Factors Affecting The Choice of Strand of Grade 12 Students

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Factors Affecting the choice of Strand of Grade 12 Students

Submitted by: Marc Khier B Pacsayan

Peterson Cuh-ing



Table of contents……………………………………………………………………………..iii

I. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………….1

Background of the study….……………………………………………………….1

Review of related Literature.……………………………………………………..4

Conceptual Framework……….………………………………………………….10

Research Questions…………………………………………………………........11

Scope and Delimitation……….………………………………………………….11

Significance of the study…………………………………………………………11


Research Design……………………………………………………………12

Locale and Population……………………………………………………..12


Statistical Treatment of Data……………………………………………13

III.DISCUSSION OF RESULTS…………………………………………………..13






Raw Data

Research Profile

This descriptive quantitative study examined factors that could affect the
educational and career decision making of the senior high school students of
Joaquin Smith National High School. The researchers were interested in the
students and their parents` career decision making in choosing the strands that
they have enrolled in. The researchers used self developed questionnaires to
gather the needed data.The questionnaire was given to the population of senior
high school students of Joaquin Smith National High School.In interpretation of
the data gathered the researchers used percentage and ranking for the statistical
treatment.The result showed that both of the grade levels were mostly affected
by personal factor.On the other hand,the least influencial factor for the grade 12
students is the Friends.

We would like to express our greatest gratitude to the people who helped and
supported us throughout our research.We are grateful to our teacher for their
continues support from initial advice,contact in our early stages,ongoing pieces
of advice,and encouragement every day.Special thanks to the students here in
Joaquin Smith National High School in answering all the survey that is a part of
our research.We could like also to thank our parents for their undivided support
and interest who inspires us to go to our way,to complete our research.We
would also like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our almighty God.Who give us
knowledge,wisdom and strength for us to finish our research,glory and honor are
all yours.

Background of the Study

The Constitute provides for the mandated system of education

which is declared under the state policies and kind of education that is
envisioned in the constitution is “ quality education , a complete,adequate,and
the state must ensure that all citizen can access this envisioned system of
education (Article XIV,Section 1,and Article XIV,Section 2,Sub-section 1).To
achieve these goals,the constitute (Article XIV):The constitution contains the
following goals.Such as mandates the state to provide for a free public
elementary and secondary education;mandates the state to provide scholarship
grants,student loan programs,subsidies and other incentives to deserving and
poor students ;requires all education instidution to include the study of the
Constitution in their curricula,inculcate patriotism and nationalism,foster love for
humanity institution in their curricula,inculcate patriotism and nationalism,foster
love for humanity,promote respect for human rights and the appreciation of the
national heroes in the historical development of the country,teach the right and
duties of citizenship,and encourage critical and creative thinking;mandates the
State to manage and regulate, reasonably,all educational institution;order the
State to take into account regional and sectorial needs;gives academic freedom
to all institution of higher learning;ensure the right of all citizen to select a
professional or course of study,subject to fair,reasonable and equitable academic
requirements;mandates the state to enhance the right of teachers to professional
advancement;mandates the State to give the highest budgetary priority to
education ;provides that Filipino is the national language of the
Philippines;makes English and Filipino as the official language;mandates the
State to give priority to research and development and innovation and to protect
the rights of scientist,inventors,artist and other gifted citizens to their intellectual
property rights;mandates the State to preserve and enrich the Filipino national
culture based on the principal of unity in diversity and free expression;
designated the state as pastron of the arts and letters.mandates.The State to
protect the rights of indigenous cultural communities and to use these rights as
inputs for national plans and policies reaquires the State to support researchers
and studies on the arts and culture;mandates the state to promote physical
education and sports programs in order to instill self-disicipline and foster
teamwork and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry.

In additional to all of these,the State is also mandate to protect and

defend the “right of children to assistance,including proper care and nutrition,and
special protection from all forms of neglect,abuse,cruelty,exploitation,and other
conditions prejudicial to their development” as well as the “right of families or
family association to participate in the planning and implementation of policies
and programs that affect them”(Article XV,Section 3,Sub-sections 3 and 4)

The K to 12 basic education programs was enacted thorough Republic

Act No. 10533,otherwise known as “ Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013” that
was signed by former President Benigno Aquino III on May 15,2013. The
curriculum shifted from 10 year basic education to 12 years of basic education
and 1 year kindergarten.The existing curriculum comprises 6 years of primary
education,4years of junior high school and 2 years of senior high school.The two
years of SHS consists of two parts: Track Subjects covering the development of
skills for immediate employment or entrepreneurship,and core subject to ensure
college readiness of K-12 graduates.It also facilities four career tracks for
students to choose from:Academic,Technical-Vocation Livelihood,Sports,and Art
& Design.

