Marion D March & Joan Mcevers The Only
Marion D March & Joan Mcevers The Only
Marion D March & Joan Mcevers The Only
Volume 6
Second Edition
Marion D. March
Publisher's Note:
We are pleased to offer new publications of this Volume 6 and the
other five Volumes of the highly popular, now classic, "Only Way"
series, with a new look for their covers and other editing, format-
ting and mostly cosmetic changes. We do want readers to be aware
that the text remains essentially the same as that of the prior ver-
sions published in the 1990s. Only necessary minor revisions and
corrections have been made. The authors, well-known and highly
respected master teachers, deserve the respect of preservation of
their text as they wrote it. So, some of the case studies may now seem
dated, especially when more recent histoty about them is known.
They remain very valid for the lessons they teach, and you will learn
astrology by studying these books that are so aptly named as The
Only Way to Learn Astrology!
by Marion D. March
APPENDIX.... 233
Parts Of Cars 233
Answers To Horary Test Questions 234
Answers To Electional Test Questions 237
viii The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
Ex. Chart #1: Possible Wedding chart for Lis and Jim 156
7 Jun 1992 2:00 pm PDT Los Angeles, CA 34N03 118W15
Ex. Chart #2: Another proposed Wedding chart for Lis and Jim ... 157
7 Jun 1992 3:30 pm PDT Los Angeles, CA34N03 118W15
Ex. Chart #3; A third proposed Wedding chart for Lis and Jim 158
7 June 1992 5:00 pm PDT Los Angeles, CA 34N03 118W15
Ex. Chart #4: A fourth proposed Wedding chart for Lis and Jim 159
7 Jun 1992 6:00 pm PDT Los Angeles, CA 34N03 118W15
Ex. Chart #5: Voila! The best possible Wedding chart for Lis and Jim 160
5 Jun 1992 6:00 pm PDT Los Angeles, CA 34N03 118W15
Ex. Chart #6: Wedding chart for Marianne and Fred 161
7 Apr 1974 11:00 am PDT Encino, CA 34N10 118W30
Ex. Chart #7: Wedding chart for Jan and Rob 163
8 Jul 1978 12:15 pm AHST Wailua, HI 22N03 159W20
Ex. Chart# 8: Wedding chart for Franca and Carl 164
13 Jul 1990 7:00 am MEST Basel, SWTZ 47N33 7E35
Ex. Chart #9: Proposed Wedding chart for Chris and Brett 166
15 Sep 1973 7:00 pm PDT Tahoe City, NV 39N10 120W09
Ex. Chart #10: The actual Wedding chart for Chris and Brett . 167
16 Sep 1973 3:45 pm PDT Tahoe City, NV 39N10 120W09
Ex. Chart #11: Move into house , 170
3 Dec 1973 3:00 pm PST Los Angeles, CA 34N03 118W15
Ex. Chart #12: Move into apartment ....171
15 Sep 1988 noon MSET Zurich, SWTZ 47N23 8E32
Ex. Chart #13: Offer to buy a house ,,,,175
9 Jan 1992 8:00 pm PST San Diego, CA 32N43 117W09
Ex. Chart #14: Put house up for sale 177
1 Mar 1974 8:45 pm PDT Van Nuys, CA 34N11 118W27
Ex. Chart #15: Put property up for sale .. 179
10 Mar 1990 4:35 pm PST Malibu, CA 34N04 118W43
Ex. Chart # 16: Buying new car 182
1 Oct 1983 4:20 pm PDT Beverly Hills, CA 34N04 118W24
Ex. Chart #17: Purchase of Rolls Royce 184
15 Mar 1989 4:00 pm PST Los Angeles, CA 34N03 118W15
Ex. Chart #18: Bookstore Opening 189
16 Jun 1978 3:00 am EDT New York, NY 40N45 73 W57
Ex. Chart #19: Restaurant Opening 191
1 Mar 1983 6:00 am PST Coeur d'Alene, ID 47N41 116W46
Ex. Chart #20: Election for an incorporated organization 194
28 Oct 1975 l;24pm PST Encino, CA34N10 118W30
Horoscope Index xiii
After much urging by our students, friends and clients, we sat down,
much sooner than anticipated, to write another book in our Only Way
series. Our subjects are Horary and Electional Astrology.
A Horary Astrology chart is for a question posed at a particular
moment in time; an Electional Astrology chart is a chosen particular
moment in time to initiate a specific event. Both systems are based on
very old, traditional astrological methods — yet, in actual practice, we
found that both methods could be modernized and, in the case of Horary,
streamlined. There is relatively little literature available on Electional
Astrology and although there are some excellent Horary Astrology
books on the market, none of them teaches the subject the way Joan
does, in an easy, succinct manner, simplifying many of the complex
For the first four or five years of our astrological study, we both
avoided the Horary field like the plague. But, ever curious, Joan was
intrigued by the idea that one could set up a chart for a specific moment
with a question in mind and find an answer in that chart. She couldn't
quite believe it and finally decided to take some classes and leara for
herself. She also delved into all the important books on the subject, in-
cluding Barbara Watters, Robert deLuce, Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, Ger-
aldine Davis, and of course, the old master, William Lilly. The more she
xvi The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
read, the more convoluted it seemed, and the more complicated it be-
came. But true to her fixed Aquarian Sun and Ascendant, Joan faithfully
stuck it out and with the help and encouragement of Sharon Culbreth
spent many hours answering questions for family and friends.
As she became a sought-after teacher and speaker, her clientele
increased, and with it the Horary questions and the time to answer them.
The more queries she responded to, the shorter and more correct were
the answers. One day she suddenly realized that she had dropped half
of the ancient rules or imperceptibly changed them, and unwittingly de-
veloped a streamlined, updated and very successful version of Horary
Marion became interested in Electional Astrology fairly early in
her studies, but since she specialized in humanistic and psychological
consultations, few of her clients asked Electional questions and it took
her some years to realize that her approach, though not as revolutionary
as Joan's Horary, was generating some excellent results.
As in all our astrology books, we only teach and write from actual
experience. This book, more than any of the others, is based on our own
way of approaching the subject. Some of our esteemed colleagues may
raise an eyebrow or two, since their methods may differ considerably
from ours, but we can assure you that astrology is a symbolic language
and that many different ways of practicing it can be successful. In all
our writing, Joan in particular is a stickler for stripping things down to
the bare bones while Marion expands and elaborates. This method of
working contributes to our long-standing collaboration because each of
us complements the other. Yet we both find that the simplest, most direct
ways bring the best results. That is what we do in this book, share with
you our unraveling of ancient astrological practices.
Introduction xvii
Take Stock
The word horary means "of the hour"
and in today's language identifies
the moment in time when a question
occurs to the querent.
by Joan McEvers
The primary rule in Horary Astrology
(and there are many), is to be sure the
question is clear in your mind and
that you note the exact time it occurred to you,
or if you are the astrologer,
the exact time when you understood
what your client asked.
—Joan McEvers
What is Horary Astrology?
same chart. Example: "Will I find the ring I lost? Is this a good time for
a trip to Europe?" As long as the inquiries are framed at the same time,
they can all be determined from the same chart. These are referred to as
multiple questions.
c) If you, as the astrologer, receive a question in the mail, be sure
to use the time and coordinates for where you are when you read and
understand the question. The same with your answering machine. It is
not the time the person calls with the question, but when you hear
and understand it, that you should set up the Horary chart.
Many Horary astrologers differ on this subject. Some feel it is
more accurate to erect the chart for the time and place the querent thinks
of the question. 1 suggest that you try both methods and use the one
that consistently works for you. When I began to explore this area of
astrology, I used the time and place when and where the client thought
of the question and occasionally upon the questioner's (usually another
astrologer) insistence 1 still do it that way. However, as time passed, 1
tried different ways of looking at the charts and have found through trial
and error that using the time and place where I become aware of the
question works best for me.
d) It is very important that the astrologer understand what it is
the questioner wants to know. Do not be afraid to ask the querent for
clarification of the question. Many times someone will ask about a job
(6th house) when they really want to know about income (2nd house).
Be sure that you clearly understand the query.
e) It is vital to place the question into the correct house. This is
the crux of Horary Astrology: placing the question in the house where it
belongs. If this is not done properly, there can be no valid answer.
2. The querent is always represented by the 1st house; its ruler places
the questioner in the chart. Any planets in this house help to describe
the person who asks the Horary question. This is also true of "we" ques-
Example: "Should we invest in mutual funds?"
This is a 1st house querent.
3. If the question pertains to another person, especially by name, that
individual is represented by the 7th house.
Example: "Should Bill take the job he was offered?" Bill is
shown by the sign on the 7th house, its ruler and any planets in that
house. If, however, the person is designated by relationship, you must
look to that particular relationship house. Example: "When will my
8 The Only Way to Leant About Horary and Electional Astrology
daughter find a job?" You would start with the 5th house, which repre-
sents your children.
Again, astrologers differ in this area. Some maintain that if you
know the relationship between the questioner and the person asked
about, you should place the question in the correct relationship house...
ergo "Should Vince look for a job in another state?" I put Vince in the
7th house and proceed from there. Even though I know that Vince is
the questioner's brother, to me when any person is called by name, 1
use the 7th house to represent him, not as in this case, the 3rd. You may
wish to put it in the 3rd house. In the beginning of your study of Horary,
you should try all methods. My only advice is that once you determine
what works best for you, stick to that method. Consistency breeds ac-
4. If the ruler of the Ascendant (the querent) and the ruler of the
house that represents the question aspect each other, the type of
aspect shows the answer. Squares and oppositions say NO. Trines and
sextiles indicate YES. Conjunctions to the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and often
the Moon and Mercury are usually positive. Those to Mars, Saturn, Plu-
to and sometimes Uranus are generally negative. A quincunx indicates
that circumstances will have to change before an answer is available.
Use major aspects only (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, quincunx,
5. All aspects are only considered when applying. Past aspects indi-
cate action that has occurred before the question was asked. Orbs as
such do not exist in horary astrology. If an aspect is applying, it can be
from 0° to 29°. An aspect continues until either planet exits from its
current sign. Orbs can be used to decide timing issues, as is discussed
in Lesson V.
6. The Moon is always considered the co-ruler of the question and
should be used to confirm or verify the answer obtained from the action
of the planets, but it does not supersede the answer obtained from judg-
ing the planets. The Moon also figures in the Translation and Collection
of Light. If the Moon is carrying the light from one planet to another and
it makes flowing aspects to both planets, it confirms a yes (and in some
cases gives a positive answer). If, however, it is making difficult aspects
to both planets, the reply would be negative. An example of Translation
and Collection of light: The Moon at 6 Aries sextiles Mars at 11 Leo and
then conjuncts Mercury at 16 Aries. The Moon carries the light from
Mars to Mercury; technically Mars and Mercury make no aspect.
What Works and What Doesn't 9
9. A major rule is to always write down the approach you will take to
answer the question. I write my path on the same paper where I note
the question. If a client asks, "Should I retire from my job?" I note that
the Ascendant ruler represents the querent, that his job is depicted by the
ruler of the 6th and that because retirement, in essence, means staying
at home, I would consider the 4th house, as well. With such an outline
in front of you, you will rarely go wrong. Being misled into taking the
wrong path can be a pitfall for the Horary astrologer. A person asks a
question and a logical answer occurs to you, but the chart says quite the
opposite. Sometimes it is hard to maintain your objectivity.
A client once called and asked if she should invite Diana to her
party. This question did not seem to merit a serious answer. Since she
left the message on my answering machine, I didn't know the details
that led to the question. I fully expected the chart to say, "Of course,
invite her to the party." But, it said exactly the opposite. Do not invite
her. When I gave the answer to the client, I asked what had prompted the
question. She told me that this woman was a shirttail relative and every
time she came to a family gathering she created problems. The client's
husband had said, "Just don't ask her to the party." They didn't and the
querent let me know later it was the best get-together they ever had.
10 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
10. One of the most significant Horary rules is: When you have an-
swered the question, don't say anything else. The planets involved in
the designated houses are the only ones that apply to the question and
the answer. You can undo yourself if you do not adhere to this rule.
Many Horary Astrologers pride themselves in their ability to de-
scribe what happened before, during and after the question. One of the
reasons for my success in Horary interpretation is that I stick to the an-
swer only. Nobody cares what color laces your grandmother had in her
shoes last Tuesday. Just answer the question, no more, no less.
11. Retrograde Motion. Whenever I explain that we use only applying
aspects in Horaiy Astrology (except those of less than one degree as
explained later), the question of retrograde motion of the planets always
comes up. Are the planets applying if they are retrograde? Theoretically
they are not, but I find that in Horary charts they work as though they
are applying. If the planet ruling any part of the question is retrograde, it
sometimes delays the outcome. This is also true of an intercepted planet
which can also delay action. As stated in the section about lost items,
if the significator is retrograde, it invariably indicates the article will be
found, or the pet or person will return.
12. Planets in mutual reception reinforce a positive reply. Example:
If Mars is in Taurus and Venus is in Aries and they rule the questioner
and the question, this is a strong indication of a "yes" answer, if other
factors in the chart support it. I do not necessarily feel that Mutual Re-
ceptions are strong enough to GIVE the answer without confirmation
13. Any planet in dignity or exaltation is strengthened in the inter-
pretation of a Horary chart, while those in detriment or fall seem to
work in a less positive way.
Often the Horary chart will mirror the question... a person asks
about a job and the ruler of the Ascendant is in the 6th or 10th. This is
comforting to the astrologer, but the chart is not wrong if it doesn't re-
flect the question so specifically.
14. Ancient rules also state that if a planet leaves the sign before the
aspect forms, it is not applicable. I have not found this to be true. For
example if the Moon is at 10 degrees of Aries and will square Mercury
at 29 degrees of Cancer, I count that aspect although, in reality. Mercury
will move into Leo before the Moon gets to 29 Aries.
What Works and What Doesn't 11
15. The Nodes do not seem to apply in Horary Astrology. I do not use
them; I have tried to see their significance in Horary, but find they have
no impact. You, however, may want to consider them.
can fall back on the fact, for example, that early degrees rise, so perhaps
the question has not fully formed in the querent's mind; or the Moon is
void, so not much can be expected to happen; or late degrees are rising,
so the questioner has already decided.
In Horary the houses play a key part in learning how to interpret the
answer. If the question isn't assigned to the correct house, you cannot
get a proper reply. This is extremely significant and the following de-
scriptions will get you started and help you understand the principles
involved. For more complete definitions, I recommend The Rulership
Book by Rex Bills, Horary Astrology by Anthony Louis. The Astrologi-
cal Thesaurus, Book 1 Houses by Michael Munkasey and Simmonite's
Horary Astrology as excellent reference books for more encyclopedic
indications of the house in which to place the question. Your astrologi-
cal knowledge and common sense will do the rest
It is also important for you to understand the derivative house
system. It is well explained in Volume 5 of March/McEvers The Only
Way to Learn Astrology series.
1st House:
This house represents the questioner and any planets in this house
as well as its ruler indicate her/his state of mind. Uranus and Mars sug-
gest agitation, anger or irritation. Neptune and the Moon denote a state
of emotional confusion or frustration and maybe tears. If Venus or Jupi-
ter is in the 1st house, the querent is usually cool, calm and in a happy
14 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
frame of mind. Saturn, on the other hand, can indicate worry or anxiety.
Questions concerning health, attitude and appearance are shown here...
also paternal grandparents, the fifth child, the fourth partner.
Examples: "When will my health improve?" "Should I get a face
lift? Is this a good time?" "If I go on a diet now, am I likely to lose
2nd House:
Any question pertaining to money, wealth, earning ability, loss or gain
by prosperity or adversity, moveable goods and material possessions
is answered by the 2nd house. It is most helpful in tracking down lost
items since it represents your belongings. A lost book may be depicted
by Mercury, which represents books, in or ruling the 2nd house. It is not
necessary for the chart to mirror the question, but it often does and then
you know you are on the right track. More about recovering lost items
in Lesson 8.
Examples: "Should I open a savings account?" "Should we buy a
new refrigerator?" "Will my income improve by the end of the year?"
3rd House:
Answers to questions about elementary education, schools, communi-
cation, cars and short trips (short time or short distance), siblings, neigh-
bors, shopping, reading materials or correspondence may be found here.
Media questions may be assigned to this house. It represents children
of friends and step-grandchildren. Questions about contracts and tests
should be placed in this house.
Examples: "Will I pass the state board final test?" "Should I buy
the car I looked at today?" "Will our neighbors go in with us on the cost
of the new fence?"
4th House:
This house solves questions relating to all domestic affairs, home
improvements, real estate and parents (especially the mother) and it rep-
resents the outcome of any question pertaining to the 1st house, and the
4th from any house will illustrate how an event will end. For example,
the 4th from the 7th (marriage), the 10th, suggests how a partnership
may end. The 4th house characterizes the kitchen, food, cooking, motels
and hotels, building lots and immovable possessions.
Examples: "Should we buy the house we looked at today?" "Will
my mother come to visit us for the holidays?" "Is it a good idea to add
a room on to the house?"
The Houses in Horary Astrology 15
5th House:
This is the house of courtship, children, gambling, speculation and all
forms of entertainment. It answers questions pertaining to pregnancy,
sports, lotteries, music, games and creativity. It also describes income
from real estate (as the 2nd from the 4th), speculation, the stock market
and romance.
Examples: "If I buy a lottery ticket, will I win the prize?" "Should
1 learn to play golf?" "Am I pregnant?"
6th House:
Your health is found in the 6th as well as in the 1st; also types of illness,
work, employees, servants, tenants, co-workers, agents, conditions re-
lating to employment, including job changes. Questions about small
animals, pets, wardrobe, climate and weather are answered here. This
house represents stores and storekeepers, diet and dietitians and mater-
nal aunts and uncles.
Examples: "Will my dog be okay after I take him to the vet?"
"Will it snow tonight?" "Will I get the job I applied for today?"
7th House:
The 7th house illustrates questions concerning marriage, lawsuits, part-
nerships (both business and personal). Adversaries, lawyers and doc-
tors are found here, anyone you confront on a one-to-one basis. This
house represents your second child, nephews and nieces and the mater-
nal grandparents. It also designates the thief, murderer or perpetrator of
any act. All questions relating to people you call by name are found in
this house.
Examples: "Is Bill Smith the lawyer I should hire to defend me?"
"Who stole my money?" "If I propose, will my lover marry me?"
8th House:
Questions about taxes, surgery and partner's assets are properly placed
here. Also legacies, insurance matters, death and wills. It is the house of
other people's money and belongings, so assign any questions pertain-
ing to those factors to this area. For instance, if you ask "Where is Bob's
wallet?" you would look to this house. Bob is represented by the 7th;
his belongings (wallet) by the 8th. Any time you expect money from
another person, this house comes into play.
Examples: "Will the Tuckers come up with enough money to
buy my boat?" "Will the IRS audit my tax return this year?" "Will the
bank okay my loan application?"
16 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
9th House:
This house rules long distance travel (by time and distance), advertis-
ing, publicity, visions, dreams, affairs of the church and expressions
of opinion. In legal affairs this house represents the court. It identifies
brothers and sisters-in-law, grandchildren, the third child, second part-
ner, teaching and teachers, airplanes and ships (also space travel, if you
ever run into a question about that). Foreigners, foreign places, colleges,
universities, all institutions of higher learning are found here.
Examples: "Should I take the cruise to the Bahamas?" "Will the
University accept my credentials?" "Will the court rule in our favor in
the medical malpractice suit?"
10th House:
Questions concerning career, business, employer, status, prestige, repu-
tation and acceptance by the public are all described by the 10th house.
Anything pertaining to notoriety shows up here. This house usually pic-
tures the father, the judge in court proceedings, parents-in-law and any-
one in public you ask about.
Examples: "Is this an opportune time to change career direc-
tion?" "Will my boss okay my pay raise?" "Will the judge rule in my
favor in the harassment case?"
I also assign queries that do not fit into other chart areas to this
house such as: "Should I put in a gas furnace?" 1 could not think of any
house relating to furnaces, so I used the 10th and the answer was cor-
rect. You may never run across a question that defies house placement,
but if you do, try using the 10th house if you run out of other options.
11th House:
Questions pertaining to friends, acquaintances, adopted and step-
children, income from business (2nd from the 10th), sons and daugh-
ters-in-law, organizations and clubs are the province of this house. Here
you find answers about cooperation or the lack of it, social activities
and goals.
