Fileclerks PDC PDF
Fileclerks PDC PDF
Fileclerks PDC PDF
by The Fileclerk
1. Creation
3. Space
4. Energy
5. Time
13. Responsibility
In December 1952, L. Ron Hubbard gave a series of lectures for the Philadelphia
Doctorate Course, presenting the theory of Scientology, the Science of Knowing How
to Know, together with the principles governing the application of Scientology in
auditing (spiritual counseling).
He had also written a textbook to accompany the lectures, which was then published
as "Scientology 8-8008," and came to include some later material.
The present text, based on the lectures themselves, is similar to that textbook, but
goes deeper and with more detail into some aspects of the human spirit, especially with
regard to what is called "one's own universe."
It is not an original LRH text, but rather a "BOTWO," "based on the works of." The title
"Scn. 2-2002" is in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the original PDC.
As the subtitle "The Fileclerks Guide to the PDC" suggests, it is not intended as a
substitute to studying the lectures themselves, but rather as an introduction to awaken
the reader's curiosity and cause him/her to study the lectures themselves - which is a
grand and rewarding endeavor; or if the reader knows the lectures already, the text will
function as a review.
The writing tries to emulate LRHs style, and from time to time commenting or
explanatory remarks were inserted, which usually go to the end of the paragraph where
they appear.
Unfortunately, there is no glossary that goes with the text, meaning that the reader
who is unfamiliar with some of the technical terms utilized will need an auxiliary
publication to look up the definition of such terms. This might make it a bit difficult for
beginners, but actually the intended public of "Scn. 2-2002" would consist of readers
that are already familiar
with some fundamentals of Scientology and Dianetics and the basics of L. Ron Hubbard
s works.
This text is written with a positive intention, with the desire to make knowledge of a
scientific, spiritual and religious nature more widely available. None of the data
presented have been based on material deemed confidential.
June 2001,
The Fileclerk
"If you had a Doctor of Philosophy, you would expect a Doctor of Philosophy to be able
to philosophize. But I'm not just talking about philosophy for the sake of philosophy. I'm
talking about it very specifically with regard to auditing and in regard to learning
material and data."
L. Ron Hubbard, PDC-14
A live science is not a static science. A live science grows. You have watched the
sudden fusion of Western mathematical thinking, organization, logic and electronics
with the data which was left in India about 8200 years ago, which was relatively
unanalyzed, but was a tremendously valuable mass of material.
It needs a dichotomy to work something out. Two things must come together to work
something out. There was that big body of data and all of a sudden we ran into it with
electronic material and Western logic, plus the Western belief that it could be done and
it wasn't complicated.
Monitored by something above them, it was possible to codify in terms of MEST the
capabilities of theta. And that is the trick here: how do you codify in terms of MEST a
capability which is only a small part MEST? And that's been quite a trick putting it
together and codifying it. And that codification continues.
A live science is one which can still change. It has not reached the end of the cycle of
The lectures form a bridge between the experience of man as he walks around and
pretends to be active, and so forth, and the level at which we're operating.
All these phenomena are discoverable. So I'm not asking you to agree with me. I'm
actually asking you to find out what you've been agreeing with all this time. And
examine the track of agreement, so that then you can undo that track of agreement. In
other words, let's see if we can't disagree with this universe just a little bit.
Not necessarily to destroy the universe. The universe is a good thing. I know a lot of
people that ought to inherit it.
You'll run into people who tell you, "Yes, that's the way I solve my problems, I step out
of my head, think of the answer, and step back in again." But they kept it kinda quiet,
because this would have made them strange and peculiar and they didn't want to be
Homo sapiens.
I said that there were several echelons and that we were going through the second
echelon of knowledge with Effort Processing, and we were slightly into the fringes of a
third echelon. Well, we just busted through the roof of the third echelon. What lies in the
fourth echelon? I don't know. But I know that visible and usable and for the first time
really satisfactorily usable, on a broad level, is this Q-1.
With this, your preclear stops asking that inane question, "Why are we here? What is
the reason for all this?"
Scientology has been a progressive development and examination of the agreements
which came to bring about the MEST universe, and then became the science of how
agreements are made, and then became what are the beings who make these
agreements. And how you can start all this, from these basics. That's where we are
There's actual data that goes along with the subject of being a Theta Clear. If he knew
this instinctively, he would not be here in the MEST universe. It's actually a dirty trick to
make a Theta Clear out of somebody without passing him the data that should go with
it. He doesn't automatically know. His knowingness is high, but that's potential
knowingness. So you, particularly as an auditor, have to know the most astonishing
subject. I don't think this subject has ever been taught here on Earth before.
Fortunately, very few subjects are as elementary or as basically simple in their parts as
this. So on the one hand, when you say what this subject is, you can expect people's
hair to stand on end. And then if you went ahead and explained its various component
parts, and it might only take you three weeks, they would suddenly realize that the
subject was knowable.
You'll find that all these agreements are very accurately statable - and experienceable,
which is more important. And they're experienceable by a preclear ten minutes after
you start processing him. He won't know what's happening. But you as an auditor will
know what's happening. You've gotta know what's happening, because all sorts of
things might start to occur, on which you would have no check or track if you didn't
know what you were doing. Remark: like the preclear doing a bunk, an instance that is
covered under "cautions."
We have won techniques which have a workability and if adhered to, and if practiced
well, can do the job. You can make something more than Homo sapiens and in my
opinion it's about time.
The logic of putting Scientology together had as its first criterion application. What were
we trying to do - that was fairly well thought out, we were trying to help beingness.
There's a good cause and effect definition. It wasn't a slop-around of, "Well, let's be
scientific, and let's fool around and let's see if we can make a lot of money," or "If I
could only do ...". No, it was just a clear-cut statement. It presupposed that something
could be done. And it had to assume, also, that the something which could be done
would be, basically, simple. These were unwarranted assumptions. But it's a universe
that's made by postulates. So we just postulated that before we began, and it's been
going ever since.
To cause things one must be cause, and the primary requisite of cause is a statement
of intention and goal - a clear statement of what you're trying to do. "What am I trying to
do?" If you can't answer that, you'll foul up.
Take the highest truth which you can state understandably and with accuracy and
which you can relate to the remainder of the body of data which confronts you, and
evaluate with that datum. And if it has limitations and doesn't expand the scope of what
you're trying to do, you're going to have to find a higher level truth.
If any of this stuff had to be thought about lengthily and so forth, nothing would have
happened. The only place where it had to be thought about is - compare it. You
compare one flow to another flow, you'd have to kind of mock up a couple of flows and
hook them together. That's what's known as inductive thought.
How could you investigate anything if you were postulating all the time? In other words,
it'd be impossible to find out anything by carrying on investigation which is occasionally
called "scientific".
Let's take the subject of Scientology and let's see if there's any logic involved with it at
all. No mathematics could embrace the subject of Scientology but an invented
mathematics, that accepts gradient scales and "absolutes are unobtainable". It is a
method of thinking about things, and it is just as true as it is workable, and no truer.
You've got to have inductive and deductive logic. You've got to reach for an inductive,
almost intuitive datum, and grab it. And then dive - hit the deductive level, take all this
data around here and see how it works: does it fit?
Logic 9: "A datum is as valuable as it has been evaluated."
A datum is really just as good to an individual as it's workable. If it were going to be
addressed to aesthetics, does it produce an aesthetic effect? That means it's workable.
So don't get "workable" down there with digging ditches.
When we make that statement about theta, we say, "All right, this is the theory, let's
now see if with it we can predict the existence of new phenomena which when looked
for will be found to exist." And sure enough, this predicts data. It predicts phenomena
and if you use it in auditing, it keeps increasing the individual's capability up with a very
sure, good, solid gain. So far, there've been no exceptions to this. It's not a variable
then, it's a constant.
For man, a datum is just as good as he can experience it. And if he can experience a
datum very broadly, it could be said to be a good usable workable datum. And we
might have some thundering, fundamental, capital "T" Truth here.
You either know data or you don't. There isn't any half-way point about it, you either
know what a cycle of action is or you don't. Because the answers which have been dug
up here are not vague answers. If there exists a vagueness, it was either a vagueness
of communication, which was not fully received, or you're fighting something that would
make it seem non-survival to you to know that datum.
You can take this knowledge - if you know this knowledge well, you do not have to
parade this knowledge. You can teach people the knowledge. If you do that, just teach
them data more or less like I do. The amount of interest that I've put into this is very
minor really. Make a wisecrack once in a while, throw some randomity in - don't do very
much. Give'em data - that's what's important if you're teaching.
But if you're practicing, don't give anybody any data at all. Put the aesthetic band on
this thing. The aesthetic isn't knowledge, it's putting it to use. And it's the amount of
interest which will be given to you because you know.
Here's a summary table of materials covered since 1950:
1950 - DMSMH - running of engrams and locks and grief charges
1951 - Science of Survival - the mechanics of what aberration is
1951 - Self-Analysis a better appreciation of language
1951 - Advanced Procedure & Axioms - establishment of the goal of selfdeterminism as the most valuable
1952 - History of Man - discovering and resolving the problems relating to
the GE - and finding that one has to process the pc and who is the pc.
1952 - Standard Operating Procedure I - consolidation of studies and experimental and
temporary techniques
1952 - SOP Issue 3 - removal of any agreement with the MEST universe
The development of this whole science actually could be measured by how welldeveloped the Tone Scale was. In book one we had a Tone Scale. That's the first plate,
the first illustration in Book One. It's the Tone Scale in its embryonic form. And then in
Science of Survival we started to move out onto the line and we really got behavior at
these various levels.
The Chart of Attitudes in the Handbook for Preclears is the most valid portion of that
Scientology 8-80 is a very good reference book. But it was one of those things which
happened and then was all very quick and before the book got anyplace, why, results
were being produced otherwise.
It is an account of phenomena which we have to have here, but we are no longer using
the techniques of 8-80. They are old.
If you want to hit a society hard, just know what is being published in its public prints. It
is not different from the tone level of the society. It is the tone level of the society,
because it is very closely monitored by such things as advertisers and sales of copies.
You will find that your preclears will respond to the type of mock-up which you find in
the daily newspapers, as the chronic level of mock-up.
Look at that old Science of Survival chart. You'll find that this is the mock-up he is
dramatizing most, so it must be just above and below this band that you must hit in
order to change his location on the chart.
I don't care what people think of me - you can't be very well and still care.
The only real truth there is on the track, is that there is no true datum. That's a good
high-level truth. Concepts such as codes of justice are made up on basis of workability,
but they're born out of a pretense, such as the divine right of the ruler. And therefore,
because they are born out of a pretense and then became factual, you'll find people,
whenever they have assumed an untrue datum, are getting very serious about the truth
of something. And the harder they insist that something is true, the surer you can be
that it's not. They might not know that it's not true, but if you followed the reasoning all
the way down, you would find it fallacious.
Watch that fellow who yells loudest in the crowd, on his track you'd find that incident
right there on whatever he's protesting against with a screaming fit.
This tells you that some time on the track I must have been a psychiatrist, doesn't it?
Well, that's right. I was.
The sole test of sanity administered by a psychiatrist is, "Is he in agreement with the
MEST universe?" If he is, why, it's alright, even if he is in apathy or strictly a fruitcake,
wrong place doing the wrong thing, and mankind will find itself a slave.
So anybody that knows the remedy of this subject, anybody that knows these
techniques, is himself actually under a certain responsibility - that's to make sure that
he doesn't remain a sole proprietor. Don't ever think that a monopoly of this subject is a
safe thing to have. It's not safe, not for man, not for this universe. This universe has
long been looking for new ways to make slaves. Well, we've got some new ways to
make slaves here. Let's see that none are made.
It's fortunate that we are able to make Clears as fast as we can make them. Because
Black Dianetics, as most destructive things work in this universe, could work a lot faster
than the old-time techniques - work really fast. But nowadays you can use Creative
Processing: the process of using mock-ups will flip out a PDH (pain-drug-hypnosis
incident) without ever touching it or addressing it. Isn't that fascinating. You can knock a
PDH to pieces with 15 minutes of processing, and it takes longer than that to put one
in. We really do have the remedy before the assault weapon is produced.
Did you ever read poor old George Orwell's 1984? That would be the palest imagined
shadow of what the world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology
with no remedy in existence. Well, it's alright in this offhand age to just brush things
aside and say, "Well, it's of no importance, really, let's not be dramatic the way people
are being about the atom bomb." Actually, the atom bomb is just a MEST weapon, it
isn't as serious as this subject. This boogyman does exist.
It's a very simple remedy. And that's, just make sure the remedy is passed along.
That's all. Don't hoard it. Don't hold it. And if you ever do use any black Dianetics, use it
on the guy who pulled Scientology out of sight and made it so it wasn't available.
Because he's the boy who would be electing himself "The New Order". We don't need
any more new orders - all those orders as far as I'm concerned have been filled.
There is a series, numbering about five, above the level of logic and above the level of
axiom. I've been calling these things the Qs (cues).
Q can be defined this way: it is the level from which we are now viewing, which is a
common denominator to all experience which we can now view. This level acts as a
common denominator to all this experience, and the Q is the highest level from which
we are operating. This data then, these Qs, would stand behind everything else that we
Q is the noble level of definition of theta. Here we have something - that's theta - it has
no wave length, it has no position in space, any space, it has no position in time. It
hasn't any form, it hasn't any shape, but it has an individuality for the individual and it
has its own ability to be its own beingness and it can locate things in space and time. It
could not only do that, but it can create space and time, in order to create energy and
matter. Therefore our Q is a potential. You could call it a capability.
The highest activity which we now reach is self-determinism, in these terms: Selfdeterminism of theta is the ability to locate in space and time, energy and matter; and
to create space and time with which to create and locate energy and matter.
That's number one: "Q1 - Theta has no wave length in it, no position in time and space,
has no mass, no duration, but it has the potential or capability of locating in space and
time, energy and matter, and creating space in which to create energy and matter." And
that's all there is to it.
Someday I'll find a higher Q or you will or somebody else will. They can do something
out and beyond and broader than that. And when that is attained, why, we'll have
another big surge forward in capabilities.
Maybe it has many more goals, but the goals of theta which we can observe are to
locate energy and matter in space and time, and to create space that you can locate
energy and matter in.
That becomes then the high-level function in processing, because the effort and
thought of your preclear is to attain self-determinism, and self-determinism could be
said to be an effort to attain the goal of theta.
We have then, this as our highest level of attack. This is above the level of survival; it is
above the level of beingness; it is way above the level of action.
What we have scouted in Scientology, what we've looked over, is the MEST universe
parade of agreement stemming from the first capability, the first Q that we can discover
which describes the capabilities of theta, as we can view them from this point.
Q1 is a truth probably a little bit senior to any necessary for this universe, because this
universe has immediately omitted creation of space as a capability of theta.
The thetan in this universe doesn't recognize his capability of creating space. You start
to ask most thetans, "Let's create space. Let's put out a couple of anchor points. Now,
let's swap them around." "No, no."
Here we have Q1 moving in with a vengeance into Operating Procedure. The mission,
goal, activity of theta: location in space of particles and energy.
The highest level cause is a postulate. It needs no reason for existence and doesn't
have to be articulated. A postulate is a statement of condition of being. It could be
more, up to and including the materialization of objects. Postulates are a statement of
states of being which then go into effect, or don't go into effect, as the case may be.
And proceeding from postulates are bodies of knowledge and data. In postulates, there
are various abstract computations. Actually, everything above the level of action (20.0
on the Tone Scale) - would be in terms of abstracts.
A high theta level postulate would be a postulate made without regard to evaluations,
conclusions or time. Postulates from a theta level do not have any order of precedence
because of a time stream. Time ceases to exist for the thetan to the degree that he
separates himself from contact with space and energy.
He can just make a postulate and then he doesn't have to say that postulate's no
longer in existence. He just makes another one.
Postulates don't depend upon the past. You actually don't have to change a past
postulate. It's good enough to get a new postulate. A fellow who has to address the
past is addressing energy. Time depends upon havingness and havingness depends
upon energy and space.
However, in Homo sapiens a postulate is accompanied by evaluations and conclusions
of data. In Homo sapiens postulates are made on a time stream. He makes a postulate
today and then tomorrow he is the effect of it. This is then cause and effect strung out
on a time stream.
He says to the garage attendant, "Well, that jack looks pretty dangerous. I'll probably
go home and jack up that car and that jack will fall out from under and smash my hand
just as sure as shooting." He does so, and two hours later he smashes his hand in just
that fashion. Probably took a lot of arranging.
We make a postulate, and travel along the time track with everything monitored by this
postulate. The fellow says, "I will never get rich." He never does. He says, "My health is
sort of poor." So it is. He's tailor-made himself a frame of existence with the stimulusresponse postulates born out of actually MEST universe impressions against him.
A theta level postulate is always senior to an associative stimulus-response postulate.
A phrase can be an enforced command, which an individual then takes as a superior
command or as his own postulate. Any decision or statement on a condition of being
can be effective on an individual.
If you're strong and tough enough you would simply postulate that it was going to
happen, and, whatever it was, it would occur. Down scale from that you would have to
go into action and make it happen - and it would occur. Down scale from that you would
say, "I wish it would happen" - and it wouldn't occur. And down scale from that you'd
say, "Well, somebody ought to ... ".
Is there a level where the person merely says, "Stone, move!" and the stone moves?
Yes, I'm afraid there is. But he's not there. And his soaring down the line from a state of
sublimity and efficiency into the state of being homo sapiens is the curve of
disobedience on the part of the MEST universe.
A postulate has nothing to do with space or energy. It sits above all force, all space and
all energy. And he goes on much better if he's just handling postulates.
What refinements you get in the techniques are the refinements of getting him up to
what we already know to be the highest level of beingness, which is in terms of
Our highest level of livingness before space, before energy, before objects, certainly, is
the postulate. The fellow lives by making postulates.
If you make a postulate out of no motion, no space, no geographical location, or any
other influence, why sure, you can make any postulate you please. But after you've
made a hundred thousand million postulates and you've got yourself nicely stacked
around with cycles of action and MEST and agreements and responsibilities and
subject to forces and you own this and somebody else has you, to say, "I'm just going
to sneak over here covertly and I'm holding on to all that, but I'm going to say that I'm
now self-determined as an individual, and then I'm going to make that stick". Well,
you're just invalidating yourself.
A person can't change his postulates because they're bogged into energy. He's making
them inside of created energy, he's actually operating in a more or less solid area when
he's thinking, he's pushing particles around, so he can't change his postulates.
So he gets something solid that doesn't change and which is a mock-up - a symbol for
the future.
When he's high up there on the Tone Scale and can see well into the future, there's no
energy. There isn't any energy there used to think, and a person postulates, a person
decides. There is no higher decision than just saying so. You say so and it's going to be
true, therefore you say so.
When a person gets up to a point where he starts to think with no energy, boy, things
really start to get smooth, and he starts to enjoy things in a calm, beautiful way and he
can introduce all kings of randomity, his interest level is very high, and he doesn't have
much liability for anything.
It is symbolical, that line in the Bible, which says: "In the beginning was the Word and
the Word was with God and the Word was God." The day when you state a postulate to
begin a universe, you are creating a god as well. And it is the god of that universe.
Freedom is lots of space and ability to use it. Complete freedom is above the level of
needing space, and not even having to agree. That is cause itself. And you never saw
cause itself ever being worried.
Responsibility is willingness to own or act or use or be. Cause is higher than
responsibility. But when you look at this universe, you're examining cause and effect
upon a time stream. And so you have cause being succeeded by an effect - apparently.
If every postulate the thetan has ever made is still in effect and all he can do is slightly
modify the limits, you'll find him getting into a narrower and narrower sphere of action.
"There must have been a reason or you wouldn't have done such a thing." Oh boy,
that's really taking away power out of a person's hand. You don't have to have a reason
to do anything.
The "reason why" goes backward on the time stream, cause to effect goes forward. In
order to make a noise, I drop this book here. Now a little time elapses and the book
drops. (Thump!) It becomes very evident that cause is in the past and we're the effect
of a past cause. The truth of the matter is, the cause was in the future. Why? There's
the desire to have the magazine drop, and we've got a future drop there which is
making a present cause.
I have to be an effect to some degree in order to have a cause in the future. (Remark:
in order to have a postulate come true on a time stream).
All of your work for instance is motivated by the future. You want to eat tomorrow, why,
you work today. So the cause is eat tomorrow and the effect is work today.
This universe has an interesting law. It says: you cannot make an effect out of the past.
The day you can change the Roman Empire in the past by making a cause in the
future, why, you're doing all right. That would be a reversal of the whole proceedings.
We'll know much more about this when we get onto time. But just let me say this at the
moment: There isn't any past, there isn't any future.
Regarding cause and effect, and according to Crowley's work, a magician postulates
what his goal will be before he starts to accomplish what he is doing. He would very
carefully postulate what effect he was trying to achieve before he would be cause for
that effect. He would make a statement of what he was trying to do, and would just then
initiate the steps necessary to accomplish it.
Cause and effect are handled according to a ritual, and that ritual is what you do in
order to accomplish this goal. Each ritual is a cycle of some sort or another.
If one did not do this, one would inevitably fall into this trap: he would become the effect
of his own cause, because what he had eventually accomplished would seem
surprising to him. And might seem desirable as an effect upon him. So he carefully
stayed out of that rat race; he had nothing further to do with it and he would say, "You
see, I achieved that effect." You start out being at cause, and the only way you can
wind up being an effect is forget that you started this effect over here. You did it.
Nobody else did it. As long as you know you did it, you are all right.
Do not suddenly pretend that you didn't have anything to do with bringing about what
you have now found yourself surrounded with. That gives you time, and the upset of
cause and effect buries time. But the use of cause and effect brings it into being.
Your preclear didn't postulate what he was trying to do in the first place, so you're
picking him up where he sits, as a sort of a pawn.
1. Introduction
Universes are not necessarily parallels to the MEST universe - that's why I've never
defined the word "universe". Some universes don't even have action in them. They
have something else. I know of three frames positively outside this universe. They're
not necessarily getting thinner or more unsubstantial but they don't run according to the
same laws. "E = mc squared" won't work in them. That is not a native characteristic of
energy. It just happens to be.
Every preclear is an adventure. They all have their differences, some of them are wilder
than others, some of them more interesting than others. But in every one of them you
are examining, first, a member of a universe in which you are also an inhabitant and,
primarily, you are looking at a universe. And that universe itself might be very strangely
constructed. You're not interested in how that universe is really constructed, only
insofar as how that structure has been knocked to pieces and its functions disrupted by
an agreement level of which you have a very adequate track.
This MEST universe is the inevitable average of agreement, the inevitable average of
illusion. But I've already seen enough of universes to know that they don't run on the
same laws. Every individual is perfectly capable of making one, not just a little tiny one
that you keep in a jewel box - but probably pretty big. How many universes could exist?
Of course the number is infinity.
2. The Own Universe
Available to you right now, you have the MEST universe and your own universe. You
also have somebody else's universe available. The most important universe is your
own, because you can be certain of it. Mostly because you can be 100 % in control of
it. And if you start working up towards that, these other two universes fall into line as a
Just start out from scratch and train people to view things differently than they are
viewing them and they would get a different universe.
In your universe, you can do independent thinking for a number of objects at the same
time as long as you have yourself free of a time stream.
You give them a time stream and you move in and out of it at will.
There's a hooker in creating your own universe. You've got to be so high tone scale
and so terribly self-sufficient that you are perfectly willing to be the only one that enjoys
it. Otherwise you're going to go into ARC and if you go into ARC you're done. So it's the
cross between the desirability of having your own universe and the desirability of
having an audience.
Over on your own universe, what you're trying to attain in creation (of a mock-up) is the
you want it to be able to survive;
it should be right;
it should take full responsibility for what it's doing and you take full responsibility for it;
you should be able to own all;
you should be able to make anything that approximates anything;
you should be able to make it continue on an 'Always' basis, or have 'Always' there; in
other words, all kinds of time;
you should have things which are motion sources in there;
the level of truth of that universe ought to be good.
You would BE faith in that universe; or, as far as faith is concerned, you would probably
rely on a mock-up a heck of a lot quicker than you'd ever rely on a piece of MEST.
You'd just rely on the mock-ups.
Now the level of knowingness. You would know what the beingness and other things
were of this universe - your universe, your creations.
You could make a mock-up that knows or you would know everything that was about
the mock-up.
You would be cause, you wouldn't be effect.
Or you could make a mock-up that was cause for a lot of things.
You would have reached 'I am' - full beingness, and you would be able to win. The
easiest way to win is to be both sides.
You'd be able to start things, terrific differentiation, a very good state of being.
You had to be able to make all the space you wanted.
That's just your goals of individuality of your creations and their character and quality.
2. The MEST universe
The MEST universe could be said to be about 74 to 76 trillion years old, although this
term year is very deceptive.
Homo sapiens here on the planet Earth in the Solar System at this end of the galaxy is
found to be about 74 - 76 trillion years old as a thetan.
What exactly they're computing as a year, I do not know, but you simply say "year" and
you get an immediate response on the E-meter. It could mean that, as plotted
arbitrarily, they are referring to some planetary swing. But this all boils down to so many
units of havingness. A year is a unit of havingness. That's why it gets to be a unit of
A thetan came in here to the MEST universe over a bridge sort of built of agreement.
The fellow agreed that there was something terribly desirable, or in some cases, there
was just a sudden big boom, and their universe caved in, which is a very startling thing
to have happen. Somebody could pick up its wavelength, its chain of agreements, find
out what its laws were and blow it up.
It's a big theta bop on the E-meter. Still trying to hold on to that. And you'll run this as
an explosion sometimes, or as a persuasion, always as something that shouldn't have
happened. It's regretted and the fellow is still staying with it.
That bridge, then, led over into the MEST universe and the fellow suddenly found
himself agreeing that this was a flock of space which had its origin at point unknown,
and he is part of that organization now, and he has volunteered. He has agreed. It's
done by hypnosis, it's done in various other ways. He's gotten into the game called the
MEST universe which is set up to need a lot of recruits.
One cannot have in this MEST universe what is completely one's own, because the
only thing which is one's own is that which he himself created or helped to create.
That's all that one can own. Created and helped to create - you only get a shadow of
that in this universe, by taking MEST universe materials and building them into a form,
no matter how clumsily these materials handle, which is the individual's own. In order to
have something completely one's own one would also have to create the materials with
which it's made, wouldn't he?
3. The MEST universe versus the Home Universe
The average person is operating under a delusion. He has never differentiated one
single, interesting point. And that is, the MEST universe is not his own universe. But he
believes that his universe and the MEST universe are identical.
His home universe became "devoured" so fast, at such an impact of shock to him that
when he next looked around, he thought he was still in his own universe, but it had
changed. And he's still under the basic postulate that he's running his own universe.
In his own universe, he'd create something, start it in motion, change it, let it dwindle
down a spiral maybe and then destroy it. That was his power. And he all of a sudden
finds himself in the MEST universe, mistaking it obviously for his own universe. And he
starts something and then he follows through the next step, kind of doggedly. And he
says, "Now, we'll change it." Oh, no. Inertia and things like that set in. Like he fires a
cannonball and he decides when it's halfway in flight it shouldn't land. And the damn
cannonball goes right straight on through and it hits the target. Boom! That's very
disgusting. You start some action and it goes off and then all of a sudden it isn't going
in the direction that you intended it to go, so you reach out with everything you've got
and try to right that action and change it into a better course, and it doesn't change.
And that we call failure. That is the anatomy of failure - the inability to handle that which
has been started. Inability to handle it after a course of action has been entered.
Every time this individual has been placed in bad condition, it was by a force which
convinced him. And how did it convince him? By taking over the space he was
One gets convinced the MEST universe exists at the moment it collides with the Home
Universe and takes over the space of the Home Universe - one is then convinced of the
When you look around in the MEST universe, at these great big solid trucks, and you
look at these great big solid walls, and you say, "Boy, it sure is prettied up, isn't it?
Looks practically real!" But it's not.
It's something like walking into one end of a tunnel, and suddenly coming out the other
end of the tunnel. You can walk in that tunnel for so long you don't know you've been in
a tunnel. And you say, "Well, it sure is pretty in this place, it sure is pretty in this great,
big tunnel."
'Tunnel', that's the name for 'universe'. That's what you call a tunnel. Well, maybe the
tunnel goes up to infinity. Yeah, and there's lights, and suns, and stars, and everything
in the tunnel. Then someday you're standing outside something and it hasn't got
anything to do with the tunnel. And you say, "Holy Cow! What's all this stuff out here?
It's space - what do you know!"
Then remember that there was a time when you weren't in a tunnel.
5. Application in Therapy
Your Q produces universes along very definite lines, such as the MEST universe. Or it
produces universes of completely ephemeral lines, or it doesn't produce a universe at
all - self-determinism. But in order to produce a universe you first would have to be able
to pretty well handle a universe.
Everybody in this universe is trying to act as though he made it. But he didn't make this
universe, he just kinda helped add to it. He adds to it all the time by perceiving it. And
he agrees to it all the time by perceiving it.
And he never suddenly said, "I had a universe once which I monitored completely and
this universe, somehow or other got left; and I found myself in a universe which I wasn't
monitoring." He's never crossed that bridge.
You don't have to convince him that he has to cross that bridge. All you have to do is
take him and show him that he has a universe. It's just as simple as that.
It's quite shocking for a person the moment they find out in Creative Processing that
they have some inability along the line of creativeness. So you give them mock-up
processing and you let them reassume the ability to create and control their own
universe. When you do that, they get right back in to what they were doing at the time
when they got blown out of their orbit.
In Creative Processing, you are undoing his agreement that makes him a part of the
natural law which became the MEST universe.
We start studying natural law and we wind up studying the agreement which made
natural law. And then it's inevitable that we would start studying that being which is
capable of making an agreement which then becomes natural law, which then could
they can play it just so long, and then the randomity starts to set up.
The postulate then is losing its value as single truth and becomes relative to those
agreements which have been made amongst them.
This fellow one day says, "I'll now postulate that I'm going to have a new palace." And
the others say, "That's out of agreement. We have a labor union, and you need a
quarry, and a trucking license to carry the stones, and masons. And you don't have any
You get a cycle going in which the postulate is actually as valid as it is related to the
agreed subject. And after a while his postulate gets very week indeed.
And this big agreement becomes natural law or truth. What is truth for this land? They
have a standing army and trade unions and all the rest of this. That's truth.
An engineer comes along and he decides, in this land, to build a bridge. His study
becomes a study of, then, what has been agreed, although most of that has been lost.
And so he does it by test. And he says, "There is the coefficient of expansion, there's
friction, there's all these weights and stress analysis of structure, torsion and tension
and all these things. And these things don't vary - all bridges build according to the
same laws. we're right here in the midst of a method of building bridges, and we have
agreed with natural law thoroughly and completely, and we can keep on building
beautiful bridges so long as we keep on agreeing." He then has a hatful of the most
beautiful worked-out technology, the only thoroughly tested technology which agrees
with natural law.
He should never, however, make the mistake of thinking that that is (the ultimate)
reality. It is agreement with the agreement which is the reality of that universe. It would
be with a horrible shock that he would suddenly find himself in another universe starting
to build a bridge which used the coefficient of expansion, etc. and find out that bridge
went down - Brrooom!
When you get a ritual which works spontaneously without education in it, you've got
natural law. That's really the action definition of natural law.
A few gimmick-a-hoojits in physics seem to be disobeying natural law. You might say
they're disobeying a grosser manifestation of a law. They're not disobeying a finer law.
There's a law that undoes the bigger or grosser law every time.
Fortunately, there is never a hundred percent agreement. There's always a hole in the
natural law - a hole in the atom, a hole in the structure.
A truth is something which would exist without much contest, something which is
triumphant. A champion who stand up after a battle with bloodied shield and sword and
yet has won is himself truth in the force universe. A datum which itself sweeps all data
before it, in another universe, is truth. It is that which works. And that which works most
broadly to that which it is applied.
And if you ever built yourself a universe, go park the truth on which it is built on the first
piece of structure that you may build, and engrave it well, and don't make it mysterious.
Because the only way to make your universe survive forever and last forever, and be
there and be at last in command of you, is to invent the truth that started it and then
hide that truth. If you were to do that, then neither you nor any inhabitant in the
universe would be able to undo the universe or alter it in any way. But it would simply
go out on an inevitable average proceeding from that truth.
We now have a better explanation of what we were talking about with theta-MEST. If
you scramble up and drive in somebody's anchor points, you get enMEST and entheta.
Entheta has to do with the corruption and mess-up of somebody's space.
How do you create entheta, and what is entheta? Entheta is driven-in anchor points,
saying, "You can't occupy that space."
The study of Dianetics is a study of Homo sapiens in his behavior manifestation. The
moment you take Homo sapiens apart you'll find out that he is a four-way composite;
he comes in four chunks; he falls rapidly into four pieces. Remark: These are thetan,
mind, body and entities. The mind will be presented in another chapter.
