Notice Inviting e - TENDER (N I T) : (A Grant-in-Aid Institute Under The Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Notice Inviting e - TENDER (N I T) : (A Grant-in-Aid Institute Under The Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Notice Inviting e - TENDER (N I T) : (A Grant-in-Aid Institute Under The Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Dates of availability of Tender On 23/10/2020 from 14.00 hrs
Documents for view and to 27/11/2020 – upto 11.00 hrs
download on website
Due date and time of closing of on 27/11/2020 – till 17.30 hrs
online submission of tenders and
submission of hard copies:
Pre-bid Meeting On 06/11/2020 at 3.00 pm in PS-334 Mini Auditorium,
Paymaster Shodhika, ACTREC
All sealed envelopes should be superscribed with tender number, name of the equipment, due date
of the tender. Properly sealed envelopes should reach at “ Purchase Office, room number PS 313,
3 rd floor, Pay Master Shodhika, ACTREC, Navi Mumbai 410210 on or before the due date and time
for closing the tender as mentioned above.
Submission of only the hard copies; but not uploading the e-tender bid documents online on website on or before the due date and time shall disqualify the
tender/bid. Similarly, uploading the e-tender bid documents online on
website on or before the due date and time; but failing to submit EMD Demand draft or receipt of
EMD DD on or before the due date and time shall disqualify the tender.
Following documents are attached herewith as a part of NIT:
Annexure A Instructions for filling E-Tenders
Annexure F Instructions about filling the Financial Offer form (Part II)
Tenderers/Bidders are requested to read carefully all above mentioned documents (Annex. A to N and
Technical offer form & financial offer form) prior to submission of the e-tender. Information as asked to
be filled in various formats should be properly filled and uploaded along with the technical offer, Part-I
of the tender/bid.
The bidder may contact the following officials for any clarification required:
A. Shri Uday Dandekar, OIC, Common Instrument Room, Dept Tel No : 022-27405000 Extn. 5001
for technical clarification with respect to Tendered technical specifications
B. Deputy Controller of Accounts at Tel No. : 022-27405021 / 5065 for clarification on
commercial/financial terms
C. Purchase Dept at Tel No. : 022-27405000 Extn. 5041, 5302 for e-tender procedure related
clarifications and other tender related queries.
ACTREC shall not be responsible in any manner for whatsoever reasons, for delayed upload of the
tender/late submission of the tender/late submission of the envelope containing EMD Demand
draft /EMD receipt after the due date and time.
Annexure A
Instructions for filling E-Tenders
1. Before filling up the e-tender, read all instructions, tender terms and conditions properly. These
are also available on ACTREC website The contract of supply will be governed by
these terms and conditions. Your digital signature will be indicative that you have read and accepted
all the conditions and undertake to abide by these conditions unless specifically denied/mentioned
by you in your offer.
1.1 On behalf of DIRECTOR, ACTREC, TATA MEMORIAL CENTRE, Sector No.22, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai-
410210 (hereinafter referred to as the Purchaser) invites electronic tenders(e-tender) for the
supply of item as set forth in the “Notice Inviting Tender” and “Item Details/Technical offer form”
page and “Financial Rate Page screen/Financial offer form” is attached with each electronic
tender. The contract, if placed, shall be governed by (i) the latest version of TMC-ACTREC terms
and conditions of Contract, (ii) Instructions to tenderer’s for e-tenders (iii) General and special
conditions which are available at the respective links on the TMC-ACTREC e-procurement site and
1.2 It will be presumed that the firms who have submitted the e-bid along with tender cost, tender
processing fee, EMD and have gone through all the terms and conditions of tender thoroughly and
accept TMC conditions of contract, and there is no deviations in their quotations.
2.0 E-Tender NIT documents consist of :
2.1 Manual offers shall NOT be accepted against E-Tenders, even if they are submitted on the Firm’s
letter head/any other form acquired or downloaded and submitted in time. All such manual
offers shall be considered as invalid offers and shall be rejected summarily without any
3.1 Tenders should be duly filled in (on the assigned space), duly signed with the digital signature and
submitted online. All mandatory fields marked with Coloured cells have to be filled by the
3.2 Tenderers must fill-in the Technical offer form, financial offer form and attach scanned copy of
duly filled documents as asked in the NIT.
