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ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS’ SPECIAL REFERENCE WORK MONSTER MANUAL 4th Edition, August, 1979 AN ALPHABETICAL COMPENDIUM OF ALL OF THE MONSTERS FOUND IN ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, INCLUDING ATTACKS, DAMAGE, SPECIAL ABILITIES, AND DESCRIPTIONS. by Gary Gygax © 1977,1878—TSR, Inc.All Rights Reserved lustrations by David C. Sutherland III Tom Wham D.A. Trampier Jean Wells Cover by Jeff EasleyFOREWORD 11s with © certein measure of pride that we at TSR bring you this second part of the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS releases, the long-awaited MONSTER MANUAL for ADVANCED O & D. We are doubly proud ofthe format oF this book — ice, its special hord cover, 2 “frst” in the gaming world ond enother step in our continuing quest for top quality products. ‘As time goes on, the D & D phenomenon shows no sign of subsiding — indeed, the populority of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS continues to grow and grow. This trend is very gratifying to us ot TSR, ond encourages vs fo devote even more time and atention 1oD & D (witness this series of ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS) ond related materials — playing cis, occessories, etc. Our cim isto provide « top-quality fomily of products for use with the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS gome system, items that we hope you will find useful, innovative, and enjoyable. With the outstanding growth of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS has come the growth of TSR Hobbies, since it is no secre thatthe fantastic response o D & D has allowed TSR to expend and explore many new directions in the gaming hobby. Therefore, we owe our thanks fo you — the many devoted gamers — who have supported TSR through your ethusiosm, your encouragement, and finally, your purchases. Our livelihood depends upon your continued support cond we intend 10 keep eorning it by continuing to bring you innovative produets in the future. We appreciate the widespread audience that our games (ond especially D& D) have echieved, and we look forword to increcsing the ‘exposure of our games and rules. Without such on enthusiastic and loyal following, this would not be possible. So, we thonk you! ‘The success of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS hos spawned a considerable number of imitations an spin-off products, pethops inevitably. Some ofthese have merit; many, however, do no! — and elthough we may concede ther right 10 exis (however dependent they may be on D & 0's audience), we would caution the prospective buyer to consider their true volue and not fo be confused with those items which bear the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS or ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS name ond constitute the offcil D & D fomily of products. As for value, let the others be ‘meosured agains the stonderd of quality we have striven for — a hardbound encyclopedia of monsters, for instance, ‘0s opposed to. low quality collection which is poorly assembled and bound. This present work, os will be apparent from its sheer bulk alone, i the result of a considerable amount of work cond preparation by mony persons. All this has been undertaken with an eye toward providing @ final result which can be regarded os the definitive collection of monsters for ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS — an encyclopedic collection of information certain to be of invaluable use to players ond Dungeon Mosters alike, complete with gome specifications, background details and, in many coses, with on illustration in additiont OF course, no work can be truly definitive, for as long as players possess on active imagination, many new and fascinating monsters will continue 10 arise — and this is only as it should be. One final note: os valuable os this volume is with its wealth of information, some DM's may wisely wish o forbid their players from referring to the MANUAL in the midst of an encounter, since it will be considerably more challenging to confront @ monster without an instant rundown of is strengths and weaknesses — ond besides, 0 D&D player's true mete (and knowledge) will be put tothe test. And os even the mast cosvol D & D player knows, thas wha! this fascinating game i all about Read on, and enjoy! Mike Corr 27 Sepiember 1977vue Se @€iavu a B wv ay eo 3 ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS AERIAL SERVANT — ANHKHEG — ANT, GIANT — APE — AXEBEAK BABOON — BADGER — BALUCHITHERIUM — BARRACUDA — BASILISK BEAR GIANT — BEHOLDER BUGBEAR— BULE) BEAVER, GIANT BLACK PUDDING — BLINK DOG — BOAR — BRAIN MOLE BROWNIE — BUI BULL Lo— CAMEL, WILD — CARRION CRAWLER — CATOBLEPAS — CATTLE, WILD — CENTAUR — CENTIPEDE, GIANT — CEREBRAL PARASITE — CHIMERA — COCKATRICE COUATL — CRAB, GIANT — CRAYFISH, GIANT CROCODILE DEMON — DEVIL — DINOSAUR — DISPLACER BEAST — DJINNi — 0G — DOLPH.N — DOPPLEGANGER DRAGON — DRAGONNE — DRAGON TURTLE — DRVAD — DWARF EAGLE, GIANT — EAR SEEKER — EFL EFREET— ELEMENTAL — FLEPHAN EYE OF THE O8E? OATING (GHTLESS BIRD — FROG, GIANT — FUNG, VIOLET GAR, GIANT — GARGOLYE — GAS SPORE — GELATINOUS CUBE — GHAST GNOLL — GNOME — GOAT, GIANT — GOBLIN — GOLEM — GORGON — GRAY O03 GRIFFON — GROANING SPIRIT HALFLING — HARPY — HELL HOUND — HERD ANIMAL — HIPPOCAMPUS — HIPPOGRIFF — HIPPOPOTAMUS HOBGOBLIN — HOMUNCULUS — HORSE — HYDRA — HYENA, ‘MP _— INTELLECT DEVOURER — INVISIBLE STALKER — iRISH DEER — IXITXACH JACKAL — JACKALWERE— JAGUAR KI-RIN— KOBOLD LAMIA — LAMAMVASU — LAMPREY — LARVA — LEECH, GIANT — LEOPARD — LEPRECHAUN — LEUCROTTA ~ UCH — LION — LIZARD — LIZARD MAN — LOCATHAH — LURKER ABOVE — .YCANTHROPE — -YNX GIANT MAMMOTH — MANTICORE — MASHER MASTODON — MEDUSA — MEN — MERMAN — "AIMHIC— IND FLAVER — MINOTAUR — MOLD — MORKOTH — MULE — MUMMY NAGA — NEOTYUGH — NIGHTHAG — NIGHTMARE — NiXiE— NYMPH OCHRE JELLY — OCTOPUS, GIANT — OGRE — OG GIANT —OWLBEAR € MAGE — ORC — OTTER, GIANT — OTYUGH — OV PEGASUS — PERVTON — PIERCER — PIKE, GIANT — WAR — PSEUDO-DRAGON — PURPLE WORM, PORCUPINE, GIANT — PORTUGUESE MMAN-C. QuasiT RAKSHASA — RAM, GIANT — RAT, GIANT — RAY — REMORHAZ — RHINOCEROS — ROC — ROPER — ROT GRUB — RUST MONSTER SAHUAGIN — SALAMANDER — SATYR — SCORPION, GIANT — SEA HAG — SEA HORSE, GIANT — SEALON — SHADOW — SHAMBLING MOUND — SHARK — SHEDU — SHRIEKER — SKELETON — SKUNK GANT — SUTHERING TRACKER — SLUG, GIANT — SNAKE, GIANT — SPECTRE — SPHINX — SPIDER SRE SQUID GIANT — STAG — STIRGE — STRANGLE WEED — SU-MONSTER — SVLPH THOUGHT EATER — TICK, GIANT — TIGER — TITAN — T/TANOTHERE — TOAD. G/ANT — TRAP! TRITON — TROGLODYTE — TROLL — TURTLE, GIANT UMBER HULK — UNICORN,VAMPIRE WASP, GIANT — WATER WEIRD — WEASEL, GIANT — WHALE — WIGHT — WILL-O-WISP — WIND WALKER — WOLF WOLVERINE — WRAITH — WYVERN XORN yen mee 8 ZOMBIE PREFACE The vorious creatures contained herein are for use in ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. Parameters have been set for that game. Those monsters drawn from the original work, co-au- thored with Dave Arneson, have been revised and expanded upon accordingly. Except as noted, all new monsters are strictly of this author's creation —just as all those which appeared in The Strategic Review were— ond | take the burden of full responsibility for them. acknowledge the contributions of the following persons: Steve Marsh for devi for undersea encounters which ori It is necessary to ing the creatures inally appeared in BLACKMOOR, as | have radically altered them herein; Erol Otus for doing the preliminary work and illustrations of the anhkheg and remo- rhaz which appeared in The Dragon; Emie Gygax for the water weird and for his help in soli fying many of the characteristics of the creatures herein; Terry Kuntz, who was never thanked for his prototypical beholder, a revised version of which was included in GREYHAWK; to the whole crew at TSR, and to Brian Blume, Tim Kask, and Dave Sutherland in particular, is due thanks for whole project into a manuscript; and to my wife, Mary, who has been stuck , my apologies for mistakes needing correcting and my admiration for staying with it day after day. If | have missed thanking any other person, please pardon the oversight. This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America, Any reproduction of ther unaueried use ofthe morerial or trwortconoined herein prohibited without the express written parmiaion oF TR Hobbie, neEXPLANATORY NOTES The term “monster” is used throughout this work in two monners. lis first, and most important, meaning is 10 designate ony creature encountered — hostile oF otherwise, human, humanoid, or beast. Until the ‘encountering party determines what they have come upon, itis a monster. The secondary usage of the term is in the vsval sense: a horrible or wicked creature of some sort. Thus, a “monster” is encountered during the course of dungeon expedition, and itis discovered to be an evil high priest, who just might turn out to be a monster in the other sense as well. Note, however, that despite this terminology, humans (and such kin as dwarves, elves, gnomes, half. elves, and haflings) always use the matrix for humans when attacking, even if such humans were encountered as “monsters” in the course of on adventure. FREQUENCY refers to the likelihood of @ particular creature being encountered in @ region or area where it might be on inhabitont. Very rare indicates @ 4% chance of occurrence, rore indicotes an 11% chance, uncommon indicates a 20% chance, and common indicates a 65% chance. These probabilities are considered in the encounter meirices found in ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, DUNGEON MASTER'S GUIDE, NUMBER APPEARING indicates o good average spread, This number is furnished as 0 guideline only, and it should be altered to suit the circumstances particular 10 ony ‘odventure as the need arises. It is not generally recommended for use in esteblishing the population of dungeon levels. ARMOR CLASS describes the general type of protection wor by humans or humanoid creatures, protection Inherent to the creature due to its physical structure or magical noture, or the degree of difficulty of hitting o creature due to its speed, reflexes, etc MOVE shows the relotive speed of « creature on a constant basis. Higher speeds may be possible for short periods, bu! 4 this is generally applicable to all sorts of creatures, © Constant is shown. It can be scaled to whatever time period is desired by adjusting ground scale accordingly, The number might be double, and this indicates thot the creature can travel in two mediums or modes: 1 = flying speed 1" = swimming speed (7) = burrowing speed *#" = speed in web HIT DICE indicates the parameters of the number of hit points a creature con withstand before being killed. Unless stated otherwise, hit dice are 8-sided (1-8 hit points), The indicated number of dice are rolled, ond the numbers shown on each are added together to arrive at a total number of hit points. Some creatures have hit points which cre less than o full 8-sided die, and this is shown by stating their hit dice as a point spread. Some creatures have ‘additional points added to their hit dice; this is indicated by {a plus sign followed by a number shown after the number of hit dice they hove, i. HIT DICE: 4 + 4 (which equals 4- 2hit points +4 hit points, or 8-36 hit points) % AN LAIR indicates the chance of encountering the monster in question where it domiciles ond stores its treasure (if any). Ifo monster encountered is not init lair it will not have any treasure unless it carries “individual” treasure or some form of magic, Whether or not an encounter Is occurring in the monster's lair might be totally unknown fo the person or persons involved until after the. outcome of the encounter is resolved. TREASURE TYPE refers to the table which shows the parameters for vorious types of valuables which the ‘monster in question might possess. If individval treasure is indicated, each individual monster of thet type will carry, oF possibly carry, the treasure shown. Otherwise, treasures ore. only found in the lairs of monsters, as explained above, Note also that although an encounter occurs in @ monster's lair, and the monster possesses some treasure type, this, does not automatically mean that the adventurers will goin treasure by defecting the monster, Most treasure types show probabilities for various kinds of wealth to occur in the treasure of the monster. If subsequent dice rolls indicate that thot form of treasure is not in the monster's trove, then, itis not there, and itis quite possible to come up with no wealth (including magical items) of any tort in @ monster's lair despite the fact that @ treasure type is indicated. Finally, it’ must be sicted that treasure types are based upon the: ‘occurrence of a mean number of monsters as indicated by the number appearing ond adjusiments