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Mary the Queen College of Quezon City

Commonwealth Ave.,Rd. 44 Diliman Quezon City

Tel.Nos. 434-71-92, 434-44-60 Telefax: 436-44-68

“The Effectiveness of Online Advertising in Purchasing Decision of Grade

11 ABM Students in Mary the Queen College of Quezon City”


Presented to Prof. Niel Patrick Dig, LPT as an Oral Examination of the

Accountancy, Business and Management Students

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research 1

Presented by:

ALVARADO, Erica Mae N.

FRANCISCO, Jasima Marie
GULTIANO, Crissel Marie T.
QUEBRADO, Nicole Angela

January 2020


Many researchers have been researching the Internet paradox and buying

online transactions. The most important arenas in which people in an

increasingly individualized world seem to construct or at least interpret their

lifestyles are the mass media. Because the Internet is part of it, purchase

decisions are influenced by what information they are exposed to.

Today's situation is made of, up-to-the-minute need for a contemporary

future that is increasingly becoming an unavoidable part of our lives. The scale

and reach of the internet advertising is dramatically increasing. Businesses and

organizations are increasingly using internet advertising to advertise their

products and services. Companies are spending more on internet advertising

than they used to.

Online advertising is a marketing strategy that explores the use of the

Internet as a tool for distributing promotional messages to clients. Digital

advertising is oriented towards market development through special, useful

applications. It may be used to build awareness about the brand. Effectively

targeted campaigns will build mark influencers and reach new audiences.

Effectively tailored campaigns can build influencers for the brand and attract

compatible audiences. Information technology has been buying an important

impact on our daily lives over a period of time. The internet transformed the way

business is done. This allows retailers to sell all customers from around the world
a broad range of products and services at any point in time. Marketing and

advertising experts say online advertising is the same as traditional advertising,

except the technology makes it considerably more complex.

Companies and organizations are widely using online advertising to

promote their products and services. The reason is, online advertising is capable

of capturing the opportunity to reach its consumers through various online

platforms to create awareness for their products to lead their sales in the future.

Internet becomes an important stopping point for customers to find out what they

need and want. Online advertisement helps the consumer to find what products

have a good quality, as advertisements gave information towards a product’s

quality, place of an availability and etc.

Background of the Study

According to Popescu (2004) advertising is a communication technique

that involves running a complex persuasive process, for whose realizations are

used a number of specific tools, able to cause psychological pressure on the

concerned public. The initiator of the advertising communication actions is the

sponsor, who in order to achieve communication objectives, wants to send an

impersonal message to a well-defined audience regarding the enterprise, its

products or services.

Advertising is a means by which the general public is informed and

influenced to buy a product or services through visual or oral messaging.

Throughout today's world of mass production and distribution, advertisement

functions as a powerful weapon in the marketing process. Advertisement is used

to pass information about the business to current and prospective customers.

Usually it provides information about the advertising firm, product quality, place of

availability etc. Advertising is an integral part of our daily lives. It is an

omnipresent marketing tool of the society which encourages people to buy goods

and services. Advertising leads to bringing about all-round economic

development by increasing demand and stimulating economic activity, which in

effect increases revenue. It inspired people to eat more food and thus

strengthened their living standards. Effective advertising generates demand for

goods and services and calls for more production requiring more physical and

human resources, creating opportunities for employment. Without ads, producers

in the modern age of large-scale production cannot think of forcing out the selling

of the commodity. Ads have gained great importance in the modern world. Where

strong competitions on the market and rapid technological change have

changed, our lifestyle has changed.

Digital advertisement is the advertising method that utilizes communicatio

n technical developments. We use the internet to communicate advertising mess

ages. The advertiser wishes to convey the feeling, concept, attitude, image or

other content to the target audience. How to deliver an advertisement message is

important when deciding on its effectiveness. The efficacy of an advertising

message depends largely on its visual content. The advertiser has to consider an

appeal, theme, concept or a specific selling proposition. A marketing appeal

refers to the strategy of an advertiser to attract the attention or interest of the

customer and to affect their feelings towards the product, service or concept.

