MKT201 - Full
MKT201 - Full
MKT201 - Full
1. A: QN=1 A marketer who segments a population by age and 8. A: A customer buying an unfamiliar product which carries a fair
gender is using ________ to categorize consumers. degree of risk would most likely engage in
a. demographics what type of problem solving?
b. psychographics a. extended problem solving
c. roles b. limited problem solving
d. lifestyle c. habitual problem solving
2. A: QN=16 What makes a commercial message persuasive? The d. recognition problem solving
answer (according to a major study) is that the single 9. A: QN=25 Humorous ads get attention, but many times the
most important feature is whether the communication contains humor distracts from the promotional message.
________. a. True
b. False
a. a brand-differentiating message 10. A: QN=18 Do sex-related ads work? Which of the following best
b. a sexual symbol or suggestion answers this question?
c. price information
d. a credible spokesperson a. Overall, the use of a strong sexual appeal is not very well
3. A: QN=22 People often engage in brand switching, even when received.
their current brand satisfies their needs b. They outperform all other appeal formats.
a. True c. They are most effective when they attempt to "trick" the
b. False consumer into paying attention.
4. A: QN=20 Needs are created when the actual state of a d. There is no data to answer the question.
customer declines. 11. A: QN= 15 Physically attractive people are perceived as smarter,
a. True cooler, and happier than average people. These perceptio ns
b. False are a result of a ________.
5. A: QN=18 Traditionally, consumer researchers have approached
decision makers from a rational perspective. a. halo effect
a. True b. principle of cognitive consistency
b. False c. match-up hypothesis
d. self-perception theory
6. A: QN=6 If a new product increases the ideal state of a
customer without changing her actual state, then a(n) ________ 12. A: QN=7 When a woman buys an expensive mink coat, which of
has been created. the following needs is probably being expressed?
a. opportunity a. hedonic
b. search b. utilitarian
c. accident c. rational
d. need d. biogenic
7. A: QN=4 When is a consumer most likely to engage in extended 13. A: QN= 11 M-commerce is communicated primarily through
problem solving? what medium?
a. This decision mode is most common when the decision is a. cell phones
related to the person's self-concept and there is a high degree b. billboards
of risk. c. radio satellite
b. This decision mode is most common when the decision is d. TV
related to the person's past behavior and product 14. A: QN=3 The ________ function of attitudes applies when a person
reinforcements. is in an ambiguous situation and needs order, structure, or
c. This decision mode is most common when acceptable meaning.
products are already contained within the consumer's evoked
set. a. knowledge
d. This decision mode is most common when the decision is b. utilitarian
related to products that are considered to be low self-concept c. value-expressive
involvement. d. ego-defensive
15. A: QN=9 Janice feels that she makes many of her decisions 25. A: QN=3 Which of the following is true about the phenomenon
based on the fact that she is an introvert. Introversion seems of nostalgia?
to affect her taste in clothes, outside activities, and even her
independence. Janice is making consumption a. Adults older than 30 are particularly susceptible, but
decisions based on a personality theory called trait theory. people of all ages can feel nostalgic.
a. True b. Adults older than 50 are particularly susceptible to
b. False nostalgia, but people younger than 40 are more likely to
16. A: QN=8 At Whole Foods supermarket in Seattle, shoppers take reserve their warm feelings for future events.
part in a "singles" night the first Friday of every month. c. Most adults are about equal in the amount of nostalgia that
This is a good illustration of lifestyle marketing. they feel.
a. True d. Nostalgia is an important marketing variable, but
b. False researchers have no reliable methods of measuring it.
17. A: QN=7 Lifestyle is a statement about who one is in society 26. A: QN=9 If a social researcher wanted to investigate social
and who one is not. status in a small city, her best choice for a questionnaire
a. True would be one that included questions or observations on
b. False education, area of residence, total family income per
year, and ________.
