Fence Fittings: Standard Specification For

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Designation: F626 − 14

Standard Specification for

Fence Fittings1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F626; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope B209 Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy

1.1 This specification covers the materials, coating Sheet and Plate
requirements, and inspection of fence accessories for chain- B209M Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy
link fence for the following: Sheet and Plate (Metric)
1.1.1 Post and line caps, B211 Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy
1.1.2 Rail and brace ends, Rolled or Cold Finished Bar, Rod, and Wire
1.1.3 Top rail sleeves, B211M Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy
1.1.4 Tie wires, clips, and fasteners, Rolled or Cold-Finished Bar, Rod, and Wire (Metric)
1.1.5 Tension and brace bands, B221 Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Ex-
1.1.6 Tension bars, truded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes
1.1.7 Truss rod assembly, B221M Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy
1.1.8 Barbed wire arms, Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes (Metric)
1.1.9 Color coating of fittings, and B429/B429M Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded
1.1.10 Fitting size terminology. Structural Pipe and Tube
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded B800 Specification for 8000 Series Aluminum Alloy Wire
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical for Electrical Purposes—Annealed and Intermediate Tem-
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only pers
and are not considered standard. F552 Terminology Relating to Chain Link Fencing
F567 Practice for Installation of Chain-Link Fence
2. Referenced Documents F668 Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Polyolefin
and Other Polymer-Coated Steel Chain Link Fence Fabric
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 F934 Specification for Colors for Polymer-Coated Chain
A641/A641M Specification for Zinc–Coated (Galvanized)
Link Fence Materials
Carbon Steel Wire
A809 Specification for Aluminum-Coated (Aluminized) 2.2 U.S. Government Standard:
Carbon Steel Wire MIL-R-60346-C Roving, Glass, Fibrous (For Prepreg Tape
A817 Specification for Metallic-Coated Steel Wire for and Roving, Filament Winding, and Pultrusion Applica-
Chain-Link Fence Fabric and Marcelled Tension Wire tions)3
B26/B26M Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Sand Cast-
ings 3. Post and Line Caps
B85 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Die Castings
3.1 Post and line caps shall be fabricated from pressed steel
B108 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Permanent Mold
or cast iron and hot-dip galvanized with a minimum of 1.2
Castings 2
oz/ft (366 g/m2) of zinc coating of surface area, or from
B117 Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
aluminum alloy 360.0 conforming to die cast Specification
B85, or sand cast or permanent mold alloy 356.0 or 713.0
conforming to Specification B26/B26M or B108.
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F14 on Fences
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F14.40 on Chain Link Fence and 3.2 Post and line caps shall be designed to fit snugly over
Wire Accessories. posts and exclude moisture from inside when tubular posts are
Current edition approved April 1, 2014. Published April 2014. Originally
approved in 1979. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as F626 - 08(2013). DOI: used.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
the ASTM website. Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111–5094, Attn: NPODS.