Audiences also create impressions or memories based on certain

examples and pictorial representations shown in advertisements. It means

marketers and consumers have good contact and confidence, adding value to

the product. Since the advertiser seeks to create a favorable attitude towards the

product which will lead to positive actions in the mind of the customer, a unique

visual feature is required in order to enhance the taste of the consumer and

acceptance of the advertised product.

Theoretical Framework

According to De Fleur (1976), Media Dependency Theory is about

how much an individual’s relies upon on the media to fulfill his or her needs. In

this respect, there is a relationship between the media, target market and the

social system. Firstly, media attracts humans with the content which is capable to

fulfill the audience’s desires for understanding, entertainment, and information.

This will grow the electricity in dependence relationship. Therefore, the

customers recognize the significance of media to them in the cognitive level. The

folks in such a stage are to continue to be on its interest motivation introduced

with the aid of the media which will enlarge a user’s degree of satisfaction.

Eventually the target audience is put to a greater stage of involvement in the

technique of information. In short, it refers to a concept of the relationship

between media use and its position in media users’ lives and subsequently the
influences they have. People who rely greater on the media, a greater significant

measure of the media's impacts will be on that person. Not every human being

will be influenced through the media it relies upon on how much that individual

depends on the media. The degree of target audience dependence on media

records is the key variable in understanding when and why media message alter

audience beliefs, emotions or behavior. This lookup is the use of this theory to

study the use of on-line media amongst Generation Y, where the more the era

relies on Internet there are greater effects on them. This idea is additionally to

reflect on the effect of online advertising and marketing on Generation Y that the

extra the era is exposed to online advertisements the more they are led to buy

the product. This theory is perceived that it is capable to give an explanation for

such a relationship cycle amongst the variables mentioned.

It conceives dependence as a relationship in which the fulfillment of the

needs and goals of one party depends on the resources of another. A central

focus of the theory is the media-audience relationship. In general, the level of the

impact of the media is linked to the degree to which individuals and social

systems rely on the media. Two of the basic propositions put forward by DeFleur are: first, the greater the number of social functions performed for an

audience by a medium (e.g., informing the electorate, providing entertainment),

the greater the audience’s dependency on that medium, and the second, the

greater the instability of a society is (e.g., in situations of social change and

conflict), the greater the audience’s dependency on the media and, therefore, the

greater the potential effects of the media on the audience.

Statement of the Problem

This study has to determine the effectiveness of online advertising in

purchasing decision of Grade 11 ABM students in Mary the Queen College of

Quezon City, 2019-2020. Precisely, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the most important in an online advertising when taking the

consumers’ attention?

2. What are the factors affecting the purchasing decision of selected


3. What are the effectiveness of online advertising on reach and creation

of awareness?


Image is one of the elements of an advertising, which provides a clearer

picture of what is being advertised. Image has thus been established as one of

the factors that can attract the attention of customers to the advertising shown in

a media. Some of the factors that can attract the consumers’ attention are the

amount of information provided by the advertisers, the visual, and the product

itself, the price, and the headline or the title of the advertising. Every day new

trends arise, new products, challenges and needs. Consumers need a way to

stay aware of everything that's changing in a rapidly changing world. The online

advertising can keep the consumers up to date. They can quickly seek

information and consume it. It is a great way to keep the audience updated.

When consumers have access to relevant information, it helps them to make

purchasing decisions. Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of online

advertising is being able to target a very specific segment of people. With the

growth of the Internet, customers are becoming more critical of brands. They

have more access to business knowledge, which allows them to form opinions

about certain brands.

Demographic factors affect the customers’ response in online advertising

it may vary from person to person based on age, employment, gender, education

and marital status. You will quickly notice the difference between two different

people from different economic groups making purchasing decisions and

consumer behavior. As our tastes shift with age and level of education, our

product choices and decision-making habits often influence sex and income. The

economic crisis is over. Nevertheless, the disposable incomes of citizens had

decreased during the recession, and that had influenced their buying conduct.

