Lonsdale Institute Assessment Task: Unit Code Unit Name Assessment Code Due Date Student Name Student ID
Lonsdale Institute Assessment Task: Unit Code Unit Name Assessment Code Due Date Student Name Student ID
Lonsdale Institute Assessment Task: Unit Code Unit Name Assessment Code Due Date Student Name Student ID
Assessment Task
BSB61215 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG617 Provide leadership for the program
Declaration of authenticity
I, the above-named student, confirm that by submitting, or causing the attached assignment (and any
additional attachment associated with it) to be submitted, to Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd, I have not
plagiarised any other person’s work in this assignment and except where appropriately acknowledged,
this assignment is my own work, has been expressed in my own words, and has not previously been
submitted for assessment.
I do understand and accept the consequences of academic misconduct according to Lonsdale’s Policies
and Procedures.
This assessment is a portfolio of evidence, designed to assess your ability to provide leadership for the
To develop your assessment, you can work on either of the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: Choose an organisation and industry that you are familiar with. You could choose, for
example, an organization you worked for or you work with.
Scenario 2: Work on Lonsdale Institute. Consider that Lonsdale’s management hired you to
manage a program to assist them with positioning themselves as a leading private provider of
business courses to international students in Australia.
This assessment comprises of the following sections:
Task 1:
Define the program vision and describe how it aligns with the sponsoring organisation
mission and values
The vision is to leave a healthy world for future generations, at Melba Fresh we are committed to
delivering quality food with zero waste rate.
The idea of the company's sales and stock control program is in line with company values, our goal is to
promote sales, create an online platform and precise inventory control to eliminate waste, as well as
expand our supply chain and increase our range of products distributed to the population.
Deliver your presentation, collect feedback from the audience and review the program
vision accordingly. (Book a time in Week 2 of delivery)
The presentation should be clear and objective, focusing on the main points of the project. The first thing
to do this is to put together all the content you want to talk about and organize it in a hierarchical way.
Mental maps can be very valuable in this process. They help build ideas without organizational difficulties.
The indispensable slides are:
• Highlight how the vision aligns with the mission and values of the sponsoring organization
• How alignment with the mission and values of the sponsoring organization will be maintained by
delivering the program
• How will communication be planned and implemented to keep stakeholders engaged and
The presentation should speak to all stakeholder of the project. For this, we should use a common
lingaugem and not go deeper into the themes. Any questions can be verbally disturbed during or after the
Task 3:
Describe how you will conduct ongoing negotiation with stakeholders to maintain program
vision and how you will demonstrate commitment to the program vision.
All the negotiation will be shown through the project plan, we will expose the whole proposal through
meetings with the stakeholders, and after approval and adjustments in the project, if necessary, we will
start the development. The changes will be confronted with the values of the company, always seeking to
follow the proposed according to the vision of the program.
During the course of the project we will have periodic meetings to present the progress of the project and
receive feedback from stakeholders.
1. Program vision
Address all the following points:
o Define the program vision
The vision is to leave a healthy world for future generations, at Melba Fresh we are committed to
delivering quality food with zero waste rate.
o Describe how the program vision aligns with the sponsoring organization mission and
values (Min. 100 words)
The idea of the company's sales and stock control program is in line with company values, our goal is to
promote sales, create an online platform and precise inventory control to eliminate waste, as well as
expand our supply chain and increase our range of products distributed to the population.
Currently in the company there is a great waste of products because there is no stock control, often
because we do not know exactly what we have stocked, we stop selling and consequently a waste of
products occurs. The objective of the company is precisely to provide healthy food by offering organic
products, and the idea of food waste, goes beyond this goal.
2. Presentation strategy
Describe your presentation strategy: what stakeholders will be invited to the presentation,
what the presentation will highlight, how the presentation will be delivered, what influence
and negotiations techniques you plan to use, what potential objections have been
identified and how you plan to respond. (Min. 150 words)
It is important to highlight that a good engagement strategy, associated with human skills such as:
transformational leadership, power of influence, conflict resolution techniques, tends to present better
results for the project, as well as engaging all stakeholders in the project results. For the presentation in
question will be invited the Sponsor (owner of the company) and the director, they are our main
stakeholders and we want to show the objective of all the proposed change. The presentation will be
made by power point slides, focusing on the system of stock control and systems implementation, we will
expose the ideas and demonstrate results that can be achieved in the short / medium term. Our goal will
be to develop a project not only for inventory control, but also to increase sales with proposals for online
product promotions and increase in the chain of suppliers and customers.
