Power Transformers: Three-Phase Compartmental Padmounted Transformer Installation and Maintenance Instructions

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Power Transformers

Three-Phase Compartmental Padmounted Transformer Service Information

Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Figure 1.
Three-Phase Padmounted Transformer.

CONTENTS Although every effort has been made to anticipate nor-

mal installation, operation, and servicing problems these
Section Page instructions do not cover all possible variations in equip-
INTRODUCTlON ..........................................................1 ment or application conditions. All possible installation,
SAFETY ........................................................................2 operation or service contingencies are not discussed. If
INSTALLATlON .............................................................3 additional information is required, contact a factory
SERVICE PREPARATlON .............................................4 representative at:
ACCESSORIES ............................................................7
OPERATION .................................................................9 COOPER POWER SYSTEMS
MAINTENANCE ............................................................9 DlSTRIBUTlON TRANSFORMERS
WAUKESHA, Wl 53188-3899
INTRODUCTlON 414/547-1251 800/558-0920
This manual has been prepared to assist competent FAX 414/547-7268
technicians in the installation, operation and service of
RTE® three-phase padmounted distribution transformers. It is important that personnel using these instructions
These transformers are designed for installation on be fully acquainted with industry accepted high and low
three-phase underground systems. All units are con- voltage safe operating practices and procedures. These
structed for weather-exposed mounting on a concrete instructions are not intended as a substitute for proper
pad with high and low voltage cables entering the training or adequate experience in the safe operation of
operating compartments through an opening in the pad. the equipment described.

January 1990 • Supersedes 6/87 • © 1990 Cooper Industries, Inc.

Printed in USA 1
Instructions for Three-Phase Padmounted Compartmental Transformers

SAFETY Keep Unused Leads Isolated From System Wiring

These instructions are not intended as a substitute for Insulate all unused leads from ground and from all other
proper training or adequate experience in the safe oper- leads and connections.
ation of three-phase padmounted distribution transform-
ers. Personnel using this manual should be fully Observe Manufacturer’s Instructions When Installing
acquainted with industry-accepted safe practices and Attachments
procedures for installing, operating or servicing under- Follow manufacturer’s instructions for installing acces-
ground electrical power system distribution apparatus. sories or attachments. Make sure all connectors (perma-
nent or separable) are correctly rated for the application.
Check Your Supplies and Equipment Check Insulating Fluid Level Before Energizing the
Check your tools and supplies before beginning work. Tranformer
Make sure all needed equipment is in good working Make sure the insulating fluid is at the proper level before
order; make sure all necessary materials are available. the transformer is energized.

WHILE YOU ARE WORKING Close and lock transformer operating

Protect Yourself compartment doors when leaving the
Observe all safe practices and procedure regulations transformer unattended.
established by your employer.
Wear all protective gear and clothing (boots, helmets, DURING OPERATION
gloves, masks, goggles, safety glasses) supplied by your De-energize the transformer before operating non-
employer or required for safety on the job. loadbreak accessories.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions when installing or
using any apparatus or attachments. Observe all pre- Tap Changers
cautions recommended in manufacturer’s literature. The transformer must be de-energized before tap
Handle all electrical equipment with respect. Make changer settings are adjusted.
sure you know circuit and load current conditions
before operating or servicing a system connected Dual Voltage Switches
transformer. The transformer must be de-energized before dual-volt-
age switch settings are changed. (Check the transformer
DURING INSTALLATlON nameplate for the correct voltage before re-energizing
Lift and Move the Transformer With Care the unit.) Check tap changer position before
Before moving the transformer, check the total weight of energizing a transformer with a dual-voltage switch.
the equipment (see the nameplate) and check the con-
dition and capacity of all lifting and hoisting equipment.
CAUTION: When dual-voltage or delta-wye
Do not use worn, frayed or damaged hooks, cables, or
slings. Do not use fork lifts or cranes with load capacity ! switches are set to connect transformer windings
less than the weight of the transformer. in parallel, tap changers must in position shown on the
transformer nameplate. Tap changers usually cannot be
Mount the Transformer Securely used to adjust voltage ratings when transformer wind-
The transformer must be securely fastened to the mount- ings are connected in parallel. Improper settings will
ing pad. When the transformer is bolted in place, there damage transformer.
should be no gaps between the pad and the transformer
tank base or operating compartment underframe.
CAUTION: Before re-energizing the transformer
WHEN YOU MAKE THE SYSTEM CONNECTION ! after resetting dual-voltage or delta-wye switches,
Make Sure the Tank is Grounded Before Doing Any check tap changer settings against nameplate
Other Work information for correct voltages. Improper settings will
Ground the tank before making any other system damage transformer.
connection. The transformer tank ground pad must be
connected to a permanent, low-impedance ground.
Dry-Well Non-Loadbreak Fuseholders
Clean all Bushings and Terminals Before Making The transformer must be de-energized before a fuse-
System Connections holder cap is removed or installed. (Check the fusehold-
Clean bushings, bushing wells, terminal lugs, and all er before re-installation, do not exceed the fuseholder
connection points before making connections. Remove rating.)
all dirt, grease, or foreign material.
Internal Fuses
Complete the Neutral Connections Before Making The transformer must be de-energized before it can be
other System Connections opened to service internal fuses. Do not attempt to open
Connect all available transformer neutrals to system an energized transformer.
neutrals before completing other system connections.