3.3 All the mandatory fields of the Technical offer form and Financial offer form (i.e. Price Bid)
including basic rate, all taxes and duties (including maximum percentage of GST (SGST / CGST /
IGST) or any other taxes/duties which may become applicable during the currency of the
contract, freight upto destination and any other charges have to be filled up by the vendor. The
unit of rate shall be as indicated in the tender schedule and cannot be altered by the vendor. All
inclusive rates shall be automatically calculated by the system and shown on the vendor before
submission of offer.
3.4 Tenderers should show discount in the rate schedule only, instead of anywhere else in the offer.
Discounts not shown at designated place will be summarily ignored for assigning inter-se ranking
of offers. Conditional discount will not be considered for adjudging the inter-se position i.e. rate
quoted without any conditions attached(viz. Discount/Rebates having linkages to quantity,
payment, inspection agency, destination, delivery place etc.) will only be considered for evaluation
purpose. In other words, discounted rates linked to quantities, prompt payment etc. will be
ignored for determining inter-se position. Purchaser, however reserves the right to use the
discounted rate/rates considered workable and appropriate, for counter offer to the successful
3.5 Tenders should show discount in % in the discount column and conditional discount will not be
3.6 Tenderer should accept all TMC-ACTREC conditions of contract. Any condition not in conformity
with TMC-ACTREC conditions of contract should be avoided.
3.7 Delivery is required to be made to the Stores Department, ACTREC after due Security check. Any
deviation from the same may be considered as commercially unresponsive and the offer is liable
to be ignored.
3.8 Manufacturer’s name and address and Brand of the stores offered must be stated. Otherwise
offers are liable to be rejected.
3.9 Offers should be valid for 180 days after closing date of tender. Any offer having lesser validity
shall be deemed as commercially unresponsive and will be liable to be ignored.
3.11 Tenderers must clearly indicate whether they are registered with TMC and enrolled with website for supplying the quoted item. Enrollment details are
available on> Home Page > Downloads > General Guidelines for
3.12 The Tenderers are required to quote in the same rate units (Numbers /Kgs./Sets /Mtrs /Boxes
etc) as given in the tender schedule. Any deviation in this aspect will make the offer to be
summarily ignored.
It is the vendor’s responsibility to submit all relevant and applicable documents as the case may be .
The offer shall be technically evaluated only if all the relevant and applicable documents are
uploaded, failing which TMC-ACTREC reserves the right the reject the offer.
5. Filling the compliance form :
Vendors are advised to complete the “Compliance column” mentioned in the Technical Offer Form.
Compliance column may be filled with relevant data, figures, range etc. as applicable. Do not just
mention "YES / NO / Complied”
6.1 E-tender with the relevant documents must be uploaded and digitally signed with the digital
signature of the preauthorized personnel of the tenderer already registered with the Digital signature used must be Class III with obtained from
G.O.I. approved Certifying Authority.
6.2 Tenderers must look out for NIT as soon as it is available in website and website upload their offer well in advance without waiting for
closing date and time to avoid last minute hassles in their own computer system or
communication line. ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre is not responsible for non-participation of
vendors due to any technical problems on the day of tender closing time.
6.3 Bids received only in the form of electronic mode available on the web site
/DAE will be considered.
6.4 The e-procurement system does not permit submission of any offer after the closing date and
time of that e-tender. Hence there is no scope of any Late/delayed offers in the online bidding
7.1 Electronic mode (e-tenders) will be opened only after stipulated closing date and time of the tender
as shown on the website.
7.2 a) Vendor shall not be required to be present at ACTREC office for any e-Tender opening process.
They can obtain totally transparent bid tabulation statement by logging on the website after tender opening.
b) Date and Time of Opening Part II of the bid (financial bid) shall be intimated to the technically
shortlisted vendor through corrigendum via website.
7.3 All the participating vendors who have submitted valid electronic offers (e-tenders) can view their
own offer details as well as the tender tabulation statement by clicking status button.
7.4 TMC-ACTREC does not guarantee opening of the tenders immediately after the closing date and
time due to reasons beyond its control and hence tenders may also be opened after the due date
and time. It will however be ensured that no offers are submitted after tender closing date and
time vendors cannot submit/modify any offer or attach any file to it after the closing date and
time as stipulated in the tender notice. System does not permit any alternation, modification,
deletion of any entry or condition, offered by the tenderer in the e-tender, after closure of the
virtual date and time.
