BRM Unit 2 Final

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DATA 18ASC /5imany ala am ecorbay oula

Mer 1s the t o mmerrà S ammt all eBCa Kch

Sfrlis The type o ata am etholdogy of il

collacton vy aardding to tte egoierren 0/ the

otTt abo deperck cpon h e 'onit af the Str
ie) an Cbcan idividol,on entity etc. ond he

tyre od hta tha a y be aqoiaed 8 the Stdy te

QUantitabie d qoaltotive, paircoay å 8econdony ee.

Ircadentaly he Conop afpsiay ard &codg
cota aeexpaina RE e . as olots

/oivay ohla and Secoooioy dlala

Poimai duta is olactad diecthy by the seaxha

pome i c I be colackad
8 ome Specife ay
by mehoos &ch oB peAoNal investga tan ad/å gueshio
A qLonrae ib
ib eithe l o d up b a n imveshigafot

|hoscd on the infönatn given by he sponoet d bt

theerpondent hinmRl/heasels.
Secorolan data i the data dikemiaked hog
Sorne media lika epoly Ceafeoral & interml), newspapas
booCs magagin%, toebhtes etc. Noco p it is
ha ,

UD ermbala by o r e aences.
lchKh loo«8 he Secob
HoDee, he Sowe,
aata, ocod kovedeaived it either om the paimay
chla colocted by itsekf oi farm he Saodad hia
elaak d poblishe by Sooe Ghes ScICO This

Gain9can go even oohed. Hocoeve, be oltimale

oce o any Secondaay ohla Aas do e painayo

Fel eraplo, pmimaoy dalo atat pocek of Comlte
i ollacrtd in aoics æntoeb /cites in Jda.Goctns

2eloakch thee hic e, ohch n um Get pobliked

DeoADaEIs and agineB The RR Ob0 poblkba

these paice indices in poblicatbos: tö he kexeve

Bonk, lE B Secondasy cita and i t is dol anyore

coho cxes he Reseive BanK poblicahons.

>The ohta acoting 6 booking in Jodia is

colocted by the RB2 and o is porroady clata A

e Reaeove Bank.-Houwever t e ame dato oben publh

o te keseove, Bank oblications bavmoa Secondary

the pe son d dganiatbn hat uze he ata

e rmot common eaamples of Secondaxtata

ethe dala coloctcdoom obliske Sdorce ik
neLospapeR,agasina/7osro, boo epod
The ata povicb the 0ansatdox on
theio nehstes cood be paimoy hta colected b
hem bt d e viitol o be CObae, he data

Ahantoges and imitahon, al Poiraiy lote and
Secoroaoy olola
bontoges Paimany ohto
The oato icolaCtod
Secisic pae/ obgcke
h e e isa
9acotor deqee of contad fo ko esik
the conto coo be o c he
brkged f a SBoy
the Sige of he Sarmph-Ihe mehod ol Seoplrg et
TFee ib a po8s) bi to colad boz io he inioe
Colactel oogh poimoay chb
Kimilation of pomooy data
The pODceK of poimaay data collochion tie-
Consorning and eapensie
The cckachion ad paimaay dhta eoiaes eaetixe eyoe
pin anoltical geils, and an not be done b
onskillod peasons T incaals he cost of the Skely

Paimany data Collochion ay n be akoa fanAz.

f ohta uke 6DP, inflahon, bosires paoametes of
the banting Splom et:c.

tokardages o Sconcdaoy data

Tke data aioiobe i 9Uk a d a d y tov®.

f he 8coe of te hto collacrut dcaiaha, &uth

data n avoial esod tha olhercIK CaH Cæep in

Chilo coeleetn Co/lactng pouoas clato

Inmanp Cak, the Secondaf dar may be laxs

eapenkie than he paioaf cba
Such doto oy alloc the aeieaCHe I t0 covea a
odes arqe qeoqraphe, cos- Seetiom! d mpio
Seccndasy Sonces of fovotion can yeia mals
accooate than that 0btainel thagh poimaiy

iitartions ofecopclany data

The biggest cholarge tohie king Seconcanydat
i hat te chta Shoc be aclavard, aecent and

elable h e gNen objectives tf-Ike SBoy.

he chta Ukeel i8 Secodasy å ti no collocted
by the aCCOcher, the oaigin u the infåmahon
may qce8tioob fhe data i Vcaidied
Secooko chto dees od odde the Specidr oerk
af. the eILasCheab

