BSBPMG624 - T1 - Michael Johan Cruz Verdugo

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Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD

Assessment Task
BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG624 Engage in collaborative alliance

Unit Code BSBPMG624

Unit Name Engage in collaborative alliance

Assessment Code T1 Due Date 16/08/2020

Student Name MICHAEL JOHAN CRUZ Student ID LON000072R


Declaration of authenticity

I, the above-named student, confirm that by submitting, or causing the attached assignment (and any
additional attachment associated with it) to be submitted, to Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd, I have not
plagiarised any other person’s work in this assignment and except where appropriately acknowledged,
this assignment is my own work, has been expressed in my own words, and has not previously been
submitted for assessment.
I do understand and accept the consequences of academic misconduct according to Lonsdale’s Policies
and Procedures.

TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 1 of 12

TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Jan 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG624 Engage in collaborative alliance

This assessment is a portfolio of evidence, designed to assess your ability to engage in collaborative

You are required to:

 Develop a report to present potential collaborators to the program sponsor

 Develop a strategy to engage the potential collaborator
 Develop an MOU
 Negotiate the MOU and apply relevant changes to the agreement
 Develop an implementation plan for the MOU and a monitoring and evaluation strategy
 Address a case study

To develop your assessment, you can work on either of the following scenarios:

 Scenario 1: Choose an organisation and industry that you are familiar with. You could choose, for
example, an organization you worked for or you work with.
 Scenario 2: Work on Lonsdale Institute. Consider that Lonsdale’s management hired you to
manage a program to assist them with positioning themselves as a leading private provider of
business courses to international students in Australia.

This assessment comprises of the following sections:

Section 1: Identify and evaluate the collaborative alliance

Section 2: Collaborative agreement
Section 3: Collaborative alliance - implementation
Section 4: Case Study


In this section, you are required to:

 Task 1: Develop a report for your program sponsor about two potential collaborators that you
have identified for the program.
 Task 2: Develop a strategy to engage the preferred collaborator


Create a report directed to your program sponsor. The report must be professionally developed and
edited. It is advisable that you develop it in a separate file and call the file BSBPMG624_Report

TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 2 of 12

TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Jan 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG624 Engage in collaborative alliance

The report aims to present opportunities for collaborative alliances and it identifies and evaluates two
potential collaborators.

The report must contain the following:

 A brief statement of the purpose of the report

 A description of how potential collaborations were identified and evaluated (what parameter were
used, how the potential collaborations link and/or align with the program vision and the
sponsoring organisation’s strategy, what benefits have been considered for the program)
 A list of potential collaborators (more than two)
 Criteria that were followed to short list the two collaborators
 A summary profile of the two potential collaborators that addresses the following:
o Information about the potential collaborator (industry or department, competency or
product offering for example)
o Impact assessment of working with the collaborator (positive and negative)
o Compatibility (organisational culture, leadership style, core competencies, business
processes, knowledge management etc..) of the collaborator with the program
o Synergy of goals and strategies
o Risk assessment and proposed risk management strategies
o Access to assets (tangible and intangible)
o Due Diligence summary report
o Any other consideration that you believe is pertinent
 A recommendation on the preferred collaborator to the program sponsor with appropriate

Team Plan

The purpose of the plan is to develop advertising for the business courses, as well as hiring someone
who will try to obtain customers for those courses by going to companies and present the advertisement
made, and telling them all they need to know about them and convincing them. We will also hire special
teachers/trainers for this business courses who will be trained based on Lonsdale mission and vision
statement and model.

Team vision is to become the best company in providing courses, including business ones
Team mission is to make our customer data base grow up to 40% by the end of 2020

Team ground rules:

1. Never engage on a fight with customers

2. Always treat customers and coworkers with respect
3. Always wear business uniform
4. Don’t use cellphone while teaching or presenting the courses to customers
5. Any changes consult with team leader

TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 3 of 12

TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Jan 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG624 Engage in collaborative alliance

The objectives to be achieved are: to start business courses and to increase the number of clients for the

The team is a small team, with 6 team members, 2 for each role. They will all consult with team leader
(the marketing manager).

KPIs for the first objective will be to create the business model and courses based on the company’s
mission and vision, by the end of February 2020. For the second objective the KPI will be to obtain at
least 2 groups of 10 customers each by mid-Dec 2020.