7.5 Officer authorized on behalf of the Director, TMC/ ACTREC does not bind himself/ herself to accept
the lowest or any other offer and reserves the right to cancel, reduce or divide the contract on more
than one source without assigning any reason for such action
Annexure B
Eligibility criteria for the tenderer/Bidder
Tenderers/Bidders confirming the following criteria will be eligible to participate in the e-tender
Bids of tenderers/bidders not confirming to any of the above mentioned criteria are liable to be
Annexure C
2. The tender validity is shorter than the required period as asked in the tender.
3. Required EMD and tender fee has not been submitted. ( except for those bidders registered under
NSIC/SSI/MSME, who are exempted from tender fee and EMD as per prevailing rules)
4. Tenderers registered under NSIC/SSI/MSME who has not submitted EMD and Tender fee, but has
not uploaded copy of registration certificate with NSIC/SSI/MSME.
5. The tenderer has quoted for goods without a valid certificate of authorization.
6. The tenderer has not agreed to give the required security deposit/performance bond as asked in the
7. Against a schedule in the list of requirement, the tenderer has not quoted for the entire
requirement as specified in the schedule.
10. The tenderer who has furnished incomplete, incorrect or misleading information.
11. At the time of opening of technical bid Part-I, if a tenderer has included price or any other charges
in Part-I or has failed to submit /upload Part-II separately .
12. The tenderer not fully complying to the warranty and AMC clauses as per tender terms.
13. The Bidder must have their Head office/Branch office in Mumbai/Navi Mumbai/Thane and must
conform to norms of the Government pertaining to registration and taxation.
14. The Bidder must have infrastructure for providing services for maintenance of computers. The detail
of the same shall be furnished in Technical Bid.
15. There must be Service Centre of OEM in Mumbai/Navi Mumbai/Thane Region and the details of the
same shall be furnished in Technical Bid.
16. The bidder must be authorised by the OEM whose product is quoted for this tender enquiry. The
Authorization of the OEM shall be furnished in original in the format given in the Tender and
furnished in the Technical Bid.
17. Bidder must have minimum three years’ experience of supply of Computers to Government
Departments/PSUs/Autonomous organizations and should not have been blacklisted by any of
them. (Pl attached proof).
19. The Bidder shall be capable to execute the order and must have experience of supplying the
computers to Government Departments/PSUs/Autonomous organizations in similar quantity. In this
regard, Three Purchase Orders each of Rs. 30 Lakh or above received from above
departments/organisations in last three consecutive Financial Year with proof of supply and
installation shall be furnished in Technical Bid.
20. Bidder must have minimum turnover of Rs.5 Crore during each of the last three consecutive
financial years.
Annexure D
1. The tenderer/bidder should furnish complete contact details such as recent phone nos., mobile
nos., email id, mailing address, office address which will be in operation for a period of two
years. TMC-ACTREC will send all communication preferably by e-mail. Non receipt of
communication will not be our responsibility. So renderer must ensure correct and operational
email ID and fax Nos. If any changes in contact details then ensure to submit to TMC-ACTREC.
2. The successor / heirs in office will be responsible for the liabilities created by the tenderer /
bidder in respect to the item / services offered by tenderer/bidder
3. The tenderer/bidder will be under obligation to upload the technical specifications &
Compliance of the specified item as asked in the tender documents
4. A complete product catalogue, literature/publication/user information paper should be
uploaded / submitted along with the Technical Bid along with the design, drawing etc. including
the weight, volume and size of the equipment.
5. The tenderer/bidder may separately quote and submit for other variants including those which
are working in progress and likely to be marketed in the next couple of years, if they satisfy the
tender specifications/requirement for the specified item / equipment.
6. The tenderer/bidder will also have to certify that the equipment proposed to be supplied is not
obsolete and that no new variants are likely to be marketed in the next 2 years.
7. The tenderer/bidder will be under obligation to provide training free of charge to the person/s
deputed by the hospital for learning of operations and techniques and maintenance thereof in
India or abroad as the case may be.
8. Compliance of National standards of the country of origin of the manufacturer should be
certified by the tenderer/bidder.
9. The risk of loss in transit of the goods / services shall be the responsibility of the
10. The tenderer/bidder will be solely responsible for the activities if found fraudulent on the part of
principal to cheat or swindling the Indian public by way of advance payment or breach of terms
and condition of L/C established for import of tendered item.
