Research Paper (Yung Buo)

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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Some people tend to create new venture to unclog progress in their lives,

mainly to open a business. According to Small Business Administration,

approximately thirty percent (30%) of small businesses shut their doors within the

first two years after of its opening. Yet people want to start and manage their own

business on a regular basis. Some are choosing to build a servicing and/or

merchandising business for the purpose of getting more profit or sales.

There are some people defined merchandising as the products and

services or lines that a retailer offers to the target market Kotler and Armstrong

(2001). In other words, merchandise is the product or service meant for sale and

that is capable of giving satisfaction to the consumer. Merchandise management,

otherwise known as merchandising is defined by Levy and Weitz (1998) as the

process by which a retailer attempts to offer the right quantity of the right

merchandise in the right place at the right time while meeting the organisation’s

financial goal. Similarly, Bovie and Thill (1992) defined merchandising as the

process of planning merchandise assortment for a retail store, making sure that

the right products are available for target customers. According to ( Hong, Goo et

al., 2004; Nguyen and Leblanc, 2002), he identify service business as its nature

is intangible. In order to gain a full picture of two business presented, both

groups must be studied.

This study wants to assess the number of a service and merchandising

business of a certain place considering to achieve the goals of this research that

includes the following: comparison between the number of service and

merchandising business, the factors affecting entrepreneurs in starting their

business and which among the two (service and merchandising business) has

the greater profit.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Service and Merchandising businesses in

Barangay Don Jose

Profile of the
respondents: The type of business (whether
service or merchandising)
a. Age choose
b. Gender


a. Pursuing passion
b. Pursuing a good idea How the respondents were
c. Having a new lifestyle affected by the factors
d. Working for self
e. Financial need

The better business to start-

Number of service and up (between service and
merchandising businesses in merchandising) in Barangay
Barangay Don Jose
Don Jose

Average profit of service and The better business to start-
merchandising businesses in up (between service and
Barangay Don Jose merchandising) in Barangay
Don Jose

The conceptual/theoretical framework shows how the variables will

be analyzed. The researchers will determine whether there is a significant

relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and the type of

business they choose. The researchers will determine the impact of the factors

affecting entrepreneurs in business start-up on the respondents. The researchers

will determine the better business to start, between service and merchandising,

in terms of the number of businesses and their profit.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know which type of business, between service and

merchandising, is better to start. Specifically, it sought answers to the following


1. Is there a significant relationship between the age and/or stage

of life of the respondents and the type of business, whether

service or merchandising, the respondents choose?

2. Is there a significant relationship between the gender of the

respondents and the type of business, whether service or

merchandising, the respondents choose?

3. What level of impact does the factors (Pursuing passion,

pursuing a good idea, having new lifestyle, working for self and

financial need) affect entrepreneurs in starting a service


4. What level of impact does the factors (Pursuing passion,

pursuing a good idea, having new lifestyle, working for self and

financial need) affect entrepreneurs in starting a merchandising


5. In service businesses, what type of business has the greatest


6. In merchandising businesses, what type of business has the

greatest number?

7. Between service and merchandising business which has the

greater number?

8. Between service and merchandising business which creates

greater profit?

9. In terms of the number of service and merchandising businesses

in Barangay Don Jose, which is better to start?

10. In terms of the average profit of service and merchandising

businesses in Barangay Don Jose, which is better to start?

Significance of the Study

Since this study was basically conducted to find out the state of service

and merchandising business in Barangay Don Jose, the researchers fund the

following rationale of the study very significant:

1. The study can be beneficial to students whose track or course is inclining to

business. It can help from in understanding certain things about what happens to

businesses and entrepreneurs.

2. The information obtained in this study may serve as additional information to

teachers who are teaching lessons that are inclined to business.

3. The results of this study will help entrepreneurs in making decisions for their


4. The findings of this research will give aspiring entrepreneurs some necessary

data that can help them in knowing the best things to do in starting a new


5. The study will give other researchers some necessary and important data and

information that can help them in the research that they are conducting.

Hypothesis of the Study

The researchers hypothesized that:

Ho1 = Merchandising business has greater than service business in Barangay

Don Jose.

Ho2 = Do Pursuing passion, pursuing a good idea, having new lifestyle, they can

work for themselves, legacy and financial need affect the entrepreneurs in

starting their business.

Ho3 = Merchandising business has greater profit their service business

Scope and Delimitation

The research aims to know the state of service and merchandising

business in Barangay Don Jose. This study targets the entrepreneurs of

Barangay Don Jose Santa Rosa. We aim a service and merchandising business.

The design of this research is survey and the instrument that will be used is an

open-ended, close-ended, and likert-type survey questionnaire.

Definition of Terms

Entrepreneurs – A person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order

to make money.

Business – The activity of making, buying, or selling goods of providing services

in exchange for money.

Merchandising Business – It is a business that purchases finished products and

resells them to consumers.

Service Business – Is a form of business providing different types of labour

services in a wide variety of business sectors

Profit – A financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned

and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something.