There are many factors affecting the purchasing decision of a consumer,

because there are many different types of buyers, some of whom are those basic

push buyers, and some are those who use a totally intense system and

investigate thoroughly before making a decision to buy. These are the factors

affecting the purchasing decision of consumers, the economic factor, functional

factor, marketing mix factor, personal factor, psychological factor, social factor,

and cultural factor.

Internet advertising generates awareness and interest in the brand. Online

advertisements actually surpass the print advertisements because the vividness

and interactivity characteristics of the web cater for differences in how

advertisements are processed in both media. Online advertising provides more

distractions compared to print, and thus could potentially create brand awareness

and hold the user's attention and interest longer. Advertising is the primary

revenue source for many of the free resources that Internet users receive and the

continued economic viability of many utilities, such as email, news so search

engines, is important. The findings also show that the use of online advertising

provides feedback which increases awareness of the product. In their marketing

efforts, businesses should use online activities to improve product recognition as

a company, because online activities promote good access and greater customer

reach. Internet ads are more effective than other media channels. The

effectiveness of brand awareness and product awareness through online

advertising can be measured, for example, by a variety of tracking methods by

which advertisers can tell, for example, who clicked on their online

advertisements and thus determine how many consumers are aware of their

products or services.

Conceptual Framework

The study conceptualized the Effectiveness of Online Advertising in

Purchasing Decision of Grade 11 ABM Students in Mary the Queen College of

Quezon City.

The conceptual framework served as the guide of the researchers in

pursuing the study is shown in the figure. To analyze more about the effects of

online advertisement, the benefits of online advertisement and the factors of

online advertisement that influences the purchasing decision of consumers, a

conceptual framework is built.


Most important
thing in an online
advertising when PROCESS
taking the
consumers - Collection of data
The Effectiveness of
‘attention, and through
Online Advertising in
factors affecting the questionnaires.
Purchasing Decision
consumers’ of Grade 11 ABM
purchasing - Analysis and
decision, and interpretation of
effectiveness of data.
online advertising
on reach and
creation awareness

Based on figure 1, the study analyzed the consumers

purchasing decision by collecting data through a questionnaires and analyzation

and interpretation of data. The students take questionnaire given by the

researchers. After taking the questionnaires, the researchers analyzed and

interpret the data to know the factors affecting the consumers purchasing

decision, to identify how much does the consumers are aware in online

advertising and how effective the online advertising in purchasing decisions of

the consumers.
Scope and Limitations

The limitation of the study was the short period available for the study.

Grade 11 ABM students of Mary the Queen College of Quezon City are the

respondents of this research. This research is all about the effectiveness of

online advertising in purchasing decisions, factors that affect the consumers

purchasing decisions, and the benefits of online advertising in consumers.

Significance of the Study

To the students, it will help the students to understand how advertising

on the online works, also to understand their role in online advertising and

consumption. Students is also a consumer, this can help them to know that

messages or information conveyed through advertising are essential to the

decision-making. It can save some resources upon purchasing.

To the teachers, it will help them in purchasing decision. They are also

a consumer; it may give them idea about how online advertising works. They can

share their knowledge to their students about online advertising and how

effective it is in making a decision on buying online.

To the parents, in many cases, it’s more about the advertising than the

product itself, as seasoned advertisers know exactly how to target a younger

audience to get them excited about said product. That said, the advertising also

needs to appeal to the parents, especially since they will be the ones making the

final decision and handing over their hard-earned money if they decide to make

the purchase. It can help them to know the performance, price, durability,
availability, service, appearance and image and ease of use are factors to

consider in making a purchasing decision.

To the school administrators, as school administrators play a very

important role in student development. This will help them to recruit a new

student’s using online advertisement. This will help them to think about the

factors that may affect the new students to enroll in their school. It can give them

idea about how effective the online advertisement in recruiting a new students.