So, of those pieces, we took the preclear to continue with. Taking the preclear, you find
yourself addressing something which seems to be, and seems to him or herself to be,
an energy production unit which exists almost as a non-dimensional point in space.
And this energy production unit, which we call the thetan, is quite separable from the
body. This is the easiest part that we have to do, is how to take these pieces apart.
We say a thetan's zero. That means no space, no havingness in that, so there's no
time and there's no wavelength. There's the ability to think and make a postulate, which
is very interesting. A thetan doesn't have to be a complete zero. He can be packing
quite a bit of residual electricity which he lets off at one time or another. The thetan is
not an energy unit, he's not a ball of fire or a sun or something like that. He's something
there that exists at zero space that can accumulate electricity and make electricity and
change it in time and space. That's what he can handle. But just because he can
handle it does not mean that he is it. Saying that a thetan must be an electrical unit and
must be located in space, has the same logic as a lorry driver must be made out of tin,
because a lorry is made out of iron. Those things which are made out of energy and
exist in space are only partially capable of handling energy.
A thetan is not a finite quantity. There's enough of him to be stuck in every incident of
the track and yet there can be enough of him in present time. In order to operate freely,
he's got to have a scarcity of space cured and a scarcity of self cured. A thetan has
training and skill which he's afraid to touch. So they've gotten automatic. Instantaneous
learning and application: you observe, pervade, know, apply, act...
The brilliance of a case is dependent upon some factor that isn't well isolated at all. It is
above the levels of wave length. Thetans vary from one to another in potentiality of
creating space and energy in it. There's a variation in intelligence, a real difference of
horsepower, which comes from theta itself But you won't find, as far as I know at this
time, in Homo sapiens, a thetan of sufficiently low horsepower to remain incapable of
being collected and being made into a theta clear. The guy has to be awfully bright to
be here at all in no matter what kind of a condition. Physical infirmity of the individual is
no index of his power or ability (or lack of). The solidity of ridges is no index either.
Because what's postulating there, the thetan, is not using energy. The energy is getting
in the road of it. And it's not using space.
The thetan can exist and believe himself to exist in this universe. And he can believe
himself to exist as a point of energy which emanates and handles energy on a lower
scale; and he can believe himself to exist even on lower planes - he can believe that
he's a Homo sapiens. The thetan can also be in this universe a point in space which is
not using energy but which is existing by command only - that's a higher level. The
gradient scale of the guy who is able to step out and knows he's a thetan goes down to
the level where the guy not only doesn't know he's a thetan, but he doesn't even know
he's got a body.
A theta clear is higher in tone and knows more and has more abilities than any spirit
that will wander into Madam Zog-Zog, the clairvoyant's, academy.
Out in the rest of the universe, lots of its locales, there is no mystery on the fact that
everybody's a thetan. There's a mystery on this level: thetans get into bodies. They
don't know that. Or they know it sporadically and the information disappears again. So
they know that people think by making postulates; they know that thetans produce
energy. That data however is not graduated down to and doesn't merge with what
they'd have to know ordinarily to do anything about a Homo sapiens or actually a thetan
that's bad off. In those same areas the idea of "processing" is a very simple and
elementary idea. You give him a shock. Thetan isn't acting right, well you just knock
him around till he does act right. Having trouble with energy, give him some more
energy, or control him harder - it's all on a dwindling spiral basis. They don't know the
reverse therapy. Because it didn't exist, evidently.
If there are bodiless thetans who are still active to any degree on this planet, they
would be active in a capacity and area such as Spirit of the Wood, he would BE the
You can divide the time track roughly into three sections. The earliest portion of it is
thetan versus thetan, the middle portion of it thetan versus bodies and the latter portion
of it is, of course, bodies versus bodies. (Remark: Scientology is trying to back
preclears up from condition III to condition II or I.)
You'll find preclears in a state of mind of, "Well, I have to understand it." However,
many an auditor has had a great shock by taking this complete stranger to Scientology
and saying, "All right, now, be two feet back of your head," and then listen to a long
dissertation on the subject of Scientology. "This is the way it's done and this is the way
it's here and these are the kinds of things that happen to me and so on and so on," you
see? Auditor sits there with his jaws open. Somewhere on the time track, somebody's
operated a school - a fellow actually ran a college way back on the track that taught
thetans how to operate. A preclear of an auditor in England - he was no more sprung
as a thetan exterior without any education on this subject, than he started to inform his
auditor as to the proper methods and modes of teaching and training a thetan to move
properly around in the MEST universe - just like that: curriculum. 70 trillion years ago
thetans would get up against these huge gaseous masses, which were later to become
planets, and they'd be afraid to touch them. They'd wait for them to solidify. And they
might wait a million years. And this fellow took pity on this so he opened a school.
You can read "What to Audit" (History of Man) if you want a disentanglement regarding
the human mind, the universe, aesthetics, space opera, past lives, other planets.
Whether that's true or not, whether the material in it is exact or not is beside the point.
That material is there not to tell a story, but to help an auditor solve a case. And it's told
from that viewpoint and from that viewpoint it's accurate. It is also, by the way, probably
to a large degree true.
Earth really isn't being played for. There is a crew that would like to think it's playing for
Earth, but they're pinned down. There's a covert infiltration, a monitoring action that
takes place here on Earth from a between-lives area, and you pick it up in preclears
every once in a while. But it isn't really getting some place because the people who are
doing that are too degraded on team play to stand up against the team that's playing
the other game.
There isn't any game going on here. Unless it's a game called "Rehabilitation", or it's a
game called "Exit Depot" - which it could be - the game of Scientology, on a planetary
Remark: An implant is an electronic means of overwhelming a thetan, resulting in the
installation of fixed ideas, contra-survival to the thetan.
1. Between-Lives Implants
In between-lives implants, they didn't know how to erase engrams, so they present
pictures spinning toward you, and then spinning away from you. You'd see these
scenes in front of you, and then they'd go away and recede. And you'd say
automatically, "Why, those things are all erased." and have the impression that all your
memory was being erased.
There's waves there, flows hit him when he's in that position. He is swept into this place
with flows. He is pinned down with flows, He's gone away from there with flows. He's
shot back there with flows.
He's in the between-lives area and this stuff under his nose is going clickety, clickety,
clickety, and all of a sudden the whole thing goes "Whirr" and he sits over to the right or
to the left of it, and he says, "What do you know? My life disappeared." And then he
conceives his life to be wiped out and he's a new being. The guy claims he can't
remember anything about his past life and you strain and sweat over this thing. Do
mock-ups of little spinning wheels and tie pictures on'em. He's liable to get a horrible
feeling in his head and suddenly remember the good old space academy.
It'll spark up a person's memory, just snap, if you run one of these things.
2. Religious Implants
Another manifestation is preclears will shift identities and borrow facsimiles like mad.
Fac One a million years ago is occasionally rigged with Christ and the Devil and an
angel. A fascinating thing, it's an old game. Here on Earth there was undoubtedly a
Christ. Well, one of the reasons he swept in so suddenly and would go forward so hard
is he had a good assist back of him in terms of an implant.
You will find preclears all of a sudden are Christ. A preclear will go all the way through
with a crown of thorns and every other darn thing. What they've done is picked up an
implant phrase and done a mock-up on it. Just look for an overt act against Christ, and
it solves itself. This is an overt act against religion, and the person has been made
guilty in terms of some religious cult, and the only reason that could ever happen to him
is because at some time or another he has deserted a group which was a highly ethical
group and after that he can become prey to other things.
At least one out of three inmates in any asylum are spinning on religion. Why? God
occupies all space. That's all you have to convince a guy and he is dead. It's all God's
space and any space which you occupy will be God's. Just look at that as an operation.
The guy can't throw out any anchor points of his own without getting God into that
space. And he'll spin like a spinning mouse if he finally gets this down the line.
The thetan doesn't belong in Homo sapiens. A little bit earlier on the track, Homo
sapiens is Homo something-else. And that difference would be, body-wise, he would be
this something else without a thetan. Because evidently, a thetan is not necessary even
The thetan is on a much wider cycle than the GE; he's on a cycle of spirals. He treats
each one as though he's a separate identity in that spiral.
Your job is to free the thetan. Now one of these days I'll get back on the GE line again,
as a line of investigation, and maybe figure how to bring a GE up so he's real smart.
And do it easily, but it's a secondary job.
The thetan was at first a somewhat willing prisoner, then an unwilling prisoner, and
then an unknowing prisoner, in what we now call Homo sapiens. Don't omit the fact that
a body is an anchor point. People get very interested in this big particle, which is a
composite of small particles, called a body.
Thetans use various methods in dressing up a body so it'll work. This accounts for the
different postures and actions which you find from person to person. They're rigged
differently. Example: a dancer vs. a watchmaker.
What brought the thetan down here? A valuable energy known as sensation. The
underlying and hold-onto energy is the energy of sensation. If you're going to run some
kind of energy in the preclear, for golly sakes run the energy of sensation, the energy
which comprises sensation, and you will find some sensational material. Because, in
trying to pick up this energy, he overreaches and he holds on to all sorts of other
energy. The thetan has to be interested. The aesthetic band goes very rapidly down
into sensation. An individual who has no capacity for an emotional experience is unable
to appreciate art. You go around aghast sometimes at the emotional outbursts which
you see on the part of some people who had merely beheld a piece of art work. During
a concert or something like that people might experience pleasure far above that of
sexual intercourse - there's sensation.
Freud tried to work it out on the basis that people felt guilty because of the sensation.
You run the sensation and you get the most fantastic, magnetic quality to the energy
contained in that. That's what holds the thetan in the body. He came here for sensation,
and he got it. And after a while, he couldn't go away any more, because of the
postulates he made, body by body he is consistently and continually running. First, he
is unable to obtain much sensation from this body except maybe the sensation of
action. Right after a child becomes aware of sexual sensations and so forth, we get
such a marked change in a being - the postulates key in.
The thetan is parasitic to Homo sapiens. Fortunately, he's a very high powered
potential, and he can very easily move out of this category because he's not happy in it.
Homo something-else, back on the track someplace, started to be taken over by
thetans, relatively degraded. They'd get ahold of a body, and they'd start running this
body. A thetan can put out a pretty good electrical impact, and his commonest activity
when he's going to punish something like a body is to nip it. He slaps it on either side of
its motor control panels and the thing goes into contortions and epileptic form seizures
and it's very uncomfortable. But when a thetan is careless in this, he gets the backlash
of the energy. The before-body-line thetan will put a tractor wave out and put it over on
any Homo sapiens that comes near him and will give it the thought, "Go away from
here." He's sitting back, way back somewhere. But now he's in energy contact, he
throws a beam in there and the Homo sapiens stumbles or gets hurts or gets sexually
excited, and the thetan finds out at that moment that there's a terrific and surprising
amount of power contained in that body. So he'll fool around with bodies, more or less
on this connection.
After a while, he has a tendency to come in a little bit closer. Why? He's putting a highlevel wave out, and he's getting back consistently a low wave, very MESTy. A body is
really booby-trapped. The human body is the best theta trap there is. Any time he
moves up or down within a few inches of the back of the thing, if there's any
disturbance at all in the body, so there's any current flowing in this body, it's going to
catch the thetan, push him into the vacuum and stick him, just like that, and there he
will be. This thetan finally winds up inside the head in a very dim state.
To repeat it once more, as it is a very key mechanism. The thetan is out in position 1
( way behind the body), and he has a tractor beam on the head, initially this length The
tractor beam contracts when energized. Now get that very well. The thetan's in control
of the tractor beam, he's feeling perfectly grand about everything, and life is going
along just dandy; he's got this body that's walking around, and he's got a tractor beam
on it. All of a sudden the body energizes his tractor beam. This body gets a surge of
pain and we get then, out of that pain, a surge of energy which goes up here in this
direction, energizes the tractor beam and it brings your thetan down this course and
has him hit hard against the back of the head and then goes forward on this course into
the head in a state of unconsciousness, having been pulled in by the head. Obviously
the head did it to him.
This is one of the commonest visios a preclear has: it's a head sitting in front of him
someplace. He's still trying to stop that head from coming in. He has a feeling like
everything will fall in on him, and he had put a tractor beam on it, therefore he doesn't
dare use any energy because he is punished for using energy.
The thetan feels very propitiative towards the body because he stole it. Of course there
isn't any such thing as stealing anything in the MEST universe. If he suddenly said to
this body, "Act, jump, work, be," the body would all of a sudden start to purr, get very
happy, and very sane, and go to work. There's only one way to treat it. And that's on
the Be, Do and Have level. Just direct command, with no explanation.
What's wrong with the preclear - and this is particularly pertinent to psychosomatics he has consistently and continually tried not to have the pain of something, has tried to
stop a motion, has tried to stop an action; he is on a single flow. And, as we know, a
single flow or a single effort will lock What he has tried to do is back up from it; he has
tried to retreat from it. And his consistency of retreat has established a one-way flow
which, of course, has stuck and has latched him up in a situation where he cannot get
rid of his condition. He's holding on to it desperately. There is no substitute for a
rehabilitation of space, to return to an individual a rehabilitation of his beingness.
Loss is loss of space as its most important loss point. A preclear can afford to lose
anything he has as long as he does not lose as well his ability to create.
Unless you rehabilitate his primary desire in the MEST universe (rather free him from
the pertinent enforcement), he will stay in immediate and intimate contact with bodies
And that point is sensation, need for. Your pc is going to find such a need to hang
around bodies and such a disgust of himself because he is hanging around bodies
continually and is dependent upon them, that he'll fluctuate up and down the scale,
back and forth. And he becomes unstable emotionally, because he on one hand knows
he shouldn't be associating with such company, and on the other hand he has to. Flow
Balancing (Gita - Give & Take Processing) is part of this answer.
But there's a little extra one in there. It's not one of the steps, because it is an
education. It's a return to what he once could do and prepares him to do that again. It
demonstrates to him that he as a thetan can contact directly from the environment
much better any sensation that environment might possibly deliver to a body. At that
moment he is willing to give up the idea of the body. And that is done by rehabilitating
his own ability to perceive. He thinks he has to do it through the body and he's so
accustomed to this that you have to demonstrate to him the possibility of perceiving
directly in the environment, and to capture, experience and create sensations.
You get him upscale to a point where he can feel that wall. And he can feel that wall
much better with his own contact with the wall than he can with the fingers of a body.
Without a body, he can see anything that he can see with a body and be as certain that
he is seeing it.
The cells themselves have a life. You got 10 to the 21st binary digits of neurons, and
every one of them got a time track. Every one of them is essentially a thetan. Whether
he was ever a big thetan or not, we're not arguing. We don't care one way or the other
This is just what we're talking about: empirical proof. Can you as a thetan cure up an
aching tooth by running back its time track and clearing out its engrams? There's
nothing to it. Grain of sand hit it once. Yeah. Yeah. Doesn't hurt anymore. Can you find
a time track there in each case? Sure. Can you use the theory of anchor points, and,
pushing in and pulling out their anchor points, cell by cell, cure up a chronic somatic?
You bet you can. And you'll find out that every one of those cells has such a horrible
disgust for what he's doing, if you start to tamper with him any. A cell in the intestine you see, the one thing above all others that he was worried about was what passes
through the intestine. What you're afraid of in this universe, because of reverse flows,
one becomes. Horrible, isn't it?
Possibly, in auditing, you're interrupting the career of a thetan who is on his way toward
becoming an entity or a body part. I don't care whether it takes him eighty billion years
or one lifetime. However, the evidence is in favor of you being a somewhat bigger,
larger, better endowed breed of cat than entities or neurons or some other smaller
variety of cell.
The preclear's body starts to handle him low on the tone scale, and his body can reach
out and keep him in. And there's thetans all over the place inside that body that say,
"Isn't he a nice pet?" As a thetan pets and pampers the body, the cells begin to feel
sorry for themselves and their own tracks begin to kick in, cell by cell by cell, and the
first thing you know, wooo, he's in terrible shape.
Entities are ridges on which facsimiles are planted. Each one of those things (referring
to a drawing shown in a lecture) can be a thinking entity. It thinks it's alive. It can think
as a being as long as energy is fed to it. Therefore, if you "pay attention" to it, it will
think and act. You start talking to an entity and, of course, it talks back. With what
energy? Yours. People in a person's environment energize his entities very often.
Some medium, in auditing, talked about these things as entities. He hadn't realized that
they're thetans that have really gone to pieces in a big way.
Their capability to produce illusion is pretty good.
Some consider themselves good, and they're so sold on religion - you show them black
mass symbols, upside-down crosses, daggers through the Bible, just throw that illusion
up in front of them good and strong, and they get out of there.
And the bad ones, you show them a crucifix, a Bible, the proper religious symbols, ...,
and they see a bright spot of light, which is you, and they say, "Oh, the voice of God!"
and they explode, or something. It's fascinating.
Preclears will also have the idea that en-thetans are creeping and crawling up on them.
They can be very convinced about this. The truth of the matter is, no matter how dark it
is, there's nothing can touch you. Unless you sit down and carefully determine that
something's going to. If you carefully make up your mind that something is going to
happen to you, you can undoubtedly fix it up so it will.
If we treat the preclear as a thetan who is running a hell of a lot of thetans, we can
solve the roughest case there is. We can bring a person up scale or level, and we don't
have to have any fancy explanation for circuits, or for automaticity. These are very
simple. This guy's gotten so accustomed as a thetan to having things done for him that
all he says is, "Give me a dog," and another thetan there that is in a sort of a stupid
state of obedience, this other thetan mocks up a dog for him by building a dog. That
could explain automaticity. We're not interested in the absolute proof of this, we're just
interested in what orients the auditor so he can work a mind. And this is a good
orientation point. Explains automaticity and it also explains this: That preclear who
won't make other people work won't make himself work, won't make cells work, and,
what do you know, the body gets all out of line.
A thetan has enough horsepower that when he thinks at a body, the thought goes
echoing through a large number of cells. If we accept this as a workability, we all of a
sudden get a better understanding of Technique 80. You put a communication line
through to that body part which is affected. You could do better if you said you get
those cells in line.
The entities will have the damnedest facsimiles on them, and they'll apparently be stuck
on the time track someplace. Each one different from every other one. That's because
of the various ridges on which facsimiles are planted. And that's all an entity is.
You can blow an entity to pieces any time you want. Every once in a while you get the
strangest spooky notion that there's other thetans. And every once in a while in a
preclear you'll get some very, very decadent thetan out of him. You take a look and he'll
say, "You know, that's a funny thing. There's a glow that's of a very low order on a ridge
and I can't handle that ridge. I don't seem to be able to do anything with that ridge." You
say, "Is there anything else on it?" "Yeah." "Well, now detach that thing. Well, you got
that thing detached there? Well, now detach the whole ridge and throw it away."
These entities, they're all psychotic, by the way. Well, maybe these things were thetans
once, maybe they were installed, and maybe there's lots of things. We just accept this
fact: It's a mind with its anchor points driven in. It tells you immediately that it's a mind
that has to be controlled one way or the other by the preclear. And if he doesn't control
it, it starts to control him.
Don't explain anything to them. You have to talk in terms of postulates. The body is
best commanded, or a ship is best commanded, or anything else is best commanded
from an altitude which is timeless, spaceless, energyless. One-way communication line
for the thetan to the body in other words is a desirable state of affairs. And that's what
you're trying to consolidate and finish off in Step One of Standard Operating Procedure.
On the Tone Scale, is there any level lower than body death? Yes, there's the levels of
"I am not", "I am a body and I am less than me", down to -8.0. He's already conceded
that HE doesn't exist, that he is a body. That's at 0.0 on the tone scale, that's "being a
body". And then we go below that and he says, "I'm not even able to be a body. I'm so
much lower than this that I'm not even a good body. I have to own a body. Or I have to
control a body, or I'm very excited about a body, or I have to hide. I even have to hide
the body."
There's a scale of lowering levels of "I am" which start at the top here, about 40.0, then
"I am something" - and you could say down about 20.0, "I am a member of the team
and I am doing so and so." And then below that you could say, "I am and I run a body."
And then it gets down to zero, "I am a body. I am a body named Jones." On the minus
scale, the guy even isn't able to be a Jones when he gets below this level. These are
the thetans you find hanging around the morgue who have been there for a number of
years because they haven't got any place to go and they couldn't even be a body. They
don't even know they're there, it's amusing or heartbreaking, whichever way you want
to look at it.
You put a communication line to one of these characters, he sort of looks at the line,
he's already in apathy, and you say, "Hey, what are you doing?" and he says, "I guess
something's disturbing me." That's about as alive as he is.
Often a thetan cannot make up his mind whether or not that body's dead or not. He
knows it's been sick, but he's groggy and he's obviously still alive if the smell of
formaldehyde is so strong - it can get pretty overbearing, really. Someday, go down to
the cemetery and fish out a thetan or two and you'll feel real good. You've done your
boy scout trick and the loved one then ceases to be troubled with seepage.
There are also very degraded thetans trapped in former plague burial spots, or on old
battlefields. But you go down a country cemetery, where they sort of wrap them in a
blanket and dump them in on their heads, and say, "God be with you, rest in peace,"
that's really very calm. No thetans left around there.
Is there any relationship between processing a preclear when his body's in pretty good
condition, and doing something for a thetan whose body has just died? Or who has just
got to have a body? There's a gradient scale. The highest level of truth which he
thought he could attain was, "I am a body." He's got a low-level actuality, a low-level
decision, postulate or agreement, or whatever you want to call it, and he's got a body.
And that has not been broken when he went exterior.
But if he's just died, he's just lost that low-level beingness. His level of truth is just gone.
He has no certainty. He hasn't a single datum of which he's now certain. He knows he's
dead, somebody's been telling him he should go to heaven, somebody else has been
telling him for sure he ought to go to hell, and he's known all the time that he's got to go
to Station 862 and report in. He's in a complete state of confusion.
How do you solve this terrible confusion? Well, there's still another level of certainty
much lower than the certainty "I am a body" that could actually be contacted. You'll
have to figure out what it was.
On the other hand, a new thetan suddenly grabbing a body, or something of the sort,
which was left and abandoned, could make it emote, couldn't he?
All of a sudden - crash! you didn't have a body anymore. And you could go to the
hospital if you wanted to, and pick up this kid that was going to die anyway, and he
wasn't in bad shape, and there's another thetan there, in a kind of a stupid state of
mind, so you tell him, "Oh, go on back to Mars, another implant won't hurt you."
Then you obviously are Johnny Jones, except you're really Mary Stevens..
1. The Subject of Space
Spaation is a wonderful word. I made it up all by myself. You won't find it in any
dictionaries. It means a process having to do with the rehabilitation of the creation of
space. It also would have a second meaning. And that meaning would be, "creation of
space". In English we don't have a word which means "creation of space", but you keep
making this space called MEST universe all the time. It would also have another
meaning. It would mean, "the subject of space". We call the process "Spaation" and
spaation would be the subject of space. This is above the subject of energy.
Spaation is the subject of the creation, handling of, or concept of space.
The physicist has no definition for space. He operates in space all the time but he
doesn't have a definition for it. He says, "space," and everybody knows what he means,
only he doesn't know what he means. If you merely have three things, each one
defined in terms in terms of the other two, and without any further definition, don't think
you have something defined. That's definition by association. "Space is something that
is determined by time and energy, and energy is something determined by space and
time, and time is something determined by energy and space."
2. The Definition of Space
Space is a viewpoint of dimension. That's a good definition. Thought it up myself and
recommend it to you very thoroughly. You are the viewpoint, and from that viewpoint
you envision space and so you mark out the space and there you are, and that is
space. You say space is down that-a-way, there's a point and there's a distance
between yourself and that point. There's a dimension between yourself and that point.
Is space an actuality? No, it's not an actuality. It's just a viewpoint of dimension.
Therefore many things can exist concurrently with many other things in the same
space. When your preclear really gets good, he can put ten-ton trucks into match boxes
like mad.
Space is a viewpoint of dimension and that's all it is. Is there any space? No, there isn't
any space. Well, why do you see space? You've got to see space, because if you're
going to have objects, you've got to have some space to have'em in.
Well, if it isn't there, it can be very easily aberrated, if everybody's under a force draft
that it exists. The only way you can keep away from anybody or have any identification
3. Orientation
Orientation is the principle of being able to have an origin point in motion. All you got to
do is feed somebody some hashish, and boy, do his anchor points go by the boards.
He becomes sufficiently non compos mentis to be unable to control the anchor points
of any area or postulate origin points of view. He gets distorted shapes of things. He
lies down on the bed and the bed is 18 miles high. It is 87 miles to the door, the corridor
is one inch long. He gets this kind of upset because it throws him out of "orientation".
It's also very upsetting to a preclear to find himself sailing through walls for the first
time. Well, he'd postulated that you couldn't move in that area.
When a person goes down the tone scale, that is going down from a concept of being
able to locate or orientate himself in space and originate space, down to being a chunk
of something that's been located. In other words, the tone scale goes from theta to
An individual conceives himself to be as free, as knowing, as much cause as he can
locate himself in space or create space. He's so as long as he can do that. Somebody
is out in the country and he gets lost, well, he's not terribly lost, he can look at the
vegetation and he can look at the road and he can look at things and he says, "Look,
somebody with three-dimensional space on the brain built all this, I'm still here ...
somewhere. I just have lost the difference between my immediate new anchor points
and the anchor points to which I'm accustomed and I do not know the dimension from
here to the point of origin from which I normally operate. I don't know that distance."
And so he says he's lost, but actually just to that degree produces the most fantastic
results on an individual, there is a hysteria that befalls individuals who are lost.
Young people feel lost in the military service, where they are issued arms and uniforms,
own nothing, and are moved around by exterior determinism. The MEST universe is
doing this to the preclear. I've been talking about the army, but the actual fact of the
matter is I've been talking about inhabitants of the MEST universe. In they come, MEST
universe says, "Now look, there's a bunch of natural laws and a bunch of agreements.
And these are the anchor points and they are the only anchor points you can have and
you locate yourself in the middle of these anchor points.
4. Motion
If only he were the origin point of dimension, he would never be in motion himself. He
would be pinned in one place and that would be the end of that; but by letting other
things take the responsibility for being origin points he can shift himself around in any
confined area which he himself has uniformly postulated.
Individuals who move the least have the fewest clear anchor points. The ability of an
individual to tolerate speed depends completely upon his ability to hold anchor points.
Which depends only upon his belief in this ability, as anchor points come down to being
On a train, somebody walks down the aisle. Another passenger knows somebody's
walking down the aisle of the train because he holds the forward end of the car as one
anchor point and the after end of the car another anchor point, and the individual who is
in motion, has a shifting dimension from one to the other of these two things. But let's
look out the window. And there we see the countryside flying by like mad. Actually the
countryside is flying by with relationship to the two anchor points, the forward and the
back end of the car. Those are what's motionless and the countryside is flying by, of
course. Now if you say every telegraph pole there is an anchor point, and those anchor
points are shifting (being substituted by new ones), then you can conceive that the train
is in motion. You can even sit in the train then and feel the train rushing forward and the
countryside sitting still. It's quite a trick, but you can do that with great ease.
The sensation of speed in a vehicle has nothing to do with miles per hour except in
relationship to exterior anchor points which the driver isn't perceiving. A very fast car
has small wheels built close to the track. He's got an up-and-down vibration and
sideways and so forth. A car with great big wheels and a big powerful motor, and it
rides awfully easy - that's really a slow car. Railroads became so despairing about
people believing trains didn't move fast that in most of those very fast trains, back in the
parlor car they have a speedometer.
You are in motion in space and time. You're quite aware of that. But unless you
compare that immediately and exactly to understandable experience, these three
things aren't worth much to you.
Origin "I" is a viewpoint from which one can perceive anchor points, and these anchor
points actually assign dimension or boundary to space. Whenever there is motion, one
holds the anchor point and perceives the motion. He holds and perceives the anchor
point and then sees something changing without those anchor points moving.
Here's his anchor points. Anything which he ordinarily orients his scenery by would be
his anchor points; without those anchor points he wouldn't have any motion. If he had
to use OM-1 (the primary origin) here all the time for his origin point only and his
dimensional point only, he couldn't get any motion himself.
MEST, I'm using our old word as to mean object, a solid object, and the space and
energy and so forth which comprise such solid objects, the energy flows itself, and the
space therein - I'm using just that term physical universe MEST. This place (the MEST
universe) is rigged to enforce itself upon you. You can't have any of your own particles.
And if you start using any, you're going to get in trouble. And you get the same kind of a
state of mind that you'd get as a teenager in the army, on the part of most people. No
You can be at the viewpoint of dimension yourself. You can mock up one, put one out
here. You can be at it yourself, or you can be operating in a hidden viewpoint of
dimension. That is to say, there's a viewpoint of dimension over here someplace and
you can actually operate without knowing exactly where it is. You just know you've got
some space. You are at the viewpoint of the space of the MEST universe. But you're
kidding yourself you're someplace else. Now, that's the trick of the MEST universe.
The body is a false viewpoint of dimension from which the thetan is operating, an
extended viewpoint of dimension. If the MEST universe has given you the point of
origin which you now use, you have abandoned your ability to be a viewpoint of
dimension. So you don't think you can create space.
Operating from Q-1, that says creation of space, time, energy, matter, location in this,
you see, if a man can't locate himself, it says he's not theta. He's MEST because MEST
is what can't locate itself.
What is the origin point the preclear's been using all of his life? He's using one origin
point or another all the way along the line, from his earliest childhood. His origin point
has been dependent upon anchor points A-1, A-2 and A-3. He's using an anchor point
from somewhere in this lifetime, somewhere on his track. They will be static, cherished
visios. It's such a thing as the fireplug which stood outside his house when he was a
little boy. The other anchor point might be a small hill he used to be able to see outside
his window.
A preclear who is sort of scattered and dispersed, doesn't quite know where he is, and
he's not oriented. You ask him to move out and be in a new space, why, his body isn't
in any space, much less the thetan. He isn't in any space that he can recognize, as a
body, and he's just abandoned the whole thing anyhow. So let's find his origin points for
him. Let's relocate him and reorient him in space.
How do people control people? They get their anchor points out by telling them some
good news. And then when they get'em good and far out they give'em some bad news.
And the motto is, "Drive in their anchor points."
After a while, every time they have been driven off from a space - in any way - they've
gone in near hysterics. Or anytime anybody's tried to pin them down into a space. Like
being put in jail. Because that's really getting lost, that's too much stress of imposition
of anchor point. And they can't stand it. They just go to pieces on it.
If a huge bus is making you very small, as a matter of fact it's driving in an anchor point.
-If an explosion occurs somewhere in the vicinity of the preclear, he gets the feeling
that his anchor points are going way out there again. But his attention is brought down
here to the center of the explosion. So he has the feeling that his anchor points have
closed in. So his dragging attention to the center of the body makes the body itself solid
and makes him locate himself in one small area which is the area of the body, and
that's just because it's impact against the body. But you can take anchor points and put
them out all the way around and all those incidents will blow.
Regarding the loss of anchor points, he'd get the funniest sensation. "Someday I won't
be able to walk to this corner." And in that whole subject lies nostalgia.
What the devil's the difference between putting out some anchor points and putting out
a few billion dimension points simultaneously to make this wall? There isn't any
difference. You put out enough dimension points and you put them out in great big thick
sheets and you stipple it in solidly enough and you believe positively enough that it's
there and, boy! It's there! And that's about the long and short of how you put together
reality. You stipple it in all the time. Arduous work, isn't it?
The importance of the object as an anchor point denotes a fairly low action in
perception and experience. Instead of just putting out anchor points, the fellow looks for
an object to be his anchor point.
One of the most confusing anchor points there is, then, is a body, because it's in motion
and it's an object. This almost drives a baby batty. He looks for Mama, and Mama is on
her way, this way and off and there again and then someplace else. A child doesn't
have anchor points in the corners of the room, because he doesn't feel free enough to
pervade this room and experience it. So Mama disappears for the afternoon - the
afternoon then is completely lost.
The confusion between bodies and anchor points is at the root of a pc's inability to have
enough space to exteriorize into. His lack of space, which is to say, his lack of anchor
points, and his tremendous havingness with regard to objects, stick him.
You want it all to be automatic, and you want sensation like mad. So you just skip the
step of a postulation of space, and then you skip the step of a postulation of motion,
and then you skip the step of postulation of placing energy (including emotion) there to
emanate back at you again, all because you want the sensation to affect you. You want
all this to make an effect out of you, because you want sensation from it, so you just
skip these steps and you're all set. Except you wind up aberrated and homo sapiens.
highest level truth that you could attain with an individual would be the springboard
from which you started out to reach the highest level that you possibly could attain for
this universe, which is "I am", with no need to be "something".
"People deeply immersed in energy are obeying energy, instead of energy obeying
L. Ron Hubbard
Disorientation is simply based upon an aberration of the concept of anchor points.
