Artikel Yeyen 3 (GS)
Artikel Yeyen 3 (GS)
Artikel Yeyen 3 (GS)
Chemotherapy as a pediatric cancer treatment has nausea and vomiting side effects. Nausea and vomiting in
school-age children with cancer can lead to nutritional, emotional, playing, and school function disorders,
decreasing the quality of life in children. An adjuvant therapy that can decrease chemotherapy-induced nausea and
vomiting is acupressure which is non-invasive and safe. Nei Guan acupressure point uses pressure technique on
the wrist. This study was conducted to determine effects of Nei Guan acupressure on nausea and vomiting due to
highly emetogenic chemotherapy in school-age children with cancer. The study design was quasi-experimental
through a pre-post test design study approach, with single-blind control. Thirty respondents obtained from
the average calculation of two population hypothesis test, were divided into a control and intervention group
comprising 15 people respectively. Both groups got the same antiemetic. Measurement of nausea was performed
three times during the study using the Pediatric Nausea Assessment Tools (PeNAT), while vomiting intervals
were documented for every vomiting and retching. Data analysis used the Mann Whitney and independent
t-test. The analysis result in the control group showed that the average nausea value tended to increase and the
vomiting interval was faster than in the intervention group. In conclusion, Nei Guan acupressure affects nausea
and vomiting due to highly emetogenic chemotherapy in school-aged children with cancer although it is not
statistically significant (p-value> 0.05). Nurses are expected to monitor ongoing nausea and vomiting, and consider
acupressure as adjuvant therapy, besides providing pharmacological treatment to reduce nausea and vomiting.
Keywords: Acupressure, chemotherapy, nausea, school-age children, vomiting.
acupressure treatment and data collection. informed consent, the researcher explained
The measuring instrument used in this about recording the time of vomiting/nearly
study is the Pediatric Nausea Assessment vomiting for two days. Vomiting intervals
Tools (PeNAT) made by L. Lee Dupuis, M.Sc., were recorded in the sheet provided by the
Phm., FCSHP. The researcher has received researcher. Parents wrote down the time
permission to use the instrument and change each child experienced vomiting or almost
the language, so the researcher conducted vomited.
a back translation, content validity and The numerical comparative hypothesis
reliability test with the Interclass Correlation test in pairs for the measurement of nausea
Coefficient (ICC) test to 5 raters using media values P1, P2 and P3 in each group used
hand out and video. The content validity the Friedman test because measurements
test was carried out by two experts, namely were performed more than twice and were
child nursing and palliative care experts. The not normally distributed. The numerical
result of the test obtained a value of 0.75 after comparative hypothesis test between the
using the Gregory formula, so it indicated control and intervention group in the nausea
that the instrument had a high validity value. scale measurement P1, P2 and P3 used
The reliability test was carried out on ten the Mann Whitney test because it was not
pediatric patients with cancer whose results normally distributed. The analysis was also
were obtained with a kappa value of 0.866 used to determine the difference in mean of
which indicated that the degree of conformity vomiting interval between the control and
among the five raters had high stability. intervention group calculated in minutes.
Measurement of nausea value was The measurement of an unpaired numerical
carried out three times, namely 1 hour after comparative hypothesis test for the difference
chemotherapy (P1), after waking up the in vomiting interval used unpaired t-test
second day (P2) and before going to bed the because it was normally distributed.
