Construction and Building Materials: Alessio Cascardi, Fabio Longo, Francesco Micelli, Maria Antonietta Aiello
Construction and Building Materials: Alessio Cascardi, Fabio Longo, Francesco Micelli, Maria Antonietta Aiello
Construction and Building Materials: Alessio Cascardi, Fabio Longo, Francesco Micelli, Maria Antonietta Aiello
h i g h l i g h t s
State of the art on the confinement of masonry and concrete with FRM.
State of the art on analytical prediction of the compressive strength of FRM-column.
Two new DOMs for the FRM-confined column.
Two simplified versions of the proposed DOMs.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: As well known the confinement is an effective intervention for increasing the compressive strength of
Received 20 May 2017 an axially loaded column. During the decades, different materials have been adopted in order to pro-
Received in revised form 26 July 2017 vide confining action, such as steel, reinforced concrete and latest high-performance fibers. Fibers
Accepted 1 September 2017
application resulted a powerful solution mainly because of the high ratio between mechanical prop-
Available online 9 September 2017
erties and weight and the absence of electrochemical corrosion. On the other hand, fiber needs to be
impregnated with a matrix in order to be applied around the column and to exert an effective con-
fining pressure. Polymers manifest excellent performance in this role, but unfavorable result if
breathability of the structural element is a key-issue as well as reversibility and compatibility of
FRM the new materials with the existing substrates (e.g. in historical masonry construction). In this scenar-
FRCM. TRM io, the interest in non-polymeric matrix has been increased in the last years, as the use of a cement/
Masonry lime based mortar.
Concrete In the present paper, a state-of-art regarding experimental programs on concrete and masonry sam-
Column ples confined by Fiber Reinforced Mortar (FRM) and subjected to pure compressive test is preliminary
reported. Therefore, a multiple linear regression analysis was implemented in order to identify the pos-
sible influence of the interaction between the properties of the matrix and those of the fibers on the
effectiveness of the confining pressure. Two new analytical formulations were assessed and discussed
in the present study (the first related to concrete and the second related to masonry columns), evidenc-
ing the importance of taking into account the characteristics of the confining mortar besides those of
fibers. A deep comparison (experimental vs. predicted) of the proposed formulae with Design-Oriented-
Models (DOM) from the literature was also provided in terms of accuracy, precision and correlation.
Finally, simplified relationships are also furnished and addressed to a possible contribution for design
guidelines on the topic.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
0950-0618/Published by Elsevier Ltd.
388 A. Cascardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 387–401
The mechanical behavior of FRPs and FRMs are significantly dif- In the case of the FRP confinement a post-peak hardening behavior
ferent under the tensile action [2]. For FRP systems the hypothesis is expected up to the FRP rupture. Definitely, the FRP system is
of the perfect bond between fibers and matrix is assumed and they more performable with respect to the FRM one both in terms of
result characterized by a linear elastic constitutive law up to fail- compressive strength and ultimate strain (see Fig. 1). Therefore, a
ure. Conversely, the tensile behavior of FRM is a bit more complex, key-role can be attributed to the adopted matrix and to the bond
having three different phases (see [3]). In the first phase, the inor- level between matrix and fibers: in the case of the FRM, the dam-
ganic matrix bears basically the load until first cracking occurs. In age of the mortar and the possible mortar/fibers debonding
the second phase, due to the cracking evolution, stresses are trans- involves a reduction of the confining pressure as well as of the final
ferred from the matrix to the reinforcing fibers, with some debond- compressive strength; while for the FRP the high performance of
ing at the fiber-matrix interface. In the third and last phase, the the polymeric matrix and the perfect bond between the matrix
composite system behaves almost linear until failure; at this stage, and the fibers allow the composite to remain undamaged up to
fibers mainly bring the load and the crisis occurs by a progressive the failure, while the damage of the column implies a decay of
rupture of the roving fiber filaments and the debonding at the the column stiffness. ‘‘Based on this observation, the analytical
fiber-matrix interface. The strength of the FRM is strongly affected interpretation of the phenomenon should take into account also
by the type of the adopted fibers, the fiber sizing, the mesh layout the mechanical properties of the matrix and, in this sense, the
and the properties of the matrix. effect of the loss of the bond stress transfer to the fiber-grid due
On the other hand, the behavior of a confined column is to the crack opening may be implicitly considered.”