Chapter 2


This chapter contains the related literature and studies on the necessary

information that are found relevant to the study.

Related Literature

Demographic profile (Age and Gender)

Age is the number that serves as the thing that defines how old a person

is. According to Armstrong (2008), there are 12 main stages of life namely,

Prebirth (not yet born), Birth (when a child is born), Infancy (0-3 years old), Early

Childhood (3-6 years old), Middle Childhood (6-8 years old), Late Childhood (9-

11 years old), Adolescence (12-20 years old), Early Adulthood (20-35 years old),

Midlife (35-50 years old), Mature Adulthood (50-80 years old), Late Adulthood

(80 and above), and Death or Dying (persons who are dead or dying).A study

states that the age of 31 and older is the more accurate age of an

entrepreneurship, Douglas (2017). According to,

gender is the state of being either a male or female of a person. According to

2016 Kauffman Index of Startup Activity, there are more male entrepreneurs than

females in 2015. Another thing is in 2012, there are only 36% of women and

64% of men who started their own business, (Anonymous, 2015). All of these

statistics presented earlier simply states that there are more men starting their

own business than women.

Factors affecting entrepreneurs in starting a business

According to Guy Arnold, the word passion is often used as term in the

context of customer service and customer experience. Passion brings itself to an

excellence and continuous improvement and without passion, providing of world

class standard is impossible. The passion for yourself is focusing on aiming of

improvement no matter what setbacks make on your way. In providing products

and services, passion is doing everything like asking for feedbacks and

comments just to provide what the customer wants. Marketing has a passion in

gathering feedbacks obsessively and works in every aspect to identify and

develop even just a small improvement that will add to the world class

experience. In every aspects of life, passion is developing all throughout (Arnold,

2017). In starting a business, you’re also starting your passion to grow. The

passion to succeed and avoiding failure caused entrepreneurs to learn new

things that they don’t know. Passion drives entrepreneurs to pursue success

and keep them on going despite of difficulties in their business that surely come

across (Morgaine, 2017).

Having good idea is generally refers to the changes of a process or

creating more effective processes, products and services. For business,

innovation can be one of its points which is implementing ideas or creating

dynamic products to improve your existing products or services. Being an

idealistic can be a way to the success and growth of your business and help you

to adapt and grow in the market place. Having a good idea can increase the

possibility of your business to succeed (, 2018). Having a good

idea can affect a person in starting a new business. Aaron Schwartz for example,

is an entrepreneur who’s not satisfied with what the industry is offering; who’s

thinking that he could offer a better product. For him, making custom products is

a cool thing to do. These things inspired him to share his products and eventually

start a business, modify watches, Morgaine (2017)

According to Joseph (2018) lifestyle is the way how an individual live while

coping with their physical, psychological, social, and economic environments. In

pursuing a business, you can have a higher probability of spending more time

with family and friends.

Working for self is directly linking to self-management, the act of taking

care of one’s own money instead of giving the task to a professional money or

business manager, ( start a business it requires

money, time, hard work, patience and understanding that you can’t make money

within short period of time. People chose to be self-employed rather than work

for others as they want to get involve in business. They have the desire to put a

personal touch in doing a business, they want to be their own boss and be in

charge of everyday operations in the business, and pursue extra income, Root III


Templeman (2014) states that financial independence is the main reason

why people start their business. According to Joseph (2018), you can have

unlimited income depending on the efforts of the entrepreneur and how

successful the enterprise, Templeman (2014).

Factors determining the better type of business to start

Market share is the percentage of total revenue of a business in the

industry where it belongs, ( It is defined mostly by the

number of businesses that is in the same industry, if the number of business

increase, the market share will also decrease and the competition is greater.

Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) is a measure of how competitive a business is

in the industry. According to an article at, HHI simply states

that the lower the number of businesses there is the higher the concentration or

the lower the competition. If the competition will be lower, the greater it will be to

choose that kind of business.

According to, profit is the financial benefit that an

entrepreneur or business gets after removing all the expenses in the gross

revenue of the business. Gross Profit Margin is a metric that can access a

company’s overall financial status. Having an inadequate gross profit margin a

business will not able to pay its expenses and retain earnings. A business with

high profit margin tells that it operates efficiently. On the other hand, a low profit

margin business generally indicates a highly competitive market or an ineffective

business, Bass (2017)

Monopoly is a type of market structure wherein there is only one seller

who sells a unique product in the market. The higher the market concentration

the closer it is to be a monopoly and lesser the competition with higher market

concentration is better than those businesses with lower concentration because

they have lower competition, Anonymous.