18. A: QN=3 Personality refers to a person's unique psychological
makeup and how it consistently influences the way a
a. occupation prestige level of household head
person responds to his or her environment.
b. membership groups of the primary income earners
a. True
c. ability to communicate via the Internet and other electronic
b. False
communication channels
19. A: QN=20 Involvement can be seen as the motivation to
d. ability to win friends and influence people
process information
27. A: QN=10 A person in the middle class, but with an income at
a. True
least 15 percent lower than the median for the middle
b. False
class, would be known as a(n) ________ consumer.
20. A: QN=19 Maslow's hierarchy of needs implies that the order of
needs is fixed.
a. underprivileged
a. True
b. lower-class
b. False
c. desperate
21. A: QN=18 Most current explanations of motivation focus on d. lower-middle class
cognitive factors rather than biological ones to understand
28. A: QN=5 People who belong to the same social class have
what drives behavior.
which of the following in common?
a. True
b. False
a. income levels
22. A: QN=23 Social risk occurs when the consumer's risk capital b. personalities
consists of self-esteem and self-confidence. c. ethnicity
a. True d. family structure
b. False 29. A: QN= 14 Max's family is part of what is called "the new rich."
23. A: QN=16 The degree to which a person is willing to expend They are the newer social elite, drawn from current
energy to reach one goal as opposed to another reflects his professionals. His father is a medical doctor and his mother is
or her underlying motivation to attain that goal. vice president at a large urban bank. Max's
a. True family (based on the description given in the text) belongs to
b. False which of the following social class categories?
24. A: QN=4 Social class is a strong predictor of purchases that
have symbolic aspects, but low to moderate prices. Which a. Lower
of the following is the best example of a product with those b. Upper
characteristics? c. Upper
d. Lower
a. liquor 30. A: QN=18 Education is one determining factor in who gets a
b. cars bigger piece of the economic pie.
c. homes a. True
d. refrigerators b. False
31. A: QN=19 Discretionary income is the money available to a 39. a: QN=9 Men and women who are exposed to beautiful models
household over and above that required for a comfortable in advertisements and commercials are likely to alter
standard of living. their perceptions of their own body shapes.
a. True a. True
b. False b. False
32. A: QN=16 For teens, buying products such as nipple rings and 40. a: QN=8 Western cultures tend to subscribe to an independent
purple hair dye expresses the rebellion versus conformity understanding of the self, which emphasizes the
conflict common to all teens. inherent separateness of each individual.
a. True a. True
b. False b. False
33. A: QN=3 All of the following are important components of 41. a: QN=1 Many ________ cultures stress the importance of a
social class EXCEPT ________. collective self, in which the person's identity is derived in
large measure from his or her social group.
a. gender
b. income a. Eastern
c. educational attainment b. Northern
d. occupational prestige c. Western
34. A: QN=12 An age cohort consists of people who are of a d. Southern
similar age and have undergone similar experiences. 42. a: 6) Cultures differ in terms of how influence is distributed and
a. True how people react to others who have more or less
b. False influence. This dimension of culture is called ________.
35. a: QN=7 What is the most challenging aspect of marketing to a) power distance
Asian Americans, aside from language barriers? b) uncertainty avoidance
c) masculinity/femininity
a. They are culturally diverse. d) individualism
b. They buy only from their native lands. 43. a: 9) Pavel was an inventor. He read that there were several
c. They do not trust the American financial or credit system. million people who could not sleep at night until they
d. They show little affinity for American-made products. looked under the bed. He invented a light that could be put
36. a: QN= 15 FLC models relate to ________. under a bed and went on automatically when
someone looked there. Pavel's product is designed to help
a. how families change over the length of a marriage and the people perform a ________.
number of children a) ritual
b. the federal government's method of controlling the growth b) symbolic exchange
of B2B commerce c) convention
c. the federal government's regulation of rental living d) rite of passage
conditions 44. a: QN= 13 Marketing researchers know that if they are to be
d. how the size of family units has changed over the last 100 successful with teenagers, they must understand what
years teenagers believe to be "cool."
