Ethics and Values

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Criminology 3
Ethics and values

I. Definition
The word ethics was derived from the Late Latin ”ethnicus”, from Greek “Ethnikos”
Which means “national”, which means nations, people; akin to Greek “ethos” custom (Webster’s New Explorer Encyclopedic
Dictionary, 2006).
Ethics based on its etymological meaning is taken to mean as a philosophical science that deals with the morality of human
conduct or human acts (Babor, Ethics, 2008).
Ethics is the practical science of the morality of human conduct (Glenn, Ethics).

II. Nature/Concept of Ethics

a. It is a division of Philosophy under the Normative Philosophy
Generally, Philosophy can be divided into four disciplines: (1) descriptive or speculative, (2) normative, (3) practical, and (4) critical.
Ethics is more concerned of Normative Philosophy since it is more concerned on what is good or bad? Or what is right action and wrong
b. It is a Practical Science
Ethics is also a science for it is the result of series of studies, a systematized body of data reflected upon truth in relation to action.
Towards this discovery of truth, sets of implied rules or directions for thought or action are established this makes the ethics more of a
practical science.
c. It focus on Human Acts
Human acts are the material object of the study of ethics. It shall mean only those acts which are determined by the free will. It is
characterized as acts done deliberately, freely or voluntarily. Acts which are done by man but without the use of the power of free choice
are act of human. Therefore, acts of man are not human acts.
d. it is the science of the morality of human
Ethics does not end with the study of human acts, if human act is the material object of the study of ethics its formal object is the
rectitude (right morality) of human acts. Human acts may either be in agreement or disagreement with the dictates of reason. Hence Ethics
deals with the morality of human conduct it is what makes us humans as differentiated from other living creatures in their ways of living.

III. Division of Ethics

Ethics has two major divisions: the general Ethics and Special Ethics. General ethics presents the general principles of morality of human
acts while Special ethics provides for the application of the principles of general ethics to particular department of human activity,
individual or social.

IV. Human Acts

A. Definition:
Human act is an act which proceeds from the deliberate any sort of activity, internal or external, physical or spiritual, performed by
human being. However, as used in this text, it shall be limited to those human acts which are proper to man as man.

B. Classification of Human Acts

Human acts may be classified either in relation to the will or in relation to reason:
1. Human Acts in relation to the will:
a) Elicited acts are those human acts that are complete or adequate cause, they begin and perfected in the human will itself such as
wish, intention, consent, election, and other. Just like when a student decided to go to work with his assignment before going to
plays with his friends his intention is a simple will-act (elicited act).
b) Commanded acts are those are done in relation to the dictates of reason. They begin in the will but are perfected by other faculties
under the control of the will. Thus, when a student decided to work first with his assignment before playing with his friends gets his
books and notebooks and works with his assignment is an example of a commanded act.
2. Human acts in relation to reason:
= the quality which makes an act good or evil, right or wrong.

Actions that are done knowingly, deliberately and freely.

1) SOCIAL NORMS – unwritten standard of acceptable behavior in society
a) Customs
b) Tradition – the handling down from generation to generation of opinions and practices.

c) Culture-
2) LAWS OF SOCIETY – written rules of behavior
a) Laws created by men to maintain harmony and order
3) RELIGION – a system of beliefs and practices based on faith and truths revealed to man by God
4) CONSCIECE – the practical judgment of reason telling us what should be done and what should be avoided; reflection is one’s
- refers to the traits of a person shown through his thoughts, action, values and virtues
“Character is what you do when nobody’s looking.”
- Anonymous
- refer to anything that a person considers important, such as idea or experiences
-These are one’s belief, principles, that are important, cherished, upheld and defended
- they affect and influence how one thinks and feel, what one perceives, shape one’s goals, objectives and aspirations
-These dictate one’s lifestyle and life’s choices and decisions
- The habit of doing what is good or right
- The opposite of which is vice
- The ability to make decision by means of reason and sound judgment
- the virtue that attracts the intellect to choose the most effective means for accomplishing what is good and avoiding what is evil.