Related studies

According to Mazzarol et al. (1998), there three primary demographic

variables that affects entrepreneurs in starting a new business , and those are

gender, previous government employment and recent redundancy. De Silva

(2010) stated in his business school working paper that entrepreneurs are being

motivated by a combination of ‘push’ and ‘pull’ motives when they are starting

their businesses and mainly motivated at the growth stage. Push motives are

components of necessities wherein the entrepreneurs are being pushed to start a

new business in order to overcome the circumstances they are facing. Pull

motives on the other hand are the positive things that persuade entrepreneurs to

start a new business. According to Devaney et al. (2009), there are three main

things that causes small business ownership and they are attitude, subject

norms, and perceived behavioral control. Attitude is the perception of a people

towards starting a small business. Subject norms include gender, ethnicity, and

parents and friends with self employment experience. Behavioral control includes

education and training and experience.

The related literatures above describe the variables affected in this

research paper and states some theories and statements that will serve as basis

in conducting this research. In the demographic profile, it is stated that the most

common or right age to be an entrepreneur is 31 or in the early adulthood and

that the gender with greater number is male. In the factors affecting

entrepreneurs in starting a new business, all of them are supported by articles

written by bloggers and experts. In the factors determining the better business to

start, it is stated that the lower the number of business type there is and that the

higher the profit in that type of business the better it is to start. There are three

studies related studies that are very close to what this paper seeks to answer.

The first study by Mazzarol et al. (1998) states that gender, previous government

employment and recent redundancy are the main factors affecting entrepreneurs

in starting a new business. Push and pull motives are for De Silva (2010) and

attitude, subject norms, and perceived behavioral control for Devaney et al.


Chapter 3


Discussed in this chapter are the methodology and design of the research.

It includes the population of the study, sample size, sampling technique,

research instrument, data gathering procedure, and the evaluation and scoring.

Research Method

The proponents used the descriptive-correlational method to describe,

analyze and interpret the data of the study. This data is designed to gather

information and relevant data about variables under the study. It tries o discover

answers from the questions who, what, why, and where sometimes how.

(Definition of correlational method)

Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique

The chosen respondents for this study were the owners of service and

merchandising businesses. These business owners were found from the inside

residence of Barangay Don Jose, City of Santa Rosa. These business owners

were chosen because the researchers assumed that these chosen respondents

can help them in conducting the study which focused mainly on service and

merchandising businesses in Barangay Don Jose.

The list of service and merchandising businesses’ owners were acquired

through the researcher’s request to the Barangay chairman. The researchers

selected the respondents in accordance to the convenience of business owners.

This method is called Convenience Sampling on which every sample on the

population has been chosen by the researchers according to their convenience.

Research Instrument

The data were obtained through primary and secondary resources. The

primary source of the data of the research is a questionnaire, which consists of

two (2) parts. The first part is the demographic profile of the respondents and the

second part is a likert-type.

The questionnaire was constructed by the researchers based on the

factors that affect the entrepreneurs in starting the business. The factors are

used to formulate questions in order to gather the necessary data needed for the


The researchers consulted their Research adviser (Mrs. Jewell Sasuya),

teacher in Accountancy, Business, and Management (Mrs. Frances Dela Peṅa),

former teacher in Mathematics (Ms. Annabelle Mendoza) and Coordinator of

Senior High School (Ms. Mara Reyes) for the validation of the questionnaire

before it is being distributed to the respondents.

Secondary data, on the other hand, used a relevant study that was

gathered from books, internet, and other thesis and dissertations that serve as

the foundation and framework of the study.

Data-Gathering Procedure

First, the researchers requested the list of registered business owner from

the secretary of Barangay hall in order to check the overall number of

respondents. The selection of respondents was done through convenience


The necessary data needed for the study were gathered using a survey

questionnaire. The questionnaire was personally distributed by the researchers.

The reason on doing this personally is for the researchers to clarify some

answers that might lead them to the necessary data that they will need

throughout the study.

The researchers gathered the data from the answer sheets of the

respondents. Scores were tabulated and given to the statistician for the

treatment of data. Analysis and interpretation of the results leads to findings,

conclusion, and recommendation of this study.

Evaluation and Scoring

Below was the formula used by the researchers to get the distribution of the

respondents for every range of age, gender, and type of service and

merchandising business.





N=total number of respondents

Below was the formula used by the researchers to get the weighted for every

statement in the likert-type questionnaire.

𝜇 = 𝜀𝑤𝑥/𝑁


µ=weighted mean

ε=sum of the measurements or values


x=number of respondents for every weight

N=total number of respondents

Below was the formula used by the researchers to get the mean for every factor

in the likert-type questionnaire.

𝑥 = 𝜀𝜇/𝑁



εμ=summation of the weighted means

N=total number of weighted means

Below was the rating scale used to measure how are the respondents

were affected by the factors. The following code numbers has their equivalent

description that corresponds to the assessment of the respondents.