To the future researchers, it will act as reference to future academic

studies hence provide more information on online marketing and customers’

decision. The study will also add more knowledge to existing information.

Definition of Terms:

Advertising - the primary revenue source for many of the resources that internet

users receive and the continued economic viability of many utilities.

Internet - information technology has been buying an important impact on our

daily lives over a period of time.

Digital Advertisement - advertising method that utilizes communication

technical developments.

Online Advertising – marketing strategy that explores the use of the Internet as

a tool for distributing promotional messages to clients.

Target Audience – particular group of consumers to which are targeting in


Foreign Studies

According to Norris et al, (2000), they stated that internet is a

communication system that collects information from all over the world using a

machine and a modem. It's made up of tens of millions of all-connected

machines that allow a person to get information that was previously inaccessible

or that took a long time to reach. The Internet is really helpful in terms of

connecting with our family, friends, and acquaintances. It is also useful in the

office setting and also in school.

According to Wang (2002), he stated that the Internet is a technology

which spreads far more rapidly than any other technology. The way people work

and live is totally changing. Internet usage is doubling per hundred days. The

Internet is the computer network that allows computers all over the world to

connect to computers and carry e-mail. The Internet has helped people

communicate easily with each other. It has also aided in studying, browsing,

knowing more, or getting more information about things occurring in every

country and the world as a whole.

According to Madden (2011), they stated that adults use social

networking sites. One example of a social networking site is Facebook.

Facebook lets you communicate with family, friends and relatives because of the

Facebook website's success, a lot of people are joining and becoming platform

consumers. This has rendered the internet a popular place among users,
culminating in discovering the old friends, associates and family members. This

allows communicating with them simpler, and working with them.

According to Boyd (2007), they stated that social networking sites are

described as web-based services that empower individuals to create a public or

semi-public profile within a bounded structure, list other users with whom they

share a link, and display and navigate their list of interactions within the

framework and those created by others. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are

today's three most popular social networking platforms. Social media is common,

and can be called a success icon that is widely known. Social media are

websites and apps that enable users to create, post, or engage in social

networking. Social media has profoundly influenced our lives. Marketers need to

ask what makes such web pages so famous in order to develop a successful

online advertising strategy leveraging Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Research

shows that the key motivators for using these web pages are motivated by the

need for the user to build and maintain social relations.

According to Smith, he stated that it is reported that adults ages eighteen

to sixty and up use social networking to stay in touch with current friends, family

members and old friends they have lost touch with. Social media marketing

impacts industry and market enormously as business growth and success take

place at an astronomical rate. The social media helps to develop strategies for

companies. Social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.

offer companies an opportunity to capture customer interest whilst creating a

brand image at the same time. These social networks allow companies to use

tactics to create and build brand profiles such as fan pages, contests etc.

Foreign Literature

According to Silverstein (2002), he stated that internet makes life creative

and easy. People conduct business online and because of that trading has

become easier and faster. The Internet offers new ways of attracting industry.

Website becomes the center of online business when it comes to revealing their

services and products. The Internet is a gathering place for all businesses and

users. This carries with it a new route to business marketing, advertisement of

products and services. The Internet assists the business in obtaining data and

analyzing the information to create better and more efficient products, marketing

plan before investing money in product development. The Internet helps

businesses to check and collect the evidence behind the concept of products and


According to Li (2009), they stated that the study examines the

creative, placement and budget strategy of internet advertising by Eastern and

Western multinationals in China. A content analysis of 47,131 online ads

indicates that both Eastern and Western companies dominantly use individualist

appeals for internet advertising in China, a collectivist country. However, Eastern

multinationals also rely on emotional appeals, whereas Western companies

generally adopt rational appeals. This study offers several theoretical and

managerial implications, including that multinationals appear to recognize the

changing culture of internet users and especially the younger generation, as well

as some future research directions for internet advertising.