37. a: QN=8 Asian Americans look closely at brands but are not a. True
very brand loyal. This is likely the result of heightened b. False
status consciousness. 45. a: QN=30 Charles lived in Maine, went to college in New
a. True Hampshire, and then moved to Boston to work. When Charles
b. False was 30 years old, he lost his job and moved back to live with
38. a: 2) The accumulation of shared meanings, rituals, norms, and his parents in Maine until he found another job. Charles would
traditions among the members of an organization be called a boomerang kid by marketers.
or society is a definition of ________. a. True
a) culture b. False
b) social class
c) the family life cycle
d) a reference group
46. a: QN=12 According to a recent survey, the majority of women 55. a: QN=16 Jeff had collected a nice wardrobe before graduating
worldwide want what kind of families? from college. All of his friends considered him "well
dressed." After the first day at his new job, however, Jeff
a. smaller families immediately went out and replaced most of his
b. larger families clothes with what was considered to be professional dress
c. extended families clothing. Jeff had just experienced the power of a
d. nontraditional families new ________.
47. a: QN=19 Which of the following is NOT one of the three
distinct children markets? a. reference group
b. private luxury
a. gatekeeper market c. avoidance group
b. influence market d. brand community
c. primary market 56. a: QN= 11 Many factors contribute to conformity. The Japanese
d. future market are noted for valuing collective well-being and group
48. a: 1. A number of specific decision roles are played when a loyalty over individual needs. Which of the following
collective decision must be made. The person who conformity factors best explains this behavior?
brings up the idea or need is the ________.
a. cultural pressures
a.initiator b. commitment
b.gatekeeper c. group size
c.influencer d. susceptibility to interpersonal influence
d.buyer 57. a: QN=27 Collective decision-making occurs when more than
49. a: QN=30 Word-of-mouth has a more powerful effect on one person is involved in the purchasing process for
consumers than paid advertising does. products or services that may be used by multiple consumers.
a. True a. True
b. False b. False
50. a: QN=27 Opinion leaders also are likely to be opinion seekers 58. a: QN=5 If a consumer admires the qualities of another person
a. True and copies his or her behaviors, the person that is copied is
b. False said to have ________ power.
51. a: QN=26 Opinion leaders often absorb much of the risk in
a. referent
buying new products because they generally buy them first.
b. informational
a. True
c. legitimate
b. False
d. coercive
52. a: QN=24 When shopping with others, some people are more
59. a: QN=4 Reference group effects are stronger for purchases
likely to choose risky alternatives than they would be if
that are ________.
shopping alone. This behavior occurs due to the risky shift
a. socially conspicuous
a. True
b. mostly unseen by others
b. False
c. necessities
53. a: QN=21 A person with social power has the ability to alter the d. made frequently
actions of others.
60. a: QN=1 A(n) ________ is an actual or imaginary individual or
a. True
group conceived of having significant relevance upon
b. False
an individual's evaluations, aspirations, or behavior.
54. a: QN=19 Phillipe is a member of a small Harley-Davidson
motorcycle club. They meet once a week to ride and talk a. opinion group
about their bikes. This club might exert a ________ influence on b. demographic group
Phillipe as he decides which model of bike to c. reference group
buy for his girlfriend. d. focus group
a. comparative
b. normative
c. selective
d. legitimate power
61. a: QN=10 One benefit of e-commerce is that consumers can 68. a: 10) Which of the following best describes a norm?
find products and services for which they will be able to get a) A norm is what is considered normal within a group. They
greater price information. are so taken for granted that most people don't know what
a. True their norms are until they see one violated.
b. False b) Norms are the laws of a culture. They are behaviors that are
62. a: QN=9 The "thrill of the hunt" is a hedonic shopping motive. so important that they are written into law.
a. True c) Norms are so "normal" to a group that even small children
b. False can describe them in detail to outsiders.
