Operations Manual: IM30AE Non-Directional Overcurrent Relay

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Operations Manual Cooper Power Systems

Electrical Apparatus

IM30AE Non-Directional Overcurrent Relay S150-10-1

This Operations Manual is designed to familiarize the the relay’s RS485 communications port. The functions
reader with how to install, program, and set up the provided by the IM30AE are:
IM30AE relay for operation. For programming the relay n Non-directional time and instantaneous phase
via computer software, consult the appropriate manual. overcurrent (50/51).
Contact your local Cooper Power Systems
n Time and instantaneous ground overcurrent
representative for ordering information.
CONTENTS n Breaker Fail (62 BF).
Introduction ................................................................... 1 n The IM30AE offers two programmable inputs which
Handling........................................................................ 1 can serve to block the operation of the phase or
ground overcurrent elements.
Installation..................................................................... 1
It is possible to disable any of the overcurrent elements.
Electrical Connections .................................................. 2
Separate pickup functions are also provided which may
Output Relays ............................................................... 3 be used to operate output relays.
Blocking Inputs ............................................................ 3
Target Description ........................................................ 3 HANDLING
Keyboard Operation...................................................... 3 As with any piece of electronic equipment, care should
be taken when handling the relay, particularly in regards
Programming the Relay ................................................ 4
to electrostatic discharge as the damage may not be
Changing a Setting ....................................................... 4 immediately obvious. All Edison relays are immune to
Description of Relay Setting Variables.......................... 4 electrostatic discharge when left in their protective case.
Changing Output Relay Assignments ........................... 5 However, when the relay is removed from its case, the
following practices should be observed.
Description of Output Relay Variables .......................... 7
n Touch the case to ensure that your body and the
Programmable Blocking Variables................................ 7
relay are at the same potential.
Overcurrent Element Characteristics............................ 8
SM n Whenever possible, handle the exposed relay by
Easy Set Curve Placement Method......................... 9 the front panel, the rear connector, or by the edges
Time Dial Method.......................................................... 9 of the printed circuit boards. Avoid touching the
Curve Characteristics ................................................. 10 individual electronic components or the embedded
traces on the circuit boards.
Breaker Failure Logic.................................................. 12
n If the exposed (i.e., drawn-out) relay must be
Running the Test Programs........................................ 13 handed to another person, make sure both persons
Real Time Measurements .......................................... 13 are at the same electrical potential.
Maximum Demand Measurements............................. 13 n When setting the drawn-out relay down, make sure
Basic Event Records .................................................. 14 the surface is either anti-static or is at the same
Cumulative Trip Counters ........................................... 14 electrical potential as your body.
Specifications.............................................................. 15 n Relays should always be placed in storage in their
protective case. If storage of the drawn-out relay
outside of its protective case is required, then the
INTRODUCTION exposed relay should be placed in a suitable anti -
The IM30AE relay provides all of the basic functions static plastic or foam container.
necessary for the protection of a feeder by providing
three phase and ground overcurrent elements. True
RMS values of the currents through the 5th harmonic
are used, while the ground current and voltage inputs Edison relays are shipped either in single or double
include 3rd harmonic filtering. Two digital inputs are width cabinets, or in standard 19” 3U rack mount
provided to provide selective blocking of various enclosures capable of housing up to four Edison relays.
functions. Five output relays are provided, of which four Outline dimensions for the single relay housing is
are programmable. All settings, measurements, and shown in Figure 1. For dimensions of other cabinets,
programming of the relay is possible through its front see Catalog Section 150-05.
panel controls, or by means of a computer connected to The double case mounting is similar to the single case,
but requires a 226mm L x 142mm H panel opening.

November 1997 1997 Cooper Industries, Inc. • New Issue 1


The 19” rack mount case is a standard 3U high 19”

wide cabinet.
To remove the relay from its case, refer to Figure 2.
The relay may be removed from its protective case by
turning with a flat bladed screwdriver the locking screws
À and Á on the front panel latches  so that the slot on
the screw is parallel to the ground. The latches may
then be pulled from the inside edge to release the relay.
Carefully pull on the latches to remove the relay from
the housing.