detciled in the ‘explanatory material particular 1o the monster in question, Adjusiment downwards should clways be made for instances where o few monsters are encountered. Similarly, © minor odjusiment upwards might be called for if the ‘actual number of monsters encountered is greatly in excess of the mean. The use of ireasure type to determine the treasure guarded by creoture in a dungeon is not generally recommended. Larger treasures of a given type. ‘re denoted by a multiplier in parentheses ( 10, etc.) — ot to be confused with treasure lype X. NUMBER OF ATTACKS shows the number of basic attacks the monster is able to make during @ given melee round, This number can be modified by hits which sever members, spells such as haste or slow, and so forth. It does not usvally consider unusual or special attack forms. Multiple attacks usually indicate the use of several members such as multiple heo or two paws raking with claws ond @ bite from the monster's jaws DAMAGE PER ATTACK simply indicates the omount of damage a given attack will cause when i hits expressed as {2 spread of hit points. Ifthe monster employs weapons the domage con not, of course, be shown, for it depends on the type of weapon employed by a particular monster SPECIAL ATTACKS derail such attack modes as dragon breath, magic use, etc. The full explanation of the mode is detailed in the meterial describing the monster, ‘SPECIAL DEFENSES ore simply what the term implies and ‘re detailed in the some manner as are special attacks, MAGIC RESISTANCE indicates the percentage chance of ‘ony spell absolutely foiling in the monster’s presence. It is, bbased on the spell being cast by a magic-user of 11th level, ‘and it must be adjusted upwards by 5% for each level below 11th or downwards for each level above 1th of the: magic-user casting the spell. Thus @ magic resistance of95% means that a 10th level magic-user has no possibility of affecting the monster with a spell, while 0 12th level magic-user hos a 10% chance. Even if a spell does take effect on a magic-resistant creature, the creature is entitled to normal saving throws. Note also that the magic resistonce of a creature hos an effect on certain existing spells such as hold portal, where it indicates the probability of the magic resistance shattering the existing spell INTELLIGENCE indicotes the basic equivalent of human “1Q." Certain monsters are instinctively, or otherwise, cunning, and such is accordingly noted in the body of the descriptive material. The ratings correspond roughly to the following character intelligence scores: © Non: intelligent or not ratable 1 Animal intelligence 24 Semi-intelligent 57 Lowintelligence 8:10. Average (human) intelligence 112 Very intelligent 13:14 Highly intelligent AERIAL SERVANT — ANHKHEG — ANT, GIANT ‘AERIAL SERVANT FREQUENCY: Very rore NO. APPEARING ARMOR CLASS. 2 Move 2 SeINCARR 2 TREASURE TYPE: Ni NO. OF ATTACKS. DAMAGE/ATIACK: 8-22 SFEGIAL ATTACKS. Surprises on MAGIC RESTANCE. Sancord INIELIGENCE:S AUGNMENT Nes See ‘rock Ootonte Modes The trial servant is @ semiintligant form of an air elemental. ‘ypislly encountered any due to canjration by @ cl anova hose {Gearures roam the ethereal ond ural plone: snd when encountered ‘hore an be dimly seen An aerial servants normaly able Aerial se want do-no ight er ae, but they sre exceedingly song and very fou They can cary weighs in excess of 10,020 gid poces, di they rote any cecture I tequites an TB svrengh to have any chance of bresting free. For eech perconoge point scare the ceaturs an, Thera iva Ie hance to escape the grat of the aval servory i homan with on 18/50% srangin nos 50% chonce of tracking How ef the rom, and @ 00% or 19 incaes auomatc Brooking ofthe srosp. Trey novel et hace ‘he speed of on invisible stele, and whan onthe physic pore ey ore ‘ble achieve surprise on deal of rf ext of) te oar servant * fustated vom completion of fis otigned mation f becomes insane, ‘rar fo ho cine which em fin and onacke eto double weno ‘inble walker, Uhowise, Is encountered ethercaly of onmally tho Gera servo wil ypiclly atack Inthe same feshion. For fuser earn ‘egording eral servons corsa the velomedetaing lero pels ANHKHEG 15-16 Exceptionally intelligent 17-18 Genius 19-20 Supra-genivs 21+ Godlike intelligence ALIGNMENT shows the characteristic bent of a monster 10 law or chaos, good or evil or towards neutral behavior possibly modified by good or evil intent. itis important with egard to the general behavior of the monster when encountered, SIZE is abbrevioted as: 5," smaller thon @ typical humen; °M” approximately mansized (5° 10 7” ‘all and of ‘opproximate build); and “.” larger than man-sized in one, way or another and generolly having greater mass. PSIONIC ABILITY, and Attack/Defense Modes, indicate the general capobilities, if any, of e monster in these areas. Where necessary, 0 sketch of each monster is shown, Details of information pertaining to. given monster ore: included immediately ofter the headings explained above. APE — AXEBEAK ANHKHEG. FREQUENCY: Rove NO. APPEARING. 1-5 ARWOR CLASS: Over 2 moves 12" (6°) SIN LAIR 15% TREASURE TYPE: € NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATIACK: 9-18 (+ 1) SPECIAL ATTACKS: Sguin eid SPECIAL DEFENSES. N [MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTEIGENCE: Now AUGNMENT: Newt) SIZE'L{0" 1029 long) FSIONIC ABT: ‘tack Detanta Modes: Ni The anhkdeg burows trough the earth ike on sarthwcrm proering Soi rich in minerls ond organe mater Thus hil vvoly be found infor fond thoize agricultural land, Tha eauses farmers grt conser Since the onktheg tes to supolerent is early dit of ell {reas meat, human or there, Since mouth nel designed op ond tear meat te mansiblos cus is prey ond secrete © digenve eneyme fusing on additional 1-4 pointe per win snl the prey dsolved I sorely pressed n borat able savin fe aigesi fe once per sh nous. However hen i dows this cannot digest ‘onjthing forthe same lengih af time, sot vvaly willbe A sguit ot gestive aed caurer 8.32 ni points of coamage she creature sock, hel ‘he omount fhe eretute maker te saving throw. The crnkneg’s ove Imetsod of atackng It lying S10 feet ondoneoth the graced crt Senne detecn a Tkely visim paiing sverheed. Then it burrons ot racy underneath he rey and qr Descriin: The anhihag hot @chitinovs shell which s bewnish neal. Insunderside pinkish The creature's ayes are glatening achANT, GIANT ANT, Giant FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING, 1100 NO.OF ATTACKS: DAMAGE ATIACK: 18 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Worors have SPeCIat OePNRES: MAGIC RESISTANCE. Stondard EA hot hey wl simply be re contest st wil be fourd in tne chamber of he be quorded by 5.50 workers and § mal market valve APE, (Gorilla) FREQUENCY: Very sare RIOR CLASS. 5 ‘roth Defense Modes: Ni APE, Carnivorous FREQUENCY: Rare jpesnert win both hande tne ope doer on odtional 1-8 hi pointe ofranding omage AXE BEAK PSIONIC ABILITY: Ni Pock/Detense Modes: Ni‘BABOON BABOON — BADGER GIANT — BEHOLDER — BLACK PUDDING BUGBEAR — BULETTE — BULL BABOON FREQUENCY: Common NO. APPEARING. 10-0 ARMOR CLASS: 7 Move: 12 HiDIce t+ 1 SIN LAR. Ni TREASURE TYPE: Ni NO. OF ATTACKS, | SFECIAL ATIAGKS. Wi SPECIAL DEFENSES: Climbing MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard ARUGRMENT: Nev PSONIC ABILITY: Ni “atock/Detassa Modes: Ni Boboons are basically herbivorous, group animale. The ibe willbe ad by 2.8iorge males (+1 hi goin damage on arock). Mat of he ribo wil be young which wil not ovock.M ha Roma erry af 2 tbe invaded tre aboons will aempt fo drive the invaders of, us 99% Thay that Ie tribe wil fee faced by determined ressones. BADGER FREQUENCY: Uncammnan NO. APPEARING: 25 ARMOR CLAS 4 moves" (3°) Noe t+ 2 SEIN LAR: Wi TREASURE TYPE: Ni NO.OF ATTACKS 3 Danaceariack SHCIAL ATTACKS: Ni SPECIAL DEFENSES: [MAGIC RESISTANCE Stodord INTELIGENCE: Som ALIGNMENT: Newrel Sizes ‘aah Delonte Moder: Ni yang ‘hese burrowing onimals are typically slitary. Their speed accounts for thei high armor clos raving, They oe Free fighars and wil ounchly Seton heir trory Hore than Ts encovniered twill ba mated pa {ond young). The pel of the Badger ix rypcolly tld for fom 10.99 Gols Giont Bexiger: There is 9 very rove varity of bodger which grow to hice the ze of the normal sor: Ht dice 3p 1-3/1-A/-6; Ses They ore Stherwive oii BALUCHITHERIUM FREQUENCY: Rove NO. APPEARING. 1 ARMOR CLASS: 5 moves 2" HIT ICE: 14 SEIN LAI i TREASURE TYPE Ni NO. OFATIAGKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATIACK: 5.20 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Ni SPECIAL OGENSES. Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE Sond INTELIGENCE! Sem BALUCHITHERIUM — BARRACUDA — BASILISK — BEAR BLINK DOG — BOAR — BRAIN MOLE BASILISK BEAVER, GIANT — BEETLE, ‘BROWNIE — BUFFALO — ALIGNMENT: Nevis Size V 129 ply PSION ABU: Ni ‘Aack/ Defensa Modes: Ni Thi creature if @ prehistoric ancestor of the thinaceros. Ite @ huge herbivarous mammal with tendency 19 charge of anyhing nea order to Vorple I wo are encoumered they will be'9 rated pt tree ote encountered the third wil be © young bolocthertm (al porcentle diet determine 20 BARRACUDA FREQUENCY: Uncommon NOL APPEARING. 2-12 [ARWOR CLASS: ¢ SeINLAIR: Ni TREASURE TY7E: NO. OF ATTACKS? DAMAGE ATTACK: 28 SPECIAL ATTACKS Ni ‘SHEIAL DEFENSES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE” Stondors AUGNMENT: Neuro) Size stot ‘itoch/ fee Medes: Ni Bowraceda inhabit warm salt waters. These pradotry fish are ghining {uick going fom a mooness stare fll pees na nngie mle "ound They onack any prey which injured, cppows helpless, oF vslatvly tal BASILISK. FREQUENCY: Uncommon RIOR CLASS: 4 moves SeINLAIR 296 TREASURE TYPE. NO.OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE ATTACK: 1-10 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Gove turns SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ni) MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stondors INTEWGENCE: Anima [RUGNMENT: Nec PSION ABILITY. Ditack/Dafacee Modes: Ni The boslik is @ ropiion monster. Although it hs eight logs, it slow resabolc proces olows i only slow movement. While # kat song, ‘2othy jos the boss mojer weapon its gore by means af which hit (ble tun stone any Hleshly reotre which mee a glance- However "Fis goue is rellected 30 tht tre baalise soos rau ayes, il nal be pertieg, but this requis igh a east equal "0 righ forehlight ond 9 (950d, smooth ralecor Borsa ore visclly dull brown with yellowish Sederslies. their eyes are glowing pole gras, The bo lik cle tose Inboth the esl and etnereol planer, inthe former plone it ga kil “able the lter turns vicina to ethereal stone which can ony be see Byte who are nna plane or can see ehavea! objecnear BEAR Feeauency. Comme rommon —_Uncarnmen NO. APPEARING: "2 vs "2 ARMOR CLASS: 7 é ‘ Move ” 2 a TREASURE TPE Ni x na NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 2 2 DAMAGEATIACK: NaS eh 18/78/12 SRCALATIAGS, "Hugi 2.8 Hoge 212 Huge: 2-16 SPECIAL OFFENSES i Ni Mi MAGICRESISTANCE — Stondord.——‘Stadord——Standand ALIGNMENT Neurol Neuro) Necro! Size Mig eet) Pra) CUR =F) PSION ABIITY x wi Ni ‘Avock/Datente Medes: Nl Ni ni All of the urzoide are ormivorous, although he gigantic cave beat tends foward a dict of mest Al have excellent hecring and srell but rather poor eyesight Sue shows overage fr ne vore'y, ond lorgerindvavole Wibelconespondiogly nore sewer The ray beer isatrown boor of ‘ery oparesive dspostion Black beer re usualy fol aygresive, brown bear oe, and cave boots ae gute aggresive. ie bear scores o pow hit ‘nih on 18st better inate hugs for addione! domage os indicated. The Grown ond cave boars wil continue tight fr 14 male roun ater reoching 0 10-8 hi pois AI 9 0" greater domoge, BEAVER, Giant FREQUENCY: Very or NO APPEARING. 10-40 [ARWOR CLASS: 6 MOVE. 712 irbice:« SeINLAIR: 60s NO. OF ATIAGRS.