According to Sutherland (2008) “Advertising and the Mind of the

Consumer: What works, What doesn’t and Why”. The purchase of cars,

appliances, holidays and other high-priced items are examples of highly involved

decision making. This high level of involvement contrasted with the low level of

buying products such as sunscreen or soft drink or margarine brought to bear.

Buying such smaller items is no big deal for most of us. We have better things to

do with our time than agonizing about which brand to choose if we purchase


Local Literature

According to Desiderio (2012), he stated that Neighborhood writing a

piece of from The Philippine Star is entitled “Businesses encouraged utilizing

Web to thrust products”. It appears that businesses are exhorted to utilize the

Web for advancing their items and administrations as more buyers are going

online to investigate some time recently making buys. Companies ought to

consider using online advertisements for the items and administrations they offer

as increasingly individuals are utilizing the Web to investigate merchandise they

arrange to buy some time recently making the buy. It moreover states that within

the Philippines, the think about appeared that around 70 percent of shoppers

begin to investigate their buys online indeed in case they buy offline. Companies

should think about employing online advertisements for the products and
services they provide as more and more people are using the web to research

goods they decide to buy before making the acquisition.

According to Sanserif (2013) entitled “Online Advertising to Surpass Print

and TV in 2013”. It shows that online advertising has continued to grow. The

results of the Online Advertising Expenditure Report by IAB Australia, compiled

by Pricewaterhouse Coopers, show that while the general advertising market is

softening, online advertising is on track to surpass both newspaper and TV

advertising in 2013. It is related to the study because it shows how effective

online advertising is to businesses that it became on track to surpass both

newspaper and TV advertising in 2013. It also shows that online advertising is

continuously growing and becoming more effective to advertisers and

businesses. It too appears that online promoting is ceaselessly developing and

getting to be more compelling to promoters and businesses.

According to (2012) "Everyday business is becoming

harder to hardest due to a lot of innovation and entrepreneurs creating in the

Philippines. The Philippines is a growing country and people are adapting the

social life with technology. Technology is controlling the total business

environment. Customer support is improving every day in Philippine business.

Today 1/3 of the population is using the Internet. Filipinos are already trusting

online transactions and deals to purchase online every day. Internet banking is

growing significantly. ATM card providers have been online transactions ready

for a few years. The Philippines could be a developing nation and individuals are

adjusting the social life with innovation.


Research Design Used

The study used descriptive research. According to Glass & Hopkins

(1984), descriptive research involves gathering data that describes events and

then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection. It often

uses visual aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the

data distribution and therefore offered a better clarification on online advertising,

and ultimately give a clear picture on the effectiveness and reliability of online

advertising and its effect to purchase decision.

Population Size

The interview was conducted in Mary the Queen College of Quezon City

and a total of 28 students were interviewed to the target population. The target

population was the consumers who belong to Grade 11 particularly in the strand

of Accountancy, Business, and Management and their age range is between 16

to 20 years old.

Respondents of the Study

This study was conducted at Mary Queen College in Quezon City, located

at 44 Commonwealth Avenue, Old Balara. The key focus of this research is on

the Grade 11 ABM students of the said school. As these students are so involved

online, it aims to provide a concise analysis of the impact of online ads in buying


To collect and collect the appropriate data, researchers use the interview

guide or questionnaire as an instrument, a method in which the questionnaire is a

study tool that consists of a set of questions to gather information from the

respondents. Questionnaires can be used as a sort of written interview. They can

be done face to face, by phone, by laptop or by e-mail. Questionnaires offer a

fairly inexpensive, easy and effective way to collect quantities of information from

a wide sample of individuals.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers observed these phases respectively on the basis of

improving the impact of Internet ads on buying decision.

The researchers obtained their corresponding questions at problem

statement and their reach and delimitation sources and information to create a

perfect context for the interview that will take place through the school facilities.

The proposed activity is to be consulted with Mr. Niel Patrick M. Dig, LPT,

Practical Research 1 advisor, to ensure the steps to be communicated by the

experiment and thus allow the availability to start the valued activity.