Locked Unlocked
easily field replaceable. See Bulletin S150-99-1 for
instructions and part numbers.
Power DC Voltage AC Voltage
Supply Range Range
L 24V (-20%) to 24V (-20%) to
125V (+20%) 110V (+15%)
50/60 Hz
Pull ->
H 90V (-20%) to 80V (-20%) to
250V (+20%) 220V (+15%)
Locked Unlocked
50/60 Hz
All electrical connections, including the RS485
To re-install the relay in its case, align the printed circuit connections, are made on the back of the relay. See
boards with the guides in the relay case and slide the Figure 3. All the terminals will accept up to a No. 6 stud
relay in most of the way. For single and double cases, size spade connector (or any type of lug up to 0.25”
make sure the locking arm on the back of each of the (6.3mm) wide) or 12 AWG wire (4 mm²). Electrical
latches  lines up with the locking pins in the case. connections must be made in accordance with the
Then push the latches in, seating the relay. Turn the relay’s wiring diagram found in Figure 4.
screws on the latches until the slot is perpendicular to
In Figure 4, the numbers next to the circles along the
the ground.
functional diagram of the relay indicate the terminal
number on the back of the relay as shown in Figure 3.
ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Note that three different input configurations are
Power is supplied via terminals 12 and 13, with chassis allowed. The two connections shown furthest from the
ground at terminal 44. A case ground is provided by a relay (the left connection) utilize window CTs as the
stud on the side of the relay cabinet. All Edison relays source of zero sequence current for the relay. This will
are available with one of two auto-ranging power provide the most accurate zero sequence input. If this
supplies. Descriptions of the input voltage ranges are connection is not practical, the connection shown on the
given in Table 1. The input supply voltage is noted on right will provide the zero sequence current. The
the relay case. In the event the relay is fitted with the connection furthest to the left will synthesize the
incorrect power supply, the power supply boards are missing B phase component from the supplied inputs.


The relay is shipped with the CT inputs set for either 1A TARGET DESCRIPTION
or 5A nominal inputs. The 7th character of the relay’s
The front panel of the IM30AE contains eight LEDs
part number will either be “1” or “5” indicating the
which act as the targets for the relay elements. See
factory set input range. If the input range needs to be
Figure 5 for identification of the targets. The top row of
changed, for any of the CT inputs, this may be
four targets correspond to the phase and ground
accomplished via jumpers on the relay’s main circuit
overcurrent elements. As soon as the measured
board. Contact Cooper Power Systems for reference
current level exceeds the trip level defined by the
material on how to locate and change the jumpers.
programming variables I>, I>>, O>, or O>>, the
appropriate LED begins to flash. Once the time element
OUTPUT RELAYS associated with that element has expired (tI>, tI>>, tO>,
Output relays 1 through 4 are user programmable to and tO>>), the relay will have tripped and the LED goes
operate in conjunction with the tripping of any protective to a constant ON state.
element or elements. Relay 1 consists of two isolated
The bottom row of four LEDs indicate the following
SPST terminals which may be selected as being either
conditions: Program mode is active, an internal relay
normally open or normally closed. The other three
failure has occurred, an external blocking input signal is
output relays, 2-4, all have form C (i.e., SPDT) contact
present, a breaker fail condition has occurred.
In case of an auxiliary power supply failure the status of
Output relay 5 is normally energized (shown de-
the targets is recorded to non-volatile memory. The
energized) and operates only upon power supply failure
status of the targets is maintained when auxiliary power
or on an internal relay fault.
is restored.
The IM30AE has two inputs which perform blocking
All measurements, programmed settings, and recorded
functions. The open circuit voltage across the terminals
data may be accessed through the front panel. The five
of these inputs is 15 VDC. The internal resistance is 2.2
buttons are color coded and their sequence of
kΩ. When the external resistance across these operation is indicated on the front panel by means of
terminals is less than 2.0kΩ, they are considered to be arrows directing the user to the next appropriate button
shorted. See Programming the Relay for more to press. Figures 6 and 7 give an overview of the
information on the function of these inputs. keyboard operation.

25 25 25 R1 21
26 26 26 11
7 N.C.
27 27 27 R2
IM30AE 9

28 28 28 8

39 39 39 R3 18 N.O.
29 29 29
F50 R1 19 N.C.