- Firmness of mind; the courage to endure without yielding the virtue that gives a person strength of the will; the virtue that incites
Examples of Fortitude:
- The ability to be calm in enduring situations
- The ability to go on despite obstacles
- The ability to last

- The ability to moderate one’s instincts and emotions; the virtue that regulates a person’s wants; also means self-control
- The virtue that inclines the will to give to each what is due to him; the virtue that inclines the will to respect the rights of others
1) “To render to each his due”
2) “Treat equals equally and unequal unequally in proportion to their inequality”
-regulates those actions that involve the rights that exist between individuals
-calls for fundamental fairness in all agreement and exchanges between individuals or private social groups
-demands respect for the equal human dignity of all persons in economic transaction contract or promises
Workers owe their employers diligent work in exchange for their wages.
Likewise, employers owe their workers payment for work done.
-regulates those actions that involve the rights that an individual may claim from society
-concerned with the fair allocation of resources among diverse members of a community
-implies that society has a duty to the individuals in serious need and all individuals have duties to others in need
-basis for the saying:
“Those who have less in life should have more in law.”
“From those to whom much is given, much is expected.”
-regulates those actions which society may justly require of the individual for the common good
-according to legal justice, the State may institute just laws and perform such acts to further the welfare of the community
-thus, laws are created to protect the citizens

-anything that is owed or due

-something to which a person has a just and lawful claim
-anything that a person can lawfully demand

-rights pertaining to the rights of man; rights inherent to human by virtue of being a human being
-are the supreme, inherent and inalienable rights to life, dignity and to self-development
Supreme rights
= highest form of rights
Inherent rights
= rights attached to men as human
Inalienable rights
= rights that cannot be transferred, cannot be borrowed and cannot be taken away.


-death under exceptional circumstances
-death penalty
Exceptions: circumstances of warrantless search by virtue of court order
-a list of individual liberties, freedom and rights which are guaranteed and protected under Article lll of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
-protection of individuals against abuses of the state
-protection of the rights of an accused

- the study of the application of the general principles of morality
-a sub-branch of special ethics
-a set of moral code to which every profession must subscribe
-aims to guide the actuations of the professional in the practice of his profession
Examples of professional ethics
1) Medical ethics
2) Business ethics
3) Legal ethics
4) Code of ethics of teachers
5) Code of ethics of public officials
-a practical science that treats the principles of human morality and duty as applied to law enforcement


According to Section 37 of RA 6975. “There shall be established a performance evaluation system which shall be administered in
accordance with the rules, regulations and standards, and a CODE OF CONDUCT promulgated by the Commission for members of the PNP…”
-the resolution issued by the NAPOLCOM approving the draft of the PNP Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical standards by the PNP
-approved on 12 March 1992


1)To foster individual efficiency, behavioraldiscipline and organizational effectiveness, as well as respect for constitutional and human rights
of citizens, democratic principles and ideals and the supremacy of civilian authority over the military;
2) To set the moral tone and norms of professional conduct in the police service;
3) To provide moral and ethical guidance to all PNP members; and
4) To enlighten members of the police service of what behavior is really acceptable – to defines“what is permitted and what is prohibited.”

1) RA 3019 – the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act

2) RA 6713 – Code of Conduct and Ethical Standard for Public Officials and Employees
3) RA 7080 – Anti Plunder Act
4) People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB) Rules and Regulation

Definition of terms
-the omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty, which it was the peace officer’s legal obligation to
perform; it implies a duty as well as its breach and the fact can never be found in the absence of duty.
-the doing, either through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which the officer had no legal right to do at all, as where he acts
without any authority whatsoever, or exceeds, ignores, or abuses his powers
-generally means wrongful, improper or unlawful conduct, motivated by premeditated, obstinate or intentional purpose
-usually refers to transgressions of some established and definite rules of actions.
-the manifest lack of adequate ability and fitness for the satisfactory performance of police duties
-has references to any physical, moral or intellectual quality the lack of which substantially incapacitated one perform his duties
-an act of cruelty, severity, unlawful exaction, domination, or excessive use of authority
-consists of abandonment or renunciation of one’s loyalty to the Government of the Philippines, or advocating the overthrow of the
-presupposes conviction in court of any crime or offense penalized under the Revised Penal Code or any special law or ordinance
-includes the national government, the local governments, the government-owned and –controlled corporations, and all other
instrumentalities or agencies of the Republic of the Philippines