Develop a strategy, in the form of personal notes, on how to initiate and shape productive work
relationships with the preferred collaborator. Your notes must be relevant to your program and build
on the report developed in task 1.
(Min. 200 words)


What I need to shape productive work relationships with both collaborators: I need to first create a
presentation on Power Point with key points to attract them onto collaborate with the institute and our
goals, which are to attract more clients and to reach, with events and great advertisement, students from
other countries. Then I will contact them and present them the PPT and a work contract, mentioning them
that they will be sponsors and that, as any sponsorship, they will earn profitability and clients from this
relationship. After they both agree, we would work on the key elements of this whole sponsorship-
relationship contract: think about our target market, the perfect advertisement to reach them and a cool
innovative idea for an event (the selected company has the best events in the world, so they would be
very innovative and amazing). Then we will select a timeframe for everything and start working on both
things, monitoring that everything goes according to the key goals and with the contract that they both
signed. As we finish everything, they will have their share and we will all sit down to monitor how we all
three grow from this experience and from this relationship.


In this section, you are required to:

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Jan 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG624 Engage in collaborative alliance

 Task 1: Develop a memorandum of understanding for the collaborative alliance.

 Task 2: Present the memorandum of understanding to your trainer and assessor who will play the
role of an executive manager in the company or department that will collaborate with you.
o You will have to negotiate the terms of the MOU that you have developed with the executive
o Record the results of the negotiation and document the changes that need to be made to the
MOU (a table is provided to record the changes needed).
o Implement those changes to the MOU in your submission of assessment T1. The assessor
will check that you have submitted an MOU reflective of the changes documented in task 2


Create an MOU for the collaborative alliance that has been selected. Use the template below for your

Date May 02th 2020

Partner’s details 1 Lonsdale Institute

Partner’s details 2 Hunter & Alive Events


Brief introductory The purpose of this memorandum of understanding is to set the agreement
between all 3 parts or partners that will join this work alliance to reach the main
statement about the
goal of increasing the number of customers and to reach to more customers
purpose of the worldwide

Objectives of the  Earn more profitability by increasing the number of customers enrolled
collaborative by the end of Nov 2019
alliance  Earn more customers for all 3 companies up to 35% by the end of June
What the alliance  Reach to customers worldwide, which be measured with a survey
when they enrol at Lonsdale
aims to achieve; add
 Create and make advertisement specifically for new customers, so we
KPIs against each
can attract them into enrolling at Lonsdale, 1 tryptic, 1 radio and 1 tv
objective. The use of advertisement.
a table is

Scope of the
collaborative This collaboration is a sponsorship that will create a work alliance between
alliance Lonsdsale Institute, Hunter and Alive Events, in Australia. This includes the
advertisements, an a big event in Jun 2019, so that with all of that we could
attract new customers. This sponsorship excludes any extra cost that is not

TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 5 of 12

TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Jan 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG624 Engage in collaborative alliance

What the mentioned in the contract

includes and

Period of Jun – Dec 2020


Governance Everything must be consulted with the Marketing Manager of Lonsdale Institute,
including decision-making, conflicts, etc.
Address the The accountability will be taken by Lonsdale Institute with their accountant.
following: The structure will be the following: at the top is the MKT manager of Lonsdale,
followed by the manager of Hunter and Alive Events.
governance structure To solve a conflict, the structure must be followed and managers will try and
of the collaboration, solve any conflict.
accountability, Also, all staff members will have a handout that explains step by step on how to
decision-making solve conflicts related with customers or internal, but those will be small conflicts
process, issue that could be put into a handout. Anything bigger goes through managers.
escalation process,
change management
process, conflict

Confidentiality The Issuer hereby agrees to hold and treat all Confidential

Information in accordance with what was agreed and will
Confidentiality implement and maintain safeguards to further assure the
clause confidentiality of such Confidential Information.
The following are examples of the types of clauses that may be appropriate in
full or in part.

1. “You are required to maintain an appropriate standard of

confidentiality. Any disclosures of confidential information (including
personal information kept on computer or other media) made
unlawfully outside the proper course of duty will be treated as a serious
disciplinary offence.”

2. “Any employee disclosing confidential/patient records or information to

any unauthorised person or persons will render the employee subject
to disciplinary action, which may result in dismissal.”