Examples: "Will the Elks Club rent the hall to us?" "Will I be
accepted into the sorority?" "Will the business take in enough money
this year to allow us to open another store?"
12th House:
This house has to do with the past and often planets here indicate
events that occurred before the question was asked. Enemies, secrets,
plots, disappointments and sorrow are reflected here, as are institutions,
The Houses in Horary Astrology 17
follow through. A few months after they moved in, she called to tell me
that the basement leaked and the foundation had to be shored up...and
that her husband was impressed with astrology.
I have had several questions about strikes and could find no refer-
ence about which house strikes show up in. I used the 6th as the job and
finally found that Uranus had impact in questions of this nature.
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Example Chart 2:
11 Jul 1988 9:58 pm PDT Coeur d'Alene, ID 47N41 116W46
"Will I be safe if I go to San Francisco?"
A client called and asked this question; she was a very wary traveler
and this trip was a challenge for her since she would be traveling alone,
hence her apprehension. Uranus retrograde at 28 Sagittarius rules her.
Mars and Pluto rule the 9th house., .in her estimation it was a long trip.
Mars at 29 Pisces is past the square to Uranus; Pluto at 9 Scorpio makes
no aspect to her ruler. However, she did not ask IF she should take the
trip, only if she would be safe. Since Saturn which is also retrograde at
27 Sagittarius is conjunct Uranus, I felt she would be safe. She went and
had a rather uneventful — but completely safe—journey.
Beyond doubt, this is the most difficult and frustrating part of Horary
Astrology — at least from my point of view. The following is the meth-
od recommended by most texts, but I must say it is challenging at best
and some of the time does not work.
This method claims that to time events the signs on the angles
of the houses (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) and the sign of the Moon must be
23 v* m,
51 U23 T
01 0 42
and 16 Capricorn in the 1st, the Moon and Mars are in the 7th at 21 and
18 Cancer. (The Moon and Mars move faster and are already past Ura-
nus and Neptune.) There are no applying aspects between them. Let's
check when the buyer's money (8th) will come to the seller (1st). Again
the Moon which rules the buyer's 2nd (8th) makes no aspect to the plan-
ets representing the seller (1st). But the 8th house has Leo intercepted,
so the Sun must be considered. There are no applying aspects between
the Sun at 25 Libra and the seller. Looking for timing is the only time in
Horary when you may use past aspects. There are 14 degrees between
Saturn and the Sun, four degrees between Uranus and Mars, seven de-
grees between Uranus and the Moon, and two and five degrees between
Neptune and Mars and the Moon. The seven degrees between Uranus
and the Moon reinforces our Moon/Venus trine at seven degrees. Since
both planets are angular and cardinal, this times our sale in seven days.
The Miltons bought the house seven days later on October 25th. NOTE:
This is the only time in Horary Astrology where you may use waning
aspects — to verify time frames.
When answering timing questions (or any Horary questions) it is
important to know that what is asked about is possible. Some people ask
questions that are impossible to answer. I once had a couple inquire how
soon some property would sell. There was no connection between the
seller (1st house), the property (4th house) and the buyer (7th house).
The Moon was not making an aspect to any of the rulers of these houses,
so I replied that it didn't look promising in the near future. They ex-
plained that the property was not yet on the market and they weren't
even sure if they wanted to sell it. When I questioned their need for the
Horary, they replied that if I had said it would sell soon, they would
have put out a "for sale" sign. The proper question should have been,
"Should we put the house on the market?" Then the astrologer could
have looked at aspects between the 1st and 4th houses for the answer. It
is very important, as you can see from the above example, that the ques-
tion is thought out, clearly stated and that the astrologer understands
what the querent wants to know, and that the question is answerable.
A question that often arises with clients is how long a Horary
chart is valid. Some astrologers say six weeks to three months. Frankly,
it is hard to tell. If a querent wants to know if s/he will get married
this year, quite possibly the chart covers that amount of time. Gener-
ally speaking, I tell clients not to ask the same question until about six
weeks has elapsed. As time passes, you will become more proficient in
these areas. Certainly, there are no hard and fast rules about this. Some
24 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
More On Timing
As stated earlier, but it bears repeating, timing in the Horary chart is one
of the most difficult areas to master. Of the many rules given in various
Horary books, most work sometimes, but none work all the time. My
experience has been that the easiest way to time the outcome of a ques-
tion, presuming the question has been asked that way, is to examine the
planets ruling the querent and the question and see how many degrees
apart they are. Example: "How soon will 1 go to work on the new job?"
Count how many degrees there are between the ruler of the 1st house
(querent) and the ruler of the 6th (work). If there are seven degrees, then
it is possible the person will go to work in seven days, weeks or months.
Sounds simple, doesn't it? But wait, is it weeks, months or days?
Here are some charts to illustrate timing.
Timing 25
15 ^13^59 a
DOT 50
The client who asked this question had placed her house on the market
several months earlier and was becoming concerned about whether it
would ever sell. Whenever you consider any kind of sale, the houses
involved are the 1st and the 7th. One represents the buyer and the other
the seller. Since the questioner is the seller, in this case the Ascendant
signifies her. There must be an agreement between her and the buyer
(7th house) for a sale to come about. (If she had been the buyer, she still
would have been represented by the 1st house, because she asked the
question. Remember, the querent is always the 1 st house.)
Jupiter, ruler of the 1st, signifies her. Mercury, ruler of the 7th,
shows the potential buyer. Mercury at 14 Leo had just opposed Jupiter at
10 Aquarius. Both are in Fixed signs in Succedent houses, therefore our
time frame is lengthy. Months, rather than days or weeks. For confirma-
tion of this timing, the 4th cusp at 0 Aries (indicative of the property)
26 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
/ ^o01
/IS oV55 \
/ / VV /« v\ \
A, / \4. 1458 hi T/ \ .A
19 111,52
Example Chart #5
31 May 1985 11:20 am PDT Coeur d'Alene, ID 47N41 116W46
"When will my business improve?"
This woman owned a nail salon and supply company and her business
had been on a downward spiral. She wanted to know when it would
improve so she would know how to handle supply orders as well as
The business is represented by Venus at 25 Aries, ruler of the
10th house in the 9th. This chart validates the question, as much of her
Timing 27
business is done by mail order to clients in distant places. Profit and
loss from the business is signified by the 11th house (2nd from the 10th
and therefore representative of money from the business). The ruler, the
Moon at nearly 7 Scorpio, will quincunx Venus in about 18 degrees,
which suggests a time frame of 18 days, weeks or months. Venus is in
a Cardinal sign (Aries) and Cadent house (9th) = fast and moderately
fast. The Moon is in a Fixed sign (Scorpio) and Cadent house (3rd) =
slow and moderately fast. So it looks like moderately fast or in about 18
weeks. The quincunx indicates a change; Venus and the Moon are both
positive factors in Horaiy Astrology.
Finding backup confirmation is always important. Since we are
inquiring about a business, it makes sense to look at the 10th house. The
MC at nearly 20 Taurus will conjunct the Sun at 10 Gemini in about
20 degrees; 20 weeks is less than five months. The Moon is 4-1/2 de-
grees away from Pluto. Voila! More confirmation. In just about that time
frame, she received a large out-of-state order for nail supplies and from
then on, business picked up considerably.
28 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
26/'42 04
26 142
Some friends had made a bid on a house nearby. They are represented
by Neptune at 17 Sagittarius, ruler of the Ascendant and the house in
question, the 4th, is ruled by Mercury at 6 Leo. Mercury trines Neptune,
so they will definitely get the house. The Moon at 4 Cancer will con-
junct Mars in the 4th house in two degrees, so we figured they would
hear in two days. (Moon and Mars are both in Cardinal signs in an
Angular house). She asked the question at 8:49 pm and at 10:40 pm,
the realtor called and said the owner had accepted the offer. It was two
hours, not two days.
When you measure time, remember it does not matter whether
the planets are applying or separating. But this is the first and last time
you do not adhere to the applying only rule.
Relationship Questions
os Tib
28 J Cf 26 £P02 & WA
ma RyV
The woman who asked the question is shown by the ruler of the Ascen-
dant, the Moon at 25 Gemini in the 11th. Her relationship (7th house) is
ruled by Saturn at 12 Aquarius in the 7th. The Moon and Saturn make
no aspect. San Francisco is described by her 4th house ruled by Venus
Relationship Questions 31
h- 9 »
04 27 15
fiyA A
255? 57
The querent was having problems with tenants in some rental property
and needed a good lawyer. Her question was prompted by having a
list of recommended attorneys and she had decided that Connor was
a likely candidate. She is represented by Mars at 21 Libra in the 11th.
Remember, Mars is the main ruler of the Scorpio Ascendant; Pluto at 18
Scorpio in the 12th also signifies her as does the co-ruler Moon in the
9th of legal matters. Connor, the attorney, is designated by the 7th house
ruler, Venus at 28 Leo in the 9th. The chart reflects the legal theme of the
32 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
question veiy well. There is no applying aspect between Venus (him)
and Mars (her). However, the Moon which co-rules her will conjunct
Venus in the 9th house. This is a definite "yes" answer. She hired him
and he is doing a good job in a long, drawn-out situation.
In the above question, the client had eliminated several of the
suggested lawyers and asked if she should hire one particular one.
But what if she had asked, "Should I hire Connor or Mathews?" The
7th house still represents Connor, the first lawyer inquired about, but
Mathews is represented by the 9th house. Why not the 7th from the 7th?
Because that is the 1st house and already represents the querent. It can-
not successfully be used to represent the second attorney. This is why
I keep urging that when you hear the question, you write down your
approach or carefully think it through and decide where you will look
for the answer.
// /C
/ /o 01 \Q7
* \
!A-A 36
—-"Xb = 25
B ,^3 'V//
02 D ,
Since the querent did not name his brother, I used the 3rd house to rep-
resent the person asked about. If he had said: "Should I go into busi-
ness with Jim?" I would have used the 7th house to designate Jim. The
Relationship Questions 33
Ascendant ruler representing the querent is the Moon at 4 Scorpio. His
brother is described by Mercury at 1 Gemini, ruler of the 3rd house. The
Moon is past an applying aspect to Mercury, indicating a lack of action
between the two people. Neptune at 2 Capricorn rules the 10th house,
significator of the business. The Moon is past a sextile to Neptune, and
Mercury applies to a quincunx to it. This suggests that the brother might
want to make changes in the business and the questioner may not want
to make any changes.
This gentleman had asked a lot of Horary questions, and did not
always act on my advice. He took his brother and his wife into his busi-
ness and within a year, they had taken over a good share of it, moved
and left him with accumulated debts, a feeling of sadness because of the
breach in the family, and a healthier respect for Horary Astrology.
5* *5
away from her. She is represented by the Sun in Gemini in the 10th
house, as well as the Moon in Aquarius in the 6th. This validates the
question quite well since they worked together. There are two ways to
consider this question. Relationships are traditionally 7th house, and her
question pertained to the relationship, but questions about a lover can
also be assigned to the 5th house. In a situation like this, it is wise to
look at both. However, this i s a decision that should be made before you
look at the chart. Again, remember you will get better results and find
it easier to be objective, if you have outlined on paper or in your own
mind the process you plan to use to answer the question.
If we place the relationship in the 7th house, Uranus at 13 Capri-
corn rules it and is in the 5th — a validation for using the 5th as well as
the 7th. The Sun at 11 Gemini quincunxes Uranus, suggesting a change
of some sort. The Moon at 8 Aquarius makes no aspect to Uranus (re-
member, we use major, applying aspects only: conjunction, sextile,
square, trine, quincunx and opposition). Jupiter rules the 5th house; it is
at 9 Leo in the 12th and the Moon opposes it. There is no aspect from
the Sun to Jupiter (the sextile is past or waning). Based on these aspects
I told her it looked as though it was over. She accepted the answer as
likely, but pursued the affair for almost two more months — the time
it took for the Sun/Uranus quincunx to become exact (in the chart, not
literally). The next time I heard from her she had met someone else.
Relationship Questions 35
/ /®\D9^ ^ \ 25
/ ^ AqjVj'6 \
1 6
/ "^y' 7
07 |V02>119 /Z 6
45 ( It 9
25 7 H
/ 59 ,
07 03
J^SO 0 /
2? Tie
A client who is divorced asked this question. The father planned to take
the boy on a vacation and the mother was worried that something might
happen to her son.
Since she did not refer to the boy by name but as "my son," the
5th house represents the boy. In a case like this, it is wise to renumber
the houses of the chart, starting with the 5th as 1, the 6th as 2 and so
on. Many Horary astrologers turn the chart and put the 5th house on the
Ascendant. I find it is easier to renumber. You must choose what works
for you. Her son is depicted by Venus at 22 Scorpio in his 7th (11th of
the chart) and co-ruler Moon at 7 Gemini which is in his 1st house (5th
of the chart). His father is shown by Uranus at 17 Sagittarius, ruler of
his 10th (the 2nd house in the chart) and Jupiter at 11 Aquarius which
is in that house. There is no aspect between Venus and Uranus, rulers
of the son's 1st and 10th, but the Moon trines Jupiter indicating that all
will be well. It was.
36 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
This example is a bit tricky. Neither Steve nor Candy asked the ques-
tion. But the questioner is still the 1st house. Thus, Steve (the first per-
son inquired about) becomes the 7th house and Candy is represented
by the 1st house (Steve's 7th). This is the customary way to deal with
questions about two people: use the 7th from the house asked about. In
Chart #6, you will recall, I couldn't use the 7th from the 7th because it
represented the querent, so I used the 2nd from the 7th to signify the
second lawyer. Both the Sun at 13 Leo, ruler of Steve and the Moon at
17 Leo which is in his 1st house, apply to a trine to Uranus at 18 Sagit-
tarius, the ruler of Candy. The answer is "yes." Steve's wife, who asked
the question, reported that he had hired Candy and was very pleased
with her work.
Even though it was Steve's wife who asked the question and is
characterized by the 1st house, she had no bearing on the outcome of the
Relationship Questions 37
11 033
j2 Q 26 JI ^
20 R y «5
19 nrsi
A lady with many romantic yearnings was longing to find the right
spouse and this was the third man she had asked about in the past year.
She is ruled by Jupiter in the 2nd house at 12 Aquarius. He is
represented by Mercury at 25 Leo, ruler of the 7th. Jupiter and Mercury
make no aspect. Venus at 26 Gemini is in the 7th house and makes no
aspect to Neptune at 1 Capricorn in the 1st or to Jupiter. Neptune makes
no aspect to Jupiter. Not much going on here. The Moon at 12 Capricorn
will eventually quincunx Venus in the 7th and Mercury in the 9th, but
does not aspect either of her rulers. My answer was that he was not her
"right man." She married him anyway and it lasted less than a year.
Purchases & Sales
chart to answer this question. Mars rules the 1 st house and Venus the 7th
and there is no applying aspect between them. The Moon, which is al-
ways the co-ruler of the chart, rules the 4th house of property and is ap-
plying to a trine of Mars. This would indicate that the property is a good
buy and the questioner should consider it. But what about no action with
the seller? Check if there are other planets in the 1st or 7th houses and
the aspects they make to each other or the rulers. If there is any kind of
major aspect linking the buyer and the seller, there is the opportunity to
make some kind of deal. Certainly an offer is appropriate.
One more factor in making a decision whether a sale or purchase
will come about is the exchange of money. If you have an article for sale
and there is an aspect between the buyer's money house (the 8th) and
your 1st house, this can be an indication that the sale will take place if
the aspect is a trine or sextile, that there must be a price adjustment if the
two planets make a quincunx, that the sale will not occur if the aspect is
a square or opposition. Obviously, if the planets make no aspect, noth-
ing much will happen.
Real estate purchases are pretty cut and dried, but what about oth-
er kinds of buying and selling? There are two schools of thought about
this. Some astrologers feel you should use the house that describes the
item, i.e., gold — 5th house, books — 3rd, office equipment — 6th or
10th and so on. After interpreting many of these charts, I find it gives
better results to use the house of possessions (the 2nd) to represent
whatever you wish to purchase.
The chart will usually reflect the item of concern. For instance, if
you're questioning the purchase of a sewing machine, rulers of the 2nd
and Ascendant or the Moon may fall into the 3rd house which has to do
with sewing machines. If you ask, "Should I buy a new filing cabinet for
my office?" often significators will appear in the 6th or 10th houses.
It is much easier to ask a purchase question about a single item,
but you can ask questions like, "Should I buy the Singer sewing ma-
chine? If not, should 1 buy the Bemina?" To answer this question, you
would consider aspects between the 1st house ruler (querent) and the
ruler of the 2nd house in regard to the Singer. If they are positive, you
need go no further. If they are negative then consider aspects between
the rulers of the 1st and 3rd houses. The 3rd is the 2nd from the 2nd and
signifies the second item asked about.
In dealing with property, someone may ask you whether to buy
the house on 3rd Street or the one by the golf course. The 3rd Street
house is represented by the 4th house and the house near the golf course
42 The Only Way to Leant About Horary and Electional Astrology
is denoted by the 7th house (4th from the 4th). The following examples
will help to clarify this approach.
oi n to
a" \<K
01 >^10
M 10
/B ^
103 U25
K 18 ^
09 ^,56
The querent is the 1st house ruled by the Sun at 10 Taurus in the 10th.
The potential buyer is represented by the ruler of the 7th house, Ura-
nus at 17 Sagittarius in the 5th. The Sun quincunxes Uranus indicating
adjustments to be made before a sale of property will take place. The
Moon, which is always the co-ruler of the chart, is at 13 Virgo in the
2nd and squares Uranus representing the potential buyer, suggesting the
price is too high. The people were very interested; Venus at 6 Aries
rules the 4th (the property) and trines Uranus which rules them and also
sextiles Jupiter at 15 Aquarius in the 7th. The woman who asked the
question was advised to lower the price and negotiate terms. After much
haggling the buyer and seller agreed on a lower price and better interest
arrangements and the house was sold.
44 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
13 H
^04 cs 49
^ 29
T y
^5U\28 \
m 04 A 49
A client's husband had died and she was trying to dispose of his large
trucking business. She had many prospects and Mr. Moore was going to
make an offer on the following Monday. ,
The buyer is indicated by Jupiter, ruler of the 7th, at 19 Scorpio
in the 6th. Mercury, ruler of the 1st, is also in the 6th at 4 Scorpio and
will conjunct Jupiter in 15 degrees, suggesting a possible "yes" answer,
but certainly not on Monday, which was only 3 days away. The question
was about a business, so the 10th house must also be taken into consid-
eration. Uranus at 3 Sagittarius rules the 10th and receives no aspect
from Jupiter representing the buyer; so even though there was a con-
nection between buyer and seller, there was no connection between the
buyer and the business. The Moon at 14 Cancer trines Jupiter signifying
the potential buyer and also his money (rules the 8th), but in spite of
this, the answer looked like no. He might offer, but she wouldn't accept.
Purchases & Sales 45
The potential buyer did not purchase the business on Monday. However,
he made a low offer 15 days later, just about when Mercury conjuncted
Jupiter. It was rejected.
Vu gX21
/ \ oa IB / \
k\%' T\
< 09 \ 0813 24
27 54 1 27
The client had been looking for a tractor for his growing gardening busi-
ness and was having difficulty making up his mind about which of the
many he had seen was the one to buy. His wife suggested that he call
and ask a Horary question.
He is Venus at 9 Taurus in the 7th and the tractor is Mars, ruler
of the 2nd, at 5 Aries in the 6th. A very valid chart, since the tractor
is machinery and Mars rules machines. However, there is no aspect
between Mars and Venus. Pluto co-rules the tractor and is in the 2nd
46 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
house at 15 Scorpio. Venus opposes it. The Moon should be taken into
consideration. It is at 10 Sagittarius, past both the trine to Mars and the
quincunx to Venus. I told the man that this wasn't the tractor for him that
he should look further. A few weeks later he called and asked the same
question about a different tractor. This time the answer was a clear "yes"
and he was very satisfied with his purchase.
Questions about Health
/O 02 K 22
^24^* -7
13 08
^<r 9 \?i'»
< >-
/ ^ r\ x /
/ 00 \ A2 y 25
' S \ VA .
49 \
02 2B32 24
A client called quite early one morning, explained that her knee had
been paining her for several days and her husband was nagging her to
go to the doctor to see what was wrong.
