Concept Paper in Perspective of Academic
Concept Paper in Perspective of Academic
Concept Paper in Perspective of Academic
A Concept Paper
Pavia, Iloilo
In Partial Fulfillment
Emirose C. Erlano
Erwin Lao
Jude Licoto
October, 2019
Pavia National High School
Technical Vocational and Livelihood (Home Economics)
The program, according to the Official Gazette, "covers Kindergarten and 12 years of
basic education." The additional years aims to provide enough time for "mastery of concepts
and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level
The implementation of the program is pursuant to the Enhanced Basic Education Act of
Kindergarten in school year (SY) 2011-2012, new curriculum for grade one and grade seven
was rolled out in SY 2012-2013, and new curriculum for grade two and grade eight was rolled
out in SY 2013-2014. Grade 11 is set to be introduced next SY, 2016-2017, and grade 12 in SY
Starting in Kindergarten, the mother tongue, or the common language in the area shall
be used as the medium for instruction, this, according to the Official Gazette, "students are able
to learn best through their first language." From grades one to three, mother tongue together
with English and Filipino will be used as language for instruction and will gradually transition to
Upon reaching Senior High School (grades 11 and 12), the program will allow students
and Sports and Arts. The student's choice of career track will define the content of the subjects
(NC I) after grade 10 and a National Certificate Level II (NC II) after finishing a Technical-
assessment of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). NC I and NC
II improves employability of graduates in fields like Agriculture, Electronics, and Trade which
According to, prior to the its implementation, "the Philippines is the last
country in Asia, and one of only 3 countries (Angola and Djibouti) worldwide, with a 10-year
pre-university cycle."
director Raul C. Alvarez previously said that this will increase the competitiveness of student
graduates in the country. Labrador , KM. (2015). Quick Facts: DepEd's K to 12 Program.
This study aims to determine the perspective of academic strand learners towards
This study aims to determine the perspective of academic strand learners towards
Specific Objectives
1.What are the positive perspectives of academic track learners towards Technical Vocational
2.What are the negative perspectives of academic track learners towards Technical Vocational
3.What are the positive effects of the positive perspectives of academic track learners to
4.What are the negative effects of the negative perspectives of academic track learners to
With K-12 education, students will have sufficient instructional time for subject-related
tasks, making them more prepared in every subject area. With the old system, Filipino students
In 2008, for instance, international test results revealed that Filipinos were behind
Another reason to support K-12 education is because the graduates of this program will
be more prepared to enter the labor force. High school graduates of the 10-year curriculum
were not yet employable since they were not competent or well–equipped enough for the
In addition, high school graduates of the 10-year curriculum are not yet 18. With the
new curriculum, senior high school students can specialize in a field that they are good at and
interested in. As a result, upon graduation they will have the specific job-related skills they need
even without a college degree. When they graduate from high school, these young people will
professionals abroad because we are following the international education standard as practiced
by all nations.
There will be no need to study again and spend more money in order to qualify for
international standards. With a K-12 education, Filipino professionals who aspire to work abroad
will not have a hard time getting jobs in their chosen field. Furthermore, they will be able to
help their families in the Philippines more with remittances, property purchase, and small
current education system hinders us in becoming more competitive among other countries. The
However, it is undeniable that there will be problems that arise as we implement the
program, which could include a lack of budget, classrooms, school supplies, and teachers. That
said, the long-term effects of K-12 education will be very beneficial to us Filipinos.
Therefore, we must support the K-12 educational plan to help improve our educational
system and our economy. Remember that change in our society starts with education.
Abueva, A. ( 2019).
Pavia National High School
Technical Vocational and Livelihood (Home Economics)
Academic Track
This track is right for high school students who look forward to moving to college. In the
same way, the academic track will prepare you for college courses from which you can choose
a lot of options. Under this track are three senior high strands.
This track is best for students who are not yet sure which path to take. Unlike other K to
12 tracks and strands that are specific to a career, GAS gives you the chance to weigh your
options. Moreover, a course you can pursue from this strand is education.
– Biological Education
– Preschool Education
– Mathematics
– Special Education
– Physical Sciences
Pavia National High School
Technical Vocational and Livelihood (Home Economics)
By the same token, this strand can lead you to go for a course in one of the fields
Bachelor of Arts
So far, the STEM strand gives you more options on what to pick for your college course.
Thus, if you choose this strand, you can study one of these courses to trail in college.