Table 1. Scale used to Measure the Level of ? of Service and

Merchandising Business Owner

Descriptive Equivalent Rating Code Number

Strongly Agree 5

Agree 4

Neutral 3

Disagree 2

Strongly Disagree 1

Chapter 4


Presented in this chapter are the analyses and interpretation of the data


Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Table 1. Age


Early Midlif Mature Late

Adolesce Adulthoo e Adultho Adulthood

nce d (36- od (81 and

(12-20) (21-35) 50) (51-80) above)

1 15 40 15 1
1.39 20.83 55.56 20.83 1.39
AGE (%)

2 20 43 11 0

2.63 26.32 56.58 14.47 0
AGE (%)

Table 1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution on age of

respondents in service business. There were 40 (55.56%) recorded respondents

who are in their midlife or 36-50 years old, 15 (20.83%) are in their early

adulthood or 21-35 years old, 15 (20.83%) are in their mature adulthood or 51-80

years old, 1 (1.39%) are in their adolescence or 12-20 years old, and 1 (1.39%)

are in their late adulthood or age 81 and above

Table 1 also presents the frequency and percentage distribution on age of

the respondents in merchandising business. There were 43 (56.58%) recorded

respondents who are in their midlife or 36-50 years old, 20 (26.32%) are in their

early adulthood or 21-35 years old, 11 (14.47%) are in their mature adulthood or

51-80 years old, and 2 (2.63%) are in their adolescence or 12-20 years old.

Table 2. Gender




FREQUENCY 28 44 23 53

38.89 61.11 30.26 69.74

Table 2 presents the respondents’ profile in terms of gender in service

business in Barangay Don Jose. It shows that out of seventy-two (72)

respondents from Barangay Don Jose, 44 or 61.11% are female. 28 or 38.88%

are male.

Table 2 also presents the respondents’ profile in terms of gender in

merchandising business in Barangay Don Jose. It shows that out of seventy-six

(76) respondents from Barangay Don Jose, 53 or 69.74% are female. 23 or

38.88% are male.

Factors affecting respondents in starting business

Table 3. Factors affecting respondents in starting service business

Statements Weighted Mean Interpretation

3.1 Pursuing Passion

1. I started this business because it

4.15 Agree
is connected to my talent.

2. I started this business because

4.33 Strongly Agree
this is my dream.

4.24 Strongly Agree

3.2 Pursuing a Good Idea

1. I started this business because I 4.74 Strongly Agree

think it will be marketable to the


2. I started this business because I

2.6 Neutral
know there’s no other like this.

3.67 Agree

3.3 Having a new lifestyle

1. I started this business because I

want to have a balance time to 4.18 Agree

other things

2. I started this business because I

want to increase my way of 4.63 Strongly Agree


4.41 Strongly Agree

3.4 Working for self

1. I started this business because I

4.28 Strongly agree
can control my whole time.

2. I started this business because I

am happy in managing on what 4.72 Strongly agree

I’m doing.

4.50 Strongly Agree

3.5 Financial need

1. I started this business because I
4.82 Strongly agree
want to sustain my daily needs.

2. I started this business because I

4.82 Strongly agree
want to have an extra income.

4.82 Strongly Agree

Table 3.1, entitled pursuing passion, shows that the highest weighted mean is

4.33 which mean that the respondents strongly agree that they started their

service businesses because those are their dreams. The lowest weighted mean

is 4.33, which means that the respondents agree that they started their service

businesses because it is connected to their talent. It only shows that table 3.1

has a total weighted mean of 2.24 which means that the respondents strongly

agree that pursuing passion is a factor that affect them in starting their service


Table 3.2, entitled pursuing a good idea, shows that the highest weighted

mean is 4.74 which means that the respondents strongly agree that they started

their service business because they think those businesses will be marketable to

people. The lowest weighted mean is 2.6, which means that the respondents

neither agree nor disagree that they started their service businesses because

they believe that those service businesses are unique. It only shows that table

3.2 has a total weighted mean of 3.67 which means that the respondents agree

that pursuing a good idea is a factor that affect them in starting their service


Table 3.3, entitled having a new lifestyle, shows that the highest weighted

mean is 4.63 which means that the respondents strongly agree that they started

their service businesses because they want to increase their social status. The

lowest weighted mean is 4.18, which indicates that the respondents agree that

they started their service businesses because they want a balance time to other

activities. It only shows that table 3.3 has a total weighted mean of 4.41 which

means that the respondents strongly agree that having new lifestyle is a factor

that affect them in starting their service businesses.

Table 3.4, entitled working for self, shows that the highest weighted mean is

4.72 which mean that the respondents strongly agree that they started their

service businesses because they’re happy in managing the things that they are

doing. The lowest weighted mean is 4.28, which means that the respondents

strongly agree that they started their service businesses they can control their

time while operating it. It only shows that table 3.4 has a total weighted mean of

4.5 which indicates that the respondents strongly agree that working for self is a

factor that affect the respondents in starting their service businesses.

Table 3.5, entitled financial need, shows that both the statements got 4.82 as

their weighted mean which means that the respondents strongly agree that they

started their service businesses because they want to sustain their daily needs

and they want to have extra income. Table 3.5 also has a total weighted mean of

4.82 which indicates that the respondents strongly agree that financial need is a

factor that affects them in starting their service businesses.