According to an article published by Cosmopoint International Institute of

Technology (CIIT) College of arts and Technology,the main reason for the
curriculum shift in the Philippines is the poor quality of education.Student`s low
scores in the National Achievement test (NAT) and Trends in International Math
and Science Study (TIMSS) are a reflection of the current quality of education in
the country.Moreover,there are too many non-practical subjects,supported by
the findings of the Southeast Asian Minister of Education (SEAMO
INNOTECH),the country`s old curriculum was too congested and lacked practical
application.While students did not get enough instructional time to learn,they
missed the chance to be prepared for actual professional
work.Furthermore,students are also not prepared for college education due to
lack of practical application,past high school grads (in the old curriculum)could
not qualify to pursue higher education.Another reason is that students are too
young for labor force,high school graduates of the old curriculum are generally
less than 18 years of age and are too young to work after graduation.This young
age is deemed unripe for them to enter the workforce or enter into business
contracts.Lastly,there is no global recognition,Filipino professionals who have
finished a 10 years basic education may not be acknowledge in many parts of
the world. This is due to education requirements set by some international
accreditation agreement

Until the 1930`s , the Philippines actually has 11 years of basic

education;7 years of primary and 4 years of secondary schooling.The
commonwealth government even then,did not feel that 11 years provided
adequate preparation for tertiary education of the work place.It decided to
reduce the primary cycle to 6 years,which was duty done,and added 2 years ti
high school,which do not happen(Edilberto de Jesus,2010),form an article made
by Quismondo(2017)as said by luistro”What we`re looking at now is how to
implement it.In implementing any change,there will be difficulty and that is what
really has to work together.Its`s not possible for change to be
painless.”According to Luistro since its implementation on the addition 2 years in
high school,public and private schools started to conduct the career guidance
program for the grade 10 students.This program aims to help the students
choose from the different strands.

In implementing K-12 program it encountered a lot of

problems.Romulo(2015)identified two factors that contributed this major
challenge that she encountered during the course of implementation of the
curriculum. First,lack of materials,specially during experiment.The education
sector proposed to have the highest budgetary partition for the new education
program.It has been identified that since the country is trying to mold the
students to be internationalized when it comes to skill and knowledge it must be
first portrayed to the school for that the goal to be attained.Second,teacher have
difficulty in teaching some concept not related to her/his major,This is the first
issue that was raised by the teacher who are not in major of science .They tend
to teach that lesson literally based on what they understand. This is a big issue
then to the learning of the students.it is a burden for the teacher to know the
concept of the other major and discussed it to an alien language.it is expected
then that this will give rise another difficulty and this time on the part of the
students. Another problem is “Some parents think that what they suggest to
their children in what course to pursue is better yet they tend to ignore what
their children desire” (Alba,2010).He thinks that the students are more aware of
their abilities and the courses they can cope with.

Career selected is one of the many important choices students will make
in determining future plans.

This decision will impact them throughout their lives.The essence of who
the student is will revolve around what the students wants to do with their life-
long work.Basavage (1996,p.1) in her thesis she asked,"What is it that influences
children one or another?”Over the school`s front door at Ridge School of
Technical Arts is the sating,”Work is one of our greatest blessings Everyone
should have and honest occupation” (Rosenstock & Steinberg,cited
in )`Brien,1996,p.

3) The decision to enroll on the courses of a certain higher education institution

is extremely important in the individual`s life because during these university
years one`s future career is being built.Therefore ,when making decisions
regarding the future university,individuals evaluate several alternatives offered
by the market.The factors influencing this process differ from one individual to
another,but there are also several factor common for many individuals.