# DAMAGE/ATIACK 418 SPECIAL ATTACKS: INTELLIGENCE: tow 1 average ALIGNMENT: New Size 6 long) PSIONIC ABILITY: A ‘avock/Dafenta Medes: Ni bul cornares of # ther huge lodge threatened, hey wl ight Herc Their haar lake creed by tele vest dom, ond in the mile of he body of water hut created, they bud vertable cate of mud ad loge ‘wth was not last han 5 tick. The eve community lives hie single Swelling, ond on alarm (to slap onthe wore) i sounded ll beavers ‘ho thispiace a aeferd vand ther young For every aul aver there ‘nil be'a young one {rll percenila dice for site determination}, Gant overs sometimes rode, and coins or atherwaivabls ore offered thay can sometimes be pervoded fo underoke the buiding of dome “onsrctions if thre i water neot the building se, for they use auch ‘water 0 work intron, They prize high certarn bors nd tender wigr otaly rem, czpen, ond willow. Thar Rider are worth from 500 702,000 ‘013 places eoch, Grant beaver iy cf under @ hi pein com be ubved, opted, ond sold inthe market for from 10 ta 300 gold pices per i BEETLE, GIANT BEETLE, Giont FREQUENCY: Common Commen Common INO. APPEARING: 312 318 22 ARNOR CLASS: ‘¢ 3 + rice 22 5 v2 SINR Nt 40% Ni DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2a 520 28 SPECIAL ATTAOG: ‘cid Cloud Ni ni SPECIAL DEFENSES: Firing Cloud Ni Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE ‘Stondors——Stondord—_Stondord Su Miaiong) Slang) $2" long) PSIONICABINTY: ‘Ni N ‘Avack/Defense Modes: Ni) N Rhinoceros Woter FREQUENCY: Uncommen commen NO. APPEARING: 8 ve [ARMOR CLASS: 2 3 MOVE é Hiroice "2 NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE ATTACK 2102-16 18 “SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ny Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: srandord Standard INTEIGENCE Nom Non Nom ALIGNMENT: Neurol Neviral Neuro Sie UTfR"tong 100" Tong) L(6'Tongh PSONIC ABIITY: “Ni Ni ‘Avatk/Deferse Modes Ni Nit General: A! booties ore boscaly vninteligen an always hunay. They feed on winualy ay form of organic mater neluding athe ars bectln They tose by means ef hav anvennoe or flare sbstonce ‘argon, he beetla en proceeds to goxp with tx mandioi. sh Upsond ert Bocause of hs horough grinding, nehing actualy eaten by Sian beetles con be revived nary mares ther ota wish Beetos da no hear orse well teiying primary anvaste onde Somberdies Beetle: Ths beetle i uvaly found in wooded arecs above ‘00nd. Ii feedr on ool and corion primarily. gathering huge heoos uch moteril in which'o oy fs oggr His beetle i onacked or red here 20 50K chonce eachmelee round att wil frm rer foward ‘hacker(s) and ve off on 6% BX B loud of recking, recta ocd ‘tapor fom i abdomen. th cloud causes 3-12 ht point of damage to ‘ny ceone within Furhermore, the sound covtedby the releare of he Coyor hevo 20% chance of stunning ony creature ath 6 sense of heang ‘atin 1 od, and Ike chance for Gaotening any eeatue within he 1 radius which wen ot stunned String lant for 28 mein rote lat naddionel 28 melee rounds ef decfness ah stnning, Decfonng as 2212 melee rounds, The giant bomborder con fire" vopor cloud every ‘hed melee fund, bun! more often thon twice in hows, Goring Beatle: These beetles faver voting wood ond similar organic roti ypon which to fed, so they aro evely found inside Huge Hees Grin unvsed tunnel complexes underground Inthe leafs hey wil ‘tow molds, mer ond fon) svbroness fr food oring such cures on ‘vious forms of decaying vegetosie ond animal mater and wastes These Cootres ore individually not of mach grocer iteigence than cers of ‘hor king, but rumored hat groups develop 9 communal neligenee Iehich “gerarates a" level of comeiovaness and. reosoning. OD/y ‘Speroximeting not fhe human ain Fice Beatle: the smallest ofthe giont beetles, ve beets, neverthelas ‘fe capable of delivering serious damage wih he powerful mandibles ‘hey ore found both above ond belom ground being rmoriy nosurna. Foe beaten hove nwo glands above thet ayes ord one near te Bock of their abdomen which give ff a ved glow. For tha reason they ore highlyBEETLE, GIANT prized by miners and adventurers ahs amines wil persist for Hom 8 days afer tne glonds are removed fom the bei The hgh ted Tamnates 210 ads Rhinoceros Beatle: This uncommon monster inhobis opical ond subsropcal jungles They room there regions searching ffs and ‘egetaion,cushing anyining nthe sath She hom of ogiont hinearot beet extends about ‘tog Beetle: These woodland dwelling beties re very fond of grains and simian owing ope, 20 thew wil sometimes become highly ponifeous Seri coed oc te te bt, hey have bot had roteril shy consider fod, The gran’ sag Saeias res home ore sualy Wter Beetle: Tho giont water beetle found enly in resh war of ss thon 30" deep Ar they art voracious eters hey sey ups viuely ‘ny frm of imal but will eat almost anything Slow ond por‘ous a6 land, they move very auicky in woter Giant wate kewl mont food by BEHOLDER FREQUENCY: Very rove NO. APPEARING. ARMORCLASS: 0277 move? SINLAIR 80% TREASURE TYPE: S.7 NO.OF TACKS. DAMAGE/ATIACK: 28 SFECIALATTAGRS: Magic SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ar mogic oy MAGIC RESISTANCE 5 INTELIGENCE:Exceprana! AUGRIENT: ui ol Sue ties se) FeIONIC ABT. Ni ‘Atoch/Defenve Modes: Ni The beholder {eye ror, sphere of many eyes) is mos! requenty found trdergroune,athaugh it intraquenty wil karin Seslote wideresses The gabular body of his manser syppertad by leviovon ane I foas slowly about ox wie Atop the sphere ore 10 eyes, while Init fennel oreo ote 2 great elvenh eye and a large movi filed with Pointed teh. The bady is proteced by © hard enninoue covering. The {reorue’seyenles and eyes are azo protec, othaugh lest wall (hos the armor clsses of? and? rospecvaly), Because offs parnculr nore the beholder able to witstand the lots ofr eyes hese members are nor computed 0s port af fe ht point damage peter, and lest syescls wil eventually grow bock (7 week pe ott marine). he bos of the monster con witstond two-thirds of ve ol Gomoge polenta Shile the great conwal eye con wititand one ihcd ins wwe, Te Seholder with 45 hitpoints con wihstond 20 bi pains oF domoge Ie Body before boing killed the eleventh ya can witrrand |S poins before eosing vo function. Eyetlts take om 8a. 12 hi pains work before being lst The bouy ofa beholder rereaants 75% et porental hi ere, the cenvel eye ond the eyes 10% och, andthe YO wal yes SH yes: The vorous ayes of @ beholder each have @ diferent function Typeclly ony the cenral oye, plus I of thore on talks are ase To function considering tho the avack i coming fom on oe 9 betore the monster. fanacks come fram 180" double the umber af eyestales cleo fUneton, and for 270" 340" ile or quadruple the umnbe", Avot om ‘bove ence all 10 eyeslts to funcon, but the contol eye connor, Function of he eye are 1 Charm person spel! 2 Charm monster spell 5 Seepspell 4 Telekinese 2,500 GP wt 9 Couse serious wound 'S"ronge) 5 Fleshstone ray 3" range) 10 Sesthvoy i" rorge) 1Amemopi roy 14" rare) 6 Disimogrote ray (2” range! 9 Foor (ova word) 8 Slow spel! Notre: The beholder is hateful, aggresive, and avorcious. They wil Lvallyanack mmmacioaly. I cananed oy © pamicuaty power party ‘here 49 0% chonee they wil liven to nagenchons— ether be bres BLINK DOG not to atock or 1 pay @ ransom 19 not be atacked, depending on the Erengh af he opposing pany. They cs speak he ows longcoge owe ssthat tongue Known folewfulevi ceawres BLACK PUDDING. NO, APPEARING. To ‘ARWOR CLASS: 6 move Hiroe. 10 SIN LAIR Ni TREASURE TYPE NI NO. OF ATTACKS. 1 DAMAGE/ATIACK: 9-24 SPECIAL ATTACKS. Basoive wood ‘and meta! SPECIAL DEFENSES: lows, col MAGIC RESISTANCE. Sronsord INTELIGENCE: No Wi AUGNMENT, Nowra! Br Sie ela Se 8 do, ye Mon abl Ni 4 ‘och Defense Modes: Ni Bil The black pudeling i 2 monser compared ef grouse of single cells I's 6 scavenger/hunter found enly in unaerground oreoe normaly, The body Sacre ofa black pudding ssh hat" con pore (low) thrsagh arvow ‘poring such ara” crock under & owe) Tre monster Movels caval Stellen wllsor ealingsor welt floors atiny mowihsand slvo ce’? 26 Bit points of damoge per melee round to expcned flesh the morse neds to isoive wacd in oraer 19 obo food car tat aay Sout & ‘winch thickness f wood eaval area to ealameter i! melee toons Bock puddings cio eo! way mel with heircorcnve sol. Chovnma int melee "ound, plat mal in 2, ond on Gddivoncl melee Tova tot ‘magical armor ar rola cf eles round for auch psf otmor Thus, <1 ‘ogie (plate) armor would have tobe In cont nthe Sact pudeing ee Simelee rounds belore t datcved. i chopped ar ruck he morse” i broken nto to. mare pars. each able anack, The some tow Fi avocked by lightning Cala doesnot aoc IF covsas normal Gamage to th monser, ond they evs Hares, Black puddings omer mes hove Color voraion grey, own, ond white being na uncommon Block pudings wth 1020 hi poins or about 5 diameter, hose of 2-40 hrpoims 674180 or 7, and 6-8 are 8 Nove thor even rove of the Smolen! siz fr those ar smal os V'dameter) are dole to del ver normel ‘demage, Thsis due the fact tratargerpuddinge simply ono ose olf ‘hate mouth openings os hey are not expres BLINK DOG FREQUENCY: Rove NO. APPEARING. 16 ARMOR CLASS. 5 HY pice 4 SINR 20% TREASURE NPE: ¢ NO.OF ATTACKS. 1 DAMAGE ATTACK: 1 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Fam rear 75% SPECIAL DEFENSES: Teleporing MAGIC RESISTANCE; Stonaors INTELIGENCE. Average ALIGNMENT: Law good SIZE (3 oF shoulder BIONIC ABILITY. Ni ‘anack/ Dofonta Modes: Ni ‘These brown and yllowithceciures areas infligen os neal humans londhove aferlycomplerlonguoge corssing ot barks yop, whines ad Grows They ate aso able 10 vee 0 limited form sf tloperation (ihe Bink): enack, pack member oil Blink in ond cut in a rencom fshion ar rondom intervals, vloporing individuals Roving 9 Yee chanceBUNK DOG opptoring behind he appanent. An individual wil leper om a acore of 7 erbener on 0 Traded ie Rol ogoin to determine where the blink dog tloporing reoppecr: 1 = in ont of opponent, 2 — svielded (or fet) fron lank, 3 = unshielded (or righ) fron lank, 412 = behing. Wren inking i, he creature will be Ham T’ to & rom she opponent and Immediiey abla to aoc, Blinking Ts on inborn isin and raver Glows tre orimel Yo reappecr in'0 space areody occupied by 9 solid Sbject IF sonovsly threatened (or 25% or greater Tost hos been ovoined) the ene pack sil lik out and not return. There a great comry Between Blink doge ond diplocer ears (ae) ad Ihe Meo ‘atv wll ehraysavaek eat ther, Frencourvered nine lie there 12 50% chonce thot here wil be Wom 3-12 pupa (02 bt chew, 2/19 he om domage/aracs).Theso young ore warh fom 1,000 6 2000 gala BOAR Boor Wil FREQUENCY: Cemmen “Uncommen Commer INO. APPEARING: 7 ze "2 ARWOR CLASS ° 7 move 2 ” TREASURE TPE: N Na NO. OF ATTACKS i 2 DAMAGE ATTACK: 28 2828 SPECIAL OBFENSES Ni Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE Stoners Sondord INIELIGENCE ‘animat—rno UGRMENT Necrel Neural sue User Miron 10M ABLITY i Mt ick Defensa Modes: Ni Ni These creatures ate typically igilike omnivores Only the warhog hos @ range reuicied io warmer chimes Boor, Wid: f more thon Vis encountered the ethers wil be sows (3 hi ice. 28 ht soins domage/atack) on l:4 sows: sounder, rato. Thus 2% encovmered there will be | boot, 2 sows and 8 young, Te Hoar wil igh for 2 rloe rounds shar rching 6166 fi pons but Gos Imrmesiotely 2-7 or ractr domaze (Gant Boar (Eohere) Thi peahisorc forerunner of he wild bears as0| very opgrenive, 9 or mote are encountered neve i only 25% chance. Trot hare wil be young (2 bi diay 1-4/2'5/227/287312 hit pot demage sack) numbering fom 4 of he fol herd. The boars and sows Frohvequally. ond erherwilfight for hot mete rounds ote reaching O12 Ons point bugle immediatly sen reaching 11 orreore ht pois Werthog: These vopicol boosts oe aggressive only ory is ‘hreotened or comered or hrestenes They make rw nothing ofcke sith ther large sake Male and female’ fight equely. If 35 oe fneoumiered the balance will be young [1-2 hr dice, 13/25 hit poi ‘Somage/avock). The wortnog wil sontnun to ifr |-2 melee toonds fer teaching O te -s hi point bur at -8 oF greater domoge dee Inmedirey BRAIN MOLE FREQUENCY: very ore ARWORCLASS: 9 move) HITE: 1h point TREASURE TYPE: Ni NO.OF ATTAGES:N SPECIAL OFFENSES. Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE, Skondord INTELUGENCE: Animal AUGNMENS. Nera SZES(I long) BUFPALO. ‘tock Datence Modes 8 Mi Small mois-lte animals which inhabit mest places above ond below ground, brain moles are aivocted by puomic achviy, of any 20% 'switin 0 of any evar exercng nach pion feed upon the anergy being used by pio rind This hos the effec of anarking “he rind Spalsor magical ems Cessation st tne spe |r abanaoning he ure othe tmogic tem will immediately televe ine race. A psion¢ ‘momtercope ine ronge of the brain male skill helt BROWNIE FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING. 4-16 ARWOR CLASS. 3 HITOICE 5 SEINLAI: 20% TREASURE TYPE: 0, NO.OF ATTACKS: OAMAGE/ATIACK: 1 SHCIALATIAGKS: Sols SPECIAL DEFENSES: Sove oo MAGIC RESISTANCE: Azchove INTELLIGENCE: High ALIGNMENT Law’ 0d Sze'8(1% tall Brownies re aston reiotives of hangs, (Berhops halt Fiendly to humans and their ik {owareer, elven” ond halfinge becavse they are ty, ney ae seldom seu ane Tovar uiet poste in which 10 dwell. encounterad on frenaly term, brownies con oh (50%) be convincado nlp law'ul goed characte Thay ore gelato make Imogen, confusian, and dimension door Brownies Go nor uBvoliy <3 ‘erat re never aurriaed, ond hove IB dentrty. Brownies re copcbl {et bianding othe indteape very quickly 1m eMac using natura! cov BUFFALO FREQUENCY: Uncortean move 5 HiToice 5 TREASURE TYPE Ni NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1.8/1.8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Charge SPECIAL DEFENSES. Hed is rar coe 2 INTELUGENCE: Sem [RUGNMENT: evra SIZE: (50 shove) PSIONIC ABILITY Ni Prock/Detense Modes: Ni These dongerous herd animale of wopical and subiropical pl staly ack approached foo cisely (8 or est) When aocBUFFALO whole herd i likely o charge. charging buffalo does 318 ht pons of ‘damage impocing ond 1-4 ples Wamaling. A charge must cover a leat 40" Some species of butfalo (30% chance) ore non-aggressive nd wil ‘oe fhreotored BUGBEAR FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO. APRARING 30, ARWOR CLASS. § move HITICE: 3 +1 SeIN LAIR 25% TREASURE NPE nciiduoie JK, TM. Bin lor NO. OF ATIACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATIACK: 2.8 or by SREIUATIACKS: Surprise on 9 "3 SPECIAL OFENSES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stondord INTELUGENCE: Low to Average {low AAUGNIMENT: Choice! SZE LC ‘all PSIONIC ABILITY: su ‘Atock/Defense Modes: Ni Bughears lve im aose band, ond ae typically found nth same reas oe fare goblins Unike shovr smoler cousins, Poweve', hese hry gio {g9blins operate equally well in bight daylight ar reat dartnes (os They Fave intawsion 240) s0 they ore a lkly 19 choene a habraion above, ‘ground a they ore fe elec'o subterranean aso, 112 or more bugbears are encountered thre willbe @ leoder with 22.25, ht poi (ormor clots 4 oracks a4 hv dee mons gers #1 on damage coures|. #24 or more ore encountered tree wilt be. the Following odstonal Bugbears o chet (armor clas 3, 2830 hit point anocking a & hv dice monster, ond doing 2 domogs) ond o aukeehe! {cs per leoder.sype obove),N ancovntered in tes here wil sways be o chief ond subchiet and there wil be females ond young equal te [50% soch af he numberof males Nether af te lr ype of buses wil ight unloee na ite or deat ation nthe ler cose tne fomalen Fiahrasholigesineand the young wil ght ar Kobo The orms cori by busbears range the gon of eveilable weapons — from words fo woeden clubs wih spikes etn them (morning sar) A Tat umber of peor ore carted by ess monsies, and they lon to vse ‘hem, olong with ores, maces, ond hammer, oF mila weapons, AS ‘under 2" being teoted at medium ronge. Alinough bugbeats or clumsy looking ond walk with @shombling got ‘hey ore actualy able 10 move very quckly and wih grat seae, es surprising opponents 5% ofthe hme Beghaors speck gablin and hobgoblin in addon tothe til ond olgrmenttongves Description: The skin of bugheors it light yellow 19 yellow brown — typically dull yellow. thei hor ranges in color am lxteresstonnsh brown‘o bck. Theireyes are greenish white with ed pup The odes ‘end ends of armor they mea’ well ax whatever cloth, skins 6 Nees thoy dope themaelver nord fo be rkeph diy. and dingy They live orapproxmotely75yaar BULL BULETTE FREQUENCY: Very rare INO. APPEARING, 12 (10% ‘hanee) ARMOR CASS: 2/46 MOVE! 14" (2°) TICE ¢ TREASURE 196: Ni) NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK 448/3-18/218 SPECIAL ATTACKS: 8" uma SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE! Anima! SEU (9s ral 12> long) PSIONIC ABLITY: Ni ‘itaca/Dafanee Modes: Ni The bole (a landshark} was thought tobe exine ui receriy when ‘hit Rona reappeates. was the rer of 9 mod wise’ exporter oss breading of © snopsing Tule ond crmalo wit infsions of Somons chor Tey range temperate climates feeding sm horses, mon fad mos ole flesh — alhougr thay dle Swart and shun elf of any ton. They love hafing ond wil hungly aig hem From the burrows. The stupid buleve ls roscible and olways mange. and they fear nothing. 409 bulete wil onock lorge, powerful prty jst to ect a hore oF te. Someries the crest af @ Burrowing londshark wil teak tne ground thuthe name “londshark When fighting hey vsvally lay the ron Feet and gaping ow, Out when cornered or serovsly wovedea Ney con imp up 8 nthe ar with blinding speed and sire with ll four fee (3 1a poms domage for ech ofthe rer feet os wal) The sna under he bole’ crest on oreo abou afoot and one-half sqore,w aly AC. ond Img fierce fight the monster tendr io vate ty crest ond enpere te Vilnerable ore. Ws eyas are armor los & but they are volsheey sol (eros, “he bole i Solty. Only 2 meted por wil share the some teritory. No young nave ever betn seen, tut sie’ (os few os bt clce) sonst hove been tlied. No ones certain how or where ine young ore bert or hatched: Ver laigebulete have bean repared, sve sang ne ess hon IT Fi dice ond over 11" al tthe shoulder. The grea ples behind the bulone’s head are highly przed for vae in shed mating. foro silleg worven csfsmon can fashion them ma ashieidof 11s 13 value Deszrstion:Typieal specimens have blue-brown heods and hind portions with plates ord scales of groy-blve fo blue gree Nall end lecth oe i Wary. The ofeo around the eyes is brawn-black, the eyeballs re vyelowian ond he push of he yer ave dark geen BULL FREQUENCY: Common NO. APPEARING. 1-20, ARMOR CLASS: 7 Move 5) HIT Ice: 4 Seta Ni ‘TREASURE TYPE: Ni NO.OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATIACK: 14/-6 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Chorge SPECIAL DEFENSES. MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELUGENCE: Sem AUGNWENT. Nev SIZE (5 ot shoulder) PSIONIC ABILITY: ha ‘Avock/ Defense Modes: Ni Tre bulls dangeraus opponent, being aggresive and easly roused to anger. There 5.975% chance tha! f approached within 6” i wil ack 8 fhetging bull wil do 312 points cf damage upon impect wih on ddionol 4 points of rompling damage. A charge must cover o lose! 59. Such onima's os the od ox and Tne ovrchs fll und ths general lous When a herd present there wl be several bulls which wil SendcaMEL, wD CAMEL, WILD — CARRION CRAWLER — CATOBLEPAS — CATTLE, WILD carne, wu CENTAUR — CENTIPEDE, GIANT — CEREBRAL PARASITE — CHIMERA — COCKATRICE — COUATL — CRAB, GIANT — CRAYFISH, GIANT — CROCODILE CAMEL, Wild FREQUENCY: Common NO. APPEARING. 1-12 ARWORCSS:7 SeINLAIR Ni TREASURE TYPE: Nit NO.OF ATTACKS: DAMAGE/ATIACK: 1-4 SPECIAL AMAGKS:Spiing ‘SPECIAL DEFENSES: INTELLIGENCE. Anal Sem: ALIGNMENT: Neva FRIONIC ABLITY: ‘Aitock/ Defers Moda: Ni Single humped camels (remedies) are fourd only in very warm dosor frees The double humped (bacon x1 are able abide cold and even non-desen regions Allcamels are able to go for up two weeks without food or water, They con cory ods up to 6,000 gold prac waigh clthough tis reduces their speed 199”; flooded betwoon 4000 and 5,000, 01d pieces, her peed 15° maximum. (The bocrion come 23 slower Than he domedary, 29 reduce is movement accordingly). Camescon tack by biting (hey con kik, but do not typically doz). They fend vo be notyfempored ond may spi ot persons coming tide oF Use ‘hem sitar "50% chance fo d0 to, 25% chance of Binding for 13 melee round hey do sp Horsstond dh 1 dar of comels CARRION CRAWLER FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO APPEARING: ARWOR CLASS. 3/7, HTbIce: 24.7 SeINLAIR 30% NO.OF ATTACKS: 8 DAMAGE/ATTACK: Poraiyss SHCIAL ATIACKS: A above SPECIAL DEFENSES. MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard ALIGNMENT. Nowra SUE LP lng) PSIONIC ABILITY: Ni ‘Anack/ Defense Moses: A Corton crawlers srangly resemble across between s gio green utworm fond a huge copholoped. Thay ore wsvaly found snly i sobtevanean {reos The carton cower is, 0 name implies, @ scavenger bat Is does nor preclude aggresive oftcks upon living costes, for hat insures {constant suppiy a carpues upon which o feed for daponit of eage. The head of the monster i wal protected, but Hs body is ony armor elas 7, A Carson crawler mover ule rapidly on it muliple lage despre bul, {nda wall or celing to eosly Woveled os flor, for sacha he boas feet ore. equipped with sharp claws which hold fost The head it eauipped with rntacles whch faa} prey: ach 2' long entoce exer {gummy secretion which when feen, will paralyze Opponents (oe ‘ers poraiyeton or oter sec) As there ere eo mony tentacles with which fo hitond tue mshiple chances ct being paelyre, hews mansies Gre greatly feared CATOBLEPAS FREQUENCY: Very rove NO. APPEARING? 1-2 ARWORCLASS: 7 move-e™ SeINAIR: 6% TREASURE TYPE: DAMAGE/ATIACK: 1-6-4 sun SRCIAL ATTACKS. Gore ovies deh SPECIAL DRFENSES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Ser- [ALIGNMENT: Nour SE L(6"atshoulaer) POIONIC ABIUTY: A ‘Aitock/Dafense Moder: Ni ‘his nightmare creature & loathsome beyond description ond has no redeaming features. ts body resembles thot of 9 huge, bloated batfle ‘ond give off on sffersive oder. The coteepar’ neck ong ond hin, ond paredaoptnatig had gin hon hata wares a lgrae ince Stokey, however, and mover wih amating swifines toate anes. ‘Any estore so stuck hos 9 bose 75% chance of being stunned fo 1-10 ‘melee rounds; the bove chance being modified by odixrmert downward by 5 for every level (or ht de tr monster} ove 1 Thus, on 11h level choracer suck by the ol here only 025% chance sf sunning. Perhops is habitat — feed sworps and miosral marshes —covsed the ‘ore combination of goreticchorstenscs nh monster, pernape t soe due 1 some ghost tinkering wih Ife by 9 demented gosting In oy ove the most horrd aspect of the corablepas ist bloodshot even. ne gore ofthe catablepos is equa too death ray, extending” fem the eyes (even int te cxtal ond ethereal planes). Any creature which mee's ‘is gore die without ony chonce fo sove inet. Complete surprise (02 on (sided die} moans one af Ihe pry encountering the morsier Nok mee fore Otherwise the very weok neck of the calle nos ony @ 25H Chance af asin the head high encugh to use ts eyes, I bath pris are til he chance increases by 15% per melee round. H the morater ms follow quick movements, of 1 is shambling slong in pursuit ot rey ‘here is only 210M chance per melee round ofthe neck rising he head sulfcienly high o fxs gate A lasing victim, even with ayes overieds fubject tothe deocly effect ofthe covoslapor' eyes, although thre 6 owing nrow CATTLE, Wild FREQUENCY: Common NO. APPEARING. 20200 ABWOR CLASS. 7 Ove 5 SINAR TREASURE TYPE: NO.OF AACS? DAMAGE/ATIACK: 4 SAECIAL ATTACKS: Stompede MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standord INTEUIGENCE: Sem ALIGNMENT: Neva) POONIC ABLTY: ‘Aitock/ Defense Modes: Nl Wild catle room many wilderness ereca, ond they ove frequently tncountered. Thay are aly fle ony thea! alihough the moles of he ford ore likely (75% to otack he nude cme upon the heed bereCATTLE, WILD ithos © chance to run away (soe BULL). There ol 928% chance that o herd of wild carla will sompede directly oe por. cane stampede Cond there i no cove [roth ees, loge © wall he) oan rol two asides efor each member ofthe poy inthe path of the wompade Ts order o {ind how many canieromple each pary member Trampling savies 1 nitpams ot domage per racture sampling CENTAUR FREQUENCY: Rare NO, APPEARING. 424 ARWOR CASS 5 (4) ove: 18 HiT oice 4 SIN LAIR 5% TREASURE TYPE: 4, 0, with each NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATIACK 6/18 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Hama SPECIAL DerENSES: Ny MAGIC RESISTANCE. Srondord INTELIGENCE: Low Average sweet PSIONIC ABILITY: su DBrock/Delente Modes Ccensurs dwell in secluded postures, for from human habliation. Roving bands of these caches always cory weopon®, and leader wil care ‘Shields. Mot of the centaur n'a bord wil be ermod with coker ese {quale morning Hos I-B or -8 hi points domage atact), one querer ‘sillhave compost long bows ord 1030 arows (24° range, 6 hips omage’arock), and he remaining quoter wil be leaders (AC 4) with ‘held and once (18 2 2-24 nt poirs damage tech), teode’s wil hove ‘weapon and nenava hare ath ni twotorenooves If cents are encounered in tei lair willbe a iden glen with ech 70 ond running water Here, there wll be found 1-6 adeno) males fem equal 9 twice the number of males, and young fot 590 umber. Females [3h ce) ond young [1-2 Hides) do net wee weapons {and wl ony fgh with ele hoover mite and death sition, Ie Femi and young ore tveatened, he contours wil be 90% Thay 1 rantom thom with heir main wean, Tey spook the ow longue ond Cemours re net generally fiandly with humans f daarves they orate gnomes org halfings: they ore endlyw thevesons ihe wood ees CENTIPEDE, Giont FREQUENCY: Common INO. APPEARING: 224 ARWOR CLASS: 9 moves Hivoree SINUAR: i ‘TREASURE TYPE NO.OF ATTACKS. 1 DAMAGE/ATIACK’ ti SRCALATIACKS Poison SPECIAL OFFENSES: MAGIC RESISTANCE. Strndord INTELIGENCE: Non AUGNMENT Novo Sie: (1"+ long) PSONIC ABILITY Ni ‘Arack/ Defers Modes: Ni cme ‘Thase nosy creates ore found nearly everyahere, They are aggresive ‘ond rush forth tobe thar prey, injecting poten nto the woura, But in ‘many cores his poison s weak ond nt fool edd 4 vo sovng hvu die "ol Altos he cenipede s smal, is ers kay Yori cnet which Dilow ite Saving throw 1 onde) Centipedes come in many clort— pole gray oblck, edo brown, CEREBRAL PARASITE FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING. 3.12 ARMOR CLASS 0/2 HIT DICE. na SINR. TREASURE TYPE: Ni NO. OF ATTACKS: 0 DAMAGE/ATIACK. 