Depth of Cure of Dental Resin Composites: ISO 4049 Depth and Microhardness of Types of Materials and Shades
Depth of Cure of Dental Resin Composites: ISO 4049 Depth and Microhardness of Types of Materials and Shades
Depth of Cure of Dental Resin Composites: ISO 4049 Depth and Microhardness of Types of Materials and Shades
Depth of Cure of
Dental Resin Composites:
ISO 4049 Depth and
Microhardness of Types
of Materials and Shades
Clinical Relevance
Achieving a high degree of cure throughout a 2 mm thickness of light-activated resin compos-
ite did not occur for many types and shades of resin composite. Clinicians should check the
depth of cure by using the scraping method.
perception of relative darkness of shades may not restoration, it is the opinion of the authors that the
result in adequate compensation if the clinician varies kind of testing reported in this study should be done by
activation time to compensate for shade variation. If the manufacturers and suppliers of dental resin com-
manufacturers use ISO 404912 to justify recommenda- posites for all of their types of materials and shades,
tions for curing times and depths of cure, the data in and the information be supplied to the dentist so that
Figure 2 suggest a bottom hardness far below 80% of the placement technique can be modified to ensure rea-
the top surface, with accompanying decreases in other sonable properties for the full bulk of a resin composite
mechanical properties. Since it has been shown that restoration.
even a well polymerized resin composite can release
some residual monomers and other reactive species,19 (Received 13 June 2007)
it is reasonable to conclude that more substances
would elute from poorly polymerized resin at the bot-
tom of the restoration. These substances have the References
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