She is depicted by Mars at 18 Capricorn (the sign of the knees) in
the 10th house. The doctor is the 7th house, ruled by Venus at 25 Cap-
ricorn in the 11th. Venus is past the conjunction to Mars. The Sun, ruler
of the 6th, at 4 Pisces applies to a 14-degree sextile to Mars, so although
I felt she should go have the knee examined, the Moon made no contact
to Mars, Venus or the Sun. It did, however, conjunct Mercury, ruler of
the interception in the 6th house, in four degrees. I told her that if her
knee was still bothering her in four days she should make an appoint-
ment. The long applying Sun/Mars sextile did not indicate immediate
action. In the meantime she decided to take hot baths and see if they
would help. Within a few days her knee felt fine and she never did go
to the doctor
Questions about Health 49
There will be many times when common sense dictates an an-
swer that does not appear in the chart and this presents a dilemma for the
Horary astrologer. But you must have faith in your craft. Sometimes the
answer may not make sense to you but will to the querent.
m a
A client had discovered a lump and was scheduled for a biopsy in two
days. Since she is ruled by the Moon at 26 Sagittarius in the 6th house,
it was a very legitimate question. The ruler of the 6th house is Jupiter
(significator of growths) at 7 Aquarius in the 8th (of surgery). The Moon
made no aspect to Jupiter but squared both Mercury and the Sun. Mer-
cury rules the 12th of hospitalization, so it looks like a "no" answer.
The doctor (7th house) is ruled by Saturn which is squared by Jupiter,
another "no" indicator. The lump was benign. Remember that squares
and oppositions say "no," and trines and sextiles say "yes."
50 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
5 o D
,19 OB 27
1819 09
09 7IL55
A student asked this question because she was trying to find out what
was causing an annoying rash around her hairline. Venus at nearly 22
Sagittarius rules the Ascendant as well as the 6th house and Pluto is in
the 6th at almost 10 Scorpio. There is no aspect between Pluto and Ve-
nus and the Moon is void of course, all indicating a "no" answer. Venus
had conjuncted Saturn a few days previously and the allergy had seemed
to ease at that time. A week later the rash had totally disappeared. She
never found out what had caused it.
Questions about Health 51
22 0752.
15 XU
/\ 08 ' 19 5
Op 16
^ 08 /
k /e07 49 9aO\ I
r^i 11 \
\-KW X' .
\w24J5^ y
X o5(>
\ 26 \\B n\ T„77 29
05 //r4e
Xl5 1 /
22 H52
/[k 9A 26
/ 16 042A =2= tTP
30 20
/ A
/36 /V\ Mo 4 3
I / I * 25 g -«
^ feW2 6
22 I7
\ 37 X54^
In this chart the houses must be renumbered. The 7th represents Mac
(remember, always place the named person in the 7th house); therefore
his 6th house is the 12th of the chart. Mac is designated by the Moon at
9 Aquarius in his 8th. The ruler of his 6th is Jupiter at 7 Aquarius also
in his 8th, but the Moon is past the conjunction to Jupiter. This doesn't
look favorable. Mars has to do with action and locomotion so since the
question is about "walking," it is necessary to consider Mars in assess-
ing the answer to this question. It is at 26 Virgo in Mac's 3rd house.
Mercury rules the 3rd house and at 16 Scorpio sextiles Mars, but it is
a ten-degree aspect. The Moon quincunxes Mars and squares Mercury;
since the Moon is in his 8th, it looks as though surgery may not help.
Mac had been injured in an auto accident and was paralyzed from the
waist down. His mother had asked the question. When given the answer,
she replied that the doctors had recommended a surgeon who offered a
slight bit of hope that an operation may be successful, but it was a long
shot. The last I heard he never had the operation and was still confined
to a wheel chair.
Questions about Health 53
27 2534
Sn / H
a 01
°Wf6o 2 .
«™ = ~6
42 ^
A student was trying to decide whether to take a part time job while she
finished her last year in school.
54 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
22 113+
'02 4
\, 21722
22 34
The girl who asked the question was working as a waitress in a very
busy local restaurant. A friend was opening a new restaurant down the
street and wanted the querent to go in with her in the new business.
The questioner is Mercury at 16 Cancer in the 10th house; her
current job is signified by Uranus ruling the 6th at 15 Sagittarius in the
3rd. The business (10th) is also ruled by Mercury, but Mars and the Sun
are also in this house. Mercury and Uranus make no (applying) aspect to
Questions about Health 55
each other and Mercury is past both Mars and the Sun. Not much in the
way of an answer. Miranda (depicted by the 7th house) is represented
by Neptune at 2 Capricorn and Mercury makes no aspect to Neptune.
The last thing we consider is the Moon. It is at 9 Leo in the 11th house
andtrines Uranus, ruler of her current job. It was suggested that she stay
where she was, since it didn't look like Miranda would get the business
off the ground. She stayed with the job; the restaurant never opened.
I used this chart in class and a student asked why I hadn't used the
4th house for Miranda's business. I replied that I didn't think of it, but
let's try that approach. Miranda is Neptune, ruler of the 7th; her 10th is
the 4th of the chart, ruled by Jupiter. Neptune is in the 4th showing her
interest in opening a business, but there is no aspect between Neptune
and Jupiter 16 Aquarius and the Moon opposes Jupiter. The answer is
still "no."
It is always wise to exercise all options in doing Horary charts. If
there is a second or even third way to judge the chart, by all means do
it. Invariably it will confirm your answer. Just as in natal astrology, you
need all the confirmation you can get.
56 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
XA59LJ \i3 06 05 03
A^~/C 02 WftpTiprt?
/ /
/it /v\
x "V\_
' 5O\ S"1
^ \ T /
\02 \/ "
\T Xv>59
\ 31^/16 1 y'
26 K30
t6 803
17 ^
25 ieras .0,53 «'06 Z5
02 ^
B 42
The Sun at 15 Aries rules thequerent (1st house) and is in the 8th house.
Tests of any kind are a 3rd house question. The 3rd house ruler, Venus
at 1 Gemini, is in the 10th and will eventually sextile the Sun. That's
a "yes." The Moon which is always the co-ruler of the question is at
2 Sagittarius, just past the opposition to Venus, but applying to a trine
to the Sun, indicating another "yes." The Sun opposes Pluto in the 3rd
house at 20 Libra which is a "no." Jupiter rising confirms a "yes" an-
swer. With three yesses and one no, 1 told the client she would pass the
test, but it wouldn't hurt to study a lot between now and when she took
it (Sun opposition Pluto). She did and passed with a respectable grade.
Of Kith & Kin and Here & Now 59
A young man who operated a business in his home was missing a large
amount of money. He asked earlier who had stolen the money and
the description seemed to fit a neighbor, hence, this second question.
The neighbor is ruled by Venus (ruler of the 3rd in the 3rd house) at 9
Scorpio; the man's money is signified by Mercury at 1 Sagittarius (2nd
house). There is no aspect between Mercury and Venus and the Moon
at 22 Aries does not aspect either one. The answer is "no." It was later
determined that the money was taken by an employee.
60 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
"07 x'SB
/ 16 A 28\ 0+ X 18
02 /\°7Vf 06
/ ^<58 ><0 " 8
II 0 7 6
12 , 2 5
03\ \\
40\ /
-^of l[3a
This was a major issue in a local election and one of the candidates for
mayor called and asked the question. Venus at 4 Libra (in the 8th) rules
the 3rd house, representative of schools. Money from other people is an
8th house venue; it is ruled by Jupiter (the 10th house in the chart is the
8th from the 3rd). Jupiter is at 3 Gemini in the 3rd but makes no aspect
to Venus. It is past the trine. The Moon at 26 Leo makes no aspect to
Venus or Jupiter. Though it was very close it did not pass.
Of Kith & Kin and Here & Now 61
05 n 55
16/ 5\
yf 07 tv
IV ^28
/ 25, ^ ,
/ 48 /I <^r\
05 355
28 1[47
4-21 H56 R
This question came from a young lady. I felt she had already made up
her mind since 29 degrees was rising. Remember, often late degrees ris-
ing mean the answer has already been decided or the question is moot,
but I still reply to such questions. Mercury at 26 Cancer rules her {1st)
and Venus at 27 Virgo rules the voyage (9th). Mercury will sextile Ve-
nus. Since Venus also rules her 2nd, it looked like she would be able to
afford it. With Mercury in the 10th and the Moon at 12 Leo trine
Uranus at 18 Sagittarius, ruler of the 5th of fun and games, I told her
she would probably have fun and enjoy the social activities. She replied
that she had already bought her ticket, but wanted to know what would
happen. She took the cruise and had a marvelous time. Even though the
Moon conjuncted the Sun, a major aspect in natal astrology, here since
the Sun has no bearing on the question, this aspect is insignificant.
64 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
Zfl 0^6
After a particularly messy divorce the client didn't trust her ex not to
kidnap the child when he took her for visitation.
She is Mercury at 11 Aquarius in the 6th (the house of the child's
future); her ex-husband is Neptune, ruler of the 7th, at 10 Capricorn in
the 5th.. .a very valid chart. (NOTE: Just as the 12th or preceding house
represents the past, so the 2nd or ensuing house describes the future.)
The court (9th) is represented by Venus at 8 Capricorn applying to a
conjunction of Neptune, suggesting that the court would act in some
way regarding the husband. This is an example of a VOC Moon help-
ing to answer the question. The Moon is in the 10th house in a finishing
degree at 29 Taurus. Because of the void Moon and the Venus/Neptune
aspect I felt she had nothing to worry about. The court ruled that super-
vision was necessary for his visits. She already had custody.
Fly Me to the Moon 65
17 TMO
5* e Hiossi
17 bio
A student called and asked this question. They owned a summer home
in Montana and the people they had bought it from were suing over an
alleged oversight in the mortgage. The suit required that they appear in
court the next day and she was concerned about the outcome.
Saturn rules the querent and is at 8 Capricorn in the 12th show-
ing her concern. The Moon rules the opponent (7th) and Venus rules the
court. The Moon at 9 Virgo squares Venus at 17 Sagittarius, suggesting
that her opponent will not fare well. The Moon is just past the trine to
Saturn. I told my student that it looked like a tempest in a teapot and
that they would come out all right. The judge threw the case out of court
which surprised me as 1 hadn't anticipated that outcome. Looking at the
chart in retrospect. Mars rules the judge (10th) and it is void of course,
so in essence, there really was nothing to worry about.
Am I Having Fun Yet?
07 fipSS
07 K55
This question was asked by a girls' softball coach whose team was play-
ing in a championship game on Saturday and she wanted to know if they
had a chance to win.
Aries is on the 5th house cusp; the ruler Mars at 4 Virgo is con-
junct the Midheaven of honor and achievement and also co-rules the
Scorpio Ascendant which describes the coach and her team. Mars el-
evated and conjunct the Midheaven is a "yes." Pluto at 13 Libra co-
rules the Ascendant and is trined by the 2 Aquarius Moon which is the
co-ruler of the question... another "yes."
Venus at nearly 8 Leo rules the opponents (7th house) and is op-
posed by the Moon. Venus also rules the 11th which represents the game
for the opponents. Venus is intercepted and will eventually conjunct
Saturn of denial. I told the coach her team would win. They won a close
game in the last inning.
68 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
23 2216
/ X\ 08
/ /500 \ A
20 /O-- ^_\ 22
This is a question that every Horary astrologer will eventually hear. This
query was presented by the president of a small corporation which was
looking for a profitable investment. Venus rules the querent and is ret-
rograde at 0 Virgo in the 11th house. Although it is conjunct the Sun,
which suggests a "yes" answer, it also squares Uranus at 5 Sagittarius,
ruler of the 5th house of stock purchases. Venus also squares Jupiter at 2
Sagittarius in the 2nd house of potential profit for the questioner. So far
we have one "yes" and two "nos."
The Moon at 7 Aries is past any aspect to Venus or Uranus, sug-
gesting that it is too late to profit from this investment. Saturn in the 1st
house confirms the "no" answer. The gentleman called several weeks
later to let me know that they hadn't purchased the stock and were very
happy that they had asked the Horary question, since the stock had
plummeted in value
Am I Having Fun Yet? 69
A client called and asked this question. Her doctor had given her a test
and assured her she was not pregnant, but she felt uneasy about the
situation. She is denoted by Jupiter at 11 Pisces, ruler of the Ascendant;
Mars at 7 Cancer rules the 5th house and trines Jupiter. It also sextiles
the Sun and Mercury at 8 and 11 Taurus in the 5th house. I told her
the chart said she was pregnant. Since the Moon rules the 8th house of
surgery and at 19 Virgo opposes Venus, ruler of her 6th at 27 Pisces, I
wasn't sure if she would have an abortion. Mars, planet of surgery, in
the 8th quincunxes the Ascendant and Neptune at 7 and 8 Sagittarius in
the 1st, so it looks as though some changes would take place. Mars also
trines her ruler, Jupiter. All told there were more "yes" than "no" an-
swers. She went back to the doctor for another test which was positive.
She had the abortion a week later.
70 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
A client's young son had been accused of starting a fire that gutted a
neighbor's garage. Her son denied the accusation, but she wasn't sure
if he was telling the truth and thought a Horary chart might provide the
Venus at 17 Gemini rules her son (5th); Saturn at 21 Virgo rules
his 10th house (2nd of the chart). Venus squares Satum, the planet of
responsibility, and Mars at 23 Virgo, ruler of fire suggesting that he did
not set the fire. (Remember squares and oppositions are "no" answers.)
Here is a case where I used the 10th house to signify an event, the fire.
The Moon, co-ruler of the question, at 3 Capricorn widely quincunxes
Venus and trines Saturn as well as Mars. These trines might suggest a
"yes" answer, but my experience has been that the planetary aspects
outweigh those of the Moon, unless the Moon rules one of the houses
pertaining to the question. So the answer here was "no." It was later
proven that another youngster was the culprit.
Am I Having Fun Yet? 71
02 5549
SV U 7x
03 07 00
O \
10 9
4 3
^ 5 2^
2 7
02 2 02:2:31 B 1
9 10
3 4
A- «
V.f O7
4° n ^
•n. «c
02 n49
08 <0.35
P 04 ln,56
K \ 14
08 2=35
The querent's daughter was due to have her baby around the middle of
September. Her vacation was to start September 1 st and she didn't want
to be away when her grandchild was bom.
Neptune at 3 Capricorn rules the 5th (her daughter) and Mercury
at 14 Leo rules the 9th (the anticipated grandchild... 5th from the 5th).
There is no aspect between Mercury and Neptune so it seemed unlikely
that the birth would take place sooner than expected. The Moon in the
5th house at 24 Pisces is VOC, again an indication that there was noth-
ing to worry about. She went on the trip and her daughter delivered a
week after she returned. Neptune sextiled Pluto, co-ruler of the querent,
in one degree, in this case, indicating one week.
Whose Money is it, Anyway?
32 5*
This client had applied for a home equity loan and was watching for the
interest rate to go as low as possible before closing the loan papers. The
rates had been dropping steadily and he was afraid to wait too long, in
case they started to rise.
He is represented by Jupiter, ruler of the Ascendant, at 15 Pi-
sces in the 3rd house of contracts. Again the chart reflects the question.
Money from a lending institution is an 8th house proposition and the 8th
is ruled by the Moon. The Moon is in the 9th at 13 Virgo and will op-
pose Jupiter in 1-1/2 degrees. Even though the opposition is considered
negative, he did not ask if he should implement the loan, only when.
This aspect suggested a time frame of 1-1/2 days or weeks since both
Jupiter and the Moon are in Mutable signs and Cadent houses. Remem-
ber Cardinal/Angular is fastest, Mutable/Cadent is moderately fast and
Fixed/ Succedent is slow. I explained that the timing could be one and
a half days or weeks.
He called the bank and decided to make an appointment to close
the escrow a week and a half later and secured the loan.
Whose Money is it Anyway? 7 5
12 157
/ X>0- I
59 \ 15 N
A. z6 ,At
/C n \
/ 40 y-
"07 ^
i ,
07 3\^ ^0
>lA5Bn /
A South Dakota rancher called and asked this question. He had a large
spread and raised beef cows, but was thinking of expanding if the tim-
ing was right. Mercury at 8 Cancer rules him and is in the business 10th.
Borrowing has to do with the 8th house and the ruler is Mars at 22 Aries
in the 8th. Mercury squares Mars indicating a "no" answer. The Moon
that co-rules the chart is in his 2nd house at 29 Libra 57 and VOC (void
of course) suggesting that it will not be a money-making venture and
that nothing much would come of it. The next time I heard from him he
told me that he was glad he had not made the investment since the bot-
tom dropped out of the beef market shortly afterward.
76 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
124 21
\HK .15/9^
12^104 H
The first thing to do is renumber the houses, making the 7th (husband)
the 1 st, the 8th the 2nd and so on around the chart; or you can turn the
chart so the 7th is on the Ascendant.
Now Jupiter at 1 Cancer represents the husband and the money
from the insurance company is signified by the Moon, ruler of his 8th
house (2nd). At 12 Scorpio, the Moon is past the trine to Jupiter. There
are no planets in his 1 st or 8th houses, so without an aspect between the
rulers, no answer is found and suggests no action at this time. However,
the Sun at 25 Pisces rules the insurance company (10th house) and the
Moon trines it. So I told the wife that her husband should decline the
offer and ask for more money because it looked like the insurance com-
pany would give more. They did.
Whose Money is it Anyway? 77
09 /\
a /
6 37
R 59 k/ a
3 T V
^g / r 47 /
Again the chart must be renumbered or turned. Tim becomes the 7th
house and is ruled by Venus at 5 Taurus in his 12th. Money for a loan
is signified by his 8th (2nd of the chart) ruled by Jupiter at 13 Cancer.
Venus applies to a sextile of Jupiter, a "yes" answer. The Moon at 25
Libra is VOC... nothing to worry about. Tim's mother, who had asked
the question, was very relieved as he just barely qualified and the bank
seemed to be holding back. The money came through, he moved in, and
hopefully is living happily ever after.
78 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
03 5346
^34g (\2
03 V§4a
This is obviously an Bth house question, but the 7th (representing Leon)
has to be taken into consideration as well. A lady who had met the gen-
tleman of the question on a cruise had called from a port stop to ask
this question. In these days with sexually transmitted diseases running
rampant, it certainly is a valid query.
She is ruled by Venus at 14 Leo in the 11th; the ruler of the 8th
is also Venus. Venus is not dignified, in detriment or fall, nor is it in a
sign it rules. Its aspects are squares to Pluto and Mars and a quincunx
to Saturn, none of them very reassuring for any kind of relationship,
especially sexual. Since Mars at 27 Leo rules Leon (the 7th house) and
Venus squares it, the answer is "no." The Moon at almost 3 Scorpio
squares Venus and opposes Mars and will conjunct Pluto at 15 Scorpio.
In this case Moon/Pluto is not a positive aspect, so the Moon's action
confirms the "no" answer.
Whose Money is it Anyway? 79
33 05 ^31
This is a follow-up to the previous chart. When the querent got home,
she expected to hear from Leon, to have him visit her and repay a loan
she had advanced. More than two weeks had passed and she was be-
coming concerned.
Leon is signified by Venus at 12 Virgo, ruling the 7th and placed
in the 6th (his 12th).
80 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
Both the querent (1st house) and the money he owes her ( 8th
house) are ruled by Mars at 7 Gemini. Venus is past the square to Mars
and Mars quincunxes Pluto at 15 Scorpio, co-ruler of the 8th of money
owed. It doesn't look like she will get the money back from him (square)
nor that much will happen (quincunxes). Jupiter at 5 Leo rules his house
of communication and makes no aspect to Mars that rules her, so it is
unlikely she will hear from him. The Moon which co-rules the question
is at 0 Virgo, and will eventually conjunct Venus which rules him, thus it
is doubtful he will come to visit her (the Moon rules her 4th). As previ-
ously stated the planets overrule the Moon. To date, he hasn't shown up
nor has the money.
07 H45
+0 43 26
The Moon at 10 Capricorn ruling the interception in the 9th house will
trine both Mercury and Venus, and sextile Pluto. The answer is "yes."
08 z 43
/ *l \
/xX i ?J /X\
Af/ VX2 _i /f VA
ID g
BX3 4
17/ is
20 Ms S
3. The signs also describe possible places where lost items may be
located. (See Lost Item Reference Table which follows.) Besides read-
ing the sign of the ruler of the 2nd house, you can consider the location
of the dispositor of that sign for added information.
For the "Where is my wallet?" question, if the ruler of the 2nd
house is in Aries, the wallet might be near heat, such as a stove, fire-
place, furnace, or chimney. It may be near the ceiling or upper part of
a room.