Anchor points, that's the first move into energy. An anchor point is a unit of energy.
Energy compares to doingness and the essence of energy is change. The operation of
energy can be found in Growth, Conservation and Decadence. Those are the
characteristics of change. There's have and have not energy. There's stuff which you
approach and that says, "Have me." There's also the kind that says, "Don't have me"
and these two things get together and they go flick, flick across and you get randomity.
A thetan supposed to be making postulates, who gets the idea that he is a vacuum,
when he gets the idea that he obeys the laws of energy, then he tries to fill vacuums.
His ability to make postulates goes to pieces the second he starts down into energy
flows and force. And the best there is of him and really all there is of him is that portion
at 40 on the Tone Scale, which can make and make stick an instantaneous postulate.
It's why Creative Processing works so wonderfully. It's rehabilitating the best there is of
the preclear: His ability to be which is his ability to create by postulate alone.
A preclear who cannot himself generate energy is up against this one: He thinks he has
to be given energy to consume it and that the energy belongs to somebody else and
that it's some kind of an object that he has to consume. It is the basis on the thirst for a
preclear to run electronics. Bad energy is better than not having any energy. And
they're at a level that has to take energy in a solid form.
If the thetan convinces himself that he's only an energy unit, he goes on a slump
because he's putting himself in direct contest with the MEST universe, he's comparing
his energy to lightning bolts and all kinds of things, trolley lines and electric lights. And
he's not up to a point yet where he can do these things. The thetan is not an energy
unit. The way he makes energy is by postulates and so you have to rehabilitate his
ability to create a universe and you increase his energy unit capacity by not trying to
create it at all. Here in this untrammeled universe of his own you get him up to a point
on creating energy where he all of a sudden turns around and says, "Well, the MEST
universe, you know, I never did like Mars." - Zaaap! - That's theoretical.
Energy has the manifestations of start, change, stop. When I tell you about the
movement of a mock-up, moving it from here to there and back again, and so forth,
we're talking about the ability to handle energy. You're working up to the point where
your preclear can consume exteriorly created energy or create energy and give it away
in terrific abundance. If you want to cure scarcity along any lines of objects or fluids or
items and so forth - get up there and cure energy. Until they are convinced, through
mock-ups, that there is an abundance of energy, they are going to contract their space
down in order to make sure they have energy particles. And they themselves will hold
that space contracted, to hold on to energy because energy is valuable.
The basic thing that gives trouble with flows is an object, which is the product of flows.
And if you can handle the objects, the next step is to handle the energy that makes
objects. And you can handle the energy. And then it's very easy to handle the space in
which to make energy - there it went - BOOM!
We have a psychosis - and I use that word advisedly - in any Homo sapiens at
whatever step or whatever level of the tone scale on the subject of energy particles.
That psychosis is the desire for energy particles, which makes him aberrate the only
thing which permits him to be: Space. Space ceases to be important to him to the
degree that energy's important. If he has to choose, believe me he'll choose the energy
Energy is a trap! And the only advantage in energy is that it will deliver sensation. Well,
that's great because you can deliver a thousand times as much sensation to yourself
with a postulate. And what are you trying to deliver the sensation to? You're trying to
deliver it to something which is operating in the area of a postulate. How can you
possibly deliver any energy to a postulate-making thing which exists in a zero of
space? You can't! And that's all there is to that. So it must be a terrible illusion on his
part that he gets his sensation via energy or if he thinks that sensation is only
transmittable to himself via wave patterns. He doesn't have to get sensation via
wavelengths, because there's nothing will bridge the gap in the zero but a zero, and
that's a postulate.
Desire and thirst for sensation - 'must have' is what's got him there, so he's riding on
that postulate, which is the only reason he's snap into a head.
1. Terminals
Let's hold still two terminals. Getting a flow is not dependent upon any other
mechanism than the ability to postulate the origin and destination of a flow. You can
say how much flow it is, too.
Unless he's very capable at handling energy as energy and can really put it out with a
comparable horsepower to any ridge he has, that ridge can command him. If he can
put out a tremendous quantity of energy and handle it well, of course there isn't any
energy there to command him. What energy can't this person use? It will be that breed
of energy which is parked on those ridges.
The problem of flows is the problem of terminals. To have a flow you have to have one
terminal which is a "have" terminal and another terminal which is a "have not" terminal.
Ridges are not bad. The preclear who has recovered his power and force isn't even
vaguely bothered by a ridge. The thicker those ridges are, the closer that person is to
associating across the boards on any subject, and the less able he is to start and stop,
increase or decrease a chain of logic.
A current flow depends upon a plus terminal and a minus terminal, and if they can be
held apart, we get action, we get energy flowing. If we take the space out from between
the two of them, they come together, spat! Even the juice isn't going through them, the
residual current. Now, get this analogy. When your preclear is no longer able to
maintain space, the plus-minus terminals come together on him and we find the
preclear beginning to approximate matter. The trouble with him is energy and the
trouble with the energy is it's lost the space between its terminals, and the remedy is to
give him space.
A thetan is sitting in the middle of every fight with force he ever lost. He can't produce
force if he's lost his anchor points. The essence of production of force is to have
terminals. The production of force itself, and tolerance of force, is in itself affinity,
reality, communication in this universe.
The MEST universe operates in reverse on the thetan. It's as though he had a mirror
image. That's because he is essentially within himself one universe operating against
another universe. He is capable of greater change, but he is less persistent. Yes, he's
very volatile, he can do all that sort of thing, but the MEST universe is really persistent.
Force is merely energy with some direction. And effort is very closely monitored force.
You get somebody who is very shy of force, for he has an aberration because people
have used too much force on him, and he has used too much force on others, and what
do you get? You get a fellow who won't use force to push a paintbrush over a piece of
Knowingness is upset by force. Force crashes into the individual and it upsets his
space - it'll upset his knowingness. Why? Because something occupies the space
which he should have been occupying and makes it impossible for him to occupy that
space. And if he's unable to create more space at will then, of course he considers that
he has been displaced in the space.
In Spaation, you're teaching him that he can make any kind of space that he wants to
make at any time he wants to make it. And he finally doesn't worry anymore about
having to have space where the body is.
When we talk about this universe, we're talking about energy. The only way an
individual can be held in to this universe is by a conviction that he cannot handle
energy. Because this is a universe full of energy, and is composed only of energy
which operates in a place called MEST universe space. If you cannot handle energy in
its fullest extent don't think you can be free of this universe or any other one.
You have to be able to handle an unlimited quantity of force, before you can pass over
into a higher band of ethics. One cannot retreat from and cower back from force, under
any pretext whatsoever, and still have a beingness above the level of this universe.
Thinking of being hit in the face, in the MEST body, with a hundred thousand KW
lightning bolt, is perhaps not a comfortable thought. But I assure you that that is a small
amount of juice compared to what you as a thetan can take. You ought to be able to
pick your teeth with a million KW lightning bolt, theta-wise.
A person has to be very, very strong before he can be completely ethical and merciful
of his own free will.
Take every saint on the calendar represented as having a big bright aura. That aura
was representing raw energy. Whether or not these boys could wield energy or not, I
don't know. But you want to be able to heal somebody at a distance, you have to have
the capability of charring them into charcoal at a distance. The ability to produce force
is the ability to make a strong postulate, which alone is capable of controlling the health
and beingness of others. Unless you can make a postulate strong enough to handle
force, it is unlikely that you can make a postulate strong enough to pervade all through
the beingnesses which you would like to help.
This is a force universe. It's built on trickery, and it's built on force. This universe
doesn't care for brightness, for aesthetics. The strong man who uses force, forte main,
as his sole criterion of existence is nothing but a brute. Nevertheless, the strong man
who is able to make something in this universe must be able to protect it.
You can have something move in your direction with a tractor beam, and when it starts
to agree, it'll get an outflow. You're pulling agreement out of something. He pulls in
"You will agree," but he gets disagreement. He wants to be agreed with and he gets
disagreed with. That's the trick. A person's parents, very often have fixed tractor waves
on them. This is tractor waves of desire. The parents pull.
There's reverse tractors too. People go around with "wanting to be wanted" tractors.
They put the open end of the tractor on people to get these people to want them, to
desire them. And this is actually the way sensation works. A pretty girl, she's got one of
these tractors here which is just doing a beautiful job. She says, "want me, want me."
The odd part of it is, the second anybody picks up that tractor, they start a flow which
again is, "Don't have me."
MEST is a chaos with two vectors; one of them is Have, and the other is Have Not.
Right now, please, just make a little test of this. "Get the feeling that you are agreeing
to something." (...) "Now, get the feeling of disagreeing with something." (...) If you
study that over for a moment, you'll find that agreement was inflow, and that the
disagreement was an outflow. Well, those are your two vectors. If a fellow agrees with
the MEST universe, and keeps on agreeing, he keeps inviting this inflow. And soon it
gets stacked up pretty tight around him. He gets darn near being like a lump of matter.
Now, get this as a flow: "Wanting something." (...) And this: "Not wanting something."
That's a nice mechanic, when you want something, you agree with it, and when you
don't want something, why, you disagree with it. Let's also get this one: When you
agree, then you have something. In other words, when you want something, you agree.
Therefore, you can have it. Therefore, you can have some time, too. You get
havingness, you get things, and so on.
As long as you're never interfered with, with another flow of any kind whatsoever, this is
perfect. But this is the way ARC is broken to pieces.
You could draw a figure the following way: Mark the pc as "I"; there's a flow of "agree"
into him, and there's an outflow, that's "disagree." Or, the flow he's pulling in, that's
"want", and "not want" is outgoing.
Call this other person "U", as different from "I". "U" has an inflow on "agree." And this
person is also outflowing, doing a "disagree." And we have "U" wanting, and "want" is
an inflow towards him, and "U" not wanting is an outflow.
When "I" wants agreement from "U", he will pull into himself agreement. He wants
something from "U". But the second he wants agreement, he gets disagreement. "U," of
course, fires back at him. Even if "I" were completely capable of monitoring the
direction of flow from "U", and "I" wanted agreement flowing into him, he would still get
disagreement flowing from "U".
Now, "I" wants to be disagreed with, he says, "I don't want it." When "I" wants to be
disagreed with, he creates in "U" want. "I" says, "I am no good; I am not edible; I will
make you awfully sick." The reaction on the part of "U" is to eat "I".
He wants something, it's coming in: anything he wants will disagree with him. When
you acquire a possession in the MEST universe, you don't like it too well after you own
it. You've seen that manifestation many times: you're just dying unless you get that
something-or-other, and the second you get it, you say, "Well, there's something wrong
with it," or "I really don't quite want it." That's because anything you get will disagree
with you.
Let's look at it the other way around, and we'll just have "I" wanting "U". He'll create a
current flow in front of "U" and of course "I" gets "U" not wanting "I". Let's get a couple,
and they're having trouble. And he has decided that he loves her desperately, and she
just doesn't want to have anything to do with him, until the day when he finally says, "I
don't want you or anything to do with you," and then she wants him desperately. See
how that works out?
Let's say an object has the potential of saying, "Have me." Or another object is saying,
"Don't have me." That's what a negative terminal might be saying, any time it's putting
an outflow, a terminal is saying, "Don't have me." And when it's pulling in, it's saying,
'Have me." Well, that's why your very low tone scale people collect only things which
are not desirable.
He agrees with something, so it has a flow pulled around past it and it's immediately
saying, "Don't have me." He says, "The automobile is going to run and I agree with this
thing perfectly," and of course that day it won't start.
We get disagreement, and the fellow says, "I don't want it, I wouldn't ever touch it," and
there it is, sitting on his doorstep. This ferocious and horrible determinism not to have
something winds up in what? It winds up in making the full vector of matter say, "Have
This is the modus operandi of flows in the MEST universe and don't take what I'm
saying as a freak. It's not a freak. I'm not talking about a peculiar, occasional
manifestation. I'm talking about agree. I'm talking about disagree. And when I'm talking
about "have me" and "don't have me," I'm also talking about time. This individual wants
time, in order to get time, he's got to have an object. If you don't believe it, try to go on
a vacation sometime with not a dime in your jeans. The second he wants some time,
the things which he does have become disagreeable, the gaskets are gonna blow and
obviously it's just your imagination. It obviously doesn't have any energy in it, or if it did,
it must have gotten it someplace else.
Here's an instantaneous mock-up appearing. No ridges, nothing. You just make this
mock-up. And you take that mock-up and you slap it into another facsimile and it goes
pam! and zing! goes the meter on the machine. Hey, is it possible that man is actually
creating electricity?
It never occurred to anybody that thought was good enough and high enough and
powerful enough to create something like that. We should therefore be able to look
over electricity and find out if there wasn't something left out of electricity. And it's much
too simple, but it happens to be horribly true.
You've got to have a base, which is made out of iron or wood or something of the sort.
That base is sitting there keeping those terminals apart. If you just took two terminals,
every time you tried to turn anything over or furnish any effort in the thing, why, the two
terminals would simply go bang! and they'd just go together. And you'd separate them
very carefully and you'd turn the thing on again and their magnetism would keep pulling
them together. And you wouldn't get a current through that line at all. The terminals got
to be held rigidly apart. And you extrapolate all this back again and you'll find out that
it's absolutely essential to locate something in space and time in order to produce an
electrical flow. And the highest order of action (or of cause) then, for an electrical flow
would be something that located in a space some somethings which could discharge
from one to the other and then, only then, would you have an electrical flow.
You can rehabilitate an electric shock (rehab a guy who has received an electric shock)
- just rehabilitate the guy's ability to mock up force. You don't even address the electric
Time is a great mystery which you mustn't crack, because you're going to crack
everything else too.
Before you can have space you have to have a particle, and before you can have a
particle, you have to have space. So it's a coincident manufacture. They are very
intimate. Space and particle are not two different things. It's not necessary for a particle
to have mass. It could just be a piece of space, a microscopic piece of space which you
then give mass to. It's merely postulates you're dealing with here.
In order to have a viewpoint you have to have something to view. So that's coincident,
too. You get the viewpoint, the coincidence of view, the anchor points and the particle
actually simultaneously. It is all going on at once.
You actually can't state this intention without it happening. But you could state it in such
a way that it wouldn't happen. If you stated the intention, "Well, I'm going to put a piece
of space out to here," you've already lined the thing up, and you won't have
We can't get off zero of the stopwatch with this. We add one of these things to another,
we find they're being done in the same moment.
Time, sure enough, is terribly simultaneous because it doesn't exist. Time is something
they invented.
Every instant of time is a completely conscious process. If you're not just saying, "Time,
time, time. Don't have. Don't have. Don't have. Park. Park. Park" of time, you haven't
got any time track.
You can make time happen brrrr, or you can make time happen pocketa ... pocketa,
practically at will. Do you know, in the last instant before you hit bottom, that a lot of
time can occur? It's the degree you're trying to have is what creates time. So you've got
this urge to have.
You have as much time as you postulate space and particles. If you postulate lots of
space and few particles, you have a field where action can take place. And if you
postulate very little space and an awful lot of particles you have solid matter.
When the thetan is still in the stream called time, which is just havingness, he's mixed
up with space and he's mixed up with energy and that means to say when he makes a
postulate it will have some energy in it. Therefore his postulates will have to be
changed over from some old, ancient postulate.
The way you handle time is to handle objects. The interrelationship of beingness,
action and objects becomes itself time.
A man's future is in terms of havingness. If you cut off his havingness, he has no future.
If you cut off all of his havingness his future's done and that is the one condition about
death - as far as the current lifetime and combination of homo sapiens, thetan and so
forth is concerned, it's the end of havingness.
About the only thing he ever has that he's really sure of - he's got a body. And he
knows he will have the body and so he sort of sticks on a time track. Using a body is
very like using a compass. It orients. It says, "This is present time," because it is
present time for the body.
This universe has as it's arbitrary time. Because he's made time an unknown thing
which can be experienced only secondarily.
Time is made for the purpose of interest. Time is made to interest one. To say, "Well,
there's time" is to put out a weird sort of a thing, some kind of an unknown thing that
goes on that we don't want to know anything about. So that compares immediately to
something on the automaticity scale. Not wanting to know in order to produce
Timelessness merely means something that endures across long spans of time.
Timelessness is an apathy and time itself is an apathy.
Any time you look at a whole track incident that is really serious and that the preclear
has in restimulation, it has first and foremost these characteristics: there was lots of
space and then suddenly there wasn't much space. Somebody actively led out his
anchor points to a vast distance and then drove then in - smash! And that operation out-in - locks a person up on the time track.
The only way he could be stuck on the time track would be to have an aberration about
1. Location and Time Track
There is the track of the area in which he is. You could go back in this room, take this
spot on this planet, and theta-wise you could simply scan this track. You could pick this
room up at the first moment it was ever built, and carry it on through to the day it will be
destroyed. You can look at the total havingness of this room all in an instant, because
there's no other time than that instant, there's just the havingness of the room with the
Its first and immediate value to you in therapy shouldn't be overlooked. This is possibly
the first time an analysis was ever made of psychosis that is really a good solid
mechanical analysis.
3. Time and Sanity
Sanity would be the ability to predict the rate of change of havingness and nothavingness with regard to one's interest in those things which are changing, and with
regard to the penalty which one believes may accrue from not being interested in those
things and failing to predict them correctly. Sanity, then, is monitored by what one can
gain balanced by how much one can be punished because of have and have not, and
the unpredictableness of the changes which might take place in have or have not.
Why is a psychotic always in the past? Your neurotic is, at best, in the present. People
who are sane are doing very well in the future. They're thinking into the future,
consistently and continually.
A man is really as sane as he can think into the future. A man is as sane as he can
predict and estimate the rate of change of havingness and not-havingness. When
they're unable to predict it, they are not sane. It makes an effect out of them.
It's only when a person is interested in havingness of a present time that he can
become non compos mentis with regard to that present time. But a person must also
be interested in havingness and not-havingness to be sane. A disrelated unknown
datum doesn't disturb you a bit. But you'll find the psychotic has gone mad because of
an unknown datum. He doesn't know what's going to happen in the future. Uncertainty
concerning the rate of change of havingness and not-havingness - he's become so
unsettled and so upset about it, because he can't predict it, that he's become psychotic
about it.
You can count then, as a person goes down scale, that the future looks more and more
unchangeable or solid to him, or inevitable, and that he can be defeated more and
more, and pain and penalty will be more and more there, and desirability will be less
and less there.
Up tone scale the future looks desirable because he thinks he can change the rate of
havingness. The present becomes undesirable, gradually, as he finds he can't do it,
and the past, then, takes on and absorbs his interest.
What is called future, by which you would mean future time, also could be called "will
have". A psychotic has to go back to a "had" because there is no "will have".
People's intolerance for speed and people's intolerance for slowness are themselves
an effort to maintain a constant rate of change.
A person who tries to estimate rate of change of havingness in the future, by comparing
it to the past is gonna fall flat every time.
Because it says, "Let's agree with experience and have nothing to do with the
Take Q-1 (Theta has the capability of locating in space and time, energy and matter,
and to create space and time in which to create and locate energy and matter). If one
can do that, one can differentiate. If he can do that, he can start and stop at will.
All cycles of action proceed out of Q-1. Postulated space - particles - action - solidity matter, here we go on a first action cycle.
An action cycle is the creation, growth, conservation, decay and death or destruction of
energy and matter in a space. It is the action cycle which produces the illusion of time.
Anything that a person can create, change or destroy doesn't have any large value to
When you get into the subject of cycles of action, you find out that the imposition of a
gradient scale on the manufacture of an item gives the illusion called time.
The cycle of action for an object goes Start, Change and Stop. Those are the three
characteristics of motion. Motion consists of just those three things. But you can fancy
this up. Start, Increase, Decrease, Stop. This is the formula of agreement on how we're
to make matter (and forms) and maintain it and so forth.
Change is marked out in terms of increase-decrease, and doingness, up here, is
initiate-inhibit. In doingness, you can initiate and carry forward something, or you can
inhibit something.
Just pure doingness wouldn't do either. There is a theoretical null in the middle of
action, so right in the middle of action there's always an umpire. (Remark: Small
changes to a system in equilibrium can produce great changes in results (tilting the
scales). That is the subject of cybernetics, and control is in this sense exerted
imperceptibly by an exterior agent which governs the changes of state of the system,
which would be a definition of "umpire".)
There is Start-Beingness-Space (Creation, the beginning of the cycle). Then there is
Change-Doingness-Energy, Conservation, the middle of the cycle, and StopHavingness-Time, that's Destruction, the end of the cycle. These are related
Beingness, space, start, creation - They just go all together. If you want to correct any
one of them, address the other three. Remember old ARC? Well, we've got it right
Space is a requisite to action. With time and action, you get havingness.
Don't think that things have to grow. It doesn't depend upon a gradient scale of
occurrence. People want a gradient scale. They can't do a lot of it at once, so they want
to do a little bit at a time. A person has to encumber himself to the direct degree that he
cannot create and destroy.
He started a cycle of action and he couldn't finish it so he's still stuck there. He gets to
a point where he won't start a cycle of action because he knows he will get stopped
before he starts. He's trying to finish off, if he's doing anything, a hundred cycles of
action begun God knows when.
So you find him in the horrible state of actually keying in with malice aforethought all
the rough engrams on the track, so he can finish these old cycles of action. And they
were only rough for this reason: they interrupted a desirable cycle of action.
When we reach out for the whole universe, we find out that the MEST universe itself is
doing a spiral which began with its creation and is going through to its death. That's the
big spiral for this universe, and it is certainly going on through to its death. Any game
has a spiral of action, if it's plotted out on rules similar to the MEST universe. But it
doesn't mean that every game has to have this as a cycle.
For the thetan, a spiral is a term of lives, or a term of existences which bear an intimate
relation one to the other, or a single existence. In a preclear's past you will find an
overall spiral of him being in a body. He picked up a body some time or another, and he
was in and out of bodies for a while. And then all of a sudden we get a long spiral of life
after life in a body. And he goes downhill in the end and will then be no longer on the
spiral of bodies.
That spiral at first was 100 million years long, at least. A fellow entered the MEST
universe and went on for 100 million years until he finally conceived he was dead. Then
he conceived that he was resurrected again by some necromancy and he thought
himself an entirely new being and he went on this time for maybe 50 or 60 million years
- his next spiral.
That's a spiral - getting shorter each time. The current spiral for most people here is 34
thousand years. Right now they are down to this microscopic point on the current
a Have value. Gives an equal amount of fixed attention. One can fix his attention on a
dangerous or undesirable object or fix his attention upon a desirable or helpful object
equally. They have two different effects, however: the Have Not tends to come in on
the person and the Have tends to leave. There's a difference of behavior.
You locate things because you conceive them to have a value or not to have a value.
That is to say, a value as dangerous or a value as helpful, a value as undesirable or a
value as desirable. So a person locates masses of black and masses of white on the
track. (Remark: there are also objects who have both characteristics at the same time they can be dangerous and desirable at the same time, for example something habitforming, or undesirable but helpful, like medicine, glasses, etc.)
There is your big maybe.
Havingness. Have and have not. Positive-negative terminals, so you get this positivenegative randomity as explained by the interaction between haves and have nots.
If he doesn't know how to know, he cannot interrupt the cycle of wanting to have.
Because wanting to have procures and procurement has to be selective between
procuring what is desirable and not procuring what is not desirable. And one begins to
make this selection back and forth this way and that, and he gets to have more that he
doesn't want and want more that he doesn't have. And his confusion on this line gets to
be such finally that he is MEST and that's the bottom of the action cycle, to be an
A conviction must exist before a possession can exist. Either out of yourself or from
another, you must be convinced that you desire something. And next, you must be
convinced that its havingness is actual. And of course, it isn't actual, it's real.
Conviction regarding people and objects can be:
That they are solid or not solid;
that they have space / don't have space;
that they act / don't act;
that they are perceived / aren't perceived;
that they can perceive / can't perceive.
The way you undo the upset of losing a terminal is to get a person into a position where
he's able to use anything for an anchor point. And then he's completely free to have
space. You cure him of bad anchor points - condensed space where pain existed, he
wasn't supposed to have it and he didn't desire it - or of holding on to good anchor
points, by drilling him with every conceivable kind of an anchor point. Starts out with the
old home. He'll drill with houses and it goes into all sorts of things that you can use.
We find the concept of scarcity underlying this. There's so much scarcity about Item X
that one would waste it and throw it away before he would consume it. It is so valuable
that he is in such utter apathy about it that if he got it he just might as well throw it away
because it couldn't be his anyhow. So you let him do what he would normally do with
that article: that's waste it.
Not having anything is about as high as you can get. A person who can be a universe
is not worried about what his name is. When you have property, you need a label so
that you can tell what he owns. Gods don't have to own, they create. And they don't
sell, they destroy. There is no traffic in the marts of the Valhalla we're talking about.
1. The Cycle of Action of Scientology
A cycle of action comes about because an individual starts in doing something and
doesn't say what he is doing. He's just in action.
And every time he says, "I'm an effect," or, realizing that he did it, "I'm to blame," he
digs himself further into the MEST universe cycle, and that cycle goes from space to
object, and an object is matter and things handle the object - the object doesn't handle
other things.
So there's your cycle and it is a cycle of failure to postulate cause and recognize that
one is the effect of cause.
It only becomes a time flow when one begins to abandon responsibility for the causes
he postulated.
There's something like a cul-de-sac, a blind alley, a box canyon: you come galloping
into the MEST universe full of vim and vigor, and all of a sudden - crash - here you are
at the bottom of the tone scale, (at the end of) the cycle of action.
You can have a cycle that starts low and ends high, but because homo sapiens has
agreed to a cycle that starts with space and ends with matter, when homo sapiens
starts into a cycle of action he finds himself up with his hands full of gold and with
shackles on every limb. In Scientology we have as far as I know, the first time a cycle
of action which starts low and goes high and gets there.
We have a cycle of action which goes backwards. It begins with Stop, which is Homo
sapiens, and ends with intention, which is your thetan bailed out all the way. Good
workable cycle of action.
What you're studying, if the truth be known, is a cycle of action which we can apply
because it is very carefully based upon the reversal of the cycle of action which made
the MEST universe. And in order to make this new cycle of action, the cycle of action
originally agreed to broadly and generally had to be completely understood. But it isn't
backwards; it's forwards and upwards, because our sole motive here isn't simply the
reversal of a cycle of action. We're trying to establish a cycle of action in this universe
which will work for individuals - and it works.
Scientology 8-8008 is a design of a new cycle of action. The cycle of action goes to an
unapplied infinity, a potential, and it tells how you get there and it says you go up tone
The MEST universe is infinity at the bottom of the tone scale, and the MEST universe is
never more real than from four down. You go back up the line of that and you're going
upscale all the time, and the MEST universe ceases to be, completely, at 40.0. Just
isn't. For the preclear, you say you're bringing him up tone scale. You're bringing him
up to the point where the MEST universe is going to be zero.
2. Conservation
The cycle of action has at its exact center Conservation. Start, Increase, No Change,
Decrease, Stopped - that really is the cycle of action. There's a complete maybe right in
the middle of the cycle of action. It would be the null point between increase and
decrease, between growing and decaying; there is a plateau in there where something
hits. Why is it a plateau? It's an effort to maintain the state, and of course that requires
a maybe. The way you maintain a state is to have a maybe.
If you completely balance something, you get no-action, an apparent stop which is
called Conservation. Start and Stop and Conserve are all No-Motion. If you get the idea
of a fulcrum sitting up here and in the middle it'd just be carefully balanced like that, and
we tipped it - over she'd go..
High on the Tone Scale, effort would be a light feather-touch, but it would be terrifically
competent, creating big effects, by unsettling balances and causing suspended
(conserved) cycles to run to an end.
But as a man goes downscale, he begins to do things like regret his own competence,
because it delivers too many overt acts; it hurts then, to be competent, so he goes on
down the line.
ARC at any point of that tone scale, from -8.0 right on up at any level. The wave band,
the direction of flow, and the characteristic of energy, whether it's a flow, a dispersal or
a ridge, make up ARC in this universe. Perception is wave length for any position on
the tone scale. And ARC comes to mean, suddenly, conditions of energy. ARC,
however, becomes bad when you start getting into MEST universe type flows, and it
becomes almost impossible to maintain.
Theta's greatest potentialities happen to be the ability to agree, which makes for
groups; the ability to love and appreciate, and to feel sensation, that is affinity; and the
ability to communicate. These three manifestations are in action in this universe, in the
form of MEST. But it is theta, handling MEST in a peculiar way, that gives us ARC. And
the MEST handles to give us three conditions of energy, which become Affinity, Reality,
Affinity means essentially in this universe, to stick to, to hold together or not to hold
together. Above that level it does not need to have energy, and simply exists as what
you might call love. But when it is worked in this universe, you would have, then, a
manifestation for its various phases. And it could go through three phases, three
characteristic actions in energy - flows, dispersals and ridges, and they make what we
call sensations and emotions.
Immediately from below serenity, right on down to the apathy of matter itself, it has
these harmonics. There's flows, dispersals and ridges up near the top, and on down the
line. When we finally get into the bracket of Homo sapiens, there is the flow of
enthusiasm - it's energy going from one point to another point. It's a characteristic flow.
The next point down from enthusiasm, at 3.5, is somewhat a dispersal, a fellow is sort
of tracking back from enthusiasm. Then there is conservatism, which is "hold that line",
and that's a ridge. Below conservatism, there's a little flow. And the most important
dispersal, in that area, is boredom - idle, scattered attention.
Man hasn't named the number of sensations (emotions) that exist between 4.0 and 0.0.
There are a whole lot of emotions that lie in there. And you get down to another flow,
and that is antagonism, an outward flow from somebody. And then down to the most
prominent ridge - anger. Below anger, the next prominent emotion is fear, and fear is a
dispersal. You could get somebody to say when was the last time he was afraid, and
watch that E-meter just start to climb right on off the top of the scale - he wanted to be
somewhere else. That's a characteristic of dispersal.
Downscale from that, we find our next ridge. Some people think it might be a flow, but
that's only the tears. The ridge is grief, and it is this little effort to try to hold on to at
least the memory of what one had but doesn't have now. And down below that, we get
another flow and another dispersal, and another flow, and apathy.
The whole scale makes up out of just those three characteristics. We have named
some of them, but the bulk of them are not named, and they're actually emotional
sensations which man experiences, but doesn't much bother to name. He knows the
feeling of "just before you get scared" - that's a flow. Up at about 1.8, just above the
ridge of anger, there's a dispersal called pain. It's an emotion. It's a sensation. It has
harmonics all the way up, for instance, at about 6 or 8, there is "exquisite pain", or
something like that. You'll find people fooling around with this once in a while on the
track. It is the production of a very fine pain, that they consider quite a sensation.
These are various manifestations of affinity.
Sympathy is a sort of co-beingness. One individual goes on the the wave length of
another individual, and he flows the same wave length back and forth on it. But it is a
mockery of a higher manifestation of theta.
It's flow, dispersal, flow, ridge, flow, dispersal, flow, ridge.
If you know the tone scale's principles, you can do a very good job of processing.
The tone scale could be conceived to be a scale of wave lengths. The states and
conditions of beingness proceeding from Q-1 are positions on the tone scale. Here we
have then a tone scale from 40 to 0 through 20.
At 40.0 the other bands are so unessential that a person pays mainly attention to the
aesthetic band. He's not going to worry about effort. At 20.0 he wants to go into motion,
so he's going to pay attention to visible particle bands like light or electricity. He'll see
these things snapping and booming around and he'll use this stuff. It's also present at
40.0. But it's just used more at 20.0. When we get to the lower band we find out that the
person's ability to handle the wave spectrums and so on has decreased to a point
where he has mostly to do with the very heavy solid particle waves of matter. He's
handling matter with matter and heavy juice and that's about all he's willing to handle.
And he doesn't add much of the aesthetic band in there. Emotion is lower than
sensation and in order to get emotion you have to recover sensation.
At 40 we have space, beingness, creation, start in terms of motion, cause,
differentiation. On the center band we have energy, doingness, high level action,
change, conservation, logic and association. The essence of doingness is change. On
the lower band you have matter; the thetan is in a body at that stage. You have
havingness, stop, destruction, full effect, death, identification. There we have the nonmotion particles. The space in that area is contracted, it's a condensed space.
In terms of knowledge, more and more complexity reaches down as you go down the
tone scale. More and more complexity exists in the so-called pyramid of knowledge.
And you could call this a pyramid of combinations or complexities.
On the Tone Scale from 40 to 0.0, matter is really at 0.0 and 40 is space. It coincides
also with the Action Cycle. At 40 you have start, intermediate you have change, at 0.0
you have stop. At the top of the emotional scale you have space, at the middle of it you
have action, at the bottom of it you have matter. And this coincides with emotional
experience, with the top of it being serenity, and then, about 20.0, a very high
exhilaration that goes together with action, and skipping an enormous array of
emotions, right down into what homo sapiens experiences as emotion, which is
enthusiasm, caution, boredom, antagonism, anger, fear, grief and apathy.