second day (P3). Measurement of vomiting
interval in both groups was carried out on the
first day of chemotherapy until the second day. Result
After the respondent parents’ submitted the
Table 1 Frequency Distribution Based on Characteristics of Respondents in Control and
Intervention Group (n = 30) at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung
Variable Total % Group
Control (n=15 Intervention
Man 17 56.67 9 (60,0) 8 (53,3)
Woman 13 43.33 6 (40,0) 7 (46,7)
Age (years)
6–8 years 19 63.34
9–10 years 4 13.33
11–12 years 7 23.33
± SB 8±3 8±2
Range 6–12 6–12
Type of Cancer
Systemic 11 36.67 4 (26,7) 7 (46,7)
Solid 19 63.33 11(73.3) 7 (46.7)
Experience of
Table 2 Nausea Value Differences on First (P1), Second (P2) and Third (P3) Measurement in
Control Group
Control Nausea Value pa-Value
Group First Measuremen Second Third
(n=15) t (P1) Measurement Measurement (P3)
Table 3 Nausea Value Differences on First (P1), Second (P2) and Third (P3) Measurement in
Intervention Group
Intervention Nausea Value pa-Value
Group First Measuremen Second Third
(n=15) t (P1) Measurement Measurement (P3)
Table 4 Nausea Value Differences among P1, P2, and P3 in Control and
Intervention Group
Measurement Control Intervention p-Value
Group Group
(n=15) (n=15)
Skala Mual
2 Kontrol
P1 P2 P3
Waktu Pemeriksaan
Graph 1 Differences in mean values of nausea in the control and intervention group
The characteristics of the respondents group was faster (289.4 minutes) compared
indicated sex was dominated by male to the intervention group (313.6 minutes).
(56.67%). The highest age in the two The results of unpaired t-test showed that the
groups was 6–8 years on average (63.34%) use of acupressure affected vomiting/ almost
(Table 1). Most cancers were solid tumors vomiting after chemotherapy even though
(63.33%) with the most diagnosed disease, it was not statistically significant (p-value>
Rhabdomyosarcoma. Most respondents in 0.05) (Table 5).
both groups had previous experiences of
nausea and vomiting (83.33%).
The mean of nausea value in the first Discussion
measurement and the second measurement
had the same value (median = 1). The mean Nausea and vomiting are side effects of
value of nausea in the third measurement chemotherapy which are most often felt
tended to increase (median = 2). Results of by pediatric cancer patients. The response
the Friedman test obtained a p-value of 0.001 of vomiting to chemotherapy can occur
(p-value ≤0.05) so it can be inferred that after the vomiting center receives chemical
in the control group there was a significant stimulation from the emetogenic level. The
difference in the mean value of nausea acute phase of nausea vomiting occurs when
between P1, P2, and P3 (Table 2). chemotherapy and radiation drugs cause
There was no difference in the mean serotonin release from enterochromaffin cells
value of nausea for the three measurements in the intestine. Increased serotonin receptors
because they had the same value (Median = or 5-Hydroxytryptamine type 3 (5HT3) in the
1.00). Statistical tests using the Friedman test central nervous system area, especially in the
obtained a p-value of 0.244 (p value> 0.05), CTZ area, will cause nausea and vomiting.
so the result showed that in the intervention Vomiting occurs when the CTZ stimulates
group there was no significant difference in the vomiting center, and efferent impulses
the mean of nausea value between P1, P2, are sent through cranial nerves V, VII, IX, X,
and P3 in the intervention group (Table 3). XII and spinal nerves to the central area of
Statistical test results on measurements salivation, abdominal muscles, respiratory
between the control and intervention group center, and nerve center (Rhodes & Mc
using the Mann Whitney test showed that Daniels, 2001).
the first measurement (P1) was 0.967, the Some of the effects of nausea complained
second measurement (P2) was 0.713, and the by several study subjects were reduced
third measurement (P3) was 0.305. The three appetite and sleep disorders. Decreased
measurements showed that there were no appetite can lead to a risk of nutritional
significant differences marked with a p-value deficiencies. Owen, Hanson, Mc Arthur and
> 0.05 (Table 4). Mikhailov (2013) explain, approximately
Furthermore, there was a tendency of 46% of children and adolescents with cancer
rising nausea values in the control group are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition.
compared to the intervention group (Graph Many of those who lose appetite do not even
1). The study results explained it as clinically want to eat at all. Hence, it is often found that
significant, but statistically insignificant hospital food is still left or not touched at all.