0 SPECIAL ATTACKS: infestrion SPECIAL DEFENSES Nr armed ‘except by cure deeone MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stonsors INTELUGENCE Nor ALIGNMENT: Novia! SIZ. $ (fec-sed) PSIONIC ABILITY. A ‘Arto Defense Moser: A ‘These rectus ore no visible 9 the human eye and can only be detected pulonically by means of caret exomination cha parsers ava they con be removed oly by e cure cseose spel Ito psionclly endowed ovate comes within!” oF earebrolparones hey wigs bur te ack be ‘rock/Sefenses, re used, the poroster wil drain addhonal pone fneray to feed upon, Each pari wil dn ne energy” pon Forhermore, afer one hor fed upon sin sion energy poise wl reproduce another pares, ond therafir cant Te Bain snetay, ‘ils ofagring Thay carne! be putoicaly ecked ert! sores iho the ata and ethereal planes ot wal athe CHIMERA FREQUENCY: Rove NO. APPEARING. 14 ARWOR CLASS: 6/572 move 18 SeINTAR: 40% TREASURE PEF NO.OF ATIAGRS. 6 DAMAGE/ATIACK: 12 ra2a312 ; SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE, Stondord INTEUIGENCE, Sem ALIGNMENT: Choarc evil SELL (4 of shoulder) PSONIC ASLITY: Ni ‘rock Defersn Modes: Ni ‘The chimere combines Foote ofhrae creatures in o menstout manner tehind quarter re thore of o huge gaa. orepars ow those of @ en ts body poms dragon wings, ant hos ves large eae Icon cow wi rs foreleg, goo! head is armed with hwo long hata, an head Hos Powerful jaws ond shoyp teeth, ond ie cragon heod i ikew'se equ pee. Froenimera deses (50% chance) ts cragon heod con brea fro wth range of $" end eavsing 3:24 points damage (sowing throw Goplicabe) Chmerae spake vary lmied form of eu dragon anguge Deszriion: The goatish body por are black with ember eyes ond vyelowah mors, The lone pars ove town yellow witha dank bron ‘mone, green ayes, ond ed mow. The dager wings ove brownishblack, ‘he dragon naad crcnge, and he eyes ond mou bceCOcKATRICE COCKATRICE NO APPEARING To ARWOR CLASS" hiro 5 BINA 20% TReasuRe FEO NO.OF ATACES. 1 Damace ANCE 3 SRICAL AACR: Touch tt 0 SPECIAL DEFENSES: MAGIC RESISTANCE. Stondors INTELIGENCE: Anmot Sees PSIONIC ABLITY: ‘aack/Deferve Modes: Mi CCockarices are found in temperate to sopicl regions, both above ond Selow groune, They cam nit only tiner wounds sth het Beaks, Bo ‘heir toven mil tut ash to stone (sve vers sone or peed). Note Morihe pantiaton ava osha monster even inte bth he oso one (here planes and an thus ofec creatures mthaveplones 8 wall ch Bests Desergnion: The serpentine til of he cockarice is yalow green, i feet Sed oeat yellow, ewig are grays feathers ore golden Bown, ana svanies comb, eyes, andtongue a" r68 couatt FREQUENCY: Very re NO APPEARING. ARMOR CLASS: 5 move e718 Hive: 9 BINwaie 10% TREASURE TYE: 8, | DAMAGE/ATIACK. 12/28 SRECIALATIACKS, Poon, mogic SPECIAL DEFENSES: Become MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELIGENCE:Genive ALIGNMENT: Low! good Stee a 12 long) PSIONIC ABILITY. 40-110 ‘Aroch/Defente Modes: vary These winged, feathered serpents oe rarely found anywhere excep in ror, jungle regione or Hiping through the athe. Due to The Strligence ond powers hey ore regarded with ewo by the inhabitons of their Romoiands ond considered to be divine Count rarely interfere in hurmon afore, They are ale to polymorph emasives nd ey uso magic re Sih level mogle-user and/or 7 level cle (45% use monioser Spelt, 39% clencol spells, 20% sve bth. In mele they ack Both by posonous bie (sovng now applicable) and consricion fa consichon Ehock avezgesh, ihe visi tokes 2-8 hi points af damage thot melee ‘Sond ond ach round theveofer until one oe nether ile, Cova ere psioiclly ware and have 2 maj and 4 minor discipline, ‘wih commensorate hack ond defense modes, Covoll speak several Fomon languages ond mest serpentand avon languages os wel CRAB, Giont FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 212 ARWOREASS 9 HiTDIcE: 3 cRoconie NO. GFATIAGKS. 2 DAMAGE ATTACK: 2.62.8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: SPECIAL DEFENSES. Ni MASICRESISTANCE: Sondors Sze ties de) PRIONIC ABILITY: A ‘toch’ Defenve Modes Ni CGior robs ore found in ony argo neor water of any sor. They operane aval well on land orn wate, aways seeking ta find something to ea Trev eyes. boing on sata, can peck ver ledges or aroun corners wth ‘ove. Tey tond tide and rsh far see he prey (supine on oI CRAYFISH, Giont FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO APPEARING: 1-4 moves 12 NO.OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ ATTACK. 212/212 SRECIAL ATTA: ‘SAECIAL DEFENSES: Nit MAGICRESISTANCE, Standard INTELIGENCE Non AAUGNMENT: Neuro! SIZE: ("= long) ‘tock’ Dafonsa Moder: Ni Urhes waking, they con trim with grt ropdity for show periods Like Sion cobs, glam craytah hide inorder torah ovt ang seize Mei prey (forpete ona -30n a sided ci} cROCODILE FREQUENCY Tommen —_Veryrore common NO. APPEARING: 3 ARMOR CLASS 3 move one eve Hire a 7 SINR, wi wi NO. OF ATIACKS: 2 2 DAMAGE ATTACK: rain 2.197220 SPECIAL ATTACKS: a i SPECIAL DEFENSES: Na Ni AG Res STANCE Sendard Stondors InTELIGeNce: ‘anima! ‘Anime ALIGNMENT. Nevral Neonat size (gS Tong) (21° 30"long) PSIONIC ABLUTY: Ni nt ‘tock Deense Modes: Nt ni Abhough some of these reptiles ore of giontsize, such monstrs ore {yptcally found only sol water or in grehistrcseinge All wocedton Gre supa and sorecious esters, They are sluggish in cold weather (cut ‘novemer 50%). They pial hie concealment in onset surprise rey Rorsite an 3 ono ododeDEMON DEMON — DEVIL — DINOSAUR — DISPLACER BEAST — DJINNI — 0G — DOLPHIN DOPPLEGANGER — DEMON DEMOGORGON, DRAGON — DRAGONNE — DRAGON TURTLE — DRYAD — DWARF DEMON ach wpe of demon, ond especially the high-level demon lords ond Binces, hve many unvsucl choracerics and entoord ory abies, Charectersics and bi ies which are commen oil demars ov covered fave. See the indivisual weatment of ean demon 0! sours nfornotion Demons are oble te move from thelr cwn plane ino those of Toners, des 0 Pandemanium or roam he onal plans. However, hey car fanter the moveral plone wihour id (conjuraion, gave, et by name spaoking or similar oon Demons re chactic ond evils the marr and songer rule tote of hei kind who ore weaker and Ins naligern The lets mele wi cock without quesion and fight unt sain, Demars of ype Vane above ve nt Scwolly slain when tev mareral form led imcemboy her motel form boing removes trom Ine ve, The demon n quesion s herey until @ century hos posted ar unl anger aide To go fon pain However, demons are encountared on ther evn pase, ey con be slain No demon can ever be tubdua. Allare able To dvide the atcha ‘omngst wo oraven three opponens i heh means allow Demons will ever wilngly serve enyons ot anything, forced to serve ‘trough magic or threat they wil continually seek @ way te slay ew ‘most /caper. Those fo whom demans show @ ining are npicly cores tf 0 the domes’ plane fo become a rove athough @ favored one), Nate sat demors can be summoned by enaraiers of chy alignment, ut conoling demon isanather mane enivay.& havrronige cele wil serve 1o keep out demons of pes IVA spaticlpomcle i fequed for demons of pe VI or greater The srect or tewcrd which the sonctg potty esto temp gaining domor's service mus be ctelllynonding by the dungeon master Demons are repelled by hay (good) relics or rit, Demon Amultt: Dor lads and princes mainain seit vt! extoncos Inamell containers thei oul, 20 fo speak re thus ot nce protected ‘nd yet vinerabe # some enterorsingchoracer should gai he ret Demons with omales re able mage ar once per acy, Samar onles conver be detected ox such by any magical means, they do nol ‘otherwise oppact unviual in ony way. The device need not be with te mos powerll princes oltough he eter damane poly nee to cory ower over the demon to whom "belongs" fer the seoce. oh ‘orexomple, ne adventure and nnver are than ody (2e how. Ths Comulet must then be retuned tothe demon ort can be dettoyeg ond thus condemn the prince to abyssment for @ year (ond he may return ‘herecter only summoned). Ure of an orale very very devgerone Fostesion of ane will double chances cf cling he canton of another demon, end any demen not conwaled by the device will inmodicte ‘tock the person postesing sch on amulet. she emule leaves he hang ‘of the one commanding the demon to. whom i belong, ton Semon ‘tacks him in tz most elective fashion immeeraly otemeting ha ‘most sly ond shen Yo cory al hot maine a hi own Somat, ‘hot character lst and gone foraver On The postive side, howeven the welder ofthe erie eareuly repays the aemon for aid vonered, 19348 0 considerable sum for having the tm to dare to command te demon in the Fist place, ond then sorafuly restores the smut te te demon, the prince might not beor him grudge forees alteswarsh ot ‘Demons frequenty room the axial ond ethereal plones. Their arention ‘lo atrocied by persons in an ethoreal ioe ihe nome cle poricucry powerful demon is poken there 2 chonce thot he wil hea: cd orm ne attention to the spooker A base 5% chonce is recommended ¥0 te ieferee. Uniess prepared to gvord such afrtion or ve contal ‘he {demon — the demon wl thereupon imrasiotely Kil by whatever ears remot expediins the ane peonduneing hs same if demon ype through VI ore encountered nl ihae wil be bf he ame ype 75% of heme and 1% mixed spe |-V 208 o he hme, In odeiion to the seporote choracicitics and abies of each srt o demon, hese monsters hove th elowing in comnon Types toll are oactod by non magical woagers Type end greater or nat lacie by non magical weapons Alldemonahov Darkness (vores) eve obivis Tepartrcn (ra ror Demons ore affected by the lite arack forms os noted below Anock Maximum Damage Wi bs: od ‘at old helt see ig) felt ogc mae fu poinon fal ‘unis affected by normal weapons In which ease damage will be cecording ashe wedpon pe. Because ‘hoy have a special form af tlapathy, demons ere able 10 Understand every inteligent communicvin. Semone with overage Boner nvlligence ar ikewie tle to converse Domogorgon, (Prince of Demons) FREQUENCY: Very re NO. APPEARING. | ARMOR CLASS -€ move. 15 HIT DICE: 200 pine SIN WAR 50% TREASURE TYEE: S.7.V NO.OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: All spcio! SPECIAL ATTACKS. See below SACIAL DEFENSES: =? or babe MAGIC RESISTANCE: 95% INIELIGENCE: Suprocgenive Si." ra). PSIONIC ABT: 150/heat ‘ates Daterse Mod: A/a Rivoy between demon leds is great, but the enmiy between Demogorgan and Ores i immense nd vawnding. Semogorgon fo trible oppane't. Fist, he posestes gre! powers In ns te heads Should he fn the gaze of beth upon his anemien he able Ys hyoron This hyponesis wil tfc from 10-100 ceatras tte Drtulce hom Se a2wih so Shi die, rom 30 24th Fro dice, 2 fo 12 wih Ove 12 bik dice, and trom Is with or movohi cies Toose ovat 1S hides save form but during ths time wil follow mast insrveons abscley (el
be, and scores ahi doing 23 ht points of damage ‘oho second Bh level fighter The twofighersshice, ose At and the dragon fokes oncther 10 hitpoints of subd. The third rund ‘over, and he chance for he droga being sbded 7.889) ot 17.5% (reat 08 88%). The referee Tals an 6. The fighers win Inia, srike, and score 12 ht point, so the dagen © teodued ‘uiomotcally before t ean arch. The gomerng of loot how begins Velue of Subdved Dragon: Loiger towns and cies wil usally hove & rmorket for dragons fa dragon sold, wavy goes ou ot he game, though the referee may wish oemigh fo sme one of hs spec nor playing choracers whom he runs for encour nthe town’chy. The felling price of e subdued dragon range am 1000 800 gold paces et, hit pov This pica is subject to odjsiman’ by the relroe. Offers re Iypielly derermined by raling an Sided de. Subdued dragons con oe oer, Length of Subduel: A dragon remains subdued for an indefinite paris but the creature sno sony held well Fewle, given ripe vecaure ‘nd allowed ample freedom, # willzeak to kil coprr and/or encope The older and more powerful the dragon, the lets the alhacd of ramen bed Ecce, on elie sreliang Sep mt likely Ye temain subdued In foe, the lotr srr of chagom i bbe to ‘attempt 10 tke over is copter and rle his holdings. Ei dragon wl ever serve good mewerforiong and good dragonscre So% more Ikely tokill/escope from a neural captor os opposed ane where alignment the some other own, Players may always opt sel or give 2 srapon to ‘ony er player or keep the manta’ ashen oan service, Nove tne Gragons canna be resubdved unless they ecvely regain their irmedom Encountering Muliple Drogont: If two or more drogons are encounter ‘outside ther loi wil be 8 moted paw two ore sncouieres ane wt ‘duis if thee or more ore encountered. wo oF more siege ere fncounterad in their iw wil be @ mated pair — wih hel youns ‘eppicabie. Mane pois ore always Sh nrough Gh age categories Any young in lar are eggs (10%) or very young (90%) i young dragons re ‘Stacked both del wll automarcaly brevihe and then reac to bie, Goining a forociy bonus of 42 %9 hi ond. =\/=3 mm clawing bing domage. If eher of the mated pails afacked he her dhager wl unk tots defense, gaining the feracly bonusas sated above unlessDRAGON coackedsimutonecusly, Treasure: ver young dragons will usally have no weasure, bul there ise 10% chance that thay will ove one-quater the paste lated tecture Young dragars have 28% chance for one-quore the setuble Ise neowre, Subaduits nove 9 S0% chance for one-hal The posible ares Yreasure. Young sum ond oi drogors have normal eotue, ery ois tnd onciery dragons ore 50S ond 75% likey to have 150% ad SOD respectively ofthe lated weasare ‘Weaknesses of Dragant: The nnove cowardice of drogonkind i shown by te foot mas! con be subdued Drogans’ egautie nature maker then subject to latory. ond i ito maker te mote stupid of them prone fo Gack other powerful castes whom they view 06 Uapoing. elt dominetng pouion. Greed and avarice are major mooting factor inl botthe ltties of dragons (40% of svar, 80% of gol ond the platinum srogan), se they are subject to mariplotion by vey cieer persans ce he Prospect cf acu) reasure ang tne promige of are orhcoming ‘Bragom Saving Throws: When 2 crogon otoins § or mare hit points oer dient voving throw i colevloed by sidings tol hit points by hes ¥ing a higher number of hit aie thant actualy hos, ns voles he very young sagen garnethe beret of he oclol number ot hi dice ven though she it poine’e ore but een, for derovmining scores required threfacs he same nature of srogorking, le magic etonce Black Dragon (Draco Causticus Sputem) FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO. APPEARING. 