Thought, effort, emotion - they repeat in cycles along the Tone Scale. At the top of the
Tone Scale, this is very airy. You are up here around space. That thought band up
there is postulates. A little bit lower than that we have agreements.
40.0 is out of the MEST universe.
At about 20.0 he's got a choice. He can contact the MEST universe, he can have the
MEST universe, or on the other hand, he can have a universe of his own or be part and
parcel of another universe. In the cycle of action he has a pattern for the construction of
his own universe, which he can do pretty much as he likes, but it doesn't define what
the infinity of his own universe would be and it doesn't say that it has to be an allmotion thing at all. But it tells him that he can raise his own universe from zero and take
it through to infinity.
There is an action band around 20 - 22 on the Tone Scale. Action can carry with it, but
does not necessarily carry with it, the delivery of force. But it certainly carries with it the
delivery of effort of one sort or another, even if it's the type of effort that you wouldn't
ordinarily recognize as effort because it's in such wide space and delivered so
regulatedly that it is a very closely monitored and activated effort. So, you don't call that
effort at the action level of the Tone Scale as the same effort band as we know it. But
it's a harmonic, an upper harmonic of the effort band. Or you could say that work and
matter themselves are the lower harmonic of this, the actual action band or effort band.
Volume per unit space determines the position on the tone scale. As you got down to
the flows, dispersals and ridges, low on the tone scale towards 0, you had an awful lot
of matter for a very small amount of space. And when you went up scale, you found out
that you had little matter for lots of space. Action becomes solider and solider and
eventually becomes matter.
Force as it goes down scale is descriptive of certain states of being, and the first one,
as you go from 40 down, is how much agreement has a person had or used; and the
next one is how much communication does he enter into; and the third one is what is
his state of affinity or emotion? Way up scale it's sensation, and then it becomes affinity
as we call the emotional band.
That sensation band, high on the scale, is actually emotion, high-toned emotion. Hightoned emotion is sensation. Exhilaration becomes enthusiasm on a lower part of the
band. Lower down, the emotion band is sort of an effort emotion - mesty, very mesty.
These bands really get thin; they really get awfully close together; these get packed
You never thought of enthusiasm as disagreement, but that's what it is. It's an outflow,
and the fellow is mostly enthusiastic about getting rid of or overcoming or doing
something that remedies a situation. So of course he's disagreeing with some situation.
Everybody knows antagonism is a wonderful state of disagreement. And even a 1.1
dispersing like mad is disagreeing.
The Tone Scale is essentially a cycle of action. And the second you know this, you can
start booting preclears around on the Tone Scale. You know from experience that the
best way to get somebody well and in good shape is to boot him on up the tone scale.
One of the ways to achieve this is you get them to stop identifying. You get them so
they'll associate instead of identify with it. You can get them to differentiate.
You start them up the tone scale by having them get their visios in motion, or
something of the sort. Or you get them up the tone scale by running out all the times
people were trying to wipe them out. Or get them up the tone scale by reducing their
desire to be an effect and making them desire to be a cause. Or you get them up the
tone scale by running out enough secondaries so they can assume a higher level of
emotion. We also found out that moving a person up the tone scale restores a selfdeterminism.
40.0 is quite finite. It's within the realm of experience of any one of you. Up there at the
top of the tone scale you find love as something which is strong enough to practically
monitor, or control anything - a warmth of feeling of which homo sapiens sometimes, in
sad and nostalgic moments, dreams. You don't have to ask permission from anybody
to go up tone scale to 40. Beware of all routes where you have to ask for approbation
and permission in order to be. But boy, you sure have to ask everybody's permission to
get famous.
You're not going to do any grand job of pulling your preclear out if he still has, and you
do not know about, something that nails him down good and hard on this tone scale.
The tone scale also measures time. It's one's belief in his ability to predict the rate of
change of havingness and not-havingness. At 1.5 one has lost his ability to not-have.
So he has to have everything, and that gives you a terrific hold, and that gives him this
enormously strange attitude toward all these various things. At 1.0 (fear), he's doing
this terrific dispersal and it's all not-have, not-have. See - he's lost his ability to have.
Down tone scale, in grief, we find they've again recovered a little ability to have and nothave, and then they went into grief on it, and have lost their ability again to not-have.
When you get somebody who is in grief, run Flow Balancing. It restores his ability to not
Theta favors an aesthetic band because that's closest to motionlessness, it's closest in
to the fine wave length which can append to theta itself. Theta can communicate
through aesthetics much, much before it is capable of communicating through reason.
The aesthetic band is very close to theta and theta could be tractored into the lower
end of the Tone Scale by aesthetics. There's an aesthetic wave accompanying even
the heaviest effort wave you have on the effort band. We would also have reason
existing as a wave length. The thetan takes his form of interest in this universe in terms
of an aesthetic wave or in terms of sensational waves. Real good theta traps are baited
with aesthetics. They match the wave length of the thetan if the thetan cares to put out
a wave length.
If you do something very aesthetically you're more liable to get some sort of an
agreement on the thing.
A song is far more powerful than any blaster ever invented. The only thing you really
remember about the great conquerors is a song somebody wrote about them. The
thought was the poet's.
Your havingness and not-havingness are changed by the interest level which is elicited
towards you, in a business, in dissemination, and interest is invited by aesthetics, not
by knowledge.
At various points on this tone scale you might get aesthetics suddenly cutting in. For
example, an aesthetic automobile.
Up tone scale, individuals are airier and lighter and actually more aesthetic. The
heavier wave lengths are favored down around 0.0, and the lighter wave lengths are
favored up around 40.0 and down. A person who tries to do an aesthetic job in this
universe will generally go down tone scale very fast, because he's trying to apply this
light, airy little wave to things that are heavy masses.
If an artist refuses to act within the frame of agreement which is assigned to bigness
and greatness (great flowing gestures, etc) or if he has some purpose in not acting in
that frame of reference, he won't be.
If a fellow fills up all the space he has, he'd better find bigger space. If a person has a
lot of space for his havingness, his time is fluid and he's light, and aesthetics can more
easily enter in. An aesthetic wave doesn't transmit easily over something that's gross
and heavy. That doesn't say it can't, but it just doesn't. The cry of all architects,
painters, sculptors, and so on, is: "Here is this horrible thing! Every time I implement
something that I thought up, it always falls short of the ideal."
Communication isn't talking or hearing, communication is perception and
communication is energy, in this universe. To rehabilitate good communication you've
got to rehabilitate energy. Thetans can handle ideas, you don't have to process that too
Communication is actually the wave band. There's a photon band. That's light. The
heavy band, that's the effort. Higher up there would be the emotion band. Way up here
at the top is aesthetics. That's a very tiny wave length. If you could work up here in the
aesthetic band when you weren't working in any other band you'd produce higher
Operating in less and less space, apparently your volume of energy is getting more and
Originally, he started to use automatic communication. He started to have
communication done for him in one way or another. The first thing he started to use, to
make it more automatic and easier and more positive was energy. He'd lose his ability
to differentiate between a postulate and a communication statement. A little
communication disaster or so would occur. He'd back off and say, "I can no longer trust
this merely stated pervasion into the atmosphere. I can no longer trust that, simply
thinking something that I know, then somebody else will know too." One of the reasons
is because they have ceased to trust their reception. And so he said, "Let's make it
positive. Let's use energy. And we will put a beam out, and we'll put a communication
on the beam. And the beam will carry the communication. And then he will know it's a
communication because there's a beam sitting there."
After a while he says, "All communications have to go up and down a beam." Finally he
winds up dropping a nickel in the Bell Company's just to tell somebody at home he'll be
late for dinner. He's a gone dog.
sensation of sex. And you'd have to get up into that bracket and take a look at it before
you'd agree with that. Sex is very MESTy. A thetan knows it and he feels degraded
after he's gone around and fooled with if for a while. It's terrible.
The thetan builds up communication lines into the mouth and into the genital area.
There are many other of these little lines too, in addition to these. (From the receiving
end,) a communication line is a tractor wave. You can set up a tractor wave on
something and you'll get communications over that wave and so he sets these
communication lines up permanently. And they're valuable because sensation comes
over those. He's got these lines set and built in to such a degree that he actually has
himself nailed into the body. He might as well have tied himself in with hawsers.
A thetan is completely dependent upon sensation for a conviction that he, yes, is alive
in this universe, and what you are rehabilitating there is the only reward he has for
living - the beautiful sights, the beautiful sounds, the beautiful tactiles - a thetan has
thousands of different perceptions. The rehabilitation of sensation is very necessary,
because need for, desire for sensation is the only thing which keeps him in the vicinity
of a body. You rehabilitate sensation and you hit very early in the case and get out of
this automaticity of using the MEST body to prepare all sensations for us. And how do
you do that? You make him feel emotions from mock-ups. You take the emotions from
low-scale up scale until he can vary the emotions at will in any mock-up and reperceive it. And then you get mock-ups which get the highest and most powerful
sensations in them. You discover to him that he can pick up directly sensations from
the MEST universe better than he can pick them up from the body. And in doing it
directly, you will find that he suddenly really sparks up. He doesn't really need this
body. He isn't dependent anymore.
If he can't get sensation, he can't get interest. The two interlock, and they follow all the
way up the scale. And that's how you lead a fellow into an operating thetan, you just
make sure that he can feel all these emotions and sensations, first from the MEST
universe itself, and then from mock-ups which are quite actual and have a greater
degree of actuality than MEST universe things. And that includes any sensation you
can name, including the taste of pepper.
There is a higher dependency than depending on energy for communication. He
started to depend on energy for sensation. And we get another automaticity which is
highly undesirable, that energy must be used to make an effect out of one. If one
wanted to be the effect of some sensation, then the sensation had another point than
oneself for its origin. He stands over here at A and he wants a sensation from B. So he
runs a line from B back here to A and the line goes in that direction. B is being elected
cause because B has sensation to deliver, and A then has elected himself an effect.
He has sensation received from some object and he will gradually get to a point where,
as he comes down tone scale, he will become the effect of any line. He will become the
effect of any energy line and will not be cause on any one of these lines. He'll elect
himself as the effect on any energy beam that happens anyplace, whether it's a force
beam or any other kind of a beam. Therefore he becomes frightened of all force, and
he will cease to use force.
Up scale the thetan can handle this in terms of space. You can have space without
having energy. You can have theta level objects which are not composed of energy.
Sensations that come in via energy are not the higher level sensations. There are
higher level sensations that are independent of energy. But the fellow who has learned
how to use energy and has found himself pushed, thrust, slammed into this universe
and is right now subject to solidified energy at every hand, that individual had sure
better learn how to use energy because he won't get out of here otherwise.
In the Philadelphia Lectures, there's a great deal about Desire and Enforce and Inhibit
as the three stages. You as the thetan actually add interest to things. You can be
interested in something without a dimension and without any energy involved. When
we get interested in something which has dimension, we have to reach out and
approximate its dimension with anchor points in order to perceive it.
How do you perceive? You put the wall there, and then you reach out and you feel the
wall. And you say, "It's there." You put a feeling called "Wall" out here and then you put
a dimension from you to "wall". We find out we know the wall is there because we can
see it. But you have to put a sight there in order to record the sight. Get a fellow to
realize he's doing that all the time, that he puts the sight out there.
How many people in this room felt that streetcar motorman go by this instant? Nobody
tasted the workman's lunch box that was on the streetcar. I'll bet you nobody has felt
the silkiness of my tie in looking at me. However, that's within your field of perceptic
experience. But there are very few of you here who haven't felt the beating of your
heart or your lungs or the warmth of your body or the position of your head or your
face. And that is the limit of experience in a body - and that's pretty narrow.
Lack of perception equals lack of force. To rehabilitate perception, rehabilitate the
preclear's ability to handle force - electronic force. If you're in the MEST universe,
you're living on borrowed space. You would throw out your limit of experience and that
would be your anchor points. You'd experience everything out to the limit of the anchor
points to the degree that you know that your mouth at this moment is wet. To solve this
anchor point proposition the fellow has to be able to advance anchor points into
everything he detests and to withdraw anchor points from everything he wants. He has
to be able to do both of these things. He has to be able to advance anchor points
completely relaxedly in the face of everything detested and everything desired, and pull
in anchor points in the face of everything detested and everything desired. There
actually isn't any such thing as a detested thing except somebody's idea. So he's
dragging in his anchor points away from pure chimera, from pure bunk. He gets smaller
and smaller in exact ratio to the number of things he detests. And he tries to get bigger
in ratio to the number of things he desires.
Sight just happens to be one perceptic out of a great many. It happens to be the
commonest and most tied to by the preclear because he's interested in energy,
manufacturing it himself or having it from the MEST universe. And so he depends a lot
on sight. But I've known preclears who never saw anything at all, but knew it was true
because they could smell it. They knew they had an engram on Grandpa because they
could smell his pipe.
How fast does your eye photograph? A trained recognition officer who was trained in
the war to glance at a fighter plane and know whether it was friend or foe, was
supposed to do it in a seventy-fifth of a second. Remark: The described experiment
with the variable shutter and the projected slides, as done in the last war, eventually
resulted in a device to be used by student auditors to be able to better notice E-meter
needle movements.
Why are the guy's eyes bad? You could look in the real universe, and find out exactly
what he's hoping he won't see. So the first drop you will get is, "Are you afraid you'll
see something?" He doesn't want to see one of these restimulators. He has agreed that
the environment is upsetting, so you'd better gradiently break his agreement with the
whole darned environment.
Sound is an invisible flow. And it's quite aberrative because a person can't control as
well that which is invisible as he can control things that are visible. Sound, therefore,
has a terrific power over him that light doesn't. and he'll lose his hearing acuteness
before he loses his sight acuteness (or lose sonic before losing visio, and turning on
visio before turning on sonic). It's harder to control sound because you can't see it.
One perceptic after another can be shut off. Perceptics can be occluded one after the
other. And so, as you pursue mock-ups, so perceptics may shift around on the
preclear. And they might be very bad today, and good tomorrow, and just horrible the
day after.
Sound, sight, heat, cold, electrical, every perception your MEST body's got, plus about
eight thousand more, are locatable on an energy band. They are called perception
bands. What determines the kind of perception you have is the wave length of the
perception. A thetan is active at one or another parts of the band, and not active at
other parts of this perception band.
A perception is a wave length, a characteristic wave length. Eyes for instance will
gravitate to a certain wave length. And what we're getting here is the various harmonics
of affinity that we're looking at and we can get each one modifying the wave length of
the aesthetic band. And as a net result, you will find an aesthetic, an effort, and a
regard for any of these perceptions, at each one of these levels on the tone scale. And
that means for example that telepathy can exist at any level of the tone scale. It's a
tune in, rather than going up scale or down scale to.
Outside of the body, the thetan has to be able to use force before he can perceive. He
has to be able to perceive before he can locate himself well in this universe. Ninety
percent of your trouble in theta clearing is wrapped up in perception. The fellow gets
outside, he says, "I can't see, I don't know what I'm looking at...", or he says, "I see, all
right, but it's another planet." or, "My perceptions are very good, but there's about three
quarters of the room is completely black." What is missing is his ability to handle force.
He's got a big engram right there, that says, "Look, when you perceive things, you get
You want to make a test out of a preclear, while talking to him, have him look out the
window and start figuring out which one he is doing, listening or looking. He gets pretty
groggy. You say, "All right, let's look. Now you're looking? Okay, now, as you look,
listen. Now as you listen, feel the weight on your feet. Now as you fell the weight on
your feet, feel your heart beating," and about that time you will see him start reeling.
You've asked him to come off of some terrific point of concentration that he is fixated on
by aberration, and he reacts to this by becoming physically failed in his balance and
stability. That's because you are asking him to do more than one thing at once and he
knows very well it's utterly impossible to do more than one thing at once.
Regarding perception, up scale he places and perceives what he has placed. And in
the low band, he perceives only. And at the bottom, no perception. It goes hand in hand
with automaticity, hand in hand with sensation.
"Places perception" means, he hands things out to be perceived. He knows so certainly
how things would be perceived if he'd enter in the scale and use energy to that degree,
that he could place it and know how it would be without inspecting it. Like a golf champ
who takes a whoomp at the ball and knows the ball is a hundred and seventy five yards
out there on the green. No strain on perception. You even don't bother to perceive.
That's a level of knowingness.
In the middle of the scale, you've elected things out to be fifty percent automatic.
You've got to perceive about 50 % of the things, but you still know that when you
perceive you place the perception and then get it back again. You're well aware of the
fact that when you want to feel joy from that person over there you put joy on that
person and then experience the joy.
You can fish through the ether, so to speak, take the viewpoint of that person and find
out how they are perceiving life. Just make a test of it, then you know what their
emotion, or feeling or idea is about life and you don't have to take this relatively
unnecessary step of putting an emotion onto their stream of regard for life to find out
how they're looking about it.
You got an idea this person should be sad, he's looking at a wreck and therefore he
should be sad, so you'd have to extend over into his chain a feeling of sadness, and
then re-experience from him sadness. And you'd say, "I know he's feeling sadness."
You'd know at the same time you'd put some sadness over there so that you could feel
Way on down tone scale you look at him and you say, "He feels sad." It's all automatic
by this time. You just look at somebody and you know he ought to feel sad so you feel
sadness from him. And you omit the fact that you have set up circuits which
automatically install the sensation of sadness in him so that you can feel it back again.
You don't inspect it in lines of ideas at all.
Your preclear is remedied in this respect simply by having him mock up things and put
the emotion on it. You make him do this and he'll start to feel all sorts of things as his
automaticity circuits start cutting out on him.
Pain is enforced proximity of particles. A somatic is occasioned by two particles in
proximity to each other in such a way as to make an undesirable condition. These
particles are too close together and that is a stop because these two particles can't be
shifted anymore. You get pain as a result of that. When you tell him to handle a couple
of particles, any way he handles these particles he's liable to get pain. And that's the
reason why he doesn't want to handle these particles.
Everybody out there has made an agreement on experience, that experience is a good
thing and you have to hide some experience and some of it has to become automatic.
And they do that by engrams, secondaries, and locks - it's a system. Everything
becomes automatic. We're going to get near something, it has a certain stimulus, like
putting a hand on a hot stove, and we're going to respond in a certain way. And we
want that as fast as possible so - and this is the error - so we'll make it automatic.
He is then in a state of complete obedience to the MEST universe. Let's consider the
MEST universe a hypnotist, and let's consider this preclear a subject, and find out that
the subject is as deluded as the hypnotist wants him to be.
When you can deliver enough pain to an individual to make him dislike it, he would
always rather have some kind of a mechanism by which he didn't have to feel it. So he
invents this mechanism of, "Ow, I'm not aware in that period." That's the big lesson: I
can suspend beingness. A few times he gets caught too fast to make a good postulate,
something hits him so quick that he can't suspend beingness, he thinks, fast enough.
So he says, "Let's make this automatic, and when anything hits me that fast, to make
sure that I have a not-beingness right then and there I will go two or three seconds
before the time I was hit by it and start not being at that point and that wipes out
Whenever a person abandons control of space, energy or objects, he's asked them to
command him. To get a person under control, you get him to abandon control of space,
energy and objects. You give him anesthesia. That takes away space of action and
beingness. He'll abandon the space he is in right there at the moment.
With the first book techniques we succeeded in actually bringing the person up to
responsibility for the moments when he was unaware. We ran them out and brought
them back into being. And whenever we ran one out, we made him responsible for that
section of his life and it ceased to have a heavy command value on him.
Anchor points are most quickly attracted to the points of the greatest impact. And the
points of the greatest impact are the counter-efforts, which summed all together,
become a body.
When a fellow all of a sudden begins to stop motion, when he just turns on the brakes let's say the horsepower rating of this thetan was a potential milli-G (that's a new
quantity I just developed) - then these ridges would stand at one milli-G. That's how
much energy was radiating around this thetan.
So, when being hit by a lightning bolt, the best way to minimize damage would be, of
course, cause a rarefaction right there and the lightning bolt goes on through. But the
tendency was instead to try to rush in toward the center to block off Mr. Lightning Bolt,
by putting a lot of particles there suddenly and letting it hit matter. So a lightning bolt hit
this condensation here at the center and a vector started to go out. The impulse here
was out. And what are the laws of motion and emotion - "we've got to run away from
this because we're scared." You couldn't stop it, so you had to depart from it. That, in
essence, is what happens in an injury. A guy is hit and at the instant he's hit, just before
the blow strikes his skin, there's this odd one.
Fellow always get their hands hurt before they hit the table. They know their hand is
going to hit the table and an instant before it hits the table their hand hurts. In they
come and they hit the corner of the table and it hits the hand and their attention units or
particles rush to that point to defend, and blow off the injury, find out they can't do it,
penetration continues and those particles which rushed in now try to rush away from
the injury. But this thing is making more and more ingress all the time. And the particles
rush away and try to stop it again. And all of a sudden he goes into apathy and he's just
null. But each time he's trying to stop, stop, stop - you can practically hear the brakes
squeal on an injury.
If you're running Effort Processing, just start to work out one of these injuries and you'll
find out that it's going this way. And you work a little further and all of a sudden the last
efforts are run and it all weakens down and bong! - there goes the injury.
It's a pattern of rarefaction and condensation of attention units which are rushing in
periodically to push the thing back out, finding out they can't and rushing away. Then
gathering a sort of force and coming back in to stop it again and then pushing it away.
You get the same action as you get with flows, dispersals and ridges.
If you hurt your hand a little bit like pinching its back, you'd probably only feel it for a
couple of inches around and about the injury. But if you were to hurt your hand real
bad, you could hurt it so that it would shock clear up here and hurt the elbow. There
attention units are rushing down the whole length of (from) the elbow and then they're
dispersing back up the whole length of the elbow and then dispersing back down the
whole length of the elbow - that's an energy flow and it follows the pattern of flow.
We get right here in the center of the hit of the lightning bolt this action. There's the
center hardness, and there's an empty spot, and then scattered particles out here. This
gives you a pretty good idea of what goes on in an explosion. If you were to take a
picture of the guts and anatomy of an explosion in action, you would find there's
rarefaction condensation areas in the middle of it.
If you were to trace these ridges in any pattern of explosion, you'd find out they were
really a flock of spheres. Energy always bears some relationship to the characteristics
of a floating sphere.
The preclear is stopped someplace on the time track, otherwise he wouldn't have a
single ridge. He's holding on to these particles in that formation of spherical onion
skins. And he's holding on at a high energy input incident - a few milli-Gs of impact,
way the heck and gone, back on the track.
And he's running around with a horsepower of one grasshopper erg, and all of a
sudden you say, "All right, now let's reach out there and run that ridge." "Nooo," he
says. Because he instinctively knows what's really on those ridges.
So you're looking at the pattern of a galaxy, you're looking at the pattern of a preclear,
and you're looking at the pattern of an atom. It has the approximation of the pattern of
an explosion. It also, to some vague fashion, has the pattern of a solar system.
These things are all related, because it's a pattern of a method of making a universe.
attention on other spots in space. But the second that they are able to be any place in
space, they can concentrate their attention on any place in space. The amount of
space a fellow has determines the amount of attention he can demonstrate.
Interest alone carries a person down the track of the MEST universe. So interest alone
is all that carries your preclear up the scale as a thetan - toward a higher level of
beingness. Interest is the monitoring action. Where there is no interest, there isn't any
insanity. Of course, there's also nothing. The state of mind with regard to past, present
and future is monitored by interest in it - "Do you care?"
You want to know why theta clearing can suddenly produce such a change of viewpoint
in an individual, I'm afraid it's contained in that data that I've just given you.
Estimation of the rate of change of havingness is either interesting, or very interesting,
or terribly interesting, or "Oh, my God! We're lost unless..." and everything is serious
and important. What does "serious" and "important" mean? Interest is intense because
of penalty. Importance is an intense interest because of possible penalty, and it is as
intense as the penalty is envisioned to be intense or threatening.
We have then to shift it over to "own universe", and he has to be able to mock up a
havingness or a not-havingness on any one of the dynamics, and particularly where
interest is involved. He has to be able to create anything he is interested in and
continue an interest in it in order to get rid of MEST universe havingness and nothavingness. And nobody's recommending to you, really, that you get rid of this
havingness and not-havingness in the MEST universe. But I'm just telling you that the
interest monitors it, and that is monitored by one's belief that it only exists in this
universe - (which is the essence of scarcity) - that there's a penalty in leaving the
universe, and the penalty of leaving it would be the penalty of not any more having
An agreement is an inflow and a disagreement is an outflow. A 'not-have' is an outflow
and a 'have' is an inflow. You agree with something, you have it. If you disagree with
something, you don't have it.
At forty on the tone scale, all that happens is postulates. What's wrong with your
preclear is that nobody obeys his orders. I'm sorry to have to sum it up that fast.
Because you won't assimilate it that fast.
Reality is so obviously an agreement that we couldn't call anything real unless we'd
agreed to it. And again, there isn't an absolute agreement, and it isn't required. You had
to agree to something before you and a couple of guys or something of the sort could
have a universe. You've decided to fix this stuff up and something had to happen
before you did that. You had to decide that it was desirable to obtain something called
a universe.
Your preclear doesn't know any difference really between MEST universe space and
his own universe space. He has never differentiated between the two. He's still holding
on to the one and trying to view the other.
A hypnotized person can see a whole room on fire, he can hear the flames crackle and
everything else. And it's very weird that they think they have to go along through all this
mumbo-jumbo and ritual of hypnotism and be in a state of sound asleep and be out of
control of themselves and can only see this when they're taking orders from a
hypnotist. That's the silliest thing in the world.
We naturally select out and push out of the group those who do not agree with our
MEST perceptions. Every once in a while, a pc looking at this, he's just getting
processing, and he gets an awfully funny feeling that there's some thought he doesn't
quite dare think. And he comes close to it and he feels the plaster creak. And then he
pats it back very hurriedly and runs away from there. Well, what he's fooling with is the
small atom bomb of agreement.
He's having a tough time with this little point. He doesn't want the responsibility of
undoing the MEST universe, because he can't handle that much energy. You get him
up to a point where he could handle this much energy, he would face that thought. And
really, actually, probably all that would happen to him is the MEST universe would
momentarily disappear for him. And then he would have to fish around for a little while
in order to get a point of reference on the MEST universe again in order to get into it
again. You just have to be able to handle space, why, then you can get in and out of
the MEST universe like mad.
You have to agree in order to disagree. Unless you and your arguing opponent are
thoroughly agreed upon something, you can never fight or have a game. When you see
two men beating each other up, they normally started disagreeing on the assignment of
value to something; one says, it's valuable, the other one says it's not valuable. One
guy says, "Now this is logical," and the other fellow says, "This isn't logical." And the
joke is, neither one is logical.
Agreement with the MEST universe is similar to punishment. There isn't much
difference between the two. Unless he agrees, he'll be punished.
People know that death is real. They know that walls and bodies are real. They know
all these things are there. And that's their level of knowingness, because they have to
cling on to a certainty of one kind or another, and that has become their certainty. But
it's a reversed side certainty. There is a higher level of certainty - it's something he
himself creates. That's a mock-up.
You'll find mock-ups are created of energy quite often. But do they have to be created
of energy? No, the best mock-up is created of nothing. It's merely a postulate that says
it's there. And the postulate is made tough enough and strong enough - or rather,
forceless enough, so that it will pervade enough in order to occasion the existence of
something right there.
The actual capability of the mind is the capability of producing any chain of agreement
which will wind up into any kind of a set-up. There are auditing processes that give us a
method of recovering that relatively swiftly. The road out for the thetan is to know he
can handle all this energy and then just back off into the upper scale.
Electronics flow much more easily at very low temperatures than they do at relatively
high temperatures, such as here. An engram received in space, if you try to run it here
in the air becomes a bitch kitty. In space you have a near -273 degrees. And if you hit
somebody with an electronic beam and he was down there at a temperature of around 273 degrees, there's no motion, he's got almost infinite capacity, he can absorb an
enormous amount of this stuff and not know that he's carrying it around in his hip
pocket. Actually this could tell you that a preclear could carry electricity as such as part
of a bank. It would have the actual capability of blowing him off the face of the map.
The best way to run such an incident is to go out into space. Theta clear him and boot
him out into space, and then if he's got to run the charge off, let him run it. This also
tells you something else. The ability of a thetan to create electricity in space is great.
The ability of a thetan to create electricity here in air is poor.
Do you find deaths in restimulation on the track? That's because they are stops. That
means there's no space, that means the particles are solid packed in'em. You can
produce death anytime just by making a person bring in a spanned, widely-spread
attention to a very small point quick.
Did you ever run these operations where the preclear says that he's on the other side
of the room? We used to insist that he "get in valence". That's rough. Well, it worked.
We made advances in spite of that. Remark: There can be forced exteriorization of the
thetan in moments of shock or pain. But having him run the incident as if he were in the
body still proved therapeutic, because it's extending comm lines into the abandoned
There are lots of little sneaking tricks a person plays on himself. He says, "Well, that
wouldn't be any fun if you just said it was the case and then it turned out to be the case;
there wouldn't be anything to expect..."
Then he falls into these various tricks. He has an experience, and this experience
"teaches him" something. And in being taught something, he will then use the
experience instead of acting, and so he goes down tone scale and he starts using a
light amount of energy to think. He wants it to flick over to that old facsimile over there
which will flick back in a certain way, and then it will square him up and he gets it all
worked out - he's figured out some method to use force on himself in order to be sure
that he complies with the rules.
Then he'd drift downscale which is toward present time and he'd use more and more
energy with which to think. That is to say, he'd use facsimiles more and more. Instead
of using just little locks and things like that to think with, he uses a heavier brand of
Homo sapiens, in viewing energy, views his ideas as an energy form. Every thought is
preceded by an effort - I think it's Axiom 121; and every effort then will result in some
sort of a thought. His thinkingness is at the effort band and therefore he's having a
rather rough time of it.
Most pcs have energy deposits around where their energy to think is deposited. The
deposit is in present time and it has, for example, a little sign on it which says, "This is
the future". If you want him to get to this deposit, by reverse vector, simply ask him,
"Try not to have the future. Try to avoid seeing this deposit", and so forth.
"Get the thought of avoiding any future."
"Well, what do you know," he says, "there is one".
A person who is way, way up tone scale wouldn't have any such deposit at all. But he
wouldn't be in a body, either. What do you do with this deposit? Turn it green, pink,
yellow, anything he can do, just keep him handling it as energy in present time which
has future labels on it, and the thing will blow up. All of a sudden he will experience an
enormous feeling of relief. This energy is a deposit that is labeled "future" and the
deposit exists in present time.
Is this energy the present that he's looking at? No, it's not. There happens to be just a
deposit which he calls "present time" and which is in present time.
And is this energy the past? Yep. It's facsimiles being carted along because he is in a
dependent state regarding his facsimiles. He knows he has to have experience. He
goes down to get a job so that he could feed the body. If you don't know there's a past,
the facsimile tells you what is past.
Their utter dependency on experience is a dependency on flows. Experience is terribly
important to people in a body who are thinking in terms of flows. Their rationale is,
when they put out energy in the direction of their facsimiles, then good experience will
come back in and they will do the right thing.
Of course an energy deposit cannot exist in the presence of heavy electronic
horsepower. It simply blows.
So when the fellow starts to develop any energy at all, he feels like his whole memory
is going , because the facsimiles were fixed on ridges which he is blowing.
The standard MEST universe trap with regard to memories is that memories should be
engraved upon energy ridges. Then every time the individual starts to "recover his
memory", that is, he starts to come up tone scale in some way, he gets swamped with
old energy - which is more powerful than he is.
Some person disorients a human being one time too many; and it's just that, just
disorientation. Tell him he's here when he is there, and fouls him up one way or the
other, and pulls the space out. Or tells him that he can't have that space, or he can't
have that matter, which also contains space. He loses something, in other words; but
what he loses, most importantly, is space. So he loses this space and one day he feels,
with several facsimiles, a clank. He feels this clank, and he doesn't feel good at all.
What do you do to get this guy in good repair? You just give him some space. Make
sure he's got space, lots of space. And he'll snap out of things most remarkably.
Most of the mad hatters that go out in the deserts as hermits, they get remarkably sane
and calm when they're put down in a desert fastness, because they've got a lot of
This factor of reduced space results in aberrated behavior, and it is a curve of space
reduction that first produces reason - at about 22 down to about 10 or 12, you're getting
reason. That is to say, a fellow thinks consecutively on problems. And it declines from
that 12 or up there, it gradually goes on down to 4 and then it spins in quick.
Homo sapiens is getting less and less space between those terminals, and it's pretty
easy to upset him. Something can come along all of a sudden and jerk a little more
space out between the plus-minus terminals and those terminals do a creak, and some
of his facsimiles collapse. A little bit of loss - you wouldn't think very often the loss was
at all important - will cause him to really take an awful dive on the tone scale.