Table 4. Factors affecting respondents in starting merchandising business

Statements Weighted Mean Interpretation

4.1 Pursuing Passion

3. I started this business because it

4.17 Agree
is connected to my talent.

4. I started this business because

3.95 Neutral
this is my dream.

4.06 Agree

4.2 Pursuing a Good Idea

3. I started this business because I

think it will be marketable to the 4.55 Strongly Agree


4. I started this business because I

2.53 Disagree
know there’s no other like this.

3.54 Agree

4.3 Having a new lifestyle

3. I started this business because I

want to have a balance time to 4.13 Agree

other things

4. I started this business because I

want to increase my way of 4.64 Strongly Agree


4.30 Strongly Agree

4.4 Working for self

3. I started this business because I

4.24 Strongly Agree
can control my whole time.

4. I started this business because I

am happy in managing on what 4.64 Strongly Agree

I’m doing.

4.44 Strongly Agree

4.5Financial need

3. I started this business because I

4.74 Strongly Agree
want to sustain my daily needs.

4. I started this business because I

4.62 Strongly Agree
want to have an extra income.

4.68 Strongly Agree

Table 4.1, entitled pursuing passion, shows that the highest weighted

mean is 4.17 which mean that the respondents agree that they started their

merchandising businesses because it is connected to their talent. The lowest

weighted mean is 3.95, which means that the respondents neither agree nor

disagree that they are not sure if it is their dream. It only shows that the table B.1

has a total weighted mean of 4.06 which means that the respondents agree that

the pursuing passion is a factor that affect them in starting their merchandising


Table B.2, entitled pursuing a good idea, shows that the highest weighted

mean is 4.55 which mean that the respondents strongly agree that they started

their merchandising business because it will be marketable to people. The lowest

weighted mean is 2.53, which means that the respondents disagree that their

business is unique. It only shows that the table B.2 has a total weighted mean of

3.54 which means that the respondents agree that pursuing good idea is a factor

that affect them in starting their merchandising businesses.

Table B.3, entitled having a new lifestyle, shows that the highest weighted

mean is 4.64 which mean that the respondents strongly agree that they started

their merchandising business because they want to increase their social status.

The lowest weighted mean is 4.13, which means that the respondents agree that

they started their business because they want to have a balance time to other

activities. It only shows that the table B.3 has a total weighted mean of 4.30

which means that the respondents strongly agree that having a new lifestyle is a

factor that affect them in starting their merchandising businesses.

Table B.4, entitled working for self, shows that the highest weighted mean

is 4.64 which mean that the respondents strongly agree that they started their

merchandising business because they are happy in managing on what they do.

The lowest weighted mean is 4.24, which means that the respondents strongly

agree that they started their business because they can control their whole time

while operating it. It only shows that the table B.4 has a total weighted mean of

4.44 which means that the respondents strongly agree that working for self is a

factor that affect them in starting their merchandising business.

Table B.5, entitled financial need, shows that the highest weighted mean

is 4.74 which mean that the respondents strongly agree that they started their

merchandising business because they want to sustain their daily needs. The

lowest weighted mean is 4.62, which means that the respondents strongly agree

that they started their business because they want to have an extra income. It

only shows that the table B.5 has a total weighted mean of 4.68 which means

that the respondents strongly agree that financial need is a factor that affect them

in starting their merchandising business.

Number of businesses

Table 5. Frequency and percentage of service businesses by type

TYPE OF SERVICE Number Percentage (%)


Apartment 38 52.78

Eatery 12 16.67

Street Foods 7 9.72

Computer Shop 5 6.94

Spa 2 2.78

Barber Shop 2 2.78

Tailoring 2 2.78

Repair Shop 1 1.39

Salon 1 1.39

Bakery 1 1.39

Videoke Rental 1 1.39

TOTAL 72 100

Table 5 presents the frequency and percentage of every type of service in

Barangay Don Jose. It shows that majority of the type of service were 38 or

52.78% Apartment, and the remaining were 12 or 16.67% Eatery, 7 or 9.72%

Street foods, 5 or 6.94% Computer shop, 2 or 2.78% SPA, Barber shop, and

Tailoring, and 1 or 1.39% Repair shop, Salon, Bakery, and Videoke rental.

Table 6. Frequency and percentage of merchandising businesses by type

TYPE OF MERCHANDISING Number Percentage (%)


Sari-Sari Store 64 84.21

Stationery Store 4 5.26

Vegetable 3 3.95

Laundry Shop 1 1.32

Meat Shop 1 1.32

General Merchandising 1 1.32

Soft drinks Merchandising 1 1.32

Furniture 1 1.32

TOTAL 76 100

Table 6 presents the frequency and percentage of every type of business

in merchandising in Barangay Don Jose. It show that majority of the type of

merchandising were 64 or 84.21% Sari-sari store, and the remaining were 4 or

5.26% Stationary store, 3 or 3.95% Vegetable store, and 1 or 1.32% Laundry

shop, Meat shop, General merchandising, Soft drinks merchandising, and


Table 7. Frequency and percentage of service and merchandising businesses

Frequency Percentage (%)

Service 72 48.65

Merchandising 76 51.35

total 148 100

Table 7 shows the frequency and percentage of service and

merchandising businesses in Barangay Don Jose. The type business with the

greater number is the merchandising with the frequency of 76 (51.35%). The

type of business with lesser number is the service business with a total

frequency of 72 (48.65%).