41 41 41 R4 4
F51 R2
30 30 30
32 32 32 F50N R3 5
43 43 43 F51N R4 15
31 31 31 BT 2 50

42 42
In=5A 42 PROGR. 16
R5 3
Ground Block
33 33 In=1A 33
Phase Block
44 C
TERMINAL 31 Ion=5A 12 _ S+
IEC 255 TERMINAL 33 Ion=1A =


24(-20%)-110(+20%)Vac 24(-20%)-125(+20%)Vdc 80(-20%)-220(+20%)Vac 90(-20%)-250(+20%)Vdc

FIGURE 4 - Wiring Diagram for the IM30AE


PROGRAMMING THE RELAY 2. When the desired parameter to be changed is

Two programming modes are available. The first is the displayed, press the + and – buttons to change
SETTINGS mode, where all of the input parameters the displayed value. For numerical values
(e.g., CT ratio, rated frequency) and settings (e.g., time where the range of settings is large, the display
dials, taps) are set. The second is the Fè èRelay mode may be speeded up by pressing the SELECT
where the various output relays are assigned to the button at the same time the + or – is pressed.
various protective elements. To enter program mode, 3. When the desired value in displayed, press the
follow these steps: ENTER/RESET button to store the new setting
1. Make sure the input currents are all zero. As a for that parameter.
security feature, the relay will not go into 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each setting.
program mode when input quantities are not When finished, press the MODE button to leave
equal to zero. This prevents the settings from programming mode and return the relay to normal
being altered while the relay is actively protecting operation.
the system.
2. Press the MODE button, to get into PROGRAM
3. Press the SELECT button to obtain either the VARIABLES
This section describes each variable in the PROGRAM
SETTINGS or Fè èRelay display.
SETTINGS mode. The following conventions are used:
4. Using a thin tool (e.g., a small screwdriver)
press the recessed PROG button. The • The name of the variable and any unit of
PROGRAM LED will now be flashing, indicating measure displayed (Volts, Hz, etc.) is in
bold face type. Some variables do not have
that PROGRAM mode has been successfully
a unit of measures displayed. An example
of these are variables that define curve
Once in active PROGRAM SETTINGS mode, you may • The default value is shown in regular
now change the relay settings. For instruction on typeface.
changing the output relay assignments see the section For example:
titled Changing Output Relay Assignments. Change the In 500Ap
settings as follows: In is the name
Ap is the unit of
1. Press the SELECT button to scroll through the of the variable.
various input parameters available for Amps primary.
500 is the
programming. setting default.

High Set Low Set

Phase Ground
Low Set High Set
Overcurrent Overcurrent
Phase Overcurrent Ground Overcurrent

I> I>> O> O>>


Flashes when in
Illuminated when a
Program Mode.
protective function is
Illuminated upon Blocking Breaker
programmed to be disabled.
relay failure. Input Active Failure

FIGURE 5: Front Panel Targets on IM30AE Relay


output relay number appears. If not, only a hyphen

Table 2 on page 5 details all of the relay setting (-) will be displayed.
variables. 5. Press the ENTER/RESET button to store the
CHANGING OUTPUT RELAY ASSIGNMENTS 6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each protective
Output relays 1 through 4 may be assigned to any element whose changes you desire to change.
protective element, or any combination of elements.
For example:
The only exception is that the relay cannot be assigned
to both pick-up (start-time) elements, and time This is the name of tI> -2-4
The number 4 means
dependent protective elements. protective element.
that output relay 4 will
1. First, enter the FèèRelay program mode. This dash means that operate when this
2. Press the SELECT button to display the protective output relay number 1 is element trips.
element for which the relays assignments are to be not assigned to this
This dash means
made or changed. element.
that output relay
3. Press the + key to select the output relay. Each The number 2 means that number 3 is not
press of the + key selects the next output relay. output relay 2 will operate assigned to this
Once selected, the relay position blinks. when this element trips. element.
4. Press the - key to toggle whether the element is
assigned to the output relay or not. If assigned, the