Snce the geconbay chto vailab 6 mory ortte,

the eacbovenks af he injrotion oozied fovo
he oata is lst.
Tbe Secondady CACOSChea may have to compoo
mthe erviaged obchve ard Scepe
Gf e Stdy
olependirg h e aaiobilty of clata tratis auaib

The choa bw Colacding paimasy dato

co bipg econdosy data, depersk oo the ohjeche
Consicetiolitg/ eaclokivere% Of he Stody, upe
dota vegoie, Teluob lty C he avaiob doto ete.
he data dgoied ts ealy avaibhb,n a
OueDNmer ol Scvoe Slalttoy/astmle aycrey puibloh
h e obvioO% decikon (OOod he Jo o the a i o b dato

he Stny ib eactoki d Consrmes glakd oho

Bof d
aathes ap, the
-the conmes packxrxe chor9e
an vald, and it cci te
d mla nuy nd he cliabk
De1CaoCh e ) eILOMh
DoCfeoable poimH

poimoy data.
hased on

may d ke nofa that een cohen one

Cath/ Stody, h e
decdes to cordrt poimay
Lbstontal odo
in rceaston
Secorcly dota
can pby a

in he eaplovot-
TOLea Ch
peaspechie espicialy
he a Settig p th
tre 0bjechies
phase, hila defioig

data mgbB give
hypotte63 e i e o x ch,
of he eeoc h

akout the
ghy the
oefol both in fining
and coo be cafemy
the Sampe Siae
ad i decioliog
cos and TegonieA o Collocirg bta.
DiHen methai of
collochrg paimay data
Ciee guOkhionnai?, Obzevathon, inte0 vi), poojechie
tatniae8,. JocU8 qops elc houe kaen, ducored
akoe. AbO

voveys OKe 9uehornaies to colloct Ba in
he &plonatie Josmok. A 90eshoonaie is a et of
gweshons 8ka to individuas to dblain cKEÍ! ht8soh
ahcut a iven tope of imlerest. f propealy conspuete
ond v spo n)bl cdministevd qUestonra ies
on become a vital istobment by wheh inBeakaero
6e mode abat Spaciic qoops d peoph d enroe

The esgning ofthe Guestbonaise föros e mot

Dpåtaot paod of a urvey. egate queshonaixe

desipo s coih to he sires ofthe Savey
Scavey. The
westonraise t at. rthie a n e ol a4 ganfitabva

TeHcaach, Str and

herefdte de atterntion Shov6 be

pa to donn the gkopraie. A

Desanirg tHhe estonaie

cestonnaive Nodes of Resporkes

Pohorally AdminisloaBa Svovey.
Stothe"taained peororal is pxeENt a
Te toe tf colochng dab, a guesionnaise derd
sonally cmoistsate Sove Cood be

atensive eeking ih depth Jb'maton. Tke gceah

eoobe Seer b; the vesponder

Telephonc &cney i
Tbe cestonnaine tb abp not Seon by tho
Cponden The guesbionnaive Shob rot be too lorg
Shovd ot have qoestbrs -hat tate lorg time
Hail &neH
Mar &mey ae Sels aenioist zakat. hoch h
ceshomaie Can be Seen by the
D o interacho) toth
elporner thee
the intesva. The Utoi
mst hae claar tnstoucbm3, alooasy stata 2estoos
9uestions 8hov d be dekgnad So as to hdd. he
nfeest tilt he ed af the
exhoorarae. The Foco df
9oe8 honA Shoold foloco a patesn lita,
egKt ceson
t h e begining
flleroed. by di'Sftcs, blccaer t
aH9oeshons at the end.
mal Soovey
Te SODuey browgh eluctaonic
media can be
ocne i ttoo OaR Serdirg Sft fovn focgh e
Crdine svey esuiceK.
(CoDBtaucta uso HTHLBNe
D rmates the goestonpaie ea to condtacd,
ey to ansler ( CuCTrg angten) and eak to cde
a i r y i6 the mas oely teri tonk fa

athen impåtant aala and oetal ndosrmhion fsorm

lakei a Srralt
obton. A oOarhes geneally
Stoc, hch i eltroed
poortion he pomilation i

to a&ample. e paoces of ehchng a omph 10m

he poprletion t alad Samplr

Randsr Vs. Non-Random dampog

ke bocady divded
ampli pocede can

into o megorès: Rorcorn a nlon-ercbm ampbr.