-includes elective and appointive officials and employees, permanent or temporary, whether in the classified or unclassified or exempt
service receiving compensation, from the government.
-the acquisition of gain or advantage by dishonest, unfair or sordid means, especially through the abuse of one’s position or influence in
politics or government
-an act done with an intent to give some advantage inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others.
-the state of making something or someone other than what is ideal.
-the act of receiving gifts or presents or accepting offers and or promises in exchange for committing a crime that relates to the exercise
of the office which the public officer discharges.
-concealment or distortion of truth in matter of fact relevant to one’s office or connected with the performance of his duties
-the authority a person lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment or position
-the obligation to perform one’s duties and functions and his accountability for his actions
-the doctrine that imposes commensurate accountability to one who is vested with authority to exercise management and/or
leadership functions
-as a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard life and property; to protect the innocent against
deception; weak against oppression or intimidation; and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the constitutional
rights of all men, to liberty, equality and justice
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger; scorn or ridicule; develop self-
restraint and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, will be
exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and regulations of my organization. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is
confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.

I will never act officially or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendship to influence my decision, with no compromise
for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals. I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear of favor, malice
or ill-will, never employing unnecessary force gratuities in return.

I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics
of police service. I will never engage in acts of corruption or bribery, nor will I condone such acts by other police officers. I will
cooperate with all legally authorized agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of justice.
I know that I alone am responsible for my own standard of professional performance and will take every reasonable opportunity to
enhance and improve my level of knowledge and competence. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating
myself before God to my chosen profession… law enforcement


1) Primordial Police Responsibility
2) Limitation of Police Authority
3) Knowledge of the Law and other Responsibilities
4) Use of Proper Means to Obtain Proper Ends
5) Cooperation with Public Officials
6) Proper Conduct and Behavior
7) Conduct Towards the Community
8) Conduct in Arresting Law Violators
9) Firmness in Refusing Gifts
10) Impartial Presentation of Evidence
11) Attitude Towards Police Profession

Primordial Police Responsibility

-the primary responsibility of the police is CRIME PREVENTION
Limitation of Police Authority
-laws set limits to the authority of the police in the performance of their functions
-police officers are not exempted from obeying the law they are enforcing
Knowledge of the law and other Responsibilities
-police officers must know and understand the laws they are enforcing
-police officers must know the relationship of the PNP with other law enforcement agencies
Use of Proper Means to obtain Ends
Means = ways; manner
Ends = goals; objectives
-police officers must use lawful methods in performing their official duties and functions
Proper Conduct and Behavior
-police officer must be careful with what they say and what do at all times, whether in their personal lives or official capacity
Conducting in Arresting Law Violators
-police officer must always abide by the rules and prescribed procedures in making lawful arrests
Firmness is Refusing Gifts or Favors
-police officers must NEVER ASK for and NEVER ACCEPT, gifts or favors in exchange for their help or assistance to avoid
Impartial Presentation of Evidence
Impartial = fair
-police officers must present all evidence whether the evidence proves the innocence or guilt of the suspect
Attitude Toward Police Profession
-police officers must have a high regards and respect for the police profession
-police officers must strive to improve their knowledge and skill in order to serve the community the best possible way they can


1) Prevention of Crime and Disorder
2) Cooperation of the Community
3) Unreasonable Force reduce Community Cooperation
4) Use of reasonable Force when Persuasion is not Sufficient
5) Impartial Enforcement of Laws
6) The community are Police
7) Police should not Judicial Power
8) Rules of Engagement Impartially Observed
9) Reduction of crime and Disorder
10) Police Discretion