Display Description Setting Range

Fn 50Hz System frequency 50 or 60 Hz
In 500Ap Rated primary current of the phase CTs 1 to 9999 in 1A steps
On 500Ap Rated primary current of the CTs or the window CT 1 to 9999 in 1A steps
used for supplying the zero sequence input current
F(I>) D Operating characteristic of the low set (time overcurrent) D Definite time delay
ground fault element. A IEC Inverse time (A curve)
Note: The US curves follow the formula given in IEEE B IEC Very inverse time (B curve)
Standard C37-118. This standard defines three curves, C IEC Extremely inverse (C curve)
included here as curve names MI, VI and EI. The other MI US Moderate Inverse
curves, I and SI are based on the same formula and SI US Short Inverse
represent curve shapes in between the defined standard VI US Very Inverse
curves. IEC curves follow the standard curve definitions I US Inverse
as given in IEC Standards 255-3 and 255-4. EI US Extremely Inverse
I> 1.0In Tap (or trip level) of the low set overcurrent element in Dis, or 0.5 to 4.0 in 0.01 per unit steps
per unit of the phase CT’s rated current
tI> 1.0 Time delay of the low set phase overcurrent element. 0.05 - 30.0 in 0.01 steps
See also Time Dial Method Section on page 9.
I>> 2.0In Trip level of the instantaneous element in per unit of the Dis, or 0.5 to 40 in 0.1 per unit steps
phase CT’s rated current
tI>> 0.1s Time delay in seconds of the instantaneous overcurrent 0.05 to 3 seconds in 0.01 second steps
F(O>) D Operating characteristic of the low set (time overcurrent) Same curve selections as for F(I>).
ground fault element.
O> .1On Tap (trip level) of the low set ground overcurrent Dis, or 0.02 to 0.4 per unit of On in 0.01 per
element in per unit of the zero sequence sensing CT’s unit steps
rated current
tO> 1.0 Time delay of the low set ground overcurrent element. 0.05 - 30.00 in 0.01 steps
See also Time Dial Method Section on page 9.
O>> .1On Tap (trip level) of the instantaneous ground element in Dis, or 0.02 to 1 in 0.01 per unit steps
per unit of the zero sequence sensing CT’s rated

Display Description Setting Range

tO>>0.1s Time delay in seconds of the instantaneous ground 0.05 to 3 seconds in 0.01 second steps
overcurrent element.
tBO .1s Maximum reset time delay of the pick-up (start time) 0.05 to 0.25 seconds in 0.01 second steps
elements after tripping of the corresponding time
delayed element in case the input value causing the trip
does not drop below the set pick-up value. This is used
for Breaker Fail timing.
NodAd 1 Identification number of relay when connected on a 1 to 250 in steps of 1
serial communication bus.


ACT MEAS Display actual measured values.

MAX. VAL. Display maximum recorded values.

measured values
LastTr-x Display data of last five events. Scan the menus using the
Display Mode
TRIP NUM Display number of trips caused by + and – keys.
each protective function.

SETTINGS Display programmed settings.

F-->RELAY Display output contact assignments.
Setting Display
Change 1.Choose the setting to
programmed change with the
SELECT button.
PROGR 2.Change the value with
F-->RELAY Change ouput
Programming Active program contact the + and – keys.
Mode mode must be assignments. 3.Store the new value
with the ENTER key.
LEDSONLY Run self test and operate LEDs only.
Run the selected test by
TEST PRG pressing the ENTER
LED+TRIP Run self test and operate LEDs and
Diagnositic Test output contacts. button.



Cooper Power Systems
Pressing this button progressively between MODE SELECT +
between Mesasurements Display, Settings
Display, Programming, and Test modes. STEP 3
The + and - buttons are used to
- select the actual measurement
STEP 2 PROG or display desired when in
The SELECT button chooses which category Measurements Display or Settings
of values within the chosen mode to display. Display modes. When in Program
ENTER/RESET mode, these buttons increase or
decrease the value ofthe displayed

When in Program mode, this button stores the newly When in Program mode, pressing this recessed button
selected value. If not in Program mode and the relay places the relay into active programming mode,
has tripped, this button resets the relay and all output allowing any or all of the relays settings to altered.
contacts. If not tripped, this button restores the default display.


This section describes each variable in the PROGRAM, In addition to the output relay programming, the
èRelay mode. The following conventions are used:
Fè PROGRAM Fè èRelay mode also provides access to
• The name of the variable is in bold face type. four variables which determine which protective
elements are affected by the various blocking inputs.
• The default settings are in regular typeface. Descriptions of these variables are found in Table 4.
Display Description Display Description
I> --3- Pick-up (or start-time) element associated Bf I>> I> Operation of the phase element blocking
with the low set (time) phase over current input, Bf. Set the display to show which
element. phase overcurrent elements are to be
tI> 1--- Time delayed element associated with the blocked (if any) when this input is active.
low set phase overcurrent element. I>> corresponds to instantaneous, and I>
corresponds to time overcurrent (low set).
I>> --3- Start-time element associated with the
high set phase over current element. BoO>>O> Operation of the ground overcurrent
element blocking input, Bo. Set the
tI>> 1--- Time delayed element associated with the
display to show which ground overcurrent
high set phase overcurrent element.
elements are to be blocked (if any) when
O> ---4 Start-time element associated with the low this input is active. O>> corresponds to
set ground over current element. instantaneous, and O> corresponds to
tO> -2-- Time delayed element associated with the time overcurrent (low set).
low set ground overcurrent element. TBf 2tBO Determines if the effect of the phase
O>> ---4 Start-time element associated with the overcurrent element blocking input lasts
high set ground over current element. as long as the blocking input is active (tBf
Dis), or if it lasts only for the set time delay
tO>> -2-- Time delayed element associated with the
of the function plus an additional time
high set ground overcurrent element.
delay equal to twice the time programmed
tFRes: A Reset mode for time delay elements. If “A” for the variable tBO in the PROGRAM
then reset takes place automatically when SETTINGS mode. See Breaker Fail
the current drops below the pick-up value.
TBo Same as for tBf except for the ground
When set to “M”, reset is only possible via
2tBO overcurrent blocking input Bf.
the front panel ENTER/RESET key.
TABLE 3 - Output Relay Programming Display TABLE 4: Programming Variables Affecting Blocking
Definitions Input Behavior



