Ei GSM Nortel BSC at
Ei GSM Nortel BSC at
Ei GSM Nortel BSC at
Version: 01.5 / EN
Date: 14/MAR/2004
External Document
Document ID: BSNLGSM-NN-BSNL-HQ-00142
©2005 Nortel
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01.5 / EN 14/MAR/2004 Page 3/20
2.1.1 Interface
Type of interface between BSC & TCU
Type of interface between BSC & BTS
Type of interface between BSC & OMC-R
2.1.2 PCIU
Initial Condition:
BSC is up and operational.
Test Procedure:
1. Power ‘OFF’ the BSC, and power it ‘ON’
Expected Results:
The BSC comes up and comes back to stable operational state.
Initial Condition:
BSC is up and operational.
BSC is unlocked.
TML connected to BSC, and GUI is open.
Test Procedure:
1. Do a ‘Reset CN’ action from TML GUI.
Expected Results:
The BSC comes up and comes back to stable operational state.
Test Procedure:
1. Open GUI in OMC-R, and select the BSC.
2. Write click and select ‘Display/Set’ option.
3. Select ‘bsc software’ from the drop down list.
Expected Results:
The BSC software used is displayed in the session log.
Test Procedure:
1. Ensure that a new SIM is provided for the mobile.
2. Turn on the MS handset and wait until the network information is shown on the visual information.
Expected Results:
1. MS is camped to the network.
Test Procedure:
1. Power on MSa and MSb
Expected Results:
1. Call is successful.
2. Call disconnection is successful.
Test Procedure:
1. Power on MSa MSb
2. MSa sends a SMS to the MSb
3. SMS is successfully sent from MSa.
4. SMS is successfullt delivered to MSb.
Expected Results:
1. Sending SMS is successful.
Test Procedure:
1. From MSa, originate a data call to MSb
2. Transfer files from MSa to MSb.
3. MSb clears the call.
Expected Results:
1. A data call is successfully established between the two mobiles.
2. Data is successfully transferred.
3. Verify the call is cleared.
Test Procedure:
1. From the Mobile, originate a fax call to the PSTN
2. The fax document is sent from the Mobile.
3. The call is released from Mobile side.
Expected Results:
1. The fax call is successfully established.
2. Fax is successfully sent.
3. The call is cleared
Test Procedure:
1. Make mobile to mobile call.
2. Perform a Intra BTS Handover.
3. Verify the speech path.
4. The call does not drop and the new Cell ID is visible on TEMS
Expected Results:
The Intra BSC handover should take place.
Initial Conditions:
1 BTS, 1 BSC, 1 PCU, 1 SGSN, 1 HLR, 1 GGSN, 1 GPRS Phone + laptop+1 Linux or windows FTP servers
are available on network.
GSM and GPRS / EDGE Network operational.
Test Procedure:
1. Configure the MS in HLR with GPRS Services.
2. Perform GPRS attach and PDP context activation.
3. Use command window to download a 100k file from the FTP server.
4. Check the throughput and convert it into kbps by multiplying it with 8.43.
Expected Results:
1. The file is successfully downloaded and the speed is as expected.
Initial Conditions:
1 BTS, 1 BSC, 1 PCU, 1 SGSN, 1 HLR, 1 GGSN, 1 EDGE Phone, and 1 Server are available on network.
GSM and GPRS / EDGE Network operational.
Enable EDGE in the Cell.
Test Procedure:
1. Initiate one uplink FTP connection using EDGE mobile.
2. Begin a “Small Uplink Data transfer”.
Expected Results:
1. Transfer is ended correctly
Initial Conditions:
BSS network is up, and operational with TCU, and BTS.
BSS network is accessible from OMC-R.
Test Procedure:
1. Open a GUI session in OMC-R
2. Perform a ‘lock and unlock’ operation for BTS object.
3. Perform a ‘lock and unlock’ operation for TCU object.
Expected Results:
1. The procedures should work fine withour any error message.
Test Procedure:
1. Display dynamic data of BSC from OMC-R
Expected Results:
1. It should display the operational conditions of BSC.
Control Node
In the Control Node
1. SIM module 1 is switch OFF.
2. SIM module 2 is ON.
3. Check that Control Node functions properly.
Interface Node
In the Interface Node
1. SIM module 1 is switch OFF.
2. SIM module 2 is ON.
3. Check that Interface Node functions properly.
Expected Results:
1. It should display the operational conditions of BSC.
Test Procedure:
To check redundancy, follow the steps given below:
1. Configure the Active and Passive OMU cards IP address in OMC-R.
2. Check and note the Active OMU card from OMC-R.
3. Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the front of the Active OMU.
4. Check the md-interface link is up.
Expected Results:
1. The BSC OMC-R link should be stable
Test Procedure:
To check processor redundancy in Control Node, follow the steps given below:
1. Check at the OMCR, which OMU is active.
2. Disconnect from the front of the active OMU the Ethernet (100baseT) cable.
3. After a few minutes the active OMU restart and the switchover occur.
To check processor redundancy in Interface Node, follow the steps given below:
1. Using the TML software, a PC, and a cross connect 100baseT cable, Connect to the active
2. Using the TML reset the active CEM
3. The CEM swact, and the IN is operational
Expected Results:
1. The BSC processor in control and interface node should be stable
Test Procedure 1:
1. Start the MMI and Login in the OMC-R.
2. Simulate power suppply alarm by switching off the power supply module.
3. This alarm condition should be extended to OMC-R.
4. Check for alarm at OMC-R.
Expected Results 1:
The BSC processor in control and interface node should be stable.
Test Procedure 2:
Removing cards from Control and Interface nodes. Check the alarms and note in the following table.
Note: Only CC-1, TMU, passive CEM, ATM-RM, LSA-RC, 8K-RM cards can be removed from the
cabinet. OMU and MMS cards cannot be removed from the cabinet directly. It is not hot swap cards.
Test Procedure:
1. Take backup of BDE.
2. Restore the BDE
3. Reset the BDA
4. Build the BDA.
Expected Results:
1. After Restore BSC is up and operational.
To check listed below pcm links loop back, using loop back push button in the CTMP board on the SAI
(Service Area Interface). A sample check has to be performed from the following table.
Test Procedure:
1. Conect the BTS and BSC through DDF.
2. Lock the BTS, and unlock.
3. Verify that BTS is accessible from OMC-R.
Expected Results:
1. Lock and Unlock is possible.
Test Procedure:
To check processor redundancy in SS7, follow the steps given below:
1. Reset the active TMU card, which carries the SS7 link.
2. The Passive TMU card should take the SS7
3. Open a telnet session to BSC, and open the following files for diagnosis report.
Expected Results:
1. Display dynamic data in Signaling Link Set will display the TMU card caring SS7 processing.
Test Procedure:
1. From the OMC-R set the coding scheme parameter to CS 1(in the TDMA object)
2. Initiate a GPRS session, do a FTP transfer and check throughput.
3. Change the coding scheme to CS – 2.
4. Initiate a GPRS session, do a FTP transfer and check throughput.
5. Change the coding scheme to CS – 3.
6. Initiate a GPRS session, do a FTP transfer and check throughput.
7. Change the coding scheme to CS – 4.
8. Initiate a GPRS session, do a FTP transfer and check throughput.
9. Verify that the throughput keeps increasing coding scheme changes from CS 1 to CS 4.
Expected Results
Name: Name: