Design of Broadband Reflectarray Antenna Using Machine-Learning-Assisted Optimization Method
Design of Broadband Reflectarray Antenna Using Machine-Learning-Assisted Optimization Method
Design of Broadband Reflectarray Antenna Using Machine-Learning-Assisted Optimization Method
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology- Delhi. Downloaded on February 05,2021 at 11:24:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
pre-defined reference point helps to find the Pareto-optimal re-
gion closest to the reference points. The optimal individual ob-
tain by EA in this loop will be validated through EM simulation
and then used to update the database. Go back to Step 2.
Table I shows the variation ranges of the designable parame-
ters, which are firstly obtained following the design principle
and then optimized by the proposed optimization method. A
576-element reflectarray is designed to test the performance of
the unit cells, which is shown in Fig. 3. The CST Microwave
Studio is used for the design of array [10]. The incidence angle
Fig. 2 Flow diagram of the MLAO method.
of the feed is designed as 20° and the unit cells should be steered
to scan the main beam 20° off the other side in the vertical plane.
B. Surrogate Model Based Optimization
Fig. 4 shows the phase response of the unit cell with parame-
The optimization process can be assumed as minimizing
ters set to the initial value over the frequency band from 38 GHz
y F ( x) , x X d , where d is the number of the designable pa-
rameters. Based on an on-line constructed GPR surrogate model, to 54 GHz and the gain curve of the reflectarray antenna. The
EA is adopted to search for the optimal solution x* . Fig. 2 shows values of the objectives is O1initial x = 15.37, O2initial x = 1. The
the flow diagram of the (MLAO) method. The key steps of the 1-dB gain bandwidth is about 26.3% (39.9–52.2 GHz), and peak
optimization method employed are as follows. gain is 28.1 dBi at 47 GHz.
Step 1: Initialize database. TABLE I
The Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) method is used in this DESIGN PARAMETERS OF THE UNIT CELL
section to select N points from the design space [ X min , X max ]d . Parameter w (mm) a h1 (mm) h2 (mm)
Initial database is composed of the sample points and their re- Initial value 0.080 0.400 0.508 1.200
sponses calculated by EM simulation, ANSYS High-Frequency Lower bound 0.050 0.300 0.127 0.600
Structure Simulator (HFSS) [8] is used in this paper to design Upper bound 0.150 0.600 1.575 1.400
and analyze the unit cells. The ring size Lr and the frequency f Optimized value 0.139 0.530 0.318 1.004
are selected as two additional features in the database, thus more
information from accurate full-wave EM simulation can be uti-
lized when training.
Step 2: Check criterion.
The loop terminates when stopping criterions including the
achievement of the pre-defined goals or the maximum number
of iterations are reached.
Step 3: Construct surrogate model.
A GPR surrogate model is constructed using current database,
which is updated in every loop, so the surrogate model will be-
come more accurate with the addition of new individual.
Fig. 3 Reflectarray antenna with 576 elements.
Step 4: Optimize unit cells using MALO.
The trained surrogate model is applied in EA to predict the
performance of new points instead of calculating them by full-
wave EM simulation. Reference point [ R1 ,..., RM ] [9] is utilized
to transform a multi-objective problem to a single-objective one,
which can be expressed as
F x max mM1 m Om x Rm (3)
(a) (b)
where M is the number of objectives and m is the m-th compo- Fig. 4 Performance of the initial unit cell: (a) Phase response; (b) Simulated
nent of a chosen weight vector to scalarize the objectives. The gain of 576-elements reflectarray.
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology- Delhi. Downloaded on February 05,2021 at 11:24:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
The designed reflectarray antenna with optimized unit cells
have a wider 1-dB gain bandwidth with high gain and good ra-
diation pattern compared with the other wideband single layer
reflectarray antenna listed in Table II. The good performance of
the reflectarray antenna validates the effectiveness of the pro-
posed optimization method.
Max Gain 1-dB Gain Element Freq.
(dBi) BW (%) Num. (GHz)
This work 28.4 45.5 24×24 47
Fig. 5 Convergence tendency. [5] 20.0 30.0 45 10
[6] 37.8 26.7 - 30
[7] 27.5 39.8 24×24 45
The MLAO methed has been presented to design a broadband
reflectarray antenna. The variable-size reflectarray unit cells
have been firstly optimized. The GPR surrogate model with ad-
ditional features is constructed online to predict the phase re-
(a) (b) sponse. Phase range and the slope are mathematically formu-
Fig. 6 Performance of the optimized unit cell: (a) Phase response; (b) Simula- lated as two objectives in the EA. The structures of unit cells
tion gain of 576-elements reflectarray. have been successfully optimized within a few iterations. Fin-
nally, the optimized unit cells have been used to construct a re-
flectarray antenna, which help to broaden the 1-dB gain band-
width from 26.3% to 45.5%.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology- Delhi. Downloaded on February 05,2021 at 11:24:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.