Both the phase and ground overcurrent elements in the US Very Inverse Curve
IM30AE consist of a traditional time overcurrent shape selected by F(I>)
element and an instantaneous element. Figure 7 variable.
shows a typical composite relay curve. These are non-
directional elements. In addition, the IM30AE provides Low Set Time Dial
Setting selected by
protective elements that operate upon pick-up of any of tI> variable.
the above elements. These are referred to as the pick-
up elements. Low Set Tap Setting
selected by the I>
The time overcurrent elements, being sensitive to lower variable.
current levels, are more generically referred to as low
set elements. High Set Tap
Setting selected by
In Curve Mode the IM30AE may be programmed to the I>> variable.
mimic one of eight predefined characteristics, including
the three standard IEC curve shapes, the three
standard IEEE curve shapes, and two other typical US High Set Time
characteristics. The curves are modeled based on the Delay set by the
following formula per IEEE Draft Standard C37-118: tI>> variable.

 A 
t( I ) =  P + B K (Ts)
 M −1 
Where: A, B, and P are constants elected
to provide the desired curve
M is the ratio (Iinput/Ipickup) INVERSE CURVE WITH INSTANTANEOUS
Ts is the time setting of the relay
and corresponds to either tI> or
tO> depending upon whether the
phase or ground low set element is
being set.
K is a constant which allows for a
very simple method of determining Curve
the time delay setting for the relay. Name Description A B P K
See the section titled “Easy Set
Curve Placement”. IECI IEC Inverse 1.014 0 0.02 0.3366
Table 5 Summarizes the values that the variables take IECVI IEC Very 13.500 0 1 0.6667
for each characteristic. Inverse
IECEI IEC Extremely 80.000 0 2 1.2375
I3EMI US Moderate 0.0104 0.0266 0.02 4.1106
I3ESI US Standard 0.00342 0.00262 0.02 13.3001
I3EVI US Very Inverse 3.88 0.0963 2 7.3805
I3EI US Inverse 5.95 0.18 2 4.165
I3EEI US Extremely 5.67 0.0352 2 10.814
Table 5: Variable Values Used for Characteristic Time
Overcurrent Characteristics


NOTE: Settings for the time dial (time

delay) may be determined using either
the time dial or Easy SetSM methods.
Instead of traditional time dial settings, the IM30AE = 14.8
relay uses a time delay setting for moving the TCC
curves vertically on the TCC graph. These time delay
settings are tI> for the phase element, and tO> for the
ground element. The traditional time dial setting may be
calculated by multiplying the time setting by the
constant K from Table 5 for the appropriate curve
The EASY SET system allows multiple TCC curves to be
drawn on a single TCC chart. Figures 9 and 10 show
the IEEE and IEC curve families respectively. Note that
all of the curves cross at the same point, pickup
multiple of 10, and a time of 1x the set time delay. tI>=2.0
Once the desired placement of the curve is determined,
the time delay setting may be determined by noting the
desired actual time delay in seconds at the pickup
multiple of 10. That time delay is equal to the time
delay setting (tI> or tO>) for the relay. Figure 9: Example of IEEE Very Inverse Curve Time
FOR EXAMPLE, the phase overcurrent element is set Delay Setting Determination
up to use the IEEE VI curve. The curve has been
determined to be correctly located as shown in Figure
9. The TCC curve crosses the Pickup Multiple=10 line
at 2.0 seconds. Therefore the tI> time delay setting
(tI>0) is 2.0.