I n Randoro Sampirg,cach unit af the pepubt

beiy cied os a
has he Some poobahiliBy cchora )a

pavt o Sarmpa
&ampl1rg, embess of the

Sample ae nd Sekctal by chorca. Sorme othe kctals lite

of he aCIAIICh2 ith -the Schect,
Comenence et e ave the baKIK os Selochion.

The heloco siqvoe depic the baoad caro#catn

fordom kamplirg ethods ard non- 2anodom
&mlirg melod.

Random wlon ordor

Samplirg Sornplirg
Hethqd elho d3

atfied aloster Qoota Comener

ndom Soopirg aoplin
Saplirg Samplirg Canplrg
Spkerahc Hott 3la Jedaumenttrck
Samplir empin
Samplirq Sanipirg

1.) Siopla Random Samptrg

hi ethd,each ember df he opó=
hag an Cqcal chance of
beig included fo the Samp
Sampe &elochon paxotadune

Step4 Fiotl of all, he Samplsrg faame pepav

Step : on he n nbm rmho,Dhere n
Is ha Sample Bige ae chooen 8orm t
Kandom nlombos dable

Hep3 irally the oni cluBpondir9 o th

3ceched h andom vnha8 ere tsked
Sepemely sohich coD8htoty tho Samph
2) atifrd Random Saroplirg
6 baKed Ihe
on concopt ofhomogen rly and
helerogencig Slaathishadxadom aoplring comenh
t he puotin. ae divicelfnto homogoneon goPs

calld StoaBa. Then, eOche»s oe Ihe Simpl

2a Saopling method to ebct a amph foorn
Cach f h e S/ata. r h groop i caled tom
I hoti fa dadom samplirg, shoalon 3hcukd be

OPely hongeracs and stola Shoculd Coctokl rth

COch othe 7his poco ef dividirg hetesognecu
I6 alld
cuDS oto haebtiuely homogereoc 90up3

HooDgenog oithn
Horariy orthin


Hornogifq etho

)Closter (os Aea) Sampir

closkes &mpliry. e divicb h e opulatin
axeak os adoslors. Jt might
nto non-Oucilorping
a, here is no difrere hotoeen Stoatified
ard coler &mpling datsd Sanplin
to be homoginenocs Aet in CesBer
at hoppen
&mliig, Clxek axe Hemally hetowgneoce.
xmpe HC& comm arty to
and con b condat
hcuch a neo prol
he dWvd inio
fhiR Centoy Cn

arn ke
orlh in
Cite sd
S-he Stovey.

C1 C2 C3 cu Ck,

) Sgfemaic (ö vo Samping
In Systemahic &ampling elemeng ane eacted
6orhe popuatioN at orifoom ibteovel so fesms af
time,oces, 3pace. fo obBaining &ampes in Systemi
Sopling o81 af allalaroplirg sachion lk cateated

o exampla,
Avesocher can to toke a &ase of &ze å
r o he popuation of e 9oo a h e hog decictd
Ho Re Sptemate 8aroplirg R - s popor Aiost
Stephe has fo alkuate a amp vacton k

ie k: N e) 00
f obtaioing he Samplo he fiost mombe
coo be Setched adoroly d afles thot eveg
30h member 6f. the popclahon is inctded A
omploSoprok he fiozt elomost is
Zlchoodaobmly and aftor i s eveo 30hdoa
eloment t o a armple 813e
30 aoe icrlei în the Lpl

-15) fhotti Sta ampur

invdves the loctón d
tv Steg ampling
in moe hon one StoY: he popohn
StaP oni am each of te
consikt os paimay
pomaay Stage on consis af ecomary
In bis pOOLERE f moth- 8Bage Sasplg
Sta oorg.
Is lakan Jhom he poirOTY Stag
Jio aa Sample
on ana hn a Sarmple is taken fom

Sag2. tnú.

ta Dsloc
2nd Sho
3 Sta eteg
Nbn- Kartem anplrq Tarhngues

Soda Sormypir
n Quota Samplirg Ceatan Sokclakes , Scch
anm aimhon lova aoe
ag, gcnder, income g30p
as Shata otiled Samplig s hawed on he ort

o0arcbroly Selectaihg oniú trom he Staaton. Hecre

n ae 6/ &uota Sampling, a xeRPOxcher oes ron-30
o e Sfaton
stuplingmethod to gothes dhta om
t n e veseoher b
Coilthe DQoioco quota Ased by

