BRM Unit 2 Final
BRM Unit 2 Final
BRM Unit 2 Final
pome i c I be colackad
8 ome Specife ay
by mehoos &ch oB peAoNal investga tan ad/å gueshio
A qLonrae ib
ib eithe l o d up b a n imveshigafot
UD ermbala by o r e aences.
lchKh loo«8 he Secob
HoDee, he Sowe,
aata, ocod kovedeaived it either om the paimay
chla colocted by itsekf oi farm he Saodad hia
elaak d poblishe by Sooe Ghes ScICO This
Ahantoges and imitahon, al Poiraiy lote and
Secoroaoy olola
bontoges Paimany ohto
The oato icolaCtod
Secisic pae/ obgcke
h e e isa
9acotor deqee of contad fo ko esik
the conto coo be o c he
brkged f a SBoy
the Sige of he Sarmph-Ihe mehod ol Seoplrg et
TFee ib a po8s) bi to colad boz io he inioe
Colactel oogh poimoay chb
Kimilation of pomooy data
The pODceK of poimaay data collochion tie-
Consorning and eapensie
The cckachion ad paimaay dhta eoiaes eaetixe eyoe
pin anoltical geils, and an not be done b
onskillod peasons T incaals he cost of the Skely
poimoy data.
hased on
in he eaplovot-
TOLea Ch
peaspechie espicialy
he a Settig p th
tre 0bjechies
phase, hila defioig
data mgbB give
hypotte63 e i e o x ch,
of he eeoc h
akout the
ghy the
oefol both in fining
and coo be cafemy
the Sampe Siae
ad i decioliog
cos and TegonieA o Collocirg bta.
DiHen methai of
collochrg paimay data
Ciee guOkhionnai?, Obzevathon, inte0 vi), poojechie
tatniae8,. JocU8 qops elc houe kaen, ducored
akoe. AbO
voveys OKe 9uehornaies to colloct Ba in
he &plonatie Josmok. A 90eshoonaie is a et of
gweshons 8ka to individuas to dblain cKEÍ! ht8soh
ahcut a iven tope of imlerest. f propealy conspuete
ond v spo n)bl cdministevd qUestonra ies
on become a vital istobment by wheh inBeakaero
6e mode abat Spaciic qoops d peoph d enroe
The esgning ofthe Guestbonaise föros e mot
Telephonc &cney i
Tbe cestonnaine tb abp not Seon by tho
Cponden The guesbionnaive Shob rot be too lorg
Shovd ot have qoestbrs -hat tate lorg time
Hail &neH
Mar &mey ae Sels aenioist zakat. hoch h
ceshomaie Can be Seen by the
D o interacho) toth
elporner thee
the intesva. The Utoi
mst hae claar tnstoucbm3, alooasy stata 2estoos
9uestions 8hov d be dekgnad So as to hdd. he
nfeest tilt he ed af the
exhoorarae. The Foco df
9oe8 honA Shoold foloco a patesn lita,
egKt ceson
t h e begining
flleroed. by di'Sftcs, blccaer t
aH9oeshons at the end.
mal Soovey
Te SODuey browgh eluctaonic
media can be
ocne i ttoo OaR Serdirg Sft fovn focgh e
Crdine svey esuiceK.
(CoDBtaucta uso HTHLBNe
D rmates the goestonpaie ea to condtacd,
ey to ansler ( CuCTrg angten) and eak to cde
a i r y i6 the mas oely teri tonk fa
beiy cied os a
has he Some poobahiliBy cchora )a
pavt o Sarmpa
&l1rg, embess of the
HooDgenog oithn
Horariy orthin
Hornogifq etho
arn ke
orlh in
Cite sd
S-he Stovey.