According to Domino,et al (2006) parents have a great influence on their

sons`s enrollment at university.Kee (2010) has referred and has identified
various independent variables such as: the location of the university,the study
programs,the reputation of the higher education institution,the existence of
different educational facilities,the level of the tuition fees,the employment
opportunities,the employed promotion by university representatives, the
possibility to visit the campus,the possibility to obtain scholarships.

Tekla,Vanessa,Ruth (2006, p. 34) ,the factors such as academic

reputation,variety of study programs,quality of education,campus
location,costs,as well as the opinion of the other persons are factors of maximum
significance that influence the student`s decision to enroll at a certain
university.Moreover,Beneke and Gert (2010) have identified a series of factor
which exert influence on the process of choosing a university.Among these are
the following : the geographic location, the reputation of the higher education
institution, the level if the tuition fees,the development of various social
programs,the possibility to obtain a certain scholarship and the recommendations
from family or friends.Wagner and Yousefi (2009) have identified based on a
research several factors which influence the student`s intention of choosing a
certain higher education institution and these are the following : the cost of
education , the content and structure of the study programs,the facilities offered
by the university, the value of education and the influence exerted by family and

Mubaira and Olawale (2012, p. 19) have discovered a series of factors

which determined the process of choosing a university among which has
mentioned: scholarships, the academic reputation, the level of tuition fees,the
facility to access information and technology,the important of the higher
education institution,cultural diversity, the recommendation form family and
acquaintances,the images of the university , the quality of the offered
facilities,the social life within the campus,the employment opportunities , the
international partnership,the admission requirement,the friendly attitude of the
academic staff,the campus attractiveness,the location of the university,the
facilities regarding sports activities,the quality of the teaching process and the
existence of some flexible study modalities.In addition to this,Moogan (2011) has
pointed out through a research other factors which influence the youth`s
decision to enroll at university and these are : the desire to be awarded a
degree,the possibility to enhance the chances to obtain a decent job,the desire
to have a high income in the future and the location of the university which
acquires an increased importance in the decision making process.Lin (2017).Also
indicated that factors affecting career plan are: personal factor,environment
factor ,group factor,school factor and social factor.Therefore, this study
investigated these related personal,group,school and career exploration factors
that is affecting junior high school students of technique arst education program
for their career decision- making,and this is the second research motivation of
this study.

The first factor in career choice,environment,may influence the career

students choose,For Example ,students who have lived on an island may choose
a career dealing with the water,or they may choose to leave the island behind,
never to have anything to do with water again.Maybe someone in the student`s
life has made a significant impact or impression,leading to a definite career
choice.Parent`s educational background may influence student views on whether
or not to continue their education.Someone they saw on television may have
influenced the student, or parents may have demanded that they assume a
family business.These are various environmental factors that would lead a
student to chosen career .Borchert(2002). How students have seen themselves
in a role in which personality is a determining factor may influence a chosen
career.Some careers demand that you have the personality to match the
qualities of the occupation.For example,sales people have to be
outgoing.Splaver (1997) said “personality” plays an important role in the
choosing of the right career.A student`s personality must be a self motivated
type, as to investigate career possibilities form early on in their lives,and not the
procrastinating type that waits until they are compelled to decide.Students must
take seriously the role grades play in limiting opportunities in the future.Splaver
went on to say,”it is important for you to have a good understanding of
yourself,your personality, if you are to make intelligent career plans” (Splaver,

Opportunity is the third factor that has shaped career choices for
students.Opportunity may influence how students have perceived their future in
terms of the reasonable probability of a future in particular career fields.The
issue of poverty has played an important determining role in the opportunities
available to all. The income level of high school families may determined what
career a student choose during a specific time in the student`s life ; choice that
will determined a large part of that student`s future. Some students will have to
budget education according to their personal income.

Thout (1969) addressed those in desperate need, “ Where necessary,

these persons [Individuals described as living under the poverty level] must be
assisted through special training programs to overcome educational and social
handicaps so that minimum job standards can be met” .Students in many cases
will need the proper mentoring opportunities to succeed.These support groups
will be another opportunity that if properly implemented,can help a student in
the career choice process.The support system must have been in place and
readily available for the student ti utilize.The creation of support groups will have
to be in place to sustain the student through times of financial,emotional,and
educational need. Splaver stated (1977) it is important for students to have a
good understanding of themselves ,their personality,if they are to make
intelligent career plans.What they would like to be, and what they are
like,determining factors in their career.The personality factors to be considered
include their mental abilities,special abilities,and interests.SPlaver (1997,p.13)
considered factors of mental abilities to be “verbal comprehension,word fluency
ability,spatial ability, numerical ability, reasoning ability,and memory.” Splaver
matched careers with abilities in backing up her reasoning.She urged students to
become familiar with their personality in order to guide their career choice.A
developed career plan included evaluation of pernality through self
assessment,and communication with others, another trait that depended heavily
on personality, according to Hariis and Jones (1997). Self knowledge is shown to
be a domain with many pathways (Anderson,1995)