2 onuenience Samplirg
n Comenence Sampling, Sampe elormen e

earcher. In htk
Pad ôn h e ComvenxNM afa
Dk Ahe deaarcher inclodes Samples A0hch ae codiy

auaibba. Te ficos is on-he Conveniee of thezade

23 Jdgement mplirg
Tdpment asplingelochon af he ani
ror i hokc on the irgermeni o^ a esea32he.

) Snocohal Samplir
n Shocohalt Sapliog,&oovey epnderý ae

lucted an the hos ef feorak T5som ohes Soy

atporcleng. / Scoball colacé pootelg ohonit tols
on rce Sioooly in rocohall Sampluro , a ea
to colact tmation ahoct anatha
Ce a xeypriert
amplirg Desgn Pocek
omplig i g n paOceA can e eaplaired
he ine3acated Sleps e
he e 3eps ae 8hocon helo

SEp 4: Taget popolotòn mox! he defired

Step2 Sampling oarre mos be deleomird

Step3Appoopriote aroplirg tecbngue mst he

Stepe: Sampe Se mr be detomnea

mUst be excoed.
Ssteps apig pacess

i g e t popktion most be cbsinad

Taapet popcahon is the collction af ohects. bhch

po6ses e intoimaton 2qrs0ol by he aexenrcha
and about Obch an inteoAce ih to be mcb.

R) amplirg dame mst be dkSiseo ceernined:

Aescaxher akes ample oom a mptatn kt,

dixetood, mop, Cty diect8y, d any dthe Soce osed

to epegent he popdahiorn. hs tkt posseses he indorhu=

about the Sijech ond i callod he &emplirg doame.

P3tpopaiate Sampling tahnigue mo he Selacta
e mot inpootand past dfelucting Samp(irg
techniue i makig -the choce hetaeon dadom dampuho
adon-oarobrn &aoplirg technigues
)aople Sige moBt bè dete3rmina

Sampe pe e t to the nombov of elkmah

h e ielered in he tu. e atre of desh

imootanl conhaeahon6 Khle

and araiytk ik an

ecicng tho Samph ge. 8 goalrtative sescath,a

a U &asn i Soskeent F Conclusie vescaCh, a

lage Sampa in agoloed

Samplig pooceks mt be faecoted.

The cxecotin of amplirg techrigues e
btail ecificahon ef taaget popóton, emplirg on

Sanplirg techniees ard Sanpu Siae A thsB Stog

Qath Ster in the Samplirg pooces m be effec hieky
Deigning Que3tonnaire.

&estonie dosan Pooce

Specdy he poe-1hr
OCach Qcezhionb

Revi tirg
An overvs
L chacteihd Decikon.
Revikd ira)
becikibO. Saentg[
DeciKOn Aelrinis1 xate
Soove tetrie ega dig|
espen ve

Pocdla fios|
hase7 e cooslouction hase

Nep1Sechy -he eqi infoametion in he light ofh

b.ene te, Specifc infosmotion ,"he KeO Ych
Shoo clmy oefne tho ohective and otes each

Cormporeg Sth as carh qvestionK and hypotheks

all these comporer vesy irpOrart he
ory povioe he base of Sace frnahion to be collctacd
|Hhoagh Soy
Sep Rr An ovevvie ofepordent ChaoccleatAtes
Collecting te infomaton,an oovies a
2poncent3 choracte sabes i a vital coD3de Tator:
oeseaxer most Constug the 9wsio
lghl af he
asponolanti poofre a poobab2 epondan
by Cornosedirg va9loos Facloas Such a -the VEAPndary
qualificokon, aq, Capaienca, income, Cavia, accYpaton
ond So o
Gep 3 Decikon aanging 8eluctirg an apopaie
Aahile consfUchiga questonnaiae, a deep hink
ooces 6 qoi fo: elac¥ an apaopoiaBe Soaey
Hechnige, 0n the baks 0 the nab of aciminikloabior

oonel inteviero. telathore - intervW, oail inteuew

and oloctoon c neoven a Coomonly bad&ooveg
haseii ConNocton Phose
ep Decisjon Kegancig Ae shon 8rrof
&estionnieR OKe too Ipe df crston
Bmo hes ae open.eroloddonslwctunad othon
a ClorEd endad uosHon8 (SBvctoned auer hana)
4 Open eded &uashoa h e oper-ended eytoS
poovide a Jsee-to - ansoer oppoltonity 70 he
veApondeng igtead of fixed.seapone choreA.
clo«d enad 8vesfonk| Fe eoscd-enced Queston
poovice dErPÖNKe aHcsrafiue to the vaoroeng
ted f giurg them a fyetb eprex pong
ophbn. e Choce offeral tfe aepondosi an be
atter in he bom of a ating &ytem e a et
of eonsR alkeoraive.
a n be divdeod mto Dehotorocj
mohjole choie Qverkn
vexponf altamtruey
*Dihotornoo have only to