C1 C2 C3 cu Ck,
) Sgfemaic (ö vo Samping
In Systemahic &ling elemeng ane eacted
6orhe popuatioN at orifoom ibteovel so fesms af
time,oces, 3pace. fo obBaining &es in Systemi
Sopling o81 af allalaroplirg sachion lk cateated
o exampla,
Avesocher can to toke a &ase of &ze å
r o he popuation of e 9oo a h e hog decictd
Ho Re Sptemate 8aroplirg R - s popor Aiost
Stephe has fo alkuate a amp vacton k
ie k: N e) 00
f obtaioing he Samplo he fiost mombe
coo be Setched adoroly d afles thot eveg
30h member 6f. the popclahon is inctded A
omploSoprok he fiozt elomost is
Zlchoodaobmly and aftor i s eveo 30hdoa
eloment t o a armple 813e
30 aoe icrlei în the Lpl
Sag2. tnú.
ta Dsloc
2nd Sho
3 Sta eteg
Nbn- Kartem anplrq Tarhngues
Soda Sormypir
n Quota Samplirg Ceatan Sokclakes , Scch
anm aimhon lova aoe
ag, gcnder, income g30p
as Shata otiled Samplig s hawed on he ort
2 onuenience Samplirg
n Comenence Sampling, Sampe elormen e
earcher. In htk
Pad ôn h e ComvenxNM afa
Dk Ahe deaarcher inclodes Samples A0hch ae codiy
) Snocohal Samplir
n Shocohalt Sapliog,&oovey epnderý ae
mUst be excoed.
Ssteps apig pacess
Revi tirg
An overvs
L chacteihd Decikon.
Revikd ira)
becikibO. Saentg[
DeciKOn Aelrinis1 xate
Soove tetrie ega dig|
espen ve
Pocdla fios|
hase7 e cooslouction hase
aoe alo clorie endad geeshers
bhee molhp.
choke ae Ofeed to he epoent.
Skpe Decikon kegaacir9 ehb0 A0ddio
Native oling of rshonk liacou
neopondonty a d bcxeax -the epork o
Cven if he kOndent e r , oy he
seorir ueshon.
Opeirg Qvetonu
apAOhon Statement C baxd on
Dicolt to a text
Identulication and
categolisatan uAro
Step- Deciion nerdig Depon% Chora
impoitant beikbn about the nomer
cholces Bo be paented befRo the e3)Ynb.
i 6 potant to vmeoR1adhal loo mary
asponeA choiceR Or buden the verondent ard
e seponges choce toill rd be ablo to covo
aan of pooble aHenroha, n thkpe of Stoao
a escarcher hao-to fame he aHerati Keepirg
the ekeadch obe hua in mind.
he Qeshomaite
e p Pae-teshng of
the Rvexhionrarre invdves
Po-teshng of
e }o a SArall Samy
cdminesing he eerhionnai
-to idenhy a d elaminate, the
of he popoblon
ho 03thonroiye, 1 ary.
Ppolenhal olorm9 o/
Stcp:2 Reititing he Qostioono' bKed y
he inpod obfained from pe-feshir9.
Dcta CollacHonMethods
Saencdoy dald
Teponcart Sel-
has to adminttrcrledovey. Th
Vdumooily in the Opesthionraire
he reoocho
Theostoo estionraire ond Send ititack
batk *o ad
dy ney Osina
osko 'sd yte voxoche
Eecronic Hedia
The Se
dwed Carlio Con also e
odministrate d Sunees
rcoch astticoboly
Setthvough Elecbonic Hediaa.This qives
houa this Hadia an lacation nhe qlote Con be cched
Elcchronic Hail ond nterd u
Commen in most
athe onties."The lCT
irtrcasing t
xponetial vate. "This
tormat q doa Colletion i
EHicie ond
CostEchive Conpoed to the otho
Oostionraire Settp Elechronic wecdia in a oratiThe
*E serolinq a decctmst e
Ccai ning the qpesthons hoah the
-* Osing on-lie
Usina Soney NC and
mokinq on nire
the link vey, ord Seraing
qhe Yexponcerta b C-m
olection. In this technique,
dbsouation i a qualttative method ota
norrmation oplorecd by obsenvirg objcct huran behaliO
ct ord ccmch
ERP bta wanu houe & Hining
*rret cb
mdia Cane
licartion he molental afpcaninq in te pin
ehclted a pblication Dailyecospae mogtim Encyclopaaias,
be tomed as
tot book>, hard-broka erorti JLTalM ehc . Con
Pobication Constitute
med a» te Yc\oence matoial, and Thenc
hau'au alsb
ivE-mail Suvey
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