d) Norms are the universal behaviors that set us apart as
63. a: QN=8 Most customers who experience an environment that
humans irrespective of the culture in which a person happens
is both pleasant and arousing will interpret it as an exciting
to live. Norms allows people to understand at least parts of
other cultures.
a. True
b. False 69. a: QN=29 Conditioning effects are more likely to occur after the
conditioned and unconditioned stimuli have been
64. a: QN=6 Which of the following is considered a limitation of e-
paired a number of times.
a. True
a. expensive to order and then return
b. False
b. lack of real-time pricing
c. lack of reasonable delivery times 70. a: QN=24 All consumers carry a schema in their minds when
d. lack of price information they enter the marketplace. According to the principles of
perceptual vigilance and defense, a marketer should be
65. a: QN=5 Which of the following is the best example of a
careful to create a promotion for the new product that
hedonic shopping motive?
a. A consumer shops to "hang-out" with friends at a local mall.
a. conforms to the customers' schemata
b. A consumer shops because he is angry.
b. violates the customers' schemata
c. A consumer shops to provide food for survival.
c. requires that customers defend their current views about the
d. A consumer shops because she is discouraged and
product category
d. is simple and easy to understand
66. a: QN=26 Ellen was asked to fill out a questionnaire. She
71. a: QN=19 ________ involves a process of acquiring information and
described herself as more likely to engage in exercise, more
storing it over time so that it will be available when
likely to go out to bars and restaurants, and as consuming
more alcohol than people in other age groups.
Which of the family life cycle categories would Ellen best fit?
a. Memory
b. Recognition
a. young bachelors and newlyweds
c. Comprehension
b. families with young children
d. Attention
c. families with older children
d. older couples without children 72. a: QN=30 Ben Perez is driving along a mountain road. In the
distance, he sees a road crew working on a fallen tree that
67. a: QN=12 According to the principle of least interest, the person
has blocked the highway. When Ben first sees the road crew,
who is least ________ has the most power in a
which of the following perceptual processes has
been engaged?
a. committed to staying in the relationship
a. exposure
b. susceptible to interpersonal influence
b. attention
c. susceptible to cultural pressures
c. adaptation
d. afraid of sanctions against nonconforming behavior
d. interpretation
73. a: QN= 11 The ________ threshold refers to the minimum amount of 80. a: QN=18 ________ learning occurs when people watch the actions
stimulation that can be detected on a sensory of others and note the reinforcements they receive
channel. for their behaviors.
a. absolute a. Observational
b. differential b. Encoding
c. intensity c. Retrieval
d. relative d. Masked
74. a: QN=18 An individual may not process stimuli that are in some 81. a: QN=4 Which form of learning listed below assumes that
way threatening, or may distort the meaning of the learning takes place as the result of responses to external
stimuli to make it less threatening. This type of perceptual filter events?
is called ________.
a. behavioral learning
a. perceptual defense b. cognitive learning
b. perceptual vigilance c. incidental learning
c. subliminal perception d. Gestalt learning
d. adaptation 82. a: QN=26 From a semiotic perspective, every marketing
75. a: QN=9 Males and females have different appreciations of message has three basic components. Which of those
textures (touch sensitivity). When feeling fabrics, men components is the sensory image that represents the intended
evaluate which of the following as "high class"? meaning?
135. B: QN=5 Early work on motivation ascribed behavior to ________, 141. b: QN= 11 When a retail customer senses a sudden urge that
a view that is now largely discredited. simply can't be ignored, the customer is experiencing
unplanned buying.
a. economics a. True
b. instinct b. False
c. demand
d. goals
142. b: QN=9 Political candidates who get the most media 150. b: QN=5 Like end consumers, organizational buyers are
exposure are more likely to win an election because of the influenced by both internal and external stimuli. Which of the
effect following is an example of an organizational buyer's internal
of ________ in determining one's set of referents. stimuli?