strongly dependent on the tensile performance of FRMs; in fact, Several researches available in the literature confirm that the
tensile stresses are generated within the jacketing due to the lat- FRPs behave elastic until rupture and their confining action can
eral expansion of the column caused by the axial load. Important be easily assumed growing pseudo-linearly with the increase of
differences regarding the performance of FRPs and FRMs confined the longitudinal loading, as reported in [5–7]. On the contrary,
columns are qualitatively illustrated in Fig. 1, where the axial the mechanical behavior of the FRM is affected by the brittle
stress-strain curves referred to unconfined, FRM-confined and behavior of the matrix. In other words, the confining system
FRP-confined columns are reported (see also [4,14]). Three signifi- (FRM) damage as well as the column damage during the loading
cant stress-values are identified and named r1, r2 and r3 in the Fig- phase may involve a decrease of the confining pressure after the
ure. If the axial stress is less than r1, the column is un-damaged first crack appears in the matrix (agreeing with [8]). However, if
because of stress level is less than the unconfined column com- a high performance confining mortar is used and a high bond level
pressive strength (r1). When beside the damage of the column also between fibers and matrix is guaranteed, the FRM tends to behave
damage of the FRM system takes place (stress level equal to r2), as an FRP since the effective stresses-migration to the fiber-grid;
the inorganic matrix cracks, after this stage, the mechanical the constitutive law of such FRM-jacket can be compared with that
response greatly depends on the properties of the matrix and of of an FRP (see [9–11]).
the interface fibers-matrix; at this stress level, the FRP-confined On the basis of the above considerations, new analytical models
column shows still an ascending trend (undamaged FRP system). have been developed in this paper in order to provide design for-
The premature damage of the mortar, when its mechanical proper- mulae for the prediction of the compressive strength of concrete
ties are very poor, produces a softening phase in the FRM-confined or masonry column (circular or square cross-section) confined
curve; which ends with ultimate strain values anyway greater than with FRM systems. A collection of the experimental data is pre-
that of unconfined column. The behavior following the matrix sented and exploited for understanding the influence of matrix
cracking is affected by the bond between fibers and matrix itself; and fibers on the increase of the compressive strength due to FRMs
indeed, if a perfect bond exists the stresses are gradually trans- and to assess a validate the proposed models.
ferred to the fiber mesh while the crack phenomenon evolves up
to the complete damage of the mortar. Otherwise, if the level of
the bond at the interface fibers-matrix is very low the stress may 2. Background
be suddenly transferred to the fibers that may be subjected to
uneven tensile stresses leading to a possible premature failure at Fiber Reinforced Polymer is a composite material made of a poly-
a level of load significantly lower than the mesh tensile strength. mer matrix reinforced with long fibers. The fibers are usually glass,
The stress value equal to r3 corresponds to the ultimate condition carbon, or aramid (see [12]), although other fibers such as basalt,
of the FRP-confined column or rather the FRP failure (brittle rup- steel, flax and hemp have been used and addressed by researchers
ture of the fibers and consequent debonding from the substrate). and practitioners (e.g. in [13–18]). The polymer is usually an epoxy,
vinyl-ester or polyester thermosetting resin, phenol formaldehyde 15,12 MPa to 67,10 MPa. The matrix was typically a cement-
resins are also in use (see [12]). The concept of load-sharing based mortar, with a thickness tmat between 4 mm and 120 mm
between the matrix and the reinforcing constituent (fibers) is cen- and a compression strength fmat ranging from 2,25 MPa to
tral for understanding the mechanical behavior of the composite. 67 MPa. Different types of fibers were investigated (basalt = B, car-
An external force applied to a composite is partly sustained by bon = C, glass = G, steel = S, PBO = P), with an elastic modulus Ef
the matrix and partly by the fibers (see [19]). The proportion from 52 GPa (basalt) to 270 GPa (carbon) and a thickness tf from
depends on the volume fraction, the shape and the orientation of 0,0455 mm to 0,58 mm. The geometrical percentage of the fiber-
the fibers as well as on the elastic properties of both constituents. reinforcement qf, calculated as 4tf/D, ranges from 0,04% to 2,63%,
The externally bonded FRP reinforcement systems can be dis- highlighting the great variety of fiber configuration explored. Hol-
tinguished in pre-impregnated systems and in-situ systems. The low columns aren’t included in the mentioned database.