Obviously, it is imperative that the astrologer has a solid under-
standing of the meanings of signs and houses.
y itX
03 tf oi
22 TT17
A client went to the closet to get her favorite sweater and it was no-
where to be found, so I was the recipient of a frantic phone call. Mars
rules her 2nd house, the sweater, and it is retrograde, which seems to
promise she will find it. Its 5th house placement suggests that since she
doesn't have children (a typical 5th house location... child's room) that
she may have left it someplace where she was having fun... a party, at
her boyfriend's house, at a restaurant or a theater. The Part of Fortune
as well as its dispositor, Uranus, is in the 11th, confirming that she may
have been out with friends or left it at a club, or group meeting, even at
someone's house.
As soon as I said this, she remembered that it was in the bedroom
closet at a friend's home. She had removed it because she was warm,
and being careful with her clothes she had put it in a safe place.
Where Did I Put It? It Can't Be Lost! 87
9. If the planet ruling the lost item is in Virgo, Pisces, the 6th or
12th house, it is usually not visible and may be found in a drawer,
cupboard, pocket or some other enclosed place.
If the significatorofthe lost item is in:
FIRE: Near heat such as a stove, furnace, fireplace or
chimney. In the upper part of the room.
ARIES: Near sandy or hilly ground, unfrequented places. In
houses, near the ceiling. Outside, near or in stables,
plowed land.
LEO: Woods, forests, deserts, rocky places, parks, ovens.
SAGITTARIUS: Stables, barns, hills and high lands. Libraries,
upper floors of a house.
EARTH: Near floor or pavement, in cellar or basement,
or underground.
TAURUS: Barns, warehouses, bushes, basements, or first floor of
a house. Banks or where money is kept.
VIRGO: Studies, libraries, bookcases, closets, gardens, pantries,
offices. Often not visible, in a pocket, drawer or cup
CAPRICORN: At work, parent's home, bushy, barren or thorny places.
In dark corners near the ground, farming areas or
AIR: Up high, possibly outside hanging on a line or in a
GEMINI: Near a wall, wainscoting, in a chest or trunk. Dining
room, schoolroom or other place of learning. In the car,
garage or nursery.
LIBRA: Attics, bedrooms, mountain tops, hills, outside in the
clear, sharp air.
AQUARIUS: Hilly, uneven ground. Vineyards, roofs, windows.
Lecture halls, airplanes.
WATER: Near plumbing, dairies, kitchens, lakes, rivers,
ponds, fountains, near water of any kind.
CANCER: Brooks, springs, sinks, kitchens, wells, sea shores,
restaurants, cooking areas. The back yard.
SCORPIO: Dirty places, drains, swamps, trash bins, marshes,
PISCES: Springs, rivers or ponds with fish. Old houses, cisterns,
wells, places of seclusion or hidden.
Where Did I Put It? It Can't Be Lost! 89
If the significator of the lost item is in the:
1ST HOUSE: It is usually where the person who owns it put it and unless the ruler of
the house is seriously afflicted (squares and oppositions), the item will be retrieved or
returned. This house represents the place where the querent spends the most time, also
the entry hall, front porch, front door and windows of a house.
2ND HOUSE: Where money or precious things are kept; in a bank or vault or safety de-
posit box. The bedroom, boudoir, furnishings, flower garden, shrubbery.
DIRECTION: North by East
3RD HOUSE: In the car or garage. A sibling may have it or know where it is. In a desk or
where letters or books are kept. At a store or market. The TV or media room, study, desk,
hallway, and stairway. Busses, taxis. Homes of siblings or neighbors. Schools.
DIRECTION: Northeast.
4TH HOUSE: At home, in the kitchen or pantry. In a safe, secure place. In the garden or
yard. At a parent's home. Basement, dining room, sinks, water pipes. Any place food is
stored. Restaurants. The beach.
5TH HOUSE: A child may have put it somewhere or know where it is. In a child's room, bar,
theater, the ballpark, playground, den, game room, anyplace of pleasure or enjoyment. The
racetrack, casino, stock market. The heating system, fireplace or hearth in the home.
DIRECTION: North by West
6TH HOUSE: At work or someone at work may have it or have seen it or put it someplace.
A pet may have dragged it away. In a box, pocket, drawer or cabinet. Where you keep
clothes, or in the linen closet. Often out of sight. Grocery stores, restaurants, zoos. Doc-
tors', lawyers' or agents' offices. The sewing room or studio in the home.
DIRECTION: Northwest
7TH HOUSE: Partner may have seen it or put it somewhere. Bedroom, living room, formal
dining room, patio or porch. Usually in plain sight. The partner's room, office or place of
8TH HOUSE: Totally out of sight, often unrecoverable. Check any place where there is
plumbing; bathroom, kitchen, basement. Cemeteries, insurance companies, laboratories.
DIRECTION: South by West
9TH HOUSE: At school, on an airplane or long trip. Usually indicates item is far away.
Church, library. Attic, high shelves, stables, college, and university.
DIRECTION: Southwest
10TH HOUSE: Hall, study, dining room, public building, department store, or place of
busmess; a parent or boss may know where it is. The house foundation, floors, roof, joists,
walls, structure in general.
11TH HOUSE: A meeting place, lodge or clubhouse. A friend may have seen it or put it
someplace. Any work area in the home.
DIRECTION; South by East
12TH HOUSE: Whatever the lost item is, it is out of sight, thoroughly hidden and often
undetectable. It could be in the doctor's office, the hospital or infirmary.
DIRECTION: Southeast
Sometimes certain areas or items are represented by more than one house, e.g. bed-
rooms are found in both the 2nd and the 5th houses.
90 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
ye Buff or fawn yo Light gray
JXQ Light blue/bluish white ycr- Red or brick color
yo Light yellow or green m- Spotted green
D/cr Light glistering red yh- Dark blue-gray
D/U Bright green W - Light blue plaids
y*? Russet or gray y^- Grayed blue or denim
y^ Fine checked plaid yf- Grayed deep tones
yv Aqua (Mauve/taupe)
y$ Brown
cycr Coral
<yo Olive Deep, shiny red
9/cr Light red or pink GW- Blackish orange/bronze
Lavender/heliotrope Q^- Green & purple plaids
Light blue gray GW ■ Green/blue mixtures
VK Blue & white plaid Q*- Deep purple
9/^ Purple & blue print
s/f Soft, dark colors
Green & red plaids
Tan/brown mixture Grayed turquoise/green
Dark red/brown Dark ash tones
Red plaids
Deep purple mixture Turquoise & dark blue plaids
Blood red Dark brown & black plaids
Green plaid Burgundy
Murky green/blue
Black mixtures
Purple or light mix
Where Did I Put It? It Can't Be Lost! 91
9 5 So
23 06 05 gj
\ fiyliPliPli?
/ 26 / ^ V\5a \ R /
18 ^03^34 HZ 0
« 19x'5® D \\ 7
W28^ofl%\ «
\ >3 x
\^\ /
A client called and asked this question about her son's wallet. She
called him specifically by name, which according to my rules indicates
the 7th house as the owner of the lost article. If she had said "Where
is my son's billfold?" 1 would have used the 5th house for her son and
the 6th as representative of his wallet, but since she referred to him
by name, he became a 7th house person. See Rule 1 on pages 78-79.
There is a great deal of disagreement about this by Horary astrologers.
Some feel that if you know the relationship, you should immediately
use the corresponding house. I have found that the 7th house designa-
tion works best if the person is called by name. If the questioner refers
to the individual as "my cousin," "my son," "my mother," etc., I use
the corresponding house that describes the relationship. My technique
works well for me, but you should try both systems and decide which
92 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
works best for you. Remember, once you decide, be consistent. Con-
sistency breeds accuracy.
In this chart Mercury at 7 Virgo rules the 7th house; the Moon at
5 Virgo rules his 2nd house (8th of the chart). Mercury is in his 3rd and
this placement of the lost wallet ruler suggests that it is in a car, garage,
near books or papers, but since the Moon is in Virgo, it is probably out
of sight. The Part of Fortune is conjunct the Ascendant and its disposi-
tor, Jupiter is in the 1st house of the chart. I called her back and told
her where the wallet could be and that I thought he must have found it
by now because the Moon was applying to a conjunction of Mercury
within one and a half degrees and the Ascendant was within less than
a degree of Pars Fortuna which meant hours, not days. She laughed
and said I was exactly right. Just after she had called me, he found the
billfold underneath a book on cars which he had been reading in the
den. She hadn't called me back because she was embarrassed.
Where Did I Put It? It Can't Be Lost! 93
01 126
oi /se
An astrologer I didn't know called and asked this question about a very
dear pet. She had set up the chart when she asked the question where
she lived at her local time. Ordinarily, I set up the chart when and where
I hear and understand the question, but in this case, because she felt
better about using her chart, I used her time and coordinates. The 6th
house represents pets and the ruler here is Uranus at 7 Sagittarius in
the 4th house. This indicates that the cat is far away (Sagittarius), north
of where the woman is (4th house), near a stable in hilly or high land.
The Part of Fortune is in the 9th house confirming the faraway location.
Since Mercury, ruler of the 1st house at 2 Aquarius representing the
astrologer, sextiles Uranus (ruler of her pet) in five degrees, it seemed
likely she would get the cat back in five days or five weeks. The Moon,
co-ruler of the question, is at 2 Libra and also sextiles Uranus in five
degrees and trines Mercury, confirming that she will get the cat back and
verifying the timing. When looking for timing try to find as many as-
pects as possible to confirm. Jupiter at 2 Sagittarius rules the 4th house
94 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
and conjuncts Uranus (cat) in five degrees. The cat was found almost
five weeks later in a stable on a ranch about 12 to 15 miles north of
where the woman lived.
a a
A friend had put her tickets away for safekeeping and the evening be-
fore her flight was leaving, she couldn't find them. Needless to say, I
was the recipient of a frantic phone call. Mars and Pluto both represent
the tickets (co-rulers of the 2nd house). Mars is at 18 Pisces in the 6th
house indicating that they are out of sight (Pisces) in a cupboard or
drawer (6th house). Pluto is retrograde in the 1st house at 24 Libra; she
will get them back (Pluto retrograde) and they are close by (1st house)
and where she put them. Neptune, the dispositor of Mars, is in the 3rd
house at 24 Sagittarius suggesting they are around papers or books. The
Moon, co-ruler of the question, is in the 4th house at 17 Capricorn in-
dicating that the kitchen is a possible place to look. The Part of Fortune
is in the 11th in Leo disposited by the Sun in Pisces in the 6th, reaf-
Where Did I Put It? It Can't Be Lost! 9 5
firming the onginal assumption that they were in a drawer or cabinet.
She called back shortly after receiving this information and said that
her child (Pars Fortuna in Leo of children) had found the tickets in a
drawer of the kitchen desk beneath the phone (3rd house).
20 5 25^
6/ * 07 japs 22
^ \+26
04 \ v*
x' \ 58/
R 53 97 X/
B -fe B -^-55
A friend (same one) called and said the last time she had seen her suede
coat, she had tossed it in the back seat of the car. A couple of days later
she needed it, but it wasn't there. Her coat is ruled by Mercury (Virgo on
the 2nd) at 28 Aquarius in the 7th house. The dispositor is Uranus retro-
grade at 4 Sagittarius in the 4th. Pars Fortuna is in the 8th at 20 Pisces
and the dispositor is in the 5th. These clues suggest that her husband
(7th) may have put the coat someplace and perhaps a child (dispositor
of the Part of Fortune in the 5th) would know where it was. She called
her husband at work; he was at lunch and her daughter was in school
and couldn't be contacted. When her husband came home that night he
knew exactly where he put the coat. It was in the closet in her daughter's
bedroom, because he thought it was their daughter's coat.
96 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
Missing People
You find missing people in the same way you find missing objects, but
you use the 7th rather than the 2nd house.
RP u?
n 29
12 K
A client in Los Angeles called and asked where this mentally disturbed
young woman was. She had been staying with an aunt and had said she
Where Did I Put It? It Can't Be Lost! 97
was going back home. When she didn't arrive, her parents were very
upset, but because she was of age and hadn't been gone over 24 hours,
the police couldn't do anything.
Karen is Mercury, ruler of the 7th house (renumber), in her 3rd
house (9th of the chart) at 16 Libra. The Moon, co-ruler of the ques-
tion, as well as dispositor of Pars For tuna (25 Cancer), is in her 12th
at 9 Gemini, trine Mercury suggesting that she is alive and okay...but
where? The 3rd house indicates local area, Libra is hills or high country.
Mercury sextiles Uranus and Saturn at 28 Sagittarius, verifying that she
was safe. With the Moon in her 12th, she was hiding and didn't want
to be found. There is no aspect between Mercury which rules her and
Venus, ruler of her home, so I doubted she would return of her own voli-
tion. The direction indicated is North and East, her significator, Mercury
in her 3rd.
She was staying with friends in Lancaster in the high desert of
California which is northeast of her home in Santa Monica. My client,
who was a friend of the parents, went there and brought her home.
98 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
29 TOO
o\ ^722 « \ ^
: V^03K»\
13 fhQAsi 1 7 ] 022 11 13
44 2 6 y 10-51 44
I =27
The sheriff from a neighboring county called me and asked this ques-
tion. He didn't want anyone to know that he "believed" in astrology, so
he swore me to secrecy. The woman had last been seen in a popular bar
in the small town where she lived, but hadn't returned home and some
friends were worried about her.
She is represented by Uranus, ruler of the 7th house. It is in her
10th house in the 29th degree of Scorpio, suggesting that she was, at
the very least, at the end of her rope. The Sun at 22 Aquarius in her 1st
house squares Uranus, not very reassuring. Her 8th and 4th houses are
ruled by Mercury at 4 Pisces and Mars at 3 Pisces which both trine Ura-
nus, giving a "yes" answer to the 2nd question. With these significators
all in water signs, it would seem she had drowned or would be found
in a watery place. With intercepted Venus, co-ruler of the 4th (her 10th)
in her 12th at 8 Aquarius square Uranus, it seemed her body would be
found in a southerly direction (Uranus and the Part of Fortune in her
10th), but the Moon in her 4th gives the opposite direction.
Where Did I Put It? It Can't Be Lost! 99
V3 20 ^ 07
i —tin—
x'3 XX-
27 ^
14 28 H 49
04 034
I fi
A client who lived on the East coast called with this compound ques-
tion. It was a difficult question to answer, because Pam and the client's
husband both show up in the 7th house.
The querent is the Sun at 22 Capricorn (business) in the 6th house
(work)... a valid chart. She wanted to know if she should go into busi-
ness with a partner. Uranus at 6 Capricorn rules her 7th and Venus at 2
Aquarius is the ruler of the business 10th. There is no aspect between
the Sun and Uranus or Venus, so the business idea seems unlikely to
work out. Both the Sun and Uranus apply to the second question as well,
since Uranus (ruler of the 7th) also represents her husband. The ruler of
the 9th (long distance move) is Mars at 18 Sagittarius which is in the
4th house (their current home), making no aspect to Pluto which is also
there. It looks highly unlikely that they will be making a long distance
home change very soon. So the financial part of the question becomes
Compound and Multiple Questions 103
oa ran 7 ^
D 5 o"
\22 15 14 13
\ b
1 4 3
21 / ^44 U c
20 1^21^9 7 6/ ai2h
00 H t7
the Moon at 15 Leo rules the 9th. There is no aspect from the Moon to
Neptune, indicating that this is probably not a good time for a move.
When we renumber the chart, Ben (indicated by the 7th) is ruled
by Venus and his 6th house (12th of the chart) is also ruled by Venus in
the 8th house (his 2nd). His 7th house is ruled by Mars and Pluto, the
same planets involved in the question about the horse. Again we have no
connection, so most likely the action will not be taken. When she called
for the answer, she admitted that all of it was a kind of pipe dream. They
were both unhappy with their jobs and were looking for changes. She
agreed that buying a horse when money was tight would be foolish.
Neptune in the 2nd doesn't always view money sensibly. About three
months later he got a very good job, she got pregnant and their
lives took an upward turn.
Other Considerations
In many cases, two planets in Mutual Reception work toward a
yes answer (see Rule 12 on page 8), but I do not base my answer sole-
ly on this. Any planet that is dignified or exalted carries extra weight,
while one in detriment or fall can often have a negative effect on the
answer. Be sure to consider signs that are intercepted in the house and
look to their rulers for more information in connection with the question
and answer.
In some cases when there is no aspect between the ruler of the
querent and the house of the question, the Moon may be aspecting first
one of the planets and then the other. This is called translation and
collection of light, (See Rule 6 on page 6.) This is how it works: the
question is, "Will Tom propose to me?" Assume the ruler of the As-
cendant (the questioner) is Mars at 16 degrees of Aquarius; the ruler
of the 7th house (Tom) is Venus at 24 degrees Aries; there is no aspect
(no action). But the Moon at 12 Gemini will trine Mars and then sextile
Venus, certainly indicating the potential of a yes answer. In this case, the
Moon aspects first Mars, then Venus, translating and collecting the light
— thus connecting the two planets.
All aspects must be applying to have an effect on the answer.
However, if the aspect is less than one degree past, I have learned that
you can use it. For example, if Mercury rules the querent and Jupiter
rules the question and Mercury is at 26 Virgo 49 minutes and Jupiter is
at 25 Virgo 50 minutes, you can still count it as a conjunction.
Compound and Multiple Questions 105
06 H 28
Chris was involved in an accident claim and was being sued. His girl-
friend asked the question.
Either renumber the houses or turn the chart. Chris is ruled by Ve-
nus, ruler of the 7th at 21 Aquarius. Saturn at 21 Sagittarius and Uranus
at 26 Sagittarius rule his 9th (3rd of the chart). Venus is just past (five
minutes) a sextile to Saturn and it will also sextile Uranus. The Moon
at 11 Sagittarius conjuncts Saturn and then sextiles Venus (translation
and collection of light). Yes, he will go to trial. In judging whether he
will win, you have to take into consideration his opponent who is repre-
sented by the 1st house of the chart (which is Chris' 7th house of open
enemies). The 1st house has Scorpio on the cusp, ruled by Mars at 19
Taurus and Pluto at 9 Scorpio. Venus, representing Chris, has better
106 The Only Way to Leant About Horary and Electional Astrology
aspects to Saturn, ruler of Chris' 9th house, than Mars has to his op-
ponent's 9th house, which is ruled by the Moon at 11 Virgo and the Sun
(Leo is intercepted in the 9th) at 0 Aries. The Moon quincunxes Mars
and makes no aspect to Pluto; the Sun quincunxes Pluto and makes
no aspect to Mars... not very favorable for his opponent. The Moon
will conjunct Saturn and Uranus, rulers of Chris' 9th house, and the
Sun trines both planets. The outcome looked favorable for Chris — he
should win. He did.
Lesson 15
And the Winner Is...
Contest Charts
My first experience with judging contests with Horary Astrology hap-
pened when my eight-year-old son asked an astrologer friend if UCLA
would win a crucial basketball game. She set up a chart for the moment
he asked and said they would... and they did. Naturally, all the sports
fans in the neighborhood immediately became entranced with this "voo-
doo" we did at the kitchen table. We spent many hours casting charts
for the onset of basketball, football and baseball games, but it profited
us little. It seems there must be an urgent need to know or a personal
involvement before this type of question can be answered successfully.
Chart #34 (page 62) is a good example. The coach was very much in-
volved with the outcome of the game, so the question was important to
her and therefore a viable one.
Every Horary Astrologer will eventually be confronted with this
type of question and the following rules apply.
1. Make sure this is not an idle question but one which has meaning
to the querent.
2. If the question is "Will the (name of team) win tonight?" use the
7th house to represent the team and the 1st house to designate their
108 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
3. Determine the outcome by comparing the aspects between each
team's 5th house (how they play the game) and their 10th house, indi-
cating their honor and ability to win.
This takes careful consideration and the astrologer must set up a
kind of score sheet to keep track of which team has the edge. If the results
are very close, it could be a very close score and the winner may be hard
to determine. If one team clearly outclasses the other (astrologically), that
team will usually be the winner. This is not as easy as it sounds.
I have had some resounding victories but also some duds. I have
not been successful when I set up a chart for the beginning of a game and
try to judge which team will win. Other astrologers have good results,
but they differ on which house represents the home team and which one
is the visitor. I get the best results when asking about a specific competi-
tor and whether s/he or they will win. This is another area of Horary
Astrology where the Part of Fortune seems to be relevant, but only as a
And the Winner Is... 109
14 ©01
4 3
14 7
\^21 ^29 3A
\o9 yg02^ ^
\\ ^54 \\B s/
X/ y u \ ^
26 20 05^ \\ 49//
^ 75
My husband and son are avid sports fans, so I get many of these ques-
tions from them. Our home team had a pretty good chance to win the
whole tournament, hence this question.
The Vandals are represented by the 7th house, so it is necessary to
renumber or turn the chart. Their honor is their 10th (4th of the chart);
their 5th is the way they will play the game. Mars at 17 Libra rules them
and is in their 7th (the opponent's 1st) and conjuncts Saturn the ruler of
their 10th. Venus at 5 Aquarius, ruler of the opponents, is in their 10th
house and trines Mars and Saturn. The Part of Fortune at 14 Aries is in
their 1st house, a promising position. When I looked at the chart, I had
a difficult time deciding if the two malefics representing the Vandals
boded ill for them. I concluded that since both Mars and Saturn were in
the 1st house of the opponents, they would not win, therefore the Van-
dals would. They did... in overtime, 69 to 67.
110 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
09 H 24X
4 Q\( 41 ^
z 8 \
1 M Cf 09 ^ 5+ 08
'a J fa
in Ao.f^o3/
s:-- y f^os/ /
4 tf^ShT^/ 12 /
41VA \ □»
\ V U /
2 1
^ \ W7 /
0608 23 \V5/ /
v09 1TP24
any great aspects, but Mars very widely sextiles Uranus in their 5th so
the competition could be close. With Jupiter in Houston's 10th and Pars
Fortuna just barely in their 5th, it looked like Houston had the edge. It
was a close game, but Houston won by a narrow margin.
20 H35
18 /
i /n.
■'A O02^
1 7 15
/ //
15/21 /
Though slightly past (17 minutes), the Moon (the Raiders' ruler) trines
the Sun, and as previously stated, we will count it, ruler of their 2nd
house in the Redskins' 1st, a definite edge for the Raiders. Neptune
is still conjunct Jupiter (past by 34 minutes) in their 6th (good). The
Part of Fortune on the home team (Redskins) side of the chart was not
enough for them to win.
Although 1 hoped the Redskins would pull out a victory, it looked
tome like the Raiders had the winning team. This was a difficult chart to
be objective about. The Raiders won 38-9.
^^15 **41
><¥ U 29 23 2i,
' J)\22 jAKKK
v\x' jAs?4850/ 20 X 05
^\522a\ R /
5 4 3 2
t 04
IS 1141
Dallas, the first team named, is the 7th house ruled by the Sun
at 29 Scorpio and Mercury at 23 Scorpio. Mercury (Virgo intercepted)
also rules their 10th (the 4th of the chart) and Saturn at 25 Virgo rules
their 5th. The Sun is in the last degree of Scorpio in their 4th house.
The 29th degree of any sign, when it represents a person or group of
people, often suggests being at the end of their rope. (This is a minus.)
Mercury sextiles Saturn in their 1st which rules their 5th. This looks
pretty good.
Let's look at Houston. It is represented by Uranus at almost 22
Scorpio in their 9th and Neptune at 19 Sagittarius in their 10th. Their
10th house is ruled by Jupiter at 8 Virgo in the 7th (the 1st house of Dal-
las), a plus for Houston. Their 5th is ruled by the Moon at 8 Capricorn,
which trines Jupiter and sextiles Uranus before it sextiles Mercury and
the Sun, which rule Dallas (more plusses for Houston). It also trines Sat-
urn, ruler of Dallas' 5th (a plus for Dallas). Pars For tuna is in Houston's
1st house. This is a confirming plus for Houston. It looks like a close
game but that Houston has the edge, and that is the way it turned out.
As to the other question, when it comes to weather, the 6th house
is the target. The querent is represented by Uranus at 22 Scorpio and the
6th is ruled by the Moon at 8 Capricorn which sextiles Uranus. The an-
swer is yes. It snowed really hard. Remember, when Uranus is involved
in the question, things often take an unusual turn. The weather bureau
had predicted clearing skies and no snow. I batted a thousand on these
two questions and my family was impressed, for a day or two.
Lesson 16
Universal Questions
m a
5^ lyoi
[ \ s. 1?
I 25T52 m
The Russians are represented by the 7th house which is ruled by Mer-
cury at 26 Aries in the 4th. I felt the Olympics were depicted by both the
10th (honor and prestige) and the 5th of games. They are both Venus-
ruled and Mercury makes no aspect to Venus at 8 Taurus, suggesting not
much action.
A student looking at the chart felt the question should be placed
in the 4th house, as representative of the Olympic games being staged
in this country. If we look at it that way, there is no aspect between
Mercury and Mars at 21 Scorpio, the ruler of the 4th house. So however
you look at it, the chart says they will not come to the games... and they
The following question had nothing to do with the person who
asked it; it was just idle curiosity. He asked if the purchase by a lo-
cal business man of the Bunker Hill mine in Kellogg, Idaho, would go
through. The businessman had made a low bid for the defunct mine and
it didn't look like he would get it.
116 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
13 v*59
5<V\ ^ m2"
/ 24 / N "W 20
^ A 57,^
ze A^za^
/Q ^^.42 VTo 9
/ V02^^
/ ~-33 A
r 4 3
0 10
9 sA.
-S-AA As
/ cp
00 / 28
13 159
The person inquired about is designated by the 7th house (renumber the
chart), so the Sun at 20 Sagittarius rules him and is in his 4th. Mercury
has recently passed the conjunction to the Sun, and is now at almost 22
Sagittarius, ruler of his 10th and applying to a conjunction of Neptune,
co-ruler of the seller (because Pisces is intercepted in the buyer's 7th) at
24 Sagittarius, suggesting that a deal will be made. Venus, ruler of his
2nd (8th of the chart) at 2 Aquarius trines Saturn at 20 Libra, ruler of his
investment 5th in his 2nd, indicating the potential for investment. The
Moon, co-ruler of the question, at 11 Cancer quincunxes the Sun, Mer-
cury and Neptune (collection and translation of light), further confirm-
ing the chance of the deal going through. But a quincunx suggests some
kind of change or adjustment is necessary before things can proceed.
Universal Questions 117
15 KH
04 /
I /cf h\~/
9 ii
n 49
^3 (^27 Isi 03
25>rOB 06
t nn
15 h? 14
An old school friend whom I hadn't seen in years had heard that I was
an astrologer and wrote and asked me this question. I noted the time I
read it and set up the chart for where I was.
The ring is represented by the ruler of the 2nd house, the Moon at
8 Virgo in the 3rd. The Part of Fortune in Sagittarius is in the 6th house.
Both Virgo and the 6th house suggest containers, closets, hidden — not
in plain view, possibly in a pocket. The Moon's rulership could indi-
cate the kitchen as a possible place to look. Both the Part of Fortune in
Sagittarius and its dispositor Jupiter in Aquarius as well as the Moon's
dispositor. Mercury, in the 9th house denote a high area.
This was in my early days when I was not very experienced with
Horary and overlooked some clues. I said she wouldn't find it because
the Moon was below the horizon square Neptune and opposed the Sun.
This information was based on ancient rules.
120 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
She called me two months later and asked why 1 didn't have the
courage of my convictions. Her maid found the ring on a high shelf in
the bedroom closet when she took her husband's shoes out to be shined.
Apparently the ring had been knocked off the bedside table into his shoe
which was subsequently stored in the closet. They had gone on a cruise
and when they returned, there was the ring. Technically, she didn't find
it — the maid did. But 1 learned from this not to volunteer information
that isn't asked for. All she had asked was where her ring was. 1 told her,
but then added that I didn't think she would find it. I learned a lot from
this Horary question. Don't volunteer information that isn't asked for.
"Classic " Horary Charts 121
1511712 ^
^ oT>
\l2 03 17 10 06 J?
W4945012048 / 1
1 6 ,
^16111,57 .7 54 3 2
1 3 '
7 12 p
05 DOO^OZ 1, 9 £ 11 6
9 10 1 i
.. 12 5/
i08 /08
15 K12
incorrect approach was pure luck. This is why I suggest outlining your
path logically before you even erect the chart for the horary question.
Years later when I planned to use this chart for an article, I figured
the answer "correctly." Fortunately, 1 got the same answer. Mercury ruler
of her 2nd (8 th), since correctly she is found in the 7th house, is in Leo.
Venus, ruler of her 5th is also in Leo, both suggesting a child would
know where to look, or they would be in a child area of the house.
£9 Wa
A friend had been reading her forecast in a pulp astrology magazine and
it said to be careful of fire in the home. So she turned to her husband's
sign forecast and it said essentially the same thing. She called me franti-
cally and asked this question.
After I looked at the chart, I called and suggested that she come
over and collaborate on the answer. The Moon ruled her and was in her
12th house at 2 Cancer square Pluto at 6 Libra in her 4th (home) which
"Classic"Horary Charts 123
seemed very ominous to us; Venus, ruler of the 4th, is in the 7th at 27
Capricorn exactly square Uranus at 27 Libra in the 4th. We decided
that her house would bum down and she purchased more fire insurance.
Needless to say that when the house did not bum down, we were terribly
disappointed. It was only after doing many more Horary charts that we
learned that the squares in this chart were indicating "no" rather than
"yes" answers.
cTX13 \
12 x \3 04
/o\ \
/\ 05 A /20 Q\ \
01 /SOS S\ \
r s'
12 B
15 x**42,
T,Q / « y
25 1
/12 /
_ 18 K54/
This chart more than any other taught me the importance of identifying
colors in helping to locate lost items. A client called and asked about her
boyfriend's jewelry. He becomes the 7th house and his rings are ruled
by Mercury (renumber the houses). Mercury is retrograde at 7 Cancer
in his 2nd house indicating a.) he would get them back and b.) they
were where he had put them. Since Mercury is in Cancer, the kitchen
or bathroom are likely places, any place where there is plumbing. With
124 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
U.07 A19
05 ^ U
A local contractor called with this question. A competitor had asked him
to cooperate on the building of a small tract of houses and he was having
difficulty making up his mind.
Some Questions for You to Answer 127
A young man had been arrested on death threats and harassment charges
and his mother asked the question.
128 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
09 11725
^ 12Tn
Q2Sg26 22
^ r19^33 08
07 MOBX' L 517^07 07
D 07" >is
* II ?oob
00 u
^ 12
R57 W
, 33
\R /
09 K 25
A young woman who was recently divorced and had lost her job asked
this question, because she was falling behind with her house payments.
Some Questions for You to Answer 129
Several cars on one street had been stolen, my client's husband's truck
was among them.
130 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
mil M 0 12 A42
54 24
22 b2l
A student called and said her boyfriend had been arrested for hit and run
(two people were killed) and she wanted to know if he had done it.
Some Questions for You to Answer 131
07 ^34 _
Z 08
^13 JS, 1
*9 *A
03 \ 6
The client had some trouble with her house flooding when a neighbor re-
moved a retaining wall. Her insurance company had paid for repairs and
much later she received a check from the neighbor for reimbursement.
Several months later someone remarked that her insurance company
could sue her to collect for the damage amount since she was paid twice,
both by them and the neighbor. How would you answer this question?
132 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
»2 1153
u 22\SS \ 15 N
5\ T
^841\ 02
W2 24/48
18 ^ >
12 5/53
y u\
i io3\
k XzeW*
13 ^
23 H 28
A real estate agent had been looking for an assistant and a colleague
recommended Gretel. They went to lunch together and the agent hired
her. When she returned to her office and told her co-workers who she
had hired, several of them said she had made a mistake, citing various
reasons. When she got home, somewhat after the fact, she called and
asked this question. How would you answer it?
] 34 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
24 n 23
17 t6TX 03
J /rX
IB I O 16 H 27 201IU18R 18
X 28
24 2)23
A friend called with this question. She is an astrologer and the question
occurred to her at a strange time, but she requested that the chart be
done for that time. It is rare to have the Sun in the first quadrant as the
average person doesn't ask questions at the hours represented by those
houses. This lady was considering buying a piece of property for her
daughter and son-in-law in a neighboring town.
^03 1^59
51 is
01 0 tr
The Transcendentals —
New Applications Of Old Techniques
Before you actually work with a method you should understand why it
is where it is today. Though the old "tried and true" way worked, time
marches on and with it comes change. In this time of atomic energy, we
need the planet Pluto and cannot be satisfied with Mars alone. Since as-
trology is a symbolic language, each astrologer has to find her/his own
solution to how Pluto is best used. Some will give Pluto the total ruler-
ship of Scorpio; others will say that it is the main ruler with Mars as the
subruler and still others prefer to use both planets as co-rulers.
The same, of course, applies to Uranus and Neptune, neither
having been discovered until the 18th and 19th century respectively,
one now ruling Aquarius, the other Pisces in this modem day and age,
while Saturn and Jupiter were considered to be the old, classical rulers
of these signs.
I use Uranus as the sole ruler of Aquarius and Neptune as unique-
ly being in charge of Pisces, while I permit Mars a slight ownership of
Scorpio. There are many considerations that led me to this usage of the
ity... both momentous events that would be hard to explain and difficult
to incoiporate under the aegis of Satum/Aquarius.
Neptune's discovery in 1846 heralded the birth of psychoanaly-
sis, a totally new approach to life that encouraged us to look within,
into our deep, subconscious 12th house Piscean nature. All of sudden
Jupiter's idealistic and optimistic nature did not suffice for Pisces.
Last but not least, Pluto was discovered in 1930 at the dawning
of the Atomic Age, a totally plutonic event for which the element plu-
tonium is needed in order to provide the necessary chain reaction. How
can energetic, hardworking, aggressive, yet up-front, open, "what you
see is what you get" Mars ever fulfill the hidden needs and depth we
attribute to Pluto?
3. Uranus has now been around for over 200 years and we have had
ample opportunity to see how it works, enough to convince me that
the planet Uranus and the sign Aquarius work in many similar fashions,
that they are a near perfect blend and that in this century, Uranus is
much more representative of Aquarian matters than Saturn.
Astrologers have been observing Neptune for nearly 150
years. To my way of thinking this planet is much more compatible with
the sign Pisces than outgoing, hopeful, ever proselytizing and not al-
ways sensitive Jupiter.
4. Since I have not been here for 200 or 150 years, am a skeptic at heart
and like to be sure before I adopt any rule, in the late '70s, I spent two
years using Saturn as well as Uranus as ruler of Aquarius in all my chart
interpretations, in comparison/composites and especially in electional
work where some old time astrologers claim that the "old" rules work
much better than the new ones. Since that little experiment, I am to-
tally convinced that in today's world Uranus rules Aquarius and
Neptune rules Pisces and that we don't need Saturn or Jupiter as
co- or subrulers.
5. Why can't I be as sure about Pluto? First of all, it has only been in
our consciousness since 1930 — a mere 60-plus years. Its orbit is so
eccentric that at times its trajectory is inside that of Neptune. Does its
significance change when it is not the furthest planet from Earth? We
have not observed Pluto long enough to know. Many of our consider-
ations stem from examining not only electional, but also natal charts,
142 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
yet Pluto's motion is so slow that timing is hard to gauge. More of-
ten than not it seems to sow the seed while some other, faster moving
planet, frequently Mars, has to come along and trigger the Pluto contact
before we take action.
For all these reasons, I still use Mars as the subruler for Scorpio,
mainly when doing mundane work, electionals and horaries, all areas
where the free will has little chance to express. When delineating a natal
chart, I still add Mars' position to any physical descriptions for those
who have Scorpio rising.
General Rules for Electional Charts
In order to do anything well, you must first understand the rules. Though
astrology is astrology is astrology...there are definite guidelines you
need, especially since Electional Astrology requires some procedures
not used when dealing with natal charts, progressions, directions, tran-
sits, synastry or other types of astrology. After you have digested the
general rules, you will leam the specifics as they relate to the various
subjects applicable to this type of astrology.
1. Use applying aspects only. By the time the aspects separate, the
elected event may be over. Orbs per se do not exist in Electional Astrol-
ogy. As long as an aspect is applying, it does not matter whether it is 0°
or 29° in orb. An aspect continues until either planet leaves the sign it
is in. Orbs only play a role in timing (which is discussed in Lessons 5,
6 and 7).
6. Choose a Rising Sign that supports the matter you are elect-
ing. For example: Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius for the publication of
a book.
General Rules for Electional Charts 147
8.1 rarely use the Lunar Nodes in Electional Astrology, but according
to the old rules, the North Node is considered fortunate and even lucky,
but the South Node is deemed unfavorable.
9. Cardinal Signs are best for new ventures and events that require ini-
tiative and energy. Fixed Signs have a lasting quality, though at times it
may take longer to get results. Mutable Signs are flexible.
10. Remember the nature of the planets which can describe the ar-
eas they are best suited to.
An Electional chart is the Birth Chart for whatever event you choose...
a wedding, a business opening, buying or selling a home. Therefore, it
should reflect and benefit the event and it is the primary chart you deal
with. Your natal horoscope, or that of your client, is secondary in im-
portance. You should look for favorable aspects between the Electional
chart and the natal chart only after you have fulfilled as many of the
electional rules as possible.
Of course your natal chart will indicate significant events by pro-
gression, direction or transits, such as your wish to marry, open a new
business, move or whatever the case may be.
In this book I will teach you the Electional rules for the most often asked
occasions, namely marriage, moving into a house, buying or selling
150 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
Marriage Rules
When calculating the time, remember: the marriage starts with the
first «I do!"
1. There should be no squares from the Moon and it should not be
Void of Course.
A waxing Moon (between New and Full) is better than a waning
one (between Full and New).
152 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
2. Fixed signs rising are best when you want a long lasting relation-
ship. Next are the Cardinal signs, especially Libra (relationship ori-
ented), Capricorn (the need for any venture to be successful) and Can-
cer (nurturing). Aries and Mutable signs can indicate very short.lived
3. Try to have the Sun and Moon in harmonious aspect to each other
because they represent the groom and the bride.
7. The luminaries (Sun and Moon), as well as Venus and Jupiter (the
benefics) should be above the horizon, if possible. Three out of four is
good. Elevated planets are more noticeable and seem to bring a certain
ease to the elected venture.
9. Avoid the Moon in Scorpio where it is in its fall and where it can
be secretive and possessive, not exactly conducive to a happy relation-
ship. A Libra Moon, on the other hand, works quite well in a marriage
Electional chart since it seeks harmony and balance. Strong and well-
matched couples seem to do well with the Moon in Leo.
11. A retrograde Venus is not advised for any marriage chart. Since
Venus only retrogrades for about 40 days every two years, it is fairly
easy to avoid.
These are some of the important rules for marriage Elections. What fol-
lows are charts from my files...actual examples to teach you how to
implement the foregoing directives.
Tools of the Trade
To simplify matters when you undertake Electional charting, it is very
helpful to have an astrological calendar which indicates the daily as-
pects made by the Moon. (See sample pages on pages 142 and 143.)
most of the above events will have better results if you "elect" a day
where the Moon makes no squares before it leaves the sign of the zodiac
it is in. This automatically eliminates quite a few days to plan events.
Many astrologers with a large electional clientele go through the entire
calendar and put a green check mark on the so-called "good" days or
code the "bad" ones with a red X.
It is also very convenient to have a computer with an astrological
program. 1 remember so well the old days (BC — before computers)
when I sat and calculated for hours what now takes mere minutes. My
software (Pathfinder) has a great feature called "Elections" where, by
pressing just one key, I can change the year, month, day, hour or min-
ute. .. a most useful feature.
A Marriage Example
A client named Lis called. She and Jim wanted to get married in June,
1992, preferably Saturday, June 6th or Sunday, June 7th; June 13th or
14th would also be acceptable. They both worked and had only limited
vacation time and wished to get married in the Los Angeles area where
most of their family members lived. Thus, my Electional charts were
calculated for Pacific Daylight Time.
Step 1: Referring to my astrological calendar for June 1992 (a
sample is on the following pages), I noted that on June 6th, the Moon
was in Virgo and did not enter Libra until Monday, June 8th at 11:33
am PDT. Unfortunately it squared Venus and the Sun before it left Virgo
and these squares should certainly be avoided in a marriage chart.