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F626 − 14
4. Rail and Brace Ends Nine-gage (0.148 6 0.005-in. (3.76 6 0.125-mm))
4.1 Rail and brace ends, when required, shall be fabricated or (6-gage 0.192 6 0.005-in. (4.88 6 0.125-mm)) aluminum
from pressed steel or cast iron, and hot-dip galvanized with a Alloy 1350-H19 or approved equal.
minimum of 1.2 oz/ft2 (366 g/m2) of zinc coating of surface 6.1.2 High-Security Round Wire Ties shall be one of the
area, or from aluminum alloy 360.0 (see Specification B85), or following, as selected by the purchaser:
alloy 356.0 or 713.0 (see Specification B26/B26M or Specifi- Power-Fastened Preformed Metallic Coated Steel
cation B108). Round Wire Ties, preformed to the size of the rail or post and
of a sufficient length to be installed according to Practice F567.
4.2 Rail and brace ends, or other approved means of
Power-fastened round wire ties shall be 9-gage (0.148 6
connection, shall be provided when top rail or brace are
0.005-in. (3.76 6 0.125-mm)) or, for added security, 6-gage
(0.192 6 0.005-in. (4.88 6 0.125-mm)) steel with a tensile
strength range from 65 to 75 ksi. Specify one of the following
5. Top Rail Sleeves coatings:
5.1 Top rail sleeves shall be fabricated from pressed steel or (1) A minimum of 2.00 oz/ft2 (600 g/m2) of zinc for 6-gage
round steel tubing and hot-dip galvanized with a minimum of or 1.80 oz/ft2 (540 g/m2) of zinc for 9-gage in accordance with
1.2 oz/ft2 (366 g/m2) of zinc coating of surface area, or from Specification A641 (A641M), Class B coating.
aluminum alloy 6063-T6 (see Specification B221, B221M or (2) A minimum of 0.40 oz/ft2 (122 g/m2) of aluminum for
Specification B429/B429M). 6-gage or 9-gage in accordance with Specification A809.
5.2 Rail sleeve material shall be a minimum of 0.051 in. (1.3 Straight, Manually Fastened Coated Steel Round
mm) in thickness if steel, or a minimum of 0.062 in. (1.8 mm) Wire Ties, of sufficient length to be installed according to
in thickness if aluminum alloy, and a minimum of 6 in. (152.4 Practice F567. Wire ties shall be 9-gage (0.148 6 0.005-in.
mm) in length. (3.76 6 0.125-mm)) steel, “soft/blendable,” having a tensile
strength range from 55 to 65 ksi. Specify one of the following
5.3 The rail sleeve must be fabricated to prevent movement
along the rail.
(1) A minimum of 1.2 oz/ft2 (366 g/m2) of zinc in accor-
6. Tie Wires and Clips dance with Specification A817, Type 2, Class 1.
(2) A minimum of 0.40 oz/ft2 (122 g/m2) of aluminum in
6.1 Ties for attaching chain-link fabric to round tubular or accordance with Specification A809.
rectangular roll-formed horizontal rails and intermediate posts 6.1.3 Interlocking Preformed Flat Aluminum Band Ties,
shall be one of the following systems, as selected by the preformed to the radius of the rail or post and configurated to
purchaser: wrap a full 360° around the rail or post and one picket of the
6.1.1 Standard Straight, Preformed Hook or Pigtail Round chain-link fabric. The ends of the tie shall be preformed in such
Wire having a preformed hook or pigtail at one end, shall be a manner that they will interlock and flatten down into a double
designed of sufficient length to comply with the installation closed loop against the rail or post. Interlocking flat wire ties

practice within Practice F567. Galvanized steel or aluminum shall be fabricated from 0.0625 by 0.375-in. (1.59 by 9.53-mm)
round wire ties shall be “soft/bendable” so that during the flat aluminum Alloy 5052-H32 wire with a tolerance of 60.005
installation of the tie the tie wire coating or chain link fabric in. (61.25 mm).
coating is not damaged by cutting through to the bare steel.
6.1.4 Powder-Driven Fasteners, consisting of a knurled pin
Specify one of the following materials.
of carbon steel, heat treated to a hardness of RC 52–56 and a Twelve-gage (0.106 6 0.004-in. (2.69 6 0.10-mm))
minimum tensile strength of 240 000 psi (1655 MPa). Finish
steel with a tensile strength range from 55 to 65 ksi and with
shall be zinc electroplating of 0.0003-in. (0.0076-mm) mini-
one of the following coatings, as selected by the purchaser:
mum thickness, evaluated for corrosion resistance for 72
(1) A minimum of 0.80 oz/ft2 (230 g/m2) of zinc in consecutive hours with no signs of rust or corrosion when
accordance with Specification A641 (A641M), Class 3 or A tested in accordance with Practice B117. Cap shall be Type 304
coating. stainless steel 3⁄32 in. (2.38 mm) thick. For 9-gage or 11-gage
(2) A minimum of 0.35 oz/ft2 (107 g/m2) of aluminum in fabric other than 3 ⁄8-in. (9.53-mm) mesh, the pin shall be 1 in.
accordance with Specification A809. (25.4 mm) long. For 3⁄8-in. mesh and 6-gage fabric, the pin Nine-gage (0.148 6 0.005-in. (3.76 6 0.10-mm)) shall be 11⁄4 in. (31.75 mm) long.
steel with a tensile strength range from 55 to 65 ksi and with
one of the following coatings, as selected by the purchaser: 6.2 Round wire hog rings for attaching chain-link fabric to
(1) A minimum of 0.90 oz/ft2 (270 g/m2) of zinc in horizontal tension wire shall be either 12-gage (0.106 6
accordance with Specification A641 (A641M), Class 3 or A 0.005-in. (2.69 6 0.125-mm)) steel wire with a minimum of
coating. 0.80 oz/ft2 (230 g/m2) of zinc coating in accordance with
(2) A minimum of 0.40 oz/ft2 (122 g/m2) of aluminum in Specification A641 (A641M), Class 3 or A coating, or 9-gage
accordance with Specification A809. (0.148 6 0.005-in. (3.76 6 0.125-mm)) aluminum Alloy
1350-H19 wire.
NOTE 1—Heavier zinc coatings than those listed in (1) and (1) may be specified if desired, to match the minimum zinc coating 6.3 Round metallic-coated steel tie wires, clips, and hog
specified for the fence fabric. rings shall withstand all forming or twisting operations, or