11. The tenderer/bidder will be responsible for abiding the international laws including rules
relating to package etc. applicable to the item / services offered by the tenderer/bidder.
12. The tenderer/bidder will be responsible for ensuring that the international standards before the
consignment of the item is dispatched from the godown of manufacturer of foreign origin to
deliver into India at the place of the user.
13. The tenderer/bidder will be responsible for safe transit of the goods under proper goods
insurance coverage and under standard conditions.
14. The tenderer/bidder should have a team comprising of experts of the line for erection,
installation, commissioning and maintenance of the equipment/article tendered for use in the
public interest.
15. Turnkey – Turnkey Site preparation requirements (wherever applicable) will be discussed after
finalizing equipment with the vendor. Vendor to inspect the site before submitting the offer.
Vendor to specify the scope considered. Scope should be supported with architectural interior
and services drawings.
16. The tenderer/bidder should inform in advance to the Institute about the requirement for the
erection, installation and commissioning indicating the additional amount of
charges/expenditure by the bidder. A separate turnkey proposal shall be submitted if the
supplier undertakes to modify the existing infrastructure to suit the installation of the proposed
equipment. In normal course the letter of intent will include the costs of the equipment and it’s
17. The tenderer/bidder will be responsible for all the consequences legal or administrative with
regard to the persons involved in erection, installation, commissioning & maintenance for
compensation in case of any damage occurred to them while execution of the work.
18. The tenderer/bidder will be under obligation to intimate to institute in advance about the
assistance to be extended by the institute without involvement of expenditure or at the cost of
the bidder in connection with the process of erection installation and commissioning.
19. The tenderer/bidder is responsible for installation and commissioning of the equipment without
damaging infrastructural image/face of our building/installation site. Temporary destruction and
re-construction of existing structure in connection with the site preparation and installation of
the equipment will be the vendor’s responsibility. Charges/expenses involved for the same shall
be borne by the supplier. If any damage takes place while the work is in progress, from any
cause whatever or if any defect, shrinkage or other faults appear in the work, the
tenderer/bidder shall make good the same at his own cost.
20. The tenderer/bidder should obtain clearance from structural consultant before starting the
work (wherever applicable).
21. The installation certificate will have to be issued by the team of the experts and it should be
countersigned by the user or Authorized person and the date on which such certificate is
counter signed by will be the date from which period of warranty commence.
22. The successful tenderer/bidder will have to enter into an Agreement for the contract of supply,
installation, commissioning and maintenance of the equipment including the supply and
availability of the spare parts.
23. Successful tenderer/bidder will be issued with a Letter of Intent (which will be followed by a
Purchase Order) if required and such bidder will be under the obligation to submit the
Performance Guarantee for the stipulated period of warranty and the maintenance period by
way of either deduction from the Invoice not exceeding to 10% or by way of submission of Bank
Guarantee bond for the like amount.
24. The Indian agent / supplier shall be under obligation to ensure that the delivery of the item /
equipment shall be treated as completed only on installation of the equipment on site/place
decided by ACTREC and commissioning is done at the entire satisfaction of the authorized
officer / user scientist. In case the equipment or the item is to be shifted from the place on
which it was off-loaded to the site of installation & commissioning, it shall be the responsibility
of the agency and no cost in this regard shall be payable by ACTREC.
25. The principal supplier or their Indian agent shall be responsible for making the consumable /
spares available throughout the life of the equipment at the prescribed discounted rate as may
be mutually agreed by the user and denial or non-supply of required consumable / spares shall
render the Indian agent liable for liquidated damages under the contract.
26. Complete and detailed information should be provided in respect of each point specified in the
technical specifications. Technical bids that are not complying the tendered technical
specifications in any respect are liable to be rejected.
27. If the tenderer/bidder is not capable of quoting particular item/ items, tenderer/bidder should
clearly mention in the Technical bid (Part I) in the compliance report.
28. The tenderer/bidder has been authorized to inspect the site for installation of the equipment
without payment of visiting fees to the Institute before submitting its tender, if found necessary,
with prior permission.
29. If any dispute arises out of the transaction in any manner that shall be resolved by the sole
arbitration which shall be appointed by the Director, ACTREC and in case such person is not
acceptable to the supplier, Director-TMC shall be the final and sole arbitrator who shall
undertake the exercise of arbitration to resolve the dispute and such award as may be given by
Director-TMC shall be final and binding on both the parties.