a. differential values
b. an acculturated importance set
c. a value system
d. enculturation
194. C: QN= 13 Jake feels a hunger growing in his stomach. The 200. C: QN= 13 Jeff is tired of the numerous breakdowns and
more he feels the hunger, the more he wishes lunchtime peeling paint on his old car. When Jeff begins to actively think
would hurry and arrive. He is already planning what he will about his car in this way, which of the following consumer
eat and how good it will taste. Which of the decision-making process steps is Jeff going
following processes most accurately identifies what Jake is through?
a. information search
a. the goal process b. evaluation of alternatives
b. the directionality process c. problem recognition
c. the motivation process d. product choice
d. the involvement process 201. C: QN=1 The first stage in the consumer decision-making
195. C: QN=1 An age ________ consists of people of similar ages who process is ________.
have undergone similar experiences.
a. information search
a. sect b. evaluation of alternatives
b. file c. problem recognition
c. cohort d. product choice
d. conjoint 202. C: QN= 14 Mona feels that she is moderately knowledgeable
196. C: QN=17 ________ refers to a strategy in which a message about foreign films. He
compares two or more specifically named or recognizably almost nothing about these films, while her other friend Wanda
presented brands and compares them in terms of one or more has just f
specific attributes. the highest grade in the class. Of the three friends, who is most
likely to s
a. Cognitive differentiation new foreign film being shown on campus before deciding to
b. Emotional appeal see the film?
c. Comparative advertising
d. Conclusion advertising a. A. Wanda
197. C: QN=9 ________ is the process by which the consumer surveys b. Kim
his or her environment for appropriate data to make a c. Mona
reasonable decision. d. Both Mona and Kim will seek more information than Wanda.
203. c: QN=6 People across all cultures appear to favor physical
a. Problem recognition features that are associated with ________.
b. Evaluation of alternatives
c. Information search a. intellect
d. Product choice b. wealth
198. C: QN=21 A politician attempts to gain support for her for c. youth and good health
mayor by releasing a poll showing that almost 70 percent of d. confidence
the city's voters support her position on property taxes. What 204. c: QN=5 Which of the following is NOT one of the four levels
basic psychological principle is the politician of the extended self?
using to persuade voters that she should be the next mayor?
a. family level
a. consistency b. community level
b. authority c. social level
c. consensus d. individual level
d. liking 205. c: QN=7 When Jane shops, she must feel the fabric of any
199. C: QN= 11 A consumer is most likely to engage in ________ when potential clothing buy before she even bothers to see what
she is in a good mood or when she is uninvolved in the design is. She has a high need to touch. Which sense
other activities. system is important to Jane in her clothing shopping?
a. inertia a. visual
b. extended problem solving b. basic orientation
c. variety seeking c. haptic
d. mental accounting d. liminal
206. c: QN=5 Some color combinations come to be so strongly 212. c: QN=6 Which of the following is generally true about Asian
associated with a corporation that they become known as the Americans?
company's ________.
a. position a. They tend to be very brand loyal.
b. icon b. They are not attracted to products that express material
c. trade dress status.
d. schema c. They are one of the least brand-loyal of all American
207. c: QN=4 The ideal self is a person's conception of how she subcultures.
________. d. They are less likely than the average American to buy high-
tech gadgets.
a. adapts to play different roles 213. c: QN=6 Classical conditioning takes place when a ________ is
b. imagines others to think of her continuously matched with a ________.
c. would like to be
d. realistically thinks she is a. conditioned stimulus; conditioned response
208. c: QN=10 Within groups, informal rules of behavior are called b. unconditioned response; conditioned response
________. c. conditioned stimulus; unconditioned stimulus
d. unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned response
a. beliefs 214. c: QN=2 The process by which people select, organize, and
b. values interpret sensory information is called ________.
c. norms
d. interpersonal dynamics a. reception
209. c: QN=23 Many marketers use "the good old days" as a b. awareness
common theme in promotional messages. This is a strategy of c. perception
focusing on ________. d. sensation
215. c: QN=8 A group composed of people that the consumer
a. retro-interference actually knows is called a(n) ________ reference group.