Since the activity has been identified by the advisor as valid, the

researchers manifest their interview as the questionnaire with a set of questions

about the issue that will be posed to selected campus students.

The data gathered will be observed, and the different variables in the

operation will also be discerned in relation to the issue handling. The experiment

must take responsibility for the answers and expectations of the respondents to

the questions that are being posed. This will help develop knowledge to be

researched on the topic of Internet advertisement.

Survey Questionnaire Form




Question 1: What site do you use most often?

A. Facebook

B. Twitter

C. YouTube

D. Other (please specify): ________

Question 2: Do you see advertisements on this site?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

Question 3: Are you convinced to buy the product/goods in the advertisement?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

Question 4: What is your basis in buying a product? (

A. Quality
B. Brand Name

C. Price

D. Endorser

E. Other (please specify):_________

Question 5: What do you think is the most effective form of advertising?

A. Online Ads

B. Billboards

C. TV Commercials

D. Flyers

E. Other (please specify):_________

Question 6: How often do you see an advertisement online?

A. 1-2 times a day

B. 3-5 times a day

C. More than 5 times a day

Question 7: Do online advertisements help with your product purchase?

A. Yes

B. No

Question 8: Give one word to describe online advertisements.



This chapter presents the research findings of the data collected from the

case study samples from ABM 11 students. The main source of data is the

interview and is also supplemented by library research. The findings will be

presented in relation to the research objectives stated in the study. The method

used to analyze the data is discussed in the methodology chapter.

Demographics of the Interviewees

Out of 29 respondents, 22 were women while 7 other were men. It has

been easier to reach female respondents because they are able to be questioned

in a short notice compared to the male respondents.

Table 4.1


Respondents Numbers Age

Male 7 15-18
Female 21 16-19

Table 4.1 provides data on the categories of respondents interviewed

according to gender and age. Normally at the indicated age range, many of these

individuals have an access to the Internet hence the researchers chose that
age range. These individuals are the individuals involved during the field work

interviews and their opinions were extracted and explained accordingly.

Table 4.2


Choices Frequency % Mean

Facebook 24 85.71 0.86
Twitter 1 3.57 0.04
YouTube 1 3.57 0.04
Other 2 7.14 0.07
Total 28 100 0.25

Table 4.2 presents the frequency distributions and percentage of the most

often used site by ABM 11 students. 24 out of 28 or 85.71% of the respondents’

use Facebook. 1 out of 28 or 3.57% of respondents’ use Twitter and also 1 out of

28 or 3.57% respondents’ use YouTube. While 2 out of 28 or 7.14% of

respondents’ use other sites specifically Instagram and Messenger. This means

that the most often used site of respondents’ is Facebook.

Table 4.3


Choices Frequency % Mean

Always 12 42.86 0.43
Sometimes 12 42.86 0.43
Rarely 2 7.14 0.07
Never 2 7.14 0.07
Total 28 100 0.25
Table 4.3 presents the frequency distribution and the percentage on how

often do respondents’ see advertisements on sites discussed in table 4.2. 12 out

of 28 or 42.86% of respondents says that they always see advertisements on this

site and also 12 out of 28 or 42.86% of respondents says that they sometimes

see advertisement on this site. 2 out of 28 or 7.14% of respondents says that

they rarely see advertisements on this site while the other 2 out of 28 or 7.14% of

respondents says they never see advertisements on this site. It implies that most

respondents’ see advertisements on this site always and sometimes.

Table 4.4



Choices Frequency % Mean

Always 3 10.71 0.11
Sometimes 16 57.14 0.57
Rarely 5 17.86 0.18
Never 4 14.29 0.14
Total 28 100 0.25

Table 4.4 presents the frequency distribution and the percentage total on

how convinced the respondents are to buy the product or goods in the

advertisement. 3 out of 28 or 10.71% of respondents says they are always

convinced to buy the product/goods in the advertisement. The another 16 out of

28 or 57.14% of respondents says they are sometimes convinced to buy the

product/goods in the advertisement, also 5 out of 28 or 17.86% of respondents

says they are rarely convinced to buy the product/goods in the advertisement

while 4 out of 28 or 14.29% of respondents says they are never convinced to buy
the product/goods in the advertisement. This means that most of the respondents

are sometimes convinced to buy the product/goods in the advertisement.