Profit of the businesses

Table 8. Total and average profit of service and merchandising businesses



TOTAL PROFIT FOR ₱ 408, 200.00 ₱ 660,440.00


TOTAL AVERAGE PER ₱ 5, 669.44 ₱ 9,525.47


Table 8 shows the total revenue and the average revenue per business of

service and merchandising business in Barangay Don Jose. Service businesses

in Barangay Don Jose have total revenue of ₱408,200.00 and average revenue

of ₱5,699.44 for every business. Merchandising businesses in Barangay Don

Jose have total revenue of ₱660,400.00 and average revenue of ₱9,525.47 for

every business.

Chapter 5


Discussed in this chapter are the summaries of findings, conclusions and

recommendations. The purposes of this study are to know whether there is a
significant relationship between the gender and age of the respondents and the
type of business they choose, determine the level of effect the factors affects the
respondents, and know the better business to start, between service and
merchandising, in terms of the number of business and the profit.


The researchers enumerated the following findings as to or related to the

statement of the problem, respectively:

1. Is there a significant relationship between the age and/or stage of life

of the respondents and the type of business, whether service or

merchandising, the respondents clearer.

The researchers found out that there’s no significant relationship

between the age and/or stage of life of the respondents and the type of

business, whether service or merchandising, the respondents chose since

service and merchandising businesses in Barangay Don Jose both have

highest frequencies in Midlife (36-50 years old). Service businesses with

40 (55.56%) respondents and Merchandising businesses with 43

(56.58%) respondents.

2. Is there a significant relationship between the gender of the

respondents and the type of business, whether service or

merchandising, the respondents choose?

The researchers found out that there’s no significant relationship

between the gender of the respondents and the type of business, whether

service or merchandising, the respondents choose since service and

merchandising businesses in Barangay Don Jose both have highest

frequencies in girls. Merchandising business with 53 (69.74%)

respondents and Service business with 44 (61.11%) respondents.

3. What level of impact does the factors (Pursuing passion, pursuing a

good idea, having new lifestyle, working for self and financial need)

affect entrepreneurs in starting a service business?

The researchers found out that the respondents strongly agree that

the factors pursuing passion, having a new lifestyle, working for self, and

financial need, with general weighted mean of 4.24, 4.41, 4.50, and 4.82

respectively, and agree that pursuing good idea, with a general weighted

mean of 3.67 affect them in starting service business.

4. What level of impact does the factors (Pursuing passion, pursuing a

good idea, having new lifestyle, working for self and financial need)

affect entrepreneurs in starting a merchandising business?

The researchers found out that the respondents strongly agree that

having a new lifestyle, working for self, and financial need with general

weighted mean of 4.30, 4,44, and 4.68 respectively, and agree that

pursuing passion and pursuing a good idea, with general weighted mean

of 4.06, and 3.54 respectively, affect them in starting merchandising


5. In service businesses, what type of business has the greatest


The researchers found out that the type of business in service with the

greatest number is Apartment which has 38 (52.78%).

6. In merchandising businesses, what type of business has the greatest


The researchers found out that the type of business in merchandising with

the greatest number is Sari-sari store which has 64 (84.21%).

7. Between service and merchandising business which has the greater


The researchers found out that the business with the greater number of 76

(51.35%) is merchandising since service business only got a number of 72


8. Between service and merchandising business which creates a

greater average profit per business?

The researchers found out that the business that creates greater average

profit is merchandising which has an average profit of P 9,525.47 since service

business only got an average profit of P 5,669.44 only.

9. In terms of the number of service and merchandising businesses in

Barangay Don Jose, which is better to start?

The researchers found out that service businesses are better to start for it

has a total number of 72 (48.65%), since merchandising businesses has a total

number of 76 (51.35%).

10. In terms of the average profit of service and merchandising

businesses in Barangay Don Jose, which is better to start?

The researchers found out that merchandising business is better to start

for it has an average profit of ₱ 9,525.47, since service business has an average

profit of ₱ 5,669.44 only.


Therefore, the researchers concluded the following based on the findings:

1. There is no significant relationship between the age of respondents and

the type of business they choose.

2. Most of the respondents are in their midlife (36-50 years old).

3. There is no significant relationship between the gender of respondents

and the type of business they choose.

4. The respondents strongly agree that having a new lifestyle, working for

self and financial need affect them in starting merchandising as well as

respondents agree that pursuing passion and pursuing a good idea affect

them in starting merchandising business.

5. The type of service and merchandising business that has the most

number in Barangay Don Jose are apartment and sari-sari store


6. There is more merchandising business existing in Barangay Don Jose

than service business.