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F626 − 14
both, without cracking or flaking of the coating to such an 5 ft (1.52 m). Steel, fiberglass, or aluminum alloy tension bars
extent that any zinc or aluminum can be removed by rubbing used to connect 1 in. (25.4 mm) mesh fabric to end, gate and
with the bare fingers. corner posts shall be a minimum of 1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm) by 3⁄8 in.
NOTE 2—Loosening or detachment during forming or twisting
(9.5 mm).
operations, or both, of superficial, small particles of coating metal formed 8.5 Aluminum alloy tension bars used to connect 13⁄4 in.
by mechanical polishing of the surface of the coating wire shall not be
considered cause for rejection.
(44.5 mm) and 2 in. (50 mm) mesh fabric to end, gate and
corner posts shall be a minimum of 1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm) by 3⁄4 in.
6.4 Where specified, round metallic-coated tie wires, clips, (19.1 mm).
and hog rings shall be polymer coated to match the color of the
chain-link fabric, as selected from Specification F934. The 8.6 Minimum lengths of tension bar shall be 2 in. (50 mm)
coating process and metallic-coated core wire materials shall less than the full height of the chain link fabric.
be in accordance with Specification F668. The diameter of the
metallic-coated core wire shall be identical to that specified for 9. Truss Rod Assembly
the chain-link fabric, but shall not be smaller than 11 gage 9.1 Steel truss rods shall be fabricated from 5⁄16 in. (7.9 mm)
(0.120 6 0.005 in. (3.05 6 0.125 mm)) and not larger than 9 merchant quality rod and it and all related devices shall be
gage (0.148 6 0.005 in. (3.76 6 0.125 mm)). The tensile hot-dip galvanized after threading with a minimum of 1.2
strength of the core wire constituting the tie wires, clips, and 2
oz/ft (366 g/m2) of zinc coating of surface area.
hog rings shall be suitable to accommodate a manual or power
fastening process without causing damage to the metallic or 9.2 Aluminum alloy truss rods shall be fabricated from 3⁄8
polymer coatings. in. (9.5 mm) alloy 6061-T6 (see Specification B211 or B211M
or B221 or B221M). Aluminum truss rod tighteners shall be
NOTE 3—Although rust formation on the cut ends or other unprotected
surface areas of steel tie wires is primarily an inherent characteristic of alloy 356-T6 or 713–T5 (see Specifications B26/B26M or B28)
aluminum coated steel wire, rejections of material exhibiting this condi- or alloy 6061-T6 (see Specification B211 or B221).
tion will not be warranted irrespective of the core wire material employed
unless it causes significant and noticeable staining of the tie, the chain-link 9.3 Truss rod and tightener shall be capable of withstanding
fabric, the post surface, or the rail surface. a tension of 2000 lb (907 kg).