According from a research done by Levits (2012) the following are the
factors students consider in choosing their career.Such as Financial aid:Takes
into consideration the financial aid packages that was offered to the student;
Academic reputation : Reflects what the student thinks he or she knows about
the academic quality of the institution;Size of the institution; indicates how
important the size of the institution, either large or small , was to the student;
Recommendations from family and friends: Reflects the importance of comments
and encouragements from family members; geographic setting: Addresses
campus location as a factor because of distance from home as well as the setting
of the school (urban,rural,etc..) Campus appearance: considers how the campus
looks to the student and may also reflect perceptions of campus maintenance.

Personalized attention prior to enrollment : Indicates the student`s

perception of how he or she was treated through the admissions process.
Rebecca J.et al (2016) conducted a study on399 students in Keya which resulted
in that there is a relationship between personality types, and career choice.Most
of the students were satisfied with the course they selected before entering the
university which indicates that suitable career choice for students would improve
satisfaction and success in their course of study and future employment.But on
the other side, when students make changes in their course section it indicated
that choice of subject selection did not go in line with their future career
choices.Consequently,it constructs probability of the status of the relationship
between personality types and career choice among undergraduate students in
Kenya.The study revealed that there is a significant relationship between
personality types and career choices among undergraduate students.Christine
(2005) study conducted in South Africa on 770 students to determine the
relationship between the personality traits and career choices, and because of
cultural and environment change the relationship seems weaker as compared to
other countries.770 respondents completed the Sixteen Personality Factor
Questionnaire (16PF) and the interest Questionnaire (INQ). Partial correlations
showed that gender and race may influence these relationship,however these
were slight changes.The major chosen at the start of one`s college career
decides more than just the coursework involved,it decides where students will
spend most of their college careers.It determines who they will have classes
with,what faculty they will interact with,and which of their interests and opinions
will be developed throughout their time there (Porter & UMbach, 2006). Current
research explores the choice of college major through and individual perspective
such as experiences, environment, and competencies (Ma,2009). Porter and
Umbach (2006) posit the “ Person- Environment Fit” which suggests that
students will have the most successful outcomes if they choose a major that
aligns with their own personality,interest,belief, and even politics views.Still other
students feel a sense of social responsibility.They have a desire to serve.Giving
back to society as whole far out-weights their want for materialistic or monetary
rewards.They find satisfaction not from income or social status,but rather making
a difference in the world.These students want to take that passion for social
service and parlay it into finding a major or field of study that will one day allow
them to do that kind of work(Duffy& Dik.2009) Personality characteristics playa
role in the decision as well. Some fields of study and the occupations that follow
carry certain stereotypes,and students will often their major based on how
closely their personalities match those stereotypes (Pringle, Dubose,&
YAnkey,2010) .For example majors like accounting and finance are seen to be
more analytical, while marketing majors are creative and enthusiastic.The issue
with choosing based on a stereotype of a major is that most are outdated and
false.Research has found significant positive correlations between relationships
with families and peers and a student`s self esteem,locus of
control,optimism,and intellectual ability ( Fass& Tubman,2002). Studies also
suggest that family and parental relationship are still largely influential on late
adolescents and college students (Fass & Tubman,2002). Families that
communicate more openly promote positive influence on the behaviors and
attitudes of college-aged children (Booth-Butterfiled & Sidelinger,1998). The
extra curriculum activities can all directly and indirectly influence
children.Additionallywhen parents demonstrate preferences for certain
occupation or view some fields of study as more valuable than others they are
influencing their children.Their partiality can contribute to determining their
child`s expectations and career aspirations over time, and may eventually shape
their decision of an academic major (Ma, 2009) .Parents can also sway their
child`s choice of major by what they as a family place importance on. If for
example parents value education learning, and intrinsic work rewards over
materialistic and financial reward,students may be more likely to choose a liberal
arts major as opposed to a more skill oriented major like engineering which
would make it tirn create more jon opportunities with higher earnings (Ma 2009).
The more open the communication between parents and their children the more
likely that they will share the same attitudes,particularly when communication
the communication is two way (Booth-Butterfiled & Sidelinger,1998). Additionally
peer relationship that foster acceptance and support positively affect academic
success,and the more successful and confident a student feels about their
capabilities the easier the transition into college will be , including their certainty
with their choice of major ( Fass & Tubman, 2002).Some research found that
parents may indirectly affect their child`s decision to major in a field because
students are likely to a choose a major that would allow them to follow in their
parents`s footstep ( Dietz,2010). Some students may even be expected to take
over a family business ( Duffy &, Dik,2009).Parental or family influence may be
cultured bound as well. Students from collectivist cultures may have a career
path already laid out for them,and since families serve as a powerful emotional
and financial support system there is pressure to follow that path.When a
student`s own dreams and aspirations do not align with the wishes of their
family a sense of a shame and guilt may follow (Duffy & Dik,2009)