We hope with this presentation to show the ideas proposed in the project and to question the
stakeholders so that everything is clearly understood and agreed, a document containing everything
agreed and discussed in the presentation will be created, this document must be approved by the
3. Presentation
Prepare a PP presentation to promote the program vision as follows:
o Max 8 slides
o Highlight how the vision aligns with the sponsoring organisation mission and values
o How alignment with the sponsoring organisation mission and values will be
maintained when delivering the program
o How communication will be planned and implemented to keep stakeholders engaged
and informed
Add any other factors you would like to address to make your presentation compelling
and engaging
Save and name the PP as follows: BSBPMG617_PP and submit with your assessment.
You will have 15 minutes to present and 10 minutes for Q&A. Your presentation schedule
needs to be negotiated with your trainer.
4. Feedback
Describe how feedback will be collected and recorded during the presentation. If you are
preparing a written survey, the template should be submitted with your assessment, call
the file BSBPMG617_Feedback template.
Feedback will be collected by listening and discussing opinions with viewers and noting for future
consideration and adjustments, three questions will be answered confronting stakeholder interests and
the vision of the program.
1. Delivery
Deliver your presentation in front of the class that will play the role of your stakeholders,
your trainer will play the role of your program sponsor.
Collect feedback about the program vision from the audience.
2. Feedback
Record and summarise the feedback collected during and after the presentation in the
form of notes. Add the summary below:
3. Feedback review
Address all the following points:
o Determine what changes are needed to the program vision based on the feedback
o Adjust the program vision based on the feedback.
No change in program vision was identified; however some points in the presentation improvements were
- Add the presentation communication methods planned to implement in the program.
- Highlight the program vision and his alignments with sponsor and stakeholders.
Negotiation with stakeholders will be done as clearly and objectively as possible, a convincing and
persuasive case is constructed based on facts and impact assessments, highlighting the advantages and
disadvantages of one choice over another. In this scenario the Project Manager can guide reluctant or
conservative stakeholders to the path with the preferred approach. If well planned, partners and sponsors
can, in negotiation, flexibilize their positions and accept reasonable risks in anticipation of profitable gains.
Each scenario has its specificities, and the comparative positioning of the solutions contributes to the
influence on the decision of the sponsor, in this project we will focus on the vision of the program
demonstrating how much will be improved after the implementation of all the changes.
The plan should be designed to provide you, program manager, with clear guidelines on how to most
effectively lead the program.
Strategies and processes to build and environment of confidence and trust within the program
Strategies and processes to embed socially responsible practice into the program
Strategies and processes to develop the potential of program staff
Strategies and processes to support a learning environment
1. Work environment
Develop strategies to build a program work environment of confidence and trust. Develop
strategies to address each one of the following points:
o Strategies to build an environment where all stakeholders are treated fairly and equitably
o Strategies to build an environment where open communication and discussion are
encouraged and effectively implemented
o Strategies to manage conflicts and difference of views and opinions in a constructive manner
o Strategies to timely identify and address issues and concerns
The team should be well informed about the purpose of the project, that is, it should know exactly what
the purpose of the enterprise in which they are involved is. Meetings and periodic emails should be used
for clear communication and ideas, both within the team and with stakeholders. In addition, it should pass
on to the participants what is the specific and individual function of each one and also what is the degree
of interference of their activities with the activities of the other components of the group, the concept of
Integration has the objective of delivering the information , aligning values while informing and defining
the team's mission, it is also important to value the qualification and improvement of the team members,
as well as improving the qualities of the individuals in their function, provides a multiplier effect within the
Problems can occur throughout the life cycle of a project. However, they bring more benefits to
organizations when they happen in the early stages of the project, which are not always bad points and
can open doors for project improvements. In the event of conflicts, the manager must understand and
converse with the parties involved, avoiding emotional issues with the objective of resolving the conflict
and appeasing the situation so that the progress of the project continues.
All responsibility for social practice should be defined and communicated to those involved in the project,
this can be done by oral, written communication or presentations. Society has been organized with a view
to the adoption by companies of an increasing number of initiatives that reveal social concerns. It is
essential that the project understand the company's social responsibility and prevent future threats related
TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 7 of 13
TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V1 Jan 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61215 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG617 Provide leadership for the program
to this, some questions can be asked as to what is the importance today for companies and society?
What is the role of companies? What is the responsibility of companies facing the social and
environmental problems facing society? These issues should be placed on the agenda, boosting their
increase in corporate notoriety by contributing
Before you align expectations with other people you must be very realistic and sincere with yourself to
know what you really want. The Coaching process helps a lot in this sense, because it works with tools of
self-knowledge that allow you to understand what you expect from situations and to identify how the
people who are closest to you can help
Regular feedbacks, training, promotions and bonus for performance, suggestions for improvements and
meetings for a good understanding of what is being done and progress of the project.
