TRunkey Example
TRunkey Example
TRunkey Example
Tender Document
Tender is invited for below mentioned work in single stage two cover
system i.e Request for Pre-Qualification/ Technical Bid (online Bid under
BOQ/Technical Envelope) and Request for Financial Bid (Comprising of price
bid Proposal under online available Commercial Envelope):-
Sno Description of EMD to Tender Duration Tender Document
work/Items be Document Download and Bid
deposite Fee & E- Preparation/Submission
d by Service
Bidder Fee(Rs.)
Start Date Expiry
RFP for Design, 5,00,000/- 1180+1000 3 years 11.01.2025 03.02.2025
1. Development =2180 upto 12:00
Maintenance of PM
existing website
and backend
portal for
Tender will be opened (to be intimated later.
The detail tender notice and tender document can be seen
onWebsite:https://etenders.hry.nic.inand download online from the
alPossession of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and registration of the
contractors on the portal i.ehttp://etenders.hry.nic.inis a pre requisite
for e-tendering
For any other queries please contact EE-HQ, Municipal Corporation
Gurugram or Manager IT 9996823014 EMAIL ID -
As the Bids are to be submitted online and are required to be encrypted
and digitally signed, the Bidders are advised, obtain Digital Signature
Certificate (DSC) at the earliest for further details, the bidders should
follow“ instructions to the Bidders”, given in DNIT on the above said
e-Tender is invited for below mentioned work in single stage two cover
system i.e. Request for Pre-Qualification/Technical Bid (online Bid under
PQQ/ Technical Envelope) and Request for Financial Bid (comprising of
price bid Proposal under online available Commercial Envelope)
Sr Description of EMD to be Tender Start Date Pre-Bid Expiry Date
.N work/Items deposited Docume &Time of Meeting &Time of
o by Bidder nt Fee Bid Bid
&eServi Preparation Preparation
ce &Submission &Submissio
Fee(Rs.) n
RFP for Design, 1180+100 11.01.25 20.01.25 03.02.25
1. 5,00,000 0 =2180 at 11:00
Development and Upto 12:00
Maintenance of
existing website and
backend portal for
Instructions to bidder on Electronic Tendering System
All the bidders intending to participate in the tenders process online are
required to get registered on the centralized e - Procurement Portal i.e. Please visit the website for more details.
2. Obtaining a Digital Certificate:
2.1 The Bids submitted online should be encrypted and signed electronically
with a Digital Certificate to establish the identity of the bidder bidding
online. These Digital Certificates are issued by an Approved Certifying
Authority, by the Controller of Certifying Authorities, Government of India.
2.2 A Digital Certificate is issued upon receipt of mandatory identity (i.e.
Applicant’s PAN Card) and Address proofs and verification form duly attested
by the Bank Manager / Post Master / Gazetted Officer. Only upon the receipt
of the required documents, a digital certificate can be issued. For more
details please visit the website –
2.3 The bidders may obtain III digital signature certificate from any Certifying
Authority or Sub-certifying Authority authorized by the Controller of
Certifying Authorities or may obtain information and application format and
documents required for the issue of digital certificate from.
2.4 The bidder must ensure that he/she comply by the online available
important guidelines at the portal for
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) including the e-Token carrying DSCs.
2.5 Bid for a particular tender must be submitted online using the digital
certificate (Encryption & Signing), which is used to encrypt and sign the data
during the stage of bid preparation. In case, during the process of a
particular tender, the user loses his digital certificate (due to virus attack,
hardware problem, operating system or any other problem) he will not be
able to submit the bid online. Hence, the users are advised to keep a
backup of the certificate and also keep the copies at safe place under
proper security (for its use in case of emergencies).
2.6 In case of online tendering, if the digital certificate issued to the authorized
user of a firm is used for signing and submitting a bid, it will be considered
equivalent to a no-objection certificate /power of attorney / lawful
authorization to that User. The firm has to authorize a specific individual
through an authorization certificate signed by all partners to use the digital
certificate as per Indian Information Technology Act 2000. Unless the
certificates are revoked, it will be assumed to represent adequate authority
of the user to bid on behalf of the firm in the department tenders as per
Information Technology Act 2000. The digital signature of this authorized
user will be binding on the firm.
2.7 In case of any change in the authorization, it shall be the responsibility of
management / partners of the firm to inform the certifying authority about
the change and to obtain the digital signatures of the new person / user on
behalf of the firm / company. The procedure for application of a digital
certificate however will remain the same for the new user.
2.8 The same procedure holds true for the authorized users in a private/Public
limited company. In this case, the authorization certificate will have to be
signed by the directors of the company.
Online Viewing of Detailed Notice Inviting Tenders:
The bidders can view the detailed N.I.T and the time schedule (Key Dates)
for all the tenders floated through the single portal e-Procurement system
on the Home Page at
The bidders are strictly advised to follow dates and times as indicated in the
online Notice Inviting Tenders. The date and time shall be binding on all
bidders. All online activities are time tracked and the system enforces time
locks that ensure that no activity or transaction can take place outside the
start and end dates and the time of the stage as defined in the online Notice
Inviting Tenders.