b. the halo effect
c. nostalgia a. aspirational
d. memory spikes b. tribal
210. c: QN=1 A ________ is defined by a group of people who share an c. membership
identity based on certain activities or art forms. d. group
216. c: QN=2 Which of the following is considered a postpurchase
a. culture process?
b. subculture
c. microculture a. the shopping experience
d. clique b. mood
211. c: QN=4 Susan loves showing homes to new buyers. She is c. consumer satisfaction
good at what she does, and she can always show a home in d. shopping orientation
its best light. Recently, Susan has been getting more and more 217. c: QN=27 A common practice among advertisers is to create
Asian-American buyers. She has found that she new relationships between objects and interpretants by
has had to take some time to study ________, which controls the inventing new connections between products and benefits. A
flow of positive energy through a home and classic example of this was equating Marlboro
brings good luck, if she is to be successful with these buyers. cigarettes with the American frontier spirit. Which of the
following terms best describes this practice?
a. bio-light
b. transactional flow a. subliminal persuasion
c. feng shui b. figure ground projection
d. song ki c. semiotic relationships
d. consumer-modeling connections
218. c: QN=3 Which of the following is an unpleasant 225. c: QN=2 Much learning takes effort and time, but some
psychological state? learning is so casual as to be unintentional. This type of
learning is referred to as ________ learning.
a. density
b. arousal a. stage one
c. crowding b. subliminal
d. expectancy c. incidental
219. c: 1) Culture is best described as society's ________. d. evoked
a. attitude 226. c: QN=21 According to the information processing-approach
b. consciousness to studying the memory process, information enters in a
c. personality way the system will recognize in the ________ stage.
d. feelings
220. c: 4) Which functional area of culture is most closely related a. storage
to the idea of a common worldview? b. retrieval
a) ecology c. encoding
b) social structure d. decoding
c) ideology 227. c: QN=12 The minimum difference that can be detected
d) socio-psychology between two stimuli is known as the ________.
221. c: 5) Although every culture is different, several dimensions
appear to account for much of the variability among a. "bare" minimum
different cultures. Which of the following is NOT among those b. gradual differentiation
dimensions? c. j.n.d. (just noticeable difference)
a) power distance d. graded difference
b) uncertainty avoidance 228. c: QN= 11 If at least one person lives at an address, this person
c) general psychology and any other occupants of the address are considered to
d) masculinity/femininity be a(n) ________.
222. c: QN=28 What is the primary purpose of a perceptual map?
a. extended family
a. The map outlines how the product process functions. b. nuclear family
b. Perceptual maps diagram the differences between the sense c. household
systems. d. mixed dwelling
c. Perceptual maps outline where a product stands in 229. c: QN=22 Every time Sue Samuels comes in from a long
comparison to competitors in the minds of consumers. selling trip, she always makes sure to give reports to all her
d. The map shows the threshold values of various retail stimuli. colleagues on knowledge she has gained and experiences she
223. c: 7) A story containing symbolic elements that express the had while on the road. She has found that her
shared emotions and ideals of a culture is called a "information tips" are a great way to set the stage for decision-
________. making that she would like to go her way.
a) legend Based on her actions, what role is Sue playing in her
b) ritual organization?
c) myth
d) folklore tale a. initiator
b. gatekeeper
224. c: 8) Which of the following statements best describes a
c. influencer
d. user
a) A myth is a fiction that large numbers of people in a culture
believe to be true. 230. c: QN=17 What type of learning theory emphasizes that
b) A myth is a story that people enjoy because it separates people are problem solvers who actively use information from
those in the know from those who are not culturally aware. the world around them to master their environment?