1-7 ARMOR CLASS. 3 HiT Dice 6 SeIN GARR 20% NNO. OF ATTACKS: 9 DAMAGE ATTACK: 1471-4318 SPECIAL ATTACKS. Brew weapon] possible moe use SPECIAL DEFENSES. MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stondord INTELIGENCE Average AUGNMENT: Chace eu SIZE L(30" long POIONIC ABIY: ‘Aitock/Deferse Moder: Ni CHANCE OF Soeaking: 90% Sleeping. s0% The block dragon npically found in mismo! swamps ot marshes ‘although they aio inhabit tubrrtanaan lis oe well or block tagors ‘hoys so9k to lan deep, dart coves Thay tend Sowards tne mie pelt bemeen tow and chacs a hai ou ‘The black dragon anos with @claw/claw Site or breathes — in his case sping acid in 0's" wide sroom which enonde 6 In'9 soit line Beginning athe hoight fhe dragons ead ond aveling he action fond ot the angle wich the monviars head wos faving ot the tne ot Sitcharging he aed. Block srogon® which can speak ard are epee ct ‘sing magee con employ one fist level spol for each stage ot te motu, re. V8 spel Rll randomly to determine which apels they row. The soos town ore 2 apecil form of the ordinary spel which ‘require nly o spoken campanens, but each con be employed ut nce pe {oy Repeat spas are ponte random roles raloate Blue Dragon (Draco Electricus) FREQUENCY: Rove INO, APPEARING: ‘ARWORCIASS. 2 Mirbice en ” DRAGON, BRASS IN LAIR: Som TREASURE NPE Hs NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE ATTACK 4/1-6/2.24 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath wecpar “postible magic wae SPECIAL DEFENSES Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE. Srondord IUGNMENT: Leet evi SE 142" long) PSIONIC ABI AY: A -Atock/Defense Medes: Ni ‘CHANCE OF Specking: 60% Hage Use: 30% Sleeping” 30% Bive chogens mpically peter devers and arid ands; Ike others of hei kind he lor isalway some vor cove underground cavern The crack of 0 bive dragon is @ clow/clow/bie or vee of its breath woopen A bise dagon is capable of dachorging © belt of eectcy {lghing| in asvaigh ine 5" wide by 10" long. This dischorge ts slays ai thewtoted proportion Speoking blue dragons which or able toute spells do 5008 fllews: Fer och sage of maturty fom Ie throvgh Grd they goin I! level spell From the ath rough eh tages they goin esecand level At ve Jang 8th brackets they gaia 0 Sr evel spall Thus, an ancien Se dragon would hove 3 ta level, 32nd level, ond 2 Sc lovel spel, Determine a sock sells randomiy: the same spel roled wice te dragon ble to vse ‘he spell rece per doy. Brass Dragon (Draco Impudentus Gallus) QUENCY: Uncommon ‘ARWOR CLASS: 2 Move 1324 HITOICE: 6 SeIN LAIR 2596 NO.OF ATIAEKS 2 DAMAGE ATTACK: 1-4/1-47416 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Bracts wesson SPECIAL OFFENSES: MAGICRESISTANCE.Stondors INTELUGENGE. High AGNMENT. ch 822-150" ong) PSIONICABILTY: A ‘Arock/Defene Modes: Ni chance or Speaking: 20% Mogi Use: 30% Sleeping 50% — Eavernous lots ore olen found tnvein Bross dragons re gute formar and oficous, ond they love ta converse. ney or ihe elfsh an tnd towords newolty couse of he The bras sragon ottacks wih a claw claw bite routine of by brething ther of two weapons —o cone cl sleep gos which wnrends > fom ne ioive's mouth toa ferminaing diameter af 2, o° 2 billowing cloud at fear gos 4" wide by 5" ocr by 2” dap [ground vpwarde Cetus these goreovs clouds must sove verve srogon breath ragerdens oh level er al extep flee in fas the eogon is sll sree saves ore #2, and ifthe dragon i of hoga ste saving ‘hows ore ot hom the umber roled| Ifo boss dagn con speak ang employ spel, wil gino fs! level soe fot each ode numbered age of motiiy ating onda secon level el ‘teach oven numbered age. As a vival wih dragons, determine se Known by rondom selectionDRAGON, BRONZE Bronze Dragon (Draco Gervs Bronzo) FREQUENCY: Rove NO. APPEARING: 14 ARMOR CLASS: move 9724 Mit oc: 610 SIN LAIR 455. TREASURE NPE HS, 7 NO. OFATAGS: 9 DAMAGEATIACK 1-6/1-6/424 SREIAL ATTACKS: Brett weapen + possible magic SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stondord INTELUGENCE:Excepional AUGNMENT Low good SE (42' ong) PSIONICABIUTY: Au ‘Anack/ Defense Modes: Ni Hance or ‘Spsoking: 6% Magi Use: 6% Sleeping 29% onze dragons prefer to dwell in subleraneon loi near svbstotil bodies of woter sch 0 lakes or seas, Dorp the ove of weal, bronze rogers ore boscaly of benehicent nature, They often came the Frm a {ome onimelin order to observe he atlas of humans. The atock of bronce drogun i hero clow/caw/bie or ether of two beth weopont 9 Balt of lighining 10" long and V4" wide, or © ‘pultion gor cloud 2° tong by 3° wide by 3" high which afacs those (Shnin tetova epulion spel (nave away from the dragon for males ‘nds uniese3soving tow versa arogon breoh'emase! Mogicusing bronse dragons goin a fist level spel at thei Ist ond Zed Srowh stoges on additonal tecond level spell or he 3rd ond ah growth Stoges thd level spalisa the Sh and Sn growin stapes od very old aed fnclent dragons goin ostnalspels of the th level thus an arcent [roncecrogon would Know hwo each of Tit rough at level pals. These spells should be velecod rondomiy. Chromatic Dragon (Tiomat) FREQUENCY: Very sare NO. APPEARING. ? ‘ARWOR CLASS: 0 HIT DICE. 16,28 ht point) TREASURE TYPE 100% H, 5, 7.U NO OF ATIACES 6. DAMAGE/ATTACK: 26/9187 220/3249-20/16 SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stondors INTELIGENCE Genius AAUGNMENT: Lawful ei Size: (60" long) ‘rock/Detene Modes i ‘Speoking 100% ‘ogc Use 100% Tiamat rules he fi plone of he Nine Halls where she spawr a of ei ogonkind She hotes oll good ar ferely at she lover ctuely and hoords wealth Shei seldam (10%) outside her lair, but occasional she comes to arth o place 9 new drogon ot seek more Weosure. She con trove oxvallyor ethereal. ‘Although her sheer sie prevents law onacks,Tmat con bie with five ‘ot er heodtond ing with her ail at the some lime, breathe with one oF more of thete heads or cst spl th one ot more heads ot the some DRAGON, GOLD time. Toma's hod ore white, block, geen, bive, ond red. Her breath ‘neoponecorespond ioe colo ofeach hea exactly duplicating he 26 {Sed thape of he appropriate dragons breath weapon ond doing domoge Squat aa huge, ancient dragon of he species oppleable, 8 Se it pom ‘en (old) Somoge, ht point acid damage, 72 ht pois go (ehorne) ‘image, 8 hi poise elactecal (ighining) damage, ond 8 nt point fre ‘domage, She can ore o90n breath weapon but ance pe doy. Note tht ‘Sach ct her heads i alo copoble ct employing 'wo spelt. Tomes white Feod it able to cost two Tot level spel, Her black heod two 2nd level Soels, her green head neo 9d love spells, hr blue heod woth level ‘pelle, ond her red hood wo Sh level spel Each of Tiamat’ heads con withstand 16 hitpoints domoge before going fut of commision untl regeneration replaces the following day. her ody totes more than hit pains damage shes dapelioa to her own Slane of Rel (or slinif fought Hell) just ox ony other Sew When encounered in her lar, Tramot will lways hove five onsorV/guards mith her —one huge, adult male drogen af the whe black, green, blue end vad type rapactvly, They are a ob Yo speck dnd use sal fopsheoble, Description: Thamar’ heads hove olody bean noted. These colors un the lengin of each neck and nto ne lorepan of he body ot sip, gradually Lending fo Invee stipes af grey, Bsesicen, and purple over her Bock fond hind uaren, and merging ino @ muddy dork brown Tal. Her hderbelly ond logs ore graoneh white foding ints her per ney ears, Copper Dragon (Draco Comes Stabuli) FREQUENCY: Uncommanore NO. APPEARING: I PARR CLASS. MOVE 920" TREASURE TPE HS DAMAGE/ATTACK 1-4/1-4/520 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Broth weopor SPECIAT DEFENSES MAGIC RES'STANCE.Srondors INTRLUGENCE: gh SRE (3 long) PSONIC ABILITY: Ny CHANCE OF Speaking: 45% Sleeping: 0% Copper dragons prefer to inhabit rid rocky regions, king warmer climes Iarich fe locate het cover or cave lois They tendo be rather sath, tnd thvt many coppe dragon ore somewhot neal in ther ovioge i ‘ein inconcerned The normal atock of his kindof dtagon is ether 9 claw /elow/tie or the tee ot one the oer of is braath weapons a dchorge oe exory imo tho of Black dragon (7" ©" ora elous of gos ong by 7" ride by 2" deep whch wil tw ony creatures even uriass they moke ‘hast suing tow ve. sragon brain the slowing effactcouresceotres {Dreove/aach or one ha ermal ond loss foré melee rounds Thove caper dragons able toute mogic goin 9 Ia eve pel foreach of ‘hair ta te age oracke's, 92nd evel pel in adstton ot each brace! (fhe neat ree ages, and othe lat swe on oddiona ed level ot each, Thus, @ mogiwsing oncent copper dragon would Know tres It level ‘pals, tvoe 2nd level pais, ondtw0 3a lvel spel Gold Dragon (Draco Orientalus Sino Dux) FREQUENCY: Very core NO, APPEARING. 13 [ARMOR CLASS: 2DRAGON, GOLD move. 12"/90 tiv ice 0-72 TREAGUME EH, 57 No oF ariacks 3 DAMAGE ATA: 18/)-8/6-36 SHOAL ATIACES: Breath weapon ord mogie use rect BHENSES MAGIC RESSTANCE Sondord INTELIGENGE, Sonu SELIS¢ long) Bonen. ‘ach Daferse Modes: i Speching 90% Mage Une 1% Sooping 10% (oid dragons are ble to wal in any lime, bu her ors are always ef Sel sone — whether cove or @ asia, though they love precout ‘metals and ams and uae jewels and pear or nourahment ol gold Srogons are lw! us ond goed. They are ble to osurre me torn of Snimats or the guise of humoniy, for they con polymoran tnemselves ‘simou arm i Bin some ether form hl Hey oe pica encousred The avock of «gold dragon can be claw claw bie routine or one of two breatnweopone—ire may x 3° caneres chlorine goss” x 4% 3 Cloud. Alta gold dragon able to cos! pels of Te rough 6h love. the very young age the ceatvre nor but osingle Ist level spell os young drogen thar two such spas Tnerecor gins two spa of progres vay higher love ot eaeh now age bracket trovgh ois Avery el and once age they goin the ure of oh level spelt Ths, at ancien! age o gold tagen tows to of Tat hrough Gn lov spl nding Sele to polymarph sf ree ines per day. Ae gold drogonr ore 20 tlie ther spel are stay of tha beer a, dot nc hal of hen octal have regular spell books Green Dragon (Draco Chiorinous Nouseous Respiratorus) FREQUENCY: Rove NO. APPEARING. 74 ARMOR CLASS? nove: 928 HIT DICE 7-9 SeIN LAIR 40% TREASURE TYPE: NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATIACK: 1-6/1-6°220 SPECIAL ATIACKS: Brac weanon| + possible moge use SPECIAL DEFENSES Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stondord INTELIGENCE: Average fo very ALIGNMENT: Lge ei SIZE: L(38" Jong PSIONIC ABLTY. Ni CHANCE OF Speaking: 45s Sieening: 0% The aco of gteen dragons prefer fo lcate ther underground lis in oe neo" woods or forests ofthe leaker wilde sort posible. They ate very "asytermsered and thoroughly ov {green dragon can atk by 9 caw /claw/bit roving or by breathing @ ‘led of psonaus channe ga. the gas cloud 5 lang "wide, ana ie ‘rose talking green dragons able rouse magic goin 9 I! level spel for acho! their ft fouroges, and. nd level pel er each of he success ages, unil 9 moximum of four Ist nd four dnd level soela ore krowe Sie hose aptly “andor detention DRAGON, RED Platinum Dragon (Bchomut) FREQUENCY: Very core INO. APPEARING ABNOR CLASS: “9 Move, 90" HIT DICE: 20168 hit poin Soin wae 7556 TREASURE 178 NO.OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE ATTACK: 2-12/2:12/6-48 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Brea Reeciat eg SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE” Stands INTELIGENCE: Supra gence AUGNIENT: Low! good SIE U(72 lang) PSIONICABITY: A ‘stock Daterse Modes: Ni cHANCE OF ys Speaking: 00% 008 HRS Sleeping 5 The King of Gead dragons, Bahamut the platinum dragon, deli in @ great fred poloce behind the soa wind {No ore tres for conta # Thisplace is onthe elemental lane cfarrar some plone belwin iron he Seven Heavens or IuPorosnes, rove Boramr ans scout] Abou one {vor of he ine he cams the arin the guise of human o eon ony the form he chooses, for Baharct rable fo shop change esl. He soe ‘rove osvally oretnerooly ts ard’a tite, or he con boaine ony one of tee forms of breath espa = Sls ina cone 8 lng wih ote homer of ua ch thew sbatonee and ouume goseous form 1 12 ful uma, or some ‘eroion whch willdsinteqrot ype 150 so He copabe ot csng Greate: Save ro he amerulnanrect ine organ Bohamut sabe o employ any spl of It through ih level nyo each of rmogical ond | each of clerical spall er doy or maximum 92) spel, Fe posteses books lating kneaen magicapelsof hese levee There oo seven huge ancient god dragons of highest abilities and loyalty io serve es qvrds, companions, ord Saws to Bahar Me seldom {ha stow tem (sage vc eneare’ngBohomot nine gue fond trolis happened by much io treir sorrow.) meee Red Dragon (Draco Conflagratio Herriblis) FREQUENCY: Rave NO. APPEARING. [4 ARMOR CLASS: -1 move 924 HT DICE #11 TREASURE TYPE: H. 5.7 NO.OF ATTACKS. 