Table 4.5


Choices Frequency % Mean

Quality 21 75 0.75
Brand name 2 7.14 0.07
Price 4 14.29 0.14
Endorser 1 3.57 0.04
Other 0 0 0
Total 28 100 0.2

Table 4.5 presents the frequency distribution and the percentage of the

respondents ‘total basis in buying a product. 21 out of 28 students with a total

percentage of 75% said that they based on the quality of the product. 2 out of 28

students with a total percentage of 7.14% said that they based on the brand

name. 4 out of 28 with a total percentage of 14.29% students said they based on

the price. 1 out of 28 with a total percentage of 3.57% students said they based

on the endorser, none answered others with a total number of population of 28

giving a 100% percentage for this table.

Table 4.6


Choices Frequency % Mean

Online Ads 8 28.57 0.29
Billboards 0 0 0
TV Commercials 15 53.57 0.54
Flyer 4 14.29 0.14
Other 1 3.57 0.04
Total 28 100 0.20

Table 4.6 presents the frequency distributions and percentage of the most

effective form of advertising for the respondents. 8 out of 28 or 28.57% of the

respondents’ said that online advertising is the most effective form of advertising.

0 out of 28 of respondents’ answered that billboards is the most effective form of

advertising and also 15 out of 28 or 53.57% respondents’ said that TV

commercials is the most effective form of advertising. 4 out of 28 or 14.29% of

respondents’ said that giving flyers is the most effective form of advertising and 1

out of 28 or 3.57% of respondents answered other. This means that the most

effective form of advertising for the respondents’ is television commercials.

Table 4.7


Choices Frequency % Mean

1-2 times a day 6 21.43 0.21
3-5 times a day 11 39.29 0.39
More than 5 times 11 39.29 0.39
a day
Total 28 100 0.33
Table 4.7 presents the frequency and percentage on how many times do

respondents’ see an advertisement online in a day. 6 out of 28 or 21.43% of

respondents answered that they see advertisements online 1-2 times a day, also

11 out of 28 or 39.29% of respondents answered that they see advertisements

online 3-5 times a day and 11 out of 28 or 39.29% of respondents answered that

they see advertisements online more than 5 times a day. This means that most

of the respondents see an advertisement online for more than 3 times a day.

Table 4.8


Choices Frequency % Mean

Yes 25 91.07 0.89
No 3 10.71 0.11
Total 28 100 0.5

Table 4.8 presents the frequency and percentage if online advertisements

help with the product purchase of respondents. 25 out of 28 or 91.07% of

respondents answered that online advertisements help with their product

purchase and 3 out of 28 or 10.71% of respondents answered that online

advertisements do not help with their product purchase. This means that online

advertisements help with the product purchase of most respondents.

Table 4.9


Choices Frequency % Mean

Good 1 3.57 0.04

Useful 6 21.43 0.21

Convincing 1 3.57 0.04

Beautiful 1 3.57 0.04

Endorse 1 3.57 0.04

Helpful 3 10.71 0.11

Effective 3 10.71 0.11

Unique 1 3.57 0.04

Deceiving 1 3.57 0.04

Entertaining 2 7.14 0.07

Great 1 3.57 0.04

Amazing 1 3.57 0.04

Convenience 1 3.57 0.04

Attractive 1 3.57 0.04

Scam 1 3.57 0.04

Unconvincing 1 3.57 0.04

Appropriate 1 3.57 0.04

Affordable 1 3.57 0.04

Total 28 100 0.06

Table 4.9 presents how respondents’ describe online advertisements. Out

of 28 respondents, 25 respondents’ answered that online advertisements are

useful, helpful, effective, and other positive comments while 3 out of 28

respondents said that online advertisements are deceiving, a scam, and



This chapter contains the research summary, conclusions and

recommendations of the whole study. The findings of the study without so

much detailed information is written on the summary. Generalizations and other

interferences would be seen on the conclusion while the recommendations of the

researchers to the beneficiaries of this study can also be seen on this chapter.

