Laguna State Polytechnic University: College of Business Management and Accountancy An Outcomes-Based Learning Program
Laguna State Polytechnic University: College of Business Management and Accountancy An Outcomes-Based Learning Program
Laguna State Polytechnic University: College of Business Management and Accountancy An Outcomes-Based Learning Program
VISION: The Laguna State Polytechnic University is the center of sustainable development initiatives transforming lives and communities.
MISSION: LSPU provides quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research, and sustainable extension and production services for
improved quality of life towards nation building.
QUALITY POLICY: We, At LSPU are committed with continual improvement to provide quality, efficient and effective services to the university
stakeholders’ highest level of satisfaction through a dynamic and excellent management system imbued with utmost integrity, professionalism and
This course is an introductory course designed to make students understand the areas of financial management. The course covers the
essential, fundamental concepts needed to help students develop finance literacy without becoming overwhelmed. It also covers discussions on financial
forecasting, planning and control, working capital management and the basics of capital budgeting.
At the end of the course, students are expected to understand and evaluate financial statements and how corporation make important
investment and financing decisions to achieve its corporate goals and objectives.
technological as worker-leader in the field of management such as planning, organizing, the projected financial statement method,
expertise apt to the global needs. staffing, directing, leading and controlling. cash flow analysis and working capital
4. Effective Communicator who is proficient in management.
the exchange of information orally and in Demonstrate proficiency in serving as a Share information in the basic of using
writing both in English and in Filipino in bridge for communication of technical financial strategies, SWOT analysis, among
interpreting, expressing and negotiating know-how for unlearned members of the others.
meanings in relevant settings for lifelong community and professionals.
5. Creative and Critical Thinker, who articulates Select the proper decision tools to critically, Integrate and apply acquired knowledge to
and produces entrepreneurial resources analytically, and creatively solve problems problem situations that would be likely
extended to families and community for and drive expected results. encountered in practice.
6. Competent Research Oriented Individual, Innovate business ideas based on emerging Demonstrate understanding of the
who is able to analyze facts methodically, industry requirements. dynamics of financial management
discover and establish new theory to use in through timely and updated economic
LSPU-ACAD-SF-017 Rev. 0 10 August 2016
solving problems and decision making information obtained through research
contributory to the sustainability of the needs and market analysis.
of the community.
L – Learned
P – Practiced skills with supervision
O – Demonstrated skills without supervision
Weeks Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Course Contents Assessment Tasks
1st Week Introduce students the Orientation: Class/Virtual Formal Recitations of
following: 1. LSPU Vision and Mission Discussions the VMGO of the
-LSPU Vision and 2. Quality Policy university.
Mission. 3. CBMA Goals and Objectives Rote Learning
LSPU-ACAD-SF-017 Rev. 0 10 August 2016
-Goals and Objectives 4. Adopted Rules and Regulations for New Normal
of CBMA 5. Syllabus
Explain the content of the 6. Orientation to the Course
Discuss Rules and
Regulations of LSPU/College
under the New Normal
Determine students’
expectations of the course.
2nd Week Describe the nature, goal 1. Nature, Purpose and Scope of Financial Online discussion Recitation
and basic scope of financial Management using Google Completion of the
management 1.1. Nature of Financial Management platform indicated
Explain briefly the three 1.2. The Goal of Financial Management Performing online performance task
major types of decisions 1.3. Scope of Financial Management activities through
that the Finance Manager 1.4. Types of Financial Decisions google classroom
questions and
makes 1.5. Significance of Financial Management Online presentation
Discuss the importance or 1.5.1 Broad Applicability Student performing quizzes in directed
significance of financial 1.5.2 Reduction of Chances of Failure and submitting assessment
management 1.5.3 Measurement of Return on Investment activities using
Describe the relationship 1.6. Relationship between financial google classroom
between Financial management and accounting
Management and 1.7. Relationship between financial
Accounting management and economics
Describe the relationship 1.8. Financial Management and Public
between Financial Responsibility
Management and
3rd Discuss the importance of 2. Relationship of Financial Objectives to Online discussion Recitation
Week objective setting in a Organizational Strategy and Other using Google Completion of the
business enterprise Organizational Objectives platform indicated
Describe the primary 2.1. Strategic Financial Management Performing online performance task
financial objectives of a 2.2. Financial Objectives of a Business activities through
business firm Organization google classroom
questions and
Explain the responsibilities 2.3. (Short-term & Long-term) Online presentation
of a Finance Manager to 2.4. Responsibilities to Achieve the Financial Student performing quizzes in directed
achieve the firm’s financial Objectives and submitting assessment
objectives 2.3.1 Investing activities using (Module 1)
7th– 8th Define financial statement 6. Assessment of the Firm’s Operating Efficiency Online discussion Recitation
Week analysis and Financial Position Through Financial using Google Completion of the
Understand the need to Statement Analysis platform indicated
analyze the broader 6.1. Financial Analysis Defined Performing online performance task