Even June 7th was risky since the Moon squared Mercury on
June 8th before it left Virgo. This is probably the least difficult square,
one that I might use on occasion. But first I checked the next possible
(text continues on page 156)
154 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
WEDNESDAY Eastern Pacific
£ mo £mO
3>Vfc 0 31p DVt 5 31p
T)~Sl 9:35a £-*f! 6:35a
Sandra Haynie 15
Andrea Jaeger 15 9 All 3 50a 9Af> 0:60a
FRIDAY Eoslern Pacific
£ in ^ £ infl
£Vt 9:57p
£ + y 3;43a
£♦? 6;43a £*© 7.42a
£*Ol0:42a £^t) 1:08p
Ken Follett 1949 £/t> 4;08p £Dt 5:Up
Tommie Smith 1! JQt 8:14p £*9 7:35p
3)*910:35p £A4 9:57p
SATURDAY Eastern Pacific
Dft 0:57a £-19 0:288
JUNE 1992
MAY 1992
1 2 3 4 5 6
3 4 6 6 7 3 9
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 n 12 13 14 15 18
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
'V 25 26 27 28 29 30
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 JULY 1992
28 29 30 1
2 3 4
5 B 7 0 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 2S
GEMINI n 26 27 28 29 30 31
SUNDAY Eastern
.Firal Quarter
N 171*20
7 *) 4:47p
V-O 2:27p
9AT? 0:OOp
PDY 8:27p
PPY 10:38d
George Axeirod 1922 PAT? 10;41p
Les Paul 1916 PA? 10:57p
02 5559
at wk
B a
02 Yj 59
I noted that the Moon was past the square to the Sun (by seven minutes).
This chart did not have a fixed Ascendant, but Libra rising is nice for a
marriage. The Descendant ruler Venus at 15 Gemini sextiled the Ascen-
dant ruler Mars at 25 Aries. Saturn was in the 5th house (succedent), but
unfortunately Uranus and Neptune were angular (in the 4th) and even
worse...Mars was in the 7th where it does not augur well for a ONE-
Marriage 157
23 5356
23 Yl 56
To move Mars out of the 7th into the 6th, it became necessary to ad-
vance the time approximately 90 minutes, since the cusp of the 7th was
2 Aries while Mars was at 25 Aries and the Ascendant/Descendant axis
moves one degree more or less every four minutes. (22 4 = 88). When
viewing Chart #2, note that Mars was still in the 7th house by four min-
utes and Saturn was now in the 4th, an unacceptable position.
158 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
n7\45 /© ze o\08
I1 '
TIU51 R \
15 2=55
Advancing the time an hour and a half, Saturn was still in the 4th house,
and even worse, Pluto was in the 1st. To move Pluto into the 12th house,
the Ascendant must be past 20 Scorpio 52, or more than 10 degrees
later. To be on the safe side, I set up the next chart for 6:00 pm, an hour
Marriage 159
01 ][?2A
D 06 \
^25 i VA\
22 E20M.51
01 K 24
This Electional chart has potential. In checking the list of desirable posi-
6:00 pm, the wheel was similar to the one on June 7th (#4), but the
Moon sextiled Mercury and trined Mars before it left Leo. In compari-
son to the previous charts, that sounded absolutely wonderful.
29 20
5* V
This chart has all the planets in the right houses, a fixed Ascendant,
good aspects from Venus to Mars, a harmonious Sun and Moon, and al-
though the Moon has passed the sextile to the Sun, it will sextile Venus
(ruler of the Descendant) and trine Mars (submler of the Ascendant)
before it leaves Leo.
I called Lis and asked if she could possibly consider Friday eve-
ning. I cited all the benefits; we discussed how a 5:30 pm invitation
was quite feasible; how she could serve cocktails and dinner afterwards
and, to make a long story short, they married on Friday, June 5th at
Marriage 161
16 K04
01 is
This young couple did not give me very many dates to choose from,
since she was a 21-year-old student on her Easter break and he had just
started a new job and did not want to take more than one day off. On
the day picked, the Moon was in Libra (a good marriage Moon) and
makes only one aspect, a trine to Saturn, but that is the key to this chart.
The Moon rules the Cancer Ascendant and the Capricorn Descendant is
ruled by Saturn in a cadent house and the trine indicates that the energy
between bride and groom flows easily. The Sun, Venus and Jupiter are
above the horizon. Venus (ruler of the 5th house of love and children) is
quite strong in this chart., .exalted in Pisces and conjunct Jupiter which
162 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
is dignified in the house it rules, the 9th. Both planets trine the Ascen-
dant and sextile the Descendant. These placements represent the posi-
tive rules that were followed.
What about some of the problem areas? Uranus is angular . (4th)
receiving an eight and a half degree opposition from the 10th house Sun.
This measurement equates to about eight and a half years. This couple
did not divorce as could have occurred with the Sun/Uranus opposi-
tion; in fact they are still happily married. However, they have moved
seven times in 18 years of marriage (Uranus in the 4th); not only from
city to city, but from country to countiy, and he has had four major job
changes. When the Sun/Uranus opposition became exact, they bought
their first house and took on a huge mortgage.
As stated previously, it is impossible to find a perfect chart, thus
in many cases you will have to make concessions. Since the man in this
case has an Aquarius Sun and the woman an Aquarian Moon, this cou-
ple has learned how to handle Uranus. I figured that of all the possible
difficulties, this might be one they could best overcome. They have.
09/9 24 .a
07 B13-57 I, 6
/ ^29
\V\ /i6
This couple wanted to get married in Hawaii in the famous Fern Grotto
and the only day, or for that matter, time available was July 8th at noon.
The ceremony usually takes 15 minutes. When Jan, my client, asked me
to look at the wedding chart, I was quite disturbed and begged her to
have a private wedding, just the bride and groom, some time before and
then have the lovely ceremony on July 8th. She did not want to do that.
Can you see what worried me in this chart? The Moon makes
only two aspects, a fortunate conjunction to Venus, followed by a con-
junction to Saturn in three and a quarter degrees. Chart ruler Venus
made .only the conjunction to Saturn. Pluto on the 1st house can be very
intense, a bit too much so for Jan and Rob in my estimation.
They said their "I do's" at 12:15 pmon the day in question. After
two years the marriage started going downhill. Jan met a dashing young
man at work, fell in love and in October 1981 got a divorce (three years
and three months to the day after the wedding). What saddened me was
164 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
the fact that though I saw possible problems, I could not prevent the
break-up, despite much discussion and counseling. The good news is
that she and her dashing lover married in 1982, are very happy and their
cute baby daughter makes three. This time she gave me more choices
for a wedding chart.
H07 riZO 5*
of July the only possible fixed signs on the Ascendant are Leo or Scor-
pio. By the time Scorpio rises, the Moon is void of course. Leo rising
is better for this marriage chart, since my client has a Leo Sun and the
bride-tobe has Leo on the 7th cusp.
The next problem to overcome was the Moon/Venus square, yet
still be in time for the lunar trine to Jupiter and sextile to Saturn. As
you can see, finding an optimum time for an Electional chart becomes
a juggling act!
In this chart the Moon is in Pisces in the 9th house, past the square
to Venus, trine Jupiter and sextile Saturn. The Ascendant is fixed; its rul-
er, the Sun, will conjunct Jupiter which rules the 5th house of children.
The Aquarius Descendant is ruled by Uranus in the 5th. The Sun is past
the opposition, but as observed earlier is opposing Saturn, an aspect to
be avoided., .but a) my client chose this day and b) it really describes the
age difference between them (Moon/Saturn would have done the same).
The Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter are all above the horizon. Since we
know there is no perfect chart, where are the problems in this one?
Pluto and Mars are angular and Pluto rules the interception in
the 4th house. Both my client and his bride are strong individuals and
although she is much younger, I wonder if she'll assert herself and if
power struggles might ensue. Mars is in and rules the 10th house and
this could indicate clashes regarding "my" career versus "your" career.
It's too early to know, but so far, so good. They seem veiy happy
after three and a half years of marriage and have two little boys and a
166 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
1 -^42
m m
H 17
I,. ~
^42 25 1110
21 05 03
36 3353
4*03 ve mS,
09\ t5
The Moon has passed the conjunction to Mars, but will still trine the
Sun. Saturn, the Ascendant ruler, is out of the 4th and has moved into
the 6th house of work. Uranus and Pluto are out of the angles. The Sun
and Venus are still above the horizon. Though natal charts are second-
ary in importance when doing Electionals, it is worth noting that the
bride has Capricorn rising while the groom has a Cancer Ascendant.
This chart really reflects the couple in every way. They are still married,
are successful business entrepreneurs working together, and they have
four charming children.
Moving into a House,
Condominium or Apartment
1. Most of the general rules (see page 135) apply, with the Moon again
being the primary consideration. Therefore, avoid squares, be care-
ful with oppositions and quincunxes and, of course, shun a Void of-
Course Moon.
2. Your astrological knowledge and good common sense will help you
determine most other factors. Since your new home is to be pleasant and
free from trouble, be sure the ruler of the Ascendant (you) is in posi-
Moving into a House, Condominium or Apartment 169
five aspect (trine, sextile, conjunction) to the ruler of the 4th house
(the home).
4. Avoid Saturn and Mars in angular houses, and unless you thrive
on excitement, keep Uranus away as well. For all three of these planets,
cadent houses are best. An astrologer friend planned a move and totally
overlooked the transcendentals. His electional chart for the move had
Uranus in the 4th house. The first night in the new house, he blew a fuse
when he hooked up the hi-fi. A week later sparks flew out of his iron and
burned his arm. A month later, during a thunderstorm, lightning hit the
power line next door and he was without power for two days.
6. Though you should not buy a house while Mercury or Venus are
retrograde, it does not seem to affect the time you move into the place.
Since practice makes perfect, a few actual cases follow:
170 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
27 Y? 19
/ae V55
T / 22 ^ / n
38 A K //a \n/
XyIzkA 12
'V^ 20 02
I \ lnI S/
59 \43 40/
\ XR /
27G19 28n
This Election chart is for the move of another young couple. The wife
is my client. Her husband had just been transferred from London, Eng-
land, to Zurich, Switzerland. They had found a lovely apartment and she
was anxious to have a contented and lengthy stay. Timing was difficult
since she was at the mercy of the movers as to which day the furniture
172 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
would arrive and at the mercy of the landlord as to when he would turn
over the key to her. Moving day was September 15th.
It was not easy to get the Moon past the quincunxes to Mars and
Jupiter, as well as the square to Venus and conjunction to Pluto; to have
a fixed Ascendant, the luminaries and benefics above the horizon and
the difficult planets out of the angles.
Of the possible fixed Ascendants, Taurus rises before 6:00 am and
Aquarius after 5:30 pm, before and after normal working hours. Scorpio
was the only fixed sign that was possible and the approximate window
was between 11 ;00 am and 1:00 pm. At 11 ;00 am 5 Scorpio was rising,
the Moon was past the square to Venus by five minutes and Pluto was
in the 1st house. I felt that this move was intense enough with the Moon
conjunct Pluto, but in the 1st house, it might be a bit too stressful. By
1:00 pm the Moon was still conjunct Pluto (Moon at 9 Scorpio 35, Pluto
at 10 Scorpio 40) but now Mars was in the 4th house. By 3:15 pm, when
the Moon had finally passed Pluto, Sagittarius was rising; Neptune and
Pluto were angular; Mars, ruler of the 4th was past the sextile to Jupiter,
now the Ascendant ruler. In other words, by eliminating one problem, I
would have acquired a few others.
Except for the Moon/Pluto conjunction, the noon chart is a very
good one. The Moon sextiles the Sun; Neptune, ruler of the 4th house
sextiles Ascendant-ruler Pluto; theAscendant-subruler Mars, has passed
the square to Neptune; the benefics and luminaries are all elevated and
neither Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune nor Pluto is angular.
The couple are still living very happily in the apartment, though
it looks as if he may get another transfer next year.
Buying or Selling
Property (House or Land)
Trading Places
Much of what we have previously discussed also applies to purchasing
The Election chart to purchase property starts the moment you
make the ofilcial offer to buy, whether to the seller directly or through
a real estate agent. When you sell property, the Election chart starts the
moment you put the house up for sale, either when you sign a contract
with a realtor or when you hammer the sign into your front lawn; some
people who sell without an agent feel the chart should be set for when
they put a "For Sale" ad in the paper.
2. In any purchase, the Ascendant and its ruler describe the buyer,
whereas the Descendant (7th) and its ruler denote the seller. Flowing
174 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
aspects between these two houses are veiy beneficial for either a pur-
chase or sale, but remember for whom you are calculating the chart, the
seller or the buyer, and fortify that house (1st) as well as the 4th house
which represents the property. Smooth, positive aspects between these
three houses (1st, 4th, 7th) are a must.
In any sale, the Ascendant and its ruler describe the person who
wishes to sell, the Descendant illustrates where the buyer is coming
from. Easy aspects between these two houses help to make the deal flow
3. Look to the 4th to describe the house or land itself. Try to strength-
en this astrological house and its ruler. This applies to purchases as
well as sales. I've seen sales fall through if the ruler of the 4th had only
troublesome aspects or the Moon is void of course.
A Wa
This client was very anxious to buy a house before his wife delivered
their baby due in March. I told him to phone me any time he found a
house he liked and 1 would quickly try to find a suitable time to make
an offer, something I rarely do, since setting up a satisfactory Electional
chart is usually a lengthy procedure. He called at 7:30 pm one January
evening. I ran three charts, called him back and said, sign the offer now.
Here is my reasoning:
The Moon at 15 Pisces had passed the opposition to Jupiter and
was applying to a sextile to Neptune, its ruler, as well as a trine to Pluto,
ruler of the 4th house illustrating the home. The Sun rules the Ascendant,
representing my client and will sextile Pluto, ruler of the house he wants
to buy. The Sun is past the conjunction to Neptune and Uranus, ruler of
the 7th house, the seller, so there are neither positive nor negative as-
pects between seller and buyer. The Moon, always the prime factor in an
Electional chart, is in the 7th house of the seller, and it describes what is
happening., .my client wants to buy something from the seller (7th) and
what he wants (house/4th/Pluto), is in good aspect to the Moon.
176 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
The 1st house (buyer) is fortified because its ruler, the Sun, sex-
tiles the 4th house ruler, Pluto, while the 7th house (seller) ruler, Uranus,
will first conjunct Neptune, ruler of the seller's 2nd (8th of the chart),
then sextile Pluto. Mars, subruler of the 4th, will conjunct Descendant
ruler, Uranus, and 8th house ruler, Neptune. It will also trine Jupiter in
the buyer's 1st house. As you can see, there are many beneficial aspects
between the seller, the buyer, his money and the property. The apply-
ing square from Saturn to Pluto did not affect the parties for whom the
Electional chart was erected. It could have brought some delays or an-
noyances to the realtor (Saturn rules the agent., .the 6th house). If it did
I was not informed.
In real time the Moon moves about one degree every two hours,
so it will actually sextile Neptune about 10:00 pm and trine Pluto about
9:45 am the next day. When figuring timing in Electional charts, I usu-
ally figure one degree for the Moon equals a day, especially when deal-
ing with mutable or cardinal signs. Mercury, Venus and the Sun actually
move approximately one degree per day, so I often use the equivalent
of one degree equals one week with those three planets. It is difficult
to time the motion of the slower planets, unless there is a close aspect,
within a degree or two, in which case it may take one or two months for
an event to occur. Very often that is too long a time period for an Elec-
tion chart to still be in effect.
In this chart you can see the significance of timing, because it
shows that the 1st house (buyer) is stronger than the 7th house (seller)
and that, in fact, some nebulous thing may happen to the seller in a little
over two months when the Uranus/Neptune conjunction becomes exact
The seller had promised to make a few repairs in the kitchen; the plumb-
er forgot to turn the water off; the kitchen flooded and the seller had to
replace the entire kitchen floor. My client was, of course, delighted to
get brand new linoleum.
There are some other strong points for the buyer in this chart: the
benefics, Jupiter in the 1st and Venus in the 4th house, representative of
the property. Since his wife was pregnant and because, in a way, they
were buying the home because of the baby, it is most appropriate that
the chart ruler, the Sun, is in the 5th house of children. The fixed Ascen-
dant suggests they will live in the house for many years.
Although I was able to keep Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and
Pluto out of the angles, I could not get the Sun, Venus and Jupiter above
the horizon, but as I have reiterated, it is impossible to arrive at a perfect
Buying or Selling Property 177
ni* /01
23 A
06 (QoSiiO?
H 9 Hv*/
31/16 /
25 11
06 ^ 45
This couple unexpectedly found their dream house and made a quick of-
fer to buy before the owner might change his mind. Now they were very
worried if they could sell their house in time to make the down payment
which was due within two months. Their worry was not without cause,
since 1974 was still a buyer's rather than seller's market
By now you are probably a pro at looking for Electional charts
and realize that it takes a lot of searching to find the best possible time
178 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
for a transaction, especially when you are searching for a good Moon
and want the rulers of the Ascendant, Descendant and 4th house to in-
terrelate favorably. Since they had only two months, and no house sells
overnight, I really felt pushed. But 1 could not find any date that met the
necessaiy parameters until March 1 st, three weeks before their down
payment on the new house was due, and while Mercury was still retro-
In the chart 1 finally decided upon, the Moon is at 16 Gemini and
will trine Uranus, ruler of the 5th house (money from property); it will
also conjunct Saturn, ruler of the property (4th house) and trine Jupiter
in the aforementioned 5th house.
The seller, as represented by the Ascendant, is ruled by Venus in
the 4th (property) at 0 Aquarius. It will trine the Descendant ruler Mars,
the buyer, and Pluto, the seller's money, sextile Neptune (realtor), trine
Uranus (money from house), and last but not least, for an extra bit of
luck, Venus conjuncts Jupiter.
The buyer, depicted by the Descendant ruler Mars at 1 Gemini,
not only is trined by Venus (seller) but will also trine Pluto, oppose Nep-
tune, trine Uranus, conjunct Saturn (property) and trine benefic Jupiter.
The property (4th) is ruled by Saturn which trines Jupiter, but
more importantly, is connected to both the buyer and seller with a trine
from Venus and conjunction from Mars. Though it was difficult to find
this chart, it was definitely worth waiting for.
Here's what actually happened. The couple signed the sales con-
tract with the realtor at 8:45 pm on Friday, March 1st. Saturday the real-
tor held an "Open House" and when the owners came home in the late
afternoon, two offers awaited them. One was within $1000 of the asking
price. Of course, they accepted and the deal was signed and delivered
before sundown.
Timing of any kind in Astrology is, at best, an iffy proposition.
You need to use a lot of common sense and remember that cardinal signs
are considered the fastest, so they can be interpreted as hours or days.
Mutable signs are next fastest and could be considered days or weeks.
The slowest signs are the fixed ones and usually can be translated as
weeks and months. But as explained, basic common sense plays a large
role here and depending on the event, instead of hours, days and weeks,
you may be dealing with weeks, months and years. In other words, be
careful and don't totally rely on timing to always work. Timing is not
really a province of Electional charts; however, if a client for whom I
have set up a "House for Sale" chart asks, "How soon do you think this
Buying or Selling Property 179
00 1137
& *A
A student wanted to sell a piece of property she owned. She had found
a pretty good time; at least we both thought so.
As always, the Moon is my first consideration. It is in Virgo in
180 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
the 1st house, past the opposition to Mercury. This is significant, since
Mercury rules the Ascendant, my student, the seller of the property. The
Moon sextiles Pluto, opposes the Sun, trines Saturn and its last aspect
is a trine to Mars, ruler of the 8th house, the buyer's money (2nd from
the 7th). The Ascendant ruler Mercury sextiles Neptune, ruler of the 7th
(buyer in good aspect to seller). This aspect becomes exact in less than
a degree and a half, and Mercury will eventually trine Pluto and sextile
Saturn and Mars.
The 4th house (property) is ruled by Jupiter. The five personal
planets are all past Jupiter which will in time oppose Uranus, Neptune,
Saturn and trine Pluto. The important equation here is that the only con-
nection from the property (Jupiter/4th) to the seller (Mercury/1st) and
buyer (Neptune/7th) is a 13 degree opposition (Jupiter/Neptune).
The first serious prospect looked at the property on the morn-
ing of March 29th and he made an offer the next afternoon. The seller
counteroffered on April 7th; the buyer accepted the offer on April 9th;
escrow was opened April 12th. On May 11th, the buyer asked for a six
month extension, based on a Los Angeles Times article on earthquakes
which cited the Malibu area as being on a possible earthquake fault. On
May 16th at 10:30 am the buyer canceled the escrow. The seller later
discovered that the earthquake story was a screen for the fact that the
buyer had purchased another property.