Prevention of Crime and Disorder

-it is the primordial responsibility of the police

-it is the primary objective of the police organization

Cooperation of the Community
-the ability of the police to perform their duty is dependent upon community support
-the police must secure the respect and trust of the community in order to gain their support
Unreasonable Force Reduce Community Cooperation
-police officers must not abuse their authority because it affects the attitude and opinions of the community towards them, which in turn
affects their desire to cooperate
Use of Reasonable Forces when Persuasion is not Sufficient
-police officers are not allowed to use force when dialogue is no longer effective, but the kind or degree of force must be REASONABLE
Impartial Enforcement of Laws
-police officers must enforce the law equally to all persons, without regard to social status
-the law should apply to all

Police should not Usurp Judicial Power

Usurp = take on, assumes
Judicial power = the authority to judge and impose penalty
-police officers have no authority to decide if the suspect is guilty or not, and cannot impose the penalty that they want
Reduction of crime and Disorder
-the test of police efficiency is the reduction of crime and disorder until totally eradicated, not by evidence of police presence and action in
dealing with the community
Rules of Engagement Impartially Observed
-police officers must always abide by the prescribed procedures in conducting police operations
-the use of discretion in such a way as to deprived a person of his right
-police officers must NEVER ABUSE POLICE DISCRETION granted to them
-the act or the liberty to decide according to the principles of justice and the police officer’s ideas of what is right and proper under the

PNP core values

1) Love of God
2) Respect for Authority
3) Selfless Love and Service to people
4) Sanctity of marriage and Respect for Women
5) Responsible Dominion and Stewardship over Material Things
6) Truthfulness


I believe in God, the Supreme Being, a Great Provider, and the Creator of all men and everything dear to me. In return, I cannot less
than love him above all, seek His guidance in the performance of my sworn duties and honor Him at all times.
I believe that respect for authority is a duty. I respect and uphold the constitution, the laws of the land and the applicable rules and
regulations. I recognize the legitimacy and authority of the leadership, and follow and obey legal order of my superior officers.
I believe in selfless love and service to people. Towards this end, I commit myself to the service of my fellowmen over and above
mu personal convenience.
I believe in the sanctity of marriage and respect for women. I shall set example of decency and morality and shall have high regard
for family life and chastity.
I believe in responsible dominion and stewardship over material things. I shall inhibit myself from ostentatious display of my
property. I shall protect the environment and conserve nature to maintain ecological balance. I shall respect private and public properties
and prevent others from destroying them.
I believe in the wisdom of truthfulness. I must be trustworthy and I shall speak the truth at all times as required by the profession.


1) PNP Image – PNP members shall possess the following virtues:

2) Career Management: the Key in professionalism

3) Police Management Leadership
4) Delicadeza
5) Equality in the Service
6) Police Lifestyle
7) Political Patronage
8) Human Rights

Career management, the Key to Professionalism

-the PNP recognizes the need to have proper and strict policies regarding recruitment, training, assignment5, promotion, awards, discipline
and retirement to ensure sound administration and to took after the welfare of its members
Police Management Leadership
-the effectiveness of law enforcement is reflective of the management capabilities and women who run the PNP organization
Equality in the Service
All police officers shall have equal opportunities for improvement and career advancement based on merit

-sense of pride and self-worth
-police officers must be able to sacrifice self interest in the name of duty
-police officers must not do anything that would bring dishonor to himself and to the PNP organization itself.

Police Patronage
-police officers must NEVER ASK for recommendation from public officials in matters pertaining to promotion, assignment, awards and


1) Commitment to Democracy
2) Commitment to Public Interest
3) Non-partisanship
4) Physical Fitness and Health
5) Secrecy Discipline
6) Social Awareness
7) Proper Care and use of Public Property
8) Non-Solicitation of Patronage
9) Respect for Human Rights
10) Devotion to Duty
11) Conservation of Natural Resources
12) Discipline
13) Loyalty
14) Obedience to Superior
15) Command Responsibility
Commitment to democracy
-police officers must never forget that they are public servants and they must at all times uphold the Constitution and be loyal to the country
the people and the PNP organization
Commitment to Public Interest
Public interest = for the good of the people or community
-police officers must always uphold public interest over and above personal interests
-police officers must respect the facts that their resources are funded by taxpayers money and should therefore be used wisely and
economically to avoid wastage of public funds
-police officers must not be identified with any particular political party or figure
-they must extend their assistance to all regardless of party affiliation
Secrecy Discipline
-police officers must guard the confidentiality of all official to the official function of the police organization
-disclosure must always be authorized
Devotion to Duty
-police officers must perform their duties with dedication, thoroughness, efficiency, enthusiasm, determination and manifest concern for
public welfare
-police officers must act and behave according to the rules and regulations of the organization at all times

