Conducting Transverse and Concentrated Load Tests On Panels Used in Floor and Roof Construction
Conducting Transverse and Concentrated Load Tests On Panels Used in Floor and Roof Construction
Conducting Transverse and Concentrated Load Tests On Panels Used in Floor and Roof Construction
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
FIG. 1 Apparatus for Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load (Bag Method)
the pressure reading shall not exceed 1 % of the full-scale load on the specimen shall include the weight of the specimen
reading. Deflection measurement shall be measured following between the supports. Apply the transverse loads to the upper
10.4. See Fig. 1. (finish floor) face for three of the symmetrical specimens. For When the vacuum chamber method of loading is asymmetrical assemblies, the bottom face for three of the
used, place the specimen near the test frame to create an specimens must also be tested. Deflection measurements shall
airtight vacuum chamber. An airtight frame or curb shall be measured following 10.4. See Fig. 3.
surround the specimen closely and be flush with the upper 10.3 Loading Application—The application of load is found
surface of the specimen. An air resistant blanket covers the in 6.2. The application of load shall be compatible with the test
specimen, overlaps the frame, and is sealed so that it is apparatus indicated in 10.2.
reasonably airtight. Use a vacuum pump or positive action 10.4 Deflection Measurement Device—The deflection mea-
exhaust blower to reduce air pressure between the specimen surement device shall be compatible with the test apparatus
and floor/wall. Measure the difference in pressure by means of indicated in 10.2. A frame shall be placed on the upper face of
a manometer or other pressure measuring device. The error of the specimen in a manner such that the frame shall not deform
the pressure reading shall not exceed 1 % of the full scale as the specimen deforms under load. Two deflection measuring
reading. Deflection measurement shall be conducted following devices, one near each longitudinal edge of the specimen, shall
10.4. See Fig. 2. be attached to the frame at the mid span.
10.2.2 Gravity Load—Gravity load testing shall be con- 10.4.1 Method A—Deflection Measuring Device Top of
ducted in accordance with Practice E 196. Panel—Mid span deflection shall be measured on the top of the
10.2.3 Two Point Load—The two point (quarter-point) load- panel. The deflection measurement should be referenced to the
ing method is used for transverse load tests. Test the specimen panel deflection at the end supports.
as a simple beam (Fig. 3) on a span 150 mm less than the 10.4.2 Method B—Deflection Measuring Device Bottom of
specimen length. Apply two equal loads, each at a distance of Panel—Mid span deflection shall be measured on the bottom
one-quarter of the span from the supports, toward the middle of of the panel. The deflection measurement should be referenced
the span. For floor specimens tested horizontally (Fig. 1), the to the panel deflection at the end supports.
10.5 Calculations and Report: 10.5.2 Data Presentation—Report the results in the form of
10.5.1 Load-Deflection Data—For each deflection measur- a graph in accordance with Section 8.
ing device, calculate the deflection under a given load as the
difference between the reading when the load is applied and the 11. Concentrated Load—Floor
initial reading. Calculate the deflection of the specimen for the
span as the average of the deflections obtained from each of the 11.1 Test Specimens—Tests shall be made on each of the
measuring devices. Calculate the sets under the initial load by transverse specimens after the transverse tests are completed.
using a similar method. Record the maximum load for each 11.2 Apparatus—The apparatus shall be assembled as
specimen. shown in Fig. 4 and shall conform to the requirements for
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 This standard was originally part of a larger standard estimated ultimate load carrying capacity of the specimen. This
test method, Test Method E 72. Due to difficulties in maintain- load can be estimated by means of calculations or previous
ing the large and cumbersome test method, the floor and roof experience based on historical tests or analysis.
sections of Test Method E 72 were modified and placed in this
new standard to help aid in maintaining an up-to-date standard X1.3 Estimate the number of increments for application of
test method. load. This number of increments when applying load can be
estimated by means of calculation or previous experience
X1.2 Estimating Ultimate Load Carrying Capacity of based on historical test or analysis. The minimum number
Specimen—The loading schedule of 6.2 is based on the should be between 3–10.
X2.1 It is the purpose of these test methods to provide a mation and set, simulated, to some extent, the conditions of
systematic basis for obtaining comparable engineering data on repeated loading under service conditions. Therefore, results
various construction elements and structural details of value to by such a method of loading may be more useful than those
professionals, designers, builders, building officials, and others obtained by increasing the load continuously throughout the
interested in this field. test. The results from increment loading tests may show
whether different portions of a construction act as a unit under
X2.2 Subjecting complete structures to known loads is very load, whether the fastening or bonds have adequate strength, or
expensive and requires much time; therefore, that method of whether they rupture under repeated loads. For any engineering
carrying out investigations to establish structural properties is structure, including small house, it is necessary not only that
not likely to be used to any great extent. Such tests have the the strength be adequate, but also that the deformation under
further disadvantage that only the strength of the weakest load shall not appreciably decrease the usefulness of the
elements of a particular structure could be measured. structure. If the working load and the allowable deformation
for an element for a structure are known, constructions
X2.3 For these reasons, it seems more practicable to apply
complying with these requirements may be selected by inspec-
loads to specimens that accurately reproduce a structural
tion of the graphs from tests of such constructions.
portion of a finished building. These portions of a building
have been designated as “elements;” for example, floor, roof, X2.5 A structure is elastic if, after a load has been applied
etc. For the procedure described in these test methods, the and then removed, the set is inappreciable. If the set is small for
elements have been restricted to those most important struc- an element of a building, it may be assumed that the construc-
turally. For each element, methods of loading are described that tion has neither been damaged nor appreciably deformed by the
simulate the loads to which the element would be subjected load. The set, therefore, is another property that may be used
under service conditions. It is believed that the results of these when comparing different constructions and may be useful
measurements on the structural elements will be more useful to when selecting construction for a particular purpose.
architects and engineers than the results of tests of the
individual structural members. Although it may be impractical X2.6 The variations in the properties of a construction as
to determine all of the structural properties of each element of used commercially for buildings, in all probability, will be
a building, it is believed that the more important properties greater than the variations for the three specimens tested as
may be determined by tests described in these test methods. directed in these test methods. Reason being, these specimens
will be all fabricated at the same time by the same workers and
X2.4 The test method, involving the application of the from the same lot of material. This fact should be clearly
loads in increments and the concurrent measurement of defor- indicated in any general report based on these test procedures.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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