2 DAMAGE ATTACK -8/1-8/290 “bowtie magic wie SPECIAL DEFENSES Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE. Stondord INTELIGENCE: Excopr nat AUGNMENT Choo Size 148 org) FSIONIC ABITY: ‘ac Daterse Mods: N unceor ‘Speoking 75% Sleeping 29%DRAGON, RED The fed dragon is wsvolly found dwelling in great hile or mountainous regions, Ae with mon other of the spaces, they moke thai los i bteraneon cover end similor places They ‘re very greedy ond Cvarciocs Of all evil dragons, the a01 the wor, save for Tiomat ‘Arad dragon sable 'o atock by means of 2 clow/clow be routine o by bathing 2 cone of fire 9 long by 3” bose diomerer Speaking red drogons ore 40% ikaly robe aba to employ spell Fer each age bracket he dragon hos aainad itis bla ve on cdi no! sell A she fst wo ages the re drogon goins< I lave spall he nen ‘hoo 2nd level spel 2 gained. o he lith and uth ages rd level epell SS gained, and ofthe lout two ages 4h tvel spel is gained. Thus, on loncientved dragon would be abe fo employ wo apels each ofp level Miveush Silver Dragon (Draco Nobilis Argentum) FREQUENCY: Very rare NO APPEARING. 1-4 ARMOR CLASS: HIT DICE 11 SeIN LAIR” 5556 TREASURE TYPE: HT NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATIACK: 1-6/1.6/590, SHCIALATACKS: Breath ‘weapons + pose spel se SPEGIAL DEFENSES MAGIC RESISTANCE. Sondord INTELIGENCE: Excepnional AUGNMENT owt good Size 148" long) ‘rock/Dafenae Modes: Nil CHANCE OF Speaking: 75% Sleeping. 15% Silver drogons select mountain peoks,clovds, and similar locales in which, fo esabiah thes abode, iis claimed tht this agon can be found i The home af tre King of Good Dragons os well ae Behind other winds 0 wel Much 080 gold dragon, the creahves ore able t polymorph hemasives in oder fo appear ar on orumel or aman (iypicaly @ kindly eid mon oF {Girdomeel tthe loner) When in combate sber dragon able anack with iow and fang or we sith oft two bregih weapors a ane ot as (ead) & lang witha d” bose, or 2 cloud of poraiyzing gar 5” lang by £” wide by 2” high whieh wil tote immedi effec upon ll within f unless they save varie Srogon beat Sliver dragons who ore able to vie mogic ar abo empioy@ maximum otten spel. Ar each ofthe hie two ages they goin wo id ang level ‘pall respecively t each age theres tney gain on odaiona pall — Srdlavel ot subodut ond young ah, sth level o cut ond od aod Sh level very oid ond ancient Ths, 9 very young siver dragon of hi ably would know two Tet lvel spelt, 0 young one would know Te {nd 2nd level spel ete. Furthermore, 25% of magie using tver dagen have books of rele, so they moy selec pels for tether her Knowing u DRAGONNE White Dragon (Draco Rigidus Frigidus) FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO.APPEARING: ARMORCLASS. 2 move 12/30 Hoice: 57 SINLARR 20% TREASURE IVP E05 NO.OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE ATTACK. 14/1-472-18 SPECIAL ATTACKS. rerh weapon SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE. Sonor INTELIGENCE Average flow) ALIGNMENT: Choose ev SIZE 124 long) ‘atock/Defenve Modes: Ni CHANCE OF Speaking: 20% Mog Uso: 5 Sleeping: 605 White dragons fovor chilly ar cald regions in which 1 dwell, They lair n ‘ey caves or deep sbieroneon places Although not se nell genta moe (her dragons, ey are ot el ane greedy oF ony “The white dragon is let anack witha clw/e laut or wth breath ‘cone of old ton) 7" long witwatbase ameter of 29" ore mogicusing white drogons or able te employ @ maximum of four Ist evel spells. going one ot each even-numbered (2nd, an Sh ‘ge bracka,.one spel at young age, «second ot young adult stage 2 Thr ot old age, ond the four a ercient wares, Yo aevermine toe sabe, selec randomly rom ine I level pall lis. Duplcaion a pesle Imerely indicating that the sagen can ure the tore spall twice, tice ‘ven four ties DRAGONNE FREQUENCY: Very rre NO. APPEARING” ‘ARMOR CLASS. 6/2 moves 5" HiTDICe:@ SeINLAIR 40% TREASURE TYPE B 5,7 NO.OF ATTACKS. DAMAGE ATTACK 1-8/7.8/2-08 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Roor SPECIAL DEFENSES: MAGIC RESSTANCE. Srondord INTEWIGENCE: tow ALIGNMENT. Neural SIZE L(5'a shoulaer) PSIONIC ABLITY: Ni [A weird cross between a bras dagen and 2 sion ion, the drogon both very rare ond men soir. The bao fghs with oge cams nd ‘great fange butte mont Sreoded weapon is I hore root. Thr round cain nein wi othe move sen eo Wil be deotened Both effects ofthe agora’ oo" lat for fare 212 Ielae rounds Those weak from fer trom the sound Sone Ys of the [Srongih; dectaned crasures canner hear any soured ard wil site ar onthel otock ice doe to dior ertonan, Dragonres are able Yo fy 6niy Shon eatoncer (1-3 urs] wih he smal wings. They speak he agua of brass dragons andagh nce.DRAGON TURTLE DRAGON TURTLE FREQUENCY: Veryrare NO APERRING ARMOR CLASS: 0 mover9 HiT OVce: v2.14 TREASURE TYPE: 8k 5 NO.OF ATTACKS. 3 DAMAGE ATTACK. 219/212/4-22 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Sondre INTELIGENCE. Very ALIGNMENT: Neva SIE-L/vp10 90 da) FSIONIC ABLTY: Ni Perhaps the mest feared of water crore is he dragon tule Thy are found in very large rivers and lkes st well orn tha tea, thik tl rmokes # neary Impossible fo harm, while powertl clows ad jews {oul ip opporent fo sheds Wort sil, hey can Belch farh cloud of ‘aiding steam which covers on area 8” long. 4” wise, ana 4” high: Ths Steam cautes domoge equal fa he number 3th point the dagen fle fos, reduced by one:holf the vicin mckes ts saving hvow Drogen ‘unles very in t20 age ond hit pois per die inthe aome manrer ob Srogons (via ragon turtle comes up under even large thin they {rikoiyo capsize he vessl (chances ore 95% fro ll sh 10 S08 for, large one). They spe0k ther own tongue Descririon: The shell ofthe ckagan tune is deep grten with silver highigns Togs and tail oe lighter gree with golden highligh. neck f green/gold, wish golden highlights. ond is head ond creut ore DRYAD FREQUENCY: very re NO. APPEARING? 1. ARMORCLASS:@ tev ovce:2 INI, 10% TREASURE TYPE‘ Mx 100). 0 (10) NO OF AACS? DAMAGE/ATTACK’ Dagger SPECIAL ATTACKS. Chor SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE. 50% INTELIGENCE: gn Sue a PSIONIC ALITY: Ni ‘Aiack/Daferse Modes: Ni ced clluring 106 sprite ore found only in the most sacle places. They ore focrd only neor ook tees and never mare than 56" om thew ncivduol ee of whith hey are scl sport Adryoa > Shy and non-violent Unies urprand a diyad can daoppecr by sopping Into Wee, sipping otlon ede uneeon bythe nudes) and dimer on oor toh own rae Dryod res are diinguished only by he lorge si ‘hey do not radiate ay mage: I seriously trestened, orf near © male ‘wih @ 18 or greote chormo, the sryed wil use her powerfal orm Person spell wien may be cot up fo tee tines pe day, once per mele ‘way by 9 dyad, here ise 08 chance hey wll naver return, an they fongve, elven, pinesh, sprite and alto speok with planta, W carefully ‘Sporoached they migh ie persuades to ido person or potty Dryace have tract knowledge othe wood or fore! n which ney vel ware DWARF FREQUENCY: Common NO. Ateann 3-20 Iowow cis: « move ® foie: iain sox TREASURE THE nv ot (e500 (<0) 8 No. Grartaces: SANACE ATTACK. wacpon erie saci ATACKS: S00 bow SHELA RFNGES Save oe eves higher See below) MAGIC REIIANCE Boobs INTEUGENCE: very Sues(a'+ rol) Poin Caan ‘AvacDeterse Moder: Ni “posubleo extn vrunual chores Rocky nil ore the favorite abode of thete tidy emcrures, Dwarves ypealy band together in clars wnien are not mutvaly clases orate Classes sultaneousy 0 fighter rcs or amp. we pore oe. Nove {so tht the level of profcioney moy vary between the to oF more lasses one of hese creatures eanabie of prtorm'ng For avery 0 dwarven © group there wil bee fighter of 2nd through th level (fo determine lovel rll 9 Sad de, | equaling 2 ana ne oh numbers indicating the love) 1160 or more duorees ae ns ou nore wil bein oddtlon one sth, and one ath love! fighter oy chil and Tetenamt, of he group 200 or mere are encountered ero wil 62 9 fightor care of Srate th eve! sighting sbi ana so 7h lov cies ably in addin the others, 220 or more sworvos oe srcasmered there wil bee folowing addivanal dwarves win he wovp anv evel fighter 7h level fighter o 6h lvel igher Min lave clans anatase level fighter ‘cers. Wrencountered io Yher lor (home there wil se dation rom 2-12 fighters am Bravo love, rom 28 igh cer {from 2nd 1 ah level (ecchsaregory), ond females ond young equa "6 50% and 25% espocively ofthe number of aur maien A Sua olwayser underground comples said eck Dwarves oe rypcally rmored with cholomoll ard shield They hove ihe following pie! weapon ng Sword &spe0" 208% Area neavy crostbow foo Are mace Tos Hemmer pick jos Higher level fighter ond fighter clerics nave 9 10% chonce ge level of having mog\carmer end/or weapons, Fa igher/clenis ses check 10% Stand te/rod,mise mage) usable oy conics All dures above nel Dwarves a 40% likely 19 have somes animale 1 sree 8 guards inher love 5-20 wolves 28%) or 2&urown bear 755 Due to ther rear haved af aeblins. orcs, ond habgcblins, ol ores gain ‘borusct +1 onheirsize olive hitthere cpponenss Whar Suara ore In melee wih ogres, rolls and gas these monsters mur deve! hom ‘heir ice rll 9 ni he warven opponents due tothe size and sil ‘he omer n combing nese huge ereoures All dwarves ar resistant bon mogic and poison; they therfore make Soving throws at evel above ther ocvol level Dwarves con sea he ‘ark {introvsion) noting wanstes at a circ of 60, Bocause of the mining shil, Gworvs ore gaod (508 0758 ikly) at detecting passages ‘which slope spwords or downwards, siding or arifing wale or roomDWARF Dworves speak tei own tongue and those of gromes, goblin, Kobold, tnd ora Iris 75% likely that dwarves wll ato speak the: common language, Description: Owarver cre ypcally deep 07 9 light brown of skin, with ‘eddy cheeks ara bright eves (almost never Blue}. Trew hoi brown, ‘loc or ray They fovor earth ones with smal bi of tight olor in hai ‘lothing Athough only 4 or 20 fet Tal they weigh no less thon 150 pounds due fo thei stocky mscular build. Thy live for no les thon 350 —_ Mountain Dwarves: These creatures are similar 0 thei cousin, the hil Gworves, devoled above. The ony diferences ore sae (04+ val) hi ‘ice (1 4 1), ond coloration (rypiealy higher wih trown hal). They ‘employ fewer cresbows (20% maximum) and mare speor (30%) Mountain worse with 16 srengin con work up 10 7h level, with YF strength o Bt level, and with TB strength toh lavel, Mountain dwarves have. life spon of 40 or more years EAGLE, GIANT — EAR SEEKER — EE. — EFREET — ELEMENTAL — ELEPHANT — ELF — ETTIN— EYE, FLOATING — EYE OF THE DEEP EAGLE, Gient FREQUENCY: Rore INO. APPEARING. 1-20 ‘ARMOR CLASS: 7 move 38" Hit oice « TREASURE TPE: 0. (magic only) INO, OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATIACK: 1.6/1.6/2-12 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ses blow MAGIC RESISTANCE. Sonord INTELUGENCE: Average AUGNMENT: Nowra SIZE (20' wing epreod) PSIONIC ABITY. ‘Aroch/Defonve Modes: Ni {Gian eoales are found only in places where there ore great bus, meson of mourtain rag nas! on Ther eyengh such tha they 2 over srprised unless encountered n thei ator at nigh. Why oath oy Giving 50 or mere feet they odd +4 hit grabobiiy, do double clow domoge (212/2-12), but ge! no beck stack They can cary up 10 2000 ‘ged pieces at hol speed if encountered ouside their la, giant eagles will rypicaly ignore ony (0d creatures but atack evil creolves which seem so be threatening They ore fry fend towards carain dwarves and elves: They have het ‘own language and can sito communicate through a limted form of ‘elepainy. encountered in thei iar they wil lays be hore. hare {re young (50%) or e998 there they will och any ear witln 30 ‘here mil ba Tot young par nee, nest per? giant sogies They con be tamed fags sellon he open markt fr 500 "0 BD gold pces each EAR SEEKERS. FREQUENCY: Very rae INO. APPEARING. 