7. Merchandising businesses has greater average profit than service


8. In terms of the number of businesses, service is the type of business

that is better to start.

9. In terms of the average profit, merchandising is the type of business

that is better to start.


1. For the aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start a business with

greater market share, it will be good for them to choose service


2. For the aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start a business with

greater profit, it will be good for them to choose merchandising


3. Further studies must be conducted focusing on the factors affecting

entrepreneurs in starting a business.





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Appendix 1


September 4, 2018

Dear Sir,

We are Grade 12 Senior High School students of Don Jose

National High School. We are currently conducting a research titled
Service and Merchandising Businesses in Barangay Don Jose, Santa
Rosa City, Laguna as requirement to pass our subject in Practical
Research 2. We would like to ask for your permission for us to conduct a
survey in Brgy. Don Jose to know which type of business, between service
and merchandising is better to start to serve as data that will be useful in
our research.

The survey will be started on the 7th day of September and the
target respondents will be all the official registered owner of a service and
merchandising business in Brgy. Don Jose. The data/result of this study
will remain absolutely confidential and to be used in educational purposes

Your approval will be greatly appreciated.

Acuin, Marjorie Anne O.

Dalangin, Rica May G.

Duran, Carl Renan T.

Mercado, Shekinah T.

Paningbatan, Angelene A.

Sambrano, Mark Dave T.

Recommending Approval:

Jewell C. Sasuya
Research Adviser


Mara M. Reyes
Senior High School Coordinator

Dr. Alvin Sta. Maria, Ed. D.

Principal 1 - DJNHS


Hon. Ireneo “Bong” Aala

Barangay Chairman

Appendix 2


To the respondents,

We, are the grade 12 ABM students from Don Jose National High School,
are now having our research with the title, Service and Merchandising
Businesses in Barangay Don Jose, Sta Rosa City, Laguna. Related to this,
we have used a likert-type survey questionnaire to get the data that can help us
in finishing our research. It will be a big help if you will answer our questionnaire
honestly. There will be no right or wrong answer. We assure you that your
answers will be confidential.

Thank you very much for spending some time, for cooperating, and for
your temperance in answering this questionnaire. God bless you more!


Marjorie Anne Acuin

Shekinah Mercado
Rica Mae Dalangin
Angelene Paningbatan
Carl Renan Duran
Mark Dave Sambrano

Put a check (/) ang on the box that corresponds to your answer.

1. Gender: Male Female

2. Age:

12-20 20-35 35-50 50-80 80 and above

3. What type business do you run?

Apartment Sari-sari Store Carwash Ukay-ukay

Eatery Salon Stationary Store Tailoring

Water Refilling Station Computer Shop Bakery Others

1. What is the weekly revenue of your business?

Direction: Put a check (/) on the blank that corresponds to your answer. Use the
scale below as guidance in answering the questions.

5 – Strongly Agree
4 – Agree
3 – Nuetral
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree
1. Pursuing Passion 5 4 3 2 1

1. I started this business because it is connected

to my talent.
2. I started this business because this is my
2. Pursuing a Good Idea

1. I started this business because I think it will be

marketable to the people.
2. I started this business because I know there’s no
other like this.
3. Having a new lifestyle

1. I started this business because I want to have a

balance time to other things
2. I started this business because I want to increase
my way of living.
4. Working for self

1. I started this business because I can control my

whole time.
2. I started this business because I am happy in
managing on what I’m doing.
5. Financial need

1. I started this business because I want to sustain

my daily needs.
2. I started this business because I want to have an
extra income.

Appendix 3



Factors affecting entrepreneurs in starting a business (Service)

Statements Weighted Mean Interpretation

Pursuing Passion
5. I started this business because it is 4.15
connected to my talent.
6. I started this business because this is 4.33
Strongly Agree
my dream.
Strongly Agree

Pursuing a Good Idea

5. I started this business because I think it 4.74 Strongly Agree
will be marketable to the people.
6. I started this business because I know 2.6 Neutral
there’s no other like this.
3.67 Agree

Having a new lifestyle

5. I started this business because I want 4.18 Agree

to have a balance time to other things
6. I started this business because I want 4.63 Strongly Agree
to increase my way of living.
4.41 Strongly Agree

Working for self

5. I started this business because I can 4.28 Strongly agree
control my whole time.
6. I started this business because I am 4.72 Strongly agree
happy in managing on what I’m doing.