-police officers must be loyal to the Constitution and to the police service, as manifested by their loyalty to their superior peer and
Obedience to Superior
-police officers must obey lawful order of their superiors
-police officers must always be courteous to superior and other appropriate authorities within the cahin of command
-refers to established and generally accepted moral values and ethical acts
1) Morality
2) Judicious Use of Authority
3) Justice
4) Humility
5) Orderliness
6) Perseverance
7) Integrity

-police officers must adhere to high standard of morality and decency and shall set good examples for other to follow
-they must not be involved with illegal activities
-they shall be loyal to their spouses
Judicious Use of Authority
Judicious = wise; proper
-police officers must exercise proper and legitimate use of authority in the performance of duty
-police officers must not allow themselves to be victims of corruption and dishonest practices in accordance with applicable laws
-police officers must never forget that they are public servants and not master of the people
-they should perform their duties without arrogance
-police officers must follow logical procedures in accomplishing tasks to minimize waste of time, money, effort, and other resources
-police officers must exert all effort to achieve their goal or mission even in the face of difficulties and obstacles


-rules conduct formed by repetition of acts uniformly practiced as social rules
-establishing usage or social practices carried on by tradition that have obtained the force of law


-a manifestation or expressions of consideration and respect
-the usual greeting rendered by uniformed members in recognizing persons entitled to a salute
-refers to the Philippines Flag
-PNP members who are junior in rank must address senior member’s wit SIR OR MA’AM
-when a police officers appears before a superior officer as a sign of respect and in acknowledgment of the latter’s authority or position
1) Courtesy call of newly-assigned or newly-appointed members
2) Christmas Call
3) New Year’s Call
4) Promotion Call
5) Exit Call
6) Courtesy of the Post
Police customs on ceremonies
-a format act or set of formal acts established by customs or authority as proper for special occasions
1) Flag Raising Ceremony
2) Flag Retreat Ceremony

3) Half-Mast
4) Funeral service and Honors
5) Ceremony Tendered to Retiree
6) Honor ceremony
7) Turn-Over Ceremony
8) Wedding Ceremony
9) Anniversary
-a set of norms and standard practiced by police officers during social and other factions
1) Proper Attire
-wearing of prescribed uniform
-wearing, as part of uniform, awards and decorations earned in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations
-adherence to haircut prescribed by rules and regulations
-manner of walking: police officers are expected to walk with pride and dignity
Other police customs
1) Visiting the Sick
2) Survivor Assistance to Heirs of Deceased Members
3) Visiting Religious Leaders
4) Athletics
5) Happy Hour
Informal get-together at the PNP Club
-usually on Friday, or any other day suitable
for the occasion
-the practice where different ranks carry with them corresponding privileges
1) Spiritual beliefs PNP member are traditionally religious and God-loving person
2) Valor = courage or bravery
3) Patriotism = love of one’s country
4) Discipline = instinctive obedience to lawful orders and spontaneous actions guided by ethical and legal norms
5) Gentlemanliness = being upright in character, gentle in manners, dignified in appearance and sincere in their concern for others
6) Word of Honor = commitment to one’s pledge or promise
7) Duty = PNP members have exemplified themselves as dedicated public servants
8) Loyalty = commitment to PNP organization, to the country and to the people
9) Camaraderie = the binding spirit that enhances teamwork’s; sense of brotherhood
1) I will love and serve God, my country and people;
2) I will uphold the Constitution and obey legal orders of the duty-constituted authorities
3) I will oblige myself to maintain a high standard of morality and professionalism
4) I will respect the customs and traditions of the police service; and
5) I will live decent and virtuous life and to serve as an example to others.