1 ARMORCUSS: 9 move” FIT DICE: 1 hit point SHINAI 0% [NO.OF ATTACKS: See below DAMAGE/ATIACK: See below SRCIALATIAGRS: Ni SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stondors INTELIGENCE: Non: ‘ALIGNMENT: New SIZE Sjobeur 1 Tong) ‘itock/ Defense Modes: Ni for soaker ore smell Inactolds which ore found in wood. They lve by toting deod cellulose, bet they now warm places in which olay he ‘Sage ond they fovor places like ear i thi cregure enters @ warm place, ‘twill ahwoy ay 9-18 ray eggs and then crawl out ode, When he ogg fetch (424 hows) the lovee ect te aurrouncing fleshy generally borrowing wares o whee the most food and body hee! illing tei host @ost of the time, Acurelzeore spell wll airy the #998 EEL FREQUENCY: Rare Uncommon Veryrare NO. APPEARING: 13 Ta "0.00 ARMOR CLASS ° ° ove @ 8 HiTDce: 2 rm HINA mit 100% TREASURE TPE: Ni ane NO.OF ATIAGKS: " 7 DAMAGE ATTACK: ra ' SPECIAL ATTACKS Jot Poison SPECIAL OFFENSES: i Co MAGIC RESISTANCE Srondord Standard Srandord INTELIGENCE Nom Non Sze M(20"long) (6 ang) PSIONIC ABILITY il i ‘Aitck/ Defensa Modes: ni Ni Al eols ore woterwellert. They ore typically aggressive only when ‘pproached ce losely. lect ents oe fourd in warm fresh water. They wll give off @ jot of lsewiiy in 9 radius of 15. They ore immune to slecical effec. Any Ereature within ofthe wel oker 9-24 hit paints domoge” within to the ait deliver 2-16 ht poles damage, and between 10! ond 15" the jal elves 1-8 ht pont The el con doth but once per hou (i uns). Morin specie re repored9 be twice the ize ana do tie he domage, iont wale ore typically of the moroy pe, They have 2 nasty emper and teeth tomotch Faw (108) are found in ech weer Weed sete are maser of comoutlage, appearing ot 2 patch of normal teoweed to ary but © highly woined observer, They ive in colonies, ‘Shoring food ond home alice, The bite polonour, and unio 0¥ing throw & made ine coctre biten wil de, Weed eel coloien consist of & network of all (arto eight ch digmeter) holes which all lead to {evoraldiomee unrel, and te lates leas to'9 communal eave about 30" long, 20" wide, ond 20 high the ees use small tones, cans, gers tet et lor this cave wih Clones are found in both eth ond alt ‘ote, ypcallyn water depths oF25' fod on tempts made foarte ‘ny hole the eel Yo whom it belongs wil always srk with inroaible ‘Speed: eats soe the entrance of frwign creatures, hay wil leave tele olen protect ine cove ware young or vseEFREETI EFREETI FREQUENCY: Very rove NO APPEARING. ‘ARWOR CLASS: 2 HiT oice: 10, SeIN LAIR: Ni TREASURE TYPE Ni NO, OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE ATTACK: 924 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL OUENSES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE. Srondord INTELUGENCE. Very AAUGNMENT: Newt (tend sera) PSIONIC ABIUTY: ‘Avock/Detonse Modes: Ni The ete! are ceatures fom the Eamantl Pane of Fie, jst at dinn come trom Plane of At. Thoy ore enemies of the dine ond will ways {hack when they encounertham. Am street con be frcea to seve foro ‘moximum at 1.001 daysor by covting its all we wishes. They ste ot ‘hiling sorvons, ond hay oil reek" perverse intent of het mesers by (dherng othe letra commen, [An roe is able 10 do the following once per dy: grant vp to hee wlshes (and ge Fee), become invite, cxsume gasses form. detec mogie enlarge (or 210th aval magic vse), polymorph self. create or lution with both visual and avsiel components which wil las woe Concenwation val magieslydapelled or ouched, or ceste@ wal of fre, ‘An eter can olzo produce fiom or cause pycctecnnis oo olen ob ested. Anacks bated on fre do'no norm fo afte’ if ie fre oF the norma” som mogical fre anacke area) on oth “to end dernoge dice Erect con ary up to 7.500 gold paces weight, oft or fling, without ing They con carry double weigh! or only 0 mie ime nro une {teat or but ane ur soft For each 1,90 gold pacer of weigh under 1.000 aad one ture to either wolking or fying tie permed, Alar farvying exces we gh he elvan muse fori ll turns, “he fabled iy of Bras, ctodel of he Eee, ton the plane from whence they como. Capture af on elect posable there, bu! tent eves, hundreds of etree! would possibly have to be foced ais. Eres cre Inforovs for ew alive of orig rer desire for ravengo, il erel ‘ra, and thor obiity va mislead. A powerf Solan rues ne Ere, Ne [Stewed by many diferan sort of nobles and ffl (pashon devs mis vali nd mots The oteet ore able to communicate with any intelligent cote they encounter by mann ofa limited form o telepathy whith enables hem Undersoné nd speak appropriately ree! re able ro wavelthe moteral elemental ond ostol planes. ELEMENTAL There are four diterant kind of elementals normally encountered — ot cont, fire, ond water elomeril. These ora atang tut relatively shold beings conjured magically from their normal habia the slemerel piones of oir earth, ee. The strength of ony type varies andthe Ehoracterisis of each slamerial ype are ferent. Al erences wil be Sealrwih separately under ne appropeioie headings More or leat powertol ond/or intelligent elemeniais exis on the erento! slanes nan con be surmmoned. Various forms of ree wills ‘lomenta plone dwellers willbe found cescr bed elsewhere in hs bask he umending tree elements dwelling on these. plones wll be mentioned only briefly hereunder Conjred elementals fal ino three hi ice srength catagories, ond this pple ot pes conjured by sel! ehindice Conjsed by summoning device hi dice CConjred trough a stat Bhrsice a ELEMENTAL, AIR Any creture coniring an elemental may do so but once per doy per means per elemental "ype. For example mageuser sh) Wo Spproprte sts could aummon of lott wo slemantol, one through tsoct of once per doy. ach. Both elemanels could nol be The sone Kind. i the mogicuser were oble to employ severo! spall Yo conure elementos, each spel wovld hove to tummen a deren kd of “lemantol However ifthe magic er oo hada summoning device ond tlt he could pomibly evoke three elements of he some Wpe, [As elementalsre stupid and retort being summoned, he conjuring porty ‘must concenvate upon cantaling the creotre aura to da so wil on inthe. elemental ‘utning upon the summoner 75% oh ine wine and {ackng. The trning element will come rectly foward he coriering ott etacking anything ints path along tne woy. Corr cn naver be Fegaineé, and on unconaled elemental wil sways return tot oh Plane intrest after coral ee fan elemental does no uty (25% hance}, simply goer immadoiely Yo. own, plane corvol Concentration requites hat the summening poy remman stronary ond be ‘ether prysically nor menioliy stacked, iciesing ahock by mise ot ‘isracion Tnony even only one elemental ataime canbe controled Elememais ore imperviout 19 atocks by normel weapons ard even rmogical weapons under “+2 bonus. Creates without magical ably af Fitice Magical aby includes por, poison, ded, breath weanone fond even the choroceratie of not being subject Yo atack by normal ‘weopons Koboids, goblins, oft ere ore ll poworess ro foc! Slomertas because they hove neiher magica oper no ovr or mote hiv dice. Ogres, however could atock on elemental wits elec! os thoy fave the necesorystengih (four hit dice in ie cas). Nob, however ‘hot fakoboid with a +2 mage sword anacked on elemonial he wenger wouldbe efecive {A conjured elemento can be taken over ond cortlled by 2 magi wer foxing © dspe! magi pal (tao delle evel over convuring ary level to determine chance of nicest), and delberely omg? ot Aspen the conta raher han he elemental Hewere” ibe spe ais the effec a o sangha the elemental to 9 fol 6 point per hit sie double whe conaliers ablty ‘a corcentane, and make the elemental reson ho one tering the tkevr so al fi becomes crecrliod Iai goater hot mogesuser Air Elemental FREQUENCY: Very rore NO. APPEARING. | ‘ARWOR CLASS? move: 36 HIT Dice: 8, 12016 SIN LAR Ni NO. OF ATTACKS. 1 DAMAGE/ATIACK: 2.20, SPECIAL ATTACKS. See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or Sener MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stondord INTELIGENCE" tow ALIGNMENT. Neva PSIONIC ALITY: ‘itack/ Defense Modes: Ni ‘Ae elementals’ only mode of locomotion is by “ying. They ean, of Course, move at slower thon the speed lsted f'n cme inne Tey gaina=! an ht probobly anda +2 on wach die of damage ney coure Upon command on ar elemento! tar form a whiwind a rencated reverse cone, with 2” boom diameter 28° top slomeer, ends height In inches equal 9 the elementals numberof ht dice, 6°12" ort the fll height ofthe wirtwind con't be chained doe fo some overhead Sburucon, the whviwind i only half srangih, & full srengin oi ftementl whirlwind Ions for | melee round, sweepe ewy and ils al freotures under three hit dice nd coves 216 hi porns of Gamage onal on-oeral cates whieh it fat to kil eutrght, Formation oF ns ‘whining ordssipoion af traqurer one fll rn On the elemental plone of air can be found certain ineligen air lemons which have special abit beyond the above, Some OeELEMENTAL, AIR stronger than the most powerful of conjured element, Their queen is bom powerul and hes ceroin magia oie. Earth Elemental FREQUENCY: Very rare NO, APPEARING. 1 ARMOR CLASS: 2 hove 6 HIT OE: 8,12, or 18 TREASURE TWP: Ni NO, OF ATTACKS? DAMAGE/ATIACK: 432 SPECIAL ATIACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or Gorter MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stondord INTELGENCE: Low [AUGNMENT: Newry Sart PSIONIC ABILITY: ni ‘rock Detenve Modes: Ni These powerful cnores rove ate’ slowly. and in order Yo cess wote ‘hey must ave! trough tne grourd and go oder he bed of the bogy of woler (possibly a ong tin). They score full domage agar any crasre Which fesse on the earth, 2'0n each die of domoge gore siher Sppenents tying lewtoting, ete) Agoinst constuction bulton stone oe fart they act a8 9 super Borering ram, causing 28 point ef sucarel damage (2 mypien!cotage how dba 7 snceurl pans) Trey con be On the elemental plone of earth there enn @ boss rumored fo be of 2 Elemental FREQUENCY: very rare NO. APPEARING. 7 ARWOR CLASS 2 moves 19 SINLAR TREASURE PE: Ni NO.OF ATIAGKS. | DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3.24 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DUENSES: 2 or baer MAGIC RESISTANCE. Srandord AUIGNMENT: Nev! Size PSONIC ABIUTY: Ni ‘anack/ Defense Modes: Ni Fire clement are rerio behold andiace opponants. They sete 6 ny inlommable moter they rove Agoins!fre-aing aaparerts they Score =I on thew domage dict, Fre elementals are checked by water being unabie spate overnonsnflammaste huis (On she sermon! plone of ine exit many sons of diferent fie elemental ‘ard simior beings. The ule of ote semenals'repones w be howe ELEPHANT Water Elemental FREQUENCY: Vary core INO. APPEARING, Move e 8 HITOICE: 1201 SeINUAR Ni NO, OF ATTACKS: | DAMAGE/ATIACK: $30 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEHNEES: £9 or bev ‘weapon toh MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standort INTELUGENCE: tow PSIONIC ABILITY. Ni ‘itock/ Date Modes: Ni ‘operations, far they can siray only 6” from their element. It normally "ecure cna vol of wot or watery 9 cee 9 Bar several targe barrels of ole or wine would wuthce, Gute tna sloront woterstemertals ar les etlecve, ond tney love point fam tach die-of domoge they inflict. in @ Body of water thay otk ot fl {Hee move more swify, can upset sal cent au pa sci ct Slement| 2 alow ot sop cof (| ton of veel con be sicppes per at Doin of elamertal greater fonnoge simply rahe oreo Ri pains 0 Find he rote the vets slowed). Ineligen beings ore common at well or much more pawerul semertol tthe to" doa mith here, i's pombe vho they ave ruled by 0 god ke ELEPHANT (Asia) Eaphort (afocon flgphont) FREQUENCY, Common Common NO. APPEARING: 20 Tn ARMOR CASS é @ Move Bs ts niToce: "0 ” ‘TREASURE TF: hi fi NO, OF ATTACKS: s 5 SPECIAL ATTAOXS: Ny ‘i SPECIAL DEFENSES Ni hi MAGIC RESISTANCE stondors Siondord INTELIGENGE ‘Som ‘som ‘AUGNMENT Neural Neuro! Sze ee) unl) PSIONIC ABILITY Ni Ni ‘Atack/ Defense Modes: mi nt i found only in worm climate. They atock by means of a ‘sab with wo tuts @ gr end squeeze with ther rk, ond then Mo ‘ramalings with their ron feat One opponent canbe sbjecr fo no more thon rwo ef these anocks othe some tne, bu! seveel epperents can be {ought simultaneously — 6 0" more mor-sted eppanen's fr example. (Ogesized opporent wil nt be offacid by rank onacks Elephant oe feiatvelyieligen ond wil nt runkanackereotures which wil harm thei Wank, ve skey, hatte. They fear fe. An elephant an eo breok open o grect ove by pushing unless the gote i spiked fo preven! this They can Bevened io cary equipment and/or men, Elephant uss have o valve of 1010600 god pace volue each Each gold piece of vlue equals one. qvaner sound ooh 1 more than one-half he pombe number is encountered, there will be young animals in the herd — om 1104 20840 70% mature, a single Grimes encountered it will Be 9 fogve bul, with na ewe: than 6 hi
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