Remark: this is an explanation of the mechanism of key-in, including the grouping of
incidents, and reversely, key-out.
Here's the other strange phenomenon. People become saner by jerks - they become
saner by little jumps. They don't become sane by a smooth traveling-upward climb. It's
jump, jump, jump.
After a session, the guy was sitting at the supper table and all of a sudden he kinda felt
the lights turn up brighter. It doesn't matter what he thought of at that moment. What
actually happened was that his positive-negative terminal space on some of the
facsimiles that were bothering him suddenly widened. And that little jump like that was
the actual jump of the facsimiles which he felt.
It's a sudden jump. It can also suddenly happen when looking at a work of art. Art is
wonderful. It will fish people out of the slough of despond faster than anything I know, if
they're permitted to choose their own art. I could tell you some very touching and
remarkable stories concerning the effect of aesthetics on individuals.
It doesn't take much to throw them; it really doesn't take much to put them back
together again.
And you've got a little principle working there, which is just give him more space. What
made his space constrict on him? Why did he begin to feel he had had it? What does
he need at this moment to feel that he can have more space? You establish that and
he'll do one of these little jumps.
The guy who can't get out of his head isn't in his body. He owned it once, but he's
backed out of it. He isn't in it, to any degree, at all. He's dispersed.
He has to own every single scrap of that body and be willing to use every single piece
of that body before he can cleanly step out of it. But this is a question of space. He isn't
occupying the space of the body. He's backed up in space too much. This means, then,
that his facsimiles will be hard packed on to him. He'll be thicker than he should be, in
terms of electronics and ridges around him.
These guys just haven't got enough space amongst the ridges. You can put it there
with Creative Processing. Remember that the trouble with him is energy and the trouble
with energy is it's lost the space between its terminals, and the remedy is to give him
space. And the second he starts to get wider and wider stretches of space, and handle
things in space, the better he'll feel and the more expansive he feels and the freer he is
to act.
The thetan has ridges and deposits of energy and so forth, they go out just ad infinitum.
Once upon a time he was pretty big and he still remembers it out there at that distance.
He was big once, and he can still hit those ridges out there. You're not going to take
this energy off artificially. Not even hitting a fellow with megavolts wipes out these
Those ridges are sitting out there at five feet, 30 feet, and so on. And his history of the
MEST universe is sitting on top of these ridges. These big ridges are held up in front of
him, like matrixes. There's actually a network up there, and there's one type of
facsimiles on one side of it and another type of facsimile on the other side of the thing.
Don't think then that you're suddenly going to get this preclear to postulate that he's at
40.0 without going through the steps of him being able to handle energy, and have him
be clear and stay that way. Because until he can learn to handle force completely and
utterly, he is unable to handle his ridges. If he could handle force completely and
utterly, he could blow this whole shooting match. And only then and there would these
things cease to have the effect upon him of command and necessity and demand
thinking. Only then his mind would be free.
We are actually doing the same thing we were trying to do with Book One. We're trying
to wipe out this energy which has messages on it which gets enforced by physical pain.
Only the physical pain turns out to be an electronic type flow.
We're still trying to do the same thing - we just understand it better and it's a lot fancier.
And the process is a lot simpler. But the end goal on it is the same thing. And that's:
Let's knock out every single cockeyed engram this guy's got.
There's wavelengths on those ridges that Homo sapiens is too low on the tone scale to
touch. And therefore he's got to be way up tone scale in terms of energy to run out the
high-level ridges.
You had to get the idea that you could lose something which you would not be able to
create again, before you could lose a universe. The only way you could ever lose
anything, was to get the idea that you couldn't create it again.
You run it on a preclear and he starts feeling awfully sad about his having to go over
and pick up some memories - these weren't his memories at all.
So, occlusion is not the bottom. Occlusion, if you only knew it, is right close to the top.
But there are segments of occlusion, and a person, as he goes up tone scale, goes
through strata of trust and distrust of his memory. What is an occluded case trying to
The toughest space to locate anything in is black space. So he's holding on to black
space because that's dangerous space, and looking and seeing if anything is in it.
And of course there isn't anything in it because it's not there. This is the spookiest,
dullest game that was invented and possibly is the first rule of trickery in the MEST
universe: "There is some space, now find something in it." So the fellow will keep
holding on to space, to look in it and make sure there's nothing there. Phooey.
Remark: but the space is black exactly because his perception is shut off. So it's a case
of 'must perceive' vs. 'can't perceive'.
One could also devise a mock-up process, using aesthetic objects and shining lights on
He isn't able to control the motion of a terminal like Mama, and she goes out in terms of
He can't control his viewpoint where she is concerned, he cannot control then, he
figures, any space in which this character has been, which is all around him. And the
next thing you know, it's energy he can't handle. And so he says, "I can't therefore view
it." So you get an occlusion on the track.
The reason why your childhood lies forgotten is this: it has a faster speed (rhythm or
clock) than adulthood.
A pc's childhood is occluded because he was moving faster when he was a child and
therefore in order to pick up facsimiles of childhood he'd have to generate and move a
lot faster as a preclear. And that also applies to why can't he pick up early track as
easily as he can pick up later track. That's because he's moving too fast and too
strongly on the early track for him to pick it up now.
We're going through a slow-down process, as one goes down the cycles. So we can't
get these things earlier very easily - mostly because of speed.
Childhood is studded with loss from one end to the other. There is more loss per
square inch of havingness in childhood, because one attaches such enormous
importance to trivia.
Your havingness, then, was slight and your space compared to your size was pretty
If you were to search a neighborhood until something looked unquestionably familiar to
you, that past life would come back - flash, because it requires MEST universe anchor
points. You haven't got the anchor points, so the facsimiles are just no place as far as
you're concerned.
You can look through those facsimiles and find out what anchor points you ought to
have, but don't try to find anchor points in the facsimile. There are pictures of anchor
points in a facsimile, but if you haven't got the anchor points to tie them down to, you
then do not think that facsimile belongs to you or is yours.
Remark: the question of facsimiles becoming more real than present time is a question
of anchor points, of mocking up a space with anchor points and then rendering the
facsimile with its pictures of anchor points over them.
You don't feel that you 'remember' it, because you've seen a picture of an anchor point
and yet you don't have the anchor point. If you were to find the anchor point, that whole
life or incident would go, "whirr-crack" and be in full view.
These things are not important as subjects or facsimiles (significances or experience);
they're merely important because they are aberrative, they have force on him.
and the final end of all automaticity is becoming an object which is condensed energy.
One of the things of automaticy is to have one's space made for one. You expect the
wife to make the house, the husband to provide the playground.
Automaticity, in terms of space, is having somebody else provide the anchor points for
you, namely the MEST universe.
You get tired of duration getting upset. You want something to endure. So you start into
the curve of automaticity. Automaticity is simply making things stick, making them
automatic so you don't have to watch'em all the time.
How the dickens did he get into such a state that he can't produce a kilowatt. He
doesn't want anything to do with that. Automaticity - a long time ago (he) said, "It's
better to have something else produce force for me than me to produce the force,
because it's more fun that way." It's not more fun that way, but it's better operational
control that way for somebody else.
I can just picture somebody walking into your home universe saying, "What you need is
a little more automaticity, all you have to do is just set up this little dynamo and it makes
all this force over on this side, and then you don't have to make the force anymore."
It probably never occurred to the thetan to say, "Wait a minute, why do I want
something to make force for me? I'm getting along just fine." He probably said, "Well,
that's cute, that's interesting."
You talk about teleportation. If you start rehabilitating this, why, you start packing
around the body. There would be actually nothing easier than to pick up the body by
the scruff of the neck making sure that you didn't choke it and yanking it over and
putting it down at some place or another and kicking in a door and sitting it in a chair
and smoothing it all out so that it could be observed properly to be doing what it ought
to be doing.
If you start doing that, however, you'll step out of the stream of agreement, or the
consciousness of intermingled ideas and agreements. You don't have to have those at
all. You don't have to pay any attention to anybody else's agreement but, you have
agreed too.
"It's best that we don't find out what the other fellow thinks," and "it's best that we don't
interrupt other people when they're talking." that's all agreement on this line, and it
contributes to automaticity.
Another effect of automaticity is that the individual has a developed disability in order to
have something done for him. You're just looking straight at the service facsimile chain
He's tired of some set-up and instead of saying, "Well, the devil with it!" or blowing it up
or something like that, he wants it to continue in some fashion, so he says, "Well, I'm
incapable of taking care of this segment of it. Therefore, I'll set that up as sort of on an
automatic circuit." Anytime anything is done for one, there is an incapability
demonstrated by the individual.
Very often a fellow is persuaded that he is setting himself up as an automatic piece of
machinery when he's just being himself. He's just going on a reverse on this deal. He's
not self-conscious.
He all of a sudden enters into doing and goes on doing what he is doing, and there's no
time lapse of him saying, "Now do this and now do that and now do something or
other," it's so fast, so convincing to him that he doesn't recognize that that is action.
That's action, the other is automaticity being played across two or three circuits.
We get allowable automaticity, when we say, "This operation is going to continue." And
you're saying at the same time, "I am continuing this operation." Next allowable
automaticity is, "We are a group of individuals and we have a subdivided set of
functions here in order to smooth this out." It becomes unallowable the moment when
we say, "The reason we have done this is these people are particularly skilled in these
lines and could not handle the other functions." When we've said he couldn't handle the
other functions we've introduced a disability and we've said therefore the group has to
be served.
An automaticity set-up or a functional set-up which heightens self-determinism is not
only allowable but desirable, because you can heighten it at a greater speed. But an
automaticity which is entered into to depress self-determinism or demonstrate disability
becomes highly aberrative and will wind up with this dwindling spiral into something like
the MEST universe.
Here's this fellow all set up. He's got a lot of circuits and one of his circuits is to be able
to drive a bus - up and down the bus route, back and forth on the bus route. He knows
he's driving a bus. His circuit responses actually are minimal. It's only when one day he
would say, "Now this body's going to sit here and drive this bus automatically and I'm
not going to have to pay any more attention to it." or he sits there driving the bus and
dreaming he's someplace else and thinking about something else. There he's removed
himself from the environment and he is setting it up with automaticity in order to secure
his own freedom. (but) That's the wrong way to secure a freedom - what's he doing
driving a bus in the first place?
Bad automaticity would also be that which depressed self-determinism by pretending
sympathy or service for others, and good automaticity would only be that which raised
the self-determinism of others and let them more and more on a rising scale think, act
and provide for themselves.
others. He provides no sensation. You get somebody low on the tone scale, they don't
even use it. They don't feel any responsibility for giving anybody any sensation. They
can't give anybody any sensation, and they don't either. Remark: example, frigidity.
These cycles of automaticity fit in with start - change - stop, with be - do - have, with
space - energy - time, and with cause - effect. This is just an additional set of cycles
tying up a little tighter the package of Man's experience in this universe and the
experience that Man and thetan are.
That is a very essential step of clearing. This thetan, on the automaticity scale, has
gone to a point of automaticity where he is dependent upon a MEST object, a material
object to do all of his communicating for him, and you ask somebody to cease to
communicate in a form that he's positive on and you just practically ask him to lie down
and die. Because when you've asked him to get rid of his communication line, you have
asked him to get rid of his friends and anything he loves, and you can't ask a man to do
that, certainly not in the name of therapy and processing.
So remember that a very important thing to rehabilitate is the ability to communicate
without depending on the body to do it automatically. The toughest side of automaticity
is dependence on something else to communicate.
Identities have two uses: one of them is to group and label something, and another one
is to do a vicarious survival for somebody - a life continuum.
When he's got all the fame he can stand, a person becomes an identity, becomes a
solid object, becomes as handled as a solid object, and he has no rights any more.
That is the very spooky trap that the MEST universe has all pegged out. The more of
an identity you become, the more of an object you become, why, the safer you think
you are - Uh-uh.
The cure for an identity is the possession of power. And what's above power? Space.
You have to recover the ability to use power before you can get into space. When he's
able to use power he doesn't give a damn what identity he is.
One of the things that's really nice to run on Homo sapiens are the times he denied that
he had said it when he had. The times when he denied himself, and when he denied
himself, he was dead. And a lot of little mites dance around in this society, around
people, and some of them say all the time, "Admit you didn't say that." And if he does,
he's saying, "Any time I administer force, or use force even in the shadow of a
communication line, that isn't I." And what do you know, he suddenly winds up as not
being himself. He doesn't know who he is.
When we talk about valences, the fellow hasn't got any center to put any of his anchor
points out from. Why? The center's being occupied by somebody else. How do we
solve this? We just give him locks of the other person doing all the things he wants to
be and do and we just scramble up identities by having everybody be him and him be
everybody, and we do it in this orderly fashion and we've got the thing solved.
You can simply ask the preclear, "Who can't you see?" And you find out who he can't
see, that's the person that was driving in his anchor points.
If you want to find the most aberrative person on the preclear's current life track, all
you've got to do is find who gave him the worst news oftenest. And on that person he'll
have a complete occlusion. How do you solve that occlusion? Get your preclear to sit
there and be as occluded as he wants to be, and imagine this person out in front of him
someplace, not seeing him, but just getting the concept that the person's out there
someplace with a cricket bat knocking in anchor points.
Just have the preclear get the idea that somebody out there is bonging in a flock of
bright balls or some-thing of the sort. And get the idea that these balls are arriving in
the vicinity of his own face and his own head.
And what do you know, this person will show up. And then you can build that person as
a mock-up. By the way you'll get some of the fanciest somatics if you ever run one of
these things.
On the big ENIAC they have what they call a bullpen. Material comes in on this bullpen,
shoots in there and halts for more material to be fed on it. And when new material is fed
to this material, which is only part of a solution, then that material can clear and go
through, into the conclusion of the banks.
There are people, they get the datum in the bullpen over here and it won't clear. It's just
stuck, right there. It's not going to go anyplace. Somebody has told them a joke and
they haven't gotten the point of the joke. And two or three years from then, this joke will
boomp them. Now that is a bullpen datum. I just won't add up any place according to
their frame of logic.
A person has to be willing to disassociate grandly, in order to clean up his bullpen just
at will. Just look through there and say, "Well, gee, what a lot of disrelated garbage,"
and give it the yo-heave. If a person's quite bad off, he just never cleans his bullpen.
The bullpen is an actual geographical thing. it's the unrelated datum on the ridge.
It just bounces around, and you get this reaction on the machine. You'll see that that
confounded thing is very plain on the machine.
The dispersed case is stuck on the track, in lots of places. His aberration directly
derives from all the places he's stuck on the track. Those are the most aberrative
things. And his stuckness on the track is represented by (1) a theta bop of some
narrowness, which means a body, and (2) a theta bop of some considerable width,
which means an area. Such as home universe.
from that 12, it gradually goes on down to 4 and then it spins in quick.
At no time should an individual make the mistake of believing that a symbol is the thing.
People who insist that the symbol is the thing are not only badly aberrated - they are
insane. The best definition of insanity of which I know would be: this person widely
believes that the symbols are the things.
MEST is itself insane, because it cannot determine or align itself. It has to do it
according to a pattern determined for it. And anytime anything has to have everything
done for it, you get an insane object. Sanity would be the ability to reason. Reason can
be done in abstracts, and reason can be done by logic, but logic is not the thing. Logic
is a method of extrapolating from one datum and building a bridge of tiny gradients to
another datum.
The symbol "apple" is not an apple; you cannot eat the symbol "apple". That is the best
test of it.
All the lines of logic have then, therefore, this liability: that people can confuse an
abstract with a reality. The abstract is not the reality - never.
An idea contained in a mass of energy and inflicted upon the individual out of a mass of
energy, and by a mass of energy, isn't an idea, but an energy pattern - a certain pattern
of energy hitting a person. This would be what you might call an aberrated idea.
Every aberrated thought is preceded by a counter-effort. You can run down the track on
any aberrated idea a person has and find that idea all wrapped up in energy for which
he is taking no responsibility, and which, therefore, has a command value on him.
At the level of Homo sapiens, thought is something you use to propose and resolve
problems relating to survival - and you have Homo sapiens' definition of mind. That's a
different type of thinking from the postulate, and a different type of mind because it
plots itself against time.
At the theta level, the mind is amusing itself. It's postulating purpose so that it will have
purpose. But it's not a driven activity.
Get something intimately related to survival going haywire, and Homo sapiens will
think. At his level, it is true that necessity is the mother of invention. Above 40.0 there is
no necessity. There's no necessity to be right, and no penalty for being wrong.
The energy used to think by the psychotic is no personally manufactured energy at all.
It's just a glue of energy once used. He's just got it all pulled in on him like mad, and he
only obeys the commands in it.
the reasons you pack a body around is because it's a good identification card. But I
don't think it's a good identification card, because it weighs a lot of pounds and it gets
on buses and off of buses, and you need all sorts of things to cart the thing around. But
nobody would recognize you if you didn't have it. Now that's an awful lot of poundage to
carry around just to have some fingerprints.
When you get identification, you've got you, a producer of universes, and a regulator
and changer of all things, mixed up with being a piece of MEST. And the most identified
a guy can get is buried.
The cycle of reason begins with differentiation, continues through association and
passes on through to identification.
There's differentiation at one end and identification at the other end. And logic sits in
On a common denominator that you've found by association, by logic, you can go both
You have to reverse the cycle on the preclear.
Interrelationships of reason, of experience, of the MEST universe, interrelationship of
all the laws of motion, and of the law of the cycle of the universe itself are postulated,
then, on this tone scale, and in order to raise an individual up the tone scale you only
have to get him to reverse any one of these cycles (Start-Change-Stop, CreationAlteration-Destruction, Space-Energy-Time, Be-Do-Have) and the others will reverse.
In order to bring an individual up the tone scale, then, from the infinity of the MEST
universe back up to the zero of the MEST universe, you would have to work him then
from the low part of the scale up the scale.
It is in essence a workout of disagreement, it is a method of making an individual
disagree with the MEST universe. And a man who can finally disagree more and more
with the MEST universe and do it on a gradient scale so he is not grossly upset, is, of
course, going upscale continually.
Have and have not in terms of human experience make positive and negative
You run the emotional scale backwards and you'll find your emotional scale fits exactly
across that scale of differentiation-association-identification. Sympathy, low on the tone
scale, is "I am being my fellow man," for instance.
We get this solid pack idea of identification. Anything that comes along that vaguely
relates to this commanding energy, the energy which handled him which was Mama
and which is now in the engram bank, anything that moves into present time throws the
bank into restimulation and actually will handle him in the same way. And he can't find
the difference between one and the other because he's got them in identification.
What we want to do is differentiate Mama.
Definition: The word "Logics" is used here to mean postulates pertaining to the
organizational structure of alignment of data.
Remark: The Logics apply both as an analysis of human thought, and as an orientation
of Scientological methodology. Not all of them are commented here.
Logic Three: Any knowledge that can be sensed, measured, experienced by any entity
is capable of influencing that entity.
This Logic is aimed straight at a fellow by the name of Kant. Transcendental Logic or
something says that any datum worth having is beyond man's power to know. That's
hogwash. It never has been true because it states that in this universe a one-way flow
can exist.
If we are the puppets of some sort of a monitoring agency which could command us
and affect us and influence us, and yet we would never be able to contact nor
experience the puppet master, well, to hell with the puppet master.
That knowledge which cannot be sensed, measured or experienced by any entity or
type of entity cannot influence that entity or type of entity.
Nothing can tamper with you unless you agree to permit it to. And there is no stronger
law in this universe really than that, as far as protection is concerned. If you start saying
something is destructive, it can only then become so. That person who has not agreed
upon the destructivity of force would theoretically be untouchable by it.
Logic Four: A datum is a facsimile of states of being, states of not being, actions or
inactions, conclusions or suppositions in the physical or any other universe.
Too wide, a little bit too wide a definition. Let's modify that definition by this: It's a datum
resulting from a postulate. We've got a postulate, you know, up in the Q's. Now let's just
say, "a datum is something that results from a postulate". Can be an idea, a thought, or
anything else. We don't have to put that in terms of energy, because postulates are
things that govern a large order of activity and any part of that order of thought or
activity could be a datum, couldn't it? And it does not have to be stated that it is
engraved upon energy and that is the definition of a facsimile. A datum is not
necessarily engraved upon energy. This is true for this universe but it is not true for all
universes. What's a datum? A datum is anything which proceeds from a postulate.
Logic Five: A Definition of Terms is necessary to the alignment, statement and
resolution of suppositions, observations, problems and solutions and their
Definition is taken up so beautifully and expertly by Count Alfred Korzybski that it is
very difficult to improve in any way upon his classifications of definitions or his
understanding of definitions.
The idea of action definition merely states that the definition of something should lead
to putting it in action or remedying it.
When you're defining things, particularly in Scientology, define it by what it does or its
cure. Don't define it by what it is like or what it's unlike or anything.
Give them as much of what you do to cause or cause an effect on this thing you're
defining in the definition as you can and still be brief - get an action definition. The
concept of action definition is certainly something I've never before seen stressed in the
field of philosophy.
Logic Six: Absolutes are unobtainable.
That's an effort in this universe to stop the terrific idea of absolutes. Examples: 0o
Kelvin - the absolute zero of temperature, pure metals.
The moment it ran into an absolute wrong, or an absolute right, the universe would be
Mostly it works out in processing. You don't get absolute reductions, complete states,
and so on. Why? This universe and most universes favor a gradient scale of data, or
space, or action, or objects. It's always a gradient scale.
Logic Seven: Gradient scales are necessary to the evaluation of problems and their
The reason why it works so well in Creative Processing is because it was a gradient
scale of agreement that brought the person here, and it was a gradient scale that made
the universe. If you agree to a little bit you can agree to a lot. If you don't agree to a tiny
little bit, you can't agree to anything.
Logic Eight: A datum can be evaluated only by a datum of comparable magnitude.
Corollary: Any datum has only relative truth.
Corollary: Truth is relative to environments, experience and truth.
Logic Nine: A datum is as valuable as it has been evaluated.
For Homo sapiens every thought is preceded by a counter-effort. That's to some
degree stimulus-response thinking. It is not true of a thetan. And so the Logics, as
listed in APA (Advanced Procedure and Axioms), apply generally to thought and its
behavior in any activity. And the axioms apply peculiarly to Homo sapiens.
The high road to Cleared Theta Clear is a gradient scale where everything in this
universe is to be compared by a datum of comparable magnitude.
We don't want him much as truth for the MEST universe because that's MEST and
we've got plenty of MEST. We want him for himself, not for the MEST universe, and he
is himself a universe.
The greatest certainty will tell you the highest datum that the preclear can reach at that
time. If you can find that certainty for him you'd be amazed. He'd probably turn on and
glow like a Christmas tree and walk out of the place. All you did was reach in
somewhere in the vicinity of his beingness and find out that he knew one thing above
all other things. And the fellow can get pretty excited.
You get a lesser reaction when you demonstrate to him, "Do you know that you believe
that all coconut trees have the Empire State Building in them?" Some ridiculous datum
that's as silly as that and he takes a look at it and he finds out he's been forming up a
whole lifetime on it.
But that's invalidation to go at it that way, really, so you just sort of take it by mock-ups
and let it work out. But as you work it out, you will find that as you're attaining
recognition in him of a higher level truth toward his true capabilities, when you're getting
him up toward the higher truth of his own self-determinism, what makes his being tick,
he's becoming freer and freer and more and more of an individual.
The only real certainty he's going to be able to get is the certainty that he himself has
his own illusions. When he gets that certainty, he goes up the line of knowingness.
Deal in certainties. Know only that you know and go on from there. And when you know
that you know, why, operate. Work on that data.
You should separate data out into various bins, it'd be on a gradient scale: we partially
know about this, and we know a little more about that, etc. The most valuable part is
always that portion of it which you were the most certain. I consistently have done this
trick in investigation. I've taken all the maybes and thrown them out the window and
hung onto a few certainties.
In Scientology, we keep picking up things and then orienting them back to a point. In
other words, we're demonstrating data, a central datum and its evaluation against many
other data. And we just keep picking that up and bringing it back in.
Having to have and not having to have are a form of agreement. And we keep swinging
back into agreement which we undo with mock-ups - simple, isn't it?
Having to have and trying to avoid having to have - it's a very funny thing that this
works out so easily. This speaks of, first, a cultivated desire: The person had to have a
desire in some direction or another in order to go down tone scale.
Desire is way up tone scale. So we come down tone scale a little bit on desire. Then
when his desire paled, somebody, of course, had to enforce it to keep it going. That
brought him down tone scale a little further. And when he'd enforced it to a point where
it was impossible to do without it, then you inhibit it so the guy can't have it.
And that's any item or thought or belief.
When we get down to cases, we find that this happened to the preclear. First he
desired, then he finds out that he's got to have what he originally desired, and then he
can't have it. And it just goes flick-flack down scale. So as you run a preclear up scale,
you've got to run him up scale to Desire.
For an arthritic knee, desire to have the knee. He had a desire to have a bad knee.
We'll find out he made it a bad knee so that he could preserve it and have a knee. He
made it a bad knee so nobody else could have it. That's your origin of chronic somatics.
He makes the body sick so it won't be too desirable. In other words, he's clear down
bottom scale with his body: he's down in Inhibit.
He says, "Look, the reason you don't want to eat me is because I'm really poison - boy!
Look at the arthritis in that knee." So let's get him to have a desire to have a knee.
Under Desire, we get an expansive thing. Desire is a created space.
Above that level it's a postulate. Just below that level it starts to be a flicker of
First moment we enter the MEST universe, we get this expansiveness. High on the
tone scale, desire can be a very wide thing. The harmony and beauty of aesthetics
nowhere show up like they do in a big space.
Value is in terms of space. There we have desire at work: big space, certainty and if
any force is there at all, the force is subordinate to the agreement that there should be
force there.
that you can experience an illusion; that illusion exists. So existence can be an illusion,
can't it? Here it is. It can exist because it can be experienced. You have to have
something that can be experienced before somebody can agree upon it.
We merely mean by illusion the technical definition, that which one makes which can
be experienced. By reality we mean that which is made and which is commonly
experienced by agreement. And delusion is that which somebody else makes and tries
to push off on us as an arbitrary necessary experience.
Is the MEST universe an illusion? Next test.
A guy's got to be able to perceive an illusion before he can perceive the MEST universe
very well, without using the body's eyes and other perceptic channels. That's one of the
things that led into creative processing. You see the thing is an illusion. You improve
the guy's ability to create illusion and he all of a sudden begins to look at the MEST
universe, and he sees it better. We find out that the ability to perceive an illusion
determines the ability to perceive the MEST universe. This person becomes more and
more capable of producing illusions and perceiving their character, depth, size and their
emotional tone. And as his ability increases in the production of illusion, his ability to
perceive the MEST universe increases uniformly with it. What do you know! You have
to be able to see an illusion before you are able to see MEST.
We're practicing this with the preclear with mock-ups. We have him reach out, put a
mock-up out there.
"Feel the cheerfulness coming from that mock-up."
"Feel the intensity of light coming from that mock-up."
He knows, he puts it over there and he gets it back again.
What you want him to be able to contact are things which are strong, exciting,
interesting and complex sensations.
Is the MEST universe an illusion?
Well, the handling of illusions solves the confounded universe and solves the problems
which are contained therein. Finally you'll get him so good at creating his own things,
that he can uncreate MEST objects in his area.
He can always uncreate MEST to the degree that he can create mock-ups - that's for
himself. And if he can create mock-ups that are visible to others and solid to others, he
can uncreate MEST that is observably uncreated for others. Uncreation of MEST is a
process right along with creation of mock-ups. You call it 'unmocking' because MEST is
just a mock-up. He's in a body - if he could unmock the body, he could move out of it.
Some time you might ask a preclear, "Did you ever run into something with a car?"
The fellow says, "Yeah, yeah."
You say, "Now, let's take that visio you have of that stopped up.."
He'll say, "Yeah, well, I do have a visio of it."
because his postulates are all mixed up in reverse. When he does one thing it does
something else. Sad. Very sad. Very remediable.
One of the most beneficial things you could do with such a preclear is to bring one point
under control.
Get the preclear to mock up something and make it disobey a natural law. Let's make
them mock up a billiard ball and fall and hit the ceiling. He has a bad time trying to
make the billiard ball fall upwards in the exact degree that he's aberrated.
Getting upscale a little bit, you look over automaticity and you will find it in the creation
of illusion. People start creating illusions, and instead of creating the illusion they put it
on an automatic circuit. Homo sapiens is very good at rigging up these automatic
circuits so that he won't have to pay attention or think about it. And that is the entrance
point into automaticity. The person is perfectly powerful, sane, able, all-pervasive and
capable of enormous goals up to the first moment that he says, "I'll rig it up so it's
automatic." The first instant that he says that, he has said at the same time, "I am
insufficiently powerful to concentrate on more than one point at once."
The fellow has a terrific desire not to be responsible for what he himself creates. And
that reflects itself in creative processing in a randomity in the objects created. You will
see automaticity in action in a created thing, as a few extra bounces. Then he tells
himself, "Well, I wanted it to do that." And he will kid himself along for a long time
excusing these inabilities by saying that was part of his intention and he will actually
have himself fooled that this is the case. Remark: an instance of justified thought.
Sometimes there is automaticity to such an extent that a person's mock-ups go out,
apparently, before he starts to get mock-ups. In other words, they can get pictures, they
can get lots of pictures but the pictures aren't much under control and they aren't of
what they called for and a lot of other things. They are not mocking up. All they're doing
is looking at a big circuit that feeds them pictures.
Where do those buttons come from that your people have got on the clothes they are
wearing in those mock-ups? That's automaticity. You mock up this dog. Where does his
hair come from? Where does his barker come from, if he barks, "Woof-woof!"
Did you make him a throat? You've made an automatic picture of a dog that was
behaving because you have automatic circuits which have trained you to mock up in
such a way that a dog looks and acts like that. And so you just mock up the MEST
universe equivalent and you've taken the MEST universe for your automaticity.
You've got to be able to build a "wumperjump". And you've got have practically all the
automaticity out of the bank to get a good wumperjump. And you want to know what a
wumperjump is - well, build one. It's a totally original idea. It has nothing to do with the
MEST universe at all, it isn't just a scrambled MEST universe - he doesn't bark with his
tail or pant with his ears. He would be an operating, functional beast of some sort, who
you probably had a purpose for. There's no reason why somebody has to use the
MEST universe for a pattern.
A mock-up will often lock up when it strikes too close to a MEST universe actuality. If
you're having lots of trouble with some mock-up sometime, it might not be your
preclear's ability at all: it's just you've insisted on mocking up his mother when you
should have been mocking up something that had a pumpkin for a head. The reason
he couldn't handle this mock-up is, every time he tries, he begins to think it's his own
facsimile. And then he doesn't know whether he is trying to change the facsimile of
mother or a mock-up.
Remark: "Mother" is a significance arbitrarily assigned to some mock-up, and the
preclear has to be indoctrinated regarding this.
Just make sure that he turns the thing enough colors and adds enough idiocies or
enough changes until he's completely sure that it's his own creation, and not a real
universe facsimile.
If he's worried about his facsimiles being in present time, tell him to mock up a facsimile
and put it in yesterday. All he has to do is say, "I know it's in yesterday," and the thing
disappears. Yesterday is "I recollect that I had, and now I don't necessarily not have,
but I probably don't have now."
Work any way you can to get him to make things disappear in space. Another method
of getting things to disappear in space is to put out anchor points and put an object in
the midst of them and then you collapse the anchor points. And that stuff will disappear
- there's no space for it to sit in. When a fellow's really free, he can create space and
make space open up and close down around these things, including formerly aberrative
There isn't any reason why he shouldn't be running the nearest facsimile to him five
miles in front of him. This is the trick on space. You've got to drill your preclear into
realizing he's got lots of space and that he can create lots more.
1. Introduction
The Hindu has a terrifically workable lot of data lurking in the midst of a terrific lot of
very treacherous data. You get a mystic, a fakir or a yogi low level sitting on a bed of
spikes to discipline the body and telling himself, "I am training myself not to have and
by this I shall ascend and rise to the highest of controls and nirvanas." And there he sits
with a body. He's playing tricks on himself. There he sits with something that has to
want continually, and he says at the same time: "I will only be happy if I do not have
and therefore I must deny everything." And so he gets where? He gets on a maybe.
And it can be said that it's from that datum that the very confusing quality of Indian
practices arise.
We could take a Homo sapiens and just simply tell him under hypnosis he was
somebody else and make him orient and regulate and monitor the activities of another
person we told him he was. Remark: this is similar to the goals of Remote Viewing, or
other espionage applications.
2. The State of Thetan Exterior
You find your preclear can't get out of a body because he considers that the body
needs him too much, but you can really transfer the awareness of the thetan all around
inside the body. And then you could transfer that awareness outside the body slightly.
You get the fellow by drill, drill, drill, finally to start thinking of himself as a beingness
that can be any place.
