Honour in Knot Tying
Honour in Knot Tying
Honour in Knot Tying
A bight
a. Bight
The term bight refers to any curved section, slack part, or loop between the two ends of a rope,
b. Running end
The free end of the rope, usually shorter. This is the end of the rope in which a knot is being tied.
c. Standing part
The part of the rope between the Running end and the Standing end (the end that doesn't move, think of it as if
someone is holding it)
d. Underhand loop
A loop formed by passing the running end of a line under the standing part.
e. Overhand loop
A loop formed by passing the running end of a line over the standing part.
f. Turn
A: Turn
B: Round turn
C: Two round turns
A turn is a component of a knot. Turns can be made around objects, through rings, or around the standing part of
the rope itself. Turns come in various forms, distinguished by the number of passes that the rope makes. A turn
or single turn requires one pass.
g. Bend
A bend is used to tie two ropes together, as in the Sheet-bend. Technically, even the Reef knot is a bend
h. Hitch
A hitch is used to tie a rope to a spar, ring or post, such as the Clove hitch. Hitches can also be used to tie one
rope ONTO another rope, as in the Rolling hitch.
i. Splice
A knot formed by interweaving strands of rope rather than whole lines. More time consuming but usually
stronger than simple knots.
j. Whipping
A binding knot used to prevent another line from fray.
The eye splice is the best method of creating a permanent loop in the end of multi stranded rope by means of
rope splicing. The ends of the rope are tucked (plaited) back into the standing end to form the loop. Originally
this splice was described with each end being tucked only about three times. When the splice was made in tarred
hemp or cotton this was reasonably safe. With modern synthetic ropes, five complete tucks is a minimum and
additional tucks are recommended for critical loads.
Anchor bend
The Anchor Bend is a knot used for attaching a rope to a ring or similar termination. The round turn and tight
application help keep the rope from chafing.
This knot doesn't jam or slip when tied properly. It can be tied around a person's waist and used to lift him,
because the loop will not tighten under load. In sailing, the bowline is used to tie a halyard to a sail head.
Alpine butterfly
The Butterfly Loop has a high breaking strength and is regarded by mountaineers as one of the strongest knots to
attach climbers to the middle of a rope, such that they have room to move around even when the main rope goes
tight, and they can be supported in either direction from the main rope.
Carrick bend
The Carrick bend is used for joining two lines. It is particularly appropriate for very heavy rope or cable that is
too large and stiff to easily be formed into other common bends
Cat's paw
This knot is the "general utility" hitch for when you need a quick, simple method of fastening a rope around a
post, spar or stake.
Constrictor Knot
The Constrictor knot is one of the most effective binding knots. Simple and secure, it is a harsh knot which can
be difficult or impossible to untie once tightened. It is made similarly to a clove hitch but with one end passed
under the other, forming an overhand knot under a riding turn. It is a very effective knot for constructing a pilot's
ladder, as it will not slip when tied around wooden rungs.
Double bowline
The double sheet bend or double becket bend is a strong knot used to tie two ropes (usually of different
thicknesses or rigidity) together. It is a doubled version of the sheet bend.
Figure Eight
This knot is ideal for keeping the end of a rope from running out of tackle or pulley.
Fisherman's knot/fisherman’s bend
The fisherman's knot is a bend (a knot for joining two lines) with a symmetrical structure consisting of two
overhand knots, each tied around the standing part of the other. Other names for the fisherman's knot include:
angler's knot, English knot, halibut knot, waterman's knot.
Fisherman's loop
This knot is the same as a fisherman's bend, except that instead of joining two ropes together, a single rope is
doubled over and then joined to itself forming a loop.
The fisherman's loop makes a non-slip loop at the end of a rope.
The halter hitch, sometimes called a hitching tie is used to tie the lead rope, which is attached to a horse's halter
Hunter's bend
A lariat knot is the loop knot commonly used in a lasso. Its round shape, especially when tied in stiff rope, helps
it slide freely along the rope it is tied around.
A Miller's knot (also known as Sack knot or Bag knot) is a binding knot used to secure the opening of a sack or
Packer's knot
The Packer's Knot is a binding knot usually used in smaller line. This knot is sometimes used in baling and in
parcel tying.
Pipe hitch
The pipe hitch is used for hoisting tubular objects (such as pipes).
Prusik knot
A Prusik also known as rope-grab is a friction hitch used in climbing, canyoneering, caving, rope rescue and by
arborists to grab a rope (sometimes referred to as a ).
The sheepshank knot is used to shorten a length of rope. It comes undone easily unless it is under tension.
The sheet bend knot is excellent for joining two ropes together, especially if the two ropes are not the same size.
When tied properly, it will not come undone, and it is easy to untie. It is very similar to the bowline.
Slip knot
A slip knot is one that will tighten under load, and which can be easily untied by pulling on the running end
Slipped half-hitch
The slipped sheet bend is used in non-critical situations for temporarily joining two ropes.
Square Knot
This knot is used at sea in reefing and furling sails. It is used in first aid to tie off a bandage or a sling because
the knot lies flat.
Stevedore knot
The Stevedore knot is a stopper knot, often tied near the end of a rope
Strangle knot
The Strangle knot is a simple binding knot. Similar to the constrictor knot, it also features an overhand knot
under a riding turn.
Surgeon's knot
The surgeon's knot is similar to a square knot, except that the first stage is doubled. This helps the knot stay tight
while it is being tied
Taut-line hitch
The Taut-Line Hitch is an adjustable loop knot for use on lines under tension. It is useful when the length of a
line will need to be periodically adjusted in order to maintain tension
Timber hitch