-celebrate yearly on 7 January
-stared on 7 January 1995 and celebrated every year thereafter


I. Definition of Terms:
1. Police Community Relations – it is the sum total of dealing of the police with the people it serves and whose goodwill and
cooperation it craves for the greatest possible efficiency in public service.
2. Police Public Relations – it is the continuing process by which endeavors are made to obtain the goodwill and cooperation of the
public for effective enforcement of the law and accomplishment of the police purpose
3. Public Relations – it is the act of bringing about better understanding, confidence and acceptance for an individual or an
4. Human Relations – consists of those fundamental precepts, both moral and legal, which govern the relationship of man in all
aspect of life.
5. Public Information Program – it is designed to bridge any communication gap between the police and the public. It is the basic
ingredient in effective police community relations.

6. Civic Action Program - a program which makes the policemen a friend and partner of the people for progress as well as their
7. MASSCOM Program – it is designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of the public so that they will
behave in manner beneficial to the police service.
8. Propaganda – it is the planned use for the public or a mass communication for a public purpose.
9. Integrated Police Advisory Council – a council that involves local officials and the citizenry in the preservation of peace and order
ant the promotion of public safety.

II. Introduction
The basic purpose of preserving the peace and protecting life and property is accomplished by controlling the behavior of people. A
person’s conduct is determined either by what he wants to do, or by what he is afraid to do. Compliance with law and regulation is obtained
either by developing or by compelling people to conform by threat of punishment. Hence, the two processes, enforcement and the
development of attitudes favorable to law observance, cannot be completely separated, with the police free to choose and reject the other;
their use is a matter of judgment varying degree or emphasis.
The primary concern of the PNP is to earn and maintain the greatest possible public confidence. Police effectiveness depends
largely upon public support based on faith of the people in their police. To ensure maximum efficiency, the PNP shall endeavor to gain public
support by conducting massive and sustained activities in the field of good community relations.
Consequently, the active interest and participation of the citizens is a source so vital to an effective, efficient, economic and
harmonious law enforcement and public safety that deliberate efforts should be made to arouse, promote and maintain public concern in
the objective and affairs of the PNP.

III. Span or Components or Coverage of Police

Community Relations:
1. Public Information Program
2. Public Relations Program
3. Civic Action Program (CAP)
4. Mass Communication Program (Masscom)

Public Information Program –

This is basic ingredient in effective police community relations. The public must kept well-informed so that it will understand and
appreciate the complexities of police work and the good service the police renders to the community. This is possible through the
use of media.

Medium use in Public Information Program:

1. Personal Media – it consist of face-to-face communication which includes meetings, rallies, speeches and house-to-house visits.
This is the most practical medium to use in the provinces. Public rallies maybe conducted by qualified PNP members where they
can speak on matters pertaining to the police that the public should know.

2. Mass Media – it includes printed matter and audio-visual communication.

a) Printed matters – it includes all information disseminated and printed in graphic forms using words of pictures which may
take the form of leaflets, letters, posters, banners, signs, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, books and objects.
b) Audio-Visual Communication – it implies the use of radio television, motion pictures, slide, transparencies, and computers
in transmitting information to the public.
Public Relation Program –
Every PNP unit from station level up, shall have Public Relations officer to look after the public relation aspects of police work. It
shall be the duty of the Public Relation officer to issue press release from time to time regarding the police activities which are also of public
The Public Relations Officer shall evolve and conduct a Public Relations Program at promoting better and closer relations between
the police and the public. The essence of public relations is simply good service and making the public well-informed on the good work done
by the police. It is building a good image through actual commendable performance, without inefficiency and corruption.
The mission of the Public Relations Officer is to agin public support or policies and to win friendly citizen cooperation in the
program and procedures of the police station in order to facilitate the accomplishment of police tasks

Duties of Public relations Officer:

The duties of the public relations officer maybe divided into four broad categories namely:
1. To evaluate public opinion and attitudes with respect to the policies, methods, and personnel of the police station.
2. To advise the police station commander with regard to the public relations aspects of new or revised department programs,
policies, procedures and activities.
3. To plan and to carry out programs aimed at keeping the public informed on police activities.
4. To furnish a staff supervision of all police activities that may influence public support.