first ones are pre-manufactured strips, shells or jackets, which The masonry specimens have a rectangular cross section, with
are applied through adhesives on the substrate. The in-situ sys- dimensions A and B from 102 to 380 mm, and an unconfined
tems, which are widespread in reinforcement techniques, are com- strength fmo from 1,19 MPa to 44,5 MPa. Also in the case of
posed of dry fibers installed through resin that, at the same time, masonry confinement the most utilized matrix was a cement-
constitutes the composite matrix. The mechanical contribution of based mortar, with a thickness tmat from 5 to 15 mm and a com-
resin is totally neglected in this case, but it is fundamental to keep pression strength fmat from 0,55 to 32,6 MPa. Basalt, carbon, glass,
the fibers united and to permit a uniform stress distribution PBO and steel fibers were investigated, with an elastic modulus Ef
between them (affording to [20]). Concerning the in-situ impreg- from 59,76 GPa to 270 GPa and a thickness tf from 0,043 mm to
nated composite, the area of the dry fibers can be used for the com- 1,8 mm. The geometrical percentage of fiber qf varies from 0,05%
putation of the FRP mechanical parameters due to the difficulty in to 2,22%, exhibiting even in this case a great variability of this
measuring the real volume of the resin (according to [12]). parameter. The available data referred to masonry columns appear
The Fiber Reinforced Mortar is a composite material which dif- still limited if compared with data collected for concrete columns.
fers from the FRP because of a non-polymeric matrix is adopted. In Table 1, test data from [14,37–49] were chronologically recorded
The fiber’s role consists mainly in ensuring the post-cracking per- (concrete specimens) and similarly in Table 2, test data from [51–
formance of the FRM system. The bond action between matrix 58,60] (masonry specimens). Databases include both large and
and fibers is crucial to the strength of the composite (see [21]). small scale specimens; an analogous behavior was observed vary-
However, further factors can affect the FRM-capacity; such as ing the size of the specimens, for instance a similar failure mode
matrix composition (cement, lime, gypsum, pozzolana, additives, was recorded (e.g. in [44,47,54]). In fact, a typical crack pattern
short fibers presence, etc.), fiber type (carbon, glass, PBO, steel, within the cross-section firstly occurred, characterized by splitting
basalt, etc.), fiber size, fiber distribution (unidirectional, grid, tex- lines within the columns [12]. Ordinarily, the failure mode is due to
tile etc.) and orientation (0°/90°, 45°/+45°, 45°/+90°/+45°, fiber-matrix separation, which is caused by not sufficient impreg-
etc.). Contrarily to the FRP, the FRM is characterized by a non- nation of the matrix. This mechanism leads to a fiber-matrix
linear constitutive relationship because of the premature cracking debonding at first and a tensile failure of the fiber consequently.
of the matrix. The FRM stress-strain law was evaluated and the Moreover, the jacket failure manifested often a corner effect, when
influence of the adopted matrix was also underlined by experimen- referring to square cross-sections that caused the rupture of the
tal and analytical outcomes (e.g. in [22–33]). confining system and the subsequent FRM-detachment. Further-
The use of FRM for strengthening and retrofitting applications more, a mineral mortar, with the addition of short fibers (for
may have several advantages [34]. Moreover, cement binders are increasing the tensile strength), was adopted as matrix for the
less sensitive than epoxy matrixes to fire hazards, high tempera- FRM-confinement of concrete cylinders in [44]; in this case, a typ-
ture environments and freeze–thaw effects. The new mortar- ical hardening post-peak range (see also Fig. 1) was obtained, sim-
based matrix is able to ‘‘breathe” as much as the existing mortar ilar to that characterizing the FRP-confined columns. behavior.
in the masonry avoiding the moisture formation (see [35]). The In Table 2, a default value of E0 = 1000 fmo has been adopted
compatibility of the mortar with the substrate should be consid- according to Eurocode 6, [62]. Even if this factor (1000) is sug-
ered in terms of mechanical, chemical and aesthetic properties as gested by the Eurocode 6, it can be said, based on abundant exper-
appropriate to the philosophy of the conservation of cultural her- imental evidence (e.g. in [63–66]), that it leads to a significant
itage, according to [36]. overestimation of the masonry’s Young modulus. According to
many experiments, the value of the Young’s modulus of the
2.1. Experimental database masonry may take significant lower values ranging between 100
and 750 times the compressive strength of the masonry itself.
In order to achieve the goal of the present paper, a deep study of The variability of databases’ parameters is drawn in Figs. 2 and
the state-of-art regarding FRM-confinement was carried out. Two 3; in which the investigated quantities (vertical-axis) are reported
databases containing the results of 276 compression test per- per each group of samples of the collected databases; in fact, vari-
formed on FRM-confined specimens and available in the literature ables referred to similar specimens have been averaged and thus
were analyzed, the former referring to 231 concrete columns and 97 and 33 values for concrete and masonry columns, respectively
the latter to 45 masonry columns. The specimens with similar (horizontal-axis) are shown in the mentioned Tables. In particular,
characteristics have been grouped and the related experimental the ratio between the value referred to a group of similar samples
result were averaged; therefore, 97 and 33 groups of specimens and the maximum corresponding value utilized in the whole data-
were considered for the concrete and masonry database, respec- base is reported (color scale) in order to graphically appreciate the
tively. For each specimen, geometrical and mechanical characteris- dispersion ranges of the tested materials and geometries (column
tics referred to the substrate, matrix and fibers were collected. The and reinforcement). As concerns the concrete’s database, the
increased compressive strength of the FRM-confined specimens is parameters with the highest variability are the fiber’s thickness,
reported in Tables 1 and 2. with a Coefficient of Variation (CoV) equal to 1,08; and the matrix’s
The concrete specimens have a circular cross section, with a thickness, with a CoV almost equal to 1,06. On the contrary, low
diameter D ranging from 113 mm to 200 mm, or a quadratic/rect- values of CoV were recorded for the dimensions of the columns
angular cross section, with dimensions A (length) and B (width) and the mechanical properties of the substrate (e.g. the CoV of D
from 100 mm to 400 mm, and an unconfined strength fco from is equal to 0,41 and that of Eco equal to 0,17). The high CoVs are
390 A. Cascardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 387–401
Table 1
FRM-confined concrete specimens.
Table 1 (continued)
Table 2
FRM-confined masonry specimens.
Author Label A B D’ fmo Emo fmat Emat tmat Fiber n tf Ef rfu qf fcc
(mm) (mm) (mm) (MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (GPa) (mm) (mm) (GPa) (MPa) (%) (MPa)
Di Ludovico et al. GRM-1 220 220 311 3,67 3,67** 25 8 8 G 1 0,043 72 1440 0,06 6,00***
Yilmaz et al. S-2B-L(1) 360 360 509 1,2 0,14 – 0,37 15 B 2 0,047 220 1814 0,07 1,85
(2013) S-2B-L(2) 360 360 509 1,45 0,2 – 0,37 15 B 2 0,047 220 1814 0,07 1,70
Ombres (2014) C-1-e0 250 250 354 6,97 6,97** 32,6 15 6 C 1 0,0455 240 4800 0,05 14,64
Carloni et al. W_C-1 200 90 219 44,5 6,64 28,4 26,65* 8 P 1 0,092 270 5800 0,17 52,60
(2015) SQ_C-1 102 100 143 28,7 5,52 28,4 26,65* 8 P 1 0,092 270 5800 0,26 36,10
RECT_1_C-1 102 152 183 25,4 3,26 28,4 26,65* 8 P 1 0,092 270 5800 0,20 38,40
RECT_2_C-1 102 204 228 10,8 3,09 28,4 26,65* 8 P 1 0,092 270 5800 0,16 36,50
Incerti et al. CP_RC170_01 380 380 537 12,05 9,57 6,52 12,77* 10 C 2 0,047 220 2363 0,07 13,09***
(2015) CP_RV320_01 380 380 537 12,05 9,57 6,52 12,77* 10 G 2 0,06 60 991 0,09 12,75***
CP_GV160_01 380 380 537 12,05 9,57 6,52 12,77* 10 C 2 0,088 200 2800 0,13 12,83***
Theofanis (2015) C1_1_R20 240 240 339 1,19 1,19** 5,27 11,48* 5 C 1 0,047 220 4800 0,06 2,74***
C2_1_R10 240 240 339 1,19 1,19** 5,27 11,48* 10 C 2 0,047 220 4800 0,11 4,60
C3_1_R10 240 240 339 1,19 1,19** 5,27 11,48* 15 C 3 0,047 220 4800 0,17 6,03
Fossetti M. et al. M1_BF_1 230 230 325 4,31 4,31** 0,55 3,71** 10 B 1 0,05 89 3000 0,06 7,80
(2016) M1_SW_1 230 230 325 4,31 4,31** 0,55 3,71** 10 S 1 1,8 190 2845 2,22 5,60