Generally, this chapter aims to cover-up the end result of the study.


The study aimed to determine the Effectiveness of Online Advertising in

Purchasing Decision of Selected Grade 11 ABM students of Mary the Queen

College of Quezon City.

Descriptive method was used in this research. The questionnaire served

as the instrument for collecting data. The researchers used the Grade 11 ABM

students as respondents with the total of twenty-eight. The inquiry was

conducted during the school year 2019- 2020. The statistical tools used by the

researchers were weighted mean and percentage.

The study revealed that while Internet reach is much greater than other

media, television advertisements are far more effective than internet

advertisement. Internet advertisement is a key determinant of consumers'

purchasing decisions as they find it to be a point of contact between them and

the business from which they buy their goods. The study also established that

internet advertising has significant relationship with purchase decision of the

consumers. From the research, the study found that the relationship between

purchase decision and internet advertising is positive.


From the analysis of data and results obtained, the findings were

summarized as follows:

1. What is the most important in an online advertising when taking

consumers’ attention?

1.1 The most important in an online advertising when taking the

attention of the respondents based on the survey is 75% quality, 14.29 % price,

7.14 % brand name and 3.57 % is the endorser. Which indicates that the quality

of the products really attracts the attention of the respondents, next to it is the

price, brand name and the endorser of the product.

2. What are the factors affecting the purchasing decision of selected


2.1 The factors that affects the purchasing decision of the selected

students based on the survey is 75% products’ quality, 14.29 % products’ price,

7.14 % brand name. Which mean that quality, price and brand name used as a

basis of the respondents when buying a product.

3. What are the effectiveness of online advertising on reach and creation

of awareness?
3.1 The effectiveness of online advertising on reach and creation

awareness based on the survey 28.57% of the respondents says online

advertising is one of the most effective forms of advertising, 53.57 % says the

TV Commercials, 14.29 % says the flyers. It indicates that Online Advertising is

one of the most effective on reach and creation awareness.


In the light of foregoing summary of findings of this study, the following

conclusions are drawn:

1. The most important in online advertising when taking the

consumers attention is the products’ quality and price. This implies that

mostly consumers attracted when the products quality is good and


2. Based on the survey conducted by the researchers the

factors that affect the consumers purchasing decision is the price, quality,

and brand name. They used it as a basis when they are buying a product.

3. Based on the survey conducted by the researchers the

effectiveness of online advertising on reach and creation awareness is not

high or low, but moderate only. Since the most effective form of

advertising based on the answers of respondents is TV Commercials,

secondly is the Online Advertising, and thirdly are the flyers.

4. Internet advertising was effective in providing higher reach

and creation of awareness. The research established that TV advertising

is more reliable than internet advertising therefore conforming with

Danaher and Mullarkey (2003), that TV ads are much reliable than internet

advertising. The study also concludes that internet advertising has

significant relationship with purchase decision of the consumers. The

study further concludes that internet advertising was a significant factor

in predicting purchasing decision. 

5. This implies that companies should invest more in internet

advertising to increase their market share and conduct market research on

the different markets in various countries to ensure that the internet

advertising initiatives being implemented suits the targeted markets to

improve product purchases.


The study found that internet advertisement reliability is moderate and

therefore recommends that company management using internet ads should

provide its customers with unique experience based on customer research in

order to provide customers with a customized experience. The study also found

that internet advertising is effective in reaching and awareness-raising, and

suggests that companies spend more in internet ads to raise their market share

and provide product knowledge. The study concluded that there is a positive

relationship between internet advertisement and customer buying decisions and

further suggests that businesses conduct market research on the various

markets in different countries ensuring that the Internet advertisement campaigns

being introduced are in line with the targeted audiences to increase sales of


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