c) A myth is a story containing shared cultural symbolic
meaning. The story may literally be true or false,but it conveys a. instrumental conditioning
some cultural truth. b. classical conditioning
d) A myth is an old story that has existed for so long that c. cognitive learning
everyone in a culture can relate to it through shared memories. d. operant conditioning
231. c: QN=8 Stimulus generalization refers to ________. 237. c: QN=10 According to the theory of classical conditioning,
________ should be encouraged when marketing an old,
a. the tendency for stimuli to be similar in nature established product.
b. the fact that most conditioned stimuli are similar to
unconditioned stimuli a. stimulus generalization
c. the tendency of stimuli similar to a conditioned stimulus b. look-alike packaging
(CS) to evoke similar, conditioned responses c. stimulus discrimination
d. the tendency for extinction to occur when an unconditioned d. extinction
stimulus does not follow a stimulus similar to a conditioned 238. c: QN= 13 In instrumental conditioning, what is the distinction
stimulus between negative reinforcement and punishment?
232. c: QN=22 Which of the following refers to the meanings we
assign to sensory stimuli? a. There is no difference. They are two words for the same
a. schema b. Negative reinforcement can occur when a stimulus is
b. semiotics positive, and punishment occurs when a stimulus is painful.
c. interpretation c. Negative reinforcement occurs when a negative outcome is
d. perception avoided, while punishment is a negative outcome in response
233. c: QN= 13 What is the popular title given to couples who have to an action.
double incomes and have no kids? d. Negative reinforcement creates a preference for negative
results, while punishment teaches people to avoid negative
a. boom-babies results.
b. fastlaners 239. c: QN=20 According to the ________ factor leading to adaptation,
c. DINKS simple stimuli habituate because they do not require
d. MUPPIES attention to detail.
234. c: QN=21 Michelle Roberts has a tough job at PJK Tile. She has
to examine information from vendors and decide which a. exposure
of these vendors (and their proposals) should be presented to b. vigilance
her company's purchasing group. No one at PJK c. discrimination
Tile sees more information on vendors than Michelle. Which of d. relevance
the following roles does Michelle fulfill for 240. D: QN=2 When a need is aroused that the consumer wishes to
PJK Tile? satisfy, the ________ process has been activated.
a. initiator a. goals
b. influencer b. need
c. gatekeeper c. desire
d. buyer d. motivation
235. c: QN= 15 ________ occurs when a stimulus is below the level of 241. D: QN=3 In the motivation process, the desired end state is the
an individual's awareness. consumer's ________.
a. new task
b. straight rebuy
c. modified rebuy
d. innovative rebuy
243. D: QN=10 A ________ is a belief that some condition is preferable 248. D: QN= 15 An automobile company emphasizes such qualities
to its opposite. as high miles per gallon of gasoline, an excellent rating in
safety, and high resale value of its product in its advertising.
a. need The company is trying to appeal to which of the
b. want following consumer needs?
c. goal
d. value a. psychogenic needs
244. D: QN=12 The process of learning the beliefs and behaviors b. biogenic needs
endorsed by one's own culture is called ________. c. hedonic needs
d. utilitarian needs
a. acculturation 249. D: QN=10 A researcher interested in studying how consumer
b. accumulation preferences spread throughout a social group most likely
c. change management has the disciplinary focus of ________.
d. enculturation
245. D: QN= 13 What does the sleeper effect suggest about source a. experimental psychology
credibility? b. semiotics
c. history
a. If a receiver is not paying attention, a message cannot be d. sociology
effective. 250. D: QN=5 ccording to the basic ABC model of attitudes, ________
b. Many people can learn the important parts of a message refers to the beliefs a consumer has about an attitude object.
even when asleep.
c. The effectiveness of a message will increase over time. a. affect
d. The effectiveness of positive sources over negative sources b. behavior
can be erased over time. c. affinity
246. D: QN= 14 A beverage company has just developed a new d. cognition
sport drink. The company's promotion recognizes that people 251. D: QN=8 ________, or perceived personal relevance, probably
get thirsty when they exercise. The company's ads, therefore, explains why one student wants the newest version of
attempt to create a(n) ________ for their new Apple's iPhone and another student does not.