COlly preientng h e too exheer "es No

Mokple choic 8uo8hons -the vereadcher pae beng


Vroo ansoo% choces to a ærnl ad the

fom he
Cxsoren is Sprored to elct any one

aoe alo clorie endad geeshers
bhee molhp.
choke ae Ofeed to he epoent.
Skpe Decikon kegaacir9 ehb0 A0ddio
Native oling of rshonk liacou
neopondonty a d bcxeax -the epork o
Cven if he kOndent e r , oy he

8uestbn Adding most be Simple

nbsgfand h
Vague 8 Ambig toces Add moRt he avoido
o b -Baraeled Qu2shion oKt be avoice
(and 7d)
Aoidleadinq f komoded Queghok.
Avod oisrg doktakf id.
Imlta ompiona, ost be Aubided.
Kesporcondh memdy ha n be overanad
Atoiltato AosnOr roR he orkovd
Sep 3 Deciso segarding
Queshon endn
Sueston pene also poy
akey ade in
Aeneating tne. sespondeg intexet and
oiaton i
ankeY Qwexon qeshon3 ovb hae
l0q10 a

Savencir9 in e ueaionnaixe and ghocuDd ro

be plood Sodeny

seorir ueshon.
Opeirg Qvetonu
apAOhon Statement C baxd on
Dicolt to a text
Identulication and
categolisatan uAro
Step- Deciion nerdig Depon% Chora
impoitant beikbn about the nomer
cholces Bo be paented befRo the e3)Ynb.
i 6 potant to vmeoR1adhal loo mary
asponeA choiceR Or buden the verondent ard
e seponges choce toill rd be ablo to covo
aan of pooble aHenroha, n thkpe of Stoao
a escarcher hao-to fame he aHerati Keepirg
the ekeadch obe hua in mind.

Steps Decikon 2eodir9 Questioore byo

dueshonnahe ayocis impolfant to enhar
7he deiporse ate.

o d c i g fia dooft of tho Quekh onnaide

decided óbout the
h i s Caqe, a reKachor
Queshionnaise aS i s Of para
appeaon othe
a gøvd aeponge.
mpotance to gererae
ast Conztouchbn Phae

he Qeshomaite
e p Pae-teshng of
the Rvexhionrarre invdves
Po-teshng of
e }o a SArall Samy
cdminesing he eerhionnai
-to idenhy a d elaminate, the
of he popoblon
ho 03thonroiye, 1 ary.
Ppolenhal olorm9 o/
Stcp:2 Reititing he Qostioono' bKed y
he inpod obfained from pe-feshir9.

To enhonco -he accooCy afley

Suggetonk om he ppetekirg,a kacher a
90 f8 &ecood pe-testirg.
Steps Kevihed Fio! dooft of he Cekhonnate
hik Sogehe wzareher rakek tha
&uehonroui? t o amisker hy eimiratn
al he mnole miktakeg ar Foeßto maKe t
Coo fsee.

Step Adminstabon fe Questormaixe

and bbtainir9 kex/ponkes

Athis Stoge, the esEacher aiminis

the Queationaive fo.the PBpondeng aod
Obtaun he oelpon
These verpornKeA Qæ cwed.
data aoe tabulated ard appacporale gathishcal
lachnigeR aPplied to a n e . h e dta.
Dola lchor
Methods oDala& -Cima&Secorcho cdoto Saxinm)
bimos dsta Sancos iThe ime dbco be Collecled k osing

OuontiH athe cads 6 tulitalivc trelts 9 a CollecHion

e y i s he mo P ku elteed aomtitahive mdtesl A
ithe eitod
Colectin q qonitctive infermction abaut um in
a lquetic

QualtatiVe mdthod g data Goltection -

Qaitctive etods q data Collection ircluo osewolion fotm rup z
Stroctorc d and tuoved itenhecos etc."Te mettods do rot Ue
lexiblc d
Urionaircb.the Emphasis eccecch ave a
methodb is to
onturtoNcd Qppach while Calactirg coa