Students consider a lot of factor in deciding which career path they will
choose in. The researchers identified the following
factors:Family,Friends,Financial,Personal Factor,and Others
(NCAE,Undecided,and distance of the residence to the school). Family is a factor
because according to Christensen(2013) it is “ profoundly important to the
development, emotional and cognitive growth of a child.” Another identified
factor is friends because Khare (2015) explained that Teenagers sometimes
choose their career based on everyone`s decision like their friend`s chosen
career.Furthermore,financial is also a factor because as described by crisis
Support as “ a situation where money worries are causing you stress .” And
factors can be considered in deciding careers because leadership.Toolbox
explained that,”The individuals perceiving the object, will be heavily influenced
by their personal characteristics.” The last factor that was identified include the
NCAE, Distance of the residence to the school, and that the student is

The study aims to answer the following questions;

1. What factor did student consider most in choosing the strand that they have
enrolled in?

2.What are the underlying reasons that the students have chosen this factor?

Scope and Delimitation

The main purpose of this study is to provide information regarding what

factors affects to senior high school students in Joaquin Smith National High
School in choosing strands they have enrolled in the school year 2021 to
2022.The researchers identified 30 students from the General Academic strand
who were chosen randomly.

Significance of the study

The significance of this study:

To students.The study helps specially to incoming senior high school students as

a reference to avoid confusion,change of mind or strand shifting.

To parents.The study helps the parent to decide where to send their children to
avoid strand shifting.

To teacher.The proposed study helps the teacher to have deeper understanding

on how to deal with their students.

To the administrators.The proposed study will enable the administrator to come

up with projects or programs that should be implemented in accordance with the
students` interests

To the government.The study will enable the government to refine our existing
curriculum or education system.
To future researchers.The study will serve as a reference to future
researchers.This study will act as a basis and as a guide for researchers.


Researcher design

The study used a descriptive research design.The chosen research design

answers the main problem of the research which is finding out what factors
affected the decision of the senior high school students of Joaquin Smith Nation
High School in choosing the strands they have enrolled in.Furthermore,the
researchers will do observation and surveys that will help in constructing this
research.The data gathered will be presented through a table and will be
explained accordingly.


The population of the senior high school students of Joaquin Smith National High
School were the respondents of this study.The respondents were randomly
chosen for a total of 30 respondents.


The study conducted a survey to gather the necessary data.The

questionnaire that were distributed to the respondents were self-developed
questions answered by the different choices provided.


The data were tallied,tabulated and ranked for better presentation and
interpretation of the result.The statistical methods used are the following.

1. Frequency and percentage

The percentage and frequency distribution would be used to clarify the
respondents` responses on the given survey according to what strand they took
and what affected them.The frequency would present the actual response of the
respondents to a specific questions or item in the questionnaires. The percentage
of items is computed by dividing it with the sample total number of respondents
who answered the survey questionnaires.

Number of students answered x 100% =

Total number of respondent

2. Ranking

Ranking was used to determined what factor most affected the students.