Raci chart, presentations of who does what in the team, demonstration of the project hierarchy and what
role and importance each involved.
o Develop and attach a draft of a PD for a project manager in your project. Call the filw
BSBPMG517_Project Manager PD.
Based on this triad, it is possible to develop people with the certainty that a complete job is being done.
Knowledge, ability and attitude correspond to the set of elements that need to be developed in an
organization so that its employees achieve a full growth.
• Knowledge: Knowledge is the factor of greatest differential impact among competitors in the market.
Therefore, the company should encourage the sharing of valuable information by creating communication
channels. Standardize procedures, formalize them in order to internalize them, and finally promote
learning through techniques and instruments in the corporate education universe.
• Skill: Skills development represents the level that most covers the personal aspects of employees, such
as inclinations, skills, experiences and ease of learning in certain areas. At this point it is necessary to
emphasize that developing skills requires close observation of individuals. It involves tracking results and
also all the way to that result.
• Attitude: Attendance, interpersonal relationship, initiative, ethical behavior at work and punctuality are
examples of attitude indicators. Working these factors is as important as developing potentials and
providing knowledge. Recurring habits and certain behavioral defects are capable of disrupting people's
personal and professional trajectory. On the other hand, an intervention and the consequent modification
of these aspects can reverse a stagnant career in a rising career. At this point, feedback is a valuable
tool, both the positive, reinforcing good attitudes, and the negative, that corrects what does not add value
or harms the employee, his team and the company as a whole.
• Rotation of charges
• Practical learning
• Simulation techniques
• Performance evaluation
Project Manager
Position overview
Main Responsibilities:
1.Manage all aspects of an EPC contract, including cost schedule, quality and safety.
2.Creates and executes project work plans and revises as appropriate to meet changing needs and
4.Commercial awareness
9.Base in Sydney
4. Learning Environment
Develop strategies to support the program by creating a learning environment. Develop
strategies to address each one of the following points:
o Strategies to encourage project managers and, more in general, program staff and key
stakeholders, to view program planning and program planning implementation as a learning
Some methods can be used for this task, among them to request feedback from the team, not only the
manager who should pass on feedback but also receive from the team as a positive feedback form, share
information with members and stakeholders to keep everyone informed.
o Strategies to encourage all program staff to treat errors, mistakes and concerns as learning
Adequate training, reflection about what have done in the project, constructive feedback, understand why
it happened, opportunity to improve for team members, explain why is important personal development
and personal development.
Diagnose the problem, understand the root cause, talk about it and expose the right thing to do to don’t
happen again. If necessary, specific training should be requested.
o Strategies to develop and maintain plans for identifying, capturing, disseminating and
exchanging knowledge
Identifying: Identify needs, skills, competency, processes, compliance, team dynamics, personal
analysis of the members and understanding of the skills of each.
Capturing: Interviews, individual or in group, meetings about specific topics, procedures
Disseminating: training, manuals, emails and formal presentations.
Exchanging Knowledge: Mentoring, coaching, discussing topics gathered with the team,
democratic learning, It is important to broaden access to both reception and the issuance of
It would follow the profile of coaching leader, working personally each individual of the project so
that it evolves and the work goes as expected. Implementation of project knowledge would be
done through necessary and specific training, if technical training is required or only showing the
values and mission of the company.
The strategy adopted would be to improve performance in organizations through favourable
organizational conditions, processes of localization, extraction, sharing and creation of
knowledge, as well as through information and communication tools and technologies, to
understand how various human capital practices and programs (pay, training, career
management and supervision) work together to produce the expected returns.
The idea is to facilitate access and maintain an integrated management of the information in its
various means, what each information means and what impacts in the medium each information
can cause so that information can be used for important actions and decision making.
Describe how you would address the situation with your project managers, focusing on the
following points:
o How you would timely and effectively address the issues described in the case study
o What leadership styles you would apply in addressing the situation
o How you would discourage the undesirable behaviours of the project manager
o How you ensure that the project managers view and address his behaviours as a learning
This type of behaviour is extremely negative for the project, I would first analyze all the complaints made
to know if they really are relevant and understand the whole context of the event. Secondly, I would
personally talk to the manager and pass on feedback on the behaviour and suggestion of change
should a formal apology be required.
It would require regular feedback from those involved to see if there was any change, if the answer is
no, the possibility of replacing the manager in the project would be analyzed, taking into consideration
TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 12 of 13
TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V1 Jan 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61215 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG617 Provide leadership for the program
that this would probably cause extra cost and extra time in the project, notwithstanding these factors.
behaviour is not appropriate to the good environment and relationship between those involved in the
project and should never be accepted. In this sense I would adopt a more strict position on the situation.