Dcta CollacHonMethods

Saencdoy dald

blicotiana eb lkject data

Sumb Irtoviecos chsottiond lisect
Sto Yeport mining
C Ml
d EechanicHedia

oonally Parinistated &orvey Shuckove d intonico

c b e d qostions Ocu rally Qkes the Teeavchesd
totervieca. In ttis metod, Ettto the qustannods is ordle d ol
toeaol. and takcn boctk Cepletionhtte roperdent 3 eshe
ts aked the qostion onally Kopoes au oled daa)
&thc bhe
b Teehonic. one Hoy o ttmo t i srst buible o eoally

Condotr SWey Eoch Conit io The Sample.The droohrck is oVe Come

Cerckcting aekphoricoruey this tpe 3 Sorvc ethod the
dta id Celleced ttwauyhlcteptoric inlerection. The qrstia au oke d OVet
C oeional Calles and te Teponen caoled cbo tte
C MaR orWey
THo mhod s uod wheo itto the Csptrcent au
Orahial dispeved ond to t o coll o the cetaikd
Evtervivc to he.
Sorvey is
Cendrted on phone. In &ome CaCD pecially in the
Toral oucas
heclephores may ot hetheu. Jo Sxh Coc The
Oesthornaire mailedto the
abut i veponeerb arnd the dotai le d Istuios
p the
he ma questionnairc, and Sending
uplainecl t bock u
This is atto ted a

Teponcart Sel-
has to adminttrcrledovey. Th
Vdumooily in the Opesthionraire
he reoocho
Theostoo estionraire ond Send ititack
batk *o ad
dy ney Osina
osko 'sd yte voxoche
Eecronic Hedia

The Se
dwed Carlio Con also e
odministrate d Sunees
rcoch astticoboly
Setthvough Elecbonic Hediaa.This qives
houa this Hadia an lacation nhe qlote Con be cched
Elcchronic Hail ond nterd u
Commen in most
athe onties."The lCT
irtrcasing t
xponetial vate. "This
tormat q doa Colletion i
EHicie ond
CostEchive Conpoed to the otho
Oostionraire Settp Elechronic wecdia in a oratiThe
*E serolinq a decctmst e
Ccai ning the qpesthons hoah the
-* Osing on-lie
Usina Soney NC and
mokinq on nire
the link vey, ord Seraing
qhe Yexponcerta b C-m
olection. In this technique,
dbsouation i a qualttative method ota
norrmation oplorecd by obsenvirg objcct huran behaliO

yslerns ord pocemes edc

tor Exomplc n a So Cahaul a podoct Inslcad
ed t postionslike in
qesionnaivc One CoD afroi ao
na Store o obseac. and behaviovY.
analesethcir This Cold he
Mor Expeni vc cthod Ifon the
qoslianajve ncthtd "Bt the eslt
cotoincd ambTRS mcttd au morc vcliahle

trHiccoinq The ost

Coremonly Osed mettod dato Colecti on
Aolea Cald be ee es
* Shucturce Itoticas

Sem Stuctocd 1otewiecus

Shuctocd ioteni cs
c c a ticc A
SUney Con be y osinq a

Stuchored iteuiecs. This rethod is genoall tomed

dminidvoted &iy
Serm-Sthuchurcd ntesWiecws This mctod 0Scd hen tte
ycbeosch aussthe
csenclen Some baic
qrhorp and then letuhe
itei horeve
neceaoy ,Tnthis mthod, the
Tmeaviccur eh Sane
qRdelhre f
e questios
qestions to
to be aked.
ake d The
Sccecdin tio Au
qneaal on the basis
Tre mOS Coomon ccding oestlor
xam 3 Semi-Stuctored intenuCo 15
Tob imeticco,
tOnshuchurc d Ilouicws hne a thenethat alicUS the intovieqn2
Opinions and i aonal oftltrdc Iho. rCapncenu- Thcy oa
Epocdt levo ckqrec. 9 hlo and aed on Inut
Inou and
Exploncrhon, a Caeamchen Con or doepet insahu