This chapter presents the interpretation and analysis of the gathered

data.The interpretation and analysis of data of the factors and reasons for each
will start from grade 12.The presentation of the reason will follow a sequence
based on their rank.There were 30 survey questionnaires distributed to the two
section of grade 12.All the survey questionnaire were retrieved.The respondents
with 10 invalid questionnaire were absent or did not follow instruction given.

Table 1. Different factors that affected the grade 12 student in choosing the
strands they have enrolled in.

Factors Grade 12 Total Percentag Rank

A.Family 7 7 23.33 % 2
B.Friends 3 4 10% 5
C.Personal 9 9 30% 1
D.Financial 6 6 20% 3
E.Other Factors 5 5 16.66% 4
This table presents the factors that affect the grade 12 students in
choosing their strand.The personal factor has the highest percentage that affect
their decision in choosing the strands they have enrolled in.Personal factors
include the student skills,talents and field of interest.From the gathered
data,majority of the students` choose the strands they have enrolled in based on
their capabilities and interests.

“As Students’, they are more aware of their capabilities and courses they can
cope with.”Alba (2010) Alba believe that students know themselves better.They
think that they know their capabilities and the field they think can cope
with.Moreover,Gantz (2016) also think that students know what they want to
take but he also think that students need to experience careers they want to
take before deciding permanently.

Personal Factor




Family Friends Personal factors Financial Others

Family, ranked as the second factor that affected the grade 12 students in
choosing the strands they have enrolled in. There are 23.33% of the total
population was influenced by their parents or other family member and relatives.

A study conducted by Witco, bernes, Manusson and Bardick (2005). Stated that
the decisiob of teenger for their future and career are influenced by the
information they collect from their parents,siblings and other family
members.Adolescents are more likely to approach their family because of their
availability rather than their help.
Family Factors


Personal factors
20% Others


Close to 25% of the total population falls under the other factos.Such as
their National Career Assessment Exam (NCAE) result,their residence distance
from the school and they simply could not decided yet.

According to Ramirez and Dizon (2004). Graduating students from

secondary schools may not have solid decision or where to go in college and
what degree program they may possibly take.They are planning to enter college
without clear idea of what career to pursue for their future.
Other Factor


17% 10%


Family Friends Personal Factors Others Financial

20% of the total population of the grade 12 students was affected by the
financial factors.

Accroding to Steban (2004) in the Philippines,based on personal observation that

most parents` transferred their children from private to public schools due to the
global economic recession which parents`working abroad become unemployed
as they are receiving lesser amount of salary compared to their normal
compensation.Some political challenges that the country faced for the past and
present administration make the parents`s financially affected
Financial Factors




Family Friends Personal factors Others Financial

The least factor that affected the students is the friend factor with a percentage
of 10% Khare (2005) teenagers sometimes choose careers based on everyone
decisions liker their friend`s chosen career.

Friend Factor




Family Friends Personal Factor Other Financial

The least factor that affected the students it the friend factors with a percentage
of a 10% Khare (2015) teenagers sometimes choose careers based on everyone
decisions like their friends` chosen career
Table 2. Percentage and rank for the reasons under personal factors.

Personal factors Grade 12 Percentage Rank

a.It is what I 14 46.66% 1

wanted to take
b.It fits my skill 6 20% 2
and talents
c.it is 5 16.66% 3
interesting to
d. it is my 1 3.33% 5
e.it seemed 4 13.33% 4

For those who were affected by personal factors.As shown in the table,most of
the grade 12 were influenced by personal factors because it interest them.
46.66% of the population reasoned that it is what they wanted to take.Less than
13% are confident that the strand they have enrolled in, fits their skill and
talents. Almost 7% thought of that the strand they have enrolled in seemed
easy. While none of the respondents out that it was their childhood dream.

According to Japitan (2015) the SCCT model shows that career interest
model are regulated by self efficacy and an outcome expectation, which means
people, will form in interest in activities when they view themselves as
competent at it and when they anticipate that performing it will produce valued
outcomes. It can also be seen from figure that emergent interest ( along with
self efficacy and out come expectations ) promote particular goals for an activity
involvement.In other words,as people develope an affinity for an activity at
which they feel efficacious and expected positive outcomes,they form goals for
sustaining or increasing in their involvement in the activity.