Civic Action Program:

Consistent with the facilities at its disposal, all PNP units shall conduct civic action program.
The Civic Action Program is one which makes policemen a friend, and partner of the people for progress as well as their defender. It
can range upward from basic individuals acts of courtesy to disaster relief, to local assistance programs in the concept of self-help, up to
major engineering projects.
It shall encourage and actively participate in athletic competition to promote youth development, by wisely coordinating with the
social elements of the populace.
It may initiate if necessary, fund-raising campaign for juvenile delinquents who are being reformed. Is a state of calamity, every
member of the PNP shall be alert to safeguard the community against loss and damages of properties and possible deaths.
He shall encourage resident in hid jurisdiction to help in activities designed to enhance economic self-sufficiency by actively
participating in Green Revolution and Food Production campaign of the government.
He shall discourage residents from loitering in the streets or engaging in uneconomic activities such as illegal, gambling, alcoholism,
drugs and others.
He shall promote and actively participate in the establishment on small cottage industries with special attention to the out-of-
school youth.
In summation, the principle involve in the PNP Civic Action Program is that the police is part of and not apart from society. They are
considered as servants of the community who depend for the effectiveness of their functions upon the express wishes of the people.
Suggested Activities for Students: Role playing

Mass communication program (MassCom):

MASSCOM Program shall design to influence the opinion, emotions, attitude, and behavior of the public so that they will behave in
a matter beneficial to the unit in particular and the PNP in general.
Policemen should be equipped with a basis knowledge of Mass Com and must devote time for a “heart-to-heart” talk or dialogue
with the people, particularly the youth whom he shall strive to mold into useful and law-abiding citizens.
The PNP unit conducting the program shall condition the citizenry to adhere to the laws of the land and dissuade them from
committing crimes, thereby minimizing their changes to engage in criminal activities and preventing them from being influences by the
misguided elements in our society.
PNP personnel are in good position to conduct MassCom because of their direct contact with the people in their respective direct
contact with the people in their respective areas. The PNP units in the provinces know the ideological temper and peculiarities, including
susceptibilities of the people in their localities.
MASSCOM should be an integral part of police operations because use of the force alone can never single handedly solve the
problems f dissidence and lawlessness.

Objectives of MassCom:
1. Develop a full media information dissemination style in order to strengthen the bonds of friendship with the citizenry and
broaden public understanding of the PNP.
2. Keep the public well-informed that the government and the PNP/AFP and keep them aware of the need for the PNP/AFP
and the vital role it played in the security and development of the country.
3. Generate public support for the activities and programs of the PNP/AFP and keep then aware for the need for the
PNP/AFP and the vital role it plated in the security and development of the country.
4. Established rapport and good working relationship with the media
5. Development a psychological environment whereby the people will readily respond and support government program
which aimed to establish a democratically independent, unified, self-reliant and progressive society.

III. Objectives of the Police Community Relations: From the viewpoint of Law Enforcement
1. To maintain and develop the goodwill and confidence of the community for the police.
2. To obtain public cooperation and assistance.
3. To develop public understanding and support and appreciation for the service of the police.
4. To create broader understanding and sympathy with the problems and needs of the police.
5. To facilitate law enforcement and law compliance.
6. To build public police opinion in favor of the police.
7. To achieve the police purpose of preserving the peace, protecting life and property and the prevention of crime.

IV. Principles of the Police Community Relations.

Every member of the PNP shall adhere to the principles of police community relations.
1. Public Support Must be Maintained
Every policemen shall be worthy of the public’s high trust by doing this job well and leaving nothing undone through
carelessness. He shall appear able and willing to serve all.
2. Public resentment Must be Avoided

T he policemen shall always have in mind the interest of the public and shall develop friendly relations by his good conduct
he shall avoid any occasion to humiliate embarrass, annoy, or inconvenience.
3. Public Goodwill must be developed
The policemen must be courteous fair and quick to assist individuals in the solution of their problems.
4. Public must be Kept Informed.
The police must inform the public on the regulations and policies of the police force and the reason for their adoption.