Visible Disconnect Bushings that may have occurred during shipment. Notify your
The transformer must be de-energized before visible Cooper Power Systems representative of any evidence
disconnect bushing rods can be removed. of damage or defect observed. Claims for shipping
damage should be filed with the delivering carrier.
Before the transformer is moved, parts or attachments
WARNING: Operate all loadbreak equipment with that may have been loosened or damaged during
! caution - make sure you are aware of circuit conditions. shipment should be tightened, repaired, or replaced.
Make sure you understand the purpose and function of all
equipment’s accessories. Wear any protective clothing or Moving the Transformer
equipment required. Improper protection may result in severe Most of the weight in a padmounted transformer assem-
personal injury, death or property damage! bly is in the main tank which holds the core and coil
assembly and the insulating fluid. The terminal compart-
Bay-O-Net Fuses ments are largely empty and weigh relatively little.
Closing in on a fault can generate arcing and an explo- Improper use of hoists or jacks could seriously damage
sion reaction. Read the manufacturer’s instructions the transformer or its attachments or cause serious
carefully and vent the transformer before operating a personal injury.
Bay-O-Net fuseholder.

Air Switches and Fusing

In-air fuses or switches may be energized even when in WARNING: Before moving the transformer, check the
the “open” position. Read the manufacturer’s instructions ! weight of the transformer and the capacity and condition
carefully before operating the equipment. of all hoisting or lifting equipment. Do not use worn, frayed or
damaged cables or slings. Do not use hoisting machinery with
Internal Loadbreak Switches load capacity less than the weight of the transformer as shown
Internal loadbreak switches are designed to interrupt on the nameplate. Improper moving or lifting may result in
rated current only; they are not designed to interrupt severe personal injury, death or property damage!
fault currents. Do not exceed switch ratings.

IF REPAIR IS REQUIRED Moving Transformer Shipped on Pallets

De-energize and Disconnect the Transformer Transformers shipped on pallets may be lifted or
Never attempt to repair a transformer that is system moved by fork lift trucks of proper capacity. Pallet
connected. Isolate, de-energize, and completely mounted equipment may also be moved by crane or
disconnect the transformer before attempting any hoist.
service or repair.
Lifting the Transformer by Crane or Hoist
IF INTERNAL SERVICE IS REQUIRED For unloading, lifting hooks are provided near the top of
Vent the Transformer Before Opening the transformer case. Cable pull angles should not be
Always release internal pressure (positive or negative) over 30° from vertical. Otherwise, spreaders should be
before opening an inspection port, oil level plug, manhole used to hold the lifting cables apart to avoid any bending
or handhole cover or Bay-O-Net fuseholder. To vent the of the structure or lifting hooks.
transformer, the pressure release plug must be removed Do not attempt to lift the transformer by placing a
or the pressure relief valve activated. Do not open the continuous loop of cable or chain around the unit or
tank until internal pressure has been reduced to zero. lifting lugs.
NOTE: Ventilated gases may be combustible, exercise
caution when venting. NOTE: If the transformer cannot be lifted by crane it
may be skidded or moved with rollers. When
Protect the Tank Opening jacking a transformer to insert rollers under-
Do not open a transformer unless absolutely necessary. neath it, insure that at least two jacks are
Clean areas around covers before opening and replace used and that two adjacent corners are
covers as soon as possible. Keep moisture and dirt out of raised simultaneously and evenly to avoid
the tank. Do not open a tank in wet or windy weather. warping the base. Jacks may be placed only
at the corners of the transformer base.
Do not Exceed Transformer Ratings
Transformers should be operated only at the ratings Do not place jacks under radiators, valves, or sheet
specified on the transformer nameplate. Prolonged metal parts. When using rollers, use as many as nec-
overload operation will measurably shorten the essary to distribute the weight uniformly. To pull, attach
projected service life of a transformer. pulling eyes to the holes in the base at either end of
the transformer.
INSTALLATlON Do not attach pulling lines to moldings or other sheet
Receiving Inspection metal parts of the transformer.
Immediately upon receipt, the transformer should be
inspected for evidence of any damage or mishandling

