conceived as training material for the class tests. Under all
circumstances, it is highly recommended to carry out the home work on time and submit it on the
prescribed date. Late submissions are not granted to individual cases regardless of the reason. This is part
of the training for being in the workforce where deadlines have to be met. Please, plan your work such
that you submit all the assignments and lab reports on time and in the correct place (not in the corridor or
on the street!).

4) Office hours with tutors, lab instructors or class instructors are listed in the course
outline/website/office doors. Please respect these office hours and in case you have a serious conflict,
contact the instructor asking for a special time arrangement.

5) Class tests (midterms, quizzes) are returned to the student. The final exams are not. If you wish to see
your exam paper, be aware that most instructors allow only a narrow window of time for that purpose.
For the fall term, exams may usually be reviewed in January and May for the spring term.

6) When you see your marked work (assignments, midterms, final exam etc), be aware that you are
supposed to review your material and see the type of errors you made and if marks have been added
incorrectly. This is not an opportunity to try and “negotiate” a higher grade with the instructor. If you
believe that your grade is not right, you may apply for a formal Course Reevaluation through the Birks
Student Centre.

7) Writing tests and exams represents a major component of your course work. These tests and exams
have rigorous requirements such as:
• No cell phone or other communication enabling tool is allowed on the student during the examination
• Only specified faculty calculators are allowed during tests and exams unless otherwise indicated by the
• Usually, no materials are allowed in the exam unless otherwise announced.
Get used to signing in and out of your exam. Make sure that you leave your exam papers with the invigilator.
There are rules concerning general exam issues in the UG Calendar. These requirements are there to
eliminate any possible misunderstanding and you are asked to respect the rules. Disciplinary measures
are taken when the rules are not followed.

8) Respect your colleagues and those that you meet during the class: tutors, instructors, lab instructors,
technical personnel, assistants, etc. Use appropriate communication means and language. Be considerate
for all human beings. This includes small things such as turning off cell-phones before a class begins.
Concordia University is a very diverse group of people and a very large multicultural community.

9) Communication is part of your future profession. Learn how to communicate effectively and
efficiently in the shortest time possible. Write short but meaningful e-mails, make effective phone calls,
etc. If your instructor accepts emails make sure that your request is clear with the course number and your
name in the Subject line. Do not ask for special treatment as instructors have to treat all students equitably.

10) Respect all the above and you will get closer to your future profession.

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