Figures 12 through 19 show a representative sample of
the various curve shapes along with their Time Dial
settings. The Time Dial settings are converted to the
appropriate tI> or tO> settings by dividing the time dial
by the value of K (see Table 5) for the appropriate curve
To convert an existing time delay setting (either tI> or
tO>) to a time dial value, multiply the time delay by the
K factor in Table 5 for the appropriate curve.
Going back to the example shown in Figure 8, the time
dial for the curve would be equal to 2.0 seconds
multiplied by the constant K for the IEEE Very Inverse
curve (7.381). Therefore the time dial would equal 14.8.

FIGURE 10: Easy Set Curve Set for IEEE TCC Curve

Curve Curve Characteristic Minimum Maximum

Name Time Dial Time Dial
A IEC A - Normal 0.017 10.099
B IEC B - Very 0.033 20.000
C IEC C - Extremely 0.062 37.125
MI IEEE Moderate 0.21 123.3
SI IEEE Standard 0.67 399.0
VI IEEE Very Inverse 0.37 221.4
I IEEE Inverse 0.21 124.9
EI IEEE Extremely 0.54 324.4
Table 6: Absolute Time Dial Ranges for TCC Curve

Figure 11: Easy Set Curves for IEC Curve Set

The following figures show the curve shapes available
and their setting ranges in terms of time dial settings. Time delay setting=TD / 0.3366
The time dial settings must be translated into time delay
settings by dividing the time dial setting by the value of
K shown on the figures. Note, time dial settings (and
corresponding time delays) in between those indicated
are possible.
Because of this characteristic, each of the IEEE curves
have different absolute time dial ranges. However, the
time dial range for any of the relays is much wider than
typical, therefore it may be considered that all of the
IEEE curves have time dial ranges from 0.7 to 123.0.
Table 6 summarizes the actual time dial limits.
Note: Actual time delays will be equal to the shown time
delay plus output contact closing time and any
algorithm processing time. This additional time delay
(pickup time) ranges from 7 to 12 msec.

Figure 12 - IEC Inverse Curve (IEC A)


Time delay setting=TD / 0.6667

Time delay setting=TD / 4.1106

Figure 13 - IEC Very Inverse (IEC B) Curve

Figure 15 - US Moderately Inverse Curve (MI)

Time delay setting=TD / 1.2375

Time delay setting=TD / 13.3001

Figure 14 - IEC Extremely Inverse (IEC C) Curve

Figure 16: US Standard Inverse Curve (SI)


Time delay setting=TD / 7.3805 Time delay setting=TD / 10.814

Figure 17: US Very Inverse Curves (VI) Figure 19: US Extremely Inverse Curves (I3EEI)


The IM30AE may be set to back up a downstream
breaker through implementation of its breaker failure
Time delay setting=TD / 4.165
logic. This logic is implemented via use of the Program
Setting variable tBO (See Table 2), and the Blocking
Input Variables TBf and Tbo (see Table 4).
The breaker open timer, tBO, is set to a time delay
sufficient to allow opening of the circuit breaker after a
trip signal is issued by the downstream relay. The
downstream relay must be set to block the operation of
the IM30AE’s phase and/or ground elements via the
external blocking contacts Bf and Bo (see Table 4).
When inputs Bf and Bo are shorted, the operation of the
output contacts associated with the IM30AE’s phase
and ground elements are blocked. If the Breaker
Failure time delay settings TBf (phase) or TBo (ground)
are set to “Dis” for “Disable”, the blocking action is
permanent and will last as long as the blocking signal is
present. This effectively disables the Breaker Failure
If TBf and/or TBo are set to “2tBO”, then the blocking
action will last only for twice as long as the time delay
set by the variable tBO. If a blocked trip element
remains picked up after a time delay equal to twice tBO,
the blocking action is ignored, allowing the IM30AE to
trip the appropriate output contact(s) and illuminating
Figure 18 - US Inverse Curves (I3EI) the BKR FAIL" LED.