When he gets outside, he loses his present time anchor points, and he doesn't know
where the devil he is. Don't get him shifting things around in relationship to his body,
because he's not in his body. Don't get him shifting and relating things before and
behind him, because he probably doesn't quite know which is ahead and behind him,
and you get a thetan looking both ways simultaneously, he's capable of seeing at three
hundred and sixty degrees spherical vision.
He mixes up his dimensions and crosses them, until he's got space under control. The
second he lost his body, he lost his orientation point and there went his havingness. So
his time went shot on him. He has an insecurity on his havingness now because he
suddenly realized he's not that body. That body owns things, he doesn't.
When you get out as a thetan, you're traveling on a high frequency wave. The first thing
your preclear may do is slam into the ceiling. And then he realizes suddenly that he
does not have mass, and he goes on through the ceiling. Sometimes he has to fish
around for a little while to find the wall of the ceiling in order to come back through it
and use it as an anchor point. He has to practically re-postulate it in order to get back
into the body.
How thoroughly is a thetan out of the body? You can get a near absolute just on this
alone: do they have any sensation left in the body when they're no longer in it? And if
they haven't got any sensation left in that body when they're out of it, believe me,
they're out of it. Including fear of sensation. And that's why we say the test is to kick'em
in the shins and see if they snap back in. Crude test, effective though. They can best
manage this body if they can handle this body without any sensation in the body.
Because that means they have to handle the body by postulate alone and so won't get
got to make fun of it because we can't do it" is a form of apathy, a guy who does that
one has already quit.
When a man loses his Spirit of Play, he's dead. That means that guys start dying at
about 3.0.
All universes are to some degree games, and no universe would exist if there was not
the spirit of play in the thetan.
On Earth and amongst other political confederations, the spirit of play is almost
forgotten. It's found in little children and even there it is found in a hectic state.
Basic rights of a thetan are his right to his own sanity and his right to leave the game.
He doesn't have those two rights in this universe. Where a thetan has those two rights,
you don't get a theta trap of this magnitude setting up. For homo sapiens, they are the
right to his own sanity and a right to his own life.
There is a dichotomy of some sort from which other data can be extrapolated: Selfdeterminism as the highest level, versus Automaticity, the automatic interdependencies
of survival as they work out and affect genus homo sapiens.
The more self-determined we make a preclear, the better he gets. His self-determinism
keeps rising - he gets better and better.
Self-determinism is the ability to determine space, time, energy and matter. The self
can go out so far as to include many friends, but when it starts out beyond a group size
of certain dimensions, too much randomity ensues.
It's impossible to operate in charity, because the individual's self-determinism is already
at such an ebb that he can't support a little less self-respect, when somebody has to
help him. That's the last ditch. Don't believe that there is no love in the universe, simply
because it doesn't work in this society. When you start to engage upon charity, you'd
better take some guns and bayonets along with you, because before you get through
you'll need them. You start in this society to help people, you get the very definite
answer straight back, "You're trying to tell me that I have to be helped."
Because in trying to help people, you place them in time and enforce or inhibit their
possession, and so they flash back on it.
Do not tell a man to be certain. Give him a skill, give him an exercise, suggest
something for him to do, but do not tell him where he is or what he is doing. Let him tell
you and you find out where he is and what he is doing.
Your levels of certainty in his own universe lead directly to knowingness - not
conviction. But if you ask him to be convinced by reality, he will go down scale. You can
get resurgences by making him suddenly aware of reality. But you're not interested in
reality - you're interested in actuality. And the only actuality there is for this man is the
actuality of what he can do with his own mind and all of its skills. And you build on
certainties, and certainties lie in the field of actuality. (Remark: reality - in the MEST
universe; actuality - in one's own universe).
Reason which is afraid of force, and reason which exists to keep force from hurting one
is not reason. That, too, is a form of slavery. But reason which exists to go up from the
level of force must first be able to confront force. Only then can such reason take
responsibility for those things which reason alone can produce.
Too much protest against handling energy inhibits an individuals willingness and
becomes aberrative. Unable to handle energy, unwilling to handle energy - same thing.
The next thing that comes about is he becomes an effect of energy. If you're unwilling
to handle force, and unwilling to handle energy, just automatically you become shy of
handling material objects - acquiring them, getting rid of them, placing them around or
anything of the sort. Oddly enough, an individual's perceptions turn off to the degree
that he's unwilling to handle energy.
A person who can equally create and destroy anything finds himself associated with a
group and has actually what could be considered to be the ninth dynamic which will be
aesthetics, and the tenth dynamic, which would probably be ethics, if you were going to
go way out beyond this universe, saying that the eight dynamics we have apply to this
The right to leave a game boils down to the right to have an exertion of selfdeterminism, and the right to locate himself in some other universe if he suddenly
chooses to. If people don't have the capability, the right is meaningless. So the right
depends to some extent upon an education about the right.
What's wrong with the MEST universe? Self-determinism is the placement or location in
space and time. Here the thetan has been located forcefully, convincingly by an
exterior, forceful thing in space and time not of that being's creation. That's all that's
wrong with him.
If you can't play a game, don't fool with reality. If you were capable of the spirit of play
and playing a game and pretending, if you're capable of action which you postulate
should be undertaken and still know the fact that it's only being undertaken because
you've postulated that it should be, you're in a position where you can play the game
called reality. But the game called reality cannot be played safely by somebody who is
in a state where it is real, important and serious and where he must agree with it or
where he's even abandoned agreeing with it because it is so strong and powerful.
Intervening distances between you and other people - that gives you an identity, that
gives them an identity. That gives you something to perceive across.
Let's go downscale and look at this game called 'being a human being' and we find out
that there's damn little space and terrific number of particles. The game is rendered
utterly haywire by this factor: People still think they're top scale - guys have to own lots
of particles, space is still of no value. That's really aberrated, because we're so short on
Down here they can play chess and think it's a game.
Man is trying to survive. There's no reason why he's trying to survive. It's just a game,
it's something to do and he got in too deep. And then he got to be a broken piece and
then he couldn't help himself out.
I think he could've helped himself out, myself.
The magnitude of the game depends upon the space-mass ratio involved. If you've got
a very little mass for lots and lots of space, you're going to play a game that is very airy
and of very quick duration - very fast game.
Lightning bolt flashes, the game has begun and ended.
So you get terrific value per particle.
Let's crush it down to about half, and you have the space and the particles balancing in
At the beginning of the game, space is completely without value. There's so much of it,
and value is established by scarcity.
Anybody has a right to play in some game.
People who are playing a game have a right to exclude people from playing that game,
but they do not have a right to set it up so that those people can't play in another game.
The wienie - that's old Hollywood writer slang - is a treasure, the girl, the position or
what everybody in the movie was after. You take the wienie out of a picture or story
and it goes right straight out of the game classification and ceases to be a story.
Inelegant term, but quite expressive. It's got to be an indestructible particle.
"The aberration above time is 'There must be a game'".
Therefore it enters into a flow, and there must be a game and there must not be a
game. So you have the Un-maker of Games quite as important as the Maker of Games.
"The rules of games are as follows:
- Limitations on self and others,
- obedience to rules,
- unconsciousness of rules to add reality (we pretend the rules are real)
- ARC with others to play
- Pain as a penalty which will be obeyed (you have to have a penalty that will be
obeyed. Otherwise, nobody will stick with the rules).
- Agreement to rules and penalties is necessary to continue a game
- Deterioration of a game until no game (the wienie finally becomes everything there is,
and there is no action even to get the wienie)."
"Work is admission of inability to play a game of complexity and levels."
The tone scale is such a game. It's just a map of MEST universe games.
"Peculiarity or liability of a Maker of Games, people attempting to play the game of
Maker of Games. The game called Maker of Games results in No Game. And the game
called Unmaking Games results in a game. 8008."
"There's a game called Freedom," which is what you're playing right at this minute.
"Games contain trickery and misdirection to win".
"The prize of winning is making a new game, or permitting a new game to be made or
making it possible for a new game to be played." Those are all the prizes there are;
these wienies - everybody just knows that they're spurious as hell.
"The necessity to have a new game coded before one ends the old game". Otherwise,
everybody becomes a maker of games with no game.
"The value of pieces. Ownership of pieces may be also the ownership of players.
- The difference between players and pieces.
- The difficulty of pieces becoming players. (you've got to hide the rules from the
pieces, otherwise this is going to happen).
"The caste system of games consists of this:
- The Maker of Games: he has no rules, he runs by no rules;
- The Player of the Game, rules known but he obeys them; (remark: to avoid the
- The assistant players merely obey the players;
- The pieces obey the rules as dictated by players, but they don't know the rules.
- There's broken pieces, and they aren't even in the game, but they're still in the game.
They're in a terrible maybe: 'Am I in the game or am I not in the game?'"
"How to make a piece:
- First, deny there is a game.
- Second, hide the rules from them.
- Three, give them all penalties and no wins.
- Four, remove all goals.
- Enforce their playing. (Inhibit their enjoying. Make them look like but forbid their being
like players)".
"To make a piece continue to be a piece, permit it to associate only with pieces and
deny the existence of players." Never let the pieces find out that there are players.
There's an aberration, if you might call it that - an enforcement and a necessity just
above havingness, just above time - and that is this: there must be a game. That is
your highest level Desire there is - "There must be a game".
The limitation contained in the rules of games, on self and others, is necessary for
there to be an interplay. That limitation can be as light as an ethical understanding only.
When you have an unlimited thing, in order to produce any action or randomity you've
got to limit it to some degree.
A game which has no rules is no game. The game only becomes very upsetting when
the agreements become compulsions on individuals. A piece then degenerates into a
broken piece - nothing is making any sense to him.
The broken piece continually asks to be needed. He wants to be wanted. That's subzero on the tone scale.
A good rule is a rule which aligns action and permits compliance. A rule which doesn't
apply to all hands isn't much of a rule. Then you've got a specialized caste system
going which is too complex.
Unconsciousness of rules to add reality.
After you've got the rules (ceased to be a piece and become a player) if they're real
good rules you can duck 'em.
Pain is penalty which will be obeyed. How do you enforce the rules? You put an
automatic enforcement around that everybody desires to use. The second everybody
desires to use the enforcement, they will obey it too. They obey it to set an example.
Pain is the enforcer in this universe.
Agreement to rules and penalties is necessary to continue a game. Fellow has to agree
to a game before he can participate in it.
You have to get a more interesting game, before you end an old game. Why does your
preclear stay around his body? He hasn't found, one, that his mock-ups are more
interesting than reality, and, two, communication, in the state which he is in, with
others. So he feels there couldn't be any ARC and he's liable to cut himself off
completely. These things have to be rehabilitated.
In the state of Theta Clear he can still operate as a mortal, and be immortal. And boy,
that's sure having your cake and eating it too.
A poor goal is better than none. There is no goal vast enough to absorb your total
capabilities. Because your total capabilities are so vast that they make goals. Goals set
up in the capacities of Be, Do and Have. The start of a goal is beingness, and the end
of the goal is havingness, in this universe.
Out of these you're going to get games. Here's a process that has to do with the
making of games, and all this process adds up to, is you just address those factors
which I just gave you, run Change Postulates and any Creative Process that you can
think of and shift postulates around - you get a whole process.
Remember that up at the top of it there is a big postulate, "There must be a game".
Therefore if you want to regain the Spirit of Play, people have got to unmake postulates
they've made all along, saying,
- There mustn't be a game.
- It can't be a game.
- Don't play with me.
- I mustn't be played with.
- Life is serious.
- This isn't a game.
- We're playing for keeps.
- I'll never get out of this.
and so forth. In other words, postulates which they've made to convince themselves
that these are the rules and the only rules that can be played, and these that I've just
read off to you. It's actually the backbone of what we are doing.
The hardest thing for any liberator to face is the fact that a large percentage of the
people he was trying to free wanted desperately to be slaves. But the guys he did
liberate were worth liberating.
There are universes which know every law you've got in the MEST universe. And don't
know the rules of games. So you could set yourself up to be an inter-universal umpire
team. You could. And get away with it.
It's an incredible thing that anything like the MEST universe could be built on a 180
degree reverse vector. Never give a win without giving a lose. Never let anybody get
ahead unless they're backwards.
You very often find your preclear suddenly complaining that every time he goes into a
between-lives area, or what he calls that, he's being promised that if he goes back just
one more time, he'll practically be ruler of the universe. And this time he has to
accomplish a very specific goal. And then they booby-trap it. They give him this goal
and then give him an aberration that makes it impossible to accomplish that goal.
Actually, who's they? They are people remarkably like thee and me, a little further down
or a little further up on the tone scale, what you call a player, an assistant player - the
game divides down into players, assistant players, pieces and broken pieces.
You can take any preclear - they don't know anything about past lives or between-lives
or anything of the sort - you put them on the E-meter and you say, "All right, do you
have any basic goals?" And the fellow says, "Oh, I don't know," - the E-meter goes
bang! And you say, "Well, at the beginning of this life, did you have a certain job to do?
"Well, I kinda felt like it, I've often had the idea," and the E-meter goes, bang, bang!
And you say, "Did anybody tell you, before you were born, that you should do so-andso and so-and-so? And the E-meter will go off its pins.
Tracing this down you find out that all his life this individual has been trying to
accomplish this thing, but he can't accomplish it because he has an aberration does not
permit him to accomplish this goal.
The individual who is given a basic goal in any between-lives area is also given much
more abundantly the reasons he has to lose. And you will trace for any lifetime or for
spirals or for the whole track, these various efforts to get something done. The pc
definitely has the idea that he is an integral part of a large goal, that something is really
trying to be done in this universe. And the most upsetting thing is that he has never at
any time on the track been able to accomplish wholly one goal, because every goal he
has ever been given has a big lose tacked to it.
His whole modus operandi keeps getting jammed and he can't figure out quite why this
is. Well, he'll jam it himself. You watch this odd phenomenon of a fellow going around
right straight toward a goal and he's just evidently succeeding beautifully on this goal
and then, the next thing you know, bong! He's wrecked his car or he's thrown
something in there. Something weird has entered in suddenly that kept him from
reaching that tall cliff.
Of course, if any piece won, that piece would be a player. Here on Earth, by and large,
you don't even have pieces, you have broken pieces. And a fellow gets up to being a
piece again and he wants to go right into action unless you've pulled the trip on this
This goal is a phony. The big secret about the MEST universe is that there is no secret.
Ron tells a story, by Lord Dunseny, of a monastery that fell, according to prophecy, on
a certain day.
The body that's held in pawn, the goals which are extended to him, these big volunteer
projects, started out something in this fashion. There was a big building, he was
curious... This is an incident called the Emanator. He finds this enormous stone
hanging suspended in the middle of a room. The Mohammedan Lode Stone is a mockup of the Emanator. Only the Emanator is bright, not black. And your volunteer goes in
and this thing in the middle of the room is going wong, wong, wong, and he says, "Isn't
that pretty?" It sure is. And then he says, "Neeeooow, ponk." They cart him from there
and they take him in and they do a transposition of beingness, which would be taking
the person who is here and under influence of hypnosis or something of the sort,
persuading him to be somewhere else and then monitoring him somewhere else by
addressing the body which is kept in a state of trance or drugs here.
Your preclear as you're processing him on mock-ups will occasionally open his eye and
look around the room just to make sure he's here.
If the fellow is ill, you'll wonder why spaation, mocking up anchor points, makes a
fellow feel so much better. Actually, most of your people have been transported and
super-transported too wildly for their own credibility. He doesn't have any other anchor
points than his own anchor points, but somebody could come along with trickery and
drugs and persuasion and shift him from one place to another just grandly, and here
you have, then, your preclear losing space and appearing in one space and in another
This material becomes deadly when your psychotic is faced with it. He has adequate
reason to be completely fruitcake, anybody has. But a psycho, all of a sudden, faced
with some terrible problem in his life, starts to look for the answer, God help him, in his
facsimiles. And he knows less and less, because he's finding out past identities, but
A paranoid is one on whom everything is impinged. There isn't really, any such thing as
a paranoid. There's such a thing as collapsed space.
As a person goes down the tone scale, his environment contracts on him. The lower
emotions are contracted environments, less motion capable, more solidity, harder to
move through. A person can actually feel this. You run him through a moment of shock,
he will feel the environment close right in on him and become practically nodimensional.
He's abandoning every anchor point in the environment because he's saying, "It can't
be happening. I don't want this motion. I've tried to stop the motion itself, but in order to
stop the motion, all I can do is abandon the anchor points and that will make the motion
Only that doesn't make it stop either because he's still got the body. He's got the body
and the motion continues in relationship to his body as an anchor point and so he feels
the whole environment contracting down and he'll finally abandon the body as well in
order to stop some motion which he conceives to exist beyond his control and beyond
his ability to withstand the perception.
You are giving him mock-ups, he starts to slide out on a boil-off, just give him more
mock-ups. But normally, you've just got the thing running the wrong way. The
probability is that he has overrun the DED or the DEDEX.
A DED is something that somebody did without provocation to somebody else; they
say, "He deserved it." They had no other reason to do it. DEDEX could be interpreted
as 'deserved action explained'. This is why the action was deserved. He tries to put the
DEDEX ahead of the DED. He tries to scramble the track and put it in a logical order.
How do you use this in mock-ups? Your preclear's George, and let's mock-up George
and let's mock-up Bill. George has been mighty worried about this guy, Bill, but now
you have this mock-up and you give him a real workout. Have George picking up Bill
and throwing him out the window, or dumping him down the chimney or busting his
face in.
George has been mad at Bill for a long time and you've got him bashing Bill's head in
and all of a sudden he goes on a boil-off. What you've got to do now is have the mockup Bill turn around and knock the hell out of that body there you're calling George. If
you kept that up too long, the preclear would eventually again boil off - Bill has beaten
up George too long.
An overt-act / motivator situation is quite different than a DED-DEDEX situation in that
there's little blame or upset. The motivator happens to the preclear and he does it to
somebody else. That's justice in this universe. He doesn't worry very much about that.
However, it will also turn on boil-off. If you run more of an overt act than you run
motivators, you will get again a condition of grogginess resulting, because, incident for
incident, you're really handling flows.
An incident is composed of many, many flows, but an incident that is outgoing,
dominated by outflow, it's overt, and an incident that's incoming, dominated by inflow, it
is a motivator. Or, outgoing - DED, incoming, DEDEX.
On a guy's whole track there can be too many motivators and not enough overts - that
guy's overt as hell.
If he does more overt acts now than he has motivators to account for it, so naturally
some of them become DEDs. He's used up his credit. He's done too many things,
therefore he's in debt, and he has to be paid. He'll rig it in such a way that he'll sooner
or later get a DEDEX.
If he came in to tell you how all these things have been done to him and that's why he's
in horrible shape - just run him doing things to people and he'll get nicer and pleasanter
and calmer.
By mock-ups or some other means we've straightened out all of that superfluity of
DEDs that he did. Now he's got a bank which has more motivators than he has overts
and he's become a cheerful, comfortable, calm guy.
The motivator and the DEDEX are incoming incidents and the overt act and the DED
are outgoing incidents. Under the laws of justice, it is allowable to do an overt act, but it
is not allowable to do a DED - no provocation, no motivation for an act. And the
facsimiles will sit that way.
This is simply elementary bookkeeping, it's just a matter of credits and debits. He's
done too many things (overts), therefore he's in debt, and he has to be paid. So they
pay him. Remember this debit and credit proposition and the gross nature of flows. If
the fellow has been flowed in upon too much, he's gonna outflow. If he hasn't been
flowed in on enough, he's gonna inflow.
Responsibility is the experience manifestation of the taking on command of energy.
Responsibility is force. Willingness to be, use and have, utilize and own energy and
objects sitting in space - that's responsibility. If you get a person who's not willing to
handle force, you've also got a person who is not capable of responsibility.
Responsibility is the ability to handle force in the MEST universe. It's the ability to
handle force and take the responsibility for the use of it, the ability to create and handle
space of any dimension and take the responsibility for handling it. He can't even run his
engram bank unless he says, "It's my business and I mean to make it so."
For a group to be cause it must consist of individuals who themselves are cause.
Therefore, that group where the individual has banded himself together to keep from
being cause, is a group which is easily handled by force. So the governments of a
society and almost any line finds it handiest to use force, not reason. And they band a
people together and keep them together and control them by the threat of force.
And the individual of the group, by fear of starvation, by fear of pain or other things,
stands in with other individuals. In such a way a man can be made into a slave. He is
made into a slave by the threat of scarcity, and scarcity itself is the greatest threat to
Man's freedom.
The man who is able to take responsibility for force, yet who does not employ force, is
much more powerful than the man who can apply force alone. And the man who
applies force alone is, of course, much more terrible to those who can only cluster
together in terror and hope that the mass of their numbers will restrain the hand of
The gradient scale of going down tone scale is the degree that one abandons space,
energy and objects. "I don't want to make any decision about it." As a consequence of
becoming the adverse effect of one's own cause, there is unwillingness to make a
decision or unwillingness to assume a condition of being, which is the highest essence
of no responsibility.
He's afraid that what he says will come true. After a while he doesn't want his orders to
stick. One wants things to be automatic for which he doesn't want to be responsible.
When you get a postulate-changing session going on with some preclear, you will be
astonished. They'll realize they don't have the right to do this, or to do that or something
else, because they agreed not to have the right. And one could call the whole dwindling
scale of stuff, "Agreeing not to be able to."
There is a bigness which has to grow in the person. And if you don't see that bigness
growing, he's not on his way out. He'll have to take responsibility for what he does and
his force. And not only that, for everything that goes on around him.
You want to get as much responsibility digested as the person believes he can digest.
If he thinks he has an enormously wide responsibility, well, you just better move him up
in terms of responsibility. Just let his capability catch up to his desire to do so.
You can get him out on responsibility any time you want to.
Joy of responsibility,
Beautiful sadness of responsibility,
Joy of irresponsibility,
and that sort of thing on brackets and you can get him out any time you want to if you
want to work that long enough.
A person has to come up the scale so that he can take responsibility for himself and all
of his fellows and the whole universe before he can walk down that road out.
The difference between a right act and a criminal act is simply knowing one has a right
to and knowing one doesn't have a right to. The criminal knows he doesn't have the
right to do anything. He has no space and no time, no havingness. And as such, he
comes right on down scale.
How right is something, how much is it going to assist the survival of something? How
wrong is something? How much is it going to make something succumb. That system
of ethics will hold for a lot of universes.
We sure are right before we make any postulates. A lot of people won't act for fear
they'll be wrong. Your preclear is obviously wrong. Practically 90 % of the things you
have to do to stay in ARC with Homo sapiens are wrong. You have to pick him up
someplace on a gradient scale toward that wrongness and back him up the scale, and
get him up tone scale to a place where he can better act and where he can get more
right than he is wrong.
He runs into something in the society which is evil. "This thing is bad and this thing is
evil," and he withdraws from it. Unfortunately, he went back from just that much space.
That's what you mean by driving in anchor points. It's the way to get a guy solid and to
get energy solid - drive in his anchor points. How do you drive in his anchor points?
You show him things which he doesn't want to be.
One of the worst tricks is convince him that he doesn't want to be himself, "Look at
yourself, mud all over you, and look at your manners, and you know people don't like
And this person does what then? They won't even occupy the space their own body is
in. So they go down below the level of Four.
Realize the number of things in the MEST universe that you're not willing to be. Every
one of those things is space you don't want to occupy.
His attention was dragged out to ugly things and he was told he couldn't be those
things so he has to be very alert not to be those things.
This is a rough universe. You'd have to be able to handle the majority of forces in it
before you could stand up to it and never be afraid.
Or you would have to hold inside yourself a piece of courage that would be strained
and tortured beyond all belief in an effort to be courageous enough to take this
An ethical code exists only as long as a man has enough strength not to himself be
Any time he is susceptible to terror, he's going to lose his ethics. And the only time a
man gets afraid is when he loses his belief in himself and his trust in himself.
Unfortunately it can't exist: an ethical, strong homo sapiens. He can be killed too easily.
As a consequence, this big, blustering universe can look at him and say, "You don't
dare be ethical. You're afraid."
Everybody has his own individual concept of space and as these are combined, they
make our collective and agreed-upon concept of space.
In a society you can watch the contagion of aberration on "Drive in the anchor points".
Somebody gets afraid, he gets scared. So he drives in somebody else's anchor points.
People go to pieces the moment when they conceive that they can't trust themselves
anymore. When they can't trust themselves, they have to trust something else.
There's nothing else they can trust, so they fix up an engram bank and trust it.
People are persuaded to turn over their individual force to something that they are
given to understand is superior to their own ability to protect. And that can never be.
Nobody will look after a man's own but himself.
You have to get him up to a high level of self-determinism where he is a good ethical
being as well as a very strong one. And we find out he has to be a very strong being in
order to be an ethical being.
in this universe on eight dynamics. And we know he's got these various compartments
of eight dynamics, and he can't do some of these things. That's that. You run mock-ups
on these things, and your preclear will come out all right. There's no sense in trying to
be logical.
Never bother to ask him, "Why? Now why was that aberrative to you?" Never ask him
to evaluate, because the silliest trick of this universe is: beyond the progressive line of
agreement there is no logic in this universe.
Engineering, mathematics and electronics seem to be so certain and so true. But they
are only the track of agreement - there is no logic beyond that agreement.
Logic was not used to work out Scientology.
1.2 Good and Bad Auditing
For those who wanna fail with a preclear, the best one is - you try to make him agree
with the real universe.
Some auditors go at exteriorization on this basis. They put out the kind of feeling, "Let's
abandon the space of the body, let's abandon all that energy and let's get out of that
object and move back. Now, are you all in control of the physical universe and do you
feel better?"
"No, no." The guy is practically unconscious, he's in terrible state instantly, because the
auditor has reduced him in consciousness.
The proper slant on theta clearing is to ask him to assume control of more space, to
develop more energy and to demonstrate to him he can have an unlimited number of
You want to know how to be a bad auditor? Drive in your preclear's anchor points.
You want to know how to be a good auditor? Remedy him so he can get'em out again.
And then so he can get'em out and bring'em in at will. Because that's the total size
factor involved.
1.3 Communicating with the Preclear
Find out what the preclear is doing. And when he says something, find out what he
said, if you don't understand it. If he tells you something peculiar that you don't
immediately grasp, find out what he told you and what he's talking about.
When you give him a mockup, did he do it? Wait for his "Um-hmm".
You have to keep your ear open. The preclear is not noted for talking loudly or being
2.6 Excuses
That you are there, is fortuitous. You are doing the preclear such a hell of a favor, that
you never have to ask him for a license to survive. But also don't look at the preclear
and expect that he's going to thank you tremendously.
2.7 PC Wins and Indicators
If in a single session you don't watch this preclear's face change five or six times,
you're not getting anyplace. You haven't done a good assessment.
His perceptions start to get worse and worse - you missed picking up a can't.
At least every 20 minutes your preclear ought to laugh in a process. He ought to giggle
or feel relieved or something of the sort. If he's not doing that, you're not hitting close
home. And you're missing can'ts.
Sooner or later in using any of the steps you're going to hit a win. And leave him in a
win and keep him winning, because winning goes up-scale.
You're cause. And the preclear just looks at you and your attitude and your tone of
voice and he knows immediately that you're doing something for him. And it's just
inevitable that you're going to do something for him. Why, he goes ahead and lets it
happen about ten times as fast.
But if he looks at you and he sees doubt and uncertainty and request to survive and all
that sort of thing written all over the place, and then he'll hold it up for ten times as long
as he should have.
The duration of his havingness of aberration extends somewhat in the face of your
apology for being able to do something for him.
Any time you figure you utterly ruined a preclear, you got scared. "I'm afraid to hurt
anybody," that is the biggest curtain of all. The guy brings that down and he doesn't tell
himself what's true: "I'm too cowardly to do anything about it." So he substitutes that for,
"I don't want to hurt his feelings".
Number one: Don't have any qualms about ruining somebody. That'll ruin far less.
Number two: If you found out he was ruined, so what? He was ruined by the MEST
universe before you got your hands on him.
In each and every case so far examined where anything like a preclear spin happened,
the auditor didn't finish the technique, he didn't finish what he started out to do. He was
insufficiently cause to produce an effect.
Courage could be summed up in (1) being willing to cause something and (2) going
ahead to achieve the effect one has postulated against any and all odds. There just
doesn't happen to be any such thing as failure.
1. Preclear doing a Bunk
Step One is a very easy step. Do a bunk is its only liability.
When a guy decides he'll do a bunk, he shoots out of his head and he's on his way. He
hits the dispersal just adjacent to a ridge.
Sometimes the preclear will "do a bunk" when going exterior.
"Be two feet back of your head."
"Nuooong!" and the body goes collapse. The heart's still beating, the lungs are still
breathing 'cause the GE runs those, but the thetan, he's done a bunk.
She is just passing Arcturus.
If somebody does a bunk on you, coax them back. They seldom leave dead bodies on
your hands.
What happened is this preclear is suddenly shedding all his/her responsibilities. They're
quite startling.
Sometimes they get out and they don't know how to make the body handle anymore.
There's the kind of One that does a bunk. The body sags, it's just a rag doll and there
you sit. Another person does a different type of bunk, unwillingly, and is still in
communication, they get blown out of their heads and can't come back into it. They'll be
up there against the ceiling looking down at the room, running some kind of glee of
insanity. Or the pc suddenly screams with laughter and plasters him/herself up against
the ceiling and sits up there and says, "Try and get me down now! Heh-heh-heh-heh!"
You can practically feel this insanity emanate off them.
You can use old processes if you want to:
"Get the beautiful sadness of being responsible for everything on earth. Now get the
beautiful sadness of having this beautiful tomb for having been responsible for
everything on earth." They can get that. "Boy!" they say, "that's phony!"
Get the glories of being responsible, the glories of being not responsible, and so on.
Remember, responsibility solves it. Make them start mocking up sane people who
suddenly go nuts, and nutty people who suddenly turn sane.
Whatever you do, do something and do something effective. Action is always superior
to inaction.
Actually, the body keeps on running.
2. Boil-Off
Any flow run too long in one direction will result in a boil-off. A boil-off is a state of
unconsciousness produced by a confusion of effort impinging upon one area. It is a
slow-motion unconsciousness. The fellow doesn't go out because of a direct blow; he
simply slides out gradually and rather painlessly, because of a small application.
To stop a boil-off, you simply reverse the flow line. If you notice your preclear starting to
boil off, get something in whatever you're doing - this applies also to mock-ups - get it
to go around and flow in the opposite direction.
3. Facsimiles Moving In on the Preclear
You're doing all these mock-ups of toy elephants, let's say, and there's an incipient
facsimile right there, about eight feet away. You don't process that. Forget it. That's a
facsimile. Just keep doing mock-ups and that thing will key out.
But if he gets a lose - let's say, the elephant walks backward around the pedestal
instead of forward around the pedestal as he intended, the facsimile comes closer.
Now it's only six feet away.
And every time he has a failure with that toy elephant, what will we find finally
happens? There's a great big elephant's foot planted squarely upon the preclear's
chest and the preclear has the full somatic of being squashed.
He's getting a visio of an elephant with one foot halfway through his chest. How do you
solve it when it's gone that far? Give him a win with an elephant, that's all. Just a win.
Have a little toy elephant sitting out there in front of him.
"Now you've got that toy elephant? Okay. Now have that toy elephant fall over." Yeah.
What do you know. The pressure comes up off his chest.
"Now have it fall over again, roll once, yeah."
And so on, light things the pc can do.
"How's that facsimile?"
"What facsimile?"
Remark: if the auditor fails to handle the can't as Ron directs in the lecture, or if
facsimiles come in too close or too strongly, in modern auditing some kind of correction
him in such a way that he can take this energy. Finally he'll get upscale to a point
where he doesn't care to bother with it any more.
5. Running Flows
You are going to worry yourself into an early demise if you think your preclear has a
reasonable case, or that reason can finish off his case.
The second you go into the level of flows you get into the area of unpredictable
reverses and immediately chaos ensues.
You start running a preclear on flows, his ability to do mock-ups will reduce, just like if
you let a preclear start using pieces of the MEST universe or pieces of his facsimiles to
patch up his mock-ups.
6. Other Cautions
You can wreck marriages, as an auditor, with great ease. Just process one of the
marital partners without processing the other one.
Giving away air and taking in air, they practically gasp themselves into oblivion.
Remark: so it supposedly is not recommended.
I'd do a lot before I'd put a child to sleep in a dark room. If he's demonstrated fear of
dark in the first place, he's had something to do with deep space, just automatically. It
means electronic incidents. Another thing, it's kind of bad to leave a beam shining
across a kid's room. He'll wake up suddenly and he'll see this thing, and that's just no
good. Somebody's gunning for him.
Volney Mathison built this special demonstration E-meter so that I could give
demonstrations, so he could give demonstrations. He makes these, I believe, for sale,
for teaching and so forth. The machine there is a very fancy and strange variety of
Wheatstone bridge.