There is a lot of excellent learning here. 1 was in hopes that the
nice lunar aspects, especially its final trine to Mars, along with the Mer-
cury/ Neptune sextile, would compensate for the Jupiter/Neptune op-
position. It did not. The Moon is the primary consideration in Electional
astrology, but though it may compensate for no aspects between the
property and the buyer, it is not enough to overcome challenging ones.
In the beginning of this book, I reminded you to observe if a
planet changes signs before the Moon will aspect it. This chart is a typi-
cal example. Mars is at 29 Capricorn 31 and it was necessary to make
sure it was still in Capricorn when the Moon reaches that degree. In
the ephemeris I use (The American Ephemeris for the 20th Century),
it shows that the Moon switches from Virgo into Libra on March 11th
at 3:39 pm GMT, while Mars changes from Capricorn to Aquarius on
March 11th at 3:55 pm GMT, 16 minutes after the Moon reaches 0 Li-
bra. In other words, the Moon/Mars trine is valid in this chart and had
no negative bearing on the outcome.
Lesson 6
Buying a Car
1. As always, the Moon is the primary consideration, and all the usual
rules are in effect. Additionally, if you wish to keep your car for a while,
opt for a fixed Moon.
2. Just as with any other purchase, the Ascendant and its ruler describe
the buyer, while the Descendant and its ruler denote the seller. In order
to get a good deal if you are the buyer, you want your planets to be
stronger than those of the seller.
3. If the ruler of the 3rd house (car) and the 2nd (money spent on it)
are in easy aspect to the Ascendant (you) or each other, it generally
indicates a good buy at a reasonable price.
182 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
03 vr 44
a* wk
03 1144
The client was not in a big rush and gave me two weeks to find a good
time slot to buy a new car. This was most helpful, as was the fact that
Buying a Car 183
car dealers and sales offices are open on weekends in California, which
gave me extra days to work with. My client is a computer programmer;
she services large companies all over California and spends a lot of time
traveling long distances. She was looking for a heavy duty car. This is
the chart 1 came up with.
The Moon in Leo (fixed sign) trines Jupiter and Neptune (ruler of
the 2nd), sextiles the Sun, conjuncts Venus (ruler of the 3rd, the car) and
its last aspect is a sextile to Pluto, ruler of the 9th house (long distance
travel). A very fine Moon, indeed.
The car, represented by the 3rd house of the chart, is ruled by Ve-
nus which makes only one aspect, a sextile to Pluto describing the long
distance travel of the 9th house. Uranus, ruler of the Ascendant (buyer)
eventually conjuncts the 2nd house (money) ruler Neptune.
Since there is never a perfect chart, a few concessions had to be
made. The fixed Ascendant in Aquarius ensures that the car will last for
a while. Its ruler, Uranus, conjuncts Neptune ruler of the 2nd house of
money, which suggests she would not have to pay an exorbitant price
for the car (she didn't). Uranus also sextiles Pluto in the regenerative
8th house, indicating good service on her long hauls (Pluto rules the
9th). But Uranus (buyer) is squared by Mars which rules the 2nd house
interception; it rules machinery in general and is placed in the 7th, rep-
resenting the seller. The 7th house was stronger than I usually like, but
you can't have everything.
The car is still driveable nine years later, though she now uses
it as a second car when her newer one is in the shop and as a means of
transportation for her daughter when she comes home from college. She
was able to bargain for a good price, but in order to get a decent service
contract, she had to commit to four years with the dealership which
sold her the car. They turned out to have a miserable service and repair
department and for four years she suffered through long delays, sloppy-
repairs and lots of aggravation (Mars square Uranus). The moment the
contract expired, she went to her own mechanic who has kept the car in
wonderful shape.
184 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
rr 27 0 35
fzoM20 \
L8H24 \
55 rmfa46
\osjM 45
Lesson 7
Starting a Business
on page 138, if in doubt, there are quite a few good books to help you
with rulerships.
Any business starts when you unlock the door, let the first
customer enter, cut a ribbon, toast with a glass of champagne, ring
a bell or do whatever you choose which means you are now "in busi-
A corporation (any business that is incorporated) starts when
the incorporation is approved by the state. In many states the exact
time is hard to pinpoint and noon charts have proven quite reliable. In
some states the approval time is marked on the official stamp. In that
case, of course, use the actual time as indicated.
Though the main electional rules are always the same, here are a
few added directives to be taken into account in business set-up charts.
1. Though the Moon, because of its rapid movement through the chart,
is still one of the most important considerations, in a business Electional
chart it works nearly on a par with the Sun; you might even call the
luminaries co-significators.
2. The lunar rules are the same; avoid squares and a void of course
Moon; if possible, open or start the business on a waxing Moon for
6. Try to place the Sun or the Midheaven ruler in the house that
describes the goals of the business. Want to make money? Go for an
11th house Sun. To enhance your reputation, put the Sun in the 10th
house. Is your aim to distribute information? Opt for the Midheaven
ruler in the 3rd. Again, your astrological knowledge and common sense
will guide you.
188 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
7. As in all Electional charts it is most beneficial if the Sun, Moon,
Venus and Jupiter are elevated.
8. In all business ventures Saturn is most influential and should be
well placed. The Sun trine or sextile Saturn is particularly advanta-
geous (effective organization and discipline.) Try to keep Saturn out of
the angles, unless the business in question is Saturn-ruled or is owned
and operated by a single individual.
9. The Sun trine or sextile Jupiter is often invaluable for early suc-
cess. On the other hand, it is best to avoid troublesome applying aspects
from the Moon, Sun and Saturn as well as the Midheaven ruler, to
Pluto or Neptune within two degrees or the first two years. These tran-
scendentals can pull a fledgling business down rapidly.
23 ^ 24
6 12
/p ^22^ /
>\"55r/ /
i \ i-X^v ^ /
41 12
\ \o.yx/ 22 /r00
\03 /n
23 ©24
In May 1978, a writer who was a client called unexpectedly from New
York. He was in the throes of buying an enormous library of antique
and used books, many of them art books. He planned to take over the
bookstore, and since quite a bit of money was involved, he was anxious
to know if astrology could help.
The store was to close on Saturday, June 10th, 1978; my client
and his partner needed to do a bit of renovation, add more books, change
the decor and displays and open no later than Friday, June 16th. After
calculating innumerable charts (all done by hand in those days), I found
this reasonably good, but by no means perfect, chart.
Writers are an adventurous lot and my client did not even blink at
my suggestion that they open the store at 3:00 am. "We'll invite a few
friends, bring some bottles of champagne, break one on the door for
good luck and drink the rest" was his comment.
190 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
Here are the "positive" and "not so positive" points of this chart.
The Moon is in Libra; it is waxing and will trine the Sun as well a
Mercury and sextile Saturn. Mercury rules books; Saturn rules the
Midheaven. A well-aspected Libran Moon in the 6th house describes
smooth transactions with employees (6th) and pleasant interaction with
the public in general. The sextile to the MC ruler, Saturn, augurs well
for discipline and practical application of business practices. The Moon/
Sun trine is helpful in many areas...since the Moon rules the 4th, the
actual building the shop occupies, and the Sun rules the 5th, the creative
inventory. This aspect also reflects harmony in the operation of the busi-
ness in general.
The Sun is in Gemini perchance, but what a wonderful placement
for a bookstore. It is relatively well-aspected; beside the trine from the
Moon, it will sextile the MC ruler Saturn and in the 2nd house, it is per-
fectly placed to make money. Saturn, ruler of the MC, is eventually
conjuncted by the Ascendant ruler, Venus, which should help keep the
purpose of the business in focus. Uranus and Neptune (Pisces is inter-
cepted in the 11th) co-rules the 11th house of income generated by the
bookstore. Uranus is in the 7th, representing customers and is trined by
Jupiter in the 3rd house of books. Neptune is in the 8th of the customer's
money and is trined by Venus.
After almost 13 years. Ascendant ruler Venus will square Ura-
nus, sextile Pluto one year later and trine Neptune three years after that.
The Moon, the chart significator, trines Mercury, ruler of the business
(books). Much of this is promising and compensates for the fact that the
luminaries and benefics are not above the horizon, that neither the Sun
nor the Moon are in the 3rd house of books, or for that matter in the 10th
of the business; that there are no flowing aspects between the luminar-
ies and Jupiter, and that I am not sure what the eventual (25 plus years)
conjunction of Venus to Saturn will mean in 2003 or 2004.
The business is still in existence and has been very successful.
In 1982, four years after they opened, when the Moon, which rules the
4th house, trined Mercury, they moved into larger facilities. In 1991, 13
years later, Venus, ruler of the Ascendant, squared the 7th house Uranus
and my client's partner quit. In July 1992 he found a new partner. By
then Venus sextiled Pluto, ruler of the partnership 7th house.
Starting a Business 191
/ a V9 x / 0429
/ /uV
/ 23 / 01 xy* ^102 //,,'n.i
««/ ^8
33^^V /Bd8 97/
2* ?21«06
H25 V
06 Vu
T \
\ 21 N
' 13 JX 26
many expenditures, but with a basically positive Mars and Venus (al-
ways "benefic" in an Electional chart) in the 2nd house, any problems
several years and at last, were able to make a move which increased the
business incredibly. The aspects were auspicious; Mars ruler of the 2nd
trined the Ascendant and MC rulers and Venus had just passed the trine
to the Midheaven. The Ascendant was trining the North Node in the 5th.
This move has proved very successful and the family opened a second
restaurant in July 1993.
If you would like even more insight into the details of this chart,
look to the 3rd house for the environment/neighborhood, the 5th for
creative endeavors which could range from decor to menu design and
the food served, the 12th house for what goes on behind the scenes,
probably in the kitchen and the deeper you care to dig, the more you can
find out anything else you are curious about. Please realize that you do
not need all this information to find a successful starting time, but it is
available if you deem it necessary.
194 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
01 x* 14 ^ 29
54 5057
01 IT 14
As you can see from the rules cited, when calculating an organi-
zational chart, the corporation, in this case Aquarius Workshops, Inc., is
depicted by the 10th house not the 1st. You also find the President (or
chairman of the board, whichever may apply) in this house. In this chart
open and outgoing Sagittarius is on the MC; Jupiter which rules it is in
the 2nd house of earning ability and is trined by the Moon and opposed
by Mercury. Neptune, the planet of illusion and glamour, is in the 10th
Basically. Aquarius Workshops, as well as its president, should
come across as glamorous, charismatic, and it should never have money
problems. The Mercury/Jupiter opposition could indicate occasional
withdrawal of support from others (8th) or misunderstandings with the
board (5th) since Mercury rules the 4th, 5th and 8th houses.
The 11th house not only represents other friendly organizations,
but in an organizational chart, as the 2nd of the 10th it denotes "the
treasury" or monies earned and received by the incorporated body. Sag-
ittarius on this cusp, with Jupiter in the 2nd house, is a confirmation
of excellent financial prospects. In this house the opposition (Mercury/
Jupiter) could imply overly ambitious plans when dealing with other
organizations and groups, or possibly a bit of a standoffish attitude to-
ward them.
The 12th house represents those opposed to the organization, or
those who would mount behind-the-scenes actions. The ruler Saturn is
in Leo in the 6th house of work and workers; it squares Ascendant ruler
Uranus and applies to a wide trine to Neptune in the 1 Oth. The square to
Uranus could signal that those who work for Aquarius Workshops might
also undermine it. On the other hand, the trine to Neptune reflects great
idealism and the ability to eventually make dreams a reality.
The Aquarius Ascendant well befits an astrological organiza-
tion as does Uranus rising just ahead of the Sun in the 9th house of
publications (ASPECTS Magazine) and adult education (Aquarius
Workshops= teaches grown-ups). Mars, ruler of the 3rd house of com-
munication, trines Uranus — this organization has appeal to the public,
its subscribers, members and students, especially those who enjoy the
Jupiter in the 2nd house, as already noted, is a bonus; the ruler,
Neptune in the 10th may signify that the values of the leaders of the
group are visionary and idealistic.
The 3rd house is ruled by Mars in Cancer in the 5th with only
one aspect, a trine to Uranus; Taurus is intercepted in the 3rd and Venus,
Starting a Business 197
its ruler, is in Virgo in the 7th house. Venus makes no applying aspects.
With the rulers of the 3rd in the 5th (the board), trine the ruler of the As-
cendant (the membership), and Venus in the 7th (other organizations),
the founders felt that Aquarius Workshops should be able to get its mes-
sage across easily and clearly.
Mercury in Libra in the 8th rules the 4th house, the base of
this corporation. Gemini on the cusp enjoys disseminating information
which should serve the group well. In Libra, Mercury can inform others
with tact and diplomacy; in the 8th house, it indicates support from oth-
ers, especially those outside the organization. The opposition from Mer-
cury to Jupiter, can however, denote overblown expectations of what the
president (Jupiter rules the 10th) can or should do.
Mercury also rules the 5th house which represents the Aquarius
Workshops Board. It reflects the attitude as well as any action taken by
the board against the president. This is the most difficult house in the en-
tire chart; not only because the ruler opposes Jupiter, but because Mars
is here. In any Electional chart Mars is considered a malefic planet;
even in natal astrology we know that Mars suggests strife and misun-
derstandings. Here, however, Mars trines Uranus, the Ascendant ruler,
so the possible difficulties are tempered and the energies can be used
positively to work for and with the membership at large.
Aquarius Workshops does not have paid workers; only volun-
teers as represented by the 6th house. With Cancer on the cusp and the
Moon ruling it trine Jupiter, much help should be available. But Saturn
in this house suggests that a few very hardworking, devoted individuals
are always there to help. It can also reflect Saturn's negative side, and
the square to Uranus could indicate delays in finding volunteers.
Leo on the cusp of the 7th house of competitors and relations
with other organizations forecasts a strong Aquarius Workshops which
may at times overwhelm other groups who could see it as showy, dra-
matic and interesting to the public at large, especially with the Moon in
Leo in the 7th and the Sun which rules it in the 9th in close proximity to
unconventional Uranus. Venus here may tone down some of the "here I
am world" bearing, which is helpful in living up to their reputation.
The 8th house connotes the organization's treasurer who must
have a difficult time keeping finances in line, since ruler Mercury op-
poses Jupiter. The president and organization (10th) per se may see all
the money held in assets and want to spend it; the treasurer says "whoa"
since with Virgo-on-the-cusp exactitude s/he will do what is totally cor-
rect. Pluto in the 8th house intensifies these attitudes.
198 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
Last but hardly least, the 9th house personifies the raison d'etre
for the organization, the quarterly magazine ASPECTS, the teaching
outline and testing program conceived in order to eventually launch in-
formed and well-versed astrologers. The Sun is in this house, lending
it much strength; so is Uranus verifying that the teaching, publications
and advertising generated through this house will not be run-of-the-mill
and will fit a subject like astrology veiy well.
Aquarius Workshops has done well from its inception. Its presi-
dents, including Joan and myself, were usually quite well known in as-
trological circles and respected for their expertise. ASPECTS magazine
succeeded from day one and its subscriptions have kept the organization
in the black. Their teachers use The Only Way... series for beginning
and intermediate students and they have an excellent reputation as a
School of Astrology. Actually everything functions pretty much as the
Electional chart indicates, including the fact that the board often does
not see eye-to-eye with the presiding officer.
Please keep in mind that the above example chart was for the
election of the original corporation. Once such a corporation exists and
you become a member of it, you view the chart through the lens of the
Ascendant, whether you are a board member (originally 5th house) or
the president (originally 10th house).
Election for Surgery
ARIES rules the head area including the face, brain and upper teeth.
With the Moon here, it is not a good time to correct a de vated sep-
tum or have a cataract removed.
TAURUS rules the throat, neck, ears, vocal chords, thyroid, tonsils and
lower teeth. A tonsillectomy or a mastoidectomy are ill-advised
when the Moon is here.
GEMINI rules the lungs, collarbone, hands, arms, shoulders and ner-
vous system. A student broke his arm skiing; aware of Electional
rules, he opted to wait five hours for the Moon to reach Cancer
before he had his arm set. The operation was successful.
CANCER rules the breast area, stomach, upper lobes of the liver, the
esophagus, pancreas and internal reproductive organs as well as the
disease cancer. If possible, avoid a mastectomy or an abortion when
the Moon is in this sign.
LEO rules the heart and its diseases, aneurysms, the back, including the
spine and dorsal region and the sides of the body. You are allowed
to lose your heart with the Moon in Leo, but don't have open-heart
VIRGO rules the intestines, lower lobes of the liver, the bowels, ap-
pendix and solar plexus. Try to postpone diverticulitis surgery until
the Moon has left Virgo.
LIBRA rules the kidneys, lower back, buttocks, lumbar region, ovaries
and the veins in general. It is all right to go to a chiropractor to have
your back adjusted while the Moon is in Libra; adjustments are not
SCORPIO rules the genitals, bladder, rectum, external reproductive or-
gans, adenoids, the colon, groin and hemorrhoids. If possible post-
pone a D & C, rectal surgery or bladder repair until the Moon has
reached some other sign.
SAGITTARIUS rules the hips, thighs, upper leg, arteries and blood in
general as well as the sacral region of the body. If you can, avoid hip
replacement surgery with the Moon in this sign.
CAPRICORN rules the knees, lower leg, skin, bones and cuticles. It
also rules the teeth. Even removal of cartilage in the kneecap, which
nowadays can be done by laser, is better postponed for a few hours
until the Moon has left this sign.
Election for Surgery 201
8. Mars rules the surgery as well as the surgeon, therefore try to avoid
Mars retrograde or the outcome of the operation may not be as you
expect, and often is unfavorable. (The surgeon is also depicted by the 7th
9. What you do want are harmonious aspects to the Sun (strength-
giving) and Moon, to the planet ruling the surgery in question, to the
ruler of the 8th house (surgery), or the Ascendant (physical body). A
strong Jupiter can be very protective.
10. Do not worry if transiting Mars is passing through your natal
8th house, or is heavily involved by progression, direction or transit
to the Sun, Ascendant or 8th house ruler. That just shows that surgery
may be indicated.
Other Electional Options
1. As always, find a day where the Moon has no squares until it chang-
es sign.
2. When looking for a job, you are represented by the Ascendant. Try
for a well-aspected Ascendant, Ascendant ruler or, if possible, place
Jupiter or Venus in the 1st house.
Other Election Options 205
Rock-A-Bye Baby
This is an area that many astrologers have dabbled with, but to the best
of my knowledge very little has been written about it. A fascinating
realm of astrology, yet this is one that needs to be approached with
GREAT caution. Though I have worked with conception charts and re-
lated fields for more than 20 years, I learn something new with every
horoscope, and as the medical field pioneers new methods day after day,
to the point where a woman even after menopause can give birth, we
in the astrological world have to keep in step. Thus, regard this chapter
only as an overture, with the opera still to be written.
First of all we need to divide that which we do know into three
1. Birth control as based on the Fertility Cycle.
2. The best time to become pregnant based on the astrological fertility
cycle, as well as on the woman's natural ovulation cycle.
3. Pregnancy charts based on the latest medical advances in child con-
Conception and Fertility Election 207
os Sze g
03 30 +1
My client, Mindy, had been married for two years. She had worn an intra-
uterine coil which had led to bleeding and once it was removed, she could
not seem to become pregnant. She had moved from California to Switzer-
land. which had added physical and emotional stress, often a reason for
not being able to conceive. As I do with every client, I counseled that she
210 The Only Way to Leant About Horary and Electional Astrology
Mindy: Fertility Dates for MET (-1 Zone) August 1976 - August 1977
08-24-1976 at 03h27m20s (Chart #22)
09-22-1976 at 13h45m33s (Chart #23)
10- 21-1976 at 23h45m58s (Chart #24)
11- 20-1976 at 09h52ml Is
12-19-1976 at 20h 11 m06s
01-18-1977 at 06h50m4Is
02-16-1977 at 18hl4m21s
03-18-1977 at 06h53m23s
04-16-1977 at 21 h02m 14s
05-16-1977 at 12h20m27s
06-15-1977 at 04h01m43s
07-14-1977 at 19h21m09s
08-13-1977 at 09h55m37s
The first chart on this list is for August 24, 1976, at 3:27 am MET (-1
zone) for Zurich, Switzerland . Since Switzerland observes daylight
saving time in August, I used 4:27 am MEDT. (See Chart #22). Though
computers and software programs are quite reliable, we who input the
data are human and as such we do occasionally err. Make sure that the
distance between the Sun and Moon is the same as it is in the natal
chart. Mindy's natal separation is 17 degrees and 54 minutes. It should
be the same in every fertility chart you calculate for her. The distance
from the Moon at 13 Leo 09 to the Sun at 1 Virgo 03 is 17 degrees and
54 minutes. (A one minute difference often exists because most com-
puter programs do not print out seconds for the Sun or Moon, automati-
cally rounding up or down.) In chart #23 the Moon is at 11 Virgo 44, the
Sun at 29 Virgo, 38, a distance of 17 degrees 54 minutes.