RUNNING THE TEST PROGRAMS I/In Highest phase current as a percent of

A. If desired, the start up diagnostic routines may be the rated line CT primary current
run at any time by accessing the TEST PRG mode.
Ia Phase A RMS current in Amps
Two tests may be run, both of which are identical
except for the effect on the output relays. Ib Phase B RMS current in Amps
1. Press the Mode button until TEST PRG is Ic Phase C RMS current in Amps
2. Select the test to run by pressing the SELECT Io Zero sequence (ground) current in
button once to show LEDSONLY, or twice to Amps
A. If the LEDSONLY test is selected, pressing the MODE
ENTER/RESET button will run the test. All the
LEDs should illuminate during the duration of MAXIMUM DEMAND MEASUREMENTS
the test. If any error is found, an error code will The IM30AE records the maximum measured current
be displayed and the RELAY FAIL light will both during the first 100 msec after the breaker closes
remain illuminated. The test lasts (inrush value) and after the 100 msec energization
approximately five seconds. No output relays period (demand value). Display of any one of these
will be operated or will change status. quantities may be selected via the front panel. To
display the measured maximum demand, enter the
B. If the LED+TRIP test is selected, pressing the
MAX VAL mode of operation as follows:
ENTER/RESET button will then display
TestRun?. To run the test the ENTER/RESET 1. Press the MODE button, to get into MEASURES
button must be pressed again. At this point the mode.
test will run and all of the output relays will also 2. Press the SELECT button to select the MAX
be operated. The test lasts approximately five VAL mode.
seconds. 3. Press the + or – buttons to scroll through the
available measurements. The data available is
! CAUTION summarized in Table 8.
Running the LED+TRIP test will operate all of the DISPLAY MEASURED QUANTITY (AMPS RMS1)
output relays. Care must be taken to ensure that no
unexpected or harmful equipment operations will occur Im/In Highest phase current as a percent of
as a result of running this test. It is recommended that the rated line CT primary current after
this test be run only when all dangerous output first 100msec from energization.
connections are removed.
Ia Maximum phase A RMS current after
first 100msec from energization.
Ib Maximum phase B RMS current after
REAL TIME MEASUREMENTS first 100msec from energization.
The normal display of the IM30AE provides automatic Ic Maximum phase C RMS current after
scrolling of the three phase and ground currents. first 100msec from energization.
Display of any one of these quantities may be selected
via the front panel. To display the real-time measured Io Maximum zero sequence (ground)
values of the relayed quantities, enter the ACT MEAS current after first 100msec from
mode of operation as follows: energization.
1. Press the MODE button, to get into MEASURES Sa Maximum phase A RMS current
mode. during first 100msec from
2. Press the SELECT button to select the ACT energization.
MEAS mode.
Sb Maximum phase B RMS current
3. Press the + or – buttons to scroll through the during first 100msec from
available measurements. The data available is energization.
summarized in Table 7.
Sc Maximum phase C RMS current


1 Unless noted.


To display how many times the relay has tripped for
during first 100msec from
each of the protective elements, enter the TRIP NUM
mode of operation as follows:
So Maximum zero sequence (ground) 1. Press the MODE button, to get into MEASURES
current during first 100msec from mode.
2. Press the SELECT button to select the TRIP
VAL” MODE 3. Press the + or – buttons to scroll through the
available measurements. The data available is
BASIC EVENT RECORDS summarized in Table 10.
The relay stores all information associated with the last
5 trip events. To access this data, enter the LastTr-x DISPLAY NUMBER OF TRIPS DUE TO...
mode of operation as follows:
I> Time delayed low set phase
1. Press the MODE button, to get into MEASURES overcurrent
I>> Time delayed high set phase
2. Press the SELECT button again to select the
LastTr-0 mode. This sets the user up to view
the most recent trip event data. Press the O> Time delayed low set ground
SELECT button again to view consecutively overcurrent
older data sets. The display will show LastTr-1,
O>> Time delayed high set ground
LastTr-2, LastTr-3, and LastTr-4 respectively
with each button push. New events push out the
oldest event in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) process. TABLE 10 - CUMULATIVE TRIP COUNTER DATA IN “TRIP
3. Once the appropriate basic event record is NUM” MODE
selected, press the + or – buttons to scroll
through the event record. The data available is
summarized in Table 9.
F:xxxx “xxxx” is the element which caused the
last trip operation as follows:
I> ph A A phase low set overcurrent
I>>ph A A phase high set overcurrent
Same as above but with “B” or “C” in
place of “A” for B or C phase
O> Low set ground overcurrent
O>> High set ground overcurrent
Ia Phase A current in Amps at time of trip
Ib Phase B current in Amps at time of trip
Ic Phase C current in Amps at time of trip
Io Zero sequence (ground) current in Amps
at time of trip