The police is a social problems. They are the agency around which the community often rallies in time of tension and emergency.
They must have other means of developing and sustaining civic peace. Greater emphasis should be placed upon preventive policing
that is programs aimed at anticipating and hearing of social conflicts, the cause of which are so intimately related to the causes of
crime and delinquency.

Crime prevention is generally recognized as an important police function. But the police can do little without community
cooperation assistance. The police must take the initiative and show the way in effect, to assists the community to meet his
responsibility, at the same time hopefully, to improve police community relations.

V. Five (5) categories of Peace Officers

Individuals Public Relations:

1. Domestic Relations – Consist of persons dealing with his family, parent and immediate relatives with who he has to have good
relationship to deserve a respectable family prestige and community relations.
2. Neighborhood Relations – Consist of a person’s dealing with neighbors who constitute a vital link to good reputation in the
3. Community relations – Consist of a persons dealings with the citizens of the community, city or town where a person lives, and his
membership or contribution to the civic organization or community association in the locality.
4. Church Relations – Consist of persons dealing in the religious congregation or faith where he belongs. Religious affiliation is
necessary for the stability of moral principles.
5. Government Relations – Consist of the dealing which a person’s makes with the government and its various instrumentalities.
Recognition of government authority, its laws and ordinance, as well as other public responsibilities, are significant phases of an
individual’s public relations.

VI. Eight (8) Categories of Peace Officers

Professional Public Relations

1. Intra-Departmental Relations – Consist of peace officers relations with the officers and men of his own department, his superior the
station command as well as the city/municipal mayor where he is assigned.
2. Inter-Departmental Relations – Relations with other police agencies consist to the enforcement of the law and maintenance of
peace and order, together with the giving of information to the public on criminal and non-criminal activities.
3. Citizens Relations – includes all dealing or contacts with the citizens in relation to the enforcement of the law and maintenance of
peace and order together with the giving information to the public on criminal and non-criminal activities.
4. Complaints Relations – includes a police officer’s dealing with complaints, the techniques of interview, manner of approach, and
treatment of witness as well as informer or assets.
5. Relations with Accused Persons – Consist in the proper treatment of suspect the recognition of their constitutional rights during
custodial investigation and the handling of accused persons during confinement.
6. Relations with state Prosecutors or Fiscals – include a peace officers duty to cooperate during preliminary investigations and
gathering got further evidence when so received by the fiscals.
7. Judicial Relations – Consist of the Peace officers duties toward the courts when appearing as a witness and the honesty in
8. Government Relations – include all his dealings with other non-police agencies or officers of the government, both national and
local, in connection with official duties such as request for verifications, coordination and whatever help are needed.

VII. Basic Foundation of Good Community

The basis foundation of good community relations is efficient service. No amount of publicity can cover tip inefficiency or
poor public service of the police.

Requirement for Good Community Relations:

1. Sincerity in serving the public
2. Full knowledge of the job
3. Deep conviction in the nobility of the work
4. Sound police ethics

5. High standard of operations

VIII. Integrated Police Advisory Council

In order to involve civil officials and the citizenry in the preservation of peace and order and the promotion of public safety, there
shall be created an advisory council in every level of the command of the PNP.
Composition of Integrated Police Advisory Council:
1. Local civil officials
2. Representative of the judiciary
3. Representative of the Industrial sector
4. Representative of the Commercial sector
5. Representative of the Agricultural sector
6. Representative of the religious sector
7. Representative of the youth sector
8. Representative of the educational sector.

Functions of the Integrated Police Advisory Council

1. To advise the Commander on matters pertaining to peace and order and public safety.
2. To recommend necessary measures to improve the law enforcement system and public safety condition.
To assist the PNP in community relations, and public information and in enhancing or promoting citizens involvement in the preservation of
peace and order and public safety

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