Self Efficacy Expectation

Table 3. The percentage and rank for the reasons under the family factor.

Family Grade 12 Percentag Rank

a.It is what my 8 26.66% 2
parents took.
b. It is my 5 16.66% 3
c. It is what 13 43.33% 1

Those said family, majority of the population enrolled in their strands

because it was their parents` decision.A percentage of 43.33% from the
population were influenced by their relatives suggestion while none of the
respondents enrolled in their chosen strand because it is what their parents took.

According to Aguado, Laguador, and Deugero (2015) , Parents have the

most influenced on their children on what course to take because they are the
one`s providing their children need,even if they ask their children what they
want.For many families it is not surprising that children take the course that their
parents suggest or want since parents pay and provide what their children
need.It is only natural for children to obey their parents.In addition,another
study conducted by Khane(2015),stated that role models influenced adolescents.
If students have family members,like a pharmacist or a carpenter she looks up
to,she may decide on the same career.Another way role models affected the
lives of adolescents is by discussing career decisions with them and making
suggestion for consideration.

Table 4. Percentage and rank for the reasons under the other factors

Other Grade 12 Percentage Rank

a. its my NCAE 3 10% 3
b. I could not 17 56.66% 1
decide yet.
c.The distance 7 23.33% 2
of my residence
to the school.

For those who were affected by other factors,the students` reason out that
they enrolled in that strand because they couldn`t decide yet on what strand
they would take in.23.33 % of the population enrolled in their chosen strand
because of the location of their residence.

According to Rosero (2012) Mismatch graduates were believed to be reason

why the country has higher unemployed rate.The reasons of these mismatches
might be due to the produced graduates of colleges that do not fit the present
demand of the economy, or the graduates were not capable of achieving the
required skills the industry needs. The incompatibility of graduates to meet the
competencies needed by companies may be due to wrong preferences of course.

Table 5. Percentage and Rank for the reason under financial factor.

Financial Grade 12 Percentage Rank

a.It is what my 24 80% 1
family can
b. It is what 3 10% 2
For those who choose financial as a factor.The 24 students who choose the
factor reasoned what it is what their family can afford.

According Aydin (2016) . The research is aimed at identifying the relationship

between university selection criteria and demographic variables,defined in the
study as gender,family income level,types of high school graduates form,and
whether working or not during the educational period in the business
administration departments of the foundation universities in Istanbul.The study
was designed by descriptive research method using a survey.

Table 6. Percentage and rank for the reasons under friend factor.

Friends Grade 12 Percentage Rank

a.It is what my 21 70% 1
friend chose.
b. It is what my 0 0 2

70% of the total population who choose friends as a factor reasoned that hey
choose the strand because that is what their friend chose.

Among the 5 factors, majority of the grade 12 students were affected by the
personal factors followed by family with percentage of 23.33% and 10%
respectively. Furthermore,Other factors with a percentage of 16.66% ranked
number 4 as the students factor in choosing the strand they have enrolled in.The
second least factor that affected the students` decision in choosing the strand is
financial factor with a percentage of 20%. Last 10% of the population choose
friends factor as the least factor ing choosing the strand they have enrolled.





Family Friends Personal Factor Other factor Financial


We therefore conclude that personal factor affected the students in choosing

the strand that they have enrolled in.We further conclude that this factor
includes the field of interest,skill and talents that the student have.Personal
contains,the student`s field of interests,skill and talents.

The main reason that affected their decision was,the strand is interesting
to them.

1. Students should research or attend more career guidance to know more about

Which offers necessary skills and talents that would fit the student`s tastes.

2.Read pamphlets and strand offering in the school that the students is
interested in enrolling in and make a checklist of his skills to know which strand
is suited for him.

3.Attend School fairs to know about more the schools which can offer another

4.Prefer form the result of the NCAE on what the student should take.

5. To the administrators of the NCAE, better elaboration or explanation to

students on how important NCAE is.
A.Family GAS


B.Friends 10%

C.Personal 30%

D.Financial 20%

E.Others 16.66%


A. 26.66%

B. 16.66%

C. 43.33%


A 70%

B 0


A. 46.66%

B. 20%

C. 16.66%

D. 3.33%

E. 13.33%

A. 80%

B. 10%


A. 10%

B. 56.66%

C. 23.33%

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