He did it for Dianetics, and tells you something about that in his literature that he puts
out with the machine. And he puts out as well a book I wrote on these, called
"Electropsychometric Auditing".
The machine actually measures, according to the theory on which we are operating,
most electronic appliances; later models, for safety reasons, are battery powered, to
rule out the possibility of inadvertently and inexplicably shorting the mains.
Once upon a time, sitting down in Phoenix and I was monkeying around and I knew
there was something there...
I was waving a few meters and cathode-ray tubes around in the air and I was doing a
very Einsteinesque performance.
I found out that electronic flows were generated by facsimiles.
And I set it up to get a condenser action by holding and getting the preclear to hold one
facsimile there and to hold another facsimile there and not let them discharge in any
way or shape or form. Just hold them there, even if it required two hours or six hours.
Let's hold these two in place and not let them vary even vaguely.
And you do it for a very short time and those facsimiles go BOOM!
It's a very fascinating experiment. Leave it to somebody else to make future
experiments. It gives you a cold. It blows your nose up and explodes a ridge or two in
your face.
Well, I already knew from running incidents on the track that facsimiles could explode.
When we get an explosion, it isn't what the preclear feels with his intuition. It knocks the
E-meter pins off, or it burns the coils out or it does something like that.
There's nothing mild, or hard to read, if there's any meter left after one of these
Man creates energy, obvious.
You've done a mock-up and here's this mock-up and obviously it's just your
imagination. It obviously doesn't have any energy in it, or if it did, it must have gotten it
someplace else.
Here's an instantaneous mock-up appearing. No ridges, nothing. You just make this
mock-up. And you take that mock-up and you slap it into another facsimile and it goes
pam! and zing! goes the meter on the machine.
Hey, is it possible that man is actually creating electricity?
It never occurred to anybody that thought was good enough and high enough and
powerful enough to create something like that.
We should therefore be able to look over electricity and find out if there wasn't
something left out of electricity.
And it's much too simple, but it happens to be horribly true.
You've got to have a base, which is made out of iron or wood or something of the sort.
That base is sitting there keeping those terminals apart.
If you just took two terminals, every time you tried to turn anything over or furnish any
effort in the thing, why, the two terminals would simply go bang! and they'd just go
And you'd separate them very carefully and you'd turn the thing on again and their
magnetism would keep pulling them together. And you wouldn't get a current through
that line at all. The terminals got to be held rigidly apart.
And you extrapolate all this back again and you'll find out that it's absolutely essential to
locate something in space and time in order to produce an electrical flow.
And the highest order of action (or of cause) then, for an electrical flow would be
something that located in a space some somethings which could discharge from one to
the other and then, only then, would you have an electrical flow.
You can rehabilitate an electric shock case (rehab a guy who has received an electric
shock) - just rehabilitate the guy's ability to mock up force. You don't even address the
electric shocks.
You put a person on this machine, the E-Meter, mostly to tell you what your course of
action is going to be and to do an assessment to use in creative processing.
When we make an assessment of the case, we find out what he can't create. We just
ask about objects, and items, and conditions. Under create and under destroy. We
watch the little needle and we mark it as it dives, and we just make a graph of this
You not only take an assessment when you begin the case. You work the case maybe
four or five hours, take another assessment. Because what's happened there is, you've
gotten off the hottest factors. And the evaluation may have shifted so that the things
which you assessed as can'ts before are now too minor to bother with. They've blown
too, but there's some other can'ts that you didn't ask before which are ready to come
up. If you take an E-meter assessment every few hours, you're in good shape with your
We have a way of doing an assessment.
You don't ask a preclear what's wrong with him, you don't diagnose him in any way.
You just ask him a series of questions and wherever the machine drops, why, that's the
question. And then you use creative processing on that zone of the eight dynamics.
The reason why you're doing it is to make a theta clear.
In the Handbook for Preclears, you'll find a list of relatives in an early Act, and then
you'll find a list of the parts of the body. And let's find out about creating and destroying
these relatives and these parts of the body. And then I have here a list of nouns - just
hundreds of them. It's an inclusive list of objects suitable for assessing. Also, every kind
of person you can think of.
An auditor of past techniques had to go back on the time track and grind and finally it's
all ground down and all of a sudden, boom! there's the postulate, springs into view. He
reevaluates the postulate, bang! it's out and he feels pretty good about it, after you've
worked for many many hours.
The over-all idea of locks, secondaries and engrams is handled now by creative
You don't have to run grief charges to cure loss anymore. That all comes under Gita,
Step IV of Standard Operating Procedure.
Remark: but creating and uncreating grief, in mocked up form, is part of Creative
In Creative Processing, you don't have to run a single whole track incident, but you
have to know every one of those electronic incidents. Why? So that you can give them
the geometric object to handle which comprises the mainstay of the electronic incident.
You try not to produce dynamite (when running Creative Processing). You have to
know all there is to know about phenomena on the track and what't there because
you're approximating it with mock-ups. And you're asking the preclear to do what's
good and pleasant in existence. The restimulative quality of this auditing is practically
You have this factor: About ten minutes of Creative Processing is worth hours and
hours of running the actual incident.
One of the reasons why people respond better to being audited than auditing
themselves is, they don't audit themselves, they just kinda dodge around because
they're asking themselves to take full responsibility for everything they do.
Well, it's much better to have an auditor there and say, "Well, it's what he's doing. I'm
not doing it. Another fellow can do it with great ease."
In other words, having an auditor is a gradient scale on automaticity which is also the
scale of responsibility.
It's almost dangerous to start them in self-auditing because they're not going to take
responsibility for doing a good job of it. Another thing is, when they self-audit, they have
to set up to some slight degree, a circuit auditing themselves or themselves auditing a
circuit. It becomes a little more complicated and it isn't so good.
So why are we all of a sudden able to say it may be possible for a person to audit
himself? Well, that's because SOP Issue 5 opposes and disagrees with flows. Doing
mock-ups all by itself, by oneself, is tremendously improving.
It is also possible to give oneself a Creative Processing Assist after for example an
automobile accident.
Self-auditing - God knows how long it would take him, how many times he would falter,
how many mistakes he would make, how many times he would get upset and fell like
he was about to die as a result of not having finished a session. All of those things
regardless, we have a possibility sitting there.
You'll find yourself lower on the scale of Steps when you're self-auditing. I mean lower
than another auditor would find you, because you've got to set up a circuit to audit. But
if you were to sit down and do this, theoretically you could then attain theta clear in God
knows how many hours - five hundred hours of self-auditing?
1. Structure vs. Function
I spent a year doing nothing but studying the endocrine system. I studied the endocrine
system and structure at will.
The endocrine system is really some kind of an alarm, or monitoring system of the
body. But it did not respond to matter. It couldn't be monitored very much by matter, but
it could be monitored by the mind.
You could take somebody and you could remove a compulsion or an inhibition and his
endocrine balance would just go way up along the line. Or you could hypnotize him and
selectively repress almost any gland he had. That's function.
But you could feed him hormones and you couldn't materially change his behavior.
So I had solved the basic problem of what did you study? Structure or function? Could
you change structure and function by handling only structure? Structure was not the
answer or the road to an answer because you couldn't do anything with structure.
Could you change structure and function by handling only function? Yes, according to
the above - if you varied their mind, you varied their structure.
So we've moved straight out of structure entirely. The second the guy can handle all
force, he can handle structure.
2. Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a wild variable; sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. It worked on
some people; it didn't work on other people. Any time you have a variable that is as wild
as this, study it.
The essence of solving problems is the essence of solving one against the other: the
highest certainty that you can reach, versus the most variable thing you could reach.
There is the phenomenon known as "going up the pole." That's when somebody
doesn't even begin to handle energy, but he just suddenly, somehow or other, latches
on to about 40.0 and goes out the top but still holds on to the MEST body at the
bottom. Listening or talking to the guy, you couldn't really tell whether he's ecstatically
alive or fatally dead.
Sometimes you will get an idea, and this idea will give you a little surge up the pole.
And you feel real good and you're happy and carrying on. If you get it while
encumbered with all this MEST, you can count on it that this MEST is going to reach
out and in three hours, or three days or three months, pull you back right down into the
grind. And you say, "Well, I found out what that ecstasy was once, but that was quite a
while ago, and then I learned that one had to be more practical about things," and there
you go. There was a mathematician who went up the pole, and ran away with a married
girl he knew for maybe 24 hours. They've been very happy. The MEST universe would
tell you anything that starts like that will wind in disaster. Uh-uh. Anything which starts
the other way is what winds up in disaster.
Your process to make a Thetan Exterior is fast. Only it's not a Theta Clear. He comes
around for another session the next day and is back in his head and can't move out.
But the only thing that's snapping him back in is his lack of force, and fear of things
which are forceful. If he's got enough force, nothing in his bank can disturb him. His
ability to control energy controls all that.
He's inside because he can't control it unless he's inside. You're going to fix him up so
he can control anything he wants to, particularly the body, from outside without any
lines, flows or anything. That's Theta Clear. The person's just stable outside the body,
and he's handling it.
A Theta Clear is able to operate his body from outside, he's so thoroughly outside that
there isn't anything possible under the sun that would snap him back in except his own
complete election to do so, and actually there'd be no need to go back into the body.
Otherwise he's a Thetan Exterior. A Theta Clear has his memory rehabilitated - and
that, by the way, is the other point - his memory has to be rehabilitated. Otherwise he's
really a walking zombie. He's forgotten everything.
So a Step One completion isn't likely to have psychosomatics. Why? That body won't
disobey him. It wouldn't occur to any body part or anything. If you're on a level that's
just making a postulate in their direction, why, they don't think in any way beyond
attending to duty.
Theta clearing side-steps the whole problem of Homo sapiens by de-intensification of
We process postulates out of people. The trick in processing would be to keep your
preclear here in this universe and yet let him slide sideways into the creation of his
own. That's quite a trick because he's insisting on a continued havingness in the MEST
universe and you're trying to knock out postulates which agree with the MEST universe
and make postulates which are contrary to the MEST universe. You can do that with
mock-up processing, but you're not likely to do it with much else.
Therapy, then, consists of the restoration of two rights and two abilities: Creation of
space and energy, which makes for objects and time, and the right to continue in
possession of space and energy. As far as objects are concerned, you've got to restore
his right to create the energy with which to make objects.
In processing, the goal for the body as a body is none. Bodies have most successfully
been treated by raising the self-respect and ability of the individual. Many of the ills of
the body are caused simply because the thetan is maltreating the body. Don't think the
body is just being forgotten, but for the purposes of processing there is no real sense in
processing the body. That is something that will work out by processing a much higher
level of action. Restore the equilibrium of the body, rehabilitate its balances, simply by
having himself sufficient balance. You'll find out that the characteristics of your preclear
are quite markedly those of the thetan. The thetan was in command all the time and he
had deserted the responsibility to the degree that he pretends he isn't even there.
Our overall goals are best answered then by remedying along all dynamics the thetan.
And when you've done this, he has had restored to him two rights: the right to his own
sanity, and his right to leave the game. Things get simpler and more beautiful and more
interesting and more intense and more concentrated and more able, the higher he goes
toward operating thetan, and he's led by interest and the keynote of that interest is
sensation. When your preclear first starts into it, he's pretty blind about it. He has just
drawn back from it.
But he gets up into a level of interest that makes a little kid's most intense moment look
very pale.
On the dwindling spiral of the thetan's existence, you've found out all there is to know
about energy. Actually, you've come to the last port of call on the subject of energy.
Now you've got to track back. It's like a game. What we're trying to do with processing
is to give the preclear back a choice. We're giving him back his power of choice on
whether or not he has to experience this. And we're giving him back that by one route
only, and that's rehabilitating his power to create and experience a universe.
So all the way up the tone scale you're just curing people of their abilities to have,
alternately, and not have, with mock-ups. Your preclear isn't energy. He has a
capability of producing energy and a space to put it in. As long as you work with this
material on the mock-up side, he goes right on up tone scale. Why? You're changing
his ideas.
Know what you're looking at when you look at somebody who doesn't, the first instant,
step out of the back of his head. Don't immediately suppose this person is mad - he's
not. He may be in much better shape than most homo sapiens you've run across. But
he's not in a collected and orderly condition with regard to his environment, and he's
out of orientation on these two points only: Space and Energy. And being out of
orientation on them that orientation must be remedied before you find him capable of
becoming a Step One and working accordingly. Your job from Two down is to create a
Step One and then follow the rules back of running a Step One. Very simple, isn't it.
There are goals and abilities to which a thetan can ascend. There are futures with
havingness worth having, things worth doing and identities worth being. There are such
things as miracles. Who do you think was doing that? You've got to give this thetan
goals and better goals than he could have had as a MEST body, because he won't
accept a wicked or bad goal. And there's a level that's completely outside of MEST
bodies, working with more important beings, actually, than you'll find in MEST bodies.
The bridge must lead then across energy, and the abyss is the abyss of force. We
talked about a bridge, about a chasm and the abyss; the mystics have talked about the
abyss. And what is the abyss? What are you trying to bridge? Well, very clearly, you're
trying to bridge the necessity of energy. And it's not by denying yourself sensation, or
sitting on spikes for 30 years.
You don't necessarily have to partake of action or even engage in action, but you've
certainly got to be willing to handle action.
Any route that returns to the preclear that certainty of knowingness is a road to
knowledge. If it contains data, it contains it solely to communicate. So that an individual
can perceive, in these steps, the eradication of those barriers which intervene between
himself and his actual capabilities. and if we have data, it is the data regarding those
barriers and we know it to remove it.
In every case, if you knew exactly what to knock out to break his chain of agreement on
the subject of energy, bang! every case would snap up the line. But, boy, you'd really
have to be an expert. Every few Fives, if you just ran out some incidents, you will get a
sporadic result, you will get somebody who is suddenly in wonderful condition. You
cured him of using energy by shooting some sort of an agreement out from under him.
You didn't cure him because you ran out an engram. This might be available in any
case, only, by experience, it doesn't seem to be.
Therefore, let's not deal with one of these techniques which require such a level of
'judgment' on the part of the auditor.
In Scientology we aren't fighting that factor. But we're working with a technique which, if
it's relatively mechanically applied to a case, will break that case over the barrier of
living on energy and objects, into using postulates and living on postulates.
There's several kinds of processes then. One is simply a process that I can use. Then
there's a process that two or three guys can use, and with which they'll occasionally get
results. Then there's a process two or three guys can use and produce results rather
uniformly. Then there's a process that you can use, and other people can use, and you
know how to communicate it, and you can talk about it and other people can use it and
they can get results, and these results are very uniform and that's a very desirable
process. That's a process you want. You don't want these other processes. Remark:
This kind of reasoning pervades the history of auditing - the search for processes that
would give results in the hands of any auditor standardly trained, regardless of the
auditor's case state and his (and the preclears) horsepower as a thetan.
You may have, at this moment, a little more idea of the level of precision demanded. It's
sloppy, isn't it? That's the level of precision - sloppy.
He doesn't want to take the responsibility for destroying something. Therefore he can't
handle the force of destruction concerning it. You just get him to a point where he can
at least make it disappear. Remark: On a gradient scale, it's easier to have the preclear
just un-created (as-is, which is a later concept) the mock-ups, and not destroy them in
the sense of not-is-ness; the creation part, on the other hand, also doesn't ask for the
manufacture or birth of the item being mocked up.
If the preclear has got a condition he can't handle because there's too much of it, make
more of it.
You're not interested in hallucination. You're interested in mock-ups. Increase doing
what he's doing, get more and more of'em. And then you have just a few less. Now you
have more and more of'em. Now a few less ... He says, "To hell with it!" It's that fast.
What the preclear is unable to do, make him more able to handle it. Handling it consists
of placing it in time and space and making it follow a cycle of action - any one of our
many cycles of action. You take any item of any kind and make it follow any cycle of
action in such a way, on a gradient scale, that the preclear is able to make it do it.
In theta clearing, you're reversing track. And the best way to reverse track is to get
away from automaticity. Just drill him in the steps which comprise Standard Operating
Procedure until he becomes less and less automatic in mock-ups and in the making of
space. You don't try to weed the automaticity out. You just increase the control of mockups in general, until he can do the darnedest things with sensations and colors.
Any time he stagnates and it isn't interesting, he has hit an automaticity which needs
resolving. And the way to resolve it is just make him drill much more arduously and
precisely with mock-ups. And particularly favor conserving mock-ups, making them
persist, making them more complex and putting more perceptions in them.
Creative Processing works with such fantastic superiority because it's just way up
there. And location of things in space doesn't work so well.
A process which orients itself around handling space and possessions (which could be
energy, and creation of) will work. And a process which doesn't, will eventually make
Leaving reality alone is of the essence, and handling actuality only - meaning the
preclear's universe.
You do mock-ups as senior to all processes done to date, and then postulate changing
as senior to mock-ups. And make sure when you're changing postulates, you're
changing postulates.
This is action processing if there ever was one. Keep things moving, if you possibly
When doing mock-ups and following this material along, you find that, matching up
people's interest in aesthetics, and keeping them marching on up, that your cases will
keep advancing.
The thetan without his memory is not in very good condition. And the rehabilitation of
memory, then, is quite important.
The basic trouble in any case from Two down is the necessity to obey MEST anchor
points and to obey MEST flows. If you were to run "obey flows" as a concept, an
individual would practically cave in because it's all over the track. He's supposed to
obey perceptic flows, flows of speech, electronic currents.
The goal of Step Four is to resolve problems related to the dispersal and fixation of
attention. It resolves it for this reason: It is totally devoted to concentration on points
which themselves are anchor points.
When a person gets concentrated too thoroughly on these points, his concept is that he
no longer has a great deal of space; and so he must have a great deal of energy hitting
him. As soon as a person believes he doesn't have very much space, he begins to
believe that he's got too much adverse energy. Why is he stuck on the track? It's
because he can't handle the problem of fixing attention.
Step Five
Do Black and White Control Processing. "Put up a spot." The guy's eyes open or shut.
Have him see it. Move it. Change it. Use the lowest level that you can get him to do,
and know he's doing, and then you get him increasing this and you just go right on
increasing it, from there on. That is the lowest gradient scale and that is Step V - that
determines Step V.
It's really not a process; it's the lowest gradient scale action of perception of mock-ups.
A tiny black spot.
Step Six, says ARC Straightwire.
Until I experiment with other processes, I'm not going to recommend another thing for
the Six, really, except ARC Straightwire. And one of the best sources for ARC
Straightwire is Self Analysis - just straight off.
Attention should be paid in that to re-establishing his certainties about something.
Step Seven, Present Time Body Orientation.
"Where's your body?"
"Where's the light switch?"
Remark: This is the genus of the Objective Processes, CCHs and the like. They were
found to be therapeutic for all preclears, regardless of their position on the Case Step
Scale, and what varies is the length of time a preclear has to spend on objective
processes, which depends on his position on the Tone Scale.
As far as Step Seven is concerned, the steps are orientation in his immediate present
time surrounding. Space has become an object and a word is an object and time is an
object when you get these cases.
Standard Operating Procedure is not aligned on the Tone Scale. It's just accidentally
that Step Six and Seven line up with the Tone Scale. These people are psychotic. By
the way, some psychotics can do the upper ones.
We get Standard Operating Procedure to Theta Clear. Theta Clearing - let's
supplement it with a drill, it's the routine I told you about which we will call "Body
When he gets up to a point where he actually has some perception, he can see the
body - you just go straight in, to lifting exercises. I would go from there to monkeying
around with other MEST objects, that were intimately his, and so on. And fool with
them, develop some more energy.
Only when you've got him stabilized and outside and able to lift his various arms and
limbs and so forth, from the exterior as the One does immediately, you've got an
Operating Thetan. And you've got another jump because he can make his own space.
1. Intro
If you took five people, at least two of them will become theta clears in a very short
space of time using Standard Operating Procedure. And the other three would fall on
down the steps. Probably you wouldn't get a Case V on that short a series. A V runs
about one in fifteen cases. But you might get a Five.
But you won't find anything unusual. Adventure is dead. You just go on and use some
more of it - of SOP.
2. Exteriorization
When you categorize your preclears according to the Steps of Standard Operating
Procedure, you get the following.
You have Case One, he's pretty well collected in present time, as far as space is
concerned. Therefore he moves right out.
For a Case II, III and IV, the operation alone of making him step outside may collect
him. If you do a Spacation on the Three case, he'll move right up into a One category
and you just go on with Step One.
Case V, no, no. He can't be collected simply by stepping outside. He's elsewhere too
solidly. A lot of Fives kind of have an instinctive idea that thetans are something you
should be afraid of. They have enough overt acts against thetans, so if they freed the
thetan, oh boy, that thetan would chew them up.
Case VI and VII likewise are very dispersed. They are really well-collected at some
other place on the track, not here.
3. Space
Space regulates the steps in this Standard Operating Procedure. Going down the line
of the case levels - highest is I, the lowest numbered - his space is less and less wellorganized, he has less and less free space until he finally runs into negative space.
Step 2 - 7 are badly out of orientation and are in one of two conditions: 1) they've so
thoroughly fought loss that they are now in a situation where they hold on to anything;
2) we go downscale on the DEI scale just a little bit and find out that the case below the
level who resists all loss is the case who has lost so much that it abandons anything.
It doesn't matter whether we have an "abandon all" case or a "hold all" case, the
process is the same for both.
Regarding having an origin, this is how your case numbers apply:
Case I - has an origin;
Case II - still has an origin;
Case III -has an origin with dispersal;
Case IV - has an origin, considerable dispersal;
Case V - uncollected, body the sole point of origin;
Case VI - not-sure body;
Case VII - no body.
And you've got to get this fellow collected from six up to one.
In a Step I preclear we have a case which is a big point or spot. He can cover an area.
He isn't just a single point, he can sort of cover and pervade an area. That has
contracted down as we go down to II, and has become a negative position by the time
we get to III, IV and V.
At V he just knows he'll be chased out of any place he goes into. His terrific havingness
is a substitute for not having any space. Havingness is the bottom of the scale and
space is the top of the scale, and when a man's got to have, he's telling you he has no
space. His space is condensing, and condensed space and that sort of thing is objects.
At Four and at Five, there's a scarcity of space. So, therefore, there's a scarcity of
beingness. A person at Four and Five thinks the particles are important, the space isn't
important. His whole attention is on particles. A person on Three still thinks space is
desirable. At Four he doesn't think space is too desirable, he's wasting it, or he's got it
jammed completely or doesn't think about it at all.
4. Energy
From the standpoint of energy, as we go down the line, the person is more and more
solid as an object. Energy is more and more thick, more and more condensed.
A One, in homo sapiens, normally has fairly dense energy around him. But he can
move through it and it doesn't bother him too much.
A Two has more condensed energy in his immediate vicinity, has less space.
A Three has even denser energy, a Four much denser, and a Five, o brother, you
couldn't get this fellow out with a hacksaw, until you do some processing, get him
collected, get him some space, and let him handle space and a few things like that.
A Six, "What engram?" They are all stacked in one place.
The characteristic of energy as we go down the line, is a stuck needle.
So Step Four is the "too much energy" problem. And any technique adressed to fixing
or unfixing attention belongs, in SOP Issue V Long Form, under Step Four. A Four will
lose things fairly easily and get rather frantic about finding them again. A Four Level
case is characterized with the fact he's using energy, even in thinking; he thinks with
energy, he wants stimulus-response levels, he wants automaticity like mad; but he's
still trying to start things. And a Five is using energy even worse, and things are much
more solid on him, and he's trying to stop things.
At Step 7, you can no more alter the possession of a man just by snapping your
fingers, than you could cut a rock with a feather. He isn't going to part with anything; or,
he's got to part with everything.
5. Present Time
He's in present time up to Three, but Step Four, he's not in present time. And that's the
dividing point. He is orienting severely by the past. Therefore, if he steps out of his
head, he's liable to step right into the Battle of Trafalgar. The reason he can't step out
of his head is, he isn't here.
When we passed from Step Two on to Step Three, we've started to move a bit out of
present time. But we don't get noticeably out of present time until Step Four - Case
This person was collected at a point and in a point only in Step One. And from that
point on he is dispersing.
He's in, you might say, negative space. In other words, he's in space that isn't here, he
has anchor points that aren't present, he has all sorts of odds and ends, and we are
trying to remedy those, then.
The reason why he has to use beams to get out in Step Two is, of course, the fact that
he is unable to change postulates. But he can make a beam.
6. Mock-Ups
He could mock up women, but he can't make them walk in or walk away. Technically,
that determines a Step Five.
Starting in this preclear at Four, we've got an additional test. Yes, he can mock up his
home, he can really change it a little bit. And we say, "Now, move it!" It doesn't move.
We've got a Five. The difference between a Four and a Five is the ability to move
Give and Take Processing falls into a null with this person at Step Five and these
things do not move after they are mocked up. You've got a stop. Stop is no more
space. This person is even further out of space than somebody who can do Gita. "He
can't move a mock-up" could be the definition of Five.
With a Step V case, you could just run off Self Analysis using its lines to create
illusions, not to recall incidents.
"Can you create a mock-up in which you enjoy something".
So you put something out there and feel enjoyment for it. And from the list of perceptics
down at the bottom, one of them says "external motion", so you see this thing moving.
And another one says "sight". So you get a good look at it, and so on. A fellow can get
some sort of a vague idea they are there. Just go on down the list no matter how vague
it is. If he starts boiling off like mad, have him put the mock-up behind him, and in other
directions, rather than just in front of the body.
And he'll be out of his body in a month, six weeks, it wouldn't matter how long it would
7. Attention
Attention starts to go onto a negative basis by the time you get down to Five and Six
and Seven.
Then the attention is just all over the place, and the guy can't fix it on anything, it just
wanders around all over the place. If he fixed it on anything it'd bite him.
You ask that fellow to fix his attention on one thing and you've done a quite remarkable
thing for him. You can show him that he can fix his attention on something without
getting bitten. He gets well.
That's treating a psychosis. Teach somebody that he's safe to fix his attention on
something, or to unfix it from something.
8. Value
The Five has this peculiar manifestation almost at every turn: anything he thought
valuable or desirable that he acquires he finds to be worthless as soon as he has it
himself; he just decides the reverse about it. Or he has tried to keep from having this
thing all the time because you knew it was dangerous, and then after you get the thing,
why, you know it's very valuable.
Some people do this with disease, by the way. One day they get it and they say, "Well,
it's alright because I draw a pension for it," and he has a vested interest in this illness.
Value keeps shifting on him. Well, of course it can shift because something that isn't
there can always change.
There is no such thing as value in a MEST object. There is opinion of value of a MEST
A Five is going to heavily assign values to objects and to types of energy. He'll get
logical about his case; and that's what you've got to cure him of.
The concept that a situation without explanation can exist will snap the logical
sequence of a Five. Non-sequitur Creative Processing will do it, just Self-Analysis, on
and on. And you'll eventually destroy this even flow of nonsense he's calling logic,
which is actually justified thought. There is nothing less logical than a series of
postulates. You don't have to make postulates logical. Five has to be cured of having to
have everything reasonable.
9. Agreement with the MEST Universe
Your Step Four Case believes he can only be himself, he can't be anybody else, nor
pretend he's anybody else. You say, "Now tell me a lie." And the fellow will just sit there
and look at you. You say, "Tell me that an airplane just flew in the window." He can't do
it. He's lost his ability to lie and that's an awful thing, isn't it?
By the way, this is one of your first tests, on one of these cases. If he can't tell you a lie,
that tells you that he is in vast agreement with the MEST universe.
It's got to be true. Well, this is wonderful because there isn't anything true in the MEST
The whole thing of Step One is just, "Be a couple of feet back of your head." We're
gonna assume the guy did and break down this processing step by step, each time
till he all of a sudden gets the idea, which is the true idea, that he has unlimited
amplitude, unlimited volume, unlimited beingness.
The first part of Spaation is bringing a mocked-up point under control.
Part Two of Spaation is to build some two-dimensional space. Make him lie on his
back and put his hands under his head and use his two elbows as anchor points; and
make him put his big toes about a foot apart, and use those as two anchor points.
Whatever this two-dimensional sheet is doing, exaggerate it and then each time come
back and decrease that. And then fix it on his body again, so he orients it. And you
keep that up until he can hold that two-dimensional space right there without a qualm.
Have him make this piece of two-dimensional space demonstrably solid and then unsolid, convincing himself it's solid and then convincing himself it's not solid. Remark: or
convincing other, mocked-up people. Until at last he suddenly recognizes something
that is the most vital thing on the whole track: How did things get to be solid? Why do
you think this wall up here is solid? Remark: the solidity of MEST is the result of an
automaticity of consideration. If he's been convinced and he can convince somebody
else that it is solid - this wall's command value over him lessens. This'll upset him, by
the way, because he'll feel immediately if he does that he'se liable to start making
mistakes and walking through doors with his body without taking ahold of doorknobs.
The making of solid, two-dimensional space, and the unmaking of it at will, is of the
essence in unconvincing and rehabilitating him on the subject of energy.
Supposing he can't make it solid, get it out horizontally and make it support something.
Remark: on a gradient, this could be approximated by mock-ups of sheets, soap
bubbles, roofs, iron plates, sheets of ice, etc. Get him to change and shift solidity,
pierceability and enterability of that two-dimensional piece of space. If it gets fragile,
just keep breaking it up. And all of a sudden it'll get stronger.
The next part is to get two such planes and enclose a space with them. Make a box - a
big box. But get this: the box encloses the preclear and the preclear's couch. And the
first thing it'll remind him of, of course, is a coffin.
Now he can hold eight points steady. He's got two pieces of two-dimensional space
and this makes eight points. It makes a hexahedron.
"Number those corners one, two, ... eight. Go to corner one. Now feel all through the
place from corner one. Now go to corner two ..." Just disregard the facsimiles flying off
and go on with the space.
"Let's feel all around and make sure nothing is there but your space and the walls." You
are about to unmock one body and one couch.
1. General
SOP Issue 5 has as its fourth step the techniques of Relocation of Anchor Points and of
Flow Balancing.
If you find in Spacation that a person is able to hold a point quietly before him, this tells
you this person has a flow potential which can be maintained because he can hold the
terminal still.
Electronics require a viewpoint and a space in which a flow can be postulated, which
must of necessity run between two or more terminals. And in order to get a flow running
you have to have a stable terminal.
A person has less and less energy to the direct degree that they are unable to locate
their facsimiles or hold a terminal still. The pc who can hold that point in space before
him easily without a great deal of automaticity setting in is then capable of getting a
good, solid energy flow.
Your next boy down the line is having trouble with anchor points, and that's why the
next step below "Get a point and hold it still" is Step Four and that addresses itself to
anchor points and flow balancing.
He has his anchor points probably staked out in his current lifetime childhood, is trying
to operate on these anchor points at some vast distance, and they're no longer serving
him as anchor points. So you'd better get rid of the most important anchor points on the
case, which would be the anchor points in the proximity of the best beloved childhood
home he had. Step Four then really devotes itself toward tearing up those anchor
Any technique then which has to do with collecting one's attention into present time,
and worse than this, any technique designed to increase the beingness of a person in
terms of personal beingness and living here on Earth is a Step Four Technique.
2. Handling Case Step IV
The level of case we are interested in at Step Four is a person who is pretty badly stuck
on the Time Track. He's usually found to be stuck in electronic incidents and is very
thoroughly mired down in energy and incapable of taking charge of any great amount of
energy. He is usually quite badly restimulated and his body is rather out of whack.
Here's the first one we get on the step: He is stuck in his head. He can't get out of his
head. When he does, he's all over the shop. He just disperses, doesn't quite know
whether he's out or in or where, and he gets back in. This person just doesn't get out
and if they get out they're not sure they're out - great insecurity on that subject.
So we ask a Four: Can he get a mock-up of the old homestead? If he can, you can
carry him through with Step Four, Short Form and get along all right.
Cases at this level become relatively difficult and therefore, Step Four, Long Form, will
probably be performed by you many times. It means lots of hours of auditing.
One of these days, why, I'll probably hit a better button or a new button that'll snap out
a Four or a Five.
3. Mocking up the Childhood Home
The motto of Four is, "Give him more space." And that is done by taking his attention
off old anchor points. He's still holding onto them, evaluating his present environment
with the house in which he was raised. That is the most easily accessible and generally
obtainable datum from this preclear: that he can get this house. He was safe and
secure in that area and he hasn't felt safe or secure since. So he's holding onto that
area. There goes a lot of his attention.
In Step Four the command is "Make a mock-up of your childhood home." Not a
facsimile of it. A mock-up. And then get him to handle it just in the way you handle
mock-ups. After you've done this, you can flip back into Spacation.
Four is probably still running on the anchor points of the old house. Where his anchor
points are, that is the environment in which you will find him. There'll be some object in
that mock-up with which he can do nothing. Don't point it out to him, just make sure he
does something with it, 'cause that's his anchor point.