30. The Indian supplier on behalf of its Principal supplier / manufacturer of foreign origin shall be
under obligation to inform the user from time to time about the innovations / changes made by
the manufacturing company in the technique or the program of software to be used in the
equipment by way of advancement and will be free to suggest for adoption of the changes at
the lowest expenditure as may be acceptable to the users.
31. The damages if occurred to the item / equipment during transit up to its installation and
commissioning shall be taken care by the supplier / Indian agent either himself or through
second party obligation by way of goods insurance to be arranged with a reputed goods
insurance company preferably Indian company. In case an insurance policy taken from
insurance company of foreign origin that shall be the responsibility of the supplier / agent and
no obligation will be there on the part of the purchaser and every step whatever is required to
be taken shall be initiated and taken by the agent. The vendor has to arrange Insurance till
installation and commissioning of the equipment.
32. Forfeiture of the E.M.D.: If for any reason whatsoever any renderer/bidder withdraws his bid at
any time prior to expiry of the validity period or after issue of the Letter of Intent/ Work Order,
Purchase Order, refuses to execute the Work Order / Purchase order or furnish the Security
Deposit and Performance Guarantee for faithful performance of the contract within the
stipulated time, the amount of E.M.D. is liable to be forfeited by ACTREC.
33. Those tenderer/bidder who have paid Security Deposit / Performance Bank Guarantee must be
taken back by the vendor within 3 months of expiry period. If not collected within 3 months the
expired Bank Guarantee shall be destroyed.
34. Refund of E.M.D.
The Original E.M.D. receipt along with written request letter needs to be submitted in the
Purchase Department for Refund of E.M.D.
a) EMD of the successful tenderer/bidder shall be refunded after the security deposit as called
for the contract is furnished.
b) EMD furnished by all unsuccessful tenderer/bidder will be returned as early as possible after
the expiry date of validity of their offer but not later than 30 days of award of the contract.
35. The tenderer/bidder having their warehouses/service centre and facilitation centre in the city of
Navi Mumbai / Mumbai will be desirable and advantageous for attending the calls to reduce the
36. The Director, ACTREC reserves the right of cancellation, adding, reducing or deferring the
purchase without assigning any reason thereof and claim in this behalf in any way shall not be
tenable for compensation in one way or the other. In such case the bidder will be refunded with
the earnest money deposit without any payment of interest. The Director, ACTREC, on enquiry ,
will disclose the reasons for rejecting a tender or non issuing a tender document.
Annexure E
misleading or wrong information are liable to be rejected. All technical claims should be printed
in the technical brochure of the equipment.
10. Literature/Certificate containing the information of the life of the equipment should be
submitted. This criteria is very important and to be noted as a special condition for the tender
11. The replacement of defective parts during the warranty period shall be the sole responsibility of
the supplier and the Indian agent will be solely responsible for replacement at their cost
including the down time liquidation damage, customs duty, octroi if applicable etc. be noted as
a special condition of the tender.
12. Replacement of 10% of spare parts in a period of first year will amount to the supply of
defective equipment and the Principal Company / Indian agent shall be under obligation to
replace the entire equipment at their cost. However, the Institute will facilitate the import by
way of utilizing its license for Custom Duty Exemption the rest of the expenditure including
transport, insurance & freight etc. shall be borne by the Indian agent. Therefore, this important
condition may be noted as a special condition of the tender.
13. If the equipment is repaired under warranty by replacing any spare part and later if re-
occurrence of problem of same nature occurs and need for replacement of same spare part
arises, it is also should be covered under warranty.
14. The lowest financial offer amongst the technically qualified offers will only be considered for
further process.
15. To arrive at L1 vendor/ lowest offerer – Total cost of the goods inclusive of all items as per
mentioned in the scope of supply, inclusive of all applicable duties/ taxes/ transportation
charges, installation charges, other statutory levies and inclusive of cost towards Warranty, AMC
and cost of services towards one resident engineer at ACTREC for 3 years as per tender terms
(after subtracting buyback charges (if any, wherever applicable, if mentioned in the NIT).
Exchange rate will be taken at the prevailing rate of Custom Exchange import rate of the month
of opening of financial bids.