business environment 6.2. Analyzing the Broader Business activities through
Know the basics of Environment google classroom
questions and
profitability analysis 6.3. Basics of Profitability Analysis. Online presentation
Realize the limitations of 6.4. Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis Student performing quizzes in directed
financial statements analysis 6.5. Financial Ratio Analysis (& Category) and submitting assessment
Analyze a business firm’s 6.5.1 Liquidity Ratios activities using (Module 3 & 4)
short-term financial Current ratio google classroom
position, asset liquidity and Acid test ratio(Quick ratio)
management, long-term Working Capital to Total Assets
financial position and Working Capital
profitability using financial Cash Flow Liquidity ratio
ratios Defensive Interval Ratio
Apply the DuPont 6.5.2 Asset management Ratios
Disaggregation Analysis Accounts Receivable-
Trade Receivable turnover
Average Collection period
(Or Number of Days’ Sales
Inventory Turnover/s
Merchandise turnover
Finished Goods inventory
Goods in process turnover
Raw Materials turnover
Days supply inventory
Working Capital turnover
6.5.4 Profitability
Gross profit margin
Operating profit margin
Net profit margin (Rate
of return o net sales)
Cash flow margin
Rate of return on assets
Rate of return on equity
Earnings per share
Price earnings ratio
Dividend payout
Dividend Yield
Dividends per share
LSPU-ACAD-SF-017 Rev. 0 10 August 2016
Rate of return on average
current assets
Rate of return per turnover
of current assets
6.5.5 Market Book Ratios
6.5.6 The Du Pont DisAggregation Analysis
9th Explain the usefulness of the 7. Cash Flow Analysis Online discussion Recitation
Week statement of cash flows as 7.1. Usefulness of the Statement of Cash Flows using Google Completion of the
far as decision making is 7.2. How the Statement of Cash Flows is Used platform indicated
concerned in Measuring the Firm’s Financial Liquidity Performing online performance task
Know the classification of and Financial Flexibility activities through
the cash flow activities 7.3. Free Cash Flow google classroom
questions and
Identify the various sources 7.4. The Basic Approach to a Cash Flow Online presentation
and applications of cash Statement Student performing quizzes in directed
according to the firm’s 7.5. Classification of Cash Flow Activities and submitting assessment
- Operating Activities 7.4.1 Operating Activities activities using
- Financing Activities 7.4.2 Investing Activities google classroom
- Investing Activities 7.4.3 Financing Activities
Be familiar with the content 7.6. Content and Form of the Statement of
and form of the Statement Cash Flows
of Cash Flows 7.7. Calculating Cash Flow from Operating
Calculate cash flow from Activities
operating activities using 7.7.1 Direct Method
- Direct method 7.7.2 Indirect Method
- Indirect method
11th Explain the concept and 8. Operating and Financial Leverage Online discussion Recitation
Week application of leverage in 8.1 Leverage in Business using Google Completion of the
business. 8.2 CVP Analysis platform indicated
Knowhow cost-volume- 8.2.1 Contribution Margin per unit Performing online performance task
profit relationship is applied (or Marginal Income per unit) activities through
in determining a firm’s 8.2.2 Contribution Margin ratio google classroom
questions and
LSPU-ACAD-SF-017 Rev. 0 10 August 2016
a. Breakeven volume 8.3 CVP Analysis for Breakeven Planning Online presentation quizzes in directed
b. Margins of safety 8.4 CVP Analysis for Revenue and Cost Planning Student performing assessment
c. Operating Outcome 8.5 Assumptions and Limitations of CVP Analysis and submitting
if change occur in 8.6 Sales Mix activities using
various elements 8.7 Operating leverage google classroom
affecting profit such as 8.7.1 Degree of Operating Leverage
-Selling price 8.7.2 Alternative Approach
-Volume 8.7.3 Limitations of Analysis
-Variable & fixed 8.7.4 Illustrative Case 8-2 Operating Leverage/
Costs CVP Relationship
- Sales mix 8.8 Financial Leverage
Explain the assumptions and 8.8.1 Impact of Earnings
limitations of the CVP 8.8.2 Degree of Financial leverage
analysis 8.8.3 Limitations to Use of Financial Leverage
Explain the meaning of 8.9 Combining Operating and Financial Leverage
operating leverage
Calculate and interpret the
firm’s degree of financial
Calculate and interpret the
firm’s degree of financial
Explain the impact of
combining operating and
financial leverage
16th Explain the 14.0 Short-Term Sources for Financing Current Online discussion Recitation
Week need for short- Assets using Google Completion of
term financing 14.1 Factors in Selecting a Source of Short-Term platform the indicated
List the factors Funds Performing online performance
in selecting the 14.2 Estimating Cost of Short-term Credit activities through
source of 14.2.1 Accruals google classroom
short-term 14.2.2 Cost of Trade Credit Online presentation
funds 14.2.3 Cost of Bank Loans Student performing questions and
Compute the 14.2.4 Cost of Commercial Paper and submitting quizzes in
estimated cost 14.3 Sources of Short-Term Funds activities using directed
of short-term 14.3.1 Unsecured Credit Versus Secured Credit google classroom assessment
credit. 14.3.2 Spontaneous ort-term Financing Versus (Module 8)
Identify and Nonspontaneous Negotiated Short-term
explain the Financing
different 14.3.3 Accruals
sources of 14.3.4 Trade Credit
Part 5. References
Financial Management, Comprehensive Volume, 2019-2020 edition by Ma. Elenita B. Cabrera
Fundamentals of Financial Management,6th edition by Prassana Chandra
Brigham, E. F., & Houston, J. F. (2012). Fundamentals of Financial Management. Cengage Learning.>Web-Stuff>Lecture-Notes-Mid1,pdf (An Introduction to Financial>file >1stgahe_mali>moton_english PDF (Financial Management)>publication>252931751_Financi ... PDF (Financial Management Practices: Theory and Application>wp-content>uploads>2014/12> RC… PDF (The Basics of Financial Management)
Attendance 10%
Quizzes 30%
Participation 30%
Recitation 10%
Activity/Tasks 20%
Major Examinations 30%
Total 100%