Operating Temperature Range......................................................................................-20 to +60°C at 95% humidity
Storage Temperature............................................................................................................................... -30 to +80°C
Rated Input Voltage ............................................................................................................................................. 125V
Voltage Circuits Overload ............................................................................................................... 2.0 pu Continuous
Burden on Voltage Inputs ........................................................................................................ 0.2 VA at rated voltage
Dielectric test Voltage ......................................................................................................... 2000V, 50/60Hz, 1 minute
Impulse Test Voltage ...............................................5kV common mode, 1 kV differential mode, 1.2 x 50 µsec wave
Immunity to high frequency burst...................................... 1 kV common mode, 0.5 kV differential mode at 100 kHz,
............................................................................ 2.5 kV common mode, 1 kV differential mode at 1 MHz
Immunity to electrostatic discharge .................................................................................................................... 15 kV
Immunity to sinusoidal wave burst ...............................................................................100V over 10 - 1000kHz range
Immunity to radiated electromagnetic field .............................................................. 10V/m over 20 - 1000MHz range
Immunity to high energy burst.................................................................... 4 kV common mode, 2V differential mode
Immunity to 50/60Hz magnetic field.............................................................................................................. 1000 A/m
Immunity to impulse magnetic field................................................................................................1000 A/m 8 x 20 µs
Immunity to magnetic burst...................................................................................100 A/m over 100 - 1000kHz range
Resistance to vibration...................................................................................................................1g from 10 -500 Hz
Rear Connection Terminals ...............................................................................Up to 12AWG (4mm²) stranded wire
............................................................................................................ Lugs up to 0.25 inch (6.5mm) wide
Output Contacts ................................................................................................................................rated current 5 A
.....................................................................................................................................rated voltage 380 V
.........................................................nominal switching power with AC resistive load 1100W(380V max.)
.............................................breaking capacity at 110 VDC: 0.3A with L/R=40ms for 100,000 operations
.................................................................................... make and carry capacity for 0.5 sec = 30 A (peak)
..................................................................................mechanical life over 2,000,000 (2 x 106) operations
PC Board Connectors................................................................................ Gold plated, 10A continuous, 200A 1 sec.
Power Supply Input Voltage Range: ........................................................ Two Available at 24 - 110 V AC-DC ± 20%
............................................................................................................... or 90 - 220 V AC-DC; ± Ave20%
Average Power Supply consumption .............. 8Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes..5 VA
Weight (in single relay case)..................................................................................................................2.3kg (5.0lbs)



Fn 50 Hz System Frequency Fn Hz
In 500 Primary Phase CT rated primary current In Amps
On 500 Primary Neutral CT rated primary current On Amps
F(I>) D None Curve shape of low set phase F(I>) None
I> 1.0 PU Tap of phase low set overcurrent I> PU
tI> 2.0 None Time Dial of phase low set overcurrent tI> None
I>> 2.0 PU Tap of phase high set element I>> PU
tI>> 0.1 seconds Time delay of high set phase overcurrent tI>> seconds
F(O>) D None Curve shape of low set ground F(O>) None
O> 0.1 PU Tap of ground overcurrent element O> PU
tO> 1.0 None Time Dial of ground low set overcurrent tO> None
O>> 0.1 PU Tap of ground high set element O>> PU
tO>> 0.1 seconds Time delay of high set ground tO>> seconds
overcurrent element
tBO 0.10 seconds Reset time delay for pick-up elements tBO seconds
NodAd 1 None Modbus Communication Address NodAd None

Output Relay Programming Assignments (Accessible via the FèRELAY program mode.)
I> --3- Outputs Low set phase overcurrent pick-up I> Outputs
tI> 1--- Outputs Time delayed low set phase overcurrent tI> Outputs
I>> --3- Outputs High set phase overcurrent pickup I>> Outputs
tI>> 1--- Outputs Time delayed high set phase overcurrent tI>> Outputs
O> ---4 Outputs Low set ground overcurrent pickup O> Outputs
tO> -2-- Outputs Time Delayed low set ground tO> Outputs
O>> ---4 Outputs High set ground overcurrent pickup O>> Outputs
tO>> -2-- Outputs Time delayed high set ground tO>> Outputs
tFRes A None Relay reset mode tFRes None
Bf I>> I> None Phase overcurrent blocking input Bf None
Bo O>> O> None Ground overcurrent blocking input Bo None
tBf 2tBO None Maximum phase overcurrent blocking tBf None
tBo 2tBO None Maximum ground overcurrent blocking tBo None


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