(Dahlan, 2010). Besides a decreasing appetite is the impact of
Also, the mean vomiting interval showed chemotherapy side effects, it can also be due
that the vomiting interval in the control to the type of food that is not generally served
like at home, while school-age children need The statistical test results between the two
adequate nutritional intake in increasing groups showed that the test results were not
growth and development according to their significant but from the mean values between
age level. groups explained that acupressure had the
Rahmayanti and Agustin (2015) explain effect of suppressing chemotherapy-related
school-age children with cancer who get nausea. The results of the mean nausea
chemotherapy have poor sleep quality. value showed that the control group tended
Nausea can cause sleep disorders which to increase the mean value of nausea, while
causes discomfort. Discomfort due to nausea the intervention group did not experience an
from chemotherapy effects can decrease the increase (Graph 1).
quality of life of children with cancer as Acupressure is one of the adjuvant
nausea causes fatigue (Sefrina, Nurhaeni, & therapies by applying pressure to the skin
Hayati, 2014). Fatigue can interfere with the on the acupoints. The pathological state
developing tasks of school children whether of nausea and vomiting can occur due to a
playing or studying. chronic disease which causes weakness in
Several study subjects felt nauseous the stomach (Wei). Applying acupressure
complaints a few hours after undergoing can accelerate the circulation of energy
highly emetogenic chemotherapy. This is (Qi) and blood (Xue) through the flow of
in line with several studies explaining that meridian lines (Jing Luo), after performing
the peak of nausea and vomiting can occur massage stimulations to the appropriate
after 1–2 hours after chemotherapy, but points (Jie, 2008). The acupoint for nausea
other studies reveal that the height of acute and vomiting is the Nei Guan point. This
vomiting will reach a maximum of 5–6 hours point will stimulate the release of alpha beta
in the first 24 hours after administration (αβ) and alpha (α) fibers through sensory
of chemotherapy (Enikmawati, 2016; receptors. These fibers will interact with
Rithirangsriroj et al., 2014). the central nervous system which results in
The administration of antiemetic drugs endorphogenic cells removing endorphins
before chemotherapy aims to prevent from the hypothalamus. The increased levels
nausea and vomiting as a result of the highly of endorphins in the blood and cerebrospinal
emetogenic level. Gilmore et al. (2013) explain fluid will cause a sense of comfort and
that without prophylactic antiemetic drugs, decrease the impulse of nausea and vomiting
the incidence of chemotherapy vomiting is in the area of Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone
between 30% and <90% in chemotherapy (CTZ) and vomiting center (Dastgir, 1988;
drugs with moderate and high emetogenic Syarif et al., 2011).
levels, so administration of antiemetics Nausea and vomiting felt by people with
should be before chemotherapy. Prevention cancer who get chemotherapy are acute
of nausea and vomiting with antiemetic and slow nausea and vomiting. Syarif et
administration will successfully control al. (2011) explain that patients who receive
nausea and vomiting in the acute phase, chemotherapy will experience mild nausea
namely 0–24 hours after the chemotherapy and vomiting on the first day and will increase
administration. on the second day. This study contrasted with
The administration of antiemetic therapy the explanation because the intervention
in both groups was in the form of ondansetron group which received acupressure in this
via intravenous. Ondansetron is one of the study did not increase the mean value of
types of antiemetic which is antagonistic for nausea on the second day. This result is in
serotonin receptors. Katzung, Master, and line with the study result by Eunice (2012),
Trevor (2013) describe serotonin receptor explaining that the effect of Nei Guan
antagonists as potent antiemetics with the acupressure is noticeable on the second day
mechanism of action of blocking serotonin to the fifth day.
receptors in the vomiting center and The administration of acupressure and
Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone mainly through antiemetics has a similar goal, which is to
peripheral serotonin receptor blockade in provide comfort by decreasing the value
spinal afferent nerves. of nausea and vomiting. The mechanism
of decreasing nausea and vomiting in both results can be used as input to carry out further
is different; acupressure is by increasing research related to the use of acupressure to
endorphins and antiemetics by blocking reduce chemotherapy-induced nausea and
serotonin receptors. The effect of acupressure vomiting by considering the homogeneity of
administration was illustrated in the cancer types, other age of children, and cycle
intervention group with the value of nausea of chemotherapy. Besides Nei Guan point,
in the first to third measurements did not further research can be carried out to other
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