This pt orolhe oiation ideliccoinq-ecnicpe -ts ou

a S e Secte
ted d
qNoop ntcipanti ohoau Irieanexnd by a
edorficiponlS ou Yom
o a fanot Yoscach Oudionce roc
Oinmon oimmeesl to the voosche ord the Ciert The dicoSions au
naly in
oro o chone aponienco
and t r opinion an hao Thueel
deas Con a
SpeaCc tplc
6. loiecH\e techniques &
he oechve techniqpc isa Hechriqe intowiecsing.It isn
iniract eot treto d oqestoning in which
the ioloviceca oivccti
he stioninq *O
qcsioning Yccove Topones mqostions ot ciactly rclated to
Tte roporcert, Od Oalsinq The roponsa behoalioor to rate not
cheetl velated to him. with his tchnique, one s atle to binq at
hidden &provesd feelins The
iBenlicue s able to oicct the "tte
Tepone the Yesporchriu ohich au oc
Dre directl appicabe to
This method ota
daa Colection oircs
OOne The
Tre Common 0 trese puhobqicall
pPcho bicatl Sls
Skil13 and
and tao
whauin Conumen Otituce
Iechnique io mavkttiq
maotketing vexeadh
onCowod reVealec ottn reloencc toa
podu 11SoNice
pdrt Sovice Seslernett.
Secondcovy cota Sarcexi
about SeCondoDy dato is the rcliability
he mSt important rouisirHe
the SoCa
e mojo uces SeConctoy dotaL

ct ord ccmch
ERP bta wanu houe & Hining
*rret cb
mdia Cane
licartion he molental afpcaninq in te pin
ehclted a pblication Dailyecospae mogtim Encyclopaaias,
be tomed as
tot book>, hard-broka erorti JLTalM ehc . Con

Pobication Constitute
med a» te Yc\oence matoial, and Thenc
hau'au alsb

icl availablc rces qdota

Evoopa,OEnenyi India pblicotiom fire ECoromic SonNcy

esented bejove the b p t kott Speeches ete

1 CME publlcations EnCom pauing a nice vang oomic carmdnu

eleingb tto ndia toneroy

ERP I Dorta auhasing and Hining9
ota s tored in apmFfaticn in Hajortypes 9Systemx Vi7
wanoction pracouing S stor8 frP System and
Oata hauhae
oe Sysemb Sstocthe recont ata on the boslnen ransact
eoreirg n the Sie othe chta, this System oy Storc cata om
Cre doy to one eon d More. The data s well potccted b cilet
o a Oc(ountu och acccomt on tte Sslem s deined Seaic

Yosorctiord Ond Is allad »cmau to Speaic ata.

ota oauhcosing & Hininq * 3t is a
rcpDsi-tory9an Oganifationa
elechronicolly Stored cota. Data onshuses a cbiqned to acilrtake
epoing CAnd anoalqSs , bancd on data.
3 ntonct| eb
othe best koyto Collcct any
Setonchoydhta t o cch on thee
Wb o c rdated ords Ccold be. &rleed to cchvate the Ccooch
Ywoco world wicde web CLOWW)
sCsllatlon milliond
Certairia nmatio aut
t o Storc the
porticeta1t alt the lp1co. The Concthrend
obicaticns in the rb
torma. This moy inclde. chractorte
Ccyclopocdla, eosrare Joiralsebook
t9puenmo eporti
eori chc
Hlorct salso Yeponsitle 3 dta
Explosior The
itereis lcodool witth dto, and the
6lot ote the cdeunnt
challengon task iso erlity
8 vcol data tomhe hoop amunt dota
oS and echntg ues ot lala Collection
Collection of paimay da la -

Oifete methods of collecting ptimay dala uke

LLStionnare, obsetva tion, intevitu0,pAojective
pAojec tive fec
"fec hnigues,fous
ops ett, have bcen carlier
Scvey) discused
a uLstiónnaire :-Most Teseaich sluudies tse
Surveys are
questionnaires to colltct dala in the seyslarato
focmatE A questio nnaire is a sel of queticns asked to
ndNiduals to obtain sefal itoematron ahocut a
toplc o tnterest 9t
poperly cosfructd and Aesponmbly
administsalrd, 9estionnaires can become vilal
by which interences can be made about
ins tment
peopla (o) entire Specitic grocups )
Persoaly Adminrsleaed Suvey Since the hained
personal is pesent at the time ot Collecting dala, a
uestionnaure demgned fot persanally administatad Suveys
could be extensive
sceking in depth intoemation 2ncidenially
tn-dpth studies Can be possibla. onty tmocugh thrs toumat'
9uestionnaire could be men
by the vesponadant.
Telephonic Sauvey:-Sn case
a felephonic suavey,
the tntevieurex interacÍs uwith the
Aespondens, bctt ls not
personaly present The
9uestionnaure is also not Seen
the by
Aespondent: These
Foem the limiltions for collection of
dala wsing his methd. These
timilations Aestret the
uestionnaire destgn tot This metfod of dala collection
The 9uestionnaire shoculd not be too
long t Shoculd not
ha ve 9,uestions that take
long time on phon The
tns touctions fot
ansuventha q uostions shoculd be impla 46
that The responolent cundenslands them easiy
Mail Senvees
are self administered