Instructions for Three-Phase Padmounted Compartmental Transformers

Using Jacks
WARNING: The transformer tank must be vented
Place jacks only under jack pads provided. Do not
place jacks under radiators or terminal compartment
! to zero pressure before the oil-level plug is
frames. removed. Failure to do so may result in severe personal
injury, death or property damage!
The transformer should be installed in its permanent
location and all attachments should be assembled as
soon as possible after receiving.
Transformers which will not immediately be placed in
service should be stored with terminal compartment
doors closed and sealed to prevent damage to bushings
or other attachments.
Close and lock transformer operating compart-
ment doors when leaving the transformer unattend-

Mounting the Transformer

The transformer should be mounted on a level concrete
pad. The pad should be strong enough to support the Figure 1.
weight of the transformer. Oil-Level Plug.
To maintain full cabinet security, the transformer tank
and cabinet base have provisions for installing cleats to
secure transformer to pad. Pre-Service Inspection-(lnterior)
No pre-service interior inspection may be required if
SERVICE PREPARATION exterior inspection reveals no evidence of damage.
Pre-Service Inspection - (Exterior) If interior inspection is required, the transformer must
Newly installed transformers, or new transformers which be opened by removing the tank cover or manhole cover.
are being activated after a period of storage, should be See cover removal below.
thoroughly inspected before being connected to the Pre-service interior inspections should be restricted to
system. noting defects or damage which will or might prevent
proper operation of the transformer.
1. The transformer exterior should be inspected for
nicks, dents, and scratches. Any damage to Inspect for:
weather-resistant finishes should be repaired 1. Moisture on underside of tank or manhole
promptly. covers.
2. The tank cover and manhole or handhole cover 2. Loose, shifted, or damaged parts (bushings,
seals and all gaskets or seals at gauges, fuses fuse holders, etc.)
operating devices, etc., should be inspected for 3. Broken or loose connections.
evidence of insulating fluid seepage. Leaking or 4. Contaminated insulating fluid (sediment, or
improperly tightened gaskets and seals must be foreign objects on the tank bottom, dirt or air
repaired before the transformer is placed in bubbles suspended in the fluid).
NOTE: If a transformer has been placed in outdoor
NOTE: Under normal conditions, the transformer storage for an extended period of time, a
leaves the factory with a slight vacuum (neg- sample of the insulating fluid should be
ative pressure) in the tank over the oil. checked for moisture content and dielectric
Positive pressure, however, may have been properties.
requested or have developed in the tank dur-
ing shipment or storage. Continued absence Cover Removal
of either negative or positive pressure during Transformers which have been system connected
load or ambient changes may indicate a leak should be de-energized, grounded, and disconnected
at a gasket seal or tank seam and require before being opened for inspection.
further investigation. RTE three-phase padmounted transformers may have
either bolted-on or welded-in-place main tank covers.
3. The fluid level inside the tank must be checked. Access to the interior of a transformer with a bolted-on
RTE transformers are shipped ready for installa- main tank cover without handholes requires removal of
tion, with the insulating fluid at the 25°C level. On the entire cover. Access to the interior of the welded-in-
units equipped with a fluid level gauge, the fluid place main tank cover design is through manhole or
level may be read directly from the gauge. On handholes.
units which are not gauge equipped, the tank fluid
level must be determined by removing the oil-level
plug. See Figure 1.