Online Payment of Tender Document Fee, eService fee , EMD fees & Bid
Preparation & Submission (PQQ/ Technical & Commercial/Price Bid):
i) Online Payment of Tender Document Fee + e-Service fee: The payment for
Tender document fee, eService Fee & EMD will be made through online
payment gateway.
documents may be downloaded from e-procurement website
( and tender mandatorily be submitted online.
Scan copy of Documents to be submitted/uploaded for Prequalification or
Technical bid under online PQQ/ Technical Envelope: The required
documents (refer to DNIT) shall be prepared and scanned in pdf formats and
uploaded during the on-line submission of PQQ or Technical Envelope.
OfficeTimingsofHelp-desksupport : - T h e d e t a i l s a r e m e n t i o n e d o n
Web site.
Eligibility Criteria:
To be considered qualified for opening of Price Proposal, each Bidder should meet
Technical Proposal Evaluation Criteria specified hereunder.
S Criteria (100 Marks) Marks Evidence
1 Legal Entity 5 marks Valid Certificate
Attach copies of PAN and GST Registration
2 Cumulative last ten years turnover in 20 Copies of GST Returns
relation with development and maintenance marks duly certified by the
of website and software management with a Chartered Accountant/
cumulative value of 3 crores with one Copy of work orders
project of atleast 1.5 crore. from Central/State
>= 3Cr but < 5 Cr = 10 Government/PSU
>=5 Cr but <7Cr =15 agencies
>7 Cr and above = 20
3 Business Experience 15 Self-certified copy of
<3 years = 0 Marks incorporation
>= 3 but < 5 years = 5
>=5 but <10 years = 10
10 years and above = 15
Commercial Bids will be opened for those bidders who score minimum qualifying
marks in Technical Evaluation i.e. 60% marks
The selection of the bidders, who are technically qualified, will be based on the
Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method in 60:40 ratio. The Technical
Bid Score ‘of the Tenderer shall be the Total Technical Bid Score of the bidder.
The Financial Proposal should contain the total cost of all services, comprising
all items as mentioned under Scope of Work. Formula to determine the scores
for the Commercial Bids shall be as follows
Four bidders A, B, C and D participated in a bidding process and secured 92, 85,
55 and 75 marks respectively in Technical Evaluation. Bidder C was disqualified
for not obtaining minimum qualifying marks that is 60% in the technical
evaluation. For rest of the three bidders, Financial Bids will be evaluated.
Bidder wise financial quote is given below:
Bidder A = ₹ 1,30,000
Bidder B = ₹ 1,20,000
Bidder D = ₹ 1,00,000
Bidder D = 100%
Bidder A = 100000/130000*100 = 76.92
Bidder B = 100000/120000*100 = 83.33
Functionality Requirements:
The website should have but not limited to the following features -
i) The website must be user friendly and self-guiding.
ii) Security of Website: The website should allow secured socket layer. The website
shallbe security audited as and when required by MCG. The cost for the same shall
be borne by MCG. The Vendor needs to take care of all security,malware attacks,
routine updates of plugins, routine backups etc.
iii) Navigation: The navigation system for the website should be intuitive such that
can easily find the required stuff from the website.
iv) Clean and focused design: Our website must be visually appealing, polished and
professional. There should be good use of colour. It should have easily readable
meaningful graphics, quality photography and simplicity in design.
v) Professional Branding: Provide attractive branding to the organisation through
the website.A site must be visually appealing, polished and professional.
vi) Content: Along with style, our website must have substance and complete
vii) Functionality: Each component of our site should work quickly and correctly. It
shouldbe kept simple and well organized. It should have fast-loading pages,
minimal scroll, consistent layout, prominent and logical navigation and descriptive
link text.
viii) Cross-platform/browser compatibility: The website should work for all the
differentkind of browsers and their different versions. It should not break or look
different acrossthe different platforms. Website should be responsive and should
work perfectly andseamlessly on all devices.
ix) Screen Resolution: The screen resolution of the website should be high enough
so thatthe content looks attractive and easily readable.
x) Search Engine Optimized (SEO): The website should be optimized for the search
engine so that it is appearing high in the search results.
xi) Mobile website: The website should be working well when opened from the
mobiledevices and should look attractive in mobile too as many users are using
mobile devicesto browse through the websites.
xii) Good search feature: The website should have good search feature. All the
contentshould be easily searchable from the website itself.
xiii) Import of content: All applicable content should be imported in the website.
xiv) Performance Optimization: Back end performance optimization like DB
structure,query optimization to be done to enhance user experience in term so
fast load times andgood mobile experience.
xv) Loading time: Loading time of the Website should be minimum.
xvi) Visitor count and Google analytics: The Website will have the visitor count,
xvii) Training of the IT Staff: Vendor will provide training to the IT for day-to-day
administration of the website. Training should be free of cost
xviii) Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): The Vendor shall be required to sign the
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with MCG.
xix) The agency shall develop the new functionality/module/any other related
work as and when required by MCG. No additional reimbursement/cost will be paid
for these works.