16. Buyback price is also taken into account while calculating L1, if specifically asked for. Buyback
price should be quoted separately so that in case of a decision not to buyback any of them the
same can be effected. TMC reserves the right to accept buyback for all or any of the existing
equipments. (If applicable)
17. Network – The requirement of network facility is different for every equipment. Please attach
the separate annexure as per the requirement of installation site and vendors to visit the site
before submission of tender documents. We need open network facility that has free talk with
all available machines.(If applicable)
18. TMC – ACTREC reserves the right to purchase all OR any of the quantities tendered.
19. Rules & regulations of TMC will be part of contract.
Following terms and conditions may also be included in the purchase order to be issued to the
successful bidder to whom the contract shall be awarded:
1. Initiation of warranty period shall begin from the date of successful installation and
commissioning of the equipment. 2 numbers of Preventive maintenance visits and breakdown
visits as and when needed should be undertaken during warranty and subsequent AMC/CMC
2. The replacement of defective parts during the warranty period shall be the sole responsibility of
the manufacturer /supplier /Indian agent. They will be solely responsible for replacement at
their cost including the down time liquidation damage, customs duty, octroi if applicable etc.
3. Replacement of 10% of spare parts in a period of first year or repeated replacement of same
spare parts shall amount to the supply of defective equipment and the Principal Company /
Indian agent shall be under obligation to replace the entire equipment at their cost. However,
the Institute will facilitate the import by way of utilizing its license for Custom Duty Exemption
the rest of the expenditure including transport, insurance & freight etc. shall be borne by the
manufacturer /supplier /Indian agent.
4. Unpacking and Shifting the consignment from the unloading site to the installation site shall be
in the scope of supply. Successful bidder shall take responsibility to lift/shift the consignment
from the point of unloading at ACTREC to the installation site. Additional manpower or
machinery, if needed for shifting/lifting etc, has to arrange by the bidder at no additional cost to
5. Installation,Testing ,Commissioning and Training shall be provided by the Manufacturer or its
authorized representative. Complete system inclusive of accessories, attachments, computers,
softwares etc. should be installed, tested for its performance as per manufacturer's
SOP/guidelines and demonstrated to the Institute's Users. In depth training should be provided
to the Institute's users for maintenance, usage and applications.
6. Standard Payment Terms:
For import items:
Through Unconfirmed Irrevocable letter of credit (LC)
a) 90% against delivery and balance 10% on satisfactory installation and commissioning of the
b) 10% Performance Bank Guarantee should be given which should be valid till at least two
months beyond the expiry date of warranty period specified in the purchase order.
For Local items – payment in INR:
Payment within 60 days after satisfactory installation and commissioning of the equipment
7. Uptime Guarantee period:
The supplier and/or its Indian agent will be required to give the guarantee towards the
performance of the equipment during the warranty period and in case of comprehensive annual
maintenance contract period for maintaining the equipment in good working condition for a
period of at least 347 days out of a period of 365 days a year (i.e. 95% uptime). The eight hours
non-functioning of the equipment will be considered as one day down time. Essential period to
shut down the installation entirely or partially shall also be included in the down time while
calculating the 95% guaranteed uptime. If the number of days downtime in each period of 365
days is more than the downtime permissible (which is to be calculated as defined above), The
supplier / agent shall be required to pay a penalty for every day 0.1% of the invoice value per
day. The delay for not bringing the equipment in functioning order in any way, directly or even
partially will be attributable to the firm.
8. Liquidated damages : In event of failure to supply within the stipulated delivery period as per
mentioned in the purchase order, the purchaser reserves the right to levy liquidated damages
@ 2% per month or part thereof for the delayed supplies.
Annexure F
1. The detailed price of the equipment should be quoted in Financial offer Part -II of the tender :
a) Ex-works cost of the equipment/equipments for entire quantity as per scope of supply.
b) F.O.B. cost (including handling, inland freight & documentation charges) of the entire
equipment/equipments as per scope of supply
c) The freight & insurance charges (up to installation, commissioning and testing).
d) Total amount of the equipment/equipments on CIP basis, DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid)/
DDP - ACTREC Kharghar.
e) Installation & commissioning charges, if any, should be separately indicated.
f) The delivery period of the equipment and the time required for installation / commissioning
of the equipment must be mentioned.
g) The tender of the offer would be CIP/CIF/DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) / DDP – ACTREC,
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai as per the International Commercial Terms, applicable at present.
All essential spares, consumables, labour and any other incidental costs required for
delivering the equipment up to the site of installation and for the startup of the equipment
must be included in the commercial bid.