To Remove a Bolted-Down Manhole or Handhole
1. Thoroughly clean the cover. Remove all dirt,
grease and moisture.
2. Release and remove cover bolts.
3. Remove the cover. Lift vertically to prevent
damage to bolts or cover gaskets.

Internal Damage
If concealed internal damage is suspected, it may be
necessary to lower the insulating fluid level to complete
the inspection.
Figure 2. To Lower the Insulating Fluid Level
Pressure Relief Valve. 1. Prepare a clean, dry storage container to receive
the fluid.
2. Use pumps and hoses that have not been con-
WARNING: Before the tank cover or manhole or taminated by contact with dissimilar fluids. Use a
! handhole covers are removed, the transformer tank must metal or non-rubber hose as oil dissolves the
sulfur found in rubber and will prove harmful to
be vented to zero pressure by activating the pressure relief
valve, see Figure 2, or releasing the pressure relief plug. the conductor material.
Failure to do so may result in severe personal injury, death or 3. Attach the pump intake line to the drain valve on
property damage! the transformer tank.
4. Place the output line nozzle on the bottom of the
storage container. Do not permit the fluid to
splash into the receiving container. (Splashing
CAUTION: If the main tank, manhole, handhole, or
! access cover must be removed for internal inspection or
will introduce air and moisture into the fluid.)
5. Do not lower fluid below the top of the top core
service of the transformer, precautions must be taken to pre- clamp.
vent dir t or moisture from enter ing the opened unit.
Contamination of the insulating fluid will prevent the trans- To Restore the Insulating Fluid Level
former from operating properly and may cause serious dam- 1. Pump from the bottom of the temporary storage
age to the transformer. tank. Do not permit the intake line to suck air.

WARNING: Transformers must never be opened or NOTE: It may be necessary to add extra fluid to the
! serviced while system is connected, ungrounded, or storage container from a reserve supply to
replace the small quantity lost in the pump
energized. Tampering with the covers or cover seals of a
transformer which has not been de-energized, grounded and and lines and to prevent aeration of replace-
disconnected, may result in severe personal injury, death or ment fluid at the intake.
property damage!
2. To prevent aeration at the overflow, direct the
fluid stream parallel to and along the upper
To Remove a Bolted-On Main Tank Cover surface of the core clamp.
1. Thoroughly clean the cover. Remove all dirt, 3. Pump slowly. Fill the transformer tank only to the
grease and moisture. 25°C line.
2. Open the terminal compartment doors and
unbolt cabinet to expose and remove front cover Contaminated Insulating Fluid
nuts. If moisture is found inside the tank, or there is evidence
3. Unbolt and remove the cover nutguard. that the insulating fluid may be otherwise contaminated,
4. Remove the cover. Lift vertically to prevent dam- a fluid sample should be taken for analysis. Samples
age to cover, bolts or tank gaskets. should be drawn from the bottom of the tank. If moisture
is present in the fluid, the transformer must be dried out.
Contact the Cooper Power Systems representative for
special instructions on dry-out or other decontamination