Although the Moon is only at 13 Leo, it makes only one applying
aspect, a trine to the MC. It is 3 degrees and 21 minutes (approximately
seven hours) past a conjunction to Saturn. I suggested that they should
not have intercourse before 10:00 pm the evening before, after the
Moon passed Saturn, and everything was fine through 10:00 am on the
24th. That provided a 24 hour window. The Moon at 13 Leo falls into
Mindy's natal 8th house; it will quincunx the natal Sun, conjunct Pluto,
sextile Neptune, quincunx Jupiter, oppose the Moon and its last aspect
is a sextile to the MC. I consider this an okay chart, not particularly
♦6 fiOSH 48
1 J9/
Example Chart #22
24 Aug 1976 T 4:27:20 am MEDT
Zurich, SWTZ 47N23 8E32
Wllndy-Fertility Chart #1
tlFW tT?
t* «a
r «5
Example Chart #23
22 Sep 1976 at 2:45:33 pm MEDT
Zurich. SWTZ 47N23 8E32
Mindy-Fertility Chart #2
212 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
good or bad. I prefer more action in the fertility chart and I am not keen
on the opposition to the natal Moon, but none of it is so problematic that
I would counsel Mindy to skip that particular date. Result — she did not
get pregnant.
The second date on the chart (#23) is for September 22, 1976, at
2:45:33 pm MEDT for Zurich. Here the Moon is at 11 Virgo, just past
the square to Neptune by 17 minutes or less than one hour in clock time.
The Moon applied to a square to the Ascendant, a conjunction to Mer-
cury and last but not least, a conjunction to the Sun. Natally the Moon
still falls in Mindy's 8th house and will quincunx Venus and oppose the
Sun as well as Jupiter. Again, not a great chart. I was particularly wor-
ried about the square to the Ascendant (her body) but we could not wait
for the aspect to pass, since moving the Moon 11 plus degrees takes
22 hours, longer than the fertile period is in effect. I needn't have wor-
ried... Mindy's husband was called out of town on business so nothing
happened! Nothing happened during her ovulation period either.
The third date (Chart #24) October 21, 1976, at 11:45:58 pm
MET shows the Moon at 10 Libra. Have you noticed how the Moon is
always in the following sign and a bit earlier than the month before? (13
Leo in August, 11 Virgo in September and 10 Libra in October.) This is
the normal pattern for fertility charts.
In this chart, the Moon sextiles Neptune, conjuncts Pluto, sextiles
Saturn, conjuncts Mercury, opposes the MC and finally there is a lovely
conjunction to the Sun, ending with a quincunx to Jupiter. I really liked
this chart and though I am not always fond of Pluto's intensity in Elec-
tional charts, I feel Moon/Pluto conjunctions are positive for fertility
purposes. After all, Pluto rules the generative area (8th house) in the flat
chart. 1 wondered about the opposition to the MC in 11-1/2 degrees.
The fertility chart Moon was in Mindy's natal 9th house, ready
to oppose Venus, quincunx the Sun, sextile Pluto, quincunx Jupiter and
ends with a trine to the natal Moon. Quite nice.
Mindy got pregnant on October 21st. She fell from a step-stool
while painting the future baby's room on January 8,1987 — exactly 11-
1/2 weeks after conception (Moon opposed MC, the aspect I was con-
cerned about). Thank God she was not seriously hurt, a painful ankle,
but the baby was not affected. She had a strapping baby boy on July 10,
Two questions I hear again and again: "Can we predict the baby's
gender?" and "Can we predict anything about the baby from the con-
ception chart?" After carefully comparing about 75 birth and concep-
Conception and Fertility Election 213
22 T12
/^Oi217yon^d' *
46 ^JJ/28030608 , XQI
Vso >
\C/«33 565^>^,2;
^22=^12 ^ ^
tion charts, not an in-depth study of thousands, but enough for a start, I
must say that I see nothing that links one chart with the other. Not the
conception Moon to the natal Moon, the Ascendant to the luminaries or
any other links to the conception chart and that of the child. As to pre-
determining the baby's gender — the answer is "yes" and "no." If you
refer to the conception chart #24 for October 21st, you will note that the
Moon was in Libra, a "male" sign astrologically speaking. If insemina-
tion takes place while the Moon is in Libra, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagit-
tarius or Aquarius, the baby should be male. Unfortunately we do not
know when insemination takes place. As I previously said, it can take
the semen more than 48 hours to fertilize the egg; in that time span the
Moon may have entered the next, feminine sign. The answer at best is
214 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
Second Fertility Study
Another interesting fertility case was that of a charming Greek woman,
Marissa, who was living in Monte Carlo in the summer of 1980 when
she consulted me.
\H -vu
24 oa ^ \£7 y
.00 54 K10,
16 H07
29 ACn
10 9
L V7 -23 / ^— J) "40
\ szXBS- //^cf v
\ X Am303 20 \/
\ 1fiA54 ^ ^
xXAA I28
The other favorable date, if you wish to look at the chart, was
December 15, 1980 at 1:52 am in Monte Carlo. We do not need to refer
to it because she became pregnant on October 17, and yes, she had her
period that day and the doctor to this day does not understand how it
could possibly happen. I don't know the answer, but I have since urged
many clients not to let anything stop them if they want to get pregnant.
After all, it can't hurt and it may work. Marissa had a healthy baby girl,
named Marion in my honor, on July 9, 1981.
In the 70s and early 80s I calculated many successful fertility
charts, but in those simpler days, before complex conception methods
became popular, or affordable, I also had some failures. Some clients
came back two or three years in a row without successful results. I felt
terrible for them and very inadequate for myself. Then one day (actually
my first case was in 1984) a client wanted to know if I could help astro-
logically to assure an in vitro fertilization, since each time cost $ 10,000
and so far two in vitro attempts had failed to bring the desired results.
Conception and Fertility Election 217
In Vitro Fertilization
Take the case of Sarah — she had gone through a failed in vitro
fertilization in February 1985. She was nearly 33 years old, depressed,
panicky and $12,000 poorer. Her doctor said she could try again in
218 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
April, May or June. The two days she gave me for April and May did
not look as good as the ones for June 15-18.
Sarah was bom April 10, 1952, at 8:31 am EST in Stamford, CT.
Her chart is #28. She went to the clinic on June 15, 1985, at 7:30 am
EDT. They collected quite a few of her eggs and added her husband's
sperm at about 12 noon. Originally the doctor had planned to implant
the eggs on the 17th in the early afternoon. I had told her that anytime
after 9:30 am would be fine. But the preceding evening the clinic called
and asked her to be there at 9:00 am. At 10:00 am on June 17th they
implanted the fertilized eggs (Chart #29).
When she called to tell me of the change in plans, I held my
breath, since as you can see, at 9:00 am the Moon was still applying to
an opposition of Uranus and would not leave that aspect until 9:30 am.
Thankfully the Universe cooperated and the procedure did not start until
10:00 am and by then the Moon had advanced to 15 Gemini 50, just past
the opposition. The Moon's next aspect was a trine to Jupiter followed
by a sextile to the Ascendant and, best of all, a conjunction to the Sun.
In her natal chart this Gemini Moon sextiled Pluto, Sun and Jupiter and
trined her Neptune, Moon and Ascendant... a wonderful chart. Not that
the Moon-Uranus opposition indicated the loss of the baby; in fertil-
ity charts, oppositions, except those to Saturn, do not seem to imply
separation as they do by progression or transit. But Uranus often plays
tricks, and that is the last thing you want in such a delicate procedure
as in vitro.
Sarah's pregnancy was blissfully uneventful, and as you may
have guessed when you saw both a Gemini Sun and Moon in the fertil-
ity chart, she had twin boys. One weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and the second
one, bom two minutes later, weighed 5 lbs. 6 oz.
Artificial Insemmatlon
Jennifer was a happy-go-lucky 21-year-old when I first met her. (See
natal chart #30 January 2, 1954, 7:09 pm PST Glendale, CA 34N08
118W15.) She was living with her boyfriend, finishing her college edu-
cation and sure that she wanted to be "a career girl, all the way." After
our initial natal consultation, we met on a yearly basis for updates and
she also kept me busy with event charts concerning college tests. She
never wanted to get married or have children and she had two abor-
But along came Roberto, a good-looking Italian, as romantic as
Conception and Fertility Election 219
H 05 IX 50
□as j9\
& YA
15 10,33
Example Chart #29
17 Jun 1985 at 10:00 am EOT Hartford,
CT 41N46 72W41
Implant Fertilized Eggs
220 The Only Way to Leant About Horary and Electional Astrology
his name sounds. It was love at first sight and they married in 1984.
Jennifer earned her masters degree, passed the State Boards and settled
down to life as a Marriage and Family Counselor. By 1988, at age 34,
she realized that without a baby she would never feel complete. Roberto
felt the same way. She became pregnant twice at the end of 1988 and
again in 1989. Each time she carried the baby for over three months and
the loss was major, both psychologically and physically.
Finally, her family convinced her to seek help from a fertility
specialist. He decided to try artificial insemination, using her husband's
sperm and implanting it into the mouth of the birth canal. The procedure
was done on July 12, 1990, at 2:30 pm in Hollywood, CA. (See Chart
#31.) She did not consult me beforehand, but called right afterward for
my opinion. I did not have the heart to tell her that I saw a problem
around her usual danger point, between three and four months. The
Moon in the 5th house applied to a square to Venus in the 8th house of
surgery in 334 degrees. That could signify days, weeks or months, but
with mutable signs (Moon in Pisces) we know it is not days but weeks,
and in succedent (fixed sign) houses, we expect it to be months rather
than weeks. I told her that since her other two losses happened around
three plus months, she should be particularly careful around that time, to
get more rest, indulge in less physical activity and so on. Unfortunately,
she lost the baby in early November.
By this time she was nearly 37 years old and at risk for a first
pregnancy. Her doctor initiated hormone therapy to strengthen the uterus
and help prevent further miscarriages. He told her she could start trying
again in July or August. We decided to run an astrological fertility cycle
and see if any of the dates were close to her ovulation cycle. We found
that if all went as calculated, her August ovulation would be 13 days
off, September nine days and by October the difference was down to
six days. November was out, because her husband was scheduled to be
at a special training seminar for five weeks. It took a bit of cajoling, but
since Jennifer could not afford too many more failures, neither physi-
cally, psychologically nor monetarily, she agreed to wait until October.
October 11th was the day and according to her doctor her ap-
pointment could be anywhere from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. Since the
preparations, including getting the husband's sperm, would take at least
45 minutes, I calculated the chart for 8:45 am PDT. (See chart #32.)
Since the Moon at 3 Sagittarius is applying to a square to Venus (1/2
degree) and to Jupiter in 3 degrees equating to three months, a critical
Conception and Fertility Election 221
PV)803 n 47/38
/ * //
* hcf
107 08
" IKK \/ / Example Chart #30
2 Jan
1954 at 7:09 pm PST
Glendale, CA 34N09 118W15
12 A14
p ISTTL.Ol R\ 1 r* si CIOOQH
time for her in past pregnancies, I immediately informed her that under
no circumstances should she have the procedure done before 3:00 pm.
They inseminated her at 3:30 pm. (See chart #33.) The Moon will sex-
tile the Sun, Mercury, Mars and the Ascendant. Natally the Moon falls
into her 4th house very close to the 5th and will trine the natal Ascen-
dant, conjunct the Moon, oppose Jupiter and end with a trine to Pluto.
Though fertility chart lunar aspects to the natal chart are secondary in
importance and are rarely life threatening, I was curious if anything
would happen around the 12th week of pregnancy (Fertility Moon op-
posed natal Jupiter).
Jennifer had a very good pregnancy, but in her fourth month (12
weeks) she started gaining a lot of weight which she is still trying to
lose. She had a healthy roly-poly little girl on June 26, 1992, and as lam
writing this, she called for help with another pregnancy as she hopes to
conceive before the summer of 1995.
Note that although the sperm was artificially inseminated, it took
at least 48 hours to actually fertilize the egg; despite an early Sagit-
tarius (masculine) Moon, she gave birth to a baby girl. Jennifer asked
the doctor what, in his experience, can be considered the average time
span between insemination and fertilization. He confirmed what other
doctors had told me, 24 to 60 hours.
The foregoing are a few examples to get you started in this excit-
ing new field. Keep in mind that most of you are astrologers, not doc-
tors. You can try to ease a pregnancy with so-called flowing aspects, but
you cannot help anyone get pregnant if there is some physical obstruc-
tion or disability. You may be able to assist by bringing the astrological
and medical procedure as closely together as possible, but remember
that this is not a science. It is a non-intrusive and therefore quite harm-
less way of helping nature and at times succeeding.
In this day of medical advances, sooner or later 1 presume some-
one will ask me for a good day to give birth. Caesarean births are quite
common and there is often a choice made as to the time of birth. So
far no one has asked and my expertise is strictly helping my clients to
become pregnant. I have no empirical experience choosing the time of
birth. Maybe some astrologer will start working with this, but 1 do not
wish to decide when another human being should be bom.
Conception and Fertility Election 223
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224 The Only WaV to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
226 The Only Way to Leant About Horary and Electional Astrology
16 H 14
ia rhunpzo fa
Conception and Fertility Election 111
31 55 27
228 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
Odds & Ends
In working with so many charts, both Joan and I have come up with
some ideas and concepts that have served us well over the years, so here
are a few at random.
Many times people ask for an Electional Chart when a Hor-
ary would serve them much better, and vice versa. Help the client to
think this out carefully. Take a lawsuit, for example; a Horary question;
"Should 1 sue John Doe" will often give you a clearer answer than erect-
ing an Electional Chart for when to sue him.
It is rarely wise to rely only on Electional or Horary charts and
not check your natal, progressions, directions and transits to see what
the natural flow of events is bringing. I do not mean relating your natal
chart to the Electional or Horary one, but that it is necessary to move
your horoscope forward to understand what is taking place.
As you may have noticed, I do not use the Lunar Nodes in Elec-
tional Astrology. That is neither good nor bad, and please feel free to
use them if they help you. I have found that they do not add anything
in this type of chart. So rather than clutter my chart with something I
do not use, I eliminate them, but please do not confuse natal astrology,
where the Nodes are extremely illuminating and revealing, with Elec-
tional Astrology.
230 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
Odds & Ends 231
often offers confirmation that you are on the right track. For instance,
if you have two possible good times to open a business and one shows
the Ascendant conjunct the client's Mercury, choose the one with the
conjunction. In other words, when an Electional Chart has connections
to the natal chart it serves as a verification; it somehow displays the
synchronicity of the universe.
As you work with the many and diverse Electional Chart topics,
please keep one thing in mind:
This is a method I have developed over many years. It works
for me. Not all of it may work for you. Many of my colleagues use
their own methodologies which work for them. None of us are right or
wrong; we have tried different approaches and over the years perfected
the one that is correct for us. That is what you, the reader, will eventu-
ally do. To start, you can use my ideas, concepts and suggestions. As
you become more proficient, you will add your own touch and slowly
but surely, what started as someone else's way will become your way,
imbued with your logic, your language and your symbols. And that is
as it should be.
232 The Only Way to Leant About Horary and Electional Astrology
Parts of Cars
(Thanks to Michael Munkasey)
1st house: Body, doors, driver's seat, front bumper and grill, horn, igni-
tion system, starter and throttle.
2nd house: Dashboard padding, the seats and upholstery, the value re-
3rd house: Connecting parts, distributor, fans, fan belt, fenders, fuel
pump and hoses, the linkage, manifold, radio, steering system, tie rods,
turn signals, the ventilation system, wheel rims.
4th house: Fuel lines, interior roominess, passenger seat, seat belts, un-
dercoating, water hose and pump.
6th house: Emission control system, fuel or oil filter, glove compart-
ment, instrumentation, the jack, piston rings, preventive maintenance,
repairs, spare tire, valve lifters.
9th house: Convertible top. fuel tank, oil pan, sun roof, universal joint.
10th house: Clutch, coolant, drive shaft, drive train, emergency brake,
governor, transmission.
11th house: Air in tire, battery, carburetor, electrical system and wiring,
exhaust header, fuel injectors, generator, hydraulic system, interior
lights, mechanical linkages, power assist systems, valves.
This list of automobile parts may prove helpful in questions when some-
one asks you what is wrong with their car.
234 The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology
Answer to Test Chart #4. "Will Pete get his truck back? "
First, renumber the chart. Pete is the 7th house ruled by Mercury
at 9 Virgo in his 3rd of automobiles (a valid question). For all questions
pertaining to cars 1 use the 3rd house and Mercury which rules it in the
Appendix 23 5
which depicts lawsuits. The Moon quincunxes Saturn and Jupiter op-
poses it, indicating a "no" (opposition), or that something would have
to change (quincunx). The case was settled out of court and she never
had to appear.
Appendix 237
I counseled them to wait until 2:45 am. She became pregnant and had a
lovely little girl on October 12, 1979. Her Cancer Moon conjuncts her
brother's Cancer Sun. It is lucky that Mindy got pregnant in January, be-
cause neither Chart #39 or #40 looked very promising. In #39 the Moon
begins with a trine to Pluto, also the Ascendant if we start a bit earlier,
but then there is a square to Uranus, a definite "no." Chart #40 is not
much better with a quincunx to Pluto and a trine to Uranus, followed by
a square to Neptune, another "no."
About the Authors
Marion D. March and Joan McEvers, through their long and highly success-
ful experience as teachers of astrology, developed a method and approach
became widely known and used all over the world, largely though the public
tion of their now classic six-volume series, The Only Way to Learn Astrology
Although living very busy lives in different states, they also worked together
co-founders of Aquarius Workshops, Inc. and Aspects Magazine. For their v
contribution to astrological education, Joan and Marion won the prestigious
ulus Award for Astrological Education at the United Astrology Congress 198
Joan McEvers
Joan, who lives in Coeur d'AIene Idaho, is a double
Aquarius with Moon in Leo. She began her study
of astrology in 1965, self-taught at first and then
in 1969, she studied with Ruth Hale Oliver, and
began teaching and counseling. She achieved an
international reputation as teacher and lecturer. An
AFAN coordinator and member of NCGR, Joan's
articles have been published in several national
and international astrology magazines. In addition
to her six books co-authored with Marion March,
Joan authored 12 Times 12, and she has edited a
series of anthologies for The New World Astrol-
ogy series for Llewellyn Publications. When she
isn't preoccupied with astrology activities, Joan enjoys spending time with h
husband, four children and five grandchildren, quilting and playing bridge.
Marion D. March
Marion began studying astrology in 1966 and
was widely known as a top-knotch professional
by 1970. Also highly active as an organizer, she
was was co-founder and director of AFAN, and
one of the instigators in establishing the United
Astrology Congress, for which she served as Co-
ordinator three times and saw grow with each suc-
cessive successful conference. An internationally
known and respected speaker, Marion received
many awards, including PAI, the Aquarius Work-
shop Award and an additional Regulus Award be-
sides the one shared with Joan. At UAC 2002,
that prestigious award was renamed in her honor: the Marion March Reguli
Award, with international correspondence and her classes. She passed aw«
peacefully on Memorial Day, May 28, 2001, in the arms of her beloved hus-
band, Nico. Under Nico's direction, The Marion and Nico March Foundatior
has continued to benefit the astrological community. Marion is rememberec
one of the outstanding 20th century figures In her field.
The Only Way to Learn Astrology Series
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The Only Way to Learn Astrology
Vol. 2, 2nd Ed. Math & Interpretation
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meaningful analysis.
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arc directions, solar returns, lunar returns
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The Only Way to Learn About
ReIationshipsVol.5, Synastry
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one chart with another in order to evaluate
compatibility in a variety of relationships
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The Only Way to Leam About Horary
& Electional Astrology, Vol. 6
This latest volume teaches two special
techniques, answering questions (horary)
and planning important events (electional).