2. Format of the financial offer form ( in EXCEL FORMAT) is provided on the tender-wizard website.
Bidders are required to fill in the relevant information as per instructions given in the financial
offer form.
3. In addition to filling the financial offer form, A financial bid in the PDF format should be
uploaded by the bidder. Figures of both financial offer form and financial bid in PDF format
should match. If any discrepancy is observed, figures mentioned in the financial offer form
(in EXCEL format) shall prevail.
4. In the price bid/financial offer form, tenderer/bidder should ensure to quote the prices in the
prescribed format. In the price bid, only figures should be typed without using any separators,
commas, other signs, letters, etc.
5. If a tenderer/bidder states /quotes wording such as ‘N.A’. or ‘—‘ or ‘N/A’ or ‘Not Applicable’
or “Nil” charges etc in price bid, then the bid shall be treated as unresponsive and will not be
considered. (as per Rule 160 (xiv) of General Financial Rules 2005 vide DAE letter No.
1/5(3)/2012-Budget/ 2483 dated February 20, 2014).
3. Warranty & post warranty AMC :
1. Vendors are required to provide warranty as per mentioned in the technical offer Part-I.
Initiation of warranty shall begin from the date of successful installation and commissioning of
the equipment.
2. Warranty period and terms of warranty including accessories, details of preventive / periodic
maintenance, frequency and task description must be specified.
3. 2 numbers of Preventive maintenance visits and breakdown visits as and when needed should
be undertaken during warranty and free AMC period.
4. Vendors should offer AMC or CMC as per asked in the technical offer form part-I
5. Tenderer should clearly indicate compliance to these terms in the technical bid(part-I) . Tenders
not confirming to the clause are liable to be rejected
4. Validity : The tendered offer must remain valid at least for a period of six months (180 days)
from the date of the opening of the tender.
5 Mode of Payment : The preferable mode of payment should be indicated clearly. In most of the
cases of indigenous supply in our Institute release of payment in Indian rupees within 30 days of
successful installation and commissioning of the supplied equipment and in the case of
imported items the payment is made through “Unconfirmed Irrevocable Letter of credit” /
“Sight Draft” through nationalized bank of India, as the case may be.
Payment Terms:
a) 90% against delivery and balance 10% on satisfactory installation of the equipment.
b) 10% Performance Bank Guarantee should be given which should be valid till at least two
months beyond the expiry date of warranty period specified in the purchase order.
c) Payment towards resident service engineer will be quarterly in arrears.
6. Uptime Guarantee period:
The supplier and/or its Indian agent will be required to give the guarantee towards the
performance of the equipment during the warranty period and in case of comprehensive annual
maintenance contract period for maintaining the equipment in good working condition for a
period of at least 347 days out of a period of 365 days a year (i.e. 95% uptime) 24X7. The eight
hours non-functioning of the equipment will be considered as one day down time. Essential
period to shut down the installation entirely or partially shall also be included in the down time
while calculating the 95% guaranteed uptime. If the number of days downtime in each period of
365 days is more than the downtime permissible (which is to be calculated as defined above),
The supplier / agent shall be required to pay a penalty for every day 0.1% of the invoice value
per day. The delay for not bringing the equipment in functioning order in any way, directly or
even partially will be attributable to the firm. The bidder should provide the details of
preventive maintenance to be undertaken through the year. The bills should be raised every
month and will be paid every quarterly.
7. Spares parts :
The supplier / Indian agent will be under obligation to provide the price list of all the spare parts
required to be replaced after warranty period and should certify that the rates indicated in the
price list shall be applicable for the period of 5 years after the warranty period.
8. Consumables :
a. Consumables as may be required for installation, commissioning, start up and trial runs shall be
supplied by the supplier with the equipment without any extra charges.
b. The price list of such consumables which shall be required for running of the equipment
thereafter shall be submitted with validity for the period of 5 years.
9. Liquidated damages : In event of failure to supply within the stipulated delivery period, the
purchaser reserves the right to levy liquidated damages @ 2% per month or part thereof for the
delayed supplies.
10. The amount / rate of taxes as may be levied should be indicated separately in the financial offer.
11. The term “without charges or free of cost” will imply as providing goods or services to the
purchaser at no extra charges/cost including tax liability thereon and that the Octroi exemption
will not be provided.