Intellectual Intellectual property will be protected by Lonsdale Institute policies

Property To protect intellectual property, this following should be followed:

1. Not filing patents

How intellectual
2. Separate teams
property will be 3. Avoid join-ownership
shared and/or 4. Safeguard information with strong access control
Get strong non-disclosure agreements

Financial All 3 parties will agree to invest the same amount on the project

TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 6 of 12

TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Jan 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG624 Engage in collaborative alliance

Forward commitment will be used for financial commitment.
Any financial A forward commitment is a contractual agreement between a buyer and seller to
commitment of the carry out a transaction in the future. A forward commitment will specify
two parties the commodity or good being sold, the price, payment date and delivery date.
Forward commitments are contained within several types of derivatives,
including forward contracts, futures contracts and swaps.

Roles and MKT manager of Lonsdale Institute will be the team leader of the project: he will
responsibilities monitor the whole project
The managers of Hunter and Alive Events will be team members, and they will
have different roles: one will create the advertisement agreed on the project and
the other one will design and implement an event to attract students

There will be staff members that will design and create the advertisement, and
will have different responsibilities at the events, like greeting people, explaining
the institute, enrolling peoples, etc.

Resources Computers, any resources needed by the Alive Events manager.

A place for the event
Agreed use of An Office with equipment for making radio advertisement, a printer for printed
physical and/or advertisement and cameras, green screen and editing software for a video
human resources

Communication Information will be shared by meetings every 3 weeks, at the office of the MKT
and information manager of Lonsdale Institute.
sharing The medium of communication will be the meetings, but the meeting invitation
will be sent via email.
Also a whatsapp group will be made to make communication easier and
How information and reachable.
data will be shared; The feedback process will be through meetings as well, and face-to-face
frequency, content meetings, not only group ones.
and medium of The content of the information shared will be any progress on the objectives
consultation and
feedback process to
be employed by the
collaborative alliance

Review and The KPIS (with the goals) are the following:
 Earn more profitability by increasing the number of customers enrolled
High level strategy by the end of Nov 2019
 Earn more customers for all 3 companies up to 35% by the end of Nov
and processes to
review if the
 Reach to customers worldwide, which be measured with a survey
partnership is when they enroll at Lonsdale
meeting the agreed
objectives, identify
areas for To review if they are being met will require an excel sheet to measure the
improvements and number of increased customers monthly, and that will be discussed at the
adjustments. In this meetings mentioned above
section, specific
KPIs can be agreed
TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 7 of 12
TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Jan 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG624 Engage in collaborative alliance

to measure the
progress towards


When and why the The MOU will be terminated at the end of Dec 2020, established in the contract
MOU should be
terminated and
possibly add a
process for the

Authorisation Everything has to be authorised by Lonsdale MKT manager


In week 3 of delivery, present the MOU developed in Section 2, Task 1 to your trainer and assessor who
will play the role of an executive manager in the company or department you are signing the MOU with.
Schedule a meeting with your trainer during class hours.

This is an assessable task and the trainer and assessor will complete an observation checklist of your
performance in the meeting. The assessor will assess:

 Your ability to negotiate the MOU

 The quality and appropriateness of the information provided during the meeting
 Your ability to respond to questions and objections effectively

In your meeting, 15 minutes, discuss the MOU and be ready to negotiate as the executive manager may
require changes to the MOU you prepared. You will have to reach an agreement on the MOU. The
feedback provided during the meeting will have to be reflected in your final submission.

Use the table below to record the changes you made to your MOU based on the meeting. The changes
will have to be reflected in your final submission. Add additional rows if needed:

Changes to MOU
Summary of the outcome of the negotiation:

Change 1 Add another role and responsibilities: an assistant who will help all three managers
Change 2 Remove TV advertisement because of the cost of it
Change 3
Change 4
Change 4
TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 8 of 12
TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Jan 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG624 Engage in collaborative alliance

Changes to MOU
Change 5


In this section, you are required to:

 Develop a collaboration plan to implement the MOU effectively

 Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan of the MOU

1. Implementation plan for the collaborative alliance

Develop an implementation plan for the collaborative alliance.
Address the following. All points must be addressed:
o A schedule for implementation
o Training plans
o Information management plan (how the data will be collected, recorded and disseminated)
o Use of technology to assist with the implementation
o RACI chart
o Resource management (who is in charge of managing physical and human resources, how
the resources will be utilised. Specify plan for each type of resource that will be utilised when
implementing the agreement)
o Communication matrix
o Engagement plan: how personnel will be engaged and led in the process. This should include
consultation and feedback.
o Inquiry management process (this is particularly important at the beginning of the
implementation to address issues and clarify any question from staff)
o Issue management process (how issues will be dealt with, focusing here on the first stage of
the implementation)

The project will have a specific schedule or time frame: from May until end of Dec 2019.