4.50 Strongly Agree

Financial need
5. I started this business because I want 4.82 Strongly agree
to sustain my daily needs.
6. I started this business because I want 4.82 Strongly agree
to have an extra income.
4.82 Strongly Agree

Factors affecting entrepreneurs in starting a business (Merchandising)

Statements Weighted Mean Interpretation

Pursuing Passion
7. I started this business because it is 4.17 Agree
connected to my talent.
8. I started this business because this is 3.95 Neutral
my dream.
4.06 Agree

Pursuing a Good Idea

7. I started this business because I think 4.55 Strongly Agree
it will be marketable to the people.
8. I started this business because I know 2.53 Disagree
there’s no other like this.
3.54 Agree

Having a new lifestyle

7. I started this business because I want 4.13 Agree

to have a balance time to other things
8. I started this business because I want 4.64 Strongly Agree
to increase my way of living.
4.30 Strongly Agree

Working for self

7. I started this business because I can 4.24 Strongly Agree
control my whole time.
8. I started this business because I am 4.64 Strongly Agree
happy in managing on what I’m doing.
4.44 Strongly Agree

Financial need
7. I started this business because I want 4.74 Strongly Agree
to sustain my daily needs.
8. I started this business because I want 4.62 Strongly Agree
to have an extra income.
4.68 Strongly Agree

Marjorie Anne O. Acuin

St. John Street Barangay Don Jose

Sta. Rosa City of Laguna, 4026



Nickname : Marj

Birthday : June 12, 2001

Age : 17
Sex : Female

Birthplace : Quezon City Manila

Mother’s Name : Cristy O. Acuin

Occupation : Production Operator

Father’s Name : Remar C. Acuin

Occupation : Driver

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single


Senior High : Accountancy, Business, and Management

Don Jose National High School

Brgy. Don Jose Sta. Rosa City, Laguna

S.Y. 2018-2019

Junior High : Don Jose National High School

Brgy. Don Jose Sta. Rosa City, Laguna

S.Y. 2016-2017

Elementary : Don Jose Elementary School

Brgy. Don Jose Sta. Rosa City, Laguna

S.Y. 2012-2013

Rica May G. Dalangin

St. Philip Street Barangay Don Jose

Sta. Rosa City of Laguna, 4026



Nickname : Tamey

Birthday : November 20,2000

Age : 17
Sex : Female

Birthplace : Sta. Rosa

Mother’s Name : Marcela Guerrero

Occupation : Housewife

Father’s Name : Rodelio Dalangin

Occupation : Government Employee

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single


Senior High : Accountancy, Business, and Management

Don Jose National High School

Brgy. Don Jose Sta. Rosa City, Laguna


Junior High : Don Jose National High School

Brgy. Don Jose Sta. Rosa City, Laguna


Elementary : Don Jose Elementary School

Brgy. Don Jose Sta. Rosa City, Laguna


Carl Renan T. Duran

St. Bartholomew Street Barangay Don Jose Sta.

Rosa City of Laguna, 4026



Nickname : Carl

Birthday : May 19, 2001

Age : 17
Sex : Male

Birthplace : Sta. Rosa

Mother’s Name : Remedios T. Duran

Occupation : Deceased

Father’s Name : Fernando N. Duran

Occupation : Consultant Manager

Religion : Born Again Christian

Civil Status : Single


Senior High : Accountancy, Business, and Management

Don Jose National High School

Sta. Rosa, Laguna


Junior High : Don Jose National High School

Brgy. Don Jose Sta. Rosa City, Laguna


Elementary : Don Jose Elementary School

Brgy. Don Jose Sta. Rosa City, Laguna


Shekinah T. Mercado

St. Philip Street Barangay Don Jose Sta.

Rosa City of Laguna, 4026



Nickname : Khaye

Birthday : June 1, 2000

Age : 18
Sex : Female

Birthplace : Sta. Rosa

Mother’s Name : Rosalie Mercado

Occupation : Housewife

Father’s Name : Pablito Mercado

Occupation : OFW

Religion : Born Again Christian

Civil Status : Single


Senior High : Accountancy, Business, and Management

Don Jose National High School

Sta. Rosa, Laguna


Junior High : Don Jose National High School
Brgy. Don Jose Sta. Rosa City, Laguna


Elementary : Don Jose Elementary School

Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Angelene A. Paningbatan

Coral na Bato, Pulong Sta. Cruz Santa Rosa City of Laguna



Nickname : Angge

Birthday : April 11, 2001

Age : 17
Sex : Female

Birthplace : Sta. Rosa

Mother’s Name : Alicia A. Paningbatan

Occupation : Housewife

Father’s Name : Manuel C. Paningbatan

Occupation :

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single


Senior High : Accountancy, Business, and Management

Don Jose National High School

Sta. Rosa, Laguna


Junior High : Pulong Sta. Cruz National High School

Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Elementary : Pulong Sta. Cruz Elementary School

Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Mark Dave T. Sambrano

Santan St. Brgy Inchican Silang Cavite



Nickname : Macoy

Birthday : December 26, 2000

Age : 17
Sex : Male

Birthplace : Silang, Cavite

Mother’s Name : Hermilita T. Sambrano

Occupation : Housewife

Father’s Name : Moreno A. Sambrano

Occupation : Foreman

Religion : Born Again Christian

Civil Status : Single


Senior High : Accountancy, Business, and Management

Don Jose National High School

Brgy. Don Jose Sta. Rosa City , Laguna


Junior High : Don Jose National High School

Brgy. Don Jose Sta. Rosa City, Laguna

Elementary : Inchican Elementary School

Brgy. Inchican Silang Cavite


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