Instructions for Three-Phase Padmounted Compartmental Transformers

Sampling Insulating Liquid

NOTE: A sample of the liquid should be taken when

the unit is warmer than the surrounding air to
avoid condensation of moisture on the liquid.
Liquid samples must be drawn from the sam-
pling valve located at the bottom of the trans- Figure 3.
former tank. Grounding Pad.
A clean and dry bottle is required. Rinse bottle three
times with the liquid being sampled. Make sure liquid
being sampled is representative of liquid in the unit. WARNING: The transformer tank must be
Test samples should be taken only after the liquid has ! grounded before any other electrical connection is
settled for some time, up to several days for a large trans- made. A transformer which is system connected and not
former. Cold insulating liquid is much slower in settling. grounded should be regarded as energized. An ener-
Liquid samples from the transformer should be taken gized transformer is extremely dangerous. Contact with
from the sampling valve at the bottom of the tank. an energized transformer tank can be fatal.
When drawing samples from the bottom of the trans-
former or large tank, sufficient liquid must first be drawn
off to ensure that the sample will be from the bottom of
the tank, and not the liquid stored in the sampling pipe. WARNING: Wye-Wye winding connection transform-
ers (no delta winding) are designed for use on sys-
NOTE: If pre-service inspection indicates that repairs ! tems having a grounded neutral connector. All
will be necessary, note any damage, close and windings designed for grounded neutral operation must
reseal covers, bolt guards and terminal com- be permanently and solidly grounded to the system neu-
partment doors and notify the Cooper Power tral without resistance. Failure to do so may result in
Systems representative. Do not attempt pre- severe personal injury, death or property damage!
service repairs without factory authorization or
before damage claims have been prepared and
Livefront Transformer Connections
EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS Externally clamped porcelain bushings are normally
Transformers must be connected and operated as provided with tin-plated eyebolt terminals suitable for
indicated by the transformer nameplate. either copper or aluminum conductors for high-voltage
Transformers which require no internal inspection or connection on RTE three-phase padmounted transform-
repair may be system connected. ers. The bushings are positioned for vertical takeoff from
primary cables entering from below. Three bushings are
provided on radial-feed transformers. Six bushings are
WARNING: Make only those connections indicat- furnished on loop-feed equipment.
! ed by the diagrams and information on the
transformer nameplate. Available transformer neutrals CAUTION: CLEAN ALL BUSHINGS AND TER-
must be connected to system neutrals. Leads and con-
nections not in use must be installed from gound and
TIONS. Remove all dirt, grease, or foreign material.
from all other leads. Failure to do so may result in
severe personal injury, death or property damage!
Deadfront Transformer Connections
RTE deadfront three-phase padmounted transformers
Ground Connections are equipped with either universal bushing wells, one-
The transformer tank must be connected to a perma- piece bushings, or bushing wells with factory installed
nent, low-resistance ground. inserts. Bushing wells must be field equipped with
RTE three-phase padmounted transformers are bushing well inserts before loadbreak elbow cable
equipped with a grounding pad for making the ground connections can be made.
connection. The pad (see Figure 3) is located on the face
plate of the transformer behind the terminal compartment

Tap Changers
CAUTION: Bushing well inserts to be used on RTE
! three-phase padmount transformers must be compatible
with the universal bushing wells provided on the transformer.
WARNING: The transformer must be de-energized
Read the manufacturer’s instructions furnished with the insert
before installing the device.
! before the tap changer is operated. Failure to de-ener-
gize the transformer before changing the tap position will dam-
age the transformer and may result in severe personal injury.
CAUTION: Where one-piece bushings have been fur-
! nished, no field work is required to prepare the trans- Transformers equipped with a tap changer can be
changed from one operating voltage to another.
former for elbow connectors. Three bushing wells or one-piece
bushings are provided on radial-feed transformers. Six wells or Operating voltages accessible through the tap changer
bushings are furnished on loop-feed equipment. are indicated on the transformer nameplate.
On most RTE three-phase padmounted transformers
equipped with tap changers, the operating handle is
located on the face plate in the high-voltage terminal
Low Voltage Connections compartment.
Spade terminals are the standard low-voltage connector
on RTE three-phase padmounted transformers. The low
voltage bushings are externally clamped to transformer
tank wall.

RTE three-phase padmounted transformers may be
equipped with a variety of optional equipment. Many
types of fusing, switching, gauges, drain-valves and
pressure-relief devices may be obtained. Most such
accessories are factory installed and no field work is
required to prepare them for operation.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for installing
accessories or attachments. Make sure all connectors
(permanent or separable) are correctly rated for the

Lightning Arresters-Connection
Lightning arresters ordered with the transformer must
be installed and connected in the field before the trans-
former is put into service. Figure 4.
Arrester and tank ground connections must be com- Standard Tap Changer.
pleted before the transformer is connected to the high-
voltage line. Proper connection places the arrester in a
direct shunt relationship to the transformer insulation. The standard style of tap changer will have a “T” handle
or hot stick operable handle (see Figure 4). In either
Lightning Arresters-Disconnection During Test case, before the handle can be operated, the lock screw
Lightning arresters must be disconnected before must be backed out to clear the index plate. Next, the
dielectric tests are run on the transformer. Arresters handle must be pulled out to clear the index plate. Then
should be reconnected immediately after tests are rotate the handle to desired position and allow the point-
completed. er to drop into the slot of the index plate. If the padlock-
able feature is used, tighten lock screw until it bottoms.
Padlocking may then be accomplished through the hole

Figure 5.
Linear Tap Changer.