the questionnare c a n be ken by t h e respondent,

Though intetviewer Thi's limilale
interacfion wtth the
there is
is no
considerecl cohi'le ol enaning the SuRvey
6hould be
S a lkd
9uestion naire nust have cleal Instuc tims, cleaiy
guwstions etc; self- administaltd,the
Since this is
to hola the interes
9uesti'ons Shocld be s o deugned s o a s
the end a the questionna've The questionnnire shoud
not be too lengthy that 1& loods to norespcnse. The floe
of the 9uestions holdfolloc9 a pattern like,eas
9uestions in the beqinning, follouwed'ly dr fhiculE guestirms,
follouwed by easy 9uestioms a t the end2.

ivE-mail Suvey
As earlier drseuned, suey

Through elecfole media can be done in a ways-Sending

the Soft foum tfrough e-mail, ot ustng onUre &uvey

seavices I n thefirst method e serding the, soft versim:

of the feem trough e-maile,there is nodiffeence in
the quuestiornuire destgn than useel tn m a l Saveys, as
only t h e medium of collecting a l a is diffeent n the
later cam, The suivey Is constrastid stng TML eemat

and tools

b) Obsevation : The dala colleatad through o6sevation

method eguires to be # hansfoemed in appropriali em to
perfoem ageuisia analyss on the dala The dala colkctas
wsing vhiS method is generally in the fstm of notes by
the obseiver o the ccond
Cup/vidio cp a the vecodn
ot the process This makes
diffiault to analyse
directy Some artitiaal intelltgent softuware can be used
fot compilingsch dala
E) Trtevice 9f the inlervieus lechnig ue is Shacluied
he dala collecCod i's in the similaa fsem as the

questionnaive, and can be

easily compiled In case.

unshucined re vics, elahorale compihtion skills are

Aequied t o amyse. he dala

D) ocus Gracups 7The modexai of the focused group

collects the data The olala may be collectad in the m q
notes, audio o Vides Aecoings af the discuibn This
makes t dithicult to amlyne directly. Some artiicial
intetligent soffware an be used for compiling &Leh
dala The extsaction oifoemation rom the dala
eeuires TeCevant expertise fot compilatiom and interprel ti
of the dala

E)gjective lechnigues, Since these. methad

o dala collectt
AaguirePsychotogtcat skills, *7he dat needs to be Collectao
by a skilled person The
camptlation and
analysts a the
da la also Acguives nulavant
expertise. These methools ave
ererally wsed by the Speeialists and the alal is coltlected
and compileol by 7he experfs.
Collection oSecondauy dala -
(a whil collecting o* KOcoding dal rom a
bomce for a Aasearcher, it is to be enscred that
the dala has been pcubkshed by the agency h a t is
authorSed to ether collect the primay daa oiT
directy collectid rom Ae lavant soutees
fo exampl, Goveenment of andia is the compefent
authoci y to colleet olala Aelating to pices a d production
Thus, the dala peublished by Goveenment can be takes gs
an tthentic 6oelce. fot secoauy dala te lating to
and poductim

b) The dala collec tad and di Sserninnlad

by osocia24 ad
federatims of various indushies cocld a o he taken a
authentic SeConday dala by adese aAclher.
c)The other reliable. 6oceces could be the dala bas
Sevices, cohich vege1laily conduct and efabora }
the methocdology collecting dalà a d erro Contro.
peublisheol company dal can be alo Aelia bla. to a
Cerain extent Other ouces ay dala shola be first
veritied fet the Teliabi lily beföee considering the cuse
the dala
v, whilh Aeferring to the dala publisShed y
paivai bedies,
consultants, news papers) magazines ete; tmay be ensured
the efer
they to the offiial publicahions
mentioned as

above betote acceptingthe dala as authentie.

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