7. Tension and Brace Bands 10. Barbed Wire Arms

7.1 Tension and brace bands shall be fabricated from 10.1 Barbed wire arms shall be fabricated from pressed steel
steel and hot-dip galvanized with a minimum of 1.2 or cast iron, and hot-dip galvanized with a minimum of 1.2
oz/ft (366 g/m2) of zinc coating of surface area, or from 2
oz/ft (366 g/m2) of zinc coating of surface area, or from
aluminum alloy 6063-T5, 6063-T6, or 8176–H19 (see Speci- Aluminum alloy 360 (see Specification B85), or 356-T6 (see
fication B211, B211M, B221, B221M, or B800). Specification B26/B26M and B108). Aluminum Barb Arm
7.2 Tension bands shall be a minimum of 14 gage (0.074 in. Blades shall be fabricated from aluminum alloy 3003-H14,
(1.88 mm)) in thickness and a minimum of 3 ⁄4 in. (19.05 mm) 5052-H32 or 6061-T6 extruded bar or sheet having a minimum
in width. thickness of 0.080 in. (2 mm) (see Specifications B209,
7.3 Brace bands shall be a minimum of 12 gage (0.105 in. B209M, B211, B211M, B221, and B221M).
(2.66 mm)) in thickness and a minimum of 3⁄4 in. (19.05 mm) 10.2 Barbed wire arms shall be of the following types as
in width. specified:
10.2.1 Type I—Single slanted arm, for three barbed wire
8. Tension Bars strands;
8.1 Steel tension bars shall be fabricated from merchant
10.2.2 Type II—Single vertical arm for three barbed wire
steel and hot-dip galvanized with a minimum of 1.2 strands;
oz/ft (366 g/m2) of zinc coating of surface area. 10.2.3 Type III—V-shaped arm, for six barbed wire strands;
8.2 Fiberglass tension bars shall be manufactured from or
unidirectional E-glass fibers in accordance with MIL-R- 10.2.4 Type IV—A-shaped arm, for five barbed wire strands.
60346-C and processed to produce the desired shape and
mechanical properties. The outer surface shall consist of a 10.3 Barbed wire arms shall be fitted with clips or slots for
minimum average 1.5 mil (0.0015 in. (0.038 mm)) thick attaching the barbed wire to the arms.
weather resistant plastic coating. 10.4 In the installed position, Type I, III and IV barbed wire
8.3 Aluminum alloy tension bars shall be 6061-T6 or arms shall project at an angle of 45° (+5°) from the vertical
6063-T6 alloy (see Specification B211M or B221M). plane of the fence line.
8.4 Steel or fiberglass tension bars used to connect 13⁄4 in. 10.5 When the base of the barbed wire arm has been
(44.5 mm) and 2 in. (50 mm) mesh fabric to end, gate and securely clamped in a testing device, the arm shall be capable
corner posts shall be a minimum of 3⁄16 in. (4.8 mm) by 5⁄8 in. of supporting a vertical 250 lb (113 kg) load placed where the
(15.9 mm) for fabric heights up to 5 ft (1.52 m) and a minimum outer strand of barbed wire would connect to the arm, without
of 3⁄16 in. (4.9 mm) by 3⁄4 in. (19.1 mm) for fabric heights over causing any permanent deflection of the arm.

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F626 − 14
11. Color Coating of Fittings 13. Illustrations
11.1 The color coating of fittings shall match the color 13.1 See Terminology F552 for illustrations of various types
coating of the fabric when so specified. Standard colors shall of fittings.
be green, olive green, brown, or black as described in Munsell
Units specified by Specification F934. 14. Keywords
11.2 The exterior surface of the fittings shall be polymer
14.1 fittings; fence; high security
coated with a minimum 0.006-in. (0.152-mm), maximum
0.015-in. (0.381-mm) thickness when so specified. Color
coating material and thickness may be at the option of the
manufacturer, when so specified by the buyer. Ferrous fittings
shall be hot-dip galvanized prior to application of color coating
11.3 The color coating material shall be without voids on all
visually exposed surfaces when viewed in the as-installed
attitude, without tears or cuts that reveal the substrate and
adhere to the fitting without peeling when scratched with a pick
device or knife blade point.
12. Terminology Fitting Size Terminology
12.1 Descriptive sizes of fittings for the various shapes of
posts and rail commonly used for chain-link fence shall be as
listed in Table 1.

TABLE 1 Fitting Sizes

Trade Size, in. Nominal Size, in. Actual Size, in. Outside
Diameter, mm
Pipe and Tube Sections:
1 3⁄ 8 1 1.315 33.40
1 5⁄ 8 1 1⁄ 4 1.660 42.16
2 1 1⁄ 2 1.900 48.26
2 1⁄ 2 2 2.375 60.33
3 2 ⁄2
1 2.875 73.03
3 1⁄ 2 3 3.500 88.90
4 3 1⁄ 2 4.000 101.60
4 1⁄ 2 4 4.500 114.30
6 5⁄ 8 6 6.625 168.28
8 5⁄ 8 8 8.625 219.06
Formed Steel Sections:
C-Rail 1.625 1.625 by 1.250 41.28 by 31.75
Standard C 1.900 1.875 by 1.625 47.63 by 41.28
Heavy C 2.250 2.250 by 1.700 57.15 by 43.18
Terminal 3.500 3.500 by 3.500 88.90 by 88.90
H Section:
2 1⁄ 4 ... 2.250 by 1.700 57.15 by 43.18
Square Sections:
2 ... 2.000 by 2.000 50.80 by 50.80
2 1⁄ 2 ... 2.500 by 2.500 63.50 by 63.50
3 ... 3.000 by 3.000 76.20 by 76.20

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