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1. Authority Levels
2. Authority levels have been formally defined for issuing different kinds of permits?
Yes No Not Applicable
2. Non Routine Jobs
2. Non Routine jobs which can be carried out without a permit have been formally approved by the
site leader and the list is readily available?
Yes No Not Applicable
3. Coverage
a. Allnon-routine jobs (other than point 2 above) are carried out under a permit?
Yes No Not Applicable
4, PTW Format
a. All sections of the PTW formats are filled and correct formats are used for all the jobs?
Yes No Not Applicable
5, Pre-Issue Risk Assessment
a. Hazards are identified by site visit before issue of permits, and a method statement is provided
for for high risk tasks?
Yes No Not Applicable
6. Isolationa. Necessary electrical isolation / process isolation / service isolation has been carried out?
Yes No Not Applicable
7. Safety Devices
€@. Adequate PPE and tools have been provided?
Yes No Not Applicable
8. Supervision
a. Adequate supervision is available?
Yes No Not Applicable
9. Authorization
2. Permits are properly authorized and validity is maintained?
Yes No Not Applicable
10. Instructions.
a. Adequate instructions have been given to people carrying out the tasks?
Yes No Not Applicable
a, Adequate instructions have been given to people carrying out the tasks?
Yes No Not Applicable
11. Closure
2. Permits are closed after completion of tasks?
Yes No Not Applicable
12. Sign-Off
Add signature