The website should cover but not limited to the following information:
Contact details for Emergency services,Hierarchy Map, Show Master plan of the
cityShow list of all services along with the application process and URL for the
Online services, whether part of RTS, Timeline as per RTS, DO/FGRA/SGRA details,
details of the upcoming events in the town, Ward wise list of Councillors,
resolutions/Minutes of meetings etc.
Feature to Upload latest notifications, all orders, news articles, tenders etc.,
events, show photographs of various events, relevant acts/rules, contact numbers
and email ids for support ofvarious services/help desk etc, List of 0fficers In charge
for Zones/Wards with theircontact details.
this portal has been integrated with various other internal and external
applications. As a service provider you will also be required to manage, maintain,
upgrade, modify, enhance this portal as and when needed. As of this publication
date, an average of 1.2 lakh unique logged-in users access this application on a
monthly basis.
Some of the key important modules of this portal are detailed as hereunder.
# Module Details
1 Birth Records related services allows naming of child in old records, provide
copies of birth certificated based on payments, correction in birth records
(uses dynamic and comprehensive workflow) & providing non-availability
certificates. Besides being able to query historical records, exports to various
formats etc. Data is stored in bilingual format and allows edits respectively.
2 Death Records related services allows providing of death certificates based on
payments, correction in historical records (users dynamic and comprehensive
workflow) & providing non-availability certificates. Besides being able to query
historical records, exports to various formats etc. Data is stored in bilingual
format and allows edits respectively.
3 House Tax/Property Tax Collection modules has a comprehensive collection
mechanism besides detailed analytics Besides being able to query historical
records, exports to various formats etc. and payments issue resolution.
4 Violation Management module enables field staff and public to report various
violations whether it’s public property defacement or encroachment and
provides an access to related officers to resolve the matter along with built-in
auto escalation mechanism.
5 CSR Projects enables MC and business units to come together and take various
works/services and execute them using CSR funds. A comprehensive module
enabling B2B to connect with workflow and dashboard.
6 C&D Waste modules enables to B2C & B2B to manage C&D waste within city
7 Bandhwari SWM Dump Log enables contractors and MC to monitor MSW being
carried and dumped at landfill site.
8 Grievance Management has historical data that enables resolution to various
historical cases.
h) Property Tax
i) Paymode Wise Collection
j) Property Payment Mode Wise
k) Revenue Summary
l) Shop Rent
m) Application Wise Collection
n) Water Billing Collection
o) Shop Rent,Tahbazari,License Fee
p) Application Status
q) Application Details
r) Building Plans
s) Officer Wise Summary
t) Application Summary
u) Pendency Report
v) Temporary property Report
w) Application Hits Report
x) Cancel G8 Report
y) House Tax Account Head
z) Data For Posting
aa) Defaulter List
bb)CSR Investment
cc) CSR Category
ee) SWM Dump Report
ff) C&D Waste Dump Report
gg) Download Bulk G8
hh) Import Data of Legacy Waste
1. The code and database will be the property of MCG and vendor will hand over the
same to MCG on completion of project/ maintenance period or whenever required
by MCG.
2. The website will be hosted on the servers provided by MCG
3. The website should be functional within one month time from the date of work
avail exemption for EMD amount. The successful bidder has to deposit performance
bank guarantee in shape of G8/BG amounting to 5% of the total cost of the tender
within 15 days after issue of letter of acceptance.
Schedule of payment
General Conditions:
2. Arbitration:
a. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be
resolved amicably through negotiations between the parties.
b. In case the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiations, the decision
of the Commissioner, MCG shall be final and binding on both parties.
c. In case of any court case, the jurisdiction must be Gurgaon only.
3. Force Majeure:
a. Neither party shall be considered in default of its obligations under this
contract to the extent that performance of such obligations is delayed or
prevented by force majeure events. b. Force majeure events include but
are not limited to acts of God, natural disasters, wars, strikes, riots,
government actions ], or any other unforeseeable circumstances beyond the
control of the parties. c. In the event of a force majeure event, the
affected party shall promptly notify the other party in writing, providing
details of the event and its expected impact on the performance of the
contract. d. The affected party shall take all reasonable measures to
mitigate the effects of the force majeure event and resume performance of
its obligations under the contract as soon as practicable. e. If the force
majeure event persists for a continuous period of [Insert Number] days,
either party shall have the right to terminate the contract by providing
written notice to the other party, without any liability except for
obligations already accrued prior to termination.
I S/OSh.
Residentof Section
District contractor/partner/share holders (strike
out which isnot
applicable) (firm or contractor) do hereby solemnly declare as under:-
3. That the said persons/firms are not employees of my firm and are not in
any way connected with my business
I do hereby solemnly declare that affirm that the above declaration is true
and correct to the best of myknowledge and belief. No part of it is false
and nothing has been concealed.
Financial Bid:
Name of work:Design, Development and Maintenance of existing website
and backend portal for Municipal Corporation Gurugram