Bachelor of Science
– Molecular Biology (BS Molecular Biology) – Nutrition and Dietetics (BS Nutrition and
– Physics (BS Physics)
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Engineering (BSECE)
– Mining Engineering (BSEM)
Pavia National High School
Technical Vocational and Livelihood (Home Economics)
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
– Accountancy (BSA)
Bachelor of Science
On the other hand, if you wish to work right after a K to 12 track and strand, the TVL
track fits you. And if you want to further your career in college with this track, check the senior
high strands under this track. You can then pick from any of the courses below.
a. Agri-Fishery Arts
Bachelor of Science
– Agribusiness
b. Home Economics
c. Industrial Arts
– Industrial Engineering
– Mechanical Engineering
– Information Technology
Pavia National High School
Technical Vocational and Livelihood (Home Economics)
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
– Computer Science
– Game Development
Sports Track
The sports track prepares you for physical careers ahead. These include fitness trainer,
gaming official, masseur, or gym instructor. So if you want to pursue one of these jobs, then
a. Athletics
b. Fitness
c. Recreation
If you choose this track, you must have the needed skills in the arts. Why? Because this
track includes old and modern art, as well as the means and channels of multimedia,
a. Visual Arts
b. Performing Arts
As the first batch of K-12 graduates comes close to the end of high school, a few of
them set their sights on getting a job. Some, though, are eager to hone their career and earn a
degree. One of the good things about K to 12 tracks and strands is that they arm students with
senior high school graduates since its initial implementation back in 2012. Completion of senior
high school is a requirement for college admission, so if you’re aiming to study a four or five-
year degree program in college, finishing senior high school is a must. Aside from the senior
high school also allows students to study general education subjects that they have wouldn’t
have otherwise studied until their first or second year in college – giving them more time to dig
deeper into their chosen specialization should they eventually decide to pursue higher
This could play an important role if you intend to pursue jobs in counties where
companies require a minimum of 16 years of formal education (as opposed to our 14 years
under the old educational system) to qualify for employment. The same also goes for those
If you’re thinking of skipping college and joining the workforce as soon as possible,
senior high school also offers a faster way to earn Certificates of Competencies (COCs) and
National Certificates (NC) from TESDA that you can use to apply for both local and overseas
If you prefer to be your own boss instead of working for someone else, you can also use
the things that you’ll learn from TVL/TLE track to learn the basics of running a small business
including but not limited to operations, financial management, and customer relations.
Senior high school stretches over two academic year-grades 11 and 12 – composed of
two semesters each. Each semesters is subdivided into 29 mandatory and 2 elective subjects
that each take 80 hours (with the exception of PE and Health which only take 20 hours each).
The senior high school program is broken down into career tracks and learning strands.
The career tracks refer to the general categories that the different fields of study belong to
while the learning strands refer to the different areas of expertise under the program.
Currently, there are 4 career tracks ( Academic, Arts and Design, Sports, and TVL/TLE.) and 8
learning strands (ABM,STEM, HUMMS, GAS, Home Economics, ICT. Agri – Fishery Arts , and
Industrial Arts). The career track that will be taking in senior high school can depend on the
result of their NCAE and the pre-admission screening of the senior high school that you intend
to enroll at.
Pavia National High School
Technical Vocational and Livelihood (Home Economics)
The participants of the study are the 40 academic track learners (5 male and 5 female
ABM, 5 male and 5 female HUMMS, 5 male and 5 female GAS, 5 male and 5 female STEM) of
Data collected from the questionnaire is analyzed using thematic analysis which
Age: Sex:
1. What are your positive perspective towards Technical Vocational Livelihood track learners?
2. What are your negative perspective towards Technical Vocational livelihood track learners ?
3. Why did you choose academic track than Technical Vocational Livelihood Track?
4. What are the positive effects of your positive perspectives towards Technical Vocational
Livelihood track?
5. What are the negative effects of your negative perspective towards Technical Vocational
Livelihood track?
6. What are your advantages as an academic track learners than Technical Vocational
Livelihood learners?
Pavia National High School
Technical Vocational and Livelihood (Home Economics)
Table 1
Schedule of Research Activities
Activity Timeline Duration
A. Planning
1. Preparation of Concept Paper September 2-6 2019 5 days
2. Checking and Editing of the September 9-10, 2019 2 days
3. Proofreading and Consultation of September 11-17 5 days
the Paper
4. Finalization of Concept Paper September 18-24 5 days
B. Implementation
1. Administration of Research
November 11-22, 2019 10 days
Instrument to the Respondents
2. Interpretation of Pre-tests Results November 25-29, 2019 5 days
3. Finalization of the Results of the December 2-6, 2019 5 days
Collected Data
4. Proofreading of Interpreted December 9-13, 2019 5 days
C. Dissemination
1. Preparation of Final Write-up February 4-8, 2019 5 days
2. Proofreading of Final Paper February 11, 2019 1 day
3. Finalization of Paper February 12, 2019 1 day
4. Presentation of Results in School February 13, 2019 1 day
5. Submission of Final Paper February 14, 2019 1 day
Action Research Work Plan and Timeline
To achieve this research work’s objectives, the researcher will religiously follow the
Abueva, Arni. (2019). The K to 12 Tracks and Strands and Their College Degree Counterparts.
College Degree Courses You Can Consider as a K-12 Graduate. (2011). College and University,