M3_BF_1 230 230 325 9,14 9,14** 4,54 10,65* 10 B 1 0,05 89 3000 0,06 10,88
M3_SW_1 230 230 325 9,14 9,14** 4,54 10,65* 10 S 1 1,8 190 2845 2,22 9,32
Table 2 (continued)
Author Label A B D’ fmo Emo fmat Emat tmat Fiber n tf Ef rfu qf fcc
(mm) (mm) (mm) (MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (GPa) (mm) (mm) (GPa) (MPa) (%) (MPa)
Mezrea et al. S-2B-L(1) 360 360 509 1,42 0,18 1,4 5,92** 10 B 2 0,046 91 1814 0,07 1,78***
(2016) S-2B-F(1) 360 360 509 1,5 0,23 9,83 15,68* 10 B 2 0,046 91 1814 0,07 1,68***
R-2B-L(1) 360 630 726 1,37 0,16 1,4 5,92** 10 B 2 0,046 91 1814 0,05 1,43***
R-2B-F(1) 360 630 726 1,43 0,18 9,83 15,68* 10 B 2 0,046 91 1814 0,05 1,46***
Witzany et al. CB_CFRCM_W 290 290 410 3,45 3,45** 15 C 1 0,047 240 4800 0,05 8,13***
mostly related to the wide difference between the minimum and In the masonry’s database, the fiber’s thickness CoV was even
maximum value of some parameters, while the color map in higher, with a value of 2,09. Moreover, a higher variety of the geo-
Fig. 2 clearly illustrates that most of the concrete specimens were metrical and mechanical characteristics of the substrate can be
confined with quite the same thickness of the fiber grid and the observed by database’s records, since the CoV of D0 was 0,44 and
matrix; on the other hand, different values of the Ec0 and Ef have that of fmo was 1,03. The reason can be attributed to the different
been deeply experienced. Moreover, the color legend points out size and different types of the examined masonry samples (see
that a large range of Ef has been used in FRM-confinement of con- [51], where yellow Neapolitan Tuff bricks were analyzed, and
crete specimens especially if compared with the limited variability [52], where historical clay bricks were used in specimen’s con-
of Emat. struction). Similarly, to the concrete database, the Ef value resulted
A. Cascardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 387–401 393
Table 3
Predictive models.
Ombres (2014) f cc
¼1þ 5; 286ðff lu Þ f lu ¼ ke qf Ef ef [47]
f co co
A DOM for the prediction of the compressive strength of b is the general calibrated dimensionless coefficient.
masonry column confined by FRM system was assessed recently ei is the i-value of the scatter between the predicted (yi) and
by Mezrea et al. [58]. The proposal was based on the FRP- experimental (Yi) value.
confinement model provided the CNR-DT200 R1 [12] for masonry
column, which includes a specific property of the masonry, namely Eq. (4) includes the square power of the variables and the pro-
the specific weight gm. duct between two variables to take into account a possible interac-
tion effect (see [69]). By considering a model with two explanatory
3. Proposed models variables (x1 and x2), the multiple linear regression produces a
regression surface E(yi) that can be represented in a 3D space as
The compressive strength of the confined column is assumed schematically illustrated in Fig. 6. The linear regression is com-
equal to the compressive strength of the unconfined one plus a puted in both x1 and x2 directions, thus a series of b coefficients
contribute provided by the jacket, depending on the confining is obtained, furnishing the shape of the E(yi) surface. Subsequently,
pressure modified by an effectiveness coefficient, k (see Eqs. (1)– the punctual scatter ei (=Yi-yi) is evaluated in order to check if the
(3)) according to the approaches available in the literature [59]. resulting surface plot is consistent with the experimental data (the
less is the scatter the more representative is the correlation
f cc ¼ f co þ kf lu ð1Þ surface).
where: The assumptions of the analysis were:
The MLR was first used for the concrete column database (see
Table 1) and the obtained regression surface is shown in Fig. 7
Fig. 6. Scheme of the multiple linear regression surface E(yi). Fig. 7. 3D surface plot of k against x1 and x2 for the concrete database.
A. Cascardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 387–401 395
Fig. 11. Predicted vs. Experimental peak strength comparison (concrete database).
least 6 times higher). In fact, in both cases the compressive crush of The main difference between Eq. (7) and (8) is related to the pres-
the column occurs before the tensile strength of the fibers is ence of a further peak of effectiveness in the case of masonry col-
attained; once again, the results obtained evidence the influence umns. The FRM-confining action has been demonstrated effective
of the matrix’s strength on the confining action. The saddle func- also in cases for which high tensile strength fibers with respect
tion is characterized by a mid-line of effectiveness corresponding the low compressive strength of the unconfined masonry have
to a compressive strength of the matrix about four times that of been adopted. In these cases, the column cracked very easy and
the masonry (see Fig. 10). The FRM-confinement effectiveness, fast, resulting in sudden large lateral deformations directly con-
denoted by k, assumes peak values over 9 in the area limited by verted in hoop stresses within the fiber.
x1 ranging between 1 and 1,4 and, at the same time, x2 from 0,4
to 1,2. k ¼ 1; 26 12; 38x1 þ 10; 20x2 þ 11; 35ðx1 Þ2 þ 2; 82x1 x2 7; 50ðx2 Þ2
The resulting design-oriented-model (DOM) is expressed by Eq.
(8). The expression is simpler than the Eq. (7) because b3 and b4
resulted almost equal to zero and, thus neglected, even if the com- Similarly, for the case of the DOM for concrete column, there
bined effect of the matrix and fibers properties is still confirmed. are inconsistent zones in which the effectiveness of the
A. Cascardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 387–401 397
Fig. 12. Predicted vs. Experimental peak strength comparison (masonry database).
Fig. 13. DOMs (concrete column) comparison in terms of precision, accuracy and correlation.
FRM-confinement tends to zero or negative outcome. The explana- ously cited, as [37,41,43,67,47,50] for FRM-confined concrete and
tion is attributable to the lack of date referring to masonry columns [58] for FRM-confined masonry. Scatter between theoretical and
confined with high-compressive-strength-matrix and low-tensile- experimental results are reported in Figs. 11 and 12. Each box is
strength-fiber. Further experimental investigations are suggested square imposed in order to make the linear correlation under-
for more accurate interpretation of the phenomenon; in this study, standing easier (dot on the diagonal means perfect prediction).
a lower bound value for x1 and an upper bound for x2 are fixed The confining fiber is also distinguishable due to the different
equal to 0,01 and 1,9 respectively. In addition, the different shape color. Concerning concrete (Fig. 11), all the models give satisfactory
of the regression surface related to the masonry columns with results evidencing a higher error only when referring to PBORM
respect to the concrete ones can be due to the square cross- (PBO Reinforced Mortar)-confinement. Anyway, the best correla-
section of the all masonry specimens (see Table 2). In fact, it is tion is provided by the model reported in [50] and by the proposed
well-known that the compressive strength of confined column is f
model. Similar considerations can be done with respect to f cc;exp the
sturdily affected by the failure modes, which are related to the
masonry FRM-confinement. The model [58] and the proposed DOM
shape of the cross-section (see [12]) and strongly influences the
are quite comparable in term of linear correlation and the PBO
effectiveness of the confinement itself.
effect is still the main challenge.
A more detailed analysis of the models has been made and
4. Models comparison results are shown in the Figs. 13and 14. The gray histograms rep-
resent the Average (Av), the Median (Me) and the Mode (Mo) of
The effectiveness of the two proposed DOM was tested also in the statistical frequency of the ratio. The closest are these three
comparison with results obtained by using available models previ- indexes, the more precise is the prediction. Moreover, when Av,
398 A. Cascardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 387–401
Me and Mo values are closer to 1, it means the accuracy of the out- The confining pressure flu was evaluated by relationships
comes and consequently a lower value of the Mean Average Error defined in each design-oriented-model (see [37,41,43,67,47,
(MAE). The MAE was computed as expressed in Eq. (9). 50,58]). Trivially, the contemporary best performance for precision,
accuracy and correlation identify the analytical model that, more
1X n
MAE ¼ jf f cc;exp j ð9Þ often, furnishes the best prediction of the experimental value of
n i¼1 cc;theo the compressive strength of the confined column with FRM sys-
tem. The Figs. 13 and 14 both evidence that the two proposed
Also, the linear correlation is evaluated by means of the index R2
DOM guarantee the best precision, low scatter (MAE = 0,13 for con-
calculated as reported in Eq. (10).