All of those things assume enormous importance to him. And you're just plowing this
guy up, because it's certain that Step Four is not in present time even though he's very
sane, very efficient and a good guy.
At Step IV, you shake him loose from anchor points as particles more important than
4. GiTa
Give and Take is based on one thing - thirst for energy. Gita is filling the vacuum.
Actually there's Give, Null and Take - the three motions possible.
Step Four, Gita, works to disabuse him of any necessity to have an energy particle of
any kind whatsoever. Cure them of any idea of scarcity. Because it's a concept and an
idea and it's an aberrated one.
The process consists of causing him to take in, in the order given below, large numbers
of things. And by bringing them into his body, condensing them and then sending them
1. Opposite sex (bodies)
2. Friends (bodies)
3. Bodies which might have been his own.
4. Parents and relations
5. Graves
6. Buildings and homes
7. Food
8. Rainment (clothing, apparel, attire)
9. Money - bills and coinage
10. Jewels, medals
11. Weapons and energy beams
12. Communications - letters, voice, anything
13. Emotions
14. Sensations
Change and drill all mock-ups. Use them in a 360 degree sphere. Continue the
process, adding the items which the pc thinks undesirable. These would include
enemies, harmful things, ugly and disgusting things as demonstrated by the
Must be continued until the pc is simply "cured" of wanting, having, or not having - until
he is splendidly lighthearted about the control and its possession.
There are four pressures on every flow:
- the outflow,
- the restraint of the outflow,
- arresting the outflow from the opposite end
- inhibiting the arrestment of the outflow.
Remark: For an inflow, there would be similar pressures:
- the inflow
- the rejection of the inflow
- the inhibition of the flow at the other end
- the overriding of the inhibition.
You can just govern these flows like you would handle puppets. And that accounts for
and eradicates flows as an obsession, a compulsion, an inhibition or a desire on the
part of a pc.
Just do it well enough so that each time he knows he's got them coming in himself, and
knows he's got them going out himself. Your bottom scale processing would be in
terms of solid objects; from that up to loose fluids, liquids, unsolid objects.
In Gita, get particles in solid form and handle them and then graduate from that to
particles in looser form. Eventually you would wind up with this person handling gases.
Remark: fluids are more difficult due to the undefined form. This would include smoke,
dust clouds, school of fish, etc.
shift it, and know he's shifting it and know that it was he who moved it, and that it was
his black spot.
Don't start leading into this technique as an invitation to do a mock-up. Do it for itself.
Do you know that most people you've got doing mock-ups can't do it? Throw a real
black spot on the wall that is actually sitting there on the wall that they can see on the
wall, and then turn it off, turn it on, move it here, move it there, and get instantaneous
action on that black spot. It's quite a technique all by itself.
Don't mix that up with Black and White Processing - that is Technique 8-80, and that
sort of went by when you weren't looking. I got a letter from an auditor this morning.
He's been using Technique 8-80 with tremendous success. But this (Black and White
Control Processing) is not the same process. We're not interested too much in a
chronic somatic as such to be handled by Black and White. Mock-ups handle them
faster. Or handling and exaggerating the actual disability.
In Black and White Control Processing, have the preclear mock up a black point in front
of him with his eyes open or closed. He finally gets to a point where he can see this
black point, no matter how small or how big, he can SEE something in front of him.
They look awfully thin when you first start, but you actually see them. When it's there do
you know that it's there? Do you feel that it's gone when it's gone? That's the criterion
of it, rather than the thinness of the perceptions.
There's all kind of variation of this drill. You're practicing control on a mock-up. You will
be amazed how interested a person at level V will get if he'll suddenly discover that
something simple happens just because he says it'll happen. You get him up to a point
of where he says, "There, a black spot will now appear on the wall," and so help me, it
does, although visible only to him.
He wants to be able to:
- turn a black spot on and turn it off;
- turn a white spot on and turn it off;
- enlarge and decrease a black spot;
- enlarge and decrease a white spot.
He can get these things very conceptually at first and very thinly, but if you keep drilling
him, you'll get this tremendous point of relief on his part. Something happens just
because he said it was going to happen.
A black spot may have something in it, and it may not. If you could handle a black spot
completely, and make the thing expand, three-dimensionally, into a sphere, and spread
over the whole body, and then contract to a small black billiard ball on the top of your
head, and the go out in front and then stay consistently out in front, and then gradually
and quietly and without any effort whatsoever expand as a whole sphere, and cover
you whole body again, and then go up to the top, and out the back - you're all right!
Nothing to that.
One of the first things you want to do is teach the Five there is a stability, and that
something will work the way he says it will work. And this will be a great deal of relief to
him. He's pretty well stopped believing that, he's very accustomed to saying, "It'll go
up," and it goes down. He'll say, "Well, I suppose just because I want the thing is the
best reason why I can't have it." or "Just because I don't want it I'll probably get it."
And that's true, thinking with energy, he's experienced this countless times - the
reversal takes place. He'll say, "I want to be good," and the first thing you know, he'll
find himself doing something that is bad.
The basic attitude of a Five could be characterized as follows: He wants to be valuable
and he wants people to think he is valuable. How valuable can anything get? Solid.
He'll live in terms of energy, input of energy. He doesn't believe that he puts out much
energy. He is convinced any energy he uses has to be put in first, and then he puts it
out. He's convinced of the necessity and the value of energy. Oh, is he convinced of
value. A Five will very often be a complete expert on the subject of value.
By the time you get down to Step VI, you get ARC Straightwire as a process which will
establish accessibility. A better process is ARC Straightwire in terms of mock-ups. Let's
put up a little man out there, and let's see if we can hear him talk. Throw it in under
Creative Processing.
The location of something in space, good old Straightwire and that sort of thing, is still
highly beneficial on a psychotic and so forth. You demonstrate to him that he can locate
something in terms of incident, and he, in turn, considers this as locating something in
space. And so he's reassured, "It isn't all lost," he says to himself. And so he feels
better and his psychosis will crack.
This doesn't modify processing. You can go ahead and use all the processes we have
had to date.
That person can go on and locate things and all of a sudden he finds out that he can
locate things in time and space and so he feels rather happy about it and he'll go on up
tone. But if he creates and destroys things in time and space, he comes way up tone
fast, and on the other one he comes up tone slowly.
I gave a preclear a process: "I want you to go out and tell somebody a lie so they will
find out that you were lying. And then do that several times and tell it in such a way that
they can discover you're lying."
He went out and he did it and it cracked his case.
your feet." (These six directions at two feet distance, then at 20 feet distance, 100 feet
distance, two light-years). But remember that when you get him grooved into a routine,
he'll be able to do just these things and no others.
It is more important to change the position of a mock-up in space than it is to change its
color or anything else.
It's a trick for some preclears just to get a mock-up sitting right here in this room. If you
ask your preclear once in a while, "Is it here in this room?" He'll say, "I never thought of
that. No". "Well, where is it?" "It's in black space." "Well, where is black space?" "I don't
know, but I always get my mock-ups in black space."
You say, "All right, put a mock-up right here in this room."
New thing to him. He says, "My goodness, every time I do that I shoot out there about
500 miles or something."
What's happening? He's in a terrific dispersal and you're trying to tie him down to
present time and he isn't even vaguely in present time.
Is it beneficial for this preclear to go on getting mock-ups in black space? Yes, if that's
the best he can do, it is indeed beneficial for this person to get a mock-up even if he's
totally blacked-out as far as seeing it is concerned.
Don't beat him to death if he can't put'em in the room. You see, all you're doing is
giving him the maximum number of wins that you can give, and the minimum number of
loses. If he starts getting loses in the way you want him to do a mock-up, his tone will
You're coming up on a mock-up to Cause.
Mock-ups are done by gradient scale and you get the least he can get. Don't
concentrate on visio any more than you would on any other part of the band - get
emotions, get sound, and so on.
Use, at the beginning, simple geometric forms in preference to complex forms; use
black and white to improve color. If your preclear is having trouble, look over the
problem from the standpoint of space, because you've got to have space before you
can have mock-ups. He might not have any space.
When you're handling simple geometric figures, you would be handling dots, discs,
circles, triangles, squares, cubes, cylinders, pyramids - rather simple. Now we get them
in all colors and get them in all positions.
this and that happens to them. You're just ending this sort of thing.
No catalog goes along with it, since this was not a cataloguing job at any time, it was
an action research. But there are frames of thinking which include all these
phenomena. When we take a rundown on this, you're getting a framework of existence
of phenomena. Something is going to fall into one of these baskets.
It'll fall into the baskets of pictures in black and white or in color, which are still or in
motion. And they'll contain all perceptics. And that catalog or that frame expands out to
embrace energy as a whole.
contain so much mass that they would destroy him if you turned a searchlight on him that the photons could destroy an illusion or something.
To handle flows, have him stop Niagara Falls. And then, have Niagara Falls run
backwards. He probably can't do that, but he can get one drop of water falling from the
bottom of the dry falls back up over the lip. Move on up from there on a gradient scale
until he's got Niagara Falls roaring madly upside down. Make the water run up the fall
and over the lip and upstream. When you've got him doing that, you have him in a state
where he's not very worried about flows. He can have all sorts of flows, and that cures
up flows.
Get him to mock up beams before you make him use beams.
Demonstrate force. Mock the individual up using unlimited quantities of force. Let's cure
a person in Step Three of being wary of using force before witnesses - mock-ups which
give demonstration of temper, unlimited quantities of force, destruction and so forth,
before witnesses. Just a series of mock-ups which show him busting up everything and
breaking everything through and everybody saying, "Tsk, tsk, tsk!" The second he does
that, he will be cured of thirst for identity, which cure lets him out of his body like that!
Because all his body is is a very expensive method of having and carrying around an
identification card.
Unlimited force is liable to come out of black space. So you do a series of mock-ups
under Three, of locating the most horrible things in the black space - not seeing them,
creating them in black space, until the fellow is completely accustomed to finding
anything in that blackness.
White dazzling space is just as important to locate things in because it's an electronic
area. So locate things in flaming energy. Locating things in energy is higher than Step
Four, Gita, which is getting energy and giving out energy. In Three, get him over being
afraid of black or white space.
Differentiate amongst flows and demonstrate to him clearly and conclusively that the
flow is unnecessary for the receipt of sensation. You do that with drills, not by
educating him.
You do these drills by mocking up and running emotions from the bottom to the top of
the scale, up toward start. Run it from apathy, grief, fear, anger, resentment. Drill him to
a point where the sensation he gets is much superior to any he gets or thinks he gets
from the MEST universe. Let's get it to that point, because he's putting the intensity on
it all the time.
You want to get grief off this fellow, loss. What does he own? What could he lose, what
could he safely lose? What could he not get along without?
First thing you know, his sphere of ownership starts going up on objects. What he could
do and what can't he do - and his sphere of action starts going up. What can he be,
what can't he be - and his sphere of space starts going up.
Okay, you have to get him up so far until he can cry over something because most
guys are in apathy on this.
A way of swiftly changing the emotional tone and therefore the position of the preclear
on the tone scale is to shift his position on the sensation scale, in the sense of having
him put emotions into objects and feeling them back.
The following would be the positive and negative approach to engram processing there are four flows:
Trying to have the engram.
Trying not to have the engram.
Restraining oneself from not having the engram.
Restraining oneself from having the engram.
However, it's rather senseless. Just because that thing is sitting on a ridge with a time
tab on it is no reason you have to find it and grind it to pieces. Because it's not sitting
on any lineal time track in space. It's just sitting on a geographically located ridge with
regard to your preclear, and it goes into action out there when it's hit.
You just teach him that he could make postulates at will and it doesn't matter how many
postulates are in that thing. It won't have any effect on him, because he can handle
postulates. He can take responsibility for making up his mind. Remark: Ron found out
later that it wasn't so easy to unmake postulates embedded in engrams, that a person
rather had to reach clear before attaining the realm of theta-level postulates.
In Creative Processing you don't want any truck or deal with a real, real convincing
facsimile or any part thereof.
comes in and smacks him one. Why? Too many MEST objects have too convincingly
tried to occupy the same space as he was occupying - for example, at 40 miles an hour
he has hit a tree.
Any time when your case is slowing down, it's because you're not resolving the
problem of space and you're not getting particles further apart for this guy.
Assist him to do what he's trying to do so he won't give a damn after a while whether
he's doing it or not, and he'll get well.
2. Orientation
The most fundamental process that you could run on a preclear is orientation in space.
Your process on this is to mock up spaces. And fill them full and empty them. Or,
"How would you like to orient yourself?"
"What would you like to have out there to get you to really know you were there?"
Have the thetan still inside find his feet in the opposite direction where the MEST body
is located by the MEST universe. Work your preclear like that, for a short while or
maybe a little longer. That's one of the techniques that you would use in Orientation
and Spaation.
3. Anchor Points
With theta clearing, a thetan can once again start to throw his anchor points out, at will.
And if he can step out of the field of worrying over energy and worrying over space and
get up to a point where he can rehabilitate his postulates, he can do anything he wants
to with his anchor points. He can probably go out in space again and build a few more
suns just for the dickens of it. Find out whether or not this is true. Prove it up.
4. The Body
"Is there anything you'd like to do to fix this body up?" That's just so they'll get an
anchor point fixed up.
If he has the enormous stress on the body as his sole and only anchor point, your
chances of getting him out aren't good. Until you've collected him. If he's got an
absolute certainty that he needs that body in order to find himself, you just handle that
body, and manhandle it, and mishandle it:
- put the wrong scenes in front of it,
Evidently Farber can make it work. But practically every auditor I've trained sooner or
later came around to me and said, "Ron, you know, I can't get anybody to work on that
negative exteriorization."
If he gets out of his body in this Step One, you can work to get him out of his body
more thoroughly. That's quite a technique. You might not go in for the remaining steps
at all; there are a lot of things you can do.
There's two tests, one obscure. You can't be sure that he is making a change of
postulate by simply making a new postulate. You don't know to the last ditch whether
this is true or not. But you do know this: when you haul off to kick him in the shins or
you make him bang his knuckles together, does he dive back in? Well, if he dives back
in, he's going to take quite a little processing.
He's in good shape, but he'll go through fluctuations. This is what you see as a
fluctuating Theta Clear. He's not a Theta Clear, he's an exteriorized thetan. He's going
in and out of the body. You can't be sure he'll remain as a stable Theta Clear at all, if
he has a tendency to jump back in the body any time the body is menaced, or if he
retains feeling in the body while he's out of the body.
Teach the pc how to disconnect. When you get your preclear out there and have him
throw a tractor beam on something, you say, "Now turn it off." Yeah, he can turn it off slowly.
Work for speed on lifting and disconnecting. When a body gets hurt on which he's got a
tractor beam - can he get that tractor beam off? He sees the body is going to get hurt,
he tries to disconnect and it's going to take him a few seconds, that's too long. That's
why he's here in a body.
Get that drill. Turn those tractor beams on. Just put them on something (mock-up, real
object, alternately) and hold it still. You don't have to move it. Just put a couple of
tractor beams on something and turn them off.
A fellow who is trying to desert his body, have him take possession of his body.
Preclears who are very hard to move out of their heads are people who were moved
about, pushed about, their possessions taken away from him, their possessions broken
to be outside to do this. The guy is free to move objects which he customarily moves.
He's very convinced these objects are movable.
When he gets so that his hand can be picked up, and his arm, and his legs - why, have
him pick up his body rather forcefully - one direction or another - and handle his body
from outside. Boy, that is worth a lot of processing. a guy gets bigger and stronger and
tougher. Use a gradient scale - you mustn't leave the preclear in a failure.
You supplement that exercise with mock-ups. "Lift the body, lift the body". Then "Mock
up a body and lift it." and back.
You have a thetan present in the body and he is all that the preclear will ever be and
yet he has totally negated against any form as such. What we are doing here is
bringing that beingness, the only being that preclear will ever be, into beingness, and it
comes up above the level of 0.0. Well, the fastest way to get it up above the level of 0.0
that I know is to return to the thetan some of his own functions in handling the body. He
gets a tremendous difference, the feeling of this.
There's a most interesting drill to demonstrate to the thetan that he is actually handling
the body with his own energy, when he makes it impulse and do anything.
One of the strangest things that you can do with a preclear, let's say he's sitting in a
chair and has his hands on the arms of the chair, he's outside of the body and you tell
him to go around and pick up one of the fingers of the body. Or to make it even easier,
put his hand on a table. By the way, if you omit this step, your chances of getting him to
bust pop bottles and so forth are quite faint because he thinks that something ought to
go bust the pop bottle for him, somebody else ought to do it, that's automaticity, you
So after you've drilled him in numerous ways, mock-ups and that sort of thing, don't
omit this step. Have him handle the body while being exterior to the body and without
using his communication lines to the body or its automatic responses. Have him go
around and pick up one of the body's fingers. He'll puff and strain at this and unstabilize
himself and he'll be getting very upset. And all of a sudden you'll see the finger that he's
working on suddenly move over.
Make him pick up that finger, make him pick up another finger, make him cross a
couple of fingers, make him take one of the fingers and make it go spat, spat, down on
the table. Finally get him to a point where he's picking up this hand and dropping it
again so it goes thoomp!
You see, if he tells the finger to move, sure enough, he's using his old ridges which are
already rigged up in the body energy to make the finger move. That's no trick.
Train him to do something thetans have never been trained to do, to make that hand
write with beams. And the day you do that, that day he ceases to have a complete
dependence on the body for communication.
Remark: other drills could be devised to achieve communication, using electronic
devices like condenser-based keyboards or touch-sensitive screens, using or not
fingers and other body-parts to activate the device.
It's an interesting thing that he can handle flesh of his own body much before he can
handle any other kind of matter. That's because he's used to it, he sees it move and
because he owns it and it's not liable to kick back at him and a lot of other things.
But you move on from there to putting up a dummy hand. Just put up something, a
board with a pencil in the end of it to furnish pressure and so on, a board with a pencil
shoved through it, and he could go ahead and handle that. He can really make that
board move around and make crude letters, A, B, C. "What do you know," he'll say, "I
can write."
Understand, he's got to be trained to do this almost perfectly with his own hand before
he'll feel any confidence in the second step of moving a board and a pencil. He'll finally
get so he can handle that because it's a mock-up of his arm. Now you just say to him,
"All right, now take the pencil, and write directly with the pencil." Boy, will he fumble,
and the pencil will fall down and he'll be erecting tripods and derricks and everything
else all over again, all complicated ways. But all of a sudden he can write with a pencil.
He can move a pencil around and make it write.
It's only a step from that to take a torch and write something in fire on a wall.
When you start the lifting exercises, for example, the fellow says, "There's a log lying
right here across my legs and that's why I can't lift one of my legs."
This has happened time after time. It falls into the band of facsimiles and would
probably fall into the category of a past-life facsimile.
Last night, Nibs and I, were trying one exercise, and these facsimiles just kept flying off.
Of course, he couldn't lift his leg because of all these facsimiles. Remark: Nibs is LRH's
later estranged son, L. Ron Hubbard Jr.
Now, the way he handles facsimiles, of course, he says, "Look, another picture!" and
pitches it out the nearest window, or makes it disappear down the time track or
But preclears that you're working initially don't have this skill. A person who cannot run
a facsimile is simply unable to get the facsimile into the position where it can be run.
That is, he could not move a picture before him, behind him, above him, below him and
into last week. Just get the person so that he can handle a facsimile, or handle mock-
ups and pictures in this fashion - make them appear and disappear and increase and
decrease and turn upside-down and the content changed. And the next thing you know,
you've got yourself a nice smooth facsimile there that can be picked up and thrown out
the window - it doesn't have to be run. If you can orient it to this degree, well, why run
There's an interesting trick on this. This process is to run on a preclear who's still inside
his body. Get a thetan to start using his "hands" - his postulated hands. How do you
suppose he moves an arm? He's got a beam one way or another. There's a dozen
ways of hooking these things up. But he'll have a beam going to various energy
deposits which give this arm action and inaction.
Every thetan still has a potentiality of putting an energy beam down each arm. Get him
to do this weird little trick. Get him to take those beams and go through all the motion
necessary to move his arm without the arm moving. He'll feel so strange for a little
You say, "Get the sensation necessary to move your arm in, an inch." And the first time
he does it he'll get a twitch on the arm. He'll finally be able to get what beams he's
using free for his own use. It's very interesting.
Going through the same actions he would go through to turn his arm, move in, move it
back, move it around (without doing the actual movements). Have him close his eyes.
It's just as though you were postulating the muscular action of an arm, but actually
move the beam, not the arm. Some of them are handling that whole arm from way up
on the shoulder. Sometimes it's actually in the finger.
This MEST arm is getting less and less real to him. And this beam is getting a little
more real to him. Sometimes he'll hit a body facsimile with horrible hands, just as he
has a facsimile of other past bodies. It's not really his body at all. Not any more than
Homo sapiens' drape-over is his body.
With a lot of preclears it's totally unnecessary. I'm talking about a preclear who's pinned
down in the body. You can't get him out, something of the sort. If he starts feeling
nauseated, depraved or degraded or something like that, just keep him at it.
Degradation is just not-beingness and unable to use force, that's all it is. It's the
emotion of "I cannot use force." It's a can't.
Then make him hold his head still but use all the mechanisms necessary to move his
head. Make him get the sensation of moving his head without moving his head. You'll
have ridges going pong and pang and headaches turning on and off.
And the next thing, get him to shrug his shoulders and leave his MEST shoulders
where they are. And he'll find out where he's using all these actions and it becomes
elementary to him.
And then all of a sudden, even though he's located in the center of his head, he'll just
move right on out. Not only that, but your thetan will come out, you might say, fighting.
Your thetan will come out in a state where he can pick up a book on the table and
flutter its leaves. That really upsets people. But you've demonstrated to him that he can
do it.
Let's put this willy-nilly at Step 4. Just exercise the thetan's beams while he's still in the
body. It's a very fascinating experience.
You're overcoming, when you do this, the automaticity imposed by the body, and that
Homo sapiens' body which your thetan is packing around is a last line of automaticity.
When this body is dead, the thetan isn't there at all, so he knows he's very much worse
than dead. So he has no place to go but to report back to something or other.
With Body Lifting, you will finally get him so he is throwing that body around the room
like a sofa pillow. You make him hurt himself (lightly) every once in a while.
Just keep him at it. Make him win every time in lifting it and he'll be able to throw his
body around like mad.
He'll consider this as absolutely nonsensical, ducking into his head.
Because he's in there pitching and agreeing with the real universe, instead of the actual
universe, and so he takes a look at the actual universe and throws himself some mockups there and all of a sudden says, "Well, not so bad," and you got release from
Any time this power action (lifting and the like) seems to be slacking off, you've just
agreed too long with the real universe, so you sit down and do a few mock-ups.
It isn't that you draw power out of the mock-ups or anything strange or peculiar like that.
It's just that concentration on the real universe gets a fellow back below a certain point
into flows. And he wants to use them, therefore he gets rather obedient to them.
He gets up above a break point, however, and above this point he doesn't give a damn.
But you have to get him just so high before it really has no further effect on him.
Force is random effort, and effort is directed force. That break point is a very specific
point, where he simply gets way out away from something and he says, "Jump," and it
of course promptly jumps. He doesn't use a beam, he makes it jump with a postulate,
instead of taking the intermediate step of throwing beams on it.
Your technique that goes up from there (Lifting) specializes in unmocking and mocking.
He goes out and selectively unmocks MEST objects, particularly bodies. Remark:
"spotting" other people is a gradient of unmocking other bodies.
Rising Scale Processing is above that level.
Mock-ups of one's own universe and unmocking the real universe produce some
singular results. While you're lying on the couch, put out anchor points and then
unmock the couch - put something of your own creation below the couch. And then
unmock everything else but the beingness of you, the anchor points and that mock-up.
In other words, unmock the real universe. Unmocking is done carefully within his own
frame of reference. He doesn't unmock for other people. Unmocking leads to a fellow
just sitting there and no body. He doesn't feel any body. But at any moment you can remock it up.
You never ask him to unmock his body at all. It'll just disappear on him. You point it out
to him afterwards his body wasn't there.
He says, "That's right. The body isn't there."
"Well, why does your body have to be there now? Why don't you just move out two feet
behind your back?"
rapidity. He doesn't come up fast using flows and agreeing with the MEST universe for
the good reason that the more you agree with the MEST universe, the more it
disagrees with you.
Postulate Processing is trying to get far enough up-tone, which is to say use and be
influenced by energy so slightly, and be able to go up so high above any necessity to
need it, that one simply says, "Let there be light."
That's your theoretical level.
1. Cycles of Action in Processing
Cycle of Action Processing belongs under Step Four because interrupted cycles of
action say, "Stop." Stop is at zero and it says, "There isn't any more space." If he has
no more space to operate in, that means he has no more beingness. No more space is
stop. This is death, by the way.
Start running cycles of action: increase and decrease and start and stop and you'll pick
him up anyplace he is stuck on any cycle of action. So just by increasing and
decreasing, starting and stopping anything, this guy will complete, eventually, all the
cycles of action he has ever tried to engage upon in the MEST universe. The trick of
the MEST universe is that it won't let anybody finish a cycle of action, because its
vectors are 180 degrees in reverse. When you say a person is stuck on a time track, he
is stuck on an incomplete cycle of action. That means he's got too much energy in one
lump about something that he has nothing further to do with, and that energy may be
representing something, which is symbolism, or it may be the actual energy he was
working with at the time.
2. Running Cycle of Action Processing
We just walk the preclear into this. We found he couldn't destroy a lot of things in mockup. Get him to execute a small volume destruction of a small number of them. Finally
he can do a large volume of destruction and get very close to an ultimate destruction in
his mock-ups. And when he can do that on that subject, it means he's rid of an awful lot
of aberration. He can mock up then in excess of any facsimile he has on the subject.
Remark: this idea should be viewed with caution, as destroying in mock-up is different
from just making it disappear - or as-is it, which is a later concept. Destroying mock-ups
by not-is-ness or mocking up destruction is probably a very limited technique, not
therapeutic in any large quantity, and its excessive use might have contributed to the
falling in disuse of Creative Processing.
Get Start, Change and Stop on a chain of thought. Let's start a guy thinking about
some thought or other on some subject. Now let's increase the amount of thinking he's
doing. Now let's decrease the amount of thinking he's doing. Now let's stop. Work until
the preclear can start thinking about anything, increase his thinkingness about it,
decrease his thinkingness about it, and stop thinking about it. For example, guitars and
guitar strings. Cars and car tires. A guy you don't like. You're just working with the
control of associative thinking, when you're doing that.
3. Reversing Cycles of Action
Cycles of Action as they relate to space, energy and objects, that's what's important.
Cycle of action combined with mock-up produces the dog-gonedest technique. It's one
of the most interesting techniques but it's spotty. It might produce for you some very
excellent results and it might not. But the theory is this: the preclear is trying to carry
out some cycle of action in the past which he's been unable to finish. There's a formula
on the subject of rehabilitating a thetan. Take the general behavior in the MEST
universe of space, energy and objects as they interrelate to one another, and run mockups on their doing the wrong thing, like planets which repel with their gravity, water
which dries things, light that turns everything dark when it shines, etc.
Reverse the action of energy, heat / cold, things falling upwards, and include
electronics, like people zapping each other, etc. Run cycles of action at random with
mock-ups, not on anything in particular. Get out of agreement with these cycles of
action. Do it in disagreement with the MEST universe. Run it backwards. Be born in a
coffin and die in a maternity ward or any way you want to, but finish cycles of action.
What's the cycle of action as a thetan? Well, that's being big and getting smaller. So
you have this big beam of light and have it get smaller. The darnedest things will turn
Rising Scale Processing is one of the phases of Postulate Processing which enables a
preclear to shift his postulates, well before he is up-tone - this will work on a VI or V
case level.
This is one way of doing Rising Scale Processing. Explain to your preclear that you've
got this scale:
survive / dead; right / wrong; ...
"How right do you think you are?"
"How responsible do you think you are?"
"How responsible do you want to be?"
"How much do you own?"
postulates - besides old Engrams. You run out some engrams and of course you
change the postulates in it.
The thetan simply creates by making postulates. He uncreates by changing postulates
and unmaking postulates.
1. The Importance of Structure
It is very silly to stop the body's flows. How the dickens can arthritis dissolve if the
various glandular secretions in the blood stream that pick up calcium don't go through
the area? Or if the blood flow is slow through the area? So you get deposits, just as a
river when it turns a corner leaves silt.
Don't try to solve it in terms of physical structure. True enough, a person can get sick.
He can get sick from bacteria. Bacteria exist as far as he permits them to exist. If he's
down tone scale, he'll permit bacteria to exist like mad. So he has bacteria and
everybody has agreed, ever since Pasteur, that all these diseases were caused by it.
Sure enough, they probably were. There were other factors involved, but there's still
The preclear can get sick from this cause, yes sir. The GE has agreed for a long time
that he suddenly and inexplicably became sick. Well he went into apathy and didn't
observe bacteria any more. There's no reason why he can't look at bacteria. They can
shoot a guy up with penicillin or something like that, or make him well from bacteria and
fever. Of course, it is true that the bacteria can't fasten upon him unless he's weak in
some fashion or another.
As far as a permanent structural goal is concerned, the devil with it! Don't let your fellow
get operated on or have his tonsils removed or something of the sort, or teeth pulled on
the theory that this is going to alter his condition permanently. That won't. This is a
chronic condition, it's something that extends over a long period of time. If it extends
over a period of time, his havingness on it is very great. So it isn't going to be solved by
tinkering around with surgery or something of the sort.
Remark: although not resolving the underlying mental aberration, a structural
intervention could produce some kind of a key-out.
2. Recurrence of Symptoms
Regarding the recurrence of a symptom, you always can expect a symptom to flash
back on the preclear once in a while. Don't worry about it - the preclear will. Just do
some more mock-ups. Exaggerate it. And the preclear, all of a sudden, will say, "The
hell with this thing! Why did I ever bring this up?" They brought it up Lord knows how
doesn't do any good, really, broadly, to address surgery and drugs and monkey
business and all sorts of cures and vitamins.
5. Conclusion
Remark: Rules were later developed against addressing chronic somatics directly,
based on the finding that the chronic somatic is actually a justifying mechanism for
further disabilities or for not taking needed responsibility or decisions. If the somatic
where taken away suddenly and isolatedly by a process like the above, without
handling the underlying condition that put it there in the first place, it would just be
replaced by another one.
The kind of process described would modernly be categorized as an assist process, to
be applied to acute conditions only, with little underlying aberration to hold the
addressed condition in place.
Don't worry about healing at a distance until you can heal instantaneously up close.
Be the thing, and then be it perfectly, and then be something else. Don't go on being it.
It wins then too, and you stay up scale.
If you have a problem with a preclear who still can't get out of his body, it will always
solve on this one.
Having to have a body, needing to have a body, having to be able to control a body,
having to be able to own a body, having to be able to protect a body, having to protect
people. And not doing so, all the way down the line.
Just the sub-zero tone scale, positive-negative. You could run these dichotomies back
and forth. But what's it boil down to? Having to have a body, and trying to avoid having
a body.
Control is slightly different as a technique. Being able to control a body, not being able
to control a body. Wanting to control a body, not wanting to control a body, brings in
Have and Control at the same time.
To own is to operate. You're going upscale a bit, you see, when you talk about control.
But it's a very funny thing, that Control is better than Have, really.
Being guilty, or being worried, will produce some results, yes. But having to have and
not having to have hits it right on the button. And trying to control and not trying to
control hits it on a little higher button. Those are two buttons. They're standing out there
very isolated and no other flows work like those.
If you knew about what responsibility was and you just work responsibility and no
responsibility as a dichotomy, why, you could get to solve cases.
If you get terribly desperate with a preclear some time or another, and they've got some
kind of a chronic somatic, just sit down and grind the damn thing out.
This is just a little two-bit technique, get a mock-up of stones drilling your preclear. Get
a mock-up of the stone and the mock-up of the preclear's body, and have the stone
"To the rear, march, to the rear, march".
And have the fellow going like that and so on. He will all of a sudden get terribly groggy.
Why? Because the MEST universe has been ordering him around and invalidating his
postulates left and right.
If you were to run this in flows, which you're not going to run it in, you'd just run,
Trying to convince people.
People trying to convince him.
Others trying to convince others.
That is a terrific process, because it has such tremendous abstraction in its content. But
if you didn't understand what Q-1 was, you'd get upset about it.
Those parts of the body which are ill are those parts of the body he can't be - boy, is he
limited. So you just ask this preclear, "What things aren't you willing to be?" and then
make him mock himself up as those things. That's a fantastic technique.
Freeing a thetan by concept and feeling, in various other ways, present and future, by
dichotomies and tone scale - we've been covering all of this.
"Get the concept that you need a body."
"Get the concept that you don't need a body."
The feeling is quite different than the flow. Aesthetics are very good.