There wont be any training plans, since no one besides the managers will take place on the project and
they already know what to do and how to do it. All data will be collected by the marketing manager from
Lonsdale Institute in accordance with the institute’s policy. The technology used for this project would only
be computers.

Lonsdale Hunter Alive Events

Contract R I I
Advertisement C R I
TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 9 of 12
TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Jan 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG624 Engage in collaborative alliance

Event A I R
Project Management R C C
Finances R A A
Monitoring R R R

The resources needed will be computers, provided by each manager, and all resources needed for the
event. They would be consulted to Lonsdale MKT manager and he will agree or deny any resource that is
needed for the event. Communication is vertical, Hunter and AE will consult everything to Lonsdale. All 3
parties will provide feedback to each other at the meetings that will be hold every 3 weeks. Any issue that
R =be presented must be A=
Responsible consulted to Lonsdale MKT
Accountable and he will assess onI=how
C= Consulted to deal with it.

2. Monitoring and evaluation plan

Create a high-level review and evaluation plan, that builds on the MOU.
Address the following. All points must be addressed:
o Identify KPIs for the collaborative alliance against the objectives of the agreement
o Reporting (types, formats, responsibility to develop the progress reporting, frequency,
medium to disseminate the reporting)
o Change management process (how requests for change are logged, submitted – to whom,
revised, escalated- if necessary, approved and implemented)
o Consultation and feedback process (how parties are consulted, frequency, medium; how
feedback is sought and analysed)
o Meetings (formal: frequency, attendees)
o Issue management process (how issues are logged, assessed, escalated, resolved)
o Process to review the agreement
o Any other process that you think would be relevant to the plan (example: schedule control,
financial control, compliance monitoring, staff performance management etc.)

KPIS are the following:

 Earn more profitability by increasing the number of customers enrolled by the end of May 2019
 Earn more customers for all 3 companies up to 35% by the end of Dec 2019
 Reach to customers worldwide, which be measured with a survey when they enrol at Lonsdale

TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 10 of 12

TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Jan 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG624 Engage in collaborative alliance

Reports will take place every 3 weeks at the meetings, there is no specific format. Each manager will
shared and report their notes that they have on their electronic devices. The change management
process is the following: if any change will take place, it must be consulted with the marketing manager of
Lonsdale, he will assess it and approve them. Any consultation must be mentioned to him, but for
feedbacks they will all be provided by all 3 parties at the meetings. Meetings will be held every 3 weeks at
the office of the marketing manager of Lonsdale Institute. Any issue will be consulted to the project


You are 6 months into the delivery of your program, consider that the following has happened:

o The sponsoring organisation has decided to discontinue one of the projects in your
program (mention which one);
o The collaborative ally requested to cut the resource sharing agreement by 70%;
o A progress report shows that 2 of the KPIs agreed in the MOU (mention the KPIs) have
not been met.

Based on your program and your agreement and plans for the collaborative alliance, describe:

1. How the events in the scenario would affect the program (specify the project and the
KPIs in your discussion)
2. What changes need to be made to the MOU
3. What actions can be taken to support the achievement of the two KPIs and what
interventions need to be undertaken with the collaborative ally
4. Any other consideration based on the scenario (optional)

(Min. 250 words in total)

The events in the scenario would affect the program because without the events, which was the
discontinued project, we can’t reach to more students even having advertisement. The KPIS affected
were that, without the events, there won’t be an increased number of customers for all 3 companies and
we won’t reach to more students worldwide as well.

Changes needed to the MOU will be to change the KPIs according to with what was observed and to
what happened, with the loss of one project and sponsor, and to hire an assistant to help the managers.
To support the achievement of the two KPIs we will need another sponsor for the events, explain them
the whole project and the benefit of this 3 party alliance and how it will benefit their company by joining it.
If we lose our original sponsor but we want to keep the same KPIs and the same alliances, that is what
we will need to do: to find another sponsor or company to join us, from the list from the initial report for the
project, present the whole project again, the contract, benefits, etc, and then initiate the whole process
again, because we will need to hold a different event with the new sponsorship and alliance.

TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 11 of 12

TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Jan 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG624 Engage in collaborative alliance

TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 12 of 12

TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Jan 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F

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