Instructions for Three-Phase Padmounted Compartmental Transformers

If a linear tap changer (see Figure 5) is provided, the

WARNING: The transformer must be de-ener-
knob has each position marked precisely. For each
change, the notch must first be released by exerting an ! gized before dual-voltage or delta-wye switches
axial pull on the control knob. Then turn to the new posi- are operated. Attempting to change dual-voltage or
tion as it falls back automatically into the respective delta-wye switches on an energized transformer could
notch. To avoid undesirable operation, it is possible to set result in damage to the equipment and severe personal
a padlock between the control knob and the positioning injury.
ring. The padlock in place prevents pulling the control
knob to operate.
CAUTION: When dual-voltage or delta-wye
! switches are set to connect transformer windings
in parallel, tap changers must be in the position shown
on the transformer nameplate. Tap changers usually
cannot be used to adjust voltage ratings when trans-
former windings are connected in parallel. Improper set-
tings will damage transformer.
Figure 6.
Screw-Cap Tap Changer.
CAUTION: Before re-energizing the transformer
On some RTE pad mounted transformers, the tap chang- ! after resetting dual-voltage or delta-wye switches,
er is operated by a “screw-cap” handle-wrench (see check tap changer settings against nameplate informa-
Figure 6). To operate the tap changer, the cap is tion for correct voltages. Improper settings will damage
unscrewed from the holding plate, inverted and placed transformer.
over the exposed end of the operating shaft. When the
notches in the wrench cap engage the matching teeth
around the shaft, the tap changer may be turned to the
required setting. On the screw cap tap changer, tap posi-
tions are indicated by an arrow on the shaft and letters
on the sleeve surrounding the shaft. The letters corre-
spond to voltages listed on the transformer nameplate. A
snap action detent locates the switch contact into posi-
tion at each lettered stop. When the desired setting is
reached, the wrench handle should be rocked slightly to
insure full engagement and then removed. The wrench is
keyed to prevent withdrawal unless the shaft is “on
Figure 8.
Dual Voltage/Delta-Wye Switch.

Dual voltage windings are either connected in series (for

the higher voltage) or in parallel (for the lower voltage).
Dual voltage and delta-wye switches have two positions.
Switch positions are identified on the transformer name-
plate and marked by corresponding numerals on the
Figure 7. switch mounting plate. In the operating mode, the switch
Fixed Handle Tap Changer. is locked in one position or the other by a bolt which
passes through the switch handle and enters a hole in
the mounting plate (see Figure 8).
On some transformers, tap changers have a fixed handle
(see Figure 7). A locking bolt secures the handle at a To change dual winding switch settings:
particular setting. To change the setting, the locking bolt 1. Release the locking bolt and back it out until it
is backed out to clear the position setting hole, the han- clears the position hole.
dle is moved to the new setting and the bolt is once more 2. Rotate the switch handle 90°. Line up the
screwed in to fix the handle in its new position. locking bolt with the alternate position hole.
3. Screw the bolt in until it seats firmly in the
Dual Voltage and Delta-Wye Switches position hole.
Transformers equipped for dual-voltage or delta-wye
(reconnectable winding) operation usually have an exter-
nally operable switch mounted on the face plate in the
high-voltage terminal compartment. Units combining
dual-voltage and delta-wye features may have two
separate switches.