a. Goal formulation
a. drive b. Asset appreciation
b. hedonic goal c. Needs appreciation
c. expectancy d. Involvement
d. want 252. D: QN= 11 Which of the following is NOT a reason that
247. D: QN=8 Which of the following best explains why marketers marketers have failed to use social class information as
view teens as "consumers-in-training"? effectively as they could?
a. Teenagers have little influence on their families' purchase a. They have ignored status inconsistency.
decisions, but they carefully watch and model the consumer b. They have ignored intergenerational mobility.
behavior of their parents. c. They have ignored consumers' aspirations to change their
b. Marketers typically do not begin targeting consumers until class standing.
they are teenagers. d. They have ignored the impact of technology on social class.
c. Teenagers have little discretionary income, so they have few
opportunities to make independent purchase decisions.
d. Teenagers often develop brand loyalty during their
adolescence, committing to a brand and continuing to
purchase it for decades to come.
253. D: QN=12 Sixteen-year-old Michael wanted a car. One evening 257. D: QN= 15 Stephanie's parents are considered to be blue collar;
while his father was paying bills, Michael looked over however, her dad owns a construction company and
his father's shoulder and saw how much money had been performs mostly white-collar duties. Her mother runs an office
placed in the checking account. He whistled. "I cleaning company from their home. The
thought you said that you didn't have enough money to buy couple earns about $90,000 a year and is able to send
me a used car. In just one month you could buy Stephanie and her two sisters to the state university close
me the car I want." Michael's father then gave him a lecture on to their hometown. Based on this description, which of the
the differences between income and what was following contemporary views of the American
left over after money was spent on utilities, mortgages, class structure best describe Stephanie's family?
insurance premiums, and food. "Total income," his
father said, "is not the same as ________ income, the source from a. Upper-Upper
which your unnecessary car would have to b. Lower-Upper
come." c. Lower-Lower
d. Middle Class
a. wealth 258. D: QN=12 The alternatives actively considered during a
b. managed consumer's choice process are his or her ________ set.
c. perpetual
d. discretionary a. inert
254. D: QN=8 Social class has been difficult to measure; therefore, b. evoked
many researchers simply ask respondents to identify the c. evaluative
social classes of different individuals. This is referred to as the d. consideration
________ method of measuring social class. 259. d: QN=4 Business-to-business marketing often involves more
of an emphasis on personal selling than on advertising or
a. second-person other forms of promotion. Which of the following is the chief
b. class-subjective reason for this emphasis?
c. third-order
d. reputation a. Personal selling is more cost-efficient than advertising.
255. D: QN=7 ________ occurs whenever the consumer sees a b. Personal selling is more time-efficient than advertising.
significant difference between his or her current state of affairs c. Organizational buyers do not respond to advertising or
and some desired or ideal state. promotions.
d. Organizational buyers typically require more face-to-face
a. Information search contact with sellers than end consumers do.
b. Evaluation of alternatives 260. d: QN= 13 A(n) ________ is a marketing intermediary retained by a
c. Evaluation of the evoked set consumer to guide what that consumer buys.
d. Problem recognition
256. D: QN=1 (n) ________ is a lasting, general evaluation of people a. market maven
(including oneself), objects, advertisements, or issues. b. opinion leader
c. mass media specialist
a. principle d. surrogate consumer
b. belief 261. d: QN= 14 ocial networking is an integral part of what many
c. personality trait call ________, which is like the Internet on steroids. The
d. attitude key change is the interactivity among producers and users.
a. expert power
b. referent power
c. reward power
d. coercive power
285. d: QN=3 Demographically, which of the following are the two most important characteristics of the Hispanic American
a. southern
b. high
c. northern
d. low
287. d: QN=1 ________ refers to a relatively permanent change in behavior that is caused by experience.
a. Adjustment
b. Shaping
c. Reinforcement
d. Learning