Annexure G
Plot No.1& 2, Sector No.22, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai – 410210
State: Maharashtra, INDIA
E-Mail (recent)
Tel. No & Mobile No. (recent)
Fax (recent)
Name of the person authorized to deal /
undertake business for and on behalf of
the bidder
Tel. No & Mobile No. (Recent)
Fax (Recent)
E-Mail (Recent)
Legal entity of the bidder whether Firm /
Society / Company / Other entity
a. Registration No.
Name of the Principal Organization /
Company for and on behalf working in
Import / Export Code No.
Certified that the above information is correct & true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. Nothing has been concealed and fabricated and in case any information is found
incorrect. I, the under signatory will be personally responsible.
Annexure H
To be printed & executed on Letter head of the principal supplier/manufacturer of the equipment of
foreign origin
It is also certified that our representation and operations in India is done & executed by
M/s. _________________________________________ which is a organization constituted under the
provisions of _____________________________ and having their registered office at
________________________________________ who has been fully authorized by us to act as our
representative in whole or part of India to deal, undertake, participate in the business proceedings,
quote rate for supply, installation, testing and commissioning, after sales services of our products /
equipments and their spare parts together with consumables and procure purchase orders to pass to us
on such rates and conditions as may be negotiated by them for and on behalf of us.
The Indian agent M/s. ___________________________________ has also been authorized to provide
after sales services, supply spare parts and consumables on the authorized rates as indicated in the price
list of the company for the period of the currency of warranty and annual maintenance contract
thereafter for a period of 5 years. They have also been authorized to negotiate the rate for allowing
special discount to the hospital.
Annexure J
I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complet. If the transaction is delayed or not
effected at all for reasons of incomplete information, I would not hold the user institution responsible. I
agree to discharge the responsibilies as a participant under the scheme.
Certified that the particulars furnished above are correct as per our records.
Note : Xerox copy of cheque may be attached, without which the form will not be accepted.
Annexure K
Format of Notary affidavit on Non- Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.100/- stating their in as under:-
1. Confirming that no case pending against them in court of law, or that no time they were
penalized by any court of Law or Regulatory Authority.
2. That the firm is never being blacklisted /penalized /defaulted by any government Institution /
Hospitals with in last 5 years.
3. That the firm has deposited up to date Sales Tax and Income Tax. (Upload scan copy of
clearance / Return certificate).
4. That the rates quoted by the firm are the lowest and not higher than the wholesale market
rates /quoted in any other Institution or Hospitals. Rates have been checked by me / us and if
approved I shall supply that items in the specified period.
Annexure L
To be printed & executed on Letter head of the supplier company / Indian agent
The Director,
Advance Centre for Treatment Research & Education in Cancer
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai – 410210.
1. I, the under signatory hereby undertake to supply, install and erect, testing & commission and
maintenance of the equipment namely ____________________________________ for and on
behalf of bidder on agreed terms and conditions as have been stipulated and mentioned in the
Purchase order on acceptance of my offer for the above equipment / item.
2. I, the undersigned also hereby undertake to assure and promise to provide the spare parts
within reasonable time for operation of the aforesaid equipment without any charge during the
warranty period of 2 years and thereafter I will make available all the spare parts and
consumables on the agreed price during the period of annual maintenance contract at least for
the period of 5 years from the date of completion of the warranty period at the negotiated rate
allowing discount on the price list of the company, authenticated copy of which will be
submitted for your record.
3. Further also, I undertake to assure and promise to provide technical operational training to the
scientific and technical staff members of the user Institute without any charge after
commissioning of the equipment and condition thereof. In case training experts are not
available in India the necessary operational training not exceeding to one week shall be
arranged by the manufacturing company of the equipment in the manufacturing / assembling
unit of the equipment in the foreign country of origin.
Annexure M
To be printed & executed on Letter head of the supplier company / Indian agent
Format of disclosure of existing customers to whom supply of equipment / service made available in
This is also to certify that we have not supplied above named equipment to any of the users in India at
the cost less than the price quoted by us to Director, ACTREC, within the period of last six months.
Annexure N
"I have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares
a land border with India; I certify that this bidder is not from such a country or, if from such a country,
has been registered with the Competent Authority. I hereby certify that this bidder fulfills all
requirements in this regard and is eligible to be considered. [Where applicable, evidence of valid
registration by the Competent Authority shall be attached.]"