WARNING: Operate all loadbreak equipment with WARNING: Become thoroughly familiar with the
! caution - make sure you are aware of circuit conditions. ! transformer before placing into service. Make sure you
Make sure you understand the purpose and function of all understand the purpose and function of all equipment and
equipment and accessories. Wear any protective clothing or accessories. Wear any protective clothing or equipment
equipment required. Improper operation may result in severe required. Use a hot stick for all grounding, testing, disconnect,
personal injury, death or property damage! or reconnect opertions. Treat the transformer as energized
until you are certain of its condition. Failure to do so may
result in severe personal injury, death or property damage!
Internal Loadbreak Switches
Operate switches using hotline tool.
Pre-energization Checks
WARNING: Do not operate switch if fault condition is Before the transformer is energized: Clean and check all
! suspected. To do so may result in severe personal injury, bushings and connections. Clean and lubricate all sepa-
death or property damage! rable connector interfaces.
Be sure the insulating fluid is at the proper operating
Internal loadbreak switches are designed to interrupt level.
load current only; they are not designed to disconnect the Insure transformer is mounted on a level concrete
transformer from the system under fault. Do not exceed pad.
switch ratings. Close and lock cabinet doors before leaving the
Air Switches and Fusing
WARNING: In-air fuses or switches may be ener-
! gized even when in the “open” position. Read the switch
WARNING: The transformer must be de-energized
and fuse manufacturer’s instructions carefully before operating
the equipment. ! before any service is performed. Working on an ener-
gized transformer is extremely dangerous - do not attempt to
open or service energized equipment. Failure to do so may
Bay-O-Net Fuse Operation result in severe personal injury, death or property damage!
Bay-O-Net fuses are externally replaceable fuse devices
capable of being used for loadbreak and loadmake func-
tions when used within ratings. See operating instructions Exterior Maintenance
included with transformer prior to operating. Fuse ele- Periodically inspect all exposed surface for evidence of
ment replacement instructions are included with each tampering, battered metal, gouged door frames or sills,
replacement element. etc. Dents or deformities should be repaired at once.
Scratched or weathered paint or protective coatings
should be touched up promptly.
WARNING: Closing in on a fault can generate arch-
! ing and an explosive reaction. Read the manufacturer’s
Keep the area around the transformer clean. Do not
store tools, materials or equipment on or against the
instructions carefully and vent the transformer before operating transformer.
a Bay-O-Net fuseholder. Failure to do so may result in severe
personal injury, death or property damage! Cabinet Interior Maintenance
Periodically inspect the terminal compartment interior
and all operating equipment. Check all gauges and con-
trols for proper operation. Repair or replace damaged or
defective equipment.
Inspect drain cocks, plugs, fuse mountings and
switches. Look for evidence of insulating fluid seepage
around tank-wall gaskets, seals, etc. Repair as required.

Instructions for Three-Phase Padmounted Compartmental Transformers

NOTE: Replacement of gaskets or seals in the tank 4. Re-connect all external and internal cables and
wall may require that the tank be opened and leads. Replace all nuts, flat washers, spring
the insulating fluid lowered to the appropriate washers, etc., in their original position. Tighten
level. For instructions on opening the tank and all connections.
for draining and replacing the insulating fluid, 5. Restore the insulating fluid to the 25° C level. In
refer to the procedures detailed under PRE- specs the bushing-to-tank seal for leaks or seep-
SERVICE INSPECTlON - INTERlOR on Page age. Repair as required. Close and reseal the
4 of this manual. tank.

Internal Maintenance Conventional Mineral Oil-Filled Transformers

Service to bushings or other equipment inside the trans- Refer to ANSI C57.106 Guide For Acceptance and
former tank will require that the tank be opened and the Maintenance of Insulating oil in Equipment, for
insulating fluid lowered to the appropriate level. For additional guidelines when testing and handling
instructions on opening the tank and for draining and conventional mineral oil.
replacing the insulating fluid, refer to the procedures
on Page 4 of this manual. Periodic maintenance tests should be performed on
essentially the same schedule as would be used for con-
Bushing Removal and Replacement ventional mineral oil-filled transformers of similiar appli-
1. Open the tank and lower the insulating fluid level cation. Refer to IEEE C57.121 Guide for acceptance and
to expose the bushing. maintenance of less flammable hydrocarbon fluids in
2. Disconnect all internal and external cables and transformers.
leads. Note the position of all nuts, flat washers,
spring washers, etc. Release the external bushing Drain and Refill
clamp bolts and remove the clamp. Remove the If it is necessary to drain and refill the transformer, spe-
bushing and gasket. cial care should be taken to avoid the entrapment of gas
3. Install a new bushing and gasket. The original bubbles in the system. Sufficient time should be allowed
gasket may be reused unless pinched or cut. between refilling and energization of the transformer to
Center the bushing and gasket to obtain an effec- be sure that any gas bubbles created during the process
tive seal. Install the exterior bushing clamp and have been dissipated.
clamp bolts. Tighten the clamp bolts.
Request Section S900-10-1 for additional handling
guidelines for R-Temp fluid.


P.O. Box 1640
Waukesha, WI 53187


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