crete and MAE = 0,45 for masonry) and the highest correlation
ðf cc;theo Av Þ
(R2 = 0,85 for concrete and R2 = 0,82 for masonry). The values
R2 ¼ Pi¼1 ð10Þ related to the Av, Me and Mo, the MAE and the R2 for the other
Av Þ
n 2
i¼1 ðf cc;exp
considered models are provided in Figs. 13 and 14. The best com-
bination of contemporary proximity to the unit value of Av, Me and
Mo; the lowest value of the MAE and the highest R2 is attributable
to the proposed model.
5. Simplified relationships
Table 4
Statistic data of the performance of the simplified models.
Fig. 15. Normal distribution frequency of the ratio experimental / theoretical value of the compressive strength of the FRM-confined column: (a) concrete, (b) masonry.
A. Cascardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 387–401 399
Fig. 16. Proposed DOMs vs. Simplified models: (a) concrete; (b) masonry.
of the fl
index have been imposed equal to 0,66 and 0,50 for con- accurate with respect to the DOM but, the most part of the pre-
f c0
crete and masonry column respectively, according to [12]. dictions is on the safe side; while, the two proposals for the
A calibration aimed to minimize the scatters between the theo- FRM-confinement of masonry columns appear to have compara-
retical predictions and the experimental results led to satisfactory ble performances.
accuracy of the proposed relationships as shown in Fig. 15. The
normal Gaussian distribution of the experimental / theoretical 6. Conclusions
ratio indicates that the trend of the proposed simplified models
is close to the unit value, which means that the prediction The Fiber Reinforced Mortar (FRM) has been experienced as a
approaches the actual data. In Table 4 the statistical parameters successful confining technique for both masonry and concrete col-
of the / ratio between the experimental compressive strength umn in the last years. This new generation of composite appears
and the theoretical one are reported for both models. It may be advantageous in applications where some drawbacks arising with
appreciated that values of mean, median and mode are very close, the use of traditional Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) should be over-
this is a significant result in terms of accuracy of the predictions came, such as the removability of the composite system and the
provided by the models. breathability of the existing substrate (especially in the historic
23 masonry field). Thus, the need of providing analytical formula for
f cc f the design of FRM confined columns in term of compressive
¼1þk l ð11Þ
f c0 f c0 strength.
Relationships utilized for FRP confined columns doesn’t appear
ntf Ef f adequate to predict the compression strength when the confine-
fl ¼ ð12Þ
D ment is obtained by FRM systems. In fact, when using FRPs the
confining action strongly depends on the quality of the fibers,
f c;mat while the mechanical parameters of the polymeric matrix are not
k ¼ 4qmat ð13Þ
f c0 influential. On the contrary, FRM-system proved to be affected by
the characteristics of the inorganic matrix, as the cracking evolu-
4t mat tion within the matrix may significantly reduce the stress migra-
qmat ¼ ð14Þ
D tion from the column to the fiber jacket (i.e. fibers start to slide
" with respect the matrix) with consequent reduction of the confin-
12 #
f ing pressure. Accordingly, the calibration of models concerning the
f cc ¼ f c0 1þk l ð15Þ use of FRM systems should take into account the influence of the
f c0
Two analytical models (DOM) have been assessed and dis-
ntf Ef f
fl ¼ ð16Þ cussed in the paper, referred to concrete and masonry confined
columns. A multiple linear regression approach has been imple-
mented in order to consider the combined effects of the fibers
f c;mat
k ¼ 6qmat ð17Þ and the matrix. Two regression surfaces have been defined on
f c0
the basis of experimental databases collected from literature.
The proposed models have been compared with consistent
4t mat
qmat ¼ ð18Þ existing formulae in order to estimate the predictive perfor-
D mance; obtained results showed the high capability to predict
A final comparison has been performed between the proposed the experimental outcome in terms of precision, accuracy and
models (Section 3) and the respective simplified forms. The scat- linear correlation, confirming as the properties of the matrix
ter plot is illustrated in Fig. 16 for both the concrete and play a key-role in the FRM-confinement of concrete and
masonry columns. The concrete simplified models result less masonry columns